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Messages - The Troll

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Climax Control Archives / Runner up is a nice way of saying LOSER!
« on: April 09, 2021, 09:27:53 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“One of the biggest events of the year, Blaze of Glory IX, and your boy, the Troll, did EXACTLY what I said I was going to do! I took that loud mouthed, fascinated by my own ass MISTER Ass, and wiped the mat with that pretty ass of his!”

“Wait, I need to edit that last comment out. Be just a sec-damn! This is live, isn’t it? Okay, starting over. Starting over….!”

Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“One of the biggest events of the year, Blaze of Glory IX, and your boy, the Troll, did EXACTLY what I said I was going to do! I took that loud mouthed, fascinated by my own ass MISTER Ass, and wiped the mat with his ass! Impressed? I know, I was too. And a little disappointed because I thought for sure with all the hype and as much as everyone seems to love that idiot, there’d have been more behind him - but what he has behind him? Not as impressive as he’d have you believe. All style, no substance.”

“Plus, having been in the ring with him, I can attest to the fact that the junk Miles “Milo” Kasey has in his trunk is nothing but padding.”

There is that familiar thud on the floor of the house, thus the basement ‘roof’ over the Troll’s head.

Troll’s Mom: “GABRIEL THOMAS WANK! I want to talk to you!”

The Troll: “Mom! Not right now! I’m busy!”

Troll’s Mom: “Well EXCUSE ME Mister Big Shot Professional Wrestler! I suppose now that you hit the big time you don’t have any time for your poor mother!”

The Troll: “Mom…!”

Troll’s Mom: “I work and I slave for my baby boy and he doesn’t have time to pry himself away from his little playmates on the computer that I PAID FOR to talk to his own mother! I might as well go sit in the corner BY MYSELF and smoke wet cigarette butts!”

The Troll: “Mom, you told me you quit...!”

Troll’s Mom: “Then when the paramedics find me wedged in the tub and no longer on this earth, you won’t have to worry about spending FIVE MINUTES talking to your loving mother!”

The Troll looks forlornly at the camera on his laptop and sighs in exasperation before he reaches forward…

Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“Okay, I’m back to business! And speaking of business, how about the REAL Troll of SCW - namely Bobbie Dahl, mind her own? I find it absolutely riveting that this chick is still hanging around SCW, with absolutely no responsibilities and nothing to do except walk out at the end of SOMEONE ELSE’S MATCH and steal their spotlight. Oh sure, she put on the pretense of ‘saving’ Bella Madison and Courtney Pierce from that so-called amazon chick, Tempest, but we all know what that was really about. ‘Boobie’ Dahl just loves to be in the spotlight without having to work for it. That’s pretty much been the calling card of her career, ever since she first started wrestling. (If you can call what she does ‘wrestling.’)”

“She shows up. Wrestles for a few weeks/months and then vanishes from the ring. Then she spends her time mouthing off on social media and doing spot checks on Climax Control. She returns, then it’s all a matter of wash, rinse, repeat. NOBODY CARES BOOBIE! You’re just one of those people who thinks they know everything and has the right to spew random and so-called facts every chance they get.”

“I HATE people like that!”

“You know what else I hate? People who claim to be something that they’re not, just because it’s cool or the in thing. I’m talking about all the lesbians in this sport. I mean, SERIOUSLY! Oh sure, there are gay men in the sport too (and as long as they don’t flirt with me, then I’m cool with it!), but there are more gay women than there are straight women, straight men, and gay men COMBINED! Or at least, there are more women CLAIMING to be gay when they are actually straight.”

“I have it on good authority, and my sources are never wrong, that two of the most popular lesbian couples in SCW, namely Team Hero and Christina Rose and Seleana Zdunich, are actually totally and completely straight. I can’t speak for Roxi and Keira, but I hear the reason Christina does it is because it’s about the only way she can join the ‘cool kids’ table. More on this NEXT TIME…!”

