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“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“Then Let Me Part III: Unforgiven.”
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2024, 08:03:21 PM »
”What is an oxymoron?

Webster’s Dictionary describes it as a figure of speech that combines contradictory words with opposing meanings, someone as stupid as Ruby Steele would call it an insult to oxen or try to use it as an insult against someone she disliked, which is basically anyone but her wife at this point, but you want to know what I see as an oxymoron?

A champion who holds onto a title she hates yet refuses to give it up.

I’ll admit, I was surprised when I found myself thrown into the Bombshell Internet Title scene following the match against Alexandra but more to the point, I find myself facing three people who have plenty of reasons to hate my guts.

Courtney, the aforementioned champion, can’t get over the fact that I did the Bombshell Division a favour by presenting her talentless wife from stinking up more arenas whenever she tried to wrestle, sure I was under the control of Sin at the time but don’t act like Ruby didn’t have that coming, she had been phoning it in for ages at that point and she was already terrible to begin with! Thing is? Courtney can’t get it through her thick skull that I wasn’t in control of my actions and, well, you know the rest.

Tempest, a woman who I never got on with to begin with and the animosity only grew after I attacked Aiana and Cassie last year, calling our relationship tumultuous is putting it mildly but at least she was smart enough to see the value in setting our differences aside to beat Courtney and Luna in that tag team match several weeks ago., but that alliance died the moment Tempest got the pin on Luna and Tempest will be dealt with in time.

And last but not least, Luna! I’m not even sure what her animosity against me is about, we’ve only wrestled three times before now, once in that World Bombshell Title Qualifier Series, again in the Golden Briefcase Ladder Match and most recently in the aforementioned Tag Team Match and my opinion towards her is basically meh, she has talent for sure but she seems to be a modern day Jessie Salco with how short her title reigns were, if I had to point to a weak point in this match, it would definitely be Luna.

And then there’s me, the Aussie Bombshell from Adelaide who’s out to break a three year long title drought, surrounded by enemies and arguably with the least to lose in this match, Courtney stands to lose the Bombshell Internet Title, Tempest stands to lose her thousandth title match, Luna stands to be a choke artist again, me? The only thing I stand to lose is more of my pride as I’m sent back to the drawing board once again, but in the end?

I will be the Bombshell Internet Champion!”

Go Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 6th of February 2024, 14:00pm

It was an average day at the Go Gym and for Krystal? That meant preparing for her title match at the PPV as best she could.

”Okay, Kelly? Hayley? Carmen? This is meant to be a test run ahead of my title match in two weeks.” Krystal instructed the four rookies as they stood in a corner each, Kelly and Hayley were, off course, fairly well trained at this point but Carmen was a newcomer, a Peruvian who moved to Vegas to train at the Go Gym. ”Carmen, you are new here but in terms of size? You’re the closest have to Tempest without asking Tempest herself and, well, I don’t want Tempest to have any insider knowledge to my strategies heading into the Four Way.”

“Si, I get it, Tempest is dangerous enough as it is.” Carmen nodded in response as she warmed up, Carmen wasn’t as tall or big as Tempest but she was still the tallest woman in the match and had been a CrossFit athlete and power lifter before she started training at the Go Gym. “I’m pretty strong so I’ll see what I can do to emulate Tempest’s style.”

“I don’t get why I’m the one playing Courtney’s part.” Kelly complained as she folded her arms with a huff. “I know I have an attitude problem but Courtney makes me look like a saint.” The Irish girl added and Krystal shook her head.

”That may or may not be true Kelly but your style is also closest to Courtney’s.” Krystal responded and Kelly nodded as she started warming up. ”Any questions Hayley or can we get started?”

“Err, yeah, just the one.” Hayley stated as she moved to the middle of the ring and Krystal grinned as she started measuring Hayley up. “I guess I’m playing Luna’s part because she’s the one your indifferent too?”

”Pretty much, also?” Krystal launched out of the corner and nailed Hayley with a spear, knocking the wind right out of the young rookie’s sails. ”Match starts now.”

