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Topics - DistortedAngel

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“you son of a bitch, she said, I am
trying to build a meaningful
you can't build it with a hammer,
he said.”
― Charles Bukowski, Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit

Oblivion Garage
Las Vegas, ND

… “Hey Red, when will you be home?” …

Amber didn’t want to admit that it was a good question, nor that the answer despite her best efforts was the same- it’d always be the same. Still, staring through the fluorescence trying to make the digitalised words of a text message into something far more meaningful was just another layer of procrastination and indecision. A reason, albeit a nonsensical one, that she might somehow force reality and its consequences from this space for just a little longer.

… “Soon. I promise.” …

It wasn’t as though it was a lie that made her thumbs feel as though they were filled with lead, that her deliberate vagueness was more than just insecurity manifesting into avoidance. Soon wasn’t real or quantifiable, and Mac knew that her choice of words had nothing to do with the passage of time- just something to fill a void rising in her throat that she had no strength left to swallow. It was just a sound to pass silence and words on a screen.
If nothing else, her promise was genuine- but even that had become brittle, the hairline cracks tracing through its surface and deepening as further pressure was applied. No one could deny that Amber’s famously glacial facade was cracked and whatever fearsomely scared and determinedly fiery little girl was left behind those walls could be seen peering through.

Idly rubbing at the splatters of grease and oil that had started drying into her skin, Amber surveyed the wreckage she’d created. Oblivion Garage was their pet project, their life beyond wrestling, their solace and sanctuary outside of ropes of a squared circle- the end goal was to open properly, to go into business that didn’t involve spilling the better parts of themselves across a sweat soaked canvas.
At this rate though, Mac would be lucky to get through the fucking door as the remnants of a 2012 Hayabusa’s engine lay strewn haphazardly across grease stained concrete.
Much of what Amber could clean had been thrice over by now- still, there was something else that could be blamed for the splutters of acrid black smoke filling the space and dirty, harsh rattles of the engine struggling for breath.

With hours of work in the rearview, Amber slumped against the metal wall and to the ground with forearms resting across the tops of her knees- perhaps further from a solution than ever from when she’d limped the bike in the day before.
A small part of her knew that maybe in trying to bring it back from the brink, she might somehow drag herself back with it. That maybe in tearing the engine apart as best she could, reconfiguring and scrubbing till her hands were angry and raw while the wrong flicker of light met set friction into flame- she might put herself back together in a way that made looking into the mirror a little more palatable.

… “what have you done”...

That very question had repeated on her like verbal heartburn she couldn’t just push back down inside. To many the bike was just an object- replaceable and superfluous, and at a glance it didn’t look as though it’d be a great loss to anyone. Scratched and dented the paint had been scraped away in places while metal was exposed where errant stones of gravel had torn it's way through. She couldn’t deny she’d dragged the bike through far more hell than it deserved- but she’d maintained it where it truly mattered and even now it still purred like a kitten in idle and screamed like a fucking banshee when she got to open the throttle.

It used to.

Past tense.

That could take some getting used to.

Maybe it was just a bike- but for someone who didn’t hold a lot of things dear, who’d kept most of her life confined to what might fit in a duffel bag… Who’d been too fucking terrified to drive a car for veritable years after dying in one.
Eight years was a long time- lives changed, people were supposed to, but somehow never did. 

That goddamn Hayabusa had been a part of her life longer than anyone else ever had- and she was supposed to just shrug it off and move on cause it was just a bike.
A thing.
A possession.
Material and monetary nothingness.
Metal and fibreglass in a construct of fucking meaningless bullshit.

Amber pitched the closest wrench across the garage as adrenaline flooded her system, clattering loudly off the gaudy yellow Dodge that her adopted father had dropped by. She fucking hated that thing, and she had almost no doubt that he insisted she be the one to work on it cause spite was a powerful motivator and she straight up refused to let that piece of shit get the better of her.
Maybe later she’d explain to him the gouge through the paint- a  lie perhaps that he’d been reckless bringing it in. Or maybe she wouldn’t and just tell him it was the fucking worst and that setting it alight would be the optimal improvement.

Trialing a grease stained hand through her hair in frustration, Amber wanted to scream herself hoarse in hopes she might no longer be able to hear herself think. Normally Mac would have been there, he’d have been the light at the end of her tunnel- proving there was one to begin with and that she hadn’t just hallucinated in the face of an oncoming train.
He’d reassure her, he’d make her remember that there was good… and that she was allowed to embrace that good as her own and most importantly- with a soft smile, he’d make the world seem a little less shitty for awhile just by being there.

… and right now, she couldn’t have that.

Not that he’d allow her to say it, nor that he’d ever believe such a farce. They were opponents indirectly, mirror images on teams touted to go all the way- and it seemed almost disingenuous to cry into the shoulder of the man she’d hoped to leave in the Blast From The Past rearview on the way to the final.
Despayre had proven himself beyond expectation, and over time Amber had come to admire and appreciate his perspective on the world- skewed but always towards the brighter side, something she’d wished she’d allowed herself to embrace more in the limited time they’d had.
Despy saw things for the way they could be, Amber saw them for the way they were- and some days she wished she’d never seen any of it at all.

As her gaze travelled across the scattered pieces of engine across the floor, to the pans of fluids dripping at the edge where she’d been too slow to stop an overflow and onto to the skeletal frame of the Hayabusa as it armour lie in a pile nor much further away- she couldn’t stop the welling in her eyes from seeping down her cheek.

On the inside she swore profusely that it was just the black smoke and fumes that had left her eyes bloodshot.

God, she didn’t even wanna breathe- everything made her so irritable. In the back of her throat where fumes danced, screams of rage and frustrated grief seemed to die before the sound ever touched her lips. She felt as though she might be torn asunder inside to out, that direction had no meaning when all she wanted to do was figure out which way was up- she wanted to rampage at Christina and laugh with Despayre, she wanted to love alongside Mac and despise everything dredged up from her past. However rampage couldn’t be quelled with just laughter and love could do little to drown the demons determined to crawl out from the depths

Like confetti in a hurricane, she was everywhere and gone all in a moment.

Despayre deserved her best and she was struggling to pull herself from the rut. Two more possible matches- they’d gone so far it’d be almost criminal to fail now- and when it was all said and done Amber could finally take all that blunt force trauma of derision and dismissal, the sheer fucking hunger she had to be champion- and allow it to bleed from her pores and stain the canvas with something far more valuable than anything Christina had ever contributed.
Two more matches. Nothing was guaranteed, but that didn't stop her from considering the worst case scenario- wait, no best… best case scenario.

Yeah, that.

Blast From The Past. Amber and Despayre weren’t supposed to make it work- it was supposed to be a beautiful tragedy, a fucking comedy of errors watching two ‘forces of nature’ drive each other off the edge of a cliff. Their path had been nothing short of dominant and now everyone expected them to win, or to fall at the last hurdle…
Part of her wanted to believe that she’d dispelled some of the dark clouds above her head- that she’d be a turncoat at the first sign of things going south, a traitor when she inevitably crossed paths with Mac. Amber motherfucking Ryan might have been a lot of things, and less of them good than she’d openly admit, but she wasn’t a traitor and she wasn’t a coward.

… nor was she about to start.


In the midst of her anxiety peaking and insecurities pulsating through every raw nerve, trying to stare her way through a far wall that refused to blink- she hadn’t heard the lock click or the door open, Mac’s voice sounded far more distant than it was and nothing about anything quite sunk in beyond skin deep.
One look at the scene was enough for Mac Bane to piece together what Amber couldn’t- a mess of thoughts and feelings entwined with something very tangible, a problem the redhead couldn’t simply smile and grit her teeth through.
After all, dead ends didn’t get their names from simply being difficult to pass through. Amber was throwing up walls as fast as they were falling, not to keep the world out anymore, but to keep everything she could no longer contain within.

“Come on sweetheart, we’ll get this sorted tomorrow. Together”

She didn’t want to fix this tomorrow. Hell, she didn’t want tomorrow at all. She didn’t want the sun to rise or the world to look at her as anything other than what she chose to present it. Biting her lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood, Amber allowed the breath she’d been holding to escape from her burning lungs, filling them with something acrid that stung all the way down into the writhing knot at the centre of her chest.


He wanted the best for her, and she just wanted to throw everything into the fucking sun.

“... I’m not sure I can do this.”


“I tried to tell myself that I wouldn’t give a fuck about this match.

That I could walk out there and just not try, allow Mac his rightful path of conquest towards the goal while very reluctantly watching Myra tag along sheepishly for the free ride. I tried to tell myself that we’d win either way- that Mac’s success was just as important as mine and that I could be happy enough with how far we’d gotten if things went south.
I tried to tell myself that Despayre would understand somehow, that I’d be making the right decision for all parties- I mean after all, I have my shot at Blaze Of Glory.

I tried to tell myself that I didn’t need this.

I just can’t lie to myself though Myra, I can’t pretend like I don’t care. More than anything I want to see Mac standing atop the mountain, but knowing that it means you get there as well leaves me a little more bitter than I’d usually like to admit.
Maybe I’m being selfish- that's the easy, low hanging fruit that I’ve got no doubt you’ll swing for cause minimum effort for maximum outcome seems to have become your modus operandi these days. Do as little as possible to get where you are, and do just enough to stay there.

But I fucking care Myra.

I care more than I thought I would, more than I thought I had any right to…

Of course, I don’t expect you to understand it cause it conflicts with every fibre of your being as though you’re somehow allergic to empathy and being a fucking decent person. I mean, heaven forbid people be more than just sycophants and supporting players in the Sin City Wrestling: Myra Rivers experience- well, the ones who’ll no doubt stick around to the end waiting for a goddamn punchline that's not coming.

Not enough hours in the day I suppose for that, after all you’re too busy being a record setting Internet Champion right?

Five defenses now. Colour me as impressed as I am bored- if only cause the reason I remember is that you repeat it every opportunity you get, repetition might make you stronger, but it makes every poor bastard who has to listen to it wanna scrunch their face up into a ball and throw it down a shredder.
Fact is, for a woman with alot to say… you really don’t manage to say all that much.

Don’t get me wrong, that title is an accomplishment and I’m not gonna stand here and try to piss all over it when I plan on seizing a title of my own- besides, my aim with a moving target just isn’t what it used to be. What you’ve done is nothing short of incredible Myra- particularly for consistency in your level of competition. It's really quite astounding how you manage to get defenses against people who really shouldn’t be punching that high that to begin with, padding out your resume to the point that no one wants to get buried in the fluff whilst looking for a shred of talent on the list.
It's not that you haven’t earned it, that you aren't talented enough to have kept it- but I gotta ask… Does it get exhausting looking down on everyone all the time?

Fact is, and you know this as well as I do- you’re a very big fish in a very small pond. Hell, I’d go as far to argue that a side step across to the Roulette title scene might be considered almost demeaning and the idea of stepping up to the world title? Well, that just exposes the chinks in your armour against a ‘better’ class of competitor…
Air quotes are for a reason kiddies, look at the last little hot potato run and who’s getting a shot- once again before me, you know as though I didn’t make it fucking crystal clear before that I’ve beyond earned my shot.

Christina Zdunich. Keira Johnson. Jessie Salco.

Excuse me while I go and throw up in my mouth a little.

No, here's the thing that I truly wanna admire about you Myra. Since our first match, you’ve managed to stagnate in such an impressive manner it's a wonder you aren’t growing moss and algae in your eyebrows. You’ve taken all the momentum you’ve earned and you drove it into the fucking ground just to stay right where you are- you’re comfortable, you’re cozy and most importantly Myra… you’ve gotten lazy.
You talk this big fucking game about redemption and bettering yourself- but I’ve not seen you do a damn thing towards actually achieving that.
Match after match it's colour by numbers and every shade is fucking beige.

Every word out of your mouth is dripping with contempt despite your promises to do good, and you treat everyone exactly the same way, but expect them to react differently cause you’ve got a new attitude and you turned a rotting leaf over just to expose further decay.

Of course, you’d be remiss not to bring up that you are one of two people on this roster with a singles win over me. That's real lofty company you’re keeping, it's easy to get a little light headed up there and say something stupid though…
I’ll be the first to admit that you were better on that night and I walked in thinking that having a little momentum would be enough to carry me through- thing is… I’ve learned, I’ve grown and I’ve adapted since that match. In the same amount of time Myra, you’ve won a trinket, had disappointing matches against people well under qualified to take that belt off you and talked about how old you’re getting.

See, at age 36… NO ONE FUCKING CARES.
Literally no one.
Stop it.
You could be 26, 46 or even 76… actually scratch that last one cause 76 would be pretty damn cool, but when it's a part of every other sentence not talking about how many title defenses you’ve done or how much you’re ‘redeeming yourself’, well people get a little tired of the schtick.
As far as I’m concerned- you break and you bleed so therefore you can be beaten... although maybe your bones might be a little more brittle, but that's what we like to call a ‘you problem’.

I have a reputation you see- one that dictates that not a single fucking person currently in this industry has a win over me that I haven’t gotten back. Except you. We could talk about exceptions to the rule, but that implies that the rule book hadn’t been thrown out the window long ago.
Singles, mixed tag, clusterfuck. I’m not fussy- cause as much as I’d love to be the one personally putting an L in your column, I’m more than willing to accept my boy Despayre doing what he does best and pulling a ‘surprise’ upset over a far bigger opponent.

When it comes down to it Myra, and I wish you’d just admit this and save us all some hassle, Blast From The Past has absolutely no impact on your life- you could have gone out in the first round just as easily as you’ll go out now and nothing would have changed.
For you this whole thing is just a means to an end where you’re already planning the victory celebration before Mac, once again, does the dirty work and scores your team the victory. You only want to win this tournament so no one else can, so that you can add another meaningless paragraph to your resume while somehow managing to leave out everything factual and basically worth reading- you don’t care about Mac just as much as you don’t care about anything except making your spotlight a little brighter.

It’s why Despayre and I are the favourites to win- despite plenty of people not wanting us to. They want you and Mac to succeed, but that's out of spite so that they can say I fell at the final hurdle, not cause they thought you were somehow capable all along.
You’ve shown up week after week talking this big game, but Mac’s been the one carrying your team through while you stand on the apron talking smack instead of contributing anything worthwhile.
There are those out there who think I’m about to turn, that I’m the piece of shit traitor looking to spoil the party- but if I can be honest, I think you’re a far more likely candidate… Temper tantrum Rivers when the entitled brat doesn’t get an easy win handed to her on a fucking platter, of course you wouldn’t dare berate Mac…

Not for fear of him, but for fear of me.

You do that man dirty, and I swear on everything I have worth swearing on that I’ll leave you in a worse puddle than the one Christina is leaving in her pantsuit when she catches a glance at my oncoming reflection.

Just remember there's a damn good reason why I’m challenging for the Bombshells Title at Blaze Of Glory and they’re throwing darts at a board trying to decide which bone to throw you. Blast From The Past doesn’t change our trajectories, your rollercoaster is headed 140 feet straight down regardless- and if I’m honest, I’m far more pissed that I’m about to be sending Mac down that line with you.

Sure this match might just be a semi-final but Despayre and I are looking at this like we’ve looked at every match so far- as the one that could put us out of the tournament.
Arguably, this should never have been a semi, it should have been pay per view premium content and the highly touted final collision of the dominant Flamin Hot Cheetos vs Mac Bane and his vestigial tag team partner, instead we’re getting dessert before dinner, even though we all know you can’t have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again- it's not up to us to win. It's down to you to beat us… and if that means that I have to stand across from my soon-to-be-husband and press pause on his well deserved ascent to the World Title, if I have to be the one that hold him back so that I might take a further step forward…

So fucking be it.

Cause in my heart of hearts I know, just as well as Mac, that anything less is just a disappointment.”


Undisclosed Bar
Atlantic City, NJ

… “Is this Miss Amber Ryan?” …

… “That depends on who’s asking.”...

Amber still wasn’t sure why the phone call came as a surprise, it had been months since her last conversation with Grizz in his trailer- asking her for a dead man's errand so that he might somehow make peace for his failings. Months that he wasn’t supposed to have.
Time had gotten away from her in a way she was struggling to acknowledge, trying to recall anything these days left her in a technicolor haze of contempt and violence- part of her had always known that time would soon be running out, but that didn’t mean she liked the taste as she swallowed those truths whole.

Palliative care. That was the end of the line- even the grizzled old bastard himself couldn’t ignore the ominous nature of his declining health any longer. Staring through the bottom of a glass of something whos afterburn was barely now memory still bitter on her tongue, Amber tried to wade through the mire behind her eyes while dodging the glances of everyone who thought she’d walked into the wrong establishment.

… “We’re a care facility that specializes in making people comfortable in their final days.”...

Those weren’t the exact words- she couldn’t replicate the flowery language and saccharine tone that was supposed to disarm as readily as it was to inform. Somehow all the sweetness and delicacy was supposed to mask the lingering malodour of what this really was, that Amber was supposed to feel better in it's wake cause the voice over the phone really sounded like she cared.
Part of Amber, the part she found herself most disgusted by when looking in a mirror, preferred that she wouldn’t know at all- let life and death take its course without dragging everyone else's into it's swirling vortex of grief and exorbitant flower arrangements.

… “That's all well and good, but I don’t understand what any of this has to do with me.” ...

She hadn’t meant to be so blunt, even as the syllables fell from the precipice of her lips she regretted their existence- it wasn't the voice on the phones fault that she couldn’t fucking sleep at night, that she found doubt and indecision dancing in the shadows of her mind.

Blast From The Past.

Blaze Of Glory.




God, she’d have vomited if there were anything left in her stomach to wretch.

Inevitably the question of loyalty would arise- and when it did, Amber knew she didn’t have a definitive answer. Trying to quantify her relationships made her already tumultuous mindset further muddled and murky- how could she even just sit by and try to make sense of things she barely understood.
For some god forsaken reason, she mused while curling her fingers softly around the glass, people loved broken things- they thought they could be fixed or changed, improved upon perhaps. They’d say they saw potential up until the point things just got too hard and suddenly broken didn;t mean damaged- it meant impossible.

Amber had become impossible in her own head and now it was a matter of time before everyone else caught up.

… “Mr Parker put you down as his familial contact. As such it's our duty of care to inform loved ones---”...

… “--- How long?”...

Maybe another drink would help, maybe it wouldn’t. Even now, Amber couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at the idea of anyone calling Grizz ‘Mr Parker’ without him making a face not unlike a ripe passion fruit, his thick scraggly beard almost puffed up at the indignation and the heavy wrinkles of a lifetimes work sinking lower into his face.
Possibly the most unprofessional professional Amber might have ever had the pleasure to know- a compliment the man himself would outright refuse to accept out of the principle that he could always have been better at being an absolute cu---

“Another drink?”

A twitch at the corner of her lips and what sound amounted to a murmur seemed enough acknowledgement for the bartender as he whisked the empty glass while the unrelenting need to keep hers hands busy left her fingers tapping incessantly on the faintly sticky surface.
Mac would have told her to slow down, to think about what she was doing and all the other ways she might process whatever this influx of feelings was that left her throat dry and chest aching if she thought about it for too long. Despayre probably would have been too busy making friends with the ‘first in, last out’ crones huddled silently over their half empty drinks, with Angel in tow of course, ever the silent and judgemental type.

… “In a manner of speaking, I suppose so. Although time frames are not to be taken as gospel, we do recommend---”...

… “I don’t wanna hear ‘a manner of speaking’ I want us to talk like real fucking people.”...

Amber vaguely recalled choking on her words a little, a harshness in her throat scraping each word raw before it left her tongue a bloody mess.

There was no denying the way she felt about Mac- hell she’d agreed to marry the man- and  in just over a month as well. Yet another clock ticking in defiance of the passages of time. He’d been the angel on her shoulder and the devil in her ear, the support system that kept her upright after one too many nights getting drunk on everything her demons might have dredged from the recesses. God, that man deserved far better…

Another glass. Ice cubes clinking that she didn’t remember ordering the first time as a faintly amber hued liquid sloshed momentarily inside before falling still- by now though she realized she didn’t even wanna get drunk, she just wanted to get numb.
Numb was far easier, it didn’t have to make sense. Amber could go around like seemingly everyone else pretending that the world and everything in it was just fucking fine… fucking fine indeed.

… “What kinda time are we talking about here? Like book your plane ticket right now or---” …

Despayre was a different story though- what Mac brought out in love and living, Despy had brought out laughter and joy, he’d shown her what a clean slate looked like and all the ways she didn’t have to conform to what her reputation seemed to demand. When it came to despayre, Amber didn’t have to be what she hated- the monster that had become a defense mechanism against shitty opinions and shittier people. A force of nature with a guilt reflex and inability to know when enough was too much.

He didn’t care who she was- only that she cared at all.

… “Miss Ryan, could you be here within the next week or so? I’d sincerely hate for you to miss out on the opportunity to say goodbye” …

Words twisted, their edges as sharp as they were blunt. Another glass rested at her lips that she hoped not to remember in an hour. Maybe she;d dull the edges, but blood would flow all the same… Mac and despayre both deserved her best and yet she barely had it in her to give them all she had left… An unprofessional professional in the truest of senses, it’d be funny if it wasn’t so true.

Still, that's what this godforsaken match… this life demanded from her- and yet all she wanted to do in this moment was tear herself apart at the seams.

Climax Control Archives / ... The Drawing of Blood from Wax ...
« on: March 05, 2021, 07:36:31 PM »
"How can I clearly see what’s wrong with someone else, and then look at myself as though I’m standing in front of a fogged mirror?"
— Jarod Kintz, The Days of Yay are Here! Wake Me Up When They're Over.

Undisclosed Motel
Somewhere between New York and Connecticut

Motels were an occasional luxury when things were going well.

To most luxury meant more than beds that usually stank of sweat and cigarettes in the height of summer and bathrooms that promised a corner of abyssal mould that spread in tiny flecks across a ceiling stained with 30 years of mildew and steam. Still, the beds were softer than those worn out in a caravan and less sharp than the stones that would jut through a sleeping bag as sleep finally came through the makeshift campgrounds. Bathrooms weren’t mandatory but only recommended and a TV that showed a picture through the static just often enough that you could tell when an actor was on the screen- little things would bring a smile to the most weary of travelled faces.

Problem was, as Amber pulled up across the gravel in a small spray of stones, things hadn’t been going well recently and no one was smiling.

Competition was higher than ever, a proliferation of carnivals on the circuit had worn many of the routes thin and trusts tenuous- forcing many to go further and spend more for little to no better return. Bankruptcy to stay in business seemed to be a growing trend, one that Grizz had seemingly managed to quietly sidestep while many contacts had opted out before they hadn’t anything left to salvage. Amber had never been one for the business side of things, her strengths lending themselves to the practical side- making things work with what they had rather than balancing the books to replace what wouldn’t.
That being said, it wasn’t as though it wasn’t obvious- less locals were taken on in towns while more work was demanded from those who stayed, the draws thinner and interests dulled from overexposure to a product designed to be distinctive despite it's common cliches.

Of course, everyone would pull together under the promise that things would get better- cause they always did.

Until they didn’t.

Excitable faces had become bored, the carnival wonders had lost their lustre. Towns had been razed of interest, burnt to a cinder by those desperate to glean every dollar they might with little thought to consequence outside of where the next pay day might come from.

Maybe that's why Amber had found herself less than surprised by the small congregation outside of Grizz’s room- the man himself was silhouetted in the doorway as the grey in his hair and beard aged him unnecessarily under the low light. Even with the slight hunch in his posture, he still managed to tower over the three other figures before him- their crisp power suits would have blended them into the shadows if only for the yellowed glow of the room and faint, radiating air of grease and smarm.

Amber made no secret of her approach, her sneakers crunching loudly as they turned. She didn’t care for their blank stares, and tried to ignore the trickle of blood that seeped from a small cut along the top edge of her cheekbone.
Every town she could, she’d tell Cassidy every night she wasn’t needed on site that she’d be going to a local dojo for some extra training- that the bruises and cuts she’d come back with were just errant punches and kicks from sparring sessions, that the time she fractured her wrist was just a badly thrown punch and the time she sprained her ankle so bad she couldn’t wear shoes, was just a misstep.

Hell, maybe she’d even go occasionally if only for the sake of the ruse.

In reality, she got enough training from Grizz and the tattooed Phillipino twins who’d taken her under their collective wings. No, when things had become sparse- Amber had begun to supplement her own strained incomes, and Cassidy’s slightly haphazard spending style with bar fight, cage fights and any form of altercations that might earn a few extra dollars for a night's work.
Of course there were far more legitimate forms of quick income, but many were hesitant to offer the redhead an opportunity, they couldn’t begin to trust a carny despite the fact juvenile criminal records weren’t made public.

Fights were easy, they didn’t care who you were. Only that you could throw a punch and take one in kind. Amber was a spectacle, a curio in their banality- even at 18 years old she was lithe, wiry and most importantly… unassuming. Vastly underestimated, the odds were always placed high against- and as such to place a bet on her would surely have been risky for most… but monetarily advantageous for a redhead with little to nothing to lose. Ten dollars here, twenty there would quickly become multiple hundreds and she’d summarily disappear into the night with her winnings as quickly and silently as she arrived before they’d realized they’d been fleeced.

As such, Amber could recognize a loan shark from a mile off. Preying on the desperate, those just needing a little help back to their feet before their kneecaps were taken back for failure to live up to unreasonable expectation- if she didn’t already feel a little light-headed from the evenings extra-curricular activities, she’d have felt downright nauseous watching Grizz even acknowledge the parasites on his doorstep.
Staying back, allowing them their space- Amber watched Grizz’s gaze shift from them to her and back, both of them in quiet deliberation and judgement of the others' circumstances.

Sure things had been rough, but this?

“I trust we’ll be hearing from you in due time.”

A brusk New York accent wafted in the breeze as Amber wrinkled her nose. Even from where she stood, far enough to stay within shadow, close enough that she wouldn’t be considered hiding, the air felt heavy as though slicked with grease and muddled ambition.

“We have an agreement, don’t we? I told you, just as I told you’re boss… I’m a man of my word. Take me at that or don’t not bother darkening my doorstep again.”

With a cursory nod of agreement, the men dissolved into the night- giving Amber several wary glances on their way past while she restrained the urge to violently vomit into the nearby rose bushes.

“You know, it’s not becoming of you to eavesdrop.”

Grizz leaned in the doorway thoughtfully, an eyebrow raised as Amber closed the distance and the cut materialized into greater focus. It’d probably need a couple of stitches, easily explained away with feigned clumsiness in the dark- the bruises on her ribs and wrapped around her forearm might have taken a little more creativity though.

“It’s not eavesdropping if you can see me. Not like you were being all that subtle either- may as well have told everyone your business.”

Grizz scoffed softly as Amber paused, scuffing the toe of her sneaker in the rocks distractedly.

“How much do you owe them Grizz?”

She didn’t want to make eye contact, she didn’t even want to have the conversation but to leave it lingering would have only let it fester into contempt and scorn.

“Enough that they wanna check in. Not so much that they didn’t wanna take my kneecaps.”

A pause fell between them, crickets somewhere nearby chirruped as though determined to put their two cents in.

“Cassidy doesn’t know you’re doing this, does she?”

Amber wanted to lie, to throw his question back in his face- but couldn’t manage more than a sigh.

“You know she will eventually, she ain’t dumb. A little naive and maybe a bit overzealous at times, but she’ll figure it soon enough… and then what?”

“Don’t you dare try and turn this on me- you’re the one who has introduced fleas to the proverbial kennel. What if everyone else finds out what are they gonna---”

“--- They’re gonna be happy enough that there’s still money coming in- one way or another. I swore I’d look after everyone who looked after me- and that hasn’t changed Bambi, especially you. You’re like my own blood, and you want me to turn a blind eye while you whore your potential out in exchange for what, a few dollars and some blood in sand and sawdust?”

Grizz stepped out of the doorway, his heavy footsteps echoing across the gravel as his bear like hands cupped Amber’s face gently. Fatherly even, as though she were his own.

“Promise me that I won’t be the one to bury you before your time Bambi.”

Amber stepped away instinctively, as though his touch burned against her skin and the words struck through her chest.

“I’m doing exactly as you would- making my own way by blood and bone. Damn it Grizz, I don’t wanna spend the rest of my life looking in a mirror and seeing bruises and blood splatters, lying to myself that I love the way it feels if only for another couple hundred dollars.”

Amber goes to rummage in her pockets, even in the wake of the night- there's still sweat and blood on the crumpled notes in her jeans.

“I will though, if it means that everything and everyone I care about is a little better off for it…”

“Save your money… and your speech. Someday you’ll need them both on a far grander stage. If you really want to help Bambi… Pray. Pray for us all...”

Leaning down, Grizz planted a soft kiss on her forehead before turning away back towards the harsh yellowed glow in the night.

“... and don’t make the same mistakes that I have.”


“Maybe this question makes me sound bitter…
You know, as though the general opinion has shifted at all since last time I talked down through a camera and told everyone exactly the way the world worked, and why they were going to hate it.

But, does being THIS positive all the time get exhausting?

Cause if I’m honest, I’m fucking wrecked just watching you pair bounce around spewing pleasantries like this suddenly became a popularity contest for class president. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for enthusiasm as much as the next person with a deathwish and enough booze to knock an elephant on it's ass- it's just that… it's so constant.
For the love of god, find an off switch and give the rest of us who prefer misery a chance to wallow peacefully.

