Author Topic: A Perfect Combination  (Read 399 times)

Offline Jordan Williams

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    • Jordan "PS"Williams
A Perfect Combination
« on: May 31, 2013, 11:44:59 PM »
 The scene opens up to Central Park in New York City early in the morning. The scene cuts to Jordan Williams and his estranged wife, Vanessa Sambora-Williams sitting on a bench. Vanessa just arrived at the park, and brought lattes for them to drink.

Vanessa: “So, how’s it going?” she says as she takes a sip.

Jordan: “Pretty well, I suppose, all things considered. How are the girls?”

“They’re doing great. Natasha is just like you…I swear she reminds me of you everyday.” she says with a small laugh.

Jordan smirks and says: “I hope that’s a good thing.”

“Uhh…when she has that attitude like you, then its bad, but of course its good, silly.” she says as she playfully hits Jordan on the shoulder.

“Awesome!” he says with a laugh.

“So I told the lawyer about our conversation about you not having to pay for the house, so that’s worked into the agreement.”

“I guess…this thing is almost done, huh?” he says awkwardly, which is very un-Jordan-like.

Vanessa shrugs her shoulders and says awkwardly as well: “Yeah I guess so.”

There is an awkward silence in the air as Jordan sips his latte and looks off into the distance, while Vanessa stares at the ground.

The wind blows Vanessa’s hair in her face and she moves her long blonde hair behind her ears and says: “Are you sure this is what you want?” she asks.

Jordan thinks for a moment as he searches for a way to answer: “No, this isn’t what I want. But I‘m my own worse enemy…you know that, ‘Nessa.”

“I accept that about you Jordan, I really do. I couldn’t have put up with you for twelve years if I couldn’t.”

“Right, I just have demons that creep up from time to time and its not fair to you, ‘Nessa.”

“I’ve tried to get you to see help for that. I made appointments after appointments for you to see that doctor, but you never went.”

Jordan sighs and says: “I know how I am, yet I don’t wanna do anything to help myself, if that makes sense.”

“My biggest problem was that you never tried to get help…”

Jordan cuts her off with: “I don’t have a problem…I just make bad decisions, because I’m a bad person.” he says bluntly.

“Don’t say that, you’re not a bad person.”

“Well, I’ve cheated on you multiple times, that’s not the sign of an upstanding person, now is it?”

Vanessa just sighs, then takes a sip of her latte.

“What are you saying all this for, Vanessa?”

“I don’t want a divorce, you idiot…” she yells.

A confused Jordan: “Wait, what?”

Vanessa, who is visibly emotional, tries to compose herself. Jordan scoots closer to her and wraps his arm around her.

“I’m confused.” Jordan says.

Moments of silence permeate the air as tears roll down Vanessa’s face. Jordan sits there with a bewildered look on his face as the scene fades out. To Be Continued…

The scene opens up to a shot of SCW Heavyweight Champion Jordan Williams and his bodyguard Sasha jogging up a steep hiking trail near Hayward, California. Jordan and Sasha are carrying a three hundred pound rucksacks on their back as they make it up the trail. Jordan and Sasha reach the end of the trail simultaneously. Jordan immediately drops the rucksack, bends over and grabs his shorts while breathing heavily. Sasha is breathing heavily too, but she still has the rucksack on her back.

Jordan: “Damn girl, you’re a freakin’ machine!” he says while catching his breath.

Sasha cracks a tiny smile, then says: “Or are you weak?”

Jordan immediately stands up and says: “I’m not weak, I’m old. Big difference.”

“God, huh?” she says dismissively.

“I’m old and I’ve had my knee scoped last week.”


Having been around Sasha for just a couple weeks, Jordan just shakes his head and smirks, knowing how stubborn Sasha is, he knows he won’t change her opinion.

“So, you’re in a six man tag with Sinful Obsession, huh?”

Jordan nods his head in agreement.

“Against your friend, Nick. Is he your friend still, first of all?”

