Author Topic: SCU House Show 5. April 20th 2021  (Read 6815 times)

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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SCU House Show 5. April 20th 2021
« on: April 21, 2021, 06:43:43 PM »
House Show 5
April, 20th, 2021
Golden Ring Casino

The Jeckels vs The Fox Brothers and Jamie Staggs
Fox Brothers, Jack, and Jake Jeckel would bring the weapons in the match early on as they spent all of the match outside, hitting each other with all the weapons they could get their hands on. Helena and Jamie would end up having their own match in the ring. A match that would see the Jeckel win as Helena would put Jamie in The Devil's Whisper (Mandible Claw), causing him to tap-out

OTE vs GRIME (Jerry Cann, Lord Raab, Light Blue, Indigo, and Javi)
A five-on-five brawl kicked off; the ref could never ring the bell for the match to begin. More GRIME wrestlers to help take down OTE. Esther and Andrey would come out to fight off GRIME as Omasa runs out and focuses on Kittie as he grabs in a chokehold, dragging her to the back to beat her ass in private. More GRIME members run down as they outnumber OTE 3 to 1.

The SCUTron turns on Stayin Alive by The Bee Gees begins to play. The crowd pops at the sight of Alex Rush walking to the beat as he heads to the ring. The pop gets more prominent when the rhinos cut the corner and appear on the screen. Alex and the rhinos strut to the curtain as the pop gets bigger when they appear on the rampway.

The GRIME wrestlers jump the barricade to exit the ringside area as the rhinos circle around ringside to keep them out.

Hardcore Tag Team Championship
Backstage Brawl
Montgomery Creed and Kader Hasheem vs Masked Celeste and Masked Orchid

Creed and Kader use their power as Celeste and Orchid use their speed to gain an advantage in the match. Celeste and Orchid's strikes kept Kader and Creed to weaken the men but after a few times of getting thrown on tables and to the wall started to take a toll on the ladies. Orchid and Celeste would make a comeback, but Light Blue and Indigo would again insert themselves in the hardcore match and interfere as they help Kader and Creed put Celeste and Orchid down for good. Kader would score a pin-fall on Masked Celeste to retain the titles.

Linnea Lacroix and Jenifer Lacroix vs Angel of Filth and Queen of Apathy
Filth and Linnea would start things off. Linnea would gain an advantage, but Filth would come back with an illegal move to turn the tide every time. Filth would make a tag to Apathy but would get in the ring to double team. Jenifer would try to help, but the ref would cut her off every time. Linnea would find herself able to make the hot tag to Jenifer. The match would then come to an end as Filth would get her chain padlock with chain and nail Jenifer in the back of the head. Linnea and Jenifer get the DQ win.

Non-title match
Mz Hollywood and Kelli Torres vs Andrey and Esther

Before the match, Esther and Andrey cut a promo on their recent contract signing with SCU. They bash GRIME and Angel of Filth. Kelli and Hollywood would join in on the promo. The GRIME locker room empties as they run out to ringside and launch an assault on the four SCU stars. OTE, Team Canada, Team Go, come down to even the odds. Veronica shows up and goes right for Ariana Angelos. SCU GM Lexa sent out her security team to restore order. By the time everything is broken up, Andrey, Esther, Hollywood, and Kelli are laid out in the ring, unable to have the match. Referee Jade rules it a no contest.


Main Event
Non-title match
Cordelia Clark vs Ariana Angelos vs Veronica Taylor

While SCU stars go up the ramp, security escorts GRIME through a side exit to the back, Cordelia walks down the rampway as Jade has Ariana and Veronica wait on opposite sides of the ring as they wait for the TV Champion to make her way down. Once the bell rang, Ariana and Veronica charged at each other as they trade shots. Cordelia looks on as she lets them do all the work. Veronica would throw Ariana to the outside. She would turn to face Cordelia, only for Cordelia to be right behind her; caught off guard, Cordelia would nail a superkick. Cordelia jumps to hit her Heartbreaker (spinning double knee to Veronica's chest.) Cordelia would cover Veronica, Arana would get in the ring but could not stop the three count on time. Cordelia wins by pin-fall.

After the match, Ariana would cut a promo challenging Cordelia to a match for the title right then. Cordelia refused as she was done for the night. As Cordelia would get halfway up the rampway, Ariana would rechallenge Cordelia, this time for SCU Ep 93. Cordelia would ignore her as she would walk up the rampway. SCU GM Lexa would come out to tell Ariana that come Ep 93. Ariana will not face Cordelia as Ariana will be busy as the main event that night will be Ariana vs Veronica in a steel cage match. The winner will face the TV champion for the title at SCU Ep 94. As for SCU 93, Cordelia will be defending the title against a wrestler from GRIME Wrestling.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 03:44:16 PM by Donna Beauchamp »