Author Topic: Closure  (Read 1420 times)

Offline O Malley

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« on: April 04, 2014, 06:39:30 PM »
 Flashback to February 23rd...

The last of the first round matches for the Blast From The Past mixed tag team tournament has just ended, and what a match it turned out to be.  Surprises surrounded the entire match with the return of Odette Ryder as the mystery bombshell, and Gabriel reappearing after the match also.  Odette and her tag partner, Steve Ramone, had managed to pull off the win over Cyrus King and his partner, former three time Bombshell Champion and former Bombshell Tag Team Champion, Misty.  It was the bombshell herself who the cameras are currently following backstage.

After the match, and her loss to Odette, Misty stormed out of the ring and backstage.  She went to the NXT locker room and gathered her things, but before she left the building all together, she made one last detour to take care of some business.  She's currently standing outside the office of co-owner Christian Underwood, and because the door is slightly ajar and she can hear the rustling of some papers inside, she knows he is there.  She politely knocks on the door, waiting for a response.

Christian: Come in.

Misty slowly pushes the door open and enters Christian's make-shift office for the night.  He looks up to see Misty with her duffel bag slung over her shoulder.  He stops what he is doing and gives Misty his undivided attention.

Misty: Sorry to bother you, Christian, but do you have a minute to talk?

Christian: The show's almost over so it's no bother.  Have a seat.

Misty does as she is told and takes a seat in one of the chairs across from Christian.  She sets her duffel bag on the floor, then crosses her right leg over her left and looks at Christian.

Christian: So what's going on?  Why aren't you staying until the end of the show?

Misty: That's what I came to talk to you about, actually.  I'm not just leaving the show, Christian.  I'm leaving all together.  Tonight was my last match.  I'm retired as of now.

Christian: I'm sorry, what?  

Christian stares at Misty, bewildered.  

Misty: You heard me.  I'm done.  I can't do this anymore.

Christian: I know you made the announcement a few weeks back that you'd be retiring this year, but I was under the impression it would happen much later.  Can I ask why the sudden decision?

Misty: It's hard to explain, and I really don't want to get into it.  I've been thinking about this for a while now.

Christian: Pardon my assumption, but does this have anything to do with---

Misty holds her hand up, silencing Christian before he can finish what he was about to say.  

Misty: It has nothing to do with her, so you can stop that thought.  I'm just...done.  I'm done, Christian, and this is the best way to do it.  

Christian: I really disagree with that.  How is you retiring after a tough loss  like tonight the best way to go about it?  If anything, it'll just make you look like a sore loser.

Misty: Let people think what they want, but it's my decision.  And this wasn't a tough loss, either.  Every time I face Odette I lose, so it was no more difficult than any other time.

Christian: Again, I disagree.  This was Odette's first match back.  I can understand why you'd be upset over this loss.  Especially given the circumstances surrounding how she left.  

Misty doesn't even bother to hide her displeasure over the turn this conversation has taken.  

Misty: Like I said, this has nothing to do with Odette so can we please not talk about her?  I wanted to let you know before I left, because once I get home, I'm not coming back.

Christian: I'm sorry, Misty, but I won't accept this.  I'm not letting you quit like this.

Misty raises an eyebrow and stares at Christian.

Misty: I'm not quitting.  I'm retiring.  There is a difference, and who are you to say how I can and can not go about it?  

Christian: Because you're visibly upset, and if you make this decision now, you're going to regret it.  And you are quitting, by doing it this way.  If you want to retire, do it in a more respectable, memorable fashion.  Not just walking out after a loss with not so much as a word to the fans or your NXT stablemates about it.  Trust me, this is NOT the way to do this.

Misty: Well like I said, it's my decision.  I'm going home, and I'm not coming back.  I'm finished, and I'm pretty sure once I'm gone not one person will miss me much.

Christian shakes his head and leans forward in his chair.  Misty seems adamant in her decision, but Christian refuses to accept it.

