Author Topic: it's time to believe  (Read 269 times)

Offline Goth

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    • Gerrit
it's time to believe
« on: January 01, 2016, 06:46:29 PM »
 In the past, I’ve walked a thousand miles to get where I needed to be. Blood have been shed and tears have ran down my face many of many times. It is moments like these where I wonder to myself if it was enough….

For a million times I’ve dreamt the dreams of impossible odds, only to have it broken by a shattered glass of reality. Reality that nothing is impossible, nothing will remain impossible when I have my mind set to it. And for a million times I have shattered the hopes and dreams of those who do not know what they have gotten themselves into. If you thought I was bad, wait for that one moment when you realise that I have been awoken.

December 25th… Christmas day.
New York City, NY

A wind blows throughout the night, the windows are open as the curtains wave amongst the winter wind. The room is empty, usually you would expect furniture, lamps. Something that would make you expect some living soul is living there, but it is as empty as it can be. Except….

Except a figure sitting in a corner, a beer bottle is next to him. It is empty, a hand is resting above it as a few fingers are running circles across the top end of the open and empty bottle. As if he wants to make some sound like people do when they run their fingers across a wine glass with some water in it.

Figure “My life is an empty shell”

The voice sounds dry, clearly the figure has drank the beer out of the bottle a long time ago. We cannot see him well as not much light shines towards him, only a flickering light bulb somewhere in a corner of the room.

Figure “I lived it as an addict, believing the tales of invincibility and immortality. While it was all a lie… a dream that has been crushed and I’ve once again been awoken.”

He grabs the bottle and holds it in front of his face.

Figure “Heineken, Dutch most well known brand of beer. God I wished I had some with me on that long ride of joy and wealth. Forgetting every painful moment as it consumed me and made me believe that I was an ordinary man. A man without his disability… I knew that it was there, I just ignored it. Not like I did when I returned and crushed Shipman”

A soft sigh comes over him as he drops the bottle, it rolls around the room a little bit before it finally stops.

Figure “I was almost believing that I was just like each and everyone out there… human, or more perfectly. I believed I was accepted, taken into granted as people welcomed their arms for me open wide as somewhat like theirs. Then again, who am I kidding?? Everyone hates my guts and rightfully so. Because they only see my successes, they want to see my wealth, my hot wife and take granted for making me… while the only thing that they should take for granted is whether they decided to cheer for me or boo me. Like I care”

Figure “All I care is about annihilation, all I care is about extracting pain upon those who dared to do the unthinkable. To taste their anguish, to feel their pain that they inflicted upon me to reverse the moment upon them. All I ask for Christmas, is the demise of four names Travis Nathaniel Andrews, Sean Jackson, Mark Ward and even you my dear Drake Green”

As if it was meant to happen, a flash of lightning searches through the room as it finally finds the figure. We see it emerge as the former Roulette champion Goth, the man that lost to Drake Green thanks to the other three names that were mentioned by him. His head is resting against the wall, we see the bruises on his face as well as he stares at the lightning.

Goth: “For how long must I wait before the moment comes and I will have my hands around your stinking throats. To have my fingers dig deep into your unwanted flesh and scream at your ears with uncontrolled rage. RAGE!!!”

He bites on his lower lip, trying to control his anger for he does not want to ruin his Christmas spirit.

Goth: “All I want for Christmas is to do what Goth could not do. And isn’t that funny to speak about myself in the third person??? As if I am talking to myself?? To realize in reality that I lived a dream of someone that seemed to be unbeatable…. To believe in it too much as if it was second nature… I made the mistake to trust too much in my victories as if it was natural… to dare to speak out loud that what I had achieved…. That I forgot…”

Goth: “Forgot what it was meant for me to be who I truly have been in the past, to not care about the results, just the bloodshed. The massacres, the amusement upon my face and into my brain… to wash my hands with the innocence of those who dared to prove me the other way around… as if I was putting my hands together in a prayer and asked God himself for a sacrificial lamb… to drag him across the rocks of mountain Golgotha and stick him with a knife into it’s heart and watch it bleed…. “

