Author Topic: Teen Elders Adventures  (Read 272 times)

Offline Wong Fai Hung

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Teen Elders Adventures
« on: April 28, 2017, 11:42:11 PM »
 The Elders Cartoon show.

Teen Elders Adventures……
Ep. 1 The Road Less Traveled

Foshan, China

We see a younger looking Alana dressed just like Song and orchid in their traditional robes; she is looking at her watch and checking the time while looking impatient.  Blasted Monk is seated behind the wheel of the vehicle they have loaded up for their trip to Lecongzhen, China just to the south of them.  

Alana: Where is he and why is it always him?

Song: You worry too much.

Orchid: She’s right Song; he should be here already….

Just then e see a younger Eyesnsane come toward them at break neck speed riding his bike.  Wearing what looks like a traditional samurai outfit although the swords are missing from his attire.  Blasted Monk rolls down the window to the vehicle, so that he can join the conversation.

Orchid: Well now that we are all here.

Alana: Geez! Eyes, you could have been here on time instead of riding your stupid bike.

Eyesnsane: Hey now your royal bossiness, I had a couple of things to do.  Oh and my bike is far from stupid, it’s a bike.  Looks like a bike, rides like a bike…..

Blasted Monk:  Smells like a bike seat.

Song and Orchid both giggle for a moment.

Eyesnsane: Oh so the Blasted one has jokes huh?

Blasted Monk: It’s easy with you around.

Alana: Alright boys and girls we are already behind schedule.  Let’s get going.

Song: Wait a second, how does Blasted Monk know what a bike seat smells like?

Eyesnsane bursts into laughter hearing Song’s question.  While Monk rolls the window back up to the vehicle.

Orchid: Shotgun!

Orchid runs to the car and gets into the passenger seat, joining Monk.

Alana: Come on you two.

Eyesnsane: I’m good.

Song: Huh?

Alana: Stop playing Eyes, we have to go see Master Lei so we can get the first ingredient for the Master Wong.

Eyesnsane: I know, but I am going to ride my bike to Lecongzhen.

Alana: That’s going to take too long.

Song: Yeah that’s pretty far for a bike ride.

Eyesnsane: I could walk there, so I’m sure I’ll make it on a bike.  Besides Master Wong thought it would be a good idea, I asked him if I could.  I won’t get there when you all do, but I’ll find you all once I get there and check in.

Alana: This is not going to be like the last time when you and Monk were supposed to come back from that school but took your famous short cut.

Song: Oh yeah… The shortcut that had you two lost for an extra three days on a journey where you lost your sword Song made you.

Eyesnsane: Man, is she still upset about that?

Song: What do you think?  She made you a sword especially just for you and you lost it, so I’d say yeah.

Alana: Looking having a meeting is only making us later guys, so let’s do this.  I’m not going to argue with the swordless samurai here.  Eyes you wanna ride your bike, go right ahead, we are taking the car and will see you when you get there.

Alana turns away from them and gets in the backseat of the car.

Song: You sure about this?

Eyesnsane: Yep, besides there will be more room in the car without me so you all can chill.  I also don’t really want to hotbox all the way there, because if I know Monk Like I think I do, he’s just waiting to get outside the gates to spark up.

Song: We don’t call him Blasted Monk for no reason.  Hey, Eyes.

Eyesnsane: Yeah Song.

Song: Be careful please.  Try not to get yourself lost or broken on the way.

Eyesnsane: Aw snap, you worried about me Song?

Song: No, I just don’t feel like wasting a good evening later looking for you throughout the country side.

Song turns and walks over to the car opening the door and putting one foot into the car.

Eyesnsane: I’ll be just fine and will see you later.

Eyesnsane hops back onto his bike and takes off down the road as Song gets into the car and closes the door behind her as Monk puts the car in gear and they begin to take off.  The sun is shining brightly as Eyesnsane is riding his bike along the side of the road.  There is not a cloud in the sky and as he pedals the bike we can see he is listening to music through a set of headphones.  As he is traveling he sees somebody ahead of him in the distance that appears to be walking.

Meanwhile inside of the car Blasted Monk is keeping his eyes on the road and being very watchful of his surroundings.  While Orchid is adjusting the radio, while Alana and Song are in the back seat looking at Alana’s laptop…

Alana: All I have to do to check where we are on the route is to tab like this or I can minimize this screen like this and then I can see that.

Song: I see, interesting.

Alana: It’s great you can do so many things together all at one time, it’s so cool.

Just then the windows all go up, which is not a problem since the A/C is on and blowing cool air.  

Song: Alright.

Alana: What?

Song: Nothing.

A click can be heard and the music that was barely high enough to hear stops and Orchid turns herself so she is facing the driver's side of the car while looking back at Alana and Song.

Orchid: Let’s talk instead of listening to music.

Song: How about we ask why Monk has not sparked up already.

Blasted Monk: You ain’t gonna ask Monk that question.

