Author Topic: From The Mind of Bobbie Dahl: A Journal Entry  (Read 3797 times)

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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    • Bobbie Dahl
From The Mind of Bobbie Dahl: A Journal Entry
« on: April 26, 2024, 09:39:29 PM »
Wednesday April 24th

So it’s been a hot minute since I added an entry into this thing, which I think I said the same thing with the last time I wrote anything. I need to start getting better at writing down my thoughts because I think it really does help make me feel better sometimes. There is just something about getting stuff off of your chest in writing versus saying, or screaming it out loud. It probably has something to do with the fact you can gather your thoughts a lot more when you are writing them down.

Anywho. So a lot has been going on, like I always seem to say recently. I finally won the Bombshell Roulette Championship,and as fantastic as it felt to win it, it’s been quite the challenge defending and retaining it as time goes on. I told myself when I won it that I wanted to keep it as long as I could to make my reign worth something, and I hope I have done that a little bit, but I feel like there is still more to do. I don’t know, I guess only time will tell. But I need to be a better champion, too, because I have represented myself or SCW the way I should as one of their champions.

So this week kicks off a couple of big events in SCW. The Blast From the Past tournament and the next big tour. I wish I could say we were touring completely in the United States, but we’re not. There are a few trips overseas, which means Artie and I will be away from my Loki baby for a bit. I know he’ll do okay, because he loves spending time with my parents, but considering he is my unofficial emotional support dog, it’ll be hard not having him with us. But I can get through this. I have before!

Artie and I are currently on our way to England for the first stop in the Battleground tour. He’s passed out next to me in his seat, bless his heart. He’s been working so hard lately trying to prepare himself for this tournament. I still can’t believe we couldn’t get him out of this. Signing him up was an honest mistake, but Christian Underwood is Christian Underwood and he wouldn’t let Artie out of it. He’s going to get some sort of sick enjoyment out of possibly seeing Artie struggle, or even get hurt, but we’ve been doing all that we could to get him prepared so neither of that happens. With Fenris’ help, of course. It’s been a long few weeks, and Artie is just glad that his first round match doesn’t happen in the first week.

But mine does!

I wasn’t even going to sign up after this fiasco with Artie’s contract happened. I was going to focus on helping him and getting him ready, but they needed one more Bombshell at the last minute so I went ahead and tossed my name into the fold. We also held out hope that we would get drawn as partners, but of course that didn’t happen. I’m not disappointed with who either of us got as our partners, though! I think we both stand a good chance, I’m just trying not to think about the if/when situation that our teams get booked against one another. We will worry about that when the time comes!

So I got paired with the new Internet Champion, Peter Vaughn. Even if he wasn’t the Internet Champion, I’d still like my chances because he’s a former Roulette Champion so I know he’ll carry his own weight in this tournament. I hope I can do the same. Last year I thought that Jack and I had a decent shot at winning, and we did pretty good but it just didn’t work out. I was a different Bobbie back then and Jack may or may not say this, but I am to blame for us not winning last year. But this year will be different! I’ve been on a roll since I came back, and I’m not about to ruin things now. Plus, if Peter and I win and I’m still the Bombshell Roulette Champion, I would have the opportunity to become a double champion! I mean, only temporarily, but just the accomplishment alone would be huge.

Then again…am I really ready to go after the World Bombshell Championship? Some might say I am, given how much I have improved lately, but I just want to pace myself. I don’t want to be one of those people that just jumps from title to title just because. I want to make an impact in SCW. I want to continue to be a success so that maybe someday MY name will be in the Hall of Fame. Okay…I’m getting a little ahead of myself here. I have to think about the present. Not the maybe distant future.

Anyway…I need to wake Artie up soon. I almost feel bad about doing that, because he’s been so tired lately with all the training he’s been doing. He’s been working so hard. And looking at his sweet sleeping face, it just brings back all the feelings about me not being able to have a baby. He deserves to be a daddy, and I think a mini Artie would be just adorable. But…I guess life has other plans for us.

What plans that may be still remains to be seen. But I guess I should really stop avoiding having a serious conversation with him about it…

After finishing writing her most recent journal entry, Bobbie closes her journal and tucks it away back into her carry-on bag. She looks at Artie as he is still sleeping soundly and a tiny smile appears on her face. They hadn’t been married quite a year yet, but the fact that they had known each other practically their entire lives, it felt like they had been married a long time ago. And as much as Artie would do for Bobbie, Bobbie would do even more for him.

