Author Topic: Dream Match  (Read 446 times)

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    • Bill Barnhart
Dream Match
« on: September 25, 2019, 07:25:45 PM »

Narrator:  When Bill Barnhart was signed to work in Sin City Wrestling he confided to me there are three wrestlers in the Federation he would consider a dream match if he had the chance to wrestle against them. Those three are Griffin Hawkins, Casey Williams, and Fenris. Looks like Bill gets his first dream match as he is facing Fenris at Climax Control 249 on September 29, 2019.

We check in with Bill and Bea Barnhart, and their English Bulldog Iris, as they are getting settled into their room at a hotel near the Andros Beach Club in The Bahamas. When the scene comes on the screen we see Bill and Bea putting items away so they will be settled into their room. Iris is not doing much except sniffing around and begging for food. The cameraman informs them they are live broadcasting so they pause from putting items away to make comments concerning their upcoming match against Fenris.

Bea:  Hi and thanks for joining us today. Please overlook the fact that we are in the middle of putting things away in our hotel room as we arrived just a short time ago. I know we are presenting comments for your viewing pleasure but we still have to break occasionally to continue putting items away. We never feel comfortable until everything is in the place where it is supposed to be. You know what I mean. Like Bill Barnhart being where he is supposed to be as Roulette Champion which will happen soon. Also we were hoping there were pet friendly restaurants in Andros but there are none. We always take Iris to a pet friendly restaurant called The Universal Joint on Pike Street in Lawrenceville, Georgia, so we figured there are pet friendly restaurants everywhere. However we did find a solution at one of the restaurants here in Andros where they have a sidewalk dining area. The agreed to allow Iris to join us in the sidewalk dining area, as an exception to their rules, due to us being guests performing in a sporting event for their enjoyment.

Bill:  Iris is a lucky and spoiled dog. You heard the Narrator comment that when I came to Sin City Wrestling I have the desire for three dream matches. I will run those down for you. I will start with one that happened back when I worked in Asylum Wrestling Alliance. Then I will mention the one concerning a wrestler I have followed for some time and who I admire. Then I will move on to the third one.

Bill and Bea pause for a minute so both can put more items away. When they are done with this session of putting items away they return to the living room area where they stand in front of the camera to present comments.


Bill:  My first dream match would be against Casey Williams. I know he is retired now, and working as Head of Security, but I would love to have this dream match to see if I could even the score with him. The history I have with Casey is I had a Triple Threat Hardcore Rules match inside a Boeing 747 parked at the Oakland Airport, in Oakland, California, against Dmitri and Casey Williams. Although Casey never pinned me or made me submit in the match, as he pinned Dmitri, I still had to take a loss on my record. The short version of what happened is when I was climbing the stairway to the First Class Lounge Dmitri slammed me to the ground and then he continued up the stairway to the First Class Lounge where Casey was located. When Dmitri got to the top of the stairway he kicked the stairway loose then he and Casey fought it out in the First Class Lounge. I regained my senses and stood up and went to go up the stairway but the stairway was gone. When I looked up Casey threw Dmitri down the open hole where the stairway used to be and Dmitri landed on me and knocked me out. Casey dropped down from the First Class Lounge and pinned Dmitri. With that win, even though Casey did not pin me or make me submit, he went into the record books as being the first wrestler to hand me, Bill Barnhart, my first loss in my home town of Oakland, California, and in my home area of the San Francisco Bay Area. I spoke with Casey and he told me does not want to come out of retirement for a match with me so I respect that. But having this match would be a dream match for me.


Bill:  My second Dream Match would be against Griffin Hawkins. Who cannot like a wrestler who is a favorite with the fans, a great wrestler in the ring, has held Championships, and loves Rock music? I have followed Griffin Hawkins since he arrived in Sin City Wrestling. I know that he came here strongly hyped and ended up taking some early losses here. But Hawkins never gave up. He never backed down. He continued to do what he does well and that is wrestle. Now he is one of the more successful wrestlers in Sin City Wrestling. Although I am the Number One Contender for the Roulette Championship I have been hearing rumors that maybe, just maybe, Management will have a Teddy Warren versus Griffin Hawkins match at Climax Control 250 which would classify as the rematch for Hawkins who lost the Roulette Championship to Warren. If that match does happen then that means I will either face Teddy Warren, or Griffin Hawkins, or both, at the Super Card, for the Roulette Championship. Damn I am having fun here in Sin City Wrestling!


