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Character Building Roleplays / Where Were You?
« on: November 21, 2016, 08:26:40 AM »
 NARRATOR:  Brief summary is that James Tuscini lost the Roulette Title Belt to Steve Ramone at High Stakes VI in a Prison Chamber match. Pinky del Ferrando, who is Tuscini’s Uncle and Wrestling Manager, disappeared again leaving James by himself during his match. What does James have to say about his loss and the disappearance of Pinky?

James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando have flown back to San Francisco from Los Angeles after High Stakes VI. The two are relaxing in front of the fireplace enjoying not only a nice fire but the clock they purchased in Los Angeles to hang over the fireplace mantle. The two are enjoying a bottle of red wine while they have a conversation. James is the first to speak.

JAMES:  Where did you go at High Stakes VI? One moment we are walking down the hallway where we met fans to talk with them and sign autographs and the next thing I know is I turn around and you are nowhere to be found. I was hoping you would be down at the ring but you never showed up. What happened?

PINKY:  James I’m sorry but a couple of older ring rats caught my attention and they offered to rock my world for a few hours. At my age you have to take the blessings as they come. By the way you were fighting inside a cage so not like having me at ringside was going to change the outcome of your match.

JAMES:  That’s not the point. It is the fact that I pay you to be my Manager and as my Manager you are to be at ringside providing moral support and also to keep interference out of the match.

PINKY:  There wasn’t any interference in your match. Both of you beat the beejeebers out of each other and Ramone got the pin on you. Having me at ringside wouldn’t have made a difference.

JAMES:  If you were off with a couple of ring rats how do you know what happened in the match?

PINKY:  Uh, well, we were at their hotel room down the street from the arena and we watched High Stakes VI on television.

Tuscini lets out a sigh.

JAMES:  *sigh* Uncle I understand your desire to help me as my Manager but things have to change. You have to take your position as my Manager seriously. Outside of events, press conferences, and other venues where we interact with fans and other wrestlers, you can do what you want. During wrestling event, press conferences, and other official on-the-record events, you need to be by my side and act as the Manager I pay you to be. If you want to do some other line of work then let me know and I can let you go.

PINKY:  I’m sorry James. I let you down. It hurts too as you are my Nephew. I will keep myself in line from this point on. And, by the way, having me at ringside at High Stakes VI probably wouldn’t have changed the fact that you were defeated by Steve Ramone for the Roulette Championship.

JAMES:  You’re right. Thanks for being my family and my Manager. Here’s to having a continued fantastic wrestling career in Sin City Wrestling!

James and Pinky click their wine glasses in a toast. When they drain their wine glasses they pick up the bottle and pour more wine into the empty glasses. The brief scene is over and the network quickly switches to a commercial break.

Supercard Archives / JAMES TUSCINI (c) v STEVE RAMONE
« on: November 14, 2016, 08:56:13 AM »

NARRATOR:  Welcome to another edition of  “James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando speak and you listen.” Last week James and Pinky told you why James has held the Roulette Title for as long as he has. Pinky reminded you that although he’s 63 years of age he will still kick your ass if you get in his way. I’ve said enough for my lead-in to this segment. I will leave the rest to James and Pinky to enlighten you.

As the scene changes we are given a shot of what appears to be a clock store. The camera pans around and then the cameraman pulls back and we can see that it is, in fact, a watch and clock store and there are clocks everywhere. The cameraman spins around and we get a shot of James Tuscini, Pinky del Ferrando, and the Owner of the clock store. As the three move around the cameraman keeps up with them to keep us with a clear view of what is going on.

JAMES:  We are here today at Timeland Watches and Clocks in Los Angeles. This is the Owner of the store and we are looking for a clock to purchase and put up in our home in San Francisco. You have a fantastic collection of clocks. Do you deal with new clocks or do you also take in older clocks and fix them up so they work again?

CLOCK STORE OWNER:  I can fix and repair most clocks but there are times when I get a clock in here even I’m unable to fix. What I end up with is a decoration. Since the clock no longer works it only presents the correct time twice a day.

PINKY:  How can a non-working clock be on the correct time twice a day?

CLOCK STORE OWNER:  When you have a clock that no longer works the hands on the clock remain in the same position forever. When the time reaches what is showing on the broken clock then the time is right for that specific moment in time and then it passes away. That’s why they came up with the saying that “even a stopped clock is right twice a day.” On the other hand if you have a clock that runs a few seconds slow, or a few seconds fast, then once it gets off the correct time it could be a very long time before that clock will show the right time again.

PINKY:  Oh! You mean like Johnny Tsunami? His time was off because he clock was broken but on the night he defeated James for the Roulette Title Belt his stopped clock was on the correct time. Then the next match where he had to defend the Roulette Championship against James in a re-match he lost the Title Belt back to James due to his stopped clock no longer on the correct time.

CLOCK STORE OWNER:  That’s an excellent analogy.

JAMES:  I have an analogy also. Ryan Keys is currently 0-4 against me and Steve Ramone is currently 0-3 against me. Those two are like a clock that is running slow, or running fast, so they never seem to be on the right time when they need to be.

CLOCK STORE OWNER:  Yes that is a good analogy.

JAMES:  What? Uncle Pinky’s analogy is “excellent” and my analogy is just “good?”

CLOCK STORE OWNER:  Please don’t take offense. My comments are general in nature and not intended to insult anyone. You said you are looking for a clock to place in your home in San Francisco is that right?

JAMES:  Yes that’s correct. We have a nice Living Room with a fireplace and we would like to place a clock over the fireplace mantle. We’re looking for a clock that will present nicely on a background of red brick which the fireplace is made of. We also prefer something square since a round clock wouldn’t look right on the fireplace. I would say a clock that is a minimum of one foot square up to 2 feet square would do nicely so it can be seen well from different areas of the Living Room.

The Owner of the clock store thinks for a moment and then he perks up.

CLOCK STORE OWNER:  I do have a square clock that is approximately a foot and a half square. Please come with me.

The Owner leads James and Pinky over to the back of the store and he pulls out a square clock that is approximately a foot and a half square. It is made of wood from a red barn and the dial, numbers, and hands on the clock, are such that they are easy to read from a distance so it would work well over a fireplace.

JAMES:  This is nice! I love the fact that the wood of the clock is made from the wood of an old barn and the wood was painted red. Even though there is fading it has just the right character to fit into our home, over the fireplace mantle, to give our home the perfect touch. The faded red painted wood, combined with the white streaks, and the large and easily-read numbers on the clock, means it will be easily seen and read no matter where in the Living Room you are located. Thanks!

PINKY:  Not so fast James.

Pinky gives stern look at the clock store Owner.

PINKY:  What’s the price of the clock and does it work to keep time properly?

CLOCK STORE OWNER:  I assure you this clock is exceptionally accurate. I will state on the record that I believe this mechanical clock will keep time better than your modern watches whether they are a regular timepiece or a digital one. The price is $500 but since I’m a huge wrestling fan and one of my favorite wrestlers is James Tuscini I will let you have the clock for $400.

PINKY:  What the…? No way…

Pinky is cut off when James chimes in.

JAMES:  I would have gladly paid $500 for this fabulous clock. Thanks for the discount. We will take it for $400 and the $100 we save will provide for secure shipping to ensure it arrives at our home in San Francisco without damage.

CLOCK STORE OWNER:  You’re welcome sir. Please come with me to fill out the paperwork and pay for the clock and it will be shipped out tomorrow morning.

James and Pinky follow the store owner to his office where James fills out the papers, hands the man the money, and then he offers front-row seats for the store owner for High Stakes VI.

JAMES:  As a token of my appreciation I would like to give you two tickets for front-row seats for High Stakes VI on November 20, 2016. I will be defending my Roulette Championship against Steve Ramone and I would love to have you join us.

CLOCK STORE OWNER:  Thank you Mister Tuscini. I will ask my nephew to join me that evening. Similar to your Uncle Pinky I also look after my nephew so we have that in common.

James and Pinky again thank the clock store owner for his time and the great clock. The two walk out of the store and walk down the street with the cameraman in tow. They continue their comments as they walk.

JAMES:  Ramone you amuse me greatly. You constantly call me a thief and claim I stole the Roulette Championship from you. I won the Roulette Title Belt honestly and fairly but apparently you do not understand that concept. A pin is a pin is a pin. I’ve seen matches where both wrestlers knocked each other out at the same time and when they fell to the mat one wrestler was on their back and the other wrestler’s arm flopped over the chest of the other. That’s a pin and the Referee counts it as such. If you want to have an argument with someone about whether our match should have been called a double knockout instead of a win for me I suggest you visit with Referee Jacob Summers and argue with him about it. As I said, though, be very careful as you don’t want to say mean and insulting things to Summers before our match as he has been assigned again as our Referee.

PINKY:  I would compare it to this Steve. Say you got stopped by a Police Officer for speeding. When he stopped you he was going to just give you a warning but you ended up disrespecting him and insulting him so he gave you a Citation with a fine attached. So now you are pissed off at the Police Officer. So what do you think would happen the next time you get caught speeding and it is the same Police Officer who stopped you the first time? Do you think the Police Officer would be so nice and polite to you and offer a warning instead of a Citation this time knowing how you insulted and disrespected him the first time? I would expect the Police Officer to write the Citation, with a huge fine attached to it, hand it to you, and then tip his hat and wish you a nice day.

JAMES:  I will level with you Steve. Due to how you disrespected Jacob Summers for his officiating of our match in the Electrified Steel Cage I honestly hope he’s not the type of Referee to hold a grudge. I don’t want you to have another lame excuse for why you lost to me for the fourth time. I want Summers to call this match fairly and honestly like he did in our Electrified Steel Cage match. But you know what Steve? Even if my win over you is the cleanest, most honest, so clearly visible that a blind person could “SEE” my win, you would still blame your loss on Referee Summers. But let’s hope that Summers calls our match so honestly that nobody, not even you, will have anything to whine about.

The two continue walking down the street while the cameraman keeps up with them. They stop to watch a street vendor. Unfortunately for James it is a Mime and if there is one thing Tuscini detests more than Steve Ramone it is a Mime. As James and Pinky attempt to move around the crowd to stay away from the Mime the Mime runs up to them and starts a routine with them. James and Pinky try to inform the Mime that they want nothing to do with him but the Mime believes their anger is them playing along with his skit. They make it quite clear that they are not playing a game and that they truly hate Mimes so he needs to leave them alone.

JAMES:  Listen here. I hate Mimes so I suggest you get out of my way or you might get hurt if you touch me.

PINKY:  Please do what my Nephew says. He really doesn’t like Mimes and we just want to continue our walk and not get harassed.

James and Pinky try to move around the Mime but the Mime is being pushy and acting the asshole. As the two try to get past the Mime the Mime reaches out and grabs James by the arm and pulls him hard nearly knocking him over in the process. James pulls his arm away and…

JAMES:  Game over punk! You were warned!

As Tuscini pulls away and the Mime reaches for him again James swings and lands a backhand and lands it hard on the mouth of the Mime. The Mime lets out a yelp which surprises the crowd since Mimes don’t usually get verbal in their presentations. There happened to be a Police Officer in the crowd and he saw the entire thing and he steps up to settle the incident.

POLICE OFFICER:  Okay you two stop it right now! You, the Mime, you were asked to leave this man alone and you reached out and grabbed him by the arm and jerked him nearly knocking him over. That could be classified as assault but I will let you off with a warning because I feel the backhand to your mouth by this man was justified in self-defense. I hope you have learned your lesson and that you will never do that again during your Mime routine.

The Police Officer turns to James and Pinky to talk to them.

POLICE OFFICER:  You two tried to diffuse the situation but the Mime didn’t listen. When he grabbed you by the arm and yanked you nearly knocking you over you had every right to defend yourself. Personally I thought the backhand to his mouth was a nice move and it made him transgress the Mime code by talking during a routine. Now please move along and let’s not have any further incidents. Have a nice night.

James and Pinky continue down the street where they stop on a corner to work on hailing a taxi to return them to the Galen Center. While waiting for the taxi they add more comments.

JAMES:  Well, Steve, did you see what that Mime did to us? He didn’t listen. He over-stepped his boundaries. He got a backhand to his mouth. And we were justified in our actions by the Police Officer. Is that how it will be for our match at High Stakes VI? I think it will go down just like my altercation with the Mime. If your thugs get involved in our match then Pinky, and Dmitri if he shows up at ringside, will have full authority to kick some ass.

PINKY:  Rest assured I have no intention of getting involved in this match. However if Cyrus and Andreas get involved in the match then I will go off on them like James did to the Mime. I don’t mind leaving those two with a bloody lip and maybe a few more injuries.

JAMES:  The bottom line is I’m the Roulette Champion and you’re not. You have to prove you have what it takes to defeat me in a wrestling match. To date you have failed to prove that point three times. At High Stakes VI you will fail to prove that point again for the fourth time. And, Steve the Contract we signed states that when you lose to me this will be the last time you get to face me for the Roulette Title and that you will not get another shot at the Roulette Championship until someone else is holding the Roulette Title Belt.

The taxi pulls up and James and Pinky are about to get in.

JAMES:  There isn’t enough room for the two of us and the cameraman so we have to leave the cameraman to fend for himself.

PINKY:  Thanks for spending time with us today. See you all at High Stakes VI on Sunday evening.

James and Pinky enter the taxi and close the door. The cameraman stays focused on the taxi until it speeds out of sight.

Supercard Archives / JAMES TUSCINI (c) v STEVE RAMONE
« on: November 07, 2016, 06:57:57 PM »

NARRATOR:  Greetings from Los Angeles, California, where Sin City Wrestling’s High Stakes VI will be taking place at the Galen Center. There is a lot of information to get out to everyone concerning the match James Tuscini has at High Stakes VI. He will be defending the Roulette Championship against Steve Ramone in a Roulette Rules match. Of course we won’t know the rules and stipulations of the match until just before the match starts when the Roulette Wheel spins and lands on a slot. I feel a little bit sad for Steve Ramone as he has gone off on Referee Jacob Summers numerous times for his call on their Electrified Steel Cage match on May 1, 2016, which is the match James won the Roulette Title Belt from Steve, and now Jacob Summers has been assigned to this match as the Referee. This could get interesting. Thanks again for sitting through my narration to open this segment but I now need to turn you over to James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando.

The scene shifts and we are taken to a Pink’s Hot Dogs restaurant in Los Angeles. It is the place to go where you know you are going to get great food at a great price. James Tuscini, and his Manager Pinky del Ferrando, who is also his Uncle, are seated at a table looking over the menu. Once the cameraman is set up and he gives the signal that they are live on the air the two launch into their comments.

JAMES:  I think I will get the Lord of the Rings hotdog. It says it is a 9 inch stretch dog with Bar-B-Que sauce and topped with onion rings. After all with our Tag Team, The Unholy Alliance, winning another Tag Team match, this time against Rage and JT Midas, we are like the Lords of the Tag Team Division. What do you think you will get Uncle?

PINKY:  I like this one called Jaws. The menu says it is a Cheeseburger with a grilled Polish dog, with bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayonnaise. Then I will get a side of Chili fries. That sounds like a meal fit for a King like me who will be kicking ass on morons like Andreas and Cyrus.

JAMES:  Sounds like a meal made in Heaven.

The two place their order and they bring the order back to their table. While they are eating their meal they comment on the upcoming Sin City Wrestling event, High Stakes VI, where James will be defending the Roulette Title Belt, once again, against Steve Ramone.

JAMES:  I could make the statement that now is the time for me to prove, once and for all, that I am the epitome of what the Roulette Champion should be. I said that I “could” make that statement but it isn’t necessary since I’ve successfully defended my Roulette Title over and over and over again with the only exception being when I defended against Johnny Tsunami. Then you saw me quickly regain the Roulette Title back from him and here I am again defending it.

PINKY:  So now is the time to continue kicking ass and leaving a trail of broken wrestlers behind us. What’s that? You don’t like me using the term “us” when referring to James and me? We are a team and we are family. Therefore we are “us” when it comes to the wrestling career of James. At High Stakes VI James steps into the ring with Steve Ramone to once again prove why he’s the Roulette Champion and the rest of you are not. And if any of you want to pull shit like Steve Ramone did, by having your friends and thugs attack us, remember that my can of Whup Ass isn’t empty yet and I assure you there’s enough Whup Ass left to kick the ass of everyone in Sin City Wrestling several times over. Also as I’ve mentioned before if you think I’m joking then give me a try. I know you won’t be laughing when this 63 year old full-blooded Sicilian Italian beats you down so hard you won’t even know your name.

JAMES:  I can’t sit here a lie to you. Had I not lost the Roulette Title to Johnny Tsunami you would be looking at the longest-reigning Roulette Champion in Sin City Wrestling history. Yes I would have eclipsed Goth and Equinox for that honor. But things happen for a reason. The reason was a wake-up call. A reminder that I am not perfect and I can be defeated if an opponent works hard enough for the win. Am I upset that I’m not the longest-reigning Roulette Champion? Not a bit. I am listed as the 3rd longest-reigning Roulette Champion and I don’t mind taking a back seat to Equinox and Goth.

The duo dive into their food again before taking a break from eating to continue their comments.

JAMES:  Let me remind you of the match where I legitimately defeated Steve Ramone and earned the Roulette Title Belt. It was on May 1, 2016, at Climax Control 146. It was an Electrified Steel Cage match. For those of you who were not there, or were not able to watch it on television, or you haven’t yet looked at the replay of the match, I will tell you how the match ended. It was a good back and forth match with both of us getting our share of shocks from the electrified steel cage. Then we fought up onto the ropes in the corner. Both of us were up against the steel cage getting the beejeebers shocked out of us. Steve Ramone went unconscious first and he fell backward off the ropes and landed hard on the mat. I was still conscious but just as I was diving off the ropes to land on top of Ramone I also lost consciousness. From watching the replay of the match I fell forward off the ropes and landed on top of Ramone. Referee Jacob Summers saw Ramone on his back on the mat with his shoulders on the mat and me on top of Steve. Ramone continues to claim that I stole the Roulette Title Belt from him that evening. Steve you claim to be a wrestler but apparently you forgot the most basic concept of wrestling. If a wrestler is on the mat and their shoulders are on the mat and their opponent is on top of them that is what is called a “pinning combination” and the Referee who is officiating the match, in this case Jacob Summers, did his job by dropping to the mat, checking that your shoulders were on the mat, and making the three count for my win to earn, not steal, the Roulette Championship from you. I mean, come on, even if only my hand was resting on your chest the fact that your shoulders were on the mat means it was a legitimate pinfall. What part of YOU WERE LEGALLY PINNED are you failing to understand?

PINKY:  Oh, Steve, how I hope, for your sake, that Referee Jacob Summers is not the Referee assigned for the match I can only imagine how he must feel having you accuse him of being an incompetent and moron of a Referee.

James interrupts Pinky to whisper something in his ear.

PINKY:  Oh shit. Damn! Sorry, Steve, but James just informed me that Jacob Summers is the Referee assigned to your match. Sure hope you  be nice to Mister Summers okay? Now, Ramone, don’t get me wrong here as people do tend to take my comments the wrong way. I’m not saying that Jacob Summers would make bad calls against you but put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself how you would feel officiating a match involving the wrestler who called you vile things and called you incompetent and stupid? Yeah that’s what I thought.

James and Pinky finish off their dogs, burger, and fries and both let out a burp of satisfaction.

JAMES:  Steve recently you saw me defend my Roulette Championship against Ryan Keys. This was Ryan’s fourth match against me. Keys came into the match 0-3 against me and I sent him packing at 0-4. At High Stakes VI you come to face me for the Roulette Title Belt. You come into our match 0-3 against me. I will send you packing, like I did with Ryan Keys, with an 0-4 record against me. Before you whine about my comments I will give you props. You have a 10 percent better chance of defeating me than Ryan Keys did. Now doesn’t that make you feel better?

PINKY:  Thanks for joining us while we had a great meal at Pink’s. How fitting to dine at an iconic restaurant in Los Angeles and especially one that has a similar name to mine. We want to get back to the arena so we can relax for few days before James hits the Gym for his workout and sparring matches. James has his sights set on you Ramone. I have my sights set on Andreas and Cyrus. Before you get overly confident thinking it will be a two-on-one affair with me against those two remember that we also have Dmitri on our team. That evens the score. I love a fair fight don’t you?

JAMES:  Thanks for your time to tune in with us. If you are in the Los Angeles area you really need to stop into Pink’s and enjoy classic meals from a classic restaurant. After I defeat you, Steve, perhaps Pink’s will create a new dish and name if after me and Pinky. See you at High Stakes VI.

James and Pinky stand up and walk out of the restaurant to the street to hail a taxi. It doesn’t take long for one to arrive and they get in to have the driver return them to the Galen Center.

Climax Control Archives / Determined
« on: November 01, 2016, 12:12:16 PM »

NARRATOR:  James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando are determined to set the record straight as there are too many rumors and false claims going around. I will turn you over to them as the home of James and Pinky, located in the Mission District of San Francisco, for their presentation.

The scene shifts to the living room at the home of James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando in San Francisco, California. The room is casually lit with warm background lighting and there is a fire burning in the fireplace. There are two large over-stuffed chairs sitting on a slant in front of the fireplace. Between the two chairs is a table with a bottle of red wine on the table along with two wine glasses already containing wine. As the camera pulls back we see that James and Pinky are sitting in the chairs ready for their presentation. Pinky is dressed in black slacks, black dress shoes, and a smoking jacket if you want to call it that. James, being the more relaxed and casual one, is wearing pajama bottoms, house slippers, and a silk house jacket.

JAMES:  Welcome to our home in San Francisco. Yes there are homes in San Francisco that have fireplaces as you can see here in our home. I’ve been asked numerous times why I don’t waste any time airing a segment to let everyone know what’s going on. Some people think I should sit back and wait to see what my opponent has to say before I make comments. The situation is that I know what I want to say. I don’t have to base my comments on what others say. Pinkly and I are determined to set the record straight. There have been too many rumors, false accusations, and false statements going around that if we don’t set the record straight then we are not informing the viewers of the truth. It is hilariously amusing for me and Pinky to throw the truth out there and then watch opponents struggle to try to counter the truth. The truth is the truth is the truth and all your lies cannot counter the truth.

PINKY:  First I would like to comment on the incident where Kaylee distracted me so that Steve Ramone could lay me out with a boot to the face. During the altercation I uttered a comment to Kaylee that I don’t want to get involved with here in any way was because I’m a married man. I was married a long time ago but my wife passed away from cancer around the same time the father of James passed away. Since I lost my wife to an illness I sometimes refer to myself as a married man but in reality I am single now and plan on remaining that way.

JAMES:  Thanks for those comments Uncle but you don’t owe the viewers an explanation of anything.

PINKY:  I just wanted to get the truth out there before there are any further rumors or false statements going around. Speaking of rumors I will start with a recent one. There are rumors flying around that me and James are going soft because I happened to mention last week, at Climax Control 163 during our segment, that at Climax Control 162 after James was tossed out of the ring and Ramone’s thugs, Cyrus and Andreas, started beating him down, that Ryan Keys did an honorable thing. The honorable thing Keys did was to dive out of the ring, pull James away from Andreas and Cyrus, and toss James back into the ring so the two of them could continue their match. There’s nothing going soft on me just because I told you the truth. It was a nice thing Ryan Keys did and it deserved a mention. Had it been someone else in the match, like Chris Shipman, they wouldn’t have helped James. No they would have jumped out of the ring and joined in on the beat down. But now since Ramone decided to blindside me by using Kaylee his little punk ass is on my hit list and trust me that’s where Steve Ramone doesn’t want to be.

JAMES:  I’ve also heard rumors that some of the fans, who are probably Steve Ramone fans, are upset that I commented after my match with Ryan that I wasn’t sure if I was going to win the match. I commented that I was happy, but surprised, that I pulled off a win and a successful defense of the Roulette Championship. I didn’t make those comments due to being unsure of my wrestling abilities. I didn’t get to 11-4-1 in Singles competition and 14-5-1 combined Singles and Tag Team by being unsure of my wrestling abilities. The reason I made the comments is that when the Roulette Wheel landed on Steve’s Rules, which means the rules change constantly, whenever Steve Ramone wants them changed, it is a difficult match to be involved in. Add into it that Ramone was assigned as the Special Guest Referee and you could see the fix was on. Then you had Kaylee, Cyrus, and Andreas at ringside, so it was a case of overwhelming odds against me. I say that because Ramone was more fixated on screwing me out of the Roulette Title than he was in eliminating Ryan Keys from the match. So, of course, I would have doubts about my ability to overcome all those odds and still win. But I did overcome, and I did win, and your rumors, comments, and questions have been put to rest.

James and Pinky suspend their talk for a little bit while they pick up their wine glasses and partake of the red wine. After a few sips they return their wine glasses to the table and continue with their comments.

PINKY:  There are people claiming that I made a mistake, at my age of 63, of accepting the position as Manager to James Tuscini. They cite things like being kidnapped and beat down by Chris Shipman and his gang members. They cite me being tied up by prostitutes hired by Shipman. They cite Shipman beating me down and even pissing on me as reasons I made a mistake. Let me set the record straight. As long as I have a breath in my body I will be in James’ corner. Speaking of being in the corner I will be there November 6, 2016, to watch James and Dmitri take on Rage and JT Midas. Since J2H decided to be involved in this match then he needs to look at my face because if he tries to interfere in the match he will have to answer to me. You want to know something? Even if I were to receive injuries during an assault and I have to come to the ring on crutches I will do so. If someone wants to attack me while I’m on crutches they need to be aware that they may get their brains knocked out by a few whacks to their heads with my crutches. You think I can’t handle anyone at my age? Trust me that I got enough WHUP ASS left in this 63 year old body to kick the ass of anyone and everyone who gets in my way. If you don’t believe me then try me. Remember you have been warned.

JAMES:  Is that the alcohol talking Uncle?

PINKY:  HELL NO! That’s Pinky del Ferrando, full-blooded Sicilian Italian, talking!

JAMES:  Okay. With that said I repeat what Pinky said. You have been warned. Gee, Rage, I thought after you lost the Internet Title Belt you went into retirement to go into hiding. To be honest I suppose I would retire and go into hiding if I was defeated by my Stable-mate and the weakest link in your Stable at that time which is Despayre. I guess you couldn’t stay away and you got the itch and decided to make a come-back by getting involved in Dmitri’s match last week and causing him to lose. Well if you got an itch I got enough ass kicking in me to scratch your itch for you. As far as Midas goes I don’t know much about you and I honestly could care less who you are, what you think you are, or what you think you are capable of doing in our match. I will tell you that Dmitri is pissed off that you got involved in his match when, without a doubt, he had the match won. I’m upset that you got involved in his match because I saw Dmitri lose when he should have won. This Sunday is Payback Sunday. This is the day when we get revenge upon you for your screw job on Dmitri.

