Author Topic: All Star Roxi Issue #33: What Would You Do?  (Read 495 times)

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
All Star Roxi Issue #33: What Would You Do?
« on: December 11, 2020, 11:47:41 PM »
{The scene opens with Roxi driving casually headed to her destination with her phone playing music. The music on the phone is interrupted by a phone call. Roxi looks down quickly and sees that it is her sister calling her. She pushes the button


Roxi – Hey.


Nicole – Um, yes, I know it’s a little late but it is possible to reserve a table for two at 8 or 8:30 perhaps?


Roxi – Nicole, I’m not Dorsia.


Nicole – Dang. You’re good.


Roxi – You can’t throw softballs like that one.


Nicole – I’ll have to try harder next time.


Roxi – You’re not going to get me. We’ve been doing this for years. Our entire conversations are movie quotes.


Nicole – I know, still, I’ve got go back into the hospital in a couple of days.


Roxi – Why? What is it?


Nicole – It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.


Roxi – *Sigh* You are the worst, you know that?


Nicole – Come on, you lobbed that up.


Roxi –  Just... Why are you going back to the hospital?


Nicole – I haven’t felt well in the past few days. Maybe it’s the ‘Rona.


Roxi – Don’t joke about it like that.


Nicole – I’m not, I thought I took every precaution, but I’ve had a fever and been congested the past couple of days.


Roxi – Maybe it’s the flu.


Nicole – It could be, but come on, Rox, you know we can’t take chances.


Roxi – Well, if it’s that, we’ll make sure to do everything we can to help you.


Nicole – That’s why I called, Keira said you were headed to the store.


Roxi – You called the house?


Nicole – You don’t answer your phone all the time!


Roxi – I’m busy. A lot. 


Nicole – I know, that’s why I called twice, on two different phones.


Roxi – ANYWAY, What’s up? Do you need something from the store?


Nicole – You know, like... soup and whatnot. I don’t think I have any here. And, I don’t want to go out in case I do have it. You know, trying to stop the spread.


Roxi – I wish more people were like that.


Nicole – Well, people are weird. You know that got that whole “Patriot” thing going.


Roxi – Yeah, I guess.


Nicole – Anyway, if you could be awesome and grab me some medicine and some food, that would be awesome.


Roxi – Sure. I’ll grab some stuff, and bring it over.


Nicole – Aren’t you just the sweetest.


Roxi – Yeah, yeah.


Nicole – Oh an uh, tell Keira I said congratulations. 


Roxi – Why didn’t you just tell her? You talked to her.


Nicole – I didn’t get the chance, she had to tell me herself and really drive home that she was happy to be champion. 


Roxi – That has been her, lately.


Nicole – So uh, what are you going to do about that?


Roxi – About what?


Nicole – You know, she also had to tell me about her first title defense.


Roxi – Oh. That.


Nicole – Yeah. That.


Roxi – I’m going to treat it like any other match.


Nicole – But this is your wife, and it’s for a world title?


Roxi – Yes, I’m aware of my next match, Nicole. That’s not the point. I mean, what am I supposed to do? I can’t take it easy on her, and I can’t just try and take her head off. She’s my wife.


Nicole – Not to mention that people may think you threw the match if you lose.


Roxi – Ugh. I’m never in a good spot with these things. If I beat her, I’m the selfish bully who beat her wife right after she won the championship and took it all away from her. And if I lose, all of sudden I’m taking it easy on her and I let her win. 


Nicole – Sucks.


Roxi – I’ve thought about it a lot. Ever since the match was announced so I... I just have to do it like it’s not against Keira. Keira’s different now so, I have to act like this is a different person.


Nicole – Rox, you don’t have to treat me like I’m a fan, I’m your sister. I know how you feel. You don’t want to do this. You’re too nice, too caring. 


Roxi – Maybe I am, But I can’t change my own mindset for what has to happen. I’m just gonna be me.


Nicole – Well... whatever you decide, I’m sure it’ll be the right choice.


Roxi – It’s not like I haven’t made bad choices before.


Nicole – Like that one time, at band camp?


Roxi – Really? 


Nicole – Oh come on, I like to break the tension. You said it yourself, it’s all movie quotes, and you don’t need to cut a promo on me. 