Christian: Look, if you want to go home for a bit, I'm not going to stop you.  In fact, here's what I'm suggesting.  Take some time off, but I'm telling you right now, you're NOT retiring this way.  Clear your head for a while.  Rest.  Relax.  Do whatever you need to, but I'm not letting you quit.  Not like this, because I know you'll regret it later on.  I'll be sure to keep in touch, and IF after some time passes you still feel this way, we'll discuss this further.

Misty: I'm not going to change my mind.

Christian: You say that now, but how long have I known you?  Take my advice.  Go home and get some rest.

Misty sighs and as much as she wants to protest, she can tell by the look on Christian's face that he won't budge on this.  She takes in a deep breath, and shrugs her shoulders.

Misty: Fine, but don't be surprised if I don't come back.  

Christian: Trust me, you'll be thanking me next time you see me.  

Misty: We'll see about that.  

Misty then reaches down and grabs her duffel bag, once again throwing it over her shoulder.  She stands up from the chair and looks to Christian one last time before she leaves.

Misty: Well...I guess all I can say is I'll see ya when I see ya.  Enjoy the African Tour.

Christian: Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy it along with everyone else, but I won't press the issue further.  Enjoy your time off and just try and relax.

A sad look falls over Misty's face.  She can only muster up a slight nod as she turns and walks out of the office.  Christian just stares towards the door, but he has more of an optimistic look on his face than Misty did.  He gets back to his paperwork and the scene fades out.


This is not the way it's supposed to be.  When I made the announcement about my future retirement, I was not expecting it to happen like this.  I wanted to go out with a bang.  I wanted to go out in style and in glorious fashion, because given everything that I accomplished in my career, I thought I deserved nothing less than a spectacular end to my career.  

Then I had to go and completely ruin everything.

Yes, I had said that as long as Vixen and I held the Bombshell Tag Team titles I would remain on the active roster.  Yes I made sure to point out that even if we lost them sooner rather than later, I had no set date for retiring from wrestling.  I made sure to say that because, quite honestly, I wasn't fully prepared to end my career so soon in the year.

Entering the Blast From The Past mixed tag team tournament was my way of delaying my retirement, even if only for several weeks.  Sure, I didn't know who my partner was until the card was announced, but I had to be confident in myself to get the job done.  Not just for myself, but for my partner.  After all, I had to redeem myself for last year when I cost myself and Thatcher Rex the match against, coincidentally enough, Jordan Williams and Odette Ryder.

Odette Ryder...Why does it always come down to Odette Ryder?!  I guess a better question would be, why do I always let Odette get to me?

The entire week leading up to that match, I had a sneaking suspicion.  I wasn't one hundred percent sure, and I was hoping that Odette wasn't the mystery bombshell teaming with Steve Ramone.  But my gut was telling me that it was her.  That after her just abandoning her half of the Bombshell Tag Titles, and Gabriel no less, that Odette was making her return to SCW.  And on Sunday I finally got my confirmation.  

Don't get me wrong, I was just as surprised as anyone else, because I wanted to be wrong.  I really did.  When Odette revealed herself not only was I shocked, but I was angry as hell as well.  For the first couple of months after she left, I wanted to get a hold of Odette and talk to a friend.  After we won the tag team titles, I tried my hardest to get along with make her see that I had changed.  But when she came back on Sunday...all my remorse and regret over the way I had treated completely disappeared.

I had faced off against her numerous times in the past, and she'd walked away the winner in the majority of those matches, but I was determined to win this one.  Or so I thought.

I wanted nothing more than to beat make her regret stepping foot back in Sin City Wrestling after how she left.  In a way, the "Queen of the Damned" had momentarily made a return on Sunday, and she had completely clouded my better judgement.  I was only seeing red when I was looking at Odette, and during the entire match, and that was my mistake.

If I hadn't let her get to me like that.  If I had just focused more on the match, and advancing to the next round, I wouldn't be in the position that I am right now.  But what's done is done now.

