Author Topic: SCU Results Ep 18  (Read 2510 times)

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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    • Donna Beauchamp
SCU Results Ep 18
« on: April 12, 2019, 05:22:35 PM »

Underground Episode 18 live 11:59pm PST on Wednesday, April 10th Teufaiva Sports Arena. Nuki Alofa, Tonga

Crawling After You by Bass Drum Of Death starts playing along with a video package. As the song kicks off we see Underground Champion Powershock and Underground Champion Shannon Middlebrooks split screen holding their titles in the air inside the middle of the ring as we see the crowd in the background booing both champions.

From there the scene goes to Tim Staggs hitting Eric Weaver with a Tornado DDT as Dax, Gianni and Shorty are seen laughing at ringside. We then cut to a backstage scene when Gemma is seen interviewing Team Canada to then showing Shorty hit Dick Punch City to Tim Staggs.

Scene changes to GM Tad Ezra talking to Sarah Lane as they go over a contract, the camera zooms out to catch the rest of the Three Way, Earl Lockyer and Dahlia in the background holding both Pride Tag Team titles and NLW Tag Team titles.

Scene changes to Valentina attempting a Moonsault to a down Cindy Warren to rolls out the way to avoid contact. From there go cut to seeing the all four members of A Gift, Winter and Tatsu holding there Hardcore Tag Team titles with Delia Darling behind them appalling them as SCW star Mercedes Vargas slides in the ring clapping showing her approval to the Kawaii Dragons retaining the titles.

The scene goes to the Mark Cross entering the ring, ready to face off against his challenger. He plays to the fans a bit. We go back to ringside as the crowd goes nuts seeing John Blade in the ring holding Jerry Cann in a Military Press. John Blade drops Jerry to look at the rampway as Eric Weaver is seen, ready to accept a challenge.

We go backstage to see The Ruin Twins, Stacy and Debbi attacking Stephanie Sullivan to then seeing Dr.Gracie Staggs giving Teddy Steele a check up. We cut to the final scene as we see Nobility stable Chanelle Martinez, Melissa Ruin and Angel Kash standing in the ring with most of the women roster laid out on the ground daring for others to enter to the. The camera's zoom out to the rampway as Celeste North and Jenifer Lacroix come out to head to the ring.

Before Jenifer and Celeste get inside the ring to face a waiting Nobility we see the New Foundation slide in from the other side. (Shelby, Ivory and, Shannon, they attack Nobility with nightsticks. Jenifer and Celeste slide in the ring and stare down the New Foundation as the montage fades out with a message that pops up.

Montgomery Creed rolls out of a pin and into a crouching position. He looks over at Teddy Warren, who stumbles up to his feet. Monty nods his head as he speaks to Teddy and he shrugs. Teddy waves him on like a bull in a china shop. Teddy moves out of the way. He ducks down, but Monty rolls behind in a Crucifix Pin! But he kicks out.As Teddy gets up, Javier blindsides him with a Shining Wizard kick! Monty gets up, and Javi nails a Kitchen Sink. He shoves Monty’s head between his legs and lifts him up for the Javi Bomb for the win!

SCU, not for the weak hearted.

\'user \'user \'user

\'user Vs \'user

Singles Match
“The Nurse” Cindy Warren Vs Lydia Dawson

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall!  Introducing first, from Charlotte, NC standing at 5’4” and weighing in at 120lb, she is… “The Nurse” Cindy Warren!

“Get Well Soon by Reggie & The Full Effect” blasts all over the speakers. As it does the beautiful Cindy Warren emerges from the back accompanied by her husband James. She smiles as she is wearing a stethoscope around her neck. She holds the end to the crowd to check the life of the crowd and they welcome her with loud cheers. She grins as she stretches her arms out and slaps the hands of the people cheering her on. She slides into the ring and slowly rises to her feet. She proudly raises her hands in the air and waits for her opponent to come out.

Liam:  Aaaaaand her opponent, standing at 5’9” and weighing in at 121lb, she is… Lydia Dawson!!!

"Get Sexy" by Sugababes plays over the P.A. system as Lydia make her way down to the ring greeted with a chorus of cheers. She slaps fives with members of the front row before making her way into the ring and posing for the fans.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Lydia Dawson debuts against “The Nurse” Cindy Warren tonight, and both ladies are carefully surveying one another.

Gena:   Cindy charges first, but Lydia grabs onto the back of her head and flings her over the top rope.  She lands on the outside, and Lydia prances around the ring.

Chad:  Cindy gets up and slides back inside of the ring, stopping Lydia’s celebration by grabbing the back of her head and slamming her down to the mat.

Gena:   Cindy climbs on top Lou Thesz style, hammering away with punch after punch to Lydia.  The crowd is going wild for this brawl fest.

Chad:  Cindy pulls Lydia up from the mat and flings her into the corner.  She goes to follow through with a Clothesline, but Lydia ducks underneath.

Gena:   Cindy collides with the ring post, and Lydia is right there to smash her face into the corner.  She then rolls Cindy up into a pin.


Chad:  Cindy gets a shoulder up.  Both ladies scramble back to their feet.  Lydia bounces off of the rope, jumping up and looking for a Hurricanrana, but Cindy reverses it into a Powerbomb!

Gena:   Cindy tries to hook the legs, but Lydia rolls out of it.  She bounces off of the ropes and catches Cindy with a Punt Kick to the jaw!

Crowd:  Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!

Chad:  There’s no coming back from a kick that harsh.  Cindy rolls over to the ropes as Lydia grabs onto her ankle.  She pulls on it, but Cindy grabs hold of the bottom rope.

Gena:   Cindy tries her best to hold on for dear life, but Lydia rips her off of the ropes.  Lydia nods her head as she climbs on top of Cindy.

Chad:  It’s a downright bitch fight!  Lydia begins punching, and slapping, and clawing before resorting to out right choking.

Gena:   This is some straight up “That’s my man” fighting we’re seeing from Lydia.  She must not have liked Cindy’s earlier attack to be going at it this hard.

Chad:  Regardless, the referee warns Lydia, and she instantly gets up, giving Cindy some space.  Cindy gets up and goes after Lydia, but Lydia ducks.

Gena:   Cindy turns into a kick to the side of the face, and Lydia jumps on top of her for the pin.


Chad:  Cindy gets a shoulder up at the last possible second.  Lydia tries for another pin, but Cindy pushes her off.  Lydia gets to her feet just seconds before Cindy.

Gena:   As Cindy stands up, steadying herself on the ropes, she pushes off, but Lydia comes charging at her with a Running Shoulderblock.

Chad:  Cindy finds herself on her back.  Lydia lifts Cindy up and brings her down with the Lights Out (Hammerlock DDT)!!!  She hooks the leg!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner… Lydia Dawsoooooooon!!!

Lydia stands up and her arm is raised as “Get Sexy” begins playing over the speakers.  She then prances around the ring to the beat of her music, playing to the crowd.


The scene opens to Mark "The Dragon" Cross, standing in the locker room area of the Teufaiva Sports Arena alongside backstage interviewer Marissa Henry. He is dressed in his ring gear, hands taped, a bottle of water in hand.