Roxi – Very funny. 


Nicole – Funny how?


Roxi – Stop it. Look, I’ll get you your groceries, and I’ll bring them to you. After that, I don’t know. I’ll go through what I normally do and that will be that for the match. That’s all I can really do.


Nicole – Fine, fine. And where the F is my Christmas card?


Roxi – Oh... oh crap. I forgot all about them! I’ll... I’ll figure something out.


Nicole – Good. 


Roxi – Alright, I’ll talk to you soon, I guess.


Nicole – Yeah.


{Nicole begins to cough loudly and snorting from her stuffy nose.}


Roxi – Are you okay?


{There is no response from Nicole.}


Roxi – Nicole? Nicole?


Nicole – Though I left, didn’t ya?


Roxi – OH. MY. GOD. I’m going to smack you. Good bye.


{Roxi hangs up and soon she pulls into the grocery store parking lot and parks her car. She dons her mask and she exits the car. She grabs her purse and slings it over her shoulder as she walks towards the front of the store. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices a cop car pulling up to the store and parking directly in front.}


Roxi – Uh oh.


{Roxi continues to walk and enters the store, where pretty much everyone is wearing masks and doing their shopping as they normally would. There is, of course, one gentlemen who is not wearing a mask, and the managers are talking to him.}


Manager – Sir, the sign is clearly posted, you need to wear a mask when you come into the store.


Man – I'm can’t wear a mask. I’m exempt.


Manager – Do you have any medical notification that you are exempt?


Man – I don’t have to show you that, that’s a violation of HIPPA rules.


Manager – Fine. But, until I see that, you cannot be in the store without a mask. It’s store policy.


Man – That is discrimination. You cannot do that.


Manager – Yes, we can, this is a private business.


Man – No, this is a place of public accommodation. You cannot refuse me


Manager – Yes, we can. That’s the right of any business.


{Roxi just shakes her head and she goes through the store, buying the items she’s trying to buy, until the chaos of this follows her and the man without a mask continues to shop and then opens the refrigerated area doors and pulls out a pack of coconut water, and then opens it, and begins to drink it. The man looks over at Roxi who just shakes her head.}


Man – What? 


Roxi – Now you’re just going to drink it in the store?


Man – Yes. I’m gonna pay for it.


Roxi – They're trying to kick you out.


Man – Because they don’t know the law. 


Roxi – I'm sure it’s them.


Man – You're doing it to.


Roxi – Doing what? Shopping?


Man – You're contributing to the tyranny! The tyranny of America.


Roxi – What?


Man – Soon they’re make all of us wear the masks and then give a little chip so they can spy on you.


Roxi – I'm not seeing the connection.


Man – They're going to do this at it’s the first step towards communism!


Roxi – That.... what? Listen, Google, probably already knows everything about me anyway. Cell phones have gps and all kinds of tracking information. I’m pretty sure if people wanted to get to us, they could. It’s pretty easy. Masks are helping at least try and slow the disease.


Man – That’s because you listen to the mainstream media!


Roxi – No, it’s because I have common sense.


{The manager finally shows up around the corner this time with a police officer.}


Manager – Sir, the police are here to escort you out.


Man – No, I’d like to talk to them first.


Officer – Hello, sir. My name is officer Devito, and I see right now that you’re not wearing a mask, so I’m going to need you to comply with the store’s wishes and leave.


Man – I can’t wear a mask. It says on their website that if I can’t wear a mask, I can still shop here! There’s no constitutional law that says I can’t.


Ofc. Devito – Okay, but this is a private business, and they reserve the right to refuse service to you. Which, they have done. 


Man – I’m sorry, officer, but you are wrong. This is a place of public accommodation. They cannot, by law -


Ofc. Devito – Sir. This is a private business, just like wal-mart or 7-11 or those stores. They all have the right, to refuse service for valid reasons. There is, a mask mandate right now, and this store’s policy, as far as I know, is to require that mask to be worn, and you aren’t doing that.


Man – I don’t have to.


Ofc. Devito – To shop here, yes you do. So, they have asked you to leave. If you don’t leave, then you are going to be subject to arrest.


Man – On what charge?


Ofc. Devito – Trespassing.