Kelly and Carmen shared a look before they launched themselves at Krystal and started trading blows with the Aussie, Carmen, being the least experienced member of the three trainees, lacked the refinement in her style that Kelly, Hayley and Krystal had but she had the strength to make up for it as she demonstrated a couple of times by swatting aside Kelly whenever she tries to start something with her, eventually Hayley recovered from the surprise spear and started climbing a nearby turnbuckle.

“Hey guys?” Hayley called out to the trio and they looked up. “Remember me?” Hayley added before launching off the top rope and hitting a high cross body on all three of her opponents, considering her experience level? Hayley got a lot of height on the move and it was executed beautifully.

”Good job on that crossbody Hayley, you’re coming a long way already.” Krystal complimented the trainee who grinned as the Aussie sat up and the others picked themselves up. ”Though Luna wouldn’t have warned us before doing such a move or fallen for that spear set up.”

“Yeah, yeah, don’t we have a sparring match to get back too?” Hayley complained but before Krystal could respond Kelly spoke up as the Aussie picked herself up.

“Yeah, you might want to watch yourself Krystal.” Kelly replied as she started straightening out her ponytail which had come a bit lose during the match. “We don’t want you to start acting like Sin again?”

”What did you just say?” Krystal asked as she slowly turned her head towards Kelly who hesitated. ”Go on, I’m waiting.”

“All I said was that we don’t want you to start acting like Sin!” Kelly defended herself as Krystal got progressively angrier. “So what? Are you gonna go all Si………”

The next thing Kelly knew, she was facedown on the matt, clutching her nose in pain after Krystal cheap shotted the Irish student with a forearm to the nose, Kelly looked up at Krystal with a look of shock as Krystal loomed over her with an enraged look on her face. ”Don’t go there again Kelly, or you’ll get a lot………”

It was then Kelly realized that there was blood trickling down from her nose and after feeling it, she realized that Krystal’s forearm had broken her nose, enraged, Kelly picked herself up. “Oh, you want to play that dirty, huh?!” Upon realizing how ugly this could get, Hayley and Carmen quickly put themselves between Kelly and Krystal, Carmen holding the Irish girl against the ropes and Hayley pinning Krystal against the turnbuckle. “Get the fuck off me Carmen!”

“And risk this situation getting any uglier? I think now.” Carmen responded as she shook her head at which point Gabriel came out of his office. “Oh, wonderful! It appears I spoke too soon!”

”Can someone tell me what exactly is going on here?!” Gabriel asked as he glanced between the three women. ”I thought I could trust you with those three students Krystal but things have already gotten out of hand?”

”Things were going well, until Kelly made a couple of snide comments about me and Sin.” Krystal responded with a frown and Gabriel’s frown deepened. ”I retaliated with a forearm to the nose that ended up breaking it, Carmen and Hayley are just keeping things from escalating further.”

“Si, and Kelly wasn’t exactly making it easy on me before you came out.” Carmen nodded in response as Kelly started to calm down. “Kelly started it with the comment.”

”Hayley, Carmen, you are now sparing against each other, Kelly, go to the medic and get that nose looked at.” The three trainees nodded before Kelly left the ring and Hayley and Carmen started working out. ”Krystal, my office, now.” Gabriel added and Krystal nodded before leaving the ring.

(Krystal’s inner thoughts)

”Krllu may be angry at me now but down the line? She’ll realize that if anything? She got off easy with a broken nose.

That sparing match was supposed to talk me prepare for the Fatal Four Way for the Bombshell Internet Title at My Bloody Valentine, instead it’s gotten me in hot water with Gabriel, not exactly the first time this has happened either, hell if I had a dollar for every time I got in hot water with Gabriel and Tempest was involved in some way? I’d have two dollars.

I know that’s not a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice!

Either way, the fact remains, this is going to be my first title match of the year ad I need to make it count, I’ve waited three years to get my hands on another title and frankly? That’s three years too long!”

Gabriel’s office, the Go Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 5th of February 2024, 14:30pm

Krystal entered Gabriel’s office with a frown on her face before sitting down without a word.

”I don’t know why you’re choosing to talk to me instead of the Irish brat in need of a reality check.” Krystal commented with a frown as she leaned back. ”You know how I feel about that whole Sin debacle from last year, Kelly’s comment got exactly what it deserved, and it’s not exactly the first time she’s stepped out of line, or do I need to remind you of her “bright idea” to challenge Tempest to a match twice and drag Hayley along for the second?”

