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“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“The Path To Redemption Part VIII: Not What I Planned.”
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2023, 11:01:08 AM »
(Gabriel was used with Mark’s permission)

Krystal was certainly confident heading into her match against Bella, after all, their previous encounter with each other had all ended with the Aussie getting the win, but to the shock of Krystal Bella had managed to break the losing streak and was now Julianna’s challenger at December 2 Dismember VI! But where did that leave Krystal? It left her facing several women she has secured wins over since the demon Sin was excised from her.

Namely? Luna Pasilno, Georgie Robertson, and Seleana Zdunich, but this wasn’t just a regular Fatal Four Way Match, oh no, it was the Golden Briefcase Ladder Match! The briefcase ensured that it’s owner would get a shot at any title he/she desired over the next year and after last being held in 2018 the briefcase was making a return for both divisions! Can Krystal secure this golden opportunity? And what will the Ausie do with the briefcase if she wins?

Backstage at Climax Control 380, Pheonix, Arizona
Sunday the 3rd of December 2023, 21:00pm

Well, that was a turn up for the books.

I thought I would have the match with Bella well in hand, I’ve beaten her every other time we’ve wrestled and she’s just gotten off maternity leave whilst I had spent the majority of the year wrestling at my usual high level, instead? Bella’s now in the December 2 Dismember VI Main Event against Julianna after she somehow countered my Ray of Redemption finisher into the Ashes to Ashes!

It was a long, hard fought match, I’m not going to deny that, but Bella somehow managing to score two fluke wins in a row? That I didn’t see happening! Julianna was all but guaranteed to enter 2024 with the title still around her waist now but that math result left me with one thing on my mind.

What the hell was I going to do now?

This year I haven’t missed a single PPV, Inception VI is the only real outlier because I was left of the official card but made my way back onto it through the Open Invitational Clusterfuck for the Bombshell Roulette Title that saw the end of Ari’s reign, but for the second Supercard cycle in a row I’ve lost a match that would’ve guaranteed me a spot on the Supercard and I’ve been left wondering what was next?

Ariana had her title defence against Courtney, Harper was taking on Mercedes in their grudge match, pretty much every potential new opponent was occupied at the Supercard save for three women I’ve faced since Violent Conduct: Luna, Georgie, and Seleana, but was I really going to have to put up with another rematch with Seleana? Georgie was a disappointment when I faced her and Luna is pretty much my only decent opponent of those three women.

Besides, with Roxi seemingly retiring and Keira getting pregnant recently? My opponents pool is getting rather shallow.

”Great, just fucking great.” I grumbled to myself as I sat in my rental car, the car’s stereo playing Lutharo’s “Hireath” album blasting through the car’s speakers thanks to my Bandcamp app. ”Bella’s getting a shot that she’ll inevitably choke at and I’m stuck without a purpose heading into the Supercard, again, something needs to change in the New Year because this is getting old fast.”

Almost on que my train of thought got interrupted, as well as the album, by a phone call and I saw it was a Facetime call from Makayla which I answered. ”Well, that didn’t go as planned, did it?” Makayla greeted me after I answered the call and I frowned as I leaned back against the car seat. ”Mybe you shouldn’t have gone for a finisher your still perfecting.”

”Don’t! just fucking don’t!” I grunted in response as I ran my free hand down my face. ”I’m already pissed at myself for how the match against Bella went, I don’t need to be reminded of it by my ex-wife.”

”Don’t take your frustration out on me Charlotte, I’m just trying to help!” Makayla responded as she shook her head and I frowned in response. ”Have they announced any other matches for December 2 Dismember VI yet? I know they announced the return of the Golden Briefcase for the men’s division earlier.”

”I saw that too, should be interesting to see who comes out on top in that.” I responded as I shook my head but before I could add anything else? I got a text, not the new card text but it did have the December 2 Dismember VI logo on it accompanied by my name in a match. ”Makayla, you wouldn’t happen to know next week’s State Lottery numbers, would you?”

”No, why?” Makayla asked and I took a screenshot of the text before sending it to Makayla. ”Huh, you’re in the Bombshell Golden Briefcase Match, against four women you hold wins over.”

”Yeah, Seleana, Luna and Georgie, kinda surprised Georgie’s in the match since she hasn’t won a match since the High Stakes Cycle, against Seleana no less, and her last match was a loss to Kandy Kaine.” I responded before shaking my head. ”Seleana and Luna I can understand at least since they were in the Qualifier Series as well but Georgie is definitely the outlier in this match.”

”Maybe the bosses felt like making it a truly international affair?” Makayla offered and I gave her a raised eyebrow. ”Think about it Charlotte, you’re Australian, Seleana’s Swedish and Georgie’s British, throw the American Luna into the mix and you’ve almost got a World Cup feel to the proceedings!” Makayla explained and I shook my head, she wasn’t dumb but even that was reaching. ”Hey, if you’ve got a better explanation for how they chose the participants I’d love to hear it.”

”As big a reach as that is, I’ve got nothing better to add to that discussion.” I admitted as I ran a hand through my hair. ”Look, I’m flying to Vegas first thing via Kayfabe Airlines, we’ll talk then but I also want to get a chat in with Gabriel about, well, guess!”

”Didn’t you say that the Go Gym’s closing for the holidays right after December 2 Dismember VI? That seems like as good a time as any to me.” Makayla offered with a shrug and I nodded in response. ”Besides, this is the twins’ first Christmas so I’d prefer it if you’d spend more time at home.”

”Kinda hard to do when I have a match like this in front of me at the last PPV of the SCW Callender Year.” I pointed out with a frown before shaking my head. ”We’ll talk more in the morning Makayla, but until then? I’m heading back to the hotel for some shuteye.”

”Already? It’s not even 10:00pm.” Makayla pointed out and after glancing at the time on my home screen I realized that she was right. ”Unless you’re planning to spend the rest of the night catching up on Twitter and YouTube.”

”That and Watcher of Realms, that Gear Raid Stage has been kicking my ass all weekend.” I responded as I shook my head before I realized something. ”Don’t take this the wrong way but why do you care about me spending time with the twins? I thought we weren’t going to try to pick up the relationship where we left off for a while yet.”

”I’ll admit, that was on my mind, but after you told me about Keira’s pregnancy announcement? I started to rethink some things.” Makayla trailed off and I gave her a raised eyebrow. ”We’ll talk more about that as we head into the new year, until then, just try to not veer off the deep end again.”

”I’ll try, see you tomorrow.” I responded before we hung up and the album resumed, I proceeded to drive off without another word but a lot of thoughts running through my head.

Go Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 4th of December 2023, 13:00pm

I decide to vent my frustrations over last night’s loss on Social Media and suddenly I’m back to being a bitch.

“She’s a sore loser” “she threw her toys out of the pram” “so much for redemption” and my favourite one because this came straight from Christian’s mouth (I’d almost say horse’s mouth except he’s more like a jackass) “should I go with my original plan and just swap Krystal and Bea’s matches around?”, all I’m saying is that I’ll be saving those receipts for the next time Courtney throws a tantrum and it goes without comment!

I guess the only upside to Christian’s idea is that Bea’s opponent would be a fresh opponent for me, on the other hand? Who the fuck is Ms. Manners?!

But based o the fact that I’ve heard nothing from them since I woke up to see those tweets this morning I’m just going to take them for the empty threats they are and train for this ladder match! Or at least I would if Gabriel hadn’t called me into his office before I could even start warming up.

”Gee, I wonder what you could’ve possibly called me in here for.” I commented dryly as I entered the office and Gabriel sat at his desk with his elbows leaning on the desk and his fingers interlocked. ”The Go Gym isn’t closing for the holidays until after December 2 Dismember VI so it couldn’t possibly be to wish me a Merry Christmas! And my birthday was last month so you’re late to that party.”

”Setting aside the fact that I wished you a Happy Birthday when you showed up at the Go Gym that day, and the fact that I have to wish Chelsea Skye a Happy Birthday tomorrow.” Gabriel responded before motioning for me to take a seat and I did so. ”Makayla called ahead when you told her about coming here to train, she wanted me to talk to you about the attitude you’ve had since you lost to Bella.”

”Oh what? I get possessed by a demon once and I’m not allowed to express my frustrations anymore?!” I asked pointedly before I sat down opposite Gabriel. ”I thought I had been making it clear that I had moved past all of that shit after my last match against Keira?!”

”Oh really? Because the way you’ve talked since you came into my office had told me that the only thing that has changed is the fact that your no longer going by “The SA Slayer” monicker.” Gabriel asked and my frown deepened as I met his gaze. ”I know what you are like Charlotte, you tend to get in your own head after losing a match that you were sure that you had in the bag, it happened during your first two Blast from the Past Tournaments, it happened when you lost the Bombshell Roulette Title and yes, I am well aware of the circumstances surrounding that loss, I could go on but we’d be here all day.”

”And your point is?” I asked as I folded my arms. ”I’ve been an extremely competitive woman ever since I entered this sport, you know that as well as I do, it only started becoming an issue for you since my frustrations boiled over back in March.”

