Author Topic: I hear you Jamie, but there's reasons for briefcase silence.  (Read 2297 times)

Offline Rodrigo Afonso

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OOC: It's going here because finding time to do segments is my consistent struggle. I've yet to find the spark to develop Rodrigo's personality to do segment work with him because he would be boring now. I will develop all of that in my CD work in the next few weeks to try and find Rodrigo's personality and make him more entertaining, to say the least. I promise I have plans with the briefcase and will not be up and leaving this fed at any point. Here's Rodrigo's words to it.


Rodrigo sets cameras up for the first time since he started wrestling, not at the arena but in his hotel room in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. At the same time, it was something he had to address, which had grown increasingly over the last few weeks, and he needed to explain his methods of choosing the way he does things. He shakes his head, not because of anger but because of how uncomfortable it is for Rodrigo.

Rodrigo Afonso: "It's mainly to address Jamie Dean, as I don't care about Teddy's or other insults said about me. I wave the insults off like a duck on water. Jamie Dean, I understand what you are saying, but there's something about me you don't know anything about, and the same goes for everyone else who has those questions about me. I know you said I've not made any subtle threats, and you're right, but making subtle threats is cowardly and not who I am personally. Making subtle threats is meaningless if you don't follow through with them. Also, just like making subtle threats, getting in champions' faces with the briefcase and doing interviews, it would give everything away on plans I have with it. Isn't it better to leave the suspense open to see what I'd do with it than giving away hints of champions of who I want to face?"

Rodrigo felt he needed to address it. Granted, he wasn't the guy to shove his face in the camera anyway and wanted to be known as a wrestler, but it needed to be pointed out. He knew his trainer would have words with him, but at the same time, it needed to be addressed.

Rodrigo Afonso: "I hate doing interviews in general because they bore me, and I struggle to answer questions on camera. Ask any skateboarding fan who has seen me do interviews for many years in the sport and they'll tell you how much I struggle with interviews and how I want to get them over and done with. As I said, I prefer what I'm doing now because it's who I am: a guy who gets on with the job of wrestling and skateboarding rather than the added extra stuff of shoving briefcases in champion's faces, making subtle threats and interviews that isn't me. I don't like to give plans away, and I won't until the time is right. Also I always worry about saying the wrong things which is why I prefer to keep comments to myself than saying them outright and have a bad reputation on myself."

It was clear Rodrigo was not the kind of man who would do these kinds of acts. Of course, Rodrigo explained why he wasn't that kind of dude, but there was another factor to it.

Rodrigo Afonso: "I'm not confident enough to appear on camera in front of a crowd, and that's why this video here is going to be placed on the Sin City Wrestling website instead of being in front of a crowd at Climax Control show until I find a way to train with my trainer to get to do camera work in front of a crowd because I haven't been trained in this area and got no idea how to make a crowd react without being robotic. All of my videos before my matches are very robotic. I find wrestling more fun in the ring than appearing on camera and talking. I promise it will be something I will work towards in the next few weeks to feel comfortable and find the right stuff to let myself out there."

Rodrigo nodded as he clicked the camera off, knowing he wanted to get this out there with wanting to get this over and done with.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 04:59:08 PM by Rodrigo Afonso »