“But we’ve been talking about business, and the real business this week is the next Superstar on the Troll’s List, and that’s Mac Bane. Mac… Bane.”

Snickers and shakes head.

“Mac, let’s just be honest about what you are…”

Thud on the ceiling…


The Troll: “On the George Foreman Grill!?”

Troll’s Mom: “No Angel Tuckus! The Grill’s in the shop!”

The Troll: (mumbling) “Grill’s been in the shop since February… (out loud) That sounds GREAT Mom! Thanks!”

Troll’s Mom: “Anything for Mommy’s Little Man!”

“Now, where was I? Oh yes, the TRUTH about Mac Bane and who and what he is. True, he lucked out and became the Roulette Champion, but anyone who wins that title is just a bottom feeder champion because seriously? Who cares? It’s the bottom rung of the championship ladder. It’s not the World, or the Internet. Hell! It’s not even the Mixed Tag! And it isn’t like Mac actually accomplished anything as the champion. The LOSER left SCW a week after winning the title! Who DOES that!?”

“I’ll tell you who - Mac ‘I’m Too Scared To Be A Defending Champion’ Bane, that’s who! Everyone knows, and I am going to confirm here and now, that Mac left SCW because he knew - he KNEW - that he’d be a one hit wonder and lose the title on his first defense, so he up and left. That way, in his feeble mind at least, he’d stay champion FOREVER. Sad, huh?”

“Almost as sad as being runner up in the Blast From the Past. Sure, he got to the finals, but that was just because of the OLD CHICK that was his partner. Myra Rivers carried him through the entire tournament and I think - no, I KNOW - that if you have to reply on an old woman to carry you through life, then that just makes you all the more pathetic.”

“You’re not a man, Mac. That little pipsqueak Despayre ran circles around you when you two were in the ring against each other! You talked about being big and bad but a nut half your size had you beat. We all saw it. EVERYONE out there knows it! Had you not ran like a coward and tagged out, Despayre would have beaten you. You never would have made it to the finals. And now, what? They put you against me? Poor you, that’s all I have to say. You would have been better off had Christian followed through and booked you against that hairbag Fenris. (Whose hair is fake, btw. It’s a WIG, people!) With him, he would have been an easy fight for you. He would have gone easy on you.”

Me? Not so much.”

Supercard Archives / Re: THE TROLL v MILES "MILO" KASEY
« on: March 25, 2021, 06:33:46 AM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“Well, it looks like SOMEONE got up on the wrong side of the bed. I guess that's what happens when said bed is perpetually empty, eh Krystal? Still no luck with Cassian Reed then, I take it? Cassian Reed, the biggest man whore since like - forever? And you're constant sniffing around the poor guy like a bitch in heat and still, the man takes no interest? I mean, how sad is that? It'd be like Jack Washington trying to score in a women's prison and being shot down. It's just sad! Maybe you should try someone a bit more your speed.”

“Like maybe your little girlfriend Carter down in SCU? Although he probably has more luck with the fellas than you do and … oh, wait. You two aren't friends any more, are you? You and that frigid personality of yours went and ruined what I'm sure was a lively and enduring friendship. Although you never were as close to him as Ariana is. Seems to me the common denominator in all your troubles is…”

The Troll twirled a finger around and pointed it straight at the camera.

“You, Krystal. Maybe you should go back to the kitchen where you belong before you end up ruining anything else you have going for you. Which really isn’t saying very much as I’ve seen you in the ring, at least on the main roster? Down in SCU? Well nobody who is really anybody pays very much attention down in the bowels of the wrestling world. Personally, I think your main issue is that you have this unhealthy obsession with me. My first promo ‘shocked’ you. Then you go and complain and want me beaten up? So I expressed an opinion and you didn’t like it.”

“Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!”

“It must really sting, the way you whined about not making the cut for Blaze of Glory IX and yet…”

The Troll smiled like a fool and motioned both hands toward himself.