Alana looks up from her laptop as if something or perhaps the quiet moment caught her attention.  

Alana: Wait what are we talking about guys.

Orchid: This is going to be a fun road trip, I’m glad you came with us Alana.

Alana: Thanks.  I don’t mind a bit of travel, well obviously.

Song: Well if I’m not asking, you must be passing.

Alana: Wait passing what?

Orchid: Gas!

Alana: eew!

Song: Not with the windows up.

Blasted Monk: Ok! Now, it’s time….

Blasted Monk looks up into the rear view mirror and then into his side mirrors.  They had lost sight of the dojo some time ago and had passed by Eyesnsane on his bike as well having lost sight of him as well.  Blasted Monk opens the armrest between himself and Orchid , reaches in and pulls out a hand rolled cigar and places it in his mouth.  He reaches back in with one hand while the other grips the wheel firmly and retrieves a lighter and lights the cigar, taking in a long slow inhale, as everyone else in the car is quietly looking at him for a moment.  Both Song and Orchid have smiles on their faces, while Alana’s expression is a bit harder to read.  Alana tries to roll down her window but to no avail as they have been locked by Blasted Monk.

Alana: Hey Monk, I can’t roll my window down.

Song: So, Alana.  We….

Orchid: Wait, let me tell her please.

Song: Sure, it will sound nicer, of that I’m certain.

Blasted Monk coughs and laughs at the same time laughs as well.

Orchid: So, Alana sometimes we like to occasionally smoke a little….

Alana: Oh my God, is that opium?

Song: Girl!

Blasted Monk: Why would anybody smoke that shit?

Blasted Monk hands the cigar to Orchid who is smiling.

Song: No we don’t smoke that stuff.  It’s weed Alana.

Blasted Monk: It’s loud, Song.


As Eyesnsane continues his ride.  There are in fact two people getting closer to him as he stays on his course.  One of them is yelling for help as it seems to be an older man and it seems as though he is being pursued by somebody in a hood.  Eyesnsane brings his bike to a stop with some distance between himself and what’s going on in front of him.  Eyesnsane removes his headphones.  He kicks out the kickstand for his bike and allows it to lean, leaving his things behind him, Eyesnsane heads for the altercation.

Eyesnsane: What in the world is….

The older looking man runs to Eyesnsane and ducks behind him.

Eyesnsane: What is that old man!?

Old Man: It’s one of the unholies.

Eyesnsane: The un wha…..

The hooded being throws off its cloak revealing it to look like a combination of a large bear with a pig's face. and moves right in front of Eyesnsane.

Demon: Ah what have we here?  One who is either confused or crazy.  One who dresses as Samurai, yet carries no sword.  And yet I know us to be in China, yet a black youth stands before me dressed as a Japanese fighter.  Are you lost little boy?  

Eyesnsane: See, why you gotta go there.  That’s not cool at all dog.

Demon: How dare you?  Do you know who I am, do you know where you are and where you are going?

Eyesnsane: Old Man, please go and stand by my bike.

The old man runs over to the bike and stands watching.

Eyesnsane: Why you picking on this old man?

Demon: Who are you to question me?

Eyesnsane: I am the one known as Eyesnsane, I descend from Yasuke.

Demon: Lies!

Eyensane: Not at all.

Eyesnsane slowly moves into a fighting stance.  Meanwhile Alana, Orchid, and Song are in their suite across the hall from Blasted Monk’s suite.  They have been checked in for some time already and are wondering where their friend is.  Blasted Monk is in his room with his feet up and watching TV.  Song is staring out of one of the windows at an old dilapidated church, with it’s cross posted upside down, looking as if it is barely hanging on to the building.

Song: Something's not right about that place.

Alana: Are you still talking about that old broken down place?  They need to just tear that thing down so it does not hurt anybody.

Orchid:  It’s getting late.

Alana: I know, there’s still no word from him yet and his phone went straight to voicemail a moment ago.

Just then a text comes through from Eyesnsane.

Eyesnsane: Hey I can’t seem to use the phone, but send me the address, I’m almost there.  I have to tell you guys about the town.  It’s being tormented by two demons that have formed an alliance and stay in the old abandoned church they got there somewhere.

Alana sends him the address as soon as she finishes the message and goes to sit down on the edge of a couch.

Alana: I just got a text from Eyesnsane.  He’s almost here.

Orchid: Well that’s good.

Alana: He also said he has to tell us what he’s learned about that stupid church that Song has been fussing over.

Both Orchid and Song look at one another and then at Alana.

Alana: That’s it, I suppose we all will find the rest out when he gets here.

Just then the door kick in and two demons rush into the room, one of them casts a spell preventing the women from trying to fight any further.  The demmons pick the young ladies up and jump out of a nearby window.  Hearing strange noises Blasted Monk gets up and rushes out of his room and sees the girls door kicked in.  He rushes into their suite just in time to see the second monster escape while carrying Alana away.  Eyesnsane comes running down the hallway and enters the room behind Blasted Monk.  Who is just staring out of the window.