Marissa: So Mark, a different challenge tonight against Teddy Warren-Steele. How confident are you of making it 2-0?

The Dragon: What Jacob Johnson brought to the table in technique and power, Teddy brings in unpredictability. Manager first, lyricist second, wrestler third? I have to be ready for anything out there. In terms of in-ring experience and pure wrestling ability? This should be mine for the taking. I just can't get complacent.

Mark took a sip from his water.

Marissa: I see you're keeping hydrated - Any concerns about the heat?

The Dragon: None. I live out in Miami, I train outside as much as I can, I feel right at home in this climate.

Marissa: So later tonight, the ladder match...any plans to enter?

The Dragon: I don't like heights Marissa.


The Dragon: But seriously, I've been talking to potential partners backstage, and it wouldn't be the first time I've pulled double duty at a show before. Having a match earlier in the night isn't ideal, but if I can secure an early finish it'll be a nice warm-up.

Marissa: Any clues on your partner? Maybe your coffee buddy Valentina?

The Dragon: I buy everyone coffee. It gives me an excuse to drink the unhealthy amounts that I do. Wanna go get a coffee after this?

Marissa: ...No.

On that note, the scene fades.

\'user Vs \'user

Singles Match
Teddy Warren-Steele Vs Mark “The Dragon” Cross

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!!

The spotlight hit’s the curtain as it does the loud sounds of “Forever” by Drake begins to blast across the speakers. The moment it does “The Lyrical One” Teddy emerges from the curtains clad in a United Kingdom Flag robe matching trunks and matching boots. He smiles proudly as his wife Kate Steele-Warren is right beside him. She has a megaphone in her hands as she claps proudly for her husband.

Liam:  Iiiiiintroducing first, standing at 5’10” and weighing in at 215lb, he is… “The Lyrical One” Teddy Warren-Steele!

Teddy smiles as he begins to shadow box nodding his head to the beat.


The fans begin to chant with her as he bounces his head to the music. He runs up the stairs and steps into the ring as he bounces about. He takes his robe off and stands in the center of the ring. He is all smiles waiting for the match to start.

Liam:  Aaaaaaaaaaaand his opponent, from Canterbury, England standing at 6’1” and weighing in at 225lb, he is… Mark “The Dragon” Cross!!!

The arena lights dim as the bassline to "Never Again" begins to rumble around the arena. As the guitar riff hits, so does the lights, revealing Mark "The Dragon" Cross standing, one fist aloft, at the top of the aisle. Receiving recognition from the crowd, he strides purposefully to ringside, taking a moment to survey the scene as he reaches the apron.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:   Mark Cross is looking to keep the streak alive tonight against Teddy Warren-Steele.  Kate it on the outside, cheering him on.  But it looks like we’ve also got more company. Valentina walks down the ramp.

Chad:  I wonder what this is about.  Valentina comes down and settles into Cross’s corner.  She rests her elbows on the apron as she speaks up to Cross.  Cross smiles and bumps fists with Valentina before jogging in place.

Gena:   Teddy leans out to speak to Kate for a second before stepping up to the center of the ring.  Cross meets him there and extends a firm hand for a shake, but Teddy smacks it away as Kate cheers for him.

Chad:  Big mistake.  Cross hits a knee strike to Teddy before Teddy rolls to the outside of the ring.  He walks up to Kate to discuss strategy as she dusts him off and adjusts his vest.  He nods his head and jogs in place as he stares up at Cross.

Gena:   Valentina cheers Cross on, slapping on the mat.  Cross steps over to the apron, but Teddy pulls his legs out from under him.  He slides inside of the ring and bounces off of the ropes, hitting a quick Elbow Drop to his chest.

Chad:  Teddy stands up and drops another elbow to Cross’ forehead.  He bounces off of the ropes and dives for a Headbutt to Cross’ chest, but Cross rolls out of the way.  Teddy gets to his feet and picks Cross up, rolling backward with a German Suplex, locking in the pin.


Kate:  YEAH TEDDY!!!


Gena:   Valentina claps her hands together in support of Cross.  Teddy shakes his head as he looks down at Cross.  He stands back up to his feet and goes to pick Cross up, but Cross hits a surprise Fireman’s Carry!

Valentina:  Bueno trabajo, Mark!!!

Chad:  Mark scrambles to his feet first and he takes a few paces back.  As Teddy gets up to one knee, Mark charges at him with a Back Heel Kick, sending Teddy back to the mat.  Kate screams out as Valentina rallies the audience behind Cross.

Crowd:  Dragoooooooon! Dragoooooooon! Dragoooooooon!

Gena:   Mark picks Teddy up from the mat and Monkey Flips Teddy into the corner, tied up in a Tree of Woe.  Cross comes over to Teddy and begins stomping away wildly.  He slams his shoulders into Teddy’s midsection.

Chad:  Kate jumps up on the apron and begins shouting in Mark’s face.  She gets him riled up, and the referee gets between Kate and Mark.  Cross takes a few steps back, giving space, when Valentina pulls Kate down from the apron!

Crowd:  *POP!*

Gena:   Teddy rolls out of the Tree of Woe, and pulls himself up as he leans through the ropes to check on Kate.  He shouts out for her as she holds onto her back, trying to get up.  Valentina drops an elbow to Kate’s chest and then tells Teddy to turn around.

Chad:  Teddy starts to climb through the ropes, but Cross pulls him back inside of the ring.  And he hits him with…

Gena:   Erm...that move he does (Tiger Driver '91)!  That Wai Ki Ki thing! Mark hooks the leg!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner via Pinfall… Mark “The Dragon” Crrrrrrrrrroooooooooosssssssssss!!!

“Never Again” by Nickelback begins playing as Cross gets up to his feet.  The referee goes to raise his arm, but he walks past them and to the ropes.  He waves for Valentina to get inside of the ring.  She rolls inside and he helps her to her feet.  She thanks him as she walks to the referee, and she raises one arm while the referee raises the other arm.  Mark throws his head back and blows out a fiery mist that rains down upon the ring.  Valentina basks in it before walking over to Liam.  She asks for a microphone and receives it.


Valentina:  You all saw Mark “The Dragon” Cross come out victorious against that man over there… Teddy Warren-Steele.  It was a good try, Teddy, but you just weren’t good enough to make it past the only true Dragon in SCU, and that sucks to be you.

Crowd:  *POP!*

Valentina:  If you don’t follow on Twitter, then you are behind the times.  Mark asked if there was anyone out there who was interested in teaming with him later tonight for the Tag Team Open Invitational Ladder Match.  I thought about it, and thought about it.  Despite what happened with me in SCW’s Blast From the Past Tournament, where I teamed with Travis LeVitt.  I gave it my best effort, but it wasn’t enough.  I was nervous to accept the challenge.

Valentina looks around as she walks up to Mark.  She takes one of his hands and looks right at him.  She takes a deep breath.

Valentina:  I’ve decided to go ahead and accept your offer.  Tonight, you and me will be in that Ladder Match, and we will be going “hashtag” Double Down!