And I'm going to make the best of it.

Flash forward a week and a half later.  Spring is just a couple of weeks away, but you wouldn't know it in the city of Chicago.  The winter has been brutal to say the least, with over seventy inches of snow thus far, and the residents of Chicago and the surrounding area are hoping for the warmer weather to finally make an appearance.  

Today, however, is not that day.  

Mother Nature has once again decided to cover the Chicago land area in upwards of seven inches of snow, and most of the residents of the city and the area are once again joined in a collective annoyed sigh.  After all, most of the snow from the winter as a whole had only just recently melted, and they were hoping it meant they were finally finished with seeing the puffy white stuff.  Hell, Misty doesn't even live in Chicago anymore and she's wishing for an end to the snow.

Misty: You know, this winter has just proven why I made the right choice in moving out of Chicago in the first place.  Every time I fly out here lately it's been snowing.

Misty and her boyfriend of less than six months, Seth, are snuggled up on the sofa in his living room.  He has a nice warm fire burning in his fireplace, and both seem to be enjoying their time together. Seth smiles, and takes a drink of the beer he holds in his left hand, while Misty is cuddling up to him with his right arm wrapped around her.

Seth: Yeah, but how can you complain when we get more moments like this together each time you visit? You can't say you don't enjoy it.

Misty: True, I can't deny it.  But it would be even better to be able to get out of the damn house and enjoy some sunshine, don't you think?

Seth: Honestly, I'd rather take the snow these days.  It gets me out of working at the gym and hearing Frankie's reaction.

Misty laughs but playfully elbows Seth in his side.  He laughs too, then lifts his feet up and props them up on his coffee table.

Seth: So have you decided when you're flying back to Vegas yet?  I know you told me you only bought a one-way ticket this time.

Misty remains silent, offering no response to Seth's question.  He looks at her from the corner of his eye, thinking maybe she fell asleep, but that is not the case.  Instead, she is just staring at the burning fire, appearing deep in thought.

Seth: Babe?  You gonna answer my question?

Misty: No, I haven't decided yet.  I just want to enjoy my time with you without talking about Vegas.

Seth: Okay, but don't you have to be at the show on Sunday?  I know you were given the night off this past Sunday, but don't you need to be there?

Misty takes in a deep breath, then slowly pushes herself away from Seth.  He looks at her, now concerned about the tension that has clearly risen in Misty.

Seth: What?  What is it?

Misty: I wasn't given the night off, Seth.  

Seth: Okay?  Then what's going on?

Misty leans forward.  The expression on her face has now changed to a somber expression as she now has to tell Seth the truth.

Misty: I'm done, Seth.  I'm finished with wrestling...with SCW.

Seth's eyes nearly bug out of his head.  He stares at her, completely shocked with what Misty has just told him.

Seth: You're kidding me, right?  They fired you?!  

Misty shakes her head, but she can't help but smile a little as the man she loves automatically assumes the worst.

Misty: Of course they didn't.  They'd never fire me.  If they wanted to fire me, they would have done it after the kidnapping stunt with Melody Grace.

Seth: what the fuck happened?  If they didn't fire you---

Misty slowly turns her head and looks Seth in the eyes, answering his question without words.  

Seth: quit?  Why would you quit?

Misty: Well, I wouldn't consider it quitting, either.  I told you I was retiring this year.

Seth: Yeah, but I just assumed it was going to be closer to the end of the year...Not now!

Misty nods.  She, too, had assumed the same thing, but things change, don't they?

Misty: Well, things have changed.  I guess I just realized alot sooner that I can't do it anymore.

Seth: This has to do with--

Misty holds her hand up, quickly stopping Seth from going any further.

Misty: Please...don't even say her name.

Seth: Well, I guess that's my answer.  You sure this was the best way to retire?  After...well, you get my drift.

Yes, she got his drift.  She got it loud and clear, but she wasn't going to admit that she might have made a mistake.  Instead, she slowly nods, trying to prove to him this was the best decision.