Blasted Monk: I don’t think I’ve ever seen what I just saw before.

Eyesnsane: I’ve seen one, and I was able to kick its ass enough to make it run back.  I know where they are going, but I’m not sure what all there up to but I’ll fill you in as much as I can on the way.

Blasted Monk: I don’t care what they are, you told me enough, they can feel pain.  
Eyesnsane: Well then we are heading to that broken down church, let's go.  

The two of them leave the room off to go and fight for their friends.  Tune in next time and find out if the male elders can overcome the evil allies…….

To be continued……….

On Camera
Camelot Towers 88th floor
Downtown Chicago, IL

We see Alana in her office sitting on a pearl colored chair behind a matching colored marble table. Alana is seen wearing  red top with matching red sunglasses over her head with a pair of black business pants and black high heels. A laptop on the side with a stack of paperwork in front of her. A shot of the Chicago downtown skyline in the back as she has her windows with no curtains.

Alana leans back her her chair as she looks at the camera for a few seconds without saying a word. She turns to go back to her paperwork. She keeps going the paperwork and looking at the laptop. This goes on for a few minutes before the camera man Ted clears his throat.

Alana: You got something to say? Speak up?

Ted: The camera is on?

Alana: Okay and? Am I suppose to jump cus they booked the guys in a match? Please, there booked against one of the many fake tag teams in SCW. There not a team, there two guys who are fishing hard for ANY championship belt they can get a hold of.

Ted: But.

Alana: But nothing, The Elders won the tag titles and went on trying to get more tams and guess what some showed up. Then they decided it was best for the Elders to no longer have the tag titles and now the tag team division has gone to shit again. So excuse me if I’m not in a rush to speak about something the company clearly cares so little about.

Ted: But…

Alana: Okay fine.

Alana leans forward placing both hands on the table as she laces her fingers together. Looking at the camera with a straight face.

Alana: I know the fans want to see my bays and they want to cheer on at home while they watch this but guess what? Not this time, it’s me Alana Allure there manager, like I did song a while back I’m pulling the manager card on them and will have them at home watching this as well.

Alana leans back on her chair.

Alana: You see I need them working out, working on their craft, they been slipping and before I have them start using steel chairs in the ring.

Alana smirks at the camera

Alana: I figured I let them do things their way, the hard way. They prefer to do things the right way. Thou I tried to tell them that didn't work the first time yet they want to be stubborn. That’s okay i will have a steel chair at hand as I’m sure I can get Jon Dough to use it of need be. Then maybe the bosses can book my boys vs team BJ and well I’ll have a steel chair ready then to, Ben Jordan can tell you first hand that I take no issues with handing my boys weapons if need be.

Oh all you watching relax, I was kidding I won't need a steel chair for get the Elders past James and Dmitri as they're off doing single runs. My boys will get that match based on the fact there really no real tag team that only wants tag team matches other than the Elders. Eyesnsane never asked for singles matches but he got them and he showed up as that’s what we do. That's all we want to do. That is why Song wanted to do singles. It is not because she is not a tag team wrestler. It is because she realizes in order to see more TV time you have to be a singles wrestler.

I have since talked her into staying only in the tag team vision in SCW and in exchange she will seek tag team work else where to fill her need of being booked in matches. But that's a different topic, one which I will talk to Mr. Ward about. If she gets booked in singles she will be happy and again we do what we do and we show up and fight.

Back to the boys, you see the writing's on the wall, they may not be the champs but there still the only real team in SCW which makes them the best team in SCW. Now I’m sure there next opponents will sit there and have a week and/or more to try and counter that fact but I but there on record wanting singles matches so there not much of a legit tag team at that point.

The funny thing is win or lose we still get footage to study to help u improve they don’t as we all know tag team wrestling is not the same as singles matches. We get to study this match as this was the team that beat the great almighty team BJ cleanly no chair shots were needed.

Alana gets up from her seat. She looks out the window

Alana: the guys are going to be pissed when they hear me say this but at the end of the day, this match means nothing, it's the next match I am looking forward to. Window of opportunity is just right around the corner. I will let them train so they are ready for their practice match before the one that matters.

Off Camera

Ted: Okay Alana I got it all, ready to head down to Eyesnsane floor? They're waiting on us to see the cartoon?

Alana: Oh yeah how do it turn out?

Ted: Well I think it went well but I need your guys opinion the editing part the story itself was spot on with the time frame given so that works.

Alana: Great I’m sure… wait did you say Eyesnsane floor?
Ted: Oh she didn't tell you, he took the floor above his when the actor dude moved out. It's his party house now so yeah big screen TV the works. They worked out and will go back later tonight.

Alana: Oh it’s fine he just never said anything about the floor upstairs.

Ted: Well in fairness he decided on that yesterday so only the TV and two sofas sit in that spot right now.

Alana: Hmm, I can see it staying like that for a while two.

The two laugh as they leave her office.  
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