Author Topic: For Better Or For Worse?  (Read 1254 times)

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
For Better Or For Worse?
« on: May 03, 2024, 04:07:42 PM »
Jet City South
April 24th
San Diego, California
Things were booming within Jet City South in San Diego, California. Kate Steele had a wicked grin on her face as she watched her sister Sapphire locking up with fellow bandmate Emerald. The two women were locking up with one another and it was apparent that Sapphire was among something special. She wasn’t alone as Courtney Pierce walked over and stood next to Kate. The two smiled in return as Courtney couldn’t help but make a comment.
“Wow Sapphire is really good at wrestling. I didn’t expect her to be so quick and such a natural in the ring…”
Kate chuckles in return as she looks at Sapphire bouncing all over the ring. Before one could even blink Sapphire was already taking it to the top of the turnbuckles and flipping off of them to land a diving cross body right on top of Emerald. Kate looks back at Courtney as she replies back to her.
“Most siblings tend to want to be better than their older sister. Granted I didn’t even know that Phoebe was my sister until I found out the truth about my biological parents. I feel like there’s a lot of things that I didn’t know about my life but honestly it all makes sense. When I first met Phoebe I just saw her as the annoying brat who tried to deprive me of my favourite cousin Ruby. I appreciate she was looking out for her little half-sister Ruby, however who would have thought that Sapphire and I would share the same father and in the end we would be the ones that are really connected…”
Diamond laughs some more as she looks back at Courtney.
“It’s crazy to look at it all now. Sapphire and I have always bickered and argued with one another. We would appear to anybody like enemies but even back in the beginning I could see how we were bickering siblings. I will admit she’s a better musician then me. She knows how to shred on the guitar and that’s from learning so much at the Guildhall School of Music in London. I wish I was the woman she was but I have to admit she is the future and she is going to be better than me at the same stuff I do…”
Courtney takes it in as she looks at the older woman.
“And how does this make you feel?!”
Kate thinks about it as she lets out a sigh of relief.
“Honestly… It brings a smile to my face. I am happy she has as much drive as she does. When I established the Gem Stones it was to appease the vision of Ruby but it seems to have taken on so much more than that. It has connected a true family and it has given Phoebe a place in this world where she could shine…Believe it or not I have already had people asking about Phoebe and what it would take to break her off from the band so she could have her solo career…”
Courtney nods her head as she looks back at the English woman.
“And what did you tell those people?!”
“Honestly… I will admit I was jealous because if anybody should have the solo career it should be me but as I tried to do the solo thing I just realized it was never my calling. I need people. I am nothing without them. As much as I would love to break away from family, it’s that same family that are helping me shine like the Diamond they know I can be…”
Courtney smiles.
“I can relate. I just want the best for Roux as well, and I will have her back if she needed it…What about the future married life or should I say reconnecting and remarrying Dawn how does that make you feel?!”
Kate laughs as she looks over at one of her long time students.
“And how did it make you feel when Ruby first came to this school, and you had Mikah and Kris forcing you two to work together?!”
Courtney rolls her eyes as she looks back at the petite purple haired beauty.
“Annoyed. Prudence was very annoying. She just kept screaming out the world outrageous over and over again. I hated being involved in anything that included Ruby… That was until the two of us actually fell in love with one another and got married. I would do anything for that spunky woman. She is everything to me. I knew it the moment we met even if I wanted to resist it at first…”
Kate smirks in return as she looks right into Courtney’s eyes.
“That’s how I feel about Dawn. She is my everything and truth be told I am afraid. I am afraid of hurting her. I am afraid of losing her again. I don’t ever want to be in a position where I wake up and she’s not right next to me. I would lose my mind if that ever happened but right now it just seems to be like I am all over the place and it’s hard to figure out what I want to do and how exactly do I fit this woman into my life…”
Courtney giggles as she looks back at Kate as she is unable to contain her laughter.
“I figured as much…”
“And what exactly did you figure?!”
“Nothing much. Just that you are all over the place and don’t know what to do. What else would one expect but from a Steele. The reason why I can say that is because I married one. Truthfully I was in the same boat as you were in. I didn’t know what to do with Prudence and our conflicting schedules. She was busy being here and God knows where, and I was off doing my own thing being the SCW World Champion… It was difficult…”
Diamond crosses her arms.
“I FIND THAT HARD TO BELIEVE… How is being a World Champion difficult?! Well that is aside from being a constant target and having people constantly try to gun you down…”
“It’s because I was away from my wife. The deeper you get involved in a relationship the more you will see that your significant other should take precedence over everything else… Wrestling was starting to bore me. That is until Ruby decided to be my manager. It was amazing having her at ringside cheering me on and in some cases helping me win. She took that Internet Championship reign and made it worthwhile and those are days that I won’t ever forget…”
Diamond slowly nods her head.
“I see… So maybe that should be something I should consider when it comes to Dawn Lohan…”
“It definitely wouldn’t hurt. You need to be focused though. I have been watching your career as of lately. You been fumbling things up a bit lately whether it’s been in FFW, in Zion, and now that you got this huge opportunity in SCW you better make sure you show up for the Blast from the Past. You are wrestling under the Jet City banner and it would look embarrassing that Ruby, myself, and Mikah have won the thing but you haven’t yet. What are you going to do about it?!”
Diamond finally forms a serious expression as she gives a confident response.
“I am going to win… I am going to win this damn tournament and I am going to finally start taking my career into my own hands. As soon as it’s time for Jayden and I to dance we are going to dance right into the finals, and afterwards I am going to win that SCW World Bombshell Championship and put it firmly around my waist…”
“Good because you have a lot of people looking up to you, so you better make sure you come up clutch. Following my lead would be a good start…”
“You may have had the better career in SCW and I will give you that much. I could perhaps learn how to be a better athlete from you but in the same way I know you could learn how to be a better sibling from me…”
Courtney keeps her eyes as she spots Ruby walking towards them in the distance before she looks back at Kate.
“Fair point Kate, just put on a show that will have Jet City South smiling…”
“Don’t worry, I am willing the entire tournament, I guarantee that much. If I don’t win as Ruby would say it would be…. OUTRAGOUES….”
With that Ruby finally makes it over to where the two of them are standing. They all just stare at one another as we leave this image.

