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    • Bill Barnhart
« on: March 29, 2024, 08:54:32 PM »

Narrator:  Bill Barnhart told me he is thrilled to have this Roulette Rules match at Climax Control 390 against Eddie Lyons. Bill is a two-time Roulette Champion and he wants to earn the Roulette Championship for a third time.


When the scene changes we see Bill Barnhart, along with his wife and Manager Bea Barnhart, at the home of Bill’s Niece and her husband Ken in Vallejo, California. The camera person assigned to Bill Barnhart notifies Bill and Bea they are live broadcasting.

Bill:  Before I get into the main comments for my upcoming Roulette Rules match against Eddie Lyons let me introduce you to my Niece Kathy, and her husband Ken, as we are at their house in Vallejo, California. They are huge wrestling fans and they were sad when my previous match against Eddie Lyons was cancelled and was rescheduled for Climax Control 390. I decided to stop by the Bay Area again to include them in my comments on my upcoming match against Eddie Lyons which will take place at Climax Control 390 in Phoenix, Arizona, on Sunday March 24, 2024.

The camera person points their camera at Kathy and Ken and the two wave and smile into the camera but since they are camera shy when it comes to speaking into the camera they turn down Bill’s suggestion that they make comments. After they wave and smile they move to the side so that they are not in camera view when the camera person is focusing on Bill and Bea.

Bill:  For those who are watching and wondering why me and Bea are in the San Francisco Bay Area again, instead of already being in Phoenix, Arizona, for Climax Control 390, I will inform you what is going on. I was born and grew up in Oakland, California, which is about 25 miles from Vallejo where we are now with Kathy and Ken, and I lived at 4263 Saint Andrews Road in the East Oakland hills. The house was modest with three bedrooms and two bathrooms and it was around 1,800 Square Feet. The nicest feature of this property was that it had about a one acre property and the backyard was huge and there were lots of fruit trees in the backyard. We enjoyed apricots, plums, nectarines, apples, pears, and peaches. We would pick the fruit and Father would can the fruit. Then when Winter came and we wanted fruit with our ice cream we opened one of the canned fruits and had a great time. The sad thing is that Father sold the home and I believe the selling price at that time was in the $200,000 range. I checked on Zillow before I came in front of the camera today and today the value on Real Estate sites say this house at 4263 Saint Andrews Road in Oakland, California, is $1.3 Million. Would have been nice to have kept that home but Father needed to sell. Oh well.

Bea:  People cannot move ahead in life if they continually look into the past and try to figure out what could have been. We all have to work with what we currently have and succeed with what we have available to us.

Bill:  Nicely stated Bea.

Bea:  We promised our friend and neighbor, Andrew, in Lawrenceville, Georgia, that we would do a short video call with Iris. Andrew told us Iris misses us while we are on tour and since her boyfriend, Pete The Cactus, lives on the West Coast and Iris lives on the East Coast, she is sad not being able to see him in person even though she sees him during their video calls.


Bea logs into her laptop computer and connects to a video call with Iris their English Bulldog in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

Bea:  Bill and I will provide translations of what Iris is saying so know what is going on.

Both computer screens are being shown on the screen so we can see Bill and Bea in the San Francisco Bay Area and Iris at their home in Lawrenceville, Georgia, along with their friend and neighbor Andrew.

Bill:  Hi Iris! How is my baby girl doing?

Iris:  *moan* *whine* *snort* (I am sad. . .I miss my boyfriend Pete the Cactus. . .and I am upset that I cannot go to see him or have her come here to see me.)

Bea:  Iris once we get to a situation where either myself or Daddy Bill can stay at home with you while the other is actively wrestling we cannot make the arrangements to have Pete come to visit you.

Iris:  *woof* *bark* *whine* (Okay Mommy. . .I will be patient...But it still hurts not being able to see Pete the Cactus in person.)

Bill:  Take care Iris. Andrew is taking care of you and he will feed you and take you for walks. Bye!

Bea ends the video call with Iris and she logs out of the video call program and then she closes her laptop computer.

Bea:  I feel bad for Iris but she will understand some day.

