Author Topic: No more  (Read 721 times)

Offline Kat Jones

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No more
« on: April 29, 2022, 06:57:59 PM »

Isn’t it funny that everyone seems to doubt Kat.. She was getting used to it by now to be honest. Amber did it.. Knox did it.. Family.. Friends.. And not management.. How typical. Doubting if Kat was truly ready for what it would mean to face the roulette champion. Because she is brutal, evil and all that jazz.. Obviously they have not been paying attention to Kat and those she is trained by. Compared to those in her life the champion is a kitten. She will never take her lightly as that is not her thing. But it will become painfully clear at this Climax Control that Kat Jones is one opponent that Jessie Salco and Diamond Steele have no clue to what means Kat will go to. Yes Kat is very much a technical wrestler but she will do what she needs to do to win any match she is put into and where she came from that means more than just having a roulette wheel decide which match it would be. So maybe it is time for them to see why she was given the monikers that she carries with her. WildKat.. HellKat.. Harbinger of Death.. Not given to her because she was the perfect little wrestler.. No.. It is because when she lets herself go on the unapologetic violence her entire being craves like a drug she will become the most vicious and ruthless being to step into the ring with.. Doubt it.. Doubt her.. She will only prove you wrong. Did she not win cleanly against two others to get this chance.. Did she not show that she was perfectly able to take down anyone in her path.. No.. Well watch her closely then.. She has only just begun.. Why not go back to how she was once before.. They did not like her then.. Almost nobody did back then.. Too brutal.. Too violent... But hell she already lost most she cared for what is a few more right..

Kat was not from a loving family.. That is why she built one of her own choosing instead. And why it hurt her so deeply to see those she took into that family betray her. Hurt her.. She was used to it from a lot of people to hear those hateful comments. She knew it was going to get ugly but the extent of it.. That cut her deeper than the knife she carried on her could ever do. She would not make anyone choose between her and anyone else so Kat isolated herself.. Is pulling away from those that she loves more and more.. A few remained.. Those that have been true for years.. Cy.. Chris.. Jase.. It was a close knit and tight little bunch.. She did not even count Whisper and everyone in the HG.. They are near and dear but not as close as they are and have proven themselves to be.. She stepped away from Mac and he did not seem to notice it at first.. And while she knew if she thought rationally that he had his plans.. Kat cannot see them as she is not rational. It was only a couple of weeks ago after all that Cy had pulled her away from the cliff.. And the one that hurt her the most is Mac’s wife. Something Kat respects and gives her more reason to stay away from Mac then his less than obvious plans elsewhere are.. Which is why Kat made sure to book a hotel far away from the arena where the show was to be held at.. A resort that would help her in staying away..

She flew to Lesbos alone.. She arrived alone and while her interactions on twitter did not show her true mental state.. It did show glimpses if you looked hard enough.. Mac’s tag team partner said he would see her there.. Her response was simple.. You just might.. But she left out the part that should have followed.. But I doubt it.. Memes that people think are funny.. But they are the cold hard truth.. She is scared.. Not for what would happen in the match, that is nothing she could fear as she survived worse.. A lot worse over the years. And when Kat gets scared she tries to avoid it.. Avoid those that could hurt her even more.. She is growing colder.. More ruthless.. Untrusting.. Reckless.. For her it doesn't matter anymore what type of match she is put in.. If it was a technical masterpiece or a brutal cage fight with weapons and bloodshed galore.. If she wins or loses.. They finally drove her there.. Where the only thing remaining is the desire to unleash unapologetic violence on her opponents.. She was sitting on the balcony looking out into the darkness that had fallen over Lesbos.. The lit up town was slowly becoming darker as the lights went out and most went to bed.. And yet she was still sitting there.. A chill had come over her and shivers ran down her spine.. She had missed calls and messages on her phone that she didn't even bother to check.. She heard it go off in the room but could not be bothered to get up and grab it. She was pretty sure she knew who most of them were from.. And she did not want to speak to him right now.. The shocker at Level Up at the very end of the show where she won by DQ so that champ did not lose his title to little old Kat.. His arrival.. Side by side with those that beat the living hell out of her before..

