Author Topic: “Influencing the Division Part VI: AGAIN?!”  (Read 1635 times)

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“Influencing the Division Part VI: AGAIN?!”
« on: May 02, 2024, 10:04:18 PM »
”How many times are they going to run back this match?

No seriously, do the bosses really have nothing better for Seleana to do than get her ass kicked by me again?! Hell, we’re wrestling under similar circumstances to when we fought in the middle of last year’s Blast from the Past Tournament, but at least then I had my feud with Tempest ahead of me!

I’m pretty sure they keep throwing this match together because they don’t like Seleana, wrestling her the first time around was an exciting prospect, I was looking for better competition for my Roulette Title Reign, I know that the next Climax Control (at the time) was taking place in Disney World, is there a better place to hold a Roulette Title Match? Granted that match also started my mini-feud with Char Kwan that many idiots use as evidence that my reign was a weak one but I’ve ranted enough about that for one lifetime!

Seleana’s in the same category as Mercedes, old, washed up and striving for relevance in a evolving Bombshell Division, and while Mercedes is dumb enough to pick fights with a certain Internet Champion that bench presses cars for fun, Seleana is facing me yet again.

And I’m going to beat her yet again!”

Krystal’s Hotel Room, Normandy, France
Monday the 29th of April 2024, 16:00pm

We see Krystal and Makayla unpacking their things after arriving at their hotel room in France, ready for the weak ahead and, more importantly for Krystal, her first match of the cycle.

”They really booked me against Seleana again.” Krystal muttered under her breath as she glanced over at her girlfriend. ”I know the early stages of the Blast from the Past Tournament has a tendency to really fuck with the booking plans for talent not booked for the tourney but was Seleana really the best name they could throw at me?!”

”I mean, you did decide against taking part this year, for the first time since joining SCW I might add.” Makayla responded as she shook her head and Krystal frowned. ”And frankly? I’m just glad that I don’t have sit out this tour because I’m not growing two babies in my womb this year!”

”You know I can point out that that was your idea right? You know, best birthday present you could give to your wife before that aged like milk several months later.” Krystal added as she packed away her stuff and Makayla sighed as she realized that Krystal had a point. ”As for the tournament, a girl can only be knocked out in the first round so many times before she gets sick of it.”

”Even though last year was your fault because of Tempest retaliating against you for the attack on Cass and Ariana.” Makayla reminded Krystal and the Aussie wrestler grunted in frustration. ”And don’t even get me started on those public workouts, remind me again how many lawsuits did the bosses have to settle out of court because you kept breaking young wrestlers’ arms or injuring them?”

”OKAY I GET IT! IT’S EASIER TO LIST THE NUMBER OF TIMES I DIDN’T DO FUCKED UP SHIT LAST YEAR!” Krystal snapped out of frustration and Makayla just look her head. ”Never mind that I was doing that shit to secure a better future for our daughters.”

”And we both know how THAT turned out, don’t we Charlotte?” Makayla asked pointedly as she sat down on a chair. ”Look, we’d be here all day arguing about everything you did this time last year, can we at least try to enjoy this trip, and the fact that the locations don’t seem as god damn random this time around? Seriously, Canada, Barbados, two nights in Scotland, Romania, and London? If I didn’t know better I’d say that Christian was picking those locations by throwing darts at a map!”

”If he did than his aim fucking sucks and that’s probably one of the many reasons why Mark doesn’t take him to the pub!” Krystal commented with a deadpan expression on her face before lying down in bed. ”Anyway, unless someone on the roster picks a fight with me for an excuse to get on the Into the Void Card this cycle should be a lot less eventful than last year’s Into the Void cycle.”

”I believe the words your looking for are “famous last words”.” Makayla shook her head with a chuckle and Krystal just rolled her eyes. ”Anyway, at least we got Cass and her girlfriends to babysit the twins, would’ve been awkward if they were still breastfeeding or weren’t potty trained.”

”Yeah, because they’ll be turning one in a couple of weeks.” Krystal in agreement before she sat up. ”Ever think about when Cara and Zosia get older and learn that babies aren’t made when two women have sex?”

”You mean when they inevitably ask about their biological dad? No, not really, and I wouldn’t have an answer anyway.” Makayla admitted as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”The clinic kept his identity secret as per policy, only thing I really know is that he’s around the same age as us, mostly because I didn’t want some old guy’s deposits in me.”

”What the hell has happened to this conversation?!” Krystal muttered under her breath getting a laugh out of Makayla. ”I’m going to check on Hayley and Kelly before this gets any weirder.”

”Probably a good call, I’ve gotta set up my laptop anyway.” Makayla nodded before Krystal left the hotel room.

(Krystal’s inner thoughts)

”You ever look at a Bombshell or Superstar and wonder why they have been around for as long as they have? The Barnharts, Mercedes, both good answers, but the one who’s relevant to me is the one from Sweden.

If you looked at Seleana today you’d hardly believe that she was a former Bombshell Roulette and World Bombshell Champion, but then you remember that it’s been five years since those reigns and they both have the same thing in common: they were awarded to her with help from her wife! Crystal cost Alicia the title only for Seleana to lose it again two weeks later, and the Bombshell Roulette Title Reign lasted longer but Seleana who it in a Fatal Four Way Match that was practically gift wrapped for her, why?

Because that match happened to be on Crystal’s Queen for a Day episode, and I’m reminded why my I’m glad my name is spelt with a K!

The truth is, left to her own devices without her wife watching hr back? She doesn’t have the killer instinct she once had, hence why she’s never held a title since, will she ever hold a title again?

Doubt it, the Bombshell division passed her by years ago.

The Beaches of Normandy, France
Wednesday the 1st of May 2024, 16:00pm

*promo time*


”Sometimes I wonder if the bosses keep booking these rematches because they hate certain talents, Seleana definitely seems to be the case, doesn’t she?” Krystal asked as she folded her arms. ”The only thing she’s ever done of relevance are two title reigns that ended five years ago, for those struggling to do math, that was before the Covid-19 pandemic! And things haven’t really improved for her since then, so I ask you SCW Bosses: why?”


”Of all the Bombshells you could’ve booked me against, why Seleana? Yes I know it’s Blast from the Past Season and most of the roster is busy with that but four teams got eliminated last week and you’re seriously telling me that someone like Kat Jones has nothing better to do?” Krystal shakes her head. ”And much like her title reigns, I can pin-point the exact time and place when Seleana was last a fresh and exciting opponent for me: 2021, during my Roulette Title Reign, when I defended that thing at Disney World!”

Le sigh,

”Granted the site of our match this time is pretty different but then again can you really compare me vs. Seleana #1000 to the invasion of Normandy? No, you can’t, because one’s one of the most famous battles of WW2, the other is a tired and rehashed rematch against the only Swede on the roster!” Krystal added as she flipped some hair over her shoulder. ”And really Sweden, is Seleana still the best wrestler you can offer the world at this point? Do you really want to be represented by the Bombshell Champions’ punching bag?!”

It’s that simple,

”Seleana’s current career would be funny if it weren’t so damn pathetic! But io guess an easy win is an easy win!” Krystal added as she folded her arms. ”And make no mistake Seleana, once I’m done with you I’ll set my sights on the bigger fish to fry in the Bombshell Division, Tempest may be busy with the other washed up has been of the Bombshell Division but does anyone really expect Mercedes to beat Tempest?!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Ha ha ha ha, no!” Krystal commented as she shook her head. ”But what isn’t in doubt is my win over you Seleana and at Influencing the Division Part VI: REALLY?! I’ll put you in your place again by kicking ass for the content!”

Krystal walked off as the scene fades.