For Better or worse
Happy Wife happy life?!
Kokomo Private Island Resort
April 29th
It had been three days since Kate Steele had married Dawn Lohan. The marriage was already off to a rocky start as Diamond seemed to be more involved and interested in the world of the National Football League’s draft instead of really spending time with her new wife Dawn. The marriage was going to be doomed from the start if it wasn’t for Kate’s close acquaintance Robbyn Helmsley offering to send the newlywed’s to Kokomo Private Island Resort in Fiji. Now the two were able to have their honeymoon and have private time to themselves. It was a hot and sunny day in Fiji as Kate and Dawn decided to go for a swim together in the pool. Kate smirked as she splashed some water about as she turned her attention over to her newlywed.
“This is the life isn’t it?! It feels so good to just relax in the sun and not have a care about anything else in the world…”
Dawn just swam beside Diamond but didn’t really bother to look over at her. The “wonderful” woman just sighed as she looked over at Kate and rolled her eyes at her.
“Aren’t you going to say something?!”
Diamond thinks about it for a few moments as she her eyes meet with that of her wife’s. There was a bit of tension as they just kept their gazes upon one another.
“What is it that you want me to say exactly?! I know… This is the first time that we have been in a pool together since the FFW pool party. You know the day where you shoved me into the pool! You ruined my beautiful megaphone and you put your hands on me. It was wrong Dawn…”
Dawn looks at the woman as the two of them just stare at one another but Dawn snaps back at Kate.
“And you do know why I pushed you right, or should I have to spell it out for you… You had upset me Kate. I was happy being married to you. You were my entire world. You were everything to me. When I asked for an annulment it’s because I wanted you to realize that you had a made a mistake when you tried to cheat on me. I was hoping you felt remorse and would really try to work things out. That was never your first instinct though. Instead you were quick to just move on without me. I saw you going on a date with that girl Marcia and it’s as if our relationship didn’t mean anything…”
Kate turns her attention to her wife as a sigh escapes her.
“Didn’t mean anything?! Of course our marriage meant everything. I will be the first to admit that I am not the most stable of individuals, that something that has always been consistent about me going all the way back to when I first moved to the United States at 12 years old. I wanted us to work. I gave up being with someone I truly loved in Stoyo because I felt our connection from the very first day. The reason why I didn’t really try to fight is because I just felt in my heart that you didn’t want anything to do with me. Why should I have fought for somebody that already had it in their mind that I was the worst person ever?!”
Kate shows even more emotion as a look of frustration escapes her lips.
“Plus on top of that your family was verbally attacking me. I was the worst person in the world to Abigail and many others. It’s always the story of my life and I felt a trigger, it’s the same trigger that I had always felt whether it was getting kick out of wrestling school or being sent to a psychiatric hospital for being suicidal and dealing with low self-esteem.”
Dawn thinks about it as she looks over at her wife.
“I really didn’t know you had dealt with that type of stuff…”
Kate nods her head.
“There is a lot I guess you don’t know but I haven’t always been the most stable of people. I remember being in a very abusive band where the lead singer would put his hands on me because I didn’t do things right as a rhythm guitarist. A few years ago I really didn’t know how to deal with Teddy abusing me among other things. I know everybody thinks that little Kate Steele is the evilest person in the entire world but I have dealt with my share of stuff… When it comes to you I love you… I love you with everything. Maybe I should have expressed it more so instead of being all over the place. When I saw you flirting with Shaw… I lost it. I knew I wanted you and I needed you. You were always my go to…”
Dawn looks into her wife’s eyes as she tries to explain herself.
“Listen… I thought I wanted her too but I think that was just my way of trying to get your attention. I just wanted to be noticed. I just wanted you to realize that anything in life you could rely on me for. I am your wife and I will always have your back…”
Kate swims closer to Dawn until Kate gently runs her hands through Dawn’s hair. She slowly grabs Dawn’s hand gently and speaks to her.
“Maybe we both should have done things differently. Honestly I wish I could have changed how last year went down. When you were calling for an annulment I had just found out that my entire life had been a lie. Who I thought were my parents were really my uncle and my aunt, and it just adds to the entire idea that since birth I felt like I wasn’t wanted. My biological father was a piece of shit and a murderer and as far as my mother is concerned…”
Dawn puts a single finger over Kate’s mouth as she looks even further into her eyes.
“Just because someone didn’t give birth to you doesn’t make them any less of being your parents. As far as I am concerned they are your parents because they raised you and that’s all that should matter. Who cares if you felt like your biological parents weren’t the end all be all. What looked to be a curse ends up to be a big blessing because now you have a whole bunch of siblings. You have a network of new family that really cares for you. Whatever it is that you are going through it’s not as bad as it seems. Life isn’t that bad especially when you let people in that want to help you.”