Rational thinking Kat would know there was a plan.. But there is nothing rational about Kat Jones.. She was in survival mode.. The one she was in back in Cincinnati.. She had always said that she was a street rat from the gutters of Cincinnati and she was not lying.. Anyone that knows Kat even a little knows that she will always give you the truth no matter how blunt it will be said. And that is why she is avoiding Mac… Because she knows that she would give him the truth how she saw it and it would not be a pretty and nice conversation.. She would avoid him at the arena before and after the show.. She had to.. That is why she was staying at a different hotel.. Why she had planned on staying in the hotel and resort and not even bother going out to check the island.. She was pretty sure she would run into him if she did. And right now she just wanted to grow colder.. A low growl even coming from her throat at the thought of running into him.. She was not in the best states of mind one could be in.. She was not the most stable minded in SCW on a good day but this was not a good day.. It Has not been a good day for a while.. Did she miss him.. Yes she did.. She missed Amber and Knox as well but not the way they are now.. She missed who they used to be before gold fever got to them.. And that is something she is wanting to avoid by any means even if she is fighting for a title soon.. She is not wanting to become like them.. She used to want to be exactly like Amber.. Successful and respected.. But when she changed.. That changed as well.. Kat still sneered at the thought of what they had become.. They were so much better before they got into their own hype.. Before they believed that the wrestling world shone from their asses.. Before they believed themselves to be the end all and be all of this industry.. Running themselves into the ground by performing everywhere.. Enabling each other's hype and making each other seem more than human.. Until they failed.. And even then the gold fever drove them to heights of hypocrisy and idiocy never seen before..

Kat got up from the chair she was lounging in while her thoughts, scrambled as they are, are getting the best of her.. She walked into the room and pulled out her backpack and got her phone out and she was right.. Messages and missed calls from Mac.. She tossed the phone on the bed and she grabbed the handheld camera from the bag instead. She headed back out onto the balcony as her mind was trying to convince her to look at the messages and call Mac back but they were pushed back as the fear rose within her causing her to twitch and shiver. She set up the camera and grabbed her bottle of water and sat down in the chair she had been lounging in before.

~On Camera~

The scene opens on Kat sitting on the balcony of what is obviously her hotelroom. It is dimly lit but her contrasting dark hair and white skin makes it easier to see her well.

Kat : It is still funny to me how people underestimate me.. Sure I may not be the most well known for being a hardcore match fighting brawler.. But I have had more than my share of violence in this game.. I was a hardcore champion before.. I have fought more dangerous matches than the roulette wheel has on there. Cage matches were my reality at the age of fourteen.. Brutality and danger were what I grew up on.. But I have to be impressed with Jessie Salco because she used to hold the Roulette championship.. I have to be impressed because she is a SCW original.. A veteran.. I may not have been in SCW for a long time but I am a far cry from a rookie… I have been fighting for most of my life.. Fighting to survive.. Fighting to eat.. Fighting to sleep safely every now and then.. I was fourteen years old when I started living on the streets of Cincinnati and I grew tougher and meaner really quick. Fighting underground to make a buck so I could eat.. Fighting on the streets to make sure that I kept what I had.. Fighting with weapons.. Fighting in cages.. Fighting has been my life since the day I was born.. I am sorry if that makes me jaded and less easy to impress.. I became a wrestler because someone gave me that chance.. Someone gave me the means to survive and live normally.. Someone took a chance on a Cincy street rat and I will never forget that.. But no matter that I am now no longer in danger of living on the streets again.. No matter that I do not have to go to bed hungry if I don’t want to.. No matter the wrestling skills I was taught.. Inside.. I am still the same Cincy street rat that I was born to be..

But nobody looks beyond the obvious.. Nobody.. Not even management who I am sure saw my track record.. My bio.. They should have known better than to provoke me and disguise it by calling it a tune up match to see if I was truly ready for the brutality the champion unleashes.. I was born ready.. Brutality was homelife for the first fourteen years of my life.. Danger has been my soul companion over the years that followed.. I am not afraid of the wheel and what type of match it can put me in.. It can not be worse than what I have already overcome.. I have heard the comments and the bullshit that I am not taking things seriously.. That I seemingly have to be impressed with you Jessie.. Or with the champion but the truth is simple. It takes a whole lot worse than what you can do to me to impress me. Have you seen my chosen family.. Brutality and violence is what binds us together.. My brothers are all the most brutal and violent men on the rosters of the federations they enter.. Every single one of them.. Even those that left over the years..

Kat smirked and took a sip of water, her dark eyes seemingly glittering with malice and violent intentions making her seem more deranged than ever..

Kat : One of them dreamed of skinning others including me alive and wearing my skin sewn into a leather jacket.. God how I miss Erron sometimes.. And Dakota he is the epitome of violence and just his appearance has made many turn around and walk away as he screams danger while he is silent. Cyrus and Jase.. Lord they may joke around sometimes.. But put them in the ring and you and your career can be in extreme danger if you so much as blinked at them wrong.. Violent, dangerous and extreme.. But as I am the baby sister I am doubted.. But what I have been doing for the well being of those I face in the ring.. I have been holding in that what makes me the HellKat.. Slowly I have been letting the leash go.. And letting the real me get seen.. And those I faced have been in the ring with a totally different Kat Jones lately.. But that management wants to doubt me being ready.. That I am doubted.. That I am labeled as the failure and the sad one.. It fuels me.. So go right ahead.. Doubt me.. Doubt my capability of enduring and dishing out violence.. I would hope Jessie that you with your veteran status do better than to underestimate me.. I hope that you are not going to make the same mistakes as many made before you and found themselves wishing they had not been so stupid..