”I will deal with Kelly about that comment once the medic has tended to her nose, and you are correct, Ms. Moore’s attitude does need some serious adjustment if she’s going to be a Go Gym success story down the line.” Gabriel responded with a frown as he shifted his weight. ”Not unlike a certain Australian from Adelaide when she was still training at the Go Gym.”

”What exactly is that supposed to mean?!” Krystal asked with a tilted head of confusion as she folded her arms. ”If you’re referring to how I was after I first moved to America, then you already know the story behind that.”

”Yes, you were still dealing with your anger issues from the terrible circumstances of your childhood, that is well documented at this point Charlotte.” Gabriel nodded in response and Krystal frowned. ”And as far as I’ve been able to ascertain, the issues with Kelly don’t stem from the same place, she comes from a loving family, her mother even paid her way to move here.”

”Gabriel, you realize the jokes I can make about that, right?” Krystal asked with a scoff as she smirked. ”That her family got so sick of Kelly’s attitude that they used her desire to train at the Go Gym to get her out of their hair.”

”Yes, and you’re hardly the only one who’s made that joke, I will return to the matter of Kelly in a moment.” Gabriel commented as he leaned forward. ”Four women, one title, three people who can be charitably called volatile towards you, what are you doing to prepare for this match?”

”Same thing I do every title match, train my ass off and hope for the best.” Krystal responded as she shook her head. ”Off the three, Courtney’s the only one I’ve never wrestled one on one, my first encounter with her was that tag match.” Krystal added as she leaned back. ”This will be my fifth time wrestling Luna and third time in a multiperson match, if you remember Ariana wrestled Luna in her one and only Bombshell Internet Title Match, a match that indirectly led to this mess.”

”You are correct, Ariana cost Courtney her rematch for the World Bombshell Title, Courtney went after the Internet Title to punish Ariana and that led to this four way in a sense.” Gabriel nodded as Krystal leaned back in her chair. ”Remember one thing about this title match, Courtney doesn’t need to be pinned or submitted to lose the title, and the sooner we can get that title back in the Go Gym’s camp, the better! Now, back to Kelly, I want you to take her and Hayley under your wing.”

Those words nearly made Krystal fall out of her chair from shock. ”Err, excuse me?!” Krystal asked with a voice crack to emphasize just how shocked she was by this. ”This is the same girl who’s nose I just broke and Hayley not nearly as bad as Kelly, why are you doing this?!”

”Because I am almost at my wits end regarding you and Kelly, Kelly is a talented girl but her attitude problems haven’t improved, I fear the day may come that I have no choice but to expel her from the Go Gym sooner rather than later and whilst you have graduated Charlotte? You are much in the same boat.” Gabriel responded as he placed his hands on the desk. ”Another incident like that and you will be banned from the Go Gym again, and this time? There won’t be a second chance.”

”So we’re basically both on thin ice and this is our last chance?” Krystal asked and Gabriel nodded. ”And Hayley?”

”She is less problematic but I believe Kelly has a toxic influence on her, if Kelly’s attitude improves then there’s no reason why Hayley’s shouldn’t either.” Gabriel explained and Krystal nodded as she got the idea. ”For now? I need you to go home early and avoid further contact with Kelly, I will give her the same message and offer I just gave you and I will let you know if she accepts.”

”Somehow I doubt she’ll refuse it, see you tomorrow Gabriel.” Krystal responded before she left Gabriel’s office.

(Krystal’s inner thoughts)

”Me? Mentor a girl who’s a decade younger than me and with an attitude problem almost as big as my home country? Right before a PPV Title Match? And they say Gabriel doesn’t have a sense of humour.

I guess I’ll find out if this will actually be a thing tomorrow but how is mentoring Kelly and Hayley supposed to help me prepare for Luna, Tempest and off course, Courtney? Hell, Tempest used those girls are her personal weight machines several weeks ago so I doubt they will want to get involved.

I know PPV Hype time tends to be some of the craziest times on the average SCW Callender, especially with My Bloody Valentine kicking off the season, but what will happen next?

One way to find out.”