”And this is exactly why we are having this conversation because I don’t want a repeat of that as much as Makayla doesn’t want a repeat of that!” Gabriel responded pointedly as his frown deepened. ”You suffered a setback with the loss to Bella but the Golden Briefcase Match will afford you an opportunity to make right by it! Provided off course, you win the ladder match.”

”Have you seen my opposition in the ladder match? Luna, someone I just beat, Georgie, someone I’m shocked they still keep around and Seleana, someone who I beat at the last Supercard, never mind all the other times I’ve beaten her.” I added as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”Bella was a fluke and lightning won’t strike twice for either of those three women!”

”And suppose you do win the briefcase, what do you plan to do with it? This isn’t the Queen for a Day Match Charlotte because you can take your time with your plans for after you win.” Gabriel reminded me and my frown deepened. ”It’ll allow you to go after either of the singles titles at any point, or maybe even the Mixed Tag Team Titles if you can find a make partner willing to help you out.”

”I’m pretty sure the only way that will work is if I team with the winner of the men’s Golden Briefcase Match, and I’d rather not team with Bill Barnhart thank you very much! And I’m not even sure if I can trust Rodrigo Afonso, Matty Mallow or Justin “don’t call me Decent” Smith!” I pointed out and Gabriel conceded that I had a point. ”As for the briefcase itself, I’ll worry about that after I win because knowing my track record? Planning to far ahead has often been my downfall! Now, can I go train?” I asked and Gabriel nodded before I left his office to train for the ladder match.

Outside the Go Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 3rd of December 2023, 21:00pm

*promo time*

Well, this fucked up my plans.

”You know, when I woke up this morning I didn’t think I’d be saving this many receipts for the next time things don’t go Courtney’s way and she throws a temper tantrum but here we are!” I stated as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”But whilst Bella scored the biggest fluke win of the year since Georgie vs. Roxi, I’m over here making my plans for 2023 already and those plans start with this Golden Briefcase Match, especially when my opponents are Seleana, Luna and Georgie!”

Funny that.

”For those keeping score at home, that’s three women who I’ve beaten over the past few months, hell, Georgie was my first opponent after the whole Sin Debacle ended, Seleana was my opponent at the last PPV and Luna was my last beaten opponent!” I added as I folded my arms. ”What can go wrong? Well considering I’m in the Golden Briefcase match and not the World Bombshell Title Match? A lot! So, why waste any more time? let’s get this started, shall we?”

Starting with Luna.

”It seems we can’t escape each other Luna, shame too, because if Bella hadn’t gotten so fucking lucky you might have had a chance at winning this thing.” I commented before shaking my head. ”First time didn’t really count because we weren’t the final two in that Battle Royal, second time I beat you on what should’ve been the start of my journey to championship gold and now that we’ve reached the third and final time, at least for this year, it won’t be the charm for you!”

Next up is Seleana.

”Speaking of Bombshells who I can’t escape, Seleana, no matter who many times I kick your ass we somehow keep getting booked against each other, hell you would’ve been my opponent last night if you had beaten Bella.” I added as I folded my arms. ”Not to mention that this is our second PPV Meeting this year and our fist was literally just two months ago! But it’s the same situation as Luna for you Sel, you won’t repeat what Bella did.”

Last up is Georgie.

”And now for the odd Bombshell out, because out of me, Seleana and Luna, not only is Georgie the only one in the match who’s never held a title in SCW but she’s only faced me once, a match that I won I might add!” I stated as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”But if there’s a bigger choke artist in SCW than Bella it’s your Georgie, because no matter how many opportunities get thrown your way, be it Bombshell Roulette, Bombshell Internet and eventually World Bombshell Title when they decide to randomly give you a shot at that, you always fail, and this Golden Briefcase Match is no different.”

But as for me.

”Idiots call me entitled, fools call me a sore loser, bitter old fucks who run the company even considered swapping me out for Bea Barnhart but that has yet to happen, it seems I’m the only one who sees the truth about me, in that I’m a passionate driven wrestler who has been judged from on high for too long!” I added as spat at the ground. ”And for what? Having a bit of an ego? Go into literally any wrestling locker room in the world and you’ll find egos that eclipse mine! Being proud of what I’ve accomplished? I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that taking pride in your work was a bad thing! But make no mistake, when I’m holding that Golden Briefcase I will make the lives of every Bombshell Champion miserable until I decide to cash it in and guess what? Luna, Seleana, and Georgie don’t have what it takes to stop me!”

It's that simple.

”I should be in that Main Event but I guess SCW’s still in the business of awarding fluke victories to underserving Bombshells! But you know what? I don’t give a shit, because I’m going to put my training in the building behind me to good use.” I said as I motioned to the Go Gym. ”And that starts with Seleana, Luna and Georgie, three women I’ve beaten before and three women I’ll beat again, 2024 will be the Year of the Wolfe and that Golden Briefcase is my key to making it happen!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”I’ve ranted enough about how a choke artist is in my spot in the Main Event but for now I’ll leave my three opponents with this.” I added as I walked towards my car. ”Luna may no longer have Vanity but she’s shooting for the moon if she thinks the Golden Briefcase is hers, Seleana is still clinging on to old glories whilst not putting in the effort to relive them and she won’t get a chance this time, and if there was ever a case of a pity party getting a wrestler added to a match, it’s Georgie! And at the Path To Redemption Part VIII: Not What I Planned, those three fools won’t get in my way, the winds of change are blowing and with that briefcase? I’ll be in a pole position to be the face of the future, see you at December 2 Dismember VI!”

I got in my car and drove off as the scene fades.

Offline Seleana Zdunich

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Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Master Bedroom
Home of Crystal Hilton
Hollywood Hills
Los Angeles, California
9:01 AM  PST

The past few days had been interesting to say the least. After months of being alone either in the big house or in the apartment in Las Vegas, Seleana and Aurora Zdunich had been reunited with Seleana’s wife and Aurora’s other adoptive mother, Christina “Crystal Hilton” Zdunich. Christina had chosen the occasion of her birthday to come home permanently. She had been hiding the fact that she had fallen off the wagon both with alcohol and cocaine

Chritina Zdunich: I talked to Alex yesterday.

Seleana smiles brightly at the mention of the name.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja?

Christina nods slowly as if she really doesn’t know how to broach this subject with her wife. Alex and Christina had both left at around the same time and neither had really talked about with the others even after Thanksgiving, when their daughter-in-law, Haylie Jo “Halo” Annis, had gone and retrieved a very drunk Alex from a bar and brought her back to her own house and then brought her with her for Thanksgiving Dinner since they would all be there together anyway. 

Chritina Zdunich: She wished me happy birthday and I asked how she was doing.

Seleana frowns in confusion.

Seleana Zdunich: You did not like the answer?

Crystal sighs deeply.

Chritina Zdunich: It’s my fault…

Seleana’s frown deepens.

Seleana Zdunich: What is your fault, Chickie?

Tears start rolling down Christina’s face as she starts sobbing.

Chritina Zdunich: Everything!

The deluge crashes over her as she almost starts shaking from the raw emotion of it all.

Chritina Zdunich: I lied, ran away and hid from you. I got drunk in front of our daughter and tried to bribe her and Juliet! I drove Alex away and now our daughter-in-law had to go pick her up from a bar because she was too fucked up to…

She trails off and covers her face with hands.

Chritina Zdunich: I did it! It was me, I did it!

Seleana takes her wife into her arms.

Seleana Zdunich: What has happened, Estrellita?

Christina starts an answer but the words seem to catch in her throat.

Chritina Zdunich: Alex… told me…

She tries to continue but can’t seem to find the words. Seleana sits back on the bed guiding Christina to gently join her. Christina sits down and can only shake her head through the tears.

Seleana Zdunich: Está bien, está bien.

Christina shakes her head again.

Chritina Zdunich: No, it’s not…

She looks up into Seleana’s eyes.

Chritina Zdunich: I want her back, Sel. I want our family back!

Her fists crash into the bed as her whole body seems to tipple, ready to lose itself.

Chritina Zdunich: I want our family to be whole… and I broke it…

Seleana embraces her wife again, holding her closely and comfortingly.

Seleana Zdunich: Were mistakes made? Ja…

Seleana nods in acknowledgment 

Seleana Zdunich: But playing blame the tail on the donkey is not a good pastime, Stjärna. What did Alex say to make you feel this way?

Christina’s bottom jaw starts to vibrate forcefully.

Chritina Zdunich: She said…

Her teeth almost chatter as she forces herself to wade through all the internal emotional upheaval. 

Chritina Zdunich: She said she felt alone, dead inside.

A horrified look comes across the sobbing women.

Chritina Zdunich: I killed her spark, Sel! I drove her to drink!

Seleana shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: You give yourself too much credit, Stjärna. The Diamond shines still. She just needs to see it for herself.

She nods to her wife.

Seleana Zdunich: You know the feeling, you need to be shown as well, ja?

Christina manages a small, meek, shamed, childlike nod.

Seleana Zdunich: You are doing better. You go to meetings.

Chritina Zdunich: Your sister…

Seleana shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: She lead horse to water, but could not make it drink from well. You did that, Stjärna.

Just then, Seleana’ phone chimes with a message notification. Seleana picks the phone up and looks.

Seleana Zdunich: Alex send me message.

A smile crosses her face as she looks her wife in the face.

