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Messages - Son of Salem

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Salem, Massachusetts

Familiar sight, yes? The hundred-plus year old Victorian manor stood tall, centered away from the hustle of not only the city life, but also the neighboring communities that surrounded them. Land that was seen by many, perhaps jealousy so, as prime real estate. Back before he had even met his wife Rinoa, Kedron had purchased this house and the land surrounding it. Several acres of open land, several acres of woodland. Trees surrounded this house on all sides, with only a single path that led from it to the road, and back again. Few paths also marked the forest around, but paths marked by many a casual trek through the trees. There had been scant attempts by city and real estate developers who had wanted the land for their own, but each attempt had been short-lived.

It belonged to the Williams, now and forever. It was quiet … private … it was perfect. Kedron, unlike his wife, was an intensely private individual. While she made a few attempts at socializing here and there, his own were virtually non-existent. He simply had little use for people, save for his wife and the elderly woman who served as their housekeeper, a Missus Adale Hansel. So you can understand who Rinoa was so caught unaware when the morning sun rose, and her husband walked into the spacious kitchen and asked her...

“Tell me something.” Kedron said as he took the steaming cup of tea from Missus Hansel, and walked around the kitchen table to have a seat opposite his wife. “How would you feel if we were to have dinner guests this week?”

Rinoa had leaned over to offer one of her feline ‘babies’ a much desired scratch behind the ear, when her husband’s words rang true to her ears and she was given pause. She turned her head and tilted it just a hint in silent questioning.

“Dinner guests?” She asked. “Kedron, are you feeling alright? Has your heart being returned had some unforeseen complications after all this time?”

“Droll, my dear.” Kedron sipped at the black tea, no flavoring added. No cream nor sugar -- he did not even wait for it to cool slightly. He drank the scalding drink without so much as flinching. “No, but given the spot I’ve found myself in, I just have a feeling that if there are any hopes of success…”

“Benjamin deserves his explanation?” Rinoa, as she often would, finished his thoughts for him. He simply nodded. She finally said, “I have no objections, but are you certain this is a step you want to take? In all these years, we’ve never had guests over for such a social occasion. Save for perhaps a rare visit from my family. You value privacy far too much for such a thing, and I? Well, you know I have always respected that in you.”

“Not something I wish to make a habit out of…” He seemed to be in his own little world, conflicted as to whether this was something he wanted to truly do or not. What she said was true enough. His privacy was one of the most important things to him. Opening up their doors to guests almost seemed -- somehow, alien to him. The Trick or Treaters in late October had been surprising enough. But this…? “Well, there is a first time for anything I suppose.”

You could just as easily meet him before the show?” Rinoa suggested.

Kedron contemplated this thought only briefly, before he shook his head and said, “No. After everything that has passed between us, such a simple thing won’t do.”

“Well, if you’re certain.” Rinoa smiled one of her rare but heartwarming smiles. She turned her head and watched as the housekeeper had picked up a silver tray, and on it, three crystal dishes. Each with a serving of beef and liver cat food, her babies’ personal favorite. Yes, Rinoa’s cats were quite spoiled, eating off of crystal. She watched with a smile as all three felines; Isis, Cleopatra and Achilles swarmed around the old woman’s feet, mewing for their breakfast. One by one, each dish was set on the kitchen floor and its assigned recipient proceeded to ‘dig in.’

“Missus Hansel?” Rinoa spoke up, and the elderly woman stood upright. “Would that be okay? Dinner guests? I know it's not one of your regular duties…”

“No ma’am, it’s quite alright.” Mrs. Hansel held a hand up, forestalling Rinoa’s worry. “Two mouths to feed or four. I’m just happy to see you have invited guests for a change.”

“It will make for quite the unusual bit of diversity, won’t it?” Rinoa quipped, taking a drink from her own tea, winking at Kedron from over the brim.

Had a look at the promo of one Ben Jordan by now, have you? Well splendid! It helps to make these things run so much smoother. The night in question had arrived, and Kedron and Rinoa had decided to indulge themselves in one of their favorite pastimes while they awaited their guests' arrival; dancing. Rinoa absolutely adored an elegant dance, and here’s a secret about Kedron that you might be unfamiliar with; he could handle himself quite well on a ballroom floor.

With one hand behind his own waistline, and his free hand on his wife’s own waist, the Williams’ spun about the floor of the ballroom in the center of their home to Alan Silvestri’s “Amas Veritas.” When you had lived as long as Kedron, sometimes the simplest of pleasures would serve to become the most meaningful. And for Kedron? Dancing with his wife was a pleasure that bordered on sheer bliss.

“Excuse me, ma’am? Sir?” They continued to dance as the housekeeper’s voice rose up just enough to be heard over the music. “Benjamin and Evie Jordan are here.”

“Splendid!” Kedron mused almost merrily as the husband and wife danced around in a wide circle, and from the corner of their eyes, they spotted Missus Hansel escorting Ben and Evie with their husky canine Bear into the open framel of the room. And without breaking a single stride, Rinoa released Kedron and Ben suddenly found himself pulled onto the dance floor by the wife of the man who had once been his greatest enemy. But give Ben Jordan credit where it was due; he recovered quickly from the surprise of Rinoa’s action, and you know something?

Ben Jordan is quite the dancer in his own right. And whilst they danced, Kedron slowly walked to stand on the opposite side of the door while Evie watched as well. Evie then turned her head to spot Kedron watching her and she shook her head.

“Don’t even think about it!”

“Never fear, Missus Jordan.” Kedron smiled. “I would sooner swallow a rag off a bath house floor.”

Evie murmured, “Don’t you forget it!”

The evening moved on. Dinner had been quite the success, even were Ben and Evie even slightly apprehensive about eating at the Williams’ table. Bear, however, had no such reservations. When that rack of prime rib had been placed down in front of Bear, it was like watching Taz go through a tree. Slowly, the Jordans came to ease their own tension and enjoy themselves, or at the very least, attempt to.

“I can only hope you come to appreciate this, Benjamin. Invited guest or no.” Kedron spoke gently as the two men had left their wives behind so that they could have a moment alone to themselves. Kedron walked side by side with Ben, his hands clasped behind his waist as he served as a personal escort. He continued, “Having guests is not something to which I have been accustomed to.”


“Period.” Kedron stressed. “Not counting family, you are the very first guests who have set foot inside of these walls.”

“Why?” Ben found himself asking, even though he could almost answer his own question.

“This may come as a surprise to you Benjamin,” Kedron answered. “But I am not the most sociable of sorts.”

“The hell you say!” Ben then paused, placing a hand on his chest and placed a hand on Kedron’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. Was that rude of me?”

To which Kedron just stared at Ben before he shook his head and moved on, “I’m coming to regret this already.” And giving Ben the satisfaction of a smile as they arrived at a large set of double doors, ornately carved in cherry wood that stretched clear to the ceiling. “It was a surprise last year when children showed up on our doorstep for Tricks or Treats. And no…!” Kedron held a hand up, cutting Ben off before he could say anything. “I did not lure them in with gingerbread to be fattened up in my oven.”

“Damn!” Ben smiled. “I could have had a lot of fun with that one! But still, must get lonely.”

“How do you mean?” Kedron asked as he grasped the handle of one of the doors, ready to open but waiting for Ben’s answer.

“I never had you pegged to being an animal lover I suppose.” Ben stated, adding, “No offense of course. But the only person I ever see you with is your wife, and she had made it fairly clear that you and her cats don’t get along.”

“We don’t .. or didn't rather. Not until after you and she had pulled your little fast one. But I do adore all innocent creatures that walk this world.” Kedron then pushed the door open and stepped aside, allowing Ben to go in first with one final say, “It’s human beings that I tend to hate.”

Ben then found himself standing at the forefront of a spacious library, Kedron’s personal study. One of the largest private libraries that Ben had personally ever set foot inside. One desk. A plush, leather sofa. And bookcases. Several bookcases that reached the ceiling and lined every wall. And on each shelf, there were volumes packed tightly with little free space.

“Nice.” Ben nodded as Kedron followed him in, and walked his guest over toward the center of the room. “Your personal man cave?”

“No, my ‘man cave’ is in the basement.” Kedron then flashed a wicked grin, and added, “But something tells me that you’d be hesitant to follow me down there.”

“Smart lad.” Ben quipped, but he had a keen eye and for the first time, he noticed that the bookshelves were not the only thing lining the walls of this room, but there were the paintings. Eleven total in number. Each painting was that of a woman subject. Each one expertly rendered to the point it looked as if she were about to step off of the canvas and join them for the evening. The brush strokes? Virtually non existent. Each one preserved in an ornately carved, wooden frame. Ben was no expert on art work, but even his keen eye could tell these paintings were not only master crafts, but old. Very old.

Kedron silently watched as Ben approached one painting in particular, that of an elderly matriarch of a woman. But her age did nothing to defy the fact she had strength in her eyes. Strength and -- power? Ben then turned his head and noticed that two other paintings each bore the likeness of an older woman. The others seemed to age down from eldrly to adult, and perhaps young adult.

Only then did Ben turn to Kedron and say as more of a statement than a question, “Your coven.”

Kedron closed his eyes and simply nodded in silence. He stepped up beside Ben and with a hand, directed his attention to one painting after another, speaking the name of each woman until they arrived at the very painting that had drawn Ben in.

“Prudence Mathews.” Kedron said calmly, but Ben could hear in his voice what seemed an impossibility. Affection. “The coven’s high priestess. She raised me as her own grandchild after my mother… after her death. I could not have loved someone more than I did her. I never met such a skillful witch.” He nodded. “She taught me everything that I know.”

Ben noticed a mistiness to the eyes of his former enemy, and turned away to give the man what privacy he could. Ben then leaned in close and narrowed his eyes at the painting in examination. He asked, “Are these originals?”

“They are…” Kedron stepped right up beside Ben, his eyes fastened on the figure in the painting. “... the very same paintings each of these women sat for over three hundred years ago.”

Ben blinked. He looked from the painting to Kedron, then back again. “Three hundred year old paintings…” He shook his head in disbelief. But the sheer dedication Kedron showed to find, locate and retrieve each and every personal portrait of these women who played such a vital role in his life. Ben was nothing short of impressed. “How long did it take you to find them?”

“A long time.” Kedron answered simply. “But it was well worth it.”

“How do you mean?”

Kedron turned his head to Ben, drawing the attention of the Cockney King to him. Kedron said, “You asked me if this room was my ‘man cave.’” He shook his head, then said finally…

“It’s my penance.”

“I have to admit that I don't even know where to start in this funny little situation that I find myself in. If you would have told me three years ago that I would be teamed together with, of all people, Ben Jordan, for a match -- any match -- I would have called you a fool and thought you insane. And yet, here I am. In that very spot and it would seem I have only myself to blame. My own actions, and it’s not something that I object to entirely. I made my choice to get involved in a situation, and I stand by it.”

“What I can not seem to understand or comprehend is how Vinnie and Bill Barnhart seem to be unable to grasp that none of this would have happened had they not decided to take the loss that evening out on Ben Jordan himself. How they seem all too eager and willing to place the brunt of the blame on me, myself. I may not be involved in social media as I find it to be a waste of time, but I am not blind to the world around me. My wife told me all about the posts from Vinnie and Bulldog, and how everything was seemingly my doing, my fault. Well not to go all schoolyard on you gentlemen, but boo hoo!”

“I have been called a great many things over the years, most of which had been entirely justified. But the one thing that nobody had ever been able to say about me is that I am anything other than what I am. In other words, what you see of me is exactly what you get. I make no pretense to be anything other than what I am, and if my actions cause repercussions? I’m man enough to own up to the fact! But not you Vinnie, nor you Bulldog. From the very moment that evening came to a close, all I’ve heard from you is what I did. How I interfered in your business. How I burned Vinnie or blinded the Bulldog. Do you know what I haven’t heard? A single iota of blame from you, about you. Well then, allow me to declare class to be in session, because it’s time for me to educate you both on one very simple but important fact, and I dare say i hope this gets through your collective thick skulls!”

“Everything that happened that evening, and everything that happened since? Is entirely your fault!”

“I know, but just consider it tough love. You had to hear it. I know that right about now, Vinnie is pretty selective about which reality it is that he chooses to accept, but it’s for the best. You see, had Vinnie been able to accept his friend and tag team partner had suffered a loss, then none of this would have had to happen. And once Vinnie got involved and started his attack on Ben, did Bulldog attempt to stop him? Did he try to get Vinnie to see reason and end his assault?”

Kedron closed his eyes and shook his head in the negative.

“Quite the contrary, actually. The two men joined together to engage in a vicious beat down on Ben, and yet somehow, in some way, it still was not their fault. Therein lies where I opted to involve myself. I have my reasons for why I did what I did. Benjamin himself is aware, but the bottom line is my actions were entirely just that; my own. When you’ve lived for as long as I have, one tends to do things differently every so often. Just to keep people guessing or to keep things interesting. You have to. And let’s be honest here; I could have handled this situation in any one of several ways. I simply chose the most effective methods. After all, you don’t need to be an expert in this profession to realize that I am about a sfar beyond heavyweight as they get. Vinnie and Bulldog? Both have an advantage over me by far in terms of size and strength so why wouldn’t I resort to such tactics as I did? They call it a fight for a reason, and when you’re involved in one, you do what you have to, to whoever you have to do it to, in order to walk away not just as a winner, but also a survivor. After all, is that not the entire point?”

“To survive?”

“So I burned the flesh of Vinnie to the point he resembled a charcoal briquette! So the mist I spit in Bulldog’s eyes would make him better served as a guide dog than a professional wrestler! Gentlemen, you had the Saint down on the mat. You had your chance with him. Now, you deal with me. The polar opposite of Ben Jordan in every single way imaginable. You were not dealing with Ben Jordan in that one single moment. Where Ben is the Saint, I am the Sinner. I am the devil in disguise. That can’t be good for either of you, because you simply won’t know which side of the flipped coin you’ll have to be prepared for. With Ben in the ring, you’ll have to do one thing. Against me, another entirely!”

“And yes, while the two of you are friends and have been together as a team in times past, Ben and I can not say the same. However … we don’t have to. Benjamin and I will never be best friends or bosom chums like he has become with so many varied individuals. And that’s fine. We don’t have to be. Because what he and I have gone through, what we have put each other through time and again, puts us on an altogether different level than the bonds of mere fellowship. Rivals. Enemies. Now…? Allies, merely out to survive against two men who simply can not face the harsh realities of the world. Two men who live in the center of the universe, believing the world revolves around them and them alone.”

“I fear neither of you. Nothing you say, nothing you believe you can do against me, gives me cause for concern. So Vinnie is a former Internet and World Heavyweight Champion. Brava! Congratulations! So Bulldog is a bulldozer of a man, a ring veteran and someone who loves to pulverize his opponents until they more so resemble ground beef! Do you not think I have been through worse? That I have been up against worse?”

“People looked at me, and overlooked what they thought I might be able to accomplish. They saw me lose more than I would win, clearly underestimating me. What happened? Twice now I have been the Roulette Champion, two levels of success more than you’ve accomplished, Bulldog. Or … Beatrice. I swear I’m never altogether certain which Barnhart I am supposed to be addressing considering the man allows his wife to do his talking for him. Fair, I suppose. It’s not as if she’s been booked so she has to get her camera time in one way or the other. Just so long as … she knows her place, and remains on the outside. Just so she does not follow the examples set by her husband or her friend, Vinnie.”

“Several months ago, Ben Jordan stated that out of all that he has known, I showed him the most personal growth. Well, let’s just test that theory this Sunday, shall we? And when all is said and done, and you two gentlemen are left lying broken, battered and bloody?”

“You’ll only have yourselves to blame.”[/font]

Climax Control Archives / Change
« on: December 04, 2020, 02:22:14 PM »
“Things have changed for me more just over this past year than in all my centuries walking this earth, and I have to admit that it can be a little overwhelming.”

On their estate in Salem, Massachusetts, Kedron and Rinoa Williams walked peacefully through the woods that fell on their estate. Thanksgiving had just passed, not that the Williams put any particular emphasis on this holiday, even if they did have quite a bit to be thankful for. The branches of the tall trees that surrounded them resembled gnarled hands and fingers interwoven high above their heads, as their branches had started to fall bare. Leaves cascaded down from above their heads, changing color from greens to reds, oranges and yellows of varied shades.

It was mutually their favored time of the year, to simply walk along the beaten path between the trees and enjoy nature in all of its glory. The wind was chilled at this time of year, and thus Rinoa wore a hand woven shawl about her shoulders and Kedron’s own black, woolen jacket which he had long since abandoned for her own comfort. The cold never truly bothered the “Son of Salem.” In fact, he preferred it over the heat of the summer months. He could hardly wait for that first flake of snowfall to hit 2020.

But the husband and wife, walking hand in hand, were not alone. Weaving in and about their feet expertly were Rinoa’s three feline ‘babies,’ her precious Sphynx cats that had decided for themselves to accompany their ‘mother and father’ in this little nature walk.

“I’m not speaking of just of the machinations between my wife and the man who at one time would be construed as my greatest nemesis. Although that was certainly the catalyst that started everything. I’m also speaking of personal demons that have haunted me for time unending, finally being laid to rest. Rinoa seemed to feel the effects more so than even I, but she always was more empathic to the world that surrounds us. But never were the changes more evident than just over a month ago, when something she had faith in for years happened.”

“Something I never thought possible.”

October 31 - 2020

Kedron watched from afar inside of their home, although he tried to hide his doing so. He knew how much this meant to Rinoa, and he knew how each and every year the night passed with a broken heart.

There she sat, on the wicker chair beside their front door in the foyer, a large bowl full of candy, perched on her lap. Her face was downcast, perhaps so he could not see the evidence of her sadness. It was the same every year, or it would have been were it not for…

The brass bell that was their ‘doorbell’ rang from seemingly out of nowhere, startling Rinoa, but not so much as the symphony of young voices calling out -- “Trick or Treat!”

Rinoa’s eyes met Kedron’s own, and he could see even from this distance, they were moist with tears of delight. Rinoa placed a hand on her breast as Kedron nodded, urging her to action. She slowly stood up and opened the door to a huddled group of children in colorful costumes, each one holding out a canvas bag or plastic pumpkin as their parents watched on.

Such a simple change, but to his wife? It was the universe.

“Well, I can’t say as I’m not disappointed. Not about the loss of the championship, mind you. I believe I am beginning to sound like a broken record when I dictate how little championship titles mean to me in the grand scheme of things. No, it is much more to do with what happened after that match at High Stakes X as opposed to ‘during’ it.”

“You see, I’ve been around this profession long enough to recognize what is and is not -- normal. And over the past handful of months, it seemed to be the entitled norm to lose a championship and all but immediately wander off to that grand place known as Parts Unknown. Losing a championship for some could be seen as a massive blow to one’s ego, but I can't imagine being such a sore loser as to abandon the promotion that put it's faith in you, and those in the audience that supported you so loyally.”

“Take Griffin Hawkins as a prime example. Highly successful athlete. One of the most popular stars on the entire roster. And … World Heavyweight Champion. The man professed a dream and then realized it, defeating none other than my ‘old friend’ Ben Jordan. And what happened? In his very first defense he was upended for that very same championship by one Alex Jones. How did this popular star react? Did he recover and make every effort to regain his title and make his supporters proud?”

“No, unfortunately not. He left SCW and all of his friends and supporters behind him, in the dust. He claimed the need to recover, both physically and emotionally, and yet almost immediately he signed elsewhere and began to compete anew, in a new promotion, against all new opponents. Lesser opponents, lesser competition. All in a vain attempt to make himself feel big once again, and practically spitting in the face of SCW as a whole. Insulting the very lineage behind both promotion and the championship he so desperately desired.”

“The second time he turned tail and ran, I might add.”

“But then we come to a completely opposite and, might I add, unique situation. A situation that places me in the very spot I find myself in; where Mac Bane defeated me for the Roulette Championship and then … simply abandoned it.”

“I have never heard of such a thing in all my years, and just between us, that is saying something! To obtain such a lofty goal, a championship title whose history and prestige rivals even that of the World Heavyweight title, and then to merely … abandon it. It's unheard of! And now that is why I find myself where I am this coming weekend, facing three proud men who all want to use one another, myself included, as a stepping stone to greatness. To walk out of the Main Event as the new Roulette Champion.”

“I suppose i have to be up front and honest about my first opponent, or else I simply wouldn’t be me. I am, well I suppose you might say ‘amazed’ that Stephen Callaway was named one of the four contenders to fill this vacancy. I imagine it had something to do with the miraculous win he pulled off at High Stakes at the expense of two opponents. Perhaps the higher ups think lightning may strike twice for our dear Stephen at the expense of three opponents this time, who knows? I should have thought a former champion such as Caleb Storms would be in this match as he at least held this particular championship at one point, but then I imagine he is much too busy; securing his lips to the backside of J2H to ensure he does indeed keep his word. And then so here Stephen Callaway stands, a man I know all too well. A man who I have faced in the past and yes, he did score a win over me. Then as they say, every dog has his day. That was another time, and I dare say, another Kedron Williams. The man you face this weekend is not the same one you competed against over a year ago, Stephen. This weekend, you face a complete Kedron, a man who is a two-time Roulette Champion and who has faced and defeated the likes of Teddy Warren-Steele, Jake Raab and Ben Jordan. And you…?”

Kedron leaned forward at the waist, mockingly placing a cupped hand over his ear.

“What I can commend you on, Stephen, is your tenacity. It rivals even that of my own. Because no matter how bad your record is against your betters, and it ‘is’ bad, you never give up. You never say die. You are not one of those sad souls who walk away and find greener pastures against lesser competition in order to make yourself look better. You’re like the Little Engine That Could, as you just keep chug-chug-chugging along, in the hope that one day your ship will come in. Only this weekend, that ship will not be coming in. With you aboard, it is as the Titanic and your ship will simply sink.”

“Now I wish I could recall whether or not I have had the pleasure of stepping inside of the ring against the great ring veteran known as “Bulldog” Bill Barnhart, but unfortunately…”

Kedron shrugged.

“I can’t. Which speaks less about his impact and standing than it does about my memory. I’m not altogether certain why ‘the Bulldog’ is even in this match. I mean, didn’t he just suffer a defeat at High Stakes X in the Mixed Tag Team title match? I mean, what are they doing? Continuously throwing him in these situations until he gets it right? ‘The Bulldog,’ whose promotional videos gave us such classics as ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘the wearing of these protective masks’...”

Kedron paused with a frown, holding his hand up for a moment.

“Or was that his wife? These things do tend to run together, don’t they? Visiting dime store psychics. Boozing it up at home. Playing with their precious little canine companion. ‘That’ is the Bill Barnhart that had captured the devotion of the SCW Universe. The very same one whose wife speaks as much during his promos as he does, even when she is not the one competing! While my own wife is as loyal as yours Bill, and while my wife remains at my side always… when it is time for me to speak? My match. My thoughts. My words. Why? Because it is my business. Why have your wife focus on the men you face if not under the belief that doing this draws entertainment value for your work thanks in part to your lovely bride. I suppose … that makes you something akin to a pimp, does it not? Using your bride for attention and entertainment value?”

Kedron placed a hand over his heart.

“And to think people call ‘me’ cold hearted!? Bravo!”

Kedron extended both arms and clapped enthusiastically.

“I would ‘never’ think to use someone I gave my heart and soul to in such a way. You are a tough individual, ‘Bulldog.’ I suppose, hence the name? I’ve sat back and watched you time and again. And just as you reach out to grasp the proverbial brass ring, it slips right through your fingertips. Hm, pity. And seeing as how it is about to happen once again, I can not help but feel a swell of pity for you. … If it were not so amusing.”

Kedron then clapped his hands together and briskly rubbed his palms together in a heated sense of excitement, as if the twisted smile on his face were not evidence enough.

“And I suppose that brings us to the last of my opposition, the one I look forward to the most - Brother David Shepherd. Honestly! … ‘Brother’ … I am simply amazed that it took ‘this’ long for my path to cross with any member of your brood! After all, your kind and my own have been at war for centuries. I mean, oil and water? Gasoline and fire? Warlock and … Bible thumping hypocrite? That is, after all, everything that your family line is and more, is it not? I mean, be honest with me here David.”

Kedron wagged a forefinger at the camera.

“Lying is a sin, after all. Watching you and your family … I suppose you might say it is my personal guilty pleasure. I always have enjoyed looking at those who try to use the Holy Scripture as a weapon to shield prying eyes from their own shortcomings. I love watching how so-called Christians rise up in all their might, only to crash and burn in the bitter end. I have known men like you my entire life, David, and do you know what I have discovered?”

Kedron propped both forearms on his knees and leaned forward.

“Christians are some of the most evil-minded mother fuckers that walk this earth. They lie and they preach and they cast judgment on those they believe beneath them, all the while turning a blind eye to the sins that they themselves are guilty of committing. Call them on it, and they all say the exact same thing; ‘Oh I’m not judging you!’ - Even when it is painfully clear to all that is exactly what they are doing!”

“I have had Men and Women of God time and again, try to save me. Offer me salvation, and I always ask them when they became God because I was always under the misguided belief that He, and only He, could save a person’s soul. I guess that means men and women like you David, are playing God? Hm.”

Kedron turned his head side, bottom lip jetted out just a touch as he nodded, before casting a sidelong glance toward the camera.

“Sin. Say otherwise and it is hypocrisy, plain and clear as day. Then again, I can hardly fault you specifically. Your kind are bred into these misguided beliefs. Raised and brainwashed. You point and you judge at my kind who worship the gods who walked the heavens before your own ever had a foothold, never minding the simple fact that my path in life existed for thousands of years before your God was ever even a blip of a thought. You think me mad or in need of saving when fools like you bend a knee to a carpenter who lived two thousand years ago! Well, I have a little nugget of information for you ‘Brother,’ and it might come as a great shock.”

Kedron wagged a finger toward the camera, beckoning it closer.

“Your precious Bible and all of its glorified contents were spread by word of mouth for centuries by people who could neither read nor write, before it was ever put down to paper. And you ‘do’ know what happens when such fanciful stories are spread like that? They get embellished. Added on to. It would certainly explain why your Bible is so riddled with glaring inconsistencies and contradictions. I mean, ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ does not quite mesh with ‘Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live,’ you know? That one has always had a certain meaning for me. The Bible also says ‘there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins,’ as well as saying ‘all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ And yet -- it also says ‘no one who is born of God sins; but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him.’ So ... which is it?”

“Your Bible, Paul to be more specific, also draws comparison between the Man who condemned humanity, Adam, and the Man who (heh) saved us, Jesus. It says ‘For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.’ So in other words, we need not opt in to get the salvation of Jesus. Paul assures us we’re good.”

“That must sting, David. That is, if you’re open minded enough to give consideration your Bible is not as open and shut as many Christians seem to believe. But somehow, you don’t strike me as the type to think they could be wrong about, well -- anything. You are just like every other so-called savior who has begged me to see the light and implored me to open the pages of the Bible and God would take care of the rest. Well, I am going to tell you exactly what I tell everyone else who tries to press that ancient book into my hands.”

He leaned in close and shook his head.

“No thank you. I have long since outgrown fairytales.”

“So much change. It all but makes me wonder if my story is finally coming to an end.”

Season of the Witch III

Salem, Massachusetts -
October 31, 1695

In Colonial America, the mortality rate for adults could be as low as their early twenties, if they even managed to reach that. Many 'adults' would go on to meet their Maker when they reached their upper teens, nineteen being a year seen by young eyes as both old and cursed. If you lived past your twenties and was lucky enough to become one of the elders, you were looked upon with awe and reverence. It was obvious that you were special in the eyes of the Lord, 'chosen' as it were. It was why the elders commanded so much respect in the small town of Salem, and their word was law.

However, if you were a small child, the chances of survival were reduced drastically. Not only was there harsh winters and new diseases with woefully unprepared doctors to care for you, but if hunting or crops failed, hunger would gnaw away at your belly and leave you in a ripe and weakened state. The local wildlife could also find the young as the easiest prey, helpless and without weapons in which to defend themselves. Rumors and tales were whispered of the wildcats that reached through the cracks in the walls of the homestead to snatch away your babies into the night to take back to their lair.

The small boy that laid in his sick bed had not influenza, nor the other high ranked causes of death, such as small pox or typhoid fever. But his skin paled with a sickly yellow, and the sweat that glistened from his pores had the faint traces of a sour scent. The hand, wrinkled with age, caressed the boy's cheek, and then gently brushed the sweat soaked strands of jet black hair from his cherubic face. The elder female, a woman that had miraculously made it to her late-sixties, sat at the edge of his bed and leaned over, gently pressing her lips against his forehead. The boy's body stirred in discomfort as she sat upright, and a second woman entered the room, this one being much younger, in her twenties perhaps. She wore a dressing gown as if she were preparing to retire to bed, but the call to help one of their own had been strong, and her concern grew. Her honey-gold hair hung low over the shoulders of her dressing gown, as the only light in the room was both the candle in her hand, and the one the elder placed on the oak carved stand at the child's bedside.

Abitha: How is Kedron?

Yes, that Kedron. The very same as the one who stands now, a man that reigns as the current Roulette Champion. An innocent child that grew up to become the "Son of Salem."

The elder, clad in her own dressing gown and her iron gray hair hung low to her waistline, continued to stare down at the boy.

Abitha: Judith?

Spoken as an equal, the younger woman questioned again. The elder, Judith Taylor, exhaled gently through her pursed lips as she turned her attention momentarily from her 'patient' to but one of her 'sisters' of the Craft. She shook her head.

Judith: His fever grows as his weakness does. I do not understand it. He does not have the disease that have taken others in the village. of that I am certain.

Young Abitha Browne stepped up to the boy's bedside to examine him herself. She looked him over with a motherly concern of her own, but a fresh horror of an idea passed her mind, and she looked to Judith.

Abitha: Could he be 'touched?' Given to whom his mother was...

Judith: No. Of that I am certain. He is ill, it is just a matter of discovering how, and what form before...

She shared a disconcerting glance with the younger of the two and sighed.

Judith: Just, before.

She stood up slowly, her joints stiff and pained from the cool, wet weather they suffered from this Autumn. Her movement drew the coarse blanket from Kedron's bare foot and Abitha moved to cover him back up, when the dancing light from her candle's flame gave her pause. She saw something.

Abitha: Judith, look. Look at this!

Judith walked around to the foot of the small bed and leaned in to closely examine where Abitha's fingertips touched. A bite mark, just below the child's ankle. The two women then shared a look between them.

Judith: Snake bite. It must be! Quickly! Fetch my things, and our sisters! Before the venom reaches his heart!

Abitha did as she was told, hurrying from the room as Judith takes Kedron's hand in her own and pats it with a motherly concern...

"You saved my life that night. You all did. I can remember even that, despite the fevered dreams that venom from the rattlesnake caused me. Yes, back then I was as mortal as anyone else that walked the Earth, prone to the same sicknesses and disease that cursed anyone else. But this...? I can not deny that the affliction that you saved me from was of my own doing. Dear Judith, you had always warned me against walking barefoot in the strange woods that surrounded our community, but I was my mother's son. Stubborn. Prideful."

"Foolish. If only you knew then what I would have become, perhaps you would have done the smart thing and allowed me to simply slip away. You saved me, and look at how I repaid you."

London, England -
October 31, 1700

They watched as the fire grew from the base of the pyre. Green wood had been used as was the tradition with hunters; reason being it caused the fire to burn hotter and for longer. It purified the condemned and was as the fires of Hell to which the accused would be condemned to for all eternity. The scourge of their kind, Noah Jordan, stood in righteous fervor as he, and the townspeople, watched the fires consume the life of Abigail Williams. The very same witch whom had put Salem on the map. The very one who had kick started the historically infamous Witch Trials.

And the only one who was actually what many innocent had been condemned as.

The death of a witch, by fire or drowning or hanging, was seen as a public spectacle. All good followers of the Lord had the right to bear witness. Even those who were not of the community, and whom could not be seen. Or rather, ignored.