See, the thing is a lot of what we do is mind over matter- beyond the whole ‘I don’t mind and you don’t matter’ cliche that I have no doubt was telegraphed three seconds ago. We structure our careers around a placebo effect and place our futures into the hands of people who really don’t care all that much if we actually have one or not.
Being optimistic isn’t a bad thing, but it gets a little worrisome when you start looking at your win loss records through rose colored glasses and start chalking up all those L’s to just ‘bad luck’ and ‘difficult circumstances’.

I know I’m legitimately going to kick myself later for saying this- but I don’t hate you Candy. In all fairness, I don’t hate a lot of things and less people- I find you incredibly tacky and about as enjoyable to be around as having a root canal without a general anaesthetic, but I don’t hate you.
I should, cause you represent so many of the things that I’ve grown to resent about what we do and the way we’re perceived as Bombshells- you’re a walking stereotype that needs to acknowledged as such, you’re so hit and miss these days in that ring that I worry whether you remember that winner isn’t the one looking at the lights.

You take everything that someone like me is trying to build- and you paint it pink and glittery, tuck it away in your fucking purse next to your yapping bathmats and skip on through the flowers towards yet another goddamn loss. All while the world can’t wipe the smile from your face.
I didn’t join Blast From The Past just for the title shot- I’ve got that already, but I wanted to see if something as cutthroat and demanding as a tournament could bring out something more… something better in people that it's expected from.

Krystal Wolfe came and showed up, she went out there and did a damn good job… but she was a long way out of her depth, swimming with the sharks after someone had taken her legs off at the knees. She tried, and she bettered herself- but the result was always inevitable.
Whereas you Candy, I watched your first match… and you were exactly the same as you’ve been since I walked through that door.
Same stupid smile, same endearing nonsense in the ring. Yeah, you won… Cause your partner wasn’t absolute garbage.

I happen to think you’re damn talented- when you want to be. More than once, you’ve proven that you can be something better than the happy-go-lucky, smiley faces and rainbows, everyones my best friend… You’ve proven you can be a champion, you can be more than the punchline to a joke no one asked.

On your best day, you could beat me.

But you won’t.

So busy worrying what everyone thinks, whether you live up to moral expectations and whether your hair flicks just the right way on camera- that you forget that standing across the ring form you is someone who stopped caring what others thought, who realized that moral expectation was an anchor wrapped around a set of concrete stilettos and who realized there was more to stardom and fame than the way she presented.
Fuck opinions, fuck expectation and fuck stupid fucking hair flicks- I joined Sin City Wrestling to prove I was still good enough to call myself one of the best. That everything I did to get where I am meant something and that the things I do will simply be another chapter in a book that maybe no one will ever read- but they’ll know to be true.

I’ve straight up beaten you before Candy, this isn’t just a case of deja vu. It's a regular occurrence cause a match between us can only go one of two ways- pin or submission. I’ll be honest, I don’t even have a preference cause I’m pretty well caught up after Inception with both…
You watched everything unfold with Roxi, you got caught up in the webs and for that I feel a sense of guilt- you were never supposed to be involved and yet suddenly you found yourself in the crosshairs. Now, again, without meaning to- you’re back where you don’t wanna be and part of me almost feels bad for what I’m willing to do to go further.

That's the difference, isn’t it?

I’m willing to do anything it takes, and you’re still trying to wrap your head round the idea of colouring outside the lines.

It’d be almost cut and dry if this wasn’t a dance for two, if there wasn’t some variables to keep things a little more interesting than fight and win.

It’s Coby, right?

Third most important member of a two person tag team.

I should show a level fo reverence cause you know, being a champion and all but it's difficult for me to do anything except wrinkle my nose in disappointment cause you got fucking handed the title when Kris Ryans realized he had far better things to be occupying his time with.
World title problems, and all that I suppose.
Good for him, there's nothing better than a step up- but man does it make you look kinda like a chump. I mean, Mikah at least earned her half of the titles- and before she wants to pipe up, yeah you and Kris beat Mac and I in a fucking random swamp match that had literally no bearing on actually fighting for the mixed tag titles- but if you wanna talk shit, by all means come see me one on one.

In the meantime though, man Coby… For a guy with a title, you’re still looking a little lacklustre. Underground boy hits the big time and realizes that he doesn’t have a lot of time to start measuring up. Maybe if you were teamed with Mikah in this, her snark might have kept you guys afloat a little longer but instead you’re teaming with a woman who would paint over a title plate cause the colours don’t match back with her bedroom rug.
You aren’t idiots- but you’re young and inexperienced teaming with someone almost incapable of taking things seriously until she’s in legitimate danger- after all, look what happened last time.

Candy wasn’t the prize last time, she was bait.

Now it's being dangled out there again like I’ve won the fucking lottery and all I have to do is hand over my bank account details and social security number. Don’t think for a second that this is me writing you guys off before you ever get a word in edgewise- you’ll have your say and you’ll probably say that while I’m a great competitor, that I’m not as good as I think and that last time was just lucky… you know, generic small talk from people who don’t like to look at anything below the surface.
You’re shallow, you’re immature and you just don’t get that this isn’t a carnival game where you win a crappy toy for participating- the further you go, the most desperate everyone gets to be the winner.

You might be desperate, but not quite in the way that gets you past us.

Despayre and I, we might be oil and water. Hell, we might be blood and sand- but we understand what it takes to get a job done and all the ways the human body can be broken down to achieve such results. Despayre is a firecracker, a rabid animal who forgot to clean under his nails between maulings and fucking toxic in such a way that I wish I could bottle and sell it at an exorbitant price. Whereas I’m like creeping death, the reapers mercenary when things start getting a little too out of control- I hold my head up when the world wants me to bow in shame cause I’ve done things that they wish they had the courage to admit their jealousy that they didn’t do it first.

Blast From The Past- it's not about the end result. It's about the journey, it's about taking limits and flushing them down the fucking toilet cause that shit just doesn’t apply here. Candy and Coby- maybe against any other team I might have you pegged as favourites but you drew the short straw and tried to drink from a tall glass that's always halfway filled.

You pulled us though- you pulled a team who doesn’t have ethical limitations or a trigger in their brian to tell them that enough is enough and you can’t kill a person any further once they’re dead. Despayre might be a lot of things- but he’s my partner and, whether the world believes it or not, I’ve got his back till championship match or crash and burn.
I might not be considered trustworthy by many, but look at the sources, people who earned the wrath that befell their doorstep… Those who’ve drawn my attention did so by being blatantly disrespectful cause they believed reputation was far greater a litmus test than what they saw before them.

Win or lose, Despayre is my partner, and he’s one of the only fucking people in this place who doesn’t act like I’m a fucking monster cause I’m willing to be honest about my intentions. Loyalty is worth more than gold and if it came down to it, I’d be willing to bleed out on that canvas if it meant Despayre got his title shot...

Try and tell me that either of you would be willing to do the same thing.”


Madame Tussauds Wax Museum
Las Vegas, ND

“These things never fail to give me the creeps.”

Amber mused idly while staring into the weirdly lifeless eyes of Tiger Woods. Profoundly fake, and yet real enough look that you wanted to reach out just in case- god, it was almost as though they’d taken inspiration from the pro wrestling industry and proceeded to make a fortune by recreating pop culture iconography with it.
Temptation dictated that she reach out and touch, just to satisfy curiosity but there was something immensely off-putting- even just in the ways the lights captured changes in complexion and the faint microexpressions etched into features that looked as though they changed the moments the lights went down.

Fascinating and yet incredibly unsettling, Amber even had to admit that she was enjoying herself far more than she expected- maybe it wasn’t so much the setting as it was the company though. Despayre, in spite of the obvious quirks, seemed to have taken enough of a liking to the redhead that he didn’t run off the moment she entered a room or say something disparaging simply cause that had become the status quo for those still figuring out how to string a competent insult together.

Despy, for what it was worth, made her feel normal.

Around him, she wasn’t a monster. She wasn’t a force of nature. She was just some redhead chick who shared a ring with him on occasion and had proven herself to be pretty cool- under the right circumstances. Maybe he didn’t care what she’d been known for, maybe it didn’t even matter- but there was something that invigorated the darker recesses of her chest to know that for once… for fucking once in a very long time…

She wasn’t being judged.

It was strange, she found herself contemplating, as she tore herself away from the golf players waxen visage. Something about Despayre put her at ease, as though the idea of expectation had been lifted the moment that he didn’t really know who she was- many would have taken such a slight as insulting and derogatory, but for someone who spent their career trying to change the way they were perceived… Well, it was almost as though she’d been gifted a brand new start without having to burn ever chapter that came beforehand.

Around Despy, Amber got to be… someone else.

Not necessarily herself, cause in truth she wasn’t sure what that even constituted anymore, but someone who’s reflection she didn’t internally hate.

“I dunno, it's almost too lifelike you---”

Perhaps as should have been expected as Despayre and by proxy Angel, had managed to disappear among the figures with as much subtlety as one might imagine a hyperactive toddler would walking into a Build-A-Bear workshop on International Teddy Bears day.
Pale complexion and shock of dark hair on a small physique, it wasn’t difficult to spot the imposter among fakes while he had a startlingly multi-faceted conversation with a Lady GaGa figure comparing her to someone called Delia that he reminisced upon quite fondly.

“--- know.”

Shaking her head with a warm and knowing smile, Amber began her rather leisurely pursuit of her tag team partner who seemed rather intent on integrating himself with the figures rather than simply spectating as others might. Pausing, Amber's smile twitched upwards as she restrained laughter as Despy had tried to mimic a rather sassy looking Beyonce pose- only succeeding in looking as though he’d developed scoliosis and a hernia in the same blink of an eye.
If nothing else, it was a welcome distraction from the demons she found herself trying to outlast- his carefree nature rubbing off even just a little bit on the redhead who’d found herself retreating further back into her own head by the week.

“I gotta say though, this Beyonce backup dancer might give the Queen a run for her money…”

It was sarcasm badly disguised as bemusement, a compliment wrapped in an itchy blanket of mockery. Who was Amber to tell him any differently though, happiness was such a fucking rarity in the world these days it was a wonder that anyone remembered how smiles worked.
Amber rubbed the side of her head reflexively, trying to put the other lurking shadows to the back of her mind so that she might be allowed to just enjoy doing something that didn’t make her feel pain or misery for an hour… Shadows though were unrelenting and as Despy ‘vanished’ between the figures once more- she couldn't help but swallow that lingering bitterness on the back of her tongue.

Christina had become like an unexpected splinter, like every time she spoke it dug a little deeper under Amber’s skin. It was never supposed to be that way, it was never meant to grow personal- although Amber had made the same claims when it came to Roxi but things had a way of escalating when the ‘good guys’ were determined to be proven right about their righteousness.
Christina was supposed to be a challenge, a step in the right direction- but she’d buried herself in the skin between her fingers and at the top of Amber’s sternum as though woefully determined to justify her own fucking shitty outlooks for the sake of doing so.

No, Blast From The Past was the immediate goal. She owed Despayre that respect and far more- one match in and she’d found a sense of comfort and belonging that she’d struggled to find in anyone beyond the limited social circle she’d curated.
Everyone else was too busy looking at face value, too busy making assumptions based solely on limited experience and word of mouth- it was astonishing what one might hear about themselves through the rumour mill after all. Amber had learned a great deal of things about herself she'd never known before simply because someone else's flaws and faults meant no one would put a magnifying glass to their own for a little longer.

With an easy saunter, Amber followed the excited shrieks through to the Marvel Superheroes display. A perverse attempt to capitalise on branding, although watching Despy somehow squeeze into the space in Hulk's fist was, admittedly, rather impressive. Coloured lights and the faint smell of humanity left Amber feeling a little light-headed as Despayre struck his best heroic poses beside pop cultures best- she couldn’t deny that it left her feeling a little rubbed the wrong way.
For months she’d railed against the idea of heroes and how hypocritical their ideals and the way they were implemented with Roxi, shedding blood and tears in an effort to prove that she wasn’t just fucking insane… but that she was right all along. To now, finding herself among exploited art and storytelling, wearing a smile while something inside scraped her veins raw.

Everyone had their hero phase- the do-gooders out there determined to make the world a better place with a smile and a kind word, the sketchy motherfuckers praying that some mark might buy into their facade long enough to empty their wallet and the somewhere in betweens who couldn't decide which direction their moral compass was pointing- only that ‘doing good’ justified all their actions.
Candy and Coby, they were the first example- enthusiastic, but woefully unprepared for what was about to be rammed down their necks while Christina was undisputedly the last one, acting out of alignment and using emotion and fear to reason her outrages.

Amber, arguably could have been the middle one- and for a time she was. There were many points in her background that she never hesitated to prey on the socially naive and their pity compass. Distorted Angel wasn’t a cute nickname, it was a descriptor after people who’d fallen for pitiful eyes and an insincere smile only to find their wallet picked clean and their missing watch exposing an unsightly tan line.
Cassidy Parker had been the middle alignment. Brendan ‘Sticky’ Griffiths had been the middle one. Graham ‘Grizz’ Parker- well, he’d taught the redhead that true success had to lie somewhere in between them all- the worst of all worlds and best of none.

These days, Amber could barely even tell up from down, right and wrong never felt more antiquated and outdated- Blast From The Past had initially been a means to an end, but now somehow that journey was far outweighing the destination.
Stepping out from the display a little indignant, Amber found the amused smile return and weight lift as Despayre had already surged ahead- although a little too literally as the waxen visage as a member of BTS had rolled from its body only to be replaced with one far more gaunt and animated while Angel hitched a ride on his shoulders.

It’d be a matter of moments before they’d likely be escorted out by security, no doubt, possibly banned for the vandalism as though it weren’t a vast improvement on the original. Maybe she should have been mad, disappointed that their fun would be ending abruptly- yet watching Despy attempt to place his chin on the headless figure of a K-Pop boy band member was almost enough of a distraction to make her forget the obnoxious vibration of her phone in her pocket.

“Ah, fuck it.”

No. For once- real life could just fucking wait…

With a gentle kick, the head rolled further to the side as Amber took up beside Despy as the first of the security rounded the corner- their dismay and disgust overshadowed by the display of childish happiness and stupidly relentless joy.

Climax Control Archives / ... The Excess Of Sprinkles ...
« on: February 19, 2021, 07:06:29 PM »
“The eye of a hurricane is a real Cyclops, and confusing a blink with a wink can be deadly. Sometimes I flirt at 100 miles per hour.”
― Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not FOR SALE

Undisclosed Fairgrounds
Somewhere in Arizona

“A quarter for extra sprinkles?!?”

Amber had never seen a 13 year old so incredulous as she barely restrained her own grin, the sheer defiance that radiated off Cassidy Parker in this moment  would have been far more astounding had she not also been pouting stroppily.

“Come on, that's a rip off.”

With an easy smile, the young local charged with minding the ice-cream van leaned further into the makeshift window, clearly finding greater purchase in these negotiations than his opponent, even now the edges of the soft serve started to dribble down the edge of the waffle cone- however Cassidy was less than moved.
Stubborn was an understatement, maybe that's why Amber had come to love the younger girl- a willingness to fight, to scratch and claw for what she felt was deserved… even if they were only a goddamn quarter.

“Maybe so, but it's half of what I’m charging anyone else who doesn’t have their last name plastered all over this shit show.”

Amber shook her head slightly in reaction, he wasn’t exactly wrong- from the moment they’d rolled into town it seemed as though the universe had conspired to force them to leave again. There was that damn stubbornness again though, this time Grizz and his ‘show must go on’ mentality that would just as easily see them all in jail as it would under the accursed glow of neon.
Everywhere they went- Grizz believed the people wanted to be entertained, they wanted to be amused and amazed, they wanted to be dazzled and most importantly- they wanted to empty their wallets, even if they didn’t know it yet.

“We pick our own poisons, Bambi. We take what we’re given and we drink to the last drop cause anything less is taking it for granted. Maybe we don’t like the taste, maybe we know it’ll be the death of us- but we drink it down all the same.
Burning the lot used to be a rarity, now it's more commonplace than a welcome back.”

Even now, Amber could recall the times when locals gave them sideways snarls and furtive glances as though eye contact might be infectious-
Burning the lot… Grizz had mentioned the term a couple times, mostly in the context of when the law enforcement showed up on arrival into town with the strongly worded urge that they carnival should keep moving instead.
Thinly veiled threats did little for hostilities and less for peaceful reconciliations.

“It's when a carnival cheats a town so badly that they won’t allow anyone back for a long while. Little attempt to conceal the cons, brazen shenanigans with planted marks- think of it as socially and professionally  salting the Earth…”

“How about… a dime.”

With some indistinct rummaging, Cassidy pulled a lint covered dime from the pocket of her jeans as though she might have just found the key to perpetual energy or world peace.
With a raised eyebrow, the surprised glance travelled from Cassidy to Amber and back again with a certain comedic slowness.

“Let's put it this way sweetheart... Even the Queen of fucking England ain’t getting extra sprinkles for a dime.”

Petulant but determined, Cassidy straightened up and reflexively fixed the ponytail of boundless curls that fell like tendrils at the base of her neck. Amber tuned out slightly, her mind wandering and distant as the negotiations continued heatedly- besides, Amber knew Cassidy had at least five dollars strewn between pockets and socks.
Perhaps being surrounded by scum and pickpockets had made her paranoid, even though no one would ever dare try it.

“Thought I might find you sweet things near something sugary and delightful.”

Sticky sidled up beside Amber, hell even his presence made her itch uncomfortably. With his baseball cap slightly tilted as though he saw it once on a rap video, Sticky gave Amber a very obvious up and down look before turning his eye to Cassidy…

“... Don’t you dare even think about it.”

Amber's low growl resonated from deep within dredged from somewhere beneath her diaphragm, slathered in bile and venom and audible only between them as it reverberated through both their souls simultaneously. Sticky shuddered with a soft groan as though subtly and single-mindedly trying to make literally every interaction as disagreeable and galling as humanly possible.
Leaning in, he lowered his tone to match only finding something more guttural and insincere crossing his lips.

“Ooohhh, I like that. Do that again, but say my name....”

Amber edged closer with a look that stopped even his advances col- whilst the thought passed between them whether looks truly could kill. Sticky brushed a few tresses that had almost matted into dreadlocks away as his face regained some semblance of colour.

“I’m serious”

“So am I, you should talk to me like that all the time”

“I’d rather put you in a hole and piss in it.”

“If I knew that's what it would take to get you to piss on me, Red I’d have dropped dead years ago.”

Amber recoiled violently, the back of her tongue caked in bitter bile as she swallowed hard, just in time to watch Cassidy secede in neotionations and dig into her pockets to pull out the remainder of the quarter she owed- making sure it was in as much small currency as possible. Most would have considered the act petty and impolite, but that mattered less than ever as her hand became quickly stained with ice-cream and wayward sprinkles.

“Let me be clear Sticky, I hope you live forever- only cause I think death is far too good for you. Given the opportunity I’d reincarnate you as a fucking ant if only so I could have the distinct pleasure of crushing you into the dirt and no one caring.”

Sticky contemplated for a moment, his gaze travelling over towards Cassidy as she approached then back to Amber before falling somewhere in between.

{color=orange]“Y’know Red, one day… she ain’t gonna listen to you anymore.”[/color]

Amber said nothing as they both watched as Cassidy happily licked away at the diminishing soft serve while, perhaps thankfully, still out of earshot by the time Sticky murmured something under his breath that made Amber see white.

“... and I can only hope that when that day comes, she’s gonna be sucking up my cream like that.”

Sickened to her stomach, Amber turned on a dime and drove her left fist through Sticky’s jaw- woefully unhinged, she wanted to vomit just as badly as she wanted to put his face through the centre of the Earth. Cassidy was her little sister, maybe not by blood, but by heart… by spirit… by sheer goddamn force of fucking will… and if Amber could help it, Sticky would never get within 5 feet of her ever again.
It took a few moments to reconnect with her body, but in those missing seconds she could only presume that she’d driven her knee into his chest and tried to swing wildly at his face as Sticky pitifully tried to cover up.
Whether she was hitting or not seemed irrelevant- she just wanted him to understand in no uncertain terms just how far he’d chosen to cross the line, and that a simple sheepish grin wasn't gonna make that go away.

“Fucking hell Amber, whats gotten into you?!”

Small hands gripped at her shoulders, trying to drag the raging redhead from a quarry that might have resembled Sticky under a bloodied and beaten facade. Only now did her fists ache- a cut from one of his teeth coming loose had sliced into one of her knuckles while her jaw throbbed from having been clenched to the point her teeth might turn to dust.
Shocked and dismayed, completely oblivious to everything beforehand, Cassidy managed to pry Amber off and into the dirt where she skidded slightly- blood and sand mingling across her half-clenched fists.

“Have you lost your goddamn mind?”

Amber stuttered slightly, unable to articulate her fury. Somehow it was the waffle cone now sideways in the dirt and melting fast and the multitude of sprinkles now disappearing into the grassy like crappy sugared confetti, that drew her eyes first… A sudden wave of guilt followed by a renewed sense of indignation.
Cassidy, clearly shaken, eyed them both warily as Amber tried to straighten herself up.

Perhaps it was the universe or just her eyes playing tricks on her- but behind the bloody bubbles in the corner of his mouth and the fast rising swelling of his right eye, Amber could have sworn she saw Sticky fucking smile.


“I do love me some irony kiddies.

Not the irony of 10,000 spoons and no knives, but the kind where we take names in this business that we have no justification towards- but be damned if we don’t cause they sound cool.
I’ve been doing this a long time, probably far too long according to my doctor and likely everyone who’s ever had the known misfortune of sharing a ring with me when I’m having a rather shit day.
Spoilers, for those inclined, that's more often than not these days.

Stay off fucking social media, that's your tidbit of advice for the day.

Fact is, I’ve thrown hands with leviathans and living legends, spat thumbtacks into the eyes of beasts and beauties- maybe that's all made me a little blase, a little embittered beyond reason cause I’m so sick of everyone thinking that their name means more than what they do in that ring.
We take up our mantles as representation- that's the appetizer, that's what gets everyone enthused and excited but so many think they have to sound ‘cool’ as though that changes the fact they exude as much determination as a toddler doing a sudoku.

Don’t laugh, those things are hard.

Here’s the thing though Krystal… I never gave myself my own names, I didn’t decide that this was going to define my existence. I used my real name cause I take responsibility for my actions and suck up the consequences regardless of how they might burn on the way down.
I didn’t get called a hurricane cause I hit like a gentle autumnal breeze, I didn’t earn the mantle of a distorted angel cause I’m the type of girl you bring home to mom and dad in the fucking suburbs.
I could have been anything in this industry- I could have walked in calling myself ‘BitchFace McBadass’ from day dot and still done everything I have, but it wouldn’t nearly have meant as much cause Amber Ryan… she’d have been the second best face I wore.

Wolfe. Apex predator. Alpha.
Not the worst choice you could have made- I mean plenty have been worse, there are those out there who change their identity on a weekly basis I can’t even tell if I’m fucking dissing the right person when I try to @ them.
Hey Christina Crystal Rose Disappointment Hilton Zdunich, hey yeah… Go shine up my title real nice and then fuck yourself.
Seriously though, it's just a shame that such a defiant and hard hitting name now refers to, what is essentially, a goddamn rookie.

That's not your fault of course, everyone has to start somewhere.
We all need to have that match in the beginning of our careers that tests us to our limits, that sets the bar for what comes next and possibly unleashes an unseen potential that will carry you on for months, maybe even years to come…
This match is not that match. This match is the one where you learn that some people aren’t meant to be beaten at this time, that you’re allowed to be woefully out of your depth while still swinging for the skies in hopes of striking lucky with god’s pinky toe.
This match is a fucking exhibition, it's the match that either makes or breaks your career cause the fact is- if you can survive a match with me at the moment, then you’ve got something inside worth bottling and selling on the dark web.
You’ll lose, but you’ll do it with your head held high, right? Cause optimism… Yeah, optimism is fucking toxic and I don’t want you to get any of it on me.

Don’t think any of this is cause I don’t like you- obviously the name Krystal might need a little work given the shared company, and frankly I think you deserve a little better than that association, if anything I’m pretty indifferent to your whole existence.
Despayre trained you. Mark Cross is teaming with you. I should feel a little more intimidated considering I’m the proverbial odd man out- but the truth is, when we step in that ring… Everything you’ve learned, everything you’ve soaked up from GO Gym like a precious little rookie sponge- it's getting tested against battle hardened, no nonsense, hard hitting reality.
I might be known for my hardcore antics, but I can throw down wiht the best of them- you don’t have to dig far into my records to see that having weapons is just a plesant bonus.
I handle my shit and I do it on a level that you’re aspiring too…

Instead of being inspired though, you’re absolutely fucking terrified.

Hell, I mean you’re running scared before you ever come face to face- all those cute gifs on Twitter, the passive anxiety ridden tweets and the fact you’re literally advertising the fact that you’re terrified before I’ve ever thrown a punch- which, by the way, is very flattering however I’m still gonna make you swallow a few teeth just as a memento.
You’re turned me into the goddamn boogeyman, the monster under your bed and a disappointed parent all in one… while that's highly amusing and increasingly irregular, it doesn’t make me pity you, it certainly doesn’t make me change my outlook.
Tournaments have always been a favourite of mine, and I’m known to be pretty damn good at them.

Whether it was you, whether it was that ineffectual excuse for a bombshells champion or even any other woman who signed up for this absolute shit show- I’d approach this match the same way. With the mentality that I’m winning this whole damn thing.
I’m not taking you lightly Krystal so let's not get that idea all twisted- I’ll deal with Christina when the time comes and when I decide it's worth doing, she’s not a factor in this match and if she tries to be then she won’t fucking make it to Blaze Of Glory. No, I’m laying out the facts as you’ve presented them sweetheart- and you’ve lost this match before my music ever hits…

That's not disrespect though, that's the most honest I’ve ever had an opponent be with me.
Frank. Harsh. I like it.
You’re taking a swing at the reaper hoping that you don’t hit, that I’m gonna take this with a grain of salt and you might sneak out with your life- reputation is one thing but it's not everything.
When it comes down to it Krystal, you’re dead weight before the match ever starts- and maybe concrete boots don’t bother dragons all that much, but you gotta think it becomes a hindrance on that rise to completing the double.

I mean it’d certainly be impressive, wouldn’t it?

Dragging the dark horse into the light of success only to watch her flounder under the pressure. You’re not above taking that weight on yourself, at least you certainly strike me that way- problem is, you also strike me as someone who uses blunt humour to dissuade his insecurities.
Maybe it’d be triumphant even, a story to be regaling across the bar for years to come- yeah that's all well and good until you wake up and realize that you’re somehow missing a chunk of your dignity and also a pant leg cause wrestling is weird.

Call it a trial by fire if you want a little wordplay, a test for the great Mark Cross to see if he can defy the odds and drag a determined bright spark through the mire without her pristine attitude getting stained by all the fucking assholes who’d rather see her fall within their ranks.
I just wanna see what happens when you start tearing away the layers, all those defensive mechanisms and defeatist attitude- maybe there's something underneath or maybe you’re far more fucked than when we first started this little dance.
In the end, I don’t need a knight to slay this dragon- your partners gonna do that well enough by herself. Cross, sweetheart, you’re already chained to the mountain of expectation and your partner has openly admitted to tightening the collar.
Despayre isn’t some goddamn schmuck in all this, it's a team effort and I might be a fucking piece of shit down to my bones, but I’m gonna stand by my partner until the end- whether that's now, which it won’t be, or at the end of this tournament with our hands being raised side by side.

Loyalty is a lost art, and I’m a lot of things but a traitor sure isn’t one.

Don’t get me wrong, in the end we’re all gonna tear this fucking roof down, but the problem is that you’re getting left under the rubble and we’re crawling out with a little dust on our t-shirts ready to face the next pair of whoevers trying to avoid us in the brackets.

I get Despayre might be different, hell he might be out of his goddamn mind and off his rocker- but that little bragging right achievement you keep waving around trying to overcompensate Cross? Yeah, you’re not the only one looking for the extra notch in the belt…
Only difference is that he managed to do it with a far worse partner against better opponents- whereas you’re about to trip at the first hurdle cause your partner tied your fucking shoelaces together. Face down in the dirt ain’t so bad at first darl, after awhile you get used to it and never wanna leave- hell, I’ll even come back around and kick a little dust in your face after the final just so you can say you got a taste of victory off the bottom of my sneakers.

Despayre. Amber.

Yeah, it turns out that your esteemed partner had it right all along, Cross.

Cause it’s not up to Despayre and I to win, that's just the most beautiful thing about this all, it's up to everyone else to stop us.”


Undisclosed Diner
Reno, ND

“... and both with extra sprinkles?”

For a moment, Amber seemed to have lost herself in a haze. Everything recently had become far more blurred at the edges, her perspective on the world in a constant flux that she couldn’t quite pinpoint the source of- it seemed like everything in her head was moving and she was starting to get a little seasick.

“Yeah, as much as you can manage. If they’re not drowning in them, it's not enough.”

Amber shot the woman a smile and hoped that it didn’t come across as false as it felt, maybe she was just overtired these days. Planning a wedding had been one thing, the travel another and then trying to wade through the growing fog between her ears left her a little more irritable than she dared to admit.
Shrill, it was just another night she might have to simply grit her teeth through the discomfort of simply living and accept that some things… and some people… were just a little more important.

