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    • Bill Barnhart
« on: November 24, 2023, 09:38:32 AM »

Narrator:  When Bea Barnhart found out she was scheduled for a match at Climax Control 379, and that match is against Ariana Angelos for the Bombshell Internet Championship, she immediately called me to tell me she will become the Bombshell Internet Champion on Sunday, December 26, 2023.


The scene shifts to WSB-TV Channel 2 in Atlanta, Georgia. On the screen we see their Sports Anchor, Anthony Amey, at his Sports Anchor desk.

Of course we are wondering why we are getting a shot of Anthony Amey in the studio of WSB-TV Channel 2 in Atlanta when Bea and Bill Barnhart are on tour with Sin City Wrestling and they are in Tempe, Arizona, at Climax Control 379, where Bea will be facing off against Ariana Angeles with the Bombshell Internet Championship on the line. We that Anthony Amey will explain what is going on.

Anthony Amey:  Hi! I’m Anthony Amey and I am the Sports Anchor at WSB-TV Channel 2 in Atlanta, Georgia. I’m broadcasting at this time as I have a special guest for today and that special guest is Bea Barnhart. In just a moment our Techs will link up with the Network in Tempe, Arizona, at the Mullett Arena, on Sunday, November 26, 2023, and she is facing Arizona Angelos for the Bombshell Internet Championship.

The Techs in the Sports Studio inform Anthony Amey that they have the link with Bea Barnhart in Tempe, Arizona. Quickly they arrange for a split-screen so that we can get a shot of Anthony Amey and Bea Barnhart at the same time.

Anthony Amey:  Welcome to my Sports broadcast today. I have a lot of questions for you so I hope you are ready to answer the questions for our viewers.

Bea:  Not only am I ready to answer all your questions I am also ready to destroy Ariana Angelos and become the next Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Internet Champion.

Anthony Amey:  Wow! I’ve seen confidence from you and Bill before for your level of confidence today is way off the charts. Can you give reasons why you are so confident you will defeat Ariana Angelos and become the next Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Internet Champion?

Bea:  Before I answer your question I want to ask you to respond to my question. Deal?

Anthony Amey:  Deal!

Bea:  Have you ever driven into a parked parking lot at a mall, the airport, etc., and you quickly find an open parking space near the entrance to the place you are going?

Anthony Amey:  Yes.

Bea:  Have you ever entered a contest where you could win two free tickets to a concert but you figure with the hundreds of people entering the contest there was no way you could win but then when they pull the winning entry it is yours and you win two free tickets to the concert?

Anthony Amey:  That did happen to me once. May I ask why you asked me those questions?

Bea:  When the card for Climax Control 379 was posted and I saw I had a Bombshell Internet Championship match against Ariana Angelos all my senses were tingling. . .all the alarms were sounding a positive sound. . .in my heart and mind I knew this was a golden opportunity dropped in my lap for me to obtain the Bombshell Internet Championship. With Ariana having a seriously injured hand and wrist I have every advantage. Ariana is not healed from her injury and the only reason she signed the Contract for this match is that Management told her if she is unable to participate in this match she will be stripped of the Bombshell Internet Championship. There’s no way I could lose!

Anthony Amey:  I can think of a few ways you might lose if you want to hear them.

Bea:  Sure I would love to hear your conspiracy theories on how Ariana might defeat me.

Anthony Amey:  Ariana might cheat by using and illegal hold or she might attack you with an illegal weapon but the Referee doesn’t see her cheating. Ariana might pay for interference from friends and they might take you out while the Referee has their back turned.

Bea:  Simple. I have already spoken to the team of Referees and told them if they are the one assigned to my match that I want them to be exceptionally aware of what is going on because an injured opponent, as Ariana is, might try to cheat, use illegal holds, use weapons, or have someone interfere in the match. They all agreed they would do what I requested. On the subject of interference by friends of Ariana that isn’t going to be allowed. I not only have my husband, Bill, closely watching the ring during our match, but I also have several others who are ready to run out and stop the paid thugs of Ariana from attacking me or interfering in our match. I also made one final request but I’m not sure it will be agreed to.