Walking down a hiking trail, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 6th of February 2024, 11:00am

*promo time*

What a mess.

”Riddle me this, what do you get when you take four Bombshells, including one who the other three absolutely hate, stick them in a Bombshell Internet Title Match together on PPV and see what happens? You get Courtney Pierce’s third defence against me, Luna Pasilno and Tempest, that’s what you get!” Krystal commented as she folded her arms. ”And I’m sure the prospect me getting my ass kicked by all three have certain members of the roster tickled pink! The kind that never got it through their thick fucking skulls that I actually was trying to be a better person after the Sin debacle and threw it back in my face when I got frustrated over losing one match!” Krystal scoffs as she shakes her head. ”The joke will be on those idiots when I’m the last Bombshell Standing and I’m the Bombshell Internet Champion!”

Sorry, not sorry.

”Let’s look at my opposition, Courtney Pierce, the spoiled brat of the Bombshell Division, fakes an injury because she can’t cut it at the top after winning the 2018 Blast from the past Tournament, came back and lost to everyone, left again, came back and finally ended the tedium of Roxi’s infinite title reigns, had an unmemorable reign and threw a fit when she lost, I think you know the rest! Tempest, the Go Gym Graduate who’s only talent is being big and strong, and guess what? Never liked her either, and as for Luna?” Krystal shakes her head. ”I guess Raven’s been feeding her lies about my home state of South Australia, more specifically Adelaide, and yet still hates me specifically for reasons.”

Krystal shakes her head.

”I guess my little campaign to win Most Hated at last year’s Year End Awards did have some effects after all, even if I did lose it to a cranky old man.” Krystal scoffs as she folds her arms. ”But enough stalling, let’s go over these ladies one by one because I do have something to say about each woman, and who better to start with that the champion herself?”

You know it.

”Courtney, your idle threats amuse me because you don’t have the balls to try to break my arm and for what? Taking your useless slut of a wife out of action? Please, I did the Bombshell Division a god damn favour!” Krystal shakes her head with a frown. ”History won’t remember Ruby as a Blast from the Past Winner they’ll remember her as the failed wrestler who hitched her ride onto a spoiled brat of a champion and never looked back! And honestly? If you had never come back? I don’t think history would’ve been too kind to your Blast from the Past win either Courtney.”

The honest truth.

”You were carried to the finals by a future Hall of Famer in Fenris, you realized that you weren’t good enough to win the gold in 2018 and fucked off for several years claiming an injury, and you want people to view you as one of the best?” Krystal shakes her head. ”Don’t think I’ve ever met a wrestler as delusional as you Courtney, and that includes The Troll, and once I take the title from you? The rest of the roster will realize that fact as well.”

Next up Tempest.

”Tempest, you were useful to me in one capacity so thank you for scoring me my first win of 2024, I’ll repay you by kicking your ass in this match!” Krystal added as she flipped some hair over her shoulder. ”It’s like I told you when the bosses booked that tag team match a few weeks ago Tempest, we’ve never been friends and he ship has sailed long ago but when it comes to us as enemies? We have quite a storied history, wouldn’t you say?”

Story time.

”First match: my second as an SCW Bombshell and your first, one of many losses I suffered during my first few months on the Bombshell Roster! Second meeting, last year’s Into the Void, I don’t think I need I need to go over that match again, and then, there was the last time we were in a Bombshell Internet Title Match, I nearly eliminated you only to get dumped out by Ari! Off course you soon followed but more to the point, will this be the match where you brak your singles title curse?” Krystal asked before shaking her head. ”No.”

Last but not least, Luna!

”Ahh Luna, the enemy I never knew I had, the newest Bombshell out of the four in this match, Alexander Raven’s hanger on, I can call you many things but here’s one that will stick: a failure.” Krystal stated as she flipped some hair over her shoulder. ”How long did it take you to break that losing streak? Too long, am I right? I’ve been there but unlike you I didn’t break it with a Bombshell Roulette Title win, though I did get close, but my reign didn’t last two weeks either!”