PINKY:  And if you think J2H will be able to get involved in the match to save you two from a humiliating loss to James and Dmitri you need to re-think that. I’m at ringside to ensure J2H remains in his cage, remains with the chain attached to his dog collar, with a muzzle on, to ensure he answers to me and does not get involved in this match. Pay close attention to what I do to J2H because it is a warning to everyone else who feels they can come at me and take me out. It takes more than Steve Ramone with a kick to my face to put me out of action. All that did was make me more determined to keep J2H, and anyone else who wants to interfere in this upcoming match, under control.

James and Pinky pick up their wine glasses and click them together with a toast.

JAMES:  Here’s to kicking the asses of Rage and Midas!

PINKY:  Here’s to us proving that when Midas and Rage are not blindsiding someone they cannot get the job done!

The two men drink their wine until their glasses are empty and then they toss their empty wine glasses into the fire in the fireplace as is their tradition.

JAMES:  Rage I already know how this week is going to go down with you. In typical Rage form you will air a segment in which you curse so much that the censors will have to bleep every other word you speak. I guess cursing so that out of every 100 words 50 words are bleeped out is what you think is going to win this match for you. Seeing your loss to Despayre to lose the Internet Title Belt to him you don’t realize that cursing doesn’t win wrestling matches. You will realize that when you lose to Unholy Alliance. Yes I have also taken a loss to Despayre and I know he’s a good wrestler but you walked into the match with Despayre claiming you are the best on the planet. Since Despayre defeated you that makes him the best wrestler on the planet using your logic eh? Rage once we get done with you in this match you will wish you had stayed in retirement.

PINKY:  Let’s move on to JT Midas. We have reviewed your Bio sheet and even you admit that you have been inconsistent in your wrestling. Still you decided to come out of retirement and try your hand at wrestling again even though failed at it in the past. Your return match was at Climax Control 162 against Samuel Devereux. Do you remember the outcome of that match? You LOST! Yep you lost your return match proving that you are still inconsistent in your wrestling abilities. If you think it will be different this time, due to having J2H in your corner, you need to think again. I warn you, J2H, that if you make the slightest move toward the ring, or if James or Dmitri are outside the ring and you make any move toward them, the next thing you will remember is waking up in the Intensive Care Unit as I will hurt you so badly that’s where you will end up.

JAMES:  We’re done playing games. We’re done getting screwed over. We’re done with the bullshit. This match is 100 percent business and you two are on the receiving end of our ass kicking business. We are determined to humiliate you two, and J2H, on Sunday.

PINKY:  Thanks for joining us today. This match will be a fitting match to set up for a defense of the Roulette Championship by James at High Stakes VI. We will be flying out to Santa Barbara, California, later in the week to get ready for our match at Climax Control 164. Have a great day!

Pinky lets the cameraman know that they are done with their comments for this segment. The cameraman calls into the Network and they cut the feet and move into a commercial break.

Climax Control Archives / Honesty is the Best Policy
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:47:21 AM »

NARRATOR:  The saying goes that “Honesty is the best policy.”  Although this is usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin it might have been someone else who came up with this saying. Since James Tuscini is one of the most honest people you will ever meet I will turn over the air time to James to allow him to honestly enlighten you. Honestly!

We join up with James Tuscini in his dressing room at the Coussoulis Arena in San Bernardino, California. We notice that his Uncle-Manager, Pinky del Ferrando, is not with him during this segment and also absent from the scene is Tuscini’s fiancée Sandy Erwin. James is casually dressed in blue jeans, a black pull-over shirt, and black athletic shoes.

JAMES:  Thanks for joining me today. The saying is that “Honesty is the best policy” and I live by that saying. If someone isn’t going to be honest in their lives then they are living a lie of a life. Please allow me to jump in and toss a few honest comments your way to maybe, just maybe, enlighten you.

James instructs the cameraman to have the Network put up on the screen the math calculations he provided them. James pulls out a sheet that has the same math calculations on it as what we are seeing on the screen.

JAMES:  You want honesty? You’re gonna get it. In Singles competition I’m 10-4-1 which, for you math flunk-outs, means I have winning percentage of 66.6 percent. I’m 3-1-0 in Tag Team which gives me a winning percentage of 75 percent there. Combined I’m 13-5-1 for a superb winning percentage of 68.4 percent. Are there some wrestlers in Sin City Wrestling with a better winning percentage? I assume there are. Are there wrestlers in Sin City Wrestling with a winning percentage lower than mine? Yep quite a few. That’s honesty. That’s truth. That’s me. Either deal with it and accept it or get the hell out of my way.

The cameraman slips a note to James to inform him that the Network is getting calls from viewers wanting to know where Pinky and Sandy are and why they are not with him during this segment.

JAMES:  Honestly? Are you serious? Viewers want to know where Pinky and Sandy are and why they are not with me as I air this segment? Honestly it’s none of your friggin’ business where my family and friends are. However being the honest person I am, and honesty is the best policy, I suppose I’ll honestly enlighten you. Uncle Pinky is out shopping for snacks for our dressing room. Sandy returned to San Francisco. She is a Contractor working for companies that do Estate Planning which consists of Wills, Trusts, and managing Estates. There are a lot of things she needs to take care of in person so she is not always available to attend a wrestling event with me and Pinky even when the event is close to San Francisco. Although you are not worthy to know that information I felt that honesty is the best policy and I provided it. I suggest those who called in with that question figure out how to get a life instead of calling television Networks to get them to ask me nonsense stuff while I’m on the air. Stop trying to distract me from commenting on my upcoming match at Climax Control 162. Would the network put up my next graphic please?

Another graphic comes on the screen listing the outcomes of the matches James Tuscini has had against Ryan Keys. James pulls out a sheet with the same information as he reads the information.

JAMES:  Here’s some honesty for you Ryan. On Sunday, June 5, 2016, at Into the Void V, I successfully defended the Roulette Championship against you, Steve Ramone, and Matt Spears, in a Pinfalls Count Anywhere match, when I applied the Torture Rack to Matt Spears for the win. You and Steve Ramone took the fight somewhere else but I got the win before either of you could do anything. Still a win for me and a loss for you.

Tuscini holds one finger up to indicate that first win over Ryan Keys.

JAMES:  Then on Sunday, July 10, 2016, at Climax Control 153, I defeated you a in a Strap Match to retain the Roulette Title Belt. Do you remember what happened in that match Ryan? You honestly had me defeated as both of us had touched five corners and you reaching out for the sixth. All you had to do was touch the sixth corner and the match was over. But you got distracted and irritated and you decided to shove me and when you did you shoved me into the sixth corner where I touched the final corner for the win. Tsk tsk tsk. Inexperience destroyed you in that match.

James holds up two fingers to indicate his second win over Ryan Keys.

JAMES:  And then on Sunday, July 31, 2016, at Summer XXXTreme IV, I again successfully defended my Roulette Championship, this time against you, Chris Shipman, and Casey Williams, in an Ultimate X Over-the-Pool Elimination Match. Just to refresh your memory you were eliminated first from the match by Casey Williams.

The graphic of the wins James Tuscini has over Ryan Keys comes off our screen and we return to a shot of James in his dressing room. We see James Tuscini holding three fingers up to indicate his third win over Ryan Keys.

JAMES:  What’s up with Management sending me the same people I defeated numerous times to again challenge me for the Roulette Title? Steve Ramone was sent to me three times and he walked away 0-3. Ryan Keys you were sent to me three times and you also walked away 0-3. So what in the hell makes you think you can get a win over me when you are ZERO percent wins against me? You can’t say the third time is the charm as you lost on your third chance against me. There’s no saying that the fourth time is the charm so that blows that idea out of your head. Ryan you can bring whatever you want to our match but it will again be too little, too late, for you. Although you bring eye candy for the women to gawk over I bring a real manly man to the ring. While you are the inconsistent one, winning now and then and losing the same amount of times as you win, I maintain a 68.4 winning percentage. To be honest, Ryan, I don’t even want to bring out my calculator and try to calculate your winning percentage as I’m not sure if my calculator can produce negative numbers.

Tuscini lets out a hearty laugh before continuing with his comments.

JAMES:  Har har har! Ryan I have no clue how you “earned” a shot at my Roulette Championship this time. Oh I know! You will try to tell me you just pulled off a win over Steve Ramone and that qualifies you to challenge me for the Roulette Title Belt right? So you’re 0-3 against me, and Ramone is 0-3 against me, so two all-time losers against me faced off and you win, and suddenly the bug crawls further up your ass making you squirm and you think you’re qualified to challenge me? Let’s see how qualified you are when MY hand is raised in victory once again. Train hard Keys. Also I want you to purchase all the good-luck charms you can find because you’re damn sure gonna need all the luck you can find to last for more than five minutes with me. Thanks for joining me today. And, no, Uncle Pinky hasn’t returned yet with the snacks, and I already told you that Sandy is back in San Francisco, so mind your own business.

James is done with his segment for today. He walks toward the camera and he grabs the camera lens cap and he places it over the lens which blacks out the scene. The Network takes the hint and cuts to a commercial break.

Climax Control Archives / Seriously?
« on: October 12, 2016, 04:29:51 PM »

NARRATOR:  Seriously? Seriously? SERIOUSLY??? You know what that exclamation means when you say it sarcastically right? It means are you really that *bleeping* stupid that you believe you are entitled to something when you are not? Yeah that’s the situation we’ve experienced recently here in Sin City Wrestling. But I don’t go deeper into this subject as I will allow James Tuscini, and his Uncle-Manager Pinky del Ferrando, explain things to you.

The scene changes to that of James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando at the Jackass Bar & Grill Sports Bar in Prescott Valley, Arizona. Sandy Erwin, the fiancée of James, is also there since the location is not far from San Francisco. Since Sandy is doing Contracted work now she can work remotely from anywhere doing her Estate Planning consultations. The three are enjoying various flavors of chicken wings and they each are enjoying a beer.

JAMES:  Can you believe Steve Ramone is once again yelling, screaming, complaining, and demanding that he gets another shot at the Roulette Title? Seriously?

PINKY:  That boy is denser and a 20 foot thick wall made of lead.

JAMES:  Ramone let me make this so perfectly clear that perhaps, just perhaps, you might be able to understand it. Remember on Sunday, May 1, 2016 at Climax Control 146 I defeated you for the Roulette Championship? That put me at 1-0 against you.

PINKY:  Then, Steve, on Sunday, May 22, 2016, at Climax Control 149 James again defeated you in a successful defense of the Roulette Title? Yeah that put James up 2-0 against you.

JAMES:  Then Management, who was feeling sorry for you at that time, felt you should get one additional shot at my Roulette Title so they sent you after me again, this time on Sunday, June 5, 2016 at Into the Void V. Do I really need to remind you that I defeated you again and successfully defended the Roulette Championship? Apparently I do need to keep bringing these things up as you apparently forget history. This win put me 3-0 against you Ramone.

PINKY:  James is 3-0 against you Steve. Do you understand that James is 3-0 against you, 3-0 means undefeated, you are 0-3 against James meaning winless. What the hell do you not understand here? And still you feel you are qualified to challenge for the Roulette Title Belt again. SERIOUSLY???

JAMES:  Let’s look at what Ramone has for a match at Climax Control 11. Ooooo, Ramone has a low-card match against Ryan Keys. Really impressive to be low on the card when you think you are all high and mighty eh Steve?

PINKY:  I also remember TNA pounding his chest demanding another shot at the Roulette Title and then we see him challenging Despayre for the Internet Championship instead. And what did TNA get for a match at Climax Control 161? Chris Shipman. Oh man if Travis can get out of this match with his ass intact I will be surprised.

James, Pinky, and Sandy take a break from commenting to partake of the various flavors of wings and to enjoy their beer. Once satisfied with their food and drinks the comments continue.

SANDY:  Speaking of seriously James you are seriously when you promised me recently that the next time you drop the Roulette Championship that you will give me an official marriage proposal?

JAMES:  Have I lied to you yet?


JAMES:  Well I’m not gonna start lying to you now.

The three continue devouring the wings and drinking their beer and they order more.

JAMES:  Although I really wanted to defend my Roulette Championship again at Climax Control 161 it didn’t get assigned. What we have is me and Dmitri, as Unholy Alliance, facing off against Dying Breed consisting of Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell. Now, guys, can we get something out in the open right away? You two suck. You two defeated “former” Tag Team Champions who have been on a death spiral for a very long time. Had you defeated someone, you know, like the current Tag Team Champions Team BJ like we did, then maybe I might take you somewhat seriously. But to defeat two jokes of wrestlers in The Surf Boys, well, I don’t even want to make jokes about it since your match against them last week was a joke.

PINKY:  I know what you’re thinking James. You can put off proposing to Sandy for another week since your Roulette Title isn’t on the line this week.

SANDY:  Hey!

JAMES:  The time will come someday Sandy just not this Sunday. Anyway back to Dying Breed. What an appropriate name. When I see the term Dying Breed it gives me the image of something about to become extinct. The Dodo bird was a dying breed and it is now extinct. Many other breeds went on their way to being no more. What you are going to find out on Sunday night is that Unholy Alliance is the team to beat in the Tag Team Division. If you don’t believe me you are welcome to talk to Ben Jordan and Jamie Dean and ask them if they defeated Unholy Alliance or if Unholy Alliance defeated them.

PINKY:  Ivan, Andrew, you can go back and pull out the video archive of Climax Control 157, which was held on Sunday, August 28, 2016, and you can watch Dmitri and James defeat Jaime Dean and Ben Jordan. Unfortunately for them it was a non-Title match but they made an impact in the Tag Team Division and people are aware that Unholy Alliance is a threat to whoever happens to be Tag Champs when they challenge for the Belts. So you two honestly think that you can defeat us? Seriously?

JAMES:  Now please excuse us as we would like to finish our wings and beer without having cameras shoved in our faces for the rest of the evening so we can finish our meal and drinks in peace before we return to the Prescott Valley Events Center to settle into our dressing room.

The cameraman sets up his camera for a slow fade out. While the scene is slowly fading out we see James pay the Server for their meal and hand them a very significant monetary tip for their great service. The trio finishes off their wings and beer and stand up from their table. The cameraman is able to keep focused on the three as they head for the door to catch a ride back to the Prescott Valley Events Center. The scene totally fades out just as the three exit the Jackass Bar & Grill.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


A black Rolls Royce is riding the streets to the next town where SCW will be competing, a figure sitting in the back drinking red coloured liquid. The man is the vampire named Dmitri as he listens to some Jazz music that is playing on the radio. The driver in the front looks in the rear view mirror every now and then to check on his “passenger”

Wondering whether the myths were true???

Dmitri does not look into the rear view mirror to cross eyes with the young driver, as sweat starts to show on the side of his head.

Uhh… wh… what??

Dmitri rests his head against the seat before slowly putting the glass down on the glass holder next to him that prevents the glass from falling.

Oh you humans are so stubborn to relinquish the myths that you yourselves have created to fool little children. To scare them into believing that the night stalkers could not be seen in the reflection of a mirror. You just had to find out didn’t you??

I…. I…, I just wanted to…

Check on me?? Whether I was still here?? Instead of worrying I would have jumped out of a driving vehicle that goes what??? How many miles per hour??? Isn’t that cute that I almost caught you blushing from time to time young friend.

The eyes are deadlocked upon the rear view mirror, causing the distraction upon the driver as he is still trying to focus on the road as well


How I know?? Isn’t it obvious?? Your driving is either decreasing by the minute, or you just had to see whether the fables were true. Now I guess you have failed, haven’t you??

The driver realizes that he has put himself in a difficult situation as he decides to focus back on the driving as Dmitri focuses his attention upon the mini TV screen in front of him. Staring at the past show that he and J2H got face to face after their big match they had at Violent Conduct

Truth hurts doesn’t it oh almighty champion, how easily the lies flowed from your lips and into the void that is called the air that is filled with oxygen that we all inhale… only to have it flow back out to the emptiness of that is called space? Oh, I know, you are going to proclaim that I am boring and repetitive… then again, why would I change if it is working my friend???

His eyes are staring at the moment where Christian announces that the two will once again meet inside the six sided ring at this month’s Halloween special.

Were you hoping to carve out some pumpkins this year, make them a brat prince smile upon each of them and let the world watch your artistic nature?? Or are you just wishing upon the world to ignore how you never actually defeated me in our title match…

Uhm, sir??

Silence comes over Dmitri as he awaits the follow up from the insecure driver.

We are almost there sir, I…

That’s fine, just bring me to the hotel that I have asked you to bring me to and that’ll be all son.

Dmitri watches the driver reluctantly acknowledging the request from the vampire superstar from SCW as he returns his gaze back on the screen.

You will witness the true side of savagery that you humans have not bared to witness for over many centuries that has been behind me. How civilized the act of draining the imagination of one soul, to inflict pain upon another. You see James…, you have shown me what you were willing to do to maintain a grip upon that championship belt… and in the coming weeks… I will make sure that you will understand what I am willing to do… to bare you to your weaknesses, to your fears and most importantly… I will bear your soul to my vicious mind…. I just hope you will survive champ, because at the end of October…, you will be the one that shall lose it all….

With that the shot slowly fades.


Dmitri can be seen sitting in a rocking chair, on a balcony of his hotel room as he overlooks the sunset. His jacket hanging over another chair next to him as his blouse has been opened up as his pale white skin emerges.

Isn’t it sweet, how people wish to invite us all into their own world, a reality that has to be seen and opened up to us all… as where in merely how many years ago our private life was a taboo for the viewing audience?? I guess the life saga’s of monumental figures that have surpassed their expiration date. And the saddest part of it all, you humans have grown so accustomed to it that nothing is sacred anymore isn’t it???

His eyes is fixated upon the sun that is settling into the night as it will rise up again in the east.

To have a former tag team come back, united as new and beat the Surf Boys. Proclaim their sexuality and share it with us all, in the hopes of us respecting their wishes. As if a preference matters to me when it comes down to sexuality, I only care about depriving people from their hopes and dreams and their wishes to uphold something far more superior than what their imagination is confused with the reality. Their reality that they will not uphold anything

You speak off how you have been former champs, how you know what it is like and will gain another title reign faster than us?? You just confuse reality with stupidity, as there has been no other team in the SCW history that has ever beaten the two men named Ben and Jamie… how will you fair after facing those who took something dear to you?? It’s something that is upon my wishful mind to obtain that what makes you humans tick. What makes you fools wish to obtain that could not be obtained in the first place?? Factions like the Monstimals, the best ever tag team to have never worn those belts?? The Unholy Alliance, the only team that would be in life for a shot… only to have SCW ruling hold us back for that prestige?? Tell me my friends of a Dying Breed?? How will the miracles that sometimes have happened on thirty first street come to a realization for those like you??

His eyes slowly close as he rubs his hands across his chest for a few moments, savouring the senses that he gains from his caress.

You see, I have a hunger too. A hunger that will devour an unbeatable champion. A hunger to cross the names of those who wished to emerge to be above all that you humans are truly all about. And to sink my teeth down the throats of those who deserve to be the next entity that will eventually emerge in a glass like this??

Grabbing the glass of blood as he sips from it before placing it back on a table.

It’s sadly a day to be reckoned with the reality of sanity… not to be confused with insanity. Bridging upon from the veins of your stinking neck, to the bulging eyes that will pop out of your skulls when I close up the oxygen to your brains with merely these hands. Like I have said my waiting opponents from this week. I have not held tag team gold perhaps, but at least I do not have to share my hopes and dreams of acceptance.. I only accept the fact that I will batter you down along with my tag team partner. The unholy thoughts of destruction is upon you all, I just hope you can accept the fact that love does not discriminate… and neither do I….

With that the shot slowly fades as we go to a break.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We shift back to James Tuscini and his Uncle-Manager Pinky del Ferrando but this time they are in their dressing room. They are joined by the fiancée of James, Sandra (Sandy) Erwin and the three are enjoying a snack of pepperoni pizza and 7-Up. James walks over to his computer as he heard an incoming video call coming in and he wants to answer it to see who is calling. Pinky and Sandy remain on the couch watching re-runs of Married…With Children. James arrives at his laptop computer which is sitting on the dining room table and he answers the call. We see the image of Dmitri pop up on the video call.

JAMES:  Hi Dmitri. What do I owe the honor of this call?

DMITRI:  Wanted to check in on you and see how you are doing.

JAMES:  We are watching re-runs of Married…With Children as we all love the show. They may be re-runs but Al Bundy is the man.

DMITRI:  You humans are odd when it comes to entertainment. There appears to be no logic for shows like Married…With Children.

JAMES:  There is logic to illogical sitcoms like this. Al Bundy has limited education so he ended up as a shoe salesman. His wife Peggy is the classic example of an ignorant lazy do-nothing type of person. Their two children Bud and Kelly are typical dysfunctional kids with Bud being lame with the girls and Kelly is a slut. Actually Married…With Children is a great analog for Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell?

DMITRI:  Even though I honestly don’t want to know I’m sure our viewers do so go ahead and tell me why Married…With Children is a great analogy for Dying Breed tag team.

JAMES:  The Bundy family is totally dysfunctional and yet all four members of the Bundy family are clueless to realize how dysfunctional they are. That is a perfect representation of Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell. They are dysfunctional as wrestlers and as a tag team but they haven’t a clue how dysfunctional they are. For sure they will find out on Sunday night when we easily and quickly defeat them.

DMITRI:  Although I usually don’t understand human logic I have to say that what you said makes sense and it does apply appropriately to Dying Breed. Just remember, James, when we are finally not holding a Title Belt we will be going after the Tag Team Championship.

JAMES:  I thought your mindset was that you are not interested in holding Title Belts. Why this change in your thinking?

DMITRI:  It isn’t to prove anything to myself. It is to prove everything to Team BJ, the entire Sin City Wrestling Roster, and all the viewers. They think I’m stupid because I’m a Vampire and they don’t believe I mean it when I tell them I am a great wrestler and combined with you we are a great Tag Team. James when we finally challenged for the Tag Team Championship, and win the Tag Title Belts, there will be no doubters left on the planet.

JAMES:  Good comments Dmitri. Sorry to cut you off but I hear Pinky and Sandy laughing so hard while watching Married…With Children I’m expecting them to pass out. I’m missing out on some very humorous episodes of the Bundy family. Talk with you again another time.

DMITRI:  Humans are so amusing and easily entertained by nonsense things. Ivan and Andrew let me remind you that you will be not only amused by how quickly we defeat you but you will be thoroughly amazed. You will find out we are the future of the Tag Team Division and we are the future of Sin City Wrestling. Be ready for anything and everything from James and I on Sunday night. You have received your warning.

Dmitri ends the video call and the laptop screen on James’ computer returns to the desktop. James quickly runs over to the living room to jump on the couch so he can watch Married…With Children with Pinky and Sandy.

Supercard Archives / Johnny Tsunami Vs James Tuscini Vs TNA
« on: September 20, 2016, 06:13:25 AM »

NARRATOR:  James Tuscini may be a brutal vicious wrestler but he’s a fair man. He gives credit where it is due and he gives criticism when required.

We join up with James and his Uncle-Manager Pinky del Ferrando at the TD Place Arena in Ottawa. They are sitting at the announcer’s table where Belinda Simone and Jason Adams will be calling the matches on Sunday, September 25, 2016. James and Uncle Pinky are casually dressed in pullover shirts, blue jeans, and athletic shoes. James is wearing a red shirt while Pinky is wearing a green one.

JAMES:  My concept for my comments today is to thank you, Johnny Tsunami, for this match as my rematch for the Roulette Championship. I wish to also thank Travis Nathaniel Andrews for earning a spot in the Roulette Championship match at Violent Conduct III. Why would I thank you two for defeating me? That’s a great question. I thank you because your all-out attempt in my last two matches showed me that I need to step up my game. I don’t mean step it up a little bit, or somewhat, or double, or triple, or quadruple, but to go all-out, full speed ahead, go into hyper warp speed, and outright destroy you guys in this match. You heard me correctly. I’m confident as hell that I will be successful in earning back the Roulette Title Belt. For you, Tsunami, it will be just like when Dmitri defeated Rage for the Internet Title and then on his first defense Rage brought it all out and earned the Internet Title back. Yeah I can do that too and I will do that. Yes it will suck holding the Roulette Title Belt for only a few weeks but shit happens and it will happen at Violent Conduct III. As for you Travis don’t even think you are involved in this match because you don't have a chance of winning the Roulette Championship. Well actually you do have a chance and that is a snowball’s chance in hell but I guess you could legally say that you do have a chance of winning this match if your snowball doesn’t melt quickly in the heat.

PINKY: Remember when Dmitri was sent after Rage for the Internet Championship? Nobody gave Dmitri a chance of winning. But Dmitri did win and the wrestling world was turned upside-down. However when the re-match was scheduled Rage decided to pull out all the stops, go full speed ahead, go all out, go into hyper warp speed, and regain the Title Belt he lost to Dmitri. Although it pains me to talk about that match, as Dmitri is my friend and Tag Team partner, do you remember what happened? Dmitri fought hard as Internet Champion but Rage, as the former Champion, fought harder and he regained the Internet Championship. He has successfully defended it numerous times since then also. Remember that Tsunami because that’s exactly what James is going to do to you at Violent Conduct III. As for you Travis you may be assigned to the match but James is gonna make sure you don’t get involved in the match more than having your name mentioned when you are introduced for the match and then nobody will mention your name until the match is over and you are named as one of the two losers of the match.

JAMES:  That’s why I thank you Johnny and I thank you Travis. You two made me realize that I may not be invincible and that I can be defeated if I don’t keep up the high level of performance. But as I mentioned earlier I’m so confident that I ooze confidence. To give you an idea how I feel I will let you listen to a song titled “CONFIDENT” by Demi Lovato.

The video of CONFIDENT by Demi Lovato begins to play as the lyrics come on the screen.

Are you ready?

It's time for me to take it, I'm the boss right now
Not gonna fake it, Not when you go down
'Cause this is my game, And you better come to play

I used to hold my freak back, Now I'm letting go
I make my own choice, Bitch, I run this show
So leave the lights on, No, you can't make me behave

So you say I'm complicated, That I must be outta my mind
But you've had me underrated, Rated, rated

What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?

It's time to get the chains out, Is your tongue tied up?
'Cause this is my ground, And I'm dangerous
And you can get off, But it's all about me tonight

So you say I'm complicated, That I must be outta my mind
But you've had me underrated, Rated, rated

What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?

So you say I'm complicated, But you've had me underrated

What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, What's wrong with being confident?

The music video ends and James continues with his comments.