A small handful of spectral figures stood amongst the judging townsfolk. All women, each of varied age from youth to elder, all save for one. The young lad who stood in defiance, and who attempted to best control his emotions at witnessing the death, the murder, of his mother. And his dark eyes shifted to bear down on Noah Jordan, and an unbridled hatred rose in his breast.

The hand of Judith Taylor found a place on the boy's shoulder, and his rising anger abated. None of the townsfolk paid them no mind, for they could not see them. But before the light in her eyes dimmed, Abigail Williams saw. She saw her former coven come to pay their respects -- and she saw her son.

And in Salem, a young boy fell against his elder's body and cried heavily.

"To this day, I still don't understand why you did that for me. I had known from an early age that my mother had fallen from grace in your eyes, and that was why she had been excommunicated from the coven. You had described her as radical and an extremist. You told me that she had befriended the Nosferatu, a claim I had scoffed at then. Not so much now."

"But you also told me, repeatedly, that despite all her faults, of which there had been many, she also loved me dearly. You told me that was why she had not taken me to England with her, and instead left me in the care of the very women who had once been as sisters to her."

"That was why you made such a journey. It was why, despite all animosity, you had hoped to save her but had been too late. That was why you worked such magic so as to pay your respects that day, and despite the objections of the entire coven, you allowed me to watch my mother's final moments. The horror of that still haunts me to this day, and I believe it was the catalyst for a lifetime of mistakes. But those were my own. None of which were your fault. You loved me as if I were your own."

"I just wish now that your love had been enough."

Salem, Massachusetts -
October 30, 2020 - 11:59 PM

The ground in the clearing was littered with leaves of many colors, the Autumn had taken effect earlier than normal this year. Reds. Yellows. Oranges. What had once been green, the circle of nature. Rinoa loved these times best, more so than any other. Oh how she enjoyed her walks through the woods on their land, simply enjoying the falling of the leaves, the colors changing through the branches, and the soft rustle of her feet walking over the fallen leaves.

But Rinoa was not here, and the day had long passed the Williams by. Kedron had left on his own, not by choice but by necessity. This was, after all, his burden to bare. And while Rinoa would have gladly shouldered her share for the sake of her love, he would not have it. The crime was his, as was the guilt.

It was why he laid at the altar she had taken such great pains to ensure perfection for him. His back flat against the ground, and his head nestled in a pile of leaves, his long, black hair spread out like a cloud of ink swirling in a bowl of water. No candles were lit. In the woods, it would be far too dangerous. The light of the moon was enough, and was traditional. Nature in all its glory.

Kedron's eyes remained closed, his hands clasped together at his waist. All he could do was wait. He had no clock or watch to tell the time, just his uncanny senses. He would know, for this All Hallow's Eve was different than so many others that have come and gone. This year of 2020, not only was the moon high above full, but it was the second such full moon in the month of October. A blue moon.

Such a rarity, that it was taken as a sign.

And then, at the stroke of midnight, his eyes opened. He knew they were there. He could feel their presence. He could smell the ginger that always had seemed to permeate Phila as she would so often cook with it. The wind blew, and the lovely scent of orchid struck him. The favored scent of Judith Taylor, the woman he had loved as a grandmother.

His eyes were wet and throat dry. He swallowed hard, and licked at his dry lips.

"I will not ask you to forgive me."

"I will admit that it was my original purpose tonight, but as time moved on, I realized and understood that it was neither my place nor my right. My crimes against you that night were unforgivable, so how could I ask you for such a gift as your forgiveness?

"Oh deep down, I know and I understand. I am all too aware that it was not by any of your hands the cause of my torments. The nightmares I have been suffering from are of my own making. For years on end, I suffered no ill dreams because I simply did not have the heart for it. Then that heart, my very soul, was returned to me, and with it? All of the burdens that went along with it. I had almost forgotten what it was like to ... feel. I thought of myself as a creature of instinct. I acted, and paid no mind to the consequences I inflicted on others or myself."

"I felt nothing. Nothing save for the stirrings Rinoa caused deep within me. I have never understood how a man without heart or soul could feel such strong pangs of love. I was under neither coercion nor enchantment, but she had me captivated from the very first day I laid eyes on her."

Kedron closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, an effort to control his emotions that threatened to break as a raging storm against a dam, but more so to continue to savor the scents. A desperate cling to what he had lost so long ago. He shook his head and a smile crept up on his lips.

"Oh how I wish you could have met my Rinoa. You would have loved her, and she you. For all my faults, of which there are many I admit, she has loved me without condition. That one gift astounds me to this very day. And even though I admit that I am an imperfect creature in an imperfect world, she saved me. Just by loving me enough to betray me by working alongside an enemy. Giving me back what I have away freely, with all of it's glorious burdens."

"I will never understand the how's or why's she loves me as she does, but it is one gift I will not fight against. I am not a good man. But Rinoa makes me want to be."

"That was why we sent her to you."

Kedron's eyes snapped open, and he sat upright in the clearing. He had heard the voice as clearly as if they had been right next to one another. The same who had come running when he was sick with fever. The woman who defended him staunchly when a young Salem girl had accused him of engaging with her, unspeakable acts. The voice of his adoptive grandmother.

Judith Taylor.

"That was why we sent her to you."

He closed his eyes and wept. He did not need to ask to be forgiven, because he already had been.

Kedron Williams: "Mac Bane... well! What are we to do with you?"

"This is an interesting situation that I find myself in, Mac. For the longest of times, I had hand selected when and where I would set foot inside of the ring, against an opponent that had been chosen for me to test my skills against. For the longest of time, I had been consumed professionally by Ben Jordan, but once those issues were -- settled, I suppose you could say -- I found myself in something of a conundrum."

"I was without direction. I felt my life had no true purpose because my set goal had ended in failure, an admission that I am both relieved and disgusted by. I continued about my personal schedule, only competing when it amused me, but it would seem I no longer have that luxury. And why? Simply put..."

Kedron held up the Roulette title belt in one hand.

Kedron Williams: "... Because of this. It's funny, isn't it? How so many men and women, those we fight against and alongside, strive to be the very best in the eyes of their peers, to hold such a championship. They have come to the belief that holding a championship title, wearing a belt around their waist, will not only grant them honor and respect from those around them, but from perfect strangers as well? But such an adornment would also grant them a freedom in their career. Power."

He shook his head, looking downward as his long hair felt in sheets around his face.

Kedron Williams: "What fools you mortals be. If anything, holding one of these simply binds you tighter, restricts you. It is why I am here, and will soon be meeting you inside of the ring at High Stakes X. Apparently you earned this chance to fight for the Roulette championship, and many had predicted that you would be challenging O'Malley for the title when November 22 came about."

Kedron paused and waved a hand idly as if in mock boredom.

Kedron Williams: "Only that was not to be, and I wonder if you're not too disappointed. from what I can gather, nobody had expected O'Malley to have dropped his precious championship when he did. They had believed he would have had a much longer title reign, but fate can be a cruel bitch. Because for all the challenges he was able to overcome, the one he had not met was the man he had defeated for the title in the first place way back when on that dreadful cruise ship. Only, he didn't really beat me, did he?"

Kedron shook his head.

Kedron Williams: "No, you can hardly call it defeat when you win by sending your opponent into a swimming pool, but the shims of the SCW higher ups are hard to predict, even for me. So when I was ready, and when I opted to finally 'cash in my return match, it was all but as foregone conclusion. O'Malley fought bravely, and had defended successfully against many a variable challenge, but against me? The championship was again my own, and you...?"

Kedron frowned, then crossed his forearms over his bended knees, leaning forward.

Kedron Williams: "I hope that you're not too disappointed, Mac. If you were like anyone else, you had probably spent all of your time preparing to face that Irishman, and instead you find yourself pitted against the talents of a Salem descendant. Take a look, if you will, at the wealth of experience I have had inside of the ring against some of the notable talents in SCW. Highest among them, former World Champion, Benjamin Jordan. Current Internet Champion, Teddy Steele-Warren? Defeated him. And why just this past week, I faced none other than former World Champion, and possibly soon to be again, Austin James Mercer. Defeated him."

"And then, here you are. my opposition. My challenger. The man who had earned this title opportunity, but that seemed to be as far as you've been able to grasp when it comes to glory. After all, what else have you really managed to accomplish since winning that match at Violent Conduct? Who did you beat? Lachlan Kane? Agostino Romano?"

Kedron smirked with an audible scoff.

Kedron Williams: "Stephen Callaway? Please! Bottom feeders, one and all, at best! And yet when you are expected to face greater challenges, say -- teaming with your lovely woman against the Black Sheep? You fall in defeat. And yet you think that you are just going to waltz into the ring and take what is mine? Sorry Mac, but no. Your mid card performances will continue, and you will remain without gold to call your own."

Kedron's visage was then in a close up against the camera.

Kedron Williams: "I am the Bane of your existence."[/font]

Climax Control Archives / Season of the Witch II
« on: October 30, 2020, 06:52:12 PM »

Salem, Massachusetts

While Kedron Williams fully acknowledged that he had purchased this land for one reason; Rinoa had fallen in love with it and the old gothic Victorian manor that had been built on it in the early 1900s. And while he himself came to appreciate the house for it’s beauty and isolation from what neighbors there were, what he truly came to appreciate on the acreage of the land was the fact that out of the two acres that they owned, almost the entirety of a single acre was nothing but Woodland. Trees as far as the eye could see with the path that some unknown Soul had carved out long ago to walk through and enjoy. Kedron was also fully aware that while the land belonged to him and his wife, they were not alone in who enjoyed that nature walk and the trees that surrounded it.

Few, if any, adults trespassed openly on their land, but children were of a different sort of creature. They did not have the same restraint that their parents did when it came to exploration. Kedron was fully aware of children who walked through the woods as was Rinoa. The only difference was, Rinoa did not seem to mind. And knowing the affection that his wife held towards children given that she herself could not be a mother, Kedron, despite his personal annoyance, always looked the other way. When children could sneak away from the watchful eyes of their elders and venture onto the Williams’ land, they did so with great amusement. Some even played “how far,”[/color] a game where one or the other would dare a friend to get as close to the Williams’ house before they would inevitably turn tail and run back the way they had come.

Kedron and Rinoa had also found many an evidence of a child’s good time while on their land. Toys left from a day’s play before the dusk had summoned them home, the toy forgotten in haste. The most amusing evidence was the remnants of what appeared to have been a child’s ‘tea party’ set up in a small clearing; a small, plastic table with even smaller plastic chairs, each one but two filled by a stuffed animal of one sort or another. Much to his amusement, Kedron watched as Rinoa collected those plush animals in case the children came looking for them, and to prevent the typical Massachusetts weather from ruining them.

But the toys remained in the care of the Williams, seemingly forgotten or abandoned. After all, what children would brave knocking on the door of the manor, let alone be allowed to?

And it was here, within these trees and along this path, that Kedron and Rinoa walked arm-in-arm, saying nothing between them. They were there simply to enjoy the nature that they had surrounded themselves with. They took walks such as this quite often, but this was the time of year that they appreciated it the most. After all, this was part of their traditional Samhain nature walk. A time of reflection, to gaze upon and appreciate the colors, aromas, and sounds of the season.

The leaves had just started to turn in color and fall to the ground. The rustling of them beneath the Williams’ feet, the chirping of the birds, the wind blowing through the branches that stretched perhaps sixty to seventy feet above their heads. And already, the sun slowly begun its descent into the horizon, leaving the interior of these woods blanketed in shadow.

Rinoa turned her head and gazed upon her husband who appeared troubled, the circles beneath his eyes deeper and darker than before.

Rinoa Williams: “You’re distracted.”

Kedron briefly took his eyes down from the shadows overhead where he had thought he saw the reflections against the eyes of an owl, to gaze briefly and longingly at the woman by his side.

Kedron Williams: “With you? Always.”

Rinoa smiled and turned her head aside as they continued their trek, though their steps slowed considerably.

Rinoa Williams: “Flattering as always, although not entirely truthful I would guess.”

And these words finally brought their footfalls to a brief halt, and he turned to face the love of his very long life.

Kedron Williams: “Meaning…?”

Rinoa Williams: “Meaning, my dearest, that you are still having those dreams. Those nightmares.”

Kedron turned away and started to walk once again, and not once did Rinoa’s hand leave the bend of his elbow. It was a matter of both comfort and security -- for them both.

Kedron Williams: “Of course I am. I’ve been having them for weeks … months. Over a year, actually. Ever since…”

Rinoa Williams: “Ever since you had your soul returned.”

Her only answer for several painful moments was a simple nod, barely enough movement to be detected were it not for her superb eye.

Kedron Williams: “Yes. I hadn’t dreamt in an eternity until then. Once I opened myself up to that annoying habit again, I opened myself up to ‘other things.’ Memories I had long left buried. Long hoped forgotten. Now, they simply torment me. And the closer we get to Samhain, the stronger the torment.”

He sighed in resignation.

Kedron Williams: “Lately, they’ve even found their way into my waking dreams.”

Rinoa Williams: “Much as it might pain you to hear this, I dare say that Benjamin was right. You’re experiencing the pangs of remorse. Perhaps for the first time since…”

Kedron Williams: “Since I first gave up that important piece of myself for power that I never needed. A foolish, stupid act. A betrayal against those I loved…”

He stopped again. Rinoa turned and his face was downcast, his handsome features hidden in the shadows that surrounded them.

Kedron Williams: “... And those that loved me.”

Rinoa simply watched, and she waited. But he said nothing more. He simply begun to walk again, and she dutifully followed him step for step.

Rinoa Williams: “It’s the one story that you never told me.”

He shook his head.

Kedron Williams: “I … can’t. I already told you…”

Rinoa Williams: “For fear of losing me. Yes, I know.”

This time it was she who stopped, and her arm on his directed him to turn around and face her. The fingertips of her free hand lifted his chin so that she might gaze into those warm eyes that had melted her heart only a handful of years ago. Some thought of his gaze of cold … cruel. To her, it was the exact opposite. She finally smiled and shook her head.

Rinoa Williams: “Do you have so little faith in me?”

Rinoa Williams: “In you? Never. In me…? Eternally.”

She took his hands into her own and shook them for emphasis.

Rinoa Williams: “Then look around you. Look where we stand.”

For the first time, perhaps he did so. They were in the clearing where they had found that child’s tea party set up, only now there was no plastic table nor plastic chairs. There was only the Samhain altar that she had taken painstaking methods to construct for him, without his knowledge. A marble slab laid horizontally above the ground, supported by four logs, each two feet in height and smoothed over. On the surface, there were a variety of things to honor not only Samhain and the coming harvest, but those that they had left behind.

A skull rested in the very center with a single candle at its crown. Graveyard dirt. Small pumpkins, uncarved. Squash. A cornucopia filled with nuts and berries, apples and a variety of fruits. A loaf of dark bread. Dried leaves colored by the season were spread about the surface, and one single goblet filled with mulled wine.

Kedron looked at this set up, just like the altar at their house where the two celebrated together each year. Only that altar was set up for two. This one, just for one. Rinoa started to speak, drawing his eyes to her.

Rinoa Williams: “One day you will confide to me this one secret that you’ve kept, this ‘evil’ that you committed. And I will love you no less. But for now, you will not be able to confide in me entirely, until you have eased the burden on yourself. I told you this already. You must forgive yourself. And to do that …”

She placed her hand on his cheek.

Rinoa Williams: “You must commune with the ones you wronged.”

That being said, she leaned up on the tips of her toes to gift him with a light kiss on the cheek, before she turned and resumed her trek, leaving her husband on his own. He watched after her, watched her leave. He then simply turned and looked back at the altar.

And wondered.

To be continued…

Kedron Williams: “Well, well! If it was closer to Yule, I would hazard a guess that old Kris Kringle had something to do with this ‘gift’ that I’ve been handed this week. But let’s be perfectly honest here; he hasn’t visited my house in a very long time. So what, then, have I done to deserve such a present? Could it be because I’ve been a ‘good boy’ as of late?”

Briefly, Kedron paused his dialogue and broke out into an almost gleeful smile, a raspy chuckle escaping from deep inside of him. He shook his head and waved an idle hand..

Kedron Williams: “Sorry, that was just for me. I think it has more to do with the simple fact that I was given a direct task, regaining the Roulette Championship from O’Malley, and I succeeded. I did not win this belt for the second time by some stroke of luck or chance, just as I did not when I became champion for the first time. Odd claim indeed considering both ‘luck’ as well as ‘chance’ are the very cornerstones of the Roulette division. The hallmark of a division where one never knows quite what to expect. Still, to make an otherwise painfully long story short, I became a two-time champion by defeating the then-champion inside of the ring.”

“And, if this match is not a gift or a reward, perhaps a means to apologize? After all, my wife and I were fully prepared to be booked and perhaps even hyped to a greater degree for their ‘Halloween’ show, and what did we get? Nothing. No match. No booking. Not even an interview segment. One would think a program like that was fit for a couple such as us, but no. We were left off -- completely. And yet, this week, here we are. And I dare say that this little ‘gift’ almost makes up for overlooking us. What is this gift, you ask?”[/color]

Kedron looked into the cast iron cauldron on his altar and dropped in what turned out to be an 8x10 glossy of one Austin James Mercer.

Kedron Williams: “Now please, don’t misunderstand my words, Austin. My thinking of you as a reward or gift is unlike how someone like say -- that Carter lad -- would think of you. I am speaking purely of competition. I’ve done a great many things over the past three hundred plus years, but that?”

Kedron scrunched up his facial features and shook his head.

Kedron Williams: “Never high on my list of priorities in ‘things to try.’ Allow me to explain; You see, for the longest of time, I have been saddled with opposition such as the likes of Jake Raab and Stephen Callaway. One man who is no longer here, and one I personally think has little need to be. Sub-par. Men who are thought of as midcard -- if they were or are lucky. For lack of a better term, ‘jobbers.’ But not you…”

Kedron wagged a forefinger in denial.

Kedron Williams: O'Malley had a fire inside of him, the likes of which reminded me of myself  in my own younger days. Self righteous. A fighter. And if I may; confidence to the point of arrogance. But not since the days of my personal vendetta against Benjamin Jordan have I been involved in an encounter against someone as respected and appreciated as Austin James Mercer. While Austin may not have this so-called coveted distinction of a grand slam champion billing as a handful of others do, what he lacks in numbers oh, he makes up for in excellence.”

“This is the very same man who ended the near year-long undefeated streak of Fenris, pinning him when no other man had been able. This was also the match where Boston finally Rose to prominence where he deserved, and claimed the World Heavyweight Championship. A championship that he held for 5 months and a day, an impressive string of Victories considering the level of competition that he had constantly been saddled against to defend the title. And even after he lost that championship, he lost none of the respect that he had earned. He continued to fight and to win and held his head up high even in defeat. And when the hierarchy of Sin City Wrestling chose to resurrect the dormant Internet Championship, it was indeed Austin James Mercer who walked away from that match with another piece of gold added to his young Legacy.”[/color]

“One wondered what might become of him when he suffered his second championship loss to Senor Vinnie, back to back years, at the very same vent. Almost as if it were pre-ordained. And perhaps it was. Perhaps it was to open himself up to something better, something bigger. Austin did not wallow in self pity like certain others were oft to do. He did not ‘take time off’ for his physical and mental well being, only to rise up somewhere else with lesser competition so he could remain…”[/color]

Kedron scoffed.

Kedron Williams: “... Relevant. No, he took a step back. He got his affairs in order, and he set his path to the top once again. Soon, Austin … soon you will once again challenge for the top championship that you held proudly and continued its storied legacy. But that is still to come. You have something else before you, someone else.”

He tapped a forefinger to his chest and nodded with a smirk.

Kedron Williams: “While I still think of this as a reward for me, I wonder what it is to you. I wonder why this match was so important for the higher ups in SCW to book. Were they thinking to better prepare you for a fight against Jack Washington, because that is what you will find yourself saddled with when you step inside of the ring with me.”

He shook his head.

Kedron Williams: “It matters not to me that you have me at such a considerable disadvantage in both size and in-ring experience. Seven inches. Almost one hundred pounds. I have fought trials with insurmountable odds in the past, and here I stand to this day; proud. Unyielding. And while I have not sought to set foot inside of the ring week in and week out as you have, I have spent my time in the ring against some of the very best. Ben Jordan. Jake Raab. I have won some. I have lost some. I have never once backed down. And where you stand, Austin? Where our little athletic encounter comes into being?”

The cauldron suddenly ignites in flames, and the print begins to scorch, and to burn. Kedron closed his eyes in seeming bliss as he ran his fingers across the dancing flames.

Kedron Williams: “I am no man’s ‘stepping stone.”

Climax Control Archives / Season of the Witch
« on: October 16, 2020, 09:28:39 PM »

Despite what some Hollywood fools might lead you to believe, this oldest of holidays was most definitely not pronounced ‘sam-hine.’ It was spoken as ‘SOW-in.’ Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year.

Home sweet home. Finally.

It seems like it's been forever since they had set foot back inside the old world Victorian Manor that had been theirs since the very beginning of their marriage. But once the restrictions involving the Saxon Hotel had been lifted by the powers-that-be behind Sin City Wrestling. Kedron Williams wasted no time inspiriting his wife Rinoa back to their home in Salem, Massachusetts. It's where they had been since their time upon the Sun Princess Cruise, since Summer XXXTreme VIII, where Kedron’s reign as the Roulette Champion came to an untimely and somewhat embarrassing end.

Kedron had held to his belief that championships were meaningless, at least to him personally. But to lose one thanks to gravity and falling into a pool?  To crawl out of the water and realize that another man was holding what had just mere seconds ago been your property? Yes, even the Son of Salem was having a difficult time in grasping and accepting that.

Most men (and women) would have wasted little to no time in immediately making their campaign for the fanciful “return match,” but not so much Kedron. No, he watched and he waited. He wondered if the comparisons with others would be ironically drawn forth at his ‘disappearance,’ but that was more of a morbid curiosity State of Mind. There was only one with whom he cared in what they thought of him. From the early days of August, he would simply bide his time.

The dreams, they still came. Haunting his sleep. True, they did not suffer his torments every night as it seems they had when he had given that deepest part of himself up as part of a bargain with evil, but they still came. Only now with his heart and soul intact, it would seem what he gave up in regularity made up for with intensity. These disturbances in his sleep or what caused him to rise later than his wife. It was why it was well past the noon hour when he finally stirred awake and opened his eyes to a new autumn day.

And he had heard it before his eyes had ever opened. He was always sensitive to the nuances of Mother Nature, and he had picked up on the rainfall before the first drops had ever even struck the roof of his shared home. While most people drew their enjoyment from clear, blue skies and bright, warm sunshine, not so much Kedron. He was what one would refer to as Pluviophile, or a person who drew their enjoyment from the rain. Blue skies? Dark clouds and gray overcast, that was how he enjoyed it. And this rainfall? It was a strong one for the Autumn months, not quite a thunderstorm which he would have preferred, but still quite pleasing in its own soothing way.

There was nothing quite like the sound of the rain pounding at the glass windows, or how it appeared as a cascading waterfall from off above the roof. It was why he walked freely to the double glass doors of his and Rinoa’s bedroom that led to an upstairs balcony, overlooking their spacious property. He threw the doors open and stepped out into the cool wind and the freshest scented air, the very wind blowing the rain back and into his face, soaking his flesh almost immediately. His hands gripped the banister and he tilted his head back, eyes closed, and simply allowed himself to bask in the pleasure of the rain washing over him. His hair, his flesh and his clothes all soaked within seconds. But did he care? Not a bit. It was the closest to euphoria that he could experience the physical pleasures of when his wife was not involved. The water ran down his cheeks and pooled at the strong cleft in his chin, and he finally opened his eyes and glanced down at everything that belonged to Rinoa and himself, and he froze.

Rinoa adored nature almost as much as she did animals, and thus trees and flowers and shrubbery dominated their landscape -- and every bit of it had been decorated for the season. Their season. No, not these ridiculous and fanciful decorations like laminated cutouts of goblins and cartoonish skeletons, or orange and black lights with that fake, silken spider webbing. Rather, colorful gourds dominated. Decorative Indian corn  of assorted, Pleasant colors  was woken against and around their  tallest tree . Pumpkins that she would attempt to cowl him into helping her carve into jack-o'-lanterns lined the path of their drive, waiting to be brought to ‘unlife’ and moved to their porch to welcome trick-or-treaters that never came to their home. And there in the center of their front yard, in a spacious clearing, was the large scarecrow that Rinoa always erected to greet those very visitors who never came.

It was their time, their season. Yet it was always the hardest on his wife, and why? Because of him.

With that sobering thought, he finally pushed himself away and turned back to re-enter their home, carefully peeling his wet attire from his body before he even set foot inside so as not to draw the ire of his wife. Powerful warlock though he was, he knew better than to trail rain water into her bedroom. And after a very long and luxurious hot shower, Kedron finally arrived downstairs to find the interior of their house had also been transformed with Autumn decor, including candles and wreaths along with other simple displays of nature.

And no sooner did his feet set foot on the bottom step than did he spot the three sleeping felines, Rinoa’s ‘babies,’ as they slept huddled together atop the wicker love seat that he had bought for her but quickly became yet another piece of the felines’ ever-expanding personal property. He crept silently along the floor in search of his wife, not wanting to wake the cats and draw their attention to him. Ever since the efforts of Rinoa and Ben Jordan had made him ‘whole’ once more, the animosity the felines had for him vanished and now they simply would not leave him alone. And he would have been successful in avoiding them -- had he not forgotten about that one plank of wood in the flooring that his bare foot set upon and caused that awful creaking noise, startling the three forms awake.

Their eyes snapped open, and the three heads lifted to spot him across the foyer, and they moved as one; hopping down from their ‘bed’ and hurrying after him.

Kedron Williams: “Son of a…”

He was only able to half mutter before the three hairless bodies weaved around his feet and shins, their bodies rubbing against him to stake their claim to him as their own. All he wanted right now was to grab a cup of tea and perhaps a bite to eat out on the downstairs porch to better enjoy this dreary weather, but it would seem he was to have company. Whether he preferred it or not. And once he was finally able to tear himself away from the company of the three pesky felines, he headed through the hall other Victorian house and into the kitchen where he finally found the love of his life standing at the counter unloading paper bags filled with…?

Kedron Williams: “Candy? Have a sweet tooth, do we?”

Rinoa looked up from her small chore and smiled, despite herself. It was a soft, gentle smile as was Kedron’s usual gift. She was often referred to as ‘icey,’ betraying almost little to no emotion except for where he or her three ‘babies’ were concerned.

Rinoa Williams: “Don’t be silly.”

Was all she said, but the evidence spoke of the contrary. Three large, paper bags from the nearest grocer, and everything from popcorn balls to giant Snickers bars and every tooth-aching delight in between. He waved a hand toward the treats.

Kedron Williams: “Then … why?”

Rinoa Williams: “To be prepared for the Trick or Treaters, obviously.”

His wife stated matter-of-factly.

Rinoa Williams: “It would be a shame for the little ones to come knocking and we not have anything to offer up.”

Kedron Williams: “Yes, I would never forgive myself were that to occur.”

Kedron finally arrived at the kitchen stove for that much-desired steaming cup of tea. The trace of sarcasm behind his words was not lost on Rinoa, simply overlooked. Behind her, as she continued filling the orange, plastic pumpkins with the tooth decaying treats, Kedron shook his head as he poured from the kettle.

Kedron Williams: “Someone is a glutton for punishment.”

And straight away, the moment the words left his lips, he felt the momentary bristle from his wife. Even if for a brief second, he felt a momentary sting of sadness that his words had just caused her. And he regretted it immensely. Every year it was the same. Every year, Rinoa did then what she was doing now. She decorated their property. She would purchase an outlandish amount of candy with the hopes and expectations of the neighborhood children coming to their door. Rinoa simply wanted to experience the pleasure of opening their door with a basket of candy and hand, and be greeted by a huddled group of children in colorful costumes crying out “Trick or Treat.” It was a simple enough desire, but every year she was turned away disappointed. Every year, the chimes of the door were not wrong. No small fists wrapped on the wood of their door. And there were no begging for treats. She would sit by the door in her wicker chair, hands in her lap and that strong if not sad smile on her face. And the candy would be left untouched until disposed of.

Every year.

And he had only himself to blame. Their, or ‘his’, reputation seemed to stifle the Salem families from allowing their children to set foot on their property. Still, that did nothing to stifle Rinoa’s hopes to one evening have children knock on their front door. Ordinarily that would suit him just fine, but he knew that it hurt his wife. He turned around, his back against the stove, to offer her his sincerest apologies but found that soft, gentle smile on her face as her eyes found his.

Rinoa Williams: “They’ll come. This year will be different.”

He gifted her with a genuine albeit stiff smile in return as he lifted the ceramic cup to his lips and drank of the black tea. She casually glanced again in his direction and perhaps for the first time, noticed the slightly dark tinge beneath his eyes and her brow knitted in concern before her eyes dawned in understanding.

Rinoa Williams: “The dreams … again?”

He simply nodded in silence, confirming her concerns.

Rinoa Williams: “They always seem to get stronger at this time of year.”

Kedron Williams: “But this year they’ve grown stronger … and much worse.”

And at this time it was her turn to take in a moment of guilt, knowing that it was her actions that returned her husband's heart and soul to him, that opened him up to such vulnerability. She wasn't altogether certain or confident that she knew the proper way to bring up the subject, or whether she should at all. It had been, after all, the darkest point of her husband's life. His greatest regret, known only to herself and one Ben Jordan.

Rinoa Williams: “Perhaps this year you should…?”

Kedron Williams: “What, Rinoa? Apologize?”

He openly scoffed at the very thought as he turned and set his half drank tea back on the counter and moved to exit the kitchen.

Kedron Williams: “Some things are beyond such a simple concept. Some actions are unforgivable.”

That being said, he walked past her but not before she laid a hand on his arm. He paused just long enough to look into her loving eyes. She smiled, and laid a hand against his cheek before she turned to resume her task, allowing him to step out.

Kedron Williams: “Well, well! What an indulgent week this has become! I have to admit that I did enjoy sitting back and watching as my wife engaged this pitiful ‘demon’ in a battle of wits, but as often is the case, it was like a hawk doing battle with a flea. I think Keira and Roxi are indulging this malignant spirit with all of this attention, because ‘it’ clearly has delusions of grandeur in believing herself to be the ultimate of evils.”

He smiled with a cold bitterness as he shook his head in mock disdain.

Kedron Williams: “But that was as a matinee as what is to become is the grand finale. O’Malley. Former SCU Underground Champion. Reigning SCW Roulette Champion. Or to put it in Layman’s Terms where your title reigns are concerned… one down, one to go. Even I have to admit that I felt express disappointment and perhaps even a touch of disillusionment when your reign as Underground Champion ended at the hands of that religious zealot, Father Gerald Sheppard.”

He shook his head and clucked his tongue.

Kedron Williams: “What you must have felt when you realized that the championship you coveted so strongly was now in the possession of a man who has strong armed and brainwashed his own flesh and blood to follow the teachings of a carpenter long dead for over two thousand years. Why, that would rank right up there by losing your championship by simply … losing one's grip and falling into a swimming pool on board of a luxury cruise liner. Hm?”

He tilted his head with an inquiring expression on his face.

Kedron Williams: “So yes, O’Malley. Finally you and I are kindred spirits with something in common, but unfortunately for you, that is where our camaraderie comes to an end. I really had no intention of seeking this return match for my former championship…”

He waved off the thought with an idle hand gesture.

Kedron Williams: “But the powers that be behind Sin City Wrestling wanted to give you a proper challenge, and here we are! I was quite content sitting back and biting my time, watching as the shepherd led his flock into the mouth of the wolf. Watching as you impressively defeated one Challenger after another, knowing that none of them for me. Knowing that you had not genuinely step inside with the ring to defend the championship that you hold so dear against the man who held it before you. Knowing that you did not pin my shoulders to the canvas nor force me to tap out, in order to walk away with that title.”

“And yes, I do fully acknowledge the fact that you received no assistance from that lovely wife of yours. When you won the title, you won it on your own. The only assistant you got? Was from Gravity itself. Hardly your fault given the circumstances, but still not the most impressive way to win a championship. But, you know … traditions. The fact is neither your fault nor my own. You gave me just credit as a fighting champion, and I can do no less. You’ve defended your title against whomever they laid out in front of you without complaint. It is almost a shame to see such a fighting spirit be extinguished, but sadly…?”