Dawn wraps her arms around Kate as a smile escapes her lips.

“I know you been through so much but Kath-Lyn Steele-Lohan. I love you. You are everything to me and I just want to feel the same appreciation in return…”

Kate thinks about it as she draws closer to the woman. Their lips touch as they begin to passionately kiss in the middle of the pool.

“I do feel the same… I want to always show you my love. It’s just sometimes I often let other things get in the way and I really don’t mean it… I have never meant it. I want to stay focused solely on you…”

Dawn kisses Kate again as she smiles at her.

“As far as all of these friends you want to hold onto. The people such as River and the Queens of Chaos that are openly telling you to kiss their ass! Stop trying to force friendships that you don’t need. If they don’t want you to be in their life, you certainly don’t need them in yours. Just focus on what you currently have and focus on how you can make those relationships even better. You have me, you have your daughter, you have your sisters, you have Jet City South, and you have Robbyn. That’s all you really need. Stop trying to be an open door of emotions and giving everybody a chance to hurt you! They don’t deserve you because they don’t respect you…”

Kate nods her head.

“I feel the same way… Let’s just do it together. You and me versus the world…”

Dawn smiles in return.

“That’s how it should have always been. The two of us taking on whoever gets in our way… The Lohans showing what type of power couple they are…”

Kate smiles as she just can’t keep her hands off of Dawn.

“I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you in my life… Do we want to pick this up somewhere else?! I know the hot tub would be a pretty good place for us to speak some more…”

Dawn giggles in return as she grabs Kate’s hand.

“Actually I was thinking about our suite… It is our honeymoon after all…”

With that Kate just nods in return as Dawn leads her out of the pool. The two get dried off as they eventually make their way back to the privacy of their hotel room so they could enjoy their second marriage together.


