Author Topic: The fight.  (Read 364 times)

Offline Melody Grace

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    • Melody Grace
The fight.
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:57:48 PM »
 Hello Melephants it is I your captain speaking and I just want you to know that I have missed you as we have been apart for FAR TOOOOOO LONG. I mean I hope you have missed me the same way I have missed you? it just hasn’t been the same with me away from the wrestling spotlight for a few weeks but I promise you we only have a bit more time apart before things can go back to the way it was where each and every week I will aim to knock your socks off with entertainment and comedy and well some bad wrestling.

And by bad I mean BAD like that little emoji with the sunglasses on who probably drives the F1 car emoji down Rodeo Drive looking to shop his money bags away at Hermes and Channel. That type of Bad. Like BAD to the Bone. You know like B-B-Bad. Not bad like Veronica Taylor’s whole career bad but like Daaaaaaaaamn she’s bad type of bad. You dig?

Anyways let’s get back on track shall we I’ve got a lot of explaining and a lot of sorting out to do this week and guess what you get to come along on the ride with me. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!

Did you manage to catch last week’s Climax Control? I mean of course you did and well there is only one song lyric that comes to mind to sum up what happened to me last Sunday…. Can you feeeeeeeeeeel the love tonight? No you can’t well that’s good because I was thinking the same damn thing.

What on earth are you talking about Melody? Is the question you’re probably thinking right now so let me hit you with some straight up faxes and by that you know I mean facts right up first in line.

Fact number one; the last week has been torture for me and yet it has also been one of the best weeks of my life. On one hand I’m doing something new and exciting by acting on this movie with Mr Ultra Talented Drake Green. While on the other hand because I’m doing this movie with Super Spunky Sparkly Pants Drake Green… I’m fighting with my boyfriend James Huntington-Hawkes III. It’s like being in between a rock and hard place; it’s like being stuck in a jumping castle and everyone is bouncing too much around you - so you just want to get out of the jumping castle but you don’t want to get out because you love them. However like they are scaring you and you want air but they are just bouncing, bouncing, bouncing beside you making things really uncomfortable for you. YEAH that’s what the feeling this is like.

Number two; I tried to befriend Brother Grimm at Climax Control but he never showered up and that breaks my heart. Now I know everyone is like “No Melly don’t do it” “He is evil” I don’t buy it I think he is alone and that makes me sad. Nobody should feel alone especially the Boogeymen I mean who wants to Boogie on their own when the world is one big dance floor? He is missing out on some fun and that makes me sad. He should be happy; he should have friends, so this week I will try once again to find Mr Grimm. Never fear Melephants I won’t stop until he is our number one fan. PLUS everyone said that Rage is scary but he has let me hug him Sooooooooo he can’t be that bad.

Number three; At Climax Control last Sunday the crazy Doctor tried to tell me that I might be injured. I’ll have you know Mr Dr Cold Hands, I’m not injured. I just have a bit of stiffness and bruising to my right arm NOTHING that will stop me from wrestling this Sunday night… against Mikah. Eeep Mikah. I would just like to take a moment out to let everyone know, YES I should have just let Evie and Alexis rip each other apart but well the inner Powerpuff girl in me wouldn’t allow it but SINCE they want to act like children I HOPE they are happy with that they did to me. I now have a massive egg on the side of my head and will have to sit through two hours of hair and makeup instead of one. That means earlier wake up times, longer days and less sleep. I’m really glad that ripping each other apart and looking like jack-basses is worth it ladies.

Classless Rookies, I don’t like them.

Okay that’s a lie I like everyone.

Number four; This Sunday night I have to face Mikah again… and this right here alone troubles me. Nevertheless I have beaten her once before but that doesn’t mean I have what it takes in me to beat her again, I mean she is Tommy Knock’s poster child of greatness how am I meant to topple that? Not only that, Mikah has been back on her winning ways. She is back in full Mikah mode and last time we faced each other everyone told me I didn’t actually go one on one with the true Mikah I went one on one with the shell of Mikah. So this week not only will it be filled with movie filming but it will also be filled with training myself up so I have what it takes so show the whole world once more that I have what it takes to beat the best. I want to be the best and to be the best I have to beat Mikah Green once again.  

Not only that, now let’s take a little look at this little web of tangled confusion. I’m facing Mikah, Mikah is married to Drake Green who I’m filming the move with. I’m currently dating J2H. I’m friends with Drake Green. Drake is friends with me. Drake Green and J2H don’t get along. J2H and Mikah are friends. J2H likes Mikah. Mikah doesn’t really like me and I don’t really like Mikah. Mikah THINKS she is Despy’s best friend but I’M Despy’s best friend. It’s like five single lives all bawled up into one epic storyline for The Bold and The Beautiful really. I’m so confused; however it will all work out in the end. Well hopefully it does because I don’t think SCW has enough money to pay us all to do counselling.

Whoa that’s a massive messy web that we are all in. It should make for good Television though.

Okay so those are my four facts this week about what has been happening in my life and what is going to happen in my life. It’s crazy huh? Who would have thought that in the last two weeks of my little life I would have some of my greatest highlights aka doing most of my own stunts, working on a very reputable movie, learning from Drake Green and meeting the COOLEST chick in Cameron? To also refacing some of the darkness times of my life a pending / looming Jamel break up? I mean that’s what everyone is waiting for right that’s what everyone is hoping for. I mean well apart from me and hopefully James but if you have caught us on Twitter lately things haven’t’ exactly been smooth sailing lol it’s a boat PUN! You know since James got a boat and all? Haha I’m funny. We have been fighting like right little spoilt brats on Twitter and that right there needs to stop. I mean we are professional athletes and people don’t follow us to see us yelling and screaming at each other with Caps-lock.

Last week alone was enough to break us, I mean he was slandering me on Twitter to other people so I tried to ignore it an focus on posting happy and positive images so people wouldn’t think too much into but like all super cell storms there is always the calm before it. Boom before I knew it we were knees deep into an argument and James basically saying that I can do whatever I want because I always do what I want anyways. If that was the case J2H I would have twelve puppies and we would be living together. Anyways in my eyes it’s all a big trust issues, James doesn’t trust me I mean why should he? Last time we were together he was in a fake marriage and when he found out I basically got up and ran away. I understand that I do and those scars would be hard to heal but the fact is once we started fresh we both said we would put our differences to the side, we would put the stupid past behind us and we would work on something new. Since deep down before all that craziness happened James really did have a tiny little crush on me even tho he will never admit it, I mean the wedding was his idea… I just went along with it and well we all know how I feel about James Huntington-Hawkes III I’ve been very unsubtle since day one.  

