Author Topic: Round One - The Redemption Tour  (Read 3381 times)

Offline MiloKasey

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Round One - The Redemption Tour
« on: April 26, 2024, 11:56:04 PM »
Blow After Blow

As the final echoes of the crowd's cheers faded into the distant hum of the arena, Miles stood alone in the dimly lit corridor backstage. His heart hammered in his chest, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he replayed the events of the match in his mind. Defeat hung heavy in the air around him, a bitter taste lingering on his tongue.

Carter approached cautiously, his footsteps echoing softly against the concrete floor. He could see the frustration etched into every line of Miles's face, the weight of defeat bearing down on his shoulders like a heavy burden. With a gentle hand, Carter reached out, resting it on Miles's tense shoulder.

"Miles... you okay?" Carter's voice was soft, filled with genuine concern.

Miles shook his head, his jaw clenched tight with pent-up emotion. "I’ve been better," he admitted, his voice thick with frustration. He’s trying to hold it in, he was mad and he had EVERY right to be but the last person he wanted to take it out on was the man he loved more than life itself. So he did the next best thing he could, he started peeling what was left of his wrist tape, "You saw what happened out there, love. Vaughn had to resort to cheating just to get the upper hand. After everything we've been through, after we had those fans legit at the edge of their seats and the fucker has to just pull it all out and fuck all with that dirty ass pin... and then...." Miles just rips the rest of tape off and crumbles it up and throws it down the hall, “HE MOCKS ME with the title I just spent 7 fucking months pouring everything I had into it. I don’t give a fuck that he walked out of here tonight with that belt, let him have it. But now the next shot that I have at that son of a bitch? I’m gonna rip his bleeding heart out and shove it down his fuckin’ throat.

Carter frowned sympathetically, his heart aching for Miles's pain. "I’m sorry babe. I really am. I thought for sure you had him several moments there and that match was’s got Match of the Year written all over it. You should at least be proud of that."

Don’t misunderstand me, love. I am extremely proud of that but it all seems tainted now by a shit move by a shittier human.” Miles wants to scream but instead he just stops and takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be taking it out on you. Just...

Carter reaches out and rubs his fiance’s arms to help him calm down, “Fuck Vaughn, I get it.

In other news, you looked absolutely spectacular, like always. I must give Olive a whole lot of credit.” Miles smirked.

Carter just rolls those beautiful blue eyes and a smirk of his own, “Maybe enough to let her design your next gear?

The laughter was much needed because we all knew how this was going to end and part of Miles really wanted to see it, “She’ll have to have a conversation with Mattie and I think we both know that kind of clash the world is not ready for.

Yeah, that’s a good point. But still couldn’t help but put that out there, even if it was to see you laugh just a little bit.

Miles just sighs, and wraps Carter up in a hug, “I love you so damn much.

Unbeknownst to them, LJ, the young man that during the whole show Miles found out he wasn’t just another wrestler but indeed his long-lost half-brother, stood nearby, hesitating to approach. He had overheard their conversation and felt a pang of empathy for Miles's plight, I mean he did just throw a major wrench into their lives. With a deep breath, LJ stepped forward, his voice tentative yet sincere.

"Um... Miles?" LJ's voice wavered slightly as he spoke, unsure if now was the right time to intervene.

Miles looked up, surprised to see LJ standing there. Recognition flickered in his eyes, albeit briefly, before the weight of his frustration settled back in. "Hey, now’s not really the best..." he replied, his tone distracted.

LJ shifted nervously, his gaze darting between Miles and Carter. "I know and I just wanted to...I couldn't help overhearing... about what happened out there tonight. I just wanted to say... I'm sorry, man. That really sucked."

Miles's expression softened, a flicker of gratitude shining in his eyes. "Yeah, it sucks big time," he admitted, his voice tinged with resignation. "But hey, that's wrestling for you, right? Gotta take the good with the bad."

Carter interjected, his voice tinged with anger. "."Yeah, especially when you're up against someone like Vaughn. Guy's a snake, always looking for an edge

Miles nodded in agreement, his frustration simmering just beneath the surface. "I think I’m done ranting for the night. I’ll recoup, recover and then kick his ass the first chance I get. But umm, look LJ, I know we probably should talk but-"

Oh no, I know...not the best time. But I wanted to give you my number before I leave, so when you’re ready...” LJ reaches out and in his hand is a piece of paper with his number, “Anyways, whenever you’re ready...

He’ll call,” Carter spoke with a little bit of sharpness in his voice, snatching the paper from LJ’s hand. “Now if you excuse us, we have somewhere to be.

Carter wraps his arm through Miles and starts to pull him away, “Uh, you alright?

That’s the second time he’s done that tonight when we were having a moment,” Carter mumbled.

Miles raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering across his features, “Now who’s being the protective one?

Carter smirked, squeezing Miles's shoulder reassuringly. "Just looking out for you, babe."