JAMES:  There is nothing wrong with being confident. That fact is even more evident when you are a wrestler like me who has superior wrestling skills. But there is something wrong with being over-confident. I know you two are over-confident going into our match at Violent Conduct III. I know you two feel your star shines brighter than mine only because you were able to defeat me when nobody thought you could. Everyone gets lucky once in a while. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. But can you two repeat what you did on September 4, 2016, at Climax Control 158, and on September 11, 2016, at Climax Control 159? Do you really believe you two were the better wrestlers on those days or do you understand that, as Clint Eastwood put it in the movie Dirty Harry, “Uh uh. I know what you're thinking. ‘Did he fire six shots or only five?’ Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?”

PINKY:  Well, guys, what’s it gonna be? James is the .44 Magnum and he’s the most powerful wrestler in the world and he’s here to blow your head clean off. Are you asking yourself if you should stand up and challenge that? Are you asking yourself if you feel lucky this time around. Well, do ya, punks?

James and Pinky stand up for the announcer’s table and they start to walk around the ring. As they walk they continue with their comments.

JAMES:  I wonder where the Roulette wheel will stop to give us the rules and stipulations on our match. Will it be some boring Standard Rules match? Will it be a submission only but with holds and weapons illegal with count-outs and disqualifications authorized? I don’t want a boring match like that and neither do the fans. I hope the Roulette wheel lands on something that allows us to do whatever the hell we want. Hardcore Rules. No Holds Barred. No Disqualification. Anything that allows us to do it all and then some. It’s like this, guys, so take notes as I’m giving you fair warning. If we get a brutal all-or-nothing match then if you take an inch from me I will take a foot from you. If you hit me with a pipe I will hit you with a pipe wrench. If you hit me with Timekeeper’s bell I will shove the Timekeeper’s bell up your ass so every time you fart the bell will go off. If you attempt to break my arm or leg I will turn it on you and leave you on the mat with a broken arm and a broken leg. I will give it back to you double or more what you give to me. If you think I’m joking then try me. I seriously doubt you will be laughing when I humiliate you on world-wide television.

PINKY:  I also want match rules and stipulations that allow me to do whatever I need to do to protect James in the match. Johnny after you attacked me on September 4, 2016, which was a cheap ass thing to do since I was not interfering in the match, trust me that your ass is mine. And don’t for a minute think that I won’t retaliate on you and tear up my suit in the process. The material of my suit is not so valuable that I can’t soil it kicking your punk ass. Just jump out of the ring and attack me like you did in the last match and I assure you the next thing you will remember is waking up in the Intensive Care Unit on life support. Travis you heard what I want to Johnny so take heed or your punk ass with also get beat down.

JAMES:  Cool down a bit Uncle. I’m the one in the match and I’m the one who is fired up to regain the Roulette Championship.

PINKY:  Meh. You mess with my family then you have to answer to me.

JAMES:  Speaking of a Tsunami do you remember the Tsunami in March 2011 that destroyed the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan? That Tsunami caused so much damage that radiation from the reactors even reached the United States. The leak of the radiation has been too extensive that recently the Japanese government built a Dome of Containment over the Fukushima nuclear reactor site. They did this to try to prevent more leakage of the contaminated sewage coming out of the reactors. Well, Johnny, when the James Tuscini Tsunami Wave hits you at Violent Conduct III you will be so totally destroyed that the Fukushima nuclear reactor site will look like a five-star hotel in comparison. Just like contaminated waste material oozes from Fukushima so contaminated waste material will ooze from your bruised, broken, and damaged body that they will have to build a Dome of Containment over your broken body to keep the ooze from contaminating other wrestlers and the fans. As for you Travis you are a rich snobby punk. I’ve dealt with people like you growing up in San Francisco. Your type loved to demean others for having less money than you have. Money isn’t everything as you are starting to find out. You have all the money in the world and yet you still haven’t yet held a Title Belt in Sin City Wrestling. Here I am a poor kid from the Mission District of San Francisco and in a very short time I won the Roulette Championship. I didn’t need money to be successful in wrestling. Apparently you might be successful in wrestling also if you didn’t worship your money more than your wrestling abilities.

PINKY:  Even though both of us commend you two on your recent victories, because both of you did more we expected you to do, that doesn’t mean we are not going all-out to destroy you so James will regain the Roulette Title Belt. But don’t feel bad guys because as least you will both be able to lay claim to defeating James Tuscini once, which is a difficult thing to do, but you Tsunami can also lay claim to holding the Roulette Championship for a total of three weeks. Cherish having possession of the Roulette Title Belt while you have it because on Sunday, September 25, 2016, you will be handing over possession of it to James.

James and Pinky continue their walk around the wrestling ring.

JAMES:  Guys I wish to relate something to you. I remember the scene in the movie The Wizard of Oz where the Wicked Witch of the West was doing all she could to defeat Dorothy. In this scene the Wicked Witch of the West was flying in the sky on her broom and with the smoke billowing from her broom she wrote SURRENDER DOROTHY in the sky. You can fly around on your broom all you want and you can write SURRENDER JAMES in the sky but it is a worthless endeavor. I will not surrender to you two and I will throw a bucket of water on you and melt you. I can hear you now. Just like the Wicked Witch of the West was crying. I’M MELTING! I’M MELTING! so you two will have a melt-down in my presence. Yeah I tend to have that effect on people.

James and Pinky reach the entrance ramp. They notice that between the announcer’s table and the entrance ramp the Roulette wheel is there ready for use at Violent Conduct III. James walks over and gives the Roulette wheel a hearty spin. As the wheel is spinning quickly James makes some additional comments.

JAMES:  Round and round and around the wheel goes and where it will stop nobody knows. But for your sake you two better hope it lands on anything classified as Standard Rules because if it lands on anything else you will receive the full impact of the Italian Demon Monster and I will not be held accountable for the damage you receive.

James and Pinky HIGH FIVE each other and then they take off up the ramp to return to the dressing room area while the Roulette wheel continues to spin down at ringside. They ready the partition to return to the backstage area and they step through it. Pinky puts his hand out to stop the cameraman from following them and the cameraman stops. The cameraman quickly calls into the Network and they switch over to a segment being aired by another Sin City Wrestling wrestler.

Supercard Archives / Johnny Tsunami Vs James Tuscini Vs TNA
« on: September 14, 2016, 07:17:02 AM »

NARRATOR:  Oh my! James Tuscini took a loss to Johnny Tsunami on September 4, 2016 where he lost the Roulette Title Belt and now he lost by pinfall to Travis Nathaniel Andrews (TNA) at Climax Control 159 on September 11, 2016. This now leads into a Triple Threat at Violent Conduct III where Johnny Tsunami defends the Roulette Championship against James Tuscini and Travis Nathaniel Andrews in a Triple Threat match.

We catch up with James Tuscini, and his Uncle-Manager Pinky del Ferrando, as they are visiting the Bayshore Shopping Mall in Ottawa. They are at the Stars Men’s Shop as James brought Uncle Pink there to upgrade his attire so that he’s not always dressed dumpy. As his Manager James wants Uncle Pinky to be able to be in the top current styles so that he can be another “Fashion Plate” like Freddie Blassie was. The cameraman has arrived and he catches up with James and Pink so they stop their shopping for a bit to discuss their upcoming match as Violent Conduct III. At first the sales associate protests that a wrestling segment is being aired in his store until James reminds him that he will get tons of publicity from their visit.

JAMES:  On September 4, 2016, I was defeated by Johnny Tsunami and I lost the Roulette Title to him. I don’t mind losing a match, or a Title Belt, when my opponent busts their ass and gives me all they’ve got. And that’s what Tsunami did. Then the next week, September 11, 2016, I lost by pinfall to Travis Nathaniel Andrews. I have to admit TNA also pulled out all the stops and his win was well-earned. What this now leads into for Violent Conduct III is a Triple Threat where Tsunami defends the Roulette Title against me and TNA. This should be one hell of a good match.

Before James can continue with his comments his cell phone rings. He answers it and places it on speaker so nobody can claim he’s hiding information from them.

DOCTOR KIM:  Hi, James, I wanted to call you to see how you are doing after your loss of the Roulette Championship to Johnny Tsunami on September 4, 2016, and your loss recently to TNA.

JAMES:  I’m doing okay Doc. I’m just surprised that Johnny Tsunami had so much determination in him. I’m not sure what I did wrong as I gave it all I have. Same with TNA. I believe with both of them it simply came down to they decided not to give up and it paid off for them.

DOCTOR KIM:  I know what happened.

JAMES:  Really? Tell me so I can get back on track.

DOCTOR KIM:  You’ve been doing your Martial Arts to keep control of yourself and your demon monster. You’ve been meditating to keep calm and in control. Even though you gave it all you’ve got in the matches against Tsunami and TNA my diagnosis is that you kept the demon monster too much under control and it cost you those matches.

JAMES:  Are you suggesting…

DOCTOR KIM:  Yes, James, I’m suggesting that you back off of the demon monster for your upcoming match, your re-match against Tsunami, which is a Triple Threat that includes Travis Nathaniel Andrews, to try to regain the Roulette Title, and let the demon monster go all out.

JAMES:  Why the change in suggestions Doc? You told me before to keep the demon monster under control at all times.

DOCTOR KIM:  This match is different. You are no longer the Roulette Champion which gave you the advantage. You are now the challenger and as the challenger you have to work harder to obtain the win. It won’t hurt you to let the demon monster totally unleashed for this match as you know how to get him back under your control again.

JAMES:  Wow! I didn’t think about that. I just want to say Doctor Kim Gham Sa Hae Yo (Thank You Doctor Kim).

DOCTOR KIM:  Well stated James. Where did you learn how to say that in Korean?

JAMES:  Your receptionist helped me with it. I'll take your suggestion and run with it for this upcoming match.

James ends the call with Doctor Kim and he returns to his segment comments.

JAMES:  Violent Conduct III will be held at the TD Place Arena here in Ottawa. This is my rematch with Johnny Tsunami to regain the Roulette Championship. Although I wanted a one-on-one match against Tsunami I wasn’t able to get it. But I don’t mind having TNA involved n the match because his win over me last week was a great win and he deserved to be included in this match. Now I want to make something…

James is interrupted by Uncle Pinky as the Tailor is getting Pinky fitted for a suit.

PINKY:  Dammit James I feel like I’m a 200 pound sausage being packed into a 100 pound capacity sausage casing. I don’t mind wearing a suit but I need room to move. After what happened in your match against Johnny Tsunami where he attacked me I want to be sure I have enough movement available to kick some ass when I have to.

James informs the Tailor to get the suit right as they are on national television and they don’t want bad publicity.

JAMES:  Hey get the suit right okay? We’re on national television and your reputation is on the line. The suits for my Uncle Pinky aren’t only for show it is also for functionality. I want him to look great and be able to move quickly without popping stitches. I want Uncle Pink to become the new fashion plate of the wrestling world. The original was “Classy” Freddie Blassie and he was the Fashion Plate trend-setter in Wrestling. Uncle Pinky will take over that spot as wrestling’s Fashion Plate.

PINKY:  Freddie Blassie died in 2003 James. You want me to look like a man who’s been dead for 13 years?

JAMES:  Uncle I want you to be the classiest dressed Manager the wrestling world has ever known. I have the utmost of respect for Freddie Blassie but I want you to be the name mentioned when there is a poll taken who is the sharpest dressed Manager ever in the world of Wrestling.

The Tailor returns to doing the suits properly as they are on national television and their reputation will remain good.

JAMES:  So, guys, here’s the information everyone wants to hear. I will lay it out for you in increments so your weak little brain is able to process all the information.

ONE:  I know I had a brutal match against TNA on August 14, 2016, but even though he gave me all he had I still successfully defended the Roulette Title Belt.

TWO: Then you saw me and Dmitri defeat the World Tag Team Champions, Team BJ, in a non-Title match on August 28, 2016.

THREE:  Then on September 4, 2016, you were able to overcome overwhelming odds to walk away as the newly crowned Roulette Champion by defeating me in the Ladder Match.

FOUR:  On September 11, 2016, I faced Travis Nathaniel Andrews again and this time I faced him coming off injuries sustained during our ladder match and TNA walked away with the win.

FIVE:  With that win TNA earned a spot in our Roulette Championship match. Yes he belongs in the match even though I wanted us to have a one-on-one match. Having more than just the two of us involved in this match means when I defeat you we will have to hear you whine that you only lost because TNA was also in the match. Sorry dude. We are in a No-Whine zone so…NO WHINING!

JAMES:  But now it is you and I again but with TNA also in the match. This time you are the Roulette Champion and I am the Challenger. I’ve been in this position before when I faced Steve Ramone for the Roulette Title Belt so I’m no stranger to being the challenger. You heard my conversation with my family physician Doctor Kim earlier in this segment. You heard Doctor Kim tell me to totally unleash the Italian Demon Monster and kick your ass. The only hope you have of winning this match is if the stipulations and rules of our match land on anything that is classified as “standard” rules. Any match type that doesn’t allow for weapons and other holds that are otherwise illegal is likely to work in your favor. But if the match rules and stipulations land on anything that deals with Hardcore, No Holds Barred, No Disqualification, or anything else where everything including the kitchen sink can be used in the match when I unleash the Italian Demon Monster on you there might not be much left of you if anything at all. The other thing that works in my favor is having Travis involved in the match. That causes you to be doubly distracted and that is an advantage I will take. Both you and TNA can dish out punishment better than most on the Roster which also works in my favor. You two can beat the beejeebers out of each other and I will get the win. And to make this match even easier for me if it is a Standard Triple Threat where anyone can pin, or make to submit, anyone in the match and win, well again that is my advantage.

The Tailor is done with Uncle Pinky’s first suit. Pinky walks out and even James gasps from the sight as Uncle Pinky looks like a Million Dollars.

JAMES:  Holy shit Uncle! You look amazing! Way to go guys! Uncle Pinky is the new Fashion Plate of professional wrestling! Remember Uncle that since Tsunami felt it was okay to attack you in our last match even though you were not getting physically involved in the match I want you to be ready to get involved is shit happens again.

PINKY:  James I remember when your father died suddenly when you were just a young teen. That was hard on you and your mother. I took your mother, my sister, and you into my home and I looked after you, and protected you, as if you were my biological son. James after your mother passed away and you went off into the sport of wrestling I kept a close watch on your wrestling career. I always wanted to get involved in wrestling but didn’t know how to go about it. Then you hired me on to be your Manager and you made this old man’s dreams come true. Trust me James if anyone attacks you again I will fight to the death to protect your life. You’re family and in our Italian family that means everything.

JAMES:  I’m not just concerned for myself but I’m happy to know that if someone interferes in my match or tries to attack me backstage that you will be right there to issue judgment upon them. But I also want you to look out for yourself as you have been attacked a few times.

PINKY:  I can take care of myself James. All the attacks and beatings and even being pissed on by Chris Shipman didn’t keep me down. I’m still here and if someone wants to get their young punk ass kicked by this 63 year old man bring it the f*ck on!

JAMES:  Watch the language Uncle we are live on television.

PINKY:  Oops! Hope the censors were able to bleep it out.

The Tailor starts work on James Tuscini for a nice suit to complement his already great looks.

JAMES:  Johnny our last match was epic and brutal. I didn’t expect you to overcome the odds and win that match but you did. Going into Violent Conduct III I don’t expect our match to be an easy one now that it is a Triple Threat. Similar comments to you Travis. I didn’t expect you to overcome the odds and win our match last week but you did. Johnny I don’t expect you to roll over and play dead like a trained dog. I don’t expect you to just walk into the ring and hand over the Roulette Title Belt. If you did those things I would lose all respect for you. Travis I don’t expect you to walk into our match and take it easy and wimp out. What I want from you two another epic and brutal match. That way I will prove to the world that I’m still Roulette Champion by regaining the Title Belt that rightfully belongs to me. Will it be easy to accomplish? No. Will you willingly give up the Roulette Title Belt to me? No. Will I win and regain the Roulette Championship? Yep. I encourage you two to place your bets on me to win because that’s a sure bet and you will gain money with your bet.

The Tailor is done tacking the suit for James and he looks almost as fashionable as Uncle Pinky does.

PINKY:  Whoa! You look awesome James! I’ve never seen you look this great. You look like you are ready to attend a wedding as the Groom.

JAMES:  I could do that Uncle. This would be a nice suit to get married in.

The cell phone of James Tuscini buzzes with a new text message. It is from his fiancée Sandy Erwin. James clicks on the text message and he holds it up for the camera to get a shot of.

SANDY (text message):  Is that a Proposal James? You already know what my answer will be.

James puts his cell phone back in his pocket.

JAMES:  When I make a proposal it will be an official one and not one while I’m getting suits done for me and Uncle Pinky while airing a segment for a wrestling match. Well, Johnny, in a short time we will meet again. I am ready to take you on and take back possession of the Roulette Title Belt. Uncle Pinky will be at ringside to ensure if you obtain interference, or if someone interferes on their own behalf, that he will be there to kick their ass into the Intensive Care Unit. Listen up you two I’m not playing games so if you guys think this is a game then you are in for a rude awakening. I’m here to destroy you two and I will not hold back on that promise. See you two on September 25, 2016, at Violent Conduct III.

James and Uncle Pink thank the Tailor at the Stars Men’s Shop at the Bayshore Shopping Mall while the cameraman informs the Network that the segment is over. After remaining focused on James and Uncle Pinky the network cuts to a commercial break.

Climax Control Archives / Rumpelstiltskin
« on: September 06, 2016, 04:51:05 PM »

NARRATOR:  Well it has been two interesting weeks for James Tuscini and his Uncle-Manager Pinky del Ferrando. James and Dmitri, the Unholy Alliance, defeated the reigning Tag Team Champions, Jamie Dean and Ben Jordan, in a non-Title match two weeks ago and then last week James lost the Roulette Title Belt against Johnny Tsunami. Even though James dropped the Roulette Championship he still moved into the position of being the third longest-reigning Roulette Champion.

The scene switches to the dressing room of James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando at the Saint Michael’s College School Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. James is sitting at a desk texting with his fiancée Sandy Erwin. Pinky del Ferrando is reading a book while sitting on the couch. We can’t see the name of the book but it appears to be maybe a fairy tale of some sort. While James is typing away communicating with Sandy we can hear Pinky reading out loud from his book.

PINKY:  (reading from the book) There was once a miller who was poor, but he had one beautiful daughter. It happened one day that he came to speak with the king, and, to give himself consequence, he told him that he had a daughter who could spin gold out of straw. The king said to the miller: "That is an art that pleases me well; if thy daughter is as clever as you say, bring her to my castle to-morrow, that I may put her to the proof."

When the girl was brought to him, he led her into a room that was quite full of straw, and gave her a wheel and spindle, and said: "Now set to work, and if by the early morning thou hast not spun this straw to gold thou shalt die." And he shut the door himself, and left her there alone. And so the poor miller's daughter was left there sitting, and could not think what to do for her life: she had no notion how to set to work to spin gold from straw, and her distress grew so great that she began to weep. Then all at once the door opened, and in came a little man, who said: "Good evening, miller's daughter; why are you crying?"

"Oh!" answered the girl, "I have got to spin gold out of straw, and I don't understand the business." Then the little man said: "What will you give me if I spin it for you?" - "My necklace," said the girl. The little man took the necklace, seated himself before the wheel, and whirr, whirr, whirr! three times round and the bobbin was full; then he took up another, and whirr, whirr, whirr! three times round, and that was full; and so he went on till the morning, when all the straw had been spun, and all the bobbins were full of gold.

At sunrise came the king, and when he saw the gold he was astonished and very much rejoiced, for he was very avaricious. He had the miller's daughter taken into another room filled with straw, much bigger than the last, and told her that as she valued her life she must spin it all in one night. The girl did not know what to do, so she began to cry, and then the door opened, and the little man appeared and said: "What will you give me if I spin all this straw into gold?"

"The ring from my finger," answered the girl. So the little man took the ring, and began again to send the wheel whirring round, and by the next morning all the straw was spun into glistening gold. The king was rejoiced beyond measure at the sight, but as he could never have enough of gold, he had the miller's daughter taken into a still larger room full of straw, and said: "This, too, must be spun in one night, and if you accomplish it you shall be my wife." For he thought: "Although she is but a miller's daughter, I am not likely to find any one richer in the whole world." As soon as the girl was left alone, the little man appeared for the third time and said: "What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time?" - "I have nothing left to give," answered the girl. "Then you must promise me the first child you have after you are queen," said the little man. "But who knows whether that will happen?" thought the girl; but as she did not know what else to do in her necessity, she promised the little man what he desired, upon which he began to spin, until all the straw was gold. And when in the morning the king came and found all done according to his wish, he caused the wedding to be held at once, and the miller's pretty daughter became a queen.

After a time James becomes annoyed at Uncle Pinky’s reading out loud as he can’t concentrate on texting with Sandy.

JAMES:  Uncle what in the world are you reading and why in hell are you reading out loud? You know I texting with Sandy on the computer.

PINKY:  I dunno but it sounds interesting. Humor me for a few minutes more okay? I can’t help it if I’m one of those read out loud persons. What is it to you anyway? You’re not holding a video call with Sandy where you two are talking you are just texting.

James grumbles about but he returns to texting with Sandy while Uncle Pinky finishes the story.

PINKY: (continuing to read out loud from the book)  In a year's time she brought a fine child into the world, and thought no more of the little man; but one day he came suddenly into her room, and said: "Now give me what you promised me." The queen was terrified greatly, and offered the little man all the riches of the kingdom if he would only leave the child; but the little man said: "No, I would rather have something living than all the treasures of the world." Then the queen began to lament and to weep, so that the little man had pity upon her. "I will give you three days," said he, "and if at the end of that time you cannot tell my name, you must give up the child to me."

Then the queen spent the whole night in thinking over all the names that she had ever heard, and sent a messenger through the land to ask far and wide for all the names that could be found. And when the little man came next day, (beginning with Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar) she repeated all she knew, and went through the whole list, but after each the little man said: "That is not my name." The second day the queen sent to inquire of all the neighbors what the servants were called, and told the little man all the most unusual and singular names, saying: "Perhaps you are called Roast-ribs, or Sheepshanks, or Spindleshanks?" But he answered nothing but: "That is not my name."

The third day the messenger came back again, and said: "I have not been able to find one single new name; but as I passed through the woods I came to a high hill, and near it was a little house, and before the house burned a fire, and round the fire danced a comical little man, and he hopped on one leg and cried:

"Today do I bake, tomorrow I brew, The day after that the queen's child comes in; And oh! I am glad that nobody knew. That the name I am called is…”

James has had enough of Uncle Pinky reading out loud as he cannot concentrate on texting with Sandy.

JAMES:  Okay Uncle that’s enough! I can’t concentrate on texting with Sandy with you reading out loud. What the hell is the man’s name so you can stop bugging me by reading loudly?

PINKY:  It appears his name is rumpled foreskin. What the hell kind of name is that? Maybe it’s a Medieval thing?

James snatches the book out of Uncle Pinky’s hands and he picks up reading where Pinky left off.

JAMES:  (reading from the book):  "Today do I bake, tomorrow I brew, The day after that the queen's child comes in; And oh! I am glad that nobody knew. That the name I am called is  Rumpelstiltskin!"

James busts out laughing so hard that Uncle Pinky is surprised.

JAMES:  You old fool the name of the man in the story is Rumpelstiltskin not rumpled foreskin. Good grief haven’t you ever heard of this story before?

PINKY:  Nope.

JAMES:  That’s enough reading for you today. Here’s $100 now please go out on the town and try to hook up with a woman, have a nice meal, and maybe she will take you back to her place for some sex. Just make sure she’s not associated with Chris Shipma like what happened to you before.

Uncle Pinky leaves the dressing room to go out on the town and have some fun. Before returning to texting with Sandy we see James open the book to finish the story of Rumpelstiltskin.

JAMES: (reading the remainder of the story in the book):  You cannot think how pleased the queen was to hear that name, and soon afterwards, when the little man walked in and said: "Now, Mrs. Queen, what is my name?" she said at first "Are you called Jack?" - "No," answered he. "Are you called Harry?" she asked again. "No," answered he. And then she said": "Then perhaps your name is Rumpelstiltskin?" "The devil told you that! the devil told you that!" cried the little man, and in his anger he stamped with his right foot so hard that it went into the ground above his knee; then he seized his left foot with both his hands in such a fury that he split in two, and there was an end of him.

James tosses the book on the coffee table then he returns to texting with Sandy. He relates to her how Uncle Pinky thought the man’s name was rumpled foreskin and both have a good laugh. The texting is over and they sign off. Tuscini then turns into the camera to make comments for Climax Control 159.

JAMES:  Well as you all saw I was defeated for the Roulette Championship by Johnny Tsunami at Climax Control 158 on Sunday, September 4, 2016. Had I retained the Roulette Title until the first week in October I would have become the longest-reigning Roulette Champion but it wasn’t meant to be. So the question everyone wants the answer to is whether I’m upset at losing the Roulette Title Belt. Nope not upset at all. I expected to hold the Title Belt for a time but to have held it, and successfully defended it, for four months is an accomplishment I’m proud of. I have to be honest and tell you I thought I was going to lose a few of my Title Defense matches but I always managed to find a way to win. So what happened last week? Johnny Tsunami saw his opening, saw his chance, and he figured he had nothing to lose and everything to gain. When you are in that situation you have to do whatever it takes to win the match and that’s what Johnny did. He fought through the pain. He got up when people thought he was down and out. I admire a wrestler who can do that. For me holding the Roulette Championship for four months is monumental and nobody can ever take that away from me.

James walks into the kitchen and returns with a bottle of water which he opens and takes a drink. He returns to the chair he was sitting in previously.

JAMES:  Well, Travis, we meet again. I didn’t think I would see you opposite me in the wrestling ring for some time since I defeated you two weeks ago while successfully defending the Roulette Championship. I guess Management wants to break our 1-1 tie and I’m here to tell you that I will break the tie and go 2-1 on you. Yeah, Travis, I imagine what you are going to try to say to make it seem as though you might actually have a chance of defeating me this Sunday. The first thing you will claim is how much better you are as a wrestler than I am. Don’t even try that excuse because you were not better than me on August 14, 2016. The next thing is you will brag that in my second match in Sin City Wrestling you defeated me. Yes you did but only because Steve Ramone interfered in the match and knocked me out. You were also not better than me that day either because I had you defeated until Ramone interfered in the match. Another thing is you will claim since I took a lot of hits and damage in my match against Tsunami that it gives you the advantage. Not so fast! I don’t care if I have pain as I’m still more of a wrestler than you can ever hope to be. The final thing you are likely to say is that I lost the Roulette Title Belt, which I did, and you will try to make it sound like I’m a failure. No, Travis, I’m not a failure when I came within 30 days of becoming the longest-reigning Roulette Champion. Who is the real failure here? It is the person who has been in Sin City Wrestling much longer than I have and yet he hasn’t held any Title Belt yet. Gee, Travis, do you happen to know who I’m referring to? Yes. You!