He made a face and nodded.

Kedron Williams: “It is going to be. But before we eventually do battle, I have to wonder which O’Malley I am going to end up facing. Dare I even ask? Because watching you, whether it be your interactions on social media or how you perform outside of the ring with all eyes upon you, it’s like some sordid soap opera that elderly matriarchs watch to pass away many a lonely afternoon. Yes, indeed.”

He nodded his head with a faux expression of sadness, or perhaps disillusionment.

Kedron Williams: “We all know of the trials and tribulations that you go through in your daily walk of life.”

He then rolled his eyes.

Kedron Williams: “Believe me, we know! Which is why I can not help but wonder just which O’Malley we will have deign to grace us with his presence? Will it be the quintessential family man who has a seemingly unending stream of unresolved issues with the woman he had promised to honor, for better or for worse, until death do they part? Perhaps we will see the Father of the Year, who has defended himself and rightfully so, on thinking of the better welfare of his offspring as opposed to his own, selfish desires? And has not let us hear the end of it since?”

“Or will we, and this is perhaps the O’Malley I personally wish to see -- the champion? The fighter with the fire in both eye and soul? The man who thought nothing of how he won, just so long as he did? The man who will stop at absolutely nothing to keep what he sees as his? Ruthless. Aggressive. Greedy. Materialistic. That is who I want to face. That is who I look to defeat. After all, what good is besting a champion who is not out there at his very best? A weak champion losing creates a weakened lineage. That simply will not do. And despite all evidence to the contrary…”

He placed a hand over his heart and nodded his head.

Kedron Williams: “Respect. In certain cases, we have much in common. But for every similarity, there are far more evident differences. Where you are ruthless, I am unyielding. Where you are aggressive, I am malevolent. I am everything that you are, and everything that you have yet to become. Inhuman. Cold blooded. Without pity. These are my strengths. You, here…”

He tapped a forefinger to his temple, and then placed the very same hand over his heart.

Kedron Williams: “And here … these are your weaknesses. The very ones that will spell your downfall.”

“Human emotion is for the weak, O’Malley. You would do well to remember that.”[/font]

Supercard Archives / Superstar Roulette Championship
« on: July 31, 2020, 11:34:36 PM »
Las Vegas, Nevada - Saxon Hotel

Kedron Williams: Rinoa, aren’t you overreacting? Just a little?

Kedron stood at the forefront of their hotel room, next to the open door but their combined luggage packed and at his feet. With his hand on the door handle, the door itself was wide open and he stared after his wife, a look of both amused exasperation as well as expectation on his otherworldly handsome features. And the reason for his amusement was obvious as Seated on the bed, was his aforementioned wife, Rinoa, and all three of her babies, the sphynx cats Cleopatra, Isis and Achilles, crawling all over her lap and nuzzling up against her as she gave them affectionate cuddles and scratches.

Rinoa ran her fingertips gently down the back of Achilles, and when her painted nails touched the base tip of his tail, his tail popped up right in an almost comical hook while the two females worked to get in their own attention from their mistress, as if they knew they wouldn't see her for a while. Rinoa looked up to her husband with something of a sad smile on her face, her bottom lip jetting out just a fraction.

Rinoa Williams: I can't help it. You know that I have never separated from them for as long as we're to be away. I’m worried.

Hotel employee: Don’t be, ma'am. I'll make sure your three little ones are well looked after!

Yes, there was a third party in the room of the human nature. A veteran employee of the hotel, and older woman with dark skin and an ample waistline, her hair just beginning to show signs of her age with a slightly silver tinge. She had a kindly face and an even more so disposition, her hands clasped together in front of her ample waistline, she could read that this separation would be difficult for the lady, and she wanted to make it as easy as possible for her, and especially her husband who she knew would be dealing with the separation anxiety indirectly.

Hotel employee: I do so love animals, especially cats. Although I have to admit I haven't ever seen cats like yours before.

Not such a surprising sentiment, as Sphynx cats, or commonly referred to as ‘hairless cats,’ we're not as common as your average feed line. Nor were they as adored. It took a unique heart and an open mind to care for one of these creatures, both of which Rinoa had in abundance. Still, the older woman looked to alleviate the anxiety that Rinoa was experiencing.

Hotel employee: Still, they are beautiful. There are plenty of us staying behind here at the hotel to care for your fur babies as if they were our own.

Kedron all but had an unsympathetic smile on his face as he gave this employee a sidelong glance.

Kedron Williams: You might find handling these three a particular adventure in itself.

And to this, the employee surprised both of the Williams with a hearty laugh.

Hotel employee:Ooh trust me! There isn't an employee of this hotel that hasn't heard a little bit about these three. The hotel management warned us if they were seen hunting about the Halls, not to approach them for a pet or to herd them back into the room. One concierge try to pick one of them up…

Rinoa sighed, her eyes closed.

Rinoa Williams: Yes, I had heard about that. My sincerest apologies.

The employee only smiled and held up her hand, forestalling the apology.

Hotel employee: Absolutely no need for that. Anyone with a lick of sense in their head should know not to approach a strange animal so carelessly. But I work with animals at the shelter when I'm not working here. So I am certain that your three babies will be just fine.

And that was all Kedron had to hear, despite the fact that personally he had his own reservations about the care the cats would receive or how they would react mentally to being separated from his wife for such a lengthy amount of time. True, it was for only a week, but Rinoa and the three cats were nigh on Inseparable, a package deal from the day he had gifted them to her on her birthday. Just don't tell anyone he had his own concerns and all will be well.

Kedron Williams: Rinoa, we have to go. The bus taking everyone to LA is boarding.

With a sigh of heartbroken resignation, Rinoa picked Isis up from off of her lap and set her gently on the bed, and then stood herself. The eyes of all three cats followed her as she approached Kedron and the door to the hotel, scooping up one of the pieces of luggage while her husband grabbed the other three The moment she set foot outside into the hallway, all three cats jumped down to the carpeting floor and made to follow, only for the door to shut behind their mistress, effectively separating them.

The hotel employee smiled sympathetically, bringing over at the waist to address the cats as if she believed they could understand her.

Hotel employee: Now don't you worry! Your mama we'll be back before you know it!

And all three cats' heads turned as one to stare at the employee, and a guttural growl rose up from the back of their collective throats.


Kedron Williams: Ah, here we are! The final gauntlet between myself and 3 up starts who want to take what I have. Three men who the higher-ups obviously believed have what it takes to pose a threat, but exactly what kind of threat can they be in a situation where the biggest enemy is gravity itself? I still have my doubts as to the legitimacy of this type of Championship defense, but as I stated before, it is tradition. And traditions AR upheld, no matter what.”

“The awkward part of this entire process is having to talk about all three men once again without repeating what I've already said. I've never been much for repeating myself, even in casual conversation when apparently it seemed someone was not listening. Which leaves me to ponder the question as to whether or not the three of you paid any attention to my own words last week. I sincerely hope so because if you look to me and ask me what I had said.”

“Let's start with you O'Malley. The most successful of the bunch, the man who questioned my legitimacy as a fearsome competitor because, as he claimed, I could not defeat Ben Jordan. While it is true I did not come out on the top in the end of our little story drive already, my record against him was also not without its due. Perhaps if you had done your research a little bit better, you would have seen that I did, in fact, score of victory over him. A clean Victory, which is cheaper going to be perfectly blunt my fine man, is far more than you manage to accomplish against him. I did not need to sneak attack him from behind with a championship belt to the back of the head. I did not need to wait until he had already competed in a grueling World title match or ice truck. No, I pinned him in the ring.”

“Into the Void VIII. Remember, O’Malley? Oh no, that’s right. You had disappeared, off somewhere playing the role of family man. Oh wait, no. That's not right either, is it? You were simply gone. Vanished off the face of the Earth without a care. And when I say without a care, I'm not referring to anybody else but yourself. You banished, and nobody cared. The only reason you're back now? Is this insatiable need to prove yourself, to put yourself out there and try to lay claim to being the best student that Gabriel and Odette Stevens have put out. Only thing is, you are so far behind your peers that your attempts and claims are laughable -- at best! You talk down to whoever stands before you, turning a blind eye to your own faults.”

“Defeat Ben Jordan cleanly, face to face like a man, O’Malley. Then we’ll talk about who can or will accomplish what.”

“Stephen, you yourself really aren’t worth much time to focus on, as I’ve seen video game enemies that were bigger threats than what you pose. You know you are really starting to sound like a broken record, correct? You constantly tell everyone how you are in Sin City wrestling, but you also tell everyone that the moment travel restrictions are lifted, you are leaving. And you say this... Every. Single. Time! And truth be told, it is getting old. Very, old? The only thing this proves, is that you're a quitter. And you show no loyalty to the place that gave you a chance. You walked into here with high expectations for yourself, living off your past Glory. But the moment you found out that the competition here was a cut above wherever else you competed in your so-called storied career, you practically tuck your tail between your legs and got set to run! Well if that's how you are at the first sign of danger, then tuck away Stephen. Because danger is at its peak and it is staring you dead set in the eyes!”

“And I suppose the evening wouldn't mean much if I didn't at least mention my old friend Lachlan. Even though he hasn't had the grace to show his face and mention me, or the other two men in this match. Maybe his bravado after his loss to me was just that. And act. Perhaps Lachlan has finally understood that he is in well over his head, and without his white out there to save his skin, his chances of walking away from this match with the gold, let alone walking period, are absolutely at its worst. I mean, even Stephen has better odds at outlasting Lachlan because at least he sees fit to try! Which is more than what I can say about Lachlan, and to that, I admit i am sorely disappointed. A part of me had hoped that his title loss to me would have lit something of a fire within his breast, but at most we've only received a spark. A spark that will be handedly doused into non-existence when he is the first to hit that pool's water.”

“And the rest of you? “Inconsequential. The roulette Championship will stay where it is.

Supercard Archives / Superstar Roulette Championship
« on: July 25, 2020, 06:49:05 PM »
Kedron Williams: “A ship -- again? Are they serious!?”

Las Vegas, Nevada -
A few weeks ago

Kedron had held the door to his hotel room open for his wife to enter first, as always, then followed in but his mood was indeed soured. He tugged hard on his black, silk tie until it came loose and he threw it to the bed, and almost immediately regretted it as the three Sphinx cats took it as a sign to play and all three ganged up on that hapless but expensive accessory. He closed his eyes and exhaled an annoyed huff, as Rinoa took a seat on the edge of the bed. One of the cats, Achilles, broke away from the play and meandered over to her and nestled his chin on her lap while she scratched him behind the ear, causing his eyes to close in contentment and a heavy purr filled the room.

Rinoa Williams: “Kedron, calm down.”

Kedron set his hands on his hips as he all but paced the front of the room that he and his wife had called home lo these past many months as opposed to their grand estate in Salem. He shook his head, a growing annoyance on his face as if he were working overtime in NOT calming down.

Kedron Williams: “I don’t understand. You would think that given the crux that cruise ships have become because of this damn virus, they could find a more appropriate location for this event! I mean, look at that one cruise liner that had a boat filled with people sick with COVID-19 and they were left drifting for weeks because nobody would risk allowing them into a port! Yet here we are, about to climb on board a ship ourselves when the country is growing worse by the day with this virus!”

Achilles rolled over onto his back, exposing his belly. This was a sign of great trust for any cat and Rinoa showed her appreciation by tickling him lightly on his soft skin.

Rinoa Williams: “If I didn’t know any better, Kedron, I would say that sounds an awful lot like concern.”

Kedron stopped his pacing and slowly, and I mean slowly, turned at the waist to stare at his wife. Many would be unsettled by his stare, but not her. She just smiled.

Kedron Williams: “Do not be ridiculous.”

Rinoa Williams: “I’m serious. Why, I’m beginning to think that having your soul back has turned you into a caring human being.”

Kedron shook his head, turning away from his wife.

Kedron Williams: “And to think you thought there would be no harmful side effects…”

He walked over to the kitchen area and opened the mini bar beneath the counter, only to shut it again with a heavy slam.

Kedron Williams: “I just don’t see the point. Christian underwood just pulled the rug out from a number of people when he told us that the ship wasn’t even setting sail. So, what? We’ll just spend our time idle on a ship in Los Angeles that is docked at its pier for a week?”

Rinoa Williams: “Not exactly that far from where we’re at right now, my love. We’ve been in this hotel for a couple of months at least…”

Kedron Williams: “By your own desire.”

Kedron felt no shame in stressing to his wife that she was the reason that they were staying at the Saxon rather than at their spacious Victorian estate in Salem. “The better to keep up appearances.” She had said to him, and “And while we may not be vulnerable to this virus, others are.”

Kedron adjusted his silk shirt with satisfaction while Rinoa tilted her head to the side. Achilles had rolled back to his paws and rejoined his sisters in tearing and clawing at Kedron’s tie, which had set him back almost two hundred dollars. Still, better his tie than his hand. Though the attacks on his person had pretty much stopped ever since he became ‘whole’ once more.

Rinoa Williams: “But isolated as we’ve been, at least attending the festivities on this cruise ship will at the very least give us a change of scenery.”

Kedron turned and held a hand out to his wife…

Kedron Williams: “Rinoa … darling. You know that whole ‘look on the positive side of things’ that you’ve turned into an art form?”

Rinoa Williams: “Yes?”

Kedron Williams: “Stop it.”

Rinoa chuckled and went back to giving each of her cats affectionate scratches, allowing Kedron time enough to walk over to the bed and snatch his now mauled tie from their claws. Of course, this only added to the cats’ mutual enjoyment as now they thought ‘daddy’ was playing with them and all three shot off of the bed before the Son of Salem could react and they pounced on him, clawing their way up his pant leg as he fought to dislodge them and ‘playing keep away’ with the tie.

Kedron Williams: “Rinoa! Get them off! Rinoa…!”

And he fell back against the bathroom door which swung open and he toppled inside, landing hard with the three cats on top, still going for the tie!

And Rinoa? She had fallen on her own back on the bed, laughing merrily at her husband’s expense.


Night had fallen in the “City of Sin,” and while there was still life within the Saxon Hotel, much of the population had retired to their rooms to rest and recuperate while their journey toward Summer XXXTreme VIII started within a day’s time. And this room in particular had been cloaked in darkness. The shades drawn, the lights turned off -- the only illumination being that of the soft lighting of the moon peeking through the shades and caressing the room’s interior.

Rinoa Williams was sound asleep in her bed, and her three feline ‘babies’ -- Cleopatra, Isis and Achilles -- were snuggled up against and on top of her, sleeping peacefully. Kedron, however, was not. Ever since that one night where he had set foot inside of this room and discovered an intruder, a member of the Cult of Blood, standing over his wife, he had not slept soundly. He had chosen to keep a close eye, especially now that he had regained possession of his Grimoire. Once the Cult discovered the fact, no doubt they would resort to drastic measures to gain possession of it. Which was why he had enacted a curse against any who dared try.

The Cult had already targeted his wife’s three cats -- and paid a humiliating and painful price for that gross mistake in judgment.

He had taken precautions now to ensure the safety of his family, yes, the cats included -- as well as safeguarding his Grimoire, the collective sum of all of his knowledge in the world of the arcane. And he sat alone in the darkness, in a chair opposite the bed he shared with his wife. His ankle was kicked up over his bended knee and his chin rested atop curled fingers as he watched her sleep. A sight he never tired of.

Kedron Williams: “So, let me get this straight. Not a ring, but a swimming pool with cables stretched out horizontally over the pool, and this…”

He extended his hand to the SCW Roulette championship belt which rested in its place of honor in the room, front and center on the dresser where the plasma television had once been. Neither Kedron nor his wife were particularly big television watchers, so they had it removed from its spot and stored away to make more room for themselves as well as their own personal effects. His fingers caressed the center plate of the Roulette title belt.

Kedron Williams: “... Is to be suspended in the center, above the pool, and the man to retrieve it earns the right to be called the champion…”

He turned his head and shook it in disbelief, scoffing.

Kedron Williams: “Well that’s a stupid concept if I were ever to hear one. I would say that it ranks right up there with the concept of a Ladder match. Only in this case, aside from your opposition, you have gravity to contend with. And if your hands slip, unlike a ladder match, there is no going back. You’re simply finished. Out. Eliminated. Still…”

He gave a light shrug of the shoulders.

Kedron Williams: “Mark Ward and Christian Underwood worked overtime so they could hold this match as it is tradition for this particular event, and despite all evidence to the contrary, that I can appreciate. I myself am a great believer in upholding traditions, whether they be business or pleasure. And so here we are, and here I am against not one man attempting to wrest this title from my possession, but three. Two of whom I have faced before, and one who is entirely new to me.”

Kedron stood up from his chair and casually crept along the plush carpeting of the room, and did not so much as cause a stir from the bed’s occupants. It was almost eerie, that whether it be against the carpeting or tile linoleum, his feet did not make even the slightest sound so as to disturb his wife or her cats. He walked to the small mini bar and opened it without a sound, retrieving a frosted over glass and a bottle of hard scotch.

Kedron Williams: “I bet that right about now I am asking the very same question that Stephen Callaway is asking of himself. He is asking what he is doing here, and I am wondering the exact same thing. Now I admit that Callaway has a few victories under his belt, but let’s face facts; they are few and far between. And most of the time when he walks away as the winner, it’s almost like his opponent doesn’t even try.”

Kedron winced.

Kedron Williams: “Oh, I am sorry Stephen. Did that hit a little too close to home? If I recall correctly, you may have even scored a win over me a very long time ago, but times do indeed. There was a point in time where you seemed to be a rather proud athletic competitor, but just look at what has happened when you realized that you bit off far more than you can chew over time. Your unimpressive standing has slowly eroded away your self confidence, leaving behind it an embarrassing shell of a man. Now every time we hear from you, you turn everything around into one giant ‘woe is me’ pity party.”

“It makes me wonder if perhaps this is why you were entered into this match as opposed to someone like Caleb Storms or even Teddy Steele-Warren. Maybe the higher ups simply felt sorry for you and decided to toss you a bone. Or perhaps they have this deep rooted belief that you could be the Cinderella story of Summer XXXTreme VIII where you will shock the world and walk away as the brand new champion?”

Kedron smiled, his teeth shimmering brilliantly in the moonlight as he poured for himself a generous amount of Scotch. He set the bottle back in the refrigerated mini bar and stood upright, examining the glass’s contents.

Kedron Williams: “But to me? You are simply the token challenger who had nothing better going for him. After all, someone has to be the first to fall into that fetid pool. It might as well be you.”

Kedron walked back over to his chair and slowly sat back down. He leaned back and took a sip from the contents of his glass in hand, savoring the warmth as it burned down the back of his throat. His eyes remained closed for several long seconds until they opened once again and danced with merriment.

Kedron Williams: “And then there’s my dear friend, Lachlan. You know, when I won our match a week ago and walked away with the title still in my possession, I almost felt bad? Because when you beat me in that non-title match five weeks ago, you got your hopes up. You worked your confidence up so high that you quite literally had nowhere else to go -- but down. And that is exactly what you did, you fell. And where did you fall? The only place you had left to go; straight down. And I almost felt for you.”

He held a thumb and forefinger close together.

Kedron: Almost. “You see, the only person you have to blame for that failure is yourself. And I'm not just saying that because you allowed your confidence to Skyrocket straight into the stratosphere. Your main issue was that you forgot to bring your wife to ringside with you. After all, it was your wife's intervention in our non-title match that allowed you to walk away with the victory over me. And there's no debating that point Lachlan. It is a simple fact. And maybe, just maybe, had you brought Sierra  to our championship match last week, you would be going into this Ultimate X match as champion rather than challenger. And there is not a person, man or woman, in SCW that isn’t aware that Sierra is behind the vast majority of your in-ring success.”

“A shame then isn’t it that she didn’t make her presence known in our championship match? Or did you -- you know -- instruct her to stay away from the ring so you could handle things on your own?”

Kedron gave the camera a sly wink.

Kedron Williams: “Either way, I have to commend you for your hutzpah. Walking away from defeat with your held still high, and assuming that this Ultimate X match aboard a ship would somehow be a different end to your fairy tale story. You think that out of everyone in that match, you will be the last man left standing -- or in our case, hanging? You think that one-by-one, you will be the man to retrieve my property and leave as champion? The very first time you would have held gold on your own? Oh…”

He tilted his head to the left and smiled with mock sympathy.

Kedron Williams: “That level of naivety is … well, sad, really. But I can’t fault you for wanting to prove yourself, even if you have to fall again and again. It’s to be commended. Jesus Christ only rose once, but you? You just keep going and going.”

He shook his head and rolled his eyes before moving on. He stood up once again, but this time he walked past the bed and approached the glass sliding door that led to the small patio on the outside of the room; a perk for champions, this little extra taste of luxury. He slid the door closed almost entirely to continue with his wife’s peace and his own privacy. He stood beneath the night sky, his eyes straining to see the stars but not for the multitude of lights courtesy of the Vegas Strip.

Kedron Williams: “They say that behind every great man is a great woman. Never was that cliche’ more true than where my third challenger is concerned, O’Malley. For the longest time, ever since you returned -- first to SCU and then to SCW -- you’ve been shadowed by that mysterious, raven-haired beauty Darcy. So many wanted to know who she was, what she was doing here -- and hats off to you for keeping her identity and purpose under cloak and dagger for as long as you had. And then, when the truth slowly grew to reveal itself, it was nothing what people might have expected.”

“I thought of her as a supporting character in the ever growing soap opera that was obviously your life, but not so much. At least, not to the degree assumed. No, Darcy seemed more of that whisper in your ear, the devil on your shoulder. A supporting role, yes, but so much more. You seemed absolutely lackadaisical where your career was concerned and the direction that it was headed. And I strongly suspect that were it not for Darcy pushing you to the point of nagging, you wouldn’t be where you are right now; standing atop a second-tier promotion while struggling to even break mid-card here in the major league.”

“All biting wit and sarcasm aside, I perhaps would be one of the few and far between who do not judge you for your past transgressions in your personal life, O’Malley. Your family drama is by no means any big secret. You’ve pretty much laid it all out for everyone to see on social media that you are living with a great regret in life where your child is concerned, and you should be. But…”

He held up a forefinger to pause for a moment’s thought while he took a drink from the glass.

Kedron Williams: “Mistakes happen. I should know, as I’ve made enough of them throughout the years, and ones that are far greater than anything you might think possible. When I leave this world, I know where I’ll be going in the afterlife, and I have accepted that. There’s no turning back for me, but you? You have the opportunity to turn your own life around and the fact that you are making that attempt shows that you are not too far gone. But that’s personal. Professionally?”

Kedron looked up and his face was marred with wonder.

Kedron Williams: “Sometimes I look at you and wonder that you are cut from the same cloth as men and women such as Evie Jordan and Fenris. Ariana Angelos and Helluva Bottom Carter. You know -- graduates from the famed GO Gym, the same facilities that prepared you for the world of professional wrestling.”

“Yes, you are indeed the reigning SCU Underground Champion, and you worked overtime in earning that distinction…”

Kedron then hid his eyes behind his hand and shook his head, his shoulders shaking slightly with the effort not to betray his amusement. He slowly lowered his arm…

Kedron Williams: “I am sorry, I just couldn’t keep a straight face. I had stated earlier what I think of matches like this Ultimate X and ranked it right up there with a Ladder match, but… that’s how you ‘earned’ your Golden Briefcase, is it not? The guarantee that you could make a bid for a title match whenever, and wherever you were. Oh and you certainly took advantage of that loophole, even I have to hand you full credit for that Judas act.”

He shook his head with wonder.

Kedron Williams: “To jump a man from behind and strike him down with the very championship belt he had just won to take it for your own … and to do so to my old ‘friend’ Ben Jordan..? Truly you are a champion among men.”

He paused and turned his head to gaze into the camera.

Kedron Williams: “In case you couldn’t tell, that was sarcasm.”

He looked back to the city’s skyline while he continued.

Kedron Williams: “I find it amusing at best that you continue to berate your Go Gym peers and claim that you either are or will soon be, more than any of them had ever been. You want to be the best, the most celebrated and recognized of all of your fellow graduates, but if that is indeed your goal, you are clearly going about it the wrong way. In SCW, you have not even come close to matching what Evie Jordan and Fenris have pulled off, and in SCU? You talked down about the rookies Carter and Ariana but those two have garnered more fan adulation and respect amongst their peers than you have. Yes, you are the Underground Champion, and they have yet to capture singles gold, but both of them defeated their previous champions face to face, as opposed to an ambush from behind. And, how often have you defended that precious title of yours whereas Team Go seems to be defending their titles multiple times per cycle -- and successfully I might add!”

He chuckled.

Kedron Williams: “And they’re even in the Main Event of Supernova III, not you! Does that tell you where you stand in the overall scheme of things? No? Well then, how about this?”

He turned to the camera, one arm rested upon the railing.

Kedron Williams: “From the moment the lineup was announced for Supernova III, how often has your name been hyped as the reigning Underground Champion? Whereas Alexis Staggs made a passing comment about what will happen should Darcy get involved where my own wife is concerned. Knowing Darcy is getting more attention and fanfare than you are, O’Malley? That really must make your manhood go from here…”

He held a thumb and forefinger a few inches apart.

Kedron Williams: … to here.”

He narrowed the gap between thumb and forefinger to where they were almost touching.

Kedron Williams: “And while I do have to commend you for taking a stand and making certain that Darcy no longer plays a role in the outcomes of your matches, we have to realize that it is a matter of too little, too late. She had already gotten you to where you needed to be, so telling her now to stop is like bringing a contraceptive to a baby shower. The damage has been done.”

Kedron then finished the drink and set the glass down on an oval table on the patio and started to step back inside, casting one final look to the camera.

Kedron Williams: “See you on the ship -- gentlemen.”

Climax Control Archives / My first defense, your last chance
« on: July 17, 2020, 05:52:31 PM »
Two years past - Salem, Massachusetts

Rinoa's birthday fell on the 16th of July, and each year she had always instructed her husband not to make a fuss nor get her anything. And every year he ignored her wishes and did just the opposite.  It might sound an unusual thing, coming from a man that waged such a horrific war against Ben Jordan, one of the most popular superstars in SCW history. But there was no denying the simple fact; Kedron absolutely loved his wife, so strongly that even the fact he was devoid of both heart and soul could not deny the fact.

And usually Kedron would take her to her favorite restaurant, Rafns. An elegant getaway that served a dining experience seen nowhere else in Salem. A blend of modern and experimental foods with soft candlelight and little decor so as to stimulate conversation. And the gifts? Ordinarily it was elegant clothes or jewelry, sometimes even a trip somewhere that Rinoa had simply mentioned in casual conversation, a passing fancy that her husband wasted no expense on fulfilling. In truth, she was quite spoiled as a wife but she was of such a humble and loving heart that she did not display nor take advantage of it.

This year, however? Things were quite different. This year, the husband and wife celebrated at their home. This year, there was no jewelry. No expensive trips or fancy clothes to add to her already extensive wardrobe. Rinoa sat in their spacious living room, a soft smile on her face with a velvet cloth draped around her eyes so she could not peek. Kedron emerged into the room from the home’s foyer with a large box in hand, with conspicuous holes cut into the sides. He walked around her so that he stood in front and placed the box down on her lap, and only then was she allowed to remove her blindfold.

Rinoa looked down once at the plain, brown box, then up into his warm, chocolate brown eyes and she smiled.

Rinoa Williams: “Kedron, what have you done?”

Kedron himself smirked a satisfied smile, one that bore the confidence he felt swelling inside.

Kedron Williams: “Now were I to tell you, it would defeat the entire purpose of you opening your present. Now go on.”

He nodded toward the box.

Kedron Williams: “Open it!”

She need not be asked twice. She took the lid in her fingers and slipped it off, gazing inside and a soft gasp escaped her. Inside of the box were three sphynx kittens; all three huddled together on the blanket at the bottom for their warmth, all three sleeping soundly. Rinoa looked up to him with a warm smile, her eyes speaking volumes on the joy this present had bestowed on her heart. Like Kedron, Rinoa absolutely loved animals. Cats, especially. And like her husband, she had dearly wanted to be a parent but such a miracle was not to be. Hence this year’s very specific, very special gift.

She reached down into the box and slipped her fingers under the nearest sleeping kitten's body, stirring it and her two siblings awake. Rinoa held it  up in front of her and it looked into the eyes of her new mistress while Kedron watched. Had he a heart, it would have been warmed at the sight. Kedron then looked down at the two other kittens, each of the three six weeks old, and they were awake and scuttling around the boxes inside on weak, stubby legs.

He reached  down to pick one up as Rinoa had done when…


Kedron Williams: “Ow! You miserable little…!”

Kedron looked at his finger and the small cut in his fingertip the kitten left him, a small forbearance of what was to come over the next two years.


Salem, Massachusetts

Night time...

The Victorian manor that Kedron and Rinoa Williams called home. Yet it was empty of life, as the Williams and their three feline companions had relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada and the Saxon Hotel for the time being during the tumultuous threat of COVID-19. Or at least, it was thought to be empty…

The shot was from the house’s interior where the outline of a figure could be seen through the frosted glass panels of the house’s double front door. The figure looked to be peering inside, but could see nothing through the make of the glass. After a moment working over the door’s lock with a lock pick gun, there was the tell-tale sound of a latch overturning, and the door was pushed open and the masked figure, clad in black from head to toe, made his way inside of the estate.

He wasted no time, and seemingly knew exactly where he was going and what he was looking for. He moved through the foyer at the main entrance, and stalked down the hallways interior in the direction of the kitchen. He used no flashlight, so as not to draw any attention from the neighbors... Not that there were any that lived close enough that could draw the attention of the authorities. It was simply a wise precaution on his part.

Setting foot in the kitchen, he quickly pulled his mask off and looked around carefully. He was a man that has not even yet reached his prime in life. In his late thirties or perhaps early forties. Clean shaven, a mop of sandy blond hair that just reached below the ears, and dark makeup smudged beneath his eyes. He had a maddened expression on his face as he looked around and then spotted what he was almost assuredly seeking; the basement door.

At the base of the steps, the door could be seen being pulled open and the man hurried down the steps as quickly as he was able. Once arriving at the bottom he looked around at his surroundings. There was not much furniture in the basement, as neither Kedron nor Rinoa took a liking for clutter. Paintings that Kedron had done himself, collections of varied degrees, and family heirlooms. That was about as much as what one would find down here, save for the sealed door that led to Kedron’s private ceremonial chamber. That door was suddenly broken open, with a savage kick from the intruder! The moment he stepped inside, he saw it.

The Grimoire.

Set up on a ceremonial book pedestal, the would-be thief marched right up and tore the book off of its pedestal and into his tight grip. He looked at it with a self-satisfied smirk and turned around to take his leave, and get this property back to those in power, behind the Cult of Blood.

He took that first step... And stumbled. A wave of nausea immediately washed over his senses. He blinked and frowned. Something was not right as he reached up towards his face with his free hand and touched the base of his nose. He pulled his fingertips away and saw that they were stained crimson. His nose began to bleed heavily, as did his ear canals. For the first time since entering this homestead, the intruder’s face bore a mark of concern, of fear.

Sweat broke out on his brow and he clutched his chest. His vision grew more blurry with each step. He coughed and bloody spittle sprayed out as he staggered towards the door, intent on making his escape with his ill-gotten gain. Had there been a mirror nearby, he would have also noticed the blood vessels in his own eyes had burst, staining the white of his eyes red. And just as he reached the door frame of Kedron’s sanctuary, his legs gave out from underneath him. He stumbled one last time and fell to the floor…

It was security footage. The camera drew back to reveal watching it was none other than Kedron’s former ally in Marquis Leveaux and Gideon Blackwell, watching on the monitor of Marquis’s laptop. Marquis was seated at his desk, fingers curled against his lips, while Gideon stood behind his chair. Shaking his head.

Gideon Blackwell: And this is the man you stole from? Willingly?

