Author Topic: Get Together  (Read 304 times)

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
Get Together
« on: September 18, 2015, 11:36:49 PM »
 Charlotte, North Carolina.
Off Camera

It seems to be a big get together at the Warrens house in Charlotte, North Carolina. Kate’s husband Todd and his brother James are in the backyard working the grill. It seems today the Warrens have decided to have one last Summer BBQ. The hamburgers are cooking, the steak is on the grill, and James smiles as he begins to dip the chicken in the bbq sauce. Todd just watches from afar as his eyes meet with that of the burger and he begins to shake his head in disgust.

“Yo bro you plan on putting some cheese on those burgers right?! You know I can’t eat burgers without anything on them…”

James rolls his eyes as he looks back at Todd scratching his head.

“Yet you are the guy who likes to eat his hot dogs in a roll with nothing on them. I don’t understand you sometimes…”

Todd gives him a blank stare as he looks at himself.

“And what is there not to get? That I am married to the woman of my dreams. I am traveling around the world and everything in life is going exactly the way that I want it to go? I mean come on what is there not to love about being married to a woman with a hot English accent. Admit it Jimmy… I am a lucky guy. You wish you could be in my place…”

James rolls his eyes as he shoos his adopted brother away.

“Be in your place for what exactly?! I am married to a lovely woman. We been married for 5 years now. Been together since we attended high school together. We have our own place and everything we have we worked hard to earn. Cindy really has her head on straight not to mention we have Terra and I know she’s hiding it but I think another may be on the way… You could say that I am taking care of my business. What about you? Did you tell Kate your thoughts on having children… I know that girl has her head in the clouds about trying to be this big rock star, and managing wrestling at the same time but you got to tell her your intentions man…”

Todd offers a long sigh in return as he looks back at his brother.

“I know it’s just… How do I bring something up like that?”

He looks at his brother, and now our scene shifts over to the inside of the house. It is there where we are able to see Kate Steele with a guitar locked tightly in her hands. she begins to strum some chords on her guitar as Cindy is playing with her little daughter. Cindy smiles as she places Terra on her lap before she gazes out the window.

“You ever wonder about what the boys are talking about?!”

Kate raises her eyes slightly as she begins to play some more chords. She slowly shakes her head as she doesn’t really seem to be interested.

“Not really… It’s their conversation no reason for us to get involved. If Toddy wanted me to know I am sure he would come right to me and tell me what’s what. I know that didn’t stop him from accidentally posting that topless picture I sent him all across Twitter.”

Cindy nods her head as she shakes her head in disgust.

“That does seem a little ridiculous but at least he isn’t like Jimmy constantly trying to throw the sexual innuendos my way… It’s like I get the point Jimmy… I know what you want you don’t have to bring it up constantly, and it’s not like Terra is really at the age to know what’s going on. There’s other things in life than just sex right?”

Kate smiles as she continues to play on her guitar some more, and it isn’t long before the little blonde haired girl looks at Kate.

“Aunteeeeeeee KATE!!!!”

Kate smiles as she looks at the girl.

“Hey there pumpkin… That’s right… You should know who your favourite Aunt is and there’s no need to ever forget that fact. If you need something just call my name, and I will always be there for you… That’s a promise….”

Kate smiles as she leans over and kisses her little niece on the cheek. It’s in that moment that the little blonde haired girl moves her hand over to Kate’s guitar and happily strums on it. She bangs on it over and over again as Kate slowly pulls it away.

“Are you trying to break Auntie Kate’s guitar? You should know better than that…”

Kate giggles in return but it’s in that moment that Cindy offers a wide grin in return as she looks back at Kate grinning as wide as she possibly can.

“Kate did anyone ever tell you that you are really great with children?!”

Kate shrugs her shoulders in return.

“And your point being?”

Cindy offers a long sigh in return as she looks out the window before her eyes meet with Kate’s again.

“Has the thought of having children ever crossed your mind? I know a lot of people have their doubts about you and Todd, but I think that if you were forced to settle down. You would make an awesome mother especially considering the way that you treat Terra all of the time. It doesn’t take a brainiac to see that mothering is in your future… And maybe this life that you have of constantly being on the move constantly putting your body at risk. Perhaps that isn’t what you really want… Perhaps there’s something better than just wrestling out there….You feel me?”

Kate rolls her eyes as she puts her guitar to the side as she stares directly into the eyes of Cindy.

“With all due respect… I appreciate what you are trying to do here but if I wanted to have a kid I would have had one by now. I like where my life is right now, and I like my life. Sure it may be hectic and considering I wrestle a lot. It’s something that I am good at… Something I am really good at… I been wrestling for less than three years now and already have had six championships to my name… That’s damn near impressive and if I have my way in SCW… I will build myself up into having lucky number seven… Moving around constantly may seem wild but it’s a hell of a benefit considering I love my music, and jumping around city to city gives me more options for different venues to play my music. The crowds may be small right now as most of the people that attend are just a bunch of wrestling fans but eventually those that come out are going to multiply…”

Kate raises her mouth into a wide grin as she continues to pour her heart out as she speaks her mind.

“And it won’t just be wrestling fans at my show… It will be fans of me… Fans of Ignorant Discord, and as long as I get to do it with my husband at my side. I am fine with it… I am sorry you couldn’t balance between being a nurse and a wrestler. I am so sorry that you ruined the name of Warren in the wrestling world with the way you constantly were in and out like a revolving door…”

“That’s because I couldn’t give up being a mother to Terra… She needed me too….”

Kate nods her head in agreement as she replies back with passion.