Roxi – Hope you have a good day, sir. Enjoy your drinks.


{Roxi nods as she moves on, gathering more items to buy. Once she finishes, she finally makes it to the checkout and begins putting her groceries to be rung up.}


Cashier – How are you today?


Roxi – Oh, hanging in there.


Cashier – Aren't we all?


Roxi – Goodness I hope so.


{The action from the other man however are still not done, so much so that another cop walks through the door. Roxi points to where she last saw them.}


Roxi – He's back there.  Good luck.


Officer #2 – Thanks.


Cashier – Is it bad?


Roxi – He's not a person who likes wearing a mask.


Cashier – Oh.


Roxi – Yeah, they’re trying to get him to leave but... Oh wait... here he is now.


{The man is then escorted by the two cops and the manager, still arguing.}


Man – This whole mask thing is stupid. I mean the guy who came up the PCR test said it shouldn’t be used to figure out disease, because they have to multiply it by 40 times and that’s always going to produce positive results. And they’re poking the blood brain barrier it’s crazy!


{Roxi sighs, finally turning to the man and shouting.}


Roxi – Dude... you’re killing me. The PCR test has to multiply itself by 40 times because we’re talking about microscopic levels of DNA. So, in order to amplify it for study, it needs to be multiplied. And goodness your blood brain barrier isn’t anywhere close to how close that swap goes. It never reaches your brain, it’s in your nasal cavity and the back of your throat. I know you want to sound really smart, but you’re sounding like a complete idiot right now. 


Man – You see, officer! They’re all brainwashed! 


Roxi – Let me ask you a question, sir. Let me just ask you this one question.


Man – Oh boy, here we go.


Roxi – Do you... own a gun?


Man – Yes?


Roxi – Have you ever been to a gun range?


Man – Yes, why?


Roxi – Now, when you go to a gun range, do they make you wear anything special? Like... eyewear or hearing protection?


Man – Yes, so?


Roxi – Do you complain like this when they ask you to?


Man – I... I know what you’re trying to do!


Roxi – I'm just curious as to why this is such a huge problem for you.


Man – These people are contributing to the downfall of America! You watch, the commies will be here.


{The cops slowly escort the man out of the building as Roxi pays for her items.}


Cashier – What was that all about?


Roxi – I have no idea.


Cashier – Well, you have yourself a good holiday.


Roxi – You too. Really appreciate how hard you guys are working. Be safe.


 (Roxi then departs at the scene fades with her shaking her head watching the man stand there, recording himself on camera, angrily shouting about being kicked out.}


{Roxi is now driving back and pulls up to Nicole’s house and knocks on the door once she arrives at it. Nicole answers only moments later, a couple of blankets covering her.}


Roxi – Jeez Nicole, you look terrible.


Nicole – You should see the other guy.


Roxi – I mean it. I think you need to go to the doctor.


Nicole – I plan on it. I just want to have the essentials before I do.


Roxi – Fine, but seriously, I’m worried about you.


Nicole – You worry about everybody.


Roxi – You really look sick. Look, just tell me where you want this stuff, and I’m really hoping you go to the doctor.


Nicole – Fine, fine, just bring it in, and I’ll take care of it later.


{Roxi nods and opens up her trunk and begins to unload bags to bring them into Nicole’s house. She steps in and places the bags on the counter.}


Nicole – So, have you given more thought to the Keira situation?


Roxi – Not really. I’m just going to do what I normally do.


Nicole – Fair enough I suppose.


{Roxi brings in one more bag and sets it down, before looking at her sister and checking her eyes and face.}


Roxi – I'm telling you that you really shouldn’t wait.


Nicole – I'll be okay. I just need a little nap for right now and I’ll go tomorrow. 


Roxi – At least go get a test. 


Nicole – You're not my real mom. How is she, by the way?


Roxi – She's fine. Taking care of Nate and being a grandmother.


Nicole – Good good. 


Roxi – If anything happens Nicole, I want you to come to the house.


Nicole – And get Nate or mom or Keira sick? That seems like a really bad idea.


Roxi –  Keira and I are fine. Just... don’t stay too far away, is all I’m saying. I don’t want you going through this alone. 


Nicole – I know, I’m worried myself. 