Here we go,

”Sure, go ahead and brag about winning the Bombshell Roulette and Bombshell Internet Titles in the same year, and hope and pray that people don’t look too closely into it, oops! I have, and it’s not a pretty sight.” Krystal states as she folds her arms. ”Bombshell Roulette Title Reign: lasted two weeks and lost it on a random Climax Control, spent the next few months trying desperately to get back into a title picture, only to have the same thing happen with the title we’re fighting for! But hey, at least that one ended at High Stakes! You know what you are Luna? Pathetic! And if you somehow get out with the title? I’ll personally be counting down the days until you lose the title again! Until then Luna, enjoy being the butt of everyone’s joke!”

It’s that simple.

”The deck is definitely stacked against me in this match but I’m more than ready for the challenge! Have a title drought that lasts three years will do that to you!” Krystal adds as she shakes her head. ”Courtney, Luna, Tempest? You three aren’t getting in my way of my long overdue title reign and at My Bloody Valentine I will walk out the Bombshell Internet Champ!”

And with that Krystal decided to wrap things up.

”Do you know how much this has been eating away at me? Don’t answer that, because I’ll make that fact very clear when I’m walking out the Bombshell Internet Champion! And Georgie? I fucking dare you to try to cash in on me when I win that title because I will whack that title so hard upside your head you’d think you were Dick van Dyke doing a poor Cockney Accent!” Krystal adds as she makes a belt motion around her waist. ”And as for Courtney, Luna, and Tempest? Hate me all you want, because when I’m Bombshell Internet Champ at Then Let Me Part III: Unforgiven I will be undeniable! Because they call me a nightmare dressed like a day dream but in reality? I’m the next Bombshell Internet Champion Krystal Wolfe! And I’ll see you all at My Bloody Valentine!”

Krystal turns off her camera as the scene fades.

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Tempest vs the PTA
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2024, 08:14:33 PM »

“You're going to want to be there. Trust me on this.”

Those were the exact words that Alleyne Mahoe aka Tempest read from her phone. She had received a text from the mother of one of Anela’s little friends from school, who just so happened to be a charter member of the PTA - Parent Teacher Association. During the exchange, Tempest explains in no uncertain terms that she held little interest in being a member of the PTA. She had no difficulties in helping out when asked if she wasn’t scheduled to wrestle somewhere in another state. She had even agreed (after some duress and begging from both Anela and Lucas Stevens) into being a chaperone for a school field trip. But the PTA…?

That was when the mother went on to explain she did not have to be a member of the PTA to attend the meetings, and that she was going to want to attend this one after having gotten wind of what their president was going to attempt. The mother explained briefly what the PTA President, a Monica Moore, was going to bring up, and a handful of parents were greatly opposed - and needed as much support as they could muster. That was why she contacted Tempest, as she knew if she spoke up against what Monica was going to try, then chances were more would lean their way and Monica would lose support for her so-called cause.

Las Vegas, Nevada
John S. Park Elementary School

And that was where we were discovered to be now, at the familiar site of John Park Elementary where Tempest’s step daughter attended school. But it was now well past when school had let out and the sun had begun its descent into the far horizon. Inside the school, an otherwise empty classroom was being used for this latest meeting between members of the PTA, the school’s faculty and several parents who had been tipped off and sought to attend. The meeting had just started and the previously mentioned mother, a Missus Hana Nguyen, turned her head at the sound of the classroom door opening and she felt a wave of relief as the imposing suite of Tempest looked into the room. Heads turned and despite her stature and imposing presence, being stared at never made her feel anything more than whether or not she belonged. Sort of like the new kid first entering the school cafeteria.

Hana got up from the desk she was seated at and hurried over to the door to greet her.

Hana: You made it. I was beginning to worry.

Tempest: Yeah, sorry I’m late. I had trouble getting away from the gym and then I had to bring Anela back…

But Hana waved off her concerns and explanations.

Hana: It’s alright, we haven’t started yet. I’ll

“Excuse me?”

Both women turned their heads to face the front of the classroom where there was a rather haughty looking woman having taken her place at the front of the classroom to address everyone. Hana leaned over just slightly enough to whisper so that Tempest’s ears alpine could hear;

Hana: Monica Moore.

Tempest nodded in understanding, as if she needed to be told. The woman’s very countenance in just standing there and expecting all eyes to be on her and her alone practically screamed who she was. If Tempest hadn’t known any better, she would have thought her name to be Karen, given she was dressed head to toe in hot pink and she had ‘that’ hairdo.