Marquis said nothing. He did not reply to his friend’s childish goading. Rather he picked up the handwritten note that came with the footage. It simply read…

”A precaution I took, on the likely chance you got the fool notion in your head to try and retrieve what was never yours. Or worse, were you to get the idea to send poor Griffin after it instead. Leave it from your mind, Marquis. I do not wish to make you any further of an enemy than you already have made me.”

“It is mine. It is safe. And incidentally, I do not understand why you have had such a difficult time with this Cult. Check the records of the University Medical Center here in Las Vegas. You’ll find what is left of one of their members that my wife’s CATS dealt with!”

Las Vegas - Rooftop of the Saxon Hotel

The moon was high, and although the stars could not be seen in part to the bright lights of the Vegas Strip, it did not stop the reigning Roulette Champion from relaxing back against a deck chair, his legs stretched out before him and enjoying no small amount of peace to himself while most of the hotel’s residents were by now fast asleep.

Kedron Williams: “Well, I wish that I could say  I'm surprised by who the first challenger is for my very first act as a defending champion,  but I'd be lying if I said I was. And I may be a great many things, but a liar is not one of them. After being stuck in two back to back on-time matches since I defeated Jack Russow, who else should my first defense be against than Lachlan Kane? After all, he did earn this chance.”

“Or did he?”

“You'll have to forgive my skepticism Lachlan, but you can hardly fault me my doubt. I'd say we were at an impasse. You might even offer the old adage that we can agree to disagree but…”

Kedron scrunched up his face in a frown and shook his head.

Kedron Williams: “That's not so much the case, is it? At least to any with eyes or an ounce of honesty. You see, in most cases if a man defeats a champion where the title is not at stake, then indeed, yes. I would say that would make him the legitimate number one contender. But you didn't exactly beat me, did you? At least, you didn't do it on your own. It was more of a family affair against me, a group effort. That's what it took for you to be able to pin my shoulders. Otherwise you couldn't do it alone.”

Kedron rolled his eyes as he relaxed back against the lounge chair and swirled the wine in his glass.

Kedron Williams: “Now I understand that you had something of a scene with Sierra backstage following our little encounter, and I have to commend you for that. I have seen some of the finest performances on Broadway, from Hamilton to The Phantom of the Opera, but never before was there a finer performance than what happened between you and Sierra. Did you not think I would notice? Or that word would not get back to me? There were cameras. There were witnesses. Maybe deep down, your own wife was telling you what she really thinks of you and your capabilities inside of the ring. Otherwise... One, why would she have felt the need to help you in the first place? And two, if she said she had no regrets, does that not speak volumes in itself? Poor, poor Lachlan. What does that say about the differences between you and me? Even at my darkest point in time here in SCW, when the ever-popular Ben Jordan and I were out for each other's blood, not once did my wife ever feel the need to interject herself in one of my matches to try and help me. Why? Because, unlike Sierra, my Rinoa has faith enough in what I can accomplish. True, I may not always come out on top of things, but I would rather lose on my own than win with another's assistance.”

Kedron took a single sip of the wine that was so deep a red that it was almost black in color. He savored the flavor rolling over his tongue before swallowing and continuing.

Kedron Williams: “Do you know what your biggest mistake was when you entered the singles division, Lachlan? Entering the singles division. I mean, seriously. You couldn't have been satisfied where you were in the mixed tag team division? You couldn't have been happy teaming with your great love and enjoying some moderate success? Even I can admit that you and Sierra were successful as mixed tag team champions. I can also admit that most of that success was at Sierra's behest. Yes, a great many people back then stated that she was the reason for the success of your team. It was well before my time in this company but looking back?”

Kedron shook his head with a smirk on his face.

Kedron Williams: “I couldn't deny the fact even if I wanted to. And then rather than work to regain the titles from a lackluster team that pretty much killed the division at the time, you decided to Branch out onto your own and chase after single gold. Tell me then, how did that work out for you? You've had opportunities before at championships, did any of them ever pan out? Did Sierra ever lend you a hand to try and find gold wrapped around your waist for the first time... Ever? And then there is me. Where I took a sabbatical from the ring, and in my first match back I won the opportunity to face Jack Russow for the Roulette championship. And in my very first championship match, I won my very first championship. Go figure. And you, Lachlan?”

“Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Or more appropriately, always the challenger, never the champion. This match against me won't be your first championship opportunity, and it won't be your last. It also won't be your first Championship win. Not against me, not at my expense. It's been no secret how I have felt about championships, and the baubles that championship belts seem to represent for the human ego. But where you're concerned? After what your wife did? I think this one time, I'm going to State this out right. You are not going to take what is mine. Championships may not mean to me what they mean to so many others in this sport, but the roulette title is still my own. And I won't give you the satisfaction of walking away as the new champion! You can't beat me without your wife's assistance! She proved that almost four weeks ago, and I will prove that in a matter of days!”

Climax Control Archives / Never try to outfox a cat
« on: July 03, 2020, 09:37:46 PM »
Kedron Williams: “I still don’t understand why we have to wear these ridiculous masks!”

It was late in the hour. The sun had set hours ago and even though the stars were hidden in the heavens thanks to the lights of the Las Vegas Strip, you knew well enough that they were there. And the famed Strip itself? It had just started to return to life, as some of the famed hotels and casinos had opened under ill-advisement, while still more were preparing to open their own doors early next week. And the people who filed in and out acted as if they had not a care in the world, laughing and socializing, eating, gambling and drinking as if a pandemic was not threatening everything they held dear; themselves included.

Enter Kedron and Rinoa Williams. The two were, by nature, ‘night owls’ and when Rinoa felt a desire to stretch her legs from the confines of their room at the Saxon, Kedron was only too willing to oblige his wife’s desire. True, he was not the sociable sort, but even he felt the stirrings of desire to be in the cool night air of the Vegas desert.

His complaint was about the masks that Rinoa had insisted they both don, despite the fact that due to who (and what) they were, both were immune to this dreaded disease. All too used to her husband’s blatant complaints, Rinoa stroked his arm with her fingers and smiled.

Rinoa Williams: “Appearances, darling. And besides, if we go without, you know one of those ‘holier than thou’ sorts would be up in our business and we’d end up on some social media video -- for good or ill.”

Kedron slowly turned to his wife as they walked and smiled, prompting her to scoff playfully.

Rinoa Williams: “Kedron, we are not getting rid of these masks just to cause a small riot.”

Kedron’s smile was infectious, pun not intended, and Rinoa had the wisp of one on her lips as she listened to her husband pout.

Kedron Williams: “You never let me have any fun.”

They continued walking, and Kedron’s eyes fell down in front of them and he sighed.

Kedron Williams: “And them? Was their accompanying us absolutely necessary?”

And by ‘them,’ Kedron was referring to his wife’s babies, the three Sphinx felines; Cleopatra, Achilles and Isis. The three cats were weaving through their legs expertly, without causing either of ‘their humans’ to trip and fall, walking ahead of them both as some form of honored escort.

Rinoa Williams: “What? You could hardly expect me to leave them cooped up in our room, could you?”

Kedron Williams: “We leave them out every night to hunt. Las Vegas is filled with murders and thieves. One of these days your ‘babies’ will hurt one of them.”

Of course Rinoa knew that Kedron was merely teasing her. Well, for the most part. Kedron adored all the innocent creatures of the world save for human beings, but her three cats took some getting used to. And for the longest of time, all three of the cats would hiss and swipe at her husband for merely being in the same room as them. It did not make for the most harmonious of co-existing. And now that Kedron was whole once more, the three cats met him now with more acceptance and curiosity than ever before. To a degree, it was something he had wanted, but cats could be persistently annoying at times!

Rinoa Williams: “Go play, babies.”

All three felines’ heads turned up at their mistress and they then turned and took off into the roaming shadows of the city surrounding them, confident in their safe return. The three cats had a sixth sense it seemed and no matter where they were here in Las Vegas, they never had an issue in returning to their ‘mothers’ loving embrace.

Cleopatra led her two siblings in a merry chase around the feet of many a tourist, deftly avoiding any outstretched hands that sought a soft pet or to perhaps take hold of them. They wound about between two casinos and into the shadows of one where it was in the process of repairs and being added on to, when they came to a halt and looked up…

At the hooded figure standing over them with the mark of the ‘Blood Cult’ emblazoned on his (or her) chest.


“‘Crazy demon clown dude.’”

“That is how our esteemed ‘King’ referred to me as in his production of this week’s card, and in my assigned match against a familiar face in Griffin Hawkins, is it not? That’s alright. I have been called much worse by much better. And I bear the man no grudges or ill will for such a low key attempt to be humorous or witty. It is not the fault of Jack Washington that he has so little imagination that this is the best that he can come up with when speaking of yours truly.”

“I mean, ‘crazy?’ Okay, perhaps that I can give him at least a partial point. To have done the things that I have one would have to be at least somewhat crazed. ‘Demon?’ I have been associated with those of the infernal realms so I suppose I could be compared to such, that whole guilt by association and all that. Despite the aid of my wife and Ben Jordan, not so easy a thing to shake as one might hope or imagine. But -- clown? I can forgive the ‘dude’ part because that is just a remnant of lower class intellect, but the clown part has me confused. I mean, do you see me walking around in that garish clown makeup like our former star Anthrax or lurking in storm drains with a red balloon, trying to entice children? No? What then? Do my eyes or eyelashes attract Jack’s wanton attention and that is simply his way to notify me of his fatal attraction? Sorry Jack, but not only do I not bend that way, but I am a man spoken for.”

“Therefore I can only assume these subtle digs on your part are either from a simple lack of thought on your part, or a desperate bid for your name and personality to remain relevant on the minds and tongues of the so-called SCW Universe. I mean, let’s face it. You don’t exactly stand out, do you? You look like the same cookie cutter template of what seventy-five percent of the roster thinks a wrestler should look like. Your appearance, your very being, is what the whole ‘dime a dozen’ saying was created for. There is nothing about you that is original or stands out. Then when you see someone who thinks, acts or looks different, you decide to whisper a few insults from behind the safety of a computer screen. You did it to me, and you did it to Griffin Hawkins, the very same man that you booked me against.”

“But do you know what the difference is between men such as us, and yourself? Take me for example. After my final encounter with Ben Jordan at last year’s Summer XXXTreme VII, I took time off. I took a ‘lot’ of time off, but my name remained. So much so that when I finally made my return, it was to secure a shot at a championship title. When SCW had reopened, Griffin’s name was on the lips of so many to make a return and when he did, he became a record setting champion for the very same title that I now hold. Why is that, I wonder? Because people remembered us. Our names remained. Griffin’s many championship accomplishments and his feud with Christian Underwood. My storied rivalry with Ben Jordan and everything that came along with it. And you, Jack?”

“Even if you emerge as the new World Champion this weekend, a year from now your name will be lost. Nobody will even care that you were here. You will be at best a footnote in SCW history, and where the title lineage is concerned, a transitional champion at best. But, that’s if you win, and speaking as a man who has been in the ring with Ben Jordan numerous times? You haven’t got what it takes to put that man down for the count.”

“But I’ve wasted enough time talking of an even bigger waste. No, this time it should be all about a certain someone else. A man who I am familiar with both inside and out of the ring; Griffin Hawkins.”

“Ah Griffin, what cruel twist of ironic fate has brought us to this dance of the macabre once again? We met in the ring only one time before, and yes indeed. It was you who walked away as the winner. Times change, however. In more ways than one it would seem by recent events. You see, I am no longer that blind derelict of a man whose heart was blackened by vengeance and allowed that same emotion to blind him to the ways of the world, especially the world inside of the ring. If I were, I never would have defeated Stephen Callaway or Caleb Storms to get the chance to face Jack Russow. I never would have ended up defeating Russow and sending that whining little bitch crying to his friends in search of easier pastures to make himself feel better and more emboldened! But we all know enough about Russow’s measure of a man. As I said before; this is about you and me.”

“History can not so easily be erased or overlooked, and where you and I are concerned, things do tend to become complicated. You bested me once inside of the ring, and you aided me outside of it -- even if you weren’t aware that you were doing so. It’s the thought that counts. But just as I stressed I was not the same man that you once defeated, I can see that you are no longer the man that once defeated me. You haven’t been ever since you lost the Roulette title to Russow and staked a claim to bigger and better things. Now a great many men would try and take advantage of this and make fun of you for it, but me…?”

“Well, I will attempt to take advantage, but to make fun of? What is there to insult? Even the greatest wrestlers in this business lose matches, some many times over, but that does not make them any less great. Take me for example, and yes I admit a foul taste at this slice of humble pie, but my own win-loss record is far from spotless. I suffered many more losses than wins, one being to yours truly, but I simply moved on and used each one as a learning point. The wins that I did get were against top level competition, and that fact alone spurred me on to keep going.”

“My point is that I did not let the losses define me. Even my first match after winning this trinket -- I lost to Lachlan Kane. Mainly thanks to the assistance of that bitch he joined in wedlock. But unfortunately all the people see in the end is a win for Lachlan, no matter how he accomplished it. And as upsetting as it was, it helped me in the end, Griffin. Because now I know I will have to face him with higher stakes, namely my championship being on the line, and that will just serve to make defeating him even sweeter.”

“But look at you now, Griffin. You stepping up and deciding that you want Ben Jordan and the World Heavyweight Championship! Well, while the end goal is admirable, you’ve had your eyes on that particular prize even when you still reigned as the Roulette Champion. And for that reason alone, you have to be careful because greed can bring about change in a man, and none for the better. I imagine that is why I am stuck in my second non-title match in a row since winning this title, as if you are granted the championship match, facing me and possibly winning would put a real wrench in whatever Summer XXXTreme VIII plans the bosses have in mind. Not that it matters, mind you. Because I have no intention of walking away from that ring with anything less than a victory. This little downward spiral that you’ve been on? It’s only going to get worse -- for one more match at least. Because I have much more to lose over this encounter against you, even though the material risk is virtually nonexistent.”

“Win or lose, our World Champion is a giving man, and I am fairly certain you’ll get what you ask for whether you technically qualify or not. Me? Two back-to-back losses after winning a championship? Well, even I know that does not speak well of your status as said champion, so I am afraid that I am going to have to end your aspirations to stop that slump that you’ve found yourself in. No offense, it’s strictly business.”

“You understand.”

Climax Control Archives / Explanations
« on: June 19, 2020, 09:42:55 PM »
New Orleans -
Several years ago

How many years exactly? Oh, decades. If we’re to be perfectly honest. To be exact, at some point in the early 1920s, just off of Bourbon Street where a three story building that housed an old absinthe house was the focal point of this tale to be told. During the day, people went about their business, minding it as their own. But now that night had fallen, and the stars were out in the street lamps lit, the true nightlife of New Orleans had started to emerge. Including that which belonged in the shadows during the day.

Kedron Williams: What in the name of all the demons were you thinking!?

The warlock that had come to be known in certain circles as the “Son of Salem” stood in a private room, his room to be exact, and he hovered over the form of his then-friend and now bitter rival, Marquis Leveaux, the undead demon known as a Nosferatu who sat in the lone chair available. A vampire, one of the oldest and most influential at that point in time within the United States. And somehow, in some way, the two had become friends. Were it even possible for two of the darkest creations in this ‘community’ to even have friends, let alone with one another.

For centuries there had been a bitter rivalry, a war, between the dhampir and those that practiced the Craft, for good or ill. Buckets of Blood had been spilled, and it had been going on for so long that neither side even remembered how it began. It was just assumed to be a point of honor to continue it going. But these two, if not friends, were certainly capable of working together as a cohesive unit when it mattered.

And right now, there was one tending to the other's wounds, Marquis having run into trouble and being so close to the one person he could trust, he came to Kedron’s home in Louisiana many years before Kedron had returned to his native Salem, Massachusetts to settle down with his now-bride, Rinoa. Both men were a rather unique site, as the fashion back then was very much different than what our eyes would be familiar with in this day and age. Kedron had his hair pulled back into a ponytail that was so tight, it hurt simply looking at it. And he wore a wine-colored, well tailored pinstripe suit with the well polished black dress shoes. Marquis on the other hand, had a bit of a more difficult time in blending in to society where fashion was concerned. He wore a simple silk dress shirt with a handkerchief tucked into the breast pocket, his suspenders were pulled down off of his shoulders and draped over his dress slacks and his fedora hat had been thrown across the room without hazard.

And there was a gaping hole torn in the left shoulder of the shirt of Marque, and a wide, deep wound that was at least five inches long across his shoulder blade. This was where Kedron was doing his work. His cold blue eyes had gone completely dark as his dark power drew the broken end of the silver blade from Marquis’ shoulder. His eyes returned to their (un)natural color and he stopped across his room, opening up a cabinet and retrieving a bottle of the aforementioned absinthe, the bright green color as pleasing to the eyes as the wormwood infused into the drink was detrimental to the senses.

Marquis Leveaux: They were witch hunters! I would have thought you would be grateful I even went after them! They were practically on your doorstep!

Kedron turned around with the bottle in one hand, and two glasses in the other. He tilted his head to the side, what could best be described as a bemused expression on his face.

Kedron Williams: They had only entered the city limits, Marquis. I would hardly call that on my ‘front step.’

Marquis Leveaux: Close enough.

Kedron set the glasses down on the small table to the left of Marquis and poured each ‘man’ a generous portion, minus the ‘required’ water and sugar infusion. He then turned around and moved to return the bottle from where he had grabbed it, not seeing behind him Marquis with a small vial in his pale hand, pouring the contents into Kedron’s glass. Kedron then turned back around and approached his comrade-in-arms and took a seat across from him, taking his glass in hand.

Kedron Williams: And while I appreciate the sentiment, you can't know for certain that they were here for me. I only moved here recently and I'm hardly the only witch in New Orleans.

Marquis smiled, despite himself, at the confidence level displayed by his ‘friend.’ Of course, he had good reason to be confident, having survived for so many centuries, passed such threats as the burning times and witch Hunters who otherwise had decimated his kind’s numbers.

Marquis Leveaux: Two witches are in the city limits, present company included. And all due respect, but even the hardiest hunters would be fools to target Marie Leveaux.

Proving vampires had a taste for more than blood, Marquis took a healthy swallow of the absinthe before finishing his thought.

Marquis Leveaux: It would be their swan song.

Kedron Williams: I appreciate the fact you have the same confidence in me.

He raised his glass in a mock toast to his friend before draining it of its contents in a single swallow. Despite his affection for the infamous drink, it still burned its way down his throat in all of its glory. Kedron gritted his teeth and clenched his eyes tightly shut for a brief moment, before opening them to find Marquis smiling at him.

Kedron Williams: … What?

Marquis brought his own glass up to eye level and stared at the remaining contents.

Marquis Leveaux: It is the simplest of pleasures that I miss the most. I barely felt a tingle…

Kedron nodded in understanding, setting his class aside and relaxing back against his chair, kicking his ankle up across his knee.

Kedron Williams: So where are they now? These hunters of yours?

Marquis Leveaux: In hiding I would imagine. Our ruckus gathered quite a bit of attention from the local authorities. I made for here while there was a crowd. And before you ask, yes I am certain that I was not followed.

Kedron smirked.

Kedron Williams: I would have expected nothing less. Still, to engage witch hunters when there was no need?

At the term ‘no need,’ Marquis raised his eyebrows in wonderment.

Kedron Williams: You should have known they would have recognized you for what you were. Hunters don’t just go after my kind. They go after anything with an unnatural heartbeat -- or without one.

Marquis Leveaux: I have watched over you for this long. Why stop now?

A few moments passed by in relative silence, when Marquis turned his head and found Kedron with his head tilted forward, his chin against his chest as he had passed out; the drug having taken effect. Marquis immediately stood up and went to a portrait of a regal looking woman in Victorian attire hanging on the far wall of the room. He grabbed it and swung it outward, revealing a safe hidden behind the work of art. Thinking back to a time he had witnessed in passing the combination, he went to work.

A brief moment later, the safe was opened and Marquis reached in and removed a large, leather-bound tome thick with parchment pages; the personal Grimoire of Kedron Williams. With the tome in hand, Marquis turned to look at his friend with admitted regret in his eyes.

Marquis Leveaux: I am sorry, Kedron. This is too important to fall into the hands of the Cult. You will come to understand.

And that being said, Marquis turned his back to his now-former friend and exited his room, shutting the door behind him.

Las Vegas, Nevada -
Two weeks ago

Following his ‘meeting’ between Marquis and Griffin Hawkins on the rooftop nightclub of the Saxon Hotel, Kedron paced relentlessly in his and his wife’s shared room. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Kedron had the utmost confidence in his wife's task that he had requested of her. Still, despite who and what he was, he was above all else a loving husband. And he was concerned.

Moments later, he heard a scratching at the door. Walking briskly over, he knew who it was before he had ever extended his hand to the door handle. Pulling it open, all three of his wife's ‘babies’ hurried into the room and woke their way around his ankles. Still an unfamiliar show of affection from 3 felines who until only recently would hiss and claw whenever he was anywhere near their vicinity.

He looked up and past them, and saw who he had been waiting for; the object of his life’s affection. With a soft smile on her face, his wife Rinoa walked down the hallway and to their hotel door, clutching the Grimoire with both arms against her upper body. Shutting the door behind her, Kedron placed a hand on her slim shoulder and stood before her, inspecting her up and down.

Kedron Williams: Are you okay? Did you have any difficulty?

Rinoa Williams placed her hand on his own and smiled for his assurance.

Rinoa Williams: None at all. My babies played their part perfectly.

Kedron glanced down at the three mewling felines and nodded his head.

Kedron Williams: You three deserve a reward then. I’ll see if I can lure Bella and Malachi’s dog here for a midnight snack.

Rinoa Williams: Kedron…?

But he smiled up at her, showing he was just teasing. … Sort of.

Kedron Williams: You did beautifully…

That said, he placed his hand behind her swan-like neck and drew her in for a loving kiss. Once they separated, he frowned and wrinkled his nose.

Kedron Williams: Why do you smell like smoke?

Rinoa waved off the concern.

Rinoa: Oh, one of Marquis’s friends tried to stop me. Incidentally, who knew vampires went up in flames like that?

Kedron chuckled and kissed her a second time. She then passed his long-lost tome into his hands. He held it in one arm, caressing the leather bound cover with the palm of his other hand while gazing at it with open reverence.

Rinoa Williams: So, what will you do with it now?

Kedron drew his eyes away from what he thought long-lost to Rinoa.

Kedron Williams: Give it the protections I should have the first time.

“What a few weeks this has been. More so than even I could have foreseen. When I first defeated Caleb Storms and Stephen Callaway to earn a chance at Jack Russow’s Roulette Championship, I have to admit that I didn't think much of it. Championship titles never really did have the Allure for me that it apparently has on virtually 95% of the population of Sin City Wrestling. Now I do admit that I enjoy a bit of adornment, some jewelry here and there but a golden championship belt just seemed a bit cliche to me. Fighting for a belt and calling it Prestige was such a … ‘mortal’ thing to do. When I first set foot into this world of Combat Sports, I was told that the general saying is that anybody can defeat anybody on any given day. So how then does winning a simple piece of leather with a gold emblem on it really mean anything of any significance?”

“Then Jack and I opened things up on Into the Void IX, and I began to understand. At least to a slim degree. As I understand it, opening these events up as the first match is not the insult that so many people seem to think that it is. I was told that is the exact opposite, as you are expected to set the tone for the entire evening and see if your peers can keep up with you. I would like to think that Jack and I set the tone quite well, and set a standard for everyone else to live up to. And yes, I found it a bit of a thrill when I walked away the winner, and the new champion. But has my views on championships changed entirely?”

“Not really. It was simply another win in a series I hope to continue on with, as Ben Jordan had encouraged me to do many months past. I mean, why not? When you're as old as I am, you look for new ways to amuse yourself and so far, it has been an experience. But I can't tell you how disappointed I am to hear that the date after I won this championship, my opponent, the former Champion, announced his exit from Sin City Wrestling. I can't help but feel partially responsible, and somewhat disgusted by this. Would Jack have left had he won against me? No, he is either a sore loser or he's simply using me and my victory as an excuse to do something that he had in mind to do the entire time.”

“One loss, Jack. One loss and you call it quits? Despite all of my gifts outside of the Ring, I can freely admit that my track record inside of the Ring was not the best. But I persisted, I kept going because I may be a lot of things but I am no quitter! And I proved that I belonged, which is in reality perhaps the only useful thing a championship may in the eyes of the one holding it! So plan your return Jack, because I will not be used as an excuse or a reason for someone essentially giving up and walking away with their tail tucked between their legs!”

“Imagine my surprise to discover that our so-called Queen Christina, deigned to think of me when she deigned to book me against a face we are all familiar with in Lachlan Kane. Then imagine my disappointment to discover that this match was not actually for the championship, but a non-title match. I've never understood the point of a non-title match. If a champion wrestles, their title should be on the line. Or are you accusing Lachlan of not being worthy of challenging for what is essentially the lowest tiered championship? I noticed that you did not think your own wife was too good to challenge for the women's version of this roulette gold. But then again, I suspect you harbor certain feelings that the only Championship your wife is capable of winning is the roulette title.”

“And for all it’s glory and storied past, for all of the matches that have drawn the excitement of fans and peers alike for this division, I can’t help but notice that in the eyes of Outsiders, this Championship is not as prestigious as the world title. I have even heard some say that it is not even as prestigious as the Internet Championship, despite the roulette title being around for much longer and having a much more storied history.”

“Perhaps this is why Queen Christina has booked this match so openly and brazenly. Perhaps it is her own way of taking a shot at this championship level, or at the very least, the men's version. Because we've already seen her double standards between the male and female divisions of this promotion in her booking! Well that is where I say; allow Lachlan and I to change your minds, you're very perception of both this championship and this division! Whether my title is on the line or not is pointless at this particular time. What matters most, is both he and I going out there, and simply making Christina oh, pardon me, Queen Christina, eat her words with our actions.”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I'm still going to win, and I intend to do so easily and definitively. It's simply what I do. While Lachlan's best days where in the mixed tag team division with his now-wife, (Rinoa and my congratulations by the way), I have held victories over some of the very best, including the current world champion Ben Jordan and another man who has turn tail and run, Jake Raab.”

“But Lachlan won’t run. He doesn’t have it in him. All the better for me to be who I am, and for him to answer for it.”

“My apologies Lachlan. It simply can’t be helped.”

Supercard Archives / Jack Russow V Kedron Williams
« on: June 04, 2020, 04:37:14 PM »


A Grimoire, or to the majority of those with some semblance of familiarity with the occult -- a Book of Shadows -- is perhaps the single most important totem in a witch’s life. Of course, to most, they are only familiar with the term through ridiculous Hollywood bastardized accounts of this life, such as Charmed or the film Practical Magic. But to the truest self, a Grimoire is so much more. To any witch, it is their life’s work. It is a potent textbook of magic, a collection of spells, rituals, potions and so very much more. Some contain summonings for entities such as angels, spirits, deities and demons.

Each one is different, unique, and the older they are? Generally the more powerful they are.

And to steal a witch’s most prized possession?

It is an act of war.

Las Vegas, Nevada -
Saxon Hotel Roof -

It comes as no surprise that we return here, to the Saxon Hotel where the vast majority of the combined rosters and staff of three worldwide promotions were staying in isolation for the betterment of themselves as well as their peers. The rest who did not feel the need or desire? Well one can’t account for personal selfishness. It was less than two weeks ago when Griffin had called on Kedron and Rinoa Williams about this meeting his old friend had requested, and Kedron was highly reluctant, and understandably so. For most, anger at a betrayal tends to fade over time. But when you were as old and as vindictive as Kedron Williams was? Anger tended to do more than subside; it festered. And Kedron was nothing, if not vindictive when it came to being wronged. And patient when it came to extracting revenge against the one who had wronged him.

Just ask Ben Jordan.

Which was why Kedron relented at Griffin’s request. And when Griffin had approached Kedron about meeting with Marquis Laveaux, this was where the “Son of Salem” had insisted their parley take place. Not for the personal comfort of Kedron’s own peers in SCW, as he had no true friends here to speak of. But it was because Kedron had called this place home for several weeks now, despite the fact he had a very large estate in his home of Salem, Massachusetts. Yet he stayed here at his wife’s behest. Marquis had not.

Advantage; Kedron.

And now night had fallen over the “City of Sin,” that being the only demand Marquis had for this meeting -- for reasons that were more than obvious. A demand that Kedron felt little to no reason in obstructing because he too had an affinity toward the night. The Saxon Rooftop Nightclub was simply a matter of comfort to all included. Never let it be said that Kedron wasn’t accommodating. Kedron was what one might describe as ‘old school’ in his preferences, but even he had to admit that the lounge was lovely and comforting. And the woman behind the bar made a mean ‘Bloody Mary.’ When he had ordered ahead of time, he had asked her to make it as spicy as she could, and her eyes practically lit up and she smiled, with “I love a challenge!”

And being the dutiful host, he had ordered two more drinks. A second Bloody Mary for Marquis (sarcastic symbolism), and a rather pungent beer for Griffin. Wait, Griffin? Ah yes, that was another ‘condition’ Kedron had for agreeing to this little meet up with his ancient ‘frienemy.’ Griffin was to be present to act as mediator.

There was a single table at this lounge, just large enough for four. It rested beside a rooftop fountain decorated with a small waterfall. It shielded the three seated to their privacy. Griffin and Kedron’s drinks were in hand and being partaken of. Marquis’s remained untouched. And there they sat, all three men -- in complete and total silence. Griffin fidgeted, almost feeling embarrassed at being caught between the rising tension between these two men who clearly had a loathing for one another. Neither Marquis nor Kedron spoke a word. Their eyes simply burned into one another, leaving Griffin in quite the discomforting circumstance.

Griffin picked up his drink once again, and prepared to take another sip. His eyes shifted to his left, and saw a cocky, almost condescending smirk on the face of the Warlock as a four-finger lined in heavily jeweled Rings trace the outline on the rim of his drink glass. He was leaning back in his chair, a picture model of relaxation despite the situation growing to be anything but. On the flip side, Marquis set rigid, stoic. His face was calm and impassive, but Griffin knew him well enough to know that he was festering deep inside. He simply would not allow Kedron to have the satisfaction of breaking his composure. Finally, it had grown to be too much. Not for Marquis or even Kedron, but for poor Griffin himself.

Griffin Hawkins: Well somebody SAY something!

Kedron Williams: Bottom feeder.

Griffin’s eyes opened a little wider at the first words spoken from Kedron in the direction of Marquis who sat there, the vampire giving no sign that the words directed towards him had any effect to break his emotional wall. Griffin cleared his throat.

Griffin Hawkins: That’s … that isn’t what I meant.

Kedron Williams: You're not looking so well my old friend. Now getting enough greens? You should eat more vegetarians.

And finally, the stony visage of Marquis broke, just a little, but not in the way that perhaps Kedron wanted or expected from his taunts. Rather than get angry, Marquis smiled.

Marquis Laveaux:  Still using your wife's eyeliner, I see.

And now it was Kedron’s turn to smile, perhaps pleased that Marquis had finally taken up the gauntlet he had thrown down.

Kedron Williams: I can tell this isolation is getting to you, Marquis. Your roots are coming in a lot darker.

Marquis smiled, casting a downward glance at his joined hands on the edge of the table and he nodded.

Marquis Laveaux:  Was this a mistake? Can we be diplomatic at all, or did I come here for a meeting to sit through nothing but you and I taking digs at one another?

Griffin exhaled, and his frame visibly relaxed just a little.

Griffin Hawkins: Well I'm glad that somebody decided to act like an adult and say it. I was beginning to feel like a marriage counselor between an old married couple!

Both Kedron and Marquis turned their heads to simply look at Griffin, and the former two-time Roulette Champion cleared his throat and avoided their mutual gaze. After a seemingly unending amount of time, their eyes found each other once again.

Kedron Williams: Come now, Marquis. We were, I admit, friends once. A friendship that time has eroded into a hostile relationship. Let us face facts, Marquis. Our topics of conversation are limited if not to simply offer digs in one another's direction.

Marquis Laveaux:  You know my relationship with your bloodline did not begin with you. I also knew your mother. I worked with her extensively. Helping her with her experiments. Does that not account for sentimentality?

