Author Topic: Motivation From Another Legend/Onward and Upwards!  (Read 311 times)

Offline Kain

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Motivation From Another Legend/Onward and Upwards!
« on: April 10, 2015, 11:56:50 PM »
 I didn't think that I would come this far, especially for another moment like this. No, this isn't just another day at the office - it's a match where everything is decided for me yet again. Either I succeed in my quest to stay as the SCW Internet champion once again or I fail and walk away for a short time so that my wounds can heal and that a new plan of action can be created. But I don't wish to see the latter come into pass, but the former instead. Kris Halc proved himself to be a challenger against my title and I'll happily oblige him for a short while. But then, just like the rest of them, he will be destroyed in the blink of an eye and I'll be walking off into the sunset with the title around my waist until I am challenged. This is not a matter of overconfidence. This is a matter of knowing that I can get the job done and that I am fully confident in the battle ahead. Kris Halc? Prepare yourself!


Standing alone in the streets of Milan, Italy, I gazed at the grey, cloudy skies. My wife is back home with the kids, spending time with my grandparents, but she will be back in time to be with me for the fight against Kris Halc, a man who has somehow proved himself in the eyes of authority. I wasn't thinking about him as I kept my gaze towards the heavens, but of my parents instead. I've traveled this far and have seen much in my life. I've gone through the darkest periods of my life and somehow came out as a survivor. Even though their deaths were long ago, I wonder if they are looking down upon me, smiling and proud of what their son has accomplished in his lifetime? To be honest, I'm not sure if I would want the answer to that question, because I'm afraid of what they would see if I ever came face to face with them. But for each and every one of us that's standing on Earth, death will come for us. It isn't a question of how or why, but when. So I'm hoping that by the time I get everything I needed to be done here, it will be enough to please those who gave birth to me. Without them, I wouldn't be living my dream. My heart breaks with the knowledge that they aren't here to see what I have done and what I am to achieve in the near future. So maybe someday, I'll get over that anxiety and be glad to view them in spirit and possibly in the flesh for one final time and perhaps be reunited eternally. That's the idea anyway...

My thoughts were interrupted by a nudge off of my right shoulder. My mind was brought back to the present and I caught a young fellow standing next to me. The crowd in Milan, Italy was passing by us. A lot of people gave us many glances, but others ignored us as they went their own way. I stared at the man, who was shorter than I was and was dressed in brown. The only thing that I could see was hazel eyes that shone with confidence. He spoke in a voice that was unfamiliar to me at first...

Come with me.

He went through the crowd and I had no choice but to follow him. He lead me into a cafe, finding a table on the northwest corner of the area and sat down, his back turned to the crowd sitting inside. I went around him and sat opposite of him, my eyes glaring at him.

Do you have any idea who I am? You don't simply come up to me and say "Come with me". If we weren't in a public place, I would have beaten you within an inch of your life!

The man shook his head slowly

I don't think so. Honestly, you wouldn't stand a chance.

That voice...why was it familiar to me? I had to keep him talking so that I can figure out who he is quickly and get this conversation over with.

You are exactly like me, Kain. You brought up a family of your own and have fought all over the world. The difference is, I'm retired and you're not.

Care to explain the last part?

He looked down on the table for a second before meeting my gaze and keeping it.

Asylum Wrestling Alliance.

I would have not believed him, except for the way he looked at me and for the tone of voice he used. I leaned forward with caution.

That is one of the hardest places to get into. Is that the only fed you've been in before?

He shook his head once more. He offered the name of another fed, one that was gone, but existed years ago.

Global Wrestling Alliance.

He pulled back the hood and revealed himself to me. On the outside, I kept myself calm and collected, but on the inside, I was screaming like a little school girl. This was Metamania, The One And Only. A small man of great stature, he elevated himself to great heights on taking on guys like my old nemesis, Goth. Why did he sought me out though?

I believe you. You're the man they call The One And Only. I've always wondered what it would have been like to spar with a legend like you?

He smiled, obviously pleased to hear of the compliment that came out of my lips.