Jordan thinks for a moment and says: “I think so. I mean don’t go Psycho Bitch on him the moment he steps out of the ring, but just play it by ear.”

With her hands on her hips, Sasha says: “Okay.”

“Now, the other two, I don’t give two fucks about. You already met Tom…I’ve beaten Casey a few times, so I’m not worried about him either. Nick and Tony are the wild cards. I would think we’re still friends, but you never know.”

Sasha nods her head as she drops her rucksack and grabs out a canteen of water and starts drinking some.

Jordan immediately yells: “OOOOHHHH!!!! Look who’s weak now!!! I’m not even thirsty!” he says with a laugh.

Sasha glares at Jordan, then says: “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.” she says as she turns her nose up.

“You’re crazy.” he says with a laugh.

“You haven’t seen crazy yet.”

“Oh yeah?”

“I can wrap someone’s head in barbwire and hang them over the top rope if you like.”

Jordan stares at Sasha as if she’s lost her mind, then says: “Yeah, I heard about that…you’re a sick mother fucker, Sasha.”

With a gleam in her eye, Sasha says: “…Thank you.”

Jordan: “Wha…what? You said thank you!?!?”

Sasha puts the canteen back in the rucksack and says: “Don’t get used to it!”

“It’s a start though!!! I’m slowly chipping away!!”

“Keep dreaming.” she says with a roll of the eyes and a slight hint of a smile. “Ready to go back down?”

“Yeah, let me get a drink first.”

Jordan digs into his bag and pulls out his canteen. Jordan unscrews the cap as Sasha marches up to him and snatches the canteen and tosses it down the hill.

“Yo, what the fuck are you doing!?”

“You weren’t thirsty, remember?” she says with a sadistic grin.

GOD DAMN YOU!” Jordan yells.

Sasha lets out a wicked laugh as she throws on her rucksack as Jordan drops to his knees and looks to the sky.

“Why…why does she have to be so mean!?!?!?”

“You’re the ‘God of Pro Wrestling’, right? This is nothing to you.”

Jordan scrunches up his nose and gets to his feet. He walks over to his rucksack and throws it on his back.

“Okay, Sasha. Let’s make a deal. We race to the bottom and the winner gets a piggyback ride back to the top and your canteen of water…and the loser pays for dinner... Deal?”

“Deal…this is too easy.” she says with supreme confidence.

“GO!” he says as they both start racing down the trail. Jordan avoids other hikers as Sasha pushes through them as the scene fades out.

The scene fades in at the bottom of the trail where Jordan has just beaten Sasha in the race. Sasha grabs her rucksack and throws it on the ground in a sign of frustration.

“Told ya I’d win!” he gloats.

“Oh be quiet.”

Jordan sniffs the air and says: “Do I smell a sore loser in the air?” he says playfully.

“Whatever…let’s get this over with, a deal’s a deal.”

Sasha grabs her canteen and tosses it to Jordan who opens it up and starts drinking it, like he’s never had a drink in his life before. Jordan has a big grin on his face as Sasha just rolls her eyes and turns her massive, chiseled back to him.

“I’m ready for my ride, dear!” he says with toothy grin.

Sasha looks back at Jordan and she holds her arms apart from her body as Jordan walks up to her and hops on her back.

<font color=springgreen>Jordan takes a sip of water and says: “Crystal!”

The scene fades as Sasha starts the trek back up the very steep trail with Jordan on her back.

The scene fades in later that night at a local diner in Hayward, California. Jordan and Sasha are finishing up their meals that they ordered. Besides their meal, they ordered a pot of coffee, which is down to the very last drops. Off and on during their meal, some fans would come by and say hello and want Jordan to sign autographs. Jordan begrudgingly signed a couple, but Sasha turned the rest away after that. Since Sasha lost the bet earlier, she hands their waitress some money and tells her to keep the change for her tip. Jordan and Sasha finish up eating, while telling old road stories from the IWA, a lot of them involving “The Golden Boy” Gene Banton and all the silliness that followed him. Suddenly a heavyset fan walks up to their table with a few hats, t-shirts and old GCW Jordan Williams action figures, presumably for Jordan to sign.

