Author Topic: “One Year On, Champion vs. Champion Streak vs. Streak!”  (Read 737 times)

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“One Year On, Champion vs. Champion Streak vs. Streak!”
« on: October 04, 2021, 01:35:33 PM »
(Gabriel was used with Mark’s permission)

Krystal successfully retained the Bombshell Roulette Title over Seleana Zdunich in a Disney Chamber Match allowing the Aussie champ to check off “defend a title at Disneyworld” off her bucketlist but it didn’t take long for a new challenger to emerge, and it was someone from Krystal’s past, her name was Char Kwan and the last time Krystal clashed with the Japanese Bombshell ended in a double disqualification draw! The following week Krystal would respond to Char’s challenge by saying that she would face Char at any point, regardless if it was at High Stakes XI or the Halloween show!

Before all that though, Krystal was facing the toughest match in her reign to date! The Main Event of Climax Control 313 was a non-title champion vs. champion match pitting her against the Bombshell Internet Champion Andrea Hernandez in a match that would put both undefeated streaks on the line! Krystal first faced Andrea in her official SCW debut match almost a year ago to the day in a losing effort that kicked off her initial losing streak and now? Krystal had a chance to avenge that loss, can she do it?

Clark County Family Court, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 29th of September 2021, 14:00pm

This has to be some kind of joke.

I made it clear that I was going to spend most of the week at my Las Vegas home rather than Atlanta, Georgia this week even though this week’s Climax Control was being hosted in Atlanta and my reasons for that were personal! That didn’t mean that I was skipping out on Climax Control mind you, I had every intention of attending that week’s show even though I wasn’t scheduled to compete, why?

A champ’s gotta keep up appearances, that’s all I’m saying!

So, why am I at family court? Well, more specifically why are me and Makayla at family court? Like I said on Climax Control last week, we’re pursuing custody of my step-niece Rachel because my crack-addict sister Kirsty has relapsed and me and Makayla have been attending each date dressed in our finest, and yes, that means that the biggest tomboy on the SCW Bombshell Roster was wearing a dress though like that time we went to that Italian Restaurant I had my hair in a ponytail.

Kirsty on the other hand? I’d like to say that she’s had the courtesy to show up and fight to keep her daughter but………

“Your honour, we apologize for once again wasting the court’s time.” I apologized to the judge as Makayla shook her head with an annoyed look on her face. “I sent Kirsty a text this morning and she said that she’d show up but…….”

“Like the past two times, your half-sister has failed to show up.” The judge interrupted me, and I nodded with a frustrated look on my face. “I’ll admit that when a lesbian couple fighting a drug addict for the custody of her niece showed up on my docket, I nearly blew a gasket, but you and Makayla have impressed me with your character.”

“We appreciate that your honour, really.” Makayla responded as she let out a deep breath. “But we’re not sure what to do at this point, if you award us custody whilst she isn’t here to fight for it her lawyer will have a field day on appeals.”

“Young lady I completely agree with your frustration, but right now I see no other remedy.” The judge responded as he picked up his gavel. “We will recess until tomorrow morning………”

“I’M HERE!” Kirsty’s voice rang out as she pushed the doors open and I glanced over my shoulder at her, remember when I said that she looked great for a recovering drug addict? Not so much today, she was a mess to put it lightly and she was dragging my niece to the desk opposite us. “Kirsty Edwards your honour, let’s get this over with.”

“Young lady, you have failed to appear for the last two court dates, explain yourself.” The judge demanded and Kirsty scoffed.

“So, what if I’ve been on a drug binge for the past week or so?!” Kirsty said defiantly and my jaw nearly hit the floor when I heard that. “And that includes this morning! I’m here now, that’s what matters!”

“Your honour, do I even NEED to say anything!?” I asked once I got over the shock and just motioned over to Kirsty with my hand. “Look at her! I’m surprised she didn’t drive through the wall in her car, she’s that wasted!”

“Not the exact wording I’d use but you are correct Krystal.” The judge nodded in agreement as he turned to Kirsty. “Do you have anything to say before I pass judgment.”

“Those bitches can have my daughter!” Kirsty said bluntly and I could really say nothing at that point, I just stood there flabbergasted at what my step-sister was saying. “I don’t give a shit about this little slut! She’s all yours!”

“You’re talking that way about your toddler aged daughter?!” I was ready to punch Kirsty for that, no joke, and anyone who’s seen me wrestle knows I can throw a mean punch, but Makayla restrained me. “The balls in your court your honour but I don’t even know what to say at this point!”

“I have been a family court judge for the past thirty years of my life, but this is a new one, even for me!” The judge responded and it was clear that he was just as angry as me. “Effective immediately, I am awarding full custody of Rachel to her step-aunt Krystal Wolfe and her partner Makayla Argyros, and I strongly advise that you seek child endangerment charges against your step-sister Krystal.”