I’ve loved him since the beginning hence was I was obsessed with getting to know him, I still am that’s why I will do whatever it takes to show him that. In saying that though I signed up for this movie before we even got back together and he knows that, he also knows that legally I can’t get out of it. Not that I want to, It’s an amazing experience for me I’m learning so much and developing into a well-rounded performer… I just wish he could open his eyes to see it. That’s why I took matters into my own hands earlier this week when I had a day off from filming.

I could have done what everyone else did; I could have taken the day off to explore Vancouver. I could have taken the day off to do team building activities. I could have spent the day in my five star hotel room lapping up the perks of being a movie star but NO. NO I clocked off set and headed straight to the airport sat on a private jet with Odette and Lucas and sent a text out to James which got no reply so I sent out a public tweet I asked him on a scale of 1 – 10 how mad he was at me? Hoping that would break the ice… it didn’t in fact I was like the titanic and bashed into an iceberg an innocent tweet that was meant to open up an avenue for me to surprise him that I was coming home… well going to his home to surprise him went down south in a big way. Names were called, allegations were pitted against me… so I just gave it to him straight when I asked him “ Do you want to see me, Yes or no?” to which he replied with “Why even ask when ya clearly don’t listen anyways?”

Oh I listen very well James! I don’t have selective hearing.

Anyways we went back and forth back and forth until it ended with my favourite angry Mel phrase of all time… “Whatever”

The word of doom!

You have been warned if I EVER and I mean E.V.E.R. hit you with the “Whatever” you have messed up and you’re going to pay for it and boy oh boy did James pay for it. You wanna know what happened next? Let’s just say a swarm of bugs descended from the heavens and made the appropriate impact.

If you follow James on Twitter and you want to know what that noise was outside his house was and why he had the sudden urge to lock all his doors or run for his boat? I suggest you get your popcorn ready; you hit the lights and get ready for the show that starts right nooooooooooooooooowww.


Flashback; Friday 2nd September – The plan

We open up inside the lavish private jet that Gabriel had arranged for Odette to use while she flew from Vegas to Vancouver to spend time with Melody. It was your standard private jet it had big comfy seats, personal bathrooms and two big beds for them to sleep in. There was a section that was clearly Lucas’ corner as it had some toys spread around but it also had an ultra-safe baby bed. Speaking of Lucas, the sleeping bundle of job could be snuggled up against Odette’s chest as she ran her fingers through his hair rocking him softy keeping him asleep during the flight. Odette was sitting in one of the big comfy looking arm chairs she had a blanket drawn over the top of her, to her right hand side was Melody Grace. Mel was sitting in the chair beside Odette, she had her phone in her right hands are her thumbs bashed away at the touch screen as she smashed out a text message. The two best friends that were basically sisters didn’t sit in silence for long as Odette’s harsh Australian accent could be heard.  

Odette: You know this is borderline crazy right?

The brunette turned to look at her first with a concerned look on her face, while she rocked her son close to the body. The radiance of motherhood was glowing off of her.  

Melody: I don’t care.

The Californian bit back as she looked up at the older wiser Odette; she put her phone down and brushed a strand of her mid-length blonde hair behind her ear.

Odette: Like totally crazy, like it’s going to get car crash ugly.

Odette’s green eyes were staring into Melody’s hazel ones hoping that she would driver her point home to her, she was being crazy.

Melody: Only for him.

Melody didn’t even bat an eyelid as she bit back with her reply, making sure she kept her voice down so she didn’t wake the sleeping toddler.

Odette: You sure I can’t come with you and watch this all unfold? So if it blows up in your face I can say I told you so but I will also be there for support… but if this goes right… well Melody Grace Carpenter you’re a genius.

Odette flashed Melody a smile, a smile that Melody was way too eager to reply with.

Melody: That’s why I have glasses O.

Melody wiggled her glasses that were over her eyes before she winked at her friend. Odette held back a chuckle as she returned back to the seriousness of their conversation.

Odette: So run me through the plan once again? I need to make sure there’s no room for errors… also I need to get the story straight for when I’m explaining this all to Gabriel after I use a cool two hundred K… bailing you out of jail.

Melody’s mouth flung open she didn’t even think of that outcome, surely her grand plan wouldn’t come to that?

Melody: I’m not going to Jail… again.

She whispered her reply trying to shake the memories of Norway out of her head when she had a run in with the law. Melody crossed her arms under her chest and held onto herself as she started to worry about her idea.

Odette: With an idea like this one, who needs freedom?

Odette reached across and gave Melody a little friendly push as she tried to lighten the mood as she could see that her first was starting to over think things.

Melody: You’re not helping.

Melody looked at Odette with a stern look on her face she really needed her friends support right now and not her judgement. However if she knew one thing about Odette it’s that she was always honest and she always told everyone what she thought.

Odette: I’m sorry Melody it’s just… well what do you expect him to do? Do you honestly think he is going to be thrilled about this?

Melody listened to her friend’s questions and sighed she hadn’t really thought about how “he” would take it? Biting on her lower lip the young blonde finally came out with some words in response.

Melody: I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m sorting this rubbish out now we either stay together or we break up but I’m not hanging on to this fighting rubbish… I need to treat it like a band aid.

The blonde nodded to herself as if she was agreeing with what she was saying, which was always a good sign when you’re about to do something big that could affect your whole world within a click of a finger.

Odette: My little girl is all grown up and I’m so proud of her.

Odette couldn’t help but smile her little Melody had grown up so much in the last few years and she was finally turning to a more mature yet still immature woman. However she was still struggling with the whole boundaries thing and her ideas was defiantly going to blur that line once again.

Melody: Be proud of me if this all works.

She looked back over at Odette before looking down at Lucas who was sound of sleep. No matter how mad she was at her boyfriend right now, all of her anger melted away when she saw the sweetest and cutest look on his tiny sleeping face. He was going to be a little heart breaker for sure; however that would be Odette’s and Gabriel’s struggle in the not so distant future.