James finishes the water and then he throws the empty water bottle into the trash.

JAMES:  It’s like this TNA. You have never legally defeated me and you are not gonna start this Sunday. Having you deliberately knock out the Referee, then having Steve Ramone interfere in the match to knock me out, does not equate into a LEGAL victory. But since the Record Books show us at 1-1 I’m here to tell you that I will break our tie and go 2-1 over you on Sunday. If you don’t think I can do it then you are not thinking at all.

Tuscini stands up and walks behind the chair placing his hands on the back of the chair while looking into the camera.

JAMES:  To Johnny Tsunami I congratulate you on your win and obtaining the Roulette Championship. I admire a wrestler who won’t give up even when everyone watching believes they are out. You didn’t give up and you literally climbed over me to snag the Roulette Title Belt off the hook. Well done and please defend the Title Belt with pride. Just remember that I have a Rematch Clause and it will be honored soon and hopefully at Violent Conduct III. To TNA I want to let you know that I believe you are a good wrestler and that one day you will obtain a Title Belt. Although you are a good wrestler I am a great wrestler and the last time I looked up the definitions of good and great it was great that trounced good every time. Keep that in mind as Sunday approaches and know that every minute that ticks off the clock is another minute you are closer to a major ass kicking at my hands.

James Tuscini informs the cameraman that his comments for today are over. The cameraman acknowledges the comments and he calls into the Network and they quickly cut to a commercial break.

Climax Control Archives / Best Wrestler
« on: August 30, 2016, 04:14:03 PM »

NARRATOR:  This should be interesting. I just got word that Sheriff Andy Taylor and Deputy Barney Fife are in another heated argument and this time it concerns the sport of wrestling. We quickly go to the Sheriff’s Office in Mayberry, North Carolina to listen in on the argument.

BARNEY FIFE:  Andy I’m telling you that J2H is the best wrestler in Sin City Wrestling.

ANDY TAYLOR:  Barney we all know that James Tuscini is the best wrestler in Sin City Wrestling.

BARNEY FIFE:  No way! J2H is the World Heavyweight Champion and he has held that title longer than anyone else in the Federation so he’s the best.

ANDY TAYLOR:  And in two weeks James Tuscini will pass up J2H as the 3rd longest-reigning Roulette Champion so that would make James Tuscini better than J2H at least in the Roulette Championship Division.

BARNEY FIFE:  Well I know better than you Andy. Remember that I was on the Mayberry High School Wrestling Team.

ANDY TAYLOR:  Barney I was on the Mayberry High School Wrestling Team and the only thing I saw you do was act as Water Boy and you washed towels and jock straps for the team members.

BARNEY FIFE:  Well that still made me part of the Wrestling Team.

ANDY TAYLOR:  You know what Barney? Let’s agree to disagree on this one but let’s agree that we go over to the Malt Shop and have a couple of extra large ice cream sundaes okay?

BARNEY FIFE:  Now you’re talking. Let’s go.

The scene switches to the Verdun Auditorium located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where Sin City Wrestling is holding Climax Control 158. James Tuscini and Uncle Pinky are in the Gym where James is working out in a sparring match against a wrestler we don’t know the name of. Uncle Pinky is in the corner lending support and encouragement.

James makes quick work of the sparring partner when he works over the arm and shoulder of the wrestler and then applies the Mafia Hit Flying Hammer Lock on him and the opponent submits to prevent permanent injury. Tuscini drops his opponent to the mat and then he slides out of the ring to join Uncle Pinky at ringside.

JAMES:  I was told that Sheriff Andy Taylor and Deputy Barney Fife got into a heated argument over who they feel is the best wrestler in Sin City Wrestling.

PINKY:  Yep. Barney Fife said he feels it is J2H as he has the longest reign as World Heavyweight Champion. Andy Taylor said it was you because in two weeks you will pass up J2H as the 3rd longest reigning Roulette Champion. Both are correct so they decided to agree to disagree and gorge themselves on some ice cream sundaes.

JAMES:  Hmmm. Gorging on ice cream sundaes? Sounds like something we need to do after we get cleaned up and refreshed after this sparring session. And, Uncle, me and Dmitri did what we said we would do. We defeated the current Tag Team Champions, Team BJ, and we have made our names known in the Tag Team Division. By the way did you get the Climax Control 158 match assignments yet?

PINKY:  Yes and for crying out loud you are the Main Event again! This time you defend the Roulette Championship against Johnny Tsunami.

JAMES:  Seriously? This is the best Management could do? Johnny we are going to meet again. What’s that? You don’t remember when we met in a wrestling match prior to this one? Let me refresh your memory. It was Sunday, June 26, 2016, at Climax Control 151. What’s that Johnny? You still don’t remember? Ahem. It was a tag team match where me and Dmitri, the Unholy Alliance, faced off against you and Caleb Houston in a tag team match. Dmitri got the pin on Houston so I’m sure you will try to make the excuse that since I didn’t pin you or make you submit in that match then I won’t have a chance of defeating you this coming Sunday. I suppose you will also try to use the excuse that when Joshua Acquin ran to ringside and distracted your team that you lost due to that distraction. All your excuses won’t explain away that loss and they won’t prevent you from receiving another loss to me this Sunday.

James and Uncle Pinky start packing stuff up in their bags to get ready to return to their dressing room to relax.

JAMES:  Tsunami I see you are pathetic and bumbling as Deputy Barney Fife. Did you know that Sheriff Taylor requires that Deputy Fife keep his empty revolver in his holster at all times? Yes he requires that Deputy Fife carry an unloaded revolver in his holster. And on top of that Sheriff Taylor gives Deputy Fife only ONE bullet and he requires that Deputy Fife keep that single bullet inside his shirt pocket and with the pocket buttoned. There’s a reason for that Johnny. Sheriff Taylor knows that if Barney Fife were to carry a loaded revolver in his holster, even with only one bullet in the revolver, that Deputy Fife would be a hazard to himself and others. That’s so much like you Tsunami. You are a hazard to yourself and you were a hazard to your Tag Team partner in Bad Company.

PINKY:  Tsunami we expect you to try to use the reasoning that you are smaller, lighter, and quicker in the ring than James is and that is your advantage. Excuse me but you were smaller, lighter, and faster than Dmitri and James on June 26, 2016, at Climax Control 151 and you lost. Where the hell was your advantage that day huh?

JAMES: Since I won the Roulette Title on May 1, 2016, by defeating Steve Ramone I’ve successfully defended my Roulette Title FIVE TIMES against the following wrestlers:  

ONE:  Against Steve Ramone, Ryan Keys, and Mat Spears in a Pinfalls Count Anywhere match on June 5, 2016, at Into the Void V.

TWO:  Against Casey Williams on June 19, 2016, at Climax Control 150.

THREE:  Against Ryan Keys at Climax Control 153 on July 10, 2016, in a Strap Match.

FOUR:  Against Chris Shipman, Casey Williams, and Ryan Keys, at Summer XXXTreme IV on July 31, 2016.

FIVE:  Against Travis Nathaniel Andrews (TNA) in a Submission Only No Disqualification match on August 14, 2016.

JAMES: So you think you can get the job done when these wrestlers couldn’t? So you think you can eclipse me in my accomplishments? You think your shit don’t stink? Trust me when you take a shit and people walk past your dressing room them have to don gas masks to keep from passing out.

PINKY:  Johnny you are nothing more than another in a long line of sacrifices Management has sent against James. You challengers are all the same and you all haven’t learned your lesson yet. I find it shocking that a person can stick a metal fork into a live electrical outlet and get shocked to hell and back and then they continue to do it several more times. Did they honestly believe that sticking the metal fork in the electrical outlet again wasn’t gonna shock them again? How many times do wrestlers have to get sent up against James and get shocked to hell and back before they realize they need to stop? How many times will James need to shock you by defeating you to get you to understand you can’t defeat James and you need to stop?

JAMES:  You’re wasting your breath Uncle. These other wrestlers are not going to get it until they see me go into the first week of October and become the longest-reigning Roulette Champion. Then they will finally drop to their knees and bow in honor of my accomplishment.

PINKY:  Oh, James, you are so intelligent. You are the Brain of our relationship and you are the one who knows what he wants and how to accomplish it. By the way James the Brain what are we going to do this Sunday night?

JAMES:  (Doing his best Brain voice from the cartoon Pinky and the Brain) We're going to do what we always do Pinky. Take over the World!

At that Pinky and the Brain reference both James and Pinky bust out in uncontrollable laughter. After laughing for a significant period of time they both manage to regain their composure and continue packing their gym bags.

JAMES:  Johnny I’m gonna tell it like it is. You are slow, dense, and untalented, and you are confused immensely if you believe you can defeat me. I will state it like this. You’re one of those people who are so stupid that you can cut one foot off the top of a blanket, sew it onto the bottom of the same blanket, and you honestly believe you have a blanket that is one foot longer than the one you started with. I assure you, beyond any doubt, you will come up short against me as you would come up short doing what I just said you would do with a blanket. All you need to know is that I am working on maintaining my reputation as one of the top names to have graced Sin City Wrestling. One day I will lose the Roulette Title Belt but it won’t be this Sunday.

PINKY:  Thanks for joining us today for the sparring match and some valuable words of wisdom. See you on Sunday night.

James and Uncle Pinky pick up their gym bags and walk out of the gym. The cameraman keeps focused on the pair until they exit the gym and the doors close behind them and then the Network cuts to a commercial break.

Climax Control Archives / What the F*ck!
« on: August 26, 2016, 04:37:54 PM »
 NARRATOR:  I won’t waste much of your time commenting on the upcoming tag team match pitting James Tuscini and Dmitri, the Unholy Alliance, against Ben Jordan and Jamie Dean, known as Team BJ. This is a non-Title match and we will let James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando give you the information you need to know.

JAMES:  Let’s cut to the chase. My tag team, the Unholy Alliance, with Dmitri, faces off in the Main Event at Climax Control 157, against the current Tag Team Champions in the form of Team BJ. You have to ask why in the hell wouldn’t the Tag Team Title Belts be on the line in this match? That’s a good question and I have the simple answer. Ben Jordan and Jaime Dean are scared to put the Tag Belts up against us. They know at the next Super Show, Violent Conduct III, they are pre-scheduled to defend the Tag Team Title Belts against three other Tag Teams in a Fatal Four Way match. They simply are afraid to put the Tag Belts up against us because we would win and then Unholy Alliance instead of Team BJ would be defending the Tag Team Championship at Violent Conduct III.

PINKY:  Those three other teams are the Surf Boys, the Monstimals, and Members of the Elders. When you combine the talent of those three tag teams you still have a combined level of expertise that is half what James and Dmitri have. Those three teams shouldn’t even be in the Tag Team title picture since they all suck. It is also interesting and amusing that the name of Ben and Jamie’s team is called Team BJ. Maybe they donned knee pads, ran to the offices of Mark and Chris, dropped to their knees, did them an oral favor, and then begged them not to have to put the Tag Belts on the line against the Unholy Alliance. Whatcha think about that?

JAMES:  I know what Ben and Jamie are going to say. They will try to excuse their begging and sucking for favors so they didn’t have to defend the Tag Belts against us as something else. They will try to use the excuse that since I’m a current reigning Champion, the Roulette Champion, that I’m prohibited by the rules from going after the Tag Team Championship. Well guess what boys. If you had the courage to put the Tag Belts on the line against us, which you don’t have, then I would have gladly vacated the Roulette Title just to get at you and prove that me and Dmitri are the best Tag Team in Sin City Wrestling. But you want to know something else? We will endure this non-Title match this Sunday. We will kick your asses so hard you will be lucky to make it to the Violent Conduct III where you are to defend the Tag Belts against those three weak teams. I assure you that when the time comes that both me and Dmitri are no longer holding Title Belts we will challenge for, and become, the Tag Team Champions.

PINKY:  I want everyone, especially Monstimals, Surf Boys, and Members of the Elders, to pay close attention to our match on Sunday. When you see how easily the Unholy Alliance defeats Team BJ it will give you hope and determination that maybe, just maybe, if all three of your teams work together you might actually have a 50 percent chance of winning against Ben and Jamie. And if by some miracle Team BJ manages to win, and retain, the Tag Team Championship, I assure you that if the next Title defense they make will be against James and Dmitri you will see new Tag Team Champions crowned that night.

JAMES:  So Ben, so Jamie, you think you are the best Tag Team around? You fail to realize there hasn’t been any real Tag Team talent to challenge you properly until Unholy Alliance showed up. So you think you have what it takes to defeat us this Sunday evening? You think you are going to have an easy match. Trust me that when our hands are raised in victory on Sunday you will be in such shock you will be exclaiming…

Suddenly a video clip appears on our screen and…

Click here to watch the video clip

We begin laughing so hard when we see the Parrot yelling out WHAT THE F*CK!!!

JAMES:  You think you can get the job done against us? WHAT THE F*CK!!! You think our Tag Team isn’t worthy? WHAT THE F*CK!!! You think your shit don’t stink? WHAT THE F*CK!!! Trust me when we soundly beat you down and walk away with another well-earned victory you will be the ones screaming WHAT THE F*CK!!!

PINKY:  How are you two going to feel when you have to defend the Tag Belts against those other three teams coming off a loss to us? Then if, by some miracle, you manage to retain the Tag Belts against those teams, you would then end up having to defend against the Unholy Alliance the team that defeated you.

JAMES:  I’ve heard the many excuses you two used to explain why you haven’t defended the Tag Team Championship much. I think since I’ve been here in Sin City Wrestling, which was back in February 2016, I might have seen you in a Tag Team defense match maybe twice. Want to do a comparison? I won the Roulette Championship on May 1, 2016. From that day until August 14, 2016, I have defended my Roulette Championship FIVE times. Did you hear that? FIVE f*cking times I have willingly defended my Roulette Title successfully. Compare that to how long you’ve held the Tag Team Championship and how many times you’ve defended it. Uh huh there is no damn comparison fools. I have you slam dunked.

PINKY:  While you two have been lounging around with your dicks out beating off to porn videos James has been busting his ass to prove he is one of the best wrestlers in Sin City Wrestling. In fact, guys, James just passed up J2H as the third longest reigning Roulette Champion. Actually he has a little over one week to eclipse the Roulette Title reign of J2H but since the next match he will have is likely to be on September 4, 2016, he has already accomplished moving up into being the third longest reigning Roulette Champion. One month more to the first week of October and James will pass up Equinox and Goth to become the longest reigning Roulette Champion. Still think you have a chance to defeat the Unholy Alliance on Sunday? If you think that is possible then you simply aren’t thinking logically.

JAMES:  And let’s not forget how you measure up to us. We have 152 pounds of weight advantage over your team and a full 12 inches of height advantage. Women say that size matters so this discussion is now closed as we are here to prove their claims. Just remember that the team of Unholy Alliance, Dmitri and James Tuscini will go down in the record books as the team that defeated you before your big Fatal Four Way Tag Team Championship defense at Violent Conduct III. This loss is going to haunt you two until you go to your graves. Jamie you are 5 feet 10 inches and 169 pounds? Seriously? I thought Midgets wrestled in their own division.

* short break *

* Dmitri speaks *

I never knew what my life meant to me until it was taken away from me. It was as if you were staring into the eyes of your parents for the first time. Knowing that you were safe, knowing that nothing would be done to you… and the best part of it all was that I didn’t needed that slap on my back to cause me to cry….

When I look back at everything, I have often wondered why people always made a big deal about their lives. You are born, you grow up and you die…. I guess they never could comprehend the last one don’t you?? Always wanting to be on top, always wanted to have the final say… always wanting to the better than the one before you. Some would even say… wanting to be a GOD.

And what kind of God would that have been??? A merciful one?? Always wishing to have the very best for his weak and mindless souls?? Or are you a God that stands for his deeds and massacres the entire world with one mere title wave… and to think we are still talking about the same one… I guess even God’s can change.

I chuckle, not that I amuse myself with humour or other emotional preludes of what you humans seem to enjoy showing or wishing to hide. A mere classical tale of how much emotions runs your lives to the ground if you are unstable enough to be caught in the grasp of your own sensitivity it’s like holding a new born baby in your hands for the first time. Staring you in the eyes, smiling without any knowledge what is going on in this world… but realizing that the smile will soon enough die into a pool of sadness and despair.

At least I had a second chance.

How can I forget?? It was that faithful night, it was raining. I had too much to drink and was crying over the rejection of a wench. How foolish to let love take over your mind and soul, while you only need to grab it by the throat and watch it turn purple or red… in the end the colour will always turn white… but at least you knew it was either love or hate…

When I went back… it was all hate… at least I knew I had my final say…

In today’s world, we are often confronted with the incapable acts of worshipping nothing else but yourself. To proclaim the greatness of that what you have done and ignore those who have paved the ways for you to get there. or am I merely mistaken by the acts of power and hunger towards your fellow man?? To prove your worth inside that square circle, only to fail on the wayside of life. That what separates you from me… besides the obvious blood thirst of course.

it is time for me to open up and show the love

The match

Dmitri can be seen standing on top of a building in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Overlooking the scenery that is all around him. He brushes his hair as his eyes is following the movement of every person that is beneath him.

Look at them gravel around the ground underneath me. Unaware of the threat that I could have been to them

He grins as he watches them over and over again before turning his back towards the camera.

But sometimes you need to put your hunger aside for thirst in the eyes of the beholder.

Dmitri brushes his hair aside as he closes his eyes for a few moments as he remains silent.

I forgive your stupidity in your heart and soul, I forgive the ignorance that two names have been having for me for quite some time. And it indulges me that there are now two other names that I can feast my desire upon for a temperate feel… for a temperate ideal before I will feast on the main course and desert to reach the unlimited potential that is…. Dmitri…

He opens his eyes slowly, we can see the aging in his eyes while he has been remained in his age that he was on the outside since his turning. The young looks of the vampire stuns the view as he grabs the camera and pulls it closer towards him.

Are you listening Samuel?? I have not forgotten about you or your futile attempt to resist the raging heartbeat of the heartless soul. I do not have a heart like yours, but rage still burns inside that of what usually is cold and calculated my friend. To have known that our match at Summer XXXtreme would just have been a prelude to something beyond your wildest dreams… a match for the ages, against the ageless…

For eternity I have wandered this earth in search for hope and dream and undying passion and you?? Well you just merely hunt down those who are weak, those who haven’t seen the day of light as full grown Nosferatu… until that moment will come that we shall walk amongst you like water will come down the drains of your house and washes off the filth of your skin. Tell me vampire hunter, would that make your dreams shatter in anxiety?? Or just hatred??

His eyes are slowly turning dark as his mood changes, but his calmness remains visible on the outside of his face.

And then we have the clown, the big mouth, the top of the world type of guy that portrays himself as GOD himself. To initiate his own believes of a grander pasture. Only to realize that faith only sells when people are buying it… do you believe that they will forever into the church that is James ?? None of the useless mumbo jumbo that is J2H James, because these are merely symbols of sacred disbelief. The churches will not be filled for eternity James, the moment of the first disbeliever has already emerged and showed cracks in your foundation. A foundation that I shall interpreted upon the world as the priest Maarten Luther. The man that nailed a letter on the wooden door of the Catholic church and started a revolution… and so shall I James… enjoy the moments of grand pleasure upon yourself… because soon it will all end

He looks up at the moon that is visible for everyone to see, shining bright upon the pale skin of his face as he embraces it with pleasure.

And how has equality sometimes becomes so apparent from one situation to another. Having a situation where two names embrace the world that has the same traits as others, merely pushing them together in a different fashion. Two names, two uncontrollable odds that have seemed to be unstoppable since forming a union.

A union is not always that of worshipping a mad man like James, but sometimes the mind evolves beyond that wouldn’t you agree Ben??

He slowly bites his lower lip before showcasing a sinister grin upon his face.

The Cockney King, the man that is sincerity beyond the wildest imagination amongst the lesser beings that we call your fellow members of your species. Something that I have grown very fond off out of necessarity necessary to the point where I have grown fond of the ignorance of Samuel as he merely likes to soak up information he cannot comprehend… while you Ben??? Intelligence grows far from those from the British Isles hasn’t it?? To the point where you are at your best inside the ring, inside the six sided ring where the world around it does no longer revolves around you.

Did I sum it up correctly??

Dmitri’s smile widens as he moves his head sideways as it allows his hair to fall in front of his eyes gently.

I have no urge to disagree upon a wise and serious man, knowing the words will come out of your mouth are beyond that what the ordinary man can comprehend. But tell me Ben, how is your wisdom serving you under the banner of the very best?? Because deep down inside my heart, I wish to bestow the world upon greatness of a very different nature. Something that the world has yet to grasp… names like J2H has yet to understand in full potential. Are you worried Ben?? Are you worried that perhaps one day your great run with your partner may come to an abrupt end??

Forgive me as I got too mildly excited over something that needed to be told. Excitement is where you get the hairs on your back of your neck stand up right?? Assumingly it gives a thrill that I haven’t head for the bigger part of mere hundreds upon thousands of years. But you are never too old to experience new sensations right?? You see Ben, the night has become young and I have yet to introduce myself. Dmitri, Russian from origin and Nosferatu from the new birth many moons ago. You on the other hand are something that will hold up through the annals of time in this great wrestling world that we live in… having done it all, having seen it all and watched it pass you by as you remained for all these years. How does that feel??

He closes his eyes for a few moment as he gently drops against the wall and sits down before opening his eyes again and watches the darkness of the world in front of him except the sun.

You are just like J2H, combined with the seriousness and being simple minded… although your career has shown you that you have grown past that of what the little boy could do. Unfortunately for you Ben, a simple minded fool houses in every soul until the moment comes that you can keep it in tow and fight past it and succeed.

Success is something that compares you to our world champion, something I wish to sink my teeth upon to make me and James Tuscini better. To be able to overcome this threat so I can use that for greater things. Greater things that will put you and everyone else in this federation underneath a red cloud of blood. Blood that flows within all of you, the thirst of my desires needs to be satisfied and before I can dethrone the one… I need to take down those who stand in my way. Those who proclaim greatness whether by words of actions. To one day take away the glorious success that you and your tag team partner have gotten. To allow you to walk away from this six sided ring and realize that me and Tuscini has made you realize that you do not… do not deserve those belts… but only wear it by the grace of greatness that is…. The Unholy Alliance.

He sighs as he stares at the black finger nails of his hands that he slowly has lifted up to his face.

Do you share these thoughts Ben?? Or do you without doubt, know that you are the champion and I am not? Or is the seriousness and your caution in your heart aware of the danger that is ahead?? I would say… just sleep on it before it is too late…

And then there is you Jamie Dean, the other link to this all that makes the union complete. The fun guy, the amusement beyond the imagination of you humans. Who like to force joy in the hearts of those who are too simple minded for deeper thoughts. And yet, does it serve you to what point Jamie?? To have the hearts and souls of those who cheer bring you extra joy?? Or do you need the silliness to play in the minds of those who are just ignorant for a goof like you?? Just like a Laurel or a Hardy that played the hearts and souls of those who enjoyed their silliness of their nature. Escaping reality to the point where their souls light up in joy. How ironic to see that silliness hasn’t left the world of entertainment Only to be a servant to your own entertainment needs to please the world and forget himself. Like a clown, you will only be remembered for the five minutes of that what you can do in the ring of joy, before being replaced with another animal trick or an acrobatic stunt. You see Jamie, a clown dies a clown. A clown does not get the opportunity to do more than merely being entertaining… in the hopes of one day becoming a serious act in the world of your own profession. Does that bother you champ??

He closes his hands and stares at the fist that is as pale as the rest of his body.

Yes I do admit that entertaining the crowd has been an art that often is forgotten by those who seriousness is key. Key to those who wish to uphold strength, leadership and beyond that… to have power to keep the people under their thumbs. Unfortunately for you and your partner, serious deeds and foolishness have no place in my world. My world where the only thing that matters is that what you can bring me. The sweat of your brow, with caution being thrown into the wind. I expect to taste your sweat, your blood, to see your doubt emerge upon your face as I will keep on beating the inch of your existence… merely for my own pleasure and own desires. As my sign of entertainment will surpass that of yours

The pleasure of seeing people suffer while you put them through immense pain?? The pain of seeing them scream in agonizing pain while having horses pull their bodies in four separate parts?? Oh the joy I got watching people suffer in the old days of the then sophisticated world makes my mouth desire for his blood. Or the fact that people were having their heads chopped off for the watchful eyes of those who cheered and screamed out profanity out of joy of their own sadistic nature… it’s humour that has often being forgotten and always should have been remembered by those who proclaim that they are a better person compared to others. Are you Jamie??? Are you??

Dmitri opens his fist and stares at the palm of his hand where the lines inside his hand are visible for us to see.

Life has it’s ways to show us the reality of it all isn’t it Jamie?? To be open for adaptation and to move on from that what was yesterday’s big thing. While I will remain relevant as I know and learn from the past and bring it to the present to secure the future. As my future is forever while yours is just a mystery, a guess of who will be next and what will happen if I turn my back upon someone else… the question will ultimately remain the same that I ask of J2H and Samuel… will you forever be a threat to me?? I don’t think so….

For it is I… that knows the end is near for everything good and joyful, God’s will once again be remembered as a written word in an old book and tales of a team that could have been will vanish between the lines. While your blood will only please the mouth before the next is in line…. Tell the world this as I may allow you to be spared….or suffer the consequences…

* short break *

James Tuscini and his Uncle-Manager Pinky del Ferrando invited Dmitri to pay them a visit in their dressing room. There is a knock on the door. Uncle Pinky answers the door and invites Dmitri in. Dmitri takes a seat on the chair next to the couch while Uncle Pinky and James Tuscini take a seat on the couch. We notice that Dmitri has a small black velvet bag with him. James picks up a bottle of Gin and a bottle of 7-Up. He begins to pour their favorite drink of Gin and 7-Up. Dmitri looks at the third, but still empty, glass.

DMITRI:  Not very good hosts. Where is my drink?

JAMES:  The last time we had drinks together you were drinking what I thought was a Bloody Mary and then you told me it was not “A” Bloody Mary but “THE” Blood of Mary and I kinda freaked out. I didn’t think you would like a Gin and 7-Up since the last time you saw me mix my drink you told me it was revolting.

Dmitri reaches to the coffee table and picks up the empty glass. He pulls a red bottle out of the black velvet bag and he starts to pour the red liquid into the glass.