Seleana Zdunich: She say, “I want to come home.”

Christina’s eyes go wide as Seleana shows her the message.

Chritina Zdunich: It’s real?

Seleana nods and then moves to answer the phone. Panic starts to set in on Christina.

Chritina Zdunich: What are you doing?

Seleana: Answering her.

Christina almost starts shaking before Seleana shows her the two word message.

“Come home.”

Christina starts crying again, only this time more for joy than anything else.

Chritina Zdunich: We can do this?

Seleana nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, Estrellita, we can do this. 

The two embrace tightly.

Chritina Zdunich: I love you, Seleana!

Seleana Zdunich: I love you too, Christina!


Saturday, December 9, 2023
Home of Crystal Hilton
Hollywood Hills
Los Angeles, California
2:01 PM  PST

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich standing in the driveway in front of the house but in a shot that show off nothing but the actual driveway and Seleana in a pair of tight jeans, a black Skid Row Tribe t-shirt showing off the flags of Sweden, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States representing the members of the faction Seleana was a member of in another company two years ago. 

Seleana Zdunich: Why am I wearing this old t-shirt that means nothing to any of you?

She smiles to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: Because the Tribe is reassembled and it makes me happy, that is why.

The tall Swede shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: What other reason do I need?

Seleana looks down at the images on the shirt and nods to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: It also fills me with inspiration for the upcoming Golden Briefcase Ladder Match I am to take part in with Georgie Robertson, Luna Pasilno and Krystal Wolfe at SCW December 2 Dismember.

Looking up into the camera again, Seleana

Seleana Zdunich: And I know I will receive no inspiration from any of the others. They will mention me because they have to but they won’t say much in public about me.

She shrugs as if the answer is simply self-evident.

Seleana Zdunich: They never do unless they either see me as easy pickings for five seconds while bored or feel like talking shit about Christina because she just did something they think means many more times than it does, or, again, because they were bored and she is low-hanging fruit that they can hit with what they assume is a sick burn with very little effort.

Seleana shakes her head in disgust, rolling her eyes at the lack of effort in the very idea. 

Seleana Zdunich: If you do that, it just means you have nothing of actual substance to say, you are too lazy to even think of a placeholder and are just trying to replicate the reaction Christian Underwood got years ago without his style, ability or panache. 

She nods and then points accusingly into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: And that includes you Julianna!

She nods pointedly into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: I am sorry that you cannot find a better use of your time a champion than making a hen out of a feather concerning Crystal Hilton and somebody else who is not here and has not for what feels like so many years’ time we should be having a reunion for a group of veterans in their eighties and mentioning names like that in memoriam! 

She snorts derisively.

Seleana Zdunich: What none of you seem to realize is that Crystal Hilton is not a real person. I am not married to Crystal Hilton, I am married to Christina Zdunich. Crystal Hilton is a part Christina plays to cover insecurities and mental health problems…

She looks away, her hands curling into fists.

Seleana Zdunich: But none of you want to admit that or take the time to actually pay attention to what is going on. It is much easier to be one of those people who only read a headline instead of the actual story and explode into an unnecessary morasse of empty rhetoric that means less than nothing but makes you feel like a badass because you spewed forth on the internet behind a screen name with no consequences.

Looking back into the camera, Seleana glares harshly.

Seleana Zdunich: Is my wife perfect? No, no one is, but she is trying to be the person she knows she was meant to be and all you people tend to do is regurgitate “sick burns” you heard someone else say about her years ago as if you just came up with it yourself and drive her deeper into the hole she is trying to crawl out of.

She grits her teeth as she almost spits the next word out of her mouth.

Seleana Zdunich: Fittor!

She shakes her head, trying to swallow back the anger that was just rushing through her.

Seleana Zdunich: Lazy, uncreative “champion” who had better have eyes in the back of her head or someone might creep up on you and make you enjoy the kind of irrelevance you like to throw at others so much!

Seleana cocks her head to the right, a sik sort of smile crossing her face.

Seleana Zdunich: You make this match almost feel like it is a stairway to heaven in a way because the winner would have the opportunity to shove that championship down your throat until you choke on it so much the other thing you can make a hen out of are your own broken teeth as you spit them out in the hopes that the championship is not making you drown in your own entrails from tearing you up on the way down!

She almost laughs as the next thought crosses her mind.

Seleana Zdunich: And that is assuming Bella does not beat everyone to that and make it so you are what you eat and allow you to wallow in the pool of your own making.

She can’t help but allow the smile to shine through the anger.

Seleana Zdunich: Happy Christmas, Champ! I hope you enjoy the shit pie you baked so thoroughly we may never be rid of the smell!

She pauses and then exhales deeply.

Seleana Zdunich: But for the moment, that is the opportunity Georgie Robertson, Luna Psilno, Krystal Wolfe and I are fighting for as we all try to climb the ladder to the Golden Briefcase a it dangles high above our heads as if we are all four clones of Tantalus all doomed to have it just be outside of our reach but close enough so we can all nearly touch and taste the wonderful fruit waiting for us to pluck!

She nods to herself, visibly gearing up for the fight to come. 
Seleana Zdunich: I have been in the ring with all three before. I know what they can do and what they are about, ja?

She nods again, this time to the camera.

That Golden Briefcase is there for any of us to take so long as we can find the way to it. The odds may be stacked, the very gods may be against us but there is a way and one of us will find it. I know all of you will do whatever it takes to make sure that one is you and so will I. We will come together at the top and one of us will become golden, shining and glistening for all to see.

She smiles brightly.

Seleana Zdunich: See you there!

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The tinny sounds of Christmas music is barely heard over the sounds of people talking, children screaming and the odd shouts of teens to their friends.  Stepping into the cacophony is a pair of women who just share a glance then straighten their shoulders, they move further into the corridor that shows a long line of stores on either side of it.

 Georgie Robertson:  Tell me again Lal, why have you decided that today had to be the day you needed to bring me here? 

 Lalita:   Last year Georgie, we was gettin’ lost in Harrods.  This year you have to stay here in America so Harrods is out.  So here we are.  I figured you might want to get your shopping done for Christmas.

Georgie turns to Lalita who is dressed in a pair of dark pants, black boots and a black leather jacket over a red teeshirt.  The reflection of a mirror in the shop window behind Lalita shows Georgie wearing a green jumper, black converse and blue jeans with her hair slicked back and a loose curl hanging over her left eye. 

 Georgie Robertson:   Shopping done for Christmas hmmm.  Now that you mention it, there are a few things I might pick up for some people.  After all it is the season for giving and all…

 Lalita:  There’s the Christmas spirit I knew you would feel.  So where to first? 

The pair moves towards a store directory showing the map of the floors in the mall that the two were currently in.  Georgie puts her finger up on the lighted window.  She runs it down, pulls it away with a grimace then rubs it against her thumb.   

Lalita:  That bad huh?  Here, just use this.

Lalita hands a tissue to Georgie who uses it to wipe the grime from her fingers before balling it and tossing it into the garbage beside the directory.  Turning back to the images, Georgie makes note of a couple of stores and then with a smile, she points towards an escalator and motions for Lalita to follow her.   

 Georgie Robertson:   I have the first place we need to shop.  Come on.

 Lalita:  Lead on Georgie.

The pair ride the escalator then move along a corridor until the two stand in front of a Sephora store where the faint mix of perfume wafts out.  Lalita’s eyebrow raises as Georgie rubs her hands together and then begins to walk inside.  As she does, Lalita puts a hand on Georgie’s arm halting her for a moment.  The young Brit turns to her friend with a quizzical look in her eyes.   

Lalita:  Who are you buying for in this shop?  I don’t need any make up and neither do you. 

 Georgie Robertson:   That’s true.  I decided that I would be getting some special gifts while we are out and given who these are for, it might just be something I can rabbit about the upcoming supercard while I do it. 

 Lalita:  Ahhh you have a method to this madness I suppose.

Georgie Robertson:   When don’t I?

Lalita can’t help but laugh as Georgie links her arm with Lalita’s and the two move into Sephora. Georgie moves towards the makeup sets that are against the back wall.  Once there, Georgie begins to look over the different sets as Lalita watches, her hand reaching into her jacket inside pocket and pulls out a phone that she plays with for a moment then holds up to record Georgie. 

 Lalita: So Georgie, you were rabbiting on about buying gifts for some special people.  Who is getting the gift of makeup eh?  Wait, don’t tell me…Krystal Wolfe, right?

 Georgie Robertson:   No, you couldn’t be more wrong. 

 Lalita:  Bloody hell…I was sure you were buying the makeup so Krystal could “make up” her mind…

 Georgie Robertson:   Funny that Lal.  But no.  This makeup is for Seleana Zdunich.  Considering that she needs to make up her mind about actually worrying about what is right in front of her instead of looking past this match and to challenging the champion.  And if I am honest Lalita…I am so bloody tired of hearing about her soap opera life.  If you ask me, she talks more about her wife than talking about her opponents.  I don’t know if she is a mouthpiece for her wife or doesn’t have a life outside of her marriage.  It’s like Towie but with more drama.

Picking up a small makeup kit, Georgie smiles and holds it out to Lalita who is still filming her.  The two go to the cashier and Georgie purchases the kit.  The sales girl hands her a Sephora bag that Georgie swings as she turns to Lalita.