Odette: Hey work or doesn’t work you’ve got guts babe. Now once again tell me what the plan is?

Melody returned her gaze back up to Odette and she fell silent for a moment, she was trying to think about what Odette had just asked her as she was too caught up in baby Lucas for the moment. Then she remembered why she was so mad, why she was sitting on this plane at next to midnight and what her grand plan was.  

Melody: Okay so we fly in to Los Angeles and since we are in a private jet I will get express clearance through customs… after I clear customs I will get transferred to the helicopter airport… is that what it’s called? Surely there is a fancy name for it but I dunno it… anyways I’ve told Mr Jenkins who flies James’ helicopter to meet me there and that’s when I get into the Helicopter and he choppers me OVER the terrible Los Angeles traffic straight to James’ backyard… once I’m in his backyard I will storm his backyard, walk around the outside of his house and march right up to his front door and I will pound on it until he opens it and once the door opens I will give him a piece of my mind followed by a stern look…

As she spoke about her grand plan Melody was acting it out in her chair as she swung her arms around as she was “marching” she used her right hand as ball as she knocked on the door adding a little extra drama to the already dramatic situation. Odette couldn’t look away as her best friend laid out her evil master mind of a plan and she smiled.  

Odette: You mean you will get all teary and beg for his forgiveness?

Odette knew Melody she knew her more than anyone else so she knew that Melody very rarely kept her word when it came to things she was going to do or say to James in fear that she would lose him. However this time round there was something different about the way Melody was talking, it was as if she had enough and she wanted to solve their issues once and for all.

Melody: I have nothing to be sorry for, so I’m not begging for anything.

She quickly folded her arms up and pressed them into her chest to driver her point home.

Odette: That’s my girl.

Odette smiles on like a proud mother as she watched Melody stern look on her face finally soften. She really hoped that her friend would follow through with her plan because she was sick of seeing her losing sleep over these endless disagreements on Twitter. Not only that but she wanted both Melody and James to be happy and maybe just maybe they weren’t meant to be happy together but this plan right here right now as evil or as crazy as it was, it would be the piece of the puzzle that would either make them or break them.

Melody: Anyways whatever happens from that moment will happen he will either see this as a token of my love or a sign that I’m completely crazy and I need to be removed.

Melody looked at Odette and the two nodded in agreement they both knew that after this plan took place that either Jamel was going to be still standing or they would be divided and going their own ways. Melody hoped that everything would work out, she didn’t want to be without James but right now she felt like she couldn’t force him to change his mind about his obvious negative feelings towards her choice of staring alongside Drake Green in Jack Hammer 3.

Odette: I just have one more question?

Odette had that evil glint in her eyes that the SCW universe had missed seeing for a very long time.

Melody: What’s that?

Melody looked at her “Sister” and smiled waiting for her last minute question.

Odette: Are you going to storm his lawn and pound on his front door to win his heart in that outfit or like do we have time to freshen you up and make you all pretty?

The tone in the Aussies voice went from harsh to excited, she missed doing girly things with Melody and she wasn’t going to let this chance slip through her fingers.

Melody: I don’t need to look pretty Odette I need to look serious… but yes we have a three hour flight… so if you could like help me out just a little bit that would be lovely… I want my appearance to say I mean business but I also love you and I want you to sort your rubbish out and love me too?

Odette got up from her seat she walked over with Lucas in her hands and placed him down in his bed before covering him with a blanket. Making sure he was comfortable and making sure that he wasn’t going to wake up Odette finally spun around on her heels looking her best friend up and down she was desperate need of a makeover right now.

Odette: Right so I’m going for the classy but shut up and take me right here right now look?

Typical Odette always thinking about the outcome and not the problem it was part of her charm and one of the many reasons why Gabriel loved her. Melody’s face flushed bright red as she blushed, as her hands came up to cover her face in embarrassment.

Melody: O…

Before Melody could finish her sentence Odette reached out and grabbed onto her left hand and pulled her friend up to her feet. She ushered Melody to turn around and the two headed towards the on board bedroom and bathroom.  

Odette: It’s too late Melly; I’ve already got an outfit in mind.

Melody looked back over her shoulder and looked up at her best friend who was pushing her towards the bedroom with a massive smile on her face. She was going to be in very capable hands, if this whole fly in sort the problem directly in your face type of plan wasn’t going to shock James. Odette was going to make sure that Melody’s outfit hit him out the park for six – ah yes a cricket term. After all why just shock him when you can leave him breathless?


Flashback; Friday 2nd September – Operation save Jamel

If you’re on Twitter you would have seen a Tweet from J2H that read “What the F**k is that noise outside?” Well my friends that noise outside was a multimillion dollar helicopter flying into J2H’s backyard and landing somewhere near his prized possession. His pool! Neat huh? Melody is so crafty and yet so evil all in the same sense it’s beautiful.

Opening up outside the front double wooden doors at J2H’s Beverley Hills Mansion Melody Grace Carpenter can be found pounding her closer right fist on the door while her left index finger was ringing James’ doorbell over and over and over again. If there was one pet hate James had that Melody knew would flare him up more that was ringing her door bell over and over again, sh was angry and she was damn sure she was going to make him suffer the wrath of Miss Melody Carpenter. As the young blonde continued to pound away at the door it was a few moments later that the front doors pulled away from her closed fist as it opened in wards and the owner of the house James Huntington-Hawkes III could be seen. He was wearing a pair of grey tracksuit pants that had “The Life of Pablo” written down the sides of ear leg. He was wearing one of the latest trends that Kayne West was going to debut in a few days-time at New York Fashion Week, however being that rich and that famous J2H was able to get his hands on the line before everyone else. He was shirtless, his hair was a mess but the tired drained look on his face was the clincher that had Melody second guessing her decision to come here so late at night.

J2H: What the…

Before James could finish his sentence Melody side stepped him and entered his home, before twirling back around to look at him. She heard the large double wooden doors slam shut knowing that he had processed what she had just done to him and he was livid.

Melody: What the hell is your problem? Seriously James…

Melody’s normally cool calm collective voice was shaky she was mad, she didn’t often stand up for herself or voice her corners or her issues but tonight was a different night. Tonight was the night she knew she had to air out all of her grievances or she would regret it for the rest of her life.