“Soon as I cool down I will.” I responded with a nod as the judge banged his gavel to make it official, Kirsty stormed out of the court without another word leaving her daughter watching on, and it didn’t take me long to notice the tears in her eyes. “Hey, come over here.” I whispered to Rachel as I knelt down, and Rachel slowly made my way over to me. “Things are going to be okay, all right? We’ll look after you.”

“Is mommy going to be okay?” Rachel asked before I hugged her to calm her down.

“She will, don’t worry.” I assured her before I stood up to face the judge one last time. “Thank you for your time your honour, can’t say I’m happy about the result.”

“Off course, but for what it’s worth, I think you’ll make a fine mother based on that interaction alone.” The judge nodded before we finally left the court, ready for the rest of our lives to be honest.

Backstage at Climax Control 312, Atlanta, Georgia
Sunday the 3rd of October 2021, 23:00pm

Here’s too one hundred and thirty three days as Bombshell Roulette Champ!

To be honest, at the beginning of the year when I was in the middle of my losing streak I wouldn’t have believed that I would have a reign with any title that lasted past the first defence, much less as long as my Bombshell Roulette Championship reign has lasted but here I am, heading into my first High Stakes having held the title for five months and turned away five challengers, which is making me wonder one thing.

If/when my reign does end, who will be the one to dethrone me, and honestly? If my next match was for all the gold I’d honestly expect this to be the end of my reign.

“Going from one former World Bombshell Champion to another, not to mention the current Bombshell Internet Champion.” Makayla commented as I got into the rent-a-car and put my seatbelt on. “I know we said that they were ready to throw the big guns at you when Seleana was announced as your last defence, but Andrea? She might be a bitch and an attention whore but she’s undefeated for a reason!”

“Not to mention the whole “Andrea being my first main roster opponent almost a year to the day” thing, but I’m not the same wrestler she faced last year.” I responded as I shook my head and Makayla nodded. “Have you heard anything from Ari about how Rachel’s doing?”

“She texted me whilst you were in the bathroom, Rachel is fast asleep as of an hour ago.” Makayla nodded in response, and I grinned, I had asked Team Go to babysit Rachel whilst we were at the show but Carter couldn’t make it so Ari jumped at the chance. “I think hanging out with Rachel has made Ari want to have kids of her own.”

“At least she’d be a better mom than Kirsty.” I grumbled in response and Makayla nodded grimly. “We should bring her to next week’s Climax Control, Rachel that is.”

“I was about to say, taking a drug addict to Climax Control might not be the best idea!” I responded half-jokingly before Makayla started the car. “Are you sure? She’s still processing the fact that she’s going to be living with us from now on!”

“She has to interact with other children at some point, and I know Keira will be eager to meet her based on the conversation we had with her at Disneyworld.” Makayla pointed out and I nodded in agreement. “Speaking of Keira, what do you make of her desire to face you?”

“That’s a tough question.” I admitted as I ran a hand through my hair. ”Keira is a Hall of Famer thanks to her work in Team Go and the Roulette Title is one of the many titles she’s held in the past, maybe the noses see her as the one who finally ends my reign?” I suggested with a shrug before pausing. “Then again, they probably thought the same about Seleana and, well, we all know how that worked out.” I added as I motioned to the bag on the backseat which contained the title.

“True enough, and you did describe Keira as one of your bucketlist opponents when she replied to your tweet.” Makayla nodded in understanding. “Who else is on that list? Just out of curiosity.”

“Roxi, Christina. Jessie, and those are just the names that are still active, and I haven’t faced yet!” I responded with a grin after thinking for a moment. “I can’t remember the rest off the top of my head, but I know Misty was on that list before her death, I have it saved in a Word Doc on my streaming/gaming PC, so we’ll go over it once we’re at the hotel.” I added before Makayla took that as her cue to pull out of the parking lot. “Hopefully Ari’s doing okay.”

“Hopefully.” Makayla nodded before she drove off.

Krystal and Makayla’s hotel room. Atlanta, Georgia
Sunday the 3rd of October 2021, 0:00am

It was around midnight by the time we returned to the hotel and once we had, we wasted little time in checking in, once that was done we headed to our room on the third floor.

And saw Ari fast asleep on my side of the bed. “You want to wake the little princess up or should I?” I whispered to Makayla who grinned before motioning to Rachel who was asleep on the couch, yeah because of how hectic the week had been I hadn’t thought to get our room changed to two adults one child but that was already on the books for our hotel in Washington.

“Which one?” Makayla whispered back before we shared a brief kiss. “I’ll wake Ari up you get Rachel up.” Makayla added and I nodded before we went over to the two younger girls, even if one was much younger than the other they were still younger than us. “Rise and shine Ari!”