They must have seemed like something out of a movie well passed it’s meagre budget- a hard boiled, relatively attractive redhead in an oversized hoodie with what looked like a resting bitch face that had voluntarily swallowed razor blades and a young, pale and borderline emaciated man with facial piercings and a demeanor more commonly seen in a 6 year old on ecstacy talking rather animatedly to a large stuffed teddy.

It surely couldn’t be scripted any better.

When they had arrived, Amber caught a glimpse of the waitress behind the counter making the sign- something that Amber had never felt so giddily in the place she was sure used to hold either a soul or caffeine reserves. Reseating herself at the table, whilst making very brief eye contact with a less than conspicuous man watching the proceedings from three booths down- like Despayre’s father, if research had done her true justice, Amber watched Despy and Angel fall silent… as though Angel had contributed much to the conversation to begin with.

Yeah, there was that judgemental teddy bear side eye again.

Moments passed as the ever fidgeting Despayre looked to Amber, back to Angel, waved at a random stranger who’d taken the wrong moment to glance up from a newspaper and then back to Amber with an almost concerned smile.
Amber barely restrained herself as Despayre, in a not so quiet whisper, leaned into Angel.

“Quick! Say something smooth! This is awkward!”

Maintaining composure as much as one could in this situation, Amber cleared her throat slightly while trying to find something relevant to say.

“So… Blast from the past.”

Yeah, well done Amber. Not clumsy at all.
In truth, she wasn't really used to dealing with many people outside her rapidly shrinking social circle. Most of the time she relied on those around her, Mac especially found greater purchase in social interactions whereas Amber simply smiled and pretended like she didn’t hate it. It wasn’t as though she hated them per se- unless she did which was usually entirely valid- it was the fact that she’d spent so long deliberately disconnecting from people in hopes that maybe she’d simply fall off the face of the Earth. When that hadn’t happened, or when someone had found enough reason to drag her back from the edge of the void, she’d found it difficult to reconnect in a way that didn’t feel hollow or forced.

Smiles were feigned and interests dismissed the moment they didn’t resonate. Fact was, at least to Amber- she’d have rathered be alone if only cause she knew she could trust herself.

Except more recently, she couldn’t seem to do that either.

“So I’ve got two ice cream sundaes…”

Amber flashed another smile, the kind she’d seen others use with ease  all the time, as the glass sundae bowls chinked against the coated chipboard surface.

“... extra sprinkles. Coffee won’t be long.”

Extra sprinkles was a damn understatement, Amber was almost sure there was more cheap, coloured sugar confetti than there was ice-cream. God, even the look of it made her want to throw her stomach out of the nearest window…
Subtly, not that Despayre noticed as he ferociously dived into his own, Amber shifted the glass bowl in front of Angel whom she was sure gave her the first semi-approving look since they’d first met. God, what the fuck was she thinking… it was a bear. It wasn’t like it was real.

Between mouthfuls, Amber was vaguely aware of Despayre trying to communicate back, a dribble of ice-cream falling from the corner of his lips as the waitress arrived back with coffee for the redhead. In spite of professional instinct, the waitress did little to hide her confusion about a full sundae sitting in front of an idle teddy bear while the young man shovelled ice cream like a six year old being rewarded for a good report card that absolutely wasn’t faked. Nonetheless, she left the mug of coffee along with cream and sugar that would be shoved aside the moment she turned away.

“Yeah. So… I mean do we have a strategy going into this? Still kinda wrapping my head around this whole ‘not intergender’ thing admittedly, I’m used to just throwing hands at whoever stood in the way. Man woman… or teddy bear I suppose.”

A flash of panic crossed Despayre’s eyes as Amber followed up as quickly yet calmly as she could get the words out- almost as if she always intended on doing so.

“Not Angel of course. I doubt I’d last a minute…”

Typical, Amber mused silently as she sipped away at coffee barely warm enough to still be satisfying. In a few minutes it’d be damn near undrinkable, and yet she’d down every drop if only to get through the night without finding herself in a psych ward or jail cell.
Without a word, and before she could even catch herself doing so, Amber had unfolded a poorly aligned napkin and reached across the table to catch the dribble of ice-cream that had now become a small stream at the corner of Despayre’s lips.
It was difficult to tell if Despayre was surprised or scared as Amber settled back into her seat, scrunching up the napkin half-heartedly and tossing it onto the table.

“Look, I get all of this is probably a goddamn nightmare. I won’t lie and pretend like my heart didn’t skip half a beat when I got paired with you- mostly for the fact that I didn’t really know what to expect. I just...
I know what Christina did, and if she didn’t already have an anvil of karma hanging over her head then I’d love to drop one on her just for that.
You probably still have no idea of anything about me- and that's fine. Maybe it's better than fine. I just want you to know, as weird as it probably is, I’m not like her. I’ve got your back whether we win or lose- if only for the fact that you didn’t immediately dismiss me cause of my reputation from the get go.”

Another silence, although less awkward than the last. Amber was sure she caught Synn shifting in his seat as she spoke, however Despayre seemed a little less moved- after all, there was still a lot of ice cream there. Still, if nothing else it was nice not to be spoken down to or demeaned cause her reputation had poisoned the proverbial well…

Like a shot, Despayre’s head shot up

“Is that… Is that a Cher impersonator?!”

Whether it was or not was irrelevant it seemed, as within seconds he had disappeared to the other side of the diner with an ungainly spring in his step and renewed ice-cream trail tracing down his chin- leaving Amber and Angel alone at the table.

Angel wasn’t ‘real’, yet something about it…

“Let's be blunt here, shall we?”

Amber sighed as she lowered her voice, as though talking in the direction of a stuffed animal wasn’t conspicuous enough to begin with.

“You definitely don’t like me, and that's fair. I’ve probably earned that distinction. I mean you’re a fucking teddy bear so I’m honestly pretty indifferent but Despayre, well he seems to hold you in the highest regard and I guess that means I should too.”

Amber raised an eyebrow as though expecting something back, though finding only dead air, a little bit of dust and the fast melting remains of an icecream sundae between them.

“You’re looking out for him, but in this tournament- so am I, hell- he might be the only person I’ve met in a long time that didn’t outright dismiss everything I’ve done or shit all over it for the sake of some hype. That means a lot, and maybe I’m just a body in that ring to him, a partner to get through a match or two… but I dunno, there's something about him, reminds me of someone I used to care about a lot.
Not that you care, you’re a goddamn teddy bear, you know?”

Returning with less pep in his step, Despayre flopped back into his seat whilst looking wistfully into the last dregs pooling in his bowl.

“What’s wrong? Wasn’t it a Cher impersonator after all?”

An almost mournful, disappointed sigh followed as Amber leaned in closer with a distant attempt at comfort.

“No… It was Cher.”

If disappointment had a definable facial expression, you’d have been sure this was it. Leaning back into her own seat, Amber took a few moments to compute everything although strangely less than surprised at the turn of events. Sure enough, the coffee had gone cold enough that the bitterness clung to her tongue and that faintly acrid burnt taste became it's best attribute.
Perhaps sensing that there was nothing really left to achieve from the ‘meeting’ as such, Synn approached the table quietly- a sight which immediately perked up Despayre who practically scrambled to his feet. Leaving an assorted jumble of notes and coins on the table, Synn gave Amber a knowing nod as Despayre took Angel up into a tightly clutched hug.

“Thanks for the ice-cream Flamin’ Hot Cheetos chick!”

How it was only then that Amber found Angel’s bowl to also be empty, not even so much that- but practically licked clean, was almost as confusing in itself as was the smear of ice-cream staining Angel’s fuzzy muzzle.

“Yeah, sure. Anytime… I think?”

Maybe this was finally it.
Maybe she’d finally gone mad
Maybe she’d finally and verily lost it completely.

Bring on the white jacket and padded walls, she silently mused, as she too gingerly exited the confines of the booth- still nursing confusion and doubt in her eyes and an oddly serene smile across her caffeinated lips.

… Maybe, and most oddly, she realized she’d never been so goddamn happy about it.

Climax Control Archives / ... The Sticky Fingers ...
« on: October 30, 2020, 09:59:13 PM »
“My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you've been mean to someone, they won't believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it's time to stop being nice, then destroy them.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, A Stroke of Midnight

Undisclosed Fairgrounds
Somewhere in North Carolina

It could have been argued that pickpocketing was an artform.

When done poorly it was clumsy and misguided, feeding into a public misconception that it was a gamble for the sly of hand and blunt of mind. Everyone always thought they’d be able to tell, that they’d have this innate awareness and they’d catch them triumphantly quite literally with their hand in the cookie jar.
Done well though- now that's was a whole other story, Amber mused leaning against the paint chipped and flimsy railing. Revellers lined up just behind her murmuring excitedly between themselves, watching the flailing metal arms toss paying customers about wildly like some crazy mechanical jaunt that was three years behind in its service schedule.

If she were so inclined, Amber would have said that Brendan “Sticky Fingers” Griffiths was one of the best she’d ever come across, however she absolutely wasn’t inclined mostly for the fact that he embodied being a massive scumbag. Shaggy, dirty blonde hair fell around his face like the destitute version of a 90’s boy band heartthrob and his thin lanky frame reminded Amber of a sentient coat rack once the personality had been sucked out. Even his faded baseball cap had been turned backwards, dark eyes somehow lighting a fire under anything with a pulse still figuring out their sexuality.
She’d watched him chatting up some girls for the previous 20 minutes… Young, easily impressionable, looking to rebel for the sake of rebellion, crushing hard on this older guy who seemed to just ‘get them’.

Amber wanted to vomit right then and there.

By now he’d gotten two of the three wallets and a watch off a particularly boisterous girl as though she were trying to lay her claim, she fluttered her eyelashes and pouted in such a way that girls barely out of school shouldn’t have known. If Ambere weren’t so disgusted with the show, she might have actually been impressed- the way he kept them all in a line, captivated and giddy, they never noticed when his hand grazed against their leg or the faint scrap of metal on skin as the watch disappeared beneath slippery fingers as his hand touched theirs.

Too busy trying to convince themselves that they can be the one to change him, that they could convince him to remain loyal, that they could be everything he’d ever want. They couldn’t be any of those things though, all they’d become to him was another literal notch in his belt and all he’d become to them was an embarrassing story about bad decision making.
Local sophomores, two blondes and a raven haired girl- not that it mattered to ‘Sticky’, he’d picked them as marks almost an hour earlier- sidling up beside Amber like a sleaze trying to whisper in her ear…

… “A tenner says I can get all their wallets without even having to kiss them”...

Even thinking of it now Amber recoiled violently, his voice reminded her of the sound of metal scraping on metal, metallic and sickly like it triggered every nerve simultaneously.

… “I’ll give you a fiver if you literally never speak to me again”...

He had chuckled at her, like the sound of glass shards breaking under foot.

… “Come on Red, you know you’d be all over me like a rash if you just loosened up a little”...

Swatting him away, she’d become like a conquest. An unattainable goal, a nut that just needed to be approached in just the right angle to crack under his supposed charm.

… “I’d rather chew aluminium foil. Besides you’ve got plenty enough rash without me”...

A sleazy wink and ‘Sticky’ left to go lick his wounds. Probably even practise sucking his own dick cause he’d be the only person that might go near it without a bottle of bleach and a bible.
Amber knew she could have stepped in, hell, she could have done a whole lot of other things too, however she felt it was akin to rubbernecking at a car crash- as macabre and disturbing as it might be, you’re still compelled to stare as you go by and do nothing.
Amber watched on with an unabashed disgust, she caught ‘Sticky’ making a sideways glance finding the stoic redhead amid the garish glow of fairy lights.

It was all a fucking game- like limbo but with human decency, he was trying to get a reaction, he wanted her to step in and kick him to the curb so that he might get within arms distance without being punched for 15 seconds. To be spoken to- even if it were a torrent of profanities and threats of violence.
Grizz, despite Amber’s best efforts, wouldn't get rid of him though…

… “He’s good at what he does Bambi, gets people riled up and knocks them down a few pegs. Keeps them coming back for more- yeah he’s a bit of an asshole but he drags that midway like few others round here.”...

Amber understood, money spoke volumes. It's what kept the lights on, the engines running and the wheels turning. Just because he was good at riling a crowd to check out his fucking shitty rigs, didn’t mean Amber had to tolerate him.
With a knowing shake of the head, Amber watched Sticky bid farewell to the girls with overly close embraces, deliberately handsy and downright disgusting as the last wallet lifted out of a less than secure back pocket. With a saunter, Sticky crossed the midway towards where Amber rolled her eyes, his stupid smile wide and triumphant.

“You owe me a tenner, sweetcheeks.”

Amber scoffed loudly, scuffing her shoe against the ground distractedly.

“Go fuck yourself Sticky. I told you before I wasn’t taking your fools bet.”

“Was that a compliment?”

“No, that's me telling you to go and jump.”

Sidling up beside Amber, his arm grazing hers before she could move out of the way, he readjusted his baseball cap to face the right way around, as though that changed anything.

“Come on now Red, stop fighting it. Only place I’m looking to jump is into your…”

Sticky trailed off, although for a second Amber wasn’t sure why. Perhaps the gods had finally taken a mercy upon her soul and taken his voice before he could say something that would likely get another tooth or two knocked out of his head.

“... Hey there, baby girl”

If Amber hadn’t wanted to vomit before, she could taste the bile now. Cassidy Parker, with her curls falling around her face and a spring in her step, gave Sticky a doe eyed look as though he’d suddenly grown a halo and some wings- ascending down a staircase of light.
Local girls were a different story, they weren’t Amber’s responsibility- however Cassidy… God, she was like Amber’s little sister, she was like blood and…
Sticky leaned down to give her what she presumed would be a kiss on the forehead- stale, dry and smelling like cheap menthol cigarettes, she’d seen him do it to maybe hundreds of girls before.

“Oh no, fuck no. This… This right here is absolutely not happening.”

Red had never realized she possessed a ‘Mom voice’ before now, but proceeded to wield it like she’d always known she could.

“Don’t you even dare Sticky, I swear to god…”

Cassidy seemed shell-shocked at first, then the pout developed. She must have been working on it in the mirror or something, soft eyes and dimples under the harsh glow of badly aged neon. Sticky had to have expected it though, backing off with his hands raised as though he’d been caught trying to break into a car… again.

“Fine. You do you Red, keep on being the buzzkill. I’ll see you lovely ladies around later I’m sure…”

With a mock bow, inclusive of sweeping off his cap with an over exaggerated flourish, Sticky gave them both a smirk before blowing a kiss in Cassidy’s direction- one which Amber was sure might have made the younger girl melt just a little more in the late afternoon sun.

“... Bye Brendan”

Meek to the point of almost giddy, Amber nearly didn’t catch Cassidy’s farewell over the chatter of the passing crowds and mechanical grinding of the ride behind them- however the moment Sticky had left their sight, Amber turned on Cassidy, grabbing her by the shoulders firmly.

“Brendan? Are you out of your goddamn mind. Him… Of all the people in all the shitholes, Cass… Him?”

Clearly annoyed at what sounded like the beginning of yet another lecture, Cassidy straightened up and brushed herself off slightly.

“It's none of your business Amber- I’m nearly 16. I can make my own choices, you know.”

Matter of factly, Cassidy shrugged Amber’s hands off. That typical teenage know-it-all stare practically boring a hole through Amber’s skull. Not that it had much of an effect on the redheads stance.

“It really is. I literally just watched him chat up three girls to snatch their wallets, what makes you think he’s gonna treat you any different? Hell, he tries to chat me up every time I have the misfortune of seeing him!”

“You don’t know him like I do Amber.”

This was all headed downhill fast, a cart of teenage hormones careening out of control. Cassidy was a damn sweet girl, just wanting to see the best in everyone, but she was so very blind to peoples nature… No doubt Josie probably had a hand in this, Amber mused silently as the staredown continued.

“Maybe he’s a bit rough around the edges, but so are you… You’d steal someone's wallet the moment you met them as well, so why is it okay for you and not him…”

A heavy sigh escaped Amber’s lips as she ran her fingers through her hair, she never thought she’d have to try and explain such things to a nearly 16 year old however things these days really did cease to surprise her.

“I’m not chatting them up before hand inviting them to give me a handy behind the ring toss. We all do what we feel like we have to do, but he has to take everything further Cass. He deliberately pushes the boundaries and wonders why there's blowback…
God, the only reason your Dad keeps him around is cause he knows how to lure marks and swindle them while they think they’re getting a good deal. If he couldn’t talk out of his ass he wouldn’t have a shred of talent to speak of.”

A wave of immediate regret crashed over Amber as she watched Cassidy’s expression sour, what she’d hoped might be conducive to a wake-up call had apparently had the opposite effect. She’d made her more determined, more obsessive. More…

“You don’t know anything Amber- you think you do, but you’re just as shit as the rest of them.”

With a huff, Cassidy went to storm off presumably to find Sticky somewhere along the midway- however before the growing swell of crowds swallowed her whole, Cassidy- with a couple of tears smearing mascara down her cheek- turned and gave the redhead a chilling dead eye stare.

“He loves me Amber… and I love him.”

Before sound could escape Amber’s mouth, the syllables dying half way in her throat, Cassidy was already gone. Leaving the 18 year old redhead perplexed and a little nauseous… Yeah, maybe she did need to be sick after all.


“You know, it goes without saying that too much of anything is toxic.

Good, bad and otherwise- it's just as unsafe to drink yourself into an oblivion or pump yourself full of heroin as it is to over hydrate with water or consume too many vitamins. Granted some of these things work much faster than others- the result is always the same.

Imminent, painful and probably lonely death.

So what about sugar. What about sugar and spice, and all things nice… Sweet, saccharine, cloying goodness- the kind that leaves you feeling like you might have just contracted diabetes through proximity.
It's no secret that it rots you from the inside out, blackens and decays everything to the point it starts to just fall away in chunks and you start to slowly implode- by the time you realize what's happening on the outside, you’re already halfway collapsed in and the rest is just an inevitability.

I like to think that the same goes for attitude- nothing is tenable long term, nothing can be maintained to the same level forever, eventually things have to change or they start to become stale, they start to fester and they become septic.
Thing is Candy, we don’t know each other all that well… You probably think I’m kind of an asshole cause you’re one of Team Hero’s many loyal, ardent lemmings straying towards a cliffs edge, and I think you’re a tremendous wrestler who also happens to be completely dense and I wonder why you haven’t switched from laces to velcro.

What I do know about you though, and what you tend to be most well known for, is your bubbly effervescent attitude. Your sweet as candy, pardon the pun, perspective on a word that just like to piss all over anything resembling goodness. A flickering candle being dragged into a black hole if you will…
I also think it's a terrible detriment to your career. I think your inability to perceive anything outside of ‘good’ and ‘really mean’ leaves you at a deficit and hampers your ability to climb the proverbial ladder of success. Essentially you’ve hit the glass ceiling just above head height, but you’re too fucking nice to bust through cause that might mean doing something untoward. You’d rather hover at the same level for risk of offending anyone around you.

I’m not sitting here saying that you need to become a piece of trash to succeed, far from it. However, like everything in this word, too much of a good thing becomes toxic and Candy… sweetheart… hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’re far more rotten on the inside than any of us.
Worst part is, you don’t even realize your career has gone terminal around you.
Roulette title? Long gone, hell you haven’t even had a sniff at anything close to accomplishment since… That match, if you can even call it that, with Sin? Luck. Pure fucking luck, Candy. She should have tore you limb from limb but she underestimated you- that's the only reason you survived.

I won’t take accomplishments from you, but you’re stagnant. You’ve put your career in park and are comfortable watching the traffic move by without you- not realizing you’re choking to death on your own niceties in the meantime.
You’re good, and that's literally it. That's everything you are as a person, as a wrestler, as a member of this bombshells division- arguably the most competitive in the company… Feel free to @ me if you don’t agree kiddies.
Everything that makes you special can be summed up in a word. In a syllable.

Thing is, you won’t even mind.

You’ll take it as a compliment and tell everyone I said something nice about you like I’m only capable of being a complete asshole. I can’t possibly be a complete asshole though, cause there happen to be several important pieces missing.

If anything, I’m actually a damn good person.

Stop laughing.

At every possible turn, I have taken the higher road. I’ve been upfront and honest about my intentions from the start- yet I’m the one who people seem to think is a piece of shit? I’ve done ALMOST everything by the book- I walked into this company and I challenged Roxi.
I didn’t lay a goddamn finger on her until the time came when I realized she wasn’t going to give me the respect that I was due as a competitor and a rival- I have played nice until it was no longer time to play nice anymore…

Even then it was strictly professional.

See, that's what people like me do Candy… What people like Alicia Lukas and Evie Jordan do. What successful competitors in a business designed to bring out the worst in people do night in and night out. We go out and we do what is necessary- it doesn’t matter if we like it or even if we like ourselves afterwards, it doesn’t matter what other people think. It's what has to be done- otherwise you have people like Jessie Salco, like Bea Barnhart, like Violet Holt and like yourself leading a division set to collapse under the weight of its own expectation.

You play nice until nice doesn’t get you any further Candy. Not until you’ve got nowhere left to go but down.

So yeah, I am a good person Candy.

It’s just that I happen to be a far better wrestler.”


Amber’s Apartment
Atlantic City, NJ

Amber had never expected to be concerned about smelling like she’d just crawled out of a bayou.

That being said, two days after Climax Control and she swore up and down she could still smell stagnant water and swamp grime in her pores. Normally she’d have opted to head straight back to Baltimore or stay in Vegas with Mac however things felt a little… well… different.
Maybe it was the fact they’d taken their first loss as an ‘official’ SCW team or maybe it's the fact that Mac had gotten down on a knee, poured his heart out and proposed… and Amber didn’t know what to say.

She hadn’t said no, well not really… but she hadn’t jumped for joy and said yes either.

It wasn’t as though she didn’t want to, but at the same time… ugh. Amber paused, a cigarette halfway pulled from an errant packet, she hadn’t even realized she’d gone for them- just an instinctive, reflexive gesture when her nerves were beyond shot.

“You quit remember? Not like the hundred other times before either- come on we’re supposed to be doing better…”

There was nothing like being berated by one's own self-conscience while contemplating what works best to get swamp stench out of ring gear. Leaning back in her plastic chair with one foot on the wrought iron balcony railing, SAmber balanced herself precariously on those back two legs, complete with the knowledge that surely one day those legs would buckle and she’d be on her ass.
Like she had been alot recently it seemed.
Almost ironic really, she’d been so content in the knowledge that she’d become a fully fledged asshole for so long that the moment she tried to improve, the moment her perspective began to shift- the world around her seemed to fall entirely out of alignment.

Of course the loss to The Black Sheep sucked, she’d have been a liar if she wasn’t even the smallest bit disappointed. Maybe it was to be expected to a certain degree, they’d been teaming longer- and besides Texans weren’t exactly at home in swamps.
Still excuses were frivolous and so she avoided them like the plague- give a simple nod to the victors, leaving them with the thought that next time their number might well and truly be up, and be on our merry way.

It wasn’t as though it even left them in any worse of a position- Mac still had an upcoming title match at High Stakes, first supercard and he’d already earned his shot as she’d always expected he would and Amber…

“Yeah, Roxi. Isn’t that a situation and a half- between heroes and demons you’d think we’d just entered the fucking twilight zone.”

To say a curveball might have been thrown into the equation would likely have been an insult to baseball, Sin and all her shenanigans had thrown off the balance that Amber had so carefully curated- Roxi’s focus was split, her priorities skewed and while that made her potentially an easier target it also left her with an excuse. A way out, a reason to question an inevitable result.
Amber twirled the unlit cigarette between her fingers distractedly, the weather in Atlantic City was turning- clouds heavier with rain loomed on a usually neon wasteland horizon, the Boardwalk usually full of tourists clad in loud shirts and skimpy shorts were replaced with the bundled and the cautious, no one wanting to be anywhere outside longer than they needed to be.

Fear was the world's great motivator and perhaps the only reason anything ever really changed.

Fight or flight created a domino effect, it forced action where it might otherwise have been ignored. To create fear was to create a ripple that one day might become a tsunami- it projected through society, capturing those not prepared in it's uptake and spitting them out on the other side harried but otherwise enlightened.
Sin considered herself the embodiment of fear, this dastardly evil determined to see… the end of the world? Amber shrugged to herself, as if anyone might see it, the thought almost comical that a supposed demon could be considered frightening in 2020.

No, Amber had built her career on that concept- the idea that her name could provoke such a fearsome reaction from anyone, that her reputation might precede something far more debilitating was to be considered a success.
To be fearless, was to be foolish.
Admittedly Amber, in her slightly more reckless youth, would have proclaimed to anyone daring to listen that she was fearless, that she couldn’t be scared by anything or anyone cause there was nothing that could be done that she hadn’t already been a part of.
Of course with time and experience- and having been apart of things that absolutely would be considered worse- she’d come to learn that being absent from fear wasn’t to be admired- that the declaration simply proved you had little understanding of how to harness emotion… how to use and abuse it.

To fear something is to have the ability to change it, to learn from it and to adapt around it- and Team Hero, for all their good were misguided paragons of this wayward thinking. Change is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t going to be someone out there fighting against it.
Drumming her fingers against her thigh, the redhead sighed, it wasn’t hard to see why she might be considered the toxic one, after all, it wasn’t as though she’d gone out of her way to bake cookies and make friends with the locker room.

“Hell, being picked as a literal poison says just as much.”

It’d been a long time since she’d been a  weapon wielded in someone else's fight, although it also correlated with creating some collateral damage in her own- so she found herself only mildly opposed to the idea. Seemed obvious really who Candy might have picked for Mercedes, almost as unsurprising that Amber and Candy had found themselves several matches higher on the card than their oppositions- of course, that was a matter of taste and quality but Amber knew better than to say such things allowed.

Some statements just needed to be left to breathe in order to be further appreciated after all.

Amber and Mercedes had already fought to a draw once, so maybe she should have expected it… An expression of respect? Perhaps. An almost guaranteed opportunity to leave her High Stakes opponent far worse off than she’d be cause she was aware of the differences in moral codes between prospective opponents? Yeah. That seemed far more likely in this case.
Amber knew her name carried weight backstage, she’d been there only a few months and already people couldn’t keep her name out of their mouths- it would only be a matter of time before they wished that they’d never spoken her name.

Not that Candy would care, too busy brushing glitter off the ass of a unicorn probably…


A phone vibration in her pocket had never been a more welcome distraction to the mental image forming in her head- too much pink, too much glitter, too much baby talk and far too much enthusiasm for life from someone very obviously not snorting cocaine in an out-of-order bathroom stall. Digging around in her jeans, the smell of incoming rain and salt laden humidity carried on a welcome breeze across her balcony while her phones cracked screen trying to catch on presumably every denim fibre on the way out.
She’d eventually get that replaced. Sometime.

*One new message from Mac Bane*

Of course it was. Although she couldn’t quite understand why she hesitated for a moment to open it, part of her expected the worst if only because the worst always seemed like the most logical solution- like a pessimist's Occam's Razor. A more realistic part of her knew the truth- that he was most likely checking in, probably complaining that the wretched stench of the bayou really got stuck in everything and they’d likely both ignore the proverbial elephant in the room and everything would be…

… “Hey Red, call me when you see this.” …

“… Fine.”


“Have you ever considered what the role of the sidekick is?

An integral trope in the superhero genre, a lynchpin in storytelling because friendship with those perceived as lesser and/or weaker makes a protagonist seem more relatable instead of elitist scum undermining everyone around them for a potential reputational benefit.
A good guy can’t possibly be all that good unless they have someone beside them going ‘Gee golly, that's some mighty fine hero-ing you’re doing Hero’ and everyone smiles cause it's quirky and adorable. They need someone to save, someone to have grow and explore other such indeterminable cliches like ‘validity of violence and causing harm to people who happen to disagree with your outlook’ and ‘when is it romance vs when is it blatant sexual harassment’.

Needless to say, none of those are what the sidekick role is really for.

You know though, don’t you Roxi?

You know, and you’re still gonna let Candy prance on into this match against me like she isn’t just another paper doll in a fucking hurricane. You’re letting her step in against me, and you’re not gonna do a thing about it cause you understand how this is supposed to work…

Sidekicks are collateral damage.

Simply enough, if you create enough emotional investment in them and then you kill them off, all of a sudden the hero has lost something, they have something to fight for cause a sidekick… Give them two issues to grieve and they’ll have a brand new one on their doorstep, begging for a cape before you’ve even had a chance to wash the blood out of the last one.
A dime a dozen and worth half as much- quirky, adorable and entirely replaceable.
Of course you’re okay with it Roxi, cause you know it's just a part of the cycle- we’ve both done this for long enough to see where this is going… Candy, well you think she;d have already learned after the whole Sin thing however we both know that some of us learn a little slower than others.

It's okay though, I’ll make it quick. Maybe if you’re lucky and have the right mortician available- you might even be able to have an open casket… Cause you gotta milk all those fucking sympathy points while you have the chance.
I’d beg you Candy, I’d urge you to reconsider… Not for Roxi’s sake cause fuck her, she had her chance to do better, but for you and all you try to stand for.

Step away from the Heroes.

You think they really care?

You think them checking up on you at shows is love and protection? No, it's guilt. It's remorse cause they all should know better- you’re continually put in these situations of harm and they do nothing until you’re a bloody, crying mess cause prevention doesn’t rack up those twitter likes as quickly as false remorse.
If they cared half as much as you think they do, Sin would never have gotten close to you. Mercedes would never have locked you in a closet and you wouldn’t be preparing to step into the ring with someone who really just wants to go out there and prove she’s not fucking around…
You’re an asset to Team Hero, a disposable pawn on their chessboard. I guarantee you walk away and they’ve got someone just like you practically pissing themselves for the chance to be exactly where you are now.