DMITRI:  I’m fine James. Had you offered me a Gin and 7-Up you are correct that I would have refused it. I always bring my own supply of drinks with me so that I’m never caught short. Today instead of the Blood of Mary I decided to bring a bottle the blood of those who crossed me over the years. I guess you could call it a “MIXED” drink.

As Dmitri sips the blood both James and Uncle Pinky cringe. They both quickly down their Gin and 7-Up and make two more glasses. Dmitri sees their odd looks.

DMITRI:  Don’t be shocked gentlemen. Everyone has their likes and dislikes. We each need to enjoy what we enjoy. By the way James although our tag team Unholy Alliance is prohibited for challenging for the Tag Team Title Belts while one of us is a reigning Singles Champion when you lose the Roulette Title we can immediately challenge whoever holds the Tag Belts at that time.

JAMES:  “WHEN” I lose the Roulette Title Belt? You mean “IF” I lose the Roulette Title Belt. I plan on holding onto it for a long time and surpassing every previous Roulette Champion to become a legend by being the longest reigning Roulette Champion.

DMITRI:  You humans are all the same. James we all lose our Title Belts eventually. Remember that I won the Internet Title from Rage only to lose it to Rage the very next match we had. It happens to everyone. You will lose the Roulette Championship some day but when that will happen we don’t know. When that day comes we will challenge for the Tag Team Championship. And, James, the only ways you could lose the Roulette Championship without losing a match would be to retire while still Champion or Management would have to retire the Roulette Division and you would then be classified as an undefeated Champion. Since both those options will not happen enjoy the Title Belt while you have it.

JAMES:  Good points. I’m looking forward to taking on Jamie Dean and Ben Jordan. Those two obtained the Tag Team Title Belts when the Tag Division was starting to get weak. Then after the obtained the Championship the Tag Division got weaker. Of the three teams challenging them at Violent Conduct III, Monstimals, Surf Boys, and Members of the Elders, only the Monstimals have some sense of talent.

PINKY:  If you combine the wrestling talent of those three Tag Teams you have a total combined talent of half what you and James possess. That’s why I know you two will defeat Team BJ and force them to walk into their Tag Team defense match at Violent Conduct III as losers.

DMITRI:  Never get ahead of yourself gentlemen. We take one step at a time. Over-confidence and arrogance often get in the way of success. Yes the Tag Team Division was weak when Team BJ won the Tag Title Belts and the Division got weaker after they became Champions but now Unholy Alliance has been unleashed and when our day comes to face whoever the Tag Champions are at that time we will defeat them and become the new Tag Champs.

PINKY:  Uh, Dmitri, I have an odd question for you. Would you ever consider biting me or James since you are a Vampire?

DMITRI:  I never bite friends unless they ask me to. Strangers are another story and they don’t need to give me permission to do so. By the way what are your blood types?

PINKY:  I am B positive.

JAMES:  I am AB positive.

DMITRI:  B positive is very common. AB positive is the second rarest blood type James with AB negative being the rarest on the planet.

PINKY:  Now I’m curious. Why would you ask us our blood types if you have no intention of biting us?

DMITRI:  If the day comes when we are no longer friends I may run across someone who needs a very rate blood type and I like to have donors ready to make a referral.

JAMES:  You’re kidding with me right?

DMITRI:  I’m not a person who jokes with people James. This Sunday Jamie and Ben are going to find out that I’m not joking around with them. They will not be laughing when we destroy them. They will find out what a true Tag Team is when they face the Unholy Alliance.

Dmitri raises his glass in a toast and James and Uncle Pinky follow suit. The three click their glasses, let out a cheer, and down their drinks.

Cut to commercial break.

Climax Control Archives / Mighty
« on: August 09, 2016, 05:40:54 AM »
 NARRATOR:  Well it was a mighty fine Roulette Championship match at Summer XXXTreme IV. Who would have thought of an Ultimate X match where the wrestlers were attached to the structure by cables? It was a fitting match for James Tuscini to defend his Roulette Championship. The results of the match are that Casey Williams was eliminated first and Ryan Keys was eliminated second. That left James Tuscini and Chris Shipman to battle it out. By a stroke of genius (or maybe it was stroke of luck) James managed to knock Chris off the platform thus eliminating Shipman to retain the Roulette Title Belt.

James and Uncle Pinky have returned to San Francisco to have some relaxation time at home before Climax Control on August 14, 2016. That edition of Climax Control will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada at the PNE Agrodome. They decided to go to the Hip-Hop Club named Mighty as they present all forms of music but mostly Hip-Hop and Rap. James invited his Fiancée, Sandy Erwin, with them so they can enjoy the night, the food, and the music. The Mighty Club is located at 119 Utah Street in the Mission District of San Francisco. The location is where Interstate 80 intersects with U.S. Highway 101 and it is a few miles from the home of James and Uncle Pinky which is also in the Mission District.

We notice Uncle Pinky has his head wrapped in cloth bandages due to the cuts he received from when Chris Shipman kidnapped him on the Cruise Ship and whacked him in the head with the barbed wire laced Book Of Shipman. The cloth bandages wrapped around Uncle Pinky’s head makes him look like he’s wearing a turban. If you didn’t know he was Italian you might think if was from India or some other country where having a turban on your head is common practice.

JAMES:  The club is nice today. The DJ tonight is DJ Pink and he is one of the better ones here. Also the club isn’t crowded right now. Just the right amount of people so you don’t feel squeezed up. Are you two ready for some great food, great Hip-Hop and Rap, and so fun and relaxation?

SANDY:  I’m ready.

UNCLE PINKY:  I’m not sure why you are excited about a place like this. The atmosphere seems nice, and I’m sure the food is good, but I’m not sure about the music they play.

JAMES:  Uncle they are called a Hip-Hop club but they take all forms of music from Classical to Rock to Jazz and they put a Hip-Hop and Rap spin on it. It actually comes out better than you think it would. Don’t you know what Rap is?

UNCLE PINKY:  Of course I do. I’m not so old that I don’t know stuff.

If we had a bullshit meter that ran from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest level of bullshit Uncle Pinky’s comments would run off the scale as we know he is bullshitting as he hasn’t a clue what Rap music or Rapping is.

James, Sandy, and Uncle Pinky find a table not too far away from the stage where the DJ is doing the music and not that far from the dance floor should any of them wish to dance. As with most Hip-Hop clubs the DJ has full control of the entertainment and they often single someone out from the audience to come up on stage and perform an impromptu music skit. Tonight is no exception as DJ Pink spies the “turban” on Uncle Pinky’s head and figures why not call out the person who sticks out in the crowd. DJ Pink calls Uncle Pinky up to the stage. At first Uncle Pinky is reluctant but with the encouragement of James and Sandy, with the understanding that this is a common segment in Hip Hop clubs, and with the crowd chanting for him to go up on the stage Uncle Pinky makes the trip.

DJ PINK:  Welcome to the Mighty Club! Please tell the people your name.

UNCLE PINKY:  Pinky del Ferrando and I’m from San Francisco in the Mission District not too far from here.

DJ PINK:  Your name is Pinky? I’m DJ Pink. Is that awesome or what?

The crowd goes wild with cheering as they realize the odds of a customer at the Mighty Club also being named Pink like the DJ.

DJ PINK:  Thanks for coming up on the stage with me. Before we begin are you from India?

UNCLE PINKY:  What kind of a question is that? I’m full-blooded Sicilian Italian and I just told you I’m from San Francisco. Weren’t you listening to me?

DJ PINK:  Then why are you wearing a turban? Usually that means you are from India or one of the other countries where wearing a turban on your head is common.

Uncle Pinky reaches up and touches the bandages on his head. He remembers he does look like he’s wearing a turban since there are a lot of bandages on his head.

UNCLE PINKY:  Oh this? I was attacked on July 31st while we were at Summer XXXTreme IV wrestling event with Sin City Wrestling. My Nephew, James, was defending the Roulette Championship against Chris Shipman, Ryan Keys, and Casey Williams. Chris Shipman kidnapped me and beat me up.

DJ PINK:  That must have been one hell of a beating to have bandages on your head that look like a turban. Would you mind telling us what happened during the attack?

UNCLE PINKY:  Shipman lured me to a stateroom on the ship where a hooker was seducing me. Then Shipman came into the room and since the hooker had me tied to the bed I couldn’t get away. Chris Shipman hit me in the head with a barbed wire laced book he calls The Book of Shipman and I sustained a lot of cuts.

James is laughing so hard he just has to blurt out…

JAMES:  Hey, Uncle, tell him about what I told you before. You remember the saying It’s better to be pissed off than pissed on.

UNCLE PINKY:  Damn you James! Wait until we get home. Well what happened next, but it wasn’t clearly evident on the camera footage, is that Shipman dropped his drawers, whipped out his, you know, and pissed on me. It’s a behavior Shipman is unfortunately known for.

DJ PINK:  It takes a hell of a man to admit he got beat down and pissed on. So let’s not dwell on that and let’s move on. We have a tradition here at the Mighty Club that when someone is called up on the stage by the DJ they are asked, and they are expected, to perform a short impromptu music skit. I will toss it out for the audience to decide what type of music you would need to do as an on-the-spot skit okay?

The audience yells out their suggestions. Some are yelling Hip-Hop, some are yelling Jazz, others are yelling Opera, but the majority yells Rap so DJ Pink informs Uncle Pinky of the decision from the audience.

DJ PINK:  The majority of the audience asked for you to do an impromptu Rap. I will give you one minute. Uh, before I start the timer, you do know what Rap is and how to Rap right?

UNCLE PINKY:  Why does everyone keep asking me that? I’ve been doing it since I was a little boy. Stop treating me like I’m a clueless old man.

With that DJ Pink sets the one minute timer and he tells Uncle Pinky to start Rapping. The audience chimes in with chants of RAP RAP RAP and Uncle Pinky seems to be a bit confused. After a few seconds tick off the clock the audience goes silent as they watch Uncle Pink run over to the DJ table where he picks up some paper, a cellophane tape dispenser, and he asks DJ Pink if he could remove his watch. DJ Pink figures what the hell and he quickly hands his watch to Uncle Pinky. What Uncle Pinky does next is so hilarious that the audience roars so loud with laughter that we can barely hear the music. We watch with total amusement as Uncle Pinky places DJ Pink’s watch into the paper, then he folds the paper like preparing a gift for a birthday party, and then he tapes the paper shut. Uncle Pinky is so proud that he was able to prepare the “gift” within the one minute allowed that he stands there holding it up for the audience to see. The crowd stands up and they are giving Uncle Pinky a standing ovation for his performance while they are laughing at the same time. DJ Pink walks up to Uncle Pinky.

DJ PINK:  Pinky what in the hell did you just do? Didn’t you understand that you were supposed to do a RAP skit within the one minute time?

UNCLE PINKY:  What are you talking about? I wrapped your watch up in the paper and taped it shut within the one minute time. I did do a WRAP skit.

DJ PINK:  I meant Rap like the style of music called Rap. It is R-A-P not W-R-A-P like wrapping a gift.

UNCLE PINKY:  Ohhhhh. I didn’t realize that. Now I really feel stupid and clueless.

DJ PINK:  Don’t feel sorry old man. Although you didn’t perform Rap music your wrap of my watch actually got the best reaction from the audience we’ve have in months. Thanks for being a good sport and joining me on stage. To Management of the Mighty Club the drinks and meals are on me for Uncle Pinky and his group for the rest of tonight.

DJ Pink gives Uncle Pinky a hug and then the two turn toward the audience and take a bow before Uncle Pinky steps off the stage to return to his table.

JAMES:  Holy shit Uncle! You didn’t even know what you were doing and you wowed the crowd and we ended up with our meals and drinks paid for. Maybe taking a few beatings from Chris Shipman has made you more amusing than even I thought you were.

UNCLE PINKY:  It was nothing James. Actually I just pulled that confused thing on the audience to surprise them. I had it planned the entire time.

JAMES:  Don’t try that bullshit with me Uncle. I know you got caught in the spotlights and you didn’t have a clue what you were doing but you managed to stumble your way through it. By the way due to having Shipman attack you twice do you feel you want to quit being my Manager to attend me at wrestling events?

UNCLE PINKY:  You’re right James. I was trying to cover for my ineptness. But I will admit I had no idea what I was doing and I honestly thought the mention of Rap and Rapping meant to wrap a gift and wrapping paper. You think that being attacked two times by Shipman is gonna scare me away? I am Full-Blooded Sicilian Italian and I will dog Shipman until he’s retired again or destroyed. Next time we meet I will go FBS, Full-Blooded Sicilian, on his ass and he will be the one beat up, cut, and bloody.

The cameraman shows up to air Tuscini’s segment for his match at Climax Control 155. James excuses himself from the table where Sandy and Uncle Pinky are sitting and James and the cameraman take up residence at a table in the back of the club. James orders snacks and drinks so he and the cameraman can enjoy the items while the segment is airing.

JAMES:  Let’s get this out in the open immediately. I was mighty fortunate to get the win over Ryan Keys, Casey Williams, and Chris Shipman at Summer XXXTreme IV. I was mighty fortunate that I was able to eliminate Shipman for the win. I was mighty fortunate that the Demon Monster, although it came out, didn’t totally overtake me. Had that happened then Shipman’s prediction that allowing the Demon Monster to totally take over would cause me to make mistakes and I would lose the match to him. After the match I realized that what Shipman said was true. What happened is after we returned to San Francisco I went to sleep and had a dream. In the dream I was riding in a car, with someone else driving, and traffic stopped suddenly in front of us. The driver of our car hit the brakes but we still had an accident slamming into the back of the car in front of us. Everyone in our car and the other car were okay and not hurt. But when I researched what that dream meant it woke me up.

Since the food and drinks are on DJ Pink James calls the server over to order some snacks and drinks for himself and the cameraman.

JAMES:  The interpretation of that dream of being involved in an accident means it is a symbol of your emotional state. You have to ask yourself if you are “driving” yourself too hard. Maybe you need to slow down and regain control before you hit a disaster. It is time to rethink and replan your course of action to set yourself on a better path. When I read that I realized that Shipman’s comments hit home. I had to get the Demon Monster under control to where I can release it without it completely taking over. I had another visit with my family physician Doctor Kim. He strongly advised me to return to my meditation routine to keep control of myself and the Demon Monster. He also told me to keep up with the Martial Arts as it teaches you discipline and focus.

Tuscini stops his conversation so the two of them can partake of the snacks and drinks. When they are done James continues.

JAMES:  On Sunday, August 14, 2016, I defend my Roulette Championship against Travis Nathanial Andrews, or TNA as he likes to be called, and I know I’m in for a tough match. For those who may not know the first loss I took in Sin City Wrestling was on Sunday, March 20, 2016, at Climax Control 143. The loss came at the hands of Travis. What happened is that as we were flying around the ring TNA didn’t see the Referee and he ran into them and knocked them out. Being a good sport I tried to assist the Referee when Steve Ramone interfered in the match and knocked me out. The Referee was unconscious so they didn’t know what happened. That allowed TNA to get a pinfall win on me because after TNA jumped on top of me our Referee regained conscious and made the pinfall count.

Tuscini and the cameraman finish off the food and drinks and the server takes the dishes and rushes off to more goodies for them.

JAMES:  Travis I don’t blame you for what happened in that match. Running into the Referee was not a deliberate act on his part and I know you had nothing to do with Ramone interfering in our match.  What you did do, however, was to capitalize on the situation at hand and you got the win. Due to how that match ended I’ve wanted to have another match against you and this Sunday I get my wish. This way I can prove, once and for all, that I’m the superior wrestler and without interference by Ramone I would have won our previous match. Travis I’m not gonna take you lightly. Without a doubt you are one of the top wrestlers in Sin City Wrestling. You are a very good wrestler and you are capable of defeating anyone on the Roster. I come into our match knowing that if I have just a split-second of distraction that you will take advantage of it. It is as simple as that. It only takes a split-second to go from reigning Champion to former Champion. I simply cannot allow that to happen.

James pauses when the server returns with more food and drinks. He and the cameraman partake of the items again. After a short pause James continues with his comments.

JAMES:  As you heard from Tommy Knocks he accurately states that my Stock is up again. Before Summer XXXTreme IV my Stock was valued at $100 per share. I believe it is listed as JTDM, for James Tuscini Demon Monster, on most Stock listings. Today my Stock has gone up 10 percent so it is now valued at $110 per share. Had you purchased 10 shares of my Stock before Summer XXXTreme IV you would have spent $1,000 and now you would have $1,100 in value. If you were stupid and didn’t purchase my Stock and now you purchase the same 10 shares you are spending $100 more than you had to. Your loss and my gain.

Tuscini and the cameraman finish off the food and drinks and the server takes the dishes and rushes off to more goodies for them.

JAMES:  The other thing mentioned by Tommy Knocks is that he feels I might be able to set a record for the longest reign as Roulette Champion. Well I have no clue it I will be able to do that or not but I will do my best to eclipse those who went before me. Currently there are three wrestlers who have held the Roulette Title Belt longer than me. J2H held it a bit over 4 months, and Equinox and Goth both held the Title Belt for a day or two over 5 months. In order for me to eclipse J2H, which is a major accomplishment if I could do it, I would have to remain Roulette Champion until the end of the first week in September. If I manage to reach that milestone then I would have to remain as Roulette Champion until the end of the first week of October to surpass Equinox and Goth. Will that happen? Hell I don’t know. I’m not able to see into the future. Let’s all take a deep breath, watch me wrestle and defend the Roulette Title Belt, and see how it ends up when my Title reign is over.

James Tuscini stands up from the table and he motions for the cameraman to follow him back to the table where Uncle Pinky and Sandy Erwin are located.

Hey you two we will be leaving shortly. Let me finish up my comments and then we will go home. Travis I know you are a wild card and that you are capable of amazing things. I’ve also noticed you are like Ryan Keys in that you are up one week and down the next. Up and down like an elevator. The question everyone is asking is if you are gonna be up or down for our match this Sunday? Will you bring your “A” Game and walk away as the Roulette Champion or will you hold back? I know what I’m gonna do in our match and that is to give everything I’ve got. If you bring everything you’ve got and you win I will be the first person in the arena to congratulate you on doing something nobody else has yet accomplished. However if I win I hope you will be man enough to congratulate me on holding on to the Roulette Title and moving one day closer to becoming the longest-reigning Roulette Champion in Sin City Wrestling history.

James thanks the cameraman for his time to air his segment. James, Sandy, and Uncle Pinky walk out of the Mighty Club and hail a taxi to take them back to the home of Uncle Pinky and James. The cameraman keeps focused on the three until they enter the taxi and the taxi drives off and then he calls into the Network and they cut to a commercial break.

Supercard Archives / Tuscini Vs Keys Vs Shipman Vs Williams
« on: July 25, 2016, 08:15:46 AM »

NARRATOR:  I had a talk with James Tuscini after he successfully defended his Roulette Championship against Ryan Keys at Climax Control 153. James was not scheduled for a match at Climax Control 154 but he was still in attendance at the Cox Pavilion in Las Vegas, Nevada. At that time James addressed his upcoming Roulette Championship defense at Summer XXXTreme IV but it was in general terms. I will turn you over to James Tuscini who will give you the specifics now that the match is officially booked.

We switch the scene to where James Tuscini and his Uncle-Manager, Pinky del Ferrando, are located. They are down at the pool on board the Sun Princess cruise liner. James is casually dressed in blue jeans, a blue pullover shirt, and black athletic shoes. Uncle Pinky is way more casual wearing gray sweat pants and sweatshirt and black athletic shoes.

JAMES:  This is the place where I will successfully defend my Roulette Championship on Sunday, July 31, 2016. It will be an Ultimate X style match with Elimination Rules and I will be defending my Roulette Championship against Ryan Keys, Chris Shipman, and Casey Williams. The amusing twist on this match is that we will be suspended from the structure by cables and the way to be eliminated is for the other wrestlers to disengage you from how you are attached to the cable and you fall into the pool below.

UNCLE PINKY:  Due to this being a multi-wrestler match, with Elimination rules, with the only way to win is to knock all your opponents off the cables and into the pool, don’t you feel the significant advantage you would have had in a single-opponent match is gone and that this match is anybody’s to win?

JAMES:  No I don’t think that. I don’t feel my advantage has diminished at all. I’ll win with a decisive and impressive victory.

UNCLE PINKY:  With a wrestler like Chris Shipman in the match it could turn ugly and we need to be ready for anything from hm. Then with others like Keys and Williams who are more typical when it comes to wrestling aren’t you the least bit worried?

JAMES:  I think the whipping Chris Shipman gave you knocked some of your sense out of your brain. Listen up Uncle because I’m gonna tell you what’s gonna happen. This match is Elimination rules and pretty much Hardcore rules right? The concept is to beat down on your opponents, with all of us suspended from the structure on cables, and try to detach them so they drop into the pool and they are eliminated. Wrestling abilities don’t really come into play much in a match like this. Also it appears that Shipman took one too many blows to his head during his wrestling career. You heard what he said? He said I claimed to be some sort of Messiah or High Priest and that he needs to take me down a few notches. I never said anything like that. I hate it when people claim I said something I never said.


JAMES:  So that means it is No Disqualification, No Holds Barred, and pretty much anything goes right?

UNCLE PINKY:  Yes but…

JAMES:  But what Uncle? I’ve already made it clear a match that is Extreme Rules, with no disqualification, and most likely weapons are allowed,  works perfectly with releasing the Demon Monster, the “Il demone Italiano monster,” because it means I can do whatever I want, whatever the Demon Monster wants, and nobody can stop me. I can’t be disqualified. The Referee cannot make a count on me to break a damaging hold. Nobody can get out of the match by a count out. The bottom line is once I release the Demon Monster on my opponents you will see me destroy and eliminate them. By the time I’m done, and I retain the Roulette Title Belt, the other wrestlers will have been eliminated and they will be broken, bloody, and maybe unconscious.

UNCLE PINKY:  Yeah you’re right and I shouldn’t have brought up doubt. By the way if the match is all what you say it is and there is no rules other than Elimination rules, and no disqualification, and nothing is illegal to do, then that means as your Manager in your corner I can kick the shit out of anyone during the match? Like the goons the other wrestlers may have at ringside to cause trouble?

JAMES:  Yep! That’s what it means. You can do whatever you want but I’m not asking you to do anything except to be in my corner and offer moral support.

James and Uncle Pinky walk around the pool to take in the actual size of it.

JAMES:  Let me give critical information so everyone understands what an awesome Roulette Champion I am. I have a Singles win-loss record of 7-2-1. I earned the Roulette Title Belt on my fifth match. Damn impressive right? Learn to live with that because the impressiveness of James Tuscini will only get better.

UNCLE PINKY:  Yes very impressive.

JAMES:  Let’s bring up some more facts for the viewers to digest. I won the Roulette Championship on May 1, 2016, at Climax Control 146 against Steve Ramone in an Electrified Steel Cage Match. Since that time I have successfully defended the Roulette Title Belt THREE times. June 5, 2016, at Into the Void V against Steve Ramone, Ryan Keys, and Matt Spears. Then I successfully defended the Roulette Championship against Casey Williams on June 19, 2016, at Climax Control 150. And the third time was against Ryan Keys at Climax Control 153 on July 10, 2016. Casey can whine complain and accuse, all he wants but he lost the match and there is no way he can spin it to make it look like he should have won. When I whacked Casey with the pipe he was unconscious and unable to move. As I was going for the pin Steve Ramon interfered in my match to knock me out. Now, Casey, you were knocked out first. Then Ramone knocked me out. To have someone roll your unconscious self over to lay your hand on my body for a so-called pin attempt is beyond pathetic. When Shipman came to the ring to turn you on your back and place me with my arm across your body all he did was right the wrong that Ramone perpetrated. You can put all the spin on our match you want but you will never be able to spin it into a win for you. You will get dizzy from the spinning though.

UNCLE PINKY:  Tell the viewers what you told me on our trip to come here.

JAMES:  Remember how Steve Ramone kept stating the Roulette Championship was HIS Championship. Well it was his Championship until May 1, 2016, when I legally defeated him. Ever since I defeated Ramone for the Roulette Championship he has continued to claim the Title Belt is his. NEWS FLASH! Steve! The news is that you have not had any association with the Roulette Title Belt since I earned it away from you on May 1, 2016. As long as I’m Roulette Champion I refuse to give you another shot at the Title Belt. Only a direct order from Management will get me into a wrestling ring to defend my Title Belt against you again. You lost the Roulette Title Belt to me so get over it!

UNCLE PINKY:  Can you give the viewers your comments on people stating that you may end up being the longest-reigning Roulette Champion in Sin City Wrestling?

JAMES:  It is nice to hear people discuss the possibility that I might end up being the longest-reigning Roulette Champion in SCW. But here’s the honesty of the situation. Whether a wrestler holds a Title Belt for one week or one year the bottom line on how they should be judged as a Champion is their behavior and attitude while they held that Title Belt. If they cheated constantly to retain their title belt…like some wrestlers I know…***COUGH! COUGH! STEVE RAMONE!***…or if they only defend their Title Belt once every 30 days instead of defending constantly as I’ve done then they should be judged poorly on their behavior and unwillingness to be active in defending their Championship. Whether I end up being the longest-reigning Roulette Champion or not is irrelevant to how I will be judged as a Champion. I give everything I have in every match to ensure the fans receive a fantastic experience and that is the mark of a true Champion.

UNCLE PINKY:  The problem I saw with Ramone is that he didn’t fight hard enough to retain the Roulette Championship and he didn’t fight hard enough to earn it back. If you’re not willing to fight hard, to give all you’ve got, and be totally dedicated to the sport of wrestling, then my suggestion is for you to retire and take up golf, fishing, lawn bowling, or shuffleboard.

James and Uncle Pink continue walking around the pool.

UNCLE PINKY:  Funny you should mention shuffleboard since we’re on a cruise ship and one of the sports for seniors if playing shuffleboard. I enjoyed the comment by Tommy Knocks that my return a few weeks early is a good thing. When Tommy said there is no better way for us to tell Chris Shipman to f*ck off I damn near fell over laughing so hard. Oh yeah I’m gonna give Shipman nightmares.

JAMES:  Regardless of whether you put the spook into Shipman or not the fact remains that he and those working with him are still sneaky and dangerous. My advice to you is to be careful at all times.


JAMES:  My opponents claim to be extreme and tough and that they will be able to defeat me. They think they can intimidate me into backing down just because they brag about themselves. Let me tell you guys what extreme is about. Satan has come to me numerous times to try to take possession of my soul and he’s failed every time. If Satan can’t trick me into turning over my soul then you fools cannot trick me into losing my Roulette Title Belt. Satan is prohibited from coming to visit me again because I pissed him off that he was a continual failure in doing his job. I mean, come on, his only job is to obtain souls right? And yet he failed to get mine. Just like you three will fail to earn the Roulette Title Belt away from me.

