Author Topic: No Two Storms Can Conquer Us...  (Read 281 times)

Offline Kain

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No Two Storms Can Conquer Us...
« on: August 24, 2018, 11:19:21 PM »
 So an album came out. But it isn't just any album.

It was actually quite unexpected. No one knew it was coming.

Within the sabbatical that I took before fully returning to SCW, I was working on a project that I heavily invested. A crazy heavy-metal album filled with grooves, melodies, excellent singing and screaming, with a touch of solid, nice sound production to sprinkle all over it. I gave it a name.


And you want to know who created it? Me.

See, I didn't need no producer. I created all the songs, laid down the tracks from each instrument, and mixed it the way I wanted it, then released it under my corportation's label, King's Label, under the King Empire brand that I created from the get-go. Of course, not every album is supposed to just shoot straight to the top, but I also made sure to invest a lot of my time in its promotion and marking material.

I had full control of every aspect of that album. Not a single soul on the planet would have dared to look me in the eye and tell me that I couldn't release it.

And I did. I released on all platforms. CDs, Vinyls, digital releases, even on cassette tape. I stood back and waited for the final result. I didn't expect it, but a few singles, such as "One King, One Rule" and "Visions" have secured #1 positions on multiple charts and even became the #1 record around the world, selling more than 20 million copies around the globe. It surprised me at first, getting a fast reaction like that. Here I am, already a hit with everything else.

Should I be?

"No sir, you shouldn't be." Lee said as I prepared to go out for the evening.

I put on a button-up shirt that has a picture of a few dragons all over it as I nodded. I wanted to enjoy the night for myself. I already gave myself the time and preparation that I needed to train for the fight ahead and felt ready for whatever was next. I wanted to go out on a night out of town.

"The way I figure it, I won't mind the long tour between the music concerts and my obligations as a wrestler, champion or not. I can take it. Give myself over to the music business and earn as much as I can, pulling out all the stops and making myself the biggest name in the world."

"And you think you can do that with everything that's going on?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Why not? Everything will be fine. It's gonna be tough, but I'm determined to satisfy my fans as best as possible."

Stepping out of the door, I gazed at my surroundings in Los Angeles, CA. It was time for me to hit the club scene and enjoy myself.


I gazed at my butler who was waiting patiently at the entrance door to my new home.

"What is it, Lee?"

"Don't you think it would be wise to relax and recuperate before the fight ahead?"

I waved him off.

"No, Lee. Caleb and Sam will be easy to take out in the following chaos ahead. I expect good tidings from this short skirmish."

"Short? Don't be ridiculous sir. They are going to put you to the limit!"

I couldn't help but laugh as the calm winds blew through us both.

"Don't be deceived by appearances. Until I see them in action, they won't becoming such a huge threat that you make them to be. Mercedes and I are going to annihilate both of them and send them packing. And we will continue to be Mixed Tag-Team champions in the days, months, and possibly years to come. But I'm getting ahead of myself. It's time to take care of these meets and greets. Talk to you later Lee!"

Lee bowed and stepped inside as I made my way to the car. I didn't just want to go out and have fun. I wanted to meet the fans and listen to their stories about the new album.

I stepped inside the car and drove into the darkness.

* * * *

Caleb Storms. Sam Marlowe. Another mixed-tag team that has been picked by the Lethal Lottery to challenge us for the titles.

As impressive as your resumes are, neither of you have a shot at winning the titles.

I know that storms can be rejuvenating for the soul. We got through some of the harshest battles of our lives in those dark storms and it defines us. I've been through my share of battles in my lifetime. You think it's really over for me? Not by a long shot. As long as I breathe, there's still a lot of fight left in me. And when you have something wrapped around your shoulder or waist, like my mixed-tag team championship belt that I gladly share with Mercedes, it gives me motivation to complete the task at hand. I'm a champion for a reason, lady and gent. I'm a champion because I fight at my best when people like you decide to corner me in an attempt to wrest away the belts for Mercedes and I. That's not gonna happen, Caleb and Sam. Both of you think you are confident enough to destroy us.

And yet that confidence is going to end your chances too.

Let's face it; neither of you have the chemistry or the talent combined to defeat us, The Grand Slam Champions. Mercedes and I had a few missteps, but eventually, we found balance and peace and used what we learned from the past to ensure a future as the current Mixed-Tag Team Champions. Do you think that lightning will strike once for you and everything will be magically set in stone for the two of you? Think again! Mercedes and I are the biggest badasses out there. Not Fenris. Not Casey Williams. Hell, I'll even go as far as to say that not even the bosses or anyone on the men or women's rosters can compete against the two of us. You try to throw ANYONE against us, Mercedes and I will simply grunt and flick you away like flies. Now, granted, I may get a little too ahead of myself, but that's how I fucking feel! Inside of my heart and soul, I feel like I don't need an army, BECAUSE I AM THAT ARMY! And Mercedes is her own army as well; she can take on the best of them and leave them in the dust. She and I will annihilate the competition.

Once again, it starts with you. Another day at the office? Maybe. But as usual, I don't take any competition lightly. As I said, both of you have solid accomplishments under your belt.

So we do have to take you seriously. That's what Mercedes and I intend to do.

I'm a man of my word and I will tell you that I'm going to stay on top of the world with this belt and the reign that we both have, as the GSC, will continue. Hell, its going to eclipse even longer than what London Underground did. Nothing will ever be the same as soon as we run over their streak like a bulldozer that destroys buildings within a matter of seconds. Not a single man or woman can topple us to the ground and make us lose the titles that quick. I assure you, it will be a cold day in hell before we lose to the likes of you two.

Caleb. Your're kidding me. You're telling me that when I show my weakness, you'll pounce on me?

All I see is a bad joke that you attempted. Son, I have NO WEAKNESSES. Get that through your thick skull. I've retained a new sense of myself. I've lost everything in the process awhile back and sometimes, that's all a man needs to get himself back on top. I've re-created myself from top to bottom. You're right about one thing; I honestly have no ring rust. I've been training even when I was in my sabbatical a long time ago, so that never left me. But you're about to find out that when you underestimate a legend like myself, history will not be so kind to you Caleb. You're not a storm. Storms are not terrifying to me. You're more like refreshing rain for me to embrace and let it all soak in, because it's nothing more than to me than experience in beating up a crazed lunatic such as yourself to a inch within your life and leaving you with nothing. The Mixed-Team Championship belts aren't going anywhere. I'm looking forward to challenging you and your abilities and seeing how far you can go, but that's about it really. I really hope you're ready to go above and beyond the call of duty, because if you aren't, it's going to be a VERY SHORT night for you!

The calm before the storm is now. When the storm arrives, both Mercedes and I will be ready to deal the punishment that you both deserve. Take it for what it's worth - it's NOTHING personal. Strictly business. All I want to do is keep the belt and Mercedes wishes to do the same. You both wish to claim it for yourselves. So be it. It's time to end your path with a maelstrom of pain and anguish. Neither of you will survive to witness the devastating loss that's about to be handed to you. After that, wishing you good luck? Perhaps.

But luck is for losers. Only the strong survive and we are the strongest of them all.

For I am Kain....THE KING OF KINGS!!!!!!!

And I.....HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!

SCW Accomplishments
X1 SCW Tag-Team Champion
X2 SCW Roulette Champion
X1 SCW Internet Champion