Author Topic: "The Masked German Monster" Lord Raab (Solo's bio)  (Read 7551 times)

Offline The Monstimals

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"The Masked German Monster" Lord Raab (Solo's bio)
« on: January 26, 2020, 09:52:37 AM »

You will be booked at least 2-3 times a month. In order for this to happen, you will be booked in singles as well as tag team matches. Since tag team matches take place in an intergender division, please let Tad Ezra know if you wish to only wrestle your gender. We will still book you in tag team matches under Mixed tag team rules but keep in mind, tag team titles will be intergender so if you wish not to wrestle the opposite gender, you limit yourself to only singles gold when you do get a title shot. ***Be sure to fill out a Tag Team application***


Wrestlers Name: Lord Raab

Nickname(s): "The Masked German Monster"

Age: 53

Height: 6.4

Weight: 260

Hometown: Cologne, Germany

Strengths: Strength

Violence and toying with his opponents.

Anger- Most people say it's a weakness, but it's not for Raab because he embraces it and uses all the anger he's built up over the years to happily destroy and hurt his opponents

Weaknesses: Stamina- Although he's a very powerful and strong wrestler, his speed usually costs him the match due to lack of stamina.

Relationships with other wrestlers- Most monsters don't have fears, but when it comes to girls chatting Raab up and even making friends with wrestlers, he gets scared and always has his fears with that ever since his childhood. He rather be with Henry and Samuel or even on his own.

Gimmick If Any: An out of control monster in a mask who's a violent and dangerous wrestler and does things you don't expect along with being angry all the time until he beats people in the ring.

Alignment: Heel


Entrance Theme Music (Check Taken Theme Song List): "Monster" by Skillet

Entrance Description (Mandatory for bookings): Monster by Skillet plays over the sound system as Lord Raab comes out through the curtain wearing his red and black wrestling trousers with his nickname The Masked German Monster on the front of them with Monster Energy logos on the side of his trousers with black gloves on both of his hands and wears a black and red stripy mask and ignores the fans as he goes up the stairs before going in-between the ropes and crouches down in the corner moving backwards and forwards, rubbing his hands and moving his neck around while looking at his opponent with anger in his eyes while waiting for the match to start.


Everyone gets one finisher and 3 signature moves as well as a move set package. Please pick one package for your wrestler. Any moves you really want your wrestler to have please add it to the the signature moves section.

Wrestling Move Packages *Remember you can only pick one*

-Powerhouse (Known for being able to take a beating as much as dishing one out)

Signature Move

The Chokeinator

Description(s): Chokeslam

Finishing Move

Killerbuster (Double Arm Brainbuster)

Favourite Moves:

1. DDT

2. Suplex

3. Spinebuster

4. Lou Thesz press

5. German Suplex

6. Spear

7. Boxing punches

8: European uppercut

9: Elbow Drop

10: Back suplex

11: Arm bar

12: Rolling German Suplex

13: Clothesline

14: Release German Suplex

15. Double Arm German Suplex

16. Arm Trap Chickenwing German Suplex

17: Everest German Suplex

18: Release Everest German Suplex

19: Crossface chickenwing

20: STF

21: Triangle choke

22: Sharpshooter

23: Boston crab

24: Piledriver

25: Scoop slam piledriver

26: Knees to the Head (Drowned opponent)

27: Repeated Headbutts

28: Kneeling reverse piledriver

29: Crucifix powerbomb

30: Bear hug

31: Clawhold

32: Straightjacket crossface


Weapon Of Choice: All weapons are his favourite.

Match Of Choice: Hardcore or anything to do with violent and brutal matches


Superstar Bio:  Was known as the most hated man in APW and had a very arrogant and mouthy attitude towards wrestlers on-screen and on twitter. Now things have turned for the worst as after he's been released from prison, he's been sentenced to do anger management for a year and his anger grew from the sessions and has now started to wear the mask to make himself more aggressive with his wrestling and wanting to be a violent and dangerous wrestler. He's deleted his twitter account back in March and now is completely against the site and focuses on his wrestling skills in the ring and is a very lonely wrestler who has schizophrenia, speaking to voices he has in his head. Has improved a lot in the ring since the change and is now a monster.

Is addicted on using every single German Suplex move he can find to stick within his German country and also speaks more of the language as well. Markus has recently had a DNA test done with another wrestler in the business going under the name of Raab, Konrad Raab and turns out that they are in fact twin brothers with different personalities from each other.

Lord Raab has his anger shrink Henry Losak with him at ringside to help Raab embrace his anger and violence in the ring. Now he has a muscle servant Samuel McPherson who was learning from Raab on being a wrestler along with being angry for a year which now he does as a team with Markus Lord Raab known as The Monstimals.

A couple of weeks after he won the Roulette title, he changed the title design and name to Violence championship because of him not being American. Although he didn't really say this reason, but he felt the spinning belt was childish for him so he brought out a design where it has blood, skulls and a few weapons design on the belt.

After achieving everything there's to do, after the loss against J2H in a deathmatch, Lord Raab's now officially retired as a singles competitor and will be going forward an exclusive tag team wrestler with Samuel until he's won the tag titles with Samuel before leaving SCW for good. Now after capturing the SCU Hardcore Tag Team Titles, he aims to be the first-ever male SCW Hall Of Famer wrestler to capture all the SCW and SCU title belts.

Past Accomplishments: Suicidal Championship (APW) Unleashed Championship (IW) Violence Championship (SCW) (Other known as the Roulette Championship) Heavyweight Championship (SCW) Hardcore Championship twice (EHWF) Showtime Championship (EHWF) Tag Team Championship with Samuel McPherson (EHWF, SCW and Carnage Wrestling), Internet Champion (SCW) and Hardcore Tag Team Titles with Samuel McPherson (SCU)

Same as The Monstimals bio.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 06:07:18 PM by Underground »