Goth: “Forgive me for my sins have been ignored for way too long”

A sinister laugh can be heard as his eyes slowly close when we witness the lightning slowly fading as it has ended, waiting for another flash of lightning to fill the empty room. Suddenly Goth’s cell phone goes off as Goth looks at it when the picture emerges of the married couple of Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson. Goth smiles, realizing the importance for their sacred bond to be united in matrimony. He answers the message with one of his own, telling them he will celebrate their unity when they return from their Honeymoon. Afterwards he puts down the cell phone and puts his head against the wall, digging his skull into the concrete as if he wants to push his head straight through it.

Goth: “Their bond is pure, of course most of you will debate their love for each other. As it is unnatural, yet what is unnatural about love…. I will question your integrity to see where your limitatins will lead you when it comes to a common thought of emotional bonding together of two souls. Two souls that have found each other and dared to be different… different only in the eyes of those who judge them for who they see them that they are. As I see two men that were meant to be together. And two men that will crumble your lack of integrity and lack of admitting you are wrong”

His hand is scratching across his face as if he is annoyed from something

Goth: “And yet even though their place is now in happiness, I will share their joy with a tad of frustration. Frustration for that what the name Goth wanted to achieve, but I did not. Not only because I lost, not only the way it happened…. But mostly that I allowed it to happen, that I allowed myself to be blinded with greed for the fact that I wanted only one thing…. The sin of success… forgetting all the other sinful thoughts that I have always cherished finally cost me the reality that I am merely a man of flesh of blood”.

Goth: “I had to bow down my head before thee and had to cry of shame… That I dared to stand before HIM and did not see the warnings upon that what YOU told me to. I dared to believe that I could oppose everything without YOU by my side and realized I was already blinded without even knowing it for many years….”

A sigh escapes his mouth, his arms dropping to the ground as his fingers are trying to dig into the ground. As if he wants to create marks with his fingers, as it only causes his fingers to turn white by the pressure he puts upon them.

Goth: “I realize now that I was chosen to inflict pain upon others, but not to be the one that stare into their eyes. As it would make me show mercy upon their lives… something that they do not deserve… just like your Archangel slashing his sword of fire upon their unreal existence… to suffer at YOUR feet of wrath… as they will once again suffer… once more…”

December 28th
Las Vegas, Nevada.

Goth: “Why is it that I am here for??”

Goth can be seen with Henry, as the manager of Raab and Samuel has returned from their wedding. Samuel and Raab has gone on honeymoon. Restarting the anger sessions with Goth.

Henry: “How are you feeling Gerrit?”

Annoyed Goth is rolling his eyes, turning his face away from Henry while putting his hands behind his head as he rests on the sofa.

Goth: “Really Henry?? How I am feeling?? Is that the mind boggling approach that you have decided to bore me with???. If I knew that we would go that direction, then I would have called you and told you that I was sick”.

Henry: “Come on now Gerrit, we both agreed upon this and you know that I don’t like missing out on an appointment”

Goth: “Yeah it was fun, but in the end… what did it bring me??”

Henry: “What do you mean?? Losing the title isn’t because of me telling you anything, it’s because…”

Goth: “I KNOW!! It was Drake and his goon squad attacking me and Raab and Samuel and destroying us. But then again, what is wrong in that picture huh Henry??”

Henry looks at Goth as he expects Goth to continue his rampage of rage

Goth: “I tell you exactly what’s wrong with it, you want two monsters to be a containing entity and you want me to accept my rage and control it!!! Do you know what that rage did for me?? It made me focused, it made me want to destroy people even more… it made me want to drink the blood of Chris Shipman and that rage is what I needed against Drake!! The rage of Raab and Samuel unleashed is what WE NEEDED!!!”