Monica: Can we begin? We have a full docket tonight.

Hana: Have a seat.

And Hana resumed her place where she was seated before. Tempest took one look at the offered student desk and had a look on her face as if to say, “Are you kidding me?” Instead, she stepped toward the side of the room and sat on the edge of a sturdy table, her arms crossed and her eyes on Moore alone.

Monica: Thank you. I asked for us to have this meeting because I went to the school board about the concerns that I - and many other parents - have had for some time and they have simply refused to even so much as look into it.

Hana: Look into what, exactly?

Monica: Excuse me, Hana? Please raise your hand and wait if you want to be called on…

Tempest: Just answer the question!

The head of every person present turned to the one who had spoken up so abruptly, and for the first time Tempest did not feel those familiar pangs for being looked at. She disliked this woman from the moment Hana had told her what she wanted to do and even more so when she laid eyes on her. Her attitude alone…

Monica: Excuse me? Who are you?

Tempest: Alleyene Mahoe. I’m Anela’s mom.

Monica: Well it’s very nice to have you join us Alleyene but you’re a guest right now and we have a certain way of doing things…

“Just answer the question, Monica.”

A man in a business suit and graying hair at the temples, said from where he was seated at the front of the class. His own demeanor was a stark contrast to Monica’s own. Where Monica screamed entitlement, this man practically radiated respect.

Man: What is it that you want the school to do?

Monica cleared her throat, thrown off that this man had spoken up. And despite the fact she was the head of the PTA, she had little to no influence on this man. Quite the contrary. He commanded the respect of her peers that she herself craved. She picked up a clipboard and held it for everyone to see.

Monica: I have here a list of books that the school carries in its library. Books that many of us have agreed are potentially harmful to our children.

Tempest rolled her eyes and lightly scratched behind her ear as she listened to the woman read off from her high and mighty list.

Monica: The Color Purple. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. Fahrenheit 451. Almost Perfect. The Handmaid’s Tale. Now these are just a sample of some of the books that this school carries, where any student can check out. I - we - think it would be best if the school were to remove these books and the others from the library…

Hana: Why?

Monica: Excuse me?

Hana: Why do you want them banned?

Monica: Hana, we’re talking about the safety and mental well being of our children.

Tempest: No, what you’re talking about is censorship!

Again all eyes turned to this imposing figure of a woman and she remained where she sat, but her former relaxed posture had taken on a more tense disposition. Tempest shook her head and bit at her lower lip.

Tempest: I can’t believe that I’m hearing this! I mean, I think we’ve all read the news stories about books being banned in schools but I thought Las Vegas would be the last city that would jump on this bandwagon!

Monica: Missus Mahoe, you can’t just come in here and interrupt…

Man: Let her talk!

This time those present looked to the man who had spoken up earlier from before.

Man: We invite guests to these meetings for a reason, and it is not just to hear your side of things.

Hana: And you did try - unsuccessfully - to try and make your house the new meeting spot to keep out anyone whom you didn’t approve of.

Monica: But nobody has heard ‘my’ side!

Tempest: What possible defense could you have for wanting to have these books pulled and banned from the school library!?

Monica: To protect the children!

Tempest: From WHAT, exactly!? I have read some of those books that you just named! There is nothing in them that can ‘harm’ any of our kids!

Monica: Times have changed since you and I were children. The children have changed.

Tempest scoffed.

Tempest: Oh you won’t get any argument from me on that point. Kids have changed and not for the better! They’re mouthier. More entitled. Disrespectful. Crying about anything that they feel ‘threatens’ them or wanting their ‘safe spaces’.

Monica: And what exactly is wrong with our children wanting to be safe?

Tempest: Nothing if what they wanted to be safe from was any more dangerous than a bad grade. But more often than not, that’s what they want to be protected from! From the mean teachers who want to give them a zero or a F for not turning in their homework or doing their share on some group project! And it’s parents like you that raised them to be entitled and want something for nothing!

Monica: I beg your pardon! There is nothing wrong with getting points for participating…

Tempest: But they don’t participate, that’s the point! If they don’t do the work, they don’t deserve any of the credit! And if they fail and get their feelings hurt, there’s only two people to blame, and it is not the teachers!