Georgie Robertson:   Well that is one gift down.  Now let’s go and see what else we can pick up for my opponents.  After all, would not want the others to feel left out, would we?

 Lalita:  Of course not Georgie.  That ain’t you.

 The pair laugh as they exit Sephora and move along the corridor again.  Lalita continues to hold the phone but it is down by her waist as the pair head towards the Hot Topic store that Georgie had spotted from the floor above it.  Grabbing the free hand of Lalita, Georgie pulls her along towards an elevator and presses the down button.   

Georgie Robertson:   Next stop, Hot Topic.

 Lalita:  Hot Top…okay, explain Georgie.  Who are we shopping for at Hot Topic?

 The elevator doors swoosh open and Georgie moves as a woman with a pram and two children holding onto it exit the car.  Once it is empty, the two brits walk inside and Lalita presses the number of the floor below them.  The doors slowly close as the glass-enclosed elevator moves downward then stops to let Georgie and Lalita exit.  The two women move towards Hot Topic and inside.  They make their way deeper inside as Georgie looks around for something.

 Lalita:  So this time is Krystal right?

 Georgie shakes her head negatively as she moves deeper into the store.  Suddenly she spies what she has been looking for.

Georgie Robertson:   I knew it.  This is perfect for Luna.

 Lalita:  What?

 Georgie turns as she shakes out a purplish tee with the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland on it.  Looking proud, Georgie shakes it in front of her as Lalita brings up her phone and begins to film Georgie who is smiling widely.

Georgie Robertson:   Isn’t it bloody bril Lal?  Describes Luna to a tee. 

 Lalita:  It says not all there…Georgie why would you say it is bloody brilliant? 

Georgie Robertson:   Oh come on Lalita…Have you seen Luna lately?  She is so emo that this girly colour would not match her esthetic.  And besides, given that she is a former champion and should be smart enough to think that this golden briefcase match will give her a free ride to take a title match, she definitely is not all there.

 Lalita:  We don’t know what she thinks Georgie.  I think you better take this more seriously.

 Georgie looks at Lalita who nods slowly.  Georgie puts the shirt back then starts looking for other pastel tees and items until finally picking up a pair of socks with Eeyore on them.

Georgie Robertson:   Perfect.  Nothing like socks for the person who doesn’t know what to get for people.  And with Eeyore on them, would be the best bloody gift to get for someone that will be losing.  After all, he is as depressed as Luna will be once the match is over.

 Lalita:  Oh Georgie…is that fair to say?

Georgie Robertson:   Maybe not but then again…might be the most honest I could be when rabbiting about Luna.

 Georgie is about to leave but stops as she sees a Sex Pistols tee that she rushes towards.  The Anarchy in the U.K shirt makes the brit smile as she digs through the folded shirts to find her size.  With her prize achieved, she heads to pay for the pair then slips the Hot Topic bag onto the same arm that is holding the Sephora bag.

Georgie Robertson:   Now we only have one gift left to find…can’t forget Krystal.  We are off to find the only thing we can buy for her.

 Lalita:  And what is that Georgie?

Georgie Robertson:   You will see. 

 Georgie moves back to the store directory looking for the name of one certain store.  Finally, she locates it and then turns in the direction to find it.  Lalita follows slowly, now filming the actions of Georgie as she is intent on finding the final store.  Lalita is surprised when they stop outside of a kiosk in the middle of the mall.  Lalita gives a smiling Georgie a side eyed glance which gets a wink from Robertson.

Georgie Robertson:   Now, I know what you are thinking Lal.  What could I possibly buy for Krystal Wolfe in this shop.  Well come with me and I will show you.

 Lalita:  This should be brill

 Approaching the kiosk, Georgie makes her way to the ring section where mood rings can be seen.  Picking up a rather gaudy ring, Georgie turns and shows it to Lalita.

Georgie Robertson:   Tell me that Krystal doesn’t need one of these.

 Lalita:  What is the purpose of getting Krystal a mood ring Georgie?  To tell when she is happy or pissed?

Georgie Robertson:   Well obviously Krystal needs one.  She has no clue just what kind of mood she has.  Back when she was ‘possessed’ she was one way and then she turned good…or she tried if I am honest.  But one little loss and she turned back into the whiney mug we all knew she was to begin with.  And it is only getting more predictable.  So we just need to get her something that will signify her actions.

 Lalita:  But a mood ring is not a personality give away…it is a just a thermometer for kids to play with.

Georgie Robertson:   You know that and I know that.  But as much as Krystal talks a big game, all she is and will ever be is a big baby.  Now that we have this done, I want to get out of this place and back to the apartment.  You with me Lal?

 Lalita:  Lead on.

 The pair pay for the mood ring then head towards the exit of the mall.  Leaving the doorway, Georgie and Lalita move to a rather dark Astin Martin that is parked nearby.  Stepping up to it, Georgie takes the keys and opens it setting the bags on the seat then opens her driver side door.


The scene opens on Georgie Robertson sitting in a red velvet dress with candy cane-coloured tights and red sparkling shoes looking like one of Father Christmas’ little helpers.  She has her hair curled around her ears and a rosy glow on her face.  She smiles at the camera as she begins to speak. 

 Georgie Robertson:  Well, it is getting to look a lot like Christmas isn’t it?  And of course, that means a final supercard of the year called December two Dismember.  Quite the evocative name, isn’t it?  The name of the supercard giving lie to the season of giving being jolly and bright.  When hearing that name, all you can picture is pain and suffering one would think.

 Looking to the side of the wingback chair she is sitting in, she spies a large cup of hot chocolate that she picks up and takes a sip from.  Moaning softly at the taste, her eyes close as she enjoys the flavour before setting the cup to the side once more.

 Georgie Robertson:   I guess we should be talking about this match that I have been put into and put down for.  The golden briefcase ladder match that will see Seleana Zdunich, Luna and Krystal Wolfe and I vying for a contract to challenge for any title the winner would like to challenge for.  And already we have heard from the opponents in this match. 

 Georgie Robertson:   Now I could talk about how they seem to think that they shouldn’t talk about their opponents and more about their wife but that would be too easy wouldn’t it Seleana.  So instead let me talk about how you seem to think that I and the other women in this match are lazy and won’t be any challenge to you at all.  Seems that you don’t want to even put in the effort to talk about who you will have to contend with in the match.  How you are ready for the match.  Well bravo Seleana, I hope you are really as ready for this match as you talk about considering that you seem more distracted than anything in defending your wife. 

 Georgie stops and with a self-deprecating smile, smacks herself on the forehead gently.

 Georgie Robertson:   So sorry Seleana.  I said that I wouldn’t talk about how you talk about your wife and defend her instead of talking about the match at hand.  Forgive me. 

Georgie Robertson:   Then of course we have Krystal Wolfe.  Talking the talk like she is Queen Shite of Poo Isle.  Listening to her makes my head hurt.  A year ago she was possessed and was saved.  Then she began her road to redemption and talked like she was some kind of milquetoast grateful to have been saved and resolved to be a hero.  Damned lies I tell you.  I saw through them back in the day but did anyone listen…no they did not.  And here we are, the vitriol she spews is once again the litany of how she loses due to overconfidence and how many times that she should be given title shots that she loses out on.  Honestly, who else but Krystal would do something like that? 

 Giving the camera a wink then an innocent look as if questioning the person behind the lens on the truth of her comment.

 Georgie Robertson:   Hearing her winge about how lucky her opponent got to beat her and that she has to suffer being in this match.  If she was so disappointed being put in this match then why doesn’t she just pull herself out of the match?  But no, that would be too easy to do which would then not give her reason to complain about being put in the match.  Oh the bloody shite that she is spewing…just give up Krystal.  Everyone is on to your mood swings by now.  It is almost like one could say it is that time of the month all the time for you.    It is enough to give one a headache from the whiplash.

 Georgie reaches up and self consciously rubs at the back of her neck.

 Georgie Robertson:   Lastly I suppose I should talk about Luna and the fact that she has been put in this match as well.  Now hearing that she was, I tried my best not to get concerned.  And til now, she hasn’t really made herself known in talking about the match but that isn’t going to mean that she isn’t taking this seriously and I am sure she is.  But will it mean that if she comes late to the party, she is going to be the spoiler?  No, it will mean that I will have prepared for her too.

Georgie Robertson:  For you see, these birds are thinking that I am the one that will be losing.  Given my record against Krystal, she is confident that I am not a threat.  And crack on with those thoughts Krystal because when I faced you before, I wasn’t really wanting the win as much as I do now.  Considering that I have heard enough of the talk of how much I am a loser, how much I am a nothing…How much I am not a challenge.

 The elfish look on her face fades as her eyes harden and her smile becomes more menacing.

Georgie Robertson:  Go ahead, believe that I am not going to be a challenge in the match.  See, when you do that, when you underestimate me that is when I am the most dangerous.  I don’t have to be worried about any of you thinking that I wouldn’t pose a threat.  And when it comes down to the very essence of this match, it is a ladder to climb.  Just like I have to climb out of the losing streak you see me having, I am going to climb the ladder in the ring and I will take possession of the Golden Briefcase.

