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“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Ariana Angelos

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“New Year, New Angel Part III: Change of Fate.”
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2024, 08:44:05 AM »
(Gabriel was used with Mark's permission)

Ariana has experienced a lot of things in her five years as a professional wrestler but Team Go’s Match against Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe provided her with the first of two firsts, namely her first ever draw as the Mixed Tag Team Match ended in a time limit draw and led to a match between Ben and Sam and Kayla and Finn for the Mixed Tag Team Titles which Kayla and Finn retained, Team Go were set to be the next challengers at Climax Control 386 (and not My Bloody Valentine as Ari initially believed) but where did that leave the four participants?

Kayla, Finn and Carter had it relatively easy as they were in singles action (and in Finn’s case, competing for the World Heavyweight Championship) but Ari? She had been swapped out with Georgie Robertson to take on Bella Madison, Mercedes Vargas, and Crystal Zdunich in the first ever Blood Bath Brawl! The match would take place in a domed steel cage and two Bombshells would start the match with a new participant entering every five minutes, elimination occurred via pinfall or submission and with an assortment of weapons hanging from the ceiling you knew things were gonna get messy, can Ariana get the win?

Backstage at Climax Control 385, Reno, Nevada
Sunday the 4th of February 2024, 21:00pm

Don’t you love it when life throws you a curveball?

I should’ve seen this one coming to be honest, the card preview did say “Climax Control after My Bloody Valentine” but I assumed that Finn and Kayla were going to defend their titles, why? Because I know from personal experience that being a champion is usually a good way to guarantee yourself a spot on one of SCW’s PPVs and it’s not like the Mixed Tag Champs haven’t pulled double duty before.

But even that didn’t stop the bosses from throwing me a different curveball because I’ve been swapped out with Georgie in the Blood Bath Brawl  against Crystal, Bella, and Mercedes, on one hand this should be a fun match at least, my style compliments the other three Bombshells’ styles nicely and the addition of weapons and the domed cage should make for a fun match! On the other hand though? Look at what the others in the upcoming Mixed Tag Team Title Match are doing!

Kayla vs. Seleana, Carter vs. Rodrigo and off course, Finn vs. Goth in the tournament finals, they all got regular matches, I can’t help but feel like I drew the short end of the stick here!

”Welp, so much for that segment I filmed.” I grumbled as I looked at the newly released card for My Bloody Valentine. ”At least I don’t hate Bella, Mercedes and Crystal as much as Kayla, then again Courtney is the only one on the Bombshell Roster who I hate more so what do I know?”

”I take it you’ve seen the news then?” Francisco asked as he walked up to me having gone off to get the car ready for the ride home. ”How exactly do you prepare for a match like that?”

”Good question, draw on my experience as the Bombshell Roulette Champ maybe?” I offered as an answer after thinking for a few seconds. ”First defence was that submission match against Seleana, then I had that Falls Count Anywhere Match with Melissa, then my rematch with Seleana was a Spider Web Match which was followed by my last successful defence against Jessie.” I added after thinking back to my time as Bombshell Roulette Champ, whilst ignoring everything that went on in my personal life at the time because that was a mess. ”Do I even count the open invitational match? It had a similar concept.”

”Yeah, and a lot more participants, and at least that match had a clear prize.” Francisco responded as he folded his arms. ”The winners of the Bombshell and men’s Blood Bath Brawl Matches won’t find out about the prize until the next Climax Control.”

”And if I win this then my attention will be divided between that and the Mixed Tag Team Title shot, bosses like keeping me and Carter on their toes don’t they?” I asked with a frown as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”My Bloody Valentine will be a wild night for sure, but as weird as it sounds? I’m more focussed on getting my first win of the new year.”

”No, I get it, between the loss to Courtney at the beginning of the year and the draw in the Mixed Tag Team Match you definitely need to get back on the winning track.” Francisco responded with a nod of understanding. ”So, shall we go?”

”Let’s.” I nodded in agreement before we walked off towards the parking lot.

The Disaster Diaries, Ariana’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 6th of February 2024m 18:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

After I ate dinner I got ready to shoot my first Disaster Diary for the PPV.

”So, where do I even begin? I won’t go into the initial confusion regarding my upcoming Mixed Tag Team Title Match with Carter because I’ve already been raked over the coals for making the simple mistake of skimming through a card preview.” I commented as I shook my head. ”Not like Christian’s ever made a mistake, am I right? Speaking of Christian, has anyone recommended him to a psychiatrist yet? Because this Blood Bath Brawl is apparently his creation and we’ve all seen the horrors he can come up with!

Scaffold over a Piranha Tank anyone?”

I shook my head.

”As for my opponents, I’m familiar with them, Crystal was the one who ended my Roulette Title Reign and Mercedes and Bella have been stalwarts of the division for a while, and at one point bitter rivals but that was ages ago.” I added as I leaned forward on my desk. ”We’re all entering a brutal match where the Last Bombshell Standing gets a mystery prize at the next Climax Control so I won’t even know what I’ll be almost killing myself for! At least when I was Roulette Champion I knew what I was fighting for.

And there’s a reason why I’m bringing that up, because I’ll be drawing on my experiences from when I was the Roulette Champion to get me through this Blood Bath Brawl, either way? This is going to be a brutal match between two of the most respected Bombshells in the division and Mercedes and Crystal! And believe me, I’ve got a lot to say about each of my opponents but until then? I’ll leave you with these words.