They would be arriving in England soon. The pilot had made the announcement over the intercom a short while ago, and Artie had somehow managed to sleep through it. Bobbie puts her hand on Artie’s shoulder and gently nudges him, trying to wake him up. He moves just a bit, not ready to open his eyes, so Bobbie nudges him again. “Artie. Honey, wake up.” She says, trying not to laugh. It was like trying to wake a sleeping child in a way. “We’re going to be landing soon. Wake up.”

Artie then draws in a deep breath and yawns, his eyes slowly opening. He sits up straight in his seat and rubs his eyes, the exhaustion still very much apparent. “Already?” He asks, looking around as other passengers are also starting to wake from their own naps. “I wasn’t even asleep that long.”

Bobbie laughs. “It probably feels like it, huh?” She replies, shaking her head. “But you’ve been out for a while. It’s okay. You needed it.”

Artie stares at her for a moment and yawns again, letting his body slowly start to wake even more. “Please tell me you got some sleep.” And there was his concern for her. She knew he would ask that question as soon as he woke up.

She shrugs and replies, “I dozed off for a little bit.” She wasn’t lying. She did manage to get a little bit of sleep, but sleeping for an extended period of time on an airplane didn’t exactly come easy to her. “Don’t worry, sweetie. I’m fine. You needed the sleep more than I did anyway.”

Artie shakes his head. “We both needed the sleep, Bobbie.” He says, still concerned that she didn’t sleep more. Considering how long of a flight it was to England, this could affect her by the time her match came around. “You can’t afford to be sleep deprived this weekend.”

Bobbie laughs and shrugs again. “I’ll be fine, Artie. I promise.” She pauses for a few moments, deciding how she wants to approach her next words. “When we get settled into our hotel room and such, we need to have a talk.” It probably wasn’t the best choice of words, but it was all she could come up with.

Artie turns and stares at her. The look on his face is a mixture of confused and worried, because when someone says they need to have a talk like Bobbie just did, it is almost never a good sign. “That doesn’t sound encouraging. Everything okay?”

She nods. “Relax, honey. We just need to have a serious conversation about something, and as much as I’d like to get it over with now, it’s not appropriate on a plane surrounded by strangers.”

He scratches his head, but after a moment, he thinks he has it figured out. There was only one thing he could think of that Bobbie was referring to. “You mean the baby subject, don’t you?” He knew it had been on Bobbie’s mind constantly as of late, and he understood why. It was something a lot of women focused on. He also knew that Bobbie wanted nothing more than the both of them to have a biological child, but that might not be possible.

“I said we would talk about this once we get settled into our hotel.” It was her way of confirming that was what she meant, without actually saying anything further about it. If they didn’t stop now, the conversation would get rolling and she didn’t want to do this here.

“Okay then.” Artie replies. “Not sure why you want to have such a big conversation just days before your match, but I won’t say anything else about it.” He would have been perfectly fine with putting off this conversation for another day when the possible stress of it wouldn’t get in the way of an important match.

Bobbie wanted to reply and tell him exactly why she wanted to have the conversation now rather than keep putting it off, but she just pats his leg and says nothing more. The conversation would come soon enough, because it had to. No more putting it off. No more waiting for one reason or another.

No matter how difficult the conversation would be, they simply had to decide just how much they wanted children, and whether or not they could accept not having a biological child. Because their path forward all depended on the answers to those questions.

A few hours later, Bobbie and Artie are finally settled into their hotel room they would be in the next few days. The jet lag was already starting to sink in and both were ready to get some much needed sleep. Before that could happen, though, they needed to talk. And before Bobbie could bring up the subject, Artie broke the silence between them and just blurted out what was on his mind.

“So what is so important about the baby subject that just can’t wait?” Again, poor choice of wording, but it was all he could come up with, and Bobbie manages to let out a chuckle.

“Right down to business, huh?” Bobbie replies, laughing again. She sits up in the bed, leaning against the large headboard, and Artie does the same. Guess it was now or never. “It can’t wait because, depending on what we decide, affects things going forward. Especially for me if and when Peter and I get eliminated from the tournament.”

Artie raises an eyebrow. “What we decide? I’m confused. What is this all about?”