“I did. And that’s because unlike you, the higher ups in SCW see something of value in me. That, and they’re scared whether or not I’ll spill any more of your secrets. So go ahead and sic pretty boy Fenris on me! See if I care. You think I'm scared of him? It's a known FACT that all of his so-called -accomplishments’...”

He air quotes.

“Are ENTIRELY made up. It’s just hype to make him seem a bigger badass than he really is.

Then there was that familiar pounding on the door of the basement before it was swung open and from upstairs came that shrill call…

“GABRIEL!! I need you to take me shopping so put on some nice clothes!”

“MOM! I’m BUSY! And why do I have to dress nice just to take you shopping!?”

“For God’s sake! Because we’re going to Target! It’s not like we’ll be going to Family Dollar! So move it!”

The basement door swung shut and the Troll sighed and reached forward to switch off his video feed….

And later it was switched back on.

“Miss me? I bet Miles, you know - my opponent for Blaze of Glory IX - was hoping so. Miles ‘Milo’ Kasey, or should we be addressing you by your new moniker, SCW’s Ass Man? Or does Mister Ass sound better to you? Because even though last week I tried to knock some sense into you and make you see how ridiculous being proud of your bubble butt was, you just kept right on it after.”

The Troll shook his head in dismay.

“I don’t know what is wrong with you Miles, aside you know from the fact that you’re acting like we’re two peas in a pod. That we’re more alike than anyone out there cares to admit. We’re not, you know. I bet in school you were a straight A student while also being the star of the rugby team while knocking boots in the backseat with every pretty girl who shook her fake boobs at you. Or pretty guys who shook their ass.”

The Troll shrugged.

“Who am I to judge? It’s 2021, not 1921 after all. But that’s not even the point! You were probably popular then, just like you’re popular now! (Though I think those ass shots of yours on Twitter have more to do with your popularity than anything you do inside of the ring!) It sure as hell can’t be anything that you have going on up here!”

The Troll tapped his head.

“Here you’re in for the fight of your life and you go on about mythical creatures? I’m just going to assume that you’re just making sport of me, just like all the jerks did to me back in school. Well I rose above them and made a success out myself, just like I’m going to rise above you. At Blaze of Glory IX, the Troll is emerging from beneath his bridge to bask in the spotlight of being a WINNER!”

The Troll did the RVD-thumbs sign to himself with a geeky smile.

“That’s all the time I have now for you plebeians. Next time? The TRUTH about lesbians in professional wrestling! Fact - or fiction?”

He reached toward the laptop and…

Supercard Archives / Re: THE TROLL v MILES "MILO" KASEY
« on: March 19, 2021, 12:32:41 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“Yes! I told you! I told ALL of you! But did any of you believe me? No. You all thought the Troll would make his professional wrestling debut and fail miserably, and instead what did I do? Success! V for Victory! The unbeaten streak of Tony Thorn is done! Over! Finished! Now the Troll begins his own epic journey and an unbeaten streak that will make J2H’s string of victories look more like what Krystal Wolfe is going through right about now.”

“Talk smack about ME, will you Krissy!? The Troll knows your type, and he’s going to silence you! But this isn’t about you. Nothing is, really. This is about me with my big, debut win!”

“Of course, if you watched Climax Control on the internet broadcast rather than live and in person at the Gold Coast Casino, you probably saw a different result. You probably saw something that looked more like Tony Thorn emerge in what resembled a win on his own part. Well here’s a little secret about Sin City Wrestling that you might not be aware of. And of course, Mark Ward and Christian underwood don’t want you to know the truth but BAM!!! The Troll doesn’t care about what ‘the man’ wants! All the Troll cares about is the TRUTH! And he’s going to make sure each and every single one of you that tries to resist the TRUTH finds it forced down your throat until you acknowledge it, whether you like it or not! And that TRUTH is…!”