UNCLE PINKY:  Do you want to tell your opponents how you defeated Satan or can I tell the story?

JAMES:  I will explain it Uncle. Satan came to me the last time, which was his very last time, to try to take my soul. I asked him what people normally do to prevent their souls from being obtained. Satan told me there is nothing any human has ever done throughout history to keep him from obtaining their souls. But Satan, being the bargainer he is, thought he could trick me with a challenge. Being up for any challenge I accepted.

UNCLE PINKY:  Tell them what the challenge was.

JAMES:  Satan told me I could ask him two questions that he was required to honestly answer. If he was unable to honestly answer the questions the challenge would be over and he would never be allowed to challenge me for my soul again. However if Satan answered the two questions honestly then I could issue him a task to complete. If he was able to successfully complete the task, entirely as stated, he will be allowed to return to claim my soul. If he wasn’t able to complete the entire task as stated then he would never be allowed to confront me for my soul again.

UNCLE PINKY:  What happened next?

JAMES:  You know what happened because you’ve heard the story before. I asked Satan the first question which was why there is so much pain and suffering on the Earth. He replied that he enjoys watching people suffer as it makes them willing to sell their soul to them. I then asked him the second question which is why my father had to die when I was so young. Satan replied that it was his act against me to try to weaken me so that I would be willing to make a deal with him for my soul. I was satisfied with Satan’s responses to my questions, and I realized he was telling the truth, so we moved on to the task.

UNCLE PINKY:  This is my favorite part! I’m about to piss in my pants I’m so excited!

JAMES:  Damn! Can’t I take you out in public without you humiliating me? Just kidding Uncle. Satan reminded me that I could ask him to complete any task. If he couldn’t complete the task entirely as stated then my soul would be safe with me for eternity and Satan would never be allowed to try to get my soul again. However, Satan advised, if he was able to fully complete the task I assigned then he would returns and take my soul. I thought about it for a minute and then I told Satan the task I wanted him to complete entirely as stated. I told Satan, ”I want you to get lost. Just get lost and never show up again to challenge me for my soul.”<./i>  Oh man the look on Satan’s face was worth the challenge. He had only two options. He could tell me he is unable to complete the challenge and therefore my soul was safe with me for eternity or he could complete the task by getting lost and never being able to return to challenge me for my soul. It was a WIN-WIN situation for me and a LOSE-LOSE situation for Satan. So to my challengers at Summer XXXTreme IV if Satan failed against me what the <b?*BLEEP* makes any of you think you can succeed? BLEEP off!

James Tuscini and Uncle Pinky have completed their walk around the pool and they are ready to return to the pleasures the Sun Princess provides.

JAMES:  Casey you haven’t been doing well in the wins department lately. The way I compare your major losing streak is that you couldn’t win a game of Blackout Bingo if you were the only player in the Bingo Hall and all 75 numbers have been called. Shipman you remind me of the Tin Woodsman in the Wizard of Oz. Standing around idle for so long that you rusted up and can’t move. Sorry, Chris, but your ring rust will be your demise in our match. Now, Ryan, you are an interesting one. You seem to have more ups and downs than an elevator but I will give you credit that when everyone feels you are down for good you rebound and capture a win in a wrestling match. I admire a wrestler who doesn’t let a loss get them down. I admire a wrestler who understand that failure isn’t getting knocked down it is failing to get back up to try again. Well you took a loss to me at Climax Control 153 and that should have put you down and out. Apparently Management saw something special about you in our match as here you are again to challenge for my Roulette Championship. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you will lose again to me.

UNCLE PINKY:  Great comments.

JAMES:  For my opponents I wish to leave you with a few thoughts leading into our match. I live by the tagline of Hennessy the company that makes some of the finest Cognac in the world. That tagline is:  “Never Stop. Never Settle.” As a wrestler I’m never going to stop and I won’t settle for less than my best performance in every match. Then you have the official tagline of Yuengling Brewing Company in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Their official tagline is:  “Respect. It’s earned.” Most of you demand respect and that’s bullshit. You don’t demand respect you must earn it. That’s what I’ve done. I’ve earned the respect I receive. Finally you have BMW’s tagline “The Ultimate Driving Machine” and I give to you me. James Tuscini, with the tagline of The Ultimate Wrestling Machine. That’s it. I win. You three lose. Game over.

James and his Uncle start to walk away from the pool.

JAMES:  What are you planning on doing Uncle? You know that I’m not into the night life with partying and drinking. For sure I don’t want to mess with any women since I made a commitment to Sandy. You have to understand that my opponents will spend time partying, drinking heavily, and screwing everyone they can get their hands on, and they will come into the match on Sunday drained and they will be far under 100 percent capacity. I enjoy the Casino so if you are looking for me you can find me playing the slot machines.

UNCLE PINKY:  No Poker or Roulette?

JAMES:  I don’t play Poker in a Casino and for sure I don’t like playing Roulette. I thoroughly enjoy being the Roulette Champion though. And after Sunday evening I will still enjoy being the Roulette Champion. Take care of yourself Uncle. I’ve seen some of the older ring rats giving you the eye. You need to take them up on their offers and get laid. However I warn you to be careful as some of these women might take advantage of you. Please don’t concern yourself with getting drunk, partying, and screwing until you can’t walk and your nut sack hangs down to your knees. I can take care of myself. See you later old man.

UNCLE PINKY:  I’ll do that James. If the women want to screw me unconscious that’s okay. I promise I’ll have them take me to their stateroom so that I don’t bother you by bringing them to ours. See you later.

James and Uncle Pinky turn and walk away from the pool to go to different venues on the Sun Princess to do their preferred item of enjoyment.

Supercard Archives / Tuscini Vs Keys Vs Shipman Vs Williams
« on: July 19, 2016, 09:41:24 AM »

NARRATOR:  I spoke with James Tuscini this morning and we had a great chat. James told me the Summer XXXTreme IV event will be held on board the Royal Princess Cruise Company’s Sun Princess. James will be defending his Roulette Championship against Ryan Keys, Chris Shipman, and Casey Williams, in an Ultimate X Elimination match over the pool. Once a person falls off the structure and into the pool they are eliminated.

We switch the scene from the Narrator over to the Auto Club (AAA) Speedway, formerly called the California Speedway, located at 9300 Cherry Avenue in Fontana, California, approximately 40 miles East of Los Angeles, where there is a Demolition Derby in progress. James Tuscini and Uncle Pinky are in the VIP Box watching the destruction.

JAMES TUSCINI:  This Demolition Derby is a perfect representation of what I will be doing to my opponents at Summer XXXTreme IV in the Roulette Title match.

UNCLE PINKY:  How’s that?

JAMES TUSCINI:  You hear my opponents talk about how much damage they will put on me right? Well just look at the participants in this Demolition Derby. It isn’t always how much damage you can inflict on the other drivers that determines the winner. I’ve watched Demolition Derby events where the car with the most visible damage kept going for the win. In my Ultimate X Elimination match it is about inflicting lots of damage on your opponents but it is also about knocking your opponent off the structure so they fall into the pool. You fall into the pool and you are eliminated from the match. Back to the Demolition Derby analogy a simple thing like a leak in the cooling system or an oil leak from the engine will put a car out of a Demolition Derby quickly. All I need to do is inflict enough damage on the other participants in the match and knock them off the platform for a quick elimination. Then you have cars that are so banged up you can’t tell they are even a car, their tires are gone, and they are skimming around on the rims, but they win the event. In a Demolition Derby the concept is to be the last car moving. In my match at Summer XXXTreme IV the concept is to be the wrestler who can eliminate the others in the match to be the Roulette Champion. And, Uncle, I have every intention of retaining my Roulette Title Belt and extending my Title reign.

UNCLE PINKY:  Now I got it. You did say that you will unleash the Demon Monster and let him take control of the situation. Then after everyone in the match has sustained severe damage and they are eliminated from the match you will be declared the winner. Of course knocking the big man Casey Williams off the structure into the pool will give the fans a splash like watching Shamu the Killer Whale do a flop at Sea World.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I noticed in this Demonlition Deberby one of the participants is in a car named DEMON MONSTER so I placed my bet on that car to win. Can’t lose with a name like Demon Monster. Trust me, Uncle, winning the Roulette Championship match will be easier than taking candy from a baby. In fact I was listening to the radio recently and there was a Michael Jackson song playing. I wanted to play a short clip of the song so that everyone knows where my mind is. Could the people in the Network airing my segment please play the clip from Michael Jackson’s “Wanna Be Startin’ Somthin’” please?

We cut away for a moment from James and Pinky at the Ontario Motor Speedway to listen to a clip from this Michael Jackson song.

I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)

JAMES TUSCINI:  To my opponents take these words from Michael Jackson’s song WANNT BE STARTIN’ SOMETHIN’ and take them to heart when I kick your asses. You wanna be starting something with me? Go ahead and start something. I’m damn sure gonna finish it. I’m too high for you to get over. I’m too low for you to get under. You’re stuck in the middle with me and the pain you receive from me will be worse than thunder and lightning. Envy and jealousy are cruel taskmasters but you all will get over it once you regain your senses after I eliminate all of you.

UNCLE PINKY:  I know you are going to easily win this match James. You are super rich with wrestling talent and intelligence and your opponents are bankrupt.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Funny you should mention the term bankrupt Uncle. To my opponents I ask you have you ever gone out to dinner with several of your friends and then when the check arrives you offer to pay for everyone’s meal? How do you feel when you hand your favorite Credit Card to the Server only to have them return to your table to inform you, in front of your friends, that your card was declined due to insufficient funds? Feels like shit eh? The humiliation is extreme. So you pull out your wallet and hand the Server your second favorite card and it is also declined. You resort to your third credit card and it is also declined. Now you have proven yourself to be a failure in front of your friends. Since you don’t want to ask them to help pay for the meals, since you promised to pay for all the meals, you excuse yourself and run out of the restaurant to the nearest branch of your bank. You walk up to the ATM machine, put your card into the machine, enter your PIN code, and ask to withdraw enough to pay for all the meals. The ATM machine buzzes and beeps giving you a warning that your withdrawal request was denied due to having INSUFFICIENT FUNDS in your accounts. Now you have to return to the restaurant and explain to your friends that you are a failure, all your credit card and bank accounts have so little money in them you are not able to pay for your own meal so you surely can’t pay for everyone else’s meal too. You try to excuse your pathetic self by promising to pay your friends back. What happens is your friends pitch in to pay for all the meals and when you all leave the restaurant you never hear from them again as they don’t want to be friends with a bum loser.

UNCLE PNKY:  That’s like you guys in the Roulette Championship match at Summer XXXTreme IV. You are all bankrupt in the wrestling talent and intelligence departments. Even if you are not completely bankrupt you surely have so little intelligence and wrestling talent that as soon as you step into the ring the fans will chant at you, YOU ARE DECLINED DUE TO INSUFFICIENT INTELLIGENCE AND WRESTLING TALENT FUNDS! and you will beg them to stop. No, guys, the fans will not stop haunting you because they are telling the truth. There is never a good reason to hold back telling the truth. You want the truth? You all suck and James doesn’t. It don’t get any more truthful than that.

James and Uncle Pinky continue to watch the Demolition Derby. Just as James said the car that seemed to have sustained the most damage is the one that won the match by being the last car moving.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I told you so! I told you that often the car with the most damage would end up winning the Demolition Derby. And, by golly gee, what is the winning car? DEMON MONSTER like I said it would be. With odds of 10 to 1 I just turned my $1000 bet into $10,000! I need you three, Casey, Ryan, and Chris, I will call you the Three Stooges, to listen to my closing comments for this segment. I’ve defeated Ryan Keys in several matches including a one-on-one match. I’ve defeated Casey Williams also. Ryan Keys has defeated Chris Shipman but that may have been more to do with Shipman’s ring rust from being out of action for a long time than it had to do with Ryan’s abilities in the ring.

UNCLE PINKY:  What’s the bottom line James?

JAMES TUSCINI:  The bottom line is that I win and you three ass clowns lose. I know Ryan, Casey, and Chris, believe it will be easy to knock me off the structure so I fall into the pool and get eliminated. Nothing is that easy in life and for damn sure it will not be easy for them to eliminate me in this match. Casey is likely to be eliminated first since he is the largest target and his weight will cause him to drop off the structure first. Shipman will probably be next and then Ryan will be eliminated and I will be the winner. I know all three of my opponents are hungry for the win and all three want to take possession of the Roulette Title Belt but even as hungry as they are they will still be starving when the match is over and I have won. All I can say is if you one of you can knock me off the structure and eliminate me then have at it as one of you three will become the next Roulette Champion. But I issue this warning to you. I will not be eliminated but you three will. With that tidbit of truth I officially announce that my segment is over for today.

James informs the cameraman to let the Network know that his segment for today is over. The cameraman does so and the Network cuts to a commercial break.

Climax Control Archives / Taken Lightly
« on: July 05, 2016, 07:54:36 AM »

NARRATOR:  James Tuscini lost the match against Despayre at Climax Control 152 on Sunday, July 3, 2016, in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. What happened? How did it happen? I could sit here and speculate for hours but it would only be my best guess. So I turn you over to the one person who is able to give you the reasons as he was there. Ladies and gentlemen I turn you over to James Tuscini.

The scene switches to that of James Tuscini in a Gym in Reno, Nevada, where he is seen in the wrestling ring with a sparring partner. The sparring partner is trying very hard to defeat James but he is having little success. We watch as Tuscini works over the arm and shoulder of his opponent and then he lifts him up in the Mafia Hit Flying Hammer Lock maneuver. His sparring partner quickly submits and James releases the hold dropping the opponent hard to the mat. Tuscini exits the ring and towels off and then he takes a seat on a chair to talk to us.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I lost to Despayre on Sunday, July 3, 2016, at Climax Control 152. What happened you ask? I lost because I took Despayre lightly and it cost me the match. What’s that? You didn’t expect me to be honest and tell you it was my fault I lost? I tell the truth about why I won or lost a match. I’m not like Steve Ramone, Casey Williams, or Chris Shipman, who cannot tell you why they lost a match except to claim they were cheated out of the win by their opponent.

James pauses to take a drink of water.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I could sit here before you and claim that I lost the match because someone caused a distraction at ringside. I could claim that I lost the match because Chris Shipman or Steve Ramone attempted interference during the match. I could even try to claim that I was so concerned about the recovery of Uncle Pinky that my mind wasn’t into the match. But I won’t do that because I’m not a liar. None of those things happened. I was simply over-confident and I took Despayre lightly and it cost me the match.

Tuscini towels off until he is dry, he takes another drink of water, and then he stands up and places one foot up on the chair while leaning on his leg.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Here’s what happened. I knew the history of his title reigns in Sin City Wrestling. I knew of his match with J2H and that since J2H won the Heavyweight Championship his toughest opponent to date has been Despayre. I simply didn’t take Despayre seriously. I am 9 inches taller and 100 pounds heavier, and with the previous head injury against J2H, I figured it would be easy to take him out and walk away with a win. What I did was the same thing Big Show did against Rey Mysterio in WWE. You all remember that match right? Big Show is, without a doubt, one of the biggest men in wrestling. Rey Mysterio was, without a doubt, was one of the smallest men in wrestling. When that match was booked I knew Big Show was gonna totally destroy Rey but I was wrong. Good thing I didn’t bet on that match. Big show took Mysterio lightly. He was over-confident and made mistakes and Rey Mysterio took advantage of those mistakes and walked away the winner. That, my friends, is exactly what happened to me against Despayre. Congrats on your win. I wish you the best when you face off against J2H for the Heavyweight Championship at Summer XXXtreme IV.

James excuses himself for a moment as he makes a call which he puts on speaker so everyone knows who he is talking to and what is being said so nobody can make stuff up about him.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Hi, Uncle, how are you doing?

UNCLE PINKY:  I’m recovering faster than I expected. Nothing that some relaxation and a few shots of Jack Daniels can’t resolve eh? I’m feeling pretty good right now so maybe I will join you in Reno to be in your corner for your Roulette Championship match against Ryan Keys.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Sounds like the Jack Daniels is doing the talking Uncle. You are not at 100 percent yet so you will remain home until the first card in August. I will be fine as I have Dmitri on my side and he will be watching my match against Ryan Keys and if someone tries to interfere he will take care of them.

UNCLE PINKY:  I saw that attack you and Casey Williams made on Chris Shipman. Oh man did I love seeing Shipman receive a beat down after what he did to me. Wish I was there to participate. By the way I find it odd that you and Casey worked together in that beat down on Shipman. What’s up with that?

JAMES TUSCINI:  Nothing is going on Uncle. Just a matter of coincidence. I rushed in to attack Shipman from one direction and Casey came rushing in from the other direction. We both attacked Shipman for what he had done to us and it just happened that for a few moments we felt that beating down Shipman was more enjoyable than feuding between ourselves. After Chris was taken care of we departed in our own direction and haven’t spoken to each other since. I have no desire to team up with Casey Williams as I’m teamed with Dmitri. But you see there is a match between Dmitri and Casey Williams this Sunday. Dmitri will get revenge against Casey for doing the dirty work for J2H. That will send J2H a message that Dmitri is serious about challenging him for the Heavyweight Title. I have to get into my segment to talk about Ryan Keys so I will talk with you another time. Keep healing and I look forward to your return to my corner.

James ends the call and then he reaches into his gym bag and he pulls out clothing he puts on over his wrestling trunks. After he is dressed he sits down on the chair to discuss his upcoming Roulette Title defense match against Ryan Keys.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Ryan I wish to congratulate you on a pinfall win over Chris Shipman. Not many people can lay claim to that accomplishment. I see we have a similar situation for Climax Control 153 that I had against Despayre in Climax Control 152. This time instead of a 9 inch height advantage and 100 pounds weight advantage, in our match I have a 5 inch height advantage and 80 pounds weight advantage over you. Now, Keys, if you honestly believe I’m going to make the same mistake I did against Despayre, which was taking him lightly, you are sadly mistaken. I’m not taking you lightly at all. Although your wrestling has been up and down since you arrived in Sin City Wrestling I have taken notice that when you are on you are on and you can do amazing things such as pinning Shipman for a win. I believe Shipman took you lightly and as I already stated I’m not taking you lightly.

James walks over to the side of the wrestling ring where he was recently involved in a sparring match.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I’m a fair person Ryan so I feel that providing you all the information you need to understand the shitty situation you’ve gotten yourself into with this Roulette Championship match against me is the right and honorable thing to do. So I will jump right in and inform you what is happening and what you can expect.

ITEM NUMBER ONE:  I have been keeping the Demon Monster inside of me in check, under control, through the use of Martial Arts and meditation. It has worked since I started the routine several months ago. But since the numerous vicious attacks by Ramone and Shipman, my recent loss to Despayre, and now facing you, I have gone off the Martial Arts and meditation routine. I plan on allowing the Demon Monster to reside inside of me and if it wants to come out and take control of me to cause me to destroy opponents then so be it. However, Ryan, I plan on remaining in control just enough to not allow the Demon Monster to go overboard and cause me a loss by Disqualification. I will, though, allow the Demon Monster to take over and my opponent will have only two options. Either they submit to a pinfall or submission hold or they run out of the ring and run away so that I win by Count Out.

ITEM NUMBER TWO:  Even though my mother is full-blooded Sicilian Italian she couldn’t cook with a damn but I assure you she could kick ass with the best of them. If anyone got out of hand mother could slap them in the face with just a look from across the room. And if anyone in the family questioned why she asked us to do something she would reply BECAUSE I SAID SO THAT’S WHY! Damn sure we didn’t argue with that or we got a Sicilian backhand across the mouth. So why do I confidently state that I’m going to defeat you? BECAUSE I SAID SO THAT’S WHY!

ITEM NUMBER THREE:  Ryan I know you will smart talk me when you get in front of the camera this week. I know you will say some nasty things and try to intimidate me. You should be aware, by now, that nobody and nothing intimidates me. So here is my warning to you. If you smart talk and insult me I will shove my foot so far up your ass that you will be biting my toenails.

ITEM NUMBER FOUR:  I’m sure you’re familiar with the opening of the Bugs Bunny Show. You can still see the classic cartoons if you go to Boomerang TV. The opening song for most of those classic Bugs Bunny shows was THIS IS IT - OVERTURE.  For your benefit here are the lyrics:

Overture, curtains, lights,
This is it, the night of nights
No more rehearsing and nursing a part
We know every part by heart

Overture, curtains, lights
This is it, you'll hit the heights
And oh what heights we'll hit
On with the show this is it

Tonight what heights we'll hit
On with the show this is it

JAMES TUSCNI:  This is it Ryan. Sunday will be the night of nights we both have been waiting for. This is the night that you hope, you beg, you pray, you pay the Voodoo Lady to put a curse on me, that you will win the match. But all of that crap is worthless as nothing can help you defeat me. As the lyrics in the opening to the Bugs Bunny shot states ON WITH THE SHOW THIS IS IT and this will be my night to shine and your night to slither away whimpering and licking your wounds. Simply put Ryan it is GAME ON! Bring it on and let’s do this!

James steps away from the wrestling ring and he heads for the door to exit the Gym. He stops at the door and before opening it he explains a few final items.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Ryan you are going to get beat down on Sunday night. I will not give you an inch in our match. Let’s put it in an analogy you might understand. In this match you are the Chihuahua and I am the Rottweiler. A little 6 pound Chihuahua is not gonna last long in a fight against a Rottweiler. I have two graphics prepared for you so that you can get a visual representation of what I have planned for you. Could the people at the Network please put up the first graphic?

The Network puts up the first graphic and we see that it is a photograph of a rather good looking Chihuahua.


JAMES TUSCINI:  This is a photo of a Chihuahua and it represents you Ryan. It represents you as the smaller dog in the fight. It represents you as a good looking little dog. But I will show you what you are going to look like once I get done beating you down. Could the Network please put up the next graphic?


We see a photo of a Chihuahua who has a screwed up jaw and his eyes are so bugged out they are ready to pop out of his head.

JAMES TUSCINI:  That’s you after our dog fight Ryan. Yeah I plan on watching you come into our match all cute and cuddly and I will make you leave the match so beat up that even your mother wouldn’t recognize you. Think I’m kidding? Then keep laughing until you step into the ring with me this Sunday evening. Your ass is mine! There is no more Mister Nice Guy with James Tuscini!

James reaches out and turns the knob on the door and he exits the gym. As soon as the door closes the cameraman informs the Network and the Network switches over to a commercial break.

Climax Control Archives / It Is Mental
« on: June 28, 2016, 02:29:04 PM »

NARRATOR:  Climax Control 151 was nice for Dmitri and James Tuscini as the Tag Team known as The Unholy Alliance. They scored a win against Bad Company, consisting of Caleb Houston and Johnny Tsunami, when Dmitri pinned Houston. The night started off badly for Uncle Pinky though. He was kidnapped by Sicilian Mafia goons and later in the evening Chris Shipman “purified” Pinky with a lashing. This coming Climax Control 152 James Tuscini faces off against a Seven Deadly Sins Stable member Despayre. Without further ado I turn the air time over to James Tuscini.

The scene shifts to James Tuscini in the Harvey’s Outdoor Arena in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. James is sitting by himself in his dressing room as Uncle Pinky is nowhere in sight. James is wearing blue jeans, a black pullover shirt, and black athletic shoes.

JAMES TUSCINI:  The match against Bad Company went the way we expected it to with the only exception being that Joshua Acquin decided to make a scene to get back at Bad Company for a previous attack against him. Of course Bad Company is going to use that as the reason they lost to us. They will claim that Joshua distracted them otherwise they would have won the match. If you allow yourself to be distracted in a match and you lose then you have nobody to blame but yourself.

James glances around the room before focusing into the camera again.

JAMES TUSCINI:  As you can see Uncle Pinky is not with me this week. You saw what Chris Shipman and his goons did to Uncle Pinky by having Sicilian Mafia punks kidnap him and then whipping the poor old guy. I gave Uncle several weeks off, until the first card in August, to allow him time to recover. Although I should feel sorry for Uncle Pinky I will admit that he should have never continued to claim he was in the Sicilian Mafia as they don’t like pretenders. I love Uncle Pinky to the maximum but the mugging was coming to him but the lashes Shipman gave him could have been avoided. That said I assure you that once Uncle Pinky recovers and returns to my corner that he will get revenge upon Shipman and it won’t be something you want your kids to see.

James takes a drink of water and just as he is ready to continue with his comments his cell phone rings. Tuscini puts the call on speaker so that everyone can hear the conversation so nobody will make stuff up about what was said.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Hi Uncle! How are you doing there in San Francisco?

UNCLE PINKY:  I will recover soon enough but that lashing Shipman gave me hurt like hell. I can’t wait to get my hands on that jerk!

JAMES TUSCINI:  Uncle I’ve had long talks with Bill Barnhart and I can tell you that Shipman dogged his half-brother from here to eternity trying to destroy him. The more Barnhart fought back against Shipman the more Chris did to torture Bill. He even went after Bill’s English Bulldog Iris and Bill’s wife Lupe. Iris was so traumatized by Shipman that whenever Bill mentioned the name Chris Shipman or Uncle Chris poor Iris would lose her bladder and pee all over the place or worse. So, Uncle, I suggest you leave things alone for now anyway. The more you try to instigate stuff against Shipman the more he will go after our family and friends.

UNCLE PINKY:  You know how I am James. It will be hard for me to see Shipman and not want to castrate him with a rusty dull knife. I could ask some of my Sicilian Mafia friends to…

JAMES TUSCINI:  Stop right there Uncle! Claiming you are in the Sicilian Mafia is worse than actually being in the Mafia and in a rival faction. Those goons Shipman sent after you at Climax Control 151 were real Sicilian Mafia members. I checked it out. I will say this for Shipman. Although he’s mentally unstable, and possibly certifiably insane, and he is madder than the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, he does a lot of legitimate things and those Sicilian Mafia thugs were the real deal. Stop claiming to be in the Sicilian Mafia and don’t go after Shipman yet. Wait until he does something where he gets in your way and then you can strike. Are you sure you are healing okay Uncle?

UNCLE PINKY:  I’m okay. It just takes time to heal completely from what I went through last Sunday. Also Sandy stops by daily to see how I’m doing and she’s been so nice to clean my wounds and dress them again. She’s a great one James and you need to put a ring on her finger and keep her in your life.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Let’s allow things with the relationship to move forward at a pace that is comfortable for everyone. I know I have a special woman in Sandy. Talk to you later Uncle.

James ends the call and then he continues with his comments.