Misty: I'm sure.  I already talked to Christian Underwood.  He wasn't happy, but ultimately, it's my decision.

Misty made it a point to leave out the part where Christian wasn't accepting her retirement.  She also left out the part that she was still technically employed with SCW, because in her mind, she had already made the decision not to return.

Seth: It is your decision, and I'll support you on it, but...

Misty: But what?  Seth, we can spend more time together now.  I can fly out here more, and not have to worry about being in Vegas or California for shows.  

Seth: I just want to be sure that you made the right decision.  That you won't regret it later on.

Misty quickly puts on a happy face, to persuade Seth that she wouldn't...that she doesn't regret this decision.  She scoots in closer to Seth, taking his hand in hers, and mustering the most confident looking on her face as she possibly can, though deep down, she knew that not only was she trying to persuade Seth of this, but she was persuading herself as well.

Misty: I don't regret it Seth, and I'm telling you that I won't.  For the first time in my life, I feel like everything is falling into place like it should.  I'm retired from wrestling, and I have you.  I'm really loving life right now, so please...please don't ruin this for me, okay?  

Seth stays quiet for a moment, processing everything Misty has said to him.  He looks into her eyes, searching for a reason not to believe her, but he can't find one.  He leans in, taking her face in his hands and then brings his lips to hers.  They share a long passionate kiss until Seth pulls away, looking at the woman he loves.

Seth: Wait until Frankie finds out you'll be around more.  

Misty laughs and then shoves Seth away.

Misty: And you just went and ruined it.  Can we just not think about anything to do with wrestling right now?  And that includes that grumpy old fart, Frankie.

Seth: Alright, alright...Sorry.  Let's just get back to what we were doing before, okay?

Seth sits back on the sofa, waiting for Misty to join him, but she clearly has other plans.  She stares at him with a devious smirk on her face.  He looks at her curiously.

Seth: What's that look for?

Misty: Oh please, you should know me by now.  I think I have a better idea than just snuggling on the couch in front of the fireplace.  

Seth: Oh yeah?  And what might that be?

Misty gets up and stands right in front of Seth.  She grabs him by the hands, and pulls him up from the sofa.  

Misty: If you really want to find out the answer to that, why don't you follow me to the bedroom?  Or you could just stay here in front of the fire.  Your choice.

Misty then turns and walks away, heading towards the bedroom.  Seth watches her for a moment, then quickly looks at the fireplace.  It doesn't take him long to make up his mind as he quickly follows behind Misty without a second look to the fireplace.


I didn't exactly lie to Seth.  I just left out something I deemed unnecessary for him to know.  Christian Underwood may not have accepted my retirement following that match two weeks ago, and he might be convinced that I'll change my mind, but I have absolutely no plans on coming back.  None what-so-ever.

Regardless of what I've ever said in the past, it was never truly easy being at the top of the division, whether I wanted to be or not.  Don't get me wrong, it felt great being the champion, and being considered the best the division had to offer, but the second that belt is in your possession, that target is tattooed on your back, and you simply can't get rid of it...not until you finally lose that belt.

But I took on the challenge.  Not one.  Not twice.

Three times.  

Three times I held the Bombshell Championship and dealt with the target on my back.  Three times I dealt with having to constantly look over my shoulder, wondering who would be after me next.  Like I said, it wasn't easy, and it's not something I think I can deal with any longer.

But I'm sure someone on the Bombshell roster is willing to accept that challenge, and gladly.  I have no doubt that SCW will find a Bombshell Champion that can lead the division the way it needs to be led.  A woman who will wear the belt with pride...a woman who deserves it.

Because I'm not that woman anymore.

March 19th

Two weeks later we find ourselves back in Las Vegas, this time at Spike Staggs' home.  Several cars are parked outside, one of them being Misty's blue Ford Edge.  Pink balloons are tied around the front fence, give away clues that a special little girl is celebrating her birthday today.