Crowd:  *MEGA POP!*

Valentina:  We have some pretty amazing tag teams in SCU, but none of them can hold a candle to the passion that Mark and I share for the business.  So, Three Way?  You better be on the lookout, because you’ve dealt with the Kawaii Dragons, but you’ve never dealt with the Fire Dragons!

Valentina holds a hand out as the fans simply groan.  She looks around as she beckons to the crowd.  Once they don’t change their minds, Valentina sighs into the microphone.

Valentina:  I’m not great with names.  But that doesn’t take away from the fact that we will go to London Brawling II to face The Three Way and become your new Double Down Champions!  Tonight, we make history!


Valentina hands the microphone back to Liam as “Never Again” plays once more over the speakers.  Valentina and Mark walk to the ropes as they begin discussing their strategy together.  Mark holds the ropes for Val and then they drop to the ring floor and walk up the ramp.  The crowd cheers them on wildly as they disappear through the curtains, but not before giving one last raise of the arms.


The camera moves backstage to find Dev Khatri standing alongside Killer Kandy, Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine.  The crowd cheers as Kandy jumps up and down excitedly.  Jerry adjusts his wrist tape as Dev raises the microphone to his lips.

Dev:  Hi and thanks for joining us in Sin City Underground, as we travel the hometowns of our stars.  Tonight, we are in Tonga, and we’ve got a night full of hot action and hard hits.  Speaking of which, I’m told that my two guests here.

Dev motions to Kandy and Jerry as the crowd cheers once more.

Dev:  They would like to comment on one thing in particular that is taking place this evening.

Jerry leans into the microphone, stopping only to chuckle at the response from the crowd.


Jerry:  Thanks.  It’s great to be here tonight in Tonga.  Things have been a little quiet around here. I guess that’s what happens when you stop booking Killer Kandy?

Kandy:  Yayayayayayayayyyyyyy!!!

Jerry:  Of course, when you put “Open Invitational” and “Tag Team Match” together, Killer Kandy is going to show up, and they are going to throw their names into the hat.

Kandy puts her finger to her lips as she taps them thoughtfully.

Kandy:  I’ve never been much of a hat person. What about throwing our names in a mud cake?  You know, with gummy worms, and crushed up Oreos, and…

Jerry: No, it’s a metaphor.

Kandy: Meta-what?

Dev: I think he means that you guys will be taking part in the Open Invitational Ladder Match tonight.

Kandy gasps loudly and giggles.

Kandy:  Ohhhhh! Why didn’t you just say so, silly?

Jerry:  Kandy, I did.  Tonight, Killer Kandy will rise back to the top of the tag division and we will do what we failed to do before, and that is to take those belts from the Three Way.

Just then, Jerry stops in his tracks.  He watches something off screen and then the figure comes closer and closer until finally, we see Javier Gonzalez enter the shot.  He is snickering as he wipes at his face, shaking his head.


Javier:  “We’re going to do what we failed to do before”?  Seriously?  I’m not one to go around talking up the competition, especially when the champs are f**king Earl Lockyer and Dahlia Rotten, but do you two really think you have a chance of climbing up a ladder, grabbing a contract, and then beating the Three Way?

Jerry:  I do, but I don’t see how it is any business of yours.  Unless you plan on getting in on this match?

Javi laughs as Kandy stares at him blankly.

Javier:  It’s my business because you are taking up air time, making big promises that everyone knows you won’t live up to.  Even if you wasn’t tied down with this idiota, you don’t have what it takes to do shit, mang. Everyone knows it but you.

Jerry:  Excuse me, Dev. I’m sorry to have to cut this interview short, but it seems we have a real lack of manners here.

Dev:  I can see that. Thanks for your time.

Javier:  Adios amigo. Hasta luego.

Javi waves at Dev as he walks off.  Kandy starts to step up, but Jerry holds her back.  It doesn’t stop her from speaking.

Kandy:  You are very rude, and I don’t think it’s very nice to tell people to stop what they’re doing to pay attention to you.

Javier:  Oh?  It’s not very nice?  I don’t give a shit, chica.  That’s the problem.  This is Underground. When I signed my contract, I was told this was going to be some gritty fight club stuff, not sunshine and lollipops. I haven’t seen anything that makes me think of underground, except a bunch of junked up putas walking around with their tatas hanging out like porn star cheerleaders, and a bunch of pretty boys with no real substance.

Jerry:  You’re one to talk, pretty boy.  What have you done besides win a match or two?

Javi smiles as he pats Jerry on the face.

Javier:  It’s not what I done, hombre.  It’s about what I’m going to do.  If I learned anything in Vegas, it is to keep it close to the vest.

Jerry finally grabs Javi’s arm and twists it just enough to make his point.

Jerry:  If you want a fight, then you got one.  But it’s going to have to wait for another time, because Kandy and I have a contract to go win. Hasta semana.

Jerry lets go and walks off.  Kandy hangs back a few paces, and then she sticks her tongue out at Javi.  She starts to walk away, but then begins muttering under her breath.

Kandy:  Sorry.  That’s rude, I’m sorry…

\'user Vs \'user

Singles Match
Vector C Rodgers Vs Vanu Naufau

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Iiiiiiiintroducing first, from Trenton, FL standing at 6’2” and weighing in at 204lb, he is… Vector C Rodgers!!!

"Jump" begins to play as Vector C. Rodgers comes walking out with two beautiful ladies on his arm. One looks to be dressed for a fight and the other looks dressed for the oscars. The crowd is going wild as Vector escorts both ladies down the aisle. He stops at the bottom, hops up onto the ring apron and waits for them. He holds the ropes open for them before jumping over them.

Can’t knock the Hustle by Weezer starts playing as Red Silver and Yellow lights flash across the arena. Vanu steps out onto the entrance ramp doing a little shuffle and moving to the music.

Liam: On his way to the ring, from Nuku’alofa, Tonga, standing at 6’ and weighing in at 210lb, he is… Vanu Nauuuuuufauuuuuuuu!!!

He looks out over the crowd hyping them up as he bounces around the stage before running down and sliding under the bottom rope into the ring. Standing in the middle of the ring he does a traditional Tongan dance turning to each side of the arena before standing tall and pounding his closed left fist three times against his chest and raising it high toward the entrance ramp.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Vector charges across the ring and knocks into Vanu, sending him to the mat.  He lifts Vanu up from the mat and nails him with a DDT, coming hot out of the gate.

Gena:   Vanu holds onto his head as he rolls around.  Vector pulls him up to his feet, and Vanu hits an elbow to the side of his face.

Chad:  Vector holds onto the side of his face as Vanu hits a Spinning Haymaker to Vector, dropping him to the mat now.  Vanu drops down for the pin, but Vector kicks out right away.

Gena:   Vanu lifts Vector up from the mat and hits an elbow to his face.  He then brings him into a Running Powerslam, but Vector slides off of the back.  As Vanu turns around, Vector kicks him in the stomach.

