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Messages - Crystal Zdunich

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It’s really funny how the world works at times. I know it’s really easy to get caught up in the moment. One can have a dream but it’s really going above and beyond to make it a reality that counts at the end of the day. When I first came to this company all of those years ago it truthfully it was to just try something different. It was to have fun and to support my wife Kate Steele at the time. I know I became larger than life. I ascended through the ranks. I became a household name by winning the Roulette Championship and even going as far as winning the Internet Championship.
I felt like I was having the time of my life. Add in the fact that I gained a lot of notoriety by making a name for myself as a cross dresser and even winning most hated star. That felt like it was the icing on the cake and wrestling became as fun as it possibly could. It didn’t matter if people booed or cheered. As long as I was getting a reaction I knew that it was worth it. When I had won the Mixed Tag Team Championship with Kate Steele. I knew at that very moment that there was something special about me. I knew that there was much more than just the simple dream of supporting my wife.
That is when the dream slowly started to change, and in that moment I only had one thought on my mind. I wanted to be considered the best. I want to go down in the history books. Hell if things work in the way that I really wanted them to work. I could even go as far as being a Hall of Famer. I now know that is the end goal and I would do anything in my power to get there.
So with this new dream of simply trying to be the best I did what I could to get there. I signed up to be in the Blast from the Past and I poured my entire heart into that tournament. I was overly excited when I got paired up with Kat Jones. I mean Kat is the younger sister of Kimberly Pain who had been training my sister. She is also the woman who took the Roulette Championship away from my former wife. I know she had all of the drive in the world to go out to that tournament and do the unthinkable.
The way I saw things and the way she saw them must have been different because she just didn’t show that drive. As a matter of fact, she hasn’t really said anything about the tournament or anything like that after getting eliminated. At the end of the day it’s unfortunate because she didn’t have it in her. Normally I wouldn’t mind and I was Kat all the best in the world
However, what she did has affected me and now I was forced to take an early exit from the tournament. The moment that Luna had pinned Kat Jones I knew that my journey had ended. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I took a long walk of shame back to the locker room.
How was I to handle with the reality that my dreams were going to fade away?!
How do I go back to my wife Michelle and tell her that her husband couldn’t deliver on his promise?!
Most importantly how do I hold my seven month old daughter Marlene and tell her that her father was a failure?
There were so many negative thoughts running through my mind and I just wanted to run away from it all. Things were looking as bad as they could possibly be but that was until I received a phone call from Christian Underwood last week that would change my entire world. He told me that there was no active challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship and that a battle royal would happen to determine who would face Finn Whelan at the Super Card. I am not a member of the active roster but the very moment that he asked me that question is the moment that I realized that I just couldn’t say no.
When life seems to chew you up and spit you out, you think it’s all over because one door closes in your face. However, in the midst of everything that is when another door opens. Now the way has been shown to me, you can bet your bottom dollar that not only will I walk through that door but I am going to break that thing off of its hinges and storm through the thing.
Opportunities like this don’t come often and there is always more than one way to get to the destination. Of course I am entering the Battle Royal and you better believe that I will win this match. I don’t care who is in this match but I know it’s all or nothing. I can get what I want and unlike the tournament I don’t have to rely on anybody but myself.
Watch out world because it is indeed Teddy time and he refuses to be stopped. Not now and certainly not ever. Of course I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that the dreams of a 37-year-old man come true but more importantly than that. I am doing this for my thirteen-year-old and my seven month old daughters.
I want them to learn the valuable lesson that just because things don’t go your way that doesn’t mean you should give up and quit on your dreams. One needs to persevere and you keep on going no matter how hard the journey might seem. As long as the heart is beating you have it in you to make ends meet and to prove to the world that you are deserving. The more you try at something is the better you get at it, and with enough hard work you can accomplish anything.
I will win… I refuse to give up, and I won’t until I have a chance to make my dreams come true…

Long Island, New York
Where it all began
One phone call had changed Teddy’s entire perspective about where he was in his life. He could hear the sentence from Christian Underwood as clear as day. It was as if it was happening over and over again, “Do you want to be in a fresh face battle royal to determine a World Championship contender.” That is the only sentence that had played in Teddy’s head, and of course with the response of “yes” Teddy Warren knew he had work to do. Climax Control was set to take place in the city of the site of one of the United States most famous battle grounds in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. However, before Teddy would dare to step foot in such a historic place he wanted to go back to the basics. He wanted to go home which going back to Long Island, New York.
Teddy had arrived at a medium sized hi-ranch home on Long Island. He smiled as he ran up the steps until he reached the front door of the house. He pulled a key out of his pocket and thought about sliding it into the door but instead he decided to ring the doorbell. He waited in anticipation and it wasn’t that long until he could hear the steps of somebody in the background. The door swung open and standing on the opposite side was an older woman who smiled at him in return.
“Todd is that really you?! Long time no see…”
Teddy had tears in his eyes as she kept looking at the woman. He was slow but he suddenly grabbed her and pulled her in tightly for a hug.
“I missed you so much mom… I feel like I have so much to tell you and I don’t even know where to begin…”
She just smiled as she kept her eyes locked on him.
“Todd you don’t’ have to say anything. Why don’t you come inside and make yourself comfortable?! Your brother and sister are both here… I prepared supper and I thought we could have a big family dinner. It has been so long since I had all of my kids at the house. This is definitely going to be a good day indeed. I hope you brought my grandchildren because if you happened to come all the way from California without bringing them I am really going to be upset…”
Teddy just shakes his head as an uneasy expression escapes his lips.
“Actually I wasn’t really planning on inviting them. I just wanted to come over so I could clear my head. I got a big wrestling match coming up and…”
Before he could say anything else he could feel the footsteps of somebody coming up from behind him. It happened to be from that of his wife Michelle Chavez and she was holding little Marlene against chest. Running up from the steps was Teddy’s eldest daughter Juliet. She quickly runs past all of them as she goes to the elder woman.
“Grandma Mary, it has been a long time. I missed you so much!!!”
“I miss you too Julie… It’s going to be an amazing time. You know your cousin Terra is here and…”
It wasn’t long before Teddy’s thirteen-year-old niece Terra ran after Juliet and the two of them hugged each other tightly. “Julie it feels like forever. Let’s go play fortnite together…” Both girls just smile as they run off. Meanwhile Teddy is still confused as he turns around to look at his wife Michelle who just smiles.
“I didn’t know you were coming; you could have told me you wanted to come to my mother’s…”
Michelle however just shakes her head at her husband as she sighs in return. “That would require you and I to actually communicate or more so you not holding your feelings in. I love you and I enjoy being married to you but you don’t need to hide your mother from me. I want to know you more Todd… I want to know your world and your intermediate family…I don’t understand why I have to hear from your sister Dawn and my sister that you were going to come here…”
Teddy’s mother just smiles as she hugs Michelle as tightly as she can as she smiles at her.
“It’s about time we could finally meet one another. I am so sorry that I didn’t get to attend the wedding last year. If I wasn’t in the hospital, I would have definitely been there… Is this my little granddaughter Marlene?! She is beautiful just like her mother. You are definitely a keeper. Stay on top of my son and make him realize he has something good in life…”
“I will try my best Miss Mary…”
“Please… Just call me mom. It would make me feel so much better…”
With that Michelle and Mary walk away with the baby leaving Teddy to just stand there with a sigh. He slowly walks up the stairs until he makes his way into the living room. He looks at the various pictures that are plastered everywhere. As he stands there he looks at different pictures and they are of his siblings James (Jimmy) and Dawn. Teddy just shakes his head as he sees a picture of Dawn holding a World Championship in her hands. He looks over at a different picture of his sister in-law Cindy holding a World Champion and one of his former wife Kate Steele-Warren holding different titles. Teddy looks at his own picture and just sighs but that’s when two voices begin to call out to him. One of them is from his little sister Dawn.
“What’s up jerk face loser… You should feel ashamed of yourself! You totes could have told Shelly that you were going to mom’s house. You don’t have to feel ashamed! Mom hasn’t even met Marlene yet. You don’t even make an attempt to visit that much and it’s not fair to her!”
Dawn begins to vent her frustrations but that is when their older brother Jimmy just smirks. He looks at Dawn pulling her away before glancing into the eyes of his brother.
“Dawn you do realizing that yelling at him isn’t going to solve anything right?! Why don’t you just cut the man some slack. He’s been through a lot and I am sure he didn’t come all the way to New York to get badgered to death by his baby sister. I am sure he deals with enough of that in Los Angeles. You don’t have to bring that to Mom’s house…”
Dawn looks like she is going to say something else but Jimmy shakes his head. “Don’t even say anything. Why don’t you go in there and talk to Cynthia, I bet you two have some catching up to do…Besides I think I would love to speak to my brother. It’s been a while since us bros got to speak without having a certain pink puppy in the midst of everything.”
Dawn pouts as she storms away leaving Teddy and Jimmy just standing in the room by themselves. Jimmy smiles as he has a seat on the sofa before she looks into the eyes of his younger brother.
“Why don’t you have a seat Todd… We could use a good heart to heart. It certainly has been a while. If Juliet and Terra can catch up, if mom can talk to your wife, and our sister can speak to my wife. I believe it’s time for our chat especially considering you don’t really visit North Carolina that much…”
Teddy just sighs in return. “Bro I am all the way on the other side of the country in California. I don’t know what it is you want me to do…”
Jimmy grins. “Dude just relax! You don’t have to get so defense with me. I am your brother, let’s just talk… You know I am going to be honest with you… Let’s start with something easy. Why did you wait so long to come visit mom?! Our mom was in the hospital last year fighting cancer and you didn’t even bother to check on her to see how her chemo treatments had gone. Instead you were in your own world. You were too busy finding a life of your own, getting married having a kid and not once bringing your family into any of this. What gives?!”
Teddy just looks at his brother as he shrugs his shoulders.
“I just didn’t want to bring mom into my mess. These past few years haven’t been the best. I guess I didn’t want mom to figure out that I failed Kate… I didn’t want her to know that we had divorced and it’s all because I was an abusive husband… Right after I would fool around with Dawn’s wife’s sister. I will admit it has been fun but I should have known better than to get this woman pregnant within a month of dating. It just doesn’t look right and it goes against everything that mom had taught us…”
Jimmy just shakes his head.
“Dude, it is what it is. Does it look bad?! No duh but she would understand. After all you are her son and she wouldn’t cast you out like that. I am her actual biological son but she always held on to you the most and how you felt about things. Why do you think when her and dad got divorced that I was quick to choose dad and leave with him to North Carolina?! Part of it had annoyed me how much invested she was into you when I was her flesh and blood…”
Jimmy takes a breath as he speaks some more.
“I would be a fool though if I said that I didn’t love you though. Even if you and Dawn were adopted in my eyes you are my brother and that is the only thing that matters. I love you and I think you shouldn’t hold onto what you might think may hurt somebody else. Did mom teach us better?! Of course she did… I know it probably felt weird dealing that her daughter came out as a gay woman, and it have hurt that I decided to move away from her or that you made some questionable decisions, but at the end of the day as long as we show her our love. That is all that she wants. We have to stay connected. Family is supposed to have each other’s backs when the world doesn’t…”
“Jimmy I know you could say that but it just feels like I am doing everything wrong. Even when it comes to the Warren name… I took my wife’s surname and…”
Jimmy laughs. “Damn bro, I always knew you were a little bi…”
He stops himself as he giggles in return.
“Who cares… None of that matters. You might have made mistakes but you want to know what mom sees, because it’s the same thing that I see… I see a man who has owned him mistakes. A man who apologized to his ex for putting his hands on her. Now that same woman that he abused he now has a healthy co-parenting relationship with. You found love again and are determined more than ever not to hurt the new wife in the way you hurt the old one. If there is something that we are proud about it’s that you have matured. You have learned from your mistakes and are striving to be a better man everyday… So why worry about your past… Your past doesn’t disqualify you from anything, it actually qualifies you to be a better man and to be a mentor to others…”
Teddy smiles. “You really think that?!”
“No duh I do… I give great advice. I mean I am the only one in the family that’s an actual doctor. It’s up to you if you want to actually follow what I say so you can live a long and prosperous life…”
Teddy nods his head as he keeps looking at the photos and Jimmy speaks some more.
“And dude stop trying to look at those photos questioning if you will ever be good enough as the other Warrens. It’s your destiny to go on to win the World Championship. Get past this battle royal. Go cement your spot and go handle your business. We will be there rooting for you. Stop looking behind and look ahead…”
Teddy grins. “Aight, bet… Time to make it happen… People will know who Teddy I if I have my way…Time to finally conquer what I set out to do…”
“Good go handle yours bro… You got this…”
With that the two siblings get up and hug one another as tightly as they can.

Good evening to all of my Teddy Bears out there. It won’t be that long until we will have the pleasure of competing at one of the most historical battlegrounds in American history. We get to compete in Gettysburg. That in itself is awesome because who knows what would have happened if the Union didn’t win such a pivotal battle. As a black man I am so overjoyed by that victory and it helped lead to the freedom that I have today. I could go on and on speaking about my country’s history but the thing that is on my mind the most is that at this edition of Climax Control I have the opportunity to do what I set out to do.

With the entire world watching I can close out another chapter of the book that is Teddy Warren, I can win this main event battle royal and I could march forward to challenging Finn Whelan so that I can become a World Champion. That has always been the end goal and now I can finally accomplish what I always wanted to do. In order to accomplish the unimaginable I need to get past a couple of people that currently stand in my way.

One of those men in question is Caleb Storms. Is Caleb Storms a good competitor?! Sure if that’s what you want to call him but let’s be honest here. is he worthy of being in the main event?! I highly doubt that but hey let’s promote the living hell out of Caleb because his resume seems to be up there right?!

One would get all excited seeing that he is a former Roulette Champion, former Mixed Tag Champion, and even a former three time Internet Champion but when you take a moment to really investigate and research what he did it’s not that impressive. I mean he WAS a Roulette champion but that was only for only two weeks. That means for two weeks he may have carried the belt but he really wasn’t a champion because he couldn’t get past a defense. Of course he won the Mixed Tag Team titles. With a partner with Sam Marlowe I could only expect something of greatness but once again when you look at the length of time he only had the title for three weeks.

At least losing the title came with an asterisk next to the match and when you research why there’s that small star next to that lost you will find out it was because Caleb got pinned....which confirms my suspicion that he’s just not ready for prime time.

You could look at his Internet reigns but he was GIVEN his first Internet title after J2H had beaten me, and the rest of his reigns are just one big mess. The fact is Caleb might look good on paper but the closer you look at things you will just realize he’s just a male form Jessie Salco. If he gets into the Hall of Fame it won’t be because he won the big one but mainly because of service. Get out of here with that nonsense he’s not ready for the big spot… Not now and not ever…

Of course we could talk up Bill Barnhart, he seems like a good dude but let’s be honest does anybody take him seriously?! Does anybody actually enjoy watching his promos because I think I would get more enjoyment watching a wall of paint dry instead of actually listening to him speak. Hey let’s give it up for this man. He actually she be thrilled because Kate and I felt like we won the Mixed tag titles to check that box off the list that he and his wife were able to win the Tag titles when they didn’t care about them anymore. This is too much of a big match for Bill to conquer. I know it’s not often he gets to be all the way up here on the show but it’s going to feel so good to bring him back down to reality. The fall is going to come fast and it will come fast so brace yourself Bill…

Your landing is just going to showcase that you suck and aren’t ready to play with the big boys…

Oh my goodness it looks like I get to stand in the ring with the one and only Jamie Dean. What’s happening Jamie?! Now when I look at you I see the definition of the word luggage. It must be awesome to be “carried” to success after all how else does one define that your only accomplishment has been a two time tag team champion?!

I bet Ben Jordan must have felt you were quite the suitcase to carry around and when you have Ben Jordan as a partner I guess winning is all you really could do. It’s a known fact that Ben Jordan is one of the very best to have step foot in the company. That has always been legacy but what does that say about you. Let’s be real. You were just there as he did most of the work. It’s nothing to be ashamed of as you got to reap the rewards of what he accomplished. Hell I can relate considering I was married to Kate Steele. Why do you think I always went around using the moniker of Teddy “Steele” I knew whose Bitch I was but can you be open and sincere, to admit the truth about you.

No disrespect Jamie, but a tag team specialist at best isn’t ready to be in the main event let alone competing for this company’s biggest prize. Maybe in a future far far away you might be ready but Sunday just won’t be THAT night and it won’t happen when I am standing in that ring with something to prove.

My main Rodrigo what’s happening buddy?! It must be nice getting to carry around a briefcase and be in control of your own fate. I am sure being in a match like this isn’t that important to you because you could get a title match whenever you see fit. Let’s talk about that briefcase though and be honest about it but holding it is not impressive. You won that briefcase by being in a match with Bill, Matty Mallow, and Justin Smith. One of those individuals just sucks as I shared earlier and I have no idea who the other two people are…

The landscape of the SCW superstars division must have been really weak if that’s who was in that match with yourself included of course. Hell me at ten percent would have won that match with ease. Let me give you some advice. Save your briefcase hold it for a Roulette match, an Internet title match. Hell go out there and call the best bombshell you know and get yourself a Mixed title because you damn sure won’t be coming ANYWHERE near the big title. Not when I am ready to get into the fray of being here.

Speaking of people I don’t know I guess that brings me to Justin Smith. It’s a tragedy that you lost to Artie. I could rub that fact in but I am more curious about your love for the Yankees. Trust me as a man who grew up in New York I know all about the Yankees even though if that isn’t the team I cheer for. I was born in the 80s and to be exact the year 1986 in which my team the Mets won the World Series. Do I remember it?! No because I wasn’t even born but what do you really know about the Yankees?! You were born in 2000 and by the time you got to an age that you could remember they might have been good but the Red Sox have pretty much dominated your team’s division.

Your team hadn’t been relevant except by winning a World Series in 2009 with steroid using A-Rod, and aside from that being known in the sports by having the highest payroll and not delivering shit. At least you got a man who broke the American League home run record but that fails in comparison to actually winning a title.

I am in this to be that champion and I think you will continuing to fade in irrelevance…

Last but not least there’s L J and out of everywhere I feel like I can relate with you. You are out trying to figure out your own identity and trying to bring out more about who you are. As a sibling to a fellow wrestler I know what you are going through. In my case it has always been about trying to be better than Dawn and my brother Jimmy. Trying to see how I stand out from my sister in-law Cindy or what my previous Kate did.

That’s why I am here right now to figure all of those things about myself but what are you really trying to accomplish?! I think you will find what you are looking for and will indeed get what you want. Just don’t assume that it’s happening on Sunday night because that’s going to be my night.

There are so many people that are included in this battle royal and it’s going to come down to who really wants it the most. Who is ready to finally broke out of their shell and showcase they have what it takes to be a main event star in SCW?!

I know I broke down everybody else but everyone in the world should know that it’s me. It has always been me. Fate has made it where I could have this opportunity so that the book of Teddy Warren can come to a close. I need to close this out. I need to be in the Hall of Fame and I damn sure need to be a World Champion.

SCW to me seems to be in a weaken state by the talent that is in this company. It’s amazing with the champions that are here but it needs serious work with everybody else and especially when it comes to the Superstars division. I have been in the ring with Fenris, with J2H, with Austin James and even Senor Vinnie. I have fought a list of the big names and it has all been for the sake of preparing me for this moment to be in the ring with the best.

It’s time to reach for the top and to take what belongs to me. Finn you better be watching because at the Super Card it will be you and I fighting for the biggest prize and I WILL beat you to make my dream come true. SCW brace yourselves because it’s Teddy Time!!!

NRP : Good luck rp came in at 4985 not including the gif image

Climax Control Archives / For my New Found BFFL
« on: May 17, 2024, 06:03:22 PM »
The cameras come into focus and as they do we are treated to the sight of Crystal Zdunich with a wicked grin on her face. She smiles as she stands next to a cardboard cutout of Tempest before her face meets with that of the camera.

“Ladies and gentlemen can we all just wish one of my new BFFLs a very happy birthday. Tempest is amazing and she is like the best Internet Champion to have ever stepped foot inside of an SCW ring. I am happy that I am her friend and seeing what went down on Climax Control when Mercedes Vargas stole a win over my AMAZING friend has pissed me off and I am not going to take it lightly…”

Crystal sighs as she shakes her head in disgust and continues to share her heart.

“Nobody and I mean should do that to Tempest especially not Mercedes Vargas. Vargas what has honestly gotten into you?! At one point I used to consider you a friend. You and I have brought that Argentinian and Mexican attitude to this company and we both have shown that Latinas can indeed do it so much better. it didn’t matter if we had to shout our Spanglish at people but at the end of the day we both proved that we are belonging and that everybody should take us seriously.”

She nods her head as she smirks and speaks some more.

“That is where the two of us were and I know you would be the first to constantly remind everybody that you have among most of the matches that a bombshell has ever had. You would throw yourself down at people’s throats and tell them how you were champion among champion. You did a lot to really throw yourself out there. I know you had the ability to beat Tempest fair but you had to resort into being a dirty little Bitch. You just had to use a pair of brass knuckles to take a cheap shot at her and that’s not right. I can’t even respect the way that you got to this title match because this so isn’t you but then again I remember that you are a woman who is way past her prime. You are at 44 years of age and are slowing down. I doubt you have it in you anymore to actually be a relevant star so these are the methods you have to resort to in order to bring yourself back to the spotlight…”

Crystal shakes her head as she crosses her arms.

“It’s ridiculous and I definitely don’t approve of what you did. It doesn’t sit well with me and it’s time for me to stand up and be that amazing friend to Tempest. I don’t know if you know this or not but I am the one who asked for this match because I felt it was in my interest to teach you a major lesson in ode to my great friend Tempie… You see Tempie and I are like super Biffles… Her daughter totes sees me as this hero and as the Winter Rose I need to showcase that I am always in full bloom and it really doesn’t matter the season that we are in. The only thing that does matter is that I need to go down to that ring and get your butt because that’s all that matters…

Let’s face it don’t Mercy you have talked yourself up. You have done so much in this company but you know fully well how much friends mean to me. You were there when in 3WL when Veronica Valiant had gotten the best of me. It was supposed to be your little team of VVMV but I had to get involved because I became an obsessed fan. I started to dress like Veronica, I started to think like Veronica. I even teamed up with you and carried you to tag team championships because I thought it would make her happy. When I am locked in on somebody that I appreciate I would do anything for them. So seeing as it’s my amazing friend’s birthday I plan to give her the best present that a girl could have ever asked for.

She is going to get the gift of me delivering a major butt kicking to you. I am going to show you that one shouldn’t have to cheat in order to get what you want. Honor and class still exists in the wrestling world and it’s going to be those things which elevates me to gaining a massive win over you. After I beat you I could talk to my newfound BFFL about more important things such as…”

Crystal smiles widely.

“CAKE FLAVORS… I mean I forgot if she liked butter cream or whipped cream, I forgot seeing as she sent me through the cake but surely it was a mistake at the time. I am sooooo show if we go back in time… Like Tempest!!! Yes in a totes David Carradine way. SHE TOTES WOULD NOT PUT ME THROUGH THE CAKE BECAUSE WE ARE SUPER DUPER AND AMAZING FRIENDS…. We can discuss other important things such as makeovers, the notebook, Twilight and maybe bond over BRIDGERTON… OMG this friendship will be amazing!  Anyway bring it on Mercedes, I will be waiting for you.

Flagstaff Arizona
Local Training Facility

Crystal’s life hadn’t been going in the way that she had hoped for it to go. On paper she should have been happy. She was in position to receive a shot at the Internet Championship that she had been wanting for a very long time.  Not only that but she had received the most votes in a popularity vote to get that shot. Most importantly the real reason why she should have been all smiles was the simple fact that she was employed and on the SCW roster. After everything that she had put SCW through in the previous two years her spot on the active wasn’t questioned and she should have been grateful to be where she is. She didn’t see things like that though. In her eyes she had been on a downward slump. She had dropped her last four matches and didn’t feel like a contender should feel.

After losing so many matches she didn’t have the confidence to step into a Super Card and fight for something that she hadn’t earned. She didn’t even think she had what it took to even win because of losing so much. With all of that in mind she had planned to a work out done so that she would have at least made the match with Tempest competitive. Crystal had arrived to the facility in Flagstaff early so that she would have some time to herself. What she didn’t expect was that somebody else would have been there as well. That other individual was none other than her newly reunited best friend Kat Jones. As soon as Crystal walked inside she could spot the raven haired woman taking bumps inside of a wrestling ring. Crystal’s eyes opened wide as she crossed her arms and walked towards the woman.

“Here I thought I was going to be the first woman in this gym, but here you are already getting a workout in…”

Kat just nodded her head as she was focused. She was deep into her routine as she worked on some stamina as she climbed up onto the turnbuckles before climbing back down. Kat slowly turned her attention back over to Crystal before walking over to the ropes and looking into her eyes.

“They do say that the early bird gets the worm, and I want to make sure that I am at my absolute best when I step into the ring with Bea. I can’t stand her and she will get what’s coming to her soon enough…”

Crystal nodded her head as she slowly rolled herself into the ring. She kept her eyes locked on her friend as a smile escaped her lips.

“At least one of us is fired up for her match. I wish I had the same intensity that you have but I am just not feeling it. I really don’t even know if I have what it takes to beat Tempest. Things had been very rough for me and to be honest I feel like throwing in the towel…”

Kat turns her attention over to Crystal and she doesn’t even bother with trying to play nice with Crystal as she instead runs at her in full speed. She goes for a clothesline and nearly takes Crystal’s head off sending the Detroit native head over heels before she falls back on the ground. Crystal clutches at her neck as Kat looks down at her.

“What’s going on with you, I know you don’t expect me to feel sorry for you do you?! I know you constantly say that I am your best friend but no best friend of mine is going to beat themselves up as much as you have. You have gotten this far. You are in a good position so you might as well make the most of it…”

Crystal crawls towards the ropes as she pulls herself up before she turns her attention back over towards Kat.

“Even that itself seems like a lie. You are my best friend as I really don’t have any. Sure I might have some people that might say they are my friend but they are more so looking down at me. They might claim to be my acquaintance but something as true as somebody that I can say is a best friend is something I haven’t had for a very long time. I feel absolutely worthless Kat. I feel like I don’t even belong to be here. Let’s be honest nearly two years ago I was let out of a contract. I suffered from being a cocaine addict and a severe alcoholic. I even went as far as to hurt you…”

Crystal let’s some tears roll down her cheek as she takes a long deep breath as she tries to share more of her emotions.

“I hurt you Kat. I ruined our friendship all because I couldn’t handle losing to my wife. When I saw Chloe Benton in that hallway I just snapped and I had to attack her. It wasn’t because she deserved it but it’s because I felt she was an easy target. I felt that by taking my frustration out on her it would make me feel better, but in the end that just made me nothing more than a shallow little bitch. It led me to getting into a war with you; it led me to fighting your sister Kimberly, and being hated by an entire bombshell roster… I just don’t really know what I was supposed to do with myself…”

Kat turns her attention to Crystal and keeps her eyes locked on her.

“Crystal you don’t have to bring up the past. I know you had it rough. I think everything that happened in the past happens for a reason. I am not going to sit here and say that all is forgiven but you were a drug addict. You have gone through the process of recovery and I can tell that you aren’t the same woman that you were back then. A lot has happened since that day but I rather focus on where we are at now. Despite what everybody has said about you I always chose to ignore it and choose for myself if I would let you in to be one of my best friends or not…”

Crystal nods her head as Kat continues to speak.

“We settled our issues in the ring and we move on from them. You also settled them with my sister as well and at least that relationship has gotten better since Dawn has decided to be trained at Hells Gate. As far as you trying to hold onto what happened in the past why don’t you let it go! I know that you didn’t mean to do what you did to Chloe. You couldn’t handle losing. You felt that your entire world was crumbling apart. MOVE ON!”

Crystal paces around the ring before Kat grabs a hold of her and tucks her head underneath an arm. Without hesitation she drops Crystal to the mat with her cradle ddt before she looks down at her friend.

“MOVE ON… Why do you want to hold onto everything?! You have been through enough already. Instead of trying to focus on what could have been or what should have been, you could be focused on the here and now. You got a big title match and it’s something that I know you want. So why don’t you pour out everything into trying to win the title…”

Zdunich is slow as she crawls trying to bring herself back up. The DDT had rattled her brain but maybe it is what she needed to get her mind back on track. Zdunich looks back at her friend as she shrugs her shoulders.

“It’s funny that you have so much faith in me. I don’t feel the same way. I have lost so many matches in a row and I have yet to get past Bella Madison since I have been back. I feel like she got the short end of the stick by winning at the last Super Card. She goes for the Roulette title and I get to for the Internet championship. That doesn’t really seem that fair…”

Kat however just crosses her arms as a slight grin escapes her lips.

“Crystal why are you constantly trying to beat yourself up, it’s really ridiculous. As far as I am concerned things have changed. Just look at how far you have come Crys? Two years ago you were hated by everybody and were public enemy number one. You might have had reckless behavior and shouldn’t be trusted but now look at you. You are getting a title shot because you have become one of the popular stars on the roster. This is a ways away from you being hated by the entire locker room or how you put everybody through hell. The stuff that happened with you and Chloe, honestly that’s all in the past. You move on. When I look into your eyes I see redemption. A true recovery story, an image that when things get tough you don’t ever give up…”

Kat points right at Crystal’s chest.

“Most of all, I see a strong mother and a woman who won’t ever let her daughter Aurora down. You got this. So you need to believe in it…”

“You can say all of this but I still feel like there are issues going on in my household where I am not a great mother. There are things happening between Brittany and Brayden. My daughter in-law is out of control and I don’t know what I am going to do... How do I deal with them or even being a better wife for Seleana? I am the brunt of every single joke and…”

Kat just shakes her head as she keeps her eyes on her friend.

“To be honest Crys who really gives a shit, your adult children have no bearing on who you are as a mother. They are at the stage in their lives when they need to be responsible for their own answers. You have Aurora and that is what you need to be focused on. Same way it doesn’t matter if people want to constantly make fun of you for having a lot of best friends. It’s your life and you live it the way you want to live it. I know some stuff might hurt but fuck it. You do what you want to do. Who cares about everybody else…”

Crystal nods her head as she smiles in return.

“You do have a point and as much as I do want to say that everything hurts. I shouldn’t care. I just need to stay focused on the task at hand and I need to persevere…”

“Exactly you are a fighter and you should never stop fighting. I have a question I want to ask you Crystal…”

“Sure Kat go for it…”

Kat smiles as she stands toe to toe with Crystal and looks eye to eye with her.

“Are you ready to win yourself a championship, because you know it’s going to take everything that you have to be able to overcome somebody like Tempest…”

“I am ready… I wasn’t at first but after everything that we have talked about in this ring, I feel I can do anything…”

Kat smirks.

“Good because you need to show me everything that you are about, give me your very best. As long as we can bring the best out of one another in this sparring we both could get what we want come Blaze of Glory…”

Crystal let’s a chuckle escape her lips as she looks back at her friend.

“Sounds like a plan. You better give me your best Kat because this time I am actually going to hit back…”

With that both friends just grin at one another before they circle around each other in that ring. It is on this image that we fade out on.

What’s happening SCW faithful can I just say from the bottom of my heart that it feels so amazing to be competing at Blaze of Glory?! To be honest it is insane that SCW has been around for as long that it has been and I want to take the moment to personally shout out Julianna and Kayla for working so hard to get the Bombshells to be in the main event of the show. It’s a testament that the bombshells are still going strong and we are more than just equals when it comes to the males. We have the ability to showcase our own talents and to be at the focal point of the show.

Now when you take a look at this card you will see so many marquee matches and everybody is going to do everything in their power to get noticed. It sounds good on paper but there happens to be one match that hasn’t really been getting that much buzz and it is a championship match no less. That match happens to be my very own. To be brutally honest I am the reason why the match isn’t as built up as it should have been. I have had a terrible time in getting to this point. I have been losing match after match, and I am some would even claim that I am not the same old Crystal Hilton that they have remembered.

Coming into this match I have dropped a good four matches in a row. I haven’t been able to pick up any momentum and I feel like a shell of my former self. I should be feeling really down in the dumps that I can’t get over the Bella Madison hump or that everybody constantly makes fun of me every single week. Look there goes Crystal claiming another best friend, and another one, and another one.  You never know who might pop up and be on my radar of being claimed as being a close friend.

In all seriousness the reason why I have to try to force friendships is because I have this undying need to be accepted. I just want to feel like I can be around people or that people want me in their company. I would be a fool if I didn’t acknowledge that in all actuality people are just making fun of me, and they really couldn’t care if I have a friend or not. As long as I could be at the brunt of somebody’s joke that’s all that matters.

I appreciate Kat Jones so much…

She is the true epitome of what a friend is and honestly by proxy of being my only real friend she automatically goes into the position of being a best friend. A true friend tells you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it. The truth of my situation is that I shouldn’t care about any of this. I refuse to sit around and let my past haunt me. Everybody always wants to throw my past in my face. J2H a while ago made fun of the fact that I was a coke addict. I am sure that some out there want to continuously make fun of my alcohol addiction and everybody can create their own prerogative on what they wish to do and how they go about it.

I refuse to ACCEPT what people say because I know I have bust my entire ass off through the recovery process to be a clean and sober individual that can stand up here and be proud of who she is. For the first time in my life I am truly happy with the woman that is looking back at me in the mirror and I don’t have to act superficial to get what I want.