Kedron simply stared at the man, for having the gall to even dare mention his mother.

Kedron Williams: No.

Was all the answer he gave. However now Griffin was intrigued and his own curiosity had been piqued. He looked at his friend.

Griffin Hawkins: I’m sorry, his mother? You knew Kedron’s mother?

To which Marquis nodded, reminiscing of the past.

Marquis Laveaux:  Abigail Williams.

Griffin blinked, as his old studies in school were immediately brought back like a floodgate being opened. He looked back and forth between the two men, settling on Kedron himself.

Griffin Hawkins: Ab-Abigail Williams? As in, from Salem? That Abigail Williams?

Marquis Laveaux:  The very same. An extraordinary witch, with extraordinary ideas.

Kedron Williams: That fact didn’t stop you from betraying her, did it?

Marquis Laveaux:  We have been through this Kedron. I did not betray her!

Kedron Williams: You stood back and did nothing when she was arrested by those bastard witch hunters. You said nothing as she was taken into custody, knowing full well what the ramifications of her arrest would be!

Marquis Laveaux:  You know what those times were like. You know the judgmental mindset of the religious. Had I said even the slightest hint of support, then I would have been burned too!

Kedron Williams: Better to remain silent and save yourself, is that it? Despite the simple fact that a simple burning would have done little more than act as a bit of discomfort to you. You stood there and watched her burn! You may as well have lit the pyre yourself!

Marquis shook his head.

Marquis Laveaux:  Do not play innocent with me, boy. I saw you. You stood there as well, as did her former Coven.

Kedron Williams: I was a CHILD! And as for her Coven? You know as well as I that they came to Europe from Salem to save her, despite all misgivings. They simply arrived too late.

Marquis smiled, and it was rare for Griffin to hear a chuckle escape from the vampire’s lips. He nodded.

Marquis Laveaux:  How convenient. And now, what? You agreed to this little meeting after so many years to gain some semblance of revenge against me for this imaginary act of betrayal?

Kedron Williams: Oh please! Had I had wanted to hurt you, I simply would have slipped this into your nightly drink.

Kedron reached into the small pocket inside of his dress jacket that he was wearing, despite the muggy Las Vegas climate. In his fingers was a small vial, and inside of that was an amber-colored liquid. He gave it a light shake for emphasis, and as Griffin’s eyes fell on it in curiosity, the eyes of Marquis narrowed, studying it.

Marquis Laveaux:  What exactly is that?

Kedron Williams: Did you know it was possible to reverse vampirism?

He smiled.

Kedron Williams: I did.

Marquis stared at the vial, not at Kedron but at the vial in his grip. Griffin watched him, but even knowing Marquis he wasn’t altogether certain what he was watching. Was that concern in his eyes? Hunger? Or when Kedron slid the vial back out of sight and into his jacket, did a passing look of annoyance cross on his otherwise seemingly icy exterior?

Kedron Williams:  Do you know the difference between a witch and a vampire, Marquis?

The vampire tore his gaze away from wherever that serum had been snuggled away in his old friend’s suit pocket and he tilted his head to side in an inquiring manner.

Marquis Laveaux:  Indulge me.

Kedron Williams: A vampire is a dead end as far as evolution, whereas a witch never stops evolving into something greater so long as they put in the effort.

Griffin shook his head, “All of this hostility and hatred -- because of a book?”

Kedron Williams: I see Marquis here failed to give you the entire story. That so-called ‘book’ that he stole from me? It was more than just my personal possession.

Kedron turned his head just enough so that his gaze could burrow into Griffin’s own.

Kedron Williams: It was my life’s work. I wrote it. Everything in that ‘book.’ My former High Priestess dictated to me the first few pages, but everything else? Every spell? Every potion? Every entry on this dark spirit or that angelic entity?

Kedron turned to glare at Marquis who remained un phased.

Kedron Williams: Mine.

Griffin looked back and forth between the two ‘once friends-now enemies as if in a stark case of disbelief.

Griffin Hawkins: You two were friends once. How can you just throw away all of that history?

Kedron Williams: That’s one of the things about betrayal between friends. It never seems to go out of style. Brutus and Julius Caesar. Judas and Jesus Christ. Doña Marina and Cortes. History is filled to the brim with betrayals. He and I?

Kedron motioned with a finger toward Marquis.

Kedron Williams: We are just another piece of the tapestry.

Kedron then draped his arm on the edge of the table and leaned over, all but ignoring Griffin who sat to his right as he had the final word for Marquis.

Kedron Williams: You cannot seem to understand why I wish to have you staked to a cross and left out for the Rising Sun. And I can appreciate that. Vampires are never really known for their wit and logic. I mean as far as the supernatural Community goes? You're little more than a mosquito. Condemned to a life AB sucking blood and surviving only because of the life of another.

Marquis bristled at this insult, and Griffin shook his head and stood up, pushing his chair aside.

Griffin Hawkins: I need a drink. If I’m going to continue playing babysitter, something stiffer than beer.

And off Griffin went, striding toward the bar across the roof while two sets of eyes trailed after him, before falling upon each other once again.

Marquis Laveaux:  The Cult of Blood has resurfaced. That is why I wanted this meeting. To warn…

Kedron Williams: I am aware.

Marquis Laveaux:  You -- knew?

Kedron Williams: I knew that someone had been following me, watching over my wife’s and my shoulders. I just wasn’t altogether certain ‘who.’

Kedron then glanced up at him as his slender fingers wrapped around his glass.

Kedron Williams: At least not until a week ago...

Saxon Hotel -
Post Climax Control -

Rinoa had turned in early following Climax Control, while her husband Kedron had remained on the rooftop lounge for one last drink. After enjoying one last glass of a dry, red Cabernet Sauvignon, while avoiding most if not all attempts by peers to draw him into conversation, Kedron quietly paid his tab and slipped back to his hotel room…

… Where he opened the door and found a masked intruder in a hooded robe standing over his sleeping wife.

And a mere second later the window to the room exploded in millions of shards of glass as a masked intruder was hurled through by an unseen force!

Back at the Saxon Hotel in present time, Marquis showed the first signs of concern for this man who had once been called both friend and ally, as he leaned over the edge of their table and placed his hand on Kedron’s own.

Marquis Laveaux:  Kedron -- the Cult is a threat. To both myself as well as to you!

Kedron blindly lifted his glass to take a drink, pulling his hand deftly away from that of Marquis’.

Kedron Williams: I am aware of what threat they possess, but they are fragmented. Fractured. Nothing compared to what they used to be. And what they used to be, you and I were both able to fend off alone. What makes you think in this state they could be any possible threat to me? Or to you, for that matter?

Marquis Laveaux:  Your book.

This drew a look of interest from Kedron as Marquis continued.

Marquis Laveaux:  Your Grimoire has some valuable tools in it. Things that would be useful to them were they to ever get their hands on it. Things that could help bring them back to full strength.

Kedron Williams: Yes, and I would be greatly interested in finding out just how they discovered the contents of my life’s work.

And that little bit of food for thought had no other effect than to leave both men and yet another bout of uncomfortable silence between them. Finally, Marquis’s hand slipped around the drink that Kedron had bestowed upon him and picked it up.

Kedron Williams: This is all your fault, you know.

Marquis was about to have a drink when this accusation gave him pause enough. He sat the glass back down momentarily and arched a questioning brow.

Marquis Laveaux:  How do you figure?

Kedron Williams: Had you not granted that interview 40 years ago with that insufferable woman Anne Rice, none of this would have ever happened!

And to that, Marquis could only chuckle. Kedron actually gave him a reason for levity. He drew the glass up again and closer to his stained red lips.

Marquis Laveaux:  Just -- think about what I said. You and me? Just like the old days?

He smiled, a fanged tooth glistening under the rooftop lights that dangled from pillars that surrounded them.

Marquis Laveaux:  The Cult wouldn’t stand a chance.

Kedron Williams: I am no longer the man you once knew.

Marquis Laveaux:  Yes…

He leaned back in his chair, his eyes burrowing into Kedron as if studying him, looking into and through him.

Marquis Laveaux:  I can see that you’ve changed. Got your soul back. You’re whole once again.

To that, Marquis held his class up in the silent toast of congratulations. Perhaps he felt a bit envious because, as a vampire, his own soul had been lost long ago. Forever.

Marquis Laveaux:  And as I understand it, you have that young fellow, Benjamin Jordan to thank for it. … So, if you can get past your issues with Benjamin, why not me?

Kedron Williams: I have Rinoa to thank. Ben Jordan simply assisted her to get me off of his back. He was an unwitting victim in the whole grand scheme of things. I find it hard to believe he would have helped me just to be ‘nice,’ especially after everything I did to him.

Kedron’s head was cast down but his eyes glanced upward through his brow toward Marquis at this direction of topic. But he said nothing, and Marquis sighed and took a drink from his glass and set it back down.

Marquis Laveaux:  I must admit surprise however that during this whole evening, not once did you mention the return of your Grimoire.

Kedron Williams: Hm? Oh, that?

Kedron waved his hand as if he were waving the thought aside, sweeping it under the proverbial rug.

Kedron Williams: No matter. It's of little consequence to discuss it further.

Marquis Laveaux:  You mean you finally understand that I will not hand it over?

Kedron Williams: No.

Kedron gave him a deliciously wicked smile.

Kedron Williams: I mean that while we were talking here tonight, my wife has been at your domicile, retrieving what is mine.

Marquis slowly sat upright, his eyes widening.

Marquis Laveaux:  … What?

Kedron Williams: Yes. By now she has by-passed your security and already has it in her possession.

Marquis shoots to his feet, knocking the chair aside and sending it toppling over to the surface of the roof! Heads turned at the outburst. His eyes were emblazoned red with anger, with a feeling of rage. His fingers tightened into hard fists, and yet -- Kedron remained un phased. He simply looked up at Marquis -- and smiled.

Kedron Williams: Now, now Marquis. Don’t get too worked up. I mean, you are a great many things; liar. Charlatan. Thief. But I never had you pegged to be a hypocrite. Who do you think you are? Me?

Marquis Laveaux:  You have no idea what you have done!

Kedron Williams: Oh I have a very good idea, old friend. And before we go any further, I would like to apologize beforehand for whatever Rinoa did to whatever security you have at your little abode. It takes a lot to upset my wife, but when she gets going?

He closed his eyes, smiled and shook his head.

Kedron Williams: She can be quite the handful!

Marquis was absolutely fuming, struggling to restrain his emotions and not draw forth any more undue attention that this outburst has not attracted already. He clenched and uncle he'd his fists until he could remain silent no more.

Marquis Laveaux:  I think perhaps it is time I had a little chat with your wife about boundaries.

Oh, perhaps he should have remained silent. Kedron’s eyes snapped open and were milky white, and suddenly the body of Marquis snapped rigid, his back arched at a pained angle. His arms were stretched out, fingers clawing at empty air. And his head was thrown back, eyes open wide as was his mouth as he made desperate choking sounds.

Kedron Williams: I am trying my very best to control my temper for my wife's sake, but you're not making it very easy on me.

Kedron was deadly calm as he stood up and walked around the table until he stood at Marquis’s side.

Kedron Williams: Say whatever you want to me. Make your empty threats -- but threaten my wife again and there won't be enough left of you to feed her cats!

Then just as easily as whatever force had hold of Marquis released him just as quickly. The vampire glared absolute hatred at the warlock as he grabbed at his throat. Kedron placed a ‘comforting’ hand on his shoulder and smiled.

Kedron Williams: It was good to see you, Marquis.

The eyes of Marquis followed him as Kedron turned and walked toward the rooftop exit, but paused at the side of Griffin who was staring as if he had just seen a ghost.

Kedron Williams: Thank you, Griffin.  I couldn't have done it without you.

As Kedron reached the door, Marquis called after him.

Marquis Laveaux:  I thought having a soul would have made you a better person!

Kedron paused briefly to turn back to him, gifting his friend with a smile and a coy wink.

Kedron Williams: Popular misconception.

And Kedron opened the door and stepped through, shutting it behind him.

Kedron Williams was seated in a perched position outside of the Saxon Hotel, in the rear parking lot and away from the vibrant lights of the famed Vegas Strip, but only just. Back here was where the personal vehicles of staff were stationed while those of SCW, SCU and GRIME were tucked more securely in the multi-leveled parking garage.

Kedron Williams:  Sacrifice. We all make it, do we not? Unless we are multi-millionaires who have money to burn or are used to our little whims being catered to. For those of us who do not have everything handed to us on a silver platter, we give up something for the betterment of ourselves further on down the road. Now, if I am to be perfectly honest -- and for me that is quite the stretch -- I will be the first to readily admit that I am somewhat comfortable where finances are concerned. I am by no means rich like, say, J2H, but for as long as I've been alive, a sharp wit and an instinct for investments have given me the means for a comfortable existence for Rinoa and I.

Why then do I risk what I have for something that may or may not pay off in the long run? It amuses me, and when you have been alive for as long as I have been, you do tend to every now and then get a little desperate for entertainment. A means to amuse myself, or something new to experience. I should know this well enough, as I have made sacrifices a handful of times in the past, and these did not pan out the way that I had hoped. Whether it be something as pitiful as a human soul, or a family of wonderful and giving women, one never is quite sure what you're willing to give up to a higher power in order to become something altogether new. I learned that lesson in the hardest of ways, wanting nothing more than to be stronger than I Eddie was. A foolish endeavor looking back on it, as those who cared about me always assured me that I was strong enough already. And yet I lost them and my very soul in the process.

Though thanks to my wife and one Ben Jordan, my soul had been returned. The other thing I gave up, or gave away? Unfortunately no magic in heaven or hell can return what I lost in that circumstance. Which brings me to the here, and the now. I find myself in a situation that I have never been in before, and for me that is saying something.

I've been in SCW long enough to have left something of an impression, but the opportunity at wrestling for a championship has always eluded me. Why, I really can't say. On one hand, I've never outright went out of my way to secure a championship match. Considering the other options I had going for me at the time, fighting a relative stranger for a simple trinket seemed at the lower-tier of my priorities. The constant struggle I see in professional wrestling for a piece of leather with a golden adornment just eluded me, I suppose. After well, when you get right down to it, gold really isn't all that useful of an item except that it is dazzling to the eyes. It serves no useful purpose. You can't use it as a tool to cook with, it's simply too soft and cannot stand up to heat. So why then do so many men and women practically kill one another inside of the Ring, trying to secure this very trinket for themselves?

Kedron’s eyes closed and he smiled as if the dawning of realization came upon him suddenly.

Kedron Williams: Ah yes. Ego. The constant need for the average mortal to satiate how they see themselves, or how they want others to see them. Understandable, we all want to be the best. We all want others to think we are the best. I never really felt that way before, when I first arrived. My sights were set on Ben Jordan and vengeance, not championship titles. Of course, there is one constant fact in this wonderful Universe of ours; and that is everything changes.

Yes, myself included. It may take millions of years, but the smallest drops of water can alter the largest of mountains into the most impressive of canyons. And now that I’ve been here long enough, perhaps it’s time for a change in  me as well. I walked into the Triple Threat against Caleb Storms and Stephen Callaway at Blaze of Glory VIII, not really caring about the endgame. It was simply the outcome I had an immediate interest in. I simply wanted to win, whether a championship opportunity was on the line or not. And -- I did win. Which puts me directly in your sites, Jack Russow, and vice-versa.

There was a reflection in Kedron’s pale eyes that clearly resembled the reigning Roulette Champion, Jack Russow.

Kedron Williams: You’ve been in my sights for nearly six full weeks now, but me? I really don’t think I’ve been in yours. Now I can usually tell the measure of a man by watching him closely. Call it a gift. But you? You are a bit of a hard one to get a grasp on. You are obviously confident in yourself, inside of the ring as well as out. I’ve watched on social media as that lad, Carter, has flirted rather brazenly with you. Some men might have taken offense, but you? You were confident enough in your own masculinity that you simply flirted right back and almost gave the kid a heart attack. I admit that level of self assuredness in who you are. I myself have always felt an affinity toward who I am, and I make no apologies for it.

Of course, to do what you did is measure enough on your in-ring capabilities, Jack. Many were beginning to doubt that Griffin Hawkins would ever have that Roulette Championship relieved from his grasp. I myself had my doubts, figuring that belt would be pried from his cold, dead grasp. But look at you! Not only were you able to wrestle that title away, but you left Griffin alive. And since your title win, you’ve done quite well for yourself in a number of high profile matches. You may not have won every one…:

But you performed quite admirably, making me truly want this match, and to want to best you. After all, the better the current champion, the better the newly crowned.

Kedron slowly stood up and started to walk across the parking lot, weaving in between older and newer cars.

Kedron Williams: One thing I can tell you about you is the simple fact that you go into this match, not taking me seriously at all. I won the right to challenge you for your championship, the very same night that you won it. And I have not heard even a single utterance of my name since. No man likes to be ignored or thought of as an afterthought. I would have even settled for something as insane as telling me to ‘give up’ or ‘that I don't stand a chance. Something! But that’s alright. It’s your mistake to make, not my own. And it is an error that I will take an immense amount of pleasure in exploiting to my own advantage.”

I’ve been inside of the ring with the likes of the current World Champion, Ben Jordan. And while he walked away from our little rivalry with a two-to-one outcome, I still managed to get that one win in. I pinned his shoulders to the mat when how many others have attempted to do the same and otherwise failed? Jake Raab, and recently, the Holiest of Holy Men, Tiberius of Elysia. That one was perhaps the sweetest of wins for obvious reasons. My point is, is the fact that I am obviously ready for this challenge. I’ve proven myself. I’ve prepared for it.

Kedron enters a small clearing where a life-sized cardboard cut out of Jack Russow is tied to a stake atop a mound of stones.

Kedron Williams: It’s ironic that someone from my past once told me that they thought my having a soul would have made me a better person.

Kedron paused and looked thoughtful in his expression.

Kedron Williams: I’m still not altogether certain whether or not that was a hidden dig at my expense. But I suppose that’s for me to know, and you, Jack, to find out.

Kedron held up a torch that ignited seemingly on it’s own, and he tossed it onto the base of the mound where ‘Cardboard Jack’ was secured. The bound ‘figure’ was ignited and burned immediately. Kedron stared at the flames as their reflection danced off of his pale flesh.

Kedron Williams: Then again, nobody ever said that it was something of mine that I was sacrificing to get what I wanted, at least this time.

The reflection of the burning effigy danced in his eyes...

Climax Control Archives / Judge not lest ye be judged
« on: May 15, 2020, 06:53:34 PM »
It seemed at times that situations like this were inevitable. Even when Kedron went out of his way to act the dutiful husband, problems always seemed to find him for those that recognized who and/or what he was. Under most circumstances, he cared little for the opinions that others had of him, but when they brought Rinoa into their ramblings, then it was simply all-out war as far as he was concerned.

Christians, funny little people. They will pick apart their precious Bible to find passages that suit and fulfill their needs and beliefs, and use those very same passages as weapons against those who don’t agree with them or who seemingly exist to simply “offend.” But all the while, they ignore the passages in those very same Bibles that would point out everything they themselves are doing wrong in their own lives.

Before Kedron’s return to Sin City Wrestling, and long before the ‘lock-down’ protocols for the safety of all SCW staff and personnel alike had been enforced, there was a celebration to be had. Kedron had not asked his wife to do even the slightest thing to help return his soul and make him, for the first time in almost three hundred years, ‘whole’ again. And he certainly did not ask Ben Jordan to assist her in this endeavor. But they had, and now he was no longer under the proverbial thumb of a darker power.

He simply was.

And being the dutiful husband, desired or not, this was something that called for a celebration. A bit of a reward for his loving wife when she had risked so much for him. The ceremony to return his lost soul might have backfired grandly. It might not have worked at all. Hell! For all she knew, Kedron would have seen this as an act of betrayal and he could have turned against her. That, however, was a response that was completely off the table.

Kedron loved his wife dearly, which should speak volumes as his love for her was ignited during a period in time when he should have been unable to feel that most special of emotions. Without a heart, without one’s soul, love should have been completely out of reach. Only it wasn’t. But Rinoa, confident as she was, as both a woman and in the love he had for her, it was still a risky move that she had taken.

And it paid off. Now Kedron had decided his wife deserved a very special evening out in celebration. Ben Jordan? Hm, perhaps he could get him a fruit basket.

For now, the night was a calm and peaceful one, and the Williams couple had arrived at the exclusive restaurant in Massachusetts that had no specific name, save for the simple nickname given to it by clientele; Eternity. That seemed to be the way with establishments such as these, where word of mouth was their life’s blood. The rich and/or elite flocked to places such as this because, in their mind, it made them something more, something special, to dine or hang out at such a locale, rather than the same places any one other of the top ten percent.

And, well let’s just call it by it’s nickname so we can move along, Eternity had the feel of being just such a place. It was not crafted out of any average building, but from a literal house. From the looks of it, a quaint Victorian manor from the 1800s. Rinoa adored such houses, it was why they themselves had one to call their own, and this was why Kedron chose this establishment in particular.

He cast a sidelong look to his wife and saw her eyes light up under the stars as they approached Eternity. Whoever had created this marvel, obviously worked overtime in ensuring the house lost none of its charm and even less of its old world decor and structure. How they had managed to transform it then into a successful and popular restaurant for the elite was beyond his ken. As they walked up the steps and set foot into the house’s foyer, Kedron could feel accusing eyes on his person, and that of his wife. Ordinarily he would not care, and in some cases might even encourage these damn fools to get an eye full if it so suited them, but not this time. This was a special occasion for his wife, and indeed, for him as well.

They approached the stand that the evening hostess stood at with a smile.

Kedron Williams: “A reservation, under Kedron Williams.”

The older woman looked at her list and a smile of recognition graced her face as she looked up.

Hostess: “Yes, Mister Williams. Right this way.”

With a guiding wave of the hand, the hostess led the couple through the vast interior of this manor turned restaurant. Now Kedron was beginning to see some answers, as most, yet not all, of the furniture had simply been replaced by tables of equal renown and old English chairs for the guests to sit at. While they were being escorted, the accusing glare followed Kedron, eyes burning into his back. At times such as this throughout his long life, Kedron might start to feel paranoid at an enemy having surfaced, but this felt different.

“Can you believe they allowed people like them in here?”

“Has Eternity truly fallen on such hard times?”

“I do hope they are not seated near us. I would hate to have to share this space with them.”

Were but a few of the whisperings that Kedron’s sensitive ears had overheard. If Rinoa had listened in, she gave no indication but his wife rarely allowed anything to get past her steely demeanor. It was a trait that he had long admired in her, as he himself had always had a difficult time in holding back his temper when someone made the grievous error in rousing it.

The hostess then arrived at a modestly-sized table in the corner of what had one been the drawing room of the house, surrounded by only three other tables and adorned with an allotment of flora. Best of all, it was right in front of the room’s large, picturesque window. At their seating, Kedron could see annoyance on the tables around them. Most likely they had attempted to get this prized table for their own evening out, but he had taken certain -- steps -- to ensure that it had been held for him and Rinoa. A young man with dark, caramel skin stood at the table, dressed in a suit.

Hostess: “This is Noah. He’ll be taking care of you this evening.”

Kedron took the first step in holding Rinoa’s chair out for her before he finally took a seat himself. Their server, Noah, then stepped up to the center of the table with his hands at the ready with a digital notepad.

Noah: “And what might I get you for starters this evening?”

What? No menus, you might ask? Aside from no address or official name, that was yet another quirk of “Eternity” that made it such a unique location. Guests were expected to know beforehand what they desired, the better to streamline the process.

Rinoa smiled and the slightest nod from her gave Kedron the green light to order for them both.

Kedron Williams: “The lady will have the chestnut soup to begin, and the spinach souffle. And I will have the vichyssoise and then the broiled lobster.”

Noah: “Anything to drink?”

Kedron Williams: “Bring a bottle of cabernet Sauvignon.”

Noah: “Right away.”

Rinoa Williams: “Thank you.”

And with a smile, Noah the waiter turned and hurried off to fulfill the order. The two lovers simply stared into each others’ eyes for a tender moment as little to nothing else needed to be said. They were so in tune with each others’ thoughts and emotions, there was little need for idle conversation unless the spark had been ignited inside of them. But there was that feeling again in between Kedron’s shoulder blades, and he was about to raise a point when there was the tell-tale sound of someone clearing their throat from the next table.

Both Rinoa and Kedron turned their head and the elderly couple sitting there had eyes only for the fair wife of the “Son of Salem.” The husband was done up in a proper suit but the wife was trying simply too hard with her adornment of jewelry and a gown that had seen better days. Probably back when Kedron himself was just a lad, if he wanted to be a right bastard in assumptions. But they continued to look at Rinoa with expectations, ones she finally granted with a proper smile, as was her way.

Rinoa Williams: “Yes?”

Elderly man: “We would appreciate it if you did not thank these people. It’s their job and their lot in life.”

For the first time in what felt like an eternity (pun intended), Kedron saw his wife’s brow knit in irritation. It was her opinion that none were above or below any other station based on something as simple as material possessions or especially the work one did. She believed, and rightly so, that those in the service industry were just as important if not more so than the CEO of any random multi-million dollar corporation.

After all, were it not for these servers, and the chefs in the kitchen, these rich snobs would not be eating.

Rinoa put on her most charming of smiles and addressed the elderly couple.

Rinoa Williams: “And I would appreciate it if you would mind your own business and not intercede in conversations that have nothing to do with you.”

Kedron smiled as the man flushed a deep scarlet color above his collar, and the woman gaped like a fish on a hook, unable to comprehend that anyone would dare speak to her husband like that! They returned to their own meal and conversation , muttering things such as “How rude!” and “The nerve of some people!” All the while, Kedron shook his head and winked at his wife.

Kedron Williams: “That’s my girl…”

Of course I have no intention of boring you with the majority of the evening, describing their meal or conversation between them. Much of it consisted of Rinoa fretting over her precious cat trio, while Kedron assured her that the felines would be fine. “Perhaps they’ll go out and eat a dog or two.” Was his way of soothing her concerns, knowing it would earn him a playful if somewhat annoyed swat at his arm -- if he was lucky. Kedron had never been much of a fan of Rinoa’s spoiled fur babies, but it only increased so now that he was whole again, and the cats would not leave him alone in their new found interest.

Suffice to say, the evening was a huge success in his wife’s eyes, and thus in his own. And even though the feeling he had that he, or they, were being watched, remained, it had eased up at least a touch. That is, until Rinoa looked up and he felt a tap on his slim, but taut, shoulder.

Kedron Williams: “I was wondering when you would bother…”

He looked up with a smile and saw an older woman standing at their table, an expression that practically screamed judgment and disdain on her face. Her eyes burned, and her lips puckered in an expression as if she had been sucking on a lemon for the past forty or fifty years. Before he could say a word, the woman immediately lit into him as if it were simply her right. Her expression, clothes … the very way she carried herself practically screamed ‘entitlement.’

Woman: “I just want you to know that I think it is disgusting that someone like you would just waltz in here as if it were your right!”

Kedron Williams: “Someone … like me…?”

Rinoa Williams: “Kedron…”

But he held up his hand, in a silent plea that she not get involved. True, his first instinct would be to roast this woman for her brazen accounting of herself, but with his wife here, he would most prefer to simply walk past this … bitch … and end the evening on a successful note, not a dour one. But she had made the first move. Spoken the first word. After everything he had been through recently, Kedron believed himself worthy of a little venom.

Would you not agree?

He shifted enough in his seat to be able to face his judge and as he rested his elbow on the edge of the table, his fingers stroked the cleft of his chin.

Kedron Williams: ‘And what exactly is it that I have done that has so wronged you?”

At that, she practically spit as she pointed a bejeweled finger at the necklace around his neck; the five pointed star in a circle with a chain wrapped around his neck. The last gift he had received from his former High Priestess that was a mother to him, before he … well, if you don't know then you certainly should.

Woman: You come in here, flaunting such sickness and evil debauchery! As if it were your right! Or is that just some silly status symbol for you to get a reaction from?”

Kedron Williams: “If it were, it has certainly done its job. Hasn’t it?”

That got quite the reaction from her, as she stepped back as if he had slapped her with a literal dose of reality in how she was behaving. But she had already invested herself and in her mind, her cause was righteous.

Woman: “Is that it then? Or are you truly one of Satan's children?”

Kedron Williams: “Not in the literal sense. But that really isn’t any of your business now is it?”

She rocked back on her heels, mouth gaping. How dare this … person .. suggest that something is not her business!

Woman: “Do you have any idea who I am!?”

At that, Kedron turned to Rinoa and smiled.

Kedron Williams: “Love, perhaps you should see if there is a doctor present. This poor woman apparently doesn’t know who she is.”

Rinoa closed her eyes but the smile on her face spoke volumes to him. And she was working to maintain her dignity and not give him the satisfaction of seeing her laugh at his taunting of this woman who sought to disrupt and ruin their celebratory evening out. Not so much could be said for his accuser, however, as his words only worked to rub her nerves even more raw, which really was probably what he had been hoping for.

Woman: “How… dare you! I should not have to sit in the presence of wickedness! This is a Christian nation…”

Kedron Williams: “Only, it isn’t.”

The woman stopped, caught off guard by his statement and she frowned.

Kedron Williams: “Last time I checked, this country’s constitution spoke of freedom of religion. Meaning, all religions. Not just yours.”

Woman: “I-”

Kedron Williams: “Oh and if you wish to be technical, my religion existed for thousands of years before yours reared its head. So kindly waddle off back to your table and allow my wife and I to continue enjoying our evening.”

Kedron turned away from her and showing his back to her was apparently an even greater insult than a verbal one as she hissed.

Woman: “Sick and wicked! Young man, if I had my Bible with me…”

Kedron all but ignored her further ramblings as he picked up the bottle of red wine and offered to refill Rinoa’s glass and his own.

Kedron Williams: “You’d what? Read me a bedtime story? I always did enjoy a good fairytale before bed as a child, but I think I’ve advanced past that habit.”

Woman: “F-fairytale!?”

If Kedron thought the woman could turn any redder with rage and indignity, he had been sorely mistaken. But before she could further express her disdain for him, Noah their water came to the rescue.

Noah: “Excuse me? Is there a…?”

But she rounded on the poor lad and pointed a finger at Kedron.

Woman: “A problem? I dare say there is! You have allowed a heathen into this fine establishment and I DEMAND that you remove him immediately!”

Noah: “Well, I am sorry you feel that way madam, but I’m here at the behest of management. They asked me to inform you that if you don’t return to your table and leave the Williams’ alone, then you will be asked to pay your bill now and remove yourselves from the premises.”

The woman gaped at the waiter, struck dumb by the simple fact that her demands were not being met! In fact, she was struck dumb simply for her side not being taken and not getting her own way. She ALWAYS got her own way! She sniffed back and stood with her chin(s) held up in an act of supreme righteousness.

Woman: “Fine, then! See if my husband and I ever grace your establishment ever again! You just lost your best customers!”

That being said, and quite proud she had gotten in the last word, she turned and made her way back to her table with said husband. But before she got too far, Kedron cleared his throat.

Kedron Williams: “Ma’am? Before you go?”

She spun around on her heels.

Woman: “What!?”

Kedron set his wine glass down and turned again to address her. By now, several patrons had been watching these proceedings with self entitled interest.

Kedron Williams: “Leviticus 19:19 Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. I believe your dress is silk but the collar is made of faux fur. 1 Peter 3:3 says ‘Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear.’ 1 Tim 2:9 also says, ‘likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire.’”

Kedron waved a forefinger in her direction.

Kedron Williams: “Those are lovely earrings, rings on your fingers and my --! Such a diamond encrusted necklace! One would almost assume that you were trying to have people take notice!”

He then looked wistful and tapped his chin.

Kedron Williams: “I also believe that Leviticus 9:10 said ‘All that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you.’ You had the lobster, did you not?”

By now, her face was contorted in rage and her body practically trembling.  But she could not say anything further or else risk being expunged from the elite clientele of Eternity. So she simply waltzed back to her table with a “Hmph” from her lips and her nose in the air. Noah looked absolutely apologetic to the Williams.