Tell me Candy, do you think Marcus wants you in this match? You think Fluffy wants to see you go out there and get absolutely wrecked… What about Keira, huh, or is she too worried about cleaning up her mess to worry that her precious little Candy is a lamb led to slaughter. What about Roxi… Too busy worrying about her own skin and how much of it she's prepared to lose stepping up against me again.
Let me be blunt, like the force trauma instead of another adjective for your IQ, you love and respect Team Hero far more than they respect you.

You’re bait. You’re roadkill. You’re collateral damage in fights that you should never have been dragged into. You’re a number on a tally and a strike in a column- most importantly though..

You deserve better, but you absolutely won’t get it from them.

All this goodness, this saccharine facade. You’re attracted to shiny but utterly worthless things which explains why the Roulette title is the best that you could get- oops, that was a bit low… I’d apologize, but anyone who hates ice-cream that much kinda deserves everything they get... but all that glitters sure ain’t gold, you just like the way it looks in your hands.
So sure, glitter might be all shiny and pretty, an allusion to innocent and fragile nature you might try to fool everyone with- but it's entirely useless, just like you’ve been made to seem recently. Glitter, like blood, means almost nothing until it's in your eyes…

Maybe you’re more than I give you credit for, maybe you’ll fail to live up to my expectation- you might very well be the darling of Sin City Wrestling, but your song and dance doesn’t captivate like it used to and everyones learned all the steps by now.
You’re a victim of expectation, following a predetermined cycle cause anything else just doesn’t fulfil those same primal urges to be undermined- your reputation is faltering and the rotting stench of Team Hero is starting to linger on you like glitter.

Unlike them though, I’m willing to offer you something more… Eternal, glorious infamy.

Come Climax Control, you could very well be my Black Dahlia cause lets face it… it's far better to be remembered as a victim than nothing at all.”


Federal Correctional Institution
Phoenix, AZ

Finding ‘Sticky’ hadn’t been all that difficult in consideration.

Put a name through enough databases and something eventually has to trigger- sometimes it's a hit in a medium security prison in Arizona and sometimes it's half of the FBI showing up on your doorstep and seizing your computer cause grammar and punctuation are key.
Either way, Amber hadn’t exactly been surprised as the Arizona humidity fogged up the edges of her visor as she rolled her 2012 Suzuki Hayabusa across the parking lot. Perhaps it would have been far easier to fly, however the 4 hour ride from Vegas had given a bit of a chance to clear her head a little knowing she was probably about to hate every second of this.

Killing the engine, Amber shed her heavy riding jacket and helmet as though something in the faint breeze might have done anything to make her feel less… well…


With a shake of the head and the realization of word play gone badly, Amber crossed the near empty parking lot trying to maintain her composure and some form of professionalism, She didn’t want to be here, she didn’t want to speak to him- but she made a dead man's promise and somehow that notion of loyalty had tipped the scales ever so slightly.
Inside the blast of cooled, faintly sterile air was a welcome change despite a metallic twang in the back of her throat. It’d been years since she’d gone through the motions, and only a couple more on top of that since she was briefly on the other side- perhaps the system had gotten at least one thing right… Juvenile records being sealed when they became of age.

A process to be followed, an almost bored looking guard running through a spiel that must have been burned into his subconscious like an automatic reflex the moment someone said ‘hello’. No one else had a visitor on this day, a small relief if nothing else cause the walls had enough ears as it were and the idea that a nosy wife or girlfriend might somehow become interested in her business was enough to make her cringe openly.

A little too openly perhaps as the guard sized her up, entering the visitors room.

“You alright, Miss Ryan?”

Amber hoped a feigned sweet smile would be enough of a deterrent, or at the very least seem disconcerting enough that he might no longer want to ask questions.

“Fine... it's just been a long time, you know?”

Whether he did or didn’t was apparently irrelevant, a simple nod of the head and Amber was left to face a perspex wall, knowing what would soon emerge on the other side.

“Fine… It's always just fine, isn't it?”

Scraping the chair across the concrete floor, Amber leaned back to wait for the emergence of…

“Well, ain’t this a sweet surprise...”

Two seconds in and the wave of regret hit her like a god damn train, ‘Sticky’ in a khaki jumpsuit about a size and a half two big shuffled down to her window with a gleeful sneer. Amber never thought he could look more emaciated, but his face had become a little more sunken and the dark rings around his eyes seemed almost hypnotic- tunnelling down into a deep nothing.
If he’d made the effort for Amber’s visit, it hadn’t shown as some messy, dirty blonde hair fell into his face like it hadn’t been washed or combed in days, shaking it out of his eyes, he leaned towards the perspex slightly with a wink.

“Or it would be if it were a surprise…”

Sticky watched her as she tried to avoid shifting uncomfortably, looking to the guard on his own side before leaning in a little further so that his breath might fog the perspex and that his voice could drop to a harsh whisper.

“Didn’t know it was possible for you to get more beautiful, and no ring on your finger means you’re still fair game… Maybe when I get out of here we can rent a cheap hotel room and you can whisper all those dirty things I love hearing in my ear.”

Amber cleared her throat, returning his sneer with one of her own.

“While I’d love to tell you all the ways you could politely, and not so politely, go fuck yourself… I’m taken, you know, by someone who has standards- all of them… especially hygiene.”

A toothy grin revealed a couple more missing teeth, while the remaining ones seemed to rot further into his head as they spoke. Leaning back cockily, Sticky chuckled to himself.

“No ring means still fair game. Could be just like old times…”

“There are no old times between us.”

“Wasn’t referring to you, sweetcheeks… although if you wanna rectify that absolute travesty I’d be more than willing to forgive your transgressions, you can get on your knees and pray to me in whatever manner you see fit.”

Had Mac been there, Amber had no doubt he’d have torn the perspex down and preemptively used it to bisect Sticky before he’d gotten the first crude sentence out of his mouth. Part of her wished he was, if only cause she could have really used a hand to squeeze…

“Charming as ever, I’d ask if you kiss your mother with that mouth- but that poor woman knew from day one what you were and even she wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole.”

Sticky scoffed, trying to get the guard to laugh along with him to no avail. Resting his arms on the bench, he cocked his head to the side with a more serious smile… the sneer fading into something more sinister perhaps.

“Maybe you’re right… Although Cass would tend to disagree.”

He was baiting her, and she knew it… but it didn’t stop her biting.

“You’re a liar.”

She knew he wasn’t, however in disagreeing she had hoped that he might spill something he might not have chosen to say otherwise- goading him right back with her own sarcastic chuckle.

“What the fuck would she want to do with a cockroach like you.”

A raised eyebrow was enough of an indicator that he didn’t buy the bluff.

“You say that, but here you are… I doubt you came all the way here just to tell me I’m a piece of shit, and rebuff me despite the fact you very honestly just want to know what all that hype was always about. You ain’t dumb Red, you never were, but you forget that things changed when you left… people changed.”

Sticky paused contemplatively for a moment.

“Well, some people changed. Cassidy didn’t, did you know that? Same sweet girl, same hopeful smile especially when she…”

“Cut the crap. All I wanna know is where I can find her- after that, you can rot here for all I care…”

“Is that how you convince someone to cooperate? My, my Red... your negotiation skills have most certainly deteriorated… Or is it perhaps desperation, my guess is that time isn’t on your side whereas right now? I have all the time in the world.”

Amber narrowed her eyes, trying to force the rising bile back down her throat.

“She told me you’d come looking, you know? Although I doubt she realized it would be this soon… You were always very good at this, just a shame it's not useful for anything aside from assailing your own guilt.”

She felt downright sick now, and Sticky was only picking up more momentum.

“You hurt her so badly when you left. You promised her you’d never leave and you did… The moment you got a chance, you walked straight out of her life without even a second thought. Not that you ever worried but it was my arms she ran into, I stayed when you decided you were far too good for the rest of us.
Now you wanna come here and act like you have her best interests at heart…”

Shaking her head, it was Amber’s turn to lean forward, her voice like the hiss of a snake absolutely fed up with being trodden on.

“You haven’t the faintest clue, do you?
Everyone thinks I walked out when she was the one who told me to go, she encouraged it and then I get all this crap from you of all people that I was the fucking bad guy… You took advantage of a situation and of a girl who just didn’t know better, who thought she was head over heels with a guy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
Maybe I fucked up by leaving, but you did worse by staying. Even now, you’re like this goddamn splinter, burying yourself so deep it’d take more effort to dig you out than you’re worth… and I guarantee you now if you dropped dead tomorrow sweetheart, she’d be far better off.”

By now it had become a lost cause, everything she’d forced herself to hold down had spewed in a spray of venom and guilt. People had told her that Cassidy had changed when she left, that she’d lost a part of herself- however she was the one who told Amber it was okay to leave… that a life outside of their shitty carny existence was worth chasing.
God, it was all such a fucking mess.
Sticky, in spite of the torrent, smiled almost sweetly.

“There’s the Red I know… Still hating the world and everything in it, doesn't seem to matter how good things get, there's always gonna be that part of you…
Tell you what, come back this time next week and maybe, just maybe I might have something to offer…”

“Or you can tell me now and stop wasting my time…”

Sticky tutted at her before the last syllable could trail off.

“If I tell you now, sweetcheeks, you’ll never come and see me again. Of course, once I get out I could stop by and introduce myself to all your new friends- but for now… Well, I’m a guy who likes to get the most bang for his proverbial buck.”

Putting his hand against the perspex, Sticky gave her a sickening half smile.

“See you next week”

Violently, Amber rose out of her chair, sending it tumbling backwards with a loud crash that caused both guards to startle and immediately go for their weapons- however both of them slowed when they realized which side of the perspex the noise came from and instead glared as the redhead stared down the still seated prisoner.

“... Pinky swear.”

Maybe it was the playful mirth in his voice or simply the last straw that broke the camels back- either way, it didn’t matter as Amber stormed from the room trying to not to choke on her own virulent disgust.

Climax Control Archives / ... The Truth In Oblivion ...
« on: October 23, 2020, 10:17:11 PM »
“You can’t focus on death, or failure. Otherwise you’re surrendering greatness to all the people too dumb to contemplate it.”
― David Wong, Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits

Undisclosed Suburb
Las Vegas, NV

Suburbia in the fall always had such a distinctive scent.

Crisp morning air and exhaust fumes because time management and pumpkin spice still hadn’t found a middle ground, the twang of metal barbecues starting to rust at the edges while the memories of summer faded into the territory of nostalgia and the faintly sweet pungency of decay as piles of fallen leaves that were supposed to be raked days before, start to rot from beneath.
Amber had always imagined far more picket fences in this scenario admittedly, more minivans with school endorsement stickers like they earned instead of being handed out… more, what was the word… mediocrity perhaps?

Leaning against the rental car, she knew she must have been a sight to see for the neighbours. Intentional of course- her beat up leather riding jacket somehow made her 5’8 frame seem far more imposing, thick heavy boots almost leaving indents on the sidewalk with every step as she paced back and forth and torn jeans exposed just enough of her thighs to give errant teenagers a lot to think about. Suburbia's worst nightmare with red hair falling around her face like she may actually be one with the devil.

Perhaps sensing her impatience, Mac Bane uncoiled from the drivers side of the otherwise inconspicuous looking car, as if Amber didn’t already touch upon an unspoken loathing enough. Towering over the redhead, he’d dressed similarly for the occasion, unable to hide his wry grin as he sensed blinds and curtains being hastily peeked through and hidden behind again with a frantic precision. Across the road, both of them captured this almost predictable course in action as Josephine Murphy obviously huffed angrily before disappearing behind a floral curtain.

“10 bucks says she cusses at me within three words.”

Casual yet with a knowing smile she tried to suppress, Amber half extended her hand to the bigger Texan. A raised eyebrow clearly punctuating some serious calculating.

“You plan on paying up this time Red?”

With a false incredulity, Amber almost recoiled to the point of falling off the sidewalk and into the street.

“I did pay up, even though you won on a technicality that shouldn’t have been exploited.”

“Yeah, you took the money out of my wallet…”

“You never specified where the money had to come from, darling.”

Before Mac even had the opportunity to respond, Josephine in navy suit jacket and pencil skirt sans shoes stormed across her front yard, already mumbling furiously under her breath as Amber set to cross to street to meet her- Mac at her side, no doubt witty response at the ready.

“In three… two… one…”

Amber's words disappeared on the breeze, drawing the smirk further across his face and quelling the witty discourse- at least for now.

“Are you out of your fucking mind Amber?”

Through gritted teeth, Josie hissed irritably towards the pair as though anything spoken above a tempered whisper might capture further unwanted attention.

“Fucking damn it, what was that… Five? You let me down in a big way, Josie.”

Despite mentioning her name, Amber spoke exclusively to Mac who bordered on smarmy with another victory.

“Just add it to the total.”

“I’m so paying you in pennies”

“So long as they’re coming out of your wallet, I don’t give a fuck what you pay me with.”

“Well, there goes that suggestion…”

Josie looked between them incredulously as though their feigned ignorance and determination to continue their own conversation was almost as offensive as them being there to begin with. With a grimace, she tried to adjust her stance however the squelch of rotting leaves beneath her bare feet did little but irritate her further…

“You are un-fucking-believable, you know that?”

Again, deliberately and mockingly of course, Amber looked back up to Bane with feigned shock.

“... Seriously? Why couldn’t we lead with that?”

A resigned sigh echoed as anger and frustration dissipated into something a little more dejected and defeated, an acceptance that this would be entirely unpleasant and would happen regardless of her attempted aggressions.

“Amber, what the hell do you want…”

With a nod, Amber dug her hands into her jacket pockets. There wasn’t anything to find but she’d seen it on movies before and somehow it always looked cool.

“What I want is a million dollars, a starbucks unlimited refills card and a holiday somewhere warm and tropical so I can get sunburnt on the beach and complain about mosquitos.”

“Oh, I know just the place…”

“I knew I loved you for a reason.”

“Except for when I’m right…”

Amber groaned with vague annoyance, brushing her hair out of her face as a particularly persistent breeze tried to keep her sight obscured while turning her attention back to Josie, her smile hardened into something more serious, the thick lines of scars partially covered by makeup making their presence known in angry pinks and whites.

“What I in fact have though- are questions…”

“I already-”

With a nonchalant wave, Amber cut Josie off before the syllables even fell from her lips, her stare through the accountants soul rattling and destructive in it's path.

“Yeah. yeah I get it... You already this, that and the otherwise… You already lied to me Josie. Granted it shouldn’t have taken me this long to figure it, that's on me, however some things you said before. Well, lets just say we’re putting two plus two together and getting a proverbial sine wave of half truths and whole bullshit.”

“Amber please… not here.”

A plea to her better nature as if she possessed one, that deer in headlights look like when they were teenagers. God, Amber pictured it even back then, peeking out from behind a caravan in hopes that Amber didn’t bring down her teenage existence around her… Life as they knew it, or what little they’d had of it, somehow resting in the hands of a girl who hadn’t yet learned one of the most valuable truths in the world.

People were shit.

Slow walkers in the supermarket. Parking lot scratch and runs. That guy in a midlife crisis convertible top down when it's 60 degrees cutting you off in traffic leaving you to cringe at his bad hair implants. Egocentric half talents relying on the other to keep their names in lights and names on contracts for a few months longer. Karens with overdyed hair and underdeveloped sense of human decency. Traitors. Liars.
Absolute bastards… all of them.

Josie stared a few seconds too long to remain genuine and sincere, flashbacks of determined trouble making and casual recklessness wracked the redheads memories as years of bad ideas and their consequences falling on anyone's shoulders but the instigator.
She’d taken Cassidy under her wing, shown her a path seemingly free of recourse… and now it seemed like it was happening all over again.

“My husband… my kids… my neighbours… They’re all going to have questions.”

“Well, I suppose you best answer them then… I’m happy to wait.”

Crossing her arms, Amber straightened up, her back cracking with a couple of satisfying pops. Josie glanced around nervously, gossip travelled fast like a verbal herpes in an orgy. No one cared where it came from, only that it got to everyone before anyone could explain it away.

“We’ve got time, yeah?”

“Sure do.”

Mac nodded approvingly, perhaps while silently lamenting the lack of available popcorn to watch this trainwreck continue to unfold.

“What the fuck is it you want me to say Amber- I don’t know anything.”

Shifting her feet, Amber dropped her arms a little in surprise. She shouldn;t have been admittedly, denial was natural and comfortable. A low point to easily settle and hole up in the face of a glaring, potentially harsh truth.

“You know, I thought so too… Until you asked what she’d done this time, initially I thought you meant like when we were teenagers however the context, the tone… You told me you lost contact not long after I left, so how the fuck would you have known if she’d been in any trouble recently?
Even in the last five years, 10 years even… I doubt you guys talked on the phone about boys and nail polish colours that looked just the right shade of slutty, nor would you have had sleepovers reminiscing about lost loves and future plans.”

Closing the distance, Amber leaned into Josie with a paralyzing glare, her voice a harsh and foreboding whisper that cut through the dancing breeze.

“You looked me dead in the eyes, and you lied to me. You have seen her… my guess is within the last few weeks. Months at most. Go on, tell me I’m wrong…”

Josie looked back towards her house- just a quiet, average, normal house. Everything a life on the road promised at the end, sanctuary in a burgeoning commonality. Everything she’d built, the husband she loved and the kids who smiled when they called her Mom and she made them breakfast before school…

“Amber, it's not what you…”

With a loud scoff that startled Josie to the point of flinching, Amber recoiled aggressively.

“It's not what I think, that's what you were gonna say wasn’t it?”

A chuckle escaped into the cool air, the thickening smell of rot and mediocrity heavy on the senses.

“What is it you think that I don’t get exactly- I didn’t get out and spend my savings on an education that lets me frame a certificate for my wall- but that doesn’t make me a fucking idiot. You might have degrees out the wazoo darl, but right now you might be the fucking stupidest person I know.”

Rage wasn’t constructive however Amber allowed it to flow out from beneath the rubble of a very successful career getting the ever-loving shit kicked out of her and getting to wear a trinket if you do it better than the next sadomasochist. It was easy to forget sometimes the way that society valued success- being a multi-time world champion in combat sports somehow didn’t seem to mean as much as a failing accountancy firm or strip-mall lawyer trying to stay off the legal radar.
Violence in any degree was seen as cheap entertainment, a scourge as though it hadn’t existed longer than far more choreographed displays- people were bloodthirsty but still looked down their noses towards those they virulently cheered.

“I’m trying to do some fucking good Josie, and you’d rather worry about what your neighbours might think cause I don’t go to the right hairdresser or herd my kids to a school whose principles I don’t agree with. If this were about you, I’d already have knocked your goddamn teeth out… It's not. It's about Cassidy, it's about Grizz and it's about what I feel I owe them…”

Amber softened her expression, perhaps it was meant to be a smile, but instead came across as a forced painful amusement.

“So maybe stop acting the…”

Stopping herself short, Amber refrained from the word she’d intended. Even Mac seemed momentarily impressed that a C-bomb had been miraculously avoided.

“Look, tell me and I’ll never darken your doorstep again.”

Josie paused pensively, a slow realization sinking through built up layers of behavioural expectation and morality of sharing potentially confidential conversation.

“Look, almost three months ago she shows up just like you did at the office. I hadn’t seen her in probably 8 or 9 years, looked like a hot mess and is talking LLC’s and  start ups like she'd just spewed out whatever she'd read in some business journal, didn't seem to care that I'm an accountant and not a lawyer or real estate agent.
I should have asked but I didn’t, she seemed very distracted and twitchy like she hadn’t slept because she’d been... you know...”

Josie trailed off, the thought lingering between them longer than either dared admit. It had always been a possibility sure, the idea of drugs and addiction had been a very real temptation within the carnival industry. Long drives, longer nights, trying to keep up an enthusiasm that could line your pockets enough to get to the next town… Amber didn’t want to believe it, but Josie’s recollection…

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have...”

“You said she talked business… Did she mention any specifics, a name or place. Anyone affiliated, hell I’ll take a stray dog she might have petted and the homeless guy on the corner who probably has a mercedes in the next parking lot over.”

With the most confidence Amber and Mac had seen since she’d first stormed from her home, Josie shook her head as though she’d expected to disappoint them before the question had been completed.

“I mean I tried to make small talk but she just wanted to play business… when I couldn’t help, she got up and left.”

Frustratedly Amber scuffed her boot against the pavement surface, she wracked her brains for reasons and logic however they came few and further than ever between.

“I honestly don’t know what else to tell you Amber…”

Maybe this was it, maybe Amber could just let sleeping dogs lie. After all, there was a verbal confirmation and a known sighting. Grizz might accept that, knowledge was power after all and both of them needed more of each than they’d dare admit aloud.
Cassidy was up to something and it burned just under her sternum, stuck like a misshapen ember being forced through a penny sized hole- still, it made the redhead feel incredibly…

“Hell, the truth would have been a great start.”

Sarcasm was an automatic defense mechanism, like trying to defuse a bomb wearing oven mitts.

“Not everyone is like you Amber- we all don’t get to just spin the wheel and see what morals we have any given day, we don’t get to wake up and just punch people in the face cause they acted like assholes. There are rules, there are obligations and most importantly- there are ethics…
It might be fine for you, but the rest of us actually have consequences to deal with.”

Josie goes to storm away, however only gets three steps in the opposite direction before she turns back towards the pair.

“I hope it's everything you ever wanted Amber, that whatever you think you’re gonna find in all of this is worth it. You want someone to harass, go talk to ‘Sticky’ cause I can tell you that sick asshole spent more time around Cassidy after you left than anyone else… Go knock on his door and piss in his cereal, just leave me the hell alone.”

As Josie stormed away, a couple of leaves stuck almost comically to her feet, stomping furiously across the yard and onto the front porch where she flipped the pair off emphatically.

“Well, that seemed constructive.”

Amber didn’t reply at first, that glowing ember like now like ice between her ribs and spreading fast. Veins and arteries seemed to freeze over, perhaps her connection with hell finally acting as karma.

“I gotta ask though… Who the fuck is ‘Sticky?’”

Clearing her throat, Amber was the first to cross the street trying to avoid looking back at the glaring eyes peering through the blinds, her hand resting on the passenger side door handle as she finally brought herself to look back at Josie’s house. Perfect and pristine in it's utter averageness, the dreamscape of normality and all it's crappy stereotypes.
As Mac reached the drivers side door, he caught her looking back almost regretfully, mourning something unspoken that perhaps had finally been allowed to die.


“Well what…

“Who are they?”

“Someone I hoped I’d never have to speak to again.”


“Consistency is key in life kids.

It's one thing to do something well, it's entirely another thing to continue doing the same things well time and time again, especially when there's a whole legion of people waiting to see you make that fateful and inevitable misstep that sends you tumbling off the pedestal.
What can I say, most people are just fucking awful.
To remain on that top level, to keep performing to a predetermined expectation- it's certainly not for the faint of heart, not for flukes and off chance spins of a stupid wheel.

Did you think that was where this was going?

That I was just gonna come to you live from my high horse and talk down to The Black Sheep cause their name connotation kinda sucks and really could have taken five more seconds of reasonable thought to improve.
Of course a name is just a name, right? Expressions of grandeur in an industry that demands us be more than just Amber, Mac, Kris or Mikah… We don't just get to be who we are, we have to tell the world we’re more than that, even if hurricanes can’t be painted in red, even if single men can’t possible be wrecking crews… Even if both of those things are proven commodities.

A name tells you everything you need to know- and Black Sheep… Well, that's the least most impressive thing about you guys, it's astounding really how you’ve managed to find a moniker that makes you sound more bland than initially thought.
I think the idea is to make an impression, not bore people to death with it- sure it might get you over cause a win by default is still very much a win, however when records state that most opponents were comatose or dead cause sucking the personality out of them through a straw is still rather frowned upon.

A miracle though, now that's something the masses can sink their teeth into.
I mean honestly, who doesn’t love the idea of a higher power taking mercy on us stupid assholes once in awhile just to prove they’re really not as much of a dick as we thought. Miracles give us hope, they give us something to believe in, they show us there is still benevolence and decency in a world where those things had long since lost their value as moral currency…
… Then you take that concept and you paint it across what could potentially be the most generic, pigeonholed version of ‘nearly good enough on his own’ and put it out into the universe with a jaw hinged half way open all the time.

See, I like to think I’m smart enough to do some research and get the lay of the land. I’ve done enough tag wrestling, won enough tag titles and put my foot through the back of enough skulls that not seeing canvas afterwards through the hole is a disappointment.
Mac and I, we’re no strangers in a strange land, and while there's a proven formula of throwing two relatively successful singles competitors into a team and them dominating every established team who’d built a division… That's not us.
We aren’t some throw together flavour of the month trying to keep you guys as lukewarm as the shallow talent pool you’re pissing in, we aren’t here to make your record look vaguely more impressive than ‘showed up and won the belts cause literally no one else wanted them’.

We aren’t miracles, but we never needed to be.

So why would we care about mixed tag then, I mean Mac has a guaranteed shot at the Roulette title and you best believe the Bombshells division has their head on a fucking swivel trying to keep an eye on what I’m doing.
In the most logical sense, we don’t actually need this. We aren’t relying on a swimming in a puddle and hoping for rain, we aren’t holding things together in a division that sparks less joy and inspiration than having a conversation with the Barnharts about the obvious lines of incest in their family.
You said it yourself Kris- you are champions in a division with no competition, no one left to beat. It's really fucking difficult to be considered the best when you’ve got no one to stand over and gloat towards… Simultaneously you are legitimately the best and worst, might as well add that to your list of accomplishments alongside ‘ate avocado toast and still had enough money to buy starbucks’ cause basic is, what basic does.

We get it, you’re a veteren. A hall of famer. Must have been a bit of a lean year, huh? Not that you’d ever admit it of course- and I suppose I shouldn’t shit all over it cause I haven’t done anything in SCW yet in terms of achievements…
I’m a patient woman though, I take advantage of opportunities when they arise rather than complaining about them being late as they pass me on by. Hell, I’m nothing if not resourceful- cause while you guys might be champions… It's Mac and I that are being talked about, the ones being booked in high profile matches while you guys end up facing who exactly…

Throw togethers just to say they didn’t forget to put you on the card.

Must be a little insulting- everything you’ve given, and no one but you thinks that gold means anything. You’re placeholders- dominant and successful, sure… But all you do is fill the space until a better team comes along to do what you’ve failed so fucking hard at.
Mixed tag is supposed to mean something and every week you guys fall further between the couch cushions, great teams have held those belts and now… Now it's just you guys bearing that weight of expectation while your knees slowly buckle beneath you.

All while no one cares.

I’d say you both deserve better but lying, well lying has never really been my forte.

Not so much for you though Mikah, huh?

Dirty little girl only if you’ve been rolling in the mud, I mean honestly. Is this the best you can do- the bombshells division got so stacked so quickly that you realized there was no place left for someone like you. Good, maybe even better than average… but that upper echelon, it's a little out of your league.
How long were you trying to punch up before you realized you were only going backwards, resigning yourself to the mixed tag division cause at least you could be the alpha bitch for a little while instead of playing third fiddle to women with far more talent.

I guess that would beg the question why I’d bother with it then- it's no secret I’m eyeing off that Bombshells world title, one of the most anticipated matches in the company to date is Alicia Lukas vs me. When was the last time someone spoke like that about a match you were in, hype around more than whether you could go a whole match without tagging in cause the opponents are just utter fucking garbage and it's not worth wrecking a manicure for.
I guess that's the thing though- not everyone can be a star otherwise the top of the mountain seems a little less special, there's only room for so many at the top and exclusivity is an earned right, not one that comes with tenure but work ethic and results.

Let me be real blunt, like force trauma but I’ll save that for the match…

You step in there with me, this match is already over. I’ve been in this industry, killing myself between those ropes in far greater matches for longer than you’ve been perfecting your blowjob technique. Maybe I’m not as pretty, sometimes my technical wrestling is a little rough around the edges, I don’t speak like I’m expecting the world to get on it's knees before me and I can assure you my partner doesn’t spoil me by carrying the weight of the team on his shoulders.
What I am is a certified fucking sociopath Mikah, straight up don’t care kinda monster- between those ropes blonde hair and blue eyes make you just like everyone else, scratching and clawing at the facade in hopes that you might be the one to find something underneath worth needling.

Oh, I lost to Roxi at the Supercard?

Yeah, and I beat her at the one before. Nice try, do come back when you have something more original than a pointed stick.

I’ve got wins over names in this company you don’t even wanna share a ring with, when it comes to this place I am the unspoken woman to beat. I’m the one putting everyone with a title on notice, while you’re shining yours up thinking I might just look straight on past cause theres not enough meat on the bone…
I’m an equal opportunity predator sweetheart and the fact is everyone's guts steam the same way when torn open on a cold winter's night.

What we are as a team, is what you strive to be. You might be the champions, you might have beaten everyone in your way- but until beating Trenton Tigers and the fucking Barnharts becomes an accomplishment worth bragging about again, I’d probably advise you to avoid talking about having beaten everyone.
Until you actually beat everyone, you’re the cast offs in the reject pile. A crappy little pile of foreskins in a castration clinic that everyone would rather forget is starting to go mouldy in the corner. What the mixed tag titles have become in your hands, is exactly what your opinions will happen to mean when you can string them together in a coherent sentence between lightly shitting yourself and screaming into the void. Absolutely worthless.