Suds and Sibling Revelations
Back in Vegas

Back in the familiar comfort of their Las Vegas home, Miles and Carter settled in after the whirlwind of Blaze of Glory and its aftermath. The weight of Miles's loss still hung heavy in the air, but being back home provided a sense of solace amidst the chaos.

As Miles sat on the couch, flipping through the channels absentmindedly, his mind wandered back to LJ, the young man who had unknowingly entered his life and turned it upside down. He had spent the past week processing the revelation that LJ was his half-brother, a fact that still felt surreal even now.

Carter noticed the distant look in Miles's eyes and placed a comforting hand on his knee. "Hey, you okay there, love?"

Miles snapped out of his reverie, offering a faint smile. "Yeah, just lost in thought, I guess."

Carter nodded understandingly. "Still thinking about LJ?"

Miles nodded, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. "Yeah. It's just... I never imagined I had another sibling out there, you know? For the longest time it was just myself and Bri, with mum. And now that I do, it's like this whole new world has opened up."

Carter squeezed Miles's knee gently. "It's a lot to take in, I get that. But you handled it with grace, inviting him over and all."

Miles nodded appreciatively. "Yeah, well, I figured it was about time we had a proper chat. I want to get to know him better, understand what his life has been like growing up without knowing about us or our dad."

Just then, there was a knock at the door, interrupting their conversation. Miles's heart fluttered with anticipation as he rose to answer it. Opening the door, he found LJ standing there, a hesitant smile on his face.

"Hey, LJ, come on in," Miles greeted, stepping aside to let him enter.

LJ stepped into the living room, glancing around nervously. "Thanks, Miles. And uh, thanks for inviting me and all. Hope I’m not intruding or anything."

Miles waved off LJ's concerns with a reassuring smile. "No worries at all. We're glad you're here."

Carter greeted LJ warmly, offering him a seat on the couch. "Make yourself at home, LJ. Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea?"

LJ shook his head gratefully. "No, I'm good, thank you."

Carter and Miles look at one another and Miles just nods and Carter goes off to make himself scarce as the brothers talk. As they settled into an uncomfortable silence, Miles cleared his throat, breaking the ice. "So, umm, LJ, I don’t really know where to even begin. I know things have been a bit... hectic, to say the least."

LJ shifted uneasily, his gaze fixed on his hands. "Yeah, it's been... a lot. Finding out about you, our sister...which I know that’s gonna be a whole other situation... it’s not even really about dad in a way but... it's been a rollercoaster, to say the least. But look, just to clear the air, I’m not looking for anything, I just...I’m an only kid, at least I was until recently. My mum raised me on her own when da died, not that I remember much, I was only three when he..." LJ clears his throat, “Sorry, I don’t mean to do the whole trama dump.

Oh believe me, there is still a lot about Lyle Kasey, the first, that I have yet to let go of.” Miles nodded empathetically, sensing LJ's apprehension. "BUT I can imagine. It's a lot to process, for both of us. But look, I know you have several questions and I have my own so, let’s start off with dear ole dad."

LJ looked up, meeting Miles's gaze with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. "Yeah, I guess that’s about as good as anywhere to start. My mum said that he was pretty much a smooth talked when the whole relationship started, but when she learned about the truth...that he was still...apparently our mums knew one another."

Of course they did, and trust me when I say nothing that I find out about that man surprises me anymore.

Just as the conversation started to flow, a commotion erupted from the bathroom. Splashing water and frantic meows filled the air, causing Miles and LJ to exchange puzzled glances.

What in the hell? Carter?

Carter emerged from the bathroom, soaking wet and slightly frazzled, with a sopping wet and furious Ms. Thang squirming in his arms, she eventually breaks free and takes off for her cat tree, just high enough away that Carter won’t pull her down but he just glares at her and tries to collect himself, "So...I tried to give Ms. Thang a bath, but she's not having it," he explained sheepishly, his hair dripping water onto the floor.

Miles couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. As LJ can’t help but laugh out, "Looks like someone's not a fan of bath time, huh?"

Carter rolled his eyes, gently setting Ms. Thang down on the floor where she promptly shook herself off, sending droplets of water flying in every direction. "Tell me about it. I think I need a towel more than she does."

You know damn well I am the only one she lets even remotely bathe her.

Oh yeah? You think you’re so slick...go ahead and try to get her and you can do it.

Miles just looks at LJ to say ‘Gimmie a mo’, and walks over to the cupboard, grabs some treats and slowly makes his way over to Ms. Thang. “Hey sweetheart, let's get you that bath.” he shakes the treats in his hand and Ms. Thang tilts her head and does a meow before she slowly crawls down the tree and Miles greets her with the treats, “There we go. Good girl.

Miles picks her soaked self up and carries her past Carter and LJ who just look on in wonder, with a sly grin on his face.

He really needs to teach me that.” Carter says, running his hands through his hair, “That’s your brother, and yes...he really is that damn good.