J2H: My problem? You know what my…

James had finally spun around and he was now looking at his Girlfriend who was way too dressed up at this time of night, however he was too angry to appreciate her beauty at this second as he was too busy shooting daggers in her direction.

Melody: I can’t believe you would be this selfish over something… seriously I knew you didn’t like the idea of me doing something for myself and being in a movie with he who shall not be named Drake but seriously? You want to go around all week on Twitter and act like a little cry baby?

Melody made her way up to James and without even thinking she pushed her right hand towards him catching his shoulder as she nudged him. James looked down at her hand as it stayed on his skin, he was too angry to notice that she had left her hand there not so she could hurt him but because she had missed the feeling of his flesh against hers. However Melody was too angry to see that she had left her hand pressed up against him to correct her movements right now.

J2H: How am I being a cry baby?

James eyes trailed from Melody’s hand on his shoulder along her long slender but toned arm before he finally looked up at her face. Their facial expressions were matching as they were both glaring at each other radiating so much heat, so much dislike towards each other. It wasn’t that they hated each other, they just hated this situation that they were both in where both of them were too suborn to actually go ahead and say that they really wanted to say to one enough right now. “I miss you” they did miss each other but right now they were both hurting and both putting up their walls trying to protect themselves in fear of being rejected, in fear of being dumped and in fear of having this relationship once again crash and burn.

Melody: Poor little ol’ James, poor James who can’t trust his girlfriend even tho he says he does… won’t stand beside her and be supportive because he is soooo damn worried about “Drake the Snake” to see past his own bloody nose… you know how stupid it looks right? You know how it makes me look right? I mean if you don’t honestly care about that fact picture what it’s making you look like right now? A jealous little spiteful boy… You’re honestly so bloody concerned about Drake doing something to me that you can’t see the blaring obvious cobra that’s trying to weave her way into your damn life… but yet you wanna call Drake the snake? You wanna call me out on Twitter when in reality you’re in God damn same boat… I could be bitching at you because you’ve got Mikah ALL OVER YOU… but do you hear me complaining? No because I trust you… I don’t like her I don’t trust her but I trust you enough to know that if she was to make a move on you, you would shut it down why can’t you do the same thing for me?

Melody finally moved her hand off of James’ shoulder as she brought it up to her face to push a strand of her mid length blonde hair behind her ear so she had a clear view of James. James on the other hand was looking at Melody confused, unsure of where she was leading with this but he wasn’t going to let her just snap at him and him not snap back.

J2H: Really Mel? You’re going to drag Mikah into this?

His voice sounded like venom spitting from a cobra as he spat his words out as he looked over at his girlfriend, he didn’t know what she was talking about but he wasn’t going to be accused of something that he knew nothing about. Mel was fired up she could see what was happening and it was the same damn thing that James was accusing of happening to her but he was too damn blind to see it. Melody took a step up towards James so he could see that her body was trembling he didn’t know if it was because she was that mad or because she was scared that something bad was going happen and she didn’t want it to. He had never seen her this way before; he had never witnessed her raw power when she was hurt or mad it was new to him so he didn’t know what to say or how to react as he just kept his narrowed eyes gazing into hers.  

Melody: Yes Mikah, the same Mikah that has snaked her way into more SCW stars beds than Drake has EVER been with women. So don’t try and tarnish my FRIENDSHIP with Drake with this stupid “he’s going to make a move on you” drama when everyone knows that we have been friends for ages, we have gone out to concerts to see Bruno Mars, we have gone to dinner and lunches in the past he even protected me at the Bruno concert from being trampled by a bunch of weird fans and NOTHING has ever happened because I DON’T LIKE HIM THAT WAY and he doesn’t like me. I DON’T want to be with him, I want to be with YOU. How can you not see that? How can you be so petty and so blind that you would potentially single handily self-destruct this relationship because of you being jealous or because you’re being irrational… get over your hate for Drake for the love of God.

She was defending Drake again in his house and that was enough to tip James off the edge of that cliff that he was doing a fine job of balancing on. He snarled at her first before he took a firm step towards her getting just inches away from her face. He looked at her up and down in disgust, how could she? No how DARE she come into his hour at this ungodly hour or the night after using HIS helicopter to wake the neighbourhood to stand in the middle of his foyer and defend Drake. His hands that were by his side had balled up into fists of rage, Melody looked down at him she wasn’t scared she knew he would never lay a finger on her. She wasn’t surprised by his reaction either, she knew that would rile him up she knew that would push his buttons but it was the truth and tonight was going to lay it all on the line and tell him the cold hard unforgivable truth. James just took his time to try and calm some of the fury that was building inside of him, the last thing he wanted to do was scream in her face even tho he would love nothing more than to do so. He just barked out between gritted teeth.

J2H: I think you should go; you can’t just barge into someone’s house and start bashing them Melody. Who do you think you are? I can’t believe you would DEFEND him in MY house… You need to get out…

He was now pointing at the two large wooden doors, the same doors that she had only walked through about three minutes ago. He wasn’t playing around as his body was shaking, he was livid at her. He was disgusted by her and she knew it. Melody just looked him up and down, her jaw dropping slightly as she went to speak but no words came out at first. She didn’t think tonight would run smoothly but she didn’t think she would drive him to the point where he would order her away. She went to turn and head towards the door but something inside of her stopped her as she quickly twirled back on her Jimmy Choo heels and retorted.

Melody: Go you want me to go, oh I’ll go alright and you will NEVER EVER have to deal with me again. You think my Norway silence was good, just know that I can top that and I will. ALSO “Someone’s” house… aka you mean your house, MY BOYFRIEND’s house have you already written us off James? I mean damn the Tweets sure as hell have come across that way… so why can’t you just say it to my face? Why not be a man about this whole situation huh? Now is your chance to show me your real colours James…

Melody was now standing toe to toe with James in his foyer looking dead into his eyes; she wanted to hear the words from his mouth so she could believe that’s what he wanted and as soon as he said them that would be all she needed to know that he in fact didn’t trust her.

J2H: Just go…

That was all she needed to hear and she took off but not in the direction of his front doors but in the direction of the rooms. James look at her confused not sure if he was witnessing this correctly so he blinked and double checked that he was completely disobeying his orders. However his eyes were correct as he witnessed her walking off further into his house.  