Thank you. But I'm not here to fish for compliments. I'm here to motivate you. You have a long battle ahead of you. I've seen this guy's work and he's clearly no joke. But I believe you can take him on and defeat him.

But I have all the confidence in the world. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but motivation comes from within the soul. And I honestly cannot let anything hinder that, because it's the key to success. I know about Kris and his recent struggle for the Roulette title and how he failed to go one step closer. I plan on using that to my advantage, Metamania.

And that's fine, Kain. You have a way of getting the job done. I've seen your work countless times over the years and I find you to be a unique specimen in this job field. My hope someday? My hope is to see you ascend to greater heights and by that, I mean seeing you win the SCW World Heavyweight championship. You and I are the same in that too, Kain, we both have been to the top of the mountain and we know what it is like to have the world on our shoulders. Someday, you will get there. Until then, Kain? Do battle with this Kris...and then defeat him. Keep the title for as long as you can. Then move on. Understand?

I nodded my hand and he struck out his hand. I shook it firmly. He then stood up with a smile on his face once more.

Now...about that spar you mentioned?


I've been watching your work and following your progress lately. I don't doubt your skill or what you are trying to do. But have you ever a faced a monster like me before? Not the ones that can be found in children horror stories, no sir. But the kind that puts himself on a pedestal and knows, for a fact, that he cannot be defeated at this point in time? No sir, you haven't. Kris, you are about to find out exactly WHY I am who I am today.

Over the years, I've come to develop what you would called a "killer instinct". My main function in life is to step into rings like these and decimate the competition without a flicker of remorse. I have kept that side of me dormant until that day comes, Kris. When people step into my world, a lot of them make this foolish assumption that I'm nothing but a human that doesn't have much to show for himself, with little self-esteem and having no clue on how to survive in the real world, especially if it's a street fight. But I've proven myself over and over, time and again, Kris. I've released that killer instinct and have ripped the opposition to shreds, knowing that their lives are forever changed and haunted by the massacres I take pleasure in unleashing. Because of that, because of my profession, this is how I've earned a living. What makes you an exception to the rest of these fools, Kris? Are you willing to go far beyond your breaking point to see me fall, young man? Can you go the distance to see your place in history secure with the SCW Internet championship around your waist for the first time in your career? The answers, for both questions, is fortunately no. Once you have fought me, Kris, you'll come to discover, just as much as anyone else did, that I'm not a fool. I'm not a weakling, not some mouse that a cat can prey upon for hours on end. I'm more devastating, more powerful than anyone on this Earth. I win the majority of my matches and a few other clashes get the best of me. But I always come back, Kris. I always win. And that's going to be hard for you to throw off from me, because I'm that punishing. You, my friend, simply have no chance in winning the SCW Internet championship at Climax Control.

Do you know what the SCW Internet championship means to me? It means everything to me, Kris.

Now you're going to laugh at that statement and go "How can that be true? Shouldn't you say otherwise, especially if you're not on top?" Truth be told, I'm one of the biggest names around here and when a title is around my waist, young man, that means I'm to be taken seriously. This isn't the time or place to put down a board of Monopoly on the floor and see if any fun and games can be spared at our expense. I'm the guy that everyone looks at and goes "Yeah, this man is all about destruction." I'm the reason, right here and now, why the Internet cannot get enough of me, why my name is one of household status, and why my face is everywhere. You don't need to be on top of the world to gain that status, Kris.

That's what a lot of people think. If you're on top of the world, you have it all. But I've been through that route a thousand times over in my career. As flattering and epic that is, I'm not satisfied. Even with all the millions I have in gold, right now, Kris, I'm always hungry for more. I'm eager to earn more money, more power, more dominance over anyone in the field, Kris. To say otherwise would be foolish and insane. You could provide the argument, of course, that I'm overconfident of my abilities. After all, I'm on a winning streak! Why should it be ANY different than what it is now? That's the mindset that I could possibly go into - be the complete badass that I am, convincing myself that nothing can stand in my way of greatness. I'm still going to attach myself to those firm beliefs, because it's part of the reason why I'm here. But I also know that I'm human and that I've lost my share of wars, Kris. You could, after all, be the one guy who finally took me out of the game and won the SCW Internet championship belt.