Henry: “I….,”

Goth: “SHUT UP!!! It’s no use to express your forgiveness or explain the reason behind the actions that you did. I know that inside your mind you did what you BELIEVED to be right. A believe to contain monsters, haven’t we learned from the past that monsters no need to be contained?? They need to be guided to fulfil their hopes and dreams inside the six sided ring?? But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Henry wanted more, Henry needed more!!!”

Henry: “So I guess I’m not needed anymore??”

Goth chuckles as he shakes his head no, not allowing Henry to slip out of it now.

Goth: “Oh no, we will continue these sessions Henry, just because I am coming on too strong. You see, I need the rage. I need the desire, I need the hunger and most importantly… I need to want it like nobody else does and I need to look you in the eyes and get a dose of reality and see who is right… you think you can handle that Henry??”

Henry: “Well…., I…”

Goth: “Because I won’t go easy on you, I will try to get under your skin like I have been used to with every opponent that I have faced and will face. I need this shit to keep me sane. I am not expecting anyone to understand, but this is how I tick!!!”.

Henry leans back in his chair, writes something down and puts the back of the pen against his chin.

Henry: “Interesting Goth, tell me… how did it make you feel after the match was over at December 2 Dismember?? When you were back in the locker room after the match? “

Goth’s eyes are burning as he bites his lower lip when he remembers that moment

Herny: “Now don’t be so harsh upon yourself Goth, I mean you wanted to turn a new leaf in our sessions. You wanted to be straight forward with me so I assume you don’t mind me do the same with you??”

Goth puts his head against the back of the couch, gripping his hands on the leather of the sofa as he tries to sink his fingers into it.

Goth: “I felt liberated”

Henry: “Excuse me??”

Goth sighs as he rolls his eyes.

Goth: “Liberated, freed from everything. To have lived this lie for this so long made me wanted to puke from the insides. I finally woke up Henry, I finally became aware that if I wanted this high once more… I have to do it the only way that I know doing it”.

Henry: “And that is??”

Goth looks at Henry with a glee upon his face.
Goth: “To get what I want, the way I want it to do it and surely to the nicest person’s that could ever experience my wrath upon them. And most of it all, just laugh it off and ridicule them to the point of no return. That’s what I want and that’s what I was missing in my life.”

Henry: “Some sort of revelation??”

Goth gets annoyed, sitting up as he stares into the eyes of Henry.

Goth: “If me wanting to stick my foot up in the ass of Drake Green and his little bitches, then go ahead and call it a revelation. I could care less what you want to call it Henry. I am here to revive that what should have never been left alone, I want to revive the man that dropped Shipman, the man that wanted to end his life to get his wife back. The man that I used to be before believing too much in winning and winning over and over again. To have thought that I would be sitting right here with two singles championships, two titles and have the smile upon my face and telling the world I told you so. And all it did was blind me for what really was going on!!! To be the laughing stock of the entire roster, to be the one that got assaulted because I have learned not to trust the boss!!”

Henry: “Would you have wished you have ???”

Goth grins as he shakes his head no.

Goth: “Oh no Henry, I have no need to trust a boss that wants you to sell your soul for his own bidding before dumping you for another flavour of the month. The problem for Mark is that I don’t have a soul to be bought, I don’t have a soul to be replaced for someone else… I do things because I want it to happen for me and ONLY ME!!!”

His anger becomes apparent as he grinds his teeth for a few moments before relaxing a bit and sighs.

Goth: “For too long I have allowed myself to be silent, for too long have I waited for the moment to come where Drake would show his true colours. For too long have I looked and nodded my head and smiled as I knew what I have had to do. For too long I would be the patient victim, but after this coming Climax control in the city of enternal sins… I will be silent no more, as I will be eternal damnation upon those who dare to cross my path. It will be an eternal sin to think I will no longer be a threat… as they have never experienced the truth of being in jeopardy”.

With that he gets up and walks off as he leaves Henry alone.

Inner thoughts

Goth: “Oh Drake…, how long must it have been a burden upon your soul to finally sell out to the man that you proclaimed to hate. And how does it make you feel? To look at your championship belt and smile as you can see the grin upon your face from the shining reflection?? Oh and it must be so great to have done something that you could have never done upon yourself huh Drake??”