Suddenly there is a heavy pounding on the basement ceiling and a shrill call from above the Troll’s domicile…

“A rat! A RAT!!! GABRIEL!! Oh my GAWD! Call the exterminator! Call the Orkin Man! Oh my heart! A rat! A… oh for god’s sake! Never mind! It’s just that damn dog of yours!!”

The Troll runs both hands down his face before he exhales sharply and continues with his web broadcast….

“As I was saying… the TRUTH is that Mark Ward and Christian Underwood use special effects and snippets of old matches and sometimes even stand-ins in video footage, and why? In case a match goes the way they don’t want, they film a quick edit in a studio and piece that together and THAT is the footage you see every week! That is why you saw Tony Thorn beat (snorts) yours truly! I mean, seriously! Do you really think that the so-called ‘White Wolf’ Fenris was really undefeated for almost ten months? I have it on good authority that he was defeated several times during that imaginary streak, but the (air quotes) bosses fixed things on-screen so he actually would actually look like a winner! Why even bother? When he came back from his little staycation in Iceland, he’s been about as exciting as women’s pro golf!”{

“Little bit of information? He and Austin James Mercer are actually really close pals. I’ve personally seen them out drinking after the shows. The whole feud over Mercer hurting Aron?”

He shakes his head with eyes closed in disdain.

“All a put on in a sad attempt to make Fenris appear somewhat appealing to the SCW Universe. But if you want to see REAL appeal, just look at yours truly! One match in, and the higher ups know a good thing when they see it! Because I - the Troll - have been booked for a match at Blaze of Glory IX! One of their biggest events of the year! And if I got a spot (unlike losers like Johanna Krieger, Tempest and London Underground), that just goes to show big things are coming for the Troll! Maybe even a championship match is in my future? All I have to do is go up against that pasty-white prima donna Superstar, Miles ‘Milo’ Kasey.”

“Milo Kasey. The man who is always running off at the mouth about how he can’t get physically cut like Fenris. And do you want to know WHY Miles can’t get the abs of steel like Fenris? Tune in NEXT WEEK and I’ll tell you! THEN Miles says that he has the same man beat when it comes to a ‘sexy ass.’ Seriously? Of all the things to aspire to - THAT’S what you’re proud of, Miles? That your ass is nicer than Fenris’s?”

“That ass, right? Okay, if you say so. If that’s what you worry most about when you should be worrying about ME, Miles! Worrying about me exposing you - pun not intended! Worrying about the Troll beating and humiliating you in front of the world! And THAT - is the…”

More pounding from upstairs and that shrill voice again…!


The Troll throws off his headset and shouts upstairs…


Climax Control Archives / The TRUTH will set Tony Thorn free!
« on: March 11, 2021, 01:10:20 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“Miss me?”

“I've waited a long time for this! This blog, MY blog, has been a part of the world, wide Web now for a number of years. I've spent all of that time doing my best to educate the trogs who call themselves ‘wrestling fans.’ It's always been a labor of love, because I always have seen it as my sworn duty to shed the light on the shadows of this so-called ‘sport’ and open the eyes of the blind. And you'd think that I'd be showered with praise and everyone would be thanking me.”

“You'd think.”

“But no matter where I go, if it’s posting on my blog here or following some random marks on a fan forum of some overrated children's show, I find myself always being cast as the villain. And why? Because people go online to escape from their own drab little meaningless lives. They want to post stupid theories about TV shows or movies. They want to play a rousing game of ‘Guess Who's Gay’ with their favorite celebrities. Oh but god help you/me if you prove them wrong!”

“But take a look at me now! Here I am, the newest member of the Superstar roster of Sin City Wrestling! The next ‘Big Thing.’ Believe. It! Truth is, they can play dumb or innocent all they want, but the fact is that Mark Ward and Christian Underwood couldn't wait to get me to sign my name on the dotted line! They're both avid readers of my blog and they know a sure thing when they see it.”