That's why, Kris, I chose to remain grounded.

I chose to be the guy that has to remain fresh, original, and unique. Studying your past history and understanding how you tick isn't good enough for me. If you want to survive on a battlefield like this, Kris, you have to go deeper than anything you've ever been through. You are more than likely going to be putting me through my paces. I know that deep within yourself, Kris, you are going to go full tilt. You are going to find answers within that ring against me. You are going to ask yourself "Am I capable enough to get the job done? Can I finally do something that no one else has done in a long time?" But it's not going to be enough, Kris. You are going to find out just how good I can be in the ring, how surprising and unpredictable my mindset and my body works as one. To counter me, you have to go against the grain and try something different, Kris. You are not going to be successful in the ring, however, because I"m going to prove, for the billionth time, that I'm more than a match for you.

But I know what you're thinking.

"More than a match? Not even possible!"

But how can you be convinced of that though? You can't, Kris. And yet, that's another question that's burning with your soul, isn't it? "Is he really that strong or is he just bullshitting all that time?"

Trust me, the longer you try to play this game with me, the worse things are going to get. All of my previous opponents, Kris, have discovered the truth the hard way. They all found out that I'm The King Of Kings for a good reason. Don't get me wrong, Kris - I don't doubt your motivation or your skills in the ring. What I doubt is the courage to do what no one else can do. That's why I am positive about the outcome. I am positive that things will be turning out my way yet again because I am confident of the final result. You may chose to think differently, of course, and I won't take that away from you. Strong men placed themselves firmly in those beliefs and cling onto it like a girl that they can never let go. But in the end, that too failed them, Kris. It failed them because I proved to be too much for them.

Far as I'm concerned, that's why the match is going to be brutal, violent, but the end result will always be the same. Can you really imagine your arm lifted in victory? Can you really see yourself as the guy that finally accomplished what no others could not? I don't. I see myself as the guy who pushed himself to the limit, fought you tooth and nail for the SCW Internet championship belt, either pinned or made you tap in submission, and won the battle honorably. I see it as a clear-cut vision that I must see through, Kris. I want to see it happen because I want to keep my dream alive, which is maintaining the SCW Internet championship and making sure it stays where it belongs, Kris - around me. I intend to go down in history as the longest-reigning SCW Internet champion this place or the entire world has ever seen. Whoever wrote the card was certainly right in their prophetic mind - I DO want to walk into the next Supercard as the SCW Internet champion and I DO want to walk out as exactly what I came into. That's another reason why I go beyond the distance with each and every opponents - I don't back down from anything and I don't back down from ANYBODY. People like you are going to piss on my parade, call me a liar on everything, and attempt to expose the truth out of me. But I won't allow it to happen, Kris. Fact is, I've come way too far and I cannot stop anytime soon, because the train that I'm on continue to rolls on to a path of victory. With that victory comes another chapter of my legend notched underneath my belt.

Do you understand the point that's finally settling within your mind and soul? You're nothing but another victim for me to claim another win for, Kris. The dream of becoming a SCW Internet champion was finally made a reality. At Climax Control, my current winning streak will continue to go forward and I will once again stand high on that mountain and once again be proclaimed as STILL the SCW Internet champion!

So what are you waiting for, Kris? Step into my world, take a good look at greatness, and do not hold anything back. You do and it's your own fault. If you don't do the right moves, take all the right opportunities, you will fail in your dream to see gold around your waist. If you try blaming anybody for your actions, it's on you pal. I'm not going to be the one responsible cleaning up YOUR MESS, because my job was completed with the greatest accuracy and speed possible and I'm going to show the whole world, ONE MORE TIME, why I am destined for greatness, why I am destined to keep going forward with all this huge momentum going for me, and why I am the best as what I do, even if I don't have the means of holding the SCW World Heavyweight championship at this point and time.

For I am Kain...The King Of Kings! And I....HAVE SPOKEN!

SCW Accomplishments
X1 SCW Tag-Team Champion
X2 SCW Roulette Champion
X1 SCW Internet Champion