J2H: Where are you going?

Melody didn’t even turn back to look at him as she shouted down his hallway in reply.

Melody: I’m going to pack my things that I have here… is that alright so we don’t have to drag this bull-crap out over and over.

That’s when reality sunk in to James she was packing up her things and she was leaving, she was doing what he told her to do but he didn’t expect her to just freely do so. James just watched her disappear down the hallway before her closed his eyes as her heard the sound of a door being slammed shut. If there was another thing Melody knew it was that James hated people who slammed doors especially in his house, he didn’t pay all that money to have top of the line rustic wooden doors so disrespectful people would swing off them and slam them. So there James stands looking at the direction that Melody had just scampered off in with a bewildered look on his face, he was still angry but now a sudden wave of shock has overcome him and he didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Meanwhile Melody was inside one of the many guest’s rooms at J2H’s large Beverly Hill mansion, she was sitting with her back up against the back of the door sobbing into her hands. She didn’t want to leave; she didn’t want to pack her things and she surely didn’t want things to end this way.

Moments later Melody had dried her eyes and she had dragged a suitcase out from underneath the bed and she was hard at work packing her belongings that she had at James house. She didn’t have time to fold her clothes as she just whipped them into the suitcase before she was rushed around the room picking up her knick knacks stuffing her stuff inside the pink bag. She was just about to head towards the bathroom when she heard the door click open behind her. She didn’t turn back to look at James but that didn’t stop her body from stopping dead in its tracks. James made his way over towards Melody his eyes finally falling to her body seeing what she was wearing, his heart skipped a beat as he noticed she had obviously put time and effort in before arriving at his house unannounced trying to catch his eyes, trying to win him over. She was wearing a small pair of Jimmy Choo heels that were yellow; she had on a tight white off the shoulder dress that showed off just a little bit of skin but still kept her looking classy while her long blonde hair was out and curled around her face.  

J2H: You’re seriously packing?

He knew the answer but still he had to ask the question as he made his way up towards her. He looked at Melody and then down to her suitcase and all her personal belonging that was spread across the bed. She was honestly packing her things, he had hoped that she was just bluffing to try and get him to chase her but after what he had walked in on he could tell she was being serious. James couldn’t even get mad at her after all she was just doing what he had told her to do.

Melody: No I’m redecorating, what does it look like?

Her sweet voice was husky a sign that James knew to link with her if she had been crying. Melody didn’t bother to spin around to look at him; she didn’t want him to get the satisfaction of looking into her reddish eyes. However she didn’t need to as James took a few more steps up towards her, reaching out her place his right hand on top of hers and spun her around to look at him. He looked down into her eyes looking for a reason to still be mad at her but all was lost as he just left out a dry sigh. It was now or never.

J2H: Stay.

James continued to hold onto Melody’s hands within his as she looked up at him confused. Her eyebrows came together in a look of bewilderment he had just told her to leave and now he was asking her to stay? Talk about whiplash. Melody looked up at him, considering they were both the same height, right now she felt like she was a dwarf compared to him. Letting out a sigh she licked her dry lips before speaking towards him.  

Melody: Stay?

The look on her face said it all she was confused and she didn’t know what James actually wanted from her. She took a step closer to the bed so she could rest herself against it while James continued to look at her watching every move she made, that included each and every inhale and exhale.

J2H: As in don’t go… as in let’s just go to sleep you’re exhausted… I’m exhausted we can work things out in the morning.

James followed up his statement with a smile hoping that it would be enough to win Melody over so she would stop packing her things and calm down. He didn’t actually want her to leave but he was mad, paranoid and annoyed all rolled into one and he was taking it out on her. Melody moved her right hand away from James so she could push a strand of her blonde hair out of her face as she kept her eyes on his.

Melody: I’m not going to stay the night only to have you officially break up with me over breakfast. I don’t want that James.

She was being assertive something that wasn’t very natural for her so when she was laying down the law, she meant it. She didn’t want to hang around or drag this out if he was only going to drop her in the morning after pancakes. Melody looked at James and then at her stuff spread out on the bed. She had two choices and right now she didn’t know which the right one was. She wanted to stay everything in her body was telling her to stay but that little voice in her mind was screaming at her to leave in fear of being heartbroken.

J2H: I don’t want that either Mel, I also don’t want us the break up… so please I’m asking you to stay with me and we can sort this all out in the morning.

His hazel eyes fell into hers once more as he took another step closer towards her, she could tell he was telling the truth but the nervous Melly in her just had to ask the silliest questions at the worst time.

Melody: Are you sure?

She tried to hide a semi smile that was an awkward smile because she didn’t know why she would be smiling at a time like this. James on the other hand took another steps towards her she was now right under his chin, close enough for him to wrap his arms around and hug her. That’s what he wanted to do right now but he wasn’t sure if that’s what Melody wanted.

J2H: I’m sure.

His voice rolled out of his mouth as he looked down at her, while Melody took the last tiny step towards him. She placed her cold hands onto his bare chest which normally cause James to shudder but tonight he didn’t even care that they were freezing.

Melody: Positive?

James brought his hands up and placed them on top of hers as he coolly replied to his Melody.

J2H: Positive.

Melody was about to inch her way closer to him, she was about to kiss him everything in her body was screaming at her to kiss him. James had just done probably the sweetest thing for her and that was come to her first to solve their issues. Nevertheless the closer she got to kissing him she remembered that he was still underneath this moment of vulnerability he was still mad at her and he still had doubts about her. The young blonde took a step back and she turned away from James looking down at the bed that was covered in her belongings.

Melody: I better clear the bed than?

She went to turn completely away from him and start moving her stuff but James reached out and snapped at her hands, grabbing hold of them tightly but gently.

J2H: No.

Melody turned back to look up at James her eyebrows pressed together in confusion. No what did he mean by no?

Melody: No?

James nodded and that confused Melody even more before her felt his fingers lace with hers and he held her right hand, pulling on it gently trying to lead her away from his room.

J2H: Come with me.

Inside herself she could feel a million and one butterflies turning in her stomach, she didn’t know what he was up to as she had never seen this side of him. James just continued to gently yank at her hands trying to lead her away from this room.

Melody: Where are we going?