I guess in other hands that I am happy with just being myself. I may have been dropping match after match but I feel like this is the real Crystal Hilton emerging through. One might make fun of all the name changes that I have gone through. Grabbing onto surnames because I was uncomfortable in my own skin but that’s not me anymore. I like where I am at and even if this match hasn’t had the best of a build, I am personally going to give everybody the reason why this SHOULD be a focal point on this card.

You should care because two amazing bombshells are going to be stepping into that ring and they both are going to pour everything they have into trying to walk away with the Internet Championship. On the opposite side of me in that ring is the biggest threat in all of SCW. I get to step into the ring with Tempest and I know she is not one that should be taken lightly.

Truth be told a few years ago I can admit that I took her lightly. I was in the position where I was just trying to stat pad my already established Hall of Fame Career. I had found myself an unbeatable partner in J2H and I thought that the two of us would steamroll our way over Tempest and Austin James Mercer in trying to claim the Mixed Tag Team Championships.

Little did I know that I would be the one that was the real fool because Tempest had picked me apart as if I was nothing! She showcased that she should not be taken lightly and could hold her own no matter who was in that ring with her.

Not only did but in the lead up to that match she sent me through a cake and laughed at my choice of flavor and filling. Honestly it was embarrassing to be sent through that cake and if we could go back in time I assure you that would not be on my personal highlight reel of embarrassing moments.

With that aside and considering that was a few years ago I want to talk about what I see currently see, and I want to take this moment to actually talk up Tempest. Every single match that she walks into Tempest knows in her heart that she is automatically the favorite to win. Just look at the sheer size of that woman. She could damn near break any of the bombshells on the roster in half, and not think twice about what she just did.

I want to give her a shout out because I know that somewhere in her soul she is excited that she has managed to put the Internet Championship around her waist. That title was tarnished the very moment that Courtney Pierce had won it. She had destroyed its credibility by constantly complaining about holding it as if she was the second coming of Mikah. Not only did she treat it with disrespect but she only kept retaining the title because she had her little British wife at ringside constantly interfering and making sure that it would remain around her waist.

At times it only seemed like a little trinket to rub in the face of Angelos because she took it away from her. I know that Tempest had to be smiling when she managed to win the title by pinning the former champion in a multi-person match. People can explain about a lot of things but when you beat the champion to win a title nothing can be said.

Since winning the title Tempest has already elevated it and has made it to be a priority. She is bringing back the fan votes and are letting the people decide who they want to see fight for the title. Part of me really didn’t like that to be honest because I thought it would take away from those wrestlers who actually pour their heart and soul in the ring.

Challengers would be determined by mere popularity or who the fans felt should be in a match and not on mere merit. I guess in my heart though that I really didn’t want the title to go down this path because it would mean that I would never see a title opportunity. I thought that nobody would ever vote for me because all people see is the same woman that turned her back on Despy all of those years ago.

They would see the self-centered bitch. The woman who was all about herself and would be far away from winning any type of vote, let long behold I was shocked when the fans actually turned up and they chose me.

I still don’t believe it but maybe it just shows that they truly believe that a woman can go through recovery. They believe in a feel good story and not only can I overcome drugs, and alcohol but I can actually be involved in a high profile match.

Thank you Tempest. I just want to show my gratitude for actually allowing me to see that about myself. I definitely wouldn’t have saw things that way unless it was right in front of me.

Now you and I are going to be locked up in a match to try to win this title. People can confidently stand in front of a camera and tell the entire world that they are going to win and give their all but with the slump that I have been in who honestly would believe any of that?!

I know you have the size advantage, I know you have the power advantage, and considering that you have been doing statistically better than I have in my last openings I would say that you are the hands on favorite to win this thing. Those are facts.

There’s a lot about you that I wish to admire. You are a better step mother than I am an actual mother although for some reason I don’t know why your little girl appreciates me so much. You put your mind on something you chase it down until you actually go out there and conquer what you want. I credit that to your background as a bounty hunter, and that trait shows in how you targeted that Internet Championship and finally tore Courtney up to show that it was yours.

You are just amazing at pretty much everything you do and I know you are going to be pushing as hard as you can to get through a Super Card defense. It’s one thing to walk into a Super Card as a champion and it’s another thing to leave with it, but I feel you want this Super Card to be a real success. You have everything going for you.

I sat at ringside and commentated one of your title defenses in which you drove my Seleana into oblivion. It was horrifying and I knew that it meant I would eventually be next in the however. Seeing Seleana destroyed should motivate me to beat you in her name but I don’t feel like that.

Instead I can only smile not at what you did to Seleana but more so at the way that Seleana may be on the losing side of many matches but she still finds a way to smile. She still finds a way to get back up and she keeps pushing to the very end.

Watching you beat Seleana just reminded me that I am a fighter myself and even if you do get through me and leave me broken. I will find a way to mend myself and get better. I will rise back up and I will push harder than before.

When I step into the ring with you Tempest I am going to give you the best version of myself and I am going to do everything I can to win back the title that I have never lost. Who am I?! I am the Black Mexican girl from the slums of Detroit who is trying to climb back to the top of the mountain. I am Crystal Hilton and at the end of the day I will become Internet Champion.

Best of luck Tempest you will need it. Let’s go steal the show shall we?!

Climax Control Archives / Excited
« on: March 08, 2024, 10:19:44 PM »
NRP: I am away om vacation and couldn’t write as well as I wanted too, but didn’t want to no-show.  Also on me for not requesting off this week

Hello to all of my beautiful blossoming roses out there. I know it has been a little while since you heard from me but can I just say from the bottom of my heart that it feels absolutely amazing that I am going to be competing again. Not only will I find my way into a ring but I get to do so against a woman that I haven’t fought yet in Kallie Reznik. This is going to be exciting but before I really touch on the fact that I am going to be stepping into the ring with her. I just want to talk about My Bloody Valentine.
That Blood Bath Brawl was one of the most intense matches that I have been part of since being in SCW. I know I am not really known for being a hardcore type of wrestler but it felt good to go out there and put my body on the line. I did look good in that match and at least I was able to eliminate Mercedes Vargas and prove that I still have what it takes to take it to some of the best in this company. I want to give props to Bella Madison for being to walk away with the huge win.
Bella deserves it and I know she is going to go on and offer a real challenge for that Roulette Championship. Her and Bobbi are going to tear the house down and the fans are going to be the real winner at the end of the day. I could sit here and talk about how disappointed I feel that I didn’t win the match but to be honest when I came back to SCW for this return it wasn’t with the intention of trying to win the Roulette Championship for the third time.
I know it’s an honor to receive any title shot and I should be humble about it but my eyes have been locked upon the Internet Championship. It’s the one title that I have held back in the day and it’s a title that I technically never lost. As soon as I won the championship it was immediately put on the line and unified with the World Championship. So I would love to build myself up into proving that I could hold that championship and I could defend it with integrity. I know I have the ability and I respect Tempest for really wishing to put the power in the Internet and giving the power for the people to choose who they want to see fight for a title.
As much as it sucks that I didn’t win the Blood bath, seeing my name on a list with two other women who have been dominating the Bombshell division and being able to see the fans go out and vote for me to get a championship match at the Super Card really warms my heart. It’s definitely a morale booster and it shows I have come a long way in the eyes of the fans since I first came to SCW.
When the name of Crystal crosses someone’s mind, anything close to being popular is never on the mind. The fact that now after all of these years that people want to see me really warms my heart.

Anyway as much I can’t wait to be in the ring with Tempest, I can’t wait to get int he ring with Kallie. It’s going to be a great match and I wish you the best of luck!

NRP: Sorry it’s not much. I dealt with the stomach virus last week, and this week I was busy with IRL stuff. Apologies.

I will be the first one to admit that as much as I have driven myself into trying to be perfect with the constant talking up of running the table and going undefeated in my return to SCW, I am actually happy that Bella was able to get the better of me. Losing isn’t really a bad thing. It has helped kept me humble and on top of that it has allowed me to keep on pushing toward a certain goal. As long as I have something to fight towards I won’t ever find myself in a situation where I can get lazy or not go as completely all out as I should.
I know that the journey is never ending and my career is a constant work in progress. Bella was the better woman than me and I will accept that fact. She had my number and as much as others would love to Bitch about losing or not being good enough. I am going to be the bigger woman and put her over because she is a tough competitor who has all the ability in the world.

Ever since she came back from being pregnant she has been on an absolute tear. She has defeated everybody that has been placed in front of her but the one big area where she really needs to achieve in is trying to figure out how to finally go about and win a title.

Once she does that she can say that she has finally made it and can overcome that hurdle of not being able to overcome her biggest setback. I am going to do everything in my power to showcase that I can beat Bella. I just need to go out to that ring in this brutal match and prove that I have what it takes.

It’s not just her though, I also have to get past that of Ariana Angelos. She is a woman that prides herself on being from the GO Gym. She has damn near done all she could do as a Roulette Champion and she has also rose up and been a great Internet Champion.

Now there are even bigger stakes and who knows what is on the line when she steps into the ring to compete in such a barbaric environment. Who knows what is on the line in this match. It is said that there is a special prize and I know she is going to do everything in her power to make sure that she claims it.

Last but not least there is also Mercedes Vargas and we have so much history between us. We both have beaten each other  but one of us is going to have to jump ahead of the other and through everything beating inside of me I am going to make sure it’s me.

Climax Control Archives / Rewriting A Wrong
« on: February 02, 2024, 11:26:16 PM »
Off Camera
Present Day

Crystal tossed and turned in bed before she rose up out of bed screaming at the top of her lungs.

“NOOOOO… This can’t be the end of my career… I can’t stop… I love wrestling and I need to get back out there!!!”

Crystal opened her eyes and was surprised to realize that she was in the comfort of her own bed. Seleana slowly sat up beside her as thirteen year old Aurora came into the room. The teenager jumped into the bed as she gazed into the eyes of her mother.

“Are you okay mom?!”

Seleana could see that sweat was dripping down the forehead of Christina. She grabs a thermometer and uses it against Crystal’s forehead and the temperature read 101.6. Seleana opened her eyes in amazement as she slowly got out of bed and grabbed a towel to press across Crystal’s head.

“Babe… You are burning up with a fever. Is everything okay?!”

Both ladies just glanced over at Crystal who couldn’t help but glance back at her daughter.

“…To be honest not really. Ever since this match was announced I have been having PTSD thinking about what Bella did to me last time. She put me in the hospital. I couldn’t even walk out of the arena on my own two feet. I had to be stretchered out. I keep having visions of doctors surrounding me telling me that maybe I shouldn’t wrestle anymore. How I can’t afford to take any more head injuries and I am putting my livelihood at risk every time I step out into that ring…”

Aurora is very concerned at this point as she just rests her head against her mother.

“Mom… I remember what Bella did to you and it was really bad. I don’t want her to ever do that to you ever again…”

Crystal slowly nods her head.

“I know pumpkin and I definitely don’t want to feel that happening to me again either. It has only brought the worst of nightmares but I have to admit that I was a different woman back then and I deserved everything that came my way…”


Crystal slowly looks down into the eyes of her daughter.

“Yes pumpkin?!”

Aurora quickly shakes her head as she looks firmly at her mother.

“You aren’t that woman anymore! I don’t care if the entire world refuses to believe in you or they think you are a phony and a fraud. In my eyes you aren’t the woman that they say you are. I know you have done a lot of bad stuff in the past but I don’t think it is your entire fault. You were sick and were dealing with an addiction. Maybe the drugs took a hold of your life and caused you to act a certain way…”

Crystal looks at her daughter and can’t help but smile. Even when crystal felt like she was the worst woman in the entire world Aurora made her feel as if she was still a hero. Seleana nods as well as she looks at her wife.

“Ja…All that matters is you are doing well now and this is what we care about. None of that stuff from the past even matters…”

Crystal just shrugs her shoulders as she looks back at the two of them.

“I appreciate all of your love. It means the entire world to me but I don’t want to get caught up in thinking that drugs are the excuse for everything because honestly it’s not. There was a part of me that was pulling the strings and I have to be respect that some of it was me. I take ownership for the shortcomings and can only vow to do better next time…”

Aurora hugs her mother even tighter as she keeps looking at Crystal.

“Mommy… Let it go… I forgive you…. I forgive you of your mistakes. I forgive that you got drunk in me. I just want you to ever do those things ever again…”

“I won’t pumpkin… I want ever try to hurt you ever again, and I won’t be in a position where you see me get hurt either… Seleana…”

Crystal looks at her wife as the tears slowly begin to stream down her face.

“…I am sorry for the lies. I am sorry for putting my hands on you two summers ago and throwing a fit when things didn’t go my way…”

Seleana remains very focused as she looks as deeply as she can into her wife’s eyes.

“Chickie… I have always forgiven you and none of that matters, I know you feel like you are one big failure but I have never seen things that way. in my eyes you are my everything and always do what is best for our family. Marriage is an ongoing work in progress. Some days are going to be good days and there will also be bad days. As long as we come together at the end of those days that is all that really matters…For better or for worse, but honestly it has always been better days…”

She holds Crystal as tightly as she can, Aurora joins in as she refuses to let go. Both women are really making Crystal feel how loved she is. The blue haired vixen just wipes her tears as she looks at the both of them.

“I love you both so much. You have no idea how much you all mean to me…”

Aurora just hugs her back as those little brown eyes look back at Crystal.

“Mommy can I ask you a question?!”

“Of course… You know I am always willing to answer whatever question you might have…Fire away…”

“Are you afraid to fight against Bella Madison?!”

Crystal sighs.

“Do you want me to be honest…”

“Of course I do. That’s why I am asking you….”

“Truthfully I am a bit nervous. I just don’t want the same thing to happen in this match that happened during our last one. I want to actually walk out of the arena and I want to be in a position when I can safely come home to the both of you, and of course Alexandra as well…”

Aurora however quickly shakes her head as she looks deep into her mother’s eyes.

“You don’t need to feel like that though. Regardless of how you feel you aren’t the same woman that walked into that original match. You have changed since that day. You are taking things more seriously and I know the result will be different…”

“Oh?! You are that confident in me?!”

Crystal slowly nods her head.

“Of course I am… After all this time you actually decided to show up. Don’t get me wrong Bella seems pretty cool. Juliet’s aunt Dawn constantly talks up Bella so much but I know for a fact that my mom is way cooler. It’s hard to beat up on the coolest woman in the entire world. As long as you focus nobody could ever stop you!”

Crystal is finally all smiles as she looks right back at her daughter. She gives her the thumbs up as she begins to giggle.

“You know what Aurora?! You are right… You do have a really cool mother. I have nothing to be afraid of. I am going to do my best and let my actual ability do all of the talking… This match is going to be for you sweetheart…”

With that Crystal couldn’t help but hug her loved ones as tightly as possible as Aurora smirks.

“Good now good beat Bella and showcase why you are a Hall of Famer and nobody could touch you…”

“I promise… Bella better be ready because as soon as I get into that ring she isn’t going to know what hit her. I guess with your support I can’t ever fail…”

There is laughter in the room. What looked like nightmare has turned into one of the biggest happiest moments in Crystal’s life. The only thing that remained was for Crystal to walk into her match and do the unthinkable. If she could get that horrible lost to Bella off of her back nothing would be able to stop her. It is on the three women just laughing and having a good time with one another that we fade out and we go to elsewhere. The road to recovery was never meant to be easy but it seemed like Crystal was being sincere in every step in its journey.

November 20th 2022 is a night that I will never forget. Honestly I cannot mentally recall what happened on that actual night but thanks to watching videos and seeing various replays it’s definitely something that I would like to let go and move beyond, but truthfully it’s hard to let go. For those who might be wondering it was on that night when I was scheduled to step into the ring with Bella Madison in a street fight. I was at the highest form of my shallow self. I didn’t care about anybody other than myself. I turned my back on my good friend Kat Jones. I laughed over the fact that I gave Chloe Benton a concussion and I even went as far to hide under a mask to mess with everybody in the bombshells division.
I did a lot of stuff that I am not really proud of and I also thought I could waltz wherever I wanted and get by on what my name meant to the company. There was one woman who really didn’t care for my antics and she goes by the name of Bella Madison. I didn’t even give her or the company any respect by promoting the match. As soon as the match started it was back and forth until she was in full control. Once she took over there was no turning the situation around.
Bella had dominated and destroyed me. She took a folding chair setting it up and nailed me with eleven Ashes to Ashes DDTs face first on top of it. It was apparent that she had me beaten to the point I was completely defenseless.  The referee had to get involved and ruled that Bella had won the match due to a knockout.
I was forced beyond my own will to be brought to the hospital by Bella Madison. That was definitely a bad time for me in my life considering I don’t even remember it. All of that is a blur to me. What I do remember however is waking up in a hospital bed and having doctor after doctor tell me that I had suffered a severe concussion because of what Bella did to me. My little twelve-year-old was in tears because she had never saw me like that before. Seleana was heartbroken because she didn’t want that to be my fate. My actions took a major toll because the following week was my different in my hometown of Los Angeles, California.
But I wasn’t even a member of the roster anymore. I was told that I was let go of my contract and I had to sit on the sidelines of a few months just to find a loophole to enter back into the fray with the open invitational Roulette match.
I won that title but it wouldn’t be long until I fell into the trap and left the company again by May. I could sit here and make excuses for everything that went down but truth be told I know that I probably deserved everything that came my way. It was only right that I was forced into a hospital by the hands of Bella.
If I can be honest when I returned for that invitational I was under the notion that Bella would be entering into that match. I had trained as hard as I could to win the title but more importantly than that I thought about the possibility of just stepping into the ring with Bella again. I had to rewrite on what she did to me.
However, that wasn’t the case because Bella would announce that she was an expecting mother and because of such I had to go about that match which I won which brought me back to SCW. It felt good to be a champion again.  It was one of my better moments but something was just missing.
It just didn’t have the same feel as if Bella was involved in that match. Now here we fourteen months removed from the match that has haunted me. I finally get a chance to face Bella and in some sick humor I am booked to face her in the same exact match type that she had severely hurt me in.
I have all sorts of thoughts running through my head right now. Bella I know you are a threat. You are a second generation wrestler just like I am. Wrestling is in your blood and it gives you a competitive nature for you to go out to that ring and get the job done. Unlike our last encounter you have my attention and I am definitely lessoning. I know what you are capable of and if pissed off you may very well put me on the shelf again. I am not going to take you lightly.
There is one thing that does bother me though and it’s the fact that those eleven ddts that you gave me could have caused some severe brain damage. Who knows if I have CTE as that can only be detected after death but I do know that what you did in our match was overkill.
A respectable woman would have just took the win and went home after the deed was done but you wanted to make an example out of me. As bad as I might be even at my very worst I wouldn’t have gone as far as you did. This is coming from a woman who at one point disrespected Despy, who had betrayed her own wife, and even bullied Chloe. I wouldn’t have gone that far.
I am not making excuses because karma indeed had to catch up with me at some point but did you even consider that my little girl was in tears because mommy didn’t come home that night, now that you are a mother you can probably understand the way that I feel.
The only saving grace about that whole ordeal was the fact that my good friend Kayla managed to beat you and turned you away from the Internet Championship. Bella if I can be completely honest I know you have all of the talent in the world. You have been in this company for a while now and you just haven’t won when it truly matters the most. You have yet to hold a championship and no matter how much you fire away going at all cylinders it just doesn’t seem to be enough. Now that we are in a New Year how are you going to break away from tradition to showcase that you are that wrestler that is ready to break out of her shell?!
The entire world is waiting to see if you have what it takes to leap over the hurdles into the next level. That is one problem that I don’t have however. As inconsistent as I might be at times when focused I have shown that I am one of the very best bombshells in this division. You can ask Vargas, you can ask either of the owners or anybody really but when Crystal Zdunich is determined she can hang with the best of them. Hell for a while until Roxi Johnson and J2H decided to play catch up I was the ONLY five-time World Champion in this company.
I am not here to toot my own horn as I don’t want to get caught up living in the past but some people don’t even have World Championship reigns if you don’t believe me just ask Jessie Salco and she can tell you how much it hurts that she hadn’t been able to accomplish that in her career. Looking at you as far as what you have done in SCW you seem to be in the same boat and there are still some titles that you haven’t even held as of yet so you still have much to accomplishment.
On the other side of the coin I have a been there and done that mentality. I basically done everything there is too accomplish. Blast from the Past winner? Check.
Roulette Champion?! Check that off the list twice…
Queen for a Day?! Check
Internet Champion?! Check… Hell I was undefeated when I won that and ended up unifying it with the World title.
Of course It would be redundant to talk about the World Title but what really stands up is the fact that I am in the Hall of Fame… Whether anybody wants to respect it or not that means I paid my dues and I earned my keep in this company. So there should be some sort of respect that goes in my way right?!
That isn’t the case and I know you don’t respect me because of my other antics which puts a dark cloud over my entire legacy. It brought you to the very brink of trying to end my career and making the entire world happy. I can’t get you to like me Bella and I doubt I will ever be a woman that you consider a friend or an ally, but what I can do is prove to you that I should be respected.
I could make this match about being vengeance and talking all of the smack in the world to show that you are inferior to me in every single way but that’s not being a good example for my daughter. When I made a vow to give up on being a drug addict and journeying through this recovery process I told myself that it would be a long process. It wouldn’t be something that would happen overnight and I am going to hold onto that very ideal.
I don’t hate you Bella…
I have all of the reasons in the world to feel a certain way but no of them are channeling hatred. You were just a woman who felt she did what she had to do.
When we meet in the ring as much as the PTSD of being in the hospital and replaying images of various doctors telling me that I shouldn’t probably do this profession I refuse to just call it quits. I have heart and it is that very organ that is propelling me to go out into that ring and give you my absolute best. Will it be enough?! I honestly have no idea but one thing I do know is that if I come out firing on all cylinders I won’t have any regrets. I won’t hold onto a notion that I didn’t take the time to cut a promo on you. I won’t hold the fact that I overlooked you or that you weren’t worth my time.
As long as I put up a fight and I know that it is my very best then I will be happy. This is the attitude that I want to portray to my daughter and even to my granddaughter. One cannot be afraid and every bad step that a person takes in life shouldn’t be looked upon as a failure but they are teachable moments that we can learn and develop from.
I have atoned for the sins of the past and everyday people want to keep bringing up everything I did. If that’s the route we want to go so be it but hear me on this though Bella. This time you have my complete and full attention. I made a vow that I was going to be the best this year. I am two matches into this year and already have two wins under me.
In order for me to do what I said I was going to do and go undefeated I need to beat everybody placed in front of me. You are the hardest woman that I have had to face this year but I am ready to answer the challenge and build some momentum into our four-way match for the Super Card.
Bella I wish you the best of luck, let it be known I am not the same woman you fought last time. I am focused, I am determined and I am destined to beat you.
Through everything you will see that this rose will forever blossom…

Climax Control Archives / Sisterly (In-Law) Love
« on: January 19, 2024, 11:46:23 PM »
New Orleans, Louisiana
French Quarter
October 23rd
Two days had passed since Crystal had her big drug addicted outburst in front of Daniel J. Morgan, London Underground, and her wife Seleana. Christina had vowed that she would clean her life up. It was the only way that she would ever mend any relationship within SCW but more importantly than that it was the only way to make things right with Seleana. High Stakes might have been the night before but today marked the day that the stakes would be raised for Crystal but today had marked Crystal’s first day in trying to reach an alcohol and drug free life. She was out of her comfort zone as she had stepped foot into the Lacroix home. For those wondering Crystal had a huge network of in-laws she could have received support from. She had decided to have her older sister in-law Zenna Zdunich be her sponsor in New Orleans. However being with Zenna meant she was going to be in a home with Zenna’s wife Linnea Lacroix, her sister Alissa Lacroix, and Kate Steele’s sister Kelly Taylor. All of them had made up the rock band American Murder Log.
It felt for Crystal to be far from home despite having her sister in-law there she still felt out of place. However, despite how Crystal had felt the reality of the situation is that this was the best possible place for Crystal to be. All four of those women had reached sobriety in 2016 and 2017 respectively so if anybody would have the best chance of getting Crystal on the right track it was those women. Crystal had reached the front door of the home. She held her suitcase in one hand and her other hand had slowly reached for the doorbell… She was about to press it when something had pulled her away. She decided to leave her suitcase on the porch as she walked away from the home.
She shook her head in disgust as she only one thought on her mind.
“I am not staying here… I am not going to bother with going there… Why would I want to stay with the sister in-law when I can do things my own way?! Whatever Zenna… You won’t be seeing me…”
With that Crystal had walked by herself for ten minutes. She had found herself on Bourbon Street and was amazed at all of the people she saw crowding the streets. It wasn’t as busy as it was during Mardi Gras but it was still busy nonetheless. Right on Bourbon Street people were openly drinking alcohol right on the street. She smiled as she saw a bar named Tropical Isle an without thinking twice she walks inside with a grin on her face as a woman behind a desk asked her a question.
“How can we help you?!”
Crystal nodded.
“I would like a hand grenade…”
Hand grenade was the strongest alcoholic drink that a person could order in NOLA. It came in a green flume that was shaped into a grenade. Crystal paid the woman before she walked into another alcohol shop and made sure to order a frozen margarita. Bourbon Street felt like home to her she walked around consuming all the alcohol she could want. Police were posted around but they just sat on top of their horses to make sure everybody was acting orderly. They didn’t care about the alcohol consumption. Crystal continued to walk down the street until she eventually saw a scantily clad dressed woman standing outside a door. Crystal looked at the sign that read “Larry Flint’s Hustler Club”. The girl made a finger waving motion as she smiled at the Afro-Mexican.
“Why don’t you come inside and some of the Hustler Honeys will show you a good time…Maybe get one of us to give you a private dance…”
Crystal took the rest of her hand grenade as she threw the empty contents to the side. She winked back at the girl as she started to head inside, however the moment she does is the very moment that somebody grabs her arm and yanks her back.
“No… You aren’t going in there Christina…Ja… It’s a bad look and I am not going to let my sister know you were trying to have a private dance from another woman behind her back, Ja?!”
Crystal however finally gets a glance of the woman that had yanked her back. It is that of her sister in-law. The redhead stood at 5’8 and over 140 pounds. She was full of tattoos and just kept her eyes on her sister in-law. I promised Sel that I would look after her little star. What I didn’t expect was for you to just leave your suitcase on the steps and not even bother with coming inside. I didn’t want to believe it but I knew you would be here drinking your life away Ja?! It’s to be expected…”
Zenna just shakes her head as she keeps her eyes on her sister in-law.
“What I didn’t expect was for you to be so weak in your first day of trying to reach sobriety or that you would want another woman to dance on top of you that isn’t my sister. Sure you can use your “acting” skills to fool the world. It might work with my sister because she is deeply in love with you but it won’t work with me. I am not going to have you waste my time either. I can help you along the way, I can be your sponsor but YOU are the one that wants to make the change. You are the one that needs the change but it’s on you to initiate the first step…”
Crystal has had enough of the belittling as she gets right in her face ad screams at the top of her lungs.
“SHUT UP!!!! You don’t know anything about me or why I do what I do…I have had a rough life…”
Zenna just shakes her head before she finally let’s go of Crystal.
“That you had to go to alcohol and do some cocaine?! You act like I haven’t been there before. You aren’t the only one that has had a rough life Chrys… I could belittle you but honestly you should want to make this change. You got super drunk in front of your daughter, you got caught doing cocaine in front of my sister. Don’t you want to be in a position where you don’t have to do any of that again?!”
Crystal just walks away as she decides not to go in the strip club. Instead she walks away from Zenna completely turning her back on her.
“Whatever I don’t have to put up with this from a woman that is going to ridicule me. I would be better off getting high out of my mind and drinking my life away…No offence Z but I am not your problem so don’t become mine if you know what’s good for you…”
Zenna however is determined as she steps in front of Crystal and blocks her path. She puts a palm right into her chest causing Crystal to back up a few feet.
“That’s where you are wrong. The moment I made a promise to my sister that I would look after you is the very moment that you became my problem. On top of that you were my problem when you married my sister and that’s something that won’t ever change because you are family. Now let’s stop all of this and just go back to the house. We got a room for you the other girls are all excited to help you in your journey and we will get you cleaned up…”
Crystal begins to get upset as she glares daggers into the woman’s eyes.
“Fuck you Zenna! The truth is I don’t want your help because I don’t like you. You are part of the problem and have always been part of the problem…”
Zenna is taken back as she looks back at Crystal.
“Excuse me?! How am I part of THE PROBLEM!!!”
Crystal snaps back as she pushes Zenna hard.
“You are part of the reason why I drink and do drugs to begin with! Yes, I know I am a failure of a mother and of a wife but I made a promise in the very beginning when I taught Seleana how to wrestle. I told her that the two of us would be a tag team and we would be on this wrestling journey together. I don’t get the chance to be that team because she’s too damn busy teaming up with you that she doesn’t have time to TEAM UP with me! I always hated your Wild Side tag team because it meant you and Seleana was in a team when it should have been me and her. You went out and won three tag team championships together and I haven’t had the luxury of doing that with her…”

Crystal begins to get even angrier as her emotions get the better of her.

“That should have been me! I was the one who got her into wrestling when she was content with taking care of animals. I made a promise but because I was so stuck on my singles career I didn’t really come through with helping her become a tag team champion. Those three title reigns should have been with me and not with me but she chose her sister over being with me. You have no idea how much that caused me to drown myself in alcohol and drug usage…I hate you Zenna…”

Zenna however isn’t one to go with the sad story as she stands her ground and looks right back at Crystal.

“Ja?! You want to blame me for your problems. You had a chance to do things right for Seleana and you didn’t. You openly treat her like trophy wife and expect her to just take it. You had to ruin her moment by becoming a World Bombshell Champion. You had chance to really be in a team with her in WWA company with me and her. We were Trios Champions but you gave all that up to screw us over to side with your sister Mariella. It’s okay for you to choose sister over wife but get mad when she feels hurt that she wants to side with her sister because you don’t give her attention…”

Crystal forms a fist as she cocks it back.

“Z… I told you to shut the fuck up!”

Zenna however turns red as she continues to vent.

“On top of that you could do right by her in WWR but instead she has to find out you have been cheating on her with Alexandra Caldwell and is supposed to accept it?! I love you Christina but you don’t get to take advantage and tell me I am problem for your drug use when you have been your own problem. As far as how my sister feels about teaming up with you. The truth is she wanted…”


Crystal however doesn’t let Zenna finish what she was saying as she instead throws a fist in her direction. Zenna is able to see it coming a mile away as she quickly ducks it and she lays Crystal out with Seleana’s infamous right hand punch. The punch drops Crystal to the ground. Crystal sits up as she places a hand on her lips noticing that blood is dripping out. She spits it out as she gets up and charges after the Swedish woman. The two are fighting on the side of Bourbon Street and it isn’t long until the police come and they pull the two women away from one another. They handcuff them and put them into cop cars.

Moments later both women find themselves at the police station in holding cells that are next to each other. Both women are wearing bruises like they been in a war but it’s apparent who won the fight. Crystal just sighs as she stands at the edge of the cell.


Zenna walks over to the edge of the cell so that she could respond to her sister in-law.

“Yes Christina…”

“You aren’t going to tell your sister that you beat me in a fight are you?!”

Zenna laughs in return as she shakes her head.

“I am not going to tell her about this or anybody well outside of my own household… Ja… It would bring new meaning if I did… Free Zenna literally…On top of that I doubt it would be good for either of us if she found out we got into fist fight because…”

Crystal laughs in return.

“Yes I know!!! The cow is on ice and something in shit in the blue cupboard… Stop with the Swedish sayings!!!”

Zenna giggles some more.

“…Yeah something like that… “

Crystal takes a deep breath as she breaks down but shares her heart.

“I am sorry for everything. I just don’t see myself as being good for Seleana. I have so many reasons why I fall into drugs and alcohol but most of it is because I don’t think I am good enough and I will never be good enough…”

“Christina… We all make mistakes… It’s part of life but what the most important thing is that we learn from those mistakes and we grow…”

Crystal nods her head.

“I love you Z… Just so you know I won’t be filing any charges…”

“I wasn’t planning on either. We wouldn’t be family if we didn’t fight, and this is part of tough love. Even if it lands us in police station I told you I am here to help you with each and every step of recovery…”

Crystal nods her head.

“Anyway what were you saying about Seleana right before I charged after you…”

“Oh you mean right before I LAID you out?! What I was going to say is that when it comes to being in a team with you. I was never supposed to be her partner. She wanted it to be you. She wanted that team more than anything. She only came to me because you were unavailable. You were busy with Alex and the rest of your schedule.  I was not, so she asked me to take your place, hoping you would have an opening for her. You never did. Whenever you are ready I would step aside so that you and her could have your Hollywood Angels like it’s supposed to be…”

Hearing this makes Crystal break down even more and that’s when a police officer walks over to the both of them.

“Mrs. Zenna Zdunich and Mrs. Christina Zdunich you both are free to go…”

The officer opens the cell and that’s when Christina and Zenna see each other. They give one another a long hug and they head to the lobby of the station. It is there where we can see Linnea, Kelly, and Alissa sitting there. Linnea smirks as she looks at the both of them.