“That might be true but something kept calling you back didn’t it?! something made you want to return back to the ring which is why you been in and out of this company. You were looking to fill in that missing void but no matter what you did. You always chose your family. You always felt like Terra was handicapping you, and in all honesty it shouldn’t even be a question. You picked the right option. You are a mother first and foremost, and while that is something I definitely want for myself. Where I am right now wrestling and music is my main passion in life. It’s what I want to do more than anything else, and I couldn’t give it my full focus if I had a child to worry about it...Being independent like I am. I can be free to do whatever I want. So while being the house wife. The mother might fit you it’s just not what I am about, and in all honesty I don’t think it’s going to ever be what I am about… I was born in England and moved to New York City when I was ten. The most busiest of all cities. I am a woman who needs to be on the go. A woman who lives her life on the edge, who seeks thrills and…”

Cindy smiles as she keeps staring at Kate.

“I get it, you don’t have to convince me. Just make sure you have a great time while you are doing what you are doing. As long as you are doing what you love to do to the best of your abilities. That’s all that really matters. That’s where I failed Kate… I couldn’t commit but you… You can succeed where I failed…”

Kate nods her head as she looks back at Cindy.

“You aren’t mad at me for that are you?”

“Of course not… We might only be sister in laws but we are still family, and Lord knows you are the only other woman who knows what it’s like to be married to a crazy ass Warren. I want you to surpass me. Make the Warren name something to be feared in wrestling. Make it something to be remembered…”

Cindy says as she looks at Kate who grins back.

“Don’t worry… They will never forget the name of Warren… They will love what they see from me… Most importantly than that.. I will become a champion in that company… You don’t have to worry about that… I am the missing piece to the Warren family puzzle and I will bring everything together… Mark my words on that… Now enough of this talking… LET’S GET SOMETHING TO EAT!!!!!!”

Kate smiles as runs outside to where the men are cooking and cindy shakes her head as she looks back at her sister in law and this is where we leave them.


SIN CITY WRESTLING…. Excuse me while I sit here before you excited… Excited that you get to see me in just my second match in this company. Now when you last saw me it was in a fatal four way match. With the likes of Lucy, myself, Tracy Patterson and of course Jade. Now I am not going to cry and complain that it wasn’t me that didn’t win that Internet contention match because complaining wouldn’t do me any good.

Honestly what will any of that solve?! Make me look like a big self elitist jerk…

It would look down on the hard work of Lucy, and it would be an insult to the likes of Patterson and Jade. I know I might be one of the loudest people on the bombshell rosters but I am no Bitch so I got to give credit where credit is due.

Congratulations Lucy… Finally after being in this company for so long you finally got what you deserved! You are finally able to stand in the limelight and finally have the chance to compete for a championship against a woman who has won every single championship in this company. That’s a hell of an opportunity and you better make the most of it because if you think that is the last you will ever hear of Kate Steele you are in for a serious wake up call because I am not going anywhere. I am here to stay and I AM HERE TO MAKE SOME NOISE… So scream your heart out! Raise your voices because on this edition of Climax Control The Siren is coming to Buenos Aires, Argentina! The hometown of SCW’s very own Mercedes Vargas but more importantly than that…

Argentina will be the location where a Warren becomes relevant in SCW… It becomes the site where Kate Steele-Warren jumps right into the heart of the fray and she moves herself in the right direction. I know it’s hard to lose your first match in a company. I wanted to win and I was just an inch away from breaking that count. An inch away from making that match go on for a few more moments but it just wasn’t meant to be. Lucy got the better of me and she is now the one with the Internet Championship shot…

But it’s all good because I am not mad at all because this week I get to face some very game competition in Candy Overton. Candy is becoming a woman that I would like to see win, and after winning a triple threat match a few weeks ago she now has the opportunity of a lifetime. She gets to place herself in position to win her very first championship in SCW… The Roulette Bombshell Championship when she steps toe to toe with Melanie, and as great as that match is going to be. If I am Candy what I will be looking at more so than that match is the one that is currently in front of her because I am a woman who is hungry to pick up her first win in this company. A woman who is looking to break out of her shell and showcase why the hype should surround her. Why I am one of the most rising stars in this business and why I have all the tools to succeed in this company.

Candy you been here for a very long time, and you had to deal with the BS of the Mean Girls and of course Crystal Hilton. I know it can be quite irritating to see you compete for championship after championship, and not come away with anything as a result from it. You been in one Roulette Championship match and in two Bombshell Tag Team Championship matches, and just couldn’t deliver…

I know since I saw you team up with my sister in law Cindy. There was some serious potential within you, and it’s a shame you two couldn’t get over the mountain to win the belts, but I have a feeling your match with Melanie could be different. You could be more than ready to take her on, and after the match that the two of us are going to put on. Being ready with only be a formality because the two of us are going to shake things up in Argentina. We are going to have the spotlight shining brightly on us for what we are going to do in that ring.

You have my respect, among everything else but at the same time I am looking to start my own journey in this company. I am looking to make a name for myself, and the way I see it I am going up against a number one contender for a championship. Do you know what that means if I could somehow find a way to knock you off?

It means I would be positioning myself for something greater, and more importantly it means that I could turn some heads and show people that this little petite girl from England can pack quite the punch. That there is something special about this 5’2 110 pounds of nothingness that calls herself a wrestler.

I know it might seem like I am just all about my band, but it’s about this very business. It’s all about showing the world what I am about, and this next event I can do just that.

So go ahead bring your A game. Bring your very best and this Siren is going to sing a song that you will never forget. It’s going to lure you in, and just as you think everything feels so soothing that’s when you realize that the song I was singing was just the ode that leads to your death sentence. Prepare yourself because you will get shipwrecked Bitch.

For I am Kate Steele and I have you in my sights… Let’s do this shall we?!

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