James turned back around and looked at Melody with a touch of annoyance on his face but he was trying his best to keep that under wraps he just wanted her to do what she was told for once and not ask questions. Was that so hard? Reaching up to his face with his free hand James hand it over his face hiding his emotions before he dragged his finger through his scruffy yet perfectly placed hair.

J2H: Just follow me Mel, why do you have to ask so many questions?

Melody looked across the room at James cracking an awkward smile as she snapped back.

Melody: Because the little voice inside my heart right now is yelling at me saying you’re going to lead me outside and lock the door?

She wanted to laugh, she didn’t know why because that would be terrible but for some reason she thought she was breaking some of the tension between them with a poorly timed joke. James didn’t see the funny side of it because right now she was putting up a road block in his on the spot plan.

J2H: I’m not going to make you sleep outside Mel. Why would you even think that?

His tone said it all he was upset with Mel’s accusation and even more upset that she would think that low of him, he had clearly missed the friendliness tone in her voice. She couldn’t blame him, he had been stuck in the attack and defence mode all week when it came to her so why would now be any different?

Melody: You make Dexter sleep outside so I was just curious.

She took a step up closer towards him before she was finally right by his side, her body moulding into his as she looked into his eyes. Her hazel eyes were pleading with his to see that she was only trying to break the ice. As she studied them she couldn’t help but notice the dark rings around his eyes, the worn and torn creases on his face as he hadn’t slept at all this week because of the torment she had put him through. Melody felt an instant kick to the guts as she looked at him, she felt responsible for all the pain that he was currently going through.

J2H: He’s an animal Mel, animals sleep outside… look this isn’t about Dexter right now… so just come with me please?

James gave it once last shot as he pulled on her hand once more and finally he was rewarded as he felt her body move with his, he was finally leading her to what he wanted to show her. The two left the guest room and headed back down the hallway she had previously stormed down.

Melody: Okay fine but like Dexter is going to be so mad when he finds out you said that this wasn’t about him, so heads up buddy.

Melody’s heels clicked off the hard wooden and tiled floors as she followed James, he was rushing her now as his steps got bigger as if he needed her to see something. She shuffled her feet a little faster as she walked behind him trying to catch up to him.

J2H: I’m being serious here Mel.

He turned back to look at her with a stern look on his face but she didn’t miss the slight smirk that was on his face and his lips curled up to the right. Melody was officially intrigued what on earth was he up too?

Melody: So was I?

The two continued on in silence as James lead Melody up the stairs inside his house before they rounded a corner and headed towards a separate wing of his house. Melody knew where she was being taken to all too well, it was his bedroom. She didn’t know what to make of this at first but she didn’t make a single sound as she watched James push open the double doors to his lavish over the top bedroom that as designed to a Tee. His room was immaculate not a single thing out of place, James held the doors open for Melody who nervously took a step inside his room. She didn’t know why she was so nervous this wasn’t her first time inside his private quarters but something inside of her was going jumping jacks. James just stood by the door as Melody looked around his monstrous bedroom, he still hadn’t said what he wanted to show her or what he wanted her to do or see as he was hoping the inner detective in Melody would come out to play. Her eyes wondered his room looking at his soft gold curtains that were wall length that covered the balcony that he used in some of her promotional videos, they rolled over to his big walk in wardrobe and she looked at all the small but expensive trinkets that were in his room. However she couldn’t see what she was meant to be looking for until her eyes scanned across his massive California king bed that stood loud and proud in the centre of the room. It was then her eyes scanned across the black pillow cases that had fancy gold letters stitched into them one read J2H while the other one that was on the left hand side of bed read MCG.

Melody took off towards the bed at a million miles per hour as she made a mad dash to the pillowcase that had her initials on it. She reached out and picked it up looking at it for a moment in time before she hugged it. Even though she had grown up with leaps and bounds in Sin City Wrestling she was still a big kid at heart as she held onto that pillow for dear life. It was the softest most pure pillow she had ever felt. Melody turned back to look at James with a massive smile on her face.

Melody: OH MY GOD… I have my own pillow? With my name on it? I thought you said you would never ever never ever get those stupid matching couple pillows?!

If you knew Melody, you would know she is OBSESSED with matching couple things to the point she has even asked James multiple times to buy matching Mickey Mouse ears at Disneyland but he always refused. So this right here was a big deal to Melody scratch that it was a MASSIVE deal for Melody.

J2H: I say a lot of things.

James finally started to walk across his bedroom floor towards Melody who was snuggling into her personalized pillow, had James known this is how excited she would have gotten over something so small and trivial he probably would have done it sooner. However this was a big deal to James as well because there was a secret meaning and a secret question behind all of this, it wasn’t just a set of matching pillow cases.  

Melody: Wait does this mean?

She turned to look up at James with that quizzical look on her face, she didn’t know if this meant what she thought it meant but she had to ask.

J2H: Yes…

James was now standing beside her looking down at her while Melody had a vice grip on her pillow, he wasn’t sure the memory foam was going to hold up its end of the bargain the way she was crushing it. Melody looked down at realised that she was smothering the pillow so she eased up the intensity of her hug before she looked back over at James.

Melody: You sure?

She had to make sure, of course she did and James wasn’t surprised that she had once again questioned him. However he just reached out and rested his hand onto of her bare shoulder and smiled at her hoping that would reassure her.

J2H: Yes, Mel I’ve always wanted you to sleep in my bed when you stay here, it’s always been your idea to sleep in “your” room… this is your room… you should have been here the whole time you were staying over.

Melody’s eyes started to water as she looked at James too scared to move right now in case she ruined this moment. James had now made his way around her so he was standing between Melody and his bed.

Melody: I thought I was doing the right thing by you… I know you like small baby micro steps with these things.

He couldn’t deny that fact but he felt weird and awkward that she never really shared his bed with him unless they were on SCW tour, Melody knew the value and the importance of sharing a bed with a boyfriend as she was brought up old fashioned. Men would only shared their beds once they had found the “one” it was something her grandmother had drilled into her mind since she was little. She couldn’t shake it and unfortunately James had to witness her stubbornness first hand when it came to her sleeping over at his house.

J2H: Well… I would like to change that so… thoughts?

He was smiling at her now hopeful that she would agree and that this would be the perfect solution to one of their problems that it would also set them off on the right path once they finally started to work out all of their issues tomorrow morning after breakfast.