At New Year, New Angel Part III: Change of Fate? I will be the last woman standing!”

(end vlog)

Go Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday the 8th of February 2024, 11:00am

The Go Gym, years ago it was my one respite from my toxic homelife, where I was among like minded individuals with one goal, to become the best wrestlers we could.

Fast forward five years later and the only thing that’s changed is that my parents are no longer part of my life, hell, I didn’t even invite them to my wedding to Francisco last year! And I do come here when I need guidance on an upcoming match from Gabriel and guess what? This Blood Bath Brawl is one such match.

”Okay Gabriel, I gotta ask, what the heck happened to Kelly’s nose?” I asked as I entered Gabriel’s office and my mentor sat down at his desk. ”Did she break it during training?”

”Strictly speaking? Yes, and that’s all I’ll say about that incident.” Gabriel responded with a nod and I frowned, because that usually meant that Kelly had started whatever had earned her that broken nose and given her attitude problems? That could mean anything. ”Now then, I believe you have a match to talk about?”

”Yeah, the Bombshell Blood Bath Brawl at My Bloody Valentine.” I responded with a nod as I leaned back. ”Me vs. Bella vs. Mercedes vs. Crystal, never shared a ring with Bella, the last time I shared a ring with Mercedes was in that Bombshell Internet Title Battle Royal back in October and this is my first meeting with Crystal since that Open Invitational Match that ended my Roulette Title Reign last year.” I added as I let out a deep breath. ”Off course Bella was meant to be in that invitational but she got pregnant.”

”But I know you are familiar with her work you were at Krystal’s side for most of her Roulette Title Reign and that included her defences against Bella.” Gabriel pointed out that fact and whilst that era had left a bad taste in my mouth due to everything that happened with Krystal last year? He was right. ”And that’s not discounting the match’s stipulation, I see Christian has gotten creative again.”

”That’s one way to put it, at least he’s not limiting his cruelty to the Bombshells this time unlike the Open Invitational match!” I responded with a scoff as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”I wasn’t even meant to be in that damn match, Georgie was in that spot originally but now she’s taking on that newcomer Taylor Sweet, maybe they want to keep her as fresh as possible in case she decides to cash in her briefcase on any of the three Bombshell Title Matches.”

”That is a possibility, especially when you look at who is in those matches, Georgie would have a tall task ahead of her no matter who she cashes in on.” Gabriel nodded in agreement as I shifted my weight. ”My question to you is, how do you plan to prepare for the Blood Bath Brawl?”

”I know it’s been a year since that reign ended but the best strategy that me and Franky could come up with was to draw on my experience as the Bombshell Roulette Champ.” I responded with a nod as I leaned back in my chair. ”Even then the only defences that really apply themselves to the brawl are the Falls Count Anywhere Match against Melissa and the Black Friday Brawl against Jessie, at least this match will just be confined to one spot.”

”One very dangerous spot but one spot none the less.” Gabriel responded with a nod as he leaned forward. ”And I take it you don’t know what the prize is?”

”No, only that the winners of the men and womens’ matches will get it at the next Climax Control.” I responded as I shook my head and Gabriel nodded. ”I was tempted to ask Cass to put her computer skills to use and see if Christian has those plans written down anywhere on a word doc but to be honest? I’m less concerned about the prize and more concerned about getting my first win of the year.”

”Good, at least you have your priorities straight.” Gabriel nodded in response before I stood up. ”I believe we’ve covered everything so feel free to go train.”

”Thanks, I will.” I responded with a nod before I left Gabriel’s office to go train.

The Disaster Diaries, Ariana’s car, outside the Go Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday the 8th of February 2024, 18:00pm

(on camera, start vlog, promo time)

”Almost feels like I’m some conservative about to go on a rant about millennials and the world changing, only thing missing is a bad haircut and sunglasses.” I chuckled to myself after setting up the phone film me with my hands on the steering wheel. ”If there’s anything I should be ranting about it’s how people seem to have forgotten about how a certain champion is parading a title she stole from me after trying to break my hand just because she is going after the woman who broke her wife’s arm, if only her wife had stayed gone, but that’s not what I’m here to vlog about, this Blood Bath Brawl will be my key to getting my first win of the year and no one else in this damn match will stop me.”

And what a lineup.

”Two of the brightest, youngest talents in the Bombshell Division and Crystal and Mercedes, that’s basically how I’m viewing the match between me, Bella, Crystal and Mercedes and how I’m not letting anyone get in my way of this win!” I stated as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”Throw in the fact that this is the first such match of its kind and I’m definitely feeling the pressure in this one, and I hope that the other Bombshells are feeling it as well because this is not going to be pretty!”

Starting with Crystal.

”Crystal Zdunich, the cockroach of the Bombshell Division, why do I call you that? Because no matter what happens to you, you always come back with some new persona, in this case “The Winter Rose” which makes me wonder if you’ll change it to “The Spiring Rose”, “The Summer Rose” and “The Autumn Rose” to match the seasons, either way, your back yet again.” I stated as I shook my head. ”So far your return has been a successful one because you’ve only lost one match, but if I have any say in it Crystal? You’re about to lose another.”

Next up is Mercedes.