Bill:  Hard to have a crush on someone and not be able to visit with them in person.


Bill:  Bea before I go into my comments on my upcoming match against Eddie Lyons I would like to ask you how you feel about your match against Krystal Wolfe at Climax Control 389 went.

Bea:  Ask me anything.

Bill:  How did you feel going into that match against Krystal?

Bea:  I felt confident. It never benefits wrestler to be nervous about an upcoming match or to doubt their own wrestling abilities.

Bill:  Krystal called you a joke as a wrestler. What do you have to say about that?

Bea:  Well her only claim that is valid is that she was the Bombshell Roulette Champion. Outside of that she has not held other Championships. She tried to make it an issue that I held only one Championship since becoming a wrestler in Sin City Wrestling. Although my reign as Champion was short it still means both of us have obtained only one Championship and we are both looking for our second one.

Bill:  How do you feel you did against Krystal in your last match?

Bea:  There is a lot to consider. One item is that Krystal violated the rules to attack me while I was in the ropes, or outside of the ring, but even with that there was a good thing that came out of it. The Referee for our match allowed both of us to stretch the rules since Krystal started it. He could have just called a Disqualification on her but that would have only caused Krystal to whine even more. Both of us did well in the match. Both of us obtained the advantage over the other and both of us ended up on the receiving end. I was reading the face of Krystal and I was able to see the fear in her eyes when I got the advantage on her way more than she expected me to do. But I am not a lying asshole like Krystal is so I honestly state that we had a great back and forth and either of us could have ended up with the win. However it was Krystal with the win. It happens. There will be other matches between us in the future and those matches will turn out in my favor.

Bill:  Well stated Bea.


Bill:  I was taking Iris for a walk in Sweetwater Park, which is near where we live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and she saw a Squirrel and charged after it. The unfortunate thing was that Iris was in front of me and the Squirrel ran opposite of the direction where we were going. Iris managed to run full-speed through my legs and her leash, and hear hard head, whacked me in the family jewels. When you take into consideration that Iris weighs around 50 pounds that meant there was a lot of energy transferred from her and her leash to my groin.

Bea:  Bill is doing fine now and he is at 100 percent for his upcoming match against Eddie Lyons.

Bill:  It was a simple matter of applying an ice pack and taking some Tylenol and everything is fine now. Of course having some great massages from Bea was the most satisfying therapy.

Bea:  Bill!!! You are making comments that suggest something sexual and we are live on television!

Bill:  You are my wife and you give great massages so there is nothing wrong with me commenting on that.

Bea blushes.


Bill and Bea get comfortable in their chairs for the presentation of their comments leading up to Bill’s Roulette Rules match against Eddie Lyons. Before the two launch into their comments they look over at Ken and Kathy to see how they are doing while watching Bill and Bea present comments and we get a quick shot of Ken and Kathy giving two thumbs up to Bill and Bea. Bill and Bea then turn their attention into the camera.

Bill:  Bea I am not being rude but your interference in my last match, which was against Peter Vaughn, caused the Referee to ban you from ringside as my Manager, went a bit too far. As my Manager I expect you to offer advice, ensure the Referee is calling the match fairly, and to ensure that if my opponents hire people to interfere in the match that you would cut them off to prevent their interference. The way I saw my match there was no illegal activity on the part of Peter Vaughn. I guess you just got caught up in the excitement of the match and reacted.

Bea:  That is exactly what happened Bill. From my view standing at ringside it appeared to me that Peter Vaughn was violating the rules and that the Referee was not taking action to stop it. Later when I reviewed your match I was able to see that there was no violation of the rules and the Referee did not need to take action on him. Oops! We all make mistakes but, unlike me and you, most people refuse to take ownership of their mistakes.

Bill:  That is enough talk on that subject. Now I need to get into direct comments to Eddie Lyons who is my next victim. . .I mean next opponent. . .ha ha ha!!!

Bill and Bea enjoy a hearty laugh then continue with their comments.