Roxi – I hope so.


Nicole – I'm just... trying to make the best of this, you know? I don’t want to get beat down by this and be a negative nancy.


Roxi – It's about your health, Nicole.


Nicole – I know. Just... I’ll take care of this, you can go. 


Roxi – Are you sure?


Nicole – Yes, I’m positive. 


Roxi – Alright, but be safe, and be smart about this.


{Roxi embraces her sister and puts her hands on her shoulders.}


Roxi – I love you sis, If you ever need anything, don’t hesistate to ask.


Nicole – I know that. I love you too. Now go. You’ve got more important things to worry about.


{The two sisters embrace one more time before Roxi departs, heading home as the scene fades.}




{We are later in the evening when Roxi returns home, She, along with Keira are actually able to sit down for a dinner between the two of them.}


Keira – Did Nicole get a hold of you?


Roxi – Yes. I think she’s sick.


Keira – Like... COVID sick?


Roxi – Possibly. She just wanted to get her stuff from the store and I did, but even looking at her she looks terrible.


Keira – Great. Just what we need, more sickness. Keri’s just getting over it.


Roxi – I know. Nicole is a busybody so she just... I hate to say it, she is my sister, but she was probably bound to get it.


Keira – Is she going to hospital?


Roxi – I told her to. Whether or not she does is another story.


Keira – She is stubborn.


Roxi – I know.


Keira – Justl ike her sister.


Roxi – Very funny.


{There is a moment of silence as they two keep eating.}


Keira – So, what do you think?


Roxi – What do you mean?


Keira – About the match.


Roxi – It’s a match. 


Keira – You have to have more thoughts than that.


Roxi – It’s what we have to do. It’s not hard to figure out.


Keira – Aren’t you going to... try and get in my head or something?


Roxi – No, why?


Keira – So I don’t get anything?


Roxi – What do you want me to say, Keira? We’re wrestling each other for you championship. That’s it. You and I both know what we have to do, and we’ll do just that. Plain and simple. I don’t know what more you want me to say.


Keira – I know you have other thoughts about it. I’m not stupid. 


Roxi – I’m not treating you like that. If that’s how you feel, I’m sorry. But that’s not what I mean to do. Yes, I’m going to say other things about the match when it’s time, just like you will. But at the end of the day, we’re Team Hero first. 


Keira – Alright, alright.  At least tell me you’re excited for WWR?


Roxi – I am. We get to go into battle together next week, and I’m always excited for that. You’re my partner and my wife. What more could I ask for?


Keira – I... I do appreciate the save last week.


Roxi – Nothing you wouldn’t do for me.


Keira – So how was the store?


Roxi – Crazy as always.


Keira – That good?


Roxi – Well, there was a guy who wasn’t wearing a mask and the cops showed up and he just started talking crazy and spouting off conspiracies.


Keira – Man, I miss everything good.


Roxi – Trust me, it would only serve to make you mad.


Keira – Did it upset you?


Roxi – Yes, because these people are just spouting nonsense and it’s really hurtful to us as a people. We’re going full tribalism and it’s rough.


Keira – I guess you’re right. It pisses me off.


Roxi – So, sometimes you just have to ask what would you do in those situations.


Keira – Yeah.


Roxi – So, yeah, an eventful day. 


{Roxi finishes her plate, as Keira looks at the leftovers.}


Keira – Are you going to eat any more of this?


Roxi – No. Finish it off.


Keira – Sweet.


{Keira begins to fill her plate as Roxi stands up, and takes her plate to the sink and washes it off.}


Roxi – You going to clear off the table?


Keira – Yeah, when I’m done.


Roxi – Okay, I’ll be back.


Keira – Where are you going?


Roxi – I need to think about what I’m going to do.


{Roxi leaves Keira with these words as the scene fades.}



“You play the hand you're dealt. What I am, I am of my own choice. I don't know if I'm happy... but I'm content.“

- Bruce Wayne (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Vol 1 23)



Hello SCW.


I come to you this time in a far more somber mood. I know that we’ve just celebrated Thanksgiving recently and we’re all looking forward to the holiday season continuing and ending what has been an absolutely crazy year. I’m not going to lie and tell you that everything is hunky dory right now, but I am always of the belief that things get better. As the old saying goes, it’s always the darkest just before the dawn, and I believe that. So, I’m not worried about things getting better, I’m just thinking about the last few weeks and how things just haven’t been the best, for me.