Noah: “I, I am so sorry!”

Rinoa Williams: “Young man, this was not your fault.”

Noah: “Please, at least let us get you free dessert for this?”

Kedron Williams: “If you insist…”

Noah smiled and hurried off to do just that, as Kedron turned back to his wife to see her watching him with a funny expression.

Kedron Williams: “.... What?”

Rinoa Williams: “Well now we know for certain that your soul is your own again. You just spoke Bible verses without going up in flames.”

Kedron Williams: “I know.”

He huffed and sulked playfully like a little boy.

Kedron Williams: “And you promised me there would be no harmful side effects.”

Kedron Williams: “Let's be honest, you didn't see this one coming? From the moment Tiberius first showed up on my doorstep, I pictured an inevitable clash would be in the works. I just did not expect it to take so long. Then again, I had the very same assumption about the Good Shepherds. I had for many moons looked forward to a showdown with Father Gerald or Brother David, but was continuously left wanting. They paid me little to no heed, and instead preferred to focus on their own straying flock or others of an alternative lifestyle that clashed with their limited religious viewpoints. It's strange how I felt vastly let down over this lack of attention. Normally those like me avoided Christians and religious persecutions, yet I somehow crave it. And since I am denied the encounters that I want, what am I given instead?”


“I read the Bible once, Tiberius. Believe it or not. Rinoa had actually dared me to read it, saying that I couldn’t rightly judge against it unless I had done so. I wish that I had held out against her dare, because once I finished it I had this under deniable urge to gouge out my eyes and pour bleach directly into my brain. Do you know what I found in this Bible that people such as yourself hold in such high regard? A lot of nonsense. I cannot believe that anybody but even the smallest trace of wisdom in their feeble little Minds can read this and take it so seriously!”

“The stories inside of it make the original Grimm Fairy Tales look like the Disney films by comparison. And far less interesting. Stories of long genealogies written by men obsessed with racial Purity. Archaic stories about ancient squabbles over real estate and women. Arcane rituals aimed at pleasing a volatile deity that people claim is a loving God but all evidence in scripture says anything but! A God that the faithful claim is perfect, but his own scripture states that he is a jealous God. Jealousy is a sign of weakness so how can the Lord of your religion be jealous? A Bible that is poorly written, and everything inside of it had been passed down through generations by word of mouth and people that had no skill in writing. Don't we all know what happens with tales and stories when spread over any length of time, days and weeks... Let alone months, years and centuries!”

“Tiberius, your Bible, and the religion that it is based on, would not even be in existence today were it not for a certain Roman Emperor who supposedly had an epiphany and change of heart, changing from his so-called Pagan views of the Roman gods to the Jehovah one. And yet men and women such as yourself that believe their path has been laid out ahead of them by your Lord Almighty I think those like me are the evil ones, the weak ones? Will let me fill you in on a fun little fact.”

“ Christians are some of the biggest Hypocrites that have ever graced this world! One of your biggest Commandments is judge not lest ye be judged, yet every time you turn around, your eyes fall on somebody who you believed to be beneath yourself. You look them in the eye and tell them all the acts they do are wrong, yet is that not judging? Now that favored response by Christians to this is the claim that they are not actually judging anyone. And to that I call bullshit! But hey, whatever makes you sleep better at night after you said your evening prayers. Am I right?”

“I’ve watched you Tiberius, and everything I’ve seen in your matches against men such as Caleb Storms and Stephen Callaway only confirms what I've always believed; that for as much as you call people such as me wicked, you Christians can be some of the most violent sons of bitches by comparison! And when the world saw you grab Caleb’s tights to secure the win?”

Kedron clucked his tongue as if he were reprimanding a school child, rather than a grown man.

Kedron Williams: “Your God is watching you Tiberius oh, and I can't imagine that use of such tactics would please him. But then again, it's not altogether that's surprising. It's like I said, for all the bravado of a Christian, at heart you are some of the biggest perverts and most violent and sadistic creatures that walk the face of this Earth! Take a look at your own path or that of those like you! It was men like you that condemned thousands of innocent men and women to their deaths during the Salem and European witch-hunts! Men who listen to the ramblings of foolish little girls, and feared any, especially women, who might surpass them in strength and stature of the time.”

“‘Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live.’ Exodus 22:18. That is the scripture that fool such as yourself used to justify murder. There is no denying it, so please don't insult the intelligence of either one of us. Because your Bible also has a passage that reads ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill.’ so which is it, because you can't have it both ways. I would like to think that these Hypocrites are currently burning in the very same hell that they believed they had condemned all of these men and women to. How foolish are they if they were to only realize that the real witches, the true Children of the Earth, we're standing right there the entire time, watching these burning is but for safety sake, holding their tongues?”

“I imagine their shame and humiliation would rank right up there when there is actually a witch mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. The Witch of Endor? Does that ring a bell Tiberius? She was a woman that Saul had consulted to summon the spirit of the prophet Samuel in the 28th chapter of the first book of Samuel. He did this to receive advice against the Philistines in battle after his prior attempts to consult your precious Lord Almighty had failed. Now what does it say when the first king of the United Kingdom of Israel actually sought the help of a witch?”

“I’ll tell you what it says; it says that Christians we're so troubled by this passage as it appeared to imply that the witch had some of the spirit of Samuel and therefore necromancy and Magic were not only possible, but perhaps even condone! That would certainly be the case where Solomon, the great king and son of David who slew himself a giant Goliath, would be concerned. After all, it was he who and perhaps the most famous grimoires in the history of mankind, the Key of Solomon. A fabulous Tome of knowledge that, among other things and great workings, held knowledge on how to summon angels and bind demons. It's books that contain knowledge of conjurations, invocations and curses. Rites that describe how to find stolen items, how to become invisible, gain favor and love along with so much more! And to think that Solomon claimed and believed that his spell work was empowered by God himself!”

“It kind of throws that whole ‘Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live’ ideology out the window, does it not? I mean, if God was empowering basically the first warlock in the history of… Christianity? But then again, if you take half of what the Bible says under scrutiny, you'd grow to understand just how wasted your life has been.”

“But that is why I am here, Tiberius. And why I am so greatly looking forward to this encounter between ourselves. Let it be a lesson plan, if you will, to open your mind and broaden your horizons. Christians believe that the world can be seen in nothing but black and white, Good and Evil. And while I will admit that the wicked such as myself have even a touch of good in them, the opposite is also true. Even those with the best of intentions in the noblest of Hearts, have a trace of evil in them. It's just a matter of which side gets nurtured.”

“Now, I never claimed to be of the noblest of hearts. I have had my dealings with Devil's, and I have done some things that those very same devils might even cringe upon. But I am also whole once more, and my soul is my own. I make no assumptions about where I will go when I'm no longer walking this Earth, even if I am not so presumptuous or arrogant. I'll leave that to you and your ilk. Me?”

“I never really saw myself as good or evil, although my wife might have an opinion on that matter. Then again, Ben Jordan might also. I have done things, terrible things. But things begin a new, and in a matter of weeks I have a date with destiny to prove that I am the man that my beloved Rinoa believes me to be. I will not allow you, or anyone else for that matter, to come between me and the fact. The fact that you are just another bible-thumping, hypocritical Christian?”

“That is just icing on the cake.”

« on: April 10, 2020, 08:43:55 PM »
”Save him!”

“We must protect him sisters!”

“We can’t let him do this! He does not know what he is doing!”

“Don’t I?” Was all he could think to himself as the deal had been struck. The serpent vomited from his own body writhed and coiled at his knees, and as he heard the many feet finally run into the clearing, he looked up and the darkness filled his eyes.

And when the darkness cleared, Kedron Williams stood and looked down, and he felt sick. He fell back and covered his mouth with his hand. His eyes were wide with horror as he saw the bodies … of his wife Rinoa. Rinoa -- everywhere. Claw marks down her breast, exposing the ribcage.

Rinoa, a hole where her lovely throat had once been…

Rinoa, her neck twisted around at an impossible angle…

Kedron turned to get away from the massacre, and fell to his knees in the barbed bushes and lost all traces of food and drink in his system…

And he jolted awake, sitting up in a cold sweat! He looked around wildly, not remembering yet where he was, thinking for only the briefest of moments he was again back  in that old forest. But the gleam of moonlight through the shades over the window danced on his eyes, and he remembered.

The Saxon Hotel.

And when the soft fingers grasped his bare arm, he shuddered in intense relief as he turned and found his wife looking up from where she lay in their shared bed, her head resting in the comfort of the pillows. Her eyes were filled with concern as she could feel his mind sickness as if it were her own. She could see the fear, as well as the relief, deep in his eyes as he stared into her own.

Rinoa Williams: Kedron…?

He turned his head away from her and drew his knees up from beneath the blanket and rested his forearms on them, and his forehead on his arms.

Kedron Williams: … Just a dream….

But it was more than that. His words were a whisper but she heard them as if they had been shouted. She drew herself up into a seated position and gave him comfort, draping her arms around his bare shoulders.

Rinoa Williams: Was it ‘that’ dream again?

He sighed, and lifted his head but not to look at her. His eyes never lost their pale blue luster as he stared straight ahead and nodded in the affirmative. She tried to pull him down to sleep again, or to take his mind off of these nightmares in more pleasurable ways, but he did the unthinkable.

He resisted.

Rinoa Williams: Kedron, they were just dreams.

Kedron finally turned his head to look to her, and she could see the sensation of helplessness in his being. A divine being with mortal fears. The dreams, as she called them, were a recent development. Not even after Ben Jordan and she had conspired together to retrieve and return his soul, had these night terrors plagued him. Only recently had whatever demons tainted dreams into something dark and sinister had chosen her husband to be their toy.

Kedron Williams: Being what, I am … can that be promised?

Rinoa rested her head on his shoulder, her fingers gliding down his arm.

Rinoa Williams: Who you were.

Kedron Williams: You know as well as I…

He turned his head away and closed his eyes.

Kedron Williams: There are things inside of us all that should never be unleashed. And once unleashed, can never be chained again.

That being said, Kedron threw the covers off of his body, scattering Rinoa’s three feline babies. He stood up and proceeded to get dressed. It was clear that he was troubled by these dreams, and that in itself troubled Rinoa as she looked longingly to him as he moved for the door.

Rinoa Williams: Kedron, where are you going?

Kedron paused at the door and looked back to her, and despite his fears, she could also see the love in his smile. The desire to protect her from the worst part of him.

Kedron Williams: Sleep. I’ll be back soon.

And he shut the door behind him.

The dining room of the Saxon Hotel was impressively large, and would have held several hundred guests at once, but even with the hotel filled to capacity with the staff and stars of SCW, SCU and GRIME alike, due to social distancing, only a handful of people were down in this part of the dining room, mostly to escape the confinement of their hotel rooms where many mistakenly believed they were to remain practically 24/7.

One, however, sat in a corner far off enough so as not to draw any untoward attention to himself. Kedron Williams was huddled in the shadows of a booth table, the corner of the booth aligned with the walls so that from where he sat, he could quietly observe without being seen by any unless they happened to be looking for him. The hour was late, and fewer than the recent norm were at the tables. Night owls, he would guess they were called. The stars of all three promotions were as varied in their sleep habits as they were in their lives.

Anyone could watch “Tiger Master” or whatever the hell the name of that show on Netflix was. But Kedron? He had a weakness for people watching. While his wife, Rinoa, slept soundly in their room, Kedron often had trouble sleeping ever since his missing soul had been returned to him, and the nightmares that had slowly started to realize themselves. The evidence showed itself in dark circles beneath his eyes.

Kedron Williams: Why do you insist on doing this to yourself?

His words were in a soft but coarse whisper. Ah yes, while he was here, he might as well kill two birds with one stone. He was set to compete in his first match in almost a year.

Kedron Williams: Stephen Callaway, why do you do this? Why do you continue to embrace your own past as if it were the present? Appearances not withstanding, I know I am a great deal older than you Stephen, and do you know what I’ve learned? To live in the current, to live for the day. To live alone in the past serves only two purposes; to either live vicariously on what once was, or to think back and wonder those two most painful of words … ‘What if?’ Which do you think you fit best?

You tell the world how you want to get back to where you once was, but you might as well start rubbing the nearest lamp and wish for a genie to pop out. Because that is the closest you will ever come to having your wishes to come true. Your heydey, your prime, it was how long ago? Ten years? Twenty? You tell tall tales about your being a former six-time World Champion, but all that proves is that you lost a world title six times. You’ve done little else, here in SCW at least, to warrant any respect, and yet you think your past alone should gift you with the awe of those you call your peers.

Now you’ve gained a win or two here in SCW, one being against my own person. I will grant you that. But again, you have this terrible habit of your mind remaining in the past. You claim to want to earn your way back to success, but were that true, you would have simply retired already because you’ve proven time and again that success is simply not within your grasp any longer. Those six world titles will not carry you on to a championship here in SCW. Your one win against me is a thing of the past, a memory buried alive. It no longer means anything, because I am no longer that man. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing?

He tilted his head to the side and cast a glance upward in contemplation.

Kedron Williams: That remains to be seen. Now I know, I know. Whispers have already gotten around that my soul is my own once more. And I’ve had more than once been asked shouldn’t that make me act … nicer?

Kedron closed his eyes and he simply shrugged with an impish smile.

Kedron Williams: Popular misconception, I suppose. I have always saved my softer side for the woman who owns me, both heart and soul. Neither of you nor the third man in the ring share that bill. You’ll come to discover that for yourself soon enough Stephen, in a more direct … and personal manner. But there is someone else in this match, someone much younger than the both of us, who has still had more recent success than even you. How sad is that, hm?

Kedron paused in his thoughts, inviting himself to stand up and walk back behind the bar that was smaller than the grand one on the rooftop, but he poured for himself a draft of red wine and dropped a handful of cash to pay before returning to his booth, and his thoughts.

Kedron Williams: And you, Caleb? Ordinarily I would at least make the attempt to be cordial, having a soul and all, but then I thought… why bother? It’s not as if you are making any attempt to play nice. In fact, you are acting as if my being one of your opponents is a mere afterthought. ‘Oh, Kedron Williams? Oh he’s just someone who I beat once before so, I have nothing to be worried about.’

Kedron could only smile, showing the whites of his teeth and shake his head slowly in mock disbelief while stroking the hair on his chin with his forefinger.

Kedron Williams: Oh you poor, simple little monkey. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost, but not quite. Since this match was announced, and the prize made known, you have done nothing but set yourself up for quite the fall. To your family and friends, you’ve guaranteed that when it is done and over with, your arm will be raised and you will be collecting on the chance to challenge Griffin Hawkins or Jack Russow for the Roulette Championship.

Kedron closed his eyes and the corners of his mouth turned upward in a condescending smile.

Kedron Williams: I was wrong, and I do not make such a statement lightly. I do not almost feel sorry for you. I am actually going to draw a lot of enjoyment at winning this match and quashing all of your hopes and dreams. And why? When you’re as old as I am, you look for new and interesting ways to amuse yourself. And as my hand is raised, the first thing I want to do is simply turn and look you in the eye, so you can better understand who took your championship hopes right out from under you. But no hard feelings, right?

He shrugged, his bottom lip jetted out just a hint.

Kedron Williams: It’s not like you actually need another championship match, is it? You’ve had so many chances to collect gold around your waist, the most recent being a chance at the Internet title, and each time the end result is still the same. So you might say, that you owe me. You owe me for helping you to save face, and not have to make yet another walk of shame from the ring to backstage, past each and every single wrestler watching you with pity and embarrassment in their eyes. You would think their feelings would extend far beyond that, because the world (supposedly) loves an underdog, but you’ve surpassed that distinction a very long time ago. Now you are more like the whipped puppy chained out in the yard, watching as someone walks past with a much loved companion on a leash; wanting what they have and deep down, you know that it’ll never be yours. Now I grant, you have held a title before. That very Roulette title that we’re contesting for actually. But that was how long ago? Your reign was so forgettable that I had to place the record history under a microscope to ensure your reign wasn’t a mass hallucination.

He spread his arms open.

Kedron Williams: And since then, what has been your biggest accomplishment? Not soiling yourself every time you have to brush past Fenris in the hallway?

He clapped his hands together in a mock applause.

Kedron Williams: Bravo! Quite the showing indeed, but in the end, it’s all for naught. You survived a dangerous man and lived to tell the tale. This time, you’re up against a devil in sheep’s clothing. This time…

Kedron stood up and leaned in closer so that his smiling face filled the camera lens.

Kedron Williams: Things won’t go as easily for you.

Kedron Williams: What … is this?

He asked as he stepped out onto the roof of the Saxon Hotel with Rinoa on his arm. By her request, he had changed his clothes and now wore her favorite suit of his; a deep, rich purple that had a fashionable flare yet still carried with it an old world charm. And she? Her long hair was done up, and she wore a black, lace gown with the sleeves and shoulders a see-through silk. Her only adornment of jewelry that of a brooch he had given her as a gift on their fifth wedding anniversary.

It was late, though not late by the standards the famed “City of Sin” had set many years ago. And they were not alone. The rooftop bar was a popular spot for the stars of all three promotions to gather safely. And their arrival drew some attention, as heads turned and eyes stared.

Rinoa Williams: Let’s just call it a … date night I suppose would be the most appropriate term.

He frowned, being far more comfortable isolated away from most others, but she had been insistent.

Rinoa Williams: You have kept yourself isolated far too much, my love. I think perhaps that in itself is a source of your nightmares. So I thought perhaps we could remove ourselves from our room and join the land of the living.

Kedron looked at her, and while she smiled genuinely, his face was perhaps more impassive, uinsure. Yet he indulged her, as he often did. It was something he simply was unable to help but do. He shook his head but with a smile slowly growing on his lips.

Kedron Williams: You do look out for my well being, don’t you?

Rinoa Williams: Well, someone has to.

She took him by the arm and started to guide him toward the lower bar to fetch them a refreshment, when he put on the brakes, stopping her suddenly. She turned to him, surprise and concern on her lovely face, but there was no reason to worry. His eyes were cast upward as the music of the rooftop club cast across the sky, and he instead turned and drew her to the center floor.

The only couple on the floor as he drew her waist against him with one arm, his free arm behind his own back. Her hands found his shoulders and many an eye watched in surprise as Kedron led his wife in a dance. Kedron’s old enemy, Ben Jordan, watched, and out of Kedron’s sight, Ben raised a glass to Rinoa.

« on: April 04, 2020, 06:09:27 PM »
Mark Ward once made a prediction when the vast entirety, or at least those with a conscience, became isolated in the Saxon Hotel to better protect both themselves as well as their peers alike. he stated that this would be the Year of the Flashback. Well, not to prove him right, but there was much left unsaid and untold since that last time that I had been seen. Since the last time I had a spoken word with the man I had tormented for months on end. Ben Jordan challenged me in a way that I had never been challenged. In a way that I can best describe as ... unexpected. After all, I had made this man's life quite literally a living Hell. Why then would he make even the slightest attempt to do for me even the slightest of cordiality?"

"Because, as my wife put it best, that is what Ben Jordan does. He is the angel to my devil, I suppose one might say. The yin to my yang. Equal yet opposite in every way. The man sat across from me and spoke to me as if I were simply another man to him, and not someone who attempted to end him. And perhaps what I found most surprising, a man that helped me. Perhaps not directly, but he did suggest I do what no other in the history of forever attempted to do."

"So I did."

The knife slid down the length of first one arm, and then the other, splitting open the tender flesh with utter precision. The blood came in small rivets, running down his skin and to the floor where he knelt in a circle of five black candles, each one at an equal point; their flickering light dancing off the walls of his private chamber. He wore no clothes, and as the blood reaches his hands, he used his fingers slick with crimson to trace the five pointed star surrounding his person as he sought allocution with the One he had struck an accord with so very long ago.

"That easy a thing to break a covenant with me, you think?"

"If there was anything I was taught before all of this, it is that anything worth doing is never easy."

"Ah yes, the words of Martha Cabot. Your High Priestess. Your adopted Grandmother. The woman..."

"The woman I sacrificed along with her Coven, yes. A regret I will take with me to my grave."

He pressed a thumb into the blood on his arm and used it to trace an archaic symbol against the center of his forehead, a crimson, inverted cross.

"And then...? Do you think your regret alone will allow you to ascend to heaven and dance with His angels? Do you think yourself forgiven for the sins you committed in the name of power?"

"I never said that, and I do not hold to such fancies. I know what crimes I have committed in life, and in death? I know where my soul will be."

"The very same place as it is now; in the palm of my hand."

"Yes, about that. All things considered, I think you will find yourself mistaken, and our contract to be null and void."

"Because of your failures with Ben Jordan? Of that much we will agree. But the rest? I'm afraid not. Your soul remains my own."

"You think this has anything to do with Ben Jordan and my business with him? I got the revenge that I wanted on his ancestor. The rest? You siccing me on Ben Jordan, using me as a weapon in order to claim his soul?"

"Yes, well... I admit a pure soul has so much more value here than one that was tainted long before."

"I never was one to claim purification in any walk in life, but this has nothing to do with him. Ben Jordan's soul remains his own, and mine? It is not in your possession as you seem to believe."

"Do go on, Kedron. I find these wisps of fanciful thoughts absolutely enthralling."

"Another holds the keys to my soul, and has for quite some time. The very one you tried to poison me into believing had betrayed me. My wife. When we were wed, I pledged my heart and soul into her care -- and you allowed for it to happen. The very moment you did, my being became hers, and when she returned my heart to me, my soul became my own."

"Is that what you think?"

"That is what I know."

"And if I should decide to take it back by force?"

"I happen to know that is an impossibility for you. It is, after all, the entire point behind your Faustian deals. I just happen to know that there is a loophole, and the moment I was joined in matrimony, I exploited it."

"Now Kedron, what makes you think that it is your soul that I was referring to? I was speaking of something you hold far dearer than that. I mean the power I loaned you."

Kedron was unable to help himself. He laughed. He threw his head back and simply laughed.

"Do you honestly think that I still need that? I never needed what you traded! Before you, before any of this, I had power of my own! Those I had surrounded myself with, those I actually trusted..."

"Those that you betrayed."

"Yes, we've been through that already. I'm beyond that now, for the most part. But they themselves said they had yet to see a warlock with the gifts that I already possessed. What you gifted me with? It was just an insurance policy. And every insurance policy has an escape clause."

"And you think to exploit it, and break our deal, do you?"

"I already have. I had not felt anything in literally hundreds of years! The moment Ben Jordan caused me to feel remorse for my Coven's deaths, I knew I was whole once more. And your grip over me a thing of the past."

"But was it? It was something that had been preying on my mind even before I performed this ceremony to contact the Pale One, once I had realized the conspiracy between Rinoa and Benjamin for my benefit. I got my answer in the most simple of ways the very next morning, when I was awoken where I had blacked out following my bravado with one that could have ended me where I knelt there and then."

It was as if Kedron had simply fallen asleep, and now woke with a weight on his bare chest, feeling as if he were being watched. Before he had first opened his eyes, he would have believed himself simply in bed, were it not for the hard, cold floor beneath his body. He would have thought it was his wife watching him sleep, yet he felt more than one pair of eyes on him.

Hm, curious.

Yet when he opened his eyes, he got his answer, and all became clear. His beautiful wife's three babies, the felines who normally hissed and ran whenever he entered a room, who swiped and clawed at him if he ever extended a hand to stroke their fur or tickle their chin, were right there with him in this otherwise cold, empty room. The matriarch of their little family, Cleopatra, was nestled in a curled ball just below his sternum, her eyes pinpointed to his own as they slowly opened.

One questioned answered.

The other two, Achilles and Isis, sat on their haunches, watching him with renewed interest rather than the familiar loathing and fear he had become accustomed to where his wife's precious babies were concerned. None of the three purred in his presence like they did whenever Rinoa was in the room. Small steps.

With no small amount of vacillation, Kedron lifted his hand and extended it toward Cleopatra, and she did not so much as flinch or growl when he ran his fingers down her silken skin...

Kedron Williams: Do they ever stop this?

Kedron asked his wife from their Victorian estate in Salem, Massachusetts. And before anyone has a bug crawl up their backsides, this particular piece took place just after Mark Ward made his announcement as to the precautions the rosters would be expected to undertake to ensure the safety of themselves as well as those around them.

Rinoa turned around from the kitchen counter where she was pouring a cup of tea, and it was a rare sight for her lips to part in such a brilliant smile at the sight before her. Kedron had walked into the kitchen to fetch a cup of tea for himself, and at his feet trailed all three of her babies, the Sphynx felines, their eyes trailing up at their 'daddy' and all three mewling to him for attention.

Rinoa Williams: Don't complain. You wanted for the longest of time for them to stop swiping at you and treat you as they did me.

She was unable to hide her smile as she passed Kedron a cup for himself as he took a sip of the scalding black tea, plain.

Kedron Williams: I would hardly say that I wanted this, and you didn't answer my question. Do they ever stop?

Rinoa nodded.

Rinoa Williams: They will -- eventually. ... Just as soon as you give them what they want.

Kedron rolled his eyes and turned to take a seat at the kitchen table, almost tripping over the three bodies that bobbed and weaved through his legs as his personal escort. No sooner did he take a seat than Cleopatra leapt up onto his lap while the other two climbed onto the table's surface to be closer to him, much to his faux annoyance. Rinoa's demeanor was never changing as she strode around the table to have a seat near Kedron, but he could tell she was loving every moment of his discomfort with the three other residents of their home.

His ice blue eyes fell to the contract that had arrived certified from "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward, laying on the table and beneath the butt of Achilles.

Kedron Williams: They can not be serious about this. Isolating ourselves inside of a hotel when you and I have this estate to call our own?

Rinoa Williams: Darling, you know as well as I that it's a precaution against this Corona virus.

Kedron scoffed, but before he could say a thing to the contrary, Rinoa spoke up over him.

Rinoa Williams: And you know as well as I that just because you and I are immune to this disease, does not mean those around us are.

Kedron simply stared at his wife for several seconds, his comprehension to her words completely lost to him, until it clicked and he started.

Kedron Williams: Oh, this is one of those 'human emotion' things you've told me about, isn't it?

Rinoa stood up from her chair and walked around gracefully to his side and leaned in for a kiss, laying the palm of her hand on his cheek.

Rinoa Williams: Something like that.

The skyline of the Las Vegas night was as much as what one would expect, with only one subtle difference; the lack of people. Under normal circumstances, the Vegas Strip would be crawling with people -- both tourists and locals -- numbering in the thousands. These days, because of the grim reality of the COVID-19, not so much. The Casinos have been closed down, as has the hotels and resorts. As a result, the famed Strip had become virtually a ghost town.

However, the famed lights would remain. And they were visible by perhaps the only hotel that had been booked at full capacity thanks to the efforts of its proprietor, Henry Saxon and his daughter Brooke, the General Manager of Sin City Wrestling. And it was a face that had not been seen in many months that was now at the forefront of the evening, for this promo at the very least. The distant, Vegas Strip lights danced off of his pale skin, and his cobalt-blue eyes shifted in many directions, taking it all in. All of the -- nothingness.

Kedron Williams stood atop of the Saxon Hotel, on the rooftop bar where many stars of SCW, SCU and GRIME at some point had spent some time to stave off the boredom of their isolations. He stood at the bar's highest point, atop of a stairwell platform with its own mini-bar and tables, all alone. His knuckles, adorned with bejeweled rings, gripped the rail as he stood upright, taking it all in.

Kedron Williams: I can honestly say that after my final encounter, I had little to no interest in ever setting foot inside of a wrestling ring ever again. I had tried, and failed, to do in a man I had considered to be my mortal enemy, and for what? Crimes that someone he had never met, a distant ancestor of his, had committed against my own and others like me; both guilty and innocent.

He took a deep breath and his posture was anything but relaxed.

Kedron Williams: I was wrong, and that is not a statement that I make lightly. And...

He brought up a hand, his forefinger extended in focused concentration.

Kedron Williams: I have both Ben Jordan as well as my beloved wife to thank for such -- revelations. Co-conspirators, I suppose one might think of them as, but not to such a point I begrudge either of them.

He paused, his eyes downcast as his mind lay dormant in thought.

Kedron Williams: And yet now here I am, back in the thick of things in SCW. Booked against two men with high stakes for a championship match. Caleb Storms. Stephen Callaway. One a young man still in his rookie years, and the other a so-called ring veteran who is still living vicariously through his own glory days. Of which are long since past.

Do you know what the greatest mistake that you two are making going into this match? And this goes out to not just Stephen Callaway, but Caleb Storms as well? That you are dealing with the same Kedron Williams now that you did way back when. There is something different about me, body and soul - literally - yet you have it stuck inside of your sad, feeble little minds that because you defeated me in the past, that it means you can do so once again. Yet you do not ask yourself if this difference in me will carry over to the ring, and what I am capable of inside.

Kedron shook his head and smiled, baring those white teeth of his and giving the briefest of glimpses of what would appear to be either his incisor, or -- a fang?

Kedron Williams: I swear, the conceit of humans has never ceased to amaze me, and that is one sad, little fact that has not changed over the course of many a century. Is it then any wonder why I have held such contempt for people when Stephen and Caleb are but mere examples of what passes for humanity walking this earth? Well gentlemen, let me fill you in one hard, cold truth.

Kedron slipped his fingers around the stem of the crystal goblet filled with a wine of such a deep, rich red that it almost appeared black in color. As the fingers of his free hand glided down the rail, Kedron took one step at a time, his face calm -- passive. And as any, including Rinoa Williams and Ben Jordan might testify, that would be when he was at his most dangerous mentally.

Kedron Williams: The simple fact that I am whole once again, should not be an indication that I am entirely changed. As my wife would tell others, I am something 'colorful' where personality is concerned. I am neither good nor evil. I simply am. If anything, my being whole has made me stronger than I was before. After all, what man can be at his best physically when a piece of him is missing?

Kedron arrived at the bottom of the steps and calmly walked across the roof's surface to where a plush love seat was set near the edge and he had a seat, leaning back and relaxing.

Kedron Williams: I suppose the both of you thought that perhaps you struck pay dirt when my name was announced as the third in our match. And while it is true that you both hold victories over me, I hold wins over men who neither one of you would have a hope in defeating. Ben Jordan, the World Champion. Jake Raab, the very man who will soon be challenging Mister Jordan for the World Heavyweight Championship. I hold wins over both, and if I was able to accomplish that at my worst, I want you both to take this small amount of time to contemplate what I will be capable of at my best.

Kedron's eyes glanced down to the coffee table before the love seat, with three pillar candles set on the surface of a silver tray for mood lighting. The candles came to life, and his eyes stared into the cold flames.

Kedron Williams: The human mind is incapable of full comprehension of the world around it, and the both of you are a visual aid to this fact. So please, do go on with all of your false bravado based on something that you accomplished in the past at my expense. The two of you have had all the time in the world to better prepare yourselves, yet all you do is rely on the past. Stephen Callaway, for everything he had done everywhere but here in SCW. And Caleb Storms, for the rare few times he had held some form of gold around his waist and that ever elusive victory here and there. Well Brava, I say!

Kedron lifted his glass, raising a toast beneath the Vegas sky and had a slow drink of its contents.

Kedron Williams: I'll be seeing you both very soon.

Climax Control Archives / Soul survivor
« on: September 27, 2019, 08:21:32 PM »
\Things had not gone as he had intended. Since his loss to Ben Jordan aboard the sun Princess Cruise, things had seemingly taken a downward spiral where the proverbial “Son of Salem” was concerned. Granted, his win-loss record was far from perfect, but then again the outcome of the match was never His Highest priority once he had gotten involved in the sport of professional wrestling. It was more what he accomplished during the match, not after, that had capped his end goals. And the target that had been painted on Ben Jordan, the very Target that Kedron himself had practically branded the “Cockney King” with had all but disappeared against every one of his best efforts.

A single victory over Ben, that was all he found he had accomplished despite sacrificing so much. And now? He had suffered a debilitating defeat at the hands of one of the biggest jokes in the men's division of SCW, Teddy Warren. Championship accomplishments were not of His Highest priorities, but still they had their merit and we're good for bolstering the ego. But somehow Teddy had come out on top and Kedron what's left to ponder what was next?