“You two look like you been through hell… You ready to move in for a few months Crystal?! Welcome to NOLA…”

Everybody can’t help but laugh as they all exit the stage. The road to recovery would be a long one but Crystal was finally ready to make things happen and she had a great group to support her along the way.


That’s the perfect way to start my SCW career back up. When I showed up at December 2 Dismember I made a promise to Hot Stuff that he would get a Crystal Zdunich that he hadn’t seen in a long time. It feels good to have made my huge return to SCW and get a win over Harper Mason. She was game competition and brought her A game but at the end of the day despite her thinking that we would have been caught up in drama ranging over how I feel about Jessie Salco. The reality is this was never about Jessie Salco. I am not going to stand here and tell you I will hold a grudge over all of these different women on the bombshell roster because the only person that I am concerned about during this stint with SCW is myself.

I refuse to let me down…

I have done enough of that during the last ten years and this time feels different. It’s about the grind. It’s about getting to the very top and working my way from the bottom up. What I love about this journey is that I get to test myself against newfound competition and that ideal doesn’t change because this week I have the opportunity of getting inside of the ring with a woman I never fought before in Kandy Kaine. This should be an interesting matchup considering she calls herself the Princess of Positivity.

Honestly I don’t have anything mean to say about somebody that is just so sweet. She has a few championships to her name considering she was at one time a former GPW Television Champion and had a stint in Sin City Underground. She hasn’t been able to get her big solo run and this is relatively a new journey for her. What I can say is that I will not overlook her because if I go into this match thinking that everything is in the bag is the very moment that she can come about and pick me a part, and upsets can happen.

I mean look at what happened in boxing all of those years ago. Mike Tyson was the heavyweight champion and he was set to defend his title against Buster Douglass. For whatever reason Tyson didn’t have his normal corner guys for that fight because everybody just thought he was going to steamroll his challenger. What do you know though… Buster ended up having a punchers chance of winning and with one punch he knocked Tyson out and did the unthinkable.

I can’t go into this fight and not take it seriously. Kandy is going to get my very best and whether that overwhelms her that isn’t my problem. My mind is taking this journey one match at a time and if I want to get to where I want to go I can’t afford to lose now. So Kandy that means you and I are on a collision course and I will do whatever it takes to beat you.

Now Kandy wasn’t able to beat Bobbie Dahl but she did have a successful debut against Georgie Robertson. That’s a huge deal since Georgie basically controls her own fate right now with that briefcase of hers.

Be it as it may Kandy really hasn’t had that much exposure as a singles star and now this is her chance to really step out of her shell and show the world exactly what she is made of. I can’t wait for the two of us to be in the ring with one another. We are going to give each other the best we can and only the one who wants it more will be able to emerge victorious.

It’s exciting being able to face all of these new challengers but truth be told I am not ready to drop it all right here. I need to go through the entire roster. I need to fight each and every single individual so that I can eventually get to the woman that I have my eye on.

No offence Kandi but for the past eight months I just had to watch and acknowledge that I have been one of the biggest let downs and I had to sit on a lost to Courtney Pierce. The same woman who has probably been sitting on the fact that she had retired me and it was her win that had sprung her forth into getting the World Bombshell Championship and now the Internet Championship.

I have a lot on my mind but if there is anybody who can grind and fight through the best of them you can be rest assured that it’s me. I live for this business, I breathe for this business, and I would die for it. I know you might have some thoughts on what it means to be in the ring with me but whatever it is that you looked up let it be known that I am not that same woman anymore.

I had built up a bad reputation for being stuck up, or being a Bitch, or just being annoying. People seem to think that I want to make everything about me but I really want to leave those days behind me. I know it’s going to be a long road to recovery but I am working my hardest to get to where I need to be. I will prove to myself that I am the best woman on the roster.

I just have to take it day by day, not aim too high but focus what’s in front of me. Kandy you are the current threat and I will beat you because it is all I can do. The fans are going to be in for a treat because they are going to see two women give them a wonderful show.

At the end of the day though the world will see that this rose can grow in the harshest of weather, I have been through hell and back. I have been to the top of the mountain on five different occasions. One could wonder what makes this time special than the last time. I only have one answer…


I am the rose that refuses to wither away. I am Crystal Zdunich and after Sunday I will be a step closer to the end goal. Good luck Kandy, and may the best woman win…

Climax Control Archives / Recovery
« on: January 04, 2024, 09:58:39 PM »

NRP: This scene takes place the right after Seleana’s rp from High Stakes

Crystal’s SCW career hadn’t been going in the way that she he been wanting it to go. She had lost her Roulette Championship to Luna Vanity and hadn’t been bothering to cut a promo or even wrestle with the same vigor that she had been known to doing. Something was definitely off.  It didn’t really show until her last wrestling showing at Into the Void where she wrestled Courtney Pierce. Despite the big Super Card match which should have been between a long time veteran and wrestling’s future Crystal didn’t put forth the effort that she should have put in. Something was clearly off and it makes sense considering that would be the last time that we would see the blue haired vixen anywhere near an SCW ring.

In the months following everything would crumble Crystal Zdunich. She would let go from her SCW contract for undisclosed reasons. Hell her name and reputation would be tarnished across various wrestling companies and it was quite clear that she wasn’t the same woman that everybody was accustomed to her being. It was one thing to be considered a vile Bitch for trying to be selfish when it comes to her career but it was a different thing when she just seemed to be a shell of her former self. Things really weren’t working out for her and there needed to be an answer why.

October 21st, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Day before High Stakes

Crystal was dressed like a Las Vegas prostitute complete with the closed toe heels, the fishnet stockings, miniskirt, and top that showed plenty of mid-drift. The blue haired vixen’s makeup had ran all over her face as she quickly ran through the doors of the Golden Ring Casino. High Stakes was the biggest event of the year. There was plenty of money to be made with SCW in town but Crystal didn’t care as her mind was on something else. Hundreds of wrestling fans tried to run up to her in hopes of getting an autograph but Crystal ignored all of them as she ran right to her office. She shut the door behind her as she walked over to her desk and opened up all of the drawers. She was like a madwoman possessed as she searched and searched but couldn’t kind what she was looking for.

“Where is it?! Where is it?!”

Zdunich looked in every possible location but she couldn’t seem to find what she was looking for. She leaned back in her chair as her eyes started to race rapidly as she was a woman on a mission. She ran her fingers through her hair and it was at that moment that Daniel J Morgan walked calmly through the doors of the room. Crystal was frantic as she looked over at the British man in a suit. He just shook his head sighing as he kept his eyes on her.

“Bloody hell woman you look completely bonkers and like a train wreck. You know it’s not appropriate to be dressed the way that you are…”

Crystal just shook her head as she tried to blow him off as she turned her attention back over to her desk.

“Whatever Daniel I don’t have time for that… I… I am busy… I am looking for something….”

Daniel however calmly walked into the room as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a Ziploc bag of a white substance out of his pocket and held it in front of her.

“Is this what you are looking for?! To be honest I didn’t want to believe it but after your wife called me in tears I had Charlie and Kenzie go through your belongings in order to keep the casino safe and they found this in your desk. This explains everything. You have been addicted to this shit and it’s been happening right under my nose. No wonder why your entire career has been self-destructing. You have a huge problem…”

Crystal quickly rises up as she walks over to Daniel as she tries to snatch the bag from his hands but he keeps a firm a grip on it as she yells at him.

“Fuck you Daniel!!! GIVE THAT TO ME!!!”

Daniel however snatches it back as Crystal begins to get super violet. The addiction is getting the better of him as she does everything in her power to try to get the bag back. In a rage she scratches his face but he plays it cool as he just brushes her off. It isn’t long before Mackenzie and Charlotte burst into the room and they begin to restrain the longtime wrestler.

“No… I am not giving you anything. Don’t you understand that you have a problem?! This is ruining your life! Your wife called me in tears because you have been lying to her for months. You been trying to cover up a serious drug addiction and on top of that Dani has told me that some of our top shelf bottles have been missing from the bar area. Which makes sense considering that you were willing to throw your own sobriety away and for what exactly to piss your life away in your own misery?! You are better than this…”

Crystal tries to explain herself but she is being restrained by the female members of London Underground. They keep her at bay and the tears begin to fall down her cheek as she really doesn’t know what to say.

“I….I…. You don’t understand… Just give me the bag… I need it Daniel… It’s the only thing I need…”

Daniel just sighs as he heads towards her personal bathroom as he shakes his head in disgust.

“No… I do understand. You hurt me Christina… If you were having issues you could have come to me and we could have talked. I have been your supporter and if I wasn’t I wouldn’t have given you a job here. What is all of this about?! Is it because that Alexandra Caldwell chick told you that she wanted to do something else, you can’t handle rejection?! Yeah it sucks but you have a wife in Seleana who loves you. I remember you giving up everything to adopt that little girl Aurora! You are that girl’s world and instead of trying to pick yourself up and teaching her to be a fighter. You run to alcohol and drugs…”

Daniel just takes a deep breath as he shrugs his shoulders.

“That’s not how you do things. Not only that but I heard that you lied to that girl. Seleana was heartbroken telling me that your twelve year old found you unconscious and smelling like booze. What is wrong with you?! Do you want the state to take your daughter away because she has an incompetent parent? On top of that you have pissed your entire wrestling career away. I thought you learned a valuable lesson when Bella beat the unholy hell out of you last year. You found a loophole to get into an SCW match and you won their Roulette Championship. That should have been the only spark that you needed but a few months into your reign and you just phone it in… You get released from your contract and it’s sad… I have never seen someone piss their career as much as you have…”

Daniel just looks away as he walks towards the toilet and stares at the water inside.

“I shouldn’t be so concerned but honestly you have a big name to you. You are the legendary five time SCW Champion. Not many people have accomplished what you have and it seems like it’s all down the drain because you would rather focus on this SHIT!!!”

Daniel opens the bag and he pours the contents into the toilet. Hilton is in a rage as she does everything in her power to break free.


Morgan keeps his eyes on Hilton as he forms a concerned look.

“NO!!! This is for your own good! I am trying to save your life and I am not going to let somebody I care about ruin the value of their life but at the same time I have to protect this casino and sometimes I have to make decisions that I don’t want to make but I know it’s the best one…Don’t you care about your wife, your daughter, or anything?!”

Zdunich lets more tears flow from her eyes as he presses the flush button and the drugs go right down the toilet. London Underground let’s up on her as she falls to the ground. She turns her attention to Daniel as she takes a long deep breath and replies back to him.

“I… I don’t want to be like this… Please Daniel… I know you have to make a big decision but don’t fire me… This position as Events Coordinator at Golden Ring is all I got left. I don’t know what else I would do if I didn’t have it… I love Aurora. I love Seleana…. It hurt me that she had to see me snorting cocaine in a bathroom. I don’t know how I got back into this but I didn’t want my life to go this way… I know I am better than this I…”

Before she could say anything that is when Daniel Morgan has a special surprise for Crystal. That surprise comes in the form of Seleana Zdunich who stands there with tears in her eyes. She looks at Crystal as she can’t keep her eyes off of her.

“Estrellita, this isn’t healthy for you. You need to get your life back on track. Please just take care of yourself. I didn’t like that you lied to me on the phone… If you aren’t going to do it for me do it for…”

Before she could even finish that statement that is when we are able to see Crystal’s twelve year old daughter. Aurora just looks deeply at her mother as a sigh escapes her lips.

“Mommy are you drinking and doing drugs again? I thought you promised that you were finally done with it…”

Just hearing the twelve year old girl was enough to shatter Crystal’s entire world. She broke down even more as she slowly turns her attention back over to Daniel who just stands there. Hilton just sobs endlessly as she pours her heart out to her boss.

“I don’t want to be like this… I definitely can’t be like this… Seleana, Aurora I am so sorry…”

Daniel J. Morgan keeps his eyes locked on Crystal as he walks over to her as he gazes into her eyes.

“Listen I have so many thoughts running through my mind but I will be the first to let you know that I am not going to fire you. I am more concerned with the well-being of my employees and as far as I am concerned you do so much for this casino. I would be a fool if I would fire you. However I am not going to tolerate watching you wreck your professional and personal life so your employment as the casino comes with a cause. You can keep your gig here as long as you get promise to get cleaned up. I refuse to watch this little twelve year Old’s life be ruined because you couldn’t act right…”

Crystal finally nods her head as she looks at everybody in the room.

“I will do it… I will get cleaned up…I won’t ever allow this to happen again.  I just need to figure out where to start…”

Seleana looks back at her wife as her and Aurora both surround Crystal as does London Underground. Seleana looks intently into her wife’s eyes as she replies back to her.

“We will all help you. You have friends and that’s what they are here for. As far as what to do perhaps you can try hanging about my sister Zenna. She can sponsor you and help you get through the twelve steps of a program. That’s always a first good step…”

With that Crystal just hugs all of her closest ones as we fade out on this image.



It’s been nine months, nine long months since I have last stepped and competed in an SCW ring. It certainly has felt like an eternity but I can say from the bottom of my heart that it feels good to be back. I feel like this is something that I have to do. I know many are questioning why I should even return back to SCW. It’s not like I am the most popular woman in the locker room. It’s not like I have all that much to accomplish considering I have already made it to the very top of the food chain in this company on five different occasions. On top of that I have won Internet Championship, Roulette Championships, along with the Blast From the Past and Queen for a day.

If there is a major achievement in SCW you can say that I have accomplished it. I know when you look at things in that perspective I have done so much but as much as I have done I don’t want to assert my weight by my accolades. Instead I want to focus on what I haven’t done. There is a chapter that is left unfinished and it’s something that I have never been able to do since I came to SCW and that’s simply on being me.

I want to be happy with being the best Crystal Zdunich that I can be and get by on my hard work and determination. My last run in SCW didn’t go in the way that I wanted it to go in. This goes well beyond of that attempt to appease myself by inserting myself into an invitational match and falling through an exit door to become Roulette Champion.

I am talking about that Crystal Hilton that was around before that. The one who paraded around on being La Rosa Ardiente, the same woman who couldn’t even bother to show up for matches and got her ass handed to her by Bella Madison and taken straight to a hospital in an ambulance. That’s not how I want to go out and I want to do much better than that.

That’s why this return is important to me because I want to bust my ass to get back to the top. I don’t want to be looked upon as being as a great veteran who shoves her name around. I want this to be different. I want to grind. I want to work my way through the ranks and start from the very bottom. I feel if I do things that way I will earn people’s respect. I will get back what I lost and I will find my way to getting to the top again.

Rome wasn’t built overnight and what I am seeking for won’t come with the snapping of the fingers, although sometimes one could hope that the Infinity Gauntlet was a real thing because I would certainly snap myself back into the forefront of everything.

However deep down I wouldn’t want things done in that way because it would be a case of people saying it’s the same old, same old. People would just go about calling me egotistical and say that I just want to shove myself into everything.

That wouldn’t get me anywhere and we are about doing everything differently. I know it’s a long road that’s ahead of me. I basically burnt every single bridge during my last run in this company. I dropped the ball in what should have been an amazing match with Courtney Pierce, I lost the Roulette Championship without really putting forth a good effort to defend it. I hurt one of my closest friends Kat Jones on my way and I have hurt Seleana on so many occasions.

I know that there are people in that locker room that don’t want to work with me but it is what it is. The easiest thing would have me to keep far away from SCW and call it quits but the real fight is picking myself back up and jumping into the fray again. The hardest match is going out there night in and night out and showing to the whole world that this company and my career means everything to me so you can bet your bottom dollar that I am emerging ready to fight for what I really want.

It’s already a known fact that i made a promise that I would win all the awards this year. I want to be wrestler of the year; I want to be woman of the year. I want all of it! The only way I can get there and taking it day by day. Not looking too far into the future but taking this journey match by match.

Proving and grinding, showcasing that I am willing to fight every match as if it’s my own. Since leaving SCW I have been on a self-destructive path where it comes to my life. I have broken my sobriety, I picked up on a cocaine addiction and felt at my lowest.

It wasn’t about wrestling; it wasn’t about my marriage or even my children. It was all about getting my next fix and as long as I had that nothing else mattered to me.

Things however changed for the better to end the year. I have completed a ninety day program. I have moved back in with my family and am working as hard as I can to prove that I am a great mother. Things are starting to fall back into place and now there’s only one area left that needs to be realigned and that is in the form of showing to SCW that I am still one of the very best in the business.

It’s very humbling that my very first match back is in the opener but honestly this is how I would want my comeback story to be written. I get to face Harper Mason in my first back.

I am motivated to step into the ring with a woman I have never fought before and I even went as far on social media to offer Harper the best of luck and hoping that we could have a great match together. The moment I say that is the moment that she jumps on Twitter telling me that she isn’t Jessie Salco. It’s also the same moment that Jessie tells me that nobody is buying the crap and all of this other nonsense.

To be quite frank I don’t really care if Harper is a relative of Jessie Salco or not and hopefully I wouldn’t want her to be just like her relative. It reminds me to when I fought Jessie in one of my earlier matches in SCW and she already pegged me as a member of the Mean Girls just because I was friends with Mercedes Vargas before coming to SCW and she cut this long promo that I was part of the meanest and hottest stable in wrestling when I was simply coming into the door.

I am not going to hold anything Harper because in my eyes she is her own individual and has done stuff that she should be proud of on her own accord. Although sometimes the company you keep can rub off of you and people can assume things but I don’t want to judge Harper on that. Harper should be judged on what she has accomplished in SCW and damn she has definitely quite the resume.

She is coming off winning five of her last six matches. She holds a win over Jane McCulligan, she holds a win over wrestling sensation in Laura Phoenix, two wins over Hall of Famer Mercedes Vargas, and a win over Courtney Pierce. Just by those last three names that I named I know that you…

As my former husband would say… indeed MEANS BUSINESS…

So I got to give it to you for grinding girl because it’s no easy thing to beat the names that you have beaten. I give you all of the applause but don’t sit there and take my showing of respect lightly because I am coming to Climax Control to get a win. I am looking to move up in the rankings and you happen to be in my way.

As I look at what Vargas had to say about me, about my record in SCW it has all been mediocre. I don’t even have a winning record in this company. Four more losses than wins is not how I want to be remembered and that’s why I am changing that narrative with our match on Sunday. It’s nothing personal, its business.

I have sat on the sidelines and I heard what Roxi Johnson spoke about when she mentioned how the bombshell division was a Garden and it was one that she was proud of. Different things are blossoming and I definitely agree as well. However you can’t have a garden without having the rose of SCW right in the middle of that garden. I need to be in full bloom and it’s time I do it on the right terms.

Whatever you might think of me or whatever Salco stated you might as well through all of that out of the window. When I left I was happy with being the Burning Rose. I would let the anger light a flame within me and I would let the embers consume me so I can ignite it all over the rest of the division.

I am done of letting the rage be my fuel. I have cooled that down and I am happy with the Winter Rose. It’s time to take a cool approach and it’s time to put the rest of the competition on ice. When people start talking themselves up to be at a status that they aren’t quite at it creates more of an opportunity for pride to come in and cause a major fall.

I don’t want to be about that life. I want to persevere and push ahead. I want to challenge myself and take on each fight as a new opportunity.

You have five wins to your name with only one lost and I am going to be the woman to tell you don’t expect to get your sixth win at my expense because for the first time in my life I feel like I am really fighting for something special. I am fighting for my honor, my integrity, and my reputation. I need to do everything in my power to recover what I lost.

Some might think this is a road of redemption but that’s been played out. This is recovery and I can honestly say for the first time I like who I am. I accept who I am. Everything I have done has always been me and I am not going to hide from that fact. Too many times I have done things for shock value or for instant gratification. It’s been about trying to do what people liked and not what was best for me. That’s where this all changes.

You got some good stuff going Harper.

You got the family legacy. You got the backing of being from Hero Academy. You have so many people that can help teach you the greatest lesson in all of wrestling, which is how you deal with losing.

It’s easy to feel the momentum and motivation when you are on top of the world but what really matters is how you pick yourself up when you are feeling down. Consider this another lesson and one that I am in the mood to teach you personally. Nothing will stop me in my journey to get to the top. This journey starts with you and it will keep on continuing.

Best of luck Harper you certainly will need it seeing as you are getting in the ring with me.

It’s time to put those dream of yours on ice because the Winter Rose is in full bloom and she is going to make sure you take one big chill pill.

For I am the Rose that refuses to wither away, I am Crystal Zdunich and I will find a way to thrive no matter the situation or circumstance…

Hoia Forest
April 19th

SCW had made its way over to Romania and all of the SCW stars were forced to camp in in the heart of the Hoia Forest which was supposed to be the most haunted place in the world. However Crystal was late to make it to Romania as she had decided to take a few days before going to Romania to celebrate her twins Brittany and Brayden 22nd Birthday. Now that all of the festivities were out of the way she could now focus on being out here in this scary forest. Christina however wasn’t afraid as for the longest time she had called herself wrestling’s biggest final girl. In her eyes this camp out wasn’t torture but it was a chance to film a slasher movie for her studio. Crystal had preplanned to have the best everything out in the woods. She just needed to wait for her huge eight room tent to arrive, her camera crew, and a make shift make up crew so she could get filming right away.

There was a problem though… None of those things had arrived. Seleana and her had walked side by side through the forest. Crystal sported her designer shades a short miniskirt, along with a tube top. She held her phone in her hands as she screamed at the woman on the other end of the line.

“Chloe you are the COO for the company! Where is the crew?! I gave you all more than ENOUGH time to be out here in these woods. This movie NEEDS to be a blockbuster. It’s not often that we get blessed with scenery such as this. This is the best place to film a horror movie. I can be the next Jamie Lee Curtis. I am meant to be the SILVER SCREAM QUEEN! Now I don’t care what you have to do but…. Hello… Hello?! Can you hear me?!”

Crystal is upset as she looks at her phone and sees the words no signal pop up on her phone. She begins to get upset as she turns her attention over to Seleana.

“Can you believe this?! How is SCW going to force us to stay in a place that has no signal, this is not for me. I can’t live without my phone… I need my electronics and…”

Seleana just smiles in return.

“Chickie… You just need to calm down… No need to…”

Crystal just sighs as she shakes her head back at her wife.

“I know! I know! No need to shit in the blue cupboard with a cabinet or blue hens, and there is no cow on ice water or whatever you say! I don’t care about some Swedish saying right now. The only thing that matters is that this production is at a standstill because a crew that was SUPPOSED to be here isn’t here right now. I can’t even contact Chloe because of the signal. Where’s Melissa?! I know the President of my company has to be doing something productive out here. She just has to have the best accommodations out here. She wouldn’t be caught out in the woods without her red bottoms and…”

Seleana shakes her head.

“Actually I was going to say no need to panic. Let’s just enjoy being outside and nature. I love the surroundings it reminds me of my time from being in New Zealand. We aren’t here for that long so let’s just make the most of it…”

The two women continue to walk outside until they find a pair of tents. They see an area protected by tarps along with a campfire in the middle. Crystal has a wide grin on her face as she begins to sprint towards that area, and that is when she can see a petite with pink hair in the distance. It was Dawn Warren which meant that was the area they were looking for. As Crystal got closer she could see Michelle Chavez the Vet from Zdunich Zoological Gardens, she could see her best friend Teddy Warren. It wasn’t long until she could spot a woman in a pair of cutoff shorts and hiking boots. It was the woman she was looking for the President of Rose Corp Melissa Chavez. Crystal smiled as she crossed her arms as she walked towards the four of them.

“There she is just the woman I have been looking for… Melissa please tell me you have been handling things on this side of the world. We are supposed to be shooting this movie! Where is the crew at and where is my trailer. A trailer was supposed to be driven in so I could have all of the necessities, I know a girl like you isn’t out here in the outdoors…”

Melissa shrugs her shoulders as she shakes her head.

“Actually… I haven’t had any cell phone service. Not to mention my phone has been dead for the past few days. I was hoping that you would have had handled everything…”

Crystal’s face turns red as she begins to get upset.

“I HAVEN’T HANDLED ANYTHING… THIS IS WHAT YOU AND CHLOE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO! How can I be a FINAL GIRL without having a proper movie to star in!”

Crystal crosses her arms as she shakes her head in disgust but somebody else emerges from the tent. Crystal’s eyes light up as she sees a fifth figure. It happens to be one of her closest friends Roxi Johnson. She is dressed like Fox from Friday the 13th the game as she is clad in a biker jacket along with a red bandana around her head. Crystal opens her eyes in amazement.

“What are you doing here?!”

Roxi smiles in return.

“I can’t be out here to hang out with a friend. Besides how often is it that we can hang out together in the woods?! I know you had some ideas for some movie or whatever but why not just spending precious quality time with one another. I got some surprises for all of you in the tent. It’s to get into the mood in being in such a scary place. Trust me you are going to love it. It is going to remind you of all of the hours we spent together…”

Teddy looks at Roxi as he shakes his head and walks away.

“Whatever… I rather not hang out with a bunch of bombshells not to mention a woman who can’t drum like I can… I will leave all of you be…. Michelle I love you… See you later….”

With that Teddy walks away as Crystal shakes her head and heads into the tent. Seleana walks into the other tent as do all of the other women. Crystal’s eyes light up as she sees a duffle bag and pulls something out. Her eyes light up as she walks out in a blue jogging suit with the initials VJ on them. She is holding an acoustic guitar in her hand as she smirks.


Roxi nods her head.

“Of course I did… We are out here in this scary place and as you always say you are the best Vanessa Jones in the world. Top ten out here…”

Crystal quickly corrects her.

“You mean top five…”

Roxi shakes her head.

“…Please…. Anyway like you say she is your favorite so you might as well look the part since we are out here in the woods…”

The other girls emerge from the tent and that is when we can see Dawn Warren sporting a pair of jeans, white sweater and glasses on her face.

“OMG Dawn looks like Deborah Kim… You are the BOOK WORM!!!”

Melissa walks out in a small top along with this cut off jean shorts.

“And you look like Tiffany Cox!”

Seleana emerges out of the tent last and she is wearing a blue suit with pearls. Her long blonde hair is just free flowing as Crystal stares her up from head to toe as a wide grin escapes her lips. Seleana just nods her head as Crystal can’t keep her eyes off of her.

“You like Chickie?!”

Crystal quickly nods her head.

“I don’t just like it… I LOVE it… You look like Victoria Sterling!”

“That a good thing?!”

Crystal nods her head.

“To be honest seeing as you are with me I guess it would be. Not that it matters anyway… The truth is it’s the only thing that fits you considering you are the only blonde. It’s good in my book… As long as you stay by me it’s not like it matters…”

Michelle was the last one to walk out of a tent. She wore a stripped yellow shirt.

“Figures you would be Jenny Myers the girl next door. It seems like we have all of the stereotypes out here… I wish Teddy would come back though. He could put a varsity jacket on and would definitely be a Bugsy… Anyway what’s the deal Roxi?! There a reason you got us all dressed like characters from our favorite video game. This is all amazing.”

Roxi smiles.

“Well the girls told me that you had your heart set on trying to film a slasher movie but I figured we could just have a little fun instead. Remember the murder mystery dinner on the cruise we did over the summer?!”

“You mean when I clearly was the BEST actress?!”

Crystal grins passionately. Roxi however rolls her eyes as she heads towards the campfire.

“It wasn’t a contest and also it’s pretty easy to be the best actress when you were the only professional actress there! On top of that why don’t we forget what happened over the Summer, just bring that acoustic guitar and start playing some music…”

Crystal nods her head as she looks at everybody and smiles.

“Hallelujah…. Figure let’s give everybody a taste from Friday the 13th the first movie…”

She plays the song as everybody moves their head in unison to the song. She smiles as she looks at everybody sitting around that fire and begins to tell a story.

“You know girlies can I just say that you do realize that this is supposedly a scary place… It’s apparently one of the most scariest places in all of the world. They say you can hear creepy things out here. I am here to let you know that just like Jason Vorhees, the bodies of all of those who went missing were never found… They also say that people disappear in these woods and they are never heard from again. Hold your loved ones because you never know when this might be the last time that you might be able to talk to them…”

Melissa holds onto Dawn as tightly as she can as she can’t help but shake out of being frightened.


Michelle shakes her head as she looks at the moon and giggles.

“I also here there is also a big curse in these woods. They call this area the Quarry and…”

Crystal looks at Michelle.

“No… There are no werewolves out here. I can see Vampires in Romania but don’t you dare talk about some damn werewolves…”

Crystal grins as she begins to smile as she strums away on her guitar playing a familiar song mainly Michael Jackson’s Thriller as her eyes move to Melissa. Dawn rises up as she walks towards her fiancée.

“It’s close midnight…Something evil lurks in the dark….”

Melissa is completely shaken as she runs away into the forest. Dawn crosses her arms looking back at the rest of the gang.

“Babe I was only kidding. It was just a joke…”

However Dawn just sighs as she looks back at everybody.

“I guess I better go after her… It’s getting dark out and I rather she didn’t get lost and not know her way back to camp…”

Dawn heads off in the direction of her fiancée as only the four women remained. Michelle rises up as she glances at Seleana, Roxi and Crystal.

“I guess I better go find Teddy… It’s been a while since we heard anything from him… I should go check on my big teddy bear…”

With that Michelle heads off in a different direction. Crystal gazes up at the sky which was getting darker by the minute. Seleana looks at her wife and Roxi with an uneasy expression on her face.

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea if we all separate… Zenna told me about this forest and how she saw this place featured in the Swedish Series Spökjakt there’s a lot of paranormal stuff that really happens out here. It’s not safe for everybody to go alone…”

Crystal rolls her eyes.

“Sweetie it’s going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen out here. Those shows really don’t mean anything. It’s just something to get you scared. I know we will be fine…”

About two hours later…

The trio of Seleana, Roxi, and Crystal had all been sitting by the camp fire. They have heard nothing in the past two hours. Dawn, Michelle, Teddy, and Melissa have not returned back to camp. Something was definitely up. Crystal stands up as she looks back at the other two.

“Okay its pitch black… Why hasn’t the rest of the group showed up?! This is getting really ridiculous… I think I am going to go search for them.

Seleana looks at her wife as she shrugs her shoulders in return.

“I come with you… It’s not safe for you to be alone… I fear something happen if you go alone. You know scary movies never separate from the group…”

Roxi nods her head.

“I’ll stay here in case somebody comes back. Don’t worry about me; I know how to look out for myself…”

The Zdunichs walk off into the darkness of the night. Crystal uses her phone to show off her flashlight. She smirks as she just walks ahead of Seleana trying to illuminate the way. Everything seems fine until they hear the loud sounds of a scream in the distance.


Crystal sprints as she is the first to go into action.


Crystal sprints as far as she can until she can hear the loud sounds of sobbing. She finally reaches her target and that is when she can see the pink haired Dawn covered completely in blood. Dawn was all tears as she looks at a body on the ground.

“I… I tried to come as fast as I could and… and….”

Crystal yells at Dawn.


Dawn can’t help but cry as she isn’t thinking straight.

“She’s gone… Melissa… I… I….I tried to save her but I can’t get a pulse. Parts of her body have chunks taken out of it… It’s like something ate her…”

Seleana sees her protégé panicking.

“Chickie… We need to go…”

Dawn is just frozen.

“I… Just Want her back… I just want my Melissa back…”

Seleana grabs Dawn as she pulls her away from the body.

“We have to go… It’s not safe… This is what I was trying to tell you… It’s not safe out here…”

Crystal however tries to head towards where Melissa’s body is and as she does that is when something jumps out of the forest and runs out her. Crystal immediately turns around as she runs away.


Crystal runs right past her wife and Dawn. The two of them are slow as Crystal is definitely the fastest of the three of them. Dawn pulls out a walkie talkie and begins to speak into it.

“Hello… If anybody is out there please help us. May Day! May Day! It’s D Day in the Hoia Forest. I repeat it’s haunted! My girlfriend is dead. Is anybody is out there please help and bring a gun…! We need you right now!!!”

Seleana and Dawn trail behind Crystal who is already ahead of everybody. Something lurks behind them in the woods. Dawn gets a glance of it as she pushes Seleana ahead.

“Save yourself Seleana… I want to be with my fiancée!”

Whatever was chasing them manages to get Dawn. Seleana is slow but Crystal turns back around as she manages to grab her wife and the two of them sprint through the woods and finally make it back to where the campfire is but the problem is it’s completely out. Crystal looks around trying to find out about Roxi’s whereabouts but realizes she is nowhere in sight.

“Roxi… Where are you?!”

Something moves about in the forest. Crystal stands in front of Seleana trying to shield her in case something tries to attack her. However what emerges from the forest is Teddy Wear. Is wearing a brown coat and has what looks to be a shotgun on his back. His grins as he paces slowly towards them.

“How’s it going everybody… I got Dawn’s radio call, and I am here to save the day. Where’s the pussy?! Where’s the chicken shit that is trying to scare my sister…”

Crystal shakes her head as she begins to cry.

“Teddy… Your sister is gone…. Melissa is gone… We tried to save them but…”

Teddy opens his eyes in shock as he heads towards them as he draws his shotgun.


“What I am saying is that they aren’t…”

There’s another weird sound coming from the forest. Teddy points his shotgun at it but what he gets instead is the sight of his girlfriend Michelle Chavez. She looks weird as her mouth is covered in blood. She starts heading in the direction of Teddy as he smiles.

“Thank god it’s you… I love you so much. They said our sisters are gone. Maybe we should look for them to….”