I lost to Amber in the last woman standing match, and really, a larger part of me is glad that that whole business is over. I feel bad that what had to happen happened, and I wish that I could stand here and tell you that Amber isn’t in a walking boot and on crutches, but she is. We did terrible things to each other, and that larger part of me is now thankful that this isn’t going to escalate any further. I’m not sure how much further we could have gone all things considered. It wasn’t something I wanted to happen, but when my hand is forced it is forced. 


But that smaller part? It’s furious that I didn’t get the job done like I wanted to. It really wants another match with Amber to continue this because like a lot of people, I’m stubborn and that part of me was more than willing to continue the hospital trips and the breaking down of my body and mind, just to win in the end. But at the end of the day, Amber got her hand raised, but the damage is pretty equal on both sides. Both sides of me, are just now happy, that we survived. 


So, while the mental and physical toll is there, and it is going to be there for a while, And the pain of loss is hard to swallow, I have accepted it. That was it. Until next time, and Amber’s words are still in my head. We will cross paths again. And so, when that day comes, I will be ready and I will get better in order to combat her again. But until that comes, we can only move forward.


And thus, we come to what lies ahead. I knew from the start that this match, could be a match around this time. I had a Bombshell’s championship match in my back pocket, thanks to Crystal making that random match with myself, her, Alicia & Andrea. Why that was a tag match is still a mystery to me, because it didn’t stop Alicia from earning herself another championship match, and only served to anger Andrea who’s already mad at everything anyway, but I digress on that. The point is, the result of that match led me to have this championship match on hold, until things were settled with Amber. And now, for better or for worse, things are settled with Amber. I am prepared for this opportunity. I was never going to turn it down.


Even if the champion was my wife.


Because even when no one else did, I had confidence in my wife. Now, I will fully admit that I did not have such confidence when my wife first arrived in SCW, and the deck seemed stacked against her. Keira didn’t have the best win-loss record, and often made a fool of herself prior to recently. But even if no one else saw it, I saw that she was getting better over time, and those sure-fire losses, turned into wins. Those struggles that resulted in heartbreak, now turned to triumphs. Culminating in the biggest win of her career. My wife is the SCW Bombshell’s champion, and that is a matter of personal pride for me. I’m thrilled that that happened.


 And now, I am her first challenger.


So rather than the usual, I feel it’s only right to speak TO my wife, and not about my wife.


Hello, Keira.


First, I know I’ve said it a thousand times by now to you, but I’m proud of you. Proud of the wife you are, proud of the mother you are, proud of the partner you are, and the champion you have become. There aren’t many people in this world that value you more than I do. Heck, there’s no one. We are yin and yang. We are equals, and I always treated you as such. And yes I am thrilled to know that Team Hero is headlining Climax Control and facing off for the biggest women’s title on the planet. That fills me with a great of pride and to share the ring with you is everything we’ve ever dreamed of. As partners and as opponents. You have exceeded my expectations for a long time, and I expect your best on Sunday. That is always what I expect. 


But you and I both know how this has worked for the past 5 years. 


I have to do something to help you get along. And you stubbornly refuse my help because you want to do it on your own. But at the end of the day, you finally listen to me and it ends up working out for you. I have had to be your guide for a long, long time. I brought you here, I got you set up and I kept my eye on you and looked out for your best interest. More often than I’d like to admit, I’ve had to coach you because you get tunnel vision and you see things that aren’t there. It took me basically 3 years to get you to understand that you have to be consistent. You have to not take everything so personally, and you are not a victim unless you make yourself one. And you have done that. I’m glad that you have made this change to be better, but this could have been much sooner, if you just stopped, and listened.


SCW gave you plenty of chances to rise to occasion and for one reason or another, you didn’t get there. And I tried desperately to get you to understand the reason you were not seen in the same light as I was, at that time, was because you became angry and frustrated. You have made public outcries even after I sat you down and tried to talk sense into you. I understand that you see it now, I just wish you could have seen it then. I’m glad that I was able to get through to you, I just wish it didn’t take so long.