I am giving you fair warning here to not make that mistake.. Do not go there because it will not bode well for you if you do.. I am not going to try and scare you that I am more violent.. I am not going to downplay what you can do.. I know you have more experience in roulette matches.. But I also know that most veterans have a case of know it all-ism.. And they tend to overlook the obvious.. I am hoping that you are not one of those because I have dealt with that already recently and I am sick and tired of that downplay little Kat movement.. Because I will be ready for every possible match that can pop up on that wheel. We do not really know each other Jessie but I do hope you are not going to join in on that because I will have to respond then and you will not like it.. I am no rookie to this business.. I am a veteran in violence and I will have no issues in taking Lesbos to the streets of Cincinnati..

Kat sneered and the evil intentions shone in her dark eyes as her voice grew colder and darker.

Kat : So I am actually hoping that we get the most violent option on that wheel.. So I can once and for all shut everyone up. Because I am making this very clear.. I came into this world kicking and screaming covered in someone else's blood.. And I do not mind going out the same way.. Can you say the same.. So what kind of matches do you want.. For me.. Weapons filled cage match.. Hell in a cell.. No DQ.. Falls count anywhere.. Submission match.. Combined all of the above.. It is all fine with me.. It is about time that all of this place gets a glimpse of the hell they are unleashing with their doubts and comments.. I have seen them all and heard them all before and I will relish in shutting them all up one by one until I have gotten my hands on every single last of them.. The list is not too long.. This is just a step up to get to them one by one.. I am not making light of you or Diamond for that matter but it is what it is.. You were not on that list and neither is Diamond for that matter.. But you are going to serve as an example and I will show them all who they created and what they are missing out on..

Learn from those that made the mistake of underestimating me.. Learn from those that thought it was smart to insult me.. To downgrade me.. To mock me.. Learn from them because it fuels me to even worse levels of violent intentions.. Do not make the same mistakes because I will not react kindly to it anymore.. You are not family.. You are not a friend of mine.. They were.. Were being the key word.. No more.. The nice girl that I was too many is gone.. Only a select few remain.. And you are not one of those either.. You are in that big gray area. You are neither.. Do not get on the wrong side.

Kat took a sip of her water.. She leaned back in the chair and tilted her head slightly..

Kat : I am probably rambling and stopped caring when I do.. Now Jessie.. I know you are a nearly ten year veteran of SCW.. Congratulations.. Did you want a medal for that or something. A trophy.. Or are you still that hungry competitor you used to be.. Because as much as you are a seasoned veteran I am also seeing someone that is not as focused as the champion she once was.. I am also seeing a sort of lazy acceptance in you.. And I am not even remotely wanting to face a SCW veteran that is resting on her laurels.. Yes you did all of those accomplishments.. Yes you have been there forever.. And yet.. You are not clambering for gold.. Where is that Jessie Salco that was a little spitfire.. The thorn in the side of anyone that was wanting the top gold in SCW.. Where is she.. Because I have been paying attention and while you bask in the glory of days past still.. Bask in the adoration of the SCW faithful fans.. Where is the Jessie Salco that earned that adoration.. Where is she.. Because if this is the level you were at back then.. If this is the intensity of SCW back then.. Would you have gotten those accolades and titles if I had come to SCW when I was first approached to do so over 7 years ago..

You want respect.. And I do respect your accomplishments.. But I do not respect you.. Why.. Simple.. I pay attention to what is spewed out into the open air and while you were downgrading Levana.. You mentioned something that did not sit well with me at all. Who in the hell do you think you are to say who does or does not belong in any type of match. Management decides that.. Not you.. Granted Chloe was eliminated fast but who in the hell appointed you head of talent relations. The kid has something and she works hard. And nobody, especially not some veteran with her head back in her glory days has the right to say that she does not belong in any match. The girl got hired.. So she belongs.. She will be getting better and she is.. She is improving and while you may be too blind to see it.. I am not.. Yes I know, I know I was the one that eliminated her in record time.. I saw an opening and I took it.. Would have done it to anyone.. Could have been Levana.. Bella.. Mercedes.. Any one of them..

Kat smirked and leaned closer to the camera..