Bobbie sighs. She closes her eyes and gathers her thoughts, trying to make this as easy as possible. Although nothing about this was easy at all. “Is having kids something we don’t want to pass up on? And not only that, but if I can’t give us a biological child, are you okay with that, too?” Two questions that seem so simple, but were anything but. Deep down, Artie knew the answer to both, and he was about to respond but Bobbie had to continue before he did. “Because if we really want to try to have a biological child, we need to act sooner and not later. IVF is going to really be my only option, and even that isn’t a guarantee.”

There was so much for Artie to process with everything Bobbie just spilled on him. And she had a point. IVF was not only costly, but physically challenging as well. “Well…” He starts, pausing to gather his own thoughts. “I don’t know why you are leaving this decision completely up to me, because if you really want to try for a baby, I am on board. But…you’d have to be done with wrestling so we would have to wait either way.”

Bobbie shakes her head. “We wouldn’t necessarily have to wait.” She replies, confusing him even more. “If and when Peter and I are eliminated, and if I lose the Bombshell Roulette Championship, that would give me the opportunity to take some time off to focus on this. If we go another route, though…” Talk about a huge decision to make.

“Oh…” Artie says, at a loss for words almost. “Well…what do we do then?”

And that…was the million dollar question. Bobbie drew in a deep breath and shrugged, and the two stared at one another, quietly pondering their decision long and carefully.

Their future depended on it…

Heya, hiya, hello everyone! I’m going to just cut down to the chase and get right to business here because holy moly time is flying by lately! Blast From The Past is here again and I can’t believe we’re already on round one week one! Not to mention, me and my partner drew the short stick and got booked the first week. Less time to prepare, but oh well I guess!

I’m gonna be honest after Artie mistakenly signed up for the tournament himself, I wasn’t going to sign up. I wanted to make sure he was ready and wouldn’t get hurt, but they needed a spot filled at the last minute so…I said what the hell. I’d be wrestling either way so why not add my name into the tournament and possibly win myself a World Bombshell Championship opportunity?!

I was hoping that Artie and I would get paired together by chance, but that was a little too hopeful because it was a slim chance. I ended up getting paired with the man who just beat hunky butt Miles Kasey for the Internet Championship, Peter Vaughn! Bummer for Miles losing the title, but I have no doubt he’ll get another chance. Or maybe a chance at the World Heavyweight title! You go Miles!

I don’t know Peter very well, but I still like my chances with him as a partner! I just hope that it’s not like last year where he doesn’t trust me, because let me tell you, the back and forth bickering with Jack Washington was exhausting! In the end maybe Jack was right, because it was my fault we lost, but I still did everything I could to get us to go all the way! Hey, mind out of the gutter folks. You know what I meant.

Anywho…so I hope Peter can trust me. I hope he can see that I’m a champion just as much as he is and I want this team to work and make it all the way to the finals. I want our team to be looked at as the team to beat! And that is saying something considering we’re going up against a team that has a former World Heavyweight Champ in it! And apparently there is some bad blood or whatever between Peter and Matthew, so…this should be interesting!

But I don’t really need to focus on Matthew, now do I? Nope! I have to worry about his partner, the one that I will be facing. Some new chick named Kasey Vex! Umm…who?! Look, I understand the tournament is open to everyone outside of SCW, but come on…give me something to go on here! How do I prepare to face someone I know nothing about?! It’s one of the things I don’t really like about this tournament. But ah well…I’m gonna do my best!

I’ll do what I can to find anything on this chick to get ready but as far as I can tell, she’s just…unknown. So far be it from me to go out there and let her get the best of me and advance in this tournament. She’ll probably be like so many others that just show up, and once they lose, they’re gone. They don’t even stick around, so why should someone like THAT win the whole damn thing and get a shot at our top title?!

They shouldn’t! Dedicated and loyal SCW superstars deserve it. And we’re all going to show them that. Quit showing up trying to take our spotlight just because it has a guaranteed shot at the top title as the final prize! If there is one thing I’m happy about, it’s that my Bombshell Roulette Championship isn’t on the line in this match too, because I’ll be DAMNED if I would let her get a shot at something I worked my booty off for!

Peter and I have a lot of work ahead of us. There’s no question about it. But I have faith we can work together and get the job done! One match at a time. One week at a time. One opponent at a time.

2024 Blast From The Past is OURS to win!