Bill:  I have one other wrestler in Sin City Wrestling that having a match against would be a dream match for me. You want to know who that wrestler is? He is none other than my current opponent for Climax Control 249, the well-known, very popular, and very successful, Fenris! Yes you heard me correctly. Although the name of Fenris is not posted in the Championship history books as many times as other wrestlers the fact remains he is one of the top names here. When the official card for Climax Control 249 was announced I was happy to know that the first of my three dream matches has become a reality.


Bill: Fenris there is a saying, that is listed as one of the official taglines of The Bahamas, that goes IT IS BETTER IN THE BAHAMAS. I have to agree with that saying. Not only do I get to fulfill one of my three dream matches in Sin City Wrestling by facing you in this match I also get to fulfill my dream of defeating you. Now, Fenris, you often hear professional sports people, when they go up against their idol in their sport, that they would feel bad if they defeated their idol. I have never had that negative thought in my wrestling career and I damn sure am not having that thought now. Remember the 19 year old female Canadian tennis player, Bianca Andreescu, who just defeated Serena Williams in straight sets in the U.S. Open final? What surprised me is that Bianca apologized for defeating Serena who is classified as the best tennis player in the world, When you just defeated the best in the world you should jump up on a rooftop and crow like a horny Rooster that you just became the best in the world by defeating the best in the world. Never apologize for being awesome. So, Fenris, when I defeat you at Climax Control 249 you will not hear me issue apologies for defeating me but you will hear me crow about my accomplishment. And the fact that my win over you comes while we are performing in the Bahamas proves the saying IT IS BETTER IN THE BAHAMAS!


While Bill was presenting comments Bea took time to continue putting things away. She returns into camera view to stand next to Bill to continue with their comments.

Bea:  Sorry I continue running off to get things put away but I want things in place. I am done for a bit so I can continue adding my comments. We have an interesting matchup between Bill and Fenris. Bill comes into this match at six feet four inches and two hundred forty pounds while Fenris comes into this match at six feet one inch and two hundred four pounds. Although having a thirty-six pound weight advantage and three inches of height over Fenris should be an overwhelming advantage I know that Fenris has been in many wrestling matches where his opponents were larger and weighed more and he still came out with the win. Fenris did not obtain the reputation of having only one loss on his record by being incompetent in the ring. Then you take into account their wrestling styles. Bill comes in as a Technical Brawler Submission expert while Fenris comes in at what is called a Strong Submission Striker.

Bill:  Thanks for bringing up great points. The other things I see in this match, Fenris, is that you have a great ground game but a non-existent, or weak, aerial assault. Usually in battles, especially Military battles, the side that is ultimately successful is the one that has both a great ground game and a great air assault. Although I occasionally execute aerial maneuvers I usually do it when I know there is a high percentage for successful execution of those maneuvers. Outside of those occasional incidents I also prefer to remain in the ring with a great ground assault. But, Fenris, there is something mentioned on your information sheet that makes me wonder what is really going on. There is a mention that you are so quirky when it comes to performing aerial maneuvers that you prefer to not even attempt a drop kick. What the ??? I have never heard that comment in an information sheet on a wrestler before. But, Fenris, I will give you credit for your ground game. I will state, on the record, that I feel your ground game is very good to the point that General George Patton and General Erwin Rommel, two of the greatest Generals of World War II in North Africa and Europe, would be jealous of your ground game. But remember something Fenris. Both Patton and Rommel lost a lot of ground battles where they were assigned. However Patton lost less battles than Rommel did. Although both are considered successful in their campaigns in North Africa and Europe it is widely admitted that General Patton was way more successful than Rommel which tells you why the United States won the War and Germany did not. I am General Patton to your General Rommel.