“Of course, now that they have me, you’re probably asking yourself what they’re going to do with me. Well I can tell you one thing that they’re not going to ndo; and that’s control me! I’m not some greasy looking freak like Austin James Mercer or pretty boy closet case like Jack Washington. You know what I mean. All these so-called men strut around like they’re the best thing to happen to professional wrestling since turnbuckle pads, but the truth is that they’re all just the same, tired old acts that drag down the ratings until it’s so low they’d have to look up in order to see the down.”

“Fact: Every week the ratings for Climax Control get lower and lower, and why? Because they continue to hype the same men and women over and over. Same old show, same old shit.”

“You see SCW? You can control guys like Mercer but you CAN’T control me!”

“After all, I've been watching wrestling since I was little, and just like any real fan, I thought to myself ‘I can do that!’ But do you know what the difference is between me and the rest of those wishful dreamers? I meant it when I said it, and I'm going to prove to everyone just how easy this wrestling ‘career’ is.”

“Starting with Tony Thorn.”

“Seriously, Tony Thorn? That’s who I get stuck facing in my big debut? The next big thing is the SCW Superstar division and I get put against a guy who only wrestles when he gets bored enough to leave his home in Lima, Ohio? And who the hell in their right mind would actually admit to calling Lima, Ohio their hometown!? I’ve seen pictures of that city and it’s like Mayberry regressed a few decades! I keep asking myself where’s Opie and Aunt Bea, where’s Barney and Sheriff Taylor? The only famous person who came out of Lima is Phylis Diller and that was about a hundred years ago!”

“Tony Thorn, on the other hand, is not famous. If he was, Mark Ward and Christian Underwood would put some REAL effort into getting him to compete regularly. They’d FIGHT to book him, like they fought so hard to sign me! A man that still lives at his childhood home with his mommy. Living with his mom… now THAT is pathetic! What kind of man still lives at home with his…?”

There was a sound thumping on the ceiling of the basement and a shrill yell following it up…


The husky figure in shadow sighed as he pushed his desk chair back…


“Where was I? Oh yes! Tony Thorn! Now naturally I’m not thinking that I should have been booked against stars like Jack Washington or O’Malley, but seriously? They must have been scraping the bottom of the barrel with available bookings if that’s all I could get! But I’ll make the most out of it because once I’m through with Tony, then that is when the TRUTH will start coming out! The secrets of Sin City Wrestling will no longer be safe!”

“Starting with the FACT -- that SCW has never actually had a live audience before. Did you know that? That for the past ten years, all of those so-called capacity crowds? All images on a screen. The shows are actually held inside of empty arenas.”

“It’s true!”

The Troll sat at the desk in his basement, shaking his head with a haughty derision, feeling a great swell of pity for these plebians. So close minded that they absolutely refuse to be open minded enough, just long enough to read his column and have their outlook expanded past their own nose.

“If you people hated what I had to say so much, then you wouldn’t be wasting your time reading what I have to say. Would you? No, I didn’t THINK so! This is a free country, and the world wide web is just that; broadcast across the world. I can post WHATEVER I want, WHENEVER I want, HOWEVER I want! And there is not a damn thing any of you…”

Suddenly the door at the top of the basement stairs swung open with a clatter and a large, round shadow was cast from the light behind the upstairs of the house. The only thing that could be seen of the figure was the base hem of a large, bright blue mumu with purple, floral accents and dingy house slippers.

GABRIEL!!! Whaddya want for dinner!? Are chili dogs okay!?

The Troll was in the process of typing another quick and scathing response online when he spun around in his office chair.

The Troll: “MOM!!! I’m BUSY talking to my PEEPS!”

He turned back around the resume his typing when he paused and called back over his shoulder.

The Troll: “Chili dogs are fine!”

The basement door closed again, leaving the lair of the Troll blanketed again in darkness.

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