“To have known that the day would come to face the man that you never have beaten and never could. And just like many other great man that choke under pressure. And when that moment comes, they can either suck it up and do their best… or do what you did… and I know you are so proud of yourself aren’t you… and you know what?? I understand… I have been there too Drake… but I never did it because I was afraid… just like you”

“I did it because I wanted it to happen, I wanted the anger of the fans, I wanted to see the disbelief on the faces of those who said they saw me as their brother the day before. You see Drake, it makes you stand out like the person that you really are, not the person that you have been begging GOD to become!! Hoping and wishing that you would be growing some pair of balls. But all you are going to be growing is guild, shame and the thought of whomever would have been victorious in the first place. And that will be haunting you for eternity won’t it, it will be haunting you because you know that you never could beat me on your own. Enjoy your reign, enjoy your title all you want… but in the end, it will be me that will take your shame and shatter it with a kick straight in your face.. and the nightmare will be starting this Sunday as I take Sean Jackson to his demise…”

“The end of the New Supremacy will be near…. And so will be your reign as champion Drake… live with it…. “

Las Vegas,
January first

Goth can be seen in a local strip bar, drinking a beer as he watches a blonde dancing for him in his private booth. He has his wallet on the table as he clearly wants to spend some quality time enjoying a sexy stripper.

Goth: “That’s it girl, dance for me. It’s about time that I see something entertaining before I go out and destroy our local internet champion Sean Jackson”

He grins as he mentions the name of Sean Jackson, the member of the New Supremacy”

Goth: “I never thought that Mark was so brave to send out his men to face someone that has a blood thirst. Is it that he finally has grown trust in others, or is he just as scared that I may do the same thing to them as I have done to many others… oh wait, I already have done so to Travis…. But that’s ok, I don’t mind repeating the inevitable over and over again until there is nothing left”.

He takes a swig from his beer as the woman gyrates her behind right in front of his face. Goth hands her a hundred dollar bill as she smiles for him and starts to strip before him.

Goth: “So it is Sean this time, apparently the trust in Travis has already been thin to the point where he has been a non factor for two shows already since the December Super Card?? And tell me Mark, why is that??? Does the young kid that likes to shove hotels down the drains of the locals been unable to impress you?? Or is it the fact that you want him to market some hotels to your liking?? I’m surprised that you are trying to market yourself into safe places where you hope I will never show”.

Goth: “But no matter what you do Mark, the inevitable will happen, I will crumble at the bottom of your feet and move my way upwards once more. Going for the throats that I want to choke and watch your eyes grow bigger in fear before fading away at my very own hands. Watch me breathe down upon you as the final remembrance of that what you consider life…. Is that how you want to be remembered Mark??? Sending men to war to die??? Oh so politically correct you have become”

Goth chuckles as he watches the dancer doing her routine on a dancing pole, moving seductively around it as she attempts to seduce him.

Goth: “So instead of giving the world what they truly want, the rematch of the match that ended December 2 Dismember.. you give me Sean Jackson. Is that how you work Mark??? Trying to give the little bitches something to eat as they do not wish to be overshadowed by someone else??? To have them taste the goods so to speak as their ego is too big. And what way to show the world that you have been manipulative enough to garner the wrestler of the year as your enforcer… Because let’s face it, Drake is your priced champion isn’t he not?? Not wanting him to suffer the way you fear he would when I get my hands upon him”

“Or is it this the classical way of you telling me that I should start way back at the line Mark?? To work my way up the lines of possible contenders for that title even though there is nobody good enough for him to fight as being a joke of a champion. It’s always a possibility that Drake would some day realise the errors in his ways and do the right thing… accept the ass kicking that I will give him”.

He follows every movement from the dancer as he has stopped talking for a few moments while drinking his beer.