Melody: I know that you’re still mad at me and I know that we still have a long way to go but this is honestly the nicest thing someone has ever done for me…

Melody had tears streaming down her face as she held onto her pillow, James looked at her not sure how to react at first before he swooped over in front of her placing his hands on either side of her face holding her gaze gently.

J2H: Why are you crying?

He ducked down took look into her eyes as he wiped the tears that were rolling down her face and warp speed. He didn’t know what was wrong but she finally parted her plump lips and smiled. A sigh of relief left his body as he looked down at her as Melody released the pillow from her dead like grip hug on it as she brought it down to her right hand to hold it.

Melody: Their happy tears and a mixture of I’m so exhausted and this pillow is the softest thing I’ve ever felt in my whole life tears and I just want to go to sleep on it right now tears.

She was nodding as if she had to agree with something but she didn’t need to agree with anything as she knew she was telling the truth. Finally, FINALLY she broke the distance between them as she parted her dry plump lips and placed them against his. James’ gently caressed the side of her face as Melody’s hands moved from the pillow up to his chest. James felt Melody’s body curve into his as she pressed up against his bare chest. His hands moved from her face down to her hips as he held onto them tightly his fingers gripping onto the fabric of her dress but she could feel his tough on her skin. Melody dropped the pillow gently down to her side as she wrapped her right arm around the back of his neck, while her left hand stayed on his chest as her finger nails dug into his exposed flesh. As their kiss started to deepen Melody quickly pulled away to look at him, James didn’t know if he had rushed this moment or what was going on as he looked for answers in his girlfriends eyes.  

Melody: I love you.

Melody looked at James before she looked down at the ground, she knew that he already knew that but this was the first real time she had said it out loud directly at him. Sure she had said it on Twitter and said it to others or said things in passing comments but she had never really looked into his eyes and told him soul to soul. James ran his tongue over his lips before he swallowed hard, his body flinching a little under her touch.  

J2H: Melody I…

She just squeezed onto his tighter before she cut him off midsentence she knew what was probably coming and she didn’t want an awkward conversation to follow so she just stopped it in its tracks.

Melody: It’s okay I know you’re not there yet; I however just wanted you to know…

She smiled at him before bringing her lips back to his once again for a small kiss, before Melody let him go and picked up her pillow that was on the floor before placing it up on the bed. She twirled around to look at him wondering what he was thinking. As James just stood there looking at her as if he wanted to say something but she had just ruined that moment for him. Melody turned back to look at her pillow and smiled, she had finally made him commit to a matching couples thing and to her that was massive. It was big enough to settle down all of her nerves in her body for now. Without even another word said Melody skipped off towards James’ walk in wardrobe and she disappeared for a few minutes before she returned back to his bedroom wearing one of his large baggy t-shirts. She stepped out of her heels and placed her belongings in a neat pile by her bedside table as she looked down at James who was sitting at the bottom of his bed, just looking at her.

Melody: You okay?

James got up from his spot at the base of the bed and he walked around to his side, as he ran his fingers through his hair.

J2H: Just tired.

He started to toss the extra pillows off his bed as Melody watched him, he looked exhausted and right now instead of fighting he just wanted to be sleeping. She quickly helped him pull the extra pillows away before the pulled back the covers of his bed before the two finally slipped into it together. Melody quickly wiggled to be by his side as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, something he was used to from their time together on the SCW cruise ship. As she snuggled into him and made herself comfortable James rested his chin on the top of Melody’s head. Bringing his hand up he ran his fingers through her hair as Melody traced the outline of his tattoos with her nails. It wasn’t long until Melody had wiggled her way up and the two were locked in another embrace before finally the two gave into one another and proceeded to make up for lost time.

We open up outside; unsure of the physical location however we find Miss Melody Grace sitting with her back towards the camera. Melody is sitting on the edge of a tall cliff her legs dangling off the edge as she pays no attention to us as we watched on behind her. She is wearing her favourite colour Yellow in a summertime flowing dress while her long blonde hair is out and pulled to one side. She lets out a slight sigh before she starts to speak.

Melody: Mikah, Mikah, Mikah... That's all I still hear about these days. Like Melody aren't you concerned that you will never be as good as Mikah? Aren't you concerned that you will never be able to topple the mythical giant that walks the halls of Sin City Wrestling called Mikah? Aren't you worried that you will never amount to anything when it comes to facing Mikah? She is THE best after all, not only that she is the fucking best that SCW has to offer. I'm so sick of hearing the same thing over and over again it's annoying as fuck and literally so over played it's like the terrible fucking basic bitch Veronica Taylor. Oh yeah I went there and I said it... Mikah in my eyes isn't in anyway shape or form different to Veronica Taylor and I'll stand by the fact until I turn blue in the face. Every week it's the same old crap "I don't want to go to work this weekend" "I'm not going to turn up you can't make me" "should I go to Vancouver and visit my husband or should I just stay in NYC?" No one gives a shit and no one  cares... Show up don't show up just shut the fuck up. It's not that hard to do in all honesty I mean just close your lips, hold them tight and try really really hard to just be quiet... The same thing could very well be said for the lips between your legs as well. Oh I know it's so ground breaking a slut joke being thrown at the born again Angel Mikah but let's be honest you're lonely since Drakey Boy is filming his movie with me so don't think I haven't noticed you trying to slide up into James' mentions. Do me a fucking favour step the fuck off before you expose and embarrass whatever shred of dignity you have left

She still doesn't look back or notice her audience, however her soft laughter is heard.

Melody: Shred of dignity... As if you have any of that left and yet here you are, here you stand week in week out trying to show the world you have changed. Tigers don't get spots and leopards don't get stripes... It's pretty simple. You're still the same evil, repulsive rat that entered SCW sometime ago... You're not going to fool me, you're not going to trick me and trust me when I say this Mikah my eyes a wide open. I see the way you still snake your way around backstage looking for your next meal... Hell all we need is for Simon Jones to show up to another live event and you'll be parading your self to him. Fluttering your eyelids, pretending to be his friend when we all know you're just dying to know if he is faithful... Deep down you know he is unavailable but that drives you... It's almost like a game... A game you know you're going to lose but you still play it anyways because well a tiger never changes its stripes and a leopard never looses its spots. You are what you are and you will forever and for always will be a spiteful but tactical whore who will stop at nothing to gain the attention of the male you set your sites on next... I see you have picked James and well let me just warn you... You're barking up the wrong tree if you think James is going to take you under his wing and comfort you in this time of need because Drake and I are filming a movie together and you're bored. I know for a fact he wouldn't let you anywhere near him and he wouldn't let you slip in between his sheets because he knows what you are and he knows where you have been... And let's be honest it's basically everywhere. I mean you're own tag line is that you're a dirty little girl. Vomit, vomit, vomit.

