Author Topic: "If the match happens...he will get embarrassed"  (Read 1542 times)

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    • James Shark
"If the match happens...he will get embarrassed"
« on: October 05, 2012, 07:38:54 PM »


He's bummed out man....

Clayton described James Shark as he stood on top of the stage in front of a few hundred fans and media reporters outside of the Confidence Gym & Training Center in Brooklyn New York. It was James Shark's gym, and right now Clayton was addressing the fans on how James Shark was.

Both James and his trainer Clayton received a bunch of emails and mail from the start of the week, all of them regarding James Shark not being booked on SCW's Climax Control card.

The two of them weren't wondering why people made such a big deal about it, because in their mind, it was a big deal.

What you guys have to understand about James Shark is that he’s a very emotional person.

People began to smirk and look around at each other. Clayton chuckled at their reactions, and continued onwards.

Ya, believe it or not, he is. He’ll kill me for saying it, but it’s the truth. His emotions are always running high, whether it’s him being really angry or him being really happy, he’s just a very emotional person. When he's really angry, you'll find him keeping to himself, not talking to anyone, and just being very "alone", where as when he's in a really good mood, that's when you'll see him being an asshole, talking smack, picking on people or being very hyper.

Clayton cleared his throat before continuing.

When the news broke out that he wasn't going to be on the card, he was just pissed off, he was hurt man, he felt like he just got slapped in the face. He was in that mood set where he was just keeping to himself... I advised him to go see Brooklyn Carter, he did and right now he's doing good, but he's still bummed out, earlier today he just got back from visiting her, I think she's helped him a lot throughout this, but he's just really angered by the SCW as a whole.

Do you think he will leave the SCW? Many times in the past he has just terminated his contract with a company and just left without any discussions or negotiations.. James Shark kind of has a habit for leaving companies when feeling disrespected.

Right, he does have that history, and I'll tell you guys right now, that when James Shark got the news about the Climax Control Preview, and he didn't see his name, he looked right at me and said "One more f'ing chance, that's all I'm giving them".

One more chance as in he's leaving if they do something like this again?

Clayton nodded his head, as soon as he confirmed it, many pictures were snapped his way.

It's not only that, but he's really just not enjoying SCW as a whole, He feels like nobody wants to face him, he feels like he calls people out and they avoid him, and he feels like he deserved to be on this card more than people like Hope Heelcum or people like Argento.

Another reporter rose.

Why does SCW even get another chance? What is the reason for James even staying in an indy promotion when he could be winning in a mainstream promotion?

Clayton nodded his head, that was a very good question. People have been wondering why James was in the SCW since the beginning.

Your right, James Shark shouldn’t even be in SCW right now. Look, SCW is an indy promotion, we all know that. It’s one of the best indy promotions out there though, actually… forget I said that, SCW is the BEST indy promotion period. They get a ton of contracts and support every single day and they’re just off-the-roof popular with the wrestling fans. SCW is known to be the most talked about indy promotion, and hell, it’s even as popular as some of the mainstream, pay per view type wrestling promotions. However, at the end of the day, it’s still indy.

People nodded their heads agreeing with Clayton.

James Shark comes from the best companies in the world, he’s beaten the baddest and most dangerous men out there, he’s won titles, he’s ended people’s streaks, James has just done a lot. The only reason he joined SCW, was because of his match with Rage. He was supposed to be signed onto a ONE match contract, but because the SCW felt as though he didn’t deserve Rage, and James wanted to make the match happen so badly, they signed him onto a new contract, and James took on Rage in his second match. So now that he took on Rage, and his purpose of coming to SCW is now complete, some can ask, ok, so now what? Why is James Shark still in SCW? Well I’ll tell you why, he told me this the other day. It’s because of Brooklyn Carter.

Many hands got raised as soon as people heard the reason, but Clayton began to shake his head.

I'm not here to discuss their relationship, and I won't, so if any of these questions are about James or Brooklyn, you can ask either of them that on your own time.

Many hands were put down when Clayton said that, but a few still remained up, Clayton picked one out of the bunch, and it was a new reporter that rose.

James is not the only person that wasn't booked... even the Heavyweight Champion Nick Jones wasn't booked... and he-

If you don't remember, James Shark called out Nick Jones in the supercard, we have still gotten no responses from Nick. Nick could've had a match this week, and it could've been against James.