”Speaking of old Bombshells who are clinging onto their relevancy for dear life, it’s Mercedes’s turn next! Tell me, is your ego still bruised from your loss to Harper Mercedes? Has to hurt losing to someone who isn’t even old enough to drink yet, right? Oh wait, you lose of often that you’re used to it.” I added as I shook my head. ”We’re at least in the same boat, in that we’ve yet to have our first win of the year, but it won’t happen in this matchup Mercy!”

Last but not least, Bella.

”Lastly is the only Bombshell in the match who I’ve never wrestled before, and the only one who’s had some kind of recent success really, Bella? You have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for a chance to  wrestle you?” I asked rhetorically as I leaned on the steering wheel. ”Too long but the main point is? We’re getting that chance now, if it comes down to between the two of us then it’ll at least be a far more interesting match than either of us against Crystal or Mercedes or, god forbid, Crystal and Mercedes, but I’m still coming away with the win.”

It's that simple.

”We are getting the distinct honour of competing in the first Blood Bath Brawl ladies and trust me? I’m not letting this chance go to waste.” I added as I made a fist with the hand that had been injured by Courtney. ”And whilst there is a prize at stake? That’s not my main concern, my main concern is scoring my first win of the year. Whatever this prize is? I’ll happily take it when the dust is settled but until then? We’d better get ready for war!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”This will be a brutal match but we’re all Roulette Division veterans so in theory? We should do just fine, right?” I asked as I leaned back. ”But there is a prize at the end of this bloody rainbow and I will claim it! And as Bella, Mercedes and Crystal are basking in the glory of the Angel’s Descent whilst blinded by its glow? I will take that prize and cherish it! See you in the cage!”

I started to drive off as the scene fades.

Offline BellaMadison

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2024, 11:58:39 PM »
~*~High Risk = Massive Results~*~
Climax Control 385
Reno, NV

Amidst the bustling energy of the arena, voices murmured in admiration of Bella's recent performance.

"That Phoenix Splash was incredible," remarked one spectator, awe evident in their tone.

"Reminds me of her mother's fearless style," another chimed in, recalling past wrestling legends.

"Since her return after having her kid, Bella's been on a whole new level," observed a third, noting the shift in her attitude and intensity. "It's like she's fighting for something more."

Unbeknownst to the crowd, Bella sat in solitude between the stage boxes, relishing the aftermath of her hard-fought victory. Despite the physical toll, she felt a surge of vitality coursing through her veins, a testament to her resilience.

The upcoming Blood Bath Brawl loomed on her mind, a daunting yet exhilarating prospect. An elimination chamber-style match filled with weaponry and formidable opponents awaited her. Crystal, Ariana, Mercedes... each name sparked a mix of anticipation and determination within her.

Lost in thought, Bella's mind danced with possibilities. She mentally crafted strategies and envisioned innovative tactics to outmaneuver her adversaries. Her recent street fight with Crystal had ignited a fire within her, fueling her readiness for whatever awaited in the ring.

As she contemplated her next move, Malachi's voice broke through her reverie, his concern palpable.

"Bells? Are you alright?"

Startled, Bella met his gaze with a tired but genuine smile, grateful for his unwavering support.

"Yeah, just needed a moment to collect myself," she assured him. "Before facing the chaos of the night and ensuring I'm in top shape for mom duty."

Malachi crouched beside her, his touch a comforting presence amidst the chaos.

"I was worried when I couldn't find you," he admitted softly.

Bella's heart swelled with gratitude for his concern. "Thanks, hun. Couldn't have done it without you."

With a tender kiss on her forehead, Malachi extended his hand, ready to guide her through the challenges that lay ahead.

"Let's get you cleaned up and back to our little one," he suggested, his love unwavering. "And maybe a drink to calm ya down just a little bit."

“For you, or me?”

“Both? I wonder if your mom is willing to keep an eye on her granddaughter for the night because good christ...that was hot.”

“You are encourageable, Mr. O’Connell.”

“And you are my hot ass wife and it’s not like we are going anywhere tonight anyways.”

“I seem to recall the last time this kind of thing happened....I ended up pregnant.” Bella said.

~*~ A Notable Shift~*~

In a quiet corner of the Wolfslair gym, Laura, who had taken up helping train people around the gym, and Bella find a moment to catch their breath amidst the whirlwind of preparation for the upcoming Blood Bath Brawl. Laura, ever perceptive, notices a subtle yet significant change in Bella's demeanor.

The gym echoes with the clang of weights and the muffled sounds of trainers shouting instructions. Amidst this cacophony, Laura's gaze settles on Bella, her daughter, who stands amidst the chaos with a newfound sense of purpose etched across her features.

"Dang kid," Laura begins, her voice carrying a note of maternal concern as she approaches her daughter. "There's something different about you lately. I can't quite put my finger on it, but you seem... more focused, more determined."

Bella, momentarily taken aback by her mother's keen observation, pauses to consider her words. It's true; something has shifted within her, a quiet yet undeniable transformation that she struggles to articulate.

"Do you really think so, Mom?" Bella finally responds, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty mingled with gratitude. "I suppose I've just been feeling... different lately. Especially after that street fight with Crystal. It's like something inside me shifted."

Laura nods knowingly, her maternal instincts guiding her as she studies her daughter's expression. "Ah, I see. Sometimes it takes a real test of strength to awaken something within us. And you certainly showed everyone what you're made of out there."

Encouraged by her mother's understanding, Bella's smile grows a little wider. The weight of her recent victories and the challenges that lie ahead seem a little lighter in the presence of her mother's unwavering support.