Goth: “Is that how you mastered this all Drake??? Finding another group to watch your back while you do your hour long promo’s at ringside? To feel safe?? And who will you be going for next when I destroy your henchman?? Will you ask for more money from Mark to find something new?? Like some other hired guns that will work for the buck to keep you safe??? Tell me as I am always so interested to fall asleep by you Drake…”

“But it would be too rude to forget you wouldn’t it oh Sean??? The man of the year, the man that does everything with grace, with elegance and everything in between as long as you do not get caught aren’t you???”

He grins as he finishes his beer and puts it on the table. He watches as the dancer gets in the air and wraps her legs around the pole and leans backwards with her upper body as she shows off her body in a sexy position.

Goth: “Someone that I have yet to face, a new name and a new hope in life to see whether how I would fair against this man. The internet champion, the one title that has eluded me in my career. Of course it would be unwise to put anything on the line against me at this very time right Sean??? I’m sure that you had no desire to do any such thing of any kind against a barbaric man like yours truly”

“And yet you have showed the world that you could hang with Lord Raab, to defend your title in a match where the world would have proclaimed that it was his to win. To show the world that the brave and mighty Sean has got some backbone after all…. Unfortunately for you Sean, a backbone is just merely a bone that stands in the way for your back to be broken in half when the correct amount of pressure would have been inflicted upon it….. pressure of to show the world how indeed almighty your newly formed group really is all about. To walk out of the locker room, having your friends stand there and pad you on the back.. knowing full well that you need to walk to the back as well, expected to have carried the load for the gang. The load that needs to be defended upon your first match…”

Goth watches as she tosses her top to him, showing her chest area as that is left out of the view from the camera.

Goth: “Nah I can’t let the little children watch this as they may not understand, like not understanding why Sean Jackson would take a backseat to someone like Mark Ward, Drake Green and hell even become the left foot of one of them as Travis is clearly the right. A man that is the almighty Internet champion, a title that in my honest opinion does not suit a man of his calibre, but of course… we all know that as long as Drake holds on to the belt… he has to be subdued to be a card filler that sometimes needs to step up when Drake is not feeling like it.”

“Of course I know that deep down in your heart wishes to be the man once more, to be the man that screwed Kain out of winning the title with twin magic wasn’t it not?? A true champion that does what he has to do to survive, to walk out once again a champion and has no moral boundaries to step to whatever level to do so… but would that also ultimately mean you would stab Drake in the back Sean? I mean literally who would trust a mind fuck like you??? Or have you changed for the better as nobody wants to have a fight or an argument this close to what would ultimately never last long”

The dancer slowly crawls over to Goth as she tries to seduce him with her eyes and the man smiles as he nods his head towards her.

Goth: “But even though this creature is trying so hard to make me change my mind and stop talking about you Sean. It would be useless to say that someone like you that has to enter the ring with me on the first ever match from me in 2016, that it would be a match where your futile attempts of smiling and speaking all your bullshit would come to an end. You see Sean, being the Roulette champion for this long has made me realize the fact that you need to adapt at any given moment. Whether it will be the fact that you do not know who you would be facing, or the fact that you never know what trick would be up someone’s sleeve. You have only been a mental fuck to those who allowed you to be”

“Talking a good game, wrestling one even better. And yet Sean, where has it brought you from where you have come from??? To be the man that held that briefcase, to taunt the champion to a point where he knew that he would lose it to the biggest mouth of them all. Ending up to finally losing it to Kain and never looked like you wanted it back… what happened Sean?? Did you lose your edge to where you would do anything to rebound and gain that championship belt?? Was the ultimate belief gone from the I will stab you in the back when you aren’t watching mentality?? Or was it just merely the fact that are just not that good enough”

“The man that won the wrestler of the year, the man of the year, the ass kisser of the year. All combined could not let you go anywhere near the places where you were and you settled with the internet championship belt. Was that the step upwards for you?? Or was it the mere fact that you already accepted the role of being second best to Drake Green for his magical heel turn?? Would that be accepted in the mind of Sean Jackson when you were filled with desire and rage to rebound and take home the gold??? Or was the soft side of life the ultimate way out of the pressure point that was being the man for you???”