Bea:  One of the items on my mind is that both Bill and Fenris are the type of wrestlers who refuse to back down to anyone. I think about which one of them will be able to stand up to their opponent, take the blows, return the blows, and overcome their opponent. Of course I say that wrestler is Bill.

Bill:  Fenris with your style of being a Strong Striker and Submission wrestler, and myself with Technical, Brawler, and Submission, we are going to have an epic battle that would have been scheduled as the Main Event it not for the fact that the World Bombshell Championship was on the line on the same card. The way I define Striker is someone who likes to rush in, land blows, then back out. That may work with less talented and less experienced wrestlers but that will not work against me. Also with me being the perfection of submission holds it means when you to try to apply something on me to make me submit most of the time you will fail. Remember that I am a submissions expert and I know the ins and outs of submission holds. I not only know how to apply them to keep an opponent from getting out of them I also know how to counter them or easily get out of them when they are applied on me.

Bea:  In most sports, mostly in the game of Golf, there is a term used for players that they are ON THEIR A-GAME which means performing to perfection and of course better than everyone else. In the game of Golf when a player cannot get their A-Game working they will drop to their B-Game or C-Game. What does that mean? If they are having difficulties with their A or B-Games they return to their C-Game which means they go back to the basics. Many Professional Golfers on the PGA Tour have come back from dropping out of contention, to winning the Tournament, by returning to the fundamental basics of their game using their C-Game.

Bill:  Fenris I am informing you that I have mastered the basics of wrestling. I have mastered the basics and I am superbly grounded in the maneuvers and holds and especially submission holds, that no matter if I am executing my A-Game or B-Game I am still soundly grounded in the basics of the sport. I believe you are also well-grounded in the basics of wrestling but there is a huge difference between being well-grounded and superbly-grounded in the basics of wrestling as I am. You need to remember that I am the Technical expert in this match. I am the Brawler in this match. I am the Submission expert in this match. Maybe you were able to find ways to get wins over other opponents but I do not believe you have faced someone yet as awesome as I am.

Bea runs out of camera range again to continue putting items away.


Bea returns to camera view with a smile on her face.

Bea:  Yay! We finally finished, well I did anyway, of putting our things away. No offense Bill but while you were catching all the air time I was getting out things put away.

Bill:  I love you too Bea.

The two enjoy a laugh over their comments.

Bea:  Fenris we know much information on you. Bill already mentioned he has watched you wrestle and you were on his list for a Dream Match. We have not been able to observe all your matches in Sin City Wrestling so there is something I will be watching for while serving in the corner of Bill as his Manager. We do not know if, in the past, you have cheated in matches, or obtained interference, in order to get wins. We want to believe  you are an honest wrestler who does not cheat but we have been disappointed before and I will be watching closely in this match. Should you violate the rules, obtain interference, or use illegal blows, maneuvers, or holds, you can rest assured I will inform the Referee to make sure they watch the action closely. We gladly accept losses in wrestling matches when the opponent gets a clean and legal win but if they cheat for the win then chaos will ensue.

Bill:  There are song lyrics from a song titled  ANYTHING YOU CAN DO which is from the musical ANNIE GET YOUR GUN. The lyrics go:  Anything you can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than you.  Please feel free to look up the song on YouTube, or some other venue, and see it for yourself. I assure you, Fenris, that anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better than you. That, my friend, is a lesson that I will beat into you at Climax Control 249. Please enjoy your remaining time until our match because after I soundly defeat you in the match you will not be enjoying much after that.

Bea:  Thank you for joining us. We are done with our comments for this presentation. We need to take Iris to the one restaurant in Andros that will allow us to bring Iris with us to the outdoor dining area so she can have a meal with us. Please have a great time leading up to Climax Control 249. We will. Bye!

The cameraman calls into the Network to inform them that Bill and Bea Barnhart are done with their presentation. The Network confirms the information and they return to the regularly scheduled programming for this time slot.