Inside the house, six year old Eden Staggs' is opening her presents, surrounded by her rather large extended family.  Vixen is cozied up to her fiancee, and Eden's father, Spike Staggs'.  Jamie and Timmy are over on another side of the room, chit chatting about something, probably video games.  And Misty is seated next to her daughter as she rips open one gift after another.  Misty's boyfriend, Seth, is even there, seated on the other side of Eden.  What was once a rather dysfunctional, argumentative family, has now turned into a close-knit group of friends of sorts.  And all for Eden.

Misty: So, Eden, are you going to tell me what Vixen is going to get you tomorrow, or do I need to tickle it out of you?

Eden's eyes go large as she stops opening one of her presents and stares at her mother.

Eden: Nooo!  No tickles!  And I can't tell you what it is.  It's a surprise!

Seth: Isn't it supposed to be a surprise for you, though?

Eden turns her head and looks at Seth with an amused smile.

Eden: No because I'm the birthday girl.  I'm SUPPOSED to know these things.  

Eden then rolls her eyes very sarcastically, and Misty can't help but let out a laugh at her daughter's behavior.  Seth looks at Misty with a shrug of his shoulders and shakes his head as Eden gets back to opening her presents.

Eden: Mommy, Seth doesn't know me very well.  He needs to visit more so we can spend more time together.

Misty: I know, sweetie.  He does, doesn't he?

Misty glances towards Seth with a grin, but he doesn't notice.  He has his attention focused on the birthday girl, and what he says next, no one sees coming.

Seth: Or maybe once your mommy moves to back to Chicago, you can visit us a lot.  If it's okay with your daddy of course.

A stunned silence suddenly falls over the room.  Eden stops opening her presents, and all eyes fall on not only Seth, but Misty as well.  Eden looks at Seth, then her lip quivers and she turns her head slowly to look at her mother, on the verge of tears.

Seth: I...I wasn't supposed to say that, was I?

Misty looks at Seth very angrily and just shakes her head.

Eden: You...You're moving away?  You can't move away!

Misty: Honey, nothing has been decided.  Mommy isn't going anywhere.

Eden: You're lying!  I know you're lying!  Why would he say that if it wasn't true!  You're leaving me again!

Eden quickly stands up, and before she runs out of the room, she makes it a point to kick Seth hard in his leg and then glare at him.  She rushes out of the room, now crying.  Spike tries to get up to chase after her, but given his knee injury, he can't.

Vixen: I'll go after her.

Vixen runs after Eden quickly, as all eyes remain on Misty and Seth.  Seth more so.  Spike is now furious with him, but the person he should be worried about is the equally, if not more angry Misty standing in front of him.

Misty: What the HELL were you thinking?!  

Seth: I thought you already told her!  

Misty: Seth, you know I hadn't made up my mind on whether or not I'd be moving back to Chicago!  What would make you think that I told my six year old daughter that I'd be moving half way across the country if it wasn't even decided yet?

Before Seth has a chance to respond, Spike clears his throat.  Both Misty and Seth turn and look at him, and he motions his head towards the front door, suggesting they take the argument outside.  Misty gives Spike an apologetic look before leading Seth outside.  The decision drowns out Misty's shouting a bit, but everyone inside can still hear every word that is said.  Several minutes go by before the sound of Misty's car revving to life is heard before it speeds off down the road, and about a minute later, Misty walks back inside the house.  She looks over to her younger sister, Dixie.

Misty: Dixie, do you mind giving me a ride home later?  I let Seth take my car back to my place.

Dixie: Uhhh...Sure.  Everything okay?

Misty: Not at the moment, but I don't want to talk about it right now.  I need to go talk to Eden first.  

Spike: Before you do that, you mind if you and I have a chat?

Spike looks around the room at the whole family, and they take the hint.  One by one they filter out of the room, leaving Spike and Misty alone.

Misty: You know, a year ago, this would have been awkward.

Spike: Let's not bring up the past, alright?  I want to talk about the present, and more importantly, the future.  What the hell is going on?  Are you considering moving to Chicago?