Chad:  Vector hits an elbow to the back of the head.  He then climbs on his back and locks on an elevated Camel Clutch.  He leans back as Vanu shouts out in pain.

Gena:   Vanu is able to move himself over to the ropes, latching on for dear life.  The referee calls for the break.  Vector instantly gives in and lets go of the hold.

Chad:  Vanu gets to his feet after Vector does, but Vanu charges Vector into the corner and begins throwing fists while Vector throws fists back.  They wale on one another repeatedly.

Gena:   Vector throws Vanu into the corner and both men punch back and forth.  Vanu does his best to block, but isn’t entirely successful.

Chad:  However, he does manage to flip Vanu back into the corner, hitting several hard punches to the gut.  Vanu starts to fall down to the mat, but he holds on, taking the punches like a champ.

Gena:   Vanu slides to the outside of the ring to get away from Vector.  Meanwhile, Vector takes a second to recharge.

Chad:  Perhaps a second too long as Eric Weaver and Tim Staggs come rushing down the rampway.  Tim Staggs grabs the back of Vanu’s head and slams him into the ring post.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:   Inside of the ring, Weaver rushes Vector from behind and hurls him shoulder first into the ring post.  He then tosses Vector to the outside of the ring and follows him out.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Tim Staggs picks Vanu up and slams him into the ring steps.  Weaver picks Vector up and Tim and Vector both Powerbomb him on top of Vanu and the ring steps.  Weaver and Tim high five one another.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  As a result of interference, the referee has declared this match to be a No Contest!

Tim walks over to Liam and rips the microphone out of his hand.  He and Weaver roll inside of the ring, taking center stage.  Eric works on crowd control, shouting at them as they rain down boos upon the duo.  Tim simply smirks and begins speaking over the roar of the crowd.


Tim:  Were you guys as bored with that match as we were?


Tim:  It was a rhetorical question, you idiots.  You guys are easily entertained when you cheer for idiots like Dax Beckett, Dorian B, Shorty, Mark Cross, John Blade, or these talentless hacks writhing in pain on the outside of the ring right now.

Tim pauses as the crowd starts to get loud again.  However, Weaver starts shouting at them to shut up, and they slowly oblige him.

Tim:  Nobody here holds a candle to the true wrestling pedigree that I possess.  I come from two generations of greatness.  I am the seed of the darkest mindf**k that wrestling has ever seen.  I am the bastard child of The Most Sadistic Bastard, and that makes me truly bad.

Crowd:  Spike Staggs! Spike Staggs! Spike Staggs!

Tim:  You only wish you were lucky enough.  Since the Bad Boys went soft, me and Weaves here are going to do what we want, when we want, and where we want.  As I’m sure that you have noticed, security is nowhere to be found.  That is because even that big dumb sack of sh*t, Casey Williams, is shivering in his size 20 boots.  That’s how bad we are.  Those self proclaimed Bad Boys couldn’t do what we do, and what we will continue to do.  Because this is our playground, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

Tim and Eric look at one another with smiles upon their faces as they slowly exit the ring.  The crowd boos them as they walk up the ramp.


We go to the office of Tad Ezra

Tad: I will do a Donna Beauchamp today and just cut to the chase. I removed the Under title match from the card tonight due to the time formatting of this show. Donna decided to over rule that and re added the match. Because of this I need to find a way to keep the show moving along. In order for me to do this and allow the SCU stars to have a proper match and make sure you all are entertained I had to change a match for tonight. The fatal fourway match tonight between Kelli, Effie, Jennifer and Ella will now be a tag team match. Kelli and Effie will take on Ela and Jennifer.

Since I have been in the mood for tag team matches and with a few new teams that seem to have formed in the past few weeks. Next week’s show will be a tag team show. All matches for the show in Australia will now be tag team matches of some sort.

Were going to have us a set of matches that will be two on two, three on three and even four on four. The winners of each match will then move on to the main event. The main event will be a tag team match of some kind. The winner or winners of the main event will be given one month off as a paid vacation during the summer time. Of course we will still be doing our summer breaks. For those not aware, every summer and winter time we give every wrestler two weeks off We give every wrestlers two weeks off of uninterrupted vacation time. We believe and given our wrestlers personal time off to spend with their families as they give their body for all of you people during the rest of the year. However the winner of this Main Event we'll get a whole month off of paid leave during the summertime.

What happens to night and with everything that has happened so far will be playing a factor on who I decide to have team up and face off against. Good luck to everyone next week as everyone in SCU WILL be booked in Australia!


We go backstage to the Nobility locker room in which we see all three members, Melissa Ruin, Chanelle Martinez-Blade, and Angel kash.

Chanelle: Girl we so got this tonight.

Angel: You better, you two are my girls and all but the last few times you guys teamed up together has not been to the Nobility standard.  

Melissa: Tonight is our night Angel, you will see. We will stop at nothing to win this match tonight.

Angel: I hope so because this losing stuff you two seem to always do needs to stop.

Chanelle: Girl we got this!

Angel: You down right you will have this as I will climb the damn ladder myself if I have to.

Melissa: Angel, I will stop at nothing to get the contract.

Chanelle: We will be the next Double Down tag team champs, Angel, trust me, we got this!

Angel: You sound a bit too cocky even for me right now Chanelle, you two better deliver.

Melissa puts her hand up at Chanelle then takes her other hand and wraps it around Angel. The two walk together away from Chanelle.

Melissa: Hey, Chanelle and I will prove to everyone what we already know. Nobility runs SCU. You proved it for the longest time. Now it’s our turn to do the same. We won’t let you down. The real SCU fans. You know, the rich and beautiful like us two already know we control this place. Now we're about to show the poor people just why that is.

Angel: Good, that’s what I want to hear. You ladies make me proud tonight.


The members of Team Canada are sitting on the patio of their living quarters on Tonga. Earl and Stewart are enjoying a cold beverage.

Stewart: How did two bums like us, wind up so lucky, our lives are great we get to travel the world.


Gail walks out in a skimpy bikini and sits on Stewart’s lap, turning in a way that Earl gets a good look at her body. Dahlia and Sarah walk out and sit down.

Dahlia: It’s too bloody hot here.

Sarah: Yet you want to spend all of your time outside.

Dahlia: I said it was bloody hot, I never said I haven’t enjoyed our stay here.

Earl: Well you both look gorgeous as always.


Dahlia smiles at her husband, as Gemma walks out in her bikini.

Gemma: It’s hot as balls today.

Gail stands and tugs her bikini out of her butt, as Gemma checks her out.

Gail: I’ll go get us some drinks.

Stewart: Yeah I’m one lucky guy to have her that’s for sure.

Gail returns with a tray full of drinks and passes them around, she leans into Earl with the tray and smiles as he takes his drink, she slowly straightens up and walks over and joins Stewart.

Dahlia isn’t pleased with Gail flirting with her husband. Gemma decided to break the tension.

Gemma: So what this number one contender ladder match.

Earl: Between us here, does it really matter who wins the match, all it going to lead to is a beating at London Brawling, I mean come on.