Now, I’m not calling you dumb. I’m not saying you’re stupid. I’m calling you hard-headed. Because you are. You know that as well as I do. You have made me work twice as hard trying to defend you to others and justify your actions. So, I just want you to know that all of that, all that past does not go away because you won that championship. I love that you are the champion, I do. The only person prouder of you than you, is me. I have sung your praises for a long, long time, even when no one else did, and people wished you would go away. But regardless of how proud am I of you, one championship victory does not mean that everything is forgotten or forgiven. 


And this is where this gets hard for me.


Because, After giving this all the though I need to give it... I’m taking those training wheels off of you, Keira. 


I’m setting you free like a proud parent. You have to leave the nest, but I know you will do great. Will I worry about you? Yes. You’re my wife, of course I will worry. I want you to succeed and I will stand by your side no matter what. But this is where you step out of the shallow water and you enter into the ocean. This is the lesson you learn about what it takes to be a champion. You have that championship right now and that makes you a target. So, in a way, I’m very glad I’m your first defense. Because I’d rather you get this from me now, then from someone else. You are swimming with the sharks, and when it comes to that championship, I’m just as big of shark as anyone else. So we will find out exactly what type of champion you are. I want to make sure you truly understand this and it is not me turning my back or abandoning you. This is the lesson you have to learn. When you wear that championship, and you call yourself champion, you wear a giant target on your back. And I’m one of the straightest shooters in the game, Keira. If you don’t think that I will shoot the arrow straight into the bullseye simply because you are my wife, you are sadly mistaken. All this time I have been preparing you for the grownups table, and now, you get to see what it’s like first-hand. 


If you want my best you will get it. You’ve asked for it, and you will get it. But I know what you’re thinking right now, I’ve known you long enough to know exactly how you think. You are afraid of another label. No more shadows, just a transitional champion. You think that everything you just earned, goes away after this, if you lose. You beat Alicia Lukas, the woman running around claiming to the be the best ever. That has to mean something, right? It has to mean that you’re pretty good. You, all by yourself, won that championship. All I did, was tell you that you could do it. Because even when you didn’t believe in you, I did. You grew and improved and you reached the top. Whether you hold that championship until Sunday, or 6 months from now, you are the champion, nobody can take that away from you. You’re in the record books. If you wish to remain at this level, and continue on this path, you cannot be afraid to lose. And I know you are.


You’re sitting here listening to me, and you’re looking at the championship. You’re wondering if you will be seen as a failure if I beat you. That all your hard work goes down the drain. You’re wondering what all the people who don’t like you regardless of whether or not you are champion will think if you lose. I’ll tell you the same thing that someone once told me. This is the most competitive women’s division in the world. There’s been a LOT of champions. Turnover of that championship is high. People win it, lose it, and disappear. But they are going to be in the books, forever. So, you don’t need to worry about what people who already don’t care for you, will think. You could retain the title 20 times, and they’re not going to be convinced. 


My only major gripe of this whole thing, is that you believe something that shouldn’t be an issue. You are convinced that the winner of this match was in some way, the better member or Team Hero. All because you have convinced yourself, that what people told you is true. That I lead Team Hero. And in your heart, you know that you and I, were equals. I could not have won the Bombshell’s tag titles without you, and you without me. I never considered you anything but my equal partner. This match is not about who the better member of the team is Keira. It never was, and it never will be. This match, is about that championship you have with you, that you are staring at right now. 


And that championship, I will not hesitate to take from you.


Sunday, I’m going to beat you and win the championship for the fourth time. I won’t lie to you and tell you that it’s going to be a great feeling to take the championship from you after you worked that hard to get it. Because it’s not easy. There is no “easy” in this match. I will feel awful for having to do so, but if nothing else, it will be one final lesson learned for you. 


I don’t expect you to be me. Honestly, you can’t. That’s not a knock, that’s just a statement of fact. So I don’t need you to try and be me on Sunday. I just need you, to be the champion I know you can be. And whatever happens, that will be no more shadows and no more flukes. There will be nothing but two people, bonded together forever, showing why they are, where they are. Nothing more. Enjoy the moment, my love.


I wish you luck, and I will see you out there.


I love you, always and forever.
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