Georgie Robertson:  And once I do that, I will have a year to claim whatever title my dark little heart would like to challenge for.  Maybe I should wait until one of the former champions in this match regain their titles.  Ohhh wouldn’t it be ironic if Krystal whined her way into a title shot that she very luckily wins the title in only to have me use the Golden Briefcase to take it away from her?

 Georgie’s smile returns as she once more reaches for the hot chocolate beside her. She looks at it then at the camera as she raises the cup.

Georgie Robertson:    Cheers to you birds and let me give you my wishes of good luck. 

 She pulls the cup back and brings it to her lips and sips at it, a white mustache of whipped cream framing her lips.  The tip of her tongue runs along her lips cleaning the cream from them

Georgie Robertson:  I will see you at December two Dismember ladies.  Don’t be disappointed when I beat you, this win will be my Christmas gift to myself so Happy Christmas to me.

 With that, she once again offers a toastlike motion with the hot chocolate before the scene fades out on her sipping at the drink once more.

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“The Path to Redemption Part IX: The Path To Hell.”
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2023, 09:11:51 PM »
It was the week of the final SCW Show of 2023 and Krystal was all set to win the Golden Briefcase, especially since only two her opponents, Seleana, and Georgie, had promoted the match whilst Luna was strangely quiet! And amongst the backlash against Krystal’s apparent entitlement following her loss to Bella Madison in the final World Bombshell Title qualifier of the year, she was arguably extra motivated to prove them wrong! Can Krystal win?

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 10th of December 2023, 13:00pm

I bet those idiots don’t even realize what this shit has done to me.

I’ll admit, I was angry and pissed off after I lost the qualifier to Bella and yes, I used my promo to vent that anger, at which point every fucking Bombshell and their mother piled on top of me because how dare I show passion for this sport.

Then again, when I did the opposite this time last year after I lost the World Bombshell Title Match to Masque!

Honestly? I don’t know what the rest of the SCW roster wants me to be at this point, either they want me to show passion or they want me to shut up and just go with the flow, as if everyone wants me to be perfect after my record setting run with the Bombshell Roulette Title two years ago.

The fact that the bosses joined in only makes it worse, were my actions this year partially motivated by Sin? Yeah, I’m not denying that at this point, but there was still a lot of pent up frustration during those last few months that I took out on everyone and anyone and right now? I have one end goal for this year.

If you guessed the Golden Briefcase, then you’re absolutely correct, but I still had a lot to consider for after I won that damn thing! Good thing December 2 Dismember is the last show of the year because I can at least use the Christmas holidays to plot after I win the ladder match!

After that? Well, we’ll see when the time comes.

”And they wonder why I don’t use my wrestling twitter account much these days.” I muttered to myself as I read through the tweets that had been made against me in the wake of my first promo for the match, sometimes I wonder if this shit is worth it given how much of a toll my mental health has taken these last few years. ”At least Jessie got discharged from hospital.”

”I heard about that from Cass, good to know Jessie is on the mend.” Makayla commented as she entered my computer room and then frowned when she saw the tweets I was looking at. ”Are you still fuming over the comments other SCW Wrestlers have made on Twitter following your last promo? I told you the script for that thing was a bad idea but did you listen? No!”

”You don’t get it Makayla, if I had let that match pass without incident people would be claiming up and down that I don’t give a shit!” I insisted as I turned my chair around and stood up to face my ex-wife. ”I’m currently in a no win situation with the Bombshell Roster and I figured venting my frustrations was better than having a repeat of everything that happened earlier this year!”

”And I’m not denying that but that promo may have flushed all the work you’ve done to redeem yourself since Violent Conduct down the damn toilet.” Makayla responded with an exasperated sigh and I nodded in response. ”Jesus Christ Charlotte, maybe try listening to me next time.”

”Right, and I should listen to someone who can’t even train to become a wrestler because of her heart problems because?” I asked with a frown as I shook my head. ”You don’t know what it’s like Makayla, your just a fan of wrestling who used to be married to a wrestler, I do and I’ll trust the opinions of my fellow wrestlers a lot more thank you very much!”

”Right because people who willingly get kicked in the face for a living are clearly better decision makers than a former culinary student! Just look at that pissgate nonsense for a prime example of this!” Makayla responded with sarcasm dripping off her voice and I had no response to that. ”Besides, I did say that I wanted to talk about that, didn’t I?”

”What’s there to talk about? I’ve been living with you since Violent Conduct, we haven’t even talked about restarting our relationship yet even though Rachel still calls me mommy and the twins……..” Makayla cut me off in the best way possible, namely by kissing me on the lips, not a full on make out or anything but the intention was clear as day. ”You actually want to get back with me? After everything I’ve done over the past year?”

”I wanted things to be back to the way they were before Blaze of Glory for a while now, I just wasn’t sure when the time was right.” Makayla explained as she brushed some of her long blonde hair over her shoulder. ”Charlotte? I don’t care about what titles you win or what major matches you compete in, at one point you were the woman I loved but you nearly threw that all away because of your misguided quest to secure a better future for us, I’m not saying we should get remarried right away, but I am saying that I want us to go back to being a lesbian couple, if that’s what you want off course.”

I had to think about my answer for a minute, but I responded the same way Makayla did, only with a lot more passion, sadly the one thing that stopped us from clearing the desk and having sex atop it was the fact that the dogs needed to be fed and Garrus, being a German Shepherd, knew how to open doors, shame too because I almost had Makayla’s top off by that point.

This may not have been the early Christmas gift that I wanted, but I’ll take it!

Neon Knights, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 13th of December 2023, 18:00pm

I’ll give SCW credit, they know how to make the holidays seem special, well, more special than usual.

After everything that happened last week I was half tempted to delete my Twitter/X account and just follow the goings on in SCW through Cass, because it seems like I can’t open my mouth on that damn site without someone jumping down my throat and besides. Elon’s managed to turn a once popular site into a wasteland within a year of buying it so it’s not like I’d be missing much! But in the end, it came down to the simple fact that I’d have to enter my password first.

And after the elephant incident in India last year I’m about done with that level of headache!

So why am I at Jessie Salco’s bar this close to Christmas? It’s not like Jessie’s around anyways due to her recent health scare and all? Well the truth is that I got a test to meet someone here for a truce of sorts, I guess it would be cliché to call it a Christmas Truce, especially since Christmas Eve is still a week away, but that seems to be exactly what it is, and furthermore? It’s the last person I expected such a truce from.

Here's a hint, remember when my bitch phase started? Well, there were two women I attacked that night, one was Cass and we me made up once the Sin saga ended, but the other? Yeah, you guessed it, the truce was with Ariana.

Yeah, I was shocked too!

”Where the hell is she?” I wondered to myself as I sat at the bar, to Jessie’s credit, she had managed to take the bull by the horns when opening her bar, the place was packed and the food smelled delicious, the bar staff were all friendly too. ”Beginning to think she’ll never show up.”

“Waiting for someone?” The bartender who had been serving me, a young woman with dark hair wearing a crop top and booty shorts, asked as I turned to her. “You’ve been looking towards that door since you got here?”

”It’s a long story.” I responded as I shook my head and the bartender nodded in understanding. ”So, Jessie really lets you work in that outfit huh?”

“Says the professional wrestler.” The bartender countered and I had top admit, she had a point! Though my wrestling outfit consisted of a crop top and long pants so it wasn’t as revealing as hers. “Besides, I gotta make tips somehow.”

”There’s a joke there about some of the male patrons but I’m sure you’ve heard it before.” I responded dryly getting a laugh out of the bartender. ”Look, if she shows up, tell her that I headed home okay? She’s a Greek American woman, bit taller than me, waist length black hair, olive skin?”

“Oh you mean Ariana?” The bartender asked and I nodded, I kept forgetting that I was dealing with a bartender who had primarily sought employment here because she was a huge SCW fan, the door to the bar opened and she looked up. “There she is now.”

I turned around and sure enough, there was Ariana, her hand was still in a brace from Courtney’s attack and the Bombshell Internet Championship wasn’t with her, presumably she left it at home to avoid it getting stolen, but she was there standing in front of me. ”Glad you could make it Krystal, traffic was murder.” Ariana stated simply before she looked straight past me and at the bartender. ”The room I requested is free, right?”

“Yeah, follow me.” The bartender responded before leading me and Ari off to a side room, once we were inside she closed the door at Ariana’s request and I turned to her.

”Okay, what the hell is this about Ariana?” I asked bluntly as I folded my arms and Ariana leaned against a table. ”We haven’t spoken since the second Climax Control after Violent Conduct and I distinctly remember you saying that any friendship we had was dead.”

”You mean that statement I made whilst it felt like everyone was dog piling me for trying to take matters into my own hands?” Ariana glanced at her damaged hand and shook her head. ”No pun intended.” Ariana added as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”What do you think this is about Charlotte? I asked to meet you here to discuss a truce.”

”Peace talks between two former friends turned rivals at a bar owned by a Bombshell notorious for two things, her obsession with the World Bombshell Title and being a vindictive bitch?” I asked with a raised eyebrow and Ariana nodded. ”You realize the irony in that, right? The only thing keeping it from being even more ironic was if Jessie herself was here to oversee the peace talks and I’m assuming we both know why she isn’t here or won’t be at December 2 Dismember VI?”