Before Teddy could do anything Michelle pounces on him and it looks like she is taken bites out of him as he screams loudly. She stands up and starts running towards Crystal.

“Michelle what has gotten into you?!”

She is about to reach when all of a sudden the sound of a gun could be heard going off and Michelle falls down to the ground. Roxi could be shown throwing the gun to the side as she looks at the Zdunich couple.

“Silver bullet… She had turned into a werewolf… It was the only way I could protect you too. We have to go… It’s not safe from here…There’s something going on in this forest. I did some investigating. The werewolf isn’t the biggest problem there is a killer here and…CRYSTAL”

Roxi sprints as she saves Crystal pushing her out of the way but what she gets in return is what looks like a knife to the heart. She falls down to the ground as Crystal doesn’t even realize what happened. She turns around and sees Seleana standing there with a knife in her hands. An evil grin escapes the blondes lips as she holds the knife and walks towards Crystal.

“Seleana… I don’t understand… Why would you do that?!”

Seleana grins as she holds the knife and walks towards Crystal.

“It’s simple you didn’t consider that I have been planning this for a long time. You have put me through so much. I can finally end all of it right here and nobody would care…I thought you would have known from being a huge Scream fan that it’s always the significant other. After all who could forget Billy Loomis and how he tried to get Sidney. Tonight I plan to end it all and I have some help…”

Dawn and Melissa could be seen heading towards Crystal.

“Wait I thought they were dead…”

Dawn smirks.

“As IF a book worm would go out so easily… We planned all of this…”

Teddy and Michelle rise up as they slowly make their way over to Crystal.

“She had a lot more help… You ever think I was tired of being the male best friend?! I know I tried to take over your company and Melissa stopped me but consider two pairs of siblings are dating each other. We are all family and we mutually agreed you need to go…”

Roxi gets up as heads towards Crystal.

“How will Miss Vanessa Jones get out of this…”

They all begin to circle around Crystal. The blue haired vixen has nowhere to go. She begins to scream as all of her so called friends begin to surround her. Just as they close in that is when Seleana draws closer with the knife. Crystal screams as loudly as she can until we can hear somebody in the distance yelling the word CUT.


Seleana laughs as she looks at her wife with a grin.

“Hope you enjoy your slasher movie debut chickie… This was all for you…”

Crystal doesn’t know what to say as she looks at everybody.

“I hate all of you… You can’t kill me off in my own slasher, also I am supposed to be a Final Girl but it looks like I am getting written off in my own movie!”

Seleana smirks.

“Well that’s where the To Be Continued screen happens. We need to see what happens in part two… Anybody it was fun to roast you a bit. I got everybody to be in on this just to see how you would act. You acted just how I thought you would. I love you chickie… You were ready to defend me when the werewolf appeared…At first you tried to run ahead to save yourself but you came back for me on two separate occasions… You really do love me chickie…”

Crystal looks at everybody as she just sighs in return.

“I AM GOING TO BED… I HATE ALL OF YOU… I AM ASHAMED OF YOU ROXI… Anybody I will catch you all later and remember that payback is a Bitch…”

With that Crystal storms away into a tent as everybody else can’t help but break out into laughs as we go elsewhere.

So here we are for the last Climax Control before we head to the Super Card. A lot has happened within the last couple of weeks. The main thing is that I lost my precious Roulette Championship to Luna Vanity. I can stand up here and make all of the excuses in the world. I can say I wasn’t ready, I can claim it was a fluke, I can say that Luna got lucky but honestly that wouldn’t be fair to Luna and the effort she had made into breaking one of losing streaks. The fact of the matter is when she beat me she was simply the better woman on that night. I have no mistakes about any of that. She beat me straight up and it’s as simple as that. I know that lost most have changed plans up drastically. I know it assumed that Kimberly and I would be for the Championship at the Super Card but that’s not the case any longer.

The fact is Kimberly needs to go on to face whoever the champion is and who knows what my path is forward. I know what I want. The only thing on my mind right now is doing whatever it takes to get into position to get that Internet Championship. It’s what I have my eyes on and I will do whatever is needed to get into position to get a crack at the title that I never lost. In order to get to where I want I need to overcome my past and it seems for quite a while I have been on a collision course with Kimberly.

Kimberly ever since you came into this company you have wanted to get a piece of me all because of what I did to your sister. I will be the first to say that what I did was totally fucked up. I never meant to snap at your sister. Just like I didn’t mean to snap at Chloe but I did. You want to know why this all started in the first place?!

It’s because I was so overwhelmed with the fact that my wife embarrassed me in such a huge match. She had beaten me and made me scream out a submission for the entire world to hear. I didn’t know how to recover from that. Instead of taking strides in my lost I instead decided to be a bully and choose an easy target such as Chloe Benton to pick of. It was the one event that triggered the entire world and Kat Jones became obsessed in defending Chloe. I didn’t know how to react to that so instead of trying to talk out my problems I instead decided to keep on lashing out on everybody else.

Kat was no different…

Truth be told though I love Kat Jones… It may not seem like it in your view but I miss the times she spent being a genuine nice person and offering me breakfast bagel boards. I miss her reaching out to me and just being concerned about me. When I got her that leather jacket I did so as a true extension of my friendship towards her and I hope that she still has that gift today because it would show me that there is a chance for us to work our issues out.

That’s between the two of us though and there will definitely be a day where the two of us need to fight so we can see where we are in our friendship and if we are even meant to work whatever problems out among us. That’s OUR story though.

You targeted me because you felt the need to be a big sister. You just had to look out for Kat and you wouldn’t rest until you avenged her. You feel like you have to be the one to get this revenge but all of this fighting is stupid. If you wanted me you just needed to focus strictly on me! I wouldn’t have cared if you attacked me on a show. I wouldn’t have cared if you kept calling me a bunch of bad names under the sun. It’s not like there’s anything that anybody could do to me that I haven’t been through before. However you had to take things to the extreme and that is where I have a problem.

You had to constantly call my wife pathetic over and over again. You called out your three contenders as if they were trash and made it all about me like I am this end all be all evil Bitch. If I didn’t know any better you just seem to be obsessed with me, and what exactly did I pull for three women that you were facing against at that last Super Card?!

Know your history before you spout nonsense that you really don’t know. Mercedes and I go way back and before SCW we were actually Tag Team Championships in a different company together. Over here in SCW we were in a stable together and hell if it wasn’t for me interfering in her match with Sam Marlowe she wouldn’t have won that first World Bombshell Championship that she did so please do tell how I made her look bad?!

Of course you mentioned Dawn but that’s my best friend’s little sister so what did I possibly do to her except present an opportunity for her to train under my wife?!

Of course there’s my wife and I know I put her through some shit. There’s a whole laundry list of stuff I did to her that I wish I could take back but that’s just the growing pains of the relationship. I taught her how to wrestle. When I was evil I even helped put the World Championship on her, I gave her a Roulette Championship match when I was Queen for a Day. I look out for my wife.

Sometimes things may not always be roses like how I want them to be but in marriage it’s a for better or for worse situation. Some days you give and some others you might take. Seleana have been married for over five years now and even though we have had hiccups we are still a unit. I have done some fucked up shit and I won’t deny them but I am proud of my wife.

I am proud that she managed to beat me in a match because I know she has all of the talent in the world to be the best damn wrestler in the world. I can’t stand you though because looking at all of your promos it’s just the same old shit that I have heard everybody spouting about me for years. All I care about is championships, all I care about is being title craze and myself.

Nah Bitch you got me confused… I am all about leaving behind a legacy. One that my granddaughter Isabella can look up towards and I am not going to have you shit on me and my entire family. You love harping on how I betrayed my wife for a title shot and bring up shit that happened like five years ago. Why don’t you get some new material?!

Besides you can’t even get your fucking story straight in one early promo you basically told everybody that Crystal was your end goal. It’s what you want more than anything else and in another promo you stated that it’s all about the Roulette Championship because it’s the title your little sister held and you don’t plan to leave anything behind. Why don’t you get your story straight for starters?

Your biggest mistake in all of this is deciding to continuously talk shit about my wife over and over again. If you were that bent up on me taking advantage of Kat’s neck by all means COME AT ME but seeking vengeance on me by going through my wife just makes you look to be a punk. After everything I heard about you talking down my wife I have realized that I just have to put you down. I refuse to have anybody talk down the woman that I love more than life itself. The same woman who puts up with me, and the same woman who is helping me raise our adopted daughter.

She has taken my biological kids and made them her own. Despite what I put her through she has kept me by her side and refuses to leave mines and I have to respect that. I haven’t really experienced what love was until Seleana came into my life. You won’t disrespect what was established between us.

At Climax Control we are going to be fighting one another in a Hardcore Hell and it just seems like you forced Christian’s hand to have it your way. Are you sure you are ready to be inside of a ring with me?! I know everybody says that you are this monster and I should be afraid.

You come from a family full of monsters and blah blah blah… I get it that you are one big threat but do you realize who exactly I am?! As soon as that bell rings you aren’t going to get the loveable Christina Rose, you won’t be getting a blossoming Rose, you even get the Crystal Caldwell that’s billed on the roster. You are going to get Crystal Hilton in the flesh and you will learn that you shouldn’t beg for something that you really don’t want.

Anything goes in a match like this but the best part is that we are going to be enclosed within a cage. I know somewhere it’s so nobody runs but I would never run to begin with. You have my full attention and seeing as this match is strictly about you versus me one on one with nothing on the line but kicking each other’s ass. You need to know that I am a going to be a dangerous woman. You might have threatened me that you would take my title and embarrass me but that is not the case.

With me not holding a title I can be focused on proving why I am better than you. As scary as you might be it still doesn’t compare to the type of threat Crystal Hilton can be when she is featured in the huge marquee on a show. I am the main event and I am one of the pioneers of this Bombshell division. Up until Roxi tied me with her latest fifth championship reign! I was the only person who had held the World Championship on five different occasions. I am a multiple time Roulette Champion, a former Internet Champion, a Hall of Famer, and a former Blast from the Past Champion.

You talk shit like I am this trash bombshell who hasn’t amounted to anything in SCW. You talk like I am worthless and can’t hold my own but what you fail to realize is that you can run your mouth on Twitter and say whatever you want but I am the one the greatest women wrestlers in the world today. I am one of the best wrestlers in the history of this company period. Christian and Mark wouldn’t have put me in the Hall of Fame if it wasn’t deserved. I can get flaky at times but when I am focused I am one of the most dangerous women to step foot in the ring.

Are you sure you can handle all this smoke?! There’s going to be a lot of heat in that ring, and that Burning Rose is going to torch that ass… If I ignite and you get burnt where do you go from here?! Do get excited in that you might be another random individual who beats Jessie Salco and takes a title from her?!

At that point it becomes irrelevant because the only thing that will haunt you is that you couldn’t beat me. You are going live through the moments of losing to the women with the multiple nick names, the big joke as you would say, and the woman who is a running joke on Twitter…

Jokes over sweetie… You are getting decimated in Romania and you only have yourself to blame…

You asked for this just keep of all of this in mind….

See you on Sunday, Flame On! It’s time to burn a Bitch, and unleash the final curtain on you. Welcome to the curtain call. Take a bow because the show’s over… It’s time to roll the credits on all of this once and for all.


Climax Control Archives / We Got To Stay Out Here?! (Dawn RP)
« on: April 21, 2023, 06:55:21 PM »
Hoia Forest, Romania
April 17th, 2023
As soon as Climax Control was over the Warren siblings as well as the Chavez siblings made their way over to Romania. It was told that all of the SCW roster housing arrangements were to be in the outdoors in the most haunted place on the planet. However, for our young heroine she didn’t mind having to camp in what might be an eerie situation. She thrived in being in situations like this not to mention as a gold award winner as a former Girl Scout Dawn was ready to handle whatever was thrown at her. Dawn smiled as her and her brother Teddy had finished setting up one tent and their focus was trying to set up the other one. Dawn giggled as she looks right at her brother.
“OH MY GOSHIE… I really can’t believe we get to camp out! Isn’t this sooooooo cool and amazing?! We are going to have such a great time together. I packed us some stuff to make plenty of s’mores on top of that I made sure to pack us some ponchos so that we don’t get wet by the rain. This is going to be such a fun time…”
Teddy just shakes his head as he looks back at his sister with an uneasy expression on his face.
“…Right… You call camping outside fun?! You know I don’t do well being outside. I am an inside individual. I need my electronics, I need my computer, hell I could use my king size bed. On top of that bugs and I don’t really agree with one another. Mosquitos shouldn’t be blessed with tasting this sweet blood of mine…”
Dawn rolls her eyes as she shakes her head.
“You are such a dweeb and a punk. Had you let mom and dad enroll you into boy scouts like they put me in girl scouts you would be prepared for moments such as this. Not to mention you are missing the most important thing about being outdoors. Don’t you think it would be a good luck for you to be snuggling up with Michelle around a camp fire?! How about kissing her under some moonlight, or better yet making love in the outdoors in the tent. That could be something unique for the relationship…”
Teddy thinks about it as he forms a slight grin.
“You know I really didn’t about it like that. That definitely sounds doable but they say this is supposed to be the most haunted place on Earth. Aren’t you afraid of all the paranormal activity that might exist out here. So much can happen and it might freak me out…”
Dawn just places her hands on her hips as she looks right up into his eyes.
“There is no such thing as ghosts. On top of that as a woman who idolizes Scrappy Doo and the entirety of the Scooby Doo Franchise monsters, ghosts, and things like that aren’t real. There is no reason to psyche yourself out over nothing. If anything I am looking forward to when Seleana arrives with Crystal. I can’t believe she has this huge prank set up to scare the hell out of her wife. I just wonder if it is going to work on the woman who feels she is wrestling’s final girl?!”
Teddy thinks about it for a few moments as he laughs in return.
“I don’t really know but it does feel fun to pick on Christina a bit. She has always made things about her so trolling her and pulling such a prank seems funny. Seleana coming up with this idea makes it even better. Crystal wouldn’t even see it coming…”
Dawn nods her head.
“I am all for it but I just hope that it doesn’t come across too mean. As much as I love Seleana and I will do whatever or my mentor I really want to know how are you feeling?! It’s been a few weeks since you have been eliminated from the Blast from The Past Tournament and there still hasn’t been any announcement if you are part of the roster or not…”
Teddy just sighs shrugging his shoulders as he really doesn’t know what to say. He looks away from Dawn as he turns his attention over to his girlfriend Michelle who could be seen gathering firewood with her sister Melissa in the distance. He slowly moves his head back over to Dawn.
“To be honest it’s been weighing heavily on my mind since I lost. I really want to showcase I have the ability to be a full time wrestler again. Everything is going perfect in my life right now. I have the support of my daughter, obviously my little sister looks up to me, and I have found love again. Michelle thinks the world of me and I want to showcase how passionate and focused I am when my mind is on something. I can’t show Chavy that I am a weak man that gives up when things don’t come his way. That’s not me…”
Teddy shakes his head as he smiles right at Dawn.
“But that’s my struggle, that isn’t your issue Dawn. I can’t help but be proud of you. I spent my entire life trying to protect you. It started when we were in the orphanage and when we went through the foster care system. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. Little did I know that you were the one that was actually looking out for me. Just look at you Dawn. You decided to step into the world of wrestling and you have been dominating…”
Dawn quickly replies back.
“That’s only because I had an amazing brother to look up to. I know it gets tiring to see you challenge J2H over and over again, and come up short. It’s embarrassing to see a grown man wet himself and it may look like I am laughing at you along with the rest of the world. That isn’t the case at all though. The reality is watching sometimes becomes frustrating not because I think that you are this embarrassment but because I know that there is so much potential within you. You just don’t seem as focus as you should be. You give up too easily and that shouldn’t be the case. I know that you have all of the power to beat J2H just like you have the power to beat a Ben Jordan, a Fenris, or even a Michael Harris. The only thing that can stop you from doing your best is you…
I thought that if I lived my life as a go getter and being an over achiever at everything that you would see how I always strive to do my complete best and for that to rub off on you. Sometimes it just seems like it’s not registering and that disappoints me. I just want to see that brother who protected me when I was young to have that same fire inside of the ring. “
Dawn looks at her brother and Teddy can’t help but embrace her into a big hug.
“Dawn… I didn’t know that’s how you felt about me. Rest assured if things work out and I do get on the roster as a full time superstar you are going to see the best Teddy that you have ever seen. You don’t have to worry about that. What I do want from you is to win the Blast from The Past. Show the world that the Warren family is World Championship material. You came this far. You have worked hard being undefeated. You have poured everything into getting into the Semi-finals you just need to get past Bobbie Dahl and after that you are in the finals. You have the power and the ability. You know what you need to do…”
Dawn nods her head as a grin escapes her hips.
“I will do my…. You know what forget doing my best. For the entire Warren family, I am going to go out there and win. It’s all or nothing, and I am going guarantee my way into the finals.”
“Good… Because if you make it past this round you have officially surpassed me because the Semi’s is as far as I got. I have a great feeling about where you are at Dawn. Just keep your head up and there’s no telling how far you are going to go in this world…”
The Warren siblings just smile at one another and it isn’t long before their significant others the Chavez sisters walk over to the two of them carrying firewood. Melissa drops the wood in a pile as she walks towards Dawn and plants a kiss on her cheek as she smiles at her.
“Here is all of the wood we found my little girl scout. Please tell me this is what you were looking for…”
Dawn gazes at all of it before she smirks in return.
“I am sure it will do. You don’t want me to get too picky because that wouldn’t be pretty and I rather not hurt anybody’s feelings. Any way you look super cute in your hiking shorts and boots. Although I would have recommended wearing some longer pants. The weather isn’t supposed to be that good and pants will at least prevent your legs from getting bitten. It’s better to be protected than to look like some fashion icon…”
Michelle on the other hand is the complete opposite as her long hair is wrapped into a tight ponytail. She pulls out a Swiss Army knife as she cuts up a tarp and places it over the wood. She looks up at the sky as she sees the sky.
“We should really hurry and tarp off the area. I know we have some tents set up but I would prefer if we kept our entire dry.”
It isn’t long before she takes a tarp along with some rope and climbs up into the trees. Teddy looks up at his girlfriend as he places his hands on his hips and shakes.
“I didn’t know you were excellent at climbing at trees…”
She smiles as she ties part of the tarp up in a tree as she looks down at her boyfriend.
“I am used to the outdoors. I am not just proficient in treating wild animals. I know how to survive if push comes to shove. Not to mention the Rose Wrestling Academy taught me to be adaptable to anything. I don’t know what The Wild Cat Wrestling Academy is teaching my sister and your sister but you know I am ready for this. Rain is going to be coming soon so let’s get things in order…”
Dawn is nimble as she proceeds to climb a nearby tree. She is standing within one as she helps placing a tarp over their tent. Michelle and Dawn both work their magic as they use their skills to protect their camp site area. It isn’t long before they both jump out of the tree as they turn their attention to everybody that is on the ground. Dawn smiles as she looks at Michelle.
“We make a great team… I can’t wait until we are sister in laws…. Or should I say DOUBLE SISTER IN LAWS!!!!”
Melissa looks around as she hears the loud sound of thunder.
“Oh EM GEE do you really think this place is as haunted as they say it is… I don’t know how I feel about staying in the most haunted place on Earth. Why can’t we just go to a hotel and stay at a Four Seasons or something?!”
Teddy is just as scared as he runs over to his girlfriend Michelle.
“I mean a good bed sounds good right now… I really don’t want to be outdoors. Not to mention do you know how much of a disaster it will be if this hair gets wet? Black people and their hair getting wet isn’t a pretty sight especially when you are sporting an afro like this…”
Michelle just rolls her eyes as she just hugs her boyfriend in return. Dawn smiles as she looks back at her brother.

“Seriously, it’s just hair… It’s not a big deal. If there’s anybody who should be worried about getting their hair wet it’s me. It’s not like you constantly dye your hair pink or blonde like I do!”

Teddy snaps back.

“And it’s not like you put the amount of products in your hair like I do! There’s the afro sheen, of course when I get it straightened, or even relaxed. There is so much that yours truly can do to this hair. I just think it’s best if we don’t put ourselves in any position to get wet. Not to mention we have to camp out until SUNDAY! That’s ridiculous!”

Dawn smirks.

“Stop being a baby. You need to grow up. This is a great chance for us to try something new. On top of that it seems like Chellz is enjoying it so let’s just go with the flow. I wouldn’t worry about getting wet too much. That is why Chellz and I climbed up in the trees. We set the tarps so that our area would be protected.”

Out of nowhere we can see a flash of lightning hitting the ground about twenty yards away. Melissa grabs unto her fiancée as tightly as she can as she refuses to let her go.


Dawn rolls her eyes as she looks back at her fiancée as she pushes away from her.

“Babe if I told you once, I am going to tell you again. There is no such thing as ghosts, goblins, monsters or any of that. It’s all inside of your head!!!!!!”

Teddy nods his head laughing.

“Yeah.. Melly… You need to relax because there is nothing in this…”

“….howllllllllllllllllllll…. Shoosh!!!!”

Random howling and noises could be heard as Teddy takes us in a hurry.


Teddy sprints right off into the distance as he begins to get soaked and wet from the rain. Melissa nods her head as she runs away screaming out at the top of her lungs.


They both run away in a hurry as the rain begins to overtake them. Dawn stands there dumbfounded as she looks back at Michelle.

“But that was only the wind… Are they really going to be able to go through with this prank on Crystal?!”

“I don’t know… They will return at some point… They won’t go far without their personal belongings under the tent… Why don’t we try to start a fire and warm up. We could probably start a fire on this dry ground…”

With that Dawn and Michelle work their magic as they make the most out of their time outdoors.


This is the Pink Puppy, The Lois Lane of professional wrestling Dawn Warren reporting life from the chilling and scariest place in all of the Earth. I am right here smack dab middle in the Hoia Forest in Romania and on Sunday yours truly will be stepping into the ring at Climax Control with the biggest chance of a lifetime. Calvin Harris and I are going to have to do battle against the team of Bobbie Dahl and Jack Washington. I am going to be completely honest. It feels super cool to be in this position. I only joined SCW back in January and already I am one match away from being in the finals of such an amazing tournament.

If you would have asked me back when I decided to join the Roulette Invitational match that I would be in a position where I could be potentially be wrestling on a major super card in a huge marquee match with the chance to be number one contender for the World Bombshell Championship I would have said that statement sounds completely ridiculous. Nobody could ever believe that a woman who saw herself as a super fan and maybe a ZERO would morph into that of an amazing HERO. That is AWESOMESAUCE! I know I do really well outside of the ring academically and being an over achiever but I didn’t think that it would translate to in ring accomplishments.

Yet somehow and definitely someway here I am and I just need to believe and anything is possible. I thought if anybody would be in this position I thought it would be that of my brother. He is the one who had the aspirations of getting over that hump and he just wanted one more chance at J2H but for some reason his dream faded away. He was knocked out of the tournament early and now it’s up to me to live on with his dream. Part of me knows that J2H will be waiting in the finals of that tournament especially being featured in a team with a woman in Devona who had made it to the finals before. In the same token you have Courtney Pierce who had won this tournament before as well. So whoever emerges from the other side of the bracket is going to be super tough, I am talking end game boss level but honestly it doesn’t matter because the Pink Puppy is ready to evolve into a big dog and I am ready to take a huge bite out of whoever is waiting for me.

I know it would be silly to get lost in the sauce and ponder who could be waiting in the finals when I haven’t even gotten past the finals yet. Make no mistake I am by no means looking past Bobbie Dahl. I know who she is and what she is about. I refuse to overlook her but her and the rest of the world need to understand that I am not just fighting for the sake to fight. I now have an entire family legacy to live up too. I need to take my brother’s dream and make it my very own. I have to get past her just to prove to J2H that the Warrens can overcome him on a big Super Card, big match situation.

That is why winning is everything at this point. It is what I live for and I am not going to let anybody tell me that I don’t have what it takes to get to the finale. I don’t care if I am the smallest woman in this tournament and that Bobbie is a goliath compared to me. The only thing that I know is that I will beat her because it’s the only thing that I got left.

It’s not going to be an easy feat because she is teaming up with Jack Washington. His first mistake is that he is from Philadelphia and that alone makes him an asshole. I am sorry but Philly has one of the worst fan bases in all of sports and they just get me so mad! As a Mets fan I hate the Phillies! Hell I don’t like those Eagles fans, the 76ers just seem like a super team full of trash and Jack Washington is a big prick. I know he doesn’t give a damn what anybody thinks. He just wants to get what he can get and win titles. He is here to win titles. I will give him credit that as an athlete he is good but his attitude just sucks. He’s a multiple time Internet Champion and a multiple time World Champion so that makes him a threat but as much as I should be worried about that. I know that Calvin Harris will do what’s necessary. He’s a good standup guy who will put him in a place. He is also a man who has won multiple World Championships. This tournament is going to put him where he wants to be. So since Calvin is handle business I just need to make sure I own up to what I need to do.

I just need to take care of Bobbie…

How’s it going Bobbie, can I just say it’s a pleasure to meet you?! I have been waiting for this moment for about five years now. Five years I have held a grudge and I have been anticipating for the day that you and I would actually meet one another within a ring. In case you don’t know me or what I am about let me just introduce myself to you so you can understand where I am coming from. My name is Dawn Warren. I am the little sister of Teddy Warren. I am a second generation star and the daughter of Markus Reeves. I really don’t know much of my father but what I can say is that my brother is everything, and five years ago you got all excited because you were preparing for a Roulette Ultimate X match upon the Sun Princess at Summer XXXtreme does that ring a bell?!

No this has nothing to do with you walking around in a bikini or drawing attention in that way but the issue I had is that you had a problem with my sister in law Kate at the time. She was the RIGHTFUL number one contender for the Roulette Championship. She had earned her chance fair and square but somehow she never got her one on one match for the title. She had to share an opportunity she had earned along with a bunch of others. You mocked her for that and you also stated that she never puts any work in.

You constantly talked my brother for being gay as you would put it. You told Kate that she needed some sausage in her life and even went as far to say that there was a chance she could go Vagititarian like Crystal Hilton and her entire family. As I think about it now it hurts me because being trained by Seleana makes me part of that circle.

My brother and Kate may not be together anymore but she is going to be the Maid of Honor at my wedding and my brother is everything to me. It’s really rude for you to come out of your mouth talking about people who are close to me. Besides when I look at Kate I see a woman who has accomplished so much in this company and she is just one title away from being a grand slam champion. I know it can be easy to hate on others for what they accomplished or what they do but what have you really done?!

You have been in SCW for a while now and at one point you were such a sweet girl, you were a nasty girl, sweet I don’t really know. Your biggest claim to fame in being involved in this special woman of substances matches and maybe wearing some bikini on a cruise ship but other than that what have you really accomplished?! As I continue to use my reporting skills and getting the full scoop on what you are the truth is you really haven’t done anything.

If anything I would just consider you that of a part timer at best. Sure when you come around it’s all good and everything but it never lasts for long. Soon as you play your part you disappear and it will be months before we hear from you again. I can say the same thing for J2H, Courtney Pierce or even devona.

As I look at some of the names left in this tournament and every other bombshell left besides me it just seems like the field is filled with a bunch of women who thought they would try their hand at something and leave if it doesn’t pan out. That’s not me at all. I am here for the long haul and it is my goal to take you down to prove that I have what it takes to be the best of the very best. I have what it takes to beat you and if you look further just look at what I have accomplished since being here.

I beat Luna Vanity in my first singles outing. The same woman who was just the Roulette Champion who beat Crystal Caldwell a few weeks ago! On top of that I have submitted the most dominant Roulette Champion of all time in Krystal Wolfe.

I may have lost some matches but I haven’t been pinned or submitted or involved in the final decision. I have yet to be beaten inside of a ring so what makes you think that you have what it takes to stop me when others haven’t. What makes you different than all of the rest?!

You better have a definitive answer for that because the way I see things is what I have managed to accomplish in just my four months of being in this company is a lot more than what you have accomplished in the five months that I have been watching you wrestle, which by the way isn’t much if I can be honest.

I know you are a BIG threat but I am here to inform you that this little Pink Puppy Scrappy Doo of wrestling isn’t afraid of anything. I am here to throw myself right into the heart of the action, and I am looking to beat you by any means necessary. I need to get past you. I need to beat you so that I can go to the finals and become number one contender for the World Championship.

It really is a shame that I didn’t get my hands on Kimberly Pain because as much trash as she was talking about Seleana I definitely wanted to pay her back but you will make a fine exception. So you better be ready Bobbie because it won't be long until you step into the ring with Dawn Warren. I am more than just a pretty face. I am more than my brother’s sister. I am the woman that is going to stamp her ticket to the finals by overcoming you.

I really didn’t want to get into the semi’s on a bye but it is what it is. Injuries in the business happen. As a woman who is one hundred percent I am going to use every single bit of being fresh on you. It’s all or nothing, and only by winning can I be guaranteed a match on the Super Card. I rather not deal with something that’s uncertain. That’s why is necessary to win this match.

It’s time for me to chow down on a Scooby Snack…


LET ME AT EM…. LET ME AT EM…. It’s time to showcase what I am made of. Watch out Bobbie because here I come… See you soon…

Climax Control Archives / All or Nothing
« on: March 31, 2023, 11:54:46 PM »
NRP Sorry for the effort for this one, I been burnt out since late Feb and March with like 7 events tying me up including being in this easter play... Sorry to Luna

Honestly I didn’t expect to hold the Roulette Championship as long as I have.

Match after match it feels great to always put it all on the line and give my complete all every time that I go out to that ring.

I know I am going to be stepping into the ring with Luna soon and she is going to bring me her very best. The end goal is to be in the ring with Kimberly Pain and I plan to give her everything I got to make sure that the two of us are going to be in the ring with one another.

This match with Luna is going to be no exception. I am coming with her with everything I got.

Luna make sure you bring your best because I am going to wrestle you like it’s my last match.

I will see you very soon.

On Camera

So it won’t be long until Georgie and I will step in the ring with one another. Now I am going to be completely honest with all of you. I respect Georgie. I know for a fact that she has all of the ability in the world to win whatever matches she puts her mind too. She is also the same woman that stood face to face and beat Roxi Johnson.

I give you nothing but props on that because you got a job done and did everything that you had set out to do. Now here you are and you have all of the momentum going for you. You will get to step into the ring as you face me for the right to be the Roulette Champion. I am going to give you everything I got because in my eyes this match means so much to me. It means more to me than you could ever possibly fathom.

I know you are great Georgie… I have some amazing friends in London Underground, and they are among some of the best in the very business. I know that woman from the UK can fight and hell I even have a best friend in Kate Steele is who also from London and can bring it.

There is nothing that really tells me that you won’t go out to that ring and give me the fight of a lifetime. However there is one thing pushing me onward to fight like I have never fought before. I know that if I could somehow get through you there is a very strong possibility that I could be fighting at Into The Void against  Kim Pain.

I know there is also a chance that I could be standing in the ring against Seleana, or even her protégé of Dawn warren.

Vargas is also a strong possibility but in my heart I really want it to be Kimberly Pain because I feel it is a match that needs to happen. The two of us are on a collision course and we are locked into a pathway where we really need to face one another.

I will do anything in my power to make sure that is the match that next on the horizon so you better believe I am gunning to make sure that I go right through Georgie…

Georgie you may have gotten past Roxi but on Sunday I will find a way to beat you. I will march my way towards gaining a defense and after that I know that Kimberly will be in my path.

Best of luck Georgie but come Sunday you will see for yourself that my rose will forever and always blossom. See you soon.

It’s Puppy Power time…

Sunday marks my first Super Card as a member of the SCW roster and I am super excited to be competing in such a high profile match. It is going to be really awesome that I am going to walk into this match with a chance to potentially go on to compete for the Roulette Championship.

I am a proud member of the Wild Cat Wrestling Academy and as Seleana’s protégé I know I have a lot to live up too. I need to make her school look to be something awesome and I can’t afford to let her down. I know I am brand new to all of this but I can’t afford to just lose it all now. I have to push onward. I need to push onward.

Wrestling is all I got and as the little sister of Teddy I am going to go out to that ring and give everything I have.

I know I may not win but that doesn’t matter. I am still going to give my very best and I am going to all out until I showcase that I truly deserve to be here.

To the other three in this match best of luck but let it be known it’s Puppy Power time and I am going all out to prove that I am the best woman in this match.

February 27th
Beverly Hills, California

Life had been going really well for the Burning Rose. Granted she had just lost her Splat World Championship along with coming up short in her quest for the TIA World Women’s Championship but everything was working out for the best. One of the biggest and busiest women wrestling stars in the world felt as if she was on top of the road. She was the SCW Roulette Bombshell Champion and now was the number one contender for the FFW Championship. On top of that things in NFW and Zion were starting to pick up. It couldn’t get any better than that. It wouldn’t be that long until Crystal would have to defend her Roulette Championship. However instead of being the selfish individual who was only worried about herself she seemed to have her mind of her newest project the Rose Wrestling Academy. It was her newest wrestling school which was created to rival that of her wife Seleana’s school Wild Cat Wrestling Academy. 

We are in the middle of a training session as Crystal is out working with one of her students. The blue haired vixen is behind the steering wheel of her 2022 Pink Lamborghini Aventador. Sitting down next to her in the passenger’s seat is her best friend Teddy Warren. Teddy smiles as he rolls his hands through his long puffy afro. She cracks a grin as she looks out the window and stares at the slender woman that is standing in front of her car.

