Author Topic: Despayre - The Boy Who Saved Christmas!  (Read 317 times)

Offline Despayre

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Despayre - The Boy Who Saved Christmas!
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:40:41 PM »
 "James Tuscini, huh? Wait, didn't we already do this? Hm, let me check my papers. I'd hate to walk into this promo and be misinformed..."

The sound of papers rustling.

"Oh yes! Here we go! July 3, 2016; James Tuscini versus Despayre! Ah! My record for being right remains intact! You know, at first I was wondering why the rematch between the two, but if there's anyone that deserves a championship title opportunity, it's James Tuscini. A two-time Roulette Champion, and perhaps a soon-to-be World Tag Team Champion with the vampire, Dmitri, at his side. I bet one of these days, James even challenges for the World Heavyweight title, but that's the future. This is all about the present, and a hint of the past."

"When Despayre wrestled James in July, things were just a dollop different. Despayre wasn't the Internet Champion at the time. No titles were at stake. But I will commend Mister Tuscini on being a very honorable competitor inside of the ring for that match. Unlike others who have faced Despayre in the past, James Tuscini didn't take the short cuts or the low road. He didn't rely on someone else to bail him out of a jam. He came to the ring to do one thing; wrestle and wrestle well. (Does that count as two things?) And he did just that! He gave Despayre a real tough match, boy howdy! But Despayre was the one who came away from the ring with his arm held high, but Tuscini made him earn that victory! He didn't go down easily and he showed that Sicilian fighting pride and kept fighting until he just couldn't fight any longer -- then fought even longer! So I can understand why when deciding Despayre's challenger for the last show of the year, they went with Tuscini."

"The key difference is this time there's more at stake between one man and the other. This time it's champion versus challenger and if anything makes Despayre fight even harder than before, it's to retain the gold that he fought so hard to make friends and family proud pf him. Those folks mean the entire world to Despayre, and every young man wants his loved ones to be proud of his accomplishments. And even though singles matches and singles championships are not the highest of priorities for Despayre, it doesn't mean he's going to ease up in any way in order to ensure the Internet Championship stays around his waist. In fact, it means he'll fight even harder than he did last time, and knowing that, it means most likely that James Tuscini will also bring his A Game and take things one step further to do what only two others have been able to do; pin Despayre's shoulders to the mat for the three count."

"And backstage I understand many praised the two for the chemistry they displayed together inside of the ring. That's rarely how it goes when you have a David versus Goliath match happening in the ring. Now Tuscini isn't the hugest wrestler in the sport, but when you're up against Despayre, just about every match is a David versus Goliath match. Ten inches taller and almost a hundred pound weight advantage. See what I mean? That's the sort of advantage Tuscini has walking into whatever the match stipulation will be against the champ. But here's a little nugget of information, and if you've paid close enough attention over the years, you'll have already come to realize this; Despayre's faced bigger men, and beaten them. In singles and tag teams, he's faced them all. This time will be no different, other than the possibility of a handshake. because Tuscini is one of the good ones. He has a reputation, I grant, but he has pride and is an honorable man, even if he does get a bit rough."

"It's nothing Despayre hasn't faced before, even when he wasn't the champion. Ask Casey Williams. Ask Samuel McPherson. Ask, dare I say it? RAGE! All big men. all powerful. All rough. But there's just something special about this little guy, when even his best friend and 'big brother' Gabriel would admit it perplexing as to how a guy as little as Despayre could handle men that huge that others have a hard time against. It's an enigma wrapped in a mystery and covered in secret sauce! That's Despayre! That's the SCW Internet Champion! And that, Mister Tuscini, is your opponent."

"Good luck!"</color>

"Are you done yet?" Despayre asked as he stood inside of the open door to his special hidey-hole aka his bedroom. he gazed across the room where on his bed stand sat a toy SCW wrestling ring, complete with a couple of wrestling figures in a pose, and Angel. Wait, Angel? Yes, the world's most (in)famous teddy bear sat in the ring and a cam corder was pointed in his direction, resting on the spacious bed that could have fit half a dozen Despy's.

He hurried across the room and switched off the camera before he reached into the ring and scooped his bestest furry pal up into his loving arms. He said, "I know you wanted to hurry up and get my shoot finished for me but Lucas is here! We have to get downstairs so we can fulfill our duties as hosts!" Despayre did an about-face and turned to make his exit when he caught sight of the two wrestling action figures in the ring; one being the toy version of himself, and the other being the figure of the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, J2H. Only in this particular pose, history repeated itself as the Despayre figure was flat on its back while the J2H figure was making the cover. Despayre looked at Angel and shook his head.

"That's NOT funny!"

"Seriously, thanks for watching Lucas for us." Gabriel said as Synn accepted the near two year old in his strong yet uncomfortable arms. Gabriel sat his son's overnight bag down on the foyer floor then paused before he could continue. He couldn't help but find himself smiling at the awkward way Synn held the baby. Try as he might, and Synn had held Gabriel's son many times, but he just didn't seem to have that special way with babies that other men had. Still, Synn was quite proud of Gabriel and Odette both and continued to try.