On Camera
Everything comes into focus and as it does we are treated to the sight of Diamond Steele. Her eyes are locked in a trance as she has a sadistic smirk upon her lips. She moves her hair about as she looks right into the lens of the camera.
“Bloody hell it has been quite some time hasn’t it?! As a matter of fact if you listened to Mercedes Vargas little primer the last time I was inside of an SCW ring was in November 22nd or 2022. That’s like a year and a half. I will say that it was embarrassing that my last appearance in a ring was getting demolished by Melissa and after that I would fade away into who knows what. Guess what?! You have another thing coming if you thought that was going to be the last you would see of me. I have so much built up frustration to let go and SCW seems like the perfect place where I can honestly let all of it go…
I know I could have returned at any possible time but I felt that the Blast from the Past was the perfect place to do so. It was the perfect place to assume my rightful place and that is at the very top of the card and at the forefront of the division. I know people could be quick to talk about the different various wrestling schools in this company. So many preach about the infamous GO Gym or they may talk up Hero Academy or even preach about Wolfslair but in my eyes Jet City will always be the focal point at least in the bombshells division. Although when you look at how Kris Ryans has dominated the division, how Mikah is the end all be all to ever walk on the bombshell roster, and of course how women such as Courtney and Ruby Pierce could just waltz in and dominate the Blast from the Past tournaments in their rookie years could you really deny what I have to say?!”
Diamond just shakes her head as she smiles bigger than before.
“That would be a negative… I plan to continue onward with carving out the greatness of that legacy and I will add my name to being one of the greats. Hell scratch what I said because we all know that’s a bunch of bollocks. I am great. I am already a two-time Roulette Champion, two-time Internet Champion which by the way I had the longest reign and combined reign until the woman who beat me for that title went on to shatter my reign. I am a former Mixed Tag Team Champion. I have done all there is to do in this company. I won everything but the one thing that I haven’t managed to do is win the big one and that’s my reason for being in this tournament. I don’t give a bloody hell about friends, I don’t care about the competition. I am here for me and me alone, and I will do whatever it takes to get on top which means going through every single person in this damn tournament…”
Diamond claps her hands together before she rolls her eyes and makes an expression of not being impressed.
“Honestly I thought the company was ready to roll out the big red carpet for its biggest rock star. I make my big long awaited return to the SCW ring and the best the company could do or should I say random drawing for this tournament could give me was sorry ass Harper Mason?! Are we serious?! I know this match marks a Kasey being in the ring, it marks me teaming up with Jayden, and honestly as much as I should be thrilled. What they do is on them. The only thing I can worry about is what will happen when I find my way into the ring. Standing on the other side of me is Harper Mason and this is a woman that is boring. I rather watch paint dry then having to hear her talk…
Not that her talking is any better because it’s just the same old shit. WE GET IT!!! WE F*&^&* GET IT! You are the little cousin of Jessie Salco. She is quick to remind her opponents that she isn’t her cousin so don’t go into matches thinking that she is a mini Salco. Yet it’s funny that if you look at her earliest of promos in this company she talks up that fact but for a woman who seems like she would want to get out of her cousin’s shadow you WOULD assume that she would talk up something else, but sadly she doesn’t have the brain capacity to do that…
But hey let’s give this wanker credit because she wants to stand on her own even if her promos constantly contradict what she wishes to portray. In the same token I listened to some of the poppycock that she spoke to Kallie about. Harper wanting to portray that she was so happy to be here but she questions how she is JESSIE’S COUSIN and YOUNGEST MEMBER ON THE ROSTER, but then wonders why people keep on calling her a rookie and not simply a bombshell…