”If you mean Jessie’s health scare then yeah, I saw her original tweet about it when I was at the same hospital for a checkup on this.” Ariana commented before holding up her braced hand. ”I just wanted to meet on neutral ground, the Go Gym and Hero  Academy are hardly neutral and the Gold Coast Cassino is too public, to say nothing of the possibility of us running into London Underground, this seemed like a good place.”

”That’s all well and good but why? And why now when I’m about to compete for a briefcase which could let me go after you, presuming you get your win back over Courtney off course.” I pointed out and Ariana nodded in response. ”That never occurred to you?”

”Just to get it out of the way? If you win the briefcase and decide to use it against me after I beat Courtney on Sunday?” I won’t hold it against you, it’ll be within your right as the briefcase holder after all.” Ariana responded as she shook her head and I nodded as I keened against the wall. ”As for why? We’re both going through the same thing, I’m being demonized for getting revenge against Courtney, like costing her a World Bombshell Title Math and you’re getting the same treatment because you vented your frustrations.”

”There’s a big difference between a choke artist getting a fluke win and a paper champion using her injured wife to help her retain the title Ariana, we both know that.” I responded as I shook my head and Ariana nodded. ”And what’s the point anyway? I have no interest in reviving the Go Sisters team, even if the bosses bring back the Bombshell Tag Titles!”

”Hey, even I’ll admit that that was a failed experiment! Our one win was against the Metal Maniacs for fuck’s sake and they haven’t been seen since then, hell they didn’t even get our team name right on the Summer XXXTreme card!” Ariana pointed out as she shook her head and I nodded in response. ”Though admittedly that might’ve been because we didn’t have an official name at that point! And even setting that aside, time heals all wounds anyway and hell, you made up with Cass, your own flesh and blood.”

”You do know the whole reason for that was blood is thicker than water, right?” I asked before shaking my head and then extending my non dominant hand out for a handshake, why? Because Ariana’s dominant hand was the one in the brace and I wanted to make it as easy as possible. ”For now, the truce is on, besides, I’ve just started dating Makayla again and I want to enter the new year with as much of a clean slate as possible.”

”And I can’t think of a more loaded task than that after the year you’ve had.” Ariana responded before accepting the handshake. ”So, we’re at a bar, we may as well get something to drink/eat whilst we’re here.”

”Never thought you’d ask.” I responded before we returned to the bar, grabbed a table and placed our orders.

The bar’s sideroom, Neon Knights, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 13th of November 2023, 21:00pm

*promo time*

May as well do it in here, right?

”You know, there’s a saying I heard recently that comes to mind given my treatment by certain members of the Bombshell Roster, and for what? Because I vented my frustrations last week rather than let them boil over again? I swear this division is full of fucking hypocrites!” I commented as I shook my head. ”No sin is forgiven until it is punished, and that’s definitely the vibe I got from everyone else in the Bombshell Locker Room, why does it matter anyway? Because after I beat Luna, Georgie and Seleana on Sunday, all eyes are going to be on me and the Golden Briefcase.”

And for good reason.

”After all, that briefcase comes with a power I’ll hold over the rest of the Bombshell Division, or more specifically? It’s champions, Alexanra, Ariana, and Julianna if the champions retain on Sunday and Bobbie, Courtney, and Bella if new champs are crowned on Sunday.” I stated with a frown on my face. ”And because no one likes it when I speak the truth about their new favourite Bombshell and her track record in title matches? That’s all I’m going to say about Bella for now, instead? I’m shifting my focus to my competition in this match!”

Starting with Luna.

”Then again? I’m not sure if there’s anything to say about Luna without repeating my talking points from last week, because she certainly didn’t have anything to say about me, Georgie, or Seleana.” I stated bluntly as I folded my arms. ”What’s the matter Luna? Raven’s got your tongue? Worried that you’ll fail again? Who knows at this point? And frankly? Who cares? Not like anyone had you predicted as the winner anyway.”

Next up is Seleana.

”I’ll give Seleana credit for actually having something to say this time around, pity most of it was about how everyone views your wife as the joke she is!” I commented as I shook my head. ”How you put up with that idiot is beyond me Seleana but the most you had to say about me and the others who are actually in this ladder match is that you’ve faced us before and know what we are capable off? Pathetic, almost as much as your attempt at recapturing the days when you were actually a threat to the champions of the Bombshell Division!”

Last up is Georgie.

”Oh Georgie, Georgie, Georgie, you think your head hurts now just from listening to me talk? At least your actually talking, unlike our first match Georgie! But more to the point? After I’m done with you on Sunday? Your headache won’t be from hearing me brag about being the Golden Briefcase holder.” I stated as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”It’ll be from when I bash your head into the ladder so many times you think that the current British Government is the best you Brits have!”


”The main takeaway I’m getting from the past two weeks is that no one cares if I’m trying to be good, but everyone loses their minds when I lash out at anyone.” I stated as I folded my arms. ”What Krystal do you idiots want? The good two shoes who tries to treat each of her opponents with the same level of respect? Or the jaded bitch who is sick and fucking tired of everyone criticising me when I try to do anything for myself?! Because quite frankly? The Bombshell Roster is pushing me that way right now!”

It’s that simple.

”The road to hell is paved with good intentions, I tried to be a better person in the wake of that Sin bullshit and what did it get me? My millionth rematch with Roxi Johnson? A pointless match against Georgie? Every other Bombshell acting like nothing has changed about me? I gotta ask, what’s the fucking point?” I asked bluntly as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”Especially when you consider some of the pans I have for when I win the Golden Briefcase on Sunday Night, if the Bombshell Roster didn’t hate me before? Just because I pull no punches when I’m pissed off? Then they will hate me even more in the New Year.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”But that isn’t for another two weeks, and I’m not in the business of revealing all the cards I have in my hand just yet.” I commented as grinned cockily. ”After all, I’ve got Lena, Seleana and Georgie standing in between me and that briefcase, and at The Path To Redemption Part IX: The Path To Hell? Well, let’s just say that the path to redemption will take a darker turn and the rest of the Bombshell Roster will have no one to blame but themselves for how I act in the new year! Luna, Seleana, Georgie? See you on Sunday!”

I left the room as the scene fades.

Offline Seleana Zdunich

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Zdunich Residence
Hollywood Hills
Los Angeles, California
9:01 AM  PST

Would this be the day?

Alexandra “Diamond” Caldwell had walked out of the relationship at almost the same time that Christina Zdunich had walked back into the abyss of alcoholism and drug abuse that she had pulled herself out of before.

Alexandra had found herself in a hole of sorts as well and now was coming back for at least a meeting with Seleana and Christina.

Chritina Zdunich: I’m so nervous!

Christina shakes her head as she paces between the couch and the doorway. Her wife, Seleana Zdunich, can only watch on from the couch as Christina’s anxiety manifests itself like this.

Chritina Zdunich: What if this isn’t…

Trailing off, Christina’s mind kicks into overdrive, ideas crashing into each other at a million miles per hour.

Chritina Zdunich: What if it’s too late? 

Her hands seem to dangle in midair as if she and they are unsure of what they should be doing right now. Should they crash to her face? Should they come down on her thighs? Should they clasp together? Should they wave around in some crazy display of loss of control?

Chritina Zdunich: What if I destroyed this and she’s just coming to tell us this time it’s for real?

Seleana raises her hands and shrugs, trying to calm Christina even knowing that it is a losing battle at the moment.

Seleana Zdunich: We owe it to her, to ourselves and especially to Aurora to see what this is, ja?

Christina  looks away from her wife, unable to look her in the eye.

Chritina Zdunich: You know I don’t talk about…

Seleana nods, stands up from the couch and takes her wife into her arms.

Seleana Zdunich: It will be alright, Estrellita. This might not be about your feelings as much as you worry. It might be more about hers and it will be about all of us.

Christin nods sadly to herself and then finally looks up into her wife’s eyes.

Chritina Zdunich: Aren’t you worried about how it will look if we take her back again? How many times…

Seleana raises a finger to her wife’s lips, shaking her head and gently shushes her.

Seleana Zdunich: It is alright, Estrellita. If they think me weak and wish to test their theory they have always been free to do so. When I married you, I did not say I would only marry you when things were glittering in gold, ja? What do I care about their opinions? They do not matter when it comes to *OUR* marriage.

A smile crosses Seleana’s face.

Seleana Zdunich: I love you, Christina. Not just when it is convenient or easy, but always. I love our family and if it is possible to repair it, we will. I have no doubts.

Christina embraces her wife, burying her face into Seleana’s chest.

Chritina Zdunich: I love you, Seleana!

Fighting back tears, Chirstibna tightens her grip on her wife.

Chritina Zdunich: I don’t know where I would be without you…

Seleana holds Christina tight and ptas the back of her head.

Seleana Zdunich: You do not have to find out, ja?

Christina nods against Seleana as they hear a car pull into the driveway.

Seleana Zdunich: Someone arrives…

Christina pulls away and walks to the door. Looking outside, she visibly stiffens right back up.

Chritina Zdunich: It’s her. She’s here.

Seleana nods to her and Christina opens the door just as Alexandra Caldwell comes walking up the sidewalk. She stops in her tracks and nervously waves.