“Alright Michelle you ready to go about your training?! If you are going to be MY student we tend to do things to the extreme. I can’t speak for the training wheels that my wife has your sister and Teddy’s sister doing at Wild Cat but at Rose Academy it’s about toughening you up. It’s about showcasing that you won’t quit no matter what, and even when things get too much too handle you persevere anyway…”

Teddy smiles as he pushes his window down and winks at his girlfriend.

“Mi amor I believe in you… Whatever type of training puts you through just remember this is to help me out. You are going to be the best manager that a guy could ever have… Not to mention you are already the woman of my dreams. Te Amo…”

The Mexican born veterinarian just shakes her head as she crosses her arms in return as she stares at the two of them in the car.

“You think I am afraid of a little training?! I stick my head and arms down lions, tigers…”

Teddy quickly chimes in as he smirks in return.

“And bears oh my…”

Chavy just rolls her eyes.

“Ay dios mios…”

“What babe?!”

Teddy smiles in return.

“I was just finishing the statement for you… Nothing but love for you Mami…”

Crystal rolls her eyes as she slowly glances back at the Mexican that is in front of her before she looks back at her best friend in the passenger’s seat.

“Ok… I get it your job has you doing all types of crazy shit. It must be scary to try to work on all of these wild animals of the jungle and not be afraid. However this isn’t a zoo although I know there are some people that I work with that certainly belong in one. The reality is in wrestling whether you like it or not people are going to fight back. People are going to chew on you and they will even go as far to take a shit on you as well. This business isn’t meant for everybody to be nice to one another. Everyone is only out to look out for themselves and you better get adjusted really quickly or else you will get picked apart.”

Crystal slowly turns her attention over to teddy as she smiles.

“You have a huge job. Teddy wants you to make him look good at all costs. That is going to be really hard considering its freaking Teddy. I honestly don’t know what you see in him but if you want to shine and be the best that you can be. Being in my school is the way to go. I respect what Dawn and Melissa are doing with Seleana. They are having a great time and wrestling is made to look fun… That’s not what I am after though. That’s what makes Seleana and me different. She looks to have fun and I look to do whatever it takes to win which is why I tend to be more successful than she is…”

Crystal cracks a wicked grin as she whips her hair back but Michelle actually gives some back talk as she crosses her arms.

“I see which is why when the two of you fought one another in the ring she made you scream I Quit… If I remember correctly she left you in tears and that caused your big temper tantrum…Maybe you should perhaps readjust your philosophy because dealing with a Wild Cat really isn’t that easy…”

Crystal is taken back as she looks at Teddy.

“Your girl got a mouth on her doesn’t she?!”

“I know… Mami is quite the attractive one…She knows how to work with ferocious beasts and can put you in check. That’s just amazing…”

Crystal pouts as she looks back at Michelle.

“Excuse me?! Listen here CHAVY… I will have you know that SELEANA GOT LUCKY… I was off my game and…”

Teddy laughs.

“Says the woman who supposedly turned a new leaf… That sounds like Crystal Hilton in the flesh….”

Crystal forces a grin as she looks back at Michelle.

“What I meant to say is of course Seleana was able to beat me. You know I did train her so there was a chance she was going to surpass me using what I showed her. However we aren’t here to talk about what happened in my career. We are here to focus on what you are doing and the way I see it we need to make sure you are ready to help with Teddy. To push you towards that we are going to go for a jog down Rodeo Drive. I am going to drive this Lambo right behind you. I don’t want to see you stop or try to catch a breath. This is about endurance, building your stamina, and your longevity, are you ready?!”

The woman smiles as she nods her head firmly.


With that Crystal starts the car as she forces her student to start jogging. Zdunich follows closely behind her driving at a speed of 6miles an hour which causes the woman to jog as much as she can with Crystal following behind her. Teddy smirks as he watches the woman’s hips sway from side to side as he enjoys the view of his girlfriend in yoga pants.

“Damn… Man… Damn… How did I get so lucky?! That is definitely quite the sight especially with her wearing those yoga pants. I really can’t believe that I have such a woman in my life…”

Crystal looks at the woman before she smirks at Teddy.

“I am proud of you Teddy. Honestly you came a long way. Two years ago you were really at a loss for words when you got divorced from Kate. I didn’t know what you were going to do with yourself. I didn’t even know if you were going to maintain the will to live. Kate just seemed to be everything to you. You both were married for so long and it all just fell apart.”

Teddy nods his head.

“I know but I guess some stuff just wasn’t meant to last. It really got nasty too and especially when a kid is involved it can only get ugly. I am just happy that everything with Juliet is working out for the best and I am happy that you and Seleana with Aurora have been keeping her mind off of what’s going on personally with Kate and I. it’s helping her function…”

Crystal nods her head.

“Of course I am going to help her out… Juliet is my God Daughter and I take that role very seriously. I know I haven’t been the best role model to anybody or even a mother but I am seriously trying. I feel like just being there for both Aurora and Juliet is giving me a second chance at motherhood. Add in being a grandmother for Isabella and my plate is definitely full… This is my chance to make things right…”

Teddy looks back at Crystal as a smile escapes his lips. He lets out a long deep breath.

“That’s always a good thing and I know Aurora is you’re everything, and Isabella is a beautiful addition to your family. You can’t forget about the daughter and son that you already have though. Brittany and Brayden seem like they are a lot of work and it’s a lot to handle…”

Crystal shrugs her shoulders.

“To be honest I just wish I knew what I was doing with the both of them. I never expected my twins to be at war with one another. Brittany just seems to be on this path where she is trying to emulate how I used to be from all of these years ago, and as far as Brayden is concerned he just wants to protect his wife. Brittany’s war with Brayden has gotten to be very nasty and I hate that I am pulled in the midst of all of it. Deep down I just want them to stop. We are family. We should be solving issues together instead of trying to bring one another down…”

Crystal keeps hitting the acceleration as she watches Michelle jog some more.

“I don’t really feel like talking about my kids though, besides there are other big things going in my direction such as how my GFL team is dominating the rest of the competition. The Brooklyn Brawlers are simply the best team in the league. We might have started out slowly but with me leading the way as a Quarter Back we were bound to be better than everybody else…”

Teddy rolls her eyes.

“You can’t talk up yourself when your kids are trying to rip one another a part. Doesn’t it concern you that Brittany is having seriously issues with your daughter in law Sofia?! That’s not healthy and…”

Crystal yells back at her friend.

“I can’t dictate what my kids are going to do! That’s on them to figure out where they are going to go with their life and what to make of it. The only thing I can focus on is what I am doing and to be honest I feel very nervous.”

“What do you have to be worried about?! You are the Roulette Champion. If I didn’t know any better I would say that life looks good for you. Like you just said you got your GFL career. You got some championships to your career and this is becoming one of the best years in your wrestling career. I can’t see things getting any better than where it is right now…”

Teddy crosses his arms.

“What’s wrong?!”

“You want to know what’s wrong?! I will tell you exactly what’s wrong. It’s this whole thing with Kimberly Pain… I didn’t mean to start shit with Kat Jones family. I love Kat but this whole thing got blown out of proportion because of the temper tantrum that I took out against Chloe. If I could take it all back I would do everything in my power to do so. Now it just doesn’t seem like there is any escape. Kimberly has her sights locked on me and I don’t know if there is any way around her coming after me…What do you think Teddy. You are one of my best friends what do you think would happen if we were to face one another in the ring?!”

Teddy watches his girlfriend give everything she has to jog in front of the car. He nods his head before he turns his eyes over to Crystal.

“As it currently stands if you want me to be honest I don’t think there is any stopping that woman. She is building herself to fight you. You are the only person she wants to fight and it’s become personal. She’s picked apart your wife, and her protégé just to make claims that you are in her vision. She has a killer instinct to her because of what you did to Kat Jones. In your current state you don’t have any chance at beating her. She will beat you and if I can be blunt she is going to embarrass you. I know you feel like you are top of the world. You worked as hard as you possibly could to win your job back. Winning the Roulette Championship was the only way to get a job and that’s respectable but Kimberly is fighting for something else…”

Teddy nods his head firmly.

“She’s fighting for family; she’s fighting for honor, and definitely dedication. You are a woman who doesn’t even have control over her own family. If you can’t manage being a mother to your kids and straightening them out what do you expect to do against a woman who is firmly behind proving a point in honor of family?! You won’t be able to beat that… Not now and not ever…. Only way you could possibly get there is if you switch places with Michelle and do what she is doing…”

Crystal looks at Michelle as she just sighs in return.

“So you really don’t think I have anything of a shot?!”

“Like I said she’s just overly focused on what she needs to do… You aren’t and…”

Crystal nods her head as she parks the car and steps out of the vehicle.

“Thank you…. That’s all I needed to hear…”

“Wait where are you going?!”

Crystal takes this moment to walk away. She doesn’t look back as her mind is obviously focused elsewhere. She would really need to be on her game if she would have a shot at what’s happening in the future.

It looks like Blaze of Glory is finally upon us and I know it won’t be long until I step inside of that ring and have to defend my Roulette Championship. To be honest I am looking forward to this match because I can honestly showcase why I am a great Roulette Champion and go about doing everything in my power to prove why I am among one of the best in the company.

It has honestly been a very long time since I opened a show… I can’t recall the last time I was ever in a position where I had to do as such but to be honest it really doesn’t bother me because it is a humbling experience and when I got rehired by this company I told the entire world that things were going to be different during this go around. I was going to do things with honor and I will do things with excellence.

I love being a wrestler and it is the only thing that is on my mind. It really doesn’t matter where you put me on the card. As long as I have a chance to prove myself and to make the fans happy that’s all that really matters. So now I am in the position to do so.

During the last Super Card I did everything in my power to prove that I deserved to be in this company. I wrestled my heart out and showcased that I love to be a member of the SCW Roster. It was a serious gamble but at the end of the day everything I had worked so hard for had paid off. I had a very good title defense against Jessie Salco under me so I know I can handle anything but this is where the true test in this company comes in.

I get to step into the ring against one of the brightest Bombshells in all of SCW. I will be in the ring standing tall with Georgie Robertson. First and foremost can I just say congratulations on making it to be part of this match! The reason why you are here is because you shocked the entire world. Everybody is calling it a major upset because you went out to that ring and you beat a Hall of Famer in Roxi Johnson. That is unheard and I don’t think anybody was really expecting for you to come out on top. For some reason you did win your match and because of your hard efforts you get to step into the ring and challenge me for the Roulette championship.

Isn’t it your lucky day?! Although if I was you I would be a bit upset because how does Roxi somehow find a way into wrestling in a match after that lost and is now staring down the chance to become a World Bombshell Champion again?!

I am really happy for Roxi because she is one of the very best within the whole company but how does that make you feel Georgie seeing that you just beat her and she is going on to compete for the World Championship?!

If I was in your shoes I know I would be pissed off about the entire thing. Oh well… All that matters is that you now have the right to challenge me to become Roulette Championship.

This is your second chance to challenge for the Roulette Championship so what are you going to do differently that you didn’t manage to do in your first attempt at that title?!

I know you are quite the fighter and are a threat but you need to understand that I have to get past you in order to potentially face Kimberly Pain. She has had her eyes on me for a while now. She has been clamoring to challenge me and the only way that I am going to leave all of this behind me is if I can get past you and eventually her.

So you better brace yourself because I am going to do everything in my power to beat you. It’s all or nothing and I am pulling all out the stops.

Flame On…

Climax Control Archives / Celebration
« on: February 10, 2023, 11:59:34 PM »
January 16th, 2023
Stockton, California

It had been an eventful day the night before but Crystal Zdunich had managed to accomplish everything that she had set her mind on. Not only did she shock the world by showing her face in a company that nobody expected her to show back up in but she also managed to win the Roulette Championship on her first night back. Life was definitely good as the Zdunich couple were racing back to Los Angeles in a fully customized 2023 Pink Corvette. Crystal sat in the passenger’s seat as Seleana sat proudly in the driver’s seat. Crystal won her ECWF World Women’s Championship around her waist, her Splat Multiverse Championship was against a shoulder but in her hands was the SCW Roulette Bombshell Championship. A huge smile escaped her lips as Seleana was going 85 miles per hour with the sun rising behind them. Crystal flicked her hair back as she looked back at her wife.


Seleana smiles as she looks back at her wife. She just shakes her head as she giggles in response.

“I know… You are very excited ja?! Wait until we get back to Hollywood. I have a big celebration party lined up for you. Chloe put the whole thing together. Alexandra and Aurora are both excited. Brittany seems happy and Halo is also keen to celebrate with you. I am proud of you…It’s good to see you smiling again…”

Crystal nods her head as she slowly turns her attention back over to her wife. She nods her head as she looks back at Seleana speeding and flying by random cars.

“Thank you so much… I know I am happy but to be honest I need to thank you for all of this. I don’t know where I would be without having you as my wife. I know I put you through so much Seleana and I am tired of hurting you. I am tired of not being able to express my emotions or to hide who I really am from you. I should never be like that. Being in that hospital after Bella attacked me made me do some serious soul searching, and I don’t ever want to be in that situation ever again. I don’t want people to look down at me for being selfish and that I don’t care about anything…”

Crystal shakes her head as she looks back at her wife.

“Truth is I have always cared about everything. Even when I try to act like I don’t I am very appreciative that you are the one who has stayed the course and been by my side. I don’t deserve you but I am happy that I have you. You are my forever and words can’t express how much you mean to me. I am happy that we get to raise a daughter together…”

“Not just a daughter chickie… Two daughters, a son, and a granddaughter…”

Crystal nods her head back at Seleana as another smile escapes her.

“Exactly, and I am happy that you have made my kids your very own, and I know they respect you and call you mom. I have been in like twelve relationships but yours is the authentic one. I can be myself and you have really brought the best out of me. You have also helped me gain the courage to bring the woman that people don’t see to the surface, and gave me confidence to be that woman in front of the cameras. I love you and I can’t thank you enough…”

Seleana keeps driving as her blonde hair just blows in the wind.

“Estrellita I will always tell you the truth. Life is what you make of it but main important thing is that you always can’t please everybody. As long as you are sincere and are yourself that’s all that matters. Just love those who really love you. To those who hate you, just pray for them. One day they will see that you are sincere. You can’t force it though you just need to let things happen naturally…”

Crystal nods her head as she lets a long sigh in return.

“I know… I feel like people still won’t take me as being real. I know it’s a long way to fix things with Kat Jones. Part of me feels like forcing it because I don’t really have many friends. I gave her that black leather jacket out of love but when I was acting at my worst I didn’t help the situation. She ignored the warnings of everybody else and tried to see beyond what people told her about me. In the end all of them were right… I guess I can’t be trusted…”

“No Star… That’s not true at all. Aurora trusts you with everything. Before that her mom trusted you to raise her as her very own and you didn’t have any problem standing up to her criminal father. On top of that our entire family supports you so that’s all that matters. Now isn’t the time to feel depressed though. You have a lot of reasons to be happy. After all you just won the Roulette Championship so let’s celebrate that shall we?!”

Crystal looks at her championship as she a frown emerges from her face.

“Should we really be celebrating it though, after all I only won this title because Ariana hit me with a super kick and I managed to fall through the door with the title in my hand. That’s how anybody and everybody is going to take me winning this title. It’s not how I wanted things to go…”

“Ja… That may be true but important thing is you have job. You now have more opportunities to showcase that you deserve to be employed and champion…”

Crystal shrugs her shoulders.

“I guess so unless SCW makes an announcement that they will strip me of the championship. Now that I got what I wanted I want to work my ass off to prove that I like being in SCW. I want to wrestle alongside you and be among the best of the very best. That is my one dream and it’s what I want to do more than anything in the world.”

Seleana grins as she keeps her eyes on the road.

“Christina… Just relax. You are already the best of the best. At least that is how me and Aurora view things, and honestly that is all that matters. Now celebrate this win. You are Crystal Hilton! Scream it for the world to hear, give the people something to see. Show them who you are…”

Crystal grins as she looks back at her wife.

“Good point… Although it’s Crystal Zdunich and I am happy being your wife. I think now is the perfect time to showcase that I am a champion!!!!”

“Wait Christina what are you doing?!”

With that Crystal takes her seatbelt off and she stands up. She holds her Roulette Championship proudly in the air which draws the attention of nearby cars. Some of the cars passing her give her a wave while men driving huge tractor trailer trucks sound their alarms proudly. Other cars pass her and we can see men rolling their windows down. Crystal grins as she looks at them and flashes them her boobs. This results in horns sounding loudly as Seleana looks over at Crystal and sighs in return.

“Christina sit down! When I said celebrate I meant when we get back to Los Angeles! It’s a five hour drive to get back home and it is going to look really bad to see a woman of color acting crazy in a flashy car like this. They are going to think we are drunk and…”

Crystal just shakes her head as she cuts her off and proceeds to flash her boobs to her wife.

“Lighten up! It’s all about the fun. Just go with the flow my Swedish Fishy. Besides you watch too much television. We aren’t going to get pulled over by the cops and if we do it’s because you are speeding. It won’t be because of me…”

Seleana swerves into a different lane. She immediately focuses back on the road as she turns her attention to Crystal.

“You can’t do that! I need to focus to drive! Let’s save all of that for when we get home. Once we get there we can have all the fun we want…”

Crystal however isn’t one to listen as she stands up on her chair. She begins to twirl her championship proudly in the air. She spins it around and around which draws the attention of nearby drivers. One driver gets close to the car and that is when Crystal lifts her shirt off and flashes the man behind the wheel.


Crystal raises her title up and she points at it passionately. The man smiles back in return and it isn’t long before she sees red and blue flashing lights from that same vehicle.

“….Fuckkkkk….. It’s an unmarked car Seleana… Drive… Drive…. Get away from them!!!!”

“But I don’t want to go to jail chickie… I am going to pull over…”

Despite what Crystal wants for Seleana to do the blonde pulls the car over. Even though the damage has already been done Crystal decides to put her seatbelt on. She places her hands on the dashboard so that they are in clear view. Crystal looks at her wife as she shakes her head.

“Seleana just put your hands on the steering wheel so they can see them. Don’t make any sudden movements and let me do most of the talking. As long as we do that things are going to be fine. Trust me baby I promise I won’t let anything happen to you…”

A few moments go by and it is at this moment that we can see somebody walking up to the car. They walk towards Crystal’s side of the car and take a long glance at her. Crystal just sighs as she shakes her head in response and quickly speaks.

“Officer just to let you know my hands are on the dashboard. I am NOT making any sudden moments. My wife is innocent and I am sorry for any trouble that I might have caused…”

The officer looks at Crystal as he glares at her with daggers in his eyes.

“Do you have any idea at why I pulled you over?!”

Seleana is very nervous as she has never been in this situation before she looks over at the officer and has tears in her eyes.

“I am so sorry! I tried to get her to stop but she just wanted to have fun. I am sorry policeman. We didn’t mean to break any rules. My wife is just…”

“SELEANA!!! Be cool… Remember what I said…”

She turns her attention over to the officer and smiles.

“I can’t recall officer, please enlighten me. Just give us the ticket so we can be on our way…”

The policeman just shakes his head with an evil grin.

“Oh so you want to be a wise one?! Step out of the vehicle…”

Crystal exits the car and Seleana is all tears as she begins to scream. The officer looks down into Crystal’s eyes as he begins to speak.

“There is so much I have on you. Showing off public indecency, you are a distraction on the road. This vehicle was swerving, and of course speeding. You didn’t have your seatbelt on. There are so many infractions and laws that you broke…”

“…Yes officer… I am sorry… It is all my fault. My wife had nothing to do with this so if you have to punish somebody…”

The officer just keeps his eyes locked on Crystal as a wicked grin escapes his lips.

“But out of all of the crimes you committed the biggest one that you did was being part of the heist of the century. I am a huge fan of yours and last night you walked into Inception and stole the Roulette Championship. It is exciting to see you back on SCW programming and you brought a smile to my little girl’s face…”

Crystal opens her eyes in amazement.

“Wait a minute you are a fan?!”

“Yes… And she is one of the biggest ones… I know you are excited and I am going to let you both off with a warning…”

He grins as multiple police cars pull up beside the Zdunich vehicle. Crystal is confused as she looks at him.

“And what is this all about?!”

“I called some backup. Consider this a motor parade to make sure that you get home safely. California state troopers are going to escort you home. Enjoy your win, I am happy to see you back in SCW, and please don’t ever leave us again…”

With that Crystal smirks as she gets back into the car. She blows a kiss to the cop.

“Don’t worry whatever autograph you want I am going to make sure I give it to you so that you can give it to your little girl. Thank you for being a fan and I won’t ever forget this…”

With this in mind Crystal stands up as she raises her championship high into the air. She looks at her wife as a wicked grin escapes her lips.

“Everything is going to be alright my Swedish Fishy… Please hit the gas…. LOOK OUT WORLD THE NEW ROULETTE CHAMPION HAS ARRIVED!!!!”

The sirens could all be heard going off one after another. Crystal smiles warmly as she spins her championship around in a circle. Seleana hits the acceleration as the police escort lights blink back and forth. It was definitely going to be a great day for the Zdunichs.


I am going to be completely honest with all of you. I have certainly come a long way since I debuted for SCW back in 2015. When I first came to this company I was in a place where I truly hated the woman that glanced at me in the mirror. I was unhappy with myself and I wanted to hide behind a mask. I put on the identity of La Paloma and it was something that I carried when I used to wrestle over in Mexico. I know to everybody it might have seemed like I was doing it for my father. I wanted to bring the tradition of Lucha Libre to SCW and I wanted to live up to his legacy.

As I made my debut in SCW I realized that I wasn’t really doing it to honor him or what I grew up with. I wanted to run away. I was hiding and I was uncomfortable with being Crystal Hilton. I didn’t like that I had left NCW and I had made many enemies on my way out. I guess being allied to one of the most hated women in wrestlers in my best friend Zelda Knite had caused hatred to be aimed at me. I remember being in SCW and having to hear Amy Marshall tell horror stories of how she was happy to be free from Crystal Hilton.

Deep down I wanted to cry on the inside because that wasn’t the image that I wanted to portray. I didn’t want to be remembered for being a bully. I wanted people to look upon me as being a great wrestler but that never seemed to be the focal point when it came to me. I sat under the mask of La Paloma for a few months and I knew that deep down I wanted to have my name back. I wanted to be myself and that’s when I tossed it to the side so that Crystal Hilton could emerge.

Amy hated that I was on this roster but I didn’t care. I just built myself up and I vowed to be the best wrestler that I could possibly be. It was then in one of my very first feuds within SCW that I ran into a woman named Jessie Salco.

Back then Jessie Salco could only look at me as being who she thought was a member of the mean girls. I guess my friendship to Mercedes Vargas had automatically made me part of the group in her eyes but I was never in the group nor did I ever want to be in it. It was part of the notion of how she viewed me and it made me sad because I thought that SCW was going to be the place where I could escape the notions of how people viewed me in the past. We have had that conversation about eight years ago and here we are in the present and the story is still the same.

I know that the entire world wants to point the finger at me to push this narrative that I am this Bitch, and I will be honest I can admit that I did act in that way. I acted in that way because I felt that it gave me power. I felt like it was the only way to get respect, and if people couldn’t love me for who I was I didn’t mind hiding behind a character.

Obviously with my actress background I could always portray the role of anybody that I had put my mind of. I shocked the world when I beat Natalie McKinley and I became the Roulette Champion. I defended my title against those who I felt weren’t in my league and I gained a level of cockiness. I felt untouchable and I never saw myself coming down from that high I was riding. Little did I know that it would all come crashing down when Keira decided to cash a contract on me!

Not only did she beat me but she managed to take the Roulette Championship from my grasp. With that one lost I was no longer relevant and had to subject myself to losing to women like Melanie Gabrielle, Lucy Seraphina and so many others. It took me a while to pick myself out of that funk but eventually I did so and we know how things picked up from there.

5 World Championships later which I might add I am the ONLY one to ever accomplish that in this company. I unified the Internet Championship with the World Championship, and I even have a Blast From The Past win under my belt. My career has gone in an amazing direction and it has all blossomed into being a Hall of Famer. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

I have done it all and now eight years later here I am as the Roulette Champion.

A lot of stuff is running through my head. I could be upset because here I am as the entry level champion, and I know people are probably expecting for me to just get into the notion that I feel I am above a championship but to be honest I don’t feel like that at all. I was without a job… I was fired not because of what I did wrong but because of what I didn’t do.

I didn’t put in the effort that everybody has been accustomed to seeing from me and I know quite often it had felt like I was a waste of a roster space. Bella might have decimated me inside of a wrestling ring but to be quite honest my career had been long dead before that. It was dead because I didn’t care anymore. I had no passion and something was lacking.

It was in that hospital when I finally realized what was important to me. I love my family, I love my wife, but most of all I love wrestling. When it was taken away from me I lost control of myself. I could only think of trying to do everything in my power to get it back. That invitational match presented me with my one way ticket in and I took advantage of the situation.

Everything paid off and I am happy to have a job again. I know people will look at me and try to question how I won the match and that I got lucky. They might call me a fake champion but I have now come to the realization that words never mattered. What does matter is what one does in the ring and your actions speak volumes.

My actions show that I want to be here and I won’t let anybody tell me any differently. So now that brings me to this match and it seems like I will be in the main event on Climax Control against Jessie Salco with the winner going on to face Georgie Robertson. A lot is at stake here but before anybody can even look at Blaze of Glory I have to look at the current situation.

How is it going Jessie?! It seems like things have come full circle and I now have to step into the ring against you. I want to give you some credit before beating my sister-in law Eavan Maloney was no easy task. She is one of the toughest women I know and you ended up beating her. Congratulations on that. I respect you a lot because I know you are one of the pioneers who have put your entire all into SCW.

I am happy that you have finally got into the Hall of Fame because you have had quite the successful career. You have been a big pioneer of the Roulette division, and you have also had a great tag team run with Amy Marshall. Nobody will ever argue about what you bring to the table.

However this is my issue with you Jessie. You are quick to jump on the band wagon when people start talking me down you want to talk me down. You want to act all buddy, buddy with Eavan when she was saying bad things about me. You then feel you want to add your two cents in that I am fake, and that nobody will believe that I am for real or what have you.

I thought you would be in a place where you would actually formulate your own thoughts but I see that things haven’t changed in eight years. Back then you were lashing out at me for being a Mean Girl and now you are just following the crowd in trying to talk me down. In your eyes I might be the worst person in the world but maybe that is your biggest issue.

You spend too much time trying to be a follower or trying to be in a position to have wishful in thinking that good things are going to happen. Everybody in the world has sins and it’s quite foolish for you to look at the dirt in my eyes when you have a plank in your own. You constantly bring up bad stuff that I did to Seleana…

Yes I did turn my back on Seleana like four to five years ago and since then I moved on from that, but you want to rehash that shit over and over again like that’s been my biggest sin within the last year.

Hell Despy’s dad even said I cost his son a chance at winning the Blast at the Past tournament which is more relevant. I did throw a big temper tantrum when I lost to my own wife and thus I hurt Chloe in the process. I done some messed up stuff and I won’t run away from what I did. I will own that shit because it’s part of character growth and it’s who I am.

You however are stuck like a mouse in a maze and you keep running in the same path over and over again. You done some messed up stuff as well. You are the same woman who betrayed one of your closest friends and stable mates in Kate Steele because you couldn’t compete for a championship. Did you forget that?!

Or how about the fact that you were banned from competing in championship matches for a long time so you tried to find loop holes in order to be a champion. You were happy when Honor merged with SCW because that meant you got to keep your title and that put a smile on your face.

I used loopholes as well and when Christian fired me I did wrestle under Rosa Ardiente. It wasn’t because I wanted a title or anything to do with it. I just wanted to keep my job because I love being in this company so much. I was willing to do whatever it took to be in this company.

So when I walked into that invitational match and I fell through the door, as much as I don’t really like how it went down I can’t help but be ecstatic. It’s not because I am champion but it’s for the mere purpose that I have my job and I have my livelihood back.

You haven’t experienced that pain so before you sit on your high horse and try to talk me down. Why don’t you refocus and actually look at things from another angle. Jessie you are a very talented woman. Hell on multiple occasions you have managed to beat me and I will say that you have had my number. I won’t deny that.

However what you haven’t done is when it mattered the most and when a championship was on the line you have never beaten me. I have always been the favorite in situations like this and you don’t come close to what I bring to the table.

Besides here I am eight years removed from when I debut in this company and I am happy to be the Roulette Champion. You on the other hand are here because this is ALL you have got going for you. You are a woman who is content with being the gatekeeper in SCW. You are the one that people need to go through in order to prove that they can make it in this company.

However when people look at me they acknowledge me as being the absolute standard. I am the main event measuring stick and I am the one that people are chasing after. Do you understand how important it is being a five time World Champion?!

Oh… I forgot… YOU WOULDN’T KNOW because you have NEVER built yourself up into being that. You were practically here from when this place came to fruition and during all of that time you couldn’t win one World Championship?!

Misty, Vixen, Roxi, Electra Styles, myself, Mikah, Melody Grace, Alicia Lukas, and Amber Ryan.

The list goes on and on with so many great people that have held that title and yet your name isn’t mentioned on any of the lists. It’s a damn shame really because all that means is that you really aren’t as good as you might think yourself to be. Hell even Mercedes Vargas was a World Champion and she happens to be a woman that everybody makes fun of all of the time but she can at least say she has accomplish her biggest of dreams.

You can’t say the same thing.

You are a hypocrite Jessie and the world doesn’t revolve around you. It doesn’t and it never did. Your biggest wins happened in the Chamber of Extreme matches. You beat me before and you even beat a lot of other women who are legit Hall of Famers.

What’s the point of those wins when you beat somebody at the end of their career or when they don’t care anymore?!

It’s like you are just Floyd Mayweather… You spend all of that time ducking real challenges and real fights, and when people really don’t care anymore or when opponents seem like they are regressing that is when you are quick to want to look for a challenge.

It’s pathetic and I thought you were better than that. In my eight years of being in this company I have definitely been through some shit. I have won so many World Championships, I practically had about eight or so name changes and I have tried my best to be successful. I have definitely been through a lot and have been in the main event of a High Stakes or two, or hell maybe even three.

How many times can you honestly say you have been in the main event of a Super Card?! How many times can you say that you have been the focal point of the entire division or even the entire company?!

While you are sitting there to contemplate an answer I can say with all of my heart that I have been that Bitch. I have been in that position multiple times and it is something that I can say that it is bound to happen more times than often within a given year.

That has always been me and it will always be me. I am the Roulette Champion and I am going to defend that title with everything that is beating inside of me.

For you the title is just another trinket… It’s your way to showcase you are this bad ass metal chick who can rock out and what have you. However for me being the champion is the way that I am able to keep my job. There is no telling that Christian and Mark might try to fire me as soon as I drop the belt. I don’t ever want to be in a position where I can’t wrestle for SCW ever again. It would hurt me in so many ways and I don’t want to do that to my fans.

The SCW fan base has started to build their trust in me and I can’t afford to lose their faith. They love me and I love them so much. I will go out to that ring and give them the entire world plus more. This is my second run with the Roulette Champion and this is my chance to prove that I am a fighting champion.

I want to showcase why I am SCW’s workhorse and this is my clear cut way to prove that I am worthy of being a woman who gives a shit about what she is doing.

I could try to be like you and live in the past Jessie. I can harp on shit that is old and things that might not be relevant anymore but left isn’t about what happened yesterday. It’s about looking towards tomorrow, and it’s about what the present holds.

I always felt I was too good to be in the Roulette division again. However I am reminded of what Sam Marlowe put into this division. I thought she was crazy for never wanting to move her way back up to the World division again but this division of Roulette rules aren’t for the weak of heart.

It’s for women who are workhorses and for women who live their life trying to be unpredictable and ready for anything. I want to be that woman. I don’t want the same old, same old. At Climax Control I will be the best Roulette Champion I possibly can be.

I will beat you Jessie and I will go on to make a new legacy for myself. Best of luck Jessie but on Sunday you will see that this Rose will always blossom.

I am the burning rose… FLAME ON…. IT’S SHOW TIME.

Los Angeles, California
Dave and Busters
January 9th

It was an eventful Monday for Crystal Caldwell. The blue haired had taken her twelve year old daughter to Dave and Busters for a play date with her best friend Juliet Steele-Warren. Crystal sat at a table as she smiled at the two pre-teen girls.

“Alright girls listen up. I want you two to have fun tonight. Feel free to do whatever you wish but most importantly just have fun. I am giving you each a game card worth $100. If you need me I will be sitting in at this both watching the Monday Night LFL game”

 Aurora smirks as she walks over and gives her mother a tight passionate hug.

“Thank you so much mom! This is super amazing! Julie and I are going to play so many games tonight!”

The brunette girl smirks in return as she looks at Crystal.

“Auntie C you are totes the best. We are going to rock out tonight!”

Crystal smirks as she keeps her eyes on both girls.

“Just make sure you two stay together, and when you are ready to get some food just come back to the table and I will take care of you…”

With that the two girls run away into the arcade as Crystal just sits at the table by herself. A few moments go by and a purple haired beauty walks offering to the booth and hugs Crystal. That woman is none other than Diamond Steele. The English beauty sits across from Crystal as the two women smile at each other.

“Hey Crystal… My daughter hasn’t been acting up has she?!”

