Author Topic: Excuses and Mistakes  (Read 1634 times)

Offline Gabriel

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    • Gabriel
Excuses and Mistakes
« on: November 15, 2011, 04:50:52 PM »
 The scene starts with SCW Heavyweight Champion, Gabriel sitting all alone at a fountain, at the famous Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. Gabriel is seen wearing just blue jeans and a black T-shirt. Chains fall from Gabriel's neck in silver and the Sin City Wrestling heavyweight title rests around his waist. A young kid runs towards Gabriel and points.

"Are you..." The young man says before quickly stopping "...that wrestler?"

Gabriel smiles

Oh yes, I loooooove the attention

"Yes" He starts "I am"

"Can I have your autograph?" The kid asks, handing Gabriel a book.

"Sure" Gabriel says

Gabriel pulls a pen out of his pocket and signs his name for the kid. The kid smiles and runs off away from Gabriel

Can't help but love the innocence of youth. Who knows, maybe one day, I can inspire them to become just like me. Although to be honest about it, I am a born winner. If I wasn't, this title belt would be with JT or Blade right now

Gabriel looks down on the title belt, running his fingers along the shiny gold. Gabriel stands up and looks towards the fountain, his mind always thinking, always wondering if he could do anything amazing with everything around him. From his pocket, his phone rings. Gabriel fishes the phone from his pocket and answers.

"Hello?" Gabriel says in to the phone. "Ah, Synn, how ya doing?"

Gabriel waits for an answer

"No" Gabriel says "Not yet, I'm meeting Kittie tomorrow afternoon, for a drink or something, I dunno"

Gabriel pauses again

"Of course" Gabriel says "She'll be the perfect sin for the night. I will explain what it's like to be a sin, but I think she may already know, did you see that last promo she wrote, pure class"

Synn replies down the phone

"She would be" Gabriel says with a confident nod "The woman has sin pouring our of her, everything about her screams that out. I'm not sure of what the future may hold but I think she could be considered"

Gabriel waits for a response from Synn

"Yes" Gabriel says "Things are heating up a little around here. What's Despy doing?"

Gabriel chuckles

"Table arrangements?" Gabriel says "Really?"

Gabriel waits for a reply

"Well he is a perfectionist" Gabriel says back with a smile "I meant Angel"

Gabriel laughs out loud

"Tell him not to forget the cakes" Gabriel says "Anyway, gonna shock some people, catch ya later"

Gabriel returns the phone to his pocket and faces the fountain.

All good publicity for SCW and as the champ, I gotta do great things

Gabriel steps in to the fountain, walking across the four foot deep pool and to the middle of the fountain, Gabriel steps in to the middle off the fountain, the water blowing up around him. A crowd gather with cameras and picture phones, snapping shots of the SCW Heavyweight champion.

And here we go

Gabriel puts his arms out to the side as the water as it fires up around him, forcing Gabriel in to the air. Gabriel stand on the water shooting around him, much to the awe and surprise of the people gathered. Gabriel raises him arms and the water engulfs his body. A flash of light shines at the top of the fountain and the water drops down, but Gabriel is nowhere to be seen.

One day, I should really tell someone how these tricks work.... if Angel don't beat me to it!

Focus, focus, focus

Gabriel thinks to himself

Since I've won this title, all I've done is focus

Gabriel stares up at the ceiling, laying on his bed in a suite at the Luxor, his eyes dart around the room.

Ever since I got this heavyweight title, I've been focused. I've had every Tom, Dick and Harry talking about how they wanna take it off me. Chumps like Nick Jones, just turns up out of the blue because at one time he was riding Hot Stuff's coat tails to do well in this business, and thinks he can lay claim to what is mine? The boy should go back to kissing the bosses arse, cause he's not getting this title. I mean come on, he's facing a stoner this week, even by beating him is no claim to fame. I expect people to just turn up and think they're great, thinkn they can walk through this federation and all the rest but I beat all those people for this belt, beating one more won't matter that much. That idiot can get in line with the rest of them.

Gabriel smiles at the ceiling, his eyes closing and drifting back in to thought

Ok, focusing on opponents for this week, Misty and JT. I kinda feel for them after seeing Kittie's promo this week, I mean damn, that woman is so ready for these two, I almost feel back for Misty, almost being the right words. I mean Misty interests me, she keeps me curious to say the least, but there's something about that woman I do not trust and will not trust, something doesn't seem right with her. See my gift is reading people, my gift is looking at someone and knowing what they're thinking and I'm not convinced about her. That whole thing with Spike, didn't convince me in the slightest that Misty is pure of heart. Looking at Spike, I don't think it convinced him too much either. I don't think Spike is a stupid man, I think he has to be respected and the things him and Hot Stuff are doing at the moment is nothing short of jaw dropping but I know there's issues there, and Misty's behavour is not gonna settle his mind. Spike, I can see the answers you require, but I doubt very much Misty will be giving them to you. the whole "You're really sexy when you're angry" line is a diversion, it takes away from the fact of what's really about that happen. I do magic, I use that all the time. While you're watching my right hand, you don't see what my left hand is doing. So much insecurity in that woman, no faith in herself of what she can do, now Kittie may not be sane but she knows exactly what she wants and in that troubled mind, I think she knows how to get it

Gabriel rolls over in bed

Getting the excuses in early for Misty. "Ouch, I've got a bad back, ouch I'm hurt" Ah get over it. Really sounding like a champion there Misty. Now I haven't held major championships much before, when it comes to top gold, you indeed have me beat Misty, but that doesn't sound like talk from a champion. I thought a champion had heart, not bitching about bad backs and all that shit. Saying the match took it out of her, erm, I beat like twice the people she did, I was in from number one till the end. I feel damn good, but it's nice excuses get in early. I see where this is going, "I'm hurt so if I lose, it's because someone kicked my arse two weeks ago"

Gabriel smirks

Kudos for wanting to be there, but excuses are meaningless really. Pretty sure the woman was hitting on me by asking if me and her would make a cute couple... think that should show Spike she's getting bored at home. Would Misty and I make a cute couple? Would we? Maybe in the eyes of others looking on but me, no, I don't think so. Misty just doesn't do it for me, she's just not wild enough to float my boat. She's a homely woman, not my kinda chick, cute in others eyes, but not mine. I think Misty is fooling herself a bit claiming it's just business with JT... hello, I'm a mentalist... and that means I demonstrate highly developed mental or intuitive abilities.... which means I read people, I read the way they look, I read the way they talk, the way they act. If Misty is telling herself this is just business, then Misty is just fooling herself.