"You don't have to thank me for every time you and Odette would like an evening to yourselves, Gabriel." Synn answered back as he shifted the baby to one shoulder, then immediately regretted it because it seemed a magnet for whatever Lucas ate to come uneaten on his clean shirts. "You've watched Joshua enough times, and I'm glad to do it. And besides..." Synn looked up at Gabriel with a dark twinkle in his eyes. "I understand Joshua has a new story to tell his nephew."

"I do!OooOOP!"


Despayre's momentum once again got away from him as he slid down the banister and went flying off the end, and only Gabriel's slick reflexes kept him from being struck down by a Despy Cannonball!

"Are you okay?" Gabriel laughed as he helped his 'little brother' to his feet and Despayre waved his arms about, his pride hurt worse than his fanny.

"I'm fine!" He said as he dusted himself off, trying covertly to rub his derriere. (Okay so maybe it was a little sore from that rough landing.) "That went exactly as I had intended!"

"Then you did it rather well." Synn added, and the sarcasm bounced right off of his son who looked at his father and nodded in agreement with his chin jutted out.

"Did you make Lucas another blanket fort in the living room, Despy?" Gabriel asked with a smile, noting his love of blanket forts and the desire to pass their knowledge on to his son. Every time Lucas was to stay over, Despayre worked over time designing and building the perfect blanket fort.

"No." Despayre shook his head. "Angel said it was too chilly to sleep in a fort downstairs. Forts are notoriously drafty this time of year." Gabriel nodded, secretly relieved that his son wouldn't be sleeping downstairs like usual, even if Despy did supply an over abundance of blankets and pillows for his ultimate comfort. Then Despayre added, "But I made one in my room so we're all good!"

Gabriel nodded when Synn said, "Uh, Gabriel?" Gabriel and Despayre turned to Synn who remained holding the baby but with his eyes closed. "Please take him so I can change my shirt -- again."

Gabriel snorted back a laugh, unsuccessfully, as Despayre moved to take Lucas from his father's arms so that he could go and change; Lucas's little tradition with Synn remaining strong.</color>


"Twas the week before Christmas, and you wouldn't believe,
What the man known as Tuscini, was hoping to achieve.
To do what no other had been able to do,
And dethrone the champion before my time was yet through."

"The fans were all clamoring to see a great show,
'What the hey?' They pondered, as they could play in no snow.
With a father's wise counsel and a teddy bear's love,
I sought to win big and be successful thereof."

"When inside the ring, the challenger stood tall,
And spoke how the champion should prepare for a fall.
It was then that I listened and prepared for a fight,
To prove to the challenger that he'd be in for a long night."

"The lights high above soon dimmed and the time now drew near,
And I walked to the ring with many a fan's cheer.
I stepped through the ropes and what did I see?
But the challenger, Tuscini, staring right back at me."

"Tall the man was, tanned and well built.
Ready to dethrone me with no remorse and no guilt.
Talented he was and a fighter to boot.
No siree! He wasn't your average brute!"

"The crowd was alive, and cheering me on,
As I did all I could to counter his brawn.
Sure he was bigger and stronger, that too!
But I was the champion and knew what to do."

"He came at me with clotheslines and suplexes galore.
And I took all he had and then asked him for more.
And he did oblige, as was nature of the season.
To give and give more, without rhyme nor with reason."

"He wanted my title, that much was quite clear.
So I had to fight fire with fire and do so without fear.
If he tried cheating, I'd poke him in the eye,
Pull hair and bite and his dreams would go bye."

"Yet continue to fight he did as I'd expect,
And he'd drop me down hard and leave me quite wrecked.
But pin me he couldn't nor would I tap out.
I'd just fight harder and give him a heck of a bout."

"He was dressed in red trunks, nothing fancy or flashy,
And yet my dad says he'd like him in something trashy.
He came dressed for business, and looked the part too.
All ready to wrestle, I'm telling you true."

"His eyes burned bright, his determination aflame,
To become Internet Champion and with it the fame.
For with the gold title, comes fortunes galore.
Money and babes and probably more."

"And with  Uncle Pinky in his corner, and Synn here in mine,
I set out to prove that the holidays indeed were my own time to shine.
Because I don't like losing, but then again, who would?
And try as he might, Tuscini would reign yet only if he could."

"But he can't, so he won't if I have anything to say.
And it all comes to a head on this very Sunday.
On Climax Control, we shall meet man to man,
And I will emerge the victor, no matter what you have planned."

"Thus I am the champion, which means I'm the best,
And you're wrestling me which is a heck of a test!
So I leave you this good will, until the time comes when we meet!
Merry Christmas James Tuscini! You're going down in defeat!"</color>

"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."