One man's trash, is another man's treasure though.

Maybe you should be grateful for what we’re about to do guys- cause WHEN we win at Climax Control, when we come after those Mixed Tag belts... you’ll beg us to keep them so long that your names fade from the records. That no one will remember the utterly embarrassing job you’ve done as supposed champions and how you managed to take something that Wolfslair made memorable into scrap metal.

You’re lucky we’re so fucking generous, if it were just up to me I’d wipe you both from the face of the Earth and take the titles at Climax Control… however Mac is a little more reasonable than me, he levels me out a little so it's him to thank for your upcoming continued shuffle along this depressing mortal coil.
He understands that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Hurricanes don’t tend to consider longevity you see, but he's so very good with the long term picture… One that sees us draped in gold, and you both scratching at the door trying to remind people you’re still under contract.

Until then, until Climax Control and until the impending and merciful end to your lacklustre run of tag team infamy… Take a deep breath, cause oblivion… Oblivion is waiting.”

Climax Control Archives / ... The Gas Station Roses ...
« on: October 16, 2020, 09:55:02 PM »
“Something about her is so tempting to look at. Her anger has a childish aura as if she isn’t made of real evil; just a bratty princess playing with her toy fangs.”
― Cameron Jace, Snow White Sorrow

Amber’s Apartment
Atlantic City, NJ

“... Couldn’t sleep?”

Perhaps the footsteps should have given it away, Amber could do little to disguise the sleepy albeit knowing smile as Mac Bane rested a hand on her shoulder. Part of her wanted to freely admit that she hadn’t actually gone to bed yet- coming up on 36 hours awake, she knew the crash would be inevitable however sleep was a fickle mistress and kept that sweet relief just outside the redheads reach.
Still, there could have been alot worse places in the world to watch the nights pass. Atlantic City had been the closest thing to home she’d had in years- the temptation to simply up and move for the sake of it quelled by her travel schedule and straight up procrastination. Just a few more weeks stuck on repeat anytime she started to feel guilty about the growing attachment to a place where she’d almost memorized the hairline cracks in the walls and the way the countertop always seemed almost  imperceptibly on a lean but could never quite prove it.

“Something like that.”

A small reassuring squeeze on her shoulder followed before Mac settled into the plastic chair beside hers- his much newer and far less broken, she’d made the joke that it was their first serious purchase as a couple. They’d found the concept far funnier than the middle aged couple nearby, studiously studying outdoor furniture between intermittent stares and whispers at the seemingly odd couple.
After all, you couldn’t imagine it was everyday that a 5’8 redhead and a 6’6 cowboy strolled into a WalMart with similar skull face masks and discussed the pros and cons of a plastic chair…

“... so, work or something else”

She hated the fact he knew, the predictability and self-assurance in his voice was infuriating only made worse by the fact she likely knew that he already knew the answer. There was something about catching up with Josie that left an aftertaste, statements that stuck in her craw and body language that Amber could have sworn was trying to hide something.
Mac watched her intently, the proverbial gears mechanically grinding in the quiet night air as Atlantic City sprawled like a garish neon lit ghost town, normally they’d have stayed in Vegas or Baltimore however both their work lives had become increasingly erratic recently and so Atlantic City seemed just far enough away from it all to kinda reset.

“Something about that talk with Josie isn’t sitting right with me.”

Mac didn’t respond immediately, his silence somehow inviting for thoughts to escape.

“I dunno, she was never a good liar when we were younger. Not saying she’s lying now but-”

Amber trailed off quietly, running her fingers through the thick, messy mane of crimson that fell around her shoulders. She’d long prided herself on her intuition, her ability to read body language like it was a billboard on an empty highway but something about all of this… the recollections, the tone of voice… It made her feel a little sick.

“You think she knows something she’s not saying?”

With a frustrated sigh, Amber picked at her fingernails idly.

“I mean maybe? I don’t even know if it's that though, just something doesn’t sit right. What she told me, I feel like there's something important I’m missing, like I should know and it should be obvious but I can’t see it.”

Mac chuckled beside her, resting a hand on her thigh. A mischievous glint sparkling in his eye.

“... what?”

“Pretty sure that's how most other people feel looking at you.”

Maybe it was the indecision between reluctance and eagerness to see Amber, the frosty reception despite there being little more reason than it being inconvenient on a weekday afternoon. Granted they hadn’t been as close as Amber and Cassidy were, but that didn’t make them any less friendly…

“Why, is she in trouble… God, what the hell has she done this time?”...

Why would she have thought there was trouble? Law enforcement perhaps, a couple of unpaid parking tickets forgotten in the doldrums of everyday existence or some speeding fines cause Cassidy had more than once proven her foot was made of something akin to lead.
There was no surprise in her voice, an expectancy that consequences had finally come calling for their pound of flesh.

... “She went off the rails a bit, like you were the only thing keeping her in line”...

“No sarcastic comeback? Must be serious then…”

Amber scoffed slightly, trying to find the words. Perhaps there was part of her that wanted it all to just be easy- that Cassidy had settled down, found herself a good man and a little place in the suburbs complete with a minivan, semi-well behaved children because of karma and a white picket fence. Part of her wanted what it was presumed she was supposed to want, that when her wrestling career finally came to a close- that perhaps an option like that might exist for Amber too.

“I feel like I’m overthinking it. Like there's a reasonable explanation and I’m just too…”



Amber corrected him with a smirk.

“… to see the worst in everything. I think for once in my life Mac…”

Maybe the city was winking at her or maybe she was starting to hallucinate, Amber couldn’t quite decipher it either way- all she knew was that she’d never been quite so unsure of her own instincts in her life. So little made sense at the moment and only the illogical held any reason.

“... I actually hope I’m completely wrong about all of this.”


“Fewer things in the world are more insincere than gas station roses.

A staple of the guilty, the lazy and the essentially oblivious- they could be considered the closest thing one could get to making a concerted effort while still managing to be downright offensive. You know the type, right?
A day or two past their best, sure they might look alright from 10 feet away especially through some beer goggles but take a closer look and their leaves are yellowed and sickly on the edges, the stems cracked and slowly starting to bend sullenly and the petals- despite their vibrancy- have started to crumble and fall away under the crushing weight of the disillusionary connotation they carry.

How fitting really, that disappointment never looked so tacky and worthless.

I mean don’t get me wrong, I know all about letting people down- hell there are plenty of people on the roster already shitting themselves cause my name is on the card, wishing I might suddenly just drop dead so that they don’t have to deal with me once I wash the best parts of you off my hands. I’ve spent my career letting people down, not living up to expectation- however the difference here is that I set the bar so high to begin with that it's a wonder my feet ever touch the ground while you, darling, you’re still trying not to trip over yourself in front of a foot high hurdle.

Christina, I get the idea beyond pseudonyms but I think you’re taking the piss now. I mean Roxi is a supposed hero and even shes got a limit of how many names she goes by, fuck I’m worried if I start talking about obscure pop culture or name a new organism that I might actually stumble on another identity.
Dissociative identities is a real issue- you’re just being fucking painful, I mean every time you take a major loss some poor bastard is stuck in the SCW offices under a ton of paperwork trying to white out over the ten previous versions of your name.

It's a lot of pressure being the least successful part of an already uninspired marriage though, isn’t it? I mean at least Seleana tries, you know?
I mean she's still only a step above someone like Ice-cream sammich Salco in terms of the requirement for a personality transplant, but you know what your wife owns that shit and if that isn’t worth commending then I don’t know what is.
You though, Christina, never cease to amaze me… How someone can come across so outwardly desperate for a shred of attention and yet so determined that she doesn’t need it when it's offered is really something else.

Is it supposed to be calculated?

Sucking up to the perceived good guys for just long enough that you get a bit of a rub off their shine- I mean you can’t honestly tell me you run in the same circles as Roxi and Keira when you barely make awkward conversation with them over social media, trying to be ‘supportive’ in matters that literally do not concern you.
I have no doubt you’ve known them long enough to make the case, but I bet you’ve also tried turning  on them more times than a thirst trap on Twitter posts scantily clad nothings with irrelevant captions. I get it though, I mean lingering on the outskirts of someone else's 15 minutes will only keep you warm for so long, and once your fingers start turning blue you have to think there's a problem.

How long has it been since that spotlight was yours though? After all, nostalgia is a cruel mistress who can’t help but rear her head when all you want is to bury the past. Too long maybe, going from a division headlined by those willing to stick around cause loyalty will get you only so far- to being almost a joke and a side note in one of the most stacked rosters this industry might have ever seen.
Funny really, you never notice how far the fall is until you can’t see the top anymore…

Each step down, each bump in the road and that summit grows a little further away. You can see people start passing you on their way up and maybe some of them fall back down just as quickly- but you… You don’t seem to ascend. You just make space for those with forward momentum and hope to stay out of the path of those proven not enough and hope you don’t end up being cleaned up on their way through.
It's thin air at the top here Christina, so it's no wonder you get a little speechless when people start to question why you aren’t making up any ground.

I’m sure you can just tell them it's a phase, after all there ain’t no harm in slumming it for awhile is there?
Peaks and valleys, you can tell them. Every career has them- we dip and fly like a roller coaster but it's easy to forget the lack of viability in such things when they’re only aimed 140 feet straight down. Perhaps the worst part is that isn’t even ‘go to hell’ numbers, you can’t even manage to fail hard enough to be sent into the inferno, lingering in purgatory in hopes someone might remember one of your sixteen names cause if you have enough someone might utter it accidentally in conversation.

That's alright though, stick around long enough and someone will throw you a bone, seems to be the pattern around here. Show up and hold your hand out, maybe a complain a little for good measure or just big note the best of the pathetic accomplishments you’ve recently made and the head honchos might take a little pity.
Bit sad really when you think about it, that being recognized for a title shot these days isn’t about what you’ve done or where you’re headed... but the fact they literally feel guilty watching how far you’ve fallen.

I mean if fucking Jessie Salco can get a goddamn title shot, if Violet Holt can get a fucking title shot- one has to think theres a sliver of hope for you yet.
Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not saying you aren’t ‘good’... It's just that when the best you’re bringing to the table is slightl;y below average, it's difficult to then complain that you’re spinning your wheels.

See there are so many women on this roster now… Women like Alicia, like Evie, like Andrea, like Johanna, like Myra- the list absolutely goes on… Fuck it, even someone like Roxi who makes me wanna swallow a cactus rather than give her a shred of credit… 
None of them settle, they don’t wait to be given an opportunity cause they think their name still holds value with terminally ill children who can relate to the status of your career...

Someone like me Christina, who would rather be the most hated person on this fucking roster than smile and wave, pretending like I’m happy for every silly bitch who thinks they deserve a chance over me.
Making friends will only get you so far- either commit to being a decent person or don’t cause frankly I think you’re one of the most disingenuous people on this roster and you can be assured I’ll be standing by with an ‘I told you so’ when you get fed up of being ‘overlooked’ again. Stab them in the back and take what you think is yours, or just keep playing goody-two shoes third choice sidekick and fade further into irrelevance.

Maybe you think there's an advantage to teaming with Roxi, that she might offer you up some salvation cause she always seems to have some to spare for every wrestling charity case she comes across- truth is, it just paints a nice target on your back, makes you more noticeable than you’ve been in months really… Until I decide to take everything that makes you special, crumple it between my hands and throw it back in Roxi’s face.

You’re as valuable to her as I am, she’ll toss you aside in a heartbeat if I even mention I might be thinking about laying hands on literally anyone else- so before you think about getting all super-uppity cause Roxi is so great and she's gonna carry you back to a brief spotlight…
I promise you, not all attention is good attention- when push comes to shove, she will leave you laying just as quickly and easily as I would.

You can try to save her, to be the precocious little wanna be hero role model that children settle for when no other action figure is available…

I guess that's the issue with people like you though, people like Roxi with their goody-two shoes tied together- you think everything is worth saving, that everyone is redeemable and just need a chance… But you’re wrong.

Roxi. Christina.

You can’t save everything.

Especially gas station roses.”


Undisclosed Fight Gym
Atlantic City, NJ

Jab. Jab. Cross. Right feint. Left hook.

Amber’s left arm jarred as the hook didn’t quite land flush on the bag, she knew her balance was slightly off leaving the usually vivacious strike grazing ripstop when it should have rippled through the surface.
Everything professional had felt off recently, it was no secret that the loss at Violent Conduct had stung more than she’d anticipated, swallowing a little bit of pride with a razorblade and lemon juice cocktail chaser it seemed.

Sweat traced down the edge of her face and down the side of her neck, a glistening trail over fading bruises and wounded ego. Perhaps it wasn’t the loss that hurt the most, but the fact she’d ignored the warning signs that Roxi would accept help, that she’d allow for anyone else to get swept up in their chaotic maelstrom. After all, Roxi should have known better… Amber had banked on her knowing better and instead found herself covered in fucking glitter on a Las Vegas footpath trying to figure out where everything went so awry.

It was supposed to be between them, their fight alone struggling for control over the others perception of the world- and Roxi had betrayed their unspoken promise. Even now, weeks removed Amber could still feel her blood simmering in her veins at the thought of it- most would mock and laugh, the ‘evil’ villain losing in almost comical fashion.
They’d buy further into Roxi’s precious skewed narrative, feeding the delusion that she was morally superior simply cause she kept her demons behind lock and key long enough to sucker everyone into thinking they didn’t exist.

With a loud creak, the heavy bag stopped swaying as though begging for another combination to be launched, taunting that she couldn’t possibly continue living up to the standard she’d set so high from the get go. If anyone else were there, they’d likely stare and whisper… her reputation starting to fray and tatter at the edges, the promises made somehow not quite as potent and vitriolic as they’d previously been.
Thankfully the gym had been closed for a few weeks and Amber had come to an arrangement with the owner- she could wallow and loathe in as much silence as she would allow, and all for a reasonable price as thud after angry thud echoed in a space so used to the clanging of sound and chatter of humanity, it now languished in it's disuse.

Jab. Jab. Cross. Right feint. Left hook.

Something had to give.

Jab. Jab. Cross. Right feint. Left hook.

Something had to change.

Jab. Jab. Cross. Right feint. Left hook.

… and if Roxi were indeed choosing to play her hand like this, well then consequences be damned. With a visceral grunt Amber threw a hard kick into the side of the heavy bag, forcing it to rock back and forth on it's straining chain, a dent in it's side where her shin and foot had made connection with the rough, heavily beaten surface. It was easy, at least during times like this, to forget what brought you to the dance, the reason you’d gotten as far as you had.
A striker first and foremost, devastating in accuracy in spite of her size- years she’d spent putting down opponents far greater, surprising people with the sheer tenacity she brought and the unrelenting spite that had kept her alive in the face of a world who’d considered her better off dead.

‘You hit to end the fight in one shot, every shot needs to be potentially the one to finish it- anything less in an opportunity to get beaten.’ ...

Caught up in the whirlwind of fury and disappointment, those words had become secondary- the idea of finishing a fight almost supplementary to sending a message. A message people refused to heed, a statement falling amid the ignorant and deluded- somehow the idea of being the best became an afterthought to showing that moral superiority was little more than snake oil for the determinedly dull and willfully vacant.

‘Take all that hate, all that self-loathing, all that anger and all that evil you’re so determined to hold onto- ball it up tight in your fist and throw it at someone else’

Amber had been holding onto it, all of it, for most of her career. She doubted she’d ever made it nearly this far without hate driving her forward and her body might have shut down a decade earlier if it weren’t primarily fuelled by a distinct rage that burned like an white hot ember somewhere between her ribs.
Those like Roxi, like Christina, like those who’d followed them so fucking blindly it's a wonder Darwinism hadn’t taken them off our hands…

They were the reason Amber couldn’t stop, couldn’t rest, couldn't sleep without waking up in a cold sweat cause reality seemed just a little less harsh than the demons crawling under her skin. They were the reason spite ran thicker than blood, viscous and heavy in her system like she was constantly under the threat of drowning in her own contempt.
While people like them spread their misinformation and tainted gaslit positive reinforcements- Amber fought to keep her head above the rising waters of false support, trying to kick off the cinderblock boots of expectation and ill-informed opinion.

Jab. Jab. Cross. Right feint. Left hook.

One match. One week. They’d never get it, but it could be a start… A moment of clarity in the haze of disillusionment. A loss was always far more eye-opening than a win, a learning experience and a place to start sowing the seeds of doubt, seeds that would eventually bloom into a beautiful bouquet of ‘I fucking told you so’.
Losses meant you had something to prove and Amber already had that in spades, momentum was key but a single match could do little to derail when the light at the end of the tunnel was closing in on them so very fast.

Amber took a deep breath, the musty air clinging in the back of her throat as she watched the heavy bag teeter to a halt once more. Silence deafening in a space designed to amplify, a ripstop bag of sawdust was little to be an analog of flesh and bone nor did it convey the malevolence of someone perhaps fighting for their existence- it would do for now though, standing foolishly in defiance of an ill-intentioned redhead with a broken moral compass.



It never got any easier.

Jab. Jab. Cross. Right feint. Rising knee. Left hook.

Just more well practiced.


“You know, you’d think I’d be more pissed about Violent Conduct.

Promises made and broken, wins and losses exchanged. Roxi and I are one for one now- a little too perfect for a universe that feeds of chaos and violence like it were college girls and cheap shots at a sleazy bar. There would be those that argue that I should have done better, I should have done more… that now I’m on the back foot coming into the main event of Climax Control.

How do we ever find ourselves so mistaken so often?

Do you finally get it yet Roxi?

Has it sunk in yet, soaked through layers upon layers of arrogance and determination that your black and white moral compass somehow makes you better than literally anyone else, cause you see from where I’m standing you’re playing coy and telling everyone that you do… That there's a method to madness and you’ve got me all figured out.

Except, as has become the norm around these parts- you’re dead wrong.

Hilariously so, I might add.

You think this is just about violence, about who can be ‘badder’ and who is simply better. Trust a hero to over simplify for the sake of their followers, it's really quite cute but the deadened masses do love to cling to basic understandable concepts. Gotta keep all those heroic monologues to two syllables per word otherwise you’re gonna lose them first paragraph in…

You have this preconceived notion that I’m playing with you, and perhaps you were right- to start with it was a game… I wanted you to see the world from my perspective, to give in to all those dark shadows on your soul and show everyone you were far more capable than you allowed yourself to be.
I tried to better you, but because you’re determined to be a paragon of ultimate virtue- you can’t possibly put a foot wrong, even if it leaves you in a better place.

So you resist, which I expected.

What I didn’t expect was how much you’d allow me to get under your skin before you try and dig my influence back out. See, I’m septic by nature, fucking toxic if you’ll allow me.
I have a way and it's not the nicest but you can;t argue it's effectiveness, I bring out the very worst in people and leave them a better person than when they started- but you Roxi, you already think you’re better.

Better than me, better than your friends. Better than your family, your loved ones… You think you’re doing them all a favour and ‘lowering yourself to their level’ to be relatable but really you were on par all along.
Your entitlement is so ingrained you can’t even see it, your dullard wife is so easily manipulated she let fucking demons run amok and only decided it might be an issue when it started targeting you. You have her wrapped so tight around your little finger it's a wonder you have circulation- and she has no idea…
Friends, they flock to you in hopes that you might raise their worth purely by proximity, brushing by greatness even if greatness pretends it's simply humble.

I won’t sit here and shit on everything you’ve done- I have no doubt you earned your place. However you’ve done so by gaming the system, by gaslighting literally everyone around you into thinking you’re somehow a distant relation to Mother Theresas thresh of pubic hair.

At first I thought maybe I was doing you a favour… but I’ve come to realize that's not the case. Now this is for everyone else's sake, to show that your demons are just as prominent as mine. That you stand as a different side of the same coin, a facsimile of the Distorted Angel, a dime store angel of death masquerading in a dollar store super hero cape.

So no, Roxi.

This isn’t a game, not anymore. You brought others into this, you let them step into my crosshairs… I want you to remember that when I start systematically putting down everyone you ever manipulated, all those you ever made to feel they were only bettered by you.
Everyone you love, you care about… fucking family, friends, casual aquaintances- that random guy at the grocery store whose name you can’t remember.

They are all targets now.

Twice now, you had the opportunity to stop me Roxi. Twice you’ve disappointed me beyond recognition- first time you decided to play dead, but I don’t stop hitting till the blood stops running, till theres no pulse thundering under my fists. Second time you thought you were simply ‘playing the game’ and now you’ve dragged civilians in the path of a raging hurricane and expect them to simply withstand it on your behalf.

See, the difference between us Roxi is that I change… I adapt. I’m willing to admit when I’m not good enough, when I need to switch things up to remain effective- but you’re addicted to the same old song and dance, gotta keep everyone onboard that bandwagon right?
Hate to fucking let anyone see theres anything behind the mask, that you might be anything less than the charade you commit to vitriolically to.
You can’t please everyone Roxi, but don’t you worry cause by the time that I’m done… You won’t have to worry about any of them, there will be no cheer squad roaring your name, no virulent social media wanna be lovers vying for your momentary adoration and predictable hashtags.

By the time I’m done with you Roxi, I want you to understand what you’ve done. I want you to understand that you could have avoided all of this, that all the blood I plan on spilling is squarely splattered across your psyche.
You had your chance to stop me… twice now and you fucked up. That's your choice and your consequence.

Come Climax Control though- I can trust Andrea to take care of business, I don’t have to look over my shoulder wondering if shes gonna stab me for the shits and giggs, I don’t have to concern myself with fangirling and fawning for attention in hopes of being reminded what infamy actually looks like...

Cause she’s not a sycophant. Not a fangirl. Not an arrogant wannabe. Not a proclaimed hero.

Just another woman really fucking good at her job...”


Climax Control Archives / ... The Questions And Answers ...
« on: August 26, 2020, 10:32:19 AM »
(Apologies in advance, this had to be a bit of a rush job cause things IRL have just been all over the place recently, will try to be around in the next week but please don't be too surprised if I'm a little bit absent for at least the next few days.
Thanks for understanding and all that- I promise you'll get better from me as things calm down a bit

<3 Jazz)

“Something about her is so tempting to look at. Her anger has a childish aura as if she isn’t made of real evil; just a bratty princess playing with her toy fangs.”
― Cameron Jace, Snow White Sorrow

Local Fairgrounds
Monterey, IN

“Why’d you leave?”

Amber’s guitar string twanged noisily, silently she cursed the stupid thing for never staying in tune, trying to ignore the vaguely persistent tone in Cassidy’s voice. Busking was an easy way of making a little extra money around the carnival, admittedly less profitable than freeing someone's wallet from their back pocket and relieving them of their extra cash- it was safer for the state of ones fingers negotiating blisters versus losing them entirely.

Of course, busking also worked far better when there wasn’t a 14 year old hanging around and blocking her open guitar case.

“Cass, you know I love you and all but this really isn’t the time…”

A forced pout came over the younger girls features, her boundless blonde curls struggling to free themselves from the hair tie holding them in a low, messy ponytail that fell in spiraling tendrils between her shoulder blades.

“It's never the time.”

She was right although Amber would never admit it aloud, curiosity was indeed known to kill cats however the redhead silently wondered if that could also be applied to bratty, entitled teenagers. With fingers lightly curled around the fretboard of the beaten up acoustic, the 17 year old Amber Ryan plucked away at a couple of strings in hopes that the one out of tune didn’t sound as obvious as she first thought.

“You’re right, it isn’t. Now, unless you plan on throwing me a few coins I’m gonna need you to move out of the way.”

Amber did her best to ignore the disappointment in Cassidy’s eyes as she relented, shuffling in typical sulky teenage fashion to sit just behind the redhead to the left on an upturned milk crate. One day perhaps she’d understand, Amber mused, that not every question required an answer…
How the hell could she explain that to a 14 year old anyway, especially when her father, ‘Grizzly’ Parker was just the same way- relentless and frustratingly determined to a goddamn fault.
Hell, Amber could barely restrain the chuckle as she recalled the first time she kissed a local boy behind the Gravitron hoping silently that she wouldn’t accidentally step too close in her temporary euphoria- someone had told Grizz and he had hounded her for four days straight it seemed for details that she could barely recall outside how the guy smelled like Axe Body spray and tasted like cheap cotton candy.

Eventually she made up some nothingness if only to get him off her back…

“Dad told me it was cause you were in trouble with the law.”

Amber scoffed as her fingers fell still- someone aimlessly threw a couple of coins in the general vicinity of the guitar case with only half actually landing inside as Amber gave them a cursory wave they likely didn’t see before turning her attention to Cassidy sitting almost smugly on her shitty little milk crate.

“Well, why are you asking me then?”

Amber called her bluff bluntly, Cassidy was fishing and doing it poorly as though she might somehow trigger the older girl into slipping up with a wrong word- however she seemed to forget that Amber had made a decent enough living in the carnivals by messing with people's minds while removing them from their monetary possessions.
Leaning over the guitar, Amber brushed some errant dust off the front of her jeans as a few more coins landed in the dirt nearby… she’d grab them later if she remembered, not before liberating some crisp notes from those stingy motherfuckers first though.

“I mean if he already told you that then you obviously have no use hearing it from me.”

“So it's true then?”

“If that's what you wanna believe Cass, then sure… Robbed a bank at gunpoint, stole a car and drove it off a cliff Thelma and Louise style before parachuting into the middle of goddamn nowhere and meeting your Dad. Is that exciting enough for you?”

Cassidy screwed her nose up in annoyance, those warm brown eyes giving away the level of frustration about being figuratively shrugged off. Amber returned to her guitar, contemplating maybe one day if she could get into wrestling properly she might be able to buy a new one… One that didn’t have a string permanently out of tune or a crack along the back cause she got a little heated and launched the case into the side of a trailer that one time…

A wry smile crept across young Amber’s features, ones not yet haunted and scarred in places form wars to come. Eyes not yet hollowed and a tongue not yet drenched in venom, fuelled by spite.
Kryptonite by Three Doors down came easily to her muscle memory while the familiar riff was easily digestible to the masses- people liked things they could recognize, familiar and safe even if the alternative was far more interesting.

“Why do you have to be such a bitch about everything?”

It was easy to forget that Cassidy was still at an age where calling someone a bitch actually felt like it meant something and wasn’t just a colloquial terms used alongside other profanities as adjectives rather than insults. If the 14 year old knew how to scowl effectively, Amber was sure she would have but instead had the closest approximation etched into her skin.
Amber said nothing at first, she’d found her groove as such and contentedly played away- while she knew all the lyrics off the top of her head and likely backwards, she didn’t have it in her to sing anywhere outside of a car or shower.

Maybe Cassidy was right again though, Amber contemplated thoughtfully as the chorus fell into the away into comfortable repetition again, right but not in the way she had intended she supposed. A family lingered nearby as she played, capturing her attention almost subconsciously- the mother pointing out the girl playing guitar to a son and daughter nervously crowding around their parents feet trying to avoid eye contact, while the father tapped his foot knowingly as though urging the children to do the same.

Something inside her chest tightened and if she’d been singing perhaps she would have momentarily forgotten the lyrics- they seemed so content, unknowing of how easily everything could change. So very suburban and Amber craved that more than she dared admit- she wanted that mediocrity, that boredom that came with comfort and a sense of knowing and belonging that didn’t come from being considered among outliers and outsiders.
Family. This was the closest she’d had in a long time and standing less than 10 feet away was perhaps what could have been… what should have been… what might have been if only things were different.

“Do you miss them?”

Cassidy’s demeanour had changed even though Amber still had her back to her, a softness in her tone replacing that bratty whine she’d adopted to little effect. Perhaps she’d seen the way Amber twitched upon making eye contact, or heard the sudden uptick in ferocity that her fingers danced across strings- she more than likely didn’t understand it but that didn’t make it any less noticeable.
It was a question Amber hadn’t expected as the daughter approached nervously, the trepidation written as though in neon across her small forehead- she couldn’t have been more than seven years old in a disney princess dress and brown hair that fell well past her shoulders accentuating her tiny frame.

Pausing before the guitar case, she shot a look of uncertainty back across her shoulder although Amber doubted if she knew what she were doing beyond reflexively seeking validation, her fist clenched tight around a couple of coins.
In that moment Amber wished she had something poignant to say, that her ten or so extra years of life could give this little girl something to cherish and remember… However before Amber could even find the words, the coins trickled into the bottom of the guitar case with tinkling thuds and she was gone running back to her parents.

“Sometimes. Some days more than others…”

A pause fell between them as the strings fell silent, Amber's hand gently falling away from the fret board as her fingers ached.

“So why run? Why leave if you didn’t want to go...”

Some moments the world has a way of falling silent even when it seems so noisy and crowded, moments where a room stops and takes a collective breath that lasts for seconds longer than it has any right to.
Amber waited as the family disappeared into the growing crowd, perhaps silently hoping they might look back one last time, that the endorphin rush wasn’t just a figment of her imagination and that she’d made some kind of connection where one previously hadn’t existed.

Except they didn’t turn around, perhaps starstruck by harsh flashing lights and pumping rock music that disguised the mechanical creaking of rides that desperately needed an overhaul… or perhaps that connection hadn’t struck them in the same way it had done with the redhead.
Pensively Aber sighed, turning her attention back to Cassidy- a twitch in her curious smile betraying something a little deeper although Amber couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was.

“Things just… I never really wanted to but we don't get that choice sometimes and just... you know what Cass, sometimes we don’t run for the sake of running though that may seem like what it is. We aren’t fleeing to or from anyone… Sometimes we run and we hide cause we just don’t want to be found.”