"Thank you, Mom," Bella murmurs, her voice soft with emotion. "Your support means everything to me."

With a tender embrace, Laura reassures her daughter, her arms a comforting anchor amidst the uncertainty of the days to come. "Always, Bella. Just remember, you're capable of more than you know. And no matter what, I'll always be here for you."

Feeling a surge of warmth and gratitude wash over her, Bella leans into her mother's embrace, momentarily finding solace in the unconditional love that binds them together. With Laura by her side, she feels emboldened, ready to face whatever challenges the Blood Bath Brawl may bring.

As they part ways, a renewed sense of determination courses through Bella's veins, her resolve strengthened by the unspoken bond between mother and daughter. With each step forward, she carries with her the echoes of their conversation, a reminder that she is never truly alone in her journey.

~*~Rules of Engagement: They Know You Bleed~*~
New York, NY

It’s been a few days since her victory. She has sent an email to Christian about that request, and maybe some odd ball ideas just to throw him off and to get a laugh to see if he would actually follow through.

In the heart of the Wolfslair gym, Bella finds herself in a moment of introspection as she prepares for the upcoming Blood Bath Brawl. Memories of her recent street fight victory over Crystal Zdunich swirl in her mind, mingling with the anticipation and trepidation of the challenges that lie ahead.

"It's funny how quickly things can change," Bella muses to herself, her voice a quiet echo amidst the clang of weights and the distant hum of conversation. "Just a few nights ago, I was in the midst of battle, fighting tooth and nail against Crystal. The adrenaline, the roar of the crowd... it all felt like a fever dream. And now, here I am, gearing up for another showdown, this time in the Blood Bath Brawl."

As she takes a moment to collect her thoughts, Bella feels the weight of the upcoming match settle on her shoulders. It's not just any ordinary bout; it's a high-stakes elimination chamber-style brawl, featuring a daunting lineup of opponents: Crystal, Ariana, Mercedes. Each name carries its own weight, each competitor a formidable force to be reckoned with.

"But I'm ready for this," Bella declares, her voice steady with resolve. "That street fight was just the beginning, a glimpse of what I'm capable of when pushed to my limits. And now, with that victory fueling my determination, I'm more than ready to take on whatever challenges come my way."

With a sense of purpose burning within her, Bella reflects on her history with her opponents, particularly Mercedes, with whom she shares a long and storied rivalry. Despite the uncertainties and dangers that await her in the ring, she refuses to let fear or doubt hold her back.

"This is my moment," Bella affirms, her gaze unwavering. "My chance to prove to the world what I'm made of. And I won't let anything stand in my way."

As she mentally prepares herself for the battles ahead, Bella feels a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, a fierce determination to overcome whatever obstacles come her way. With her resolve firmly set, she steps into the arena, ready to face the chaos and uncertainty of the Blood Bath Brawl head-on.

"Crystal, Ariana, Mercedes... get ready," Bella whispers, a defiant spark igniting in her eyes. "Because tonight, you're going to see what I'm truly capable of. And trust me, it's going to be one hell of a show."

With that, Bella embraces the challenges that await her, knowing that no matter what happens, she'll emerge stronger, fiercer, and more determined than ever before.

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“New Year, New Angel Part IV: There Will Be Blood.”
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2024, 09:11:02 AM »
It was the week of My Bloody Valentine V and Ariana was in for a heck of a match as she took on Mercedes Vargas, Crystal Zdunich, and Bella Madison in the Blood Bath Brawl, the first of two matches of its kind! There was a prize awaiting the winners of both matches but they won’t find out until the next Climax Control just what that prize was and Ariana was more interested in securing her first win of the year anyway, can she win?

Ariana’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 11th of February 2024, 20:00pm

How do you even prepare for a match like this?

That’s been the main question at the back of my mind since my participation in the Bombshell Blood Bath Brawl was announced, not even my Roulette Title Matches could prepare me for something like this because those matches where all so different from this.

Off course, the fact that I never faced any of the three women in this match during my successful defences doesn’t help! Mercedes Vargas? Never wrestled her one on one, Bella Madison? She was in the Open Invitational Match that ended my reign but she had to pull out when her pregnancy was announced for obvious reasons and Crystal? The last time I faced her was when she literally took the Bombshell Roulette Title out of my hands.

Since ten? I’ve either competed in tag matches with Carter or as part of the Blast from the Past Tournament and weaving in and out of the Bombshell Internet and World Bombshell Title scene! I at least managed to claim the Bombshell Internet Title in that time but we all know what happened there, to make a long story short? It’s been over a year since I was last in a Hardcore Rules Match of any kind, not even my match at last year’s Violent Conduct against Courtney was a hardcore match and Violent Conduct earned it’s name for hosting some of the most violent matches in SCW history.

Saying I’m a bit rusty at this is like saying that Christian is a little bit fond of booking these match types.

”Don’t think I’ve felt this daunted by a match since my first World Bombshell Title Match.” I commented to Franky as I leaned back in the couch with our cat Athena sitting in my lap. ”At least I knew what prize I was fighting Roxi for, but with this match? We won’t even know why we’re gonna be popping painkillers later until the next Climax Control.”

”It almost reminds me of the very first Bombshell Roulette Title match, similar concept but different.” Francisco responded after thinking for a minute and he had a point, that match was a chaotic mess to say the least but it was entertaining. ”At least you can check Mercedes and Bella off your list.”