Alexandra Caldwell: Hi.

Christina returns the nervous wave.

Chritina Zdunich: Hi.

Both fall silent, staring at each other, neither really seemingly able to believe this is really happening. Christina maintains her grip on the door as she stares out at Alexandra. Alexandra remains stock still as she stands there staring straight ahead at Christin in the doorway. After what feels like years, Seleana steps forward to Christina.

Seleana Zdunich: Estrellita, invite Diamantecita in, ja?

Christina snaps out of it and nods slowly, stepping back to allow Alexandr to make entry. Seleana smiles at her sweetly.

Seleana Zdunich: Please… come in?

Alexandra nods and moves to come in, Seleana stepping back from the doorway behind Christina. Alexandra walks by them into the den and Christina closes the door behind her.

Seleana Zdunich: Heya, Chickie, how’s it?

Alexandra sucks in a deep breath, still contemplating her answer even though she’s ben anticipating this question since the idea had been put forth to come here.

Alexandra Caldwell: I…

Her face droops, her head dips and her gaze falls to the floor.

Alexandra Caldwell: Lonely…

Christina shakes her head, almost shaking bodily as she does so. 

Chritina Zdunich: I‘m sorry!

Alexandra shakes her head without looking up.

Alexandra Caldwell: It wasn’t your fault.

Christina frowns in confusion and curiosity more than anything else even though the words come out of her mouth in retort in a much more harsh tone than she meant them to be.

Chritina Zdunich: Whose was it then?

Still unable to look up from the floor, Alexandra’s eyes snap shut as she stands there trying not to just bawl.

Alexandra Caldwell: It was mine.

Her hands start shaking as she moves them up to her face.

Alexandra Caldwell: I didn’t know who I was anymore.

Her hands fly down in exasperation.

Alexandra Caldwell: I still don’t. I feel so dead inside without you and I don’t know… how…

Christina just stares at her, shock setting in as she hears words that sound eerily similar to her own. Before she can answer, Seleana’s voice fills the void.

Seleana Zdunich: You do not know how to fix it, ja?

Alexandra nods, the tears welling up in her eyes. Seleana moves closer to her and takes Alexandra into her arms.

Seleana Zdunich: You just come home. We are here for you.

Alexandra clamps onto Seleana as Seleana holds her lovingly.

Seleana Zdunich: We are a family, Diamantecita. It is ok to question sometimes. As I told Christina, I did not accept you into our marriage only when it is easy.

She kisses the top of Alexandra’s head.

Seleana Zdunich: I love you, Alexandra. Aurora loves you.

Christina moves in and joins the embrace.

Chritina Zdunich: I love you.

Alexandra can’t take it anymore and starts bawling.

Alexandra Caldwell: I love you all!

Seleana hugs them both, tears coming into her eyes as well.

Seleana Zdunich: We’ve missed you, Diamantecita. I will never stop loving either one of you… even when you do not think you deserve it.

With Christina bawling just as much as Alexandra, the three clutch each other even tighter than before.

Seleana Zdunich: Välkommen hem.


Saturday, December 9, 2023
Living Room
Home of Crystal Hilton
Hollywood Hills
Los Angeles, California
2:01 PM  PST

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich sitting on the family couch, wearing a plain black t-shirt, black workout pants and her hair pulled back into a ponytail.

Seleana Zdunich: December 2 Dismember V, Tucson, Arizona…

A smile crosses her face.

Seleana Zdunich: In two days’ time, four of us will meet for the Golden Briefcase Ladder Match to see which of us can climb the Stairway To Heaven between myself, Georgie Robertson, Luna Pasilno, and Krystal Wolfe.

She leans forward, her arms crossing as her hands clasp together between her knees.

Seleana Zdunich: Three of us have been champions before and the fourth has had bad luck.

Seleana shrugs as she sits back against the back of the couch.

Seleana Zdunich: The winner can challenge for a championship and thus the intrigue comes into play, who will they challenge?

She shrugs at the uncertainty.

Seleana Zdunich: When will they challenge?

She smiles knowingly.

Seleana Zdunich: No one knows.

She chuckles to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: Especially not with this foursome.

Shaking her head, Seleana remains to appear amused at the very idea of asking those questions even knowing they will be asked regardless.

Seleana Zdunich: Luna would never tell anyone if she had any plans because she doesn’t think it would matter. Her inner Vanity would still be showing.

She nods slightly as if that answer had been obvious.

Seleana Zdunich: Georgie would look to be smart so as to make this shot count. She has received several and they have all gone awry for her. If she were to obtain this one, she would not wish to set it up to fail by telling us all when it was coming.

She nods again as if that answer had, once again, been obvious.

Seleana Zdunich: Krystal…

She laughs again.

Seleana Zdunich: Krystal would be duplicitous whether she means to or not. She would use deception to try and win the championship and earn redemption in her own eyes if not in anyone else’s.

She shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: It is one of many things with her. She complains about being called whiny and entitled as if she either does not want them to be true about her or wishes to prove they are no longer true…

Seleana nods pointedly.

Seleana Zdunich: And then she proves those words right to an extent by whining and complaining about nearly everything. How many times must we hear about how Bella is unworthy and got lucky?

She nods, her eyes widening as if begging for the answer she already knows is coming.

Seleana Zdunich: How many times must you come at anyone that Bella has defeated by complaining because she got you?

Seleana shakes her head in disgust.

Seleana Zdunich: You are oftentimes exactly what everyone says about my wife, my stepdaughter and my daughter-in-law. Crystal, Brittany and Sofia have all made mistakes and you are currently still making those same mistakes no matter how much you scream to the heaven to the contrary.

She sits forward and points accusingly into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: Whether Bella got lucky or not is irrelevant. She won, you did not and now you underestimate her and you underestimate all of us in this match with you as well.

She shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: For all of your talk about not being that person anymore, you sure talk like her still. Was that all just a story to get everyone to sympathize with you instead of thinking of you as a fitta?

Seleana exhales heavily.

Seleana Zdunich: You call Georgie a huge choke artist and compare her to Bella even though Bella is the one getting the championship opportunity you feel should be yours.

She shakes her head in utter disbelief.

Seleana Zdunich: You call them such things as if beating the best is just something that is so easy to do all that is needed is to show up. Like all that is required is to turn up and victory is assured and thus anyone who does not is a “choke artist”...

Glaring into the camera, Seleana points accusingly again.

Seleana Zdunich: Does that not mean you are such a beast just being in this match yourself?

She nods gravely.

Seleana Zdunich: And would that not mean you should shut your mouth and get to work since your old plan did not work against Bella?

She waves her hand dismissively.

Seleana Zdunich: Göra en höna av en fjäder…

She looks away as the Swedish phrase, “To make a hen out of a feather,” comes out of her mouth before turning back to face the camera again.

Seleana Zdunich: Georgie…

She pauses to lick her upper teeth. 

Seleana Zdunich: Is an idiot without comprehension.

She just shakes her head in utter disbelief again.

Seleana Zdunich: Do you always make things up to drive yourself or just in this case where it concerns me?   

She cocks her head to the right.

Seleana Zdunich: I never said anything about people in this match being of no challenge to me. I never said anything about any of you being beneath me and I cannot fathom how you came to the conclusion that not only did I say that about one of you but I said it about all three of you.

She sits back waving one hand as if this is the single most absurd thing Seleana has ever heard in her entire life.

Seleana Zdunich: The only thing I can think of there is you needed something to anger yourself for the match and thus…

She waves her hand across the shot.

Seleana Zdunich: Out that came.

Her hand returns to its place on the couch as Seleana glares into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: I never said that and I never have about any other match. That would be incredibly stupid given how things tend to go around here, ja?

She stands up, pointing herself in the chest.

Seleana Zdunich: I know I am not supposed to be here.

She nods emphatically, still pointing at herself.

Seleana Zdunich: I know I am just the zookeeper who stumbled upon this because my wife asked me to follow her into it. I know I must work for every match I am in, every win I train because I started later in life than everyone else and this was not my first choice as a vocation. Pose no challenge to me?

She stares into the camera, the disbelief becoming full blown incredulousness as she does so.

Seleana Zdunich: Have you taken leave of your senses, Chickie? I am the one who must prove every match that I pose a threat to the other, more physically gifted with talent and better trained opponents I face every time I step into the ring. That I have managed to win multiple championships and even defended several times does not mean that has ever changed. The fact that I play with a full grown lioness for fun as if she is a house cat has never changed that and nothing ever will. I will ALWAYS need to prove myself every time I go out there because I will always have to show that I care about this even a part as much as everyone else does. I must show that I have the fighting spirit that the rest of you take for granted that it is automatically assumed you have in abundance. That will never be true for me because I did not start right out of school.

Seleana nods forcefully.

Seleana Zdunich: In two days’ time, I get my latest opportunity to show that I have that fighting spirit. I get to strive to show that I belong just as much as the rest of you do. In two days’ time I face the three of you, Krystal, Georgie, Luna and even though Luna has not deigned any of us worthy of anything at all from her, it does not take away from her ability. All of us are capable of winning this match. All of us are capable of climbing that ladder and grabbing the Golden Briefcase. No matter what anyone else says, whichever one of us climbs up and takes it will have earned it and will b able to go after whoever is champion. So you can all take those thoughts that we do not deserve to be in this match or that we are not a challenge or that you should be in a different match and you can shove them up your ass because we are all here, we are all worthy and whoever wins deserves to be in that championship conversation!