“Let me be blunt…

You know, as if I’m not already so much so they may as well have made my middle and last names ‘force trauma’ for the sake of it.

You don’t really know who I am Tallyn, more likely than not you don’t care either and if I’m honest I actually don’t blame you. It’s a big roster and not everyone can be champion, not everyone can be the star of the show- in order for there to be people on the top, there has to be those scratching and clawing beneath to make their position feel far more important.
Being on top only means something if there are people to beat below you, climbing the ladder only means something if you can be ahead of someone else and winning doesn’t mean shit if someone else doesn’t lose.

Right now- you’re one step off the floor and talking shit like you’ve got a title shot headed your way. I mean obvious kudos for the level of balls and all that, I mean it's a brave thing to act like you’re actually someone when you’ve done literally nothing of note.
I suppose this is the point where you get all shitty and ask just who I am to judge you- who am I to declare your worth among a stacked roster of women who all should be champions at any given time… Except Jessie Salco of course cause ice-cream really doesn’t do well under pressure it seems.

Hell, even Roxi deserves a nice belt sometimes cause something has to make me beating her again just that little sweeter...

See, this is the point darling, where you tell me who you think you are and why you’re better than me. Rattle off your reasons cause I’ve got nothing but time- run your mouth while you have the opportunity cause if I’m honest I’ve had a really rough couple of weeks and I could go for just belting the ever-loving fuck out of some smarmy know-it-all rookie who thinks her worth on a roster like this is based off the people who trained her.

Tell me all about where you’ve come from and what you’ve done to get here- all the fucking ‘hardships’ that you’ve endured to make it to a stage as grand as this and I ill take every one of those stupid words falling out of your face and I’ll ball them up in my fist so that when I knock your jaw around the other side of your head I can tell you how I was able to make you eat your words.
Oh, that's right… You’re trained really hard, you’ve overcome obstacles and now you just wanna be better right?

Cue up the alligator tears and give me a sob story that’ll make me keel over in laughter.

I’ve been at this far too long Tallyn, I’ve seen girls like you say the same daft things more times than I dare recall for fear I might give myself a goddamn aneurysm. You get this swell of confidence after a win and think you’re well on your merry way- then you hit a few roadblocks, you lose a few matches and disappear back off the face of the earth cropping up in the next company where you promise it’ll be different this time… That you won’t disappoint everyone anymore.

I’m well acquainted with disappointment, I’ve been letting people down my whole fucking career if only cause I have the absolute audacity to keep breathing.
I show up to shows and can practically hear eyes rolling and muttered sighs of annoyance that I haven’t simply chain smoked my lungs out of my chest yet or drunkenly fallen off my apartment balcony in a self-imposed rage about something insignificant.
That’d be too easy and I doubt many would want to garner a win over me like that- especially Roxi cause Queen Passive Aggressive in the corner there can’t fucking decide if she wants to scold me or knock my head off my shoulders.

We both know the answer and we also know that you just don’t have it in you right now, Hero.

That doesn’t make you better than me, just deluded into thinking that getting a little pissed off somehow gives you an edge.

Perhaps I should finally properly introduce myself to you then Tallyn, you know since I’ve already threatened certain death and dismemberment towards you on multiple occasions already.
I’m everything wrong and right with professional wrestling, deathmatch legend if only in my own mind and frankly what constitutes the nightmares of rookies like you…Technically proficient enough to pull your limbs off then sick enough to beat you to a bloody pulp with them. Hell, I’d just roll out my resume but there's so much blood on it you might mistake it for a red carpet to walk all over…

I’m a woman who doesn’t need to be in a stupid fucking battle royal to make her intentions very clear towards the gold- see, theres a reason people like you and I don’t get put in these things… Cause they are fucking terrified that we might win.
Only difference is they’re worried a champion will slaughter you, while they worry about not having a champion to bury if I get my hands on them…

Maybe I seem a little edgy but truth is, I am. I’m beyond on edge, I’m a little red writhing 5 foot 8 pile of bad intentions and franky even worse attitude, I am a beaten and broken former champion on the warpath towards something that maybe I don’t even deserve but I need all the same.
What you are Tallyn, is bait… They wanna feed the animal, sacrifice one for the sake of many while making my win loss record look a little more spiffy for the effort. They wanna see what I’m capable of when motivated, when pissed the fuck off and when I’ve got nothing left tethering me to the thin threads of sanity that hadn’t quite frayed through yet.

This isn’t an exhibition or an opportunity sweetheart, this is a message to Roxi Johnson, a message to whoever the Bombshells champion is following Climax Control and it's a message to management.

If you thought this was just fun and games before, that I had shown you the full hand I’m playing with… Don’t blink, don’t breathe, don’t move. Just sit, watch and hope that life insurance still pays out when the remains have to be scraped into a fucking mason jar.

So Tallyn. Roxi. Hell, any other bombshells who think now is the perfect time to start squaring up let it be known loud and clear...

… Lets just say I’m done playing.”


Jack Michaels House
Las Vegas, ND

Sunrise in Vegas used to feel like it meant more.

That first light peeking over a dusty horizon with a dull orange glow, Amber always far preferred this to the garish neon and forced facade of importance that the place usually carried- no, it was moment of peace among the distant chaos that resonated the deepest.
No doubt her adopted father would be milling around soon enough, he too, a career insomniac with a body clock so far out of whack it was a wonder they saw daylight at all… Amber however has forgone coffee and small talk, instead finding a solace in the gnarled branches of a large tree in the sprawling land stretching into the near distance.

As a child she had used to climb trees, get lost among the thick twisting arms and nestling into spaces designed for creatures far smaller and more agile- no one could reach her here, no one could find her if she didn’t want them to. Part of her, somewhere deep inside where she refused to admit stille existed- she was a child, a child denied a childhood, a child who chose to grow up quicker than she needed to cause the alternative left her feeling more hollow and alone.
Snaking between thick boughs, Amber maneuvered her body as best she could with bruises blooming in angry purples and blacks, her right sneaker untied and hanging loosely cause her ankle was so swollen she couldn’t get her high-tops over it…

It had been a rough couple of weeks for the redhead no doubt, the stitches in her face and the ones healing along the back of her head like a constant painful reminder- some might have argued it might have been karma, that she deserved everything she’d been given and the hands that she had been dealt were a mere consequence.
Of course, those people only ever had half of the story cause anything else would skew their perfect narrative in a factual direction…

No, Baltimore hadn’t exactly been kind to her recently.

Vegas at least still held some hope.

There would be those still condemning what she’d done to Roxi as though given the opportunity they wouldn’t have done it themselves, that they too had at one point thought about doing exactly as she had done. She’d made a promise before Summer XXXtreme and now it seemed people didn’t like the fact she was willing to keep it…
Maybe it was easy for people to forget why they were in this industry, why any of them stepped inside that ring and put their fucking bodies through hell- it wasn’t for the love of the sport, and sure the money might have been nice but even that lost it's lstre after awhile…

It was to make a difference- and if making a difference meant doing some heinous things, meant hurting people who may or may not have deserved it if only to prove the hypocrisy of someone who’s vision of the world was black and white with shades of red ambiguity in between.
Amber didn’t hate Roxi, she fucking cared more than people realized… she just wanted Roxi to admit, openly and freely that she wasn’t everything she claimed to be, that heroism wasn’t real and that she was just as self-serving and ruthless as anyone else out there.

Amber wanted to hear Roxi admit that she was just like the Distorted Angel… and that it was okay.

It wasn’t the slander or the insults that hurt Amber the worst, that drove her in the direction they had taken- but Roxi’s insistence that being anything like Amber was an insult, was something to be frowned upon and shamed as though she herself wasn’t part of the world that had created someone like her. Roxi could stand on that pedestal and tell everyone they were wrong however couldn’t admit within herself that she too housed that same visceral nothingness.

A branch beneath her cracked loudly, however didn’t bow beneath her shifting weight, although she didn’t dare linger in one place for too long for fear of a visit to her childhood and the emergency room. Wrestling reminded her of the branches of a tree- some could take the weight of the world upon them and no one would ever notice cause they act as expected, many cracked under a pressure far underestimated and subsequently fell away noisily and the rest… well it's a tree, what the fuck else could be expected?

One day she’d learn, although Amber doubted today would be it and she imagined tomorrow probably wasn’t promising either. Perhaps the more pertinent question would have been- what will it take for Roxi to understand.
No longer was this a simple mind game, perhaps it once was but things evolved faster than either of them could ever have prepared for. No longer was Amber simply interested in proving Roxi to be a fraud and a liar cause she’d done a far enough good a job of that herself.

No longer would she stand and be told she wasn’t good enough- when all she’d done since walking through the door was impress... A stacked rostered full of women wanted their shot- not at the titles but at the redhead with the big mouth and fists like concrete, they wanted to test their might against someone who didn’t care enough about anything to lose.
Of course- the bombshells title would be on the near horizon- though admittedly, Amber contemplated tearing a crunchy leaf from a nearby twig,it would be quite the shame to have to liberate it from someone she was quickly considering a firm friend in Evie Jordan.

When it came down to it though, and what many seemed to forget a little too easily these days was in any given match, they’d get Amber at her best.

Put a title on the line though, and they’d get absolutely everything…

‘Just a matter of time’ or so they said… Oh, how they’d come to regret it surely when the time came.

Climax Control Archives / ... The Opportunity ...
« on: July 16, 2020, 11:30:17 AM »
 (Note: This is another quick one from me this week, trying to juggle my schedule so its a little more rushed than I would have liked but hopefully it does as its intended to inject some backstory but more importantly- build up the match for the supercard \'smile.gif\'
I promise I have something special lined up for that \'wink.gif\' althoughwhether it works or not is a different story \'tongue.gif\'

Anyways, enjoy and all that.)

“She had a habit of putting things in that way, as though she had accidently set your house on fire and had no choice now but to stand back and watch it burn.”
― Vu Tran, Dragonfish

Amber’s Apartment
Atlantic City, NJ

Amber never really considered herself an insomniac.

Insomnia was defined as a habitual sleeplessness, whereas Amber found herself more so just acclimatised to a crappy sleep schedule and a routine of gruelling travel- or at least it's what she told herself time and time again when she found herself wide awake at 2am in Atlantic City.
For years it had been nightmares, the type that left her pulse racing and a sheen of cold sweat drenching the tangle of sheets around her, the type that felt so real it was was as though the rain still pelted against her skin and shattered glass glimmered like cracked diamonds on the bitumen.
The type of nightmare that made her believe she was dying… over and over again.

These days though- the nightmares didn’t hit quite so hard, at least not to the point they used to, the rain no longer reminded her of liquid bullets but instead a low pressure shower drizzling water everywhere except where you wanted it and the glass no longer scattered diamonds reflecting the night back at her but mirror shards almost bleeding into the tarmac.
Maybe her senses had dulled with time and damage, the things that once brought her to her knees now barely taking a breath of air from her lungs, her psyche fractured and strewn like a childs toys during a tantrum.

It would certainly explain a lot about why she cared so much and so little about everything at the same time.

A faint sprinkling of ash from a neglected cigarette dusted across her fingers, she hadn’t even taken a drag of the thing even though it had already burnt a third of the way through- somehow just having something to keep her hands busy was a comfort, a non verbal reinforcement that she wasn’t entirely losing her mind.
Essentially and like pretty much everything else going haywire in her life, she contemplated silently, she had brought all of this upon herself.

2am everywhere looked pretty much the same these days- between hotel rooms in their beige claustrophobia inducing mediocrity and the views of a wishful skyline painted in neon and garish need for validation, she’d seen all the best and worst the world had to offer up in peculiar waking hours. Maybe if she went back to bed now, she might get a couple more hour uninterrupted before her demons roused, whispering regrets and repentance behind fluttering eyelids.

People always talked about drowning their demons, the idea that fighting fire with fire might somehow end up with only one side getting burned and that they were something that needed to be overcome. Amber had long since dismissed the concept, instead allowing this time to be a discourse as though they had anything meaningful to add to the conversation that wasn’t straight up self-destructive.
It was no secret that she’d had her issues, that her state of mind could be considered questionable on the best of days and that the nickname ‘Lady Unstable’ had become more than just another cute moniker to be idly tossed about. Wrestling was all consuming, there was no back up plan nor soft landing should the facade come crumbling down around her.

So many of her peers called their careers ‘do or die’, but she couldn’t help how many would really live up to that claim should the circumstances arise.

More ashes tumbled around her hand, the leaden head standing precariously tall as a gentle breeze chipped away at it's foundation. September 2019 she came back from a year and a half hiatus, all that time swearing on everything she had worth swearing on that she didn’t need wrestling as though it somehow still held a place for her to step back into… Several high profile injuries and surgeries put her on the shelf, but her own addictive personality and tenuous grip with society kept her there.


World champion in one company- and chasing red tinted shadows, trying to justify her existence in another.

Amber frowned slightly, the lines around her eyes sinking deeper and the curl of her lip a little more pronounced. Roxi walked the walk, talked the talk and danced the proverbial dance when Amber had played her tune- but somehow it all felt strangely hollow, as though she expected more.
Although who she expected it from was what really stung the most.
Roxi wanted to believe she was evil- but the idea of evil was a subjective and murky one. Kicking a puppy was evil, pushing old ladies into traffic was evil- hell, telling someone that you loved them then never speaking to them again was evil.

Amber wasn’t evil, at least not yet.

She could be, she absolutely could be and Roxi would never begin to comprehend it. More than once the Sin City Wrestling icon had brought up Amber’s background complete with an analogy about leopards and their spots. She had spoken at length about the things Amber had done and was known for as though trying to convince everyone that she somehow knew something everyone else didn’t.
It wasn’t a secret though, it wasn’t some thinly veiled threat fallen from loose lips nor derogatory slander. She burned people, maimed them with all manner of hardware, she’d spat everything from mist to goddamn thumbtacks if it gave her an advantage and left a lot of people battered and broken who never deserved their fate for simply stepping into her path.
It was easy to paint with those broad strokes, just looking any closer involved an effort and ability to see past one's own misconceptions.
Despite everything, Amber always owned who the fuck she was.

Most of the time she didn’t like it, but she damn well accepted it cause she’d never have gotten this far without it.

Her frown softened into something contemplative as the acrid smoke drifted listlessly around her face like a sickly fallen halo, could Roxi truly make that claim? Could she look in the mirror and be content with everything that brought her to this point so that she may judge without a fear of repercussion.
Maybe it didn’t really matter, as Amber finally knocked the growing head from the cigarette into the makeshift ashtray beside her as the cherry glowed obscenely in the low light of the balcony.

It seemed like Roxi wouldn’t be convinced until Amber did something unethical, that determination to be proven right becoming the reason for wrongdoing. It was only a matter of time really, Amber had said it from the start after all that time was ticking… If only Roxi knew that it wasn’t to her demise, but until Amber’s nature could no longer be denied, that her efforts to be decent continually being spurned only fuelled that raging hurricane between her ribs.
When that snap came, when the last granules of sand fell through the hourglass- people wouldn’t remember the efforts, the displays of sportsmanship. They’d see red, they’d see destruction and they’d see a heroes plight despite the hero being the reason for the collapsing black hole of humanity threatening to tear down everything they’d created.

Curls of thin smoke danced in the night air before dissipating, wispy and opaque against an inky backdrop dotted with the remnants of stars. Roxi wanted to believe this all a game, but games had endings. A definable and definitive finish under pre-determined conditions- maybe it was simply easier for her to compartmentalize and pigeonhole her life. After all- her wife couldn’t fucking decide one day to the next if she wanted to play good guy for the laughs or act out cause she wasn’t geeting enough attention, her friends seemed to care less and less about her desperate need to be validated as a good person while dismissing her paranoia about ‘the other redhead’.

Two sides of the same coin, only one of them didn’t consider it real currency cause it didn’t fit the narrative she wanted to create within her life, like a chapter of a book written by someone else that changes genre every third sentence.
Amber had said it all along, they were far more similar than Roxi dared to admit… and she was dismissed as though comparing them were an insult, that somehow Amber’s acceptance of just being a terrible person was a slight against the name of Roxi Johnson.

One match. One fucking match to prove a point. That's all she asked, and even then her professionalism was questioned and ability to be trusted undermined despite a flawless track record to date. Bell to bell, there would be no mistakes, no fuck ups or missteps.

After all, dream matches didn’t come along every week and this was one she hoped she wouldn’t have to wake up from before she got to the best part...


“Opportunity is a fickle mistress.

She’ll knock on your door politely, maybe with a little jaunty rhythm if she’s feeling fancy. She’ll patiently wipe her feet on your doormat and if you leave her waiting for too long- she’ll move on like she never bothered with you in the first place.
Not like that piece of shit Death, barging in, not even wiping bone dust off his shoes… Yeah, he can go suck a big one.

No, you see Opportunity has far more important things to do and places to be- she won’t wait for you to decide that you want to embrace her and all her baggage. There are ten thousand other plebs just like you who will, so as you can imagine she can afford to pass you over.
Twisted Sister. Iron Maiden. I want you to think back just a couple of weeks- I promise this isn't a memory exercise or lord knows we’ll be here far longer than anticipated. Take a deep breath, and remember- hell I’ll even paint the scene for you…

Roxi Johnson- perennial rival, likely thorn in the side and all round just ‘nice chick’ is in the middle of the ring, shes vulnerable, she’s just gone through a match and most importantly to this case study- she’s alone.
Opportunity came knocking for you ladies, loving arms outstretched and just waiting for that acceptance with the chance to be relevant once more.

Only you left Opportunity waiting.

I just… I cannot.

I mean I’ve been told I’m a real piece of shit, you know? That I’m just the fucking worst person around and I highly doubt my esteemed partner this week will exactly be inclined to disagree. I’ve done some heinous things and I’ll be the first to admit that in this scenario, one you were so luckily presented with, I’ve taken advantage.
Roxi will tell you that I’ve maimed people, I’ve burned them and I’ve left a path of destruction in my wake it's no wonder that they aren’t calling me the littlest Godzilla.

Never though, have I taken such a precious opportunity…

… and just royally fucked it so badly it's a goddamn wonder that you weren’t charged for the privilege. This makes my heart weep, my soul tremble and my insides writhe relentlessly cause you were handed something and did nothing with it.
Hell, if I weren’t trying to do good… I’d have gone out there and showed you both how to really conduct business.

You had her right where you wanted. Two on fucking one.

Twisted Sister. Iron Maiden.

Just… just get fucked. Honestly.

You both should have cake walked this- you were thrown a soft ball by the universe to smack straight out of the park so you could feel like heroes. Now, you’re on the opposite side of the ring to two of the most dominant forces- not only in the Bombshells division but in wrestling as a whole… and you think for a second you stand any better of a chance two vs two when you couldn’t even dispatch a tired, wounded and lonely Roxi Johnson when you had the chance.

Part of me though wonders if I should thank you both- you know, reach down deep inside my chest cavity where I’ve been told my cold, dead heart is supposed to reside and dredge up some insincere form of gratitude for setting up what I’d like to consider a dream tag team match.
See, the thing is times still ticking- and if Roxi were to be believed, I’m just a snake in the grass waiting for a chance to strike, just waiting for an opportunity to show off my dark side like all of them aren’t already the same colour.

What she doesn’t seem to get is that there are plenty of times that I could have done exactly that, slipped 6 inches of steel between her ribs and been done with this whole mess. Innumerable that I’m just out to get her because I’m quite simply the actual incarnation of Satan on a coke binge.
What she doesn’t get is that I’ve been nothing but honest with my intentions, as borderline friendly as I can physically before I start scaring children and frankly just an all round decent person since I walked through the door.

Let's examine facts, shall we?

First night in the company, I walk out in front of Sin City Wresting and challenge Roxi, just like I’m sure a thousand women before me have done, verbatim. I told her that this fight would happen on my terms and that her time would eventually run out leading to a match that could potentially explode the greater multiverse.

I didn’t threaten. I haven't laid a single hand on her in any form of aggressive manner , I haven’t done anything that would give reason to all the derision and spite that seems to be continually levelled at me.

Cordial and polite, but still ambitious.

Just like every other woman who’s stepped through that door wanting to be the best.

If this is what I have to do, the conditions it’ll take for Roxi to believe even the smallest bit in me- then I’ll happily step through those ropes and kick your teeth across the canvas like they’re ghetto marbles.
From bell to bell and start to end- not only can i be trusted, but I’m out to prove that I am the best fucking tag team partner that she might ever have.
No offense Keira, but it's a known fact.

This isn’t just a flight of fancy between us- the roots run proverbially deep. For years, Roxi and I have been little more than parallels, always in each others peripheral while missing head on collisions but hairs breadths and eyelashes just waiting for the day that our paths have no choice but to converge.
So close, for so long and yet so very far away.
Thing is, after you keep passing by someone for so long the idea of that collision becomes more fantastical, you build this level of expectation about what it’ll amount to- the hype, the pomp and the circumstances eventuating in this wild crescendo.

It's kinda funny by now, I used to get stopped alot at shows and airports and poeple would ask- are you Roxi Johnson, when will you finally face Roxi, who is better between you and Roxi… I’m sure you get the idea by now.
Somehow my identity became an analogue for someone elses career, a name I’d never even faced and a face I’d never attached to a name. Maybe some might read that as jealousy but those same people probably get real pissy over dropping their ice cream- truth was, it fuelled the fire and made me realize that I needed to further prove my worth.
For a couple of years, no matter what I did… the comparison stuck.

Ha, maybe I’d have told Roxi this earlier if she weren’t continually acting like I was out to get her and actually engaged in a real conversation with me.

I learned though and more importantly, I moved on. With every title and every big match, the comparisons became less. With every headline and bloodbath I built a legacy in ultraviolence that could only be admired in small doses you’d want to vomit bile across your shoes.
I grew to be more than just another Roxi Johnson.

Time passed and then this opportunity comes up. Newly minted Carnage world title on one shoulder and that ever present chip so heavy it gives me a limp, on the other. I had an itch i couldn’t quite reach, cause accomplishment is nice and all but theres always more out there…
SCW came into the picture, and with it… the coincidence that a ghost of Christmas past came with it.

You gotta figure- why wouldn’t I call out someone who’d been little more than a face on my social media, a name mumbled in my ear, a reflection of the woman staring back at me from the bathroom but in flesh and blood.
Why wouldn’t I step up and step forth to put this chapter to final rest, to do it on terms that prove I was always more than  Roxi Johnson rip off. A clone. A failed mimic of something far less original.

When it comes down to it- Roxi, Twisted Sister, Iron Maiden. I’m a fucking professional first, and a myriad of terrible connotations and curse words after that… I handle my business, win or lose. Step in that ring with me and I promise you won’t emerge the same- it ain’t some shitty cliche, just me waxing poetic again.

So let's just cut through all the crap before we get up to our necks in something less than savory.

What this match is, is a forgone conclusion. Inevitability at it's brilliant best.
I mean, you both could barely bring down Roxi in a two on one after she’d had a match… My poor dead grandmother, bless her everlasting soul, would have a better chance of making more of an impact and she’s been in the ground over a fucking decade.
Roxi is one of the best, everyones said it and I’ll add my shitty fucking voice to that chorus- and if I wanted to be a piece of shit, i could just leave her to fend for herself and I’d not even be concerned cause it wouldn’t be a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ she puts you both away.

She’s not alone though.

Whether she likes it or not, whether she believes it or not and whether she’s truly as willing to play professional as she claims or not- she’s got me.
Distorted Angel. Painted Hurricane. Carnage World Champion. I’ve got names out the fucking wazoo… but all you need to know is I’m what you get when Roxi Johnson truly embraces who she is, and Roxi is just Amber Ryan with a conscience and ethical framework.

Determined. Deadly. Two sides of a coin one doesn’t like to admit even exists.

Climax Control beckons and I gave Roxi my word, and realistically it's all I have to give that means anything, I told her that from bell to bloody bell… She could trust me.
Now I give my word to the both of you that, should you even manage to walk out under your own power, should you be gifted one last chance to disappear… to take it, grab ahold of it and grip as tightly as you can cause if you so much as step into my crosshairs again, you’ll wish I ended you five times over.

Do you hear that?

Opportunity comes calling once more, but this time it isn’t your doorstep that she darkens with her presence. It isn’t you that she lingers for- and after all…

Who the fuck am I to keep her waiting?”

Climax Control Archives / ... The Color Red ...
« on: July 03, 2020, 01:39:29 PM »
 “She was the one who showed me all the dark wonders of life, the real life, the life I’d only seen flickering from the corner of my eye. Did I ever feel anything at all until she showed me what feeling meant? Pushing at the corners of her cramped world with curled fists, she showed me what it meant to live.”
― Megan Abbott, Dare Me

Undisclosed Location
Elizabethtown, NC

“Come on Red, you can’t tell me this isn’t kinda cool…”

Amber kicked the shards of a brick across the rotten floorboards in protest, the thin powder of brick dust exploding like a pale rain around her worn converses. Derelict and decaying, the musty aroma mingled with something faintly coppery and alkaline as Amber tried to put from her mind how it reminded her of the taste of blood in the back of her throat.

“It's just like in movies, you know?”

Amber’s clear lack of enthusiasm did little to temper Cassidy Parker’s overt excitement at exploration, after all they’d been travelling for several days straight- cooped up in a van with adults far more invested in staring at the backs of their eyelids or too busy trying to talk over her head with stories of an illicit nature like she hadn’t heard them all only with far more slurring and the stain of whiskey on their breaths.
Truck stops did little to break the monotony- deep fried nothing and gasoline fumes, the magazines were all months out of date and even the newspapers seemed to curl at the edges as though trying to quietly disintegrate.

However when Cassidy spotted the abandoned house not far from the fairgrounds, she had immediately set to work pestering Amber about going exploring. Four days she’d managed to keep Cassidy at bay, four arduous days filled with excuses and avoidance, four days of being worn down by the sheer energy levels and eventually her patience wore so thin she knew she might not sleep a wink if she didn’t relent.

At 14 Cassidy was Amber’s junior by three years- somewhat akin to an annoying little sister with far too much energy and a startling charisma, thick blonde curls fell around her face and cascaded over her shoulders as warm brown eyes studied the world through a microscope.
Pale skin stretched over her sinewy form as she swept from room to room, her frame like that of a ballerina without the function muscle mass, like a praying mantis perhaps made of all limbs and earnestness.

“Yeah, and in those movies pretty little things like you end up looking like a sleeping bag full of cranberries that got run over with a tractor.”

Part of a floorboard crumbled beneath Amber’s foot as she caught herself, sweating profusely under her breath about the stupidity of this whole venture, Cassidy however seemed far more enamoured with some of the rough graffiti that had peeled away in places, her fingers traced over where the letters had faded- perhaps a proclamation of simply being there or the curving strokes of a short term relationship sprayed with a lustful and equally short term sincerity.
Amber appreciated the artform, when done well at least- which this had not- however it was the way the word forever seemed to be thrown around so freely, that it could be intended as something infinite and yet last only three days cause some people aren’t mentally equipped to handle monogamy.

Metallic and caustic gave way to something more acidic, an unmistakable tang of built up ammonia and perhaps bile if she really thought about it for long enough. She tried to avoid making eye contact with what she presumed was once a mattress, it's remains scattered and soiled by rats or something slightly larger, she couldn’t even begin to think of what it's use might have been before… and perhaps still.
Amber gagged slightly, bile tickling at the back of her tongue as though trying to negotiate for an exit. Even though the windows had been broken out, shards stuck and weathered in their decaying frames, fresh air still couldn’t permeate the space- an air lock of acrid malodor, the atmosphere so heavy that there wasn’t any room for oxygen to move.

“Hey Red, what if there's a dead body or something?”

“It smells like there already is…”

“Oh come on, it's not THAT bad.”

“I’d rather hang out in a truck stop toilet getting propositioned by lesbian truck drivers than breath in some dead person DNA. Come on Cass, let's just get out of here otherwise the next dead body might just be yours.”

Cassidy mockingly poked her tongue out, while Amber wrinkled her nose up so hard it was a wonder that it was still properly attached to her face.

“Jesus christ, put that thing back in your head before I rip it out and use it to clean my shoes.”

“No you won’t. You like me too much, and besides- who else would put up with your miserable ass?”

Cassidy ventured towards the front door, well where the front door used to be Amber had presumed, now only a set of hinges hung precariously as the wood seemed to fall apart around them.
It wasn’t the gasp that set Amber’s heart racing, nor even the fact she could see Cassidy frozen, partially silhouetted in the front door by the sinking afternoon sun.

It was the voices. Multiple. Angry.

Closing the gap, Amber could start making out words now- mostly curses mixed with the occasional accusation, a cacophony of sounds spewing with a determined vitriol. Female. Young, probably teen. A vicious whine like a hornet, only with far more hormones and a shittier attitude.

“... saw you carny slut. Think you can just get away with messing with me, you got another thing coming.”

“Fuck her up”

“Yeah, she’s got it coming”

Maybe they didn’t know Amber was there, maybe they just didn’t care but none of them reacted much when the redhead leaned almost leisurely on the door frame, trying to avoid having to get another tetanus shot in the process.


Cassidy was the first to acknowledge Amber- the knowing look of guilt and realization plastered across her face. Amber hadn’t noticed how heavy the smattering of freckles across her nose was until now, framed by the glazed over deer-caught-in-headlights look in her eyes.
She was looking for hope, for validation perhaps, for something… Something that Amber wasn’t even sure she could provide.