If anything. After all, Ben Jordan had been his sole purpose and the main reason why he had joined SCW as an active competitor. The Master wanted Ben’s soul, one of the purest in modern society, to either call his own or to blacken it beyond comprehension. He had failed at both.And this is why he was left pondering his own future. Would he continue to compete inside of the six-sided ring, now that the catalyst for his endgame had seemingly turned the tables against him. Despite everything that he had done to Ben, from the fire attacks to attempting to curse those closest to him, then had proven the weight of his heart and soul by actually sitting down across from his enemy and he talked to him.

That's it. All he had to do was talk to him, and then treated him as if he were anyone else. Past grievances all but seemingly forgotten. The proverbial Hatchet buried, and surprisingly not in the back of Kedron’s skull. And considering all of the emotional pain and torture that Kedron had put him through, he certainly would have been unable to place any fault at Ben's feet should that have been the direction he might have taken.

But there was another party, another's hand had taking action in his own downfall and it had been done seemingly out of the simple concern for his immortal soul. One who had loved him dearly despite all reasons that she should not. One who stood by him and aided him, even if he had not asked nor required her to do so. And it was one who had done all she had under the cloak of utmost secrecy. Not for fear of retaliation, but for the fear of being judged in betrayal and potentially losing him.

Salem, Massachusetts

Night had fallen several hours ago, but the darkness’s embrace gave him no comfort as the whispers continued to haunt his psyche. Time and again, more often than not, the taunting demands of the Master had turned into chilling nightmares that caused him to a weekend in a cold sweat. The Master gave voice to his arousing suspicions. The Master demanded Swift retribution.

Kedron stood in the darkened bedroom of the Victorian estate that he shared with his loving bride, Rinoa. He watched as she slept comfortably, her eyes closed and a blissful expression of peace and contentment Warren on her lovely, cherubic face. He stood there, clad from head to toe and his ceremonial black, arms crossed at the crook of the elbow and his chin resting on the curled fingers of his right hand as he stared at her.

He knew.

“ Color me surprised. I admit that things have not been going well for me as of late, seemingly beyond my own control. I was left with more questions than answers and for as long as I have been alive, I can quite assure you that the feeling of not knowing any direction in my life was very disconcerting. I could easily handle a loss to Ben Jordan. The man had proven himself more than I had given him credit for in every sense imaginable. After that match at Summer XXXTreme VII, I was somewhat pleasantly surprised by my showing supposingly being rewarded with an opportunity at the roulette championship against that female man, Teddy Warren. That is a loss that stings my little black heart, because it is a loss that never should have happened. I quite feel for any man who comes out on the losing end of an encounter with bat pathetic excuse for a Las Vegas showgirl. And unfortunately for me, I just so happened to be in that category.”

“So what then would be next? After a fair few weeks of not being booked, I was left wondering if I would ever set foot inside of the Ring again or if my so-called novelty had worn off in the eyes of Mark Ward and Christian Underwood, not to mention those souls who refer to themselves as the SCW Universe. Then lo and behold! I am notified that I am expected to be at Andros Island in the Bahamas this coming Sunday for Climax Control! My opposition? None other than one of the most physically imposing figures on the roster, and the former World Heavyweight Champion, Austin James Mercer!”

“Now this is what one might call an embarrassment of riches. I go from Ben Jordan to a roulette championship match, and now I soon stand across the ring from the only man who handed a singles defeat to Fenris. I look at Austin James Mercer, and I tell you this now. And you do not need a crystal ball or skill at the craft to know that it will not be long before the World Heavyweight Championship once again finds itself around his waist.”

“That will come in time, mark my words. But the journey that you have found yourself on ever since your loss has been as daunting as my own. First you fall to that flora crazed Senor Vinnie, then to Ty West who many say is a future champion in his own right. Two losses each, and with the exception of my lost to Teddy Warren, I'd say there was nothing for either of us to be ashamed of. And yet now here we are, ready to clash has each of us seeks to gain some semblance of recovery against these losses.”

“ and while I admit that you have the enviable advantage tab a 7-inch height advantage and a 46 pound weight advantage, please don't misconstrue this as an automatic yielding on my part. Far be it from me to Simply lay down like some wounded dog and accept that's another alpha predator stalks me and I simply may as well submit myself to him. You are hardly the first man that I have opposed in the ring that had been other larger physical stature than myself. I like to consider such disadvantages as being something akin to an inspiration to overcome such genetic adversity. You have won the world title in the past Austin, but now you have to probably consider whether you have anything left to give to this world or not. Perhaps you are wondering if you have perhaps peaked much too soon and are left to languish as a proverbial one-hit wonder. Perhaps the underlying insecurities over that loss to Vinnie makes you wonder if you have anything left to fight for.”

“I have always found such contemplation to be stimulating. The insecurities that one can take advantage of and twist them around in the psyche of the mind until just the right amount of pressure causes ones adversary to break physically and emotionally beyond repair. As I've confided to a select few in the past oh, I have done terrible things in my time. Great, but terrible. And if my rise has a phoenix from the ashes is to come at your expense?”

“So be it.”

Climax Control Archives / Soul searching
« on: September 06, 2019, 06:34:55 PM »
Sun Princess Cruise -
Sunday August 25

Summer XXXTreme VII had come and gone, and for some, there were reasons to celebrate. For others, they would sit back and reflect on what they had done wrong, and what could have been done differently in order to achieve victory. There were feelings of regret for the latter, tension and anger welling inside. For one, however, there was confusion.

Kedron Williams sat in the far corner of the top deck, where a beer and wine festival was now taking place as part of this cruise's grand finale, coupled with the ceremonies of both SCW's post-Supercard celebrations, as well as the wedding reception for the brand new World Heavyweight Champion, Senor Vinnie, and his blushing bride, Lora  West. Kedron's bride, Rinoa, was elsewhere on the ship, casually observing those around her as was her delight, but not such for Kedron. Under most circumstances he would have gladly accompanied his loving wife on her excursion, but this time he had told her he wanted time alone, to sit and think and immerse himself in his thoughts.

Rinoa knew better; she knew he was feeling the weight of his heart and the failure to defeat Ben Jordan as he had been "ordered" to do, and he was unable to fathom what had happened.

So while Kedron sat in the darkness, all went about their merry way; drinking and dancing, laughing and socializing. And while it seemed that his eyes fell upon them as a casual observer, the simple fact of the matter was that he simply was not there.

"She betrayed you."

The whispers fell to his ears, and his eyes closed as he tried without much success to shield himself from the invasion of his mind.

Kedron Williams: No.

"She was working with him, the entire time."

He shook his head, eyes shut tightly and teeth ground together.

Kedron Williams: NO!

He blurted out forcefully, causing heads to turn that were close by. He slowly opened his eyes, beads of perspiration glistening on his forehead and at the base of his neck. Unusual in the fact that despite the temperatures now being in the lower eighties, the wind over the night was cool to the skin. But then again, the sweat on his flesh had nothing to do with temperatures and more to do with inner turmoil. But then as his own eyes focused, they fell upon a glass of wine that was being held in front of his face.

Ben Jordan: Look, if you don't want it, just say so but I ain't about to stand around here all night holding this girly drink.

Kedron started, surprised at the sound of the voice right at his side. He turned quickly and was unable to believe that none other than Ben Jordan was standing to his immediate right, offering out a glass of red wine to him while he held a draft of beer, conceivably for himself, in his free hand. Kedron's eyebrows almost rose to his hairline given his surprise, and that was a difficult thing enough to accomplish; for anyone to catch him unaware.

Kedron Williams: Here to taunt me over the loss?

Ben Jordan: I'd like to think that I'm better than that, but since you brought it up; neener neener.

Ben jostled the glass he was offering up to his rival/enemy, pick a noun. Any noun! Kedron looked first at the offering, and then at Ben himself.

Kedron Williams: You can not seriously expect me to drink anything you offer? Especially after everything I had done to you?

But Ben did not allow that not-too-subtle accusation affect him. It more or less bounced off of him as he casually set the wine glass down in front of Kedron anyway before he maneuvered around the edge of the table and had a seat  opposite the 'Son of Salem.' Kedron's eyes never once leaving Ben's movements.

Ben Jordan: if you knew me half as well as you claim, you'd know that I don't bother going in for bullshit like what you're insinuating. And besides, why would I need to?

Ben sat back, the epitome of relaxation despite being seated opposite a man that seemed like he was no ordinary 'man,' but someone who had otherworldly means to do him and his loved ones great harm. A man that had burned him and bloodied him, but still here Ben was, seated across from him at Rinoa's behest. And why? Because despite all evidence to the contrary lo these past several months, Ben was just as Rinoa stated; he was Ben Jordan.

And Ben Jordan helped people.

Ben Jordan: I've already won.

Ben took a drink from his mug, and took no notice of the sudden demeanor change on Kedron's part, the one where he switched from a suspicious facial expression to one of above average annoyance. He tilted his head to the side.

Kedron Williams: Have you?

Ben set his mug down and looked rather nonchalant at the man who had made his very existence a living hell over these past few months.

Ben Jordan: Check the record, two wins to one. I just beat you for the second time, not more than three hours ago.

Kedron Williams: And you think that finishes this between us, why exactly?

Ben Jordan: Because there is no us witch boy!

Ben shook his head and sat back, making the attempt to get comfortable despite the itch he had in the back of his mind that he should be careful, despite the confidence that, of all people, Rinoa Williams was, in fact, watching his back.

Ben Jordan: ... Not any more! This has gone on long enough. I mean, admit it. Aren't you tired of this? It's going nowhere .. nowhere positive for you, that is. You have been so bloody caught up in this bullshit vendetta with me or my bloodline as you put it, but that's where it ends. That's where I've got you.

Kedron Williams: Oh do go on, Benjamin. I'm almost beginning to find this enthralling.

Ben shook his head.

Ben Jordan: You've made these snide little comments about wanting to end my bloodline, or whatever. But if that were true, you skipped about two generations ahead to come after me directly. Makes no sense.

Ben watched carefully as Kedron said nothing to these accusations, and Ben knew using his wife's own word against the man was playing dirty -- but fuck it. After everything Kedron had done to him and his family ever since this entire episode straight out of 'Supernatural' first started, he was willing to land a shot or two below the belt. It was the very least that he deserved. Ben leaned forward.

Ben Jordan: Just admit it. You're as tired of this as I am. You could be something in this business...

Kedron Williams: What makes you think I even want to be???

Ben Jordan: Because you could have done anything to target me, if everything you've told me about yourself is true. You could have attacked me from a more personal point. My bank account. My home... but you came after me here, in the sport I make a living at.

Ben shrugged.

Ben Jordan: Much as it pains me to admit, you haven't done too badly for yourself outside of our little thing.

Kedron scoffed but Ben was persistent.

Ben Jordan: You beat Jake Raab, and you pinned Teddy Warren, a guy who just won gold tonight...

Kedron shook his own head in disbelief.

Kedron Williams: Unbelievable...

To which Ben lifted his mug in a quiet salute, agreeing with his sentiment on Teddy becoming the new Roulette Champion this very day. Hey, even enemies can agree when it comes to an even more annoying person in their  midst.

Ben Jordan: So just admit it, Kedron. You're tired of this...

Kedron Williams: We're done here...

And Kedron stood up, ready to end this evening and especially the discomfort of Ben's words. Because the worst part of all of this was ... he was right! Ben was exactly right. Kedron was tired, in far more ways than just one. Tired of fighting a fight that seemed to have no end in sight, at least -- one that did not end in yet another loss for himself. Tired of the mental strain, as well as the physical. But most of all, with his Master, with his rival across from him, and most of all, with Rinoa... he was tired of being pulled in more than one direction, all at the same time.

Kedron started to walk away but he was swiftly caught at the wrist by Ben and there was no mistaking Ben was the stronger of the two from a physical standpoint. Ben slowly, and without cause for doubt, steered Kedron back the way he had come and forcibly sat him back down into the chair he had just vacated. Kedron stared at him in total surprise and Ben could only smile, despite himself.

Ben Jordan: Something you said a few weeks ago really got me to thinking, and Evie did a bang up job in researching some things for me. A witch ... moving waters on the ocean ... iron on a ship... you're not so powerful now, are you? Without the ability to throw a fireball in my face, I think I can take you and do so without breaking a sweat. So...

Ben slid the wine glass a few inches closer toward Kedron, then sat back in his own chair.

Ben Jordan: So have a drink, and talk to me.

And despite all to the contrary, Kedron found his pale and slender fingers wrapping around the stem of the wine glass as he picked it up.

Kedron Williams: Why is this so important to you?

Ben Jordan: Because this bullshit has not given either of us a moment's peace since it all started!

Kedron's eyes drifted away as the rim of the glass met his lips and he took a taste of the wine. Beer was vile, to his own opinion, and he admitted a slight surprise that Ben had chosen such a vintage for him to drink. After tasting and remaining satisfied that there was no taint, he held the glass out before him and stared hard at the contents.

Kedron Williams: You're not entirely wrong. And here I thought I would have been allowed to end this years ago. I did what I had wanted. I got the revenge I sought.

Ben Jordan: What are you talking about? You never had me...

Kedron Williams: Not you, Ben. The world does not revolve around Ben. Jordan! This started a very long time ago, and as I told you once, it started with someone of your ancestry.

Kedron slid a forefinger across the glass in his hand and his eyes rose to ben's in an enquiring gaze.

Kedron Williams: Did you ever do as I suggested? Look up the name Noah Jordan?

Ben nodded.

Ben Jordan: I did. It's like you told everyone; he's my ancestor... and he was active during the Salem Witch Hunts.

Kedron Williams: And you had a memory, did you not? Of one of his last acts as a famed "witch hunter?" You saw the young woman, being burned alive in front of the masses who demanded blood, and he gave it to them.

Ben lifted his mug as he drew in a deep breath.

Ben Jordan: She was the bloodline of yours? The ancestor you mentioned.

Kedron Williams: She was of my bloodline, yes, but not my ancestor. The woman you saw burned alive was Abigail Williams. My mother.

Ben had his lips at the glass, but he halted. Froze, all but forgot to take a drink of the beer and set it back down. Slowly. If he could have heard anything this eve that would have shocked or surprised him, never would he have imagined this would have been claimed.

Ben Jordan: Your mother? You're actually claiming that Abigail Williams is....

Kedron Williams: Not claiming, Ben. I am stating a simple fact. I would be only too glad to take a DNA test, if any knew where my mother's remains were buried. Another little secret that was buried along with Noah Jordan.

Ben Jordan: But that would mean....

Ben tried to think of how to wrap his head around the claim uttered by this man. Over the past several weeks, he had been witness to many instances that gave evidence to the truth and existence of witchcraft, but this was going beyond any simple claims to being related to someone who lived almost four hundred years ago. And Kedron? Ben saw something behind his eyes that he never thought he'd see; emotion. This "Son of Salem" had been nothing shy of cruel since their feud had first been ignited. He seemingly cared nothing for the suffering of any save for perhaps his wife. And when it came to displaying emotion, he gave very little evidence that he was capable of doing so. But right here, and now, Kedron's eyes misted over, and Ben could tell the man was fighting the sudden and un expected wash of emotion. Emotion such as this only came when the truth was that painful to be unbearable.

Kedron Williams: So perhaps now you might understand why I went to such lengths to punish Noah Jordan as was my right? Tell me, that you would not have done the same... gone to the exact same lengths had someone done harm to your mother!

Ben had no words. He couldn't exactly deny it. How could any man outright deny that they would want to hurt the person who hurt their mother? And what Kedron had experienced? If what he said was true, and not some grand delusion, his mother had been killed, and by his own ancestor. All Ben could do -- was nod. But then something he had said rang bells, and Ben found his words at last.

Ben Jordan: What lengths did you go to, if I can ask?

Kedron Williams: Why not?

By now, Kedron had lost the battle somewhat to restrain his emotions, as the first tear escaped and ran down his cheek. But he smiled. And to Ben, that was the most unnerving thing out of all of this.

Kedron Williams: It's not as if I haven't over shared already. What is one more sin to admit to? In answer to one of your past accusations, why did I not take action then and there during her burning? I was scared. There, I admit it! I was a child, and no matter what or who I was, I was just plain frightened! Plus, even had I tried, my mother's 'sisters' would have stopped me before I could have even started.

Ben Jordan: Her sisters?

Kedron Williams: In that memory, you saw the women who surrounded me, as if in a protective circle? Not truly sisters through blood, but my mother's coven. Or should I say, her former coven. When her actions grew too fanatical, she was condemned. Ousted. Still, it did not keep them from paying their respects, nor taking her only child into their protection. To raise as their own child, to be what they hoped would be good, and true. Honorable.

He could only scoff at his own failings and shake his head.

Kedron Williams: How I failed them in more ways than one! It made what I had to do all the more painful.

Ben Jordan: What do you mean? What exactly did you do?

Kedron Williams: I bargained for power. And you should be aware that no such bargain goes without payment. Evil demanded a sacrifice. And god help me...

He closed his eyes and the pain was entirely too real for Ben to be able to ignore. Kedron's voice broke as he confessed his greatest sin.

Kedron Williams: I gave it to Him!

His greatest regret.

Ben Jordan: Shit...

Ben's words were just a whisper, but the meaning was no less. He turned his head and curled his fingers against his chin, stealing glances at Kedron from out of the corner of his eye. But the man had not moved, his head remained downcast. His slim body, which had been rigid, now shook, as if he were losing the battle with his emotions and this last confession had been simply too much for him to withstand. He had seen the women in that memory. Women young enough to be his sisters, and old enough to be his grandmothers. And if he really did what he had just implied.... how was it possible to feel a swell of pity for someone whose past actions were so ... sinister? And all in the name of blind revenge.

But was that the key? Had Kedron been blinded by an act of revenge?

Ben Jordan: That feeling you have, right now? That's remorse. A wish that you could have done different. We all have regrets. But you can't change the past. Nobody can. All you can do is move forward. You have a second chance, don't waste it!

Kedron finally looked up and indeed his face was a mask of pain.

Kedron Williams: What makes you think He'll let me?

Ben Jordan: Fuck what he will or won't 'let' you do! What is stopping you from doing it anyway?

Kedron Williams: He has something of mine...

Ben Jordan: Every contract has an escape clause, Kedron. Every. Single. One. All you need to do, is find it, exploit it, and do what I suspect no one has ever done before.

The two men, the two rivals, simply stared at each other. Ben then tore his gaze from Kedron and looked to the bartender and held up two fingers. He turned back to Kedron who simply nodded.

“This may come as a great shock to you, but I have never cleaned be much of a virtuous person. In all my life, I have done a great many things. Terrible things, things that I look back on now and regret deeply. But I did them for a reason, and those reasons alone are why I am standing here, conflicted. For the longest of time, I have went through my life with conviction. I never questioned my purpose nor vide ahead on the path my feet walked. I knew who I was, I knew what I was, and I had no doubts as to what I would accomplish in my life. But now thanks to a certain Cockney King, who has put the first doubts in my mind and what would have to be... Forever! Now, I am conflicted.”

The darkness that engulfed the room was swiftly swept aside, as candles by the scores ignited as one, and there in the flickering shadows that danced on the surrounding surfaces, sat Kedron Williams in a Victorian carved chair in his personal study at his Salem residence.

“Not about Teddy Williams, I can assure you. At least, not entirely. Oh don't get me wrong!”

His fingers curled with his elbow rested on the armrest of his and his eyebrows knitted into a frown of consternation.

“Teddy Warren confounds me as a whole. I grew up in a time where men were men. They worked to support their families and to do what is right, and not prance around like a woman wearing makeup. And all in a sad and feeble attempt to draw further attention to himself. The sad thing is, he has been quite effective in that regards. Though I'm certain he is not gotten all the attention that he believes is his due. And certainly not the type of attention he had anticipated. He perhaps expected awe and reverence, and above all else, respect and adulation. And what does he get instead?”

A sarcastic grin curls the corners of Kedron’s lips.

“Insults to his manhood and mockery toward his actions. Not exactly the level of respect he has been demanding ever since he signed his name to a contract, now is it? Of course he would dispute this and say everything he has now is going according to his plans. After all, he is the SCW Roulette Champion, is he not? A championship with much prestige behind it, and he came from out of nowhere to claim this prestigious title for his own at the expense of men such as Griffin Hawkins and Caleb Storms, among others. Not truly a terrible accomplishment, but some might suggest that his actions in that match were, oh I don’t know…”

He shrugged before he continued.

“Cowardly? He waited like a common Predator at the bottom of the food chain until his prey, in this case Griffin Hawkins himself, was too tired and hurt to put up much more of a struggle. Teddy Warren struck when the moment was right and now he is the champion. Sad fact such as it is. In the truth is, I cannot entirely fault him for winning the way he did. A simple goal in any wrestling contest, particularly a championship match, the goal is indeed to win. And while he did so smartly, you cannot exactly say he did so bravely. And ever since the title was cleaned as his own, he has made it no secret that he has no intentions or desire to place that title on the line. Especially against the former Champion or the new number one contender! ‘On to better things.’ I believe were his exact words.”

Kedron shook his head, unable to fathom the mindset of the new champion or what was behind his actions other than avoidance.

“I I think that it is perfectly clear the only better things that Teddy has in mind is to avoid any and every opponent that he believes is a threat to his championship title. It's supposed then that I should feel insulted that when his first defense was announced, I was named as his Challenger. It makes me feel as if the high and mighty Champion does not believe that I am a threat. Perhaps he thinks already that a victory against me is a mere formality.”

To this, Kedron smiles and a piece of his ‘old self’ shines through in his toothy grin, albeit only for a brief amount of time.

“Not to dredge up old wounds, but why don’t you go to Ben Jordan and ask him what sort of threat I am? Perhaps you could also make contact with Jake Raab, who thought he could do Ben proud by challenging me to a match and have an easy victory for himself, all rolled into one grandiose gesture. Or maybe, just maybe, you should turn back the clock Teddy. Turn it back to May 31st, Primm, Nevada. You and that rather psychotic Fatal Attraction wife of yours, actually lost a match to none other than Anthrax and Twisted Sister!”

He closed his eyes and a chuckle escaped him.

“Has that ever even happened before? Teddy Warren walks in, chest out and dick up, all full of himself and self assured that he would win, and he, not Kate -- HE -- gets pinned by a clown that would make Stephen King’s It look like Ronald McDonald! Yet Teddy looks past me? I, a man who hold wins over such men as Jake Raab and Ben Jordan! Granted, my win column is not as full as I might prefer, but the wins that I do have?”

He closed his eyes and puckered his lips.

“They are so very meaningful! And they are evidence enough Teddy, as to why not only am I going to be a threat to your championship, but also reason enough that you will be remembered as little more than a one hit wonder!”

Supercard Archives / Ben Jordan Vs Kedron Williams
« on: August 23, 2019, 07:46:38 PM »
"The Truth Is Out There"

"What was in that tube? Because the missus thinks it was blood, and what's in the box?"

It was the question on many a mind that watched the Ben Jordan promo from earlier this week, the one where he had hoped to put this dire business between Kedron Williams and himself to an end -- finally. Ben has had quite the career in wrestling, and enjoyed immeasurable popularity with not just the fans that attended the weekly broadcasts to hopefully catch a glimpse of the "Cockney King," but also with his peers. Ben was liked, he was respected. But one rare thing that seemed to have eluded him was an enemy. Someone who hated him, and sought to only place him in pain and misery, in both body and soul.

At least until Kedron Williams had entered the picture.

Ben Jordan waited as Kedron's wife, a co-conspirator if you would with her husband's arch nemesis, Rinoa Williams, stood there with her eyes on the small box. The very one Ben and Evie had traveled all the way to Greece to retrieve for her. Rinoa held it in one single hand, while caressing it lovingly with the other, as if it held something very valuable, and even far more precious.

Which it did.

She finally tore her eyes from the box and looked up to Ben and perhaps for the first time since the man met this enigmatic woman, she smiled. Genuinely -- smiled.

Rinoa Williams: Your wife is quite the woman, Ben. I wish this mess between us had never happened, but unfortunately fate intervened and I had to support my husband. At least to a degree.

Ben Jordan: You mean until you decided to work against him?

Rinoa's eyes shot up to stare into Ben's own, and for only the briefest of moment's, this woman reminded Ben too much of Evie herself when he perhaps said or did the wrong thing. Rinoa shook her head.

Rinoa Williams: I am quite certain that you weren't complaining, Ben, when I counter acted his enchantments to do you harm that you wouldn't recover from?

Ben could only stare at the woman, trying to read her from her eyes or body language but whoever she was, whatever she was, she was almost void of body language that he could get any sort of vibe from. All he could do or say to her charge was offer a slight nod of the head, acknowledging her words.

Ben Jordan: Touche'.

He was still uncertain whether or not he believed in this whole witch or warlock story between this husband and wife, and magic? That was even more unbelievable, but he wasn't close minded. Who was to say that there wasn't an entire world out there, hidden from the eyes of every day?

Rinoa Williams: I admit with some regret that yes, I am working against Kedron's goals. And I do worry what would happen if he were to discover the fact.

Ben Jordan: Would he hurt you?

But to his question, Rinoa shook her head and answered with the utmost confidence.

Rinoa Williams: Never. At least, not physically. Mentally? The only way he could do that Ben is if he were to leave me over this.

Ben Jordan: You would risk your marriage over this? In helping me?

Rinoa Williams: I am helping Kedron, Benjamin. Never forget that.

Ben Jordan: But in helping him, you are helping me. Maybe not directly, maybe not even by choice.

Rinoa Williams: Perhaps in your case the end justifies the means. The proverbial icing on the cake, as it were?

Ben leaned back against the rail, letting the cool air of the night waft across the back of his neck as he folded his arms over his chest. He had wanted to end this chat with the woman quickly, but he found himself becoming more invested as time passed, and the questions continued to arise in his mind. And unfortunately, Rinoa was probably the only one who had answers that would be willing to share them.

Ben Jordan: Call it whatever you want, but your husband has been making my life a living hell for months, and if I'm to believe you, or my own gut feeling, damn near killed me with...

He tried to bring up the word, which amused her greatly as she smiled and simply said the word for him.

Rinoa Williams: Magic?

Ben Jordan: Fine. Magic. My point is, you're taking a risk for me, even indirectly, but I think I took an even bigger one for you. That trip to Greece could have been a trap cooked up by you and your husband...

Rinoa Williams: But it wasn't, was it?

Ben Jordan: No, but I think I deserve to know why.

Rinoa then positioned herself directly across from Ben, their presence hidden by chance and shadow, away from prying eyes and ears. She hugged the box against her bosom as she cast a sidelong glance at absolutely nothing as if she were trying to decide whether or not this man across from her did indeed deserve what he claimed. She must have decided the affirmative because she then found her eyes on Ben and she spoke.

Rinoa Williams: I've already answered many of your questions, you just chose not to listen or perhaps not believe. Despite his words to the contrary, Kedron did not target you to eliminate your family line. if that were the case, why target you and none of the rest of your family that remains alive and well?

Ben waved a hand  toward her...

Ben Jordan: maybe you got involved like you are now...?

But she simply closed her eyes and shook her head, shooting down that notion.

Rinoa Williams: Ben, when Kedron bargained with evil to see his family avenged from one of your own ancestors, he bargained away the most valuable piece of himself.

Ben Jordan: His soul. You're still telling me that he sold his soul to the Devil?

Again, she smiled. But this time there was no mirth or joy behind it. Not even a faint trace of bemusement.

Rinoa Williams: No, Ben. There are other forces of nature far older than some Judeo-Christian "devil" that people blame for their own actions in order to assuage their own guilt. You should know. I believe you had a handful of encounters with Him.

Ben shook his head with a frown of confusion, not understanding. Not until a moment later when the chalk white visage with the amber eyes invaded his consciousness. A memory. He rubbed a hand along his jaw.

Ben Jordan: Shit....

Rinoa smiled with a nod, pleased his memory allowed him to start to understand..

Rinoa Williams: That particular one made a lot of enemies, but perhaps the greatest one was a man that shared the same bloodline as...

She twirled a forefinger and Ben found it pointing directly at him.

Ben Jordan: Me? Who?

Rinoa Williams: He was known in certain circles as the Scourge, you might say. Quite the remarkable man. A miracle unto himself. Blind. Deaf. Mute. Thrice afflicted but somehow, in some miraculous way, he became the most fierce and famed hunter of what lies in shadows the world had ever seen. The so-called 'witch hunters,' that you now know of? The one you saw condemn Kedron's family?

She shook her head in disgust.

Rinoa Williams: Pale imitations of what once was. A truly tragic fall of such a distinguished line. Until you came along.

Ben Jordan: You're joking. My last name is Jordan, not Winchester!

Rinoa Williams: Droll, dear. But if you wish to continue not taking me at my word, then do this for yourself. Look up a single name in history, match it to your own ancestry; Nicolai Dalca. I believe then your eyes and hopefully your mind, would be open.

Silence reigned between the two conspirators for seemingly endless minutes. Rinoa stared at Ben as everything she confided to him was being processed. Ben took it all in with an open mind, whether it was hard to believe or not, he could not just flat out say he didn't believe her. He was a marvelous judge of character, and there was something about her that told him this woman did indeed love her husband and wanted to do right by him. That thought alone brought one more question to the forefront of his mind.

Ben Jordan: So when all of this is finished, if it works out the way you hope ... what then? Hoe does it end?

Rinoa Williams: Hopefully with a little luck, and your assistance, Kedron will become the man he used to be, and the man I know he remains deep down. I do love him, Ben Jordan. I would give up everything to save him. And for all he has, for all he can do, the one thing he has asked of me, I can not give him.

Ben took this in with interest and leaned in.

Ben Jordan: And ... what's that?

And it surprised him perhaps when she showed him the first true signs of emotion she long withheld, as her eyes grew moist with tears while she gave him the answer.

Rinoa Williams: A child. Kedron wants nothing more than to be a father, and it is not something I could have allowed. I knew who and what he was, and I knew his line was cursed. As much as I love him, I could not do such a thing to a child, so I took steps to ensure it did not happen.

Years ago, not so long after the 'Handfasting' ceremony that had joined Kedron and Rinoa in matrimony. Kedron slept soundly in their shared bedroom, while Rinoa was elsewhere that late hour. In her own private room where she had many potions and elixirs, ingredients for one or the other stored on tables and counters, some of the more rare and dangerous locked behind glass cabinet doors. Ingredient collections that even impressed her husband.

She stood there, alone. The two had spent a pleasurable night making love, as they did every single night since their took their vows to one another. And Rinoa knew, that without a doubt, she would soon carry a child. Something that she could not allow now, or ever.

Ladies glove.

A simple concoction, really. When prepared correctly, and in such matters, Rinoa was a professional. Brewed over a double boiler as a tea, she held the cup in her hands, staring into the surface of the brew which had taken on a deep purple color which steam arose from. Once this step was taken, it could never be reversed. She lifted the rim of the cup to her lips -- and drank deeply. It tasted surprisingly sweet, not bitter. She downed it with one swallow, and set the cup down, then she just stood there.

Slowly the pains came to her abdomen, and she clutched her stomach and fell to one knee.....

Ben Jordan watched Rinoa as the tears fell from her eyes and pooled at her chin. The first true sign of vulnerability she had displayed, and a secret she had confided in him.

Ben Jordan: Jesus.....

She wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand, as if she believed it would suddenly make Ben forget she had shed tears in front of him. He brought a hand up, as if to offer her some form of comfort, but knew deep down it was a bad idea. He lowered his hand and could only ask...

Ben Jordan: ... What, next? How does this end?

Regaining her composure, Rinoa drew her black shawl around her shoulders.

Rinoa Williams: I will return to him tonight what he hid away, what you returned to us. Then I need you to do two things; defeat him in your last match.

Ben Jordan: And then?

Rinoa Williams: Then the most difficult part in all of this. Afterwards, I ask you be yourself. Speak with him while he is vulnerable.

Ben Jordan: What ... makes you think he'll talk to me, or would even want to???

Rinoa Williams: Because angry people all have one thing in common; they love to talk. And when he does? Get him to confide his greatest regret. With this returned...

She held the box up between them.