Well do you think it's fair to have James get a title shot after only two matches?

Clayton rolled his eyes, you could tell it was a question he heard a lot. He tired to hide how irritated he looked from the question.

James Shark has two wins, okay, we understand that, and we get that, but the guy has done everything he said he was going to do. He had probably one of the best debuts in the HISTORY of the SCW. He not only talked a whole bunch of smack to his opponents, but he backed it up, and won his match, and if that wasn’t enough, he took out Rage after Rage’s match, the former SCW Heavyweight Champion, AND IF THAT WASN’T ENOUGH, James Shark went onto the Supercard, in only his second SCW match and KNOCKED OUT the former SCW Heavyweight Champion, and then what? He doesn’t get put on the card? There’s people on that card that don’t deserve to be on it, there’s people on that card that could’ve been replaced by James Shark. Like look at the Main Event! Argento got knocked out silly by James, yet he's in the Main Event and James isn't? Come on... don't go questioning what James Shark deserves just because of "two" wins, because those two wins have been more impressive than Nick Jones last two outings.

As soon as Clayton made that comment, many people frowned their faces.

How could you say that? Did Nick Jones not impress you with his match against Spike?

Clayton shook his head.

It was impressive, but the match of the night was Shark vs Rage. You can agree to disagree, but I wouldn't be surprised if Nick agreed with me. There's a reason he didn't take this match, he's scared. Nick can make all the excuses in the world, he can say James Shark is this, James Shark is that.... but the fact of the matter is, Nick Jones is still a champion in an indy company, and James has a WORLD title shot next month in the return of NLWF.

Some reporters could've turned this into a debate, but there wasn't much to argue about what Clayton was saying.

Why is James.... taking this so hard? Why couldn't he just take the week off in peace like the other stars and just relaxed... maybe treated it like a vacation?

Clayton laughed.

You guys really don't know James Shark huh?

Everyone looked at each other with a confused face.

Look, James Shark takes his career and his matches very seriously, he’s a guy that loves to stay active. He doesn’t like taking a week off or anything like that, he likes to have matches every week to remain active and to remain on top of his game. He loves this sport, and he can talk all the shit he wants about training and about wrestling, but at the end of the day, he busts his ass off in the gym to break his foot up his opponents ass, and he loves doing it. So to tell this guy that he has to wait fourteen days? That gets to him, it really does. When the supercard was announced, James Shark was crazy excited about his match with Rage, but when he found out he had to wait fourteen days to take Rage out, that bothered him, it bothered him a lot, so you can only imagine how he feels now. Now they’re telling him he has to wait another fourteen days?

It was quiet for a while. There was a long awkward silence and it seemed as though this conference was over with due to everyone not having any more question to ask, but then, suddenly, one more person rose up.

Before the card was made, many were anticipating to see Casey Williams vs James Shark on this card, the two have been going at it on twitter for quite some time now... any news on that match happening next week?

Clayton drew a smirk on his face.

Listen... I know just as much as you guys. James believes that the match will be booked next week, but I can tell you that if the match happens... he will get embarrassed. Casey is not ready for James Shark, Casey does not deserve to face James Shark, and James only wants to make this match because he HATES Casey, and I mean HATE.

Clayton nodded his head agreeing with his own statement.

James has had a bunch of rivalries and a bunch of men that he's had twitter wars with or backstage altercations but I have never known someone he hated more than Casey. It's weird because all of this is just from tweets... but he just hates the guy. James Shark spends most of his day thinking about how much he dislikes Casey. Every hour or so, no matter what he's doing, he'll comment on Casey, make fun of him, and just talk about the ass whooping that he's going to put on him.

Is it safe to say Casey is in his head?

Clayton nodded his head.

Yup, but not in a bad way... James is annoyed by Casey. He feels as though Casey's trash talk is equivalent to that of a 12 year old, and that Casey shouldn't be making claims that he will beat Shark. He's insulted that Casey believes that he can pull up a win, and he just can't wait to shut the guy up.
55wins - 18losses - 3draws

[22:08:04] Alison Williams : LMFAO
[22:08:12] Alison Williams : shark is so funny
[22:08:50] Alison Williams : you might be the funniest black guy
[22:08:53] Alison Williams : I know