Still she doesn't turn around as she continues to speak the wind around her picks up as she just looks out into the beautiful canyon in front of her.

Melody: I know that you will give me a warning about Drake and tell me not to get to close or not to mooch off of him. You'll tell me you will break me in half and you will destroy me if I even think about touching him... Well trust me Mikah you have nothing to fear because why would I want to touch something that has been tainted by your hands? Sure Drake is my friend but trust me when I say this, you're the worst thing about him and well even when this bullshit marriage is null and void... You will still be the worst thing about him. You have ruined him and one day he will wake up and see that... One day he will wake up and see you for what you are an automatic revolving door that has a one track entitled mind... He will wake up and see that one day, but trust me on behalf of all the women in this world who has any sense, you have ruined him for all. That's saying something considering one of the main priorities and roles of a wife is to lift the spirits and help make their husbands a better person... You crashed and burned by ruining him, dragging him down and destroying him with your inability to see past yourself. You think he thinks it's cute when you say on Twitter you don't know if you could be bothered to see him? You're humiliating him and you either can't even see it or you can see it and you don't even care because you're heartless and jealous. Jealous that he will always outshine you.

Melody still didn't turn around but she took a moment to collect her thoughts.

Melody: Speaking of outshining you...this all leads to us having a match this Sunday night where once again I get to face the one they call Mikah... The best of the best. The most dominate bombshell in Sin City Wrestling history. You remember what happened in our last match don't you Mikah? You remember how you went in all confident that you were going to win and that you were going to teach me a lesson and expose me to the world for whom I really am? That's cute considering what the outcome was. The outcome was me getting my hand raised in victory so what makes you think that this Sunday night will be any different? What have you done to change yourself or warrant yourself as even tough enough competition for me? You have just floated in and out of SCW dilly dallying around getting Bombshell Championship matches just handed to you only for you to come up short but you have your infamous favourite line that you tell us each and every-time you fail... "You carried this division for nine months, you have nothing to prove" how wrong you are Mikah. I mean you might have "carried" this division for a term of a pregnancy but since you lost your Bombshell Championship you have been a Yoyo... You have everything to prove, mainly the point of you relevancy I mean are you even needed in Sin City Wrestling anymore? It's clear to me that you're old news, you're washed up and past your prime and why do I say all these mean things about you? Because you're nothing but a sore loser. You're still hung up on the fact that you LOST your SCW Bombshell Championship and that's why each and every week you bitch and moan about having to go to work... You're covering up and making excuses for your lack of self worth and lack of drive to even be in this company anymore. I mean what have you honestly done since your big lost that is ground breaking? Nothing... What will you do now since your lies have been exposed? Nothing. Wash rinse repeat.

Melody finally turns back to look at her audience with a sly smile.

Melody: So this Sunday night I get to face the disrespectful Mikah, the woman who can't be bothered to call me by my name and only uses the term "that girl" on Twitter and this Sunday night I look forward to making it impossible for her to disrespect me again. I'm sick and tired of certain people over looking me in Sin City Wrestling and that all stops this Sunday night... So far since my return I have been undefeated... I have fought the odds I have taken on the likes of everyone from Amy Marshall to Mikah. I have beaten everyone who has been put before me and STILL here I sit without one single mainevent match under my belt... Here I sit with the Bombshell Internet Championship being told that I'm ruining the belt that I'm lazy and that I'm choking the division... Lazy? I've called everyone out twice and NOTHING. You know what else bugs the shit out of me how the fuck is my match with Mikah lower on the card than Veronica boring fucking Taylor's? I just don't understand why, why I feel like I'm being held back... I don't understand why I get the feeling I'm being punished. Since my return I have busted arse and literally broken my body for this company but here I sit getting mocked, getting laughed at and getting treated like shit. No more, no fucking more. I'm done. I'm one hundred percent done with it. You wanted me to wake up I'll wake up and I'll rip this division to pieces... I'll start knocking on doors and I'll make something happen... I mean look at Alexis and Evie all they need to do is start a backstage brawl and people flock to them and pander to them giving them what they want maybe I need to have the same attitude? Maybe I need to have the same fucking approach... Maybe I just to do everyone else's work for them.

Melody continues to look back over her shoulder towards her audience.

Melody: It all starts this Sunday night when I take on Mikah. I will break the chains that I feel restricted by and I will show everyone in Sin City Wrestling and the entire world that I mean business and that I shouldn't be over looked I shouldn't be over shadowed... I will also show everyone that I have what it takes to beat Mikah once again. I have to beat Mikah again. It's the only way I can cement my way into Sin City Wrestling and remove this failure tag that I have been labeled with. So at Climax Control I don't give a fuck Mikah if you are "buddies" with MY best friend Despy, I don't give a fuck that you're married to Drake and I sure as shit won't give a flying fuck that you're trying to swoon your way into MY James' bed and life... I will not stop at anything to beat you again... I'm gunning for you I'm targeting you and finally after out match at Climax Control we will finally get a better understanding of who the best is... Will I beat you and take the best out of three? Or will you step the fuck up and tie up the series? That's cute... It's also just a dream... I will Melody Grace Carpenter might be going into Climax Control as the silent little lamb and you're our fearless Shepard... But trust me... You won't be leading this lamb to the slaughter...

With that said and done Melody cracked an evil smile on her face before the sound of a loud buzzing sound snapped her attention.

Buzz buzz buzz.

And back to reality as Melody jumped up in her bed rubbing her tired eyes as she desperately looked around in the dark for her alarm clock. Slamming her right fist down on it she shut it off before a s
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 09:59:49 PM by Melody Grace »

Offline Melody Grace

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The fight.
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2016, 10:00:39 PM »
 J2H: Do you want me to come there?

Melody: No it's okay... I'm coming home.

With that exchanged shared the two continued to talk and we fade.