Misty takes in a deep breath then lets out a long sigh.  Spike stares at her, waiting for an answer, but this is not the conversation she was hoping she would have on her daughter's birthday.

Misty: After I told Seth that I was done wrestling...that I'd retired from SCW---

Spike: I thought you were just taking some time off to think things over?  I didn't think you had actually decided anything.

Misty: I didn't, but I didn't tell Seth that.  I left that part out because, honestly, I don't think I'm going back.  But that's besides the point.  After I spoke to Seth about it, he asked me to move back to Chicago.

Spike: And you said what exactly?

Misty shrugs, subconsciously wishing this conversation were over.

Misty: I said I'd think about it.  

Spike lets out a slight laugh and shakes his head.

Misty: You think that's funny?

Spike: No, not really.  I actually think it's a real jack ass move on his part to ask you to move half-way across the country, knowing your daughter is out here, because the hell if I'm letting---

Misty: Before you even finish that sentence, Spike, I wouldn't even consider trying to get custody of Eden and bringing her with me.  This whole situation isn't easy for me.  I don't want to be that far away from Eden, and you know that.

Spike: I know.  So why tell Seth you'd think about moving back?  If he wants to be with you so bad, why the hell can't he move out here?  Seems like a selfish asshole the more I think about it.

Misty again lets out a sigh.  

Misty: I'm trying to figure things out, Spike.  I can't stand fighting with him, but it seems everything lately just leads to another fight.

Spike: And yet you stay with him...

Misty: Okay, this conversation is really starting to get weird for me considering our past.  I'm still with him because---

Spike: Because you're afraid to be alone.  Plain and simple.

Misty's eyes widen as she is taken back by Spike's statement.  She opens her mouth, trying to think of a valid argument, but she can't think of one.

Spike: You know I'm right, don't you?  

Misty: I'm not...Look, don't take this the wrong way, but you and I were broken up for about a year and a half before Seth and I got together.

Spike: That's not exactly what I meant.  You're afraid of being alone, and not just when it comes to your relationship status.  You had Electra Blaze by your side after you left me...then it was those goons you called disciples.  Then after them it was Giani...then Drake...then Seth...

Misty: So you're basically calling me a slut now?

Spike laughs and shakes his head.

Spike: Your words, not mine.  And that's not what I'm doing.  I'm just trying to prove a point.  We may not be together anymore, Misty, but I know you better than you know yourself.  You need to just take some time and just be by yourself...completely.  Figure shit out in your head, because if you don't, you're going to crash and burn and it's not going to be pretty.  Trust me.  

Misty let the words that Spike was saying sink deep into her mind, and it slowly made her think.  It started to open her eyes to the fact that maybe Spike was right...Maybe he had a point.


He was right...deep down, I knew Spike was right when he said I was afraid to be alone.  I mean, I'm never truly alone in the sense that I have my amazing family around anytime I need them.  She may not live with me, but I have Eden close enough to me and now I can see her anytime I want, so I have that to consider.

So why, when Seth and I fight constantly, did I continue to stay with him?  Yes, I loved him, but was the fighting really worth it?  Was traveling back and forth to Chicago, and him back and forth to Vegas, really worth it?  

Was the relationship really worth all the hassle anymore?  Because I really didn't think it was, and I felt that the time was long over due for our relationship to come to an end.

If only I had known what he was about to do next, as it would have made the whole process easier on us both...


Later that night, Dixie's car drives off down the street after dropping Misty off at her place.  Her dark blue Ford Edge is parked in her driveway, and her boyfriend(?) waits patiently for her inside.  But, she hesitates outside for a while.  She stares at her front door, quietly contemplating how she plans to break things off with Seth to spare both of them as much heartache as she can.  It would be easier said than done, considering what they both felt for one another, and all they had been through in the short amount of time they had been together.  