Kat : Since you paid such close attention to the match.. You must realize by now that I am not going to be a pushover for you or anyone in SCW.. I may not have won.. But I certainly showed exactly how tough I am to beat.. And you.. You have shown very little recently.. Do not cast stones while living in a glass house.. You have not been winning everything or holding titles yourself.. While you are not on the list of people to take down and out.. You are on the list of someone who needs to be humbled and reminded that she needs to up her game or she will be left behind..

With that said the scene fades to black..

~Off camera~

Kat grabbed her laptop and got the video sent off to SCW.. She moved the balcony again and stood at the railing watching the sea in the distance.. As much as she appreciated the view she already missed her mountains and was glad that she had arranged the flight home to be directly after the show was over.. Not only would it help her in avoiding the people she did not want to see.. But it would get her home sooner rather than later.. She needed her mountains to ground her.. They are not an escape.. As those that hurt her knew where she lived.. They also should have known better than to provoke this dangerous side of her.. It still angers her now what they said.. What they did.. And why… What was so damn important to them that they had to destroy what little had remained of the love she felt for them.. Worst part is.. If you truly love someone.. You never stop.. But there comes a point where enough is enough and you do not want to deal with them anymore.. It opened Kat’s eyes roughly in just how little that love was returned.. How she was lied to.. That is a dagger to the shattered remains of her heart.. And still she held their secrets.. She did not break that promise but they did…

Tears were once again flowing over her cheeks and she cursed at them.. She had shed enough tears over it to last a lifetime but here she was standing in a beautiful hotel room with a stunning view and she can not enjoy it as her slight blurred with more tears and the stinging of running make-up that got into her eyes.. It was still early in the states and she grabbed her phone and send her brother a message first..

* Got time to talk *

Her phone rang immediately.. Her relieved state of mind came out in the sigh she let go as soon as she picked up.. Her sniffling could be heard before he spoke..

Cy : Katarina.. Have you not shed enough tears over them yet..

Kat : I thought I had… But I guess not..

Cy : They are not worth your tears.. Not as they are now.. Even though I know they both used to be better people..

Kat : I can't help it Cy..

Kat wiped at her face and walked into the room before she let herself fall on the kingsize bed..

Kat : I keep wondering why…

Cy : You will never get the answer to that Katarina.. Because there is no reason.. There was no need for either of them to go there.. Unless they wanted to hurt you.. And from what I have seen that is exactly it.. They wanted to hurt you..

Kat hiccupped and felt more tears fall down her face as she literally felt her shattered heart ache even more..

Kat : And for what… A stupid fucking tag team match..

Cy : Gold fever makes the most level headed person stupid.. Both of them are consumed with holding gold.. You can see it as they are all over the place fighting people left, right and center.. Picking fights.. Needless fights..

Kat : Yeah I have seen it.. I should just mute them on social media.. Be done with all of it.. Their crap cost me more than just a few tears.. It is costing me everything…..

Cy : Mac..

Kat : I can not make him choose a side.. But how can I be close to him while I want to rip his wife apart..

Cy : You can trust him Katarina..

Kat : Can I.. You were not there in Greensboro.. He showed up there.. As part of that group that beat the hell out of me.. He carried me to the back when I passed out from the pain as the injuries were aggravated.. And yet.. He is working with them now.. How can I trust him?

Cy : I know it is hard… But you can trust him Kattie..

Kat : I hate that nickname..

Cy : Katarina.. My beautiful sister.. Listen to him…

Kat : I am not beautiful.. And I do not want to see him.. I am not.. stable..

Cy snorts and a short bark of laughter is heard through the phone as well as the smack Cy got from his girlfriend for it.

Kat : Thanks Kim…

Cy : When in the hell have you ever given a damn about being stable.. They needed to see just how dangerous you are, my little HellKat.. You have no more need for those that doubt you.. We believe in you because we know better than to doubt you.. We know better than to underestimate you.. You are my Sadistic Sibling.. It is not a tag team gimmick.. That is who you are.. My sibling and you are just as mean and sadistic as all of us..

Kat sighed and still felt the tears streaming down her face but the mood was getting different..

Kat : I wish you were here…

Cy : I wish I was as well.. Isn’t it crazy later over there..

Kat : Probably.. Still on US time with my body and brain so I am not overly tired yet..

A knock on the door came and Kat sat up on the bed..

Kat : Someone is here.. I will call you tomorrow..

Cy : Remember what I told you…. You can trust him..

Kat : I will think about it.. Love you..

Cy : And I love you..

Kat hung up as the knocking got a little louder..

Kat : Yeah yeah I heard you the first time….

Kat walked out of the bedroom area of her suite and into the living area before she opened the door and standing there with all six foot six and two hundred and eighty pounds of him glaring at her murderously was her brother.. Mac..

Kat : Fuck……