Rinoa Williams: I hope... I believe, he will give up what was given him, and in return, he will regain what he lost.

Ben Jordan: You are risking an awful lot on this....

Rinoa Williams: More than you understand.

Ben then took a closer step toward her.

Ben Jordan: Then answer my question, what was in the vial? And, what's in that box?

Rinoa Williams: Your wife was indeed correct, Ben. That was preserved blood in the vial; my own, as a matter of fact. It is, after all, the only way to break a blood lock.

Ben Jordan: And the box?

Without hesitation, Rinoa stepped up to Ben with the box held out, and with one hand, she flipped the lid open so that he might see...

Ben Jordan: BLOODY HELL!!!

In their suite that night, Kedron slept soundly without risk of waking -- thanks much to a glass of red wine tainted by a sleeping draught crafted expertly by his on wife. The wife that say on their bedside and turned at the waist so that she could watch over him. Her fingers glided down his face in a loving caress, then continued past his jaw and down his neck, and stopped over the left side of his chest. With what had been in the box in her other hand, she closed her eyes and pressed both hands, palms down, against his 'heart' and pushed.....

Kedron gasped, his back arching suddenly and startled her, but slowly, his frame relaxed and his sleep resumed. She closed her eyes and exhaled sharply with much relief. She drew in a shaky breath and gazed adoringly at him, astounded that a man that had done such evil, could look so angelic in his rest.

Rinoa Williams: Sleep well, love. You are about to have a challenging time.

Kedron Williams: Tell me something Ben. is this where it all ends? Between us, on this ship, out in the middle of the ocean and in front of the eyes of hundreds of witnesses? Is this where the evil warlock gets burned at the proverbial stake, or will it be where the angelic hero finds himself robbed of heart and soul, condemned to suffer for an eternity and a day for the wrongs committed by those that came before him?

We have been through a lot together, you and I. And if I had my way, we would continue on this little journey for a long time to come because I am simply having too much fun. But you are stronger willed than I had first anticipated. You have a stubborn streak that is making this between us an even better challenge that I had anticipated. And no, Ben, that is not a bad thing. Quite the contrary!

I have been alive for quite a bit longer than I would care to admit, or you would be led to believe, but without a shadow of a doubt, I have had much more fun than I ever believed possible, and I have you to thank. But, sadly this is not up to me, and it is a matter of business before pleasure. Now I don't know if you orchestrated this or not, our final encounter on this ship crafted of iron and steel, or if you knew what effect that and the ocean waters have on  ... myself. If you did, then bravo to you! If not, well I suppose anyone can be lucky by chance.

I suppose the bottom line is we each share a victory over the other, which will make this end result even more satisfying than watching the realization of defeat and disappointment appear in the eyes of you and that lovely wife of yours. I was fated to end this in the only way possible; by delivering your soul to the Master. I would prefer doing so quickly, and without a fuss if you could be so kind? But if you would rather continue your stubborn streak, that is fine. After all...

I have all the time in the world.

Climax Control Archives / A Bulldog about to be euthanized
« on: August 09, 2019, 06:33:03 PM »

Salem, Massachusetts

The Witching Hour. Go figure, hm? Despite being in a major city, the Williams homestead was far enough away from the metropolis of the Salem cityscape and surrounded by trees that it was not difficult at all to look up and appreciate the twinkling lights of the stars overhead. The moon was waxing, nearing the phase of the full moon when it would be at its zenith, and those dedicated to the Craft would be at peak strength. And as the moon waxed, so did they. Fitting, as Kedron would have much rather waited for the full moon in order to perform this particular spell. Doing so in any other phase of the moon would take all the more effort and energy.

This was not a direct attack as other times had been where Ben Jordan was concerned. This was more of a message being delivered in the most entertaining way possible.

One would suspect Kedron Williams was dressed for bed, or for meager comfort, going bare chested with just a pair of black, silk pajama pant on his lower body. Not even slippers were worn on his bare feet for comfort or warmth. He was in his personal library, where no less than ten book cases lined the walls and stretched from floor to ceiling, each shelf crammed to capacity with books of varying sizes. Some thick, some with seemingly just a minute number of pages. Some were obviously old, some fairly new and well kept. Some had titles in elaborate stitching while a few had no words at all on neither spine nor cover. The only light in the room was from the moon and stars, shining through the uncovered windows as his eyes roamed each shelf, his forefinger gliding from one text to the next, until he found the one he had intended for.

It was a dark pine green, so dark that it could have been mistaken for black in this light. The only symbolism of what it was from the cover was gold stitching along the spine in the shape of a serpent wound about a blade, and the words on the cover that read, "Silens verbum," or the Silent Word. It was old, one of the oldest in his collection, and also one of his most prized. He had torn this volume from the hands of a witch in Haiti, claiming it as his own many more years ago than he cared to admit. It was also one of the darkest tomes in existence, which was why he had fought the old witch so hard in order to stake a claim to it, and it remained his ever since.

The volume was larger than most, 11x17 in size and thick in width. He cradled it lovingly like a child in his arms, and walked over to the largest window and slid it open to allow in the night air. He then walked to the center of the library's floor and knelt down onto the hard wood and set the book before him. He carefully opened it, taking caution due to it's age. The pages were worn parchment, and the penmanship elaborately portraying the infamous, and in some beliefs, 'mythical' Verbis Diablo.

His instincts were correct, as he opened the book to the required page, the words scrawled in deep red, and the artistic rendition of a black dog, or perhaps a hellhound, was sketched in the upper right corner. He blinked, and his warm, brown eyes became black as the words of the Fallen One flowed from his lips...

Kedron Williams: Emi winokre Nebratron em hemitus eni nüllaan, ratsni etsai hemitusi enis: itsi yenvagreni wesrat hor fensteru em tekhes. Itsi yenvagreni wesrat an sha’ami entsai khedekareb. Etsoo lipieem adzigrosen. Etsoon kaamplen sha’am tweraam. Itsi yenvagreni wesrat an sha’ami entsai khedekareb.....

Bar Harbor, Maine

The adoptive home of Ben Jordan, along with his bride Evie and their four legged fur baby, affectionately named Bear. It was late, just as it was the same hour in their fellow New England colony state of Massachusetts. But this little family was not in bed either, but unlike Kedron, they were not up for any nefarious purpose, but more so just to enjoy each others' company as the three walked along the edge of the huge lake that decorated their property. Ben and Evie walked hand in hand, Evie's head rested on her husband's shoulder lovingly, as their four legged boy danced and bounded about in front of them, no leash required as he never strayed far from their side.

Ben and Evie paused, staring out across the lake, taking in the appreciative view of the moon and stars dancing on the ripples beneath the clear sky, when a sound disturbed them. A low, guttural growl. Their heads turned to discover the sound was coming from their beloved Bear, a sound they could not recall having ever come from their darling boy before, and his eyes were dark and staring straight at them.

Salem, Massachusetts

He continued to recite the foul, black words and the longer he continued, the quicker the words emanated from his lips.

Kedron Williams: Emi winokre Nebratron em hemitus eni nüllaan, ratsni etsai hemitusi enis: itsi yenvagreni wesrat hor fensteru em tekhes. Itsi yenvagreni wesrat an sha’ami entsai khedekareb. Etsoo lipieem adzigrosen. Etsoon kaamplen sha’am tweraam. Itsi yenvagreni wesrat an sha’ami entsai khedekareb.....

His body grew rigid, his back arched as his fingernails dug into the floorboard on each side of the book, causing the flesh of his fingers to tear and bleed...

Bar Harbor, Maine

Ben Jordan: Bear.... buddy?

But the normal happy and loving Bear was glaring angrily at both Jordans, and his growls became angry barks, angry and intense. Slobber started to form and drip from his jowls, his claws digging into the dirt at his paws. By instinct, Evie's hand gripped Ben's arm, both their eyes wide at whatever was overcoming their boy.

Evie Jordan: Ben? What the hell is going on with...?

Ben took a cautious step forward, extending his hand toward Bear.

Ben Jordan: Hey buddy, easy there...

When Bear did the unthinkable and snapped! Only Ben's quick reflexes kept him from having his hand bitten as Bear's actions grew more aggressive, the barking louder. Ben grabbed his wife and shuffled her behind him, using his own body to shield his wife!

Salem, Massachusetts

Kedron Williams: Emi winokre Nebratron em hemitus eni nüllaan, ratsni etsai hemitusi enis: itsi yenvagreni wesrat hor fensteru em tekhes. Itsi yenvagreni...

Suddenly a glass of water was thrown directly in Kedron's face, startling him and breaking the flow of the enchantment. He sputtered and looked up in wide eyed surprise as his own wife stared down at him with a hard glare, one he was unaccustomed to seeing in her, and an empty glass in her hand.

Rinoa Williams: You promised me you would leave his beast alone!

Bar Harbor, Maine

And just as quickly as poor Bear had turned aggressive, he was just that quickly reverted back to his usual self, sweet and docile. Well, almost his usual self. He shook his head and whined quite audibly, his head hung low as if he were aware of what had happened. His head rose up and he stared at Ben and Evie with those sad, puppy eyes and he whined for them.

Ben slowly kneeled down and Bear trotted up and buried his muzzle in Ben's shoulder, just begging for love and affection. Ben was only too happy to oblige and scratched his boy behind the ears  as Evie stepped forward.

Evie Jordan: What the hell was that all about!?

Kedron sat back in his favorite chair, elaborately carved, with one ankle kicked up over bended knee. One hand rested on the arm rest, and the other held a glass of red wine, so dark in rich color that it almost appeared as if it were blood.

Kedron Williams: You know, I'd like to consider myself a very good judge of character. I've been on this earth for a lot longer than any might expect, as I've taken pride in the fact that I look good for my age. I believe I can look at someone and watch their actions and tell quite a bit about them. I don't have the knack that my dear Rinoa has when it comes to people, but I get by. People, for the most part, I've found to be disappointing and corrupt. One would think, or hope, that as the years, decades ... centuries, passed by, that as times got easier with modern technology and money grew, that people themselves would grow less savage, not more so. Unfortunately it was not so.

As time went on, mankind simply devolved into what I see ruling this planet. Liars. Hypocrites. Deceivers. And the amusing thing is so many would expect me to embrace these people, but this was just about those who walk the so-called righteous path in the name of the Lord Almighty. Those who walk His path are generally the ones with the darkest souls, corrupted with self-righteous beliefs. Sometimes I am truly amazed by the fact I have found such a wondrous woman as I have in Rinoa.

And is it any wonder why I hate mankind with such a fervor, and look to the innocent beasts of the earth with adoration? And look at me, here and now, about to set foot inside of the ring with a Bulldog.

He chuckled and shook his head.

Kedron Williams: Ever since this one signed his name on the dotted line, I have heard nothing but hype about the Bulldog's past glories and all that came before his time here. But to me, he seems to be little more than a sad, pathetic man who is aging beyond his years. True, I dare say I am older than he, but the poor old sod has let himself go in body and soul. So sad is he that he reflects on his greatness, but the truth is all that glory he was so celebrated for ---?

Kedron shrugged, his empty hand waving about in a smooth arch through the air.

Kedron Williams: It is just that; in the past. Done. Over. For all his storied career highlights, for all of his championship accomplishments... it's over, Bulldog. Never again to be celebrated, only looked back on with pity as it will never be again. It will never again be for you as bright as it once was. I am not even entirely certain why you came here, unless you truly believed in your arrogance that your past would rise and repeat, and you would run roughshod over the younger generation of athletes that perpetuate SCW? Hm?

He gazed knowingly into the camera and a smirk creased the corner of his lips.

Kedron Williams: Well Bulldog, you were off to a bang up job this past weekend, when the mutt of the junkyard fell in defeat to one of the 'yung'uns.' I have bigger and better things to accomplish, and more important things to focus on than you -- hard as it may be to believe.  And this week, against the Son of Salem?

He smiled brightly.

Kedron Williams: The Bulldog is about to become neutered.

Climax Control Archives / Larger concerns
« on: July 26, 2019, 07:27:39 PM »
 Salem, Massachusetts

Night had fallen, and there was a full moon hanging high in the air. This homestead, this land, was far enough away from the city life that extinguished the shimmering of the stars overhead, so that the heavenly lights could be seen and appreciated.

And they were appreciated, as Rinoa Williams walked casually through the trees that towered up high over her head, the moon and stars seen peaking through the "fingers" of the branches, lush with green foliage.  Kedron was fast asleep, and she enjoyed taking these small moments to herself to reflect on the past and contemplate on the future, as her three cherished "babies," the Sphinx cats Isis, Cleopatra and Achilles, trailed along after her, taking in the light life for their own with just each other and their mistress for company.

Rinoa had much on her mind. Her meeting with Ben Jordan went much better than expected. He had seemed open to the idea of helping her save her husband, but there was still disbelief and apprehension in his heart. She would have to rectify that in time. She had explained what she needed of him, and that in itself would be explored sooner than you might expect. But for now, she has a certain other issue roaming through her thoughts, plaguing her as she weaved her way through the trees, celebrating the night and Hecate's glory.

Rinoa Williams: I can not imagine how anyone could possibly look at my situation and think that I am at any sort of disadvantage. I am teamed with Kedron, and in case you've forgotten, it was only a few weeks ago in Phoenix, Arizona where Kedron and I, in our first time together as a tag team, defeated the seemingly unbeatable Jordans, Ben and Evie. Nobody gave us a chance. They practically spoke of when the Jordans would win, not if. Funny how these things work out, is it not?

And while Kedron was the one who defeated Benjamin, I would like to think that I handled myself quite admirably against a former World singles and tag team champion. Many thought of Evie as the future of the Bombshell division, and perhaps she still is destined to be so. In her own time.

But I am not against Evie again, this time around, and this is no regular mixed tag team match, is it Amy? Many times you have been in the ring, and you've silenced any critics that you might have had by winning every available championship in SCW, save for one. The World Mixed Tag Team Championships. That is the one that has eluded you since it was created, isn't it dear? Perhaps you thought at first you would have a chance at winning it when that strange man with the cactus fetish, Senor Vinnie, was your regular partner in this Metal and Punk Connection stable you and your friends have going.

But no. That was not in the cards, was it? Vinnie had another destiny stretched out ahead of him, where he could possibly be the one to dethrone Austin James Mercer for a much more lofty prize. I imagine that must have been quite frustrating for you, Amy, but that was just self serving thoughts haunting you. Needless ones at that. After all, were you in his shoes, would you sacrifice a chance at the most prestigious championship in wrestling to team with you? So you and Jessie went in search of a new partner that was not tied up with thoughts of championships, and you did marvelous, I must say. because if there is any one man out there in SCW that is as far away from championship goals, I dare say that it would be Joshua Acquin!

Rinoa paused, blinking her eyes and resting her chin down on her curled fingertips.

Rinoa Williams: It is a perplexing process, trying to decipher what exactly has been going through yours and Jessie's minds. First Vinnie, now a man who spends more time flat down, staring up at the ring lights than the mat itself. What do either man bring to the table as far as the theme of metal or punk goes? Vinnie brings a cactus I suppose and entertainment value. Joshua? He brings the status of a championship title reign, many years too old past its prime.

And yet here you are, thinking that you indeed stand a legitimate shot with him at your side, in doing what Ben and Evie could not. All you are fighting for is a possible further step in your wrestling  legacy. The Jordans fought for both pride as well as vengeance. Both which mean much, much more than any mere trinket. My own participation in this tournament?

She placed a hand on her breast.

Rinoa Williams: Not my doing, nor my idea. Despite all evidence to the contrary in my one and only match, I am not a trained wrestler. But I imagine that's not something you mind at all, is it Amy? You'd be only too willing to take advantage of a non-wrestler being thrown into the proverbial lion's den? In your own, perverted thought process, it would simply mean an easier path than the rest en route to the championship. Of course, I'm fairly certain that Evie thought the same thing, that I was easy prey.

How satisfying it will be to watch the stunned look of disbelief etch itself on your face, Amy dear, when Kedron and I celebrate another victory, at your expense of course. And our path opens up toward a championship that now is no longer within your reach.

She shrugged.

Rinoa Williams: The truly sad thing about this entire situation is the simple fact that I have absolutely no interest in this tournament, nor the championship it represents. I have had my eyes opened to a much larger picture, and it involves no championship belt, nor time better spent elsewhere than this six-sided ring I am being forced in. But I will do it, if I must. if only to bring a moment of true happiness in satisfaction to my husband. He deserves it.

She turned to look at the camera one more time.

Rinoa Williams: He deserves the world.

Climax Control Archives / A challenge met
« on: July 19, 2019, 11:42:26 PM »
Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we? A gander into the recent past. And for this? We will not need some spell or incantation, nor a time machine if you are the spawn of a certain Hall of Famer. For this, it would be a simple reflection to depict something that happens just out of our line of sight, so that it might escape our attention.

Salem, Massachusetts
Mere days ago

Massachusetts, one of the six states set in the territory of the United States and designated as 'New England,' the name given by Captain John Smith and approved by England's king at the time.

The Victorian home was a breath taking sight to see, the charm of the old world style popular yet to this day and in much demand. It was well known that the classic and original Victorian homes, the older ones to say the least, were the most beautiful and the most popular, and thus the most expensive. This particular one was no different, and those who called it home on this secluded piece of land, away from the prying of neighbors too close for comfort, had paid an impressive amount in order to claim it as their own. It was surrounded by trees on this plot of land, far enough away from the prying eyes of neighbors who believed it was their right to spy on those that lived close by, for the betterment of their own lives and safety, as well as that of the neighborhood itself.

And if one just so happened to discover you had a Satanic warlock for a neighbor? It was almost assured that sense of right and wrong would go through the roof. Most adults would smartly keep their distance, yet the younger generation would take not only an interest, but would openly approach to satiate their curiosity.

It was why decision. Kedron Williams, long before he had even met and married his soul mate Rinoa, chose this as his own personal domain. Rinoa’s approval later on in his life simply solidified his decision. The beauty of the houses architecture was noticed by even the random passerby. It was over three stories tall not including attic and basement. And as much upkeep as the house took on over the years, it had never lost any of its original beauty or charm. One could simply gaze at it and see its history.

Just two days after Climax Control had ended where not one but two challenges had been laid out at the doorstep of the master of this house, the Williams had returned home to a somewhat appreciative audience. As the front door opened into the foyer of the house, a soft but reserved voice spoke up.

“Oh huzzah, the mistress is home.”

Rinoa set foot onto the threshold of the home she shared with her husband and smiled quite congenial as an elderly matron of a woman approached from out of the Parlor. This was a Missus Adele Hansel, the housekeeper who kept the home in proper care and order both while the Williams were away as well as when they were at home. She had been in their employ for a great many years, and suspected that there was indeed something different about the husband and wife oh, but she did not pry nor ask questions. It was not proper nor her place. Her iron gray hair matched her expression as well as her disposition in all she handled within the homestead. Some might think her as old fashioned or old school and how she addressed the lady and Lord of the home oh, but it was simply her way and only one of the many reasons why she is employed by the two.

And despite her advanced years, she showed no signs of slowing down nor at being unable to fulfil her duties as she slipped her hand into the baggage handle in the possession of Rinoa while Kedron was outside, dealing with the cab driver and the remainder of their luggage. And there was a symphony of greetings toward Rinoa, as three felines hurried into the room, each greeting her with their own voices and looking up at her with adoration in their feline eyes. The three were Sphinx cats, hairless and unique in color and breeding. And each absolutely adored by the woman of the home as if they were her own children. Some would make jokes or harsh insults towards these hairless breeds; insulting them. Calling them ugly or comparing them to hairless rats. One resembled a classic Siamese cat. The second was a soft white with a patch of gray on its scalp and ears, and the third? Tan skin with dark markings all along its head, back and tail. But to Rinoa? They were beautiful.

Rinoa Williams:  Oh hello my darlings!

She lowered herself into a crouch, and she was immediately swarmed by the three cats. Each rubbed up against her, leaving their scent on her clothes as they “claimed” her as their own, loving her as much as she did them. As her fingers glided over their soft, supple skin, she practically cooed.

Rinoa Williams:  And did mommy’s babies miss her?

As if they understood her question, they looked up at her as one and continued meowing their greetings.

Adele Hansel:  Oh yes ma’am, quite. You know they are just not the same when you are away from home. They sing and cry, almost non stop. Makes it quite difficult to get a good night's sleep with that going on at all hours..

Rinoa Williams:  Ohhh!

She ran the palm of her hand along each of the cat's backs with an expression of sorrow and pity, more so for the cats themselves missing her than the plight of the housekeeper herself.

Adele Hansel:  And how was your trip, if I may ask?

Rinoa Williams:  Quite pleasant, Adele. Thank you. Benjamin Jordan wants another match with Kedron on this cruise ship show it would seem, and another fellow showed up out of nowhere to challenge my husband to a match as well.

Adele Hansel:  Well, that certainly is a first. And your 'other' bit of business, ma'am?

Rinoa looked up at the elderly matron of a woman, her expression neutral.

Adele Hansel:  How did that turn out?

Slowly, Rinoa stood upright as her 'babies' settled in around her feet and she dusted her hands off on her legs.

Rinoa Williams:  Very well, I should think.

Kedron Williams: And just what other business is this?

The women's heads turned as Kedron set foot into his house, followed by the Uber driver who aided him with their luggage, but there was clearly a sign of apprehension on the woman's face as she did so. Perhaps she felt unsettled by Kedron as a person, or there was some sense of wrongness about the house that she felt that others did not or ignored. Once the luggage was settled and the driver paid, it was all the woman could do to literally not run from the premises and the relative safety of her vehicle so she could get the hell out of there and away from Kedron. Kedron stepped further into the foyer and kissed an appreciative Rinoa on the cheek before he looked down at her three pets. They all arched their backs on instinct and as one, hissed at the man of the house before they scattered out of the room and went their separate ways.

Rinoa Williams:  Kedron, you promised that you wouldn't scare them.

Kedron Williams: All I did was look at them. It's not as if I tried to pet them, not after the last time!

He held his hand up and the two ladies turned their eyes to see the noticeable thin scar that ran across the back of his hand. He kept his hand up as his attention returned to the love of his life.

Kedron Williams: This was thanks to your beloved Cleopatra and it still has yet to heal completely.

Rinoa simply smiled, and said not a word because there was little that she could say. Cats were phenomenal creatures when dealing with the supernatural, and their open hostility toward Kedron as a result was hardly a surprise.

Adele Hansel:  I'll just get your luggage to your room.

That being said, the older woman displayed a youthful vigor and strength as she took hold of the luggage rack and wheeled it behind her and toward the spiral staircase in the center of the foyer which led to the second floor and the main living quarters of the Williams. The entirety of the house's interior was from top to bottom, decorated in a lavish, Victorian style much to Kedron's own preferences. Wood paneling and dark colors. Elaborate carpets on hard wood floors and paintings and ornately carved furniture. Once she started her way up the steps, Kedron turned to his wife with an inquisitive smile.

Kedron Williams: Are you keeping secrets from me?

Rinoa Williams:  Oh darling...

She extended her hand and caressed the pale flesh of her husband's face.

Rinoa Williams:  What possible secrets could I keep from you?

Primm, Nevada -
July 14

What's that you say? A flashback within a flashback? Well this is the world of professional wrestling, and stranger things have happened. This in itself happened just hours after the conclusion of Climax Control at the famed Star of the Desert Arena. And the chosen destination for where we found ourselves? The Primm Valley Resort and Casino, located by the California-Nevada border, spread out over three hotels and less than a two minute walk from the fashion outlet malls of Las Vegas itself.

Inside it was like any other casino that the state of Nevada was famed for; games and gamblers everywhere, as far as the eye could see. Rows of slot machines. The roulette wheel and tables. Blackjack. Craps. And yes, drinking. There was a interior lounge inside of the resort and casino where guests and tourists could stop in and have a drink before they went about their merry way. But the one we see seated in a corner lounge did not look as comfortable as those around him, despite the fact there was a tall mug half filled on the table in front of him. Nor that he was dressed in a bright,, coloured shirt and matching slacks. If anything, he looked cautious, his blue eyes with a tinge of brown shifting slightly so as not to appear too obvious in the fact he was waiting to meet with someone who had asked him for this meeting.

The man was Ben Jordan, and the one he was waiting for...?

Rinoa Williams:  Benjamin....

He set the mug down on the table with an audible 'clunk' and looked up at the smiling face of Rinoa Williams, the bride of a man who had fast become what he never thought to have in life; a hated enemy. She was dressed much like he, in clothes that were casual but even for her, what she wore had a trace of elegance to them. Her hand rested on the back of the booth as their eyes met and only she wore even the faintest trace of smiles between them as she slid into the seat opposite him.

Rinoa Williams:  Thank you for meeting with me. I must admit I am surprised you accepted my invitation.

Ben Jordan: That makes two of us then. But then I figured after everything that's went down between that husband of yours and myself, and you and Evie, this should be a dilly of a spot.

Ben then took his eyes from her and they roamed the remainder of the casino, as if searching. And in fact, he was.

Ben Jordan: Where is...?

Rinoa smiled, this time with genuine purpose.

Rinoa Williams:  Relax, Benjamin. Were Kedron here, then don't you think he would have already made his presence known?

Ben did not answer, not exactly. His answer was non verbal as his lips pressed into a thin line and he gave her a slight scoff.

Rinoa Williams:  Benjamin, I asked you here fir a simple reason. To end this ridiculous farce between my husband and yourself.

Ben Jordan: For a 'ridiculous farce,' as you call it, you wasted no time in getting involved. Did you?

Rinoa Williams:  Please, Benjamin. Let's not erase history? It was your wife, Evie, who got involved first when you attacked Kedron. It was Evie who stood by your side in that attack and threatened to hunt Kedron. Hm, yes? Fair is fair, I suppose, but let's not be hypocritical. You are far better than that.

Ben shook his head and, placing his hands on the edge of the booth's table, pushed himself to his feet.

Ben Jordan: Okay, I've heard enough! I can't think of one good reason why I should have even bothered coming here...

Rinoa Williams:  Your life.

Ben blinked, then frowned.

Ben Jordan: Excuse me?

Rinoa Williams:  Your life, Benjamin. Is that not worth a moment of your time to hear what I have to say?

Ben Jordan: Is that a threat?

Rinoa Williams:  Far from it, actually. I am merely answering your question. Several months ago, you were in bad health, am I correct? You believed yourself to be on the verge of having a heart  attack or a stroke?

She raised her brow in question and slowly, ben started to sit back down. How did she know, when he had confided in only a select few on his recent health scare.

Rinoa Williams:  All across Europe you were suffering the ill effects. And despite you showing all signs and symptoms, all medical diagnosis could not explain it. Your body was suffering what the doctors stated was unexplainable.

Ben swallowed, and his hand extended for his glass as a waitress came to take Rinoa's order of a dry, red wine. Only when the waitress had retreated to fill the order, did this conversation continue.

Rinoa Williams:  And you lost consciousness, did you not? Fully expecting to never again wake up to the light of day.

Finally, Ben showed some sign of himself, and found his voice.

Ben Jordan: Kedron.

Rinoa remained stoic, her face betraying no sign of answer as her eyes stared into Ben's own.

Rinoa Williams:  Then did you also not wonder, why you did, in fact, wake up? Why, since then, you are not, in your own words, pushing up daisies? Why, since then, you have remained untouched?

It took Ben a moment of thought, it was quite the impossible and illogical answer as it came to him, but there it was. Right in front of him.

Ben Jordan: You...? Wait, are you saying that you...?

Rinoa nodded.

Rinoa Williams:  Yes. I am saying exactly that.

Ben closed his eyes and used his fingers to massage his temple. Magic? The very concept or idea... it was unbelievable. Even though in the back of his mind, the entire time, he had known Kedron Williams was -- somehow -- behind it.

Ben Jordan: Why... why would you...?

Rinoa Williams:  Because I love my husband, Benjamin. That is why. And that is why I am here, now. To ask for your help in return for my own.

Ben frowned.

Ben Jordan: My help? With what?

And for the first time, Ben saw emotion in the cold eyes and expressionless face of Rinoa Williams. Her voice wavered as she answered.

Rinoa Williams:  In saving my husband's soul.

“You know, when I first came to Sin City Wrestling, I did so with a single purpose in mind. To avenge my bloodline and collect the soul of a certain Cockney Superstar. I won't mention any names, but his initials are Benjamin Jordan. I leave the mystery up in the air.”

“But now? Just this past Sunday, quite the miraculous occurrence happened. I was challenged not once, but twice! I have no issues stepping inside of the Ring against anyone. If you're selective about opposition, and there really is not much point of you being in any form of physical contact sport. You do not get better by picking and choosing the opponents that you set foot inside of the ring against. Do you seriously think that you will make yourself look better by hand selecting weaker opposition so that you will look stronger? Don't get me wrong. Human beings by rote are fools. But this? This would be simply too much.”

“Certainly, there are certain names that I have yet to test myself against but am quite anxious to do so. At the top of the list would be the representatives of His word, the Good Shepherds.Any goddamned fool who claims that their soul is filled with the Holy Spirit in my opinion deserves to be brought down to reality, and their heads dragged from the clouds into the fiery pits of reality. I also would not mind delivering this same to the Wolfslair, especially as they looked down their nose toward Rinoa and my own personal accomplishment. Now I will admit that as a champion, Alicia Lukas has fulfilled her goals quite well. Austin James Mercer, on the other hand? Not so much, if you ask me. I mean, let’s face it. Who has he really defended his championship against in order to have such a high sense of self esteem? Certainly not the same level of challenges that Alicia has, that much is certain.”

“I admit that I was fully expecting the challenge from Benjamin Jordan, especially after he suffered the rare sting of defeat at the hands of yours truly. Now he and I both hold a victory over the other, I just find that mine was just that much more satisfying since I did so with my lovely wife at my side wild Benjamin had to do the walk of shame and explain to his own wife why her rare return to the ring went unsuccessful.”

“No, what caught me completely unaware was the challenge from none other than Jake Raab. When I was first told of it, I had to pause to process the fact because I had no idea the man had it in him. After all, Jake has hardly been the epitome of valor during his time here. From the moment he stepped foot in SCW, his goal was to get out from under the collective shadows of his more famous brethren, and forge his own ideals, his own identity.”

“And failed miserably.”

“No matter how hard Jake struggled, still everyone talks Lord Raab this and Samuel McPherson that. And with the Monstimals now joining SCU, it will be even more of a struggle for poor, poor Jake to rise out on his own and away from his more talented and much more famous relation. So in one last ditch effort for his career to have some semblance of meaning, he made a critical mistake in judgment. He got in between Ben Jordan and myself. Jake spoke up in defense of Benjamin and spoke out against my actions against that very same man. My only question to Jake Raab is; why now?”

“Hm? Answer me that Jake. What has been happening between Ben Jordan and myself has been taking place since March! Almost a full four months now has taken place since I drew first blood, and it has been going back and forth since. I attacked Benjamin, he paid me back in kind. He defeated me in the ring, Rinoa and I bested he and Evie. So again, Jake… why now? If you were so bothered by the fact, why then did you wait near four months before you decided to bitch and moan about how so unfair and unjust my actions toward your ‘friend’ happened to be? Why did you wait so long to cry foul about me and my own, and declare it to be your intentions to right what was my own wrong?”

“Don’t think I can’t see what your up to Jake, what your end goal just so happens to be. After all, did I not address this very issue at the start of this lecture between us? I admit, until my win over Benjamin Jordan, my in-ring career has not been everything that I had envisioned, even if victories are not what the long-term goals just so happen to be. I have suffered more losses than celebrated victories, and Jake saw this. He saw what he believed to be a weak link on the roster to help boost his own standing.”

"Yes, I will admit that you did manage to pull one from out of your own ass by defeating a clearly superior athlete in Senor Vinnie at Into the Void VIII, but that was just evidence that miracles have a sick and twisted sense of humor. You defeat the number one contender to the World Championship, only to fall in defeat to the Son of Salem? Now, a little bird whispered to me that you were possibly in line for a championship opportunity when you defeated Vinnie, but after this Sunday?"

"I dare say it will be I who whom Austin James Mercer had best keep a close eye upon."

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