Bill:  So, Eddie, did you honestly think you would get a FREE PASS and not have to face me before Blaze Of Glory 12? Well you thought wrong! Did you think I was injured to the point that I would not be able to face off against you? Well you thought wrong again! Although I have the nickname of BULLDOG after the walk in the park with Iris where she whacked me in the groin I have another nickname of STEEL BALLS BARNHART. If you thought that whack to the groin was going to take me out and force me to retire from wrestling you were wrong. I am still here and I am going to defeat you at Climax Control 390. Trust me Eddie that if you had been whacked in the nutsack with a dog leash and with the head of a 50 pound Bulldog head butting you in the groin you would have retired from wrestling. Not only did I not retire from wrestling but I am facing you at Climax Control 390 AND it is a Roulette Rules Match. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that Management made our match a Roulette Rules Match.

Bill flashes a thumbs up into the camera.

Bill:  Eddie. . .Eddie. . .Eddie. . .you are like a piece of lightweight pottery that, when dropped, immediately breaks into dozens of pieces. I find it extremely amusing that your nickname is UNBREAKABLE Eddie Lyons. Since I already defeated you in a match and broke you maybe you need to stop using that nickname. Either that or you can change your nickname to BROKEN Eddie Lyons. I will explain to you and the viewers why I made those comments a little bit later. I am sure that you have tried to erase the incident of your loss to me in our only match against each other from your memory but I know the memory lingers in your mind. Also presenting the information helps those fans who were not able to watch our previous match will help them understand what happened in that previous match and what is going to happen in our next match at Climax Control 390.

Bea:  Go Bill!!!

Bill:  Eddie I will take you back to January 21, 2024, at Climax Control 383. We were in a match against each other that evening. I defeated you by pinfall. I walked away from our match as the winner and you walked away from our match as the broken loser. On that day in history you, the self-proclaimed UNBREAKABLE Eddie Lyons, was broken by me. With my win over you the comparison of when I broke you is like when Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall and all the King’s Horses and all the King’s men were unable to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Yes, Eddie, you were broken by me and you will never be able to recover from the fact that I broke you.

Bea:  I would hate to be in the shoes of Eddie Lyons having to face you at Climax Control 390.


Bill:  Kathy. . .Ken...please excuse me for a moment while I retrieve something from our rental car.

Bill stands up and walks out of Ken and Kathy’s house to get something from his car and he returns in a short time carrying a medium size burlap bag in his hands.

Bill:  Ken. . .Kathy. . .Bea. . .I want the three of you to come outside in the front of the house as I have a demonstration for the enlightenment of Eddie Lyons.

Bea. . .Kathy. . .and Ken exit the house and go to the sidewalk with Bill walking behind them carrying the burlap bag. When the four of them on are on sidewalk Bill starts his demonstration.

Bill:  You three know that I broke Eddie Lyons in our first match and that I plan on breaking Eddie again at Climax Control 390 and then break him again in the Roulette Championship Match at Blaze Of Glory 12. In this burlap bag I have three items and each item represents Eddie Lyons who is the so-called Unbreakable one and I will give you, the viewers, and Eddie Lyons a demonstration.

Bea. . .Kathy. . .and Ken watch as Bill pulls out the first item which is a ceramic flower vase. The three look on as Bill begins his demonstration. The three watch as Bill raises the ceramic flower vase over his head and throws it hard onto the sidewalk where is smashes into dozens of pieces.

Bill:  That is what I did to Eddie Lyons during our first match. I broke him into so many pieces that he was not able to be put back together fully just as this vase is useless now as it cannot be put back together again.

Bill takes out the second item in the bag and he holds it up. What we see is a nice high-quality wine glass. Bill holds it up and then throws it onto the sidewalk where it breaks apart into dozens of pieces.

Bill:  Just as with my first demonstration with the ceramic flower vase where it broke into so many pieces that it can never be put back together again I just broke a very nice wine glass into dozens of pieces. This is what I will do to Eddie Lyons at Climax Control 390. I will break him for a second time and he will not be able to be put back together again.