”Except off my three opponents, Bella’s the only one who’s said anything about this match, and Bella’s a hell of a talent who’s had a fire lit under her since she came back from maternity and Crystal has been out to prove that she has changed her ways, Mercedes?” I shook my head as I thought of the Argentinian Bombshell. ”She’s being as inconsistent as usual, only promoting matches when it suits her, guess that’s the kind of power you get when you a 2x Hall of Famer.”

”Either that or she’s still hurting from her matches against Harper and Bobbie.” Francisco responded as I started stroking my cat. ”So, any plans for Valentine’s Day this year? It’s on Wednesday after all.”

”As bad as it sounds? I’d actually forgotten it was this week, even though the PPV’s falling three days later.” I admitted as I brushed some hair over my shoulder and Francisco nodded. ”I wasn’t going to do anything crazy before I forgot either, I wasn’t going to take you to the most expensive restaurant in the city or heck, even try for a kid, but I’ll think of something.”

”We could still do that.” Francisco offered and I gave him a “really” look when I realized that he wasn’t going to elaborate. ”The expensive meal, not the trying to get pregnant thing! I mean we could still have sex when we get back but I would use protection and I’m never living this down, aren’t I?”

”Just be glad you didn’t say it in front of Carter or Miles, or both.” I responded with a chuckle as I stroked the cat some more. ”They would’ve died laughing by now.”

”Yeah and instead you’re going to sit there stroking your pussy.” Francisco responded and I laughed so hard that it startled Athena and sent her running. ”I should probably stop now but I dig that hole for myself any deeper.”

”You do that, in the meantime? I needed to hop in the shower so that innuendo worked out in my favour, in a way.” I responded before I stood up and headed towards the staircase. ”And you’re not joining me after those comments.”

”Fair.” Francisco conceded before I headed upstairs.

The Disaster Diaries, Ariana’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 13th of February 2024, 21:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

After I started the vlog I started to talk about the upcoming match.

”I gotta say, the Blood Bath Brawl has been a lor quieter than I expected it to be, in that me and Bella were the only ones who really promoted it.” I commented as I leaned back in my chair. ”Not even the Hall of Famers in this match are talking about it but then again one of those Hall of Famers was Mercedes Vargas and when was the last time she was invested in anything? Aside from beating the crap out of Harp that is and she quickly forgot about that over the Christmas period anyway!

Crystal though? I’ll admit, that one surprised me a lot.”

I stated as rested both hands behind my head.

”Crystal had been on a tear since she returned to SCW but that stopped with her loss to Bella in that street fight on the last Climax Control.” I commented before I thought for a minute. ”Was getting her butt kicked by Bella again really that bad? Maybe she’s still recovering from being Phoenix Splashed through the table? Either way, this match has now become a two woman show and the two youngest Bombshells in the match can now take centre stage.

And I’ll admit one thing to you Bella, a one on one match against you is something I’ve wanted for a while.”

I grinned a bit.

”But other stuff always got in the way, when I named you as a challenger for my newly won Roulette Title you had just returned at the time and when we were set to face off in the Open Invitational Match you got pregnant.” I added as I folded my arms. ”Don’t get me wrong, that’s wonderful and I wish you and Malachi luck with your daughter who is absolutely adorable I might add, but it’s the competitor in me that gets frustrated by stuff like this.

At least we can finally have this match, right Bella?”

(end vlog)

Local restaurant, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 14th of February 2024, 18:00pm

Not often that I get a chance to relax like this.

To be honest I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to do anything for Valentine’s Day what with everything that had happened over the last few months but with my hand completely healed and me wanting an excuse to show off my custom made fingerless gloves in public outside of a wrestling show I figured we may as well go out for a Valentine’s Day Dinner.

Only one thing we couldn’t decide on really.

”Franky you paid for our last Valentine’s Day meal, it’s only right that I pay this time around.” I insisted after we sat down at our table and he grinned. ”I still have the extra money from my brief time as the Bombshell Internet Champion.”

”And I was told growing up that the man always pays for the meal when he and his wife go out to dinner.” Franky insisted and I shook my head, don’t get me wrong, it was sweet but I wasn’t budging. ”Come on Ari, try to relax before the Bombshell Blood Bath Brawl at My Bloody Valentine!”

”Easier said than done, besides, you’ve done so much for me since Courtney tried to break my hand towards the end of last year.” I insisted as I leaned on my previously injured hand. ”And she still hasn’t been punished for that, but more importantly? Now that the hand that she tried to break has been healed, I want to get back into my old routine and this is my way of paying you back.”

”If you say so Ari but at least let me pay you back whatever the bill comes too?” Francisco asked and I nodded in response to that suggestion finding it to be a good compromise all things considered. ”You have any idea what the prize will be yet?”

”I doubt it’s a new title, the bosses seem to be happy with the current totem pole with the Roulette Titles being at the bottom rung, Internet Titles being at the middle and the World Titles being the very top.” I responded with a nod as took a sip from my drink. ”I don’t think it’s something similar to the Golden Briefcase either, they literally just brough that back, why would they undermine it in that way?”

”Those are good points, I guess we’ll find out at the next Climax Control regardless of who wins the Bombshell and Men’s matches.” Francisco responded with a nod as I looked at my gloves. ”And we’re close to four hundred episodes of Climax Control.”