Anthony Amey:  What is that request?

Bea:  I asked if there can be a stipulation put upon our match. I asked because in most Championship matches if the Champion loses because they cheated and got Disqualified, or if they had interference and got Disqualified, they would lose the match but not the Championship. I told them I’m not going to tolerate having Ariana deliberately get Disqualified so that she will not lose the Bombshell Internet Championship to me. That’s not an unreasonable request and I believe it will be agreed upon.

Anthony Amey:  I hope they will grant you that stipulation for your match so that you don’t get cheated out of your deserved victory. Now, Bea, several of our viewers from the Atlanta area sent questions to me and they want to know if you are willing to answer their questions.

Bea:  Of course I’ll answer their questions. I’m a wrestler who is for the benefit of the fans and not for the benefit of myself.

Anthony Amey:  I went through all the questions submitted to me and I selected three of them for you to answer. Are you ready?

Bea:  Ready to answer their questions and ready to kick ass on Ariano Angelos and walk out of our match as the newly crowned Bombshell Internet Championship.

Anthony Amey:  The first question is if you will honor the concept that when you defeat a Champion that the first defense of that Championship should be against the wrestler you won the Championship from?

Bea:  On the official Card for Climax Control 379 it states that the wrestler who wins my match, me of course, will defend the Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Internet Championship against Courtney Pierce at December 2 Dismember V. With that being in the stipulations of the match that means me, and winner of my match with Ariana, will successfully defend my Bombshell Internet Championship against Courtney Pierce first then I will gladly allow Ariana Angelos a chance against me so I can defeat and humiliate her again.

Anthony Amey:  The next question asked is what would you do if Ariana cheats during the match, whether it is foreign objects, illegal holds, or having people interfere in the match to try to help her get a cheap win? And if Bill steps up to try to prevent those things from happening but the Referee blames him for interference what would you do?

Bea:  I would demand the Referee stop the match and review all the video taken from when the illegal activities, cheating, foreign objects, illegal holds, or interference started so that the Referee could see that I did nothing wrong, and Bill did nothing wrong, and that all the wrong doing is done by Ariana and her thugs. If the Referee fails to adhere to the concept of officiating a wrestling match by the rules I would take my complaint to Management for a final decision.

Anthony Amey:  The final questions is a two-park question a viewer submitted. Do you honestly feel that you would take full advantage of the injured hand and wrist of Ariana in your match? Also are you and Bill seriously okay with your English Bulldog Iris dating Senor Vinnie’s friend Pete The Cactus.

Bea:  Of course I would take advantage of the injuries Ariana suffered! What wrestler would fail to take advantage against their opponents when they have an opportunity to do so? If you back off on an opponent who has valid injury, or they have not fully recovered yet, then you risk that the opponent may be well again and they are faking still having the injury and by not taking the advantage of the injury you are cheating yourself. So, yes, Ariana is going to have a full blown attack by me and she will feel as though she was hit by a Category 5 Hurricane. . .Hurricane Bea that is. And, yes, me and Bill are close friends with Senor Vinnie and we are allowing Iris to date Pete The Cactus.

Anthony Amey:  Thank you for joining me today to have this discussion. Your fans in the Atlanta Metro area are cheering you on in your upcoming match and they are telling me they want you to win and bring the Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Internet Championship back to Atlanta.

Bea:  Thank you for asking me on your broadcast today Anthony. I will return to broadcasting comments concerning my Bombshell Internet Championship match shortly as I need to take care of a few things first then when the camera person arrives at my hotel room and start broadcasting my comment I will be on screen again.



The scene opens showing Bill and Bea Barnhart sitting on the couch in their hotel room. The camera person assigned to them has already set up their equipment and they are getting the camera focused and they are making sure the Network has the feed connection. Assured all is well and they are live broadcasting the camera person informs Bea they are live broadcasting.

Bea:  Thanks for joining us today. Bill is with me in case I want him to comment on things but for this presentation I plan on doing most of the comments. Bill is there anything you wish to comment on before I start my comments?

Bill:  Not yet. When you are ready for me to comment on something let me know.