“Five more minutes!” Ari groaned as she turned away from Makayla. “I was dreaming about Recipe 4 Disaster hitting one million subscribers!”

“Well, that’s unfortunate considering YouTube’s taken your channel down!” Makayla responded as she looked at her fingernails playfully and Ari promptly sat up in bed. “I knew that would work!”

“That was mean, and you know it!” Ari complained before she ran a hand through her hair. “Rachel was a total sweet-heart whilst you guys were at the show, can’t believe her mom would abandon her like that.”

“Trust me, you’re not the only one.” I grunted in response as Rachel started to stir. “Thanks again for agreeing to babysit Ari, I’ll make sure to transfer the payment we agreed on to your account first thing in the morning.”

“Don’t worry about it Charlotte, I’m just glad I had something to do this weekend since I wasn’t on the Underground card.” Ari responded with a yawn before swinging her legs over and getting out of bed. “Speaking of cards, do you know what you’re up to next week?”

“Yeah, I’m in the Main Event.” I nodded in response and Ari beamed as a massive grin appeared on her face. “Good news is it’s non-title so even if I lose, my reign will live to see another day! Bad news is, it’s a title vs. title match against Andrea!”

“Wonderful.” Ari sighed as she got out of bed and turned to face me. “Not to mention the fact that at least one undefeated streak will end on Sunday.”

“We noticed that too, it was mentioned on the card and everything.” I responded before folding my arms. “As much as I want to train at the Go Gym for the match, the only caveat that Mark and Christian asked of me was that me, Makayla md Rachel travel up with the rest of the relent to Washington, well, they didn’t know about Rachel at the time, but I did make sure to send them a pic of Rachel once the court issue was resolved to explain my absence.”

“Okay, now I’m curious.” Ari responded before spotting her messy hair in the mirror. “Real quick, where do you keep your hair brushes?”

“Bathroom sink, can’t miss them.” Makayla responded as she motioned to the bathroom door and Ari raced into the bathroom door. “What were you curious about?”

“Oh, right.” Ari responded as she started brushing her hair. “How did Mark and Christian react to the pic of Rachel?”

“Guess I should’ve seen that question coming.” I nodded in response before letting out a yawn, “You know what? I don’t get on with Christian and I’ve had my arguments with Mark, but they were happy for me, guess they figured that I was just going to be another lesbian with a kid when they saw the pic.”

“I hope not, because that would mean they got my sexuality mixed up with yours.” Makayla laughed in response, and I shook my head. “Though to be fair, most people just assume we’re lesbians whenever we’re out in public anyway.”

“At least they were half right.” I responded with a grin before Ari emerged from the bathroom having straightened her hair out “You realize that it’ll get messy again when you crash into bed at your hotel room right?”

“Eh, gotta keep up appearances, even this late at night.” Ari shrugged her shoulders before looking at her outfit, which was literally her day clothes from earlier in the day only now they were creased up to hell and back. “Or maybe you have a point, catch you guys in the morning.” Ari admitted before she left our hotel room and headed off to hers.

“If she got on that well with Rachel, maybe we can consider her a permanent babysitter for her.” Makayla suggested as she started getting changed. “She doesn’t work both SCU and SCW like you do.”

“I guess we’ll wait and see.” I nodded before Rachel dozed off again and I started getting changed as well. “Ari’s a good kid but I don’t know if she has any experience looking after children, plus you know how hectic a wrestler’s schedule is.”

“I would hope so, considering my girlfriend is a wrestler!” Makayla joked before she finished getting changed and got into bed, it wasn’t long before I joined her either. “How are you going to talk to Gabriel about the Andrea match by the way? We’re heading straight to Washington tomorrow.”

“I’ll call him once we’re on the highway, it’s a nine hour drive so we should have plenty of time.” I shrugged and it wasn’t long before we were fast asleep.

Traveling to Washington DC
Monday the 4th of October 2021, 12:00pm

It’s been a long journey so far.

When we woke up this morning me and Makayla decided on some ground rules, she would drive about half of the way there and I would take over the rest of the way if I was too tired to continue driving, otherwise I’d continue the rest of the way, oh and if Rachel was going to go for a potty break at any point, we’d use that as an excuse for me to do my promo.

And speaking of excuses, time to call Gabriel.

“So, I’ve heard through the grape vine that you have some good news.” Gabriel commented over facetime, and I grinned before showing Rachel in the backseat. “Congratulations Charlotte, how are you finding motherhood so far?”

“Challenging, I would ask my mom for advice but, well, you know.” I sighed as I pulled the phone back towards me. “Any word yet on the awards? I haven’t seen any news yet.”