“No not at all, she is actually in the arcade playing games with Aurora so that leaves us some time to relax and really catch up on life. I feel like we really haven’t communicated with one another in a very long time. How has life been and what’s going on in your life?!”

Diamond thinks about it for a few moments as she just shakes her head and looks at her surroundings.

“Mind if I get a drink first?! Lord knows I have so many things to get off of my chest…”

Diamond calls the waiter over and puts her food and drink order in. Crystal orders a non-alcoholic drink along with some food as the two look at each other. Crystal is all smiles as she never takes her eyes off of Diamond at all. The purple haired beauty shrugs her shoulders as she seems befuddled.

“What’s going on Crystal, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face or did I do something…”

“No… I just can’t take in being in the company of a good friend? Just let me admire a strong woman and have fun. Isn’t this the life?! Two hard working mothers just enjoying dinner together as their kids run off and play with one another?!”

Kate is uneasy as she keeps her eyes locked on her.

“You still haven’t answered what’s going on. I know our LFL games didn’t really go all that well yesterday. I lost my game and you threw a pick or should I say PICKKKKKKKK… Our QB rating was terrible and I know for a fact that we can do so much better than how we played…”

Crystal shrugs her shoulders.

“Maybe but at least tonight Santa Fe is playing which means we can see if my daughter can do any better. I know she is going to have a great game. She is probably the best wide receiver in the whole league…”

“Crystal I don’t know what’s up with all of this small talk but what is happening with you. You told me that you wanted Aurora and Juliet to spend time together so that the two of us could get a chance to talk. I let Juliet play with Aurora but you haven’t said anything. What did you want?! I know it’s not to talk about life and watch your daughter play football on television…”

Crystal finally grins as she looks right into Diamond’s eyes.

“You are exactly right. I just want you to know that life is too short Kate. Honestly I have been wrestling in this business for a very long time and I don’t have any true close relationships to show for it. Sure I might have Stephanie but she has always been my ride or die since we grew up in Detroit. There are so many people out there that I think tolerate me or are more of acquaintances because of the way I have conducted myself over the years. I don’t have anybody that I can honestly call a true friend and I see you as such. I know we both went through our share of problems. I hardly talk to Zelda Knite anymore…”

“Yeah…” Is all Kate can say as she sighs and replies back to her. “And I don’t really talk to Misty Whitmore anymore…Nor Skye Sparks or hell anybody that was in the original adaptation of the Pink Ladies. It’s hard to really find friends. I know I joined the Queens of Wrestling and that in itself is a huge brand and collective of individuals but nothing to really call my own if you feel me…What are you trying to get at?!”

Crystal takes a sip of her Shirley Temple as she continues to pour her heart.

“What I am trying to get it is that with so many people disappearing in my life you have been the one constant in it. You have been the one who really hasn’t said anything bad about me. You didn’t make fun of me for being in love with multiple people. You have been right there when I needed you. You have been there for Seleana and words cannot express how I feel about you as a friend. I know I wasn’t the nicest of people when I first met you while being married to Todd…”

Kate chuckles.

“That’s not even the right statement. You were the biggest witch in the world. I thought you were completely evil and I thought you were stuck up. Granted I was only Teddy’s girlfriend at the time but I thought you were one of those girls that I loathed back in high school. I didn’t want anything to do with you…”

Crystal nods her head smiling some more.

“Yeah… I dealt with a lot of confidence issues and i acted like that to throw my weight around. The truth is that was never really me. That was who I perceived to be in order for me to get some respect. I felt it was the only way I could get respect. Anyway watching you over the years has really inspired me. You are everything that I always wished I could be. You are a woman who didn’t have to hide behind a fake personality or an act. You were always yourself. You told everybody on day one that you were a chameleon and didn’t care when people called you out on it. I wish that I had that level of confidence. It has always been my downfall. I wish that I could stand tall and really like the person that I am and not have a care in the world about what everybody else thinks…”

“Crystal you are special! I didn’t just become like this overnight. I was bullied to no end by my sister Samara and overtime I guess I started to take a stand for myself. You have that in you as well. You just need to ignore on what everybody says to you and just believe in what you think, or what your inner circle thinks. They are the only ones that matter. You don’t have to have this big circle. I know it is probably hard for you to see all of these other people with huge networks of people… That’s nice and all but I rather focus on having that one solid friend who will be there through the thick and thin…”

Crystal keeps her eyes on Diamond as she nods her head at her.

“Exactly and that’s how I feel as well. That is the entire reason of us meeting here tonight. I wanted to tell you that in my eyes you are that person. You are my best friend and over these past two years we have gone super close. I was there for you when you were going through your divorce with Teddy. On top of that our daughters love bonding with each other so much. They are best friends and I can’t see why the two of us can’t be best friends as well… As a matter of fact, adopting Aurora this past year has been exceptional special for me, me becoming a Grand Mother is also special as well. I never expected to have a second chance at motherhood after how terrible of a job I did the first time with Brayden and Brittany. Yet here I am blessed with the opportunity to do such…”

“And regardless on what you think, I think you are killing it C. Don’t let anybody ever tell you any differently. “

“Thank you Kate. I am trying my best. Seleana and I love Aurora and being able to actually be mature enough to raise another human being is full of challenges. Seleana and I did some talking and we realized that Aurora doesn’t really have a Godparent. I…We… Sorry I have to get used to being less selfish and realizing that Seleana and I are in this together. We both love what you do for our little girl and it is our honor to ask if you would be her Godmother. In the event that anything happened to either of us would you stand in the gap and raise our little girl…”

Diamond lets a few tears roll down her cheek as she keeps her focus on Crystal.

“Crystal… I would be honoured to serve in that well. Your little girl is an angel and I will always be there for you. If there is anything you need you know you can count on me. That’s not even a question. I will be there and I got your back.”

Crystal has a few tears running down her cheek as she grabs a napkin to wipe them.

“Thank you Kate. You have no idea how much all of that means to me…”

Kate just keeps her eyes on her friend as a smile escapes her lips.

“Don’t mention it. We are friends to the very end. However since we are in the habit of asking questions there are some things I want to ask you as well. First and foremost my band is need of a keyboard player. I know that is one of your strengths. I want to offer you being the permanent keyboard player for the Gem Stones. It wouldn’t be that hard to come up with a Gem name for you considering you are already a Crystal. What do you say?!”

“You already know the answer to that question… Consider me a member of the Gem Stones although going to say weird that I am the only non Brit in the group but it is what it is right?! Don’t expect me to move into Gem Stone manor…”

“I wasn’t expecting you to do so. I know the girls are going to love that you are part of the group! On a more serious note there is something that has been bothering me though. Why did you decide to enter into this invitational Roulette Championship match?! Why would you step foot inside of a company that humiliated you on television?! A company that made you out to be a joke! You poured so much of yourself into SCW. You gave them everything for about eight long years and they tarnish your legacy but allowing Bella do what she did to you. They even made a joke of her driving you to the hospital, and they fired you on top of all of that…. How could you return after all of that…”

Crystal thinks about it for a moment before she replies back to Kate.

“The reason that I can return is because it’s the only thing that I can do. This isn’t about redemption… I know people probably heard that term over and over but I just want a chance to really showcase who I am as a person. I been in SCW for a long time but I don’t want the narrative to be that Crystal was super evil, Crystal was compulsive, Crystal was this or that Crystal was that. It’s crazy that it took me eight years to figure this out but in the end I just want a chance to be myself. I know some might say I am the above the Roulette Championship but I want to shove those in management that I truly want to be there. I want to be humble and there’s no better spot to showcase that then by starting at the very bottom. Working my way up the card and not expecting things to be handed to me would be a change…”

Diamond just takes it all in as she speaks some more.

“I can respect that but what about what Cindy did to you a few months ago. Hell even before that you saw how Christian tried to make you work as a vendor and he tried to humiliate you. I don’t know how you could really go back to somewhere that tried to make you do things that are beneath you…”

“Look Kate we all have to start somewhere, and I don’t want to hold onto to the glory that back in 2011 I was this and I was that. Eleven years ago I was this absolute Bitch who was only 24 years. I didn’t think my shit stunk and I held onto being the best women’s wrestler accolade for over a decade. It’s time to grow up. It’s time to showcase less talk and being more about it. If SCW doesn’t want to give me the chance to really showcase what I can do so be it but you best believe they will know who I am at Inception. They will respect me when I escape with that title and wave it proudly above my head. It’s all or nothing girl and I am going all in to come out victorious. Life isn’t about clinging onto the best or even worrying about tomorrow. It’s about the present. People only care about what’s in front of them and I have to show them that I am that rose will always blossom…”

Crystal pauses as she continues to speak.

“On top of that I have Aurora looking at me, I have Brayden and I have Brittany. Each of them are looking at their mother to see what her next move is. I have my 18 month old granddaughter who sees the entire world in me and Lord knows I will do anything for Isabella. I have established a great legacy but it’s time to really make that legacy mean something. I hate to say it but in the words of my ex-husband perhaps it’s time to go out there and MEAN BUSINESS. I AM READY FOR PRIME TIME. I AM READY TO GET BIG!”

“If that’s how you feel I can only support you but I just want you to watch your back. You never know what SCW might try to pull especially considering it’s you in that ring. I just want you to get a fair shake and I just have a feeling that even if things seem to be going well in the very end something won’t pan out for you. You will get screwed and you won’t get what you are looking for out of the matter…”

Crystal smirks as she keeps her eyes locked on Diamond.

“Kate you don’t have to worry about me because I will hold my own. You can rest assure on that much. I am going to give everything I have plus more. I just have to take things step by step. If I have faith in what I am going to do I am going to do it. It’s as simple as that. No matter how heavily the deck might be stacked against me. It’s all or nothing. There is no wishful thinking so I have no choice but to win. I know it’s tough but I have been in tougher situations and I have always found a way to persevere…”

Diamond offers a fist bump as a smile escapes her lips.

“Good…Well if this is the attitude you are going to have you might as well go out there and win the thing. It may not mean much but your best friend believes in you, and I can say that YOUR Goddaughter Juliet believes in you as well. So go do what you do best…”

“Wait a minute I am not Juliet’s Godmother…”

“You are now… When I adopted her, Teddy and I never really gave her Godparents so it looks like you are going to serve int hat role as well. Just go win baby…”

“Thank you Kate… I appreciate you for being an amazing friend…”

“Don’t mention it. You know what you need to do… Now if you don’t mind why don’t we pay attention to the television, it looks like your daughter already has three catches in this game…”

Crystal’s eyes light up as she turns her attention to the television. It is on the smiles of both of these women that we fade out on.

January 12th
Golden Ring Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada

It had been months since Crystal Caldwell had shown up to her job at the Golden Ring Casino but finally after the humiliation of what went down on SCW television among other things the Special Events Coordinator was back at the casino. She positioned herself in her office and she started scribbling some stuff on her dry erase board. She wrote down name after name and started to circle them before linking certain ones together. She continued to write even more stuff and hours had passed by as it had grown to be a full blown link chart that you would find a detective writing in a police station. She went to the adjacent wall which was also dry erase friendly and she started to write the words HEIST of the CENTURY in big bold letters. She wrote the word Roulette underneath it and started to draw arrows that trailed off into various different directions. She was really involved in what she was doing and it wasn’t long until there was a knock on her door followed by the door being pushed open. Walking into the office was Mackenzie and Charlotte of London Underground. Charlotte was friendly as she looked at Crystal was a smile.

“Long time no see Crystal. You know the staff room has been really quiet without you being here. I guess at the end of the day we all missed you being here. How are you feeling…”

Crystal however is in a trance as she continues to write more names on the board and Mackenzie walks over and glares at the board. She looks at all of the names and reads them out loud.

“Ariana, Krystal, Zoey, Seleana, Mackenzie….”

Mackenzie is befuddled is she crosses her arms together.

“What is the meaning of this board and why does my name have a question mark on it?!”

Crystal finally snaps out of her trance as she turns her attention over to the two Brits.

“Oh my bad ladies, I guess I was in my own little world. I was actually just making my little link chart to dissect what this Roulette match might look like. Sometimes I secretly like to come to my office and let Catalina Garcia take over. When I get into her mind set I can’t help but scribble a bunch of things and formulate so many different ideas.”

Mackenzie and Charlotte both look at one another as they shrug their shoulders in return. Mackenzie is the one who replies though.

“Right… Who is Catalina Garcia?!

Crystal smiles.

“Carmen Martinez code name Catalina Garcia is one of the youngest and brightest students to have graduated from Quantico... As an FBI agent her job is to go undercover as a woman posing as a strong force within the Mexican Cartel. Undercover alias is Catalina Garcia AKA Cat The Gat. She is known as Cat the Girl and was top marksmen of her Quantico class… In order words it was a character I played on that wrestling television show called the Firm…”

Mackenzie rolls her eyes.

“Bloody hell the girl has gone bonkers but I think we knew that already...Are you being bat shit crazy?!”

“Actually no…Sometimes I just like to LARP and right now it’s helping me think of ways on how I can deal with this upcoming Roulette Championship match. I have put all the subjects of interest on one board. This is where my inner Carmen is coming to play but on the other side I am embracing my inner Catalina. I am trying to come up with ideas on how to commit the heist of the century. I have to leave with the Roulette Championship and it is my goal to do so no matter the cost. I know there are risks that will be involved and looking at all of the targets you have become a huge question mark.”

Mackenzie raises her eyes in return.

“Why is that?!”

Crystal nods her head.

“It’s simple. I honestly don’t know if I can trust you or not. I came up with this huge hypothetical in my head. What if on the night of the event both Christian and Mark are so wrapped up in being disgusted over me that they place a bounty on my head for whoever takes me out?! They can even put a bigger bounty on me for making sure that I don’t leave with the title. Me leaving with the title is the worst nightmare come to life. So I need to ask you something Kenzie when push comes to shove what are you going to do when we stand face to face in the middle of that ring especially if the thought of a potential bounty may be at play. Are you going to out of your way to hurt me?!”

Mackenzie thinks about it as a smile escapes her lips.

“Do you want me to honestly answer that question because if you do let it be known that you and I are on opposing sides of the ring in that match, you do realize I am trying to win that match as well right?!”

“I know that but I also know that we are friends and we are also co-workers at the casino here. What would you do if you come face to face with that situation? I won’t get offended if you tell me the answer that I don’t want to hear. I just want to know so I can plan according. I rather not be taken off guard or stabbed in the back…”

“Look the match is every bombshell for themselves out there. At the end of the day I am looking to become champion. If management did put a bounty on you let’s just say that I might be inclined to take them up on that offer. We might be friends but business is business Crystal. Surely you do understand that however I might be able to get bought out if the price is right. Even so paying me double what they might offer won’t necessarily cause me to stop trying to win the match but I would be more inclined to worry about wrestling the match for the sake of winning and not trying to fulfill some other motive. Depending on what you offer I might even give you an answer right now…”

Crystal smiles before she walks over to the board and raises the question mark that is next to Mackenzie’s name. A smile escapes her lips as she looks deeply into the Brit’s eyes.

“It’s great to know where your motive lays Mackenzie. Thank you for being honest with me. I am not going to pay you because that is absurd. I know now that I cannot trust you in that match and I am fully okay with that. The only person I can really depend on as soon as the bell rings is myself and to be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way…”

Mackenzie looks at Crystal with a grin.

“Good… No hard feelings then. It’s only business. If you are afraid that I might put you back into the same state that Bella left you in you don’t have to worry about that. I just want to win…I respect that you can at least appreciate that…”

“Oh I do respect that Mackenzie. Besides I wouldn’t want you to hold back in that ring. I cherish the friendship that I have with the both of you. You both have done things for me that I will never forget but as soon as the bell sounds I know that in those moments we aren’t friends. We are both competitors who are going to be chasing after the same thing. I know it’s going to come down who wants it the most between the both of us and I have a feeling it’s going to me…”

Mackenzie grins.

“If you say so Christina… Just keep your head on your shoulders. Promise that you will show up and give me a good fight. It’s not fun if I can’t beat you when you aren’t at your best or you are putting up a half ass effort…As long as you show up like you want to be there. I respect whatever you plan to do…”

“Don’t you worry… I will show up and I am going to leave with a lot more than I came with. I will have my pride… I will have the Roulette Championship, but most importantly I am going to leave with a job…”

Mackenzie raises her eyes in return.

“Oh and is that a fact?!”

Crystal chuckles.

“Yep, it is one huge promise and I plan to cash in on those promises. I know so many people think so many different things of me but come Sunday people will see me in a new light. They will see how much I truly have, and will be introduced to why I refuse to stop chasing my dreams. Bella couldn’t keep them down and Lord knows humiliation from the owners won’t. That’s my ring and I will show you along with the rest of the world why I can’t be forced out of something I love so much…”

Mackenzie stands face to face with Christina. They both lock eyes with one another as Mackenzie offers a handshake.

“Good… Welcome back to the casino Christina. It’s good to see you and I wish you the best…”

“Same best of luck to you, and may the best woman win…”

With that Mackenzie and Charlotte both leave as Christina focuses on her board again and we leave on that image.

So this is the moment that everybody has been waiting for. Inception in Stockton California is going to be live this Sunday and there are so many great matches on the card. I know for a fact the one match that everybody will have their eyes on is going to be the ladder match because anything will happen. The moment that the match was announced I know the entire world was thinking about all of the possibilities of what might go down. Who might show up to SCW? Will there be any big names involved? Who from outside of the company will make the jump to perhaps try the hand at one of the most stable, most efficient wrestling on the entire planet. Honestly it is crazy to think that SCW has never missed a beat. It always airs live and that is a testament to how great of a company it is.
You could have thrown any name in the entire world to enter this bombshell invitational but never in a million years would anyone have ever guessed that yours truly would show her face again after everything that I have endured. I have heard the masses talking and it all seems to be within the same realm of perspective with me entering this match.
Oh look Crystal is weaseling her way into this match!
Oh look Crystal is trying to make this all about her again!
Oh God she was fired and now she is trying to force us to endure her bullshit again!
Oh I thought we got rid of crazy!
Oh here we go with another redemption story!
No matter how you look at the situation things seem to start sounding the same and they all blend together. Truth be told nobody really knows my motives for doing so and I can tell you it has nothing to do with any of these narratives. As a matter of fact, I spent all of last year purposely trying to force myself down everybody’s throats and it wasn’t because I was this egotistical bitch. No I did so because simply because I didn’t want to be forgotten. I wanted and craved the spotlight so I wouldn’t be forgotten. I didn’t want things to pass me by. I could sit here and make all of the excuses in the world for what I did and for the way I acted but at the end of the day I am accepting full responsibility for my actions. It’s all on me and I accept it. My actions caused the aftermath of went happened and I can live with it. If I was to stand here and claim redemption I would be here trying to deny what went down, how it wasn’t me and I need to erase what you saw.
That’s not what I am trying to pull. Besides my daughter Aurora already shattered that most hated trophy and she did it for the simple fact that she told me that wasn’t me. She wants me to bring who I am behind closed doors to SCW and that is what I want to do. I just want to be authentic, vulnerable, and let the world see the woman behind the acting and the Hollywood nonsense. I just want to be me.
That’s my story and if you want to accept it or not that’s all on you but for me I am going to focus on what I need to get down and that’s walk out there to that ring and win. The Roulette Championship means a lot to me because it will be a chance for me to be humble. If I win it I could get a second chance at working my way up from the ground up so that I can fine tune my skills against the best of the best up and comers, but with how much the title is defended it would really keep me on my toes so that I would be forced to show up day after day. It’s the epitome of the first step and that’s how I want to start my second journey within SCW.
Besides I know people necessarily don’t really care about me but the truth is the SCW world NEEDS me. This Roulette match could be life changing and I know I am one of the people who truly understand that. Hell winning this match may be my ONLY way of showing management that I belong in this company and it may be my only ticket to get my job back.
I am going to be all in with this match. I am going to promote the hell out of this match because I CARE. You can say whatever you want but one thing that I have always done for the majority of my career has been a woman who has been a talked about star. I brought hype into this company, I brought over promotion to the company, I even entered tournaments outside of the company representing SCW which in turn brings an eye to SCW because I LOVE IT HERE. Yet here we are in the middle of a huge title match and you have two people on your roster that are listed to BE IN THIS MATCH and they couldn’t even be bothered to promote this match last week.
Shouldn’t that speak volumes for what I intend to bring to the table?! It wasn’t that long ago when Zoey Lukas was complaining about being forgotten after being in a heated battle with Tempest. She suffers her first singles lost and now she can really get back on track. For a woman that is an absolute monster you would think she would mention that she plans to destroy everyone. Hell even as a Lukas she wants to live up to a name with a bunch of scoffs on how she is so great hear me roar and whatever comes out of her mouth. Do we get that though? No because it just looks like she isn’t interested.
The same goes for Bella Madison this is a woman who has failed to become an Internet Champion. A woman who hasn’t won any singles championships in SCW. She gets the huge momentum boost because she beat, no she demolished me in a match to the point my career is threatened. She did all of that to me and what does she do with it?! Absolutely nothing… As a matter of fact, she could even have gone as far to say that she could finally get rid of me once and for all. She was telling me to constantly go away and to stay away.
Here I am officially entered into this match and has she said anything about this match or me being in it?! No… The only thing on her mind was seeing the new wave of signings to the bombshell roster gave her the sense of relief that perhaps she could walk away.
Are we being serious right now?! These are the people that are ACTUALLY on the roster that WORK for the company. If they have attitudes like that it just shows that the bombshell division needs some help. On paper it looks like this might be a ploy to keep Ariana on her toes but in reality it’s a desperate cry that SCW needs women that actually care and that’s what you are going to get with me.
I know this match is going to be one of the toughest things that I will have taken part of and I know the Go Gym graduate is as tough as they come. Ariana you go out there and you be that fighting champion. To be honest our paths really didn’t cross but I want you to enter that ring with the intention of doing everything you can to keep the title around your waist. Bring all of your energy and don’t get discourage by what Christian says to you. If anything you should use him trying to gain one over you as motivation for you to achieve in spite of him.
Angels always find a way to soar to new heights and you are energetic, adorkable, and vibrant enough to be a light of hope in this division. I am honored to be in the same ring with you because you are a tough champion. My dream is that one day the two of us could have a one on one match. You are the type of woman that I need to face in order to get back on track.
As if that wasn’t enough it seems Krystal Wolfe has always entered this match. Did I expect for Krystal to enter this match?! To be honest I really didn’t. I know it is going to be super confusing for the commentators to call a match with two Crystals in it. Lord could you imagine if we decided to have our own singles match? That would be crazy. The reason I am confused about Krystal being here is simply because I know that she is a woman that has already shattered all of the records of the Roulette division. She is a woman who was voted future star of the year along with other things.
I don’t know why she would want to subject herself to going back to the Roulette division after she has already claimed the top spot of being the best woman to hold that title. I would have expected her to go onto something else. Maybe chart new territories like gunning for that Internet Championship or even diving into the World Bombshell hunt. I don’t know what would make her want to pursue the Roulette title again but then again I have no room to talk. I know she is a threat, her entering this match in my eyes is just a way to make sure she gets booked in an already crowded card.
If that wasn’t enough it looks like I have some people that I am on good terms this match in the form of Mackenzie, Dawn, and Seleana. One is my friend, one works at my studio and the other is my wife. I want to be able to trust both but at the end of the day I know that we are each fighting for the single goal of being the champion. There can only be one winner and I await to see what they bring to the table. Mackenzie is especially a huge threat as she has been a Bombshell Tag Team Champion and a Mixed tag team champion. She is among one of the best to be in both of those divisions. However as great as she is working in a team how exactly will she fair on her own?! That remains to be seen but I think I have more of a veteran presence to be able to withstand whatever she throws at me.

Dawn seems to be a spitfire of energy, a super fan, I wonder what will happen when Teddy’s little sister steps into an SCW ring. She will have to learn that she just can’t be everyone’s friend.

Of course when it comes to Seleana she is always one of the best of the best. She always puts her heart into everything but lately she has been on the losing side of things.
I don’t blame her considering seeing me in a hospital bed with my entire future in jeopardy could cause a lot of trauma to her psyche. In any case I want to see her rise to the next step and now that I am healthy I hope she can be focused enough to really take that next leap in her career. If there is anybody that I want to win this match that isn’t me I definitely want it to be her.
Of course the last one on the list to talk about is Chelsea Leclair. She is the best friend of Andrea Hernandez I believe and to be honest I really don’t know much about her. I know people will scream at me and claim she was a SCU World Champion or whatever but you have to understand that I really didn’t follow that product. I am going to be honest but the moment my daughter and former husband got fired from that company I stopped paying attention. Anybody who is a former champion will definitely bring a lot to the table and I look forward to being in the ring with her. I can relate with her because I actually like Andrea. The two of us started off on the wrong foot but life after SCW has been very great in mending our relationship. Hell when I stood up to Masque I fought in her honor even though it wasn’t enough. Whatever at the end of the day I know that your championship instincts will take over. You want this match and win just as bad as I do. The only difference is you aren’t fighting or your job like I am.
That’s why it’s a must win situation for me and I doubt you understand that. You think this is about a redemption arc and you are mistaken. I am fighting for my livelihood and to continue with my career, and you are wrestling for the title. I think my need outweighs your want and that will propel me to win.
There can be other surprises. Eavan signed with the company, Halsey did and other faces. I say bring all of them. I know that the deck Is heavily against me but I will persevere. I will find a way to win.
In this outing of SCW I plan to do things differently.
I want to work my way up from the bottom. Hell I want to show I am a better wife and mother and perhaps be nominated for Couple of the year.
I simply want to be myself, and at Inception I will do exactly that.
I am Crystal Caldwell, and on Sunday you will see exactly what I am about, and that’s being the best women’s wrestler in the world. I wish everyone the best of luck but you won’t stop me. Mark and Christian won’t stop me.
I will commit the heist of the century and I will walk out as Roulette Champion and a SCW Bombshell again. Mark my words on that.
This rose will always blossom…

November 21st 
Anaheim, California
Local Medical Facility

November 20th was the worst day in the 18 year wrestling career of Crystal Zdunich. She was publicly humiliated in front of the entire world. However that wasn’t the worse of everything. What hurt the most was her pride. Crystal was completely embarrassed on SCW television. She was decimated by the hands of Bella Madison, she was let go out from her SCW contract, and was put on the shelf indefinitely after suffering eleven ashes to ashes DDTs on a chair. It was definitely a lot to take in but the sad thing about all of it is that Crystal didn’t remember any of it. After being knocked out with a shot of brass knuckles to the face Crystal had blacked out. The Afro-Mexican slowly started to regain her consciousness. It had felt like her entire world was turned inside out. The first thing she noticed with the opening of her eyes was her wife Seleana at her bedside. It was apparent that Seleana’s makeup was a runny mess as she had been a crying mess for the entire night. Crystal slowly stirred as she tried her best to speak but only a whisper came out.

“…Sel….My Sel…Ana… Is that you?! Wh…What happened?!”

Seleana woke up, and she stood up with crossed arms. She looked down into her wife’s eyes as she spoke to her with tears in her eyes.

“Chickie… My Estrellita are you okay my love?!”

Crystal grimaced in pain as she tried to move about in the bed. Crystal couldn’t move that much without feeling the effects of how she was hurt and abused. She looks back into the eyes of Seleana just trying her best to force out a smile.

“I….. I am in a lot of pain… As much as I want to put on a fake smile, a façade, and try to cover everything up with the best type of acting performance that I could give. The pain is unbearable. I feel like I got hit by a freight train and it’s hard to move…”

Seleana just let’s more tears flow from her eyes as she looks deeper into her wife’s eyes. She just shakes her head as she offers a sincere response in return.

“Chickie… You have to let it go… I know you pride yourself on being an actress but you don’t need to hide who you are from me. I am your wife and I just want you to be sincere. Last night was one of the hardest days of my life. It tormented me to see you in pain and to acknowledge that I couldn’t do anything about it. The only thing that makes any of this better is the fact that Aurora didn’t see what happened. If she watched she would have been heartbroken…”

Crystal just looks away for a few moments. She slowly moves her attention to her wife. The tears in Seleana’s eyes brought tears to Crystal. The blue haired vixen was an emotional wreck as she shook her head.

“I am so sorry… When I get out of this hospital I swear on everything that I am going to make Bella pay for what she put me through. I am going to hurt her for what she put you through as it must have been painful to watch me like this… I swear on everything that I am not going to rest until…”

Seleana cries even more as she yells at her wife. Her emotions were running rampant as she looked deeply into her wife’s eyes.

“THERE ISN’T GOING TO BE A NEXT TIME! You don’t understand… As soon as you lost you were humiliated by Bella and Christian Underwood. SCW let you go from your SCW contract so there won’t be a next time nor a rematch. That is it… On top of that I had to sit here and listen to these doctors and…”

More tears flow from her eyes as Crystal slowly gazes at her wife.

“Listen to these doctors what?! What did they do Seleana, I don’t think I understand…”

Seleana can’t bring herself to look at her wife as she chokes on her arms.

“They did some tests on you and with all of the constant concussions they don’t feel like it would be wise for you to get in the ring again. You have taken too much damage to the head and there may be signs of brain damage. It could lead to dementia in the future and who knows if you might be suffering from CTE but that can only be tested on after death…I know you love wrestling… I know how much it means to you but…”

Seleana grabs Crystal’s arm as more tears leave her.

“AURORA AND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU LOVE WRESTLING… We both need you! Alexandra needs you, Isabella needs her grandmother, Brayden and Brittany need their mother! You are valuable and I don’t care if everybody thinks you are the worst person on the planet. The fact is you are my star, my estrellita. I refuse to sit back and watch my world burn, and I refuse to lose you…”

Crystal’s eyes never leave off of her wife as she looks into her green eyes. She grabs her hand squeezing it tightly.

“And I don’t want to lose you either…I am sorry Seleana… I am sorry for everything. As I am forced to be in this hospital bed I realize that this is my entire fault. I am the only one to blame for being in this position. This is Karma catching up to me. My actions have put me here. I was too busy trying to do things for shock value. I just did things to be noticed or to live up to being this Hollywood diva that I lost sight of everything that I am supposed to be. It’s all my fault that I fought you in the ring or that I tried to use the World Series of Wrestling as a platform to make Alexandra look bad just to make me feel better. I didn’t want to verbally attack either of you… It’s just…”

Crystal pauses as she shares more of her heart.

“It’s just that I didn’t want people to forget me. No matter what I do it just never seems to be enough. I want to be the center of attention… I put everything into being most hated for the year and it’s not because I am this vain or vile Bitch. It’s simply because I crave attention… I need it! No matter what I do I still feel like I am the pathetic little girl from Detroit who got made fun of by her entire high school. I am still that little girl who had to drop out because she got pregnant young and craved the attention she received from a boy who thought she was his world…”

Seleana raises her voice at her wife again.

“Christina… Chickie… Here is something you NEED to understand. You are valuable… Ja?! You are always going to have somebody that doesn’t like you… There are people who look at me as the Swedish girl and they insult me by calling me Stockholm because they think I suffer from Stockholm Syndrome by being married to you… Free Seleana they said… Leave Christina they said… I pay no attention to them because they don’t make decisions in my life. Only I do that…There’s no cow on the ice. I will always love you… You make dumb decisions but that is marriage. It comes with the territory…”

Seleana looks at her wife sincerely.

“And when things are bad… I will always be there to pick you up. The one thing I want you to learn about marriage is the fact that we are a TEAM. We have always been a TEAM… We are PARTNERS but quite often it just seems like you toss me aside, you toss Alexandra aside and for what, to fuel your own ego… You are better than that. You shouldn’t be jealous of either of us. On top of that you shouldn’t try to vow that you are going to get even with everyone that hurt you like you are the Bride from Kill Bill! Ja! All that will do is get you to make a hen out of feathers, and you will end up in this hospital in a worse state.”

Crystal shakes her head with a sigh as she looks back at her wife.

“So what do you want me to do Seleana?! What are you looking from me?!”

Seleana is confident as she is brutally honest with her wife.

“NOTHING… I don’t want you to do anything. You don’t have to make any rash decisions about anything. For now let’s just relax Ja?! It’s Thanksgiving this week and we also have your Birthday next Sunday. Let’s just enjoy the time we spend together and we will talk about your future later…”

“Talk about my future?!”

Crystal snaps back.

“You don’t understand… I have a World Championship from ECWF to defend and on top of that I am chasing after the Splat Multiverse Championship. I can’t slow down. I have to find a way to persevere and go ahead. I know you care a lot about me but I have to wrestle. I don’t care if the doctors feel like this is becoming too dangerous to me. I don’t care if this might cause Dementia or it may affect me down the road. The only thing I care about is the here and now. I need my spotlight, and I need to be front and center of everybody…”

Crystal grimaces in pain as she struggles to rise up to her feet

“And I not just going to sit back and listen to what any of these fucking doctors say! They don’t tell me what to do… No… I will beat a Bitch up… I will fight because that’s the only thing that I know how to do!”

Seleana crosses her arms as she let’s tears flow down her face. She backs away from Crystal as she shakes her head.