Dahlia walks up and sits on Earl’s lap

Dahlia: Sure we’ve lost a few time but every time we win our titles back, and I have to agree *Looks in Gail’s direction* with my husband, it doesn’t matter who wins the ladder match there not going to walk out of London Brawling with the titles.

Gemma: We all know that. Now let’s drink.

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Fatal Four Way Match
Kelli Torres & Effie Bingham Vs Ella Singleton & Jennifer Williams

The SCU Tron turns on, the crowd cheer like crazy as we see Metallica on a stage. Lead singer James Hetfield gives the band the single. They begin to play their cover version of Ennio Marricone’s Ecstasy Of Gold.

Liam: First on the way to the ring... She is the Combat Champion…

The songs kicks into full gear.

Liam: Kelli Torres!!!!!

The curtains open up as Kelli Torres comes out jumping to the beat. 4 trainers from the Real Killas MMA Gym come out behind her. The fans chant yes as Kelli and her trainers walk down the ramp. Kelli high fiving everyone she can on the way down to ringside. Kelli slides in the ring and goes to her corner with her trainers standing outside the ring.

Liam:  Aaaaaand her partner, from Kyle Canyon, NV standing at 5’3” and weighing in at 115lb, she is… Effie Binghaaaaaaaaaaaammmmm!!!

Effie appears at the top of the ramp as the base begins and walks down immediately, not even stopping when flipping off the occasional fan. She gets to the apron and pulls herself up. She puts her back to the ropes before winking and flipping herself backwards over the top rope, landing on her feet on the other side. With a evil grin she backs up into a corner, leaning and waiting.

Liam:  Aaaaaaaaaaand their opponents…

Pink lights fill the arena as "I wanna be bad" suddenly blares over the sound system. A woman with slick black hair steps out from behind a curtain with an older gentlemen right beside her. The crowd isn't to thrilled to see her as she turns up her nose while looking around the arena.

Liam: Making her way down the aisle first being accompanied by Carter King, hailing from the great city of Ocala, Florida, she is the self proclaimed Duchess of Florida, please welcome Ella Singleton!!!

Ella slowly descends down the ramp while ignoring the fans in the front row. Her manager is in her ear keeping her calm while trying not to get in her way. She slides into the ring and leans against the turnbuckles while waiting.

Liam:  Aaaand her partner, from Bronx NY standing at 5’7” and weighing in at 127lb, she is… Jennifer Williams!

Jenny From The Block by J Lo begins to blast all over the speakers. As it does Jennifer Williams makes her way to the ring. She doesn’t sprint, doesn’t yell. She doesn’t do anything but make her way to the ring. She finally claps the hands of some of the fans that have their hands stretched out. She slides into the ring and quickly kips up to her feet. She throws her hoodie to the side and waits patiently for the match to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  What an amazing announcement made earlier tonight that this Fatal Four Way would turn into a Tag Team Matchup.  Kelli and Effie discuss who will start as Ella pushes past Jenny and begins hammering away at both Kelli and Effie.

Gena:   She’s looking to make a statement in her debut SCU match, and what better way to do that than to go after the Combat Champion and a woman who is undefeated?

Chad:  Jenny shrugs her shoulder and steps outside of the ring as Ella shoves Kelli through the ropes.  She then turns her attention to Effie, throwing clubbing fists at the blonde.  Ella knocks Effie to the mat with her unrelenting assault.

Gena:   Kelli is ready to jump inside of the ring, but the referee stops her dead in her tracks.  She abides by his call as Ella flips her hair in an insulting display.  She then leans down and grabs Effie by the hair, ripping her up to her feet.

Chad:  But Effie clobbers her right in the face.  Ella holds onto the side of her face, but then fires away with a jab right to Effie’s face.  She grabs onto Effie’s hair and begins hammering Effie’s face right into her knee.  Ella is brutal tonight!

Gena:   Effie kicks Ella in the stomach and she flings Ella into the ropes.  As Ella comes back, Effie looks for the Clothesline, but Ella hits Effie with a Running Calf Kick.  She then turns around and hits a Standing Moonsault, hooking the leg!


Chad:  Kelli makes it inside of the ring and pulls Ella off of Effie.  Ella stands up and shoves Kelli, who simply smiles before pushing her back.  Ella gasps, and then shoves Kelli again, and again, until Effie rolls her up into a pin!


Gena:   Jenny comes in to make the save, but Ella isn’t the least bit thankful as she shouts at Jenny.  Jenny begins shouting back at Ella until Jenny shoves Ella right into a pin from Effie!


Chad:  Ella gets a shoulder up as Jenny steps to the outside, as does Kelli.  Effie takes a breather as she walks over and tags Kelli into the match.  Kelli jabs at the air as she sizes Ella up.

Gena:   It’s on now, bitches!  It’s on!  As Ella gets up to her feet, Kelli hits a right cross jab, and then a knee strike!  She then nails Ella with an Uppercut that sends her reeling backward.  Kelli follows her to the ropes, and then flings her with an Irish Whip.

Chad:  Ella ducks under a Clothesline, and then into the opposite ropes.  As she comes back, looking for a Springboard DDT, Kelli turns it into a Vertical Suplex, and she rolls over on top of Ella, looking for a pin.


Gena:   Jenny doesn’t even try to save her partner this time, counting along with the referee due to the mishap they had earlier.  Ella stands up and begins shouting at Jenny.  Jenny shrugs her shoulders and puts her hand out for the tag, and Ella accepts!

Chad:  Jenny hops inside of the ring.  She hits a Clothesline to Kelli, followed by another, and yet another!  She picks Kelli up and sends her to the ropes.  As Kelli comes back, she jumps up and tackles Jenny to the mat, punching away at Jenny.

Gena:   Ella steps to the apron and folds her arms across her chest.  Kelli lifts Jenny up, and Jenny hits her with a chop.  She hits Kelli with another chop, and throws her into her own corner.  Jenny comes flying forward, trying to get a Body Avalanche to both ladies.

Chad:  Kelli and Effie duck down, and Jenny collides with the turnbuckle.  Effie makes the blind tag and slides inside of the ring.  Effie hits a High Kick to Jenny.  She then picks Jenny up and darts forward with a Running Bulldog!

Gena:   Effie then hits a Moonsault Leg Drop with finesse.  She hooks the leg.


Chad:  Jenny gets a shoulder up.  Effie shakes her head.  She gets to her feet just seconds before Jenny does.  Pure Sophistication (Spin Kick)!  Jenny goes down, as Ella shakes her head and steps off of the apron and begins walking up the ramp?


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners… Kelli Torres and Effie Binghaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm!!!

Effie stands up as “Misery Business” begins playing.  Her and Kelli size each other up momentarily as the referee raises their arms up in victory.  They look around the arena, reading the crowd’s reaction.

Kelli lowers the middle rope to show Effie respect as she waits for her to exit the ring first but Effie nods and pints to the ring as she yells that she is staying right here. Kelli nods and exit’s the ring...