”Relatively close, we’ve still got three more cycles after this one before Climax Control 400 kicks off a cycle.” I corrected him though that prospect did excite me since they usually brought out the big guns for milestone episodes like that. ”And it think, I was still in SCU when SCW hit three hundred Climax Control episodes back in 2021, talk about time flying, right.”

”Who knows what will happen between Climax Control 400 and 500!” Francisco responded with a wondering look on his face and I shrugged before our starters arrived.

The disaster diaries, Ariana’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday the 15th of February 2024, 13:00pm

(on camera, promo time, start vlog)

As Ariana gets ready to state her final words on the Blood Bath Brawl she has a lot on her mind.

”I can only imagine what’s going through Christian’s mind as it relates to this match and those he chose to put in it! His latest sadistic creation, four decorated women’s wrestlers competing, and what happened? Only two of the four women have spoken up about this match and one of them has never held a singles title in SCW.” I commented as I rested my hand on the desk table. ”Though I suppose he’s grown to expect that from Mercedes given how sporadic her appearances have been! But Crystal? Right after she returned? Not a good look is it?”


”I don’t really have much else to say about either Crystal or Mercedes to be honest, but when I win this match and learn what the prize is, I’ll at least know that I fought for it against a woman who I’ve wanted to face since I signed my SCW Contract two years ago.” I commented as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”What can I say Bella? I like wrestling women with a similar style to mine and we seem tailer made for each other, don’t we?”


”As I stated in my earlier vlog, the previous times we could’ve wrestled got hampered big time but we have nothing standing in our way aside from two Hall of Famers who apparently don’t care about this match!” I commented with a shrug as I leaned back in my chair. ”Though I suppose it’s better than wrestling Georgie again, let’s face it, she hasn’t been that impressive since she won the Golden Briefcase, but I know we’ll put on a great match even though I’m serving as Georgie’s replacement in this match!”

It's that simple.

”And wouldn’t it be something if the replacement went onto win the whole thing? Well, I think I’ve got a good chance here, and I’m sure you feel the same way Bella.” I commented as I held up my previously injured hand and made a fist, showing that I was wearing my fingerless gloves in the process. ”But that injury I suffered at Courtney’s hands proves one thing, that I am not broken easily and when we clash in the Blood Bath Brawl Bella? You’ll find that out the hard way.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”There’s no way around this fact Bella, Crystal, and Mercedes, I’m out to win my first match of the New Year and whilst we are in the middle of February? Better late than never and at New Year, New Angel Part IV: There Will Be Blood, I will do whatever’s necessary to win!” I added as I leaned back in my chair. ”And as you three bask in the glory of the Golden Angel’s light? I will go through hell to see heaven and win this match! See you on Sunday!”

I turned off the camera as the scene fades.

Offline BellaMadison

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« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2024, 09:12:04 PM »
~*~We All Have Our Demons~*~

Back in the day when my mother’s career was still fairly young, she was a part of a hellacious match that was called “Elimination Incarceration”.

First of its kind ever and hasn’t been repeated since.

It’s something that Laura, herself doesn’t like to talk about much because she always said it did something to her mentally. Considering what had happened post that match, it was putting it rather mildly.

Maybe it was being locked away in a single cell, hanging high above the arena with no food, no water, no one to even talk to...hell they were blindfolded and were told no interaction even when they used the restroom...but the match changed her.

A match in any cage can shorten a career. But this one revitalized it in such a way that she formed one of the most dangerous alliances ever and turn into one of the most heartless people.

This was about 2 years before we were reunited but even my dad, David, refused to let me see the match after I had to miss it the night before.

Mom even hid it from plain sight so I could go back and I never understood why until one day I was home by myself, found it and decided to watch it.

I was maybe 15 at the time and she had come home just in time to see me on the couch, my mouth dropped opened and eyes wide watching as her and her friends that formed Omega had destroyed the now former champion, with my own mother holding what was then the PWSWF World Championship, the ring destroyed, bodies of the now former champion, the referees and the personnel laid out around the destroyed ring.

And all at the center was the strongest woman of them all.

My mother.

And she was smiling without a regret in the world.

From there on out, the landscape of that entire promotion changed.

Laura Phoenix sat atop the world, her pack of wolves ready to do her bidding.

And the conversation that followed...

I’m pretty sure she seemed to have thought that I would have thought differently of her. I was still pretty young when that happened, that wasn’t the woman that I had seen when I officially became a fan of hers before I even knew she was my actual mother.

“Now I know why David refused to let me see it right away- and why you and Nick hid it.”

“Nick didn’t do anything, I decided to hide it.”

“Why? So I didn’t know that my own mother was capable of something so...” -looking back at the TV, I just couldn’t help myself but feel 40 million feelings all at once and I couldn’t pick just one, “I don’t even know the words.”

She would sit down next to me and look at it herself, “Baby, I want you to understand something, when it comes to what happened during this time, the powers that be left me with no other choice. It left guys like Hawk, Fuzz, Desmond, we had no choice but to do what we did.”

I couldn’t help it, “You had no choice but to take out everyone?”

“Omega did what needed to be done. The old guard did everything to hold each and every one of us down and we made a pact, we took our chance and it paid off for each and every one of us.” I watched as my mother sat back and looked up at the vaulted ceiling of the home that she and Nick built, she was looking like she was trying to unlock all these memories, “We changed the very fabric of the entire landscape because we had literally no choice. The fact that we were all locked up for 24 hours, hanging way above that arena...well that’s the part that made us practically feral.”