She slowly sits on his lap as his eyes are focused upon the front of her body as the camera only sees the back of her.

Goth: “Hmm, interesting proposition from a woman’s stand point of shutting up, but the point is still Drake. That I don’t believe anything you will utter to counter my words, I would not care to hear you speak with a glee of joy as you pad your championship belt as I know that you are enraged of being called his partner. The partner of the world champion while you cannot take your eyes of the belt that you have worn twice now…. At least I have no shame in admitting that it takes a lot of men to take me down… to have a lot of plotting to keep me down and take away my gold”.

“You see Sean…., hmmm I love that hun”

He winks at the dancer who is slowly giving him a lap dance as he has his hands on her side.

Goth: “I want that belt, I will not stop at anything to get that championship belt away from his waist. To battle down through whatever it is that needs to be destroyed to get what I want. And now that I finally get the opportunity to battle great wrestler that is Sean Jackson…. I know that I will be getting closer and closer to the point of taking down everything that you stand for. Everything that Drake Green stands for, everything that your little bitch of Travis Nathaniel Andrews stands for and what Mark Ward stands for”.

“Because I will come down to haunt you all, I will drive each and every one of you crazy until I get my way with the world champion and his belt on the line. This coming Climax Control, I will be taking everything you got and I will keep on smiling, asking for more. I will keep telling you that you hit like a bitch… I will do anything to drive you crazy and wonder what it will take you to beat me. I hope it will take you to the point of resorting to the low roads like your little girlfriends have done in recent time. To finally understand and learn from a coward that could have been so much more…. So much more from being a weakling that has a championship belt, against a man that accepts and moves on and plots his revenge alone. As a man Sean, something that needs to be taught a lesson of respect and to drop to your knees and get kicked in the teeth”

Goth runs his hands across her back as he enjoys the sensations that she is giving him.

Goth: “Soon dear, soon you can go home with me and have the misses enjoy some special time as well. As I have a date set with the greatest wrestler alive, the man that wishes to show the world why he is in the greatest faction alive. And why I am the one man that has crumbled every faction that I have set my eyes upon. For I have only one wish, the wish of knowing exactly where the weak link is and strike with vengeance.”

“I can see it now Sean, we both are spent for fighting so long. Both are looking for that one moment to strike, that one moment of waiting for the mistake from the other. But that’s the point Sean, I can wait that long Sean, I can take all your beatings and suffer at your hands. But the problem with men like you is, that you wish to have the other make that make mistake. I don’t, I won’t. I’m a machine, I’m calculated and most of all…. I enjoy being inflicted with the physical beatings that I receive every single week. While you are a man of sanity, that can rise to the occasion every now and then. But afterwards you move back to what you know best, the protected environment of being a somebody. Have your goons tell you how good you are, have the women throw themselves at your feet as you do not have to try and work yourself into that position. It’s where you are just like each and everyone else out there, just merely better. I want to see that Wrestler of the Year mentality, I want to see that drive that makes you claim to be the very best… all I have to say is that I do not believe it.”

He kisses her shoulders as he looks over her shoulders to the camera.

Goth: “Believe is a strong word isn’t it Sean?? To believe, is for many weaklings only something that they will do as they see the unthinkable. Have you ever seen it Sean??? The unthinkable?? To experience that what you would never expected to happen, almost to force you to believe against your own will?? I’m sure you haven’t, I’m sure that you would have asked anyone that is near you what the fuck that I am telling you. Because Sean Jackson only believes in what Sean Jackson says and does, yet the world has seen through that already Sean… and when I’m done with you at Climax Control… the world would have known that they were right to believe.”

“Trust me as I speak to you Sean, the revelation of the Gothic One is not something that you will understand first hand. But in due time, you will know exactly why…. Why you have to believe that the time of Sean Jackson has come… and ended at my hands…. Trust me, I do...”

Goth grins as he winks at the camera as the shot slowly fades to darkness.

<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>