But it had to be done.  She closes her eyes, and straightens her stance, ready to get this over with.  She had already waited too long, and the longer she waited, the harder it would be.  She walks up to her front door, and slowly turns the knob, pushing the door open.  When she opens the door, she looks down to the floor, surprised, and a little confused at what she sees.  

Misty: Uhh...Seth?  Where are you?

She tries to take her attention away from the trail of rose petals on the floor, leading down the hallway.  Her mind was immediately leading in one direction, but given what she was about to do, she couldn't think about what Seth was doing.  Never the less, she takes in a deep breath and follows the path of rose petals, leading directly into the bedroom.  She places her hand on the door, pushing it open very slowly, where she finds Seth waiting for her, but the way he has transformed her room leaves her completely speechless.  She tries to speak, but he stops her before she can even think of one word to say.

Seth: Before you say anything, I owe you an apology for earlier.  I know we should have talked about everything before I went and said anything around Eden, but I got caught up in the moment.  I didn't mean to upset you or Eden for that matter.

Misty: Seth, we need to---

He interrupts her again.

Seth: Look, I know nothing about our relationship has been expected or easy for that matter, but I love you and I'm tired of being apart from you.  We can figure everything out fighting.

Misty looks around the room, her legs shaking beneath her.  The darkened room, only lit by several candles burning around the room, is a dead give away for what Seth is about to ask her next.  But she can't move, and she is still unable to speak.

Seth: I was going to wait until your birthday to do this, but I don't want to wait any longer.  

Seth reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small velvet box.  Misty's eyes dart to the box, and she watches as Seth slowly starts to get down on one knee, but in a quick moment of panic, she stops him.

Misty: Stop!

He looks up at her, shocked and a little confused.

Seth: What?  Y-you're joking, right?

Misty shakes her head, pulling him back to his feet.  

Misty: I really wish I was, Seth, but I'm not.  You can't...We can't do this anymore.  I can't let you ask me to marry you.

Seth scratches his head, completely blind sided by this.  He's now at a loss for words, and Misty once again looks around the room at the lengths Seth went to to make this special for her...for the both of them.

Misty: I'm not saying I don't love you, because I do, but our relationship is struggling more and more as time goes on and you know it.

Seth: Babe, we can work past all that shit.  I know we can.

Misty: Why did you ask me to move back to Chicago?

Seth: Why wouldn't I?  It seemed like the logical thing to do because you fly back and forth to Chicago all the time, so why not?

Misty lets out a laugh, and shakes her head.

Misty: My six year old daughter...that's why not, Seth.  

Seth: Babe, there are ways of working around that kinda stuff and you know it.  You could easily---

Misty holds up her hand with a now angry look on her face.

Misty: I'm NOT taking her away from Spike, so don't even suggest it.  Besides, even IF I were to go for custody of her, I sure as hell wouldn't take her halfway across the country and so far away from Spike!  It would be a hell of a lot easier for you to move out here.  You don't have kids you'd be leaving behind.

Seth: No, but I've got---

Misty: You've got what?  Your job at Frankie's gym?  Seth, Frankie wants you to move on from that place!  He knows you can do a hell of a lot better.

Seth: Oh really?  Then why is he giving it to me?

Misty's eyes widen, surprised at this latest development.

Misty: He's what?

Seth: He's retiring and wants to know if I'll take over running the place.  It's the best option because I know all the trainees right now.  

Misty: You accepted, didn't you?

Seth: Of course I did!  Why would I turn it down?  

Misty: See...that right there...that is why we can't get married.  That is why I can't move back to Chicago.  We just don't fit anymore.  There's no communication involved with big decisions.  You just automatically assumed that I was going to pack everything and leave my daughter to be with you, and I'm sorry, I can't do that.  And I'm sorry, the way you went about this's just not me.

Seth then puts the velvet box back in his pocket.  He brushes past Misty and walks over to the light switch, flipping it on so the room is no longer darkened.  Now angry and embarrassed, he starts walking around the room and blowing out all the candles, as Misty stares at him, feeling awful for what she's just done.