« Last Edit: April 12, 2019, 05:39:25 PM by Donna Beauchamp »

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SCU Results Ep 18
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2019, 05:55:22 PM »

Co-Main Event - Ladder Match - Double Down Championship Contendership Match
Open Invitational

Liam: It is now time for the Co-Main Event!!!! This is an open invitational for a title match for the Double Down Championship and it is a Ladder Match!!!!


First already in the ring with not break time between matches. From Las Vegas, Nevada… Effie Bingham!!! And her partner!!!

“The Soul of a Man” by Steven Stern begins to play. The lights in the arena dim with a sole spotlight on the ramp. In the spotlight stands St. John Cross with his hooded head lowered and his arms stretched out.


Liam: On the way to the ring making his SCU debut… he is the fromer SCW Roulette Champion!!! From Los Angeles, CA… St. John Cross!!!

St. John lifts his head and does the “sign of the cross” to himself before walking down the ramp. St. John is emotionless as he makes his way to ringside. He slides into the ring from under the bottom rope and in a fluid motion pops up to his feet. He pauses at center ring and faces the camera with his arms once again stretched out just glaring at his audience. He then backs up into a corner as he and Effie wait for the other wrestlers.

Liam: And there opponents, making there way to the ring, From Nobility… Melissa Ruin and Chanelle Marrrrrrtinezzzzzzzz!!!


“Red Lipstick” begins playing over the speakers as Chanelle comes out from behind the curtains. As the music picks up, Chanelle begins to “back it up” before she comes down the ring. She climbs onto the apron and does the splits as she twerks down to the ground. She climb underneath the bottom rope, continuing to shake it. She stands up and runs across the ring, running up a turnbuckle where she once again shakes it for a moment before stepping down to a standing position.

Liam: And there opponents…

"Candy" by Far East Movement begins playing over the speakers as brightly colored lights of all shades flash across the stage. Kandy Kaine comes out onto the stage, and she lets out a squeal as she jumps up and down as the fans cheer for her. She dances from one side of the stage to the other before working up as she stands center stage.


Liam: On her way to the ring, from the Kandy Kingdom, she is... Kandy Kaine and her partner… Jerry cann!!!

Kandy squeals again, hearing her name. She charges down the ramp as Jerry comes out from the curtain and follows behind her slapping hands on one side before moving over to the next side. She then dashes under the bottom rope, jumping up and down for the fans.

Liam: And there opponents…  
>[Flashes like cameras go across the stage and the audience as the sound accompanies it. Scars To Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara begins on the PA as pure beauty walks through the curtains. Her hair blows in the wind as she looks up at the ceiling. She places a hand on her hip as she lets the crowd admire her despite getting a mixed reaction.


Liam: Please welcome, on her way to the ring from Merida, Spain. She is pure perfection... Valentinaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Once Valentina is officially announced, she turns and begins walking down the ramp. She pushes her hair out of her face as she vogues, showing off her face to it's full capacity. She steps up to the ring steps and looks around with a majestic smile. She takes to the steps as she comes to the apron. She looks around for a moment, stomping her foot in protest as a scantily clad man runs down the ramp and climbs onto the apron. He sits on the middle rope, opening it for her. Valentina then takes off her Loubotins and hands them to the man as she prances barefoot around the ring. She refuses to let go of the spotlight.]

Liam: And her partner…

The arena lights dim as the bassline to "Never Again" begins to rumble around the arena. As the guitar riff hits, so does the lights, revealing Mark "The Dragon" Cross standing, one fist aloft, at the top of the aisle. Receiving recognition from the crowd, he strides purposefully to ringside, taking a moment to survey the scene as he reaches the apron.


Liam: On the way to the ring… From Canterbury, England… The Dragon… Mark Cross!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  8 wrestlers in this one match and only two of us to call all this action.

Chad: This is going to be one big cluster…

Gena:  Cluster of great action!

Chad: Sinjin and Effie look on as Mark Cross and Valentina go after Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine.

Gena:  Melissa charges at Sinjin but gets hit with a dropkick from Effie. Chanelle runs over and grabs Effie by the hair as she pulls her close but gets knocked down as Kandy throws Valentina towards her.

Chad: Melissa gets up but gets caught in an arm wrench by Sinjin. Effie grabs Chanelle and tosses her outside the ring. Sinjin keeps the arm wrench going as Effie nails Melissa in the chest with a hard chop.

Gena:  Jerry bodyslams Mark Cross to the mat. Kandy goes to grab Effie but gets counted by Valentina as she grabs Kandy from behind for a backdrop. Jerry goes to grab Sinjin but he ducks and uses his back to lift Jerry up and over the top ropes as Effie hits a dropkick on Jerry to knock him off the apron.

Chad: Valentina grabs Melissa as she tries to get to her feet. Valentina swings Melissa around for a swinging neck breaker.

Gena:  Mark Cross and Sinjin tie up in the corner. Effie goes to help her partner but gets tripped up as Chanelle reaches in and grabs Effie's legs.

Chad: Valentina comes in to help Mark Cross but she too falls to the mat as Melissa hits her with a leg sweep.

Gena:  Sinjin and Mark are at a stalemate as neither can gain an advantage over the other in there tie up.

Chad: Effie slides out the ring and gets into a striking match with Chanelle as Jerry decides to ignore the both of them and heads towards the ramp to get the ladder. Melissa slides out the ring as Valentina starts to get up. Melissa runs over and tackles Jerry to the floor before he can reach the ladder.

Gena:  Chanelle throws Effie to the ring post then runs over to Melissa as the two double teams Jerry Cann.

Chad: Kandy slides outside the ring to help her partner Jerry. Valentina goes back to help Mark out as the two lift Sinjin up for a double suplex and nails him with it as he drops right in the middle of the ring.

Gena:  Mark signals for Valentina to get on the turnbuckle. Valentina nods and does just that but gets pushed to the outside of the ring as Effie knocks her off the turnbuckle. Mark goes over to grab Effie but Effie quickly grabs Mark’s head and then jumps off the apron to the floor causing Mark’s throat to get smashed against the top rope.

Chad: Mark jumps backwards then takes a few steps back holding his throat as Sinjin comes from behind and grabs Mark’s head as he drops him with a bulldog. Effie gets on the apron then on the top turnbuckle. Sinjin looks on as he waits for Effie to jump off.

Gena:  Valentina gets to her feet. Effie turns her body to face Valentina and jumps off the turnbuckle going for a missile dropkick but Valentina moves out of the way causing Effie to land on the outside floor hard. She runs over but is too late to save Jerry as he gets dropped with a spike piledriver from Chanelle and Melissa on to the rampway!

Chad: Valentina spears Melissa to the ground but Chanelle pulls Valentina off of her by pulling on her long hair as hard as she can. Effie gets up and slides in the ring as Sinjin gets Mark to his feet. Effie also grabs on to Mark as the two send Mark to the ropes.

Gena:  Mark bounces off the ropes and heads back to Effie and Sinjin as he nails them both with a double clothesline. Mark looks at the crowd as they cheer his name. Effie and Sinjin both do a kip up to get back to their feet. They turn around and wait for Mark to do the same.

