Author Topic: You Can’t Hurt Me Now  (Read 5601 times)

Offline JustinSmith

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You Can’t Hurt Me Now
« on: April 26, 2024, 04:29:47 PM »
 The scene opens up with Justin Smith taking a walk to find a good restaurant in Hasting England.  He stops to talk about his tag team partner Cordelia Clark.

Justin-I am looking forward to kicking some ass in the Blast From the Past tournament, and one thing I know for sure is that I don’t trust Cordelia Clark, my tag team partner.

Justin laughs before discussing his distrust of Clark in their upcoming match.

Justin-Cordelia, you can talk about my lack of success in SCW all you want, but I would rather be in my position in a major promotion like SCW than a top star in its old sister show of SCU.  I am going to do what I do best and bring the fight to my opponent, and cause a lot of destruction in the process. I hope you can carry your weight in the big show of SCW!

Justin waves off the cameraman, asking him to leave so Justin can enter the restaurant as the scene fades to black.

The following day, Justin is seen at his hotel room, getting ready to go to lunch, but turns to the camera to address his opponents, first focusing on the one he will face in “Unbreakable” Eddie Lyons.

Justin-Eddie, I am so sick of facing you, it’s not even funny.  Then again, it was the luck of the draw that paired us up again.  Unlike our previous encounters, I will finally get a win over you, by hook or by crook.  Once Cordelia and I advance on to the second round, you can go back to defending your title!!!!   I am ready to destroy you once and for all.

Justin then turns his attention to Eddies tag team partner in Serena Riot.

Justin-Serena, as much as I don’t trust Cordelia, I know that she can actually handle herself in the ring. I dunno if Eddie can say the same about you.  Just be prepared to lose sweetheart!!!!

The scene fades to black with Justin cackling as he leaves the hotel room.

Title reigns