JAMES TUSCINI:  This Sunday at Climax Control 152 I face off against a Stable Mate of Chris Shipman’s in the Seven Deadly Sins Stable. I will be facing off against Despayre. Under normal circumstances he would be able to last about 10 to 15 minutes with me even though I am 9 inches taller and almost 100 pounds heavier than he is. Despayre suffered a head injury facing off against J2H recently so I’m surprised he is assigned to this match. Then again Despayre would not be cleared to wrestle in this match if the Doctors didn’t feel he was able to perform without suffering permanent and career-ending injuries against me. If the Doctors cleared him to wrestle then I’m not going to hold back on Despayre. With his previous head injury, and not enough time has passed for him to have made a full recovery, if he lasts in the ring more than 5 minutes, and even as long as 10 minutes, I would be surprised. However when you have the likes of Synn, Gabriel, Rage, and Shipman as part of the Stable I already know that there will be so much interference. It will be a match where every time I get my hands on Despayre and start beating the life out of him that one of his Stable-mates will jump into the match to pull me off him and get a few cheap shots in while they are at it. Sure I will have Dmitri in my corner but having a match that is likely to turn into a 5-on-2 affair doesn’t appear as if it will go well for me.

Tuscini strikes a pose as if he is thinking hard about something and then his face lights up as though he has found the answer.

JAMES TUSCINI:  This match is a win-win situation for me and a lose-lose situation for Despayre. I have absolutely nothing to lose in this match while Despayre has so much to lose I’m surprised he actually signed for this match. Why is that you ask? Because my Roulette Title Belt is not on the line and if I end up getting beat down due to overwhelming interference by The Seven Deadly Sins Stable it will either end up with Despayre being Disqualified due to the interference or it will degrade his cheap win even more due to everyone on the planet calling them out for being cowards. Therefore you can see that even if I end up losing the match due to interference on the part of Despayre I come out of the match a winner. Even if Despayre wins with cheating and interference he will come out of the match a loser. So what can you expect me to do in this match? I cannot give away all my strategy secrets now can I? No I won’t do something that stupid. However I will tell you that if I came to the ring with a prior arm injury I would expect my opponent to focus on that arm to make me wear down quickly. If I came into the ring with a prior leg injury I would expect my opponent to focus on that leg until I was incapacitated. And if I came into the match with a prior, and recent, head injury I would expect my opponent to focus on my head to deliver as much damage as they could until I get worn down for the pinfall or I submit or I get knocked out. With what I just said what do you think I will do in our match this Sunday? RIGHT! Work on the head of Despayre until he quickly wears down, he submits, or he goes unconscious and I win the match.

James stands up and he walks around the couch to where he stops behind the couch placing his hands on the top of the back of the couch.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Despayre, our match is a Standard Rules match as I see it booked. It is not a No Disqualification match so you can be Disqualified for anyone in your Stable interfering in the match, or if you try to attack me with Skittles, a Teddy Bear, or a spork. This is not a Pinfalls Count Anywhere match so you have to remain in the ring or risk being counted out if you stay outside the ring to get away from me. Come to think of it that might be your best strategy. Stay outside of the ring and get counted out. You lose the match but you save yourself added injury especially to your head. However should our Referee be the dumbest Referee the wrestling world has ever seen, and they don’t see the interference, or they don’t count you outside the ring properly, and I get attacked by your Stable-mates and lose the match your entire Stable will be punished severely for what happened and a formal complaint will be filed against the Referee of our match. And I promise you, that if you have inference from your Stable members or you cheat during the match then retribution that my friends and family and I dish out on you and your Stable will be so horrific that in the movie industry it would be rated X on the movie rating chart due to extreme violence and bloodshed.

James walks from around the couch to the front of it where he sits down on the couch.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Despayre I know it was Chris Shipman who did the dirty deed against Uncle Pinky otherwise how else did he end up in Shipman’s possession? However you are in the same Stable with him and that makes you guilty as an accomplice. Should I take out my anger against Shipman on you in our match? Sure! Why not? Beating you down and hurting you would probably drive Shipman more insane than if it was him I was beating down and hurting. Psychological injury is way more damaging than physical injury. My only concern is that if I damage you enough during our match that you are unable to wrestle any longer will everyone congratulate me or condemn me? I honestly don’t see how anyone can condemn me for hurting you because you signed for this match, you had the Doctor clear you for this match, and Management accepted your signature and the Doctor’s clearance certificate, so I will treat you the same as I treat all my opponents. How is that? I treat you like the victim you are. You are the mouse and I am the mouse trap. You are the cockroach and I am the Roach Motel. You are the patient in the mental institution and I am Nurse Ratched.

Tuscini leans back into the couch and he kicks his feet up on the coffee table.

JAMES TUSCINI:  You know what Despayre? Having the type of head injury you suffered against J2H and being out of action for a long time you shouldn’t have signed for this match. You should have your head examined for accepting this match with me. Oh, wait, you DID have your head examined by the Doctor and he said he would clear you to wrestle this Sunday. Either the Doctor is an idiot, or a Quack, or both, because when he placed his signature on the clearance certificate for you to wrestle he put the final nail in your coffin to use a figure of speech. And if you think all your Seven Deadly Sins stable mates are going to save you from my wrath you need to take a different line of thought. You may think I only have Dmitri in my corner but actually there are many more standing behind me to negate everything your Stable attempts before, during, or after our match. There’s only so much your chicken shit Stable-mates can do before those backing me up neutralize them and then it is just you and me to finish our match. And when the bell rings to end the match, and the dust settles, it will be me with my hand raised in victory and my name announced as the winner of the match, while you lie on the mat receiving emergency medical care from Paramedics. Don’t believe me Despayre? You will believe this Sunday evening.

James informs the cameraman his comments for this segment are done. The cameraman cuts his feed and the Network quickly switches over to a commercial break.

Climax Control Archives / Bad Company for Bad Company
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:30:11 PM »

NARRATOR:  Oh my! Without a doubt the Mafia Gods were shining down on James Tuscini at Climax Control 150! James had a tough time with the big man Casey Williams and just when it looked as though James was gonna lose he managed to whack Casey in the head with a metal pole and knock him out. As James was going to go for the pin we saw Steve Ramone come into the ring and knock out Tuscini with a chair shot. Steve rolled James on his back and then placed Casey’s arm over James in what could have been an easy three count for the win for Casey. However Chris Shipman had other ideas. Just as Ramone thought his dirty deed was done and he rolled out of the ring Chris Shipman un-did the deed Ramone did by rolling Casey on his back, flipping James over, and placing the arm of Tuscini over the chest of Casey where the Referee made the three count for the win. It wasn’t until several minutes had passed that James regained consciousness and was told by the Referee what happened. But that’s not the end of the story. As soon as Tuscini realized what happened Chris Shipman whacked James in the head with a barbed wire wrapped book and laid James out bloody on the mat. Payback to Shipman will come in time but we will now focus on Climax Control 151 where see James Tuscini & Dmitri in a Tag Team match against Bad Company consisting of Caleb Houston and Johnny Tsunami.

The scene opens at the E Center in Laughlin, Nevada. We are taken into the dressing room of James Tuscini, and his Uncle-Manager Pinky del Ferrando, where we see James with several bandages and stitches on his head from that vicious barbed wire book shot he took from Chris Shipman on June 19th at Climax Control.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I want everyone to know that once my match against Casey Williams started and I realized how aggressive and strong and determined he was I thought I was going to lose. Yeah that’s an honest statement you rarely hear from wrestlers these days. However I was able to improvise and I honestly had the match won when I knocked Casey unconscious with the metal pole. But, as usual, the ever-jealous Steve Ramone, had to get involved. He knocked me out with a chair shot and then he dragged the unconscious Casey close enough to lay Casey’s arm across my body for what could have been a loss for me. Where Ramone made the critical mistake was to quickly leave the ring believing his dirty deed was done and the match was over. Fortunately for me, somewhat anyway, Chris Shipman was quick enough to pull Casey’s arm off me and place my arm on Casey for the Referee to count the pinfall for me. So I won  and I retained the Roulette Championship  but it cost me. Shipman could have left it alone but he decided the best thing to do after my win was to whack me in the head with a barbed wire wrapped book. Damn that hurt! Now I have bandages, cuts, and some stitches. Now, Casey, I’ve heard you’ve been on social media claiming that Chris Shipman “cheated” you out of a win against me. What the f*ck type of drugs are you on? I knocked you out. I was going for the pin. Ramone hit me with a cheap shot with a chair and knocked me out. Then he rolled me on my back and laid your arm across my body. Fortunately Shipman ran in, removed your arm from my body, rolled you on your back, and then laid my arm across your body for the win. What Shipman did wasn’t to screw you out of a win as you were already unconscious. What Shipman did was right the wrong Ramone did. You have a warped sense of reality but the reality is that I won and you lost. Just like in the game of baseball I ran to Home Plate, made a slide, and you as the Catcher for the opposing team missed the tag and I was calles SAFE by the official.

UNCLE PINKY:  I don’t want Caleb and Johnny getting all giggly and happy thinking that because James has a few cuts and bruises that he cannot perform well in the upcoming Tag Team match. James heals quickly and he will bring the fight to you two, along with Dmitri, this Sunday evening. As for Steve Ramone we’ve already made it clear that you will not get another shot at the Roulette Title Belt as long as James is holding it. Soon Chris Shipman will get paid back for his actions. I will show him that you don’t mess with me and my Sicilian Mafia connections.

A video call comes in on James’ laptop computer. He answers the video call and it is Sandy Erwin in San Francisco.

SANDY ERWIN:  James are you okay? I saw that vicious barbed wire shot Chris Shipman hit you with. I know that had to hurt a lot. How are you and how do you feel going into your Tag Team match against Bad Company on Sunday?

JAMES TUSCINI:  I’m okay and I’ll be fine for our match on Sunday. You have to realize injuries like this are common in the sport of wrestling. When you have a fiancé, or a husband, in the sport of wrestling, you have to expect things like this to happen and you have to be able to endure them.

SANDY ERWIN:  Did you say husband? Is that a hint?

JAMES TUSCINI:  I’m your fiancé and you’re my fiancée so unless our relationship totally blows up then someday the logical progression is to get married right?

SANDY ERWIN:  Oh that would be wonderful!

JAMES TUSCINI:  When the time comes both of us will know it.

SANDY ERWIN:  James I need to take care of some investment clients so I have to go. Are you sure you’re okay to wrestle on Sunday?

JAMES TUSCINI:  Yes I’m fine. Also I appreciate the concern you show for me as that tells me how much you care. Thanks for the call. Hope you can watch our Tag Team match against Bad Company on Sunday.

The video call ends and James looks over at Uncle Pinky who has a huge grin on his face that makes him look like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.

JAMES TUSCINI:  What are you smiling about?

UNCLE PINKY:  The fact you are close to asking Sandy to marry you. Way to go boy!

James gives Uncle Pinky the middle finger in a friendly family gesture. Uncle Pinky busts out laughing so hard he drops to the floor and starts rolling around.

JAMES TUSCINI:  This Sunday I step into the wrestling ring with my Tag Team partner Dmitri. We have what some call an “unholy alliance” between the dead and the living. In fact that is what we call our Tag Team. We are the UNHOLY ALLIANCE. I don’t care what anyone thinks as we’re a team and we will prove to everyone, including Tommy Knocks, what we’re made of when we destroy Bad Company. When you see us in action you will realize you are watching the future Tag Team Champions in action. Yes we will, soon, obtain the Tag Team Title Belts.

UNCLE PINKY:  Bad Company eh? Caleb Houston & Johnny Tsunami eh? More like bad wrestlers if you ask me. Two boneheads both at 6 feet 1 inch in height with a combined weight of 407 pounds eh? How about this guys? James Tuscini at 6 feet 4 inches and 265 pounds and he just defeated Casey Williams who is 8 inches taller and 105 pounds heavier than James. Then you have Dmitri at 6 feet 8 inches and 275 pounds. Yes, guys, James and Dmitri have 10 inches of height advantage over you two. Then when you factor their combined weight of 540 pounds that gives them 133 pounds of weight advantage.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Do you two watch boxing or MMA fights? Did you notice that when you have a taller and heavier boxer or MMA fighter that one of their tactics is to lean on their opponent to press their weight on them to wear them down? There’s only so much two wrestlers of your size are going to be capable of doing against two larger wrestlers in myself and Dmitri before you wear down and tire out.

UNCLE PINKY:  Rest assured that neither Dmitri nor James is taking you two lightly. Everyone in this business can score a win on any day. The only things that could possibly prevent James and Dmitri from getting a win over you two would be interference in the match on your behalf that the Referee doesn’t see. I don’t see that happening so look forward to taking a loss while James and Dmitri continuing their climb up the Tag Team ladder of success until they challenge for the Tag Team Title Belts.

JAMES TUSCINI:  That’s all we wanted to say during this segment. Thanks for joining us. We will be making additional comments later so stay tuned for that.

James glances over at Uncle Pinky who again has a Cheshire Cat grin on his face.


UNCLE PINKY:  James is in love with Sandy! Woo hoo!

James rolls his eyes at Uncle Pinky’s comment and then he informs the cameraman that their comments for this segment are done. The cameraman cuts his camera feed and our screen goes black.

***After a short break we come back and this time we see Dmitri, along with James Tuscini, having dinner.***

There are moments in life where you realize a companion is needed, someone that looks out for you and vice versa. Moments that you don’t have to wander this planet alone, even though in my situation it will only be a matter of time before it gets old… a mere fun way to use words deliberately to focus merely on the obvious… wouldn’t you agree?? And for what use do you humans delight yourselves with the alignment of another significant?? A word that amuses me to the point where I know that deep down inside, you do not feel that the other is significant at all…. It is merely passing the time without boredom striking you in the head with due time

(thoughts) Again time is of the essence, something that has crossed each and everyone’s mind to the point of no return. Something that I do not share with my tag team partner. A champion, a man that holds something that I once did. Trust and comradery is something that he desires. Where I see it as merely the opportunity to break down the minds of two alike. Who are only merely standing across each other inside a six sided ring… how intriguing must that be wouldn’t you agree??

Time only needs its wisdom to speak where you humans would utter that time would tell. I have listened for many centuries and nothing as pathetic has ever crossed my ears of wisdom as that. Perhaps my standards of extreme intelligence has never met it’s match and I should lower my standards yet once more.

Please forgive me as you have once more have to sin before the eyes of the beholder, while I will just sit down and laugh at your stupidity… nothing less, nothing more… as the Unholy Alliance has once again become a reality.

A candle burns in a room where figures are seated, a human and a vampire as the human is recognized to be James Tuscini and the vampire to be Dmitri. The figures aren’t saying a word as they are both drinking from their glasses, each glass of course has a different substance in it to soothe their thirst.

It is so nice to have you hear with me at this faithful day James, something that normally would not be a regular situation upon where I wish to stay. Mostly because if people knew what I really am, they would either run or fall unconscious… either way a mere enjoyable thirst clencher nonetheless.

James looks up from his glass, but remains silent as the vampire continues to talk after sipping from his glass of blood.

A bond of an unholy alliance is often used to put on a metal festival of loud and aggressive bands. That would speak of the imagination of why their unholy unity would make sense, as their words do not pertain anything nearly to love and flowers and other rubbish that only little princesses would enjoy wouldn’t you agree??

A nod can be seen from Tuscini as he grabs his fork and knife and cuts through his meal that he has in front of him before taking a bite.

I hope you enjoy the meal I had ordered for you, forgive me as I have not wined and dined for centuries as to not knowing how human food would have tasted. The only human meals are the ones that I have here inside my glass. Something that I shall not try to extract from you, as I do not see the need to break our unity. Secondly, I think the casting of our next victims would be rather easy as they are one step away from us destroying their hopes and dreams. Merely for the fun of it shall we say???

His eyes are enjoying the words that he is talking to his tag team partner, the current Roulette champion who has beaten Casey Williams at the last show that they were in.

As it is merely a notion of existence, a notion of how ironic people are these days. You excluded of course as they are foolish enough, mildly insane to get a term out that I have heard as of late very often. To think that they can bring in a bond of human ideas and not expect them to vary from one side of the room to the other. At least we both know that you have your wishes upon things, while I just merely tag along with the ride as I enjoy the carnage that is upon us very soon.

Carnage, such a sweet and yet violent word that would leave a mark upon the imagination of those who are incapable of thinking anything else except their own victory upon the others. No matter how much they will attempt to digest the words of others, they will ultimately fail as their version of reality is always so much better sounding. Or am I merely second guessing the nature of the… shall we say… the beast???

James Tuscini nods his head as he puts a napkin to his mouth and cleans his mouth before taking a sip from his drink.

I do not know anything of those who we shall embrace in our presence in the coming time that we have told the world of our unity. A unity that shall have it’s first attempt to rise from the ashes, the ashes that we shall rise and overshadow those who are not even worth our intentions to begin with. Like Bad Company for instance, but then again… I shall get to that later.

James Tuscini nods his head as he grins after hearing the name of Bad Company.

Amusement is something that I enjoy from you humans, perhaps because I do not see the need to smile every now and then. Because a smile is always a sign of those who are hiding their insecurities for the camera to watch. Where the only thing I care about is destruction… destroying everyone in sight as it is merely amuses me….

Dmitri signals James Tuscini to eat some further as he sits back and drinks his glass of blood as the shot fades.

***A short time later***

Bad Company for Bad Company

A wind blows through the hair of Dmitri, he stares on top of a building in Laughlin , Nevada . Overlooking the people as the sun has almost vanished out of sight as the orange glow is visible upon his face. His eyes are dark as it is not moving around through the area and yet he has everything in sight.

Bad Company, a name of those who are unwelcome. Those who are clearly wished to be gone for those who do not like them?? But then again, who are welcome in the eyes of the others?? Aren’t we always witnessing jealousy?? Witnessing anger?? Or merely anguish… but that is merely humans to begin with… and now me and James are facing the ones that nobody even wants to see to begin with. Two names that have entered the ring once, who made their debut in SCW and already are considered to be the odds on favourites to beat me and Tuscini. How ironic to have one debut to be so much different than the other. And why is that my dear friends???

His eyes aren’t moving, suddenly turning his head as he sees a bird flying past his face by a few feet and smiles as the bird suddenly turns in shock by his sudden reaction.

A new guy with a returning star, how interesting to see how old names return from under the stones that they have been hiding behind for how many years?? A Shipman, a Kain and even a Tsunami. A Tsunami, a nature antics of destruction that will not stop at anything that stands in it’s way. Something that could be said about the quest of Nosferatu as well… it will be an interesting concept to see whether who will come out on top in our confrontation as two on two. Four names of destruction and only one goal that we shall share.

Sharing is giving I’ve been told, sharing is another example of how you humans are trying to hold something together. Holding a hope or a dream alive as you do not dare to be alone or something. In the process it shall start to choke you up as the privacy that you have grown used to will ultimately vanish as you need once again to share any hopes and dreams, any fantasies and any wishes upon wishes. For what? Only to be successful, at least James does not have to share his… because I don’t give a fuck!

His hand runs through his hair as he brushes it behind his ear before it once again moves away because of the wind that is blowing.

Tsunami, an impressive force of nature that has no equals until the impressive force finally fades. Because let’s be honest, anything that this planet brings for mass destruction is only temporary. Are you Johnny?? Are you temporary?? Or are you going to stay for the end of time as you want to blow away every single opposition?? Or are you just hanging around as long as it is fun and all. A SCW original, a man that has built the house to the place that it is right now and complains about a teddy bear. Is that the Tsunami you wish to be remembered for Johnnie?? Or are your plans to make your stay a memorable one?? To blow the likes away of the Surf Boys before you sit down on your expensive leather couch and hang around to enjoy a well done job??

And what is that well done job of yours?? To hang around, to win a championship and proclaim how everything was so much better when you were around?? That fun and originality both never clashed with each other, as serious words always came out of your stinking mouth and made you a name that is often remembered as you were here with Tim and who else were here. I just wonder Johnnie, I wonder what was it that made you vanish in the first place before returning once more?? Injuries?? Or was it the mere fact that you just couldn’t stay away???

He closes his eyes, inhaling the scent that his nose has picked up from somewhere and grins for a few moments before opening his eyes again.

I realize that I am probably making a ridiculous comment and that will ultimately can be expected by an enraged reaction. Obviously a Tsunami like reaction that would cause the foundations of this world to shake once more as people will tremble in fear.. people Tsunami, people are always so easily to be influenced by fear. As my intentions will never change, never will grow out of what my eyes will see. The destruction of my opposition as I will never lose my intensity like your nature calling antics. Does that worry you Tsunami?? Or is the destructive force of nature really out of control after breaking down some washed up surfers that never left the beach to begin with?? How foolish to expect the stupidity to reign supreme again once more.

But at least you can be expecting the support of some idiot that likes to answer questions of supposedly wrestling fans as S. Ramone from Las Vegas Nevada gets off hearing his own name being mentioned. Tommy, you are foolish to think that history will repeat itself once again. But I guess that’s what you humans do, never to expect something to happen what you do not understand. So to you Jonnie, enrage your Tsunami like intentions upon this simple soul and watch me grab you by the throat and choke you down before ending you and turn you into nothing more than a few raindrops and a bit of exhausted wind. I guess you can say that the Bad Company is yours truly and James Tuscini will beat you and your partner.

He grins once more as he brushes his hair away once more.

And then we have his partner, the new name in the block. The one that had nothing to say and ultimately will end up without a single word and nobody will ever remember you. Is that what you were hoping for/? Or is it merely the fact that you follow someone else and let him do all the work before someone will break you and Johnny can follow his path with another non existing entity. Good for you my dear Caleb. You know exactly what your place is and I will find you after the Tsunami has fallen short, where my eyes will wander through the ring and then I will grab you by the throat and break you down. The end of the Bad Company is near as the Unholy Alliance will finally break you down. Too bad for you that it is only after a few matches…. But then again, sympathy isn’t what I got to share with you.

The scene fades to black. About 30 seconds of black and we returns to the dressing room of James Tuscini where he is having a quick video call with Dmitri.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Thanks for the great meal and the great comments you made about us facing off against, and defeating, Bad Company this Sunday.

DMITRI:  As I stated it has been a long time since I entertained a mortal so I’m glad you enjoyed the meal. Was the drink I prepared for you to your liking also?

JAMES TUSCINI:  Yes it was fine even though I am not sure exactly what it was. My preferred drink is Gin and 7-Up.

DMITRI:  Gin and 7-Up? Why would you mix those two together as they don’t seem to be a logical combination. Most people combine Gin with Tonic.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I mix the two because I enjoy the taste of Gin but not the taste of Tonic. By mixing it with 7-Up I get the taste of Gin but the drink is sweet. Although most people feel it is not a logical combination, and it won’t work, it does work perfectly. It is like what we have as our Tag Team. People think we are not a logical combination but we work well together and we will prove that with a win over Bad Company this Sunday.

DMITRI:  I see.

JAMES TUSCINI:  By the way what would you call the drink you were drinking during dinner?

DMITRI:  Blood of Mary.

JAMES TUSCINI:  A Bloody Mary? I’m familiar with that drink.

DMITRI:  Not a Bloody Mary…the Blood of Mary.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Uh…o…..kay.

DMITRI:  I’m so confident we will obtain an easy victory over Caleb Houston and Johnny Tsunami that I doubt you will break a sweat.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I agree with that. In fact I’m glad to know that one of the members of Bad Company is named Johnny Tsunami. We’re gonna squash them so bad that our wave will make the tsunami that destroyed the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, look like a small ripple like when you throw a small pebble into the water. There won’t be anything left of them when we get through.

DMITRI:  This win will take us one rung up on the Tag Team contender ladder. Soon, very soon, the wrestling world will see new Tag Team Champions in Dmitri and James Tuscini as THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE.  Thanks for the video call James. I will leave you and Uncle Pinky to enjoy the remaining time until our match on Sunday night.

The video call ends and the scene fades to black.

Climax Control Archives / FOK-U
« on: June 13, 2016, 02:20:17 PM »
 NARRATOR:  Recently at Into the Void V James Tuscini successfully defended his Roulette Title in a Four Way match against Steve Ramone, Matt Spears, and Ryan Keys, with Roulette Rules of Pinfalls Count Anywhere. Although Ramone rolled off the platform to avoid being the wrestler James would have pinned, or make submit, for the win, the fact remains that Steve still took a loss in this match.
The scene shifts to the dressing room of James Tuscini, and his Uncle-Manager Pinky del Ferrando, at the Gold Coast Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Both are casually dressed in blue jeans and a pullover shirts with James wearing a black shirt and Uncle Pinky wearing a blue one. James is sitting at the dining table doing something on his laptop computer while Uncle Pinky is relaxing on the couch watching Looney Tunes cartoons.

The cameraman knocks on the door and Uncle Pinky invites him in. Once he is set up, Uncle Pinky has turned the television off, and the cameraman is focused on Tuscini at his computer we begin today’s segment.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I’m not gonna sit here and claim that my Roulette Championship defense match at Into the Void V was easy. It was anything but easy. What made the match hard was the fact that anyone could defeat anyone in the match and become the Roulette Champion. They did not have to pin me, or make me submit, in order to win. That meant that all four of us had to be more alert for pins and submissions by others in the match. Add to the confusion and difficulty that it was a Pinfalls Count Anywhere match and you can see that taking the opportunity for a win outside of the ring added to the odds of someone obtaining a win quickly.

UNCLE PINKY:  Tell them your thoughts on Chris Shipman and Kain returning to active wrestling.

James calls up the e-mail he received from the wrestler, Bill Barnhart, who used to work in Asylum Wrestling Alliance with Chris Shipman.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I’ve never had the pleasure, or displeasure if you will, of wrestling against Chris Shipman. However I do know he used to work in Global Wrestling Alliance and Asylum Wrestling Alliance. I remember hearing that he is the half-brother of Bill Barnhart so I contacted Barnhart to get some information on Shipman and I have Barnhart’s comments in this e-mail. I will give you the short version. Shipman is the half-brother of Bill Barnhart. They have the same mother but different fathers. Chris’ father is a convicted serial killer while Bill’s father is a Retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer. Mother liked Bill more than she liked Chris for two reasons. One is that she hated Chris’ father, and of course Chris, for being violent jerks and she appreciated Bill that he was nice and sweet and did so well in the sport of wrestling.

UNCLE PINKY:  Bill Barnhart went on to tell us that when they were young Chris caused the death of their sister. He was convicted of the death and sent to Prison. He blamed Bill for her death and his conviction even though Barnhart was innocent. When Shipman got out of Prison he joined up with Asylum Wrestling Alliance and he went on an all-out crusade to destroy Bill Barnhart. Although the two of them had the most vicious, evil, disgusting, brutal, and near-fatal wrestling matches, in the end it was Shipman who went into early retirement while Barnhart remained active in wrestling. It wasn’t until early in 2016 that Bill Barnhart finally decided to retire and take it easy.