Bill reaches down into his burlap bag and he brings out an item that is totally different than the two previous items he brought out. This item is a regulation 16 pound bowling ball. This one is black in color. Bill holds the bowling ball in both his hands and he raises it over his head and then Bill drives the bowling ball so hard into the sidewalk that the bowling ball shatters into hundreds of pieces. Bill flashes a huge grin as he watches the bowling ball shatter.

Bill:  HAR HAR HAR!!! That is what I am going to do to Eddie Lyons at Blaze Of Glory 12 when I face him in a match for the Roulette Championship. Eddie may THINK he is glorious and shiny like the flower vase and wine glass I destroyed so easily but he will face the same destruction I placed on those two items and this bowling ball. Eddie you may also think you are a tough as a regulation bowling ball but you just saw me shatter the crap out of a regulation bowling ball which leaves that bowling bowl impossible to repair. I will easily destroy you as I destroyed these three items today. You can run. . .but you cannot hide from me any longer.

Bill thanks Bea. . .Kathy. . .and Ken for observing his presentation. He asks them to return inside the house while he cleans up the sidewalk. After Bill is finished cleaning up the sidewalk he returns inside the house to continue his closing comments on his upcoming match against Eddie Lyons at Climax Control 390. Bill sits down and delivers his final closing comments.

Bill:  Let me ask you a question Eddie. Did you read the comments on our match. You know which match I am talking about. Our Roulette Rules Match at Climax Control 390. The comments state that when I defeat you that I will be the wrestler to face you at Blaze Of Glory 12 for the Roulette Championship. Yes, Eddie, you heard that correctly, and if you understood the implications of the comments on our upcoming match then you already know I will defeat you at Climax Control 390, and then again at Blaze Of Glory 12 in Flagstaff, Arizona, to become a three-time Roulette Champion. And, Eddie, not only did I previously defeat you at Climax Control 383...I will defeat you again at Climax Control 390...I will go into Blaze Of Glory 12 with the Roulette Championship on the line and I will defeat you at Blaze Of Glory 12 to improve my winning streak over you to THREE IN A ROW and I will become a three-time Roulette Champion. Damn sure sucks to be you Eddie with your new nickname of BROKEN Eddie Lyons.

Bill and Bea indicate they will make final closing comments and they ask Ken and Kathy if they want to make comments but both of them continue to be camera shy and decline their offer.

Bill:  Eddie it will be soon that we show up at the GCU Arena in Phoenix, Arizona. Well I will show up anyway. Not sure if you lost your courage to show up and step into the ring with me and you will end up as a no-show for our match. It does not matter where the Roulette Wheel lands for our match at Climax Control 390. The only thing that matters is that when the bell rings, and our match is officially underway, I will break you again like I did at Climax Control 383. I defeated you, and broke you, once and I am going to defeat you and break you again. I could say that I feel sorry for you having to be taking another loss to me but I would be lying if I told you I feel sorry for you. Want to know how I view you? I view you as more pathetic than the actor Erik Estrada, a Puerto Rican actor from the television show CHIPS,  trying to speak Spanish in a Mexican Telenovela! Eddie I would like to wish you to have a nice time leading up to our match at Climax Control 390 because once the bell rings and our match is underway there will be no more nice times for you as I will defeat you and face you at Blaze Of Glory 12 for the Roulette Championship.

Bea:  You know what Bill? It is pathetic that some people are so damn stupid that they not only do not know what others are saying, or what is happening around them, and they fail to understand the truth.

Bill:  You are correct Bea. Some people are so stupid that they do not even know they are stupid. Damn! That’s stupid! In closing I wish to thank everyone, including you Eddie, for tuning in for my comments on my upcoming match. Me and Bea will fly to Phoenix shortly and we will meet you there. . .that is if you still have the courage to show up for our match! My final comment is to tell you that The Rolling Stones had the concept nailed when in their song the lyrics go:  YOU DON’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT...BUT YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU NEED and you, Eddie, want to defeat me but what you need, and what you will get, is me defeating you!

Bea informs the camera person that they can cut their camera feed now. The camera person calls into the Network to inform them and the Network cuts the feed to the camera person’s camera and the Network returns to the regular programming for this time slot and our screen goes dark.