She walks over and takes hold of the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: You bet your ass I will do everything in my power for it to be me. Let us all show the world, ja?


Offline Georgie Girl

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Footsteps can be heard on the hardwood floor of the apartment where Georgie Robertson lives, the soft pitter patter of bare feet moving with purpose towards another room in the dark.  Suddenly a light brightens the room which has the mysterious person squinting against the suddenness of the light.   

 Georgie Robertson:   Oy…warn a person willya!

 Lalita:   What are you doing up at this time Georgie?  It’s like…half three!

Georgie looks across the room, her eyes narrowing as she looks at the decorative clock on the mantle then back at her friend Lalita who has pulled a silken robe over her forearms, her feet tucked into a pair of slippers and the light silk pajama pants that are slung low on her hips under a crop top.

 Georgie Robertson:   I couldn’t sleep.  So I thought I would take a butchers in the kitchen for a snack, specifically ice lollies that I am sure that you bought.

 Lalita:  Ice lollies?  Are you daft?  It is winter time there Georg…

Lalita pulls the robe up and moves towards Georgie who is in a satin babydoll and booty shorts.  Tapping a finger against the forehead of Georgie, Lalita laughs.   

Lalita:  I don’t have ice lollies but I do have some fruitcake that my nan sent me.  I might be persuaded to share some if you’re nice to me. 

 Georgie Robertson:   Fruitcake from your nan…yes please!  Taste of home innit?  I am down for some of that. 

 Lalita:  You always are when it comes to my nan’s baking.

The pair head into the kitchen and Lalita opens a cupboard and pulls down a tin with images of London England on it.  Opening it, Georgie catches a whiff of the candied fruit as she passes behind Lalita to fill a kettle then sets it to boil before grabbing an open box of PG Tips to make tea.  Turning and leaning against the counter, Lalita braces her elbows on it as watches Georgie who runs a hand through her sleep(less) tousled hair and lets her head fall back to look upward.

Lalita:  Okay spill Georgie, you don’t usually have sleepless nights like this. 

Leaning against her side of the counter, Georgie turns her head towards Lalita and sighs.  Straightening up, she reaches out for the now boiled kettle and pours the hot water over the teabags in the cup.     

 Georgie Robertson:   I guess you could say that it is that time of year and be done with it.  I used to love Christmas but losing me mum’s dad on Christmas eve  just put a bit of a downer on my season.  Now I am expected to be all happy and go lucky and in the mood for giving when all I want to do is just hang back, and do nothin’.  And if that ain’t bloody stupid, now I have this Sin City Wrestling supercard where I am in a match with a ladder and three bombshells that I could care less about.  Oh sure, I talk a good game but none of those birds really inspire me ye ken?

 Lalita:  Of course I do.  Hell I have heard that Krystal Wolfe rabbiting on about how you are a multi time loser…

Georgie Robertson:     Yeah, twist that knife some more why don’t you?

 Lalita:  Honestly, who lets someone like that bird in wrestling?  I heard that she was possessed or some such nonsense.  And that it was all a cover to justify how much of a…

The word Lalita spoke was drowned out by the slamming of the cupboard door by Georgie who rolls her eyes and turns on Lalita.     

 Georgie Robertson:   I ain’t wanting to talk about her yeah.  My night is already ruined and you have to talk about Krystal like I pay attention to anything she says. 

 Lalita:  I am only talkin’ about what she keeps saying about you.  She’s a broken record with only one note and that is all.

 Georgie Robertson:   While you are at it, why not talk about Seleana or Luna…

The sarcasm is not lost on Lalita who picks up her cup and sips at the tea.  She smiles into her cup as she takes in the anger on Georgie’s face.  Pushing the tin of fruitcake towards Georgie, she leans an elbow on the counter and smiles at her friend.     

 Lalita:  All right then Georgie, let’s talk then.

 Before she can continue, Georgie holds up a hand and lets a rather large yawn escape her lips.  Lalita turns her head to the side as Georgie takes some cake and her cuppa and heads out of the kitchen letting her voice drift back to Lalita who just chuckles

Georgie Robertson:   Let’s not Lal…for some reason I am getting so tired.  I suspect that you bored me to exhaustion given you were talking about Krystal and I just couldn’t work up the interest.  G’night Lal, thanks for the cake.

Georgie raises the cake in a toasting motion as she walks out of the kitchen and disappears into the hallway leading to the bedrooms.  Lalita remains in the kitchen and listens as a door opens and closes in the distance.     

 Lalita:  Night Georgie.

 Lalita whispers into the now empty room before once more sipping on her tea as she walks to the light switch and turns it off before leaving the room.


A large throne is seen with a jolly Father Christmas sitting on it.  There is a line of children who are waiting to sit on his lap and given him their Christmas wishes.  Standing nearby is Georgie Robertson, dressed in a black dress with thigh high boots and a silver choker around her neck with red ribbon woven into it.  The last child talks to Santa then rushes away to their parent. Georgie moves forward to the man and then stops right in front him which prompts him to ask what she might want before looking to see a cameraman who waves slowly from behind the camera.

 Georgie Robertson:   Well, I thought I would come and tell you what I want for Christmas given that you are Father Christmas yeah?

 He nods and pats his lap before motioning for Georgie to move closer.  She climbs towards him then sets herself on his lap and crossing one leg over the other.  The Santa runs a hand along his collar as Georgie wiggles slightly to get comfortable.  With a cough, he asks her what she wants for Christmas.

 Georgie Robertson:   First, I would like a new bottle of Chanel and a pair of Louboutins.  And there is this leather coat that I have been wanting for the longest time.

Santa nods and is about to reach for a candy cane in a bucket near his throne as Georgie speaks again.     

 Georgie Robertson:   But Father Christmas, I really want to actually ask for something for before Christmas.  See, I am in a match for Sin City Wrestling’s upcoming December to Dismember.  A golden briefcase that will be hanging over the ring.  To win it I need to climb a ladder and grab the case.  Now I know that I have not really had quite the record that I should have but I want to end the year with a win if you could.

Georgie Robertson:  I mean I suppose you could say that the others in the match will definitely be those that will want to stop me and there is one who actually talks like I am not even a challenge.  So could I also ask you to give her a gift too?  Seeing as it is the season of giving and all.  I want you to gift her a clue that she is not the end all and be all in this match.  She should really be a bit more humble.  Yes, she has been a champion before and she can back up her talk but recently she has decided to just coast on her laurels and I am sure that she would love to rest on laurel if you know what I mean.  But I want her to realize too that just because she gets cocky about it or complains that she shouldn’t even be in the match because she should be challenging for the Bombshell World title.  She lost the qualifier and now is just bitching about every little thing about this match and not being in the title match.  I would think that any match she would be in, she would see as a challenge. 

 Georgie lays a finger against the cheek of Santa and smiles.

 Georgie Robertson:   I wouldn’t want to disappoint Krystal in any way except one.  I want her to be able to watch and do nothing as I climb the ladder and claim the briefcase.  Do nothing and like it that I finally did what she said I couldn’t and that is beat her.   After all, she is the one that I am seeing as the biggest challenge in this match.

Georgie Robertson:  And then there is Luna who has been rather quiet about her part in this match.  She hasn’t really been any kind of visible when it comes to even promoting herself in this match and if I am honest, I think that I would ask you to give her some personality or a voice at least so she could actually talk about this match and not give up before it even happens.

 Santa looks at the cameraman who shrugs as Georgie thinks about her next comment.  A slow smile crosses her lips as she once more turns her attention to Santa.

 Georgie Robertson:  And last but not least, Seleana Zdunich who has recently had some rather poor showings when it comes to wrestling matches.  She doesn’t really seem to be on her game when it comes to challenges like this.  If I didn’t know better, I would say that she has more on her mind than wrestling.  Maybe what she needs is some time to get things straight in her life then come back with more focus.  But I could be wrong yeah?

 Santa nods as Georgie leans an arm on his shoulder and leans closer to him so that his nose can scent the Chanel perfume she is wearing.  She lightly tugs at the fake beard of the Santa noting that he isn’t as old as he is dressed like.  Georgie smirks and nuzzles against his ear.

 Georgie Robertson:   I hope you can help me with this Santa.  I have been very naughty when it comes to my matches but I so want to be a good girl when it comes to climbing that ladder and winning this match. 

Georgie Robertson:  After all I think it is about time that I get a win don’t you think?  So please Santa…all I want for Christmas is a win on Sunday at December to Dismember.  Think you could give me that for a present?

 Santa swallows deeply as Georgie flirts with him.  The cameraman continues to film but can’t hear what Georgie has leaned in to whisper into the ear of Santa.  Once she finishes, she stands up and adjusts her dress then walks away after handing something to Santa.  He looks down at what appears to be a phone number then up at the now disappearing Georgie.  The camera follows her until she disappears then turns back to see Santa with an iphone that he is tapping the screen of to enter her number as the scene fades out.