Author Topic: Plain talk...gotta hate losing things huh Mercedes  (Read 1750 times)

Offline Georgie Girl

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Plain talk...gotta hate losing things huh Mercedes
« on: March 29, 2024, 11:56:43 PM »
The sounds of low conversations fills the bar with a soft soundtrack that runs counter to the throbbing music.  Seated in a rather conspicuous table that commands the room, a rather cock looking William Robertson in black dress pants and a West Ham jersey  takes in the young women in short dresses who are offering him returning looks of interest as they tease the short straws in their drinks in what they hope is a flirtatious fashion.  Sitting opposite from the man, an Indian woman in black leather and red satin looks bored. 

Between the two, Georgie Robertson is leaned back against the worn leather of the banquette.  Her short, bobbed hair is slicked back with one curl brushing over her left eye.  Dressed in a rather revealing silver bangle halter dress with a black satin bolero, she surveys the room like she owns the place.     

William Robertson:  Birds are lookin’ good tonight yeah?  Just wanting to get in the view of old Billy Blue eyes.

 Lalita:   Seriously bruv?!? 

William turns to Lalita with a smirk. 

William Robertson:  You know that the birds like me yeah? 

 Lalita:   I just ate ya mug!  And to hear you rabbitin’ on about those young birds over there.  I fink I am gonna be sick.

William Robertson:  If that is how ya feel Lal, maybe my company will be more wanted over there then.

 Lalita:   Crack on Billy. 

William gets to his feet and then tugs on his jersey then putting a smile on his face, he moves towards the gaggle of giggling girls and joins them with a wink back at the pair sitting at the table.

 Georgie Robertson:   Guess that backfired didn’t it Lalita.

Lalita:  Like I am into your brother Georgie.  He is just so annoying.

 Georgie Robertson:   You are annoyed with Billy which tells me that you have some kind of feelings..

 Lalita:  If you are going to keep insulting me I’m out.

Lalita gets up from the table herself but is stopped by Georgie who waves a hand at her friend.   

Georgie Robertson:   I am just having a go at you Lal.  Seriously, why don’t you sit back down and tell me what is bothering you.

Lalita:  What’s bothering me Georgie is what happened on Sunday.  You could have taken any of those titles but no, you wanted to send a message I am sure.

Lalita leans over and places her hands on the table as she glares at a now smirking Georgie who nonchalantly reaches over and pulls the crystal glass of an amber liquid toward herself then brings it up to look closely at it before she turns her eyes to Lalita.

 Georgie Robertson:   Of course I could have Lalita. 

 Lalita:  Why didn’t you then?  You lost earlier in the night and it would have done your credit good to take the title…any title…to end the night.

Georgie Robertson:    But Lal, if I did that, it would have made those three birds insignificant and I would never hear the end of it for nickin’ the win the way I almost did.  So rather than do that, I want my win to mean something and actually, I am enjoying the mind games a bit.  Those three ‘champions’ now know that they are targets and they now have to worry once more if or rather when I am going to strike again.

Lalita looks shocked as she slowly sinks into her seat once more while Georgie brings the glass to her lips and drinks the whiskey in it.  Savouring the taste, she leans back and sighs which is unheard because of the music.     

 Georgie Robertson:   See Lalita, sometimes the anticipation is so much more worth it when you make one wait for it.  And if I was to be advising someone who gets annoyed with certain things…I would suggest you make him wait even longer. 

Georgie takes another sip of the whiskey as Lalita turns to see William is watching the pair.  The scene fades on Lalita who lets a smirk slide over her face.


Georgie Robertson is seen standing tall and looking into a mirror that shows off her wrestling gear that she is trying on.  The tights are like a second skin as she turns this way and that to see just what she looks like.  Behind her, the curtain of the windows blow gently in the breeze of the open window.  Georgie once more faces the mirror and begins to speak to it…a pseudo promo like speech as she tries to get into the right frame of mind to face Mercedes Vargas.

 Georgie Robertson:   Bloody hell.  Here I am getting ready to face Mercedes Vargas and all I can think is that she is probably rabbitin’ on about wins, losses and other word salad.  If you were to ask me why I would be worried about facing her I would have to say that it is because facing her has no real spark for me.  Oh I am sure she on about how good she is and how brilliantly she is going to be beating me.  A bloody lot of blah blah blah if you ask me.

 Georgie pulls out a jacket that matches the tights.  She tosses it beside her then turns to look over her shoulder as she pulls the shirt she is wearing off her shoulders.  Coyly, she speaks once more to the mirror as if it is a confidente.

 Georgie Robertson:   Honestly, I would rather face anyone other than Mercedes but one does have to give it to her.  She is quite the champion hall of famer that in all honesty she boasts of time and time and time again.  Ugh…how many times can she say the same thing over and over again and still be relevant?  If you ask me, she is about ready to be put out of all of our collective misery.  Sad state of affairs innit?

In just the tights with her back to the mirror, she reaches over and pulls the jacket up and onto her body.  With it on her shoulders, she turns to face the mirror and looks critically at the image on the surface.  The tights and jacket match and the opening barely covers her as she turns her head this way and that as she checks out her appearance.

 Georgie Robertson:   Listen Mercedes, let me talk to you woman to woman.  I want you to know that I am coming to batter you this coming Sunday.  I won’t sugar coat it even for you.  Last week I lost to Seleana and trust me, I know why I did.  But see, even when losing to that bird, I had the last laugh of the night.  I wonder if you watched as I stood tall in the middle of the ring after pinning each and every bombshell champion to the mat.  Do you realize that I could have won all the bombshell titles in the span of only two minutes?

Georgie Robertson:   That is right Mercedes, I technically could be a triple champion right now if I wasn’t such a thoughtful referee last week.

 Georgie offers the mirror a smile of self indulgence.

 Georgie Robertson:   If not for my giving nature, I would have three very defeated champions in the company.  So I gave them mercy at Climax Control last Sunday.  But that was last Sunday.

Georgie Robertson:  This Sunday, I am not going to be so giving.  No, this Sunday I am all out of mercy when it comes to facing someone that just isn’t a challenge for me.  Oh and before you say that you are a challenge, let me stop you right there.  To be a challenge, you have to have my respect and sadly, you are nothing more than a bird with statistics and no real life to speak of.  How else can you spout all these stats? 

 Georgie runs a hand through her slicked dampened hair, ruffling it before tossing her head back then looking down once more, that very noticeable curl once more hiding her left eye.

 Georgie Robertson:   Mercedes, when I say that this week I am going to show no mercy, it isn’t a threat.  Not at all.  I have something I need to do and well, since I personally sent the message to the champions, this week your poor battered body will be the messenger for me.  When I beat you in the ring…when I hit that one and done…I will leave you in the middle of the ring.

 Georgie Robertson:   All I ask Mercedes, all I can really ever ask of you is not to bore me.  Seriously, boring me is about the only way you are going to win.  I am coming to get in my shots before I decide which title that I am going to use my golden briefcase to take. 

Georgie Robertson:  Speaking of…you are a grandslam champion are you not?  Well a former one anyways.  So consider this my practice for taking a championship.  You will be my practice dummy and in the middle of the ring, I will use you, abuse you and pin your shoulders to the mat.  Maybe I will let the count hit three…or maybe I won’t for the first three or four times.  But I will tell you that in no uncertain terms…you will NOT win against me this week.  My promise to you and my message to the champions.  See you in the ring.  Just a reminder, I will be the one standing over you with my hand raised.

 Saying that, Georgie turns once more and looking over her shoulder, she snaps off a snarky salute to the mirror before moving out the door and disappearing.