Putting that Work in
Go Gym

The atmosphere in the gym was charged with intensity as Miles Kasey unleashed a flurry of strikes on the punching bag. Each blow landed with bone-crushing force, echoing through the cavernous space. Sweat glistened on his brow, his muscles flexing with every movement as he poured his frustration and anger into each strike.

Carter stood nearby, watching with a mixture of concern and admiration. He could see the fire burning in Miles's eyes, the determination etched into every line of his face. Despite the recent setback, Miles was more focused than ever, driven by a fierce desire to prove himself in the ring.

"Miles, you're on fire tonight," Carter called out, his voice barely audible over the sound of Miles's relentless assault on the bag.

Miles didn't respond, his focus unwavering as he continued to unleash a relentless barrage of strikes. With each punch and kick, he could feel the weight of his recent defeat pressing down on him, fueling his determination to succeed.

Finally, Miles stepped back, his chest heaving as he took a moment to catch his breath. His gaze swept across the gym, lingering on the various training equipment scattered throughout the room. This was his sanctuary, his refuge from the chaos of the outside world. Here, he could let go of his frustrations and focus solely on his training.

But even in the midst of his solitude, Miles couldn't shake the memory of his recent loss to Peter Vaughn. The way Vaughn had cheated and mocked him in front of the entire world. It was a bitter pill to swallow, one that left a sour taste in his mouth.

And now, as he prepared to face off against the enigmatic Entity, Miles's determination burned hotter than ever. He knew that this match was about more than just victory. It was about redemption, about proving to himself and to the world that he was still the same Miles Kasey who had fought tooth and nail to become the SCW Internet Champion.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Miles turned to face Carter, a steely resolve in his eyes. "I'm not going to let Vaughn's mind games get to me, Carter. Or anyone’s games for that matter. I'm not going to let them win. This is my time, my moment to shine. And when I step into that ring, I'm going to give it everything I've got. No holding back, no regrets."

Carter nodded, his own determination matching Miles's. “Did I ever tell you that it’s really really hot when you get like this?

Miles stops for a second to smile, “I’m just getting started.

Round One
Battleground - Hastings
But we’re back in Manchester...for a little bit at least.

The weight of recent events pressed heavily on Miles's mind as he sat in the quiet of his hotel room. Carter had insisted that they would come over a little earlier to visit Miles' family to help him get his mind off everything but instead, he found himself getting deeper and deeper into his own head. He knew the looming match against Entity would be no ordinary bout. It wasn't just about physicality; it was a battle of wills, a clash of minds. And Miles was determined not to let Entity get the better of him.

Leaning back on the couch, Miles ran a hand through his hair, his mind racing with thoughts of his enigmatic opponent. Entity's mask, his mind games, they all seemed designed to unsettle, to undermine. But Miles refused to let fear take hold. He had faced tough opponents before, had stared down the barrel of defeat and emerged stronger for it. And knowing at Entity was out for a little redemption of his own with Carter’s win over him just a few weeks ago.

"This Entity character... he's something else," Miles muttered to himself, his voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and determination. "The way he plays mind games, gets into your head... it's unnerving, to say the least."

But Miles wasn't one to back down from a challenge. He had fought tooth and nail to climb the ranks in SCW, had overcome obstacles that would have broken lesser men. And he wasn't about to let some masked wrestler unravel everything he had worked so hard to achieve.

"I know it’s cliche but it’s no damn secret that I've faced my fair share of tough opponents in this business," Miles continued, his tone growing more resolute with each word. "But Entity... he's on a whole other level. He's not gonna just try to beat me physically; he's gonna try to break me mentally. And I'll be damned if I let him succeed. My life right now, it’s an open book and never ending twists and turns but I have accepted the things that I cannot change. I know damn well that I am no longer SCW Internet Champion, I let it slip from my hands. And yeah, I am plenty pissed."

With a determined glint in his eyes, Miles rose from the couch, his jaw set in determination. "I won't let him get to me. I won't let him use his mind games to throw me off my game. I’m now out to throw everyone else off theirs. When I step into that ring, I'll be focused, I'll be ready. And I'll show him what I'm made of. I’m going to make everyone wonder exactly what the hell has been unleashed. And I hope like hell Peter Vaughn sits back and watches as I make Entity question his actual existence."

As he spoke, a sense of calm washed over Miles, his resolve unwavering in the face of uncertainty. He knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, knew that Entity would stop at nothing to achieve his goals. But Miles was ready. Ready to face his fears, ready to confront his demons, ready to emerge victorious.

"Our dear sweet Entity may think he has the upper hand," Miles concluded, his voice filled with quiet confidence. "But he's about to find out that he's got paired up with the wrong mother fucker at the wrong fucking time. When it comes down to it, it's not about masks or mind games. It's about heart, it's about determination, and it's about who wants it more. I’m not going to let this slip...not now...and not ever again. And believe me, Entity, I want it more than you could ever imagine and I will hold no pity for you. Not anymore. And not ever again."

With those words hanging in the air like a challenge, Miles strode out of the apartment, his resolve unshakable as he prepared to face whatever awaited him in the ring.