Maybe just maybe if she actually stood out on her two feet without trying to use her cousin’s name to cuddle her she could be her own person but that thought doesn’t exist. Honestly there’s a lot that Harper could say that would make people actually respect her. She came from Hero Academy which means she was taught by Roxi and Keira Johnson. Two women who had poured out their all into SCW but sadly she doesn’t take after them…”
Diamond waves her hands about.
“NOT that being their protégé really matters at the end of the day I mean let’s not forget that Roxi wanted to become a Grand Slam Champion and she tried to target me and my Roulette Championship which I denied her of winning. Same way I managed to take a Roulette Championship off of Keira, and she tried to claim an Internet Championship off of me in her quest to become a Grand Slam champion but I also denied her…
To be honest the Johnsons really haven’t done that well against me so if I managed to beat the big time Hall of Famers that trained her what does that say for her?! As far as Jessie is concerned at one point we were good friends and I was a third member of the Punk and Metal. The friendship was good until I won the golden briefcase and Jessie being the title hungry and crazed woman hit me from behind my back and stole my briefcase…
She betrayed a friendship just to get ahead and in the end it didn’t go her any good because just like so many before her she fell to me she lost when it really mattered. So knowing that I pretty much shattered your whole entire world what are you really going to do when you have to step into the ring with me?! Clearly you are there to get outwrestled and I have bigger dreams. When I confronted Hot Stuff and told him I wanted to be an active roster member. It wasn’t to dwell in mediocrity. It wasn’t to sit around and deal with curtain jerks who want to get all giddy because they can ride a few winning streaks here and there…
It was simply to be the best and to make sure that my name is the only thing that matters. I am that Bitch and I am the one who is going to personally oust your team out of this tournament. I know it must be an exciting feeling to be here but my goals… Are more so my demands. I told myself I was going to be the best and now I actually have to back up what I say. Losing to you wasn’t on the cards nor is losing at any point in this tournament for that matter…”
Diamond angrily shakes her head as she begins to share more of her heart.
“I don’t want there to be any doubts in anybody’s mind on WHAT could have happened if Diamond didn’t leave. WHY did Diamond fall so far from grace? HOW is she that much of an embarrassment. That November match against Melissa is something that I will never forget but it’s time to silence all the haters once and for all. I am personally sending a major GO F*&* Yourself to all of those who felt I wasn’t good enough to be at the top of the show.
I am a main event star and every single week I am going to prove it in this company. I shattered the longest reign when I held the Roulette Championship the first time, I set the standard when I held the Internet Championship the second time, and me and my sorry ass excuse of an ex-husband beat my beloved JET CITY SOUTH to win the Mixed Tag Team Championships. I did everything I could possibly do except two things.
World Bombshell Championship and of course Hall of Fame…
After this return everybody will see what I am truly about and everybody will be forced to respect me. I remember being in this tournament a few years ago and making it all the way to the very end of the tournament but losing in the finals. It left me heartbroken because I knew that I would have to wait that much longer to get that title opportunity that I deserved…
But I am tired of all the waiting… I have done my share of that. It’s about time I just take what belongs to me and that is why I am vowing to not only decimate Harper in this first match but to keep on grinding. SCW you all better brace yourselves because this Siren has officially made her return to the active roster. I am indeed ready to deliver my beautiful Siren’s Song and once it concludes it will leave everybody Shipwrecked…
Get ready because this Diamond is going to shine brighter than anything you have ever seen before and she won’t stop until she gets what she wants. Climax Control I make my official return and I put all of the bombshell roster on notice…”
With that Diamond cracks a wicked grin as the camera fades out on that image.
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