I really didn’t know what to say to that, I knew all of these guys in a way. Especially one known as Desmond, who I called Uncle Des, because he had been working in PWSR with mom, Nick and others.

“Over time, they understood and even respected what we had to do.” she broke up the silence.

“Why did you think you should have hidden this from me? Did you think that I couldn’t have handled it?”

“I didn’t want you to think any differently of me, Bella. I know you know the difference between the heels and the faces when it comes to the business. I’m sure there are things that Nick has done that he’s not proud of either that he’s scared to show you too. I also know how you dream of stepping up when you get through school and becoming a wrestler yourself, even though part of me wishes you wouldn’t at times like these.”

I couldn’t help it, I just laughed.

“What also concerns me is all the hell you went through before you and I were reunited.”

“That’s what the therapist is for mom and I’m doing just fine thank you. The nightmares are few and far between and when they do pop up I am able to handle it. I’m not that little girl anymore that was tortured by a demon.”

“No, but you are and have always been my priority. We don’t know what the long term effects are and who knows what the future may hold.”

“No one can tell that, mom. I just know that no matter what, I want to follow in your footsteps and that is never going to change. Yes, I am going to get my education. Yes, I’m going to go to college. Who knows, maybe I’ll finally get a boyfriend and start a family during all of this but it’s in my blood, mom.”

And she smiled at me.

“I know. I just...I don’t wanna lose you like I lost myself. Who knows when a match like this will appear for you...but just know this, it’s going to test you in every form.”

She wasn’t lying.

~*~Training Grounds: Forging Resilience~*~

Amidst the bustling atmosphere of the Wolfslair Gym in New York, Bella found herself immersed in a rigorous training session alongside her mother, Laura Phoenix, and Alicia Lukas. The air crackled with intensity as they helped Bella hone her skills, preparing for the impending Blood Bath Brawl.

Under the watchful eye of Laura, Bella pushed herself to the limit, her determination unshakable despite the physical strain. Each move, each strike was executed with precision, a testament to her unwavering resolve.

Alicia Lukas, a seasoned veteran in her own right, offered guidance and support, sharing her wealth of experience to help Bella navigate the challenges ahead. Together, they drilled tirelessly, fine-tuning their techniques and strategies for the brutal match looming on the horizon.

As the training session wore on, Bella felt herself and her breath steady, from the possibilities of each weapon that she may be able to get her hands on all the way to the cardio build. They even talked about the possibilities of what the cage could do and to use it to her full advantage. They pushed each other to excel, drawing strength from their shared determination to emerge victorious in the face of adversity.

Amidst the clang of weights and the sound of grunts, Laura's voice cut through the din, her words a rallying cry to fuel their determination.

"Keep pushing, girls," she urged, her gaze steely with resolve. "This match will test every ounce of strength and resilience that she possesses."

Bella redoubled her efforts with those words, channeling her energy into each movement with a focus that could have easily been just as she would do when she was in school. And in a way, this was her learning tree. Alicia and her mother had been there, done that, got the t-shirt so many times that if it was anyone else, it would have been almost an insult to her. They were the professors, she was the graduate level student.

And she was going to soak it in, even if it was going to bend her seemingly well handled mental state...if she needed to break it to make it through, she was going to do it.

Because she was done just settling for what should have been and she was ready to take her destiny to a whole new level.

With each move, Bella's mind raced, grappling with the uncertainties that lay ahead. What if she wasn't strong enough? What if she couldn't measure up to the formidable opponents awaiting her in the ring? The doubts gnawed at her confidence, threatening to undermine her resolve.

Yet, amidst the chaos of her internal struggle, Bella found moments of clarity. She drew strength from the support of her mother and Alicia. Their words of encouragement pierced through the fog of uncertainty.

She would lay there, drenched in sweat for a moment almost wondering if she could break if she got up, or if she got up and they would break her.

"You've got this, Bella," Laura's voice rang out, cutting through the noise of the gym. "Trust in your training, trust in yourself."

Alicia nodded in agreement, her gaze unwavering. "You're stronger than you realize. Believe in your abilities."

Their words resonated within Bella, sparking a flicker of defiance amidst the chaos of her thoughts. She clenched her fists, digging deep within herself to find the strength to press on. With each breath, she silenced the doubts that threatened to consume her, channeling her focus into the present moment.

In that gym, amidst the clatter of weights and the sounds of sparring, Bella forged a resolve as unyielding as tempered steel. She refused to let fear dictate her actions, refusing to surrender to the doubts that sought to undermine her confidence.

As the training session drew to a close, Bella stood tall, a sense of calm settling over her. The war within her raged on, but she faced it with a newfound determination. The Blood Bath Brawl awaited, and she would meet it head-on, armed with nothing but her steel resolve and the support of those who believed in her.

She considered herself blessed.

~*~Rules of Engagement: War Within~*~

As Bella prepares for the Blood Bath Brawl, her mind races with thoughts of her formidable opponents. Alone in the quiet of her training space, she reflects on each adversary, contemplating their strengths and potential strategies.

"Crystal Zdunich... she's a force to be reckoned with. Agile, cunning, and fearless. Her high-flying maneuvers could catch me off guard if I'm not careful. I'll need to stay on my toes and watch for any openings she might exploit. And those weapons... I have to be prepared for anything she brings into the ring."