“Ari just sent them to me, you are up for Woman of the Year, Future Star of the Year and Most Improved of the Year.” Gabriel explained and I grinned broadly when I heard that. “If you ask me, you are a strong contender for each, but you are facing stiff competition, especially in woman of the year.”

“It’s one of the top awards so I’m not the least bit surprised.” I responded as I shook my head. “Speaking of stiff competition, have you seen my match this week?”

“Yes, Ari sent me the card as well.” Gabriel nodded as he accessed the card on his computer. “Andrea is tough enough normally, but champion vs champion, streak vs streak? You know she won’t hold back.”

“Especially since she beat me in my debut.” I nodded in response before letting out a deep breath. “But I’m not the same woman she faced last year, I’ve come a long way since that match and it’s high time someone shut her up!”

“Indeed, Charlotte but be careful because the same can be said for her.” Gabriel explained as we came up to a set of traffic lights. “Andrea is up for Most Improved as well.”

“Because off course she is.” I grumbled in response before Makayla kissed me on the cheek. “We’ll talk more once I’m in Washington, but Makayla has to keep her eyes on the road, so sorry for cutting this short.”

“Off course and have a safe journey.” Gabriel nodded before I hung up on him and we drove off.

Sitting by the side of the road on the way to Washington DC
Monday the 4th of October 2021, 17:00pm

*promo time*

Remember what I said about using a potty break for my promo time? Well, Rachel needed one so here we are, at a gas station as she goes potty, and I start my promo with the title over my shoulder.

“Two weeks ago, I thought Seleana Zdunich was going to be my toughest challenge of my Bombshell Roulette Title reign and technically, that’s still true but Seleana was challenging me for the title, this week’s Main Event is a non-title, champion vs. champion, streak vs. streak match against the reigning Bombshell Internet Champion Andrea Hernandez and if this match sounds familiar to you, it should, because I faced Andrea in my debut match!”


“Climax Control 287, when Andrea was in her “everyone’s an enabler” phase, I said the week before that I wanted to face the Best of the Best and it’s easy to say that in hindsight, I bit off a lot more than I can chew by taking on a former World Bombshell Champion in my first match on the main roster, but what’s different this time? Aside from the obvious parts like “it’s been nearly a year since that match”.

A lot.

“Let’s get the obvious out of the way, since  that match took place we have both been crowned champions, I’ve been the Bombshell Roulette Champion since Into the Void X and you won the Bombshell Internet Championship at Violent Conduct VII, now there is something to be said for the time we’ve has as champions Andrea, but I’ve been a fighting champion since I won this title taking on all comers and turning them all away!”

And before she says it.

“And I’m sure you have something to say about my division being a joke and that my challengers are everything that’s wrong with the Bombshell Roulette Division, in fact Andrea, didn’t you say that you wanted to “save” the division before Christian stepped in and put his foot down? Right around the time when I won this title from Royal Purple, the truth is Andrea that the only thing the division needed to be saved from is your over inflated ego!”

Here we go!

“What was it I said after I won the title? Oh yeah, the only travesty as far as your concerned Andrea is that someone hasn’t shut you up yet! I guess it’s fitting that I’m going to be the one to do it then, isn’t it? No one’s denying your talent Andrea but if your talent matched your ego, you’d still be a World Bombshell Champion! Instead, your title reign has all been forgotten about and the only way you got back in the spotlight is through the Internet Championship Tournament!”

And one other thing.

“You call yourself the “President of the Internet” right? Well sorry Mrs. President but your about to face an impeachment brought on by me and by the end of it, Keira Fisher will stroll right in and take her spot in the imaginary oval office that you’ve constructed for yourself! Your undefeated streak is impressive Andrea but it’s about to come to an end and your Bombshell Internet Championship reign will end soon afterwards!”

It’s that simple.

“One year on, champion vs. champion, streak vs. streak, regardless of who comes out on top Andrea that will be the main thing that people will remember this match for down the road but between you and me?  It’ll be remembered for the beginning of your end! First, the undefeated streak goes out the window, second, your Internet Title Reign goes with it and where will that leave you Mrs. President? Forced into relative obscurity, writing memoirs that no one will buy? Seems like a fitting end to me!”

I saw Makayla and Rachel approaching the car and decided to wrap things up.

“I’ve said it before, but a lot can happen in the space of a year and that rings especially true for me Andrea! Gone is the relative rookie jumping into the deep-end by asking to face the best of the best in her debut match, and in her place? Stands a cool, confident Bombshell Roulette Champion on her one hundred and fortieth day as champion and she will bring you down with the Down Under Thunderbomb courtesy of Krystal Wolfe, your Bombshell Roulette Champion! Long may I reign and may the tyranny of President Andrea come to a swift end!”

I got in the car with my girlfriend and step-niece/daughter and we drove off as the scene fades.