Bea:  I’ll start my comments concerning how me and Ariana measure up against each other. I come into this match at 5 feet 5 inches and 130 pounds. Ariana comes into this match at 5 feet 6 inches and 120 pounds. On paper we are even in the stats. In reality I have the advantage as I’m at 100 percent capacity while Ariana is around 75 percent capacity with her injured hand. Advantage. . .ME!

Bea points to herself when she made that previous comment about her having the advantage over Ariana.

Bea:  The next item on the list is how me and Ariana did against each other in wrestling matches. It turns out that the only match to date where me and Ariana were involved in the same match was at Climax Control 366 on July 16, 2023. It was not a Singles match between the two of us. It was a Mixed Tag Team Qualifier match with me and Bill teamed against the Mixed Tag Team of Helluva Bottom Carter and Ariana Angelos. And how did that match end? It ended when Helluva Bottom Carter pinned Bill for the win. With that thrown into your face that means me and Ariana are 0-0 against each other in Singles competition. This coming Sunday, at Climax Control 379, I will go 1-0 against Ariana and Ariana will go 0-1 against me. And I have to tell you that the Bombshell Internet Championship belt is going to look damn amazing around my waist!

Bea informs the camera person she will take a quick break and that she will continue with her comments on her upcoming match quickly. The camera person acknowledges Bea’s comment as Bea goes off-camera to take care of something. Bea returns quickly and she continues with her comments.


Bea:  Ariana I would like to present something to you so you will better understand how stupid you are and that you don’t know shit.

Bea grins a huge grin into the camera.

Bea:  Ariana have you ever heard the story of the three idiots walking down the sidewalk and encountering something they could not intelligently comprehend? No? Well let me enlighten you on the story. One day three idiots are walking down the sidewalk when the came upon a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk. The idiots stopped just short of the dog shit and looked at it. The first idiot said HEY THAT LOOKS LIKE DOG SHIT! The second Idiot said I THINK YOU ARE RIGHT. . .IT DOES LOOK LIKE DOG SHIT! The third idiot said ARE YOU TWO SURE THAT IT LOOKS LIKE DOG SHIT? They thought about for a short time and then they decided they had to investigate this further. The first idiot bent down and touched the pile of dog shit and then he said WELL IT SURE DOES FEEL LIKE DOG SHIT!The second idiot bent down and sniffed the pile of dog shit and he said EWWW! IT SURE DOES SMELL LIKE DOG SHIT! Then the third idiot bent down, picked up some of the dog shit, and shoved it into his mouth where he gagged and nearly puked then he said AND IT DAMN SURE DOES TASTE LIKE DOG SHIT TOO! SURE GLAD WE DIDN’T STEP IN IT! Then the three idiots stepped around the pile of dog shit and continued walking down the sidewalk.

Both Bea and Bill begin laughing loudly. When they regain their composure Bea continues with her comments.

Bea:  Well, Ariana, that story of the three idiots and the dog shit on the sidewalk fits you perfectly. They were so stupid they didn’t realize all they had to do was step to the side and walk past the dog shit rather than smelling it, feeling it, and tasting it. How are you like those three idiots Ariana? Like them not knowing the easy way to get around the dog shit on the sidewalk so you also are not thinking how you can find the easy way to get around the fact that I am going to beat you down, take advantage of your hurt hand, and I will walk away as the winner of our match AND the newly crowned Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Internet Champion. Save yourself from wasting your time concerning our match Ariana. You already know that I look like a Champion. . .I smell like a Champion. . .and I taste like a Champion. . .so for you to try to think I am not what I claim to be then you just put yourself into the same moron category as the three idiots in the story.


Bea:  So, Ariana, you have a messed up hand and you are in a bad situation having to wrestle me one-handed. Although your hand is not broken the fact that you nearly missed this assigned match against me due to your injury is all I need to know. You can stand in front of the camera and try to tell everyone that you are fine but we know you are not. It was only when Management told you if you fail to show for this match that you will be stripped of the Bombshell Internet Championship that you opted to put your wrestling career in jeopardy rather than staying out of the ring and letting Management strip you of the Bombshell Internet Championship.

Bea flashes a smile into the camera.