Gabriel opens his eyes for a few seconds, but the thoughts continue to rush through his mind.

Now JT, Mr Underwood, the man I will be facing this week and for the title. You did come very close JT, very close to doing what you said you would and taking this title, but unfortunately fell short. Don't take it too harsh JT, you fought a good fight, you tried so damn hard to take what was always meant to be mine. I'm just sorry I am going to put you on the losing side again. I can't help it, it has to be done. Sadly JT isn't too bright really. Ask the question about why wouldn't they put Misty along side me against the number one contenders. Isn't it obvious? It's called interesting booking. I mean seriously, champions Vs number one contenders.... a little bit obvious, don't you think? This just makes it so much more interesting. Thankfully for me, I got a partner with as much passion about becoming a champion, as JT does. This match is not for the weak at heart, this is passion. Two champions who want to impress to show why they're champions and two that really wanna prove why they should have the titles. The only thing that could stand in JT's way is his obvious anger issues.

Gabriel sits up slightly

He should be very glad that he never got in a motorcycle accent, because helmets are not meant to shatter like that. A sixty mile an hour crash shouldn't shatter that helmet, yet a pansy arse throw did? Need to get you a better one there JT, one solid smash and we'd be all wearing black, and heading to a funeral

Gabriel clears his throat and returns to thinking

JT should see that he is part of history no matter what he does in SCW. He was the man beaten in the main event for the heavyweight title. Everyone will always remember Gabriel winning the heavyweight title and they will always remember that JT was the other man in the match at the time. People will also remember that JT was in the first ever mixed tag match. History is important and beating JT again will also be part of history. JT understands that he knows my limits, he knows how to push me that far, but he also knows I'm gonna push them back.

A confident smile crosses Gabriel's face as he thinks back to the new woman in JT's life.

Interesting turn up for JT, it's clear Misty has her eyes on JT, a blind man can see that, then all of a sudden, JT gets more attention. Never really understood why everyone feels the need to have a woman on their side in this place. It's like a high school dance, everyone wants to be prom king and queen. JT has found himself some pure filth there, my kinda woman

A wider grin crosses Gabriel face

Pure filth, but yet another woman to latch on to a wrestler, not because of who he is, but because what he is. Can you really listen to that woman though, she's done nothing, achieved nothing, just another wrestling fan who think they can do things differently. Nothing better then a fan. I mean what qualifies a tattooed, bleach blonde barbie girl to give career advice on wrestling, a business she knows nothing about other then what she's seen on TV or on the internet. She's using you JT to get a job, that's it, nothing more buddy. How would she know how you've felt in the wrestling business, how would she know what Matt Ward has done for you. Without Matt Ward, JT Underwood would still be wrestling in front of five people. This bimbo is just telling JT what he wants to hear. Thinking with your little brain is not a great thing all the time. Give her credit, she must have read JT's wiki page a lot to know all this shit, either that or she's some kind of stalker. I mean how stupid can you get not to even question this woman's motives. She's a leech, look at her, a leech. Beware JT, beware.

Gabriel lays back down.

I'm glad I got through JT's head, I'm glad he listened about finding a direction and following it, but the problem still lies there, so much so, so much in his own head, so much thinking and not enough doing. It didn't take you long to let some tart get in your head. I thought JT was one of the good guys, turns out he's just another unapprecitive bastards this business is lined with. I may have implied that stepping away from Matt was a good move, but not on the advice of some slapper that knows nothing about this business. You know where JT would be without Matt working his balls off for him? The same place I would have been if Synn and Shane hadn't found me. At elast Matt gave him a pair of balls, while this chick took away every manly piece of him that he had, with just one meeting. JT is making one mistake after the other here, letting Matt go for her, bad move. Matt's forgot more about this business then blondie or JT will ever know. JT should have got on his hands and knees and begged Matt to stay, because now that career JT wanted, just went down the shitter. How many other people does JT know that would have gone to the boss of this place, a relative, but a hated one, just to get his boy the superstar touch? I know Hot Stuff, there's no way in hell he's gonna have anything to do with JT now. Hot stuff might be a dick at times, but he's a dick that does help family, no connection now JT, just another mistake you've made.

Gabriel stretches out

Maybe JT is right, maybe I'm not fighting the same guy as I beat before, but I expected that

Gabriel smirks

The guy reinvents himself every week, so ya never know what you're up against. I do know for a fact that this switch in managers has made things a lot easier for me. Matt knew how to prepare someone, he didn't win matches without being ready, this chick, nah, she wouldn't know how to get JT ready for a match of this magnitude. Bad time to ditch a real wrestler for a no name.

Gabriel closes his eyes as a final thought rolls through his mind

There is respect there, we are gonna make people sit up and take notice and the roof will be torn down, but I don't think I'm gonna get the real JT here. That question at the end JT asked me, maybe that's a question he should be asking himself, I'm already at the top JT, the belt proves it, question is, is JT Underwood ready to join me?

The scene fades out