“Estrellita… You won’t even listen to anything that I say… I… You know what I don’t want to deal with you right now. You go make your own decisions. You are very selfish. You should treat me like your wife. All I ever have done is listened to you and been there as your wife. You cheat on me and I don’t get mad I welcome another woman into our marriage to make you happy but you can’t even listen to me when I talk… You know what Christina you go make your own decisions. I am tired of trying to fight your battles for you. Perhaps you need to go fight for yourself because then you would realize how valuable I am… Bye Christina…”

Seleana leaves the hospital room as Christina talks back to Seleana as she shakes her head in disgust.

“What… Don’t I get a good bye Chickie?! Or a I love you my Estreliita?!”

Crystal is very sarcastic as she yells back at her wife who has now left the hospital room.

“Yeah I LOVE YOU TOO MY SWEDISH FISHIE… Why don’t you go tell Aurora how you just left mommy in this hospital by herself!”

Crystal grimaces in deeper pain as she tries to move about in her bed as she presses the nurse call button and becomes one of those annoying patients who believes that the hospital is a five star establishment.

“I NEED A NURSE… I know you don’t expect me to use this bed pan… Somebody better come to my room right now and unhook me from this IV so I can go to the restroom. Also I want some of that good hospital ice, and where’s the Shasta ginger ale?! HELLO?! HELLO?! Is this thing even working…”

Crystal continues to hit the call button as we go elsewhere.

Hollywood Hills, California
Zdunich Caldwell Manor
Few Days Later

Crystal was finally out of the hospital and despite everything that she had been through she wasn’t going to be one to listen to anything that Seleana had said to her. If she had her way she was going to do everything in her power to prove any of the doctors wrong. She might have been released from her SCW contract but that wasn’t going to stop her from doing everything in her power to go out there and win the Splat Multiverse Championship. She was driven, she was determined, and she knew that it was her destiny to become a World Champion for the 21st time. Crystal was in her private gym in the courtesy of her own home. She was on her elliptical machine. Sweat was dripping down her forehead and hitting the ground below. A few moments went by and it wasn’t long before her other significant other Alexandra Caldwell walked into the vicinity. Alex crossed her arms as she looked at Crystal working out as hard as she could.

“Crystal perhaps you should take it easy… You just got out of the hospital. The doctors said you should settle down and…”

Crystal turns her attention over to Alex as she stops her workout.

“You think I give a shit what the doctors say?! I can’t afford to stop now. I am trying to win another World Championship. You should know how important my wrestling career is to me. It’s the only thing on my mind. Also let me tell you about this Bitch Seleana and the type of shit she tried to pull at the hospital a few days ago…”

Alex however just shakes her head as she tries to reply back.


But Crystal isn’t really listening as she cuts her off and replies back to her.

“This Bitch had the nerve of trying to tell ME what to do! Can you believe that?! She was talking to me as if SHE was going to walk out on me and make me suffer. The way I see things Alex nobody talks to me like that! I am a star, I am a Hollywood Diva! She has some nerve but you know what we don’t need her. It has always been about you and I though. It’s about what we want. I think that we should perhaps leave Seleana in the dust and focus on the two of us. I could get a divorce and then the two of us can get that legal marriage. I know it’s what you want and…”


Is all the Compton native can say in return but Crystal isn’t even listening as she continues to speak.

“We could fight her for custody of Aurora and ruin her life. Could you imagine the amount of tears that would flow from her eyes and…”

Alexandra however isn’t trying to listen as she instead cuts Crystal off.

“NOOO!! I can’t do this anymore…”

Crystal is taken back as she opens her eyes in amazement.

“What do you mean you can’t do this anymore?! That doesn’t make any sense. This is what you wanted. You wanted me all for yourself. We could go about life and have a life that is happily after Caldwell. It’s always us against the world…”

Crystal walks towards Crystal but the taller woman just holds an arm out as she keeps Crystal at bay. She slowly shakes her head as she sighs in return.

“Look… I am not going to lie. I am deeply in love with you, and you will always be my dream come true, but lately all you have been doing is bad mouthing Seleana. She is a woman who has been with you through the thick and thin. You didn’t think twice to cheat on her to be with me. You forced her to bring me into the relationship and at first I loved it because I was getting my way. it was fun in the beginning but when I moved in I got to see how things really are. Seleana has been nothing but an angel. She accepted me but the way she has treated Aurora is beautiful. She is a strong mother and I can’t deny that.”

Alexandra just shakes her head as she shares more of her heart.

“If are you quick to bad mouth her and try to throw her to the curb how long would it be before you try to do the same thing to me?! It’s not right… All Seleana has ever done is fall deeply in love with you and I don’t see you doing the same in return. Instead I see you trying to pick fights with her in your wrestling career and you even tried to pull that shit with me with the World Series of Wrestling. I don’t know how you could verbally try to deconstruct those who are supposedly your spouses. It makes me realize that you are selfish and I don’t see you ever changing. You could stand in the middle of a ring and drop an amazing promo about how sorry you are…But realistically it is ALL full of shit when you go back and do the same old shit…”

“Alexandra listen…”


Alex says firmly as she continues to speak.

“You are the one that needs to listen… I…CAN’T…DO…THIS!!! Do you know how frustrating it is to always try to come to your aid despite the entire world telling me it’s not the right decision?! I want to believe in you but it is hard when I feel like that you can’t distinguish between being Christina the loving and caring woman, the strong wife, and mother. The person that I know is your true self at home, and then having to deal with this egotistical Bitch who hides behind a façade of Hollywood bullshit. I refuse to deal with it anymore… I deserve better….Seleana deserves better and honestly maybe love isn’t enough…”

Crystal tries to reach out to Alexandra but the woman isn’t listening as she already makes her way upstairs and out of Crystal’s voice range. Crystal just stays downstairs as tears begin to overwhelm her. She is all alone as that is the second woman in her life to have walked out on her. A few moments later footsteps could be heard going down the stairs. Crystal is quick as she wipes the tears from out of her eyes and speaks out loud.

“Alexandra… Is that you?! Listen I just want to say that I am so… so….”

A familiar voice responds in return. It is not Alexandra but in her place it’s Crystal’s twelve year old daughter Aurora. The tween girl walks over to her mother with her arms folded.

“No mommy it’s me…”

“Oh… Hey pumpkin. I wasn’t expecting you to be here. I thought you and Seleana were somewhere and…”


Is all Aurora can say in return as she replies back to her mother.

“She wanted to make sure that she was home because she was concerned about you. I didn’t really press her but everybody has been hiding the footage of you getting hurt. I shouldn’t have but I snuck and watched what happened on social media… Bella really hurt you badly. It looked very terrible and if I saw it live I would have been in tears…”

Crystal just sighs as she falls down to her knees and breaks out into tears.

“…I… Pumpkin…. Why did it have to happen to me?! I don’t understand…”

Aurora folds her arms.

“You don’t understand what?! You want to know why it happened?! It’s because you are selfish. I say that because it just seems like you become a different person depending on who you are around. At home you are the coolest mommy ever! You are a big nerd. You watch anime with me, you play video games with me and you are my hero…When I watch wrestling you are completely different. You seem like you are evil and I know that’s not you…”

She pauses as she continues to speak.

“I talked to Brittany about this and she told me that she was in a similar position about ten years ago. How her daddy Todd Williams used her to try to move about the wrestling world, and how he forced you and Auntie Jenny in the middle of it. As Brittany told me this I thought about you and deep down I know that woman isn’t you…”

Crystal looks down as she replies softly.

“You don’t think so?! I am the woman that hurt Chloe and gave her a concussion. I am the one who made a mockery of SCW and wrestled under a mask to fuel my own ego. It has always been about me, and my actions got me to be voted most hated of the year…”

Aurora walks over to Crystal’s area where her accomplishments. She holds the most hated trophy in her hand just looking it over. Without hesitation she throws it to the floor and the trophy smashes into pieces.

“You mean that trophy that doesn’t exist anymore?! No… That isn’t you mommy… It was never you. I refuse to believe that you would ever be that mean. Why do you always feel the need to be somebody else?!”


Crystal’s voice cracks as she thinks about it and just sighs in return.

“I really don’t know. In my mind I guess I want respect. I just want to be appreciated and I don’t want to be forgotten. My biggest fear is that I would be alone… So even if it means that I have to become evil and hated to be noticed I go about the extreme to do so. I just have visions of how I was bullied back in high school and instead of doing anything and everything I could in order to be better. I ended up becoming what I was against… if I could take everything back I would. I didn’t want to lose my friend Kat Jones, I didn’t want to hurt Chloe, and I certainly didn’t want to hurt Seleana and Alexandra’s feelings. I love the both of them. They are everything to me and you are my world Aurora…”

Aurora looks at her mother.

“Don’t tell me that… Go tell your women how you feel. Just be the real you and stop trying to force this Hollywood version of yourself. It’s time to stop hiding who you are. Just be the woman that you know you are…Be sincere and let everything happen naturally…”

Crystal nods her head as she smiles at her daughter. She walks up the stairs and spots Seleana and Alexandra in the living room. She looks at the both of them as she begins to share her heart.

“Look I know both of you are upset at me and for the first time in my life I can admit that I am not the easiest person to deal with. Truth be told Seleana you are my Sun and Alexandra you are my Moon. If I didn’t have either in you in my life my world would fall apart. I love you both unconditional even though it’s hard to express at times. I have said things that I wish I could take back. Deep down behind the masks of Hollywood BS I am nothing without either of you… I am tired of hiding behind a fake personality and a Hollywood persona. I just want to be myself and be there for you both… Please stay with me and don’t leave… I want to make this right… I need you both…”

Seleana and Alexandra both look at one another. They both walk over to Crystal as they embrace her into a tight passionate hug as Alex smiles at Crystal.

“That’s all we wanted to hear… Remember we are all in this together and not against one another… Let’s focus on building a solid future…”

With that the three of them hug tightly as we go elsewhere.

December 3rd
Paris, France

Zion Wrestling Company just had their huge show. Crystal manages to walk backstage with her brand spanking new Splat Multiverse Championship across one shoulder and she has her ECWF World Women’s Championship across the other shoulder. She is in an area where she is taking pictures holding both of the titles. In the middle of the photo shoot is when Aurora runs over to her mother with a grin.

“Mommy you did it!!!”

Seleana smiles as she has a phone in her hand as she is on a video call with Alexandra Caldwell. The woman on the video claps her hands as she screams into the phone.

“That…. You have become DAT GIRL… CHAMP CHAMP CRYSTAL CALDWELL!!! 4C girl!!! I am proud of you!”

Seleana is all smiles as well as she walks over to Crystal smirking.

“Ja… You do good tonight. You now conquer World Championship number 21… Estrellita is shining bright…”

Crystal looks at both championships as she wants to smirk but for some reason the smiles aren’t there. Aurora notices this as she looks back at her mother.

“What is wrong mommy?! Aren’t you happy?!”

Seleana hangs up the phone as she focuses on her wife.

“Yeah. What is going on Estrellita?!”

Crystal stood there as she held both titles high. It was supposed to be the night of her life. It wasn’t that long ago when she won her 20th World Championship but winning her 21st in the form of the Splat Championship should have been everything but it just wasn’t. Crystal looks at Seleana before glancing at her daughter.

“To be honest I just feel so empty inside. I know this is amazing. I did the unthinkable. I actually beat Damon Cross and I am finally holding the same title that my sister held, but I am at a point where I feel so empty. It’s not really about the title… I just want to really be home…”

Seleana opens her eyes up.

“Home… It’s a long flight to Los Angeles my Estrellita….”

“No maybe mommy means Detroit!”

Crystal shakes her head sighing.

“…No I want to be back in SCW… To be honest it’s the company I had the most success and I never expected to be let go of my contract. I just want to be allowed back and really do what I was meant to do there… I just want to be myself… No hiding behind anything… Just the real me…”

Crystal looks away before Aurora hugs her mother tight and Seleana joins in as well as she looks down into her eyes.

“Don’t worry we will figure this out… We will find a way for you to go back to where you belong… Home is where your heart is and we will do this together…”

Crystal can only nod as her wife holds her tightly.

On Camera

The cameras come into focus and as they do we are treated to the sight of Crystal Caldwell. There’s nothing fancy about any of this. No vanity mirror, no Hollywood chair, no weird colored wig. We can just see a brunette in a chair. Draped across her shoulders are the ECWF Women’s World Championship and the Splat Multiverse Championship. She looks deep into the cameras as she begins to speak.

“Good evening to all of you. I know that this might be a surprise because even though I know I announced it deep down in your soul you had a feeling that I wouldn’t show my face especially with how things ended for me on my last appearance on SCW Television. I might have had the off appearance here and then but the image stuck in your head is Bella Madison beating the unholy hell out of me. Dropping me with not one, not two, but 10 cradle ddts or should I say Ashes to Ashes right on top of a chair. Not to mention being blasted in a face with a brass knuckles. It was a massacre and I left the arena on a stretcher and had to spend a few days in a hospital.

It was the scariest time in my life. I suffered a bad concussion and I was told that perhaps I should walk away from wrestling for the benefit of my health. I am going to be completely honest with you. I was a wreck. I had some physical pain and Bella can be blamed for all of it but despite any battle wounds I suffered the true wounds were emotional. It may not mean much to a lot of people but wrestling is everything to me. It’s my life and the thought that it would have been taken away from me caused to cry a lot.”

Crystal nods her head as she speaks some more and shares her heart.

“I had some success since being fired from SCW. I went on to win my 20th and 21st World Championship which is why you can see the two championships draped across my shoulders. It feels good to be a two title champion, but I am not here to boast about that because that was the result of hard work. Against doctors ordered I defied them and showed I belonged. However as much success as I was having outside of SCW I realize that a there was a void in my heart. I missed being home. SCW is my livelihood. It is where my heart is and I can remember being a woman in her prime fighting through the ranks to make something of herself. Hall of Fame, Roulette, Internet, Blast From The Past, and the only five time World Champion in this company. My resume is very full and I would like to think that SCW has created a foundation for me and in return I have been a strong foundation of their bombshells division.

You can say whatever you want but nobody can ever take away from what I managed to accomplish in this company. I will be the first to admit as I look back at everything what Bella did to me was something that I deserved. I had it coming. What I did to Chloe was inexcusable. The way I treated Kat Jones who had just befriended me was wrong, and Lord knows all of the hard moments I put Seleana through. All of it was messed up. It just wasn’t me.

This time away was caused me to focus on some stuff and I finally realized something. I been part of SCW for 8 years, and it has been an inconsistent 8 years. Before you roll eyes and assume this is yet another redemption story from Crystal it’s definitely not that. I am not looking to redeem anything nor am I looking to be a Bitch.

I am just here to be upfront and honest about myself. it took me eight years and being forced out of SCW to finally get the epiphany that should have been clear as day from the beginning. The truth is I was never happy with myself. I never liked the woman that I was. There has nothing to do with being a woman who has a Mexican heritage or even a woman with an African American background. The truth is I always hated myself and I wanted to hide behind something else that wasn’t me. It all started with the very way that I entered this company as I came here under the notion of being La Paloma. I was the little Luchadora that could but it wasn’t long before I shed the mask to simply be Crystal Hilton. Since that day I been involved in three different marriages, about six different name changes, 9 different personality changes, and for what purpose?!”

Crystal sighs as she looks away as more is expressed from her heart.

“Just so I could be accepted by somebody?! It’s because I hated the woman I looked at in the mirror. I simply hated ME! I craved attention and I did everything I could to be the center of attention. Hell I even faked a multiple personality disorder. Yes I will admit that so Christian Underwood you were right. I become Mark’s personal assistant as the loveable Christina Rose to be accepted by him! Hell I cheated on Seleana with Alexandra because instead of trying to deal with my problems and perhaps talk things out as a couple should. I rather become the center of attention in someone else’s eyes. I only thought about me to make Me feel good.

I used Chloe as a way to get rid of all my frustrations and it wasn’t because I hated her. It was because I was a sore loser of dropping the ball against Masque multiple times add in the fact that I got embarrassed against my own wife and I was pissed. I didn’t want people to talk me down on how I lost to Seleana. Instead I wanted to change the native. I wanted the focus to be on how I hurt a rookie, and from there I took it a step further. I was so obsessed with attention that I did everything in my power to become most hated. Not that I liked being hated but I liked being talked about. La Rosa Ardiente and everything else it was just to be that center of attention.

If I could take it all back I wouldn’t do any of that. I am sorry for what I did and maybe one day I hope that all of you could forgive me…”

Crystal lifts her eyes up as she continues to speak.

“That is why I am going to give you a reason to find what I am saying sincere because for the first time in my time in SCW I plan to do things the right way. This isn’t about the Roulette title but this is more so about fighting for my job as the real me. Not the woman hiding behind a fake personality or some pretentious Hollywood acting bullshit, but I sit here before you as Crystal Caldwell. I am the woman that loves wrestling and strives to be the best bombshell in the company. I didn’t think SCW would ever let me compete in their ring ever again. The drunken mess who didn’t give a damn who wouldn’t bother to cut a promo or show little to no interest is not how I want a legacy to be remember.

I need to fight for what I believe in and when it was it announced that Arianna would have to defend the Roulette Championship in an invitational match where it’s open to anyone inside and outside of SCW. I knew that’s where I could gain my chance. This is my moment and I am going to prove that I belong. I know that there is tough competition in this match. Just judging by the women that are announced it’s not going to be easy but rest assured I am going to do everything in my power to walk away as champion.”

Crystal smirks as she speak some more.

“I can only talk about who has been announced so far and I guess I have to start with the champion. How is it going Ariana Angelos. I will be honest you are definitely an amazing champion. You are a woman who has quickly ascended up the ladder in SCW shortly and very quickly. It all started with you in a tag team which HB Carter in SCU but it has now developed into you standing out on your own. A woman who represents the legendary Go Gym, I know that Gabriel and Odette are proud of what you have become and I would be too seeing you as a champion. Your reign has started with a win over Georgie Robertson and it has moved beyond that with you picking up key wins over Melissa and Jessie Salco.

That alone makes you a woman that should be respected. I applaud what you have been doing and as much as you might have climbed up the ladder of rankings in this company do you now have the ability to climb up that same ladder and escape with everybody chasing after you?! This is a true test. It seems that Christian is staking the deck against you but if there is a woman that can do this. I know for a fact that it is you. Just keep your eyes on the prize and you can do anything.”

Crystal is focused as she speaks some more.

“As if that wasn’t enough you have an absolute amazon in Zoey Lukas in this match, holy shit that woman is a freaking beast. Now I have been in the ring with her sister Alicia on different occasions and I will be honest when I say when it comes to singles matches I have yet to beat Alicia. So if I can’t beat her in a singles match Lord knows what Zoey would do the moment I stand in the ring with her. She would break me in half and to be honest that really doesn’t scare me. As a woman who has been in the ring with Masque, a dangerous Amber Ryan, and slapped Tempest I am one who doesn’t make the wisest of decisions, but I am a woman full of heart.

I live to be in situations such as that and I will succeed if everything is on the line. However as destructive and as much of a monster that Zoey could be I have to question if a ladder match is really her specialty. This is a different type of match altogether and she needs to be prepared to climb, grab, and run away with the title. I doubt this really suits her style but I await to see if I am proven wrong.”

Crystal smiles as wide as she can.

“My sweet Seleana, my other third… You are everything to me and you have come a long way in this business. You been a World Champion and have been a Roulette Champion. We have been through so much and I definitely put you through a lot of shit. Just let it be known that if you climb that ladder and you grab that title I won’t try to fight you but I will help you escape the arena. I will fight the attackers off of you because at the end of the day we are a couple.

We are married and your accomplishments or my accomplishments. I believe in that and I believe in you. Hell I will even run ahead of you and start the car up to we can make it out. Throughout everything I at least know that if everybody is gunning after me there will be one woman in there that will have my back. I love you and let’s do this shall we?!”

Crystal forms an uneasy expression as she speaks more.

“Last but not least there is Bella Madison. There is the woman that ended my SCW Career…

The woman that left me broken…

The woman that could have simply won a street fight but instead had to deliver ten DDTs until I wasn’t moving anymore…

I have to really process this because as I watched back the footage you could have ended my livelihood and when I thought about coming back or trying to build myself up to be in a good place you told me to “GO AWAY”. The truth is I CAN’T GO AWAY  because I love this and you can’t keep me away from what I love to do.

I forgive what you did to me because what I put Chloe and Kat through I deserved it, but what I didn’t deserve is to see you laughing it up with Mark Ward about having to take me to the hospital. Enough was enough but you had to take it a step further. You wanted to see a focused Crystal?! You don’t have to wait that much longer because at Inception you are going to get what you wanted. This time I am going to fight back, I promise you that…”

Crystal stands up as she speaks more.

“SCW I am so excited for this. I can’t wait to compete in front of my California fans and I am going to do everything to make them proud but most of all I am going to be proud because I am simply going to be me out there. I know there’s a chance that Christian and Mark are going to stack the deck against me. For all I know every bombshell will be able to legally do whatever they want to me but it’s okay.

I welcome the challenge. I know there will probably be a bounty on my head and considering how my entire SCW career has gone I am used to that. I am going to do everything in my power to walk away with that Roulette Championship. It’s more about a championship; it’s about getting my contract back. If I have that title Mark and Christian would have to live with the fact that a woman they just fired has one of their belts. They could vacate the title at that point but the public would all acknowledge that I am the real champion. It’s all or nothing, and I am putting my heart into this.

Love me, Hate me, it doesn’t matter. At the end of the day Crystal Caldwell is showing up and best believe I am going to bring it… See you at Inception.

With that the camera fades out on this image.

Supercard Archives / Re: MASQUE (c) v DIAMOND STEELE - WORLD TITLE
« on: October 28, 2022, 11:42:28 PM »
October  22nd
Golden Ring Casino
Las Vegas Nevada
Kate Steele couldn’t believe it. Not only was she going to host her big tribute concert for Queen Elizabeth but Daniel J. Morgan had decided to make Diamond the temporary Special Events Coordinator to oversee this event. Diamond sat down in Crystal’s office which was now her temporary office. A huge smile escapes his lips as she is seated on a luxurious office chair. She seemed to be looking over some paperwork when the door to the office opened up and some of her friends walked inside. Standing at the door was none other than Courtney and Ruby Steele. The blue haired vixen ran over to Diamond’s chair as she screamed excitedly.
“OMGoshie this is totes OUTRAGEOUS! I really can’t believe that you are actually going through with this. This is going to be super awesome and I bet King Charles is going to love our contribution to the British Red Cross in his mother’s name. I feel like we are really giving back to our homeland and you should feel proud about it…”
Kate doesn’t say anything as her eyes are still on her paperwork. She begins to speak out loud to herself.
“So much talent will be performing at this concert. I have the Gem Stones obviously, there’s Devilition with Griffin Hawkins. I think Heart may part of this as well. Roxi Johnson said she would drum for a band of myself and Griffin. This is going to be so much fun and I feel it is going to be overwhelming as well…”
Kate is locked in her own trance as she keeps going through all of the paperwork. As if that wasn’t enough. Courtney Steele glances over at her wife who shrugs her shoulders before her attention moves over to Kate.
“Kate… Do you hear us?! I know all of this sounds super exciting but you should at least acknowledge us. We are standing right here… Earth to Kate…. Earth to Kate…”
Kate however didn’t pay any attention to them as her eyes were locked in a trance. She went through even more paperwork as she kept overlooking everything to make sure everything was okay.
“So much to do in so little time. I can’t believe this concert was a sell out! I have meet and greets lined up, and I also have to make sure that every person performing has a sound check. It just seems like there is so much to do and there is little time to do it all. I have a newfound appreciation for those who work behind the scenes when it comes to concerts and what not…”
Ruby begins to get upset as she glares at her wife.
“It is really annoying me that my cousin isn’t saying anything to us. It’s like she is in a trance…”
Courtney Pierce nods her head slowly.
“I know… Now what could we do to get her attention?!”
Ruby’s eyes light up as she smiles evilly.
“I have a great idea! Maybe we should get Sapphire and Emerald. If the rest of the girls aren’t enough we could always try to get Juliet. Her daughter should definitely be more than enough to snap her out of this trance.”
“Good point… Better yet let’s just get all three of them. Together they should all be enough to really cause her to focus. Let’s go babe… We will get her back to reality…”
With that being said Courtney and Ruby both run out of the office leaving Kate alone. The petite English woman just offers a long drawn out sigh as she grabs a pen and begins to tap it on the table.
“Let’s see who should headline the night?! Who should open… This is all so frustrating and overwhelming! I don’t know what to do!”
As Kate is sitting there something happens that she doesn’t expect. The lights in the office begin to flicker. This catches her attention as she looks around.
She screams out loud that is when the lights begin to flicker some more. She paces around and looks at all of the decorations that Crystal has in her office but they begin to shake a bit as all of them begin to shake in front of her.
“Bloody hell?!”
Just like an airhead in a scary movie Kate’s initial response should be to leave as soon as possible but instead she can’t help but investigate as she begins to call out hoping somebody would answer.
“Hello is everybody there?! What’s going on?!”
Kate continues to look around being startled. She slowly turns her attention over to the chair in the office and that is when somebody sitting there catches her eyes. It is somebody that is very close to her. It happens to be a ghost one of Kris Ryans. The longtime owner of Jet City Sports Lab and Jet City South smiles as she looks into the eyes of Kate. She however backs away unable to keep her cool.
Kris laughs as the spirit kicks his feet up onto the table and places his arms around his head.
“I would say in the flesh but obviously you should know I am dead. I am not real Kate… I am just a ghost. This is me being a built up image that is deep within your brain. I figured you needed to get a visit from me because you have been working super hard lately. You just need to relax and put your mind at ease. So who better to get you to focus on what you need to do but me?!”
Kate finally decides to get out of the room… Or at least she tries too as she runs towards the door. She tries to turn the knob but for some reason the door seems to be locked. Kris laughs as he begins to shake his head.
“Kate… I know you want to leave but please have a seat. I do believe the two of us need to have a little chat…”
Kate is hesitant at first but she walks away slowly towards the seat that is in front of the ghost.
“I have no idea what’s going on. Why did you decide to visit me in spirit form?! What’s happening…”
Kris just laughs as he takes a long deep breath.
“To be honest you are sleeping right now. The truth is the reason I decided to pay you a visit is because you have been overworking yourself. I know it was sad to see the Queen pass away but you have honestly been working very hard since everything went down. What you are doing is completely honorable and I really like the changes you have made in your life.”
“Do you really mean that?! I just don’t feel like what I have been doing is enough though. What sucks the most is the fact that I can’t be in England doing all of this for my countrymen. It sucks that I am stuck in the states having to do everything from afar. If I had my way, I would have traveled over there and had this tribute concert right in front of Buckingham Palace…”
Kris chuckles as he nods his head in agreement.
“Like I said very honorable. Look the reason why I wanted to talk to you is to simply let you know that I am proud of you. I know you have been having doubts lately, and you have been doubting if you are good enough. You should never feel that way because you ALWAYS have been enough. Quite often you have been more than enough. During my time of passing away the gym seemed as if it was going to self-destruct. I know there was a huge war when I was alive in trying to make our gym stand out. It was Go Gym and of course our gym. That wat between Ruby and you against Krystal really put the gym on the map. As if that wasn’t enough you worked with Courtney Pierce and because of you pouring into her she isn’t the same rough girl that she once was.”
He takes a long deep breath as he continues to pour his heart out to her.
“You really have been fantastic and nobody could ever hope for anything more. I don’t know how you constantly prove to defy the odds and you do the unthinkable. You were able to really help Courtney and now look at her. She seems to be one of the happiest people at the gym…”
Kate nods her head smirking.
“As much as I would like to take the credit I don’t think I can. That would be really wrong to that of ruby. She is the one who fell in love with her and I guess them falling in love and getting married really changed things about. They both seem happy and if they are happy I am happy…It’s more on her than it is me…”
“I beg to differ though Kate… You are the one who’s passion got all of the Gem Stones wanting to be wrestlers in the first place. They followed you to my gym and they took the time to become students. They looked upon your investment and wanting to make one of their own into the gym. Just look at your cousin. She jumped right into wrestling and immediately become a wrestling sensation overnight. She won the Blast From The Past and became a name… That’s good stuff right there…”
Diamond just sighs.
“As great as all of that sounds it’s a little outrageous. Ruby didn’t stay in wrestling that long. She won that tournament and really didn’t do anything with it. Her entire journey stopped right there and nothing else came of it. She left after a bad lost to Alicia Lukas and now she just seems complacent in dealing with married life. So I don’t know if that investment was really worth it. It’s just my life though. It’s how things always seem to go. Whenever I think things are going really good I trip miserably. That one misstep seems like a huge step back and I can never get to where I really feel that I am destined to go…”
Diamond begins to yell louder than before as she stands up banging on the table.
“THINGS NEVER GO THE WAY I WANT THEM TO GO… I could have taken the next step in my career but I lost to MYRA RIVERS over and over again! I just want to be the World Champion and it’s the only thing that has been on my mind. It’s the only place I want to go. I appreciate you telling me that I AM somebody but I have been at this for quite some time and in the eyes of everybody else I just feel like I will ONLY be a mid-card talent AT BEST. So you want to stand there or in ghost form haunting me in my dreams to tell me that you are proud of me?! I find that to be BOLLOCKS… It’s true poppycock because even I know that’s not true…”
Kris however stands up as his spirit looks at Kate in the eyes.
“IT’S THE TRUTH THOUGH! You are somebody that I am proud of. You have taken the next leap in your career. You might have been feeling low but how many times have I HAD to remind everybody that I am a double Grand Slam Champion?! Sometimes people don’t want to listen so you need to force them to listen. Everybody might have thought you were a nobody and the foolish girl who wasn’t worthy of a World Championship match. Now look at you though… You are right in the thick and thin of the main event! Hell you are in the main event of the biggest Super Card of the year wrestling for the top prize… If I didn’t know any better, I would say that you definitely forced them all to listen. You did that on your own.
By winning people now have to look at you in a very different way. They have to respect you and they damn sure have to acknowledge you. You showed the world that you could get by own merit. You are one of the smallest women on the roster but you have to have the biggest heart. Remember it’s not about the size of the dog in the fight but it’s about the size of the fight in that dog. You have carried on the legacy of the gym, MY GYM. Coby might deal with the financials behind the scenes but you are the FACE of that gym. So now it’s not just me that is proud of you but it’s every single student that comes through that door. Everybody looks up to you and you can’t let them down… You never let me down so why should you ever feel that others won’t be proud of you?!”
Diamond paces around as she just sighs in return.
“You want to know why Kris?! It’s because deep down all I see is that little girl that competed back in LAW… I was a world Champion but it’s not like I earned it. I was the only one left from a tournament. The company had no choice but to put a title on me because I happened to be there. I just want something that I can finally accomplish. Something where people can say that I finally have made it! That’s all I ever wanted…”
Kris nods his head grinning.
“So I am going to make this really clear Kate. If that’s how you really feel, then you know what you need to do. Just go out there and win…Hell look at your New York Jets. Did anybody in this country ever expect for them to be in a position where they could actually make the playoffs?! Hell did anybody expect your Mets to make the playoffs like they did this year?! Anything and I mean anything can happen on any given night, and that definitely includes with you winning the title. I know Masque might be intimidating. She seems to be a woman that puts fear into the heart of everybody that she goes against but here is the thing… You aren’t everybody else…
You are Kate Steele! You are the woman that defies odds and you live for moments like these. You strive to be that under dog and when you climb over that hurdle nobody could tell you that you don’t belong. I know you think finally overcoming Alicia Lukas this year is something that really makes people turn heads but there’s much more than that. You beat three solid contenders to get to where you are. YOU EARNED THIS MOMENT! You got the entire world watching so now is your chance Kate. This is the moment you been waiting for. So now you got them believing… But will you believe?!”
Kate keeps her eyes locked on Kris and she immediately walks around the table. She stands face to face as she yells at him.
“I DO BELIEVE…. I WILL BE THE CHAMPION… Nobody will stop me from fulfilling my dreams… You hear that Kris?! I will continue to give you a reason to be proud because I BELIEVE IN MYSELF!”
Kate continues to yell and that is when a voice calls out to her. Kate immediately opens her eyes and realizes that she really was sleeping the entire team. Her eyes are shifted to the figure that is hovering in front of her. It happens to be her former husband Teddy. He looks into her eyes as he sighs in return.
“Are you okay?! Who are you talking too?!”
She is taken back as she shrugs her shoulders in return.
“…I…. Where did Kris go?!”
Teddy backs up a few feet.
“…Kate Kris is dead… He has been dead… I don’t know what is going through your head but you were sleeping. You must have had a crazy dream, or considering you are sawing dead people it must have been a nightmare…”
Kate shrugs it off before she glares daggers into Teddy. She crosses her arms as she doesn’t lose sight of him.
“Anyway what are you doing here?! Last time I checked you did everything in your power to cause me to lose my child. You lied in front of a judge and did what you could to tarnish my name and take Juliet from me. What do you want?!”
Teddy takes a long deep breath as he nods his head.
“I know… I really wasn’t in a great place but I don’t think it had anything to do with you. I just didn’t know what I wanted. I was questioning my sexuality and have been trying to do everything in my power to figure out who I am as a person…”
“Ok… I can respect that but I still don’t understand why you are here right now. What do you want?! If you are looking for free tickets to the concert next Saturday, I am afraid that we are completely sold out. You lost your right to get anything from me the very moment you slept with another woman in our bed, and you ruined our marriage… So what do you want Teddy because I will let you know if I am in the mood to hear it or not…”
Teddy shakes his head as he sighs in return.
“I know I have made some mistakes in the past and I just wanted to come here and tell you that I am sorry. I know forgiveness won’t happen overnight but I want to be a better person. I can’t repair the wounds between us. I know you already moved on and got married again. I have accepted that… What I do want however is a chance to show Juliet that just because we are divorced doesn’t mean that we can’t do things together as her parents. I want to support you. I came to Vegas not just to watch you win the World Title but I want to support your concert…”
Diamond raises her eyes in return.
“Support the concert and how do you plan to do that exactly?!”
“I want to drum some songs with you. Hell I want to perform on stage with you. It will be like old times again what do you say?!”
Kate sits there thinking about it. All of a sudden the Gem Stones along with London Underground enter the room. Mackenzie looks over at Teddy before she turns her attention to Kate.
“Want me to remove him from the casino, because if he isn’t doing anything for the concert and is harassing you Charlie and I will take care of him…”
Kate shakes her head.
“That’s not needed… He’s actually performing on stage with me….Thank you for coming Teddy. Juliet will definitely enjoy seeing her parents performing with each other.”
Teddy just keeps his eyes locked on Kate. He can’t help but smile at her as this was what he wanted. Maybe he was getting the chance he wanted to be a good father… Kate really was in a good place, and she had a concert to worry about.