Bea:  So, Ariana, I assure you that I am winning our match. I assure you that I will be the one defending the Bombshell Internet Championship against Courtney Pierce on December 17, 2023, because I am defeating you this Sunday. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you but it is damn sure good news for me.


Bea looks over at Bill to see if he has any comments to add before she presents her closing comments on her upcoming Bombshell Internet Championship match against Ariana Angelos.

Bea:  Bill is there anything you wish to state before I deliver my closing comments?

Bill:  I want to inform Ariana Angelos, and everyone associated with her, that me, and others, will be closely watching this match to ensure the Referee calls the match legally. . .that Ariana doesn’t cheat or use weapons against Bea in their match. . .and that if anyone attempts to interfere in their match they will be destroyed by me and those with me. That’s all I wanted to state Bea. The remaining air time is yours.

Bea:  Thanks for your comments Bill. So, Ariana, you have an injured wrist and hand. Instead of taking time off from wrestling to allow your wrist and hand to heal, which would have caused Management to take the Bombshell Internet Championship away from you for failing to be able to defend it, you have decided to participate in our match. Oh, Ariana, I expected you to be smarter than that. Then again most of the Bombshells in Sin City Wrestling have small brains with limited comprehension abilities so I guess I cannot expect most of them to think logically. I don’t give a damn how badly I hurt you in our match. When I sat back and thought about how you will react when I inflict tons of pain upon you and a song popped into my head. That song is BIG GIRLS DON’T CRY by Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. The key words of the song that apply to you include words from the opening part of the song which goes BIG GIRLS DON’T CRY but then towards the end of the song the words are BIG GIRLS DO CRY and both of those lyrics apply to you. When you start crying when I start hurting you the first words I will yell at you will be SHUT THE HELL UP. . .BIG GIRLS DON’T CRY but then towards the end of our match, when you are crying to much that you will probably lose about 10 pounds of weight from the tears you are shedding, that my last words to mock you because you are whining and crying will be WELL. . .DAMN ARIANA. . .BIG GIRLS DO CRY and then I will laugh so loudly when the Referee declares me as the winner of our match and as the newly crowned Sin City Wrestling Internet Champion!

Bea lets out a roaring laugh.

Bea:  Trust me Ariana when I tell the truth that you are coming into our match at reduced capacity. You are NOT going to defeat me as a one-handed wrestler. You are not going to be able to power through the pain I am going to inflict upon you. If you don’t believe me that I can take you down I suggest you find Violet Amelia Holt and ask her how tough I am in the ring. I had four matches against Violet and I won all four of them by submission. And, yes, Ariana, you can make the statement that Violet Amelia Holt obtained the Bombshell Roulette Championship when I have not yet obtained that Championship. But if you want to make that comment remember that Violet held the Roulette Championship for only two weeks before losing it. The fact remains that I have put Violet, and numerous other wrestlers, out of action and I won those matches by using my various submission holds. You are no exception to that rule Ariana.

Bea lets out a roaring laugh this time.

Bea:  Ariana you will come into our match with the Bombshell Internet Championship around your waist but when our match is over I will exit the ring with the Bombshell Internet Championship around my waist as the newly crowned Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Internet Champion. And, Ariana, won’t that just piss you off to no end knowing that I will go into December 2 Remember V and defend MY Bombshell Internet Championship against Courtney Pierce? Even though I have no in-ring history with Courtney Pierce I will successfully defend the Bombshell Internet Championship against her. Yep! Damn right that will piss you off! I’m probably going to piss you off even further by stating that I’m happy that our match is taking place during the Thanksgiving Holiday because I am damn sure going to beat the stuffing out of you! But you know what Ariana? I don’t give a damn if I piss you off. Just deal with it because you have no choice but to deal with it! See you at Climax Control 379 on Sunday, November 26, 2023, in Tempe, Arizona.

Bea informs the camera person that she is done with her comments. The camera person calls into the Network to inform them that Bea is done with her comments. They inform the camera person to remain focused on Bea and that they are the Network will be the one to cut the camera feed. The camera person keeps their camera focused on Bea and about a minute later the Network cuts the feed and our screen goes dark.