The few teachers present swell with a sense of pride that someone is finally sticking up for them and seeing things from their point of view.

Tempest: if they want to see who is to blame, they need to look into the mirrors and across the dinner table at who raised them to believe they deserve something for nothing.

Monica: Well…! You are certainly entitled to your opinions, but this isn’t about grades or participation trophies. This is about books that are harmful…

Hana: You have yet to explain how the books are harmful, Monica.

“That’s because she can’t.” Another voice rose from the classroom. “Not without just sounding like every other person out there banning the same books.”

Monica tried to regain control of the meeting and stood up at the front of the room, holding her hands over her chest in some symbolic gesture of care.

Monica: Look, everyone. I am not the enemy. Those who agree with me are not the enemy.

Man: And who here in this room agrees with you?

Hands slowly rose up to acknowledge that they did, in fact, agree with her assessment and what needed to be done about it. Not half of those in attendance, but more so than Tempest would have thought possible or likely.

Monica: There, you see? I am just trying to do what’s right. Some of these books have sexual situations or dialogue, including same-sex situations.

Tempest: Is that what this is all about? You don’t want your kids exposed to the gays?

Monica: No! This isn’t just about LGBTQ content! There are books that have violence in them. Racism. Some of these books are too depressing for young minds…

Tempest: And who exactly are you to decide what is or is not too depressing or potentially harmful for any child that is not your own?

Monica: I am the President of the PTA…

Tempest: Congratulations, but let me tell you what you are not.

Tempest pushed herself up from where she had been seated and she walked along the rows of desks, not to approach Monica or the front of the classroom, but just enough to make a point. And as she spoke, she pointed at different adults in attendance.

Tempest: You are not the parent of his child. Or her’s! Or anyone else here BUT your own!

Monica: I never said that I was!

Tempest: But you ARE acting like it! You are standing up there and telling everyone that you want their support in taking away their choices as a parent! Now if you want to tell your kid that you don’t want them to read those books on that list of yours, well that is certainly your right!

Monica nodded, satisfied that this point did indeed come across successfully. But unfortunately for her, Tempest was not yet finished.

Tempest: But what you don’t have the right to do, is take that choice away from any one of us in this room, or any other parent that couldn’t make it! Because I can tell you one thing; if you go through with this vote and somehow you get those books removed? The FIRST thing I am going to do is go to the first bookstore I see and buy every single one and give them to my daughter!

Man: As will I.

Hana: Me as well!

There were murmurs of agreement to this train of thought sounding out throughout the room, much to Monica's obvious dismay. Her face was flushed with either anger or annoyance, but it was clear that she was altogether not used to losing control or support in one of HER PTA meetings. Monica turned for a moment and stared at Tempest, studying her as if she were trying to remember something until…

Monica: You’re the wrestler, aren’t you?

Tempest frowned, unsure where this was going or what it had to do with anything.

Tempest: Excuse me?

Monica: My boys watch wrestling. They told my husband and me that one of their classmate’s mothers is a wrestler on TV. I thought I recognized you.

Tempest: And what exactly is your point? What does my profession have to do with anything…

Monica scoffed and looked toward one of her ‘supporters’ with the type of smile you just wanted to bitch slap off of her face.

Monica: I just find wrestling to be somewhat barbaric. My boys tell me that you’re quite violent…

Tempest: Football and hockey can be violent! What’s your point?

Monica: Well… someone in such a profession isn’t the most appropriate in my opinion to be speaking out in our meetings about such delicate matters.

Tempest reared back at the waist and stared hard at this woman. Oh she was damn lucky this was a PTA meeting and not in wrestling! The temptation to put this arrogant bitch’s head through the wall was growing harder to overcome by each passing minute! So instead she settled for resting her hand on her hip and staring right at Monica in front of everyone as she spoke out one more time.

Tempest: At least I have a job. And what exactly is it that you do for a living? Oh wait, let me guess. You're a homemaker as they like to say? You drive your kids around to their little activities like piano recitals and football games, while spending your husband's money and drinking enough wine at brunch with your book club friends to threaten the existence of grapes the world over!

Monica: Ex-CUSE me!?