Man: “Excuse me, Mr. Williams, I was wondering if you could sign a couple of these for me.”

Without hesitation, Sasha bluntly says: “Beat it, we’re eating.”

“Um, I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to Jordan.”

“I’ll say this one last time…we are eating, leave. Us. Alone.”

“Do what she says kid, before she gets pissed.” Jordan warns.

“It’ll take a couple of minutes of time…”


“Fine!” He says as he turns away. “Fucking steroid using bitch!!

As soon as he says that, Sasha becomes enraged and her eyes bug out of her head as she grabs the coffee pot and smashes it across the back of the man’s head!!! Jordan jumps out of his seat, as the man falls to the floor. Sasha looks down at the man seething with anger. The rest of the establishment look on in horror as well.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here!” he says as he nudges Sasha in the direction of door

Jordan and Sasha walk out of the diner as the owner dials 911. Sasha and Jordan climb into Jordan’s rented BMW IS C.

“I’m gonna get arrested fuckin’ with you! He says gleefully

Jordan looks at Sasha who has a tiny smile on her face. Jordan starts the car and drives off quickly as the scene fades out.

“Anything is possible…it truly is. Especially in wrestling. Who knew I would be teaming with Gabriel and Despayre against my friend, Nick Jones; Tom Dudely and Casey Williams. We live in bizzaro world. Or maybe it’s the Matrix!?!?!?! I’m waiting for Morpheus to says ‘What if I told you, you would team with Gabriel and Despayre against your friend Nick Jones and two other idiots?’ I would told him he was full of shit and then he would tell me no, I’m in the Matrix! But actually, I’m in reality!!!! What the hell!?!?!? My mind is blown!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!”

“In a sense I get to avenge two losses I had last summer against my buddy Nick…at the time, he was the only guy to pin me in a singles match. Since then, only one other person has pinned me in a singles match and that belongs to my partner in this match, the Magic Man, himself: Gabes!!! Regardless if I pin Nick or not, it’ll go down as Jordan Williams’ team beating Nick Jones’ team. So here’s the proverbial tongue stick out to you Nicky!!!”

“Lord of the Ring should be airing at the time of this promo and everyone will see the thrashing that I laid upon that fucking traitor, Tom DUD-ely. Tom, you and I both know you are no match for me one on one. Tonight, we go for the trifecta and that will be two straight losses to the GOD Of Professional Wrestling. Tom, at some point you have to look in the mirror and just say ‘Fuck it, my time is never going to come…I suck so badly.’ You really do pal. I think its time to go look into life after wrestling. Go sell some insurance or something. Be a winner in life for once, Tom; instead of a freakin’ loser!”

“Casey, my former tag team partner…the man who has savagely attacked me on one too many occasions. But, when it came time for the matches, who won them? Me. You will never beat me, Casey; never-ever-ever-ever. It doesn’t make you bad losing to Jordan Williams, it makes you just like everyone else…beneath me!!! I mean, I am the SCW Heavyweight Champion…not to mention, the GOD of Professional Wrestling!”

“Oh how I missed you, Gabes!!! The Magic Man and The God reunite in the ring…this time as partners!!! Not only that, you brought your friend Despy too! Let’s be honest, guys…you know I’m a perfect member of the Seven Deadly Sins. I chronicled this a few months back, but I’m all sins wrapped in one person! That doesn’t make me bad, it just means I’m a well rounded person! But seriously, I’m glad to have the NWA World Tag Team Champions on my side in this fight against Team Erik, so we can put a stop to any momentum they think they have. Gabes, I went against you two times here recently, so I know you’ll bring it. Despy, the last time we were in the ring together you took my SCW Tag Team Championship away from, but I admired your talent from a-far. This pairing seems like a naturally great one. The SCW Heavyweight Champion and the NWA World Tag Team Champions…Jordan Williams and Sinful Obsession, a match made in heaven???”
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