October 29th
Golden Ring Casino

The concert had been a complete success. The casino was completely sold out as Diamond Steele stood on the stage. The fans were cheering for an encore over and over again. She took a bow as she looked at everybody. She had tears in her eyes as she started to speak.

Kate: I just want to take this moment to really thank everybody for coming tonight. Honestly you all were able to raise about 100,000 pounds which is all going to go back to England to make a sizeable donation for the British Red Cross. I know the Queen is looking down on every single one of us. None of this would be possible without the help of all of you. Most importantly I also want to thank Kris Ryans for believing in me. He took a chance on me and it has definitely paid dividends.

She smiles as the entire crowd chants Kate over and over again.

Kate: I also want to really appreciate Roxi, Griffin, the Gem Stones, American Murder Log and so many others for volunteering for tonight. We love you Queen Elizabeth and may you forever rest in peace. I feel so honoured to have my middle name of Elizabeth because of you. This was for you your majesty…

The crowd begins to cheer louder and louder as she nods her head with a grin.

Kate: I know you didn’t think tonight was over because we also have something special lined up. In one short day I will be locking up with Masque and there are so many thoughts on my mind going into that match. I just thought it would be best to really share my heart as I have all of my special guests playing behind me. Is that okay for all of you?!

The crowd chants yes excitedly and it is at that moment where the Gem Stones come on stage as they begin to play Kate Steele’s old theme song of Monster by Paramore as the girls are really into it.


I can remember the very first day that I stepped foot inside of an SCW ring. I was casted out of another company and I was looking for a place where I could fit in and belong.  There were so many different companies and I definitely searched for a very long time. However SCW was that place that felt right to me, and more importantly than that it was the place that I felt to be home. It is where I feel alive and there is definitely no better place than that of being SCW.

Ever since I came to this company the end goal has always been the World Bombshell Championship. I remember watching some big names hold onto that championship. I watched people like Evie Jordan, Alicia Lukas, and so many others wrestle for that title. They gave everything they had plus more.

Supercard Archives / Re: MASQUE (c) v DIAMOND STEELE - WORLD TITLE
« on: October 22, 2022, 11:58:39 PM »
September 18th
Gold Coast Casino

It had been a few weeks since Queen Elizabeth had passed away. SCW was not only back home but it had just finished its Climax Control at its home location. After the dust had settled and the smoke was clear SCW’s homecoming was a huge success for Diamond Steele. She had outlasted three other women and now stood as the number one contender for the World Bombshell Championship. In a little over a month the petite woman’s dream would finally come to past. Not only would she get to challenge for the World Bombshell Championship but she would get to main event the biggest Super Card of the year. She in complete awe, a smile was on her face as she had changed into her street clothes. She had exited the locker room and waiting for her was her 11 year old daughter Juliet. The brunette ran over to Diamond and hugged her as tightly as possible.

“Mommy you did it…” Just the thought of hearing those words brought tears to Kate’s eyes. Kate stood there as she could only hold her daughter tightly. The British woman didn’t say a word as the brunette kept talking to her.

“I can’t believe it… You actually won… You are going to High Stakes! You are going to wrestle for the World Bombshell Championship. This is everything you ever wanted and now it’s all yours. Can you just please make me one promise mommy…”

Kate opens her eyes up in amazement as all of this was hard to believe but she wasn’t going to let her daughter down. She looks down into her beautiful innocent eyes as she replies back to her.

“What is it pumpkin, what is the promise you want me to make?!”

Juliet was as innocent as can be. She takes a long deep breath as she holds her mother tighter than before.

“Promise me you won’t ever use a chair again like you did tonight to win a match. I want people to appreciate what you can do on your own. I don’t want people to think you are a cheater. I know you have the power to win. I know you can do things on your own. Just show everybody what you can really do…”

Kate smiles warmly.

“Don’t worry, I will promise to do just that. I don’t want people to think I have to cheat or do things out of the norm in order to become relevant. I want to be valued by what I do by my own merit. I want people to respect me and you do have a point pumpkin. I know it will take some time to get there but I am done with doing things underhanded. The Queen wouldn’t do anything bad and to honour how strong of a woman she was I will do everything with class. That is a promise I can keep…”

Her daughter smiles as she refuses to let go.

“I love you so much mom… Thank you for always being there. Thank you for being you…”

Diamond smiles in return. Her daughter did have a point and Kate was going to do everything in her power to make her daughter proud of her. She held Juliet’s hand tightly as the two of them walked down the hallway and towards the exit. However what they didn’t expect was one Krystal Wolfe waiting in the middle of the hallway. Kate looked into the eyes of her longtime rival. The two locked eyes as Krystal spoke.

“So you managed to win tonight… I know we have been through a lot this year but it looks like you are the one who will be fighting for her dreams…”

Diamond nodded her head.

“I know and to be honest I really didn’t want to win the way that I did tonight. After talking to my daughter I realize it really wasn’t done with class and I am sorry for that. I know the two of us really haven’t seen eye to eye with one another. Hell you and my cousin Ruby were at odds as well. Not to mention you beat the bloody brakes off of me at one time when you sent me into that tank of piranhas. Despite everything we been through you are definitely a warrior Krystal… You really are a Wolfe ready to devour the competition…”

Diamond takes a deep breath as she continues to speak.

“I can see how you were best newcomer and the one to watch. You have had a stunning year and my biggest issue with you is that you were always complacent with just being a Roulette Champion. I know it shouldn’t have bothered me but I value you as a woman who is worth so much more than that. I just want you to challenge yourself and reaching for the very top…”

Krystal nods her head as she keeps her eyes fixated on Kate.

“I can appreciate you… You are a great wrestler yourself. Now that you have won the right to challenge Masque you better make the most of it. We all know that opportunities like this don’t always come around. Masque is tough and she outmatches you in every way but you need to push on. If you can, you might find yourself as champion… Best of luck to you…”

There was a silence in that hallway. Juliet just kept looking at Krystal, and the two rivals never moved their eyes off of one another. Diamond however made the first move as she extended a hand out to Krystal which took the Australian back a bit. She thought about it but her hands locked with Kate’s as she nodded her head.

“Best of luck to you Diamond… You just make sure you go out there and beat Masque and who knows. Maybe one day the two of us might be fighting for the World Championship…”

Diamond smirks as she keeps her eyes locked on Krystal. “I appreciate that… You never know… Just pray for the best before lord knows I am going to give her everything I got. Cheers…”

With that Krystal and Diamond went their opposite directions. Diamond’s daughter walked side by side with her mother until they came across some familiar individuals. It was none other than Charlotte and Mackenzie from London Underground. All three British women stared at one another as there was a genuine level of happiness in the air. Charlotte quickly hugged Kate.

“Bloody hell you actually did it tonight Diamond…”

Mackenzie nodded her head in agreement.

“I knew you always had it in you. It was only a matter of time before you were going to get the things that you had worked so hard to get…”

Diamond smiles.

“Thank you both so much. To be honest I am really happy to be in this position. I feel like I have worked for a very long time to get to this position. A lot of people have worked off an entire lifetime in order to move their career in the position that they wanted it to go in. I have been in SCW for like six years now and this is the first time that I have EVER earned a position to get a World Championship match. Hell this is the first Super Card I will ever get to main event. It’s crazy that it took six years to get to this spot. I know I cashed in a briefcase to get a main event match but this feels differently. I feel like I actually earned this match and that makes it more the worthwhile…”

Mackenzie grins in return.

“Well you have your work cut out for you… I remember when you fought Alicia Lukas at London Brawling and it was a failing effort. If you couldn’t even win in your home town what makes you think you will have what it takes to beat perhaps the most dangerous woman to have ever stepped foot within an SCW ring?! A lot seems to be on the line and I don’t know if you have what it takes to really come out on the winning side of things?!”

Diamond slowly shakes her head.

“I know… It is a lot to take in but I guess what makes all of this different is the fact that I am not out there fighting for myself. I am fighting on behalf of the Queen. I am fighting for my daughter and I can’t let them down. My daughter has wanted me to have this moment for a very long time and I will make her happy. I have to show her that her mother is the toughest around and I am not afraid of anybody. Not even Masque…”

Juliet stands next to her mother as she looks at both women.

“That’s right and my mother won’t let me down. I know a lot of people don’t have faith in me but I definitely do, and that is all that matters…”

Diamond smiles at her daughter before she moves her head back to her fellow Brits she looks deep into their eyes as she shares her heart.

“Anyway I appreciate the vote of confidence but that still doesn’t explain why you two decided to come here tonight. What’s going on?!”

Charlotte looks over at Mackenzie before her eyes move back over to Kate.

“Actually the real reason we are here is because Daniel sent us. He actually wanted to speak to you.”

Diamond opens her eyes in amazement as she seemed befuddled.

“Speak to me about what exactly?! I don’t think I understand. What did he have to say to me…”

Mackenzie is the one to respond.

“Actually this has to do with you visiting the Golden Ring Casino two days ago. I know you came into the casino to speak to Crystal about hosting your tribute to the queen concert at the casino…”

Kate nods her head.

“That was the plan but I was basically told to piss off and Crystal made it seem that as long as she was the special events coordinator that I would never be allowed to have my concert there. It’s okay though. I figured that maybe the casino was busy and it just didn’t have the room to host the event…”

The two of them just stand as they move out of the way. Daniel J. Morgan could be seen walking in between the two women. He looks into the eyes of Kate as he speaks to her.

“It’s rare that I get out of the casino but seeing as that SCW was home in Vegas tonight I figured I could make an appearance. I heard about what Crystal did at the casino and I am very disappointed in her. Not only that but Mark Ward called me and told me that he was partnering with you on this tribute for the Queen. Crystal’s actions don’t speak for the entire establishment of GRC. What she failed to realize is that all of London Underground is from England. We all respect the Queen and we will be willing to do anything to honour her majesty. With High Stakes coming to Vegas we will hold that concert for you. I can’t wait to help raise money for the British Red Cross…”

Kate’s eyes open wide up.

“Really that sounds amazing?! As a matter of fact it truly… truly is OUTR….”

Daniel just shakes his head sighing.

“Please don’t say that… I think I dodged a bullet by having to drop out of that Blast From The Past and teaming up with your cousin. I don’t think I could handle any more 24 London Stone nonsense and I definitely can’t take you saying it either. All you need to know is that you have my casino Saturday Night of High Stakes weekend for whatever you wish to do. Whenever you want to do anything to honor our country overseas you will always have the venue of the casino. Make our country proud and whatever difficulty you went through will never happen again…”

Diamond is taken back.

“And why is that exactly?!”

Daniel nods his head.

“With the way Crystal has been acting lately I took matter into my own hands and I have suspended Crystal from her position at the Golden Ring Casino. What remains to be seen is where her future goes from here. It is embarrassing that Christian Underwood fired her from SCW and now I made a move with her at the casino. Sooner or later she is going to be left with nothing left…”

Juliet hears this and she immediately looks at Daniel in the eyes. She takes a long deep breath as she begins to scream at him.

“Please Mr. Morgan don’t fire her! It’s okay if you suspended her and I know you did what you had to do but please let her keep her job. She’s the mother of my best friend, and I don’t want anything to happen to Aurora’s and I’s friendship. I just think Miss Crystal is misunderstood… Please… Please… Don’t do anything too badly to her…”

Daniel looks into the eleven year Old’s eyes. He slowly nods his head in return as he replies back to her.

“Okay, okay…I can’t handle to break the heart of an eleven year old. After High Stakes she can be unsuspended and get her job back, but from now until this concert I am going to have your mother take point on this concert. As far as I am concerned you are the event coordinator for this concert. So you can help yourself to using Crystal’s office temporarily. If you need any resource or anything at all you can have it. Just make this concert one that nobody will forget and on top of that you know what you need to do to really make the Queen happy…”

Daniel looks over at London Underground. Mackenzie looks at Kate as she looks deep into Kate’s eyes.

“Bring the World Bombshell Championship to where it belongs. You waited six years for this opportunity. Now is the time to make sure that it doesn’t go to waste…”

Kate nods her head as she looks at the three Brits in front of her.

“You don’t have to worry about any of that. I promise to make the very most of this opportunity. I will do my very best but most importantly I will win. I guarantee that much…I won’t rest until I am crowned as the new World Bombshell Championship and the title is around my waist…”

With that they all keep their eyes locked on Kate. She and her daughter leave the arena as they head off into the direction of the rental car.

You know there are so many different thoughts that are running through my mind right now. I guess the first thought is that has definitely been a long hard fought process. I have been in SCW for a very long time and throughout my six year journey of being in this company I have only received four opportunities at becoming the World Bombshell Champion. One of those opportunities was because I cashed in on a briefcase and instead of trying to follow the norm of cashing in on an unsuspecting champion I chose the high road and it really didn’t get me anywhere that resulted in a lost to Alicia. I also remember getting a random championship match against my best friend Melody Grace and I felt like I didn’t deserve it. The same thing happened with a match against Roxi Johnson.

All of those matches ended with me not winning and it’s sad that for six years I had only been in that position three teams. I have busted my ass in this company for the entire time that I have been here. I have worked my way through the ranks starting at the very bottom.

It started with me challenging for the Roulette Championship but I made it into my own and not only did I hold it with honour but I raised the bar. I set the record and prove to be quite the fighting champion with that belt. After my journey with the Roulette Championship I did the same exact thing with the Internet Championship. I won that title and I defended it to the best of my ability. In my second reign I tied the longest reign, and held the record for most combined days as champion.

I wasn’t afraid to fight top notch challenges and I worked my ass into being a work horse of a champion. I even went on to see if I could do something different and that is when my former husband and I won the Mixed Tag Team Championships.

I feel like I am a woman who has accomplished so much. Blast From The Past finalist, two time Roulette Champion, two time Internet Champion, and former Mixed Tag Team Champion. I have done everything I possibly could have done in this company. There is only one thing that has ever eluded me and that is go out there and win the big one.

That World Bombshell Championship has never came around my waist but now I have a feeling that things will be different this time around. Things will be different because I have actually earned my chance to main event a Super Card. This is truly a year of firsts and now that I have made it to the big dance I promise with everything that is built inside of me that I am not going to lose everything now. This is everything I have worked so hard for and you better believe that I am going to make the most of this extra moment.

The only thing I need to do now is fight the biggest threat that I have ever been in the ring with. I just need to beat the unbeatable Masque and when I do I will have everything that I could have ever imagined. I will be acknowledged as the very best because I will have the World Championship that showcases me as such. On top of that I will also be considered a main event star which is something I have always longed for. I will become yet another Grand Slam Champion in the history of SCW but most importantly than that I think I would have made a very strong case to be considered for the Hall of Fame.

After all when you see the accomplishments and the accolades it would be hard to deny a woman who has done everything that there possibly is to achieve in SCW from entering into the hall. That’s why this one match is very important. This one match has so much riding on it and it’s one match that can change the entire world of one British girl.

Masque it seems like you and I are on a serious collision course. It’s SCW’s smallest and shortest active bombshell taking on one of the tallest. So how will I fare when I have to stand up against a giant?! I am sure you can read a bible or even a fairy tale to figure out what happened when David took on Goliath or even Jack went up the beanstalk. No matter which you look upon the result was always the same. In the most unlikely events the smaller individual ended up winning and I will look to do the same when the two of us face off against each other.

Now here is where the truth comes in between the two of us. You love to sit there and speak as if you are reading poetry. You are violent and everybody views you as this threat but all I see is a woman that just knows how to use big words, and I don’t need to paint things like a picture. I really don’t care if you are only about the Rapture and bringing everybody to it.

The only thing I care about is being the very best in this company and that is where you and I differ. You don’t wish to be the vest. You just carry around the title as a way to shove a trinket around. Considering how much thought you have put into this match your biggest concern isn’t on me. It has always been on an Amber Ryan or somebody else. I haven’t been on your radar at all and you been treating me as if I am an afterthought. It’s such a shame because I view you as the only thing in my way to get what I want.

I know there will be a lot of people who will be cheering me on to beat you. There are people who see me as having a change of attitude and they like what they have seen from me. There are others who think I could be a hero if I could take you down. They view what you did to Amber and others as being very despicable and I have been placed into position to be their savior.

Let me make something clear. I am nobody’s hero. That spot has always been saved for the likes of a Roxi Johnson or even a Keira Fisher. I know I could never be that because that’s not me. You see Masque what makes me dangerous and potentially the biggest threat that you have ever been in the ring with is the simple fact that I have my head on straight about this entire match with me.

The only reason why I want to fight you is not to gain some type of recognition from giving you retribution for what you did to Amber Ryan. I personally don’t care about any of that. The only thing I care about is the gold that you have around your waist and I long to make it my very own. A lot of women have fought for that title. They have put everything on the line to wear it with pride and I can’t stand to see that title go around the waist of somebody who only has a one track mind on what they want to focus on.

I don’t see you as a threat… I just see you as the Bitch who is standing in the way of everything I have ever wished to accomplish in this company. That title will prove to women like Myra and Alicia Lukas who told me that I am not good enough or could never make it to the top that they could eat crow. A win over you changes all of that and it puts all of that too shame.

Myra told me that I reminded her of what she used to be like when she arrogant but I beg to differ. You see for me being denied something just makes me want to push hard for it, and I know with every misstep comes a teachable moment that I can pick myself back up and get to where I need to be.

Besides had I been a Myra Rivers when things didn’t go my way I would have left the company like a little Bitch. I would have gone elsewhere and complained why I didn’t get thing done, but long before I am still here because I know that journey isn’t done yet. On top of that Alicia Lukas has consistently called me trash over and over again.

However I was able to overcome that Alicia hurdle when I beat her in a Super Card match, and was able to beat her along with two other women to earn my spot in this match. I will say that I have done a great job of righting so many wrongs and I am not done yet.

I know I am not trash and I am definitely not afraid of you. I am in this for the long haul and this journey doesn’t stop until I beat you. Once I beat you the journey to become the best ends and a new journey of consistently proving myself will begin.

SCW needs a champion that actually wants to be a champion. Not something that one just has for the sake of maintaining. Besides I feel like you didn’t even earn your place to be here. Truth be told you lost your match against Roxi Johnson. She had beaten you and had unified the titles. Which meant you should have rightfully moved to the back of the line so that another challenger could rise up through the ranks to fight for the title.

Instead you were just handed another opportunity and I think that is a huge slap in the face to everybody who had to work their ass off to get anything in this company. Hell even when you took the Internet Championship away from Andrea I felt like you didn’t even earn that title match. You were just given a title match after being here for three months and poof everything else falls into place.

After being Internet championship for like two plus months you just get inserted right into a World Championship match?!

That is a bunch of bollocks to me because I know for a fact that I definitely have paid my share of dues in this company. When I went on to hold the Internet Championship for my second reign, the reign in which I tied the longest reign I built up the most defenses. I defended against names like Evie Jordan, Roxi Johnson, Keira Fisher, and so many others.

I beat people that actually mattered and built up a long laundry list of defenses. After doing everything that I did for the division I felt like when I lost the title that I was time that I could move up the card but the company didn’t see it that way. They didn’t see me as a main event star but only saw me being held down somewhere in the mid-card. Do you have any idea how that made me feel?!

I felt low and to be honest disrespected because I know what I bring to the table night in and night out. As if that wasn’t enough I have to put up with every single show owners banning my Gem Stones from the ring as if they ever really had an impact on any of my matches. I have always went out there on my own merits and wrestled. It didn’t matter if I was looked upon as the biggest Bitch or the nicest girl. It has always been me but for some reason that level of respect for Kate Steele was non-existent.

How come I never got the treatment that you got?! Holding an Internet title for two months and immediately calling for a shot but yet I get frowned upon?!

That’s bollocks and I think everybody knows it. I have paid my dues, I have won every single title but the one around your waist, and it just seems like it’s never good enough. When will it ever be good enough?!

That is why I have something to prove in this match because I am fighting for my dignity. I am fighting for self-respect and most of all I am fighting for me. I need to beat you so I could openly tell the entire world that I deserve to be here.

I am sure you haven’t been what I been through, and every single thing I have done has always been a case of me trying to fit in.

As SCW’s chameleon I have always tried to mold myself into whatever the company needed from me. I was a baker, a movie star, a punk rocker, a little girl who saw UFC one day and immediately thought I was a submission based wrestler. I also happened to have a time where I hid behind a mask and that is when this whole personality as Diamond came about.

At first it was supposed to be a stupid little ruse to make my former husband look bad but it developed into an entire band. A band that loved to be based off of a cartoon show that went off of the air well before I was born. However these are all traits that define me and at least I know what I am about whenever I enter the wrestling ring.

However do you even know who you are or what you are bringing to the table?!

I know you should be feared but to be honest I have seen you wrestle opponents to draws and they just don’t go in the way that you had hoped for them to go. If you are as tough as you claim to be you should be in there destroying every opponent and be an unstoppable force. You simply aren’t though and that’s because I think that you personally don’t care about the wrestling or trying to be the best.

You just want to focus on the things you wish to focus on and everything else doesn’t matter. That’s not me though. To me this match with you is everything. It took me six long Fucking years just to get my first main event Super Card match.

It wasn’t one that was begged for… It wasn’t just randomly given to me…

I am at the dance because I bloody EARNED it and that means that I want to be here. This is what I want and I will be damned if you ruin this for me. I know chances like this don’t always come and that is why I am going to make the most of it. If I have to put my entire body on the line to prove a point so be it but you are going to know that I have arrived and that I am here to stay.

In September our beloved Queen had passed away from the World. It was something that shocked the entire world and I really look up to that woman. I am putting forward a concert in her name because she is a woman that rightfully deserves it. On top of that I know I can’t afford to lose to you because I have people that depend on me.

This has nothing to do with the SCW nation but I am talking about people that are very close to me. Kris Ryans believed in me and he trusted me with an entire school to look after. All of those students are looking to see my next move and wish to see what happens when I have to face somebody as dangerous as you.

It’s not about the size of the dog but it’s all about the size of fight in that DOG and this dog is ready to bite your very head off. On top of that you have the Gem Stones who are looking to see what their fearless leader is going to do.

Most importantly my eleven year old daughter is looking to see what her mommy can do when pushed with adversity. I have spent this year dealing with a ton of bullshit from my ex-husband. I thought getting over a bad divorce would have been enough but I also had my child taken away from me because he falsely called CPS on me.

I had to deal with months of trying to prove that I am a great parent and after everything I finally got my daughter back.

If there has been one constant that has been throughout my career it’s the simple fact that I am a fighter and I will fight to the very end. You might be bigger and you might seem like a threat but I don’t see it that way. at High Stakes I am going to prove to you that I am the best women’s wrestler in this company today.

I will win that title and I will be champion.

Watch out Masque because I am not hiding behind a mask. What you see is what you get and there will be nothing to stop me from shining like a Diamond. Brace yourself because it won’t be long until you find yourself… SHIPWRECKED.

Climax Control Archives / For Her Royal Majesty Part 2
« on: September 16, 2022, 11:40:23 PM »
Las Vegas, California
September 16th, 2022
Golden Ring Casino
It had been a week since Queen Elizabeth had passed away. The Golden Ring Casino was somewhat busy although all of the main British staff of the casino was nowhere to be found. Mackenzie and Charlotte had taken some minor time off, and Daniel J. Morgan had given direction from home. With her firing from SCW Crystal Zdunich could commit more time to that of her role as the special events coordinator for the casino. Crystal sat down in her office. She had a guest with her as SCW would be hosting an event at the Gold Coast casino on Sunday. La Rosa Ardiente sat down in front of Crystal. Crystal offered a cocky grin as she looked at the caramel skinned beauty as if she was giving her a tour.
“Welcome to the Golden Ring Casino Rosa. I am so happy you could be here today. I am going to do everything in my power to give you the best tour eve. I know you are accustomed to hanging about my ex-husband but I have a feeling that today is going to be special…”
Rosa looked back at Crystal as she said the first thing that instantly came to her mind.
“My thoughts exactly Rosa. I am really happy that your name means Burning Rose in English. That’s such an amazing name and I know you will set the entire world on fire. Now it makes sense why people think that I am you or is it more so that you are me. Whatever the case I am happy that you can join me today. This casino has hosted so many different events and if you follow my lead you might be part of something special.”
As the two of them are sitting, Crystal gets a special visitor at her office. Standing in the door is none other than the owner of the casino Daniel Morgan. He walks into her office as he seems a bit befuddled.
“Good afternoon… Crystal…”
He looks at Crystal before he slowly turns his attention over to Rosa who is sitting down in front of her. Crystal cracks a wicked grin as she moves her hands through her hair.
“What’s wrong Daniel?! You look like you saw a ghost or something, or at least surprised…”
He looks over at Rosa before she slowly looks back at Crystal.
“I just that Rosa was… Well…. All of this is bloody confusing. The world claims one thing but I am seeing something different with my own eyes. Bollocks it really doesn’t matter and to be honest I really don’t care…”
Crystal nods her head passionately as she looks right at Daniel with a smug grin on her face. Rosa actually begins to speak.
“Si… I no understand why people think I am Crystal. Crystal great wrestler and legend. She big in Mexico and Christian embarrass her in front of the entire world. It’s not right. Crystal big legend who deserves respect…”
Crystal looks over at Rosa as she replies back in return.
“My thoughts exactly. I don’t know why everybody assumes that I am Rosa Ardiente! People just need to show me some proper respect especially Christian Underwood. All I did was use a STUNT DOUBLE to serve popcorn in an arena. There is nothing wrong with using a STUNT DOUBLE. Christian decided he couldn’t handle that so he fired me because of that. I am not going to get my hands dirty doing something that is beneath me, and these hands definitely don’t deserve to get some nasty butter and oil on them…”
Rosa nods her head as she chimes in with her own comments.
“Exactly… Maybe if Senor Underwood knew how Hollywood and being an actress worked he could appreciate the point of a STUNT DOUBLE!!! He is clearly clueless and always has been!”
Crystal chuckles as she looks back at Daniel.
“Christian should respect it. You think I do my own stunts?! Whenever things hit the fan I can count on them to do the things I don’t want to do. Anyway what brings you to the office Daniel, I thought you were going to take some time off because of the Queen’s passing but I see you are here…”
Daniel nods his head as he looks right at Crystal.
“Yeah I actually wanted to tell you that Diamond Steele will be stopping in here today about some special event. Mark Ward already gave me a call about it but I just wanted to give you a heads up. Do whatever you feel is best for the casino. You have always made some lucrative decisions for the casino and I trust you will do the same when it comes to this. Don’t let me down Crystal…”
Crystal smiles evilly.
“Oh I won’t Daniel… You can always count on me. I appreciate you hiring me to be here in the first place. I know it has been a while since I have been in the office but yours truly is always looking out in the very best interest of making you money…”
Daniel nods his head in agreement.
“Good… That’s what I like to hear. Cheers Crystal and enjoy your day…”
With that Daniel leaves the casino leaving casino in charge for whatever is to come with this special event that would be pitched to her. Rosa looks at Crystal as she questions her.”
“Mo… I mean Crystal… So what are you going to say when Senorita Diamond comes here?!”
Crystal cracks a wicked grin as she nods her head and replies back to her.
“Oh I definitely have some things I need to get off of my chest and I have a feeling she isn’t going to like them. Whatever it is that she wants you should know what the answer is going to be Rosa…”
Rosa laughs in return.
“I definitely do and maybe I should be the one to do the talking…”
Crystal smirks as she looks at the masked beauty.
“That sounds like an amazing idea. T-Will wanted you to intern under me so you might as well see if you can handle this. Just do the things that I would do…”
The masked woman says in return and it isn’t long until the door to Crystal’s office opens again. Standing in the doorway was none other than Diamond Steele. Diamond waves as she enters the room and it is at that moment that Rosa stands up and gets in her face. Diamond has to do a double take as she glances at Crystal before turning her attention over to the masked Rosa in front of her.
“Bloody hell what the hell is going on?! I thought you were Rosa Crystal. The entire world knows that you are Rosa. What are you trying to pull?!”
Crystal raises her eyes as if she was about to respond but Rosa instead is the one to speak. She looks at Diamond as she offers a mean remark.
“What do you mean what is she trying to pull. I don’t appreciate you coming into my mo… CRYSTAL’S office and accusing her of something. As a matter of fact, I am tired of everybody assuming that Crystal is me. As you can see with your own eyes we are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Always have been and always will be. Had Christian not abused his power and fired Crystal nobody would assume anything!”
Kate is taken back as she shrugs her shoulders.
“Wait a minute since when do you know English?! I thought you had a hard time with the language. On top of that I don’t even know why you are in Crystal’s office.”
Rosa cracks a wicked grin.
“Did it ever occur to you that I am in this office because I am INTERNING for Crystal?!”
Crystal nods her head.
“Exactly! So if you have something to say you can feel free to say it to her. Rosa will be handling all of my business for the day, and whatever she says is the final law of the land…”
Diamond takes a long deep breath before she walks over to one of the chairs and sits down in front of Crystal and Rosa. She looks at the both of them as she begins to speak.
“Anyway I am sure that Daniel had spoken to you but I just want to reiterate what was discussed. Anyway as you know last week Queen Elizabeth passed away. I was thinking that maybe we could host a huge concert in her honour here during the weekend of High Stakes. I know that Golden Ring tends to be busy during Super Card weekends so considering this is High Stakes I know a lot of wrestling fans will flock to this casino. I would try to get Griffin Hawkins involved and maybe ask Roxi to do something as well. All proceeds of the concert would go towards the British Red Cross which was the Queen’s favorite charity. It would really be a great thing to do considering we really can’t go over to the UK that much…”

Crystal just thinks about it but Rosa crosses her arms as she looks right into Kate’s eyes with disgust.

“Seriously, you want to insult Crystal by trying to hold some stupid concert here?! The main concern I have is why would anybody want to come to a concert that you are hosting. Last time I checked your albums under the Rose Records label haven’t been selling. At Summer XXXtreme you let Christian outclass you with Heart. Now we are supposed to sit here and host some charity concert?! How much would the casino profit from this?!”

Kate is taken back as she shrugs her shoulders.

“Profit, this isn’t about profit. This is about making a sizeable donation to a very great cause. Making a profit really wasn’t on the table. I just figured that Daniel is from England, so is Kenzie and Charly, and it would really be supporting our country. I know most of the people that are in management here are English so this hits home. All proceeds go directly to the cause although I guess whatever liquor that people buy would go right to the bar…”

Diamond tries to speak some more but she is immediately cut off by Rosa who speaks for Crystal.

“So let me get this straight. You want people to come to this casino and you want to use our event area so you could put on a concert?! GRC isn’t in the business to put on charity events. We are here to make money. I don’t give a damn on who passed away. It could have the President of the United States and the answer will still be no…”

Diamond just ignores Rosa or who she thinks is the “fake” Rosa as she turns her attention to Crystal and shakes her head at her.

“Crystal I know you aren’t going to let that evil piece of shit do the talking for you. I know you are on the deep end but you shouldn’t be that far deep to see that this is the right thing to do. Even Hot Stuff said he would be for this concert. If things get under way he will donate some of his own money to Cancer Research UK which was another charity that her majesty was a patron of. I know Cancer hit’s home with you because your daughter Aurora had Leukemia. She kicked it’s butt and put it into full remission. This would help so many people in need…”

Crystal raises her voice as she gets in Diamond’s face.

“Help people in need, not for anything but where was all of this help for me when I needed it?! I poured everything into everybody else. At Summer XXXtreme I was right there at your side playing the keyboard for your battle of the bands war with Christian Underwood. I was right there and now you want to side with his co-owner Mark Ward because his precious Queen passed away?! Sorry but I am not biting… I am not going to side with a company that FIRED me! Not now and certainly not ever. The answer is always going to be no and that’s just the way it is…”

Rosa smiles as she looks back at Diamond.

“You heard that?! The answer is no so that means you should get the hell out of here. We don’t do charity work her and especially considering you were at one time part of the same team with Amy Marshall and Jessie Salco who constantly find ways to make fun of Crystal on social media we definitely aren’t going to do it. Maybe if you chose better company you wouldn’t be in this situation. Only way you will have this event is if you ask Daniel directly… Get out of my office…”

With that being said we fade out.

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