Author Topic: Reminding Ben/Challenge Accepted, Fenris.  (Read 3986 times)

Offline Jake Raab

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Reminding Ben/Challenge Accepted, Fenris.
« on: March 23, 2020, 08:57:03 AM »
 Accepting a challenge from Fenris/Reminding Ben Jordan of the open challenge Jake took. Jake's Camera.

"I'm doing this on video because I have other commitments elsewhere on the day of the show so I won't be attending Climax Control this week. Instead, I'll answer the two open challenges on here or rather remind Ben of the open challenge I accepted. It seems like Ben Jordan forgot I accepted his challenge for his title a few weeks ago. I'm not entirely sure why that's the case, but more power for someone else other than me to step up to face you for the title. I think your challenge has been more neglected than the others. It's a sad state when everyone is stepping up to other challenges, apart from yours. I just wanted to remind you of me accepting it when nobody else did.

Then we have another guy who's making open challenges as well, the main topic of this video, Fenris. Listen, I know Stephan pissed you off with his comments about your MMA career that wasn't true. It disgusts me more than anything. I've come to say if Ben Jordan doesn't want to fight me for his belt I accepted his challenge on a few weeks ago or if staff don't select me as Ben's title contender, I accept yours as well.

However, I don't want a one on one match with you, we've had so many of them since I've come here, even with the recent win you had over me in a regular wrestling match. What I want is either an MMA octagon MMA style match or a Lions Den match. All of those I feel would be better for us to be extra competitive with one another. To be honest, I've been dying for a moment to show SCW what a real Lions Den or an MMA match would be like, especially against you, a guy I claimed is on par with my MMA skills.

The only person who will give you an MMA fight we've should've had years ago and the only SCW wrestling who has MMA skills out of everyone in this company. I think we should show the fans what they are in for. I accept Fenris if I'm not selected to face Ben Jordan for the title, only if you accept we need to have an MMA Octagon or Lions Den style match for Blaze Of Glory Supershow. You up for it, Fenris? I wait for your answer either in a video response or on Climax Control show. I will be watching the show online."
« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 09:03:32 AM by Jake Raab »