“You wanna tell your girl here how you think you’re a clever little bitch, you didn’t think I’d remember your face after I caught your sticky fucking fingers in my bag last night?
Well, guess what…”

Amber tuned out slightly as the slurs continued to pour, groaning internally as Cassidy could do little more than give her something amounting to a sheepish affirmation of wrongdoing. It was Amber’s fault, she’d been teaching Cassidy how to pickpocket and more importantly… how not to get caught.
She wasn’t supposed to be going off by herself trying it, Amber swore loudly under her breath capturing the attention of the lead antagonist.

“Look, I’m sure theres some kind of misunderstanding or something… Cass, just apologize. Get it over with and then we can all move on, yeah?”

Operation peacemaker was in full swing, however it didn’t stop the redhead from sizing up the girls. All of them seemed built from the same familial stock, although maybe that was more a small town breeding issue rather than anything else- none of them particularly menacing despite their best efforts, the type of girls who’d tell everyone they smoked behind the bleachers and played truant when really it was mommy and daddy letting them have a day off and not keeping contraband out of reach.
Snickering became full blown laughter in a matter of moments, the girls looking to each other in comical disbelief.

“You think an apology fixes this, you think that's good enough? Nah, that's not how we do things around here.”

Amber presumed she was trying to square up, that she was trying to look intimidating however she was heavily flat footed, her fists curled awkwardly in a way that would break her thumbs if she threw a punch and her smile was… way too easy of a target. With a deliberately methodical pace, Amber drifted down the concrete steps allowing each thud to resonate for a moment before the next until the muffle of hard ground and dust tempered the noise.

“How you do things… Huh, well that's a bit of a problem in itself then, isn’t it?”

Without breaking eye contact, Amber placed herself between Cassidy and the group while allowing a sly half smile to cross her face. It was a few moments of awkward silence before Amber cleared her throat, trying to clear the last residue of mildew from her throat.

“Cassidy. Get out of here.”

“Amber I-”


Terse and commanding, the guilt only sunk deeper into the blonde as she sidled off to the side, at first a walk and then breaking into a run in the direction of the fairgrounds. One of the group made a move to follow, however Amber's hollow dead eyed gaze kept them all planted firmly in place.

“I dunno who you think you are standing up for her but-”

“No buts, your problem is with me now. Not her. Whatever she’s done, you take it up with me or you fuck right off and leave us the hell alone.”

Another few chuckles rumble through the girls as though they’re on the same wavelength, Amber presumed that since they likely didn’t have a lot of brain cells between them that it greatly reduced the difficulty.

“Her. You. Same difference really.”

Amber saw the punch coming before the girl even reared back, there was something so oddly satisfying about watching someone with no clue telegraph their shot while still thinking they had any element of surprise. Years of muay thai kept her on her toes, years of panantukan ept her footwork difficult to read… and years of just straight up fights forecast the outcome like standing outside and predicting the weather two minutes into the future.
Four versus one.
Shitty odds. Still didn’t stop Amber coming in and headbutting the lead antagonist between the eyes with a satisfying crunch, cartilage snapped beneath the pressure and Amber caught some of the first spurts of hot gushing blood as it poured from her nose.

Stumbling backwards, Amber knew she left herself open however the message had been sent. Wild fists with poor technique made contact, each not doing much but their sheer combined weight beat her down towards the ground- sometimes a lucky strike might connect with something more fragile like a liver or kidney.
Crumpling to the floor, Amber covered up as best as possible while still lashing out when opportunity arose, one girl stomped at her face and caught her in the nose, the viscous blood tricking into her mouth as she fought for a breath not contaminated by dust.
Metallic on her tongue, she wanted to be sick until an errant kick caught her in the stomach and forced a dry retch from her body. One girl got caught with a nasty kick to the thigh, stumbling backwards the obscenities were followed by a kick to the spine that sent a tingling down Amber’s arms.

She didn’t know how long they were at it for, huffing and puffing angrily above her with insults that failed to do more than wound their own intelligence. Playground nothings, threats of violence trying to look cool when their punches did little more than crack knuckles.
Eventually their contemptuous onslaught gave way, satisfied with their work they helped each other limp away as the leader, still cradling her face- everything below her crumpled nose bathed in thick, crimson blood and mucus, spat venomously at Amber as she tried to drag herself out of the dust.

“That’ll fucking teach you.”

It wouldn’t. She’d be over it in a couple of days, superficial wounds although her pride was only slightly more damaged as Amber wished she’d knocked a few teeth out to do with it.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry… I just- I’m...”

Despite Amber’s determined stance, Cassidy hadn’t gone far.  Kneeling in front of the redhead, she seemed momentarily lost for what to do, her shame and culpability reddened in her cheeks and sunken into the crevices of her grimace.
Amber quietly dusted herself off as she pushed herself up to sitting, she could still feel the trickle down the edge of her chin while trying to ignore the warmth trying to creep between her lips. Using her t-shirt, Amber tried to wipe away the worst of it, only succeeding in smearing it further as Cassidy tried to help her up- Amber waved her off though, unsteadily finding her feet as the younger girl tried to search for something meaningful to say.

“Amber, I’m so-”

Another dead eyed gaze cut her off abruptly.

“... They won’t bother you again.”


“You know, I’ve heard that possession is supposedly 9/10ths of the law but I can’t imagine whoever came up with it ever intended it for this context.

Curious, don’t you think?

A mechanism of protection in the same way that split personalities form and function like an emotional armour, protruding spikes around ones fragile psyche with the distinct intention of impaling everything within proximity. Mental illness certainly isn’t something to be joked about, as I’m sure a vast majority of our peers in this industry are either wired wrong, or pretend to be cause they think it makes them look cooler.

Really, the only voices those ones should be listening to are the ones telling them to fuck off out the door.

It's not a strength though, nor is it a weakness- it's just a part of you. Yin and yang, two halves to a whole even if the split is creeping into 80/20 territory. You might be the original, sure… but you aren’t in control, are you?
Some might compare you to Jekyll and Hyde but the truth is far more banal, theres no dramatic transformation by candlelight, no screams of disgust and terror as you morph into an uncontrollable killing machine.

Lights come on, and Melissa Aki switches off.

I wonder though, am I a threat to you?

Does someone like me bring out the worst, that darkness deep inside that's just begging for a chance to put the stupid big mouth redhead in her place. Does someone like me draw out something in you that you loathe, that leaves you feeling hollow in its wake and covered in someone else's blood… which certainly isn’t exactly sanitary in this pandemic.
See, this is the part where you do one of two things…
Your demon side will tell me that I’m no threat, that everything I’ve done up to this point is entirely irrelevant and that I can’t possibly be on your level when it comes to ultraviolence and generally being a piece of shit human being.

In which case I tell you that you’re one head twist away from being a poor mans Exorcist and that ya’ll really need some Jesus.

Or two… You’ll make it sound like this is a big deal to you, that you’ve either heard of me or seen my work and that you really respect me cause that's just what you do, you hope we’ll have a great match and in the end be respected rivals without having tried to bleed each other dry.

In which case I’ll still tell you that you’re one head twist away from being a poor mans Exorcist and that you most definitely need to invest in some serious Jesus.

I’m sensing a pattern here Maki.

I want to believe you are everything you’re made out to be- that your reputation of sheer carnage isn’t just because everyone else has been subpar and would consider a chair something of an exotic weapon… and I have no doubt that if you truly set your mind to it that you could absolutely splatter my future grandchildrens DNA all over your breakfast and still have an appetite for destruction.
All I’m getting though is that you wrestle a bit of deathmatch, talk a bit of cray-cray cause everyone loves a psycho till they start leaving body parts in their freezer and crawl on all fours cause it looks more animalistic and visceral, you know until you blow your knees and wrists out.

Might be the first person to do such things without having their head shoved under a table, so kudos on that I guess?

Still you feed into the cliche, a maligned and desperate cliche worn down to a painful nub on the middle finger of the wrestling industry and for what exactly?
A reaction, a cheap pop for some shock value- humans by nature are macabre creatures in that we abhor violence and yet are drawn to it like moths to a tyre fire. In one breath we refuse to condone acts of depravity, yet we turn on the television or shell out dollars for tickets to shows promising that someone will be hurt.
Somehow the greater the violence, the more attractive it becomes.

Fucking shock value Maki.

Ultraviolence isn’t just some kooky buzzword, it's not flavour of the month cause somehow blood is only barely thicker than a melting gelato. Deathmatches aren’t just some throwaway gimmicks proposed to get a few extra asses across seats- this isn’t a game for edgelords and emo’s desperately needing a haircut cause no one understands the pain of being them.
You wanna talk about pain Maki, about giving and receiving in kind like somehow stubbing your toe backstage is equivalent to digging shards out of your forearm weeks after a match cause you can feel it scraping against a bone, or comparing a paper cut to stitching yourself back together in a shitty hotel room cause the local nurses just think you’re taking the piss now.

You wanna preach destruction when in fact the only thing you’ve likely destroyed recently was a public toilet and the last shreds of dignity after an especially bad Taco Bell

We’re supposed to be better than this, but we aren’t… Maybe Seleana is our saving grace, that she might save this match from the quagmire it's becoming, but you’re just smoke and mirrors when I wanted you to be more. It's my fault though, I set the expectations to a level you could never have hoped to reach in that I admired your work only to realize it's just parlour games, smokescreens and a shaky hand for applying facepaint.

Demon Maki held some promise, regular Maki just wants to do good right?

She’s somehow pure and decent in comparison.

… which does absolutely nothing to stop me wanting to plant my converse sneaker through the back of your skull via the front door.
Ugh, I always forget how cringe this stuff sounds until I say it… Must make me sound like a big ole hypocrite right, deriding everyone else for their bullshit and then spraying venom like I’m marking my territory.
Hell, maybe I would be if I wasn’t just like the postman and always goddamn delivering. Win or lose kiddies, someone’s eating that canvas or the soles of my size 9’s. For you though, unlike the postman, I’ll even bring it on Sundays.

There are those that would compare us like we’re been cut from the same cloth- but you gotta think that's like trying to compare thousand thread count luxury with a square of used one ply. We’ll just try and ignore the brown stains this time, say it gives character.
Credit where recent credit is due- I mean you beat a former champion in your debut. Candy, you know, who happened to lose an inferno match recently, who lost her title recently. So, you beat a broken down, slightly charred version of someone who first walked into SCW thinking it was just a really violent My Little Pony convention.

Only reason she’s stayed this long is cause she’s still really determined to get Rainbow Brite’s hoofprint planted squarely between her eyes.

God, if that's not a deflating start to your tenure then I don’t really know what else to tell you…

Okay sure. You’ve got a demon inside of you… that's great. If you could just go over there and line up behind everyone else who walks into a company telling everyone they are, in fact, a badass… That’d be just lovely.
What you need to start comprehending real quick though, is that I’m a sick amalgamation of all the worst things Mother Nature herself could muster, and pre-packaged in a cage of skin and terrible decision making. You might summon power from the underworld, but I’m a dying star going supernova in slow motion determined to drag everyone down with me simply for being within the proximity.

By all means though, continue to make your empty threats and tell me all the ways I’m about to get scattered across that ring, the peculiar way you plan on using chunks of flesh for a terrible jigsaw and that my eyes might look nice in a jar overlooking the scenic barren hellscape.
It ain’t special, it certainly isn’t original- I mean I hear worse on a typical Tuesday and thats even before I get on social media- the best of your cutting verbal jabs wouldn’t even crack the top 10 on slow day of ‘You Mom’ jokes and poorly sexualised innuendos.

All I ask Maki, is that you give me something I can at least roll my eyes at cause I’ve still gotta prove that I haven't fallen asleep or just straight up dropped dead out of boredom from this grandiose show of imitation badassery and rampaging mediocrity.

Come Climax Control- it's the ever classic story of angels and demons… Hang on, someone call Dan Brown and tell him I’ve got a fantastic novel idea.

One he can massacre just like I’m about to during this stupid fucking triple threat match.


Carnage Arena
Baltimore, MD

Amber hadn’t hurt like this for a long time.

As a veteran of ultraviolence, a delightful oxymoron if there ever was one, she’d endured far greater pain than most people should ever have had to endure- but this was different. This wasn’t shredded flesh oozing blood and muscle tissues twitching under bright lights, this wasn’t pulling shards of broken glass from skin nor retrieving an errant thumbtack from the underside of one's tongue.
Hell, this wasn’t even broken and splintered bones left to repair awkwardly cause the idea of someone else stepping into your place as you healed was a far more wounding prospect.

No, this was an ache that resonated from the inside of her bones. Radiating outwards as though nuclear fusion spontaneously erupted between the calcified layers of her 5’8” frame. It was fearsome, unending spasms that mimicked the thunderous pulse inside her chest- her forearms finding traction on the beige tiled wall in an effort to keep her semi-upright.
It was still being a goddamn fucking world champion. It was breaking a voodoo that had haunted her entire career, the anvil above her head falling around her like confetti instead of the usual crushing impact she’d grown to expect.

Until tonight, Amber Ryan had never successfully defended a world title.

In her nearly 13 years as a contracted professional, Amber Ryan had only ever been a world champion on three occasions. World class, but never enough for a shot at the best and constantly chased by the moniker of ‘one of the best never to be world champion’. So many people had wasted their breaths telling her how good they thought she was, but when the time came to put up or shut up- those same people changed their tunes cause people like her, people with a storied history in ultraviolence, with authority issues, with being a constant liability…

They looked great on a marquee, right next to a world title match. Right below a main event. Left of centre cause she couldn’t be trusted not to kill or be killed despite their insistence to just ‘be herself’.

Through gritted teeth, Amber arched her back further into the rushing water in hopes that the searing heat might somehow slough the skin from her bones, that piece by gruesome piece she might wash away every doubt and every insinuation ever made about her down the drain.
Bruises bloomed in sickly blacks and purples, scars blanched by the dull fluorescence- she’d worn every terrible decision she’d ever made like a macabre suit of armour, proud and flawed in equal measures.
Thick tresses of crimson hung lank around her face, the water dripping through as her hand fumbled for the tap- there was only one she’d needed to turn, after all many said there was plenty enough cold inside her that her shower wouldn’t require any assistance.

For a moment she watched the last splashes of water disappear around her feet, swirled with what remained of her self doubts and career uncertainties. In the locker room, she could hear the text notification go off- obnoxious and tinny as though it might somehow motivate her not to simply ignore it for fear of repetition.
It never worked though, and she’d never gotten around to changing it.
Grabbing her towel from the rail, she gingerly wrapped it around herself, the bruises protesting angrily as the material grated against her blossoming skin- no doubt the notification would be about an upcoming Sin City match, another opportunity many would have called it…
Opportunities though implied that they had direction- and right now… the redhead with a world of hype and reckless nature seemed to be adrift, grasping for something tangible that might prove she was worth what everyone said she was.

A win, a no contest and a loss.

Catching sight of herself in a fogged mirror, even her reflection seemed to disapprove. It wasn’t as though she expected to simply walk in and blitz the place, no that would be far more ignorant than even she’d stoop to- however she’d allowed herself to get sidetracked, driven to distraction more than she’d openly care to admit.
She had to admit, her life was becoming more and more like a circus- and she’d never learned quite how to juggle.

It was supposed to be a proving ground, a second chance at a first impression.

Jessie Salco had been a message. Myra Rivers had been a miscalculation. Mercedes Vargas a misdirection from someone else's abuse of power and determination to squeeze every drop of goodness from the ‘deranged mercenary’ type.
Running her hand through her still saturated tresses, water trickling down her arm and back, she tried to make out the woman who stared back at her- and how that woman couldn’t possibly be her. Reflections were cruel, highlighting and exposing everything about oneself that could be rightfully despised- self reflection was even fucking worse cause that mirror couldn’t be broken, nor did it have the capacity to be manipulated.

How many more missteps could she afford?

How many more times could she fail to live up to an expectation and still have people look at her in the same way?

Curling her toes reflexively against the cool tiles, Amber leaned closer to the mirror using the side of her fist to wipe away some of the fog but succeeded in smearing and smudging, leaving a trail of condensation and residue across the surface.
There was a cut on her lip, bottom to the right… Off symmetry... which bothered the redhead more than she preferred to admit, it seemed to have stopped bleeding though leaving little more than a raw graze between cracked and peeling lips.

No, her focus had been elsewhere.

Carnage, sure. Being a world champion had it's perks but also it's responsibilities and it was no secret that she’d had falters in her objectionable confidence in the lead up to her defense, that the missteps in Sin City had rattled her cage with the tremors reaching far deeper than she let on.
She was an animal with a natural disaster confined between her ribs that she was woefully ill-equipped to control, a desperate and arguably despicable human being whose moral compass was permanently stuck in the south cause it seemed to be the fastest way to hell.

There was something far more…

She couldn’t aptly describe it, even if she tried.

Roxi motherfucking Johnson.

Parallels. Constant and yet somehow always just a hair's breadth from collision. Years had been spent comparing and contrasting them, Amber had been more than once referred to as Roxi’s evil twin despite having been active in the industry for longer. Despite having an identity outside of being a tired daytime soap cliche.
Despite being the only one willing to truly embrace what they were capable of.
Roxi thought this all an illusion, but truth be told things likely had never been so real- that the threat Amber supposedly posed was far greater than the surface deep pipe dreams she’d so readily bought into.

Amber was presenting an opportunity, time and time again as though she herself hadn’t been acquainted with the true definition of insanity. Wasn’t that what the company was about, after all? Good fortune to those who earn it, a fighting chance to validate existences otherwise meaningless and trite.
Roxi was great, Amber had no doubt about that… but she was blind. Blind and determined that her point of view was the only authentic one, she took everything at face value despite the fact each layer of their interactions had been crafted as a journey of self-discovery.

Amber’s lip curled slightly- the blind could be led, but the willfully ignorant would never learn.

Bored of a reflection that didn’t feel like it belonged, an imitation of life that only served to mock and betray- Amber tore herself away, leaving waterlogged footprints in her immediate wake. Vapor dissipated around her as the thickness of the artificial humidity abated enough that she might steal a breath that didn’t feel like 70% water.
With the towel still tightly wound, Amber moved into the larger locker room space before fastidiously dropping down onto the wooden bench- her thick tresses pulled over one shoulder and dripping onto her open duffel bag.

Beside her, the cracked screen of her phone illuminated with missed calls, messages and notifications. Mostly congratulations from acquaintances trying to be friendly, the wave of social media crumbling the moment it reached its apex.
In 12 hours few of them would remember, and less would give a fuck even if they did.
Others were those closer, their messages more than polite small talk and generic good wishes crudely disguised into looking remotely original.
Mac had tried to call her multiple times, although those were more deliberately missed knowing how strongly he’d disagreed with her accepting the match to begin with- his concerns and affections borderline suffocating and yet strangely comforting.

Sure enough though, a notification stood out among the myriad.

Sin City Wrestling Climax Control 273.

She didn’t understand why her stomach seemed to fall through the floor, or why her heart nestled so deeply into the back of her throat she might have seen the pulsating edge if she looked hard enough just beyond her tonsils.
Amber wanted a cigarette, she wanted 5 shots of god awful tequila, 14 hours of an uninterrupted sleep so deep the rest of the world might think she was dead and coffee so strong it might make her heart explode inside her chest.

All she got though, was another second chance.


“Congratulations, right?

That's how these things are supposed to go, you’ll have to forgive me cause most of my social interactions usually end up with me insulting someone and then getting into a fight. Although if I’m honest, I don’t really see this ending any differently.

Congratulations to the new Bombshells Roulette champion- who absolutely did the bare minimum to qualify and then finally succeeded when she had absolutely no right to.
Whoops straight to the low hanging fruit we go…

You know what, let's mix this up a little. Lets save the real obvious argument for those who need it cause there are far deeper issues to poke and prod at, and if I get to upset the proverbial apple cart you know I’m all about it.
Been a pretty terrible 2020 right, Seleana? I mean aside from being married to Crystal Insert-Last-Name-Here-Depending-On-Whether-Mercury-Is-In-Retrograde-Or-Not… In which case, you have my total sympathies.

Seriously though, must have felt pretty damn good to break the voodoo right? A win on the board, a shiny new belt on your shoulder- really good times and veryones got your name on their tongues. All of a sudden, you’re relevant again… You’ve got a face, a name and something to work for. Everyones as happy as they can be for you give the kinda bleh circumstances and then…and then your wife sweeps in, steals the spotlight cause heaven forbid she isn’t the centre of attention for two minutes...

And you do absolutely nothing.

See that, that right there is what pisses me off most about all of this.

Between you and me, I actually couldn’t give a shit what title match she gifts you cause if you’re good enough to win it and you’re good enough to keep it then the circumstances become irrelevant. What bothers me is that you LET her, you stood aside with a belt on your shoulder and a stupid grin on your face as she took everything you had accomplished and shoved it aside to make room for her ego.
Winning the Roulette title is a goddamn safety net for your career Seleana, cause lets face it sweetheart- you were beyond the point of a freefall and we’d all lost hope that you’d do anything except become another bloody smear on a canvas.

You’re playing second fiddle to a woman with a personality disorder beyond the point of classification, a running joke that does nothing but drag your name down with it. She needs validation like everyone else needs oxygen and it sickens me to the depths of my stomach that you enable this shit so readily.
If you think that cause you’re suddenly a champion that people will take you seriously then you’re dumber than even I gave you credit for, that it earns you this modicum of respect that you just yeeted straight out the window.

My problem with you Seleana… You have no fire. No backbone. The only thing keeping you upright is your wife's hand between your perky little cheeks wiggling your tongue with words straight from her mouth.
Gone is the woman who won the Bombshells World title, gone is the woman who earned her place in the upper echelon irregardless of how shallow the talent pool might have been at the time- now all we’ve got is this pretty little blonde husks who says what she's told to say, acts the way shes told to act and smiles like a puppet when the adults are talking.

What you are is an aberration in the data, a vacuum of personality in place of something or someone far more meaningful. You’ve been filter fed this liquid diet of false confidence and now you’re stepping up against two women far more willing and capable of putting your pretty little face through the floor than you would ever dare to admit.
However aberrations don’t last and nature, well nature despises a vacuum.

Make no mistakes, I’m a firm believer in opportunity… mostly for the fact that I should never have gotten one. Everyones done their research, they know my background and all the reasons that by every moral and ethical right I have no fucking business being where I am today.
I didn’t learn in a school, I didn’t graduate classes perfecting wrist lock takedowns I would never use or learning all the ways to go tell someone to go and poltely fuck themselves without actually saying as much.
People like me, we thrive off opportunities and we scratch and claw to hold onto them cause the next one might never come… and then we come across people like you, with all this potential to be talented and charismatic taking the world by storm- and instead, you’re a wallflower. A conduit for someone else's message.

You have every gift this god awful industry can provide and you do nothing with them.

I have lived and died for wrestling, I’m a walking DOA trying to make sense of why I’m still here and you take this gift- and you let someone else walk all over it like it meant nothing. You had that Roulette championship for 10 seconds before you managed to devalue it beyond repair.
Don’t get me wrong, that title isn’t in my crosshairs however that doesn’t make me any less miffed about your casualness of holding it.
Forgive my bluntness, or don’t cause in reality it's not gonna change anything I’m about to say… But either fucking care or don’t.
Show me some fire beyond the burning sensation in your crotch from that carefully cultivated yeast infection your wife couldn’t possibly have given you- they have creams for that by the way. Over the counter. Very discreet.

You leave me so underwhelmed Seleana, that it makes me wanna throw myself into orbit and scream into the void. I mean, it's not like anything will hear me any better out there than they do here.
It’s just that I’m just so fucking sick of listening to everyone try and tell me that their name is worth something, that they have to give themselves a poorly rated TED talk before stepping out in front of me like it’ll change the fact they’re about to be hit by a bus.
Blonde. Beautiful. Utterly void of anything not garnered by osmosis from your wife- everything you have to say is generic bullshit spewing out of a mouth with far too many perfect teeth and your attempts at conviction and sincerity are being betrayed by the dribble of bodily fluids running down the inside of your leg.

Don’t be embarrassed though, you aren’t the first and you certainly won’t be the last… which oddly enough feels like the story of your career. A constant middling, average and uninspiring to the point that even being wildly predictable gives you some kind of personality edge.

Maki. Seleana.

What you are and what you aren’t doesn’t really matter, does it? Be it demon or dishwater alike- I’m making it known that I did my part, I played nice with shaking babies and kissing hands. I have given respect where it's due yet my patience has worn a little thin cause I’m on an uneven spectrum where my every move seems to be ugly and reprehensible simply because it doesn’t fit the preferred narrative.

I hope your happy Roxi, truly, cause what happens at Climax Control falls squarely on you. On your choices, on your perspective and on your ignorance.

See I’m beyond the point of visible light now, ultraviolent ultraviolence with a kick in the ass and one in the head for good measure. Fuck, come Climax Control kiddies, you’ll wanna be calling me ‘infrared’ cause frankly- neither of you will have any fucking idea what’s hit you.”


Amber’s Apartment
Atlantic City, NJ

Even two weeks afterwards, Amber's apartment still somehow smelled like goddamn roses.

It had been a really sweet gesture, albeit absurd and mildly infuriating as Mac had her apartment literally filled with roses for her 32nd birthday. She had smiled broadly to his face, while internally questioning the logistics of such a venture and how it might have been conceived as a ‘good idea’ to begin with. God, he looked so satisfied with himself that it almost pained her to have to almost force gratitude and praise- she wanted to be delighted but could only muse about the impracticality.

No one had ever done something like this for her before… Maybe this was why, she contemplated silently as she shifted the thick strap of her duffel bag so that it might not cut so deeply into her shoulder before allowing it to fall away onto the floor with a weighty thud. No doubt the downstairs neighbour would complain, but they also had a terrible taste in 4am music so the occasional petty shot would always be taken.
Trying to breathe deeply, Amber spluttered briefly as the saccharine odor clung thickly to the sides of her throat.

Baltimore to Atlantic City. Atlantic City to Las Vegas. Rinse and repeat as required for thorough exhaustion.

Amber had brought this all upon herself, trying to use wrestling to clear her head from the other pressing issue that snuck up on her consciousness. If she could just stay busy…


It was easily missed at first glance, small enough to be lost but large enough that the crimson hue stood out against the formica countertop. An envelope sealed and without signature- as if Amber needed one to recognize her dead man's errand deciding it didn’t want to simply be ignored.
Wracking her brain, Amber tried to recall the last time she’d seen one while idling twirling it between her fingers, procrastination and hesitation leaving her already frayed nerves angry and raw.

Boardwalk perhaps, she’d played mind games with people leaving notes and paint traps for those unsuspecting enough to fall from her good graces. Before that, she couldn’t even begin to fathom. Cassidy and Amber used to trade notes in these envelopes they’d fold, mostly idle nothings and trite teenage ciphers that always felt far more significant than they actually were.

First kisses and teenage flings. Crude codes and grievances about a world that just didn’t understand them. Dreams and fears scrawled and squirrelled away into obscurity.
God it used to feel so important- as they got older though the notes grew less and the girls grew steadily apart, their aspirations no longer cohesive nor their futures in the same direction.
When Amber finally left, mere weeks before her 20th birthday, Cassidy left her an envelope.

Maybe they knew it’d be their last.

Maybe that's why she left it empty.

Amber breathed deeply, Cassidy’s envelopes had always smelled faintly of cinnamon like she’d somehow dusted her hands with spice before determinedly folding each edge to a sharpened point. A sharp ache twanged in her chest like someone had used her heart as a guitar string plucking an unknown melody through her sternum.
Perhaps she should have been far more concerned with how the letter got into her apartment, how it hadn’t been there when she left and how nothing else had been touched- that time would eventually come, for now though Amber could only bring herself to inhale reflexively as her fingers shakily pried the envelope apart.

Small, white and folded neatly in half- Amber hesitated as the envelope fell away from the note inside. She couldn’t tell if it was her thunderous pulse in her ears or raging nervous system telling her how wrong everything about this was- that had her more on edge. Barely able to even manipulate her fingers, it was as though her fine motor skills were being remote controlled from three stories down- the envelope falling onto the countertop before Amber managed to unfold the white paper, generic and cheap as though taken from a hotel notepad and torn in two.

Something inside her sank through the floor while the bile rose in her throat. A single sentence, words recalled so vividly it was a wonder that they still existed in either of their psyches- Amber barely had time to make it to the bathroom before she doubled over and dry wretched into the sink, heartache and melancholy wrenching her battered frame.
Fluttering to the linoleum floor, the note landed partially opened- handwritten in a pen scrawl as though in a hurry to get a solitary thought onto paper before the moment was lost.

“‘We don’t run for the sake of running. We don’t run to or from anyone- sometimes we just don’t want to be found.’
You taught me that, remember?”

 “The only thing pretty about me is this godforsaken face. Everything else is rotted and ugly.”
― Caitlin Crews, Shameless Playboy

‘Grizzly’ Parker’s Trailer
Outskirts of Atlanta, GA

Amber fucking hated sweet tea

Sickly. Saccharine. Nauseatingly artificial.

Apparently it was supposed to be peach flavoured... what a goddamn joke that was.
Sugar didn’t have a flavour- only a future of  diabetes and single handedly financing a college education for the child of a dentist, acquired and yet surprisingly prevalent among a society ill-equipped to handle the consequences.
Supporting a crippled economic society it seemed, one fucking glass at a time.