Misty: Seth, would you just stop...Please.

Seth: To hell with you, Misty.  This proposal may not have been you, but I figured you'd still love it regardless.  Excuse me for loving you and wanting to do something special when I asked you to marry me.  But, wait, I didn't even get that fucking chance!  

Misty tries to speak, but she's too guilty to even think of the words right now.  Seth then spins around and glares at her.

Seth: So, who the fuck are you then, Misty?

Misty: That...that is what I need to figure out.

Misty is now on the verge of tears as Seth approaches her, fuming.  

Seth: Yeah, and I'll bet anything that you're buddy Drake will be the one to help you figure that out, right?  Or maybe Spike or Giani?  

Misty narrows her eyes, angry and hurt at the accusation, but she isn't given the chance to defend herself.

Seth: I guess I should be thanking you, though, shouldn't I?  You just saved me a lifetime of hell with a bitch like you.  

Seth walks past Misty and towards the door, and Misty tries to stop him.

Misty: Seth, it's not like---

Seth: Fuck you!  Have a good fucking life, and if you're ever back in Chicago, don't even think of contacting me.

Misty: Where are you going?  You don't even have a car here!

Seth: I'll call a damn cab.  

Seth grabs his duffel bag then storms off down the hall, and out of the house.  He slams the door behind him, and as much as Misty wants to chase after him, she doesn't.  She stares around the room, then at the bed where the remainder of the rose petals was strewn about.  She collapses on the bed, burying her head in her hands and just starts...sobbing.  

That was two and a half weeks ago.  As much as I'd like to say I've talked to Seth since that night, and at least left things on better terms, I haven't.  I haven't gotten myself to call him, and I know full well that he will never call me again, let alone answer any of my calls.  So I've had no choice but to leave it alone.  

It hasn't been easy.  The fact that he was going to propose to me made what I did that much more difficult and heartbreaking, but it had to be done.  I need to prove to myself that I CAN be on my own.  I need to take some time and just  Because I can't remember the last time I ever really was just me.  I don't know if I ever was to be honest.

For so long I forming myself around what the fans needed me to be...what the wrestling world needed me to be.  Then, after I had Eden, I had to change and be what my family needed me to be.  A wife...sort of.  A mother.  But, not the type that I ever envisioned myself.  I did what I thought THEY wanted...not what I wanted.  

Then I got the call about SCW, and after talking about it with Spike, I accepted the offer.  I couldn't refuse.  Wrestling was my career.  And my career never really ended the way I wanted it to, because I had to take a break when I got pregnant with Eden.  Only...I didn't go back right away.  It took my three and a half years to go back, so SCW was the chance to finish my career the way I wanted to.

And just a few months ago, I was headed in the right direction.  I had everything planned in my head to retire the way I also dreamed of retiring...the way I'm sure so many others saw me retiring.  In grand fashion...going out with a bang.  

But things don't always go as planned, do they?

For the past several weeks I contemplated returning for one last run to finish out my career the way I truly wanted.  But, in the end, I've decided I just can't do it, and not for the reasons you all might be thinking.

I can't come back for one last run on the off chance that somehow...someway...I'll disappoint everyone, including myself.  I feel as though, if I come back, I'll turn into a different person...someone I'm not, and I can't take that chance.  I always wanted to go out on a high note, receiving respect from the fans, and right now, this is the way to do it.  This is the ONLY way to do it.  

It's been a wonderful amazing two and a half years.  I've worked with some great people, and had hoped to work with even more amazing people in the future, but this is the end.  This is goodbye and good luck to everyone in SCW, and I wish nothing but the best for all of you.

Thank you all for your support.  Most importantly...Thank you to three men who run SCW and make it the best company I have ever worked for.  Mark Ward...Christian Underwood...Erik Staggs...Thank you for putting up with my shit throughout the years, and thank you for every opportunity I was given.  It did not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

And now this is goodbye.

This is closure.