"Then there's Mercedes Vargas. She's a powerhouse, pure and simple. Her strength is unmatched, and she's not afraid to use it. I'll have to rely on my speed and agility to evade her attacks. And those steel chairs... I can't let her get her hands on one of those. I'll need to outmaneuver her and use the environment to my advantage."

"Ariana Angelos... the technician. She's precise, calculated, and methodical. Her submission holds are deadly, and she knows how to wear down her opponents. I can't let her dictate the pace of the match. I'll need to stay one step ahead, using my resourcefulness to counter her technical expertise."

Each opponent presents a unique challenge, but Bella is determined to rise to the occasion. She knows that victory won't come easy in the chaos of the Blood Bath Brawl, but she's ready to face whatever comes her way. With her eyes set on the prize, she braces herself for the ultimate test of skill, strength, and resilience.

As Bella ponders the looming Blood Bath Brawl and her adversaries within it, she can't shake the realization of what this match represents for each woman involved, including herself.

"This match... it's not just about physical strength," she murmurs, the weight of the impending chaos settling heavily on her shoulders. "It's about endurance, about pushing past your limits, about facing your demons head-on."

She envisions the six-sided ring surrounded by a steel cage, the domed roof sealing them all inside, trapping them in a battleground of their own making.

"For Crystal, Mercedes, Ariana, and myself, this isn't just another bout. It's a trial by fire, a test of our mettle in the most brutal of environments," she continues, her voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. "Every weapon at our disposal, every blow exchanged, every drop of blood spilled... it's all a testament to our resolve, our willingness to endure whatever comes our way."

Bella knows that this match will push them all to their limits, both physically and mentally. It's a crucible of combat where survival is not guaranteed, and only the strongest will emerge victorious.

"And for me... it's more than just proving myself to the world," she reflects, a steely determination hardening her gaze. "It's about confronting the doubts and insecurities that linger within me, about proving that I am capable of rising above the chaos and emerging stronger than ever before."

In the crucible of the Blood Bath Brawl, Bella knows that she will be tested in ways she never imagined. But she's ready to face whatever challenges come her way, knowing that victory lies within her grasp if she has the courage to seize it.

As Bella contemplates the Blood Bath Brawl, a storm of conflicting emotions brews within her, fueled by the memories of her recent clash with Crystal and the looming specter of the upcoming match. She can't help but wonder if she's capable of unleashing the same ferocity that her mother exhibited in the infamous Elimination Incarceration.

"Part of me wonders... am I capable of that level of brutality?" she muses, her thoughts swirling in a tempest of uncertainty. "After facing off against Crystal in that brutal street fight, I felt something awaken within me. A primal instinct, a hunger for victory at any cost."

The echoes of their battle still reverberate in her mind, a visceral reminder of the raw power she possesses when pushed to her limits. It's a power that both terrifies and exhilarates her, tapping into a primal wellspring of strength that she never knew existed.

"But can I tap into that darkness again? Can I embrace the chaos and let it consume me, just like Mom did all those years ago?" she wonders, her voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. "I don't have all the answers, but I can't wait to find out."

For Bella, the Blood Bath Brawl represents more than just a chance at victory. It's an opportunity to confront the demons that lurk within her own soul, to explore the depths of her own strength and resilience. And as she stands on the brink of battle, she knows that whatever awaits her in the ring, she'll face it head-on, ready to embrace the chaos and emerge stronger on the other side.

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« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2024, 10:52:16 PM »
NRP: Sorry it’s not much. I dealt with the stomach virus last week, and this week I was busy with IRL stuff. Apologies.

I will be the first one to admit that as much as I have driven myself into trying to be perfect with the constant talking up of running the table and going undefeated in my return to SCW, I am actually happy that Bella was able to get the better of me. Losing isn’t really a bad thing. It has helped kept me humble and on top of that it has allowed me to keep on pushing toward a certain goal. As long as I have something to fight towards I won’t ever find myself in a situation where I can get lazy or not go as completely all out as I should.
I know that the journey is never ending and my career is a constant work in progress. Bella was the better woman than me and I will accept that fact. She had my number and as much as others would love to Bitch about losing or not being good enough. I am going to be the bigger woman and put her over because she is a tough competitor who has all the ability in the world.

Ever since she came back from being pregnant she has been on an absolute tear. She has defeated everybody that has been placed in front of her but the one big area where she really needs to achieve in is trying to figure out how to finally go about and win a title.

Once she does that she can say that she has finally made it and can overcome that hurdle of not being able to overcome her biggest setback. I am going to do everything in my power to showcase that I can beat Bella. I just need to go out to that ring in this brutal match and prove that I have what it takes.

It’s not just her though, I also have to get past that of Ariana Angelos. She is a woman that prides herself on being from the GO Gym. She has damn near done all she could do as a Roulette Champion and she has also rose up and been a great Internet Champion.

Now there are even bigger stakes and who knows what is on the line when she steps into the ring to compete in such a barbaric environment. Who knows what is on the line in this match. It is said that there is a special prize and I know she is going to do everything in her power to make sure that she claims it.

Last but not least there is also Mercedes Vargas and we have so much history between us. We both have beaten each other  but one of us is going to have to jump ahead of the other and through everything beating inside of me I am going to make sure it’s me.

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