JAMES TUSCINI:  So it’s like this Chris. I have a lot of respect for wrestlers who are talented, do their best at all times, and remain with the rules of the game. Apparently you are an untalented hack because you have to resort to breaking the rules and using violence in non-Hardcore matches. You also fail to remain within the rules of the game. I don’t consider being violent all the time as giving your best all the time.

UNCLE PINKY:  So here’s the deal. In the order of preference of who James wishes to defend the Roulette Title against they are Casey Williams, Ryan Keys, and Chris Shipman. As you review the June 19, 2016, Climax Control card you see that it is, in fact, Casey Williams, who is the next victim of James.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Then we had the return of Kain at Into the Void V. I guess he felt it was a brave thing to attack Rage after the Triple Threat match for the Internet Title eh? I guess some people are such chicken shits that they can only attack someone while they are already tired from their match. Nice going Kain. Nice way to prove to everyone what you really area huh? Then let me add this to the mix. Why did you attack Rage and challenge for the lowest-ranking Title Belt in Sin City Wrestling? Why didn’t you challenge for the highest ranking Title Belt, the Heavyweight Championship, or my Roulette Title which is the 2nd highest ranking Title Belt? What you did was like being offered a brick of pure gold and you decided to challenge for the chance at a brick of concrete. Any time you want a shot at me and the Roulette Championship talk to Management and get in line behind those who are in line ahead of you.

UNCLE PINKY:  We knew that you were also in Asylum Wrestling Alliance with Bill Barnhart so we asked him for some information on you. The information he gave us on your time in Asylum Wrestling Alliance is in the same e-mail James has up on his computer. Barnhart didn’t say much except that you came into the fed, managed to win a Title Belt, and then went into semi-retirement. He said you later came back and won another Title Belt and when you lost that one you left active wrestling again. Apparently, from the history we see here in Sin City Wrestling you have come and gone here too with the exception that you have held  more Title Belts here.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Here’s the deal, Kain, so listen up so you don’t try to claim that I said something I never said. I felt Casey Williams should get the first shot at my Roulette Title and he has it at this coming Climax Control. After I defeat Casey then Ryan Keys should get the next shot at my Title Belt. After I defeat Ryan Keys then I feel Chris Shipman should be the next victim. After those three are eliminated and thrown into the trash dumpster I’m willing to make an exception and give you a shot at my Roulette Championship. After you become my fourth victim since my successful Title defense at Into the Void V I can sit back and stop telling Management who I feel is worthy to face me and just let them send who they want after me.

Tuscini closes the e-mail from Bill Barnhart and he minimizes the screen and then he turns to continue his comments.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I forgot to mention something else Bill Barnhart told me. He said he graduated from Frankfort of Kentucky University. He said the abbreviation for this University is FOK-U. He said at sporting events their battle cry was FOK-U! So, for the benefit of my opponent, Casey Williams, I would like to use the Frankfort of Kentucky University battle cry and say FOK-U! Okay with that little joke out of the way let’s focus on the big guy shall we? Casey I can see that you have the attention of Tommy Knocks in that he seems to be your biggest fan right now. Come to think of it Tommy Knocks seems like your only fan right now. Having Tommy as your cheerleader isn’t going to get you a win over me this Sunday.

UNCLE PINKY:  Casey you have been doing so poorly lately here in Sin City wrestling that if you were a baseball player on a Major League Baseball team they would send you down to the Minor Leagues to get your rhythm back or they would trade you off the team or fire you. If anything you should be thankful you are in the sport of wrestling since they give you more leeway to perform weakly and still keep your job that in other factions of the sporting world.

James hears the “new e-mail chime” so he maximizes the screen and checks his e-mail and then he looks back into the camera.

JAMES TUSCINI:  That was an e-mail from Sandy Erwin. On our way to Las Vegas we stopped by our home in San Francisco to put some things away and gather other items to bring to Las Vegas for Climax Control. I told Sandy I have something important to ask her soon and she doesn’t know what it is yet. She is asking me in her e-mail to tell her and of course I need to keep her guessing. I will tell her soon enough. Kinda sad that I’m ready to make a lifetime commitment to Sandy while my opponent, Casey Williams, recently ended his commitment to his wife and family. Okay maybe that was not an appropriate thing for me to say right? Oh well already said so deal with it. So, Casey, we both took some damage in our matches at Into the Void V. From what I saw I might have taken a little more damage in my match than you did in yours. Even so I feel our match is about even but I have the additional motivation that I intend to retain possession of my Title Belt. Now, Casey, I’m going to be honest with you and I hope you can see your way to being honest with me when you make your comments. I know I’m not going to be able to lift you up into my Mafia Hit Flying Hammer Lock for the submission. I know I’m not likely to lift you up on my shoulders for a Torture Rack submission. I could attempt to apply my Sweet Dreams Sleeper Hold on you but with your thick neck it might take too long for you to go unconscious. You see, Casey, the problem with most of the others in Sin City Wrestling is they believe I can only win a match with submission holds. Matches can be won by submission, pinfall, count out, or knockout. So, yes, I have many other ways to take you out.

UNCLE PINKY:  Casey the record for James in Sin City Wrestling is like this. He is 5-1-1 in Singles competition for a 71.4 winning percentage. Since he has 1 loss in Tag Team competition he is 5-2-1 overall for a winning percentage of 62.5 percent. When James defeats you this Sunday he will be 6-1-1 in Singles and 6-2-1 overall. That will increase his winning percentages to 75 percent and 66 percent in Singles and Tag Team respectively. Be happy that you will be a part of James’ history-making performance this Sunday.

JAMES TUSCINI:  There is another thing I wish to relate to you Casey. I’m sure you are anticipating that during our match Steve Ramone will appear at ringside, attempt to interfere and cause a distraction, so you can get a cheap win over me. Remember that I have Dmitri on my side. We may have what some consider an “unholy alliance” between the living and the dead but we are a team. So maybe while you are secretly hoping that Ramone will run to the ring and distract me you might see an appearance by Dmitri at ringside to distract you. I don’t know what will happen. Do you know for sure? Probably not. I can assure you if Ramone does try something that Dmitri will get in his face and quickly negate whatever Steve was going to attempt. With that said I desire to wish you the very best in our match. I honestly have to wish you luck in our match because you are gonna need all the luck you can find to last more than 10 minutes with me. Casey I hope you’re ready to accept another loss this Sunday as I’m sure as hell ready to accept another win.

UNCLE PINKY:  Thanks for joining us today. See you all on Sunday.

James and Uncle Pinky thank the cameraman for his time to air this segment. The cameraman backs out of the dressing room and he keeps his camera focused on James and his Uncle until Uncle Pinky closes the dressing room door. Once the door is closed the cameraman calls into the Network and the switch to a commercial break.

Supercard Archives / TUSCINI (c) v RYAN v SPEARS v RAMONE
« on: May 30, 2016, 05:12:35 AM »

NARRATOR:  To be aggressive means you are determined to reach your goal no matter what. That’s what James Tuscini did in Sin City Wrestling since the day he arrived. He was told he would face Steve Ramone for the Roulette Title Belt and numerous times, but many things outside of his control, such as Steve Ramone afraid to face James to defend the Roulette Title, caused him to not obtain a match against Steve Ramone for several weeks. When James finally got scheduled for a shot at the Roulette Championship it was a Triple Threat which also involved Joshua Acquin. Both James and Steve got a win over Acquin at the same time so both won but Ramone retained the Title Belt. Then when James finally got a one-on-one with Ramone, which was in his 5th match in Sin City Wrestling, he defeated Steve and today James Tuscini is the Roulette Champion. At Into the Void Tuscini will be defending the Roulette Title Belt against Steve Ramone, Matt Spears, and Ryan Keys. This will be a record-setting match as this will be the third time in three matches where he has defeated Steve Ramone.

We switch scenes to ringside at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. James Tuscini is sitting at the Announcer’s Table waiting on the cameraman to inform him that they are broadcasting. The absence of Uncle Pinky for this segment is noticeable and we wonder where he might be. James is casually dressed in blue jeans, a black pullover shirt, and black athletic shoes.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Thanks for joining me today. I’m sure the question on your mind is where Uncle Pinky is right? Until I hired him on board to be my Manager he didn’t get to travel much out of San Francisco or the State of California so to be here in Japan is a big deal for him. I hooked Uncle Pinky up with a nice Japanese tour guide so she could show Uncle around to see what Tokyo is about. She seemed to take a sweet liking to Uncle Pinky so who knows what might develop while we are here. For me, since I’m involved with Sandy, I’m not interested in sightseeing with a tour guide in Japan. I’ve been here before so I prefer to focus on getting ready for my match at Into the Void. As I promised I report that after I returned from dinner with Uncle Pinky the other night I did a video call with Sandy. Both of us were excited to see and talk to each other. It appears our relationship is moving along and once we are back in the United States I can always fly back to San Francisco to spend time with her before having to fly out to the next wrestling event. Perhaps this will lead into something interesting.

James stands up from the Announcer’s Table and he walks over to the ring to stand near the ring steps.

JAMES TUSCINI: I wish to address something Steve Ramone said, numerous times, over the past few weeks and numerous times in his recently aired segment. I’m sick of hearing you claim that I was completely knocked out during the Electrified Steel Cage match where I soundly defeated you for the Roulette Championship. I was NOT unconscious but of course you wouldn’t know that fact because you were the one who had his lights knocked out by the electric shock. I was conscious and I knew that you were not conscious. I saw you drop to the mat and I consciously took advantage of the situation by pinning you. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Nothing cheap there. Nothing classified as a cheap steal of the Roulette Title Belt. Stop your friggin’ whining and admit that I legally defeated you twice in the month of May and I will defeat you again on June 5th.  Maybe, Steve, since you are big into music you will understand the words from a classic song from The Rolling Stones titled You Can’t Always Get What You Want.

We hear song, You Can’t Always Get What You Want, play over the speakers in the arena but only the chorus is played.

No, you can't always get what you want
No, you can't always get what you want
No, you can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime, you just might find
You get what you need

After the chorus of the song plays once we return our attention to James Tuscini.

JAMES TUSCINI:  That fits you in this match perfectly Steve. You will not get what you want which is to defeat me and regain the Roulette Title Belt. You will, however, get what you need, more like getting what you deserve, and that is another loss to me.

Tuscini points to the wrestling ring.

JAMES TUSCINI:  This is the ring where I will successfully defend my Roulette Championship against Steve Ramone, Ryan Keys, and Matt Spears. Yes, guys, I realize this is a normal Fatal Four Way where anyone can get a pin or submission over any wrestler in the match for the win but I am still planning on walking away the winner and retaining my Roulette Title Belt. I know the three of you feel you have what it takes to defeat me but I know you are dreaming and I have no intentions of making your dreams come true. It’s nice to sleep so that you can dream. In your dreams you can see things never before seen. You can conquer monsters. You can travel through time. You can fly without a plane. And in your sleep you can even dream that you can defeat me in a wrestling match. But then you wake up and come crashing down to reality. You realize that the wrestling match you are assigned in to face me isn’t a dream. The match you are assigned to face off against me is, in fact, real. Since you’re now in the real world you realize you cannot travel through time, you cannot fly without a plane, you cannot conquer monsters, and you cannot defeat me. No, guys, this match will not be a dream match for the three of you but I will ensure that I make it the worst nightmare you have ever experienced.

Tuscini walks around the ring until he is near the side opposite to where he was previously standing.

JAMES TUSCINI:  As you have noticed I’ve become more aggressive as the weeks pass. When I first came to Sin City Wrestling I was the new person here and as such I walked lightly so as not to piss someone off. Then as time went on and I noticed there are some backstabbing, thieving, and cheating people on the Roster, I realized I needed to step up my game and be more aggressive than they are. What happened is that those people created this monster I have become. They caused the Italian Demon Monster which in Italian is Il demone Italiano monster to come out and cause me to be so damn aggressive that most of you are not able to handle it. And please stop trying to bullshit me because I can see the bullshit coming from a mile away. I know more about bullshit that a Bull rider at a Rodeo.

James continues walking around the ring until he arrives at the Timekeeper’s table.

JAMES TUSCINI:  This is the Timekeeper’s table. They ring the bell to start the match and when I defeat you guys the Timekeeper will ring the bell to announce the end of the match. The Referee will then raise my hand in victory as the Ring Announcer presents my win to the world. Trust me I’m gonna smoke you guys like a drug addict smokes a bong. You three want a beat down? That’s good because I’m holding a buy-one-get-two-free special on beat downs today.

Tuscini reaches over the knocks the hammer onto the Timekeeper’s bell to make it ring out. He then continues walking around the ring until he is standing at the bottom of the entrance ramp.

JAMES TUSCINI:   I’m sure you are familiar with Rambo movies? In many Rambo movies you have Johnny Rambo all by himself and he’s surrounded by anywhere from 2 to 10 people who are attacking him. The scene you usually see is that of Rambo standing in a clearing with no cover at all. The people who are attacking him are located on the hills, in the trees, on top of buildings, and on the ground. All Rambo has at his disposal are two pistols and a knife while his attackers have pistols, rifles, machine guns, and grenades. But what do you always see happen? His attackers can’t seem to hit him with their bullets and they can never seem to toss a grenade close enough to Rambo to injure him or blow him up. And yet, armed with just two pistols and a knife, Johnny Rambo manages to kick the asses of all his attackers and he walks away the winner of the fight. I know you are going to claim that is just in the movies and that never happens in real life. Trust me when I beat you three down at Into the Void you will realize that although it appeared I was at a disadvantage in the match in reality it worked to my advantage. Just like Rambo all I need to defeat the three of you are my two hands, my two feet to physically kick the shit out of you, and my excellent wrestling skills. When the dust settles I will have my hand raised in victory and I will have successfully defended my Roulette Title Belt.

James starts to walk up the ramp and he arrives at the landing at the top of the ramp in front of the entrance area.

JAMES TUSCINI:  When I came to Sin City Wrestling I was nice and polite and respectful. Then I had other wrestlers disrespect me, attack me, gang up on me, cheat against me, and it caused me to turn toxic. I didn’t want to turn mean and toxic. I didn’t want to transition from a clean and pure wrestler into one that everyone fears but I did it out of necessity. What you could say is that I am now the equivalent of toxic hazardous material and you need to take heed of the DANGER sign or you will get destroyed due to your ignorance. I have a graphic I would like the guys in the Studio to put up on the giant TRON screen which is above me so you can get a visual of what I’m talking about.

The TRON screen comes to life and we see the graphic James Tuscini was talking about.


JAMES TUSCINI:  Yep that’s the warning you need to heed. If you fail to obey the warnings then you are the one responsible for the injuries you receive. I’ve heard Matt Spears and Ryan Keys mention, and some commentators mention, that they feel these two are going to act as a Wild Card in this upcoming Roulette Championship match. You need to know that there is a huge difference between what a Wild Card can do and what a Trump card can do. Let me allow the Narrator give the official definitions of Wild Card and Trump Card so that at least you can tell everyone you were educated tonight.

NARRATOR:  For the benefit of those who are stupid, or never cared to learn, here are the official definitions of the terms Wild Card and Trump Card…

WILD CARD:  A playing card that can represent any other card in a game or a person, or thing, that could affect a situation in a way that cannot be predicted such as an unknown or unpredictable factor.

TRUMP CARD:  A card from the suit that has been chosen as the most valuable for a particular card game or something that gives someone an advantage.

JAMES TUSCINI:  The key terms in the definitions of Wild Card and Trump Card is that a Wild Card “can represent” any other card in a game. It also states when relating to a person it is a person who “could” affect a situation in a way not predicted. Let’s contrast that with the statement about what a Trump Card is about. It says that a Trump Card ”is the most valuable” card in a card game. It further states that ”it is something that gives someone an advantage.”  Yes the three of you can, maybe, possibly,  represent yourselves as the possible Roulette Champions but I am the only official Roulette Champion. You three could, maybe, possibly, affect the outcome of the match but I will, positively, absolutely, affect the outcome of the match and I will win. Also since I am the Trump Card, and the Trump Card is the “most valuable” then you already know that I am the most valuable commodity in our match. I will be so aggressive that I assure you I am the only wrestler who will obtain a pin or submission in the match. I’m not handing over my Roulette Title to any of you. After you three fail you can go back to your dressing rooms and lick your wounds and you can be assured it will be a cold day in Hell before the three of you get another shot at my Roulette Title Belt. The bottom line here is that no matter what card you hold in your hand that is classified as a Wild Card that Wild Card will be overruled by my Trump Card. You three are the Wild Cards and I am the Trump Card. GAME OVER!!!

James salutes to the camera and then he turns and walks into the backstage area. Once he is out of sight the cameraman cuts his camera feed.

Supercard Archives / TUSCINI (c) v RYAN v SPEARS v RAMONE
« on: May 24, 2016, 12:49:24 PM »

NARRATOR:  Here is a recap of the Non-Title match between James Tuscini and Steve Ramone at Climax Control on Sunday, May 22, 2016, at the Maishima Arena in Osaka, Japan. Both Steve and James were going back and forth and it was anybody’s match. Then we saw Matt Spears and Ryan Keys get into a heated argument. During their argument Spears got so upset that he wanted to throw something at Keys and the only thing he had in his hand was the towel. Losing control of himself Matt threw the towel at Ryan and when Keys ducked the toss the towel landed into the ring and the Referee called the end of the match due to Steve Ramone’s towel being thrown into the ring by Matt Spears.

The scene changes and we catch up with James Tuscini, and his Uncle-Manager Pinky del Ferrando, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium in Tokyo, Japan. James and Uncle Pinky have just arrived at their dressing room and they are opening luggage and putting items away to get ready for Into the Void where James will be defending his Roulette Title against Steve Ramone, Matt Spears, and Ryan Keys, in a Fatal Four Way match.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I want to make something perfectly clear. You all know that I like Steve Ramone as much as I like having a white hot rod of steel shoved up my ass but I have to comment that Ramone was robbed in our match as Climax Control when Matt Spears accidentally tossed the towel into the ring. The correct decision on the part of the Referee should have been to realize it was not a deliberate throwing in of the towel to end the match and that it was nothing more than a reaction during the argument Matt had with Ryan. Steve I wanted the match to continue but unfortunately our Referee didn’t see it that way. Does that mean that I am going to be nice to you in our match at Into the Void and that I will go easy on you? HELL NO!!! I will be so hard on you that you will melt under my pressure like a stick of butter heated with a blow torch. Also, Steve, I’m being honest when I tell you that the only two wrestlers who should be in the Roulette Title Match at Into the Void are you and I. However Management must have felt bad for Matt Spears for accidentally costing you the match and I guess they figured since Ryan Keys behaved himself during the match that giving him a chance in the Fatal Four Way at Into the Void was the proper decision. So we have to deal with what we have and make the best of it.

James shrugs his shoulders at the decision in his match at Climax Control and the match that is scheduled for Into the Void.

JAMES TUSCINI:   Isn’t it amazing that in a mere five weeks I won the Roulette Title Belt from Steve Ramone? Not many wrestlers, with the exception of me and Dmitri, have been able to earn Title Gold so quickly. And now, as you all saw last week, Dmitri and I have become a team. Maybe to some of you the teaming together seems odd but it makes perfect sense to us. And as you saw at Climax Control even though Dmitri lost the Internet Title back to Rage he has a re-match clause which allows him to be in the Internet Title match at Into the Void. Also since Management guaranteed Casey Williams that he and Dmitri will absolutely positively be in the same ring at Into the Void Casey is also involved in the Internet Title match. That should prove to be an interesting Triple Threat match. Guess now that me and Dmitri are a team Casey will have one eye on the match and one eye on ringside to see if I am lurking around eh?

UNCLE PINKY:  Dmitri is a solid wrestler and when he obtained the Internet Championship recently against Rage everyone, except for us, were surprised. There was no surprise here since Dmitri is a top-level wrestler just like James is. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dmitri regains the Internet Title at Into the Void.

JAMES TUSCINI:  What’s pissing everyone off in Sin City Wrestling is my quick rise to stardom here in the Federation. While we have wrestlers on the Roster who have never held a Title Belt in the entire time they’ve been here I accomplished holding a Title Belt in five week’s time. While we have people in Sin City Wrestling who have actually earned a Title Belt once they lost it they went such a long time without holding another Title Belt that they lost track of the time. I am so damn popular in the Federation that it makes others jealous and jealousy is an evil taskmaster. I am now one of the best known wrestlers in Sin City Wrestling while Steve Ramone is quickly being forgotten.

UNCLE PINKY:  Next to J2H we see that James has become one of the top two wrestlers in the Federation that other wrestlers envy and they are jealous at the same time. Everyone here wants to become like J2H and James.

JAMES TUSCINI:  I will try to give you some idea how people see me and why they are jealous. I’m like pure gold in that everyone wants it but very few can afford it. I stand out while the rest of you don’t. Maybe you don’t realize that you have to stand out to stand a chance. Don’t be envious of me because I’m more popular and well-known that you are. Instead of being envious you need to strive to be the one envied.

UNCLE PINKY:  Very well stated James! Now if the others in Sin City Wrestling can’t get it into their heads that drive, determination, and dedication to the sport of wrestling are what you need to be successful then you are doomed to be at the bottom of the barrel squirming around with the rest of the scum there.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Over the past few weeks I’ve heard many comments, mostly from Steve Ramone, Matt Spears, and Ryan Keys. Guys you’ve said a lot of words but you haven’t said anything of substance. Having listened to your comments over the past few weeks I feel like I’m in an episode of Seinfeld. You know what I’m talking about. They called Seinfeld “A Show About Nothing.” Hope you’re satisfied being nothing. I’m satisfied being something. Ryan you did what I told you to do and that was to hold onto the towel at all costs. If you think that good deed will give you grace in my eyes during our match at Into the Void you are thinking wrong. I will be as hard on you as I can. And as for you Matt if you think your kind gesture of returning the Roulette Title to me, and tossing the towel into the ring to make Ramone lose and me win at Climax Control, is enough for me to look at you nicely and treat you with respect in our upcoming match you, too, are not thinking logically. Shall we go back to my first match in Sin City Wrestling? You remember that match right? It was a Triple Threat with you and Chris Burden involved in the match. Do you remember how that match ended? It ended with me placing you in the Mafia Hit Flying Hammer Lock for the submission. Yes, Matt, I realize that in our upcoming Fatal Four Way getting any of you in that hold for the submission would be difficult since the two other wrestlers would break up the hold. The only way to accomplish a pin or submission would be to disable two of the three other wrestlers in the match and then I can have my way with the wrestler who remains in the ring with me. Would you like me to make sure that you are that wrestler Matt? Would you like me to make you submit for a second time with my Mafia Hit Flying Hammer Lock? Doesn’t matter what any of you think or want as I dictate our match at Into the Void.

James and Uncle Pinky stop their comments for a bit so they can continue putting items away. They hang their clothes up in the closets and James pulls out his Roulette Title Belt which he places across the back of the chair next to the couch.

JAMES TUSCINI:  The person carrying the biggest target on his back is, of course, the current Heavyweight Champion J2H. Since I’m holding the 2nd ranking Title Belt in Sin City Wrestling I have the second biggest target on my back. I know people are aiming for that target to take me out so that they can claim the name of Roulette Champion but they are not going to be successful. If you think it bothers me that everyone is gunning for me and trying to hit the target on my back you need to know that it doesn’t bother me at all. Your aim is as bad as that of a Storm Trooper in Star Wars. Just like them I don’t think you could hit the side of a barn with a shotgun blast even if you were inside a 10 foot by 10 foot barn at the time.

UNCLE PINKY:  James please give the viewers a run-down on the other wrestlers in your Roulette Title defense at Into the Void.

JAMES TUSCINI:  Steve Ramone is the most deserving to be in this match even though I defeated him twice in the month of May 2016. Even with two losses to me, with one of them costing Steve the Roulette Title Belt, he is still more deserving than Matt Spears and Ryan Keys to be in this mach. Matt Spears, however, did earn the right to be called the Number One Contender for the Roulette Championship so he at least earned his position. Ryan Keys on the other hand hasn’t earned a shot at the Roulette Title. Ryan has a lot of potential but his problem is keeping focused long enough to actually obtain a win in a match.

James and Uncle Pinky put the remaining items away and then the two sit on the couch to finish out this segment.

UNCLE PINKY:  As we mentioned previously if this were a Four Way match where the only way you could win is to get a pin or submission on the Champion, James, then this match would strongly favor James to win. If this match were a Four Way Elimination match where wrestlers are eliminated during the match and the final two are the ones who determine who the winner, and the Roulette Champion, is then that type of match would also highly favor James.

JAMES TUSCINI:  But we have to face reality here. This is a Fatal Four Way match and the normal conditions of a Fatal Four way is that the first wrestler to obtain a pin or submission in the match is the winner and they will be crowned as the Roulette Champion. This type of match turns out to be the most equal for all four wrestler involved in the match. The reason I say that is each wrestler cannot just focus on one other wrestler. Even if Steve and I were fighting it out on one side of the ring, while Matt Spears and Ryan Keys were fighting it out on the other side of the ring, they could easily get a pin or submission on the other and then we on the other side of the ring are shit out of luck. So each of us has to focus on the other three wrestlers in the ring at all times. This changes the game big time in that none of us can simply focus on one person for a pin or submission for the win. Total focus, total dedication, total aggressiveness, is the only way to win a match like this. Will I win this match being it is a standard Fatal Four Way? At this point in time I cannot say for certain that I will win but I can tell you that I am going all out to win. Regardless of who ends up with their hand raised in victory, and they are handed the Roulette Title Belt, they will have earned it and we all need to respect and honor them as the Roulette Champion.

James and Uncle Pinky look at each other.

UNCLE PINKY:  Are you hungry James?

JAMES TUSCINI:  Hell yeah! The travel and putting all this equipment away has given me a huge appetite.

UNCLE PINKY:  I made a reservation as a nice restaurant downtown. Before we go have you talked with Sandy recently?

JAMES TUSCINI:  I will do a video call with her after we get back from dinner. Don’t worry Uncle I will keep you informed how my relationship with Sandy is going.

James walks over to the chair next to the couch and he picks up the Roulette Title Belt. He walks over to the closet where his clothes are located and he opens the door of the closet. Inside the closet is a medium size safe that James places the Roulette Title into and then he closes the door of the safe and spins the tumbler. Tuscini closes the closet doors and the last scene we get is that of James and his Uncle Pinky exiting the dressing room to go downtown for dinner.

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