Man: Ladies, please! Enough!

The man from earlier stood up from the desk where he was seated, hands raised to forestall any further outbursts or protests. He shifted a side eye toward Tempest and nodded, while noticing Hana who was attempting to smother the smile on her face behind the back of her hand.

Man: We are not here for this! We are here to decide whether or not the PTA will support Monica’s cause to remove the books from the school library. The school board has stated that they will only agree if the vote passes!

Monica nodded with a smug sense of satisfaction.

Monica: Thank you, Eric. So, a show of hands? All for removing the books from the school library and banning them from school grounds?

Monica was, of course, the first to raise her hand. One by one, her supporters from earlier raised their hands as well. The man - now known by his name of Eric Campbell - counted carefully and then the hands were lowered.

Monica: All opposed?

This time, Eric himself raised his own hand, and his influence was obvious immediately as many others followed his lead by raising their hands. Even Tempest, whether she was a member of the PTA or not and whether or not her vote even counted, raised hers. Eric counted as before, and he turned his head to Monica who looked like she was about to have a coronary for not getting her way.

Eric: Motion denied.

Monica: But…

Eric: Majority rules, Monica. You know that!

Monica and Eric engaged in an intense stare down but it was one she had no chance in overcoming. Her shoulders sagged…

Monica: Fine. Motion denied.

More hushed words were exchanged at this pronouncement, teachers and parents alike turning to their neighbor to exchange ideas and opinions on the matter. Having done her part, Tempest made to take her leave, walking past Hana who gripped her arm to give her pause.

Hana: Thank you!

Tempest just smiled and went on her way, but as she exited the classroom, one last look to the front of the class saw Monica staring at her with hard and unbridled anger!

The screen we see is nothing but black, an ongoing void of infinite darkness. A small dot appears in the center and suddenly the screen comes to life and where there was once darkness, now there is simply – white. We see no floor. No walls or ceilings. But we do hear the echoing sound of footsteps as if walking along a long and empty corridor, the echo of the steps vibrating off of surrounding walls that are not even there. You see what appears to be a figure in the center of the screen, growing larger as they approach closer and closer, until it is revealed to be none other than Tempest in our view.

Tempest, dressed for combat in her wrestling gear, looks around her and sees nothing but what we see. She takes a few steps forward until her head and upper torso fill the better part of the screen as she looks around, up and down and from left to right. She then takes a step even closer and taps a finger and we hear the sharp click of her nails against glass.

“Hunh, that’s different.”

Cautious now, she backs up a few steps until she stands in full view and shakes her head.

“And disturbing. And just when I need to focus on this Internet Championship match. Okay…”

She massages her temples with her fingertips.

“I don't know what the hell is going on and truth be told, I don't have the time to figure this shit out. There are bigger things to be concerned about. Better things to look forward to.”

She holds up her hands and shows eight fingers.

“Eight days ladies. That's all the time you have left to say your prayers and kiss your families goodbye. Eight days until our esteemed Internet Champion deigns to grace us with her presence. Where one woman is going to try and overcome three to hold onto a championship that she ‘claims’ to not even want to hold in the first place.”

She scoffs and shakes her head in a disbelieving manner.

“That being said, I suppose that's as good a place as any to start this whole damn thing; with our esteemed champion. Courtney Pierce herself.”

Suddenly the entirety of the white space is filled by an image of the reigning Bombshell Internet Champion, Courtney Pierce. Sensing the movement behind her, Tempest glances over her shoulder and does a double take before resuming.

“The champion that supposedly doesn't want to be the champion. And if anyone out there actually believes this bullshit, then they need to invest for themselves some nice, high boots because it's getting pretty damn deep!”

“You know who Courtney reminds me of when she starts up over this? Mikah. Hm? Remember that chick when she had the same title for a time? She lost the gold to Devona and how did she respond? By telling everyone the whole world over that Devona didn't really beat her. That she lost on purpose. I've always looked at the Internet Championship as the second tier championship, second only to the World title.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head.

“Not so much anymore. And I admit I don't see much behind the current World title situation either, but as far as prestige goes? I'd rank the current Bombshell Internet division a distant third. Bobbie Dahl is still new to her Roulette Championship