Still, Amber pretended to sip thoughtfully if only to try and ease the unnerving awkwardness hanging as thickly as the musty aroma of the trailer seemingly permeated every surface.
Across from her, Graham ‘Grizzly’ Parker shook his head in a mild dismay at something he’d said- Amber didn’t catch it though, she was too busy trying not to accidentally ingest fucking sweet tea.

“You know, I’d never thought that I’d feel worse walking out of a doctors office than when I walked in.”

There was a faint rattle in his hearty, self-effacing chuckle as his gaunt features contorted into a grim smile, maybe there was supposed to be comfort in it however it just made Amber feel a little more nauseous. She remembered him fondly at 6’4 and 260lbs, when ribbons of muscle entwined around his robust frame and his bellowing laugh seemed to echo for miles- but the man across from her who shared his crass smile, who owned the same broken teeth flashed obscenely when he knew he was getting the better of you, who had the same mischievous glint albeit tempered with age and jaundice…

He gave her an opportunity. A chance to do something better. Trained her against his better judgement and allowed her to make mistake after mistake with the knowledge that she had something more to give.

Without him, she’d never have become- whatever the fuck she was. Ask anyone they’d have something to say, mostly inaccurate and highly derogatory of course. They’d try run her name through the mud like she hadn’t done a far better job herself and flipped them off for the lack of an effort…

Grizz, he gave a fuck. More than most anyway.

How could that man possibly be across from her now...

“... and to think I fucking paid him for it too. I gave him my hard earned dollars to tell me that I’m…”

Neither of them needed to finish that sentence, his gaunt smile fading into something a little more contemplative. Amber didn’t have words, even if she did they’d likely have gotten stuck halfway up cause they would never sound the way she imagined them inside her head.
He’d be lucky to be pushing 180lbs now she guessed, brushing some errant tresses from her face that had escaped her high ponytail, his skin didn’t even look like it fit him anymore- like a child dressing up in their parents clothing, sagging wrinkles sunken deeper with the shallow pale and darkening circles while his usually thickly overgrown beard now threatened to swallow his face whole.

Neither of them said anything, but that didn’t make any of this less confronting.

“Always thought it’d be different… Some blaze of glory nonsense, something more memorable than rotting from the inside out.”

Pancreatic cancer. Notoriously hard to diagnose until late stages. Grizz had already reached stage 4 before anyone took him seriously- they blamed the back and abdominal pains on strained muscles, the frequent nausea on his lifestyle and the jaundice and hardened bloat in his abdomen on a hard life of drinking.
They’d offered treatments to improve his quality of life, to put him into a hospice facility so that he might find comfort and care as his days grew shorter- he told them all the ways they could go fuck themselves, that if he wanted to watch people decay he’d just as easily look in the mirror and that no one gave him the time of day until he was a dead man walking.

Grizz chose the road one last time, finding a quiet town with a trailer park and settling in. He’d joked upon Amber’s arrival that he hoped he wouldn’t be found for several days just so people might cuss him out one last time...

All Amber could consider was that going out on one's own terms never seemed so lonely.

She wondered what the end… the real end… might have in store for someone like her.

“What a fucking state. Guess we all get the ending we deserve.”

It was a sobering thought if nothing else, the idea that maybe karma just waited until the end to hit people who’d seemingly avoided it all their lives, living consequence free and renting space in the collective societal mind.
She looked back on her own career to date, littered with potholes and pitfalls of her own making. Carnage and SCW wanted to give her opportunities to be better, and instead she preferred to bite at the hands that fed because opportunity never filled a girl's stomach.

Another pretend sip, although this one was more clumsy and Amber tried to stifle a cringe as the cloying manufactured swill stuck in the back of her throat. Grizz didn’t seem to pay any mind though, his gaze falling on the scattered, badly aged memorabilia haphazardly erected around the airless space.

“I doubt you just wanted to have a deep and meaningful about mortality though.”

Amber scowled internally, her tone far harsher than she had intended. Something vitriolic spat up while trying to conjure something genuine and purposeful, maybe she had become the type of person everyone seemed to naturally assume she was.
Stand-offish and abrasive on the best of days, she had never been known as an empath and found it increasingly difficult to connect to people outside of the physical contact that ensued in a match- violent, bloody and yet the closest thing she had to a meaningful bond with anyone outside her fast shrinking circle.

That's what she’d been known for, being a piece of shit human being.

Just keep living up to expectation, even if it's entirely one-dimensional cause some peoples perspective never allowed for greater definition than 8 bit opinions and a lagging comeback system.

“You never were one for small talk.”

“And you were never one for getting to a point”

Small talk was uncomfortable, an attempt at forging something temporary and fragile in a misconstrued effort to relate. Amber didn’t want to relate, she didn’t want to build bridges only to see them collapse when anything of weight was applied.
Hell, the only thing that was wasted more than her breath was her time trying to find an exit.

“Yeah well, used to think I had a lot more time back then… now I’m just killing what I’ve got.”

Another pause. This one seemed to die on his lips though, as Amber shifted slightly on her chair.

“Been doing alot of thinking about people I care about…”

“Thinking? What, are you trying to give yourself an aneurysm before the cancer gets you?”

“Well, I’d go wreck my car but you got to that one first and I’d hate for you to think you’re a trendsetter.”

“Be a good reason to not have an open casket, save us from looking at your mug one last time.”

“Didn’t you hear… I’m getting one made of glass and making sure they prop my middle finger up.”

Both of them chuckled humorlessly, as if joking about how dark things were made the whole thing feel a little less heavy.

“Seriously though, I was hoping you could do me one last favour. For old times sake.”

Amber sarcastically rolled her eyes.

“If it's got anything to do with you not wearing pants for an open casket, it's a no can do…”

Another chuckle, a little more half-hearted and dying as quickly as it took hold.

“You remember my daughter, Cassidy?”

Cassidy Parker was two years younger than Amber, pretty enough with a thick smattering of freckles against her mother's pale complexion. She had gotten her attitude from her father though, an ‘ask questions but react before they answer’ livewire with long, dark curls framing a nose slightly too small for the rest of her face.

“Well enough.”

They had been bored teenagers, impish and ill-behaved in their free time. Cassidy never took to wrestling like Amber had, her slight frame and sly smile became attuned to more charismatic endeavours. She had a flair for entertaining, captivating and regaling audiences while Amber felt more at home with the more visceral arts.
As time went on, their interests veered further apart and they lost contact not long after Amber signed her first full time contract just before her 20th birthday.

“We, uh... We had a falling out a few years back. I wanted her to consider taking over, she saw the carnival as more a shackle than an opportunity. Thought I didn’t see anything in her more than what we’d always done…”

There was a palpable sadness, regret dripping from each word that even the best hindsight couldn’t quite mop up.

“We said some things to each other, hurtful stuff. We were giving as good as we got- you know?
Clear as day, I can still hear those words… we were both in a shitty place, speaking from a worse one. Lines were crossed Bambi, lines I never even thought we could.”

Grizz tried to force something other than a pained grimace, but only succeeded in making it worse. Amber could envision them both, screaming until they were red in the face- until they had nothing left to say. Contempt bred solely for the purpose of hurting someone.
Everything clicked like she imagined an epiphany was supposed to feel but far less satisfying- Grizz didn’t need to say it, Amber knew exactly what came next… and it left the pit of her gut lying somewhere on the floor.

“Fucking damn it, Grizz. You want me to find her… don’t you.”

She’d always had a knack for it, piecing the world together like a jigsaw made up only of pieces from other puzzles and a few dice just for shits and giggles. Despite her inability to make connections, she’d somehow managed to accrue a tenuous network of contacts and innumerable people who owed favours to a redhead with a dubious moral compass.
Terrible people who did terrible things, asking someone to help them make everything okay again- Amber had never taken pride in any of it, never chosen to accept payment of a numerical tender. Quid pro quo in hopes she might never have to use it.

Grizz rustled around in his jacket, he’d loved that thing to death and now it hung limp and lethargic on a frame no longer built to carry it. With an outstretched arm, a mild shake in his hand like even the weight of it seemed to be a struggle, Grizz extended an envelope that had clearly been folded too many times, hastily smoothed to try and remove indents that ran deep and thick.

“I’ve tried calling but she changed her number, tried sending mail every holiday to all her last known addresses and it always comes back. I don’t even care if she doesn’t read it, hell she can burn it in front of you if that's what makes her happy… I just wanna know it gets into her hands.
What she does after that, it's up to her.”

Amber sighed, how the hell was she supposed to say no to him… She despised meddling in others affairs, getting sticky fingers caught where they should never have ended up. Grizz was desperate, perhap even beyond that- he was reckless and determined. Part of her wanted to agree then throw it in the nearest bin she could find, wipe her hands clean and disappear before being sucked into a black hole purely because of proximity.
Another part wanted to flat out decline, explain her standing and hope that a dying man’s final impression wasn’t of disappointment...


Amber accepted the envelope, before roughly shoving it into a pocket of her jacket like it might burn her fingers if she held on too long. Perhaps watching the sense of relief wash over Grizz was supposed to be fulfilling, instead it left her feeling a little more sickened than before.

“Grizz, what if I can’t find her?”

It was a fruitless question, one for her own sanity if nothing else.

“I’ll be content in the knowledge that you’ve tried.”

It was supposed to be solace, to be something that resembled reassurance. Amber never thought the pit of her stomach could fall through the floor- it wasn’t as though she didn’ have enough to contend with…
From here she’d head onto Vegas, trying to live up to a hype thrust upon her when all she rathered was to blend in and grind.
Sunday night- a match where she had no business, no reason to stick her nose in and yet someone had made the choice for her like she were a puppet of violence to be set on an unsuspecting victim.
Monday night… She’d be going 60 minutes against a man known as the ‘Son Of A Bitch’, doign her fucking damndest to break a title match voodoo that had lingered for longer than she dared recall.

Now this.

Trying to force a smile, she hoped it came across more genuine than it felt… That it didn’t look like she was questioning her existence and plotting the easiest way to get out of a dead mans errand.

“Before you go…”

Grizz’s tone dropped, as though he lamented the words before he could even get them out.

“What’s it like… you know…”


Something inside Amber’s chest twanged, lie an echo in an empty space just reverberating endlessly.

“It's… It's peaceful. Quiet, like someone turning the volume down on background noise before you go to sleep.”

Amber broke eye contact before he could catch her eyes welling up, hoping that her lie had given him something resembling a shred of hope.


“Some things are better left unsaid, but be damned if you don’t go and say them anyway…

That's how that goes right?

Feel like I’ve got a pretty good idea by now, seeing as I thought I’d do some due diligence and I’d knuckle down and do some research… you know, watch some video, listen to some promos and that's when it happened Mercedes, that's when i made the most startling discovery.
Put this on par with Newton theorising gravity, Einstein and his relativity, the sheer genius and engineering prowess of Da Vinci…

Brace yourselves, cause I’m about to blow your shitty little minds.

Mercedes, sweetheart… You cut the same fucking promo literally every time.

It's borderline verbatim and it scares the fuck out of me, that someone could be so self-absorbed and oblivious to the world not revolving around them that they could get in front of a camera week after week and repeat the same boring, trite hyperbole without the poor camera person having a stroke.
Don’t get me wrong, I think you’re great… I mean you don’t get to being the ‘most decorated bombshell in history’ without being at least up to par… or perhaps scraping through some years with minimal competition.

You are great at what you do, and I’m sure at one point you might have even been the best… but between you and me, I actually couldn’t give a fuck if youhappened to be the most decorated Christmas tree in the lot…
You’ve won title after title, after goddamn title but the fact that you need to constantly remind everyone that you did a thing, makes me wonder who it is you’re really trying to convince. Is it management in hopes that they don’t start overlooking you in favour of Bombshells with brighter upsides and a future that doesn’t involve menopause, is it your peers with the expectancy that we’ll gush over your achievements and quiver in despair when we’re match up against you…

Or is it Mercedes Vargas.

A woman so wrapped up in her past achievements that she can’t see the light fading in her near future cause, after all, nostalgia is a far prettier reality. A woman who could do so much good for so many but chooses to continually big note herself thinking that she’s still good enough to hang with a fast evolving division.
A woman more dedicated to hypocrisy and self-promotion than actually putting in a real effort anymore.

See, that's the thing, isn’t it… Every time you open your mouth you wanna criticize others for being on their own hype train, that they have to talk themselves up in hopes of standing a chance and how pathetic those who feel the need to do so come across…

And then you do exactly that.

Excuse me while I go and throw up my bowels cause I’m really just kinda sick of this shit.

Realistically, you don't care who I am- but you’ll pretend to, you’ll make a big show of saying you know all about me, about what I’ve done like you’re reading straight off a poorly edited wikipedia page and passing it off as gospel.
You have no reason to care aside from the fact that Christina Rose thought it pertinent to match us up cause she thinks I need a reason to go and punch someone squarely in the mouth. Jokes on her though, I’d happily to it for free if only for the fact I’ve been told I’m a sociopath.

Whether I am or not is irrelevant, which ironically enough, describes whatever jumped up assumption you’d like to pass off as an opinion.

I’m just another ‘pretty face’ looking to follow in your footsteps, that I have the potential to be successful but not at Climax Control cause this is your house and I’m not wiping my feet at the door. That you’ve been here too long for some nobody from a garbage wrestling company to come in and steal a spotlight you’ve been hot on the heels of since your last chance at a title.
I’m a passing fad of management, a thorn too preoccupied with being prickly and stuck in the side of a goody-two shoes to take advantage of this opportunity versus a… legend?

Let me take a raincheck on that one.

We could go into details about my SCW record, it ain’t sparkling like my personality but I like to think of it as a work in progress, a slow burn and a build to an undeniable ascension. See, I come into this place and I don’t need a world title to assert my dominance- I just want one to put the shits up everyone else.
I mean your 2020 so far… Not exactly looking much better, is it?

That's why we’re in this situation… and I know damn well Christina Rose is listening to this, and she’d also wanna know that I’m completely unopposed to committing regicide should the opportunity happen to present itself.

Maybe you seem to forget, I’m not some pawn or puppet in others games. I’m not here to entertain and smile for children, I might not be the boogeyman, but you can be damn sure he’s looking for me beneath his bed every night.
I come from a background of ultraviolence, being sick is my specialty and yet I feel like there are people here who want to test the boundaries, like I found my moral compass as I walked in the door.

Go ask Roxi Johnson who the fuck I am, she seems to be one of the few throwing out a level of respect I can get behind.

Truth be told though, I’m not looking for you to like me Mercedes… I’m not looking for us to become buddies after all this like a traumatic experience happens to bond strangers, no sweetheart that's not how this works.
You sit back with your luxury car, fans blowing your hair back dramatically and sun shining on that perfect Argentine skin- and I’ll continue to go about my business and do what it is that I’m known for… cutting a damn swathe through every place I walk into simply cause I’m kind of a shitty person.

Coming out of Into The Void- we’re all looking to make statements, to assert ourselevs as the heirarchy reestablishes itself, and I’m not stupid enough to put myself up on a pedastal at this stage. I’m not gonna sit here and declare I deserve anything cause I turned Jessie Salco into a tourettes ridden child, that I deserve anything cause a match with me made Myra Rivers more motivated than she had been in months.

So where do you stand Mercedes…

I know where you’ll put yourself cause lets face it, you’re nothing if not wildly predictable and entirely narcissistic to the point that your mirror is probably jealous of the amount of praise you continually heap on yourself.
I’m astounded you can even stay upright with that level of expectation on your shoulders, and even more so that you were the one to put it there and then pass it off like the world cares enough to make you feel more important.

You put yourself where you think you belong, maybe that's why Christina put me in this match with you… cause she knows I’m quite happy to drag you back down where everyone else think you belong.

Call it my civic duty, and tell the court I did it with a smile.

Come Climax Control, if you get through me… well that's sure to get people putting your name in their mouths, but lose to me… oh darling, lose to me and I’ll make you famous all over again.

After all, no one ever loves you more than when you’ve died.”

Climax Control Archives / ... The Dirty Rain ...
« on: May 21, 2020, 09:00:39 AM »
 “You have to decide who you are, little girl, she told me once. Once you know that, everyone else will too.”
― Megan Abbott, Queenpin

Amber's Apartment
Atlantic City, NJ

Rain seemed to fall differently in Atlantic City.

Amber had spent the last half an hour or so watching the darkening clouds roll in, trying to be threatening and ominous like a thinly veiled threat from a stranger on the interwebs. It was always the way though, the promise of a cleansing rain that might wash the after taste of poor mans Las vegas from the tip of the societal tongue- only to be left with downpours that felt more like the last dregs of water being squeezed from a dirty sponge, disappearing before they ever really made a noticeable difference and leaving a thin film of disappointment and residue on everything it touched.

Leaning back into the plastic chair, she felt it groan and protest beneath her but paid little heed- instead forcing it to balance on it's back legs while contemplating the survival odds of taking a nosedive off a fifth floor balcony if only because it was something to do.
In reality she had no intention of it, the easy half smile painted across her features allowing something darker beneath her skin to peep out from between the cracks in her facade of control.

She had a reputation. Or so she had been told...

Apparently she was vicious, destructive and dangerous. Apparently she could kill a man on the street and sleep just as soundly as if she had kissed them- of course that wasn’t true… Amber wasn’t at all fond of kissing strangers.
She’d always been told she was a lot of things- most of which consisted of four letters and negative connotations, they were crude and obscene because it took far less effort to spew vitriol than admit equality.
It wasn’t as though she ever made an attempt to hide or alter the perception of the horrific things she’d done to get to where she was, nor the heinous acts she’d committed to stay there.

Besides, even if she tried, the woman staring back at her in the mirror would surely never let her forget.

Years of reckless abandon and ultraviolence had taken their toll, and Amber wore those scars like armour against a world who just wanted her to be more… palatable. She wasn’t the prettiest flower in the proverbial garden, not the type to fish for likes with scantily clad photos on social media nor reeking of desperation to have her existence validated by men looking for a pair of nice tits to rub one out to. With thick tresses of crimson pulled away from her face into a messy ponytail and steely blue green eyes that never quite fell into one colour or the other- she couldn’t quite captivate a room with a single glance but could surely stop anyone dead in their tracks with a dead eyed gaze.
Her nose was faintly crooked if looked at from the right angle following too many breaks set in crappy hotel rooms and her cheekbones sat a little too high for conventional beauty standards but highlighted her mischievous trademark smirk that had set chaos into motion a thousand times over.

She favoured cargo pants and odd converses over leather and lace because comfort trumped wolf whistles and pockets held an unlimited amount of little carny secrets. Scars traced across exposed skin- some faded and dainty like thin gossamer webs, only seen in just the right light while others had healed angry and deep, the edges still slightly puckered around unnaturally smooth gouges.
Most of them she could hide with ease, beneath t-shirts and oversized hoodies few would ever see the true extent of damage- the way scar tissue far outweighed virgin skin, the knots and deformations in muscle when she moved certain ways and the days when she struggled to look in the mirror and accept the decisions written across her skin.

Amber could smell the rain now- that thick, heady aroma of rising humidity mixed with the saltiness of the ocean breeze and the cheap yet obnoxious waft of desperation for relevance. She wanted a tsunami to just flatten the place so that there might be the chance for a clean slate, however the tainted core would always be rebuilt over the cities rotting corpse while being milked for sympathy and those precious GoFundMe dollars…

All she wanted was a new beginning but would have to settle for dirty rain.

Rubbing her forearm reflexively, she was reminded that she was down to her last nicotine patch. In actuality she had managed to quit smoking months earlier however she’d found the patches helped to take the edge off her usually abrasive personality which seemed like a win-win situation for everyone. Being agitated and mildly paranoid were the norm for the redhead, perhaps a side effect of basically having been a piece of shit human being for so many years- however between the lockdown and infrequent bookings in Carnage, she’d found herself slowly becoming a seething and virulent caricature of herself.

Despite being the Carnage World champion- she still had this itch…

Not the kind you pay way too much for in a Thai massage parlour, but something more metaphysical. It was the kind of itch that seemed to sink deeper the more you tried to scratch it, the kind that begged to be torn at feverishly in search of momentary relief, the kind that forced you to dig with broken fingernails until you found bone then it sunk a little deeper still. Persistent and neurotic. Everpresent.
Everyone had always told her it was just in her head, to just pretend it didn’t exist cause realistically it didn’t and that with a little mind over matter it would just go away… Ignore that desperate need for self-destruction cause it's not real- except that it is.
They were right, cause they always were.
However exceedingly poor decision making was a classic Amber Ryan special and mind over matter didn’t mean all that much when it was the mind at fault.

When it came down to it, Amber needed something more to scratch the itch… To chase… To bring down to her level and smother with apathy and bitterness.

Sin City Wrestling.

It was trying to rain now.

Clean slates in this industry were hard to come by, simply walking through the door of a company and no one knowing who you were was becoming a scarcity, cause everyone wanted the world to know their name, their history and their fucking star sign as if being a Sagittarius cusp Capricorn made you any better of a professional wrestler.
No one wanted to be an underdog and the only ones  who embraced that status only did so cause they didn’t have anything else worth putting their name to. It was somehow a slight, degrading someone by telling them they hadn’t heard of them despite the fact they were likely studying their self-edited wikipedia two minutes earlier to perfect name pronunciation.

To Amber though, anonymity was more tempting than ever.

Being a world champion made that difficult on the best of days, and she had no doubt that even the mention of her name had already poisoned the well before she’d had the opportunity to slake her growing thirst.
Not that anyone would openly admit it, not without following it up with a lame insult at least.

Achievements held little value if they didn’t carry the right name and hauling around a big gold belt only served as a bullseye for the next wannabe Robin Hood trying to pad out their resume.
So quickly the masses would discredit because it wasn’t good publicity to put over another companies best- busy proclaiming superiority as though literally thousands of others weren’t doing the same fucking thing.
Besides, proclaiming yourself as the best kind of lost it's lustre when you realized you were just going through the motions like everyone else...

Many who knew her just wanted her to be content with what she’d done, just be happy for once instead of seeking out the next opportunity to crash and burn, allow herself this moment in the sun before the next asshole wanted their 15 minutes.
They didn’t get it though, the blood and sacrifice was only a small part of the journey and happiness was little more than a carrot to dangle in front of faces too caught up in the idea of a reward to see the strings attached.

It wasn’t as though she didn’t appreciate the gravity of what she’d done, she was just observant enough to see the strings.

Maybe that tsunami was a little too much to ask.

Easing the chair legs back to the ground, Amber quietly slipped off the chair and padded barefoot back into her apartment before the slick of dirty rain left the residue of a poor mans Las Vegas soaking into her pores. Releasing the sigh she had been holding, her easy smile softened into something more contemplative as her fingers found the cold metal edges of the Carnage World title laying on the kitchen bench.

There were a thousand words that they could have used to describe Amber however there was one that always seemed to be overlooked in favour of something more… flashy. Adjectives were thrown around this industry like cheap confetti and the masses vied for creativity and extravagance in equal measures.
The thing was- she wasn’t gifted with the most technical prowess nor could she take to the skies and innovate with body contortions as though gravity no longer applied, she wasn’t some beastly powerhouse throwing people around like paper dolls in a hurricane and she wasn’t known for cripplingly outlandish submissions that turned bone into splinters…

What Amber Ryan was though, and had been for almost 15 years, was very fucking successful.


“Do you like ice-cream?

Seems like a rather banal question to start off our impending confrontation, right? Maybe I should have started with a poorly worded insult designed to make you feel inconsequential, stripping away everything that makes you unique before exposing what is more than likely a rather generic core.
I could proceed to take everything you’ve done in your career and make a mockery of it, sniping every achievement off your proverbial shelf with a well placed rocket launcher.

I could do all those things and not blink an eye.

Instead, I rather know what your favourite ice-cream is.

To me Jessie, you strike me as a vanilla kinda gal… Sure there are variations but really it's the same thing dressed up with a fancy title masquerading as something far more important. In the end though, vanilla is exactly that.
It’s not really anyone's favourite but no one outright hates it either- you don’t go out of your way for it, but when presented with it then it's a perfectly acceptable option. A true neutral in terms of dairy dessert alignment.

Me? I’d call myself more of a boysenberry ripple if you will, although a dairy free version admittedly cause even someone like me has to have a couple of chinks in my proverbial armour… See, many have never tried it and therefore write it off as simply not liking it. It's niche yet highly acclaimed among those who can appreciate what it brings to the table. A chaotic neutral if only for the fact that it's a little out of left field and a lot to handle.

I guess this is the point where I’m expected to talk about why the fuck I think I’m so special, all the ways I’m going to make you look stupid in that ring and then my masterful evil plan to knock Roxi Johnson off her pedestal on my way to winning literally everything ever.

Or I could just not…

Granted I’ve never been the best about talking about myself in flattering terms, I’m not much of a self-promoter if you will cause I’ve found it's much more time efficient to just punch someone in the face than tell them all the ways they plan on punching them in the face…
Maybe that's my issue Jessie, I’m so quick to resort to violence instead of talking about my feelings and how I wasn’t hugged enough as a child.
Hell I’m so used to being called a piece of shit that I’m the first to admit it cause it makes people uncomfortable- whether I am or not at the time has become irrelevant.

Thing is, when it comes down to brass tacks… I’m actually not all that special, not at least in the usual spectrum. I can’t do anything that hasn’t been done before, I’m not going to go out there and impress the world with extraordinary feats of humanity cause that's just not my scene.
What I’ll do Jessie is exactly what has gotten me to where I am in this industry, it's the reason I’m considered top level and you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for something to help keep your head above the fast rising waters.

I hurt people.

It's that simple.

I go into that ring, and I fucking hurt people. There's no magic formula, no illusions or carny tricks to keep the world guessing. I go out there night after night and I do the one thing I’m really, really good at.
See, I just have this rather unusual knack, if you will, for being able to outlast. I’m like a human crash test dummy, you can’t kill me cause lord knows greater men and women have certainly tried… Time after time, fialure after repeated failure. You know what I did to those people? I got up, I laughed at them, spat on their boots and then I drove their faces through the floor.

Maybe you’ll tell me I’m wrong, that this is SCW and that means it's different to anywhere I’ve ever been and you’re different to anyone I’ve ever faced- and between you and me… I kinda hope you’re right.
I mean, you won’t be because that's not how this works, but the idea is nice.

SCW isn’t different, and neither are you.

You pose as much threat as a blank piece of paper that's been laminated, just cause it's shiny doesn’t make it good. It's still fucking useless and it's still boring- I’d rather read the bible and throw up black bile cause lord knows I’m probably the goddamn anti-christ by now.
Hell, I’d compare you to a puddle of piss but in all honestly I find that there's more satisfaction in playing with that than throwing you around like a rag doll- and it’d likely give me the same amount of warm and fuzzies.

You aren’t a bad person though, you don’t deserve any of this.

Jessie Salco, nice girl with a great spirit.

Shit, that came across like a yelp review… 2 stars, wouldn’t recommend. Only reason it doesn’t get one star is cause there's a modicum of effort put in to be more competitive than the puddle of piss from earlier.
That's the thing though isn’t it- you have all this fire, this determination and guts to just go out there and do your best… people fucking love that.
I'd call it admirable if it didn’t make me wanna heave, although it's my fault for substituting food for coffee cause caffeine is a girl's best friend and I need to stay awake long enough so that whatever you say about me can put me to sleep.

Who knows, maybe I can get a solid eight hours and wake up to find they didn’t just put me against the first name drawn out of a hat… or even better, I can sleep through our match and find out I still managed to win because that's just the way the universe works.
Okay, so a little too much hyperbole but the point still stands- at the end of the day, people like you are here to make people like me look like animals because whether society admits it or not… they love a good bloodbath.
They love watching wildebeest getting tackled by lions, they love watching seals get thrown around by orcas, they love watching crocodiles drag down whatever poor beast steps too closer to their waters and most importantly… They love watching people like me kick the everloving shit out of people like you.

Hell, even David Attenboroughs never seen anything quite like this.

What you represent Jessie, is bait.

See, the powers that be… and likely all the other bombshells in the back… want to see what they are investing in, they want a preview if you will, a little taste to make sure that their judgement is still on point. They wanna draw me out like I’ve been hibernating for six months so they can watch me tear apart a rabbit caught in a snare.
Between you, me and the walls cause you know they have ears… I have no issue with you, my fight and reason to show up isn’t to make a scene and cause a ruckus in the wrestling world.

What happens at Climax Control is strictly professional- and as a professional I can promise you the quickest, cleanest loss of your career. Blink and you’ll miss it kinda schtick cause as far as I’m concerned- the bloodbaths, the violence, all the Amber Ryan trademarks…

That's all pay to play. I don’t get down and dirty just for exhibition matches and no great star blows their load during the foreplay, kiddies…
No, Climax Control is a formality- it's paperwork and punctuation, you know crossing I's and dotting t's. Don't call this a message cause that implies there is anything to be learned or gained from the experience for anyone- this is inevitability at it's worst- like a choose your own adventure where you know all the endings are the same…
When it comes down to it… You aren't an Evie Jordan, you aren't an Alicia Lukas, you aren't an Andrea Hernandez and you sure as fuck aren't a Roxi Johnson…You're the low woman on the totem pole trying to pass as an analog of someone much better.
Tick. Tick. Tick Jessie… Whoever called it 15 minutes of fame set the bar way too high cause you’ll be lucky if I give you a moment over 5. Really though, all I need is three seconds or about the same amount of time it takes me to ask you what your favourite ice cream is…

See you Sunday, sweetheart… and don’t forget to smile, cause you never know who is watching.”

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