Chad: Kandy finally makes it to her feet and goes over to help Valentina and Jerry from Melissa and Chanelle. Mark finally turns around and gets nailed with a double superkick by Effie and Sinjin.

Gena:  Kandy Kaine grabs Chanelle from behind and locks in a sleeper hold. Jerry gets up and picks up the ladder but Melissa grabs the other side of the ladder to stop Jerry. Melissa, however, is out powered as Jerry drags her along with the ladder towards the ring.

Chad: Valentina gets up and runs at Melissa grabbing her head and hitting a running bulldog which causes Melissa to slam her head on the ladder which also stops Jerry from dragging the ladder any further.

Gena:  Melissa is hurt as that bulldog has busted Melissa wide open on the forehead!

Chad: Jerry goes to grab Valentina but she kicks him in the you know where. Jerry goes down! Kandy lets go of the sleeper hold on Chanelle and goes after Valentina.  

Gena:  Effie and Sinjin go to the outside and start to clean house as they start punching and kicking everyone to the ground. Mark Cross gets to his feet and sees everyone by the rampway. Mark looks at the crowd then points to the outside. The crowd cheer Mark on as he takes a few backs back to bounce off the ropes then runs across the ring. He jumps over the ropes and hits a cross body on everyone but Chanelle and Melissa as the Nobility team both seem to be knocked out.

Chad: Mark went for a high risk moved and hit Valentina in the head with his foot on the way down but he also nailed Effie, Sinjin, Kandy, and Jerry so it may have been worth it. Mark goes to check on his partner Valentina, she shrugs him off as she seems to be just fine. Mark grabs the ladder with the help of Valentina. The two slide the ladder in the ring!

Gena:  Sinjin, Jerry, Kandy and Effie all get up and grab Valentina and Mark. All six of them struggle as they get into one massive brawl… What the hell is this!

Chad: What!?

The twins Debbi and Stacy Ruin as well as Mason and Jason Fox run down the rampway with chairs and start smashing everyone standing with them. Chanelle crawls as not to get hit and checks on Melissa Ruin.

Gena:  Looks like nothing but chaos between the tag team of SCU. Chanelle and Melissa get up and slide in the ring as the Fox brothers and Ruin sisters swing chairs around to keep the other wrestlers at bay!

Chad: This is not right but it is a ladder match so I guess this is legal.

Gena:   this was set up as an open Invitational match, I am not sure if they decided to join a match or if they're here trying to help Chanelle and Melissa.

Chad: I could be wrong but it looks like they are helping as none of them are trying to enter the ring to stop nobility…

Gena:  The crowd goes crazy as Kawaii dragons run down the rampway with their signature Kawaii sticks. Winter swings her stick at the Fox Brothers as Tatsu swings at the Ruin Sisters. Kandy, Valentina, Effie, Mark, Sinjin, and Jerry all slide in the ring as Melissa and Chanelle each are halfway up the ladder.  

Chad: Effie grabs Melissa foot as Valentina grabs Chanelle’s. They pull Nobility off the ladder. Jerry and Kandy quickly try climbing the ladder but Mark and Sinjin push the ladder to knock it down causing Jerry and Kandy to hit the floor.  

Gena:  Sinin grabs the ladder and swings it around hitting everyone but Effie and Melissa… Nevermind as Effie throws Melissa towards the ladder. Outside the ring, Stacy and Debbi throw their chairs at the Kawaii Dragons. Mason and Jason go on the attack as they cover up to not get hit with the chairs. The Ruin twins slide in the ring and tackle Sinjin to the mat.

Chad: Effie lets go of Melissa as she goes after the Ruin twins. Melissa gets the ladder and places under the contracts. Melissa starts to climb up! Effie tries to grab the ladder but Debbi grabs her arm to pull her away! Melissa gets to the fourth step but slides back down and hits the floor!

Gena:  I think the amount of blood she lost has her wuzzy! Wait now look at this! Angel Kash slides in the ring and jumps on the ladder! Jerry climbs up the other end but Mark grabs on to Jerry as Angel gets to the top and grabs on to the contact!

Chad: Kandy starts climbing the ladder but it’s too late as Angel drops down landing on Melissa with the contract! She places it on Melissa's hand then shields her as the bell rings!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Your winners of this match… Melissa Ruin and Chanelle Blade… Nobility!!!!

Chanelle goes over to Angel and Melissa. Effie, Sinjin, Jerry, Kandy, Mark, and Valentina look on in shock of what just took place. Angel starts laughing As Casey Williams and his security team rush the ring to avoid a massive brawl from starting. Melissa tries to get up but falls right back down. Stacy and Debbi push security to the side so they can check on their little sister.

Angel tries to take the contract from the knocked out Melissa but can’t as Melissa has a grip on it too strong for Angel to break free. Debbi and Stacy see that Angel is more concerned about the contract then their younger sister and they snap as they both attack Angel Kash. Security grabs the two as in all-out brawl now takes place.

Mason and Jason Fox throw their chairs to the inside of the ring which hits a security guard and Sinjin in the back of the head. Casey holds on to Stacy as he turns around and sees the Fox Brothers ready to throw two more chairs.

Casey lets go of Stacy and waves at the rampway for more help but all the security guards are already at ringside. The crowd looks at the rampway and a huge pop burst throughout the stadium as former SCW tag team champions Dying Breed, Andrew Garcia, and Ivan Darrell run down the rampway and tackle the Fox Brothers to the ground.
Stacy goes back to Melissa who hasn’t moved. Debbi frees herself from one of the guards and rushes to Stacy and Melissa. The brawl comes to a sudden stop when the screams of Help is heard coming from Stacy Ruin.

Casey and his guards get everyone out of the ring as Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell have the Fox Brothers in choke holds to keep them at bay. EMT’s makes there way down to the ringside area. On the rampway a fight between Jerry Cann, Kandy Kaine, and Mark Cross and Valentina takes place. Sinjin holds the back of his head from the chair shot. Effie grabs his hand and the two jumps off the rampway and walks down a small path to get to the back. Dying Breed takes that same path as they remove the Fox Brothers from ringside.

The rest of the security get between The Killer Kandy and Valentina and Mark. EMT’s put the motionless Melissa on the stretcher as Stacy and Debbi stay by her side. The crowd looks on in silence as they are not sure how to react.


Cameras cut backstage to Mz Holly Wood as he stands with Combat Champion Kelli Torres.

Holly Wood: So what’s up girl, I heard you were looking for me.

Kelli: Yeah, I want to be interviewed.

Holly Wood: Wrong show for that.

Kelli: Why? What if I want you to handle all my interviews?

Holly Wood: In SCW, sure any time you like. Hell girl, I’m there every week and most act that I’m invisible. You were my 1st interview in a very long time.

Kelli: k’y then mate, get a microphone and let's change that.

Holly Wood: Not in SCU, but Sunday at Climax Control, you can have as many interviews as you want.

Kelli: Okay deal, so when is your next match?

Holly Wood: Shit, I do more interviews in SCW then I have matches in SCU.

Kelli: Why is that?


Winter: Because someone is not a very good wrestler.

Kelli and Holly Wood turn around and see the Kawaii Dragons standing behind them.

Kelli: Play nice now Winter.

Winter: Don’t trip Kelli, me and Holly are cool beans yo. Right, Holly?

Holly Wood: it’s true, Winter is joking as she knows I’d slam her ass real good.

Winter: Oh good would you please? I heard you have a big package down there. It’s why you can’t play a girl that well.

Tatsu: Hey! You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone about his big one Winter-San.

Winter: No Tatsu, I said I would never tell anyone that you told me he has a package the size of a measuring stick.

Kelli: Ladies! We’re on live in WGN. You two do realize that right?

Winter: Kelli, champ, we’re live but WGN has like an 8 or 12-second delay to censor bitches like me who speak freely.

Tatsu: This one time, we did a promo and on TV all you heard was. Bleep, bleep… Bleeeeeeeeeep. Now what! Bleeep, bleep, bllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppp!!!!

Kelli: Did you interview these two on that day Holly Wood?

Holly Wood: I don’t watch the WGN version for that reason so I’m sure it’s true.

Kelli: Well, hey ladies, I was really hoping one of you two would have won the battle royal. I would have loved to face one of you two at London Brawl II.

Holly Wood: Well, you get to fight Torielle which will be a tough match for you.

Winter and Tatsu bust out laughing.

Tatsu: You say lies Holly Wood. She is hot garbage what was never set on fire!

Winter: Nice one Tatsu!

Tatsu: I know, I have lots more if you let me talk more often Winter-san

Winter: Hey!

Tatsu giggles

Kelli: Every SCU wrestler is a tough opponent.


Celeste: Very cliche for you to say. The truth is there is one person you are too scared to face, but sooner or later you and Jenifer will get in the ring for that combat title that you're currently holding.

Kelli: First off, I am not scared to face anyone at any time. We don’t even need a ring. We can go to the parking lot after the show and give these Tongan fans a free match.

Celeste: Do not push your luck or we will call your bluff.

Kelli: Look, I have nothing but respect for everyone in SCU. Make no mistake about it, just because I respect everyone does not mean that I will not have an issue with kicking everyone's butt.

Celeste: Then why haven’t you challenged Jenifer to a match?

Kelli: Okay, let me fill you in on a little secret, not a big secret like Holly Wood’s package but a very little one, like the patience I'm starting to have with you. I am the Combat champion of this company, I am not the general manager, I am not the spokeswoman, I am not the booker, nor am I the owner. I get put in matches just like the rest of us around here. If you think you have the clout to go to someone in charge and demand the match then go right ahead. I do not turn down challenges, I don't turn down matches, and I sure as heck will not be bullied or talk to like I am nothing.

Celeste: You have our respect, we’ll wait till the match gets booked. We just hope you don’t back down from a real fighter.  

Winter: Blah, blah, blah. This show needs to go on. Hey, how about you and Jenifer join Tatsu and I. I’m sure between the four of us we’ll have a lot to talk about. Like witch stuff, spells, emo music and whatever else you kids are into these days.

Jenifer: Back off Weenter!

Winter: It’s Winter not Weenter stupid now let's go!

Winter and Tatsu grab the Coven and walk with them out the scene.

Holly Wood and Kelli shrug it off and walk away as well.


Co-Main Event
Angel of Filth vs Shannon Middlebrooks

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Underground Championship!!!

The lights go down as the whirring sounds begin to rise. The drums kick in and red lights pulse to them. They get louder as the fourth set kicks in and the curtains flip to the side. Angel of Filth comes crawling through them with her black wings fluttering behind her, covered in a black substance.

Liam: On her way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV standing at 5’4” and weighing in at 127lb, she is “The Seraph of Sleaze”... Angel of Filth!!!

Her eyes glow white as the lights switch between black and red. She glares down at the ring as she rises to her feet, throwing her wings out to the side as they amast. She waves them slowly as she prances down the ramp to the beat of the music. She stops half way and looks from side to side. She has a sickening smile on her face as black oozes from her mouth and she laughs. She enters the ring and climbs up the first of six turnbuckles. She throws her wings out as the fans boo her. She then drops down and goes to the other corner, doing the same. Once at the far end of the ring, she sheds her wings and kicks them to the outside as she rubs her hands together.

Light brown lights suddenly fill the arena as "Indian Summer" starts playing through the speakers. Two women step through the curtain as the crowd doesn't know what to do. The two women stand on the stage as they look side to side.

Announcer: being accompanied by Evelyn Middlebrooks, from Dothan, Alabama, representing The New Foundation.....Shannon Middlebrooks!!!

Shannon smirks before marching down the ramp. She slides into the ring, steps to the middle of the ropes and leans over them. She then positions herself in the corner as Evelyn is standing beside her.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: After that 12 person ladder match I don’t know if I can call another match.

Gena:  I agree seeing how Shannon will stop at nothing to stay champion and we all seen the lengths Angel of Filth will go through to be champion.

Chad: Filth and Shannon run at each other in the middle of the ring. Filth hits an uppercut, Shannon hits a chop to the chest. Filth goes for a chop of her own and connects. Shannon goes for another chop but Filth blocks it.

Gena:  Shannon pushes filth, the force Knocks filth to the mat. Filth gets back up and almost catches a big boot from Shannon in the process but Shannon mistimes it and misses.

Chad: Filth hits Shannon with a strong kick to the thigh. Then a second one, Filth now goes for an open hand strike but Shannon moves out the way and drops Filth down with a closed fist!

Gena:  The ref warns Shannon as she knows that’s isn’t the Combat division. Filth gets to her feet and slaps Shannon in the face! Shannon grabs Filth and drops with her a belly-to-belly suplex!

Chad: Shannon goes for the cover!


Chad: Filth kicks out at just a one count.

Gena:  Shannon Gets to her feet, grabs Filth's Hair and helps her to her feet. the two tie up in the middle of the ring, Shannon quickly uses her Power to gain the advantage and lifts Filth up for a suplex.

Chad: Shannon takes a moment to interact with the crowd. She then goes over to help Filth up to her feet. He tries to grab Filth, but Filth starts laying in her martial arts kicks to the left side of Shannon thigh.

Gena:  Shannon drops to one knee Filth goes for a spinning side kick but Shannon grabs Filth in a football tackle like hold and lifts her up… Roll Tide Roll!!! (Gutwrench Flatliner)

Chad: filth lands on the mat face first! Shannon goes for the cover… No Shannon gets up and lifts Filth up for another Roll Tide Roll!!! (Gutwrench Flatliner)

Gena:  Shannon goes for the cover!!!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Your winner of this match… And still the Underground Champion… Shannon Middlebrooks!!!

The crowd cheer as Shannon gets her hand raised. Shannon gets handed her title which she then holds up in the air as she heads to the turnbuckle to climb up it. Shannon waves at the ramp-way. Her New Foundation stable mates, Hardcore Tag Team Champions Shelby and Ivory run down the ramp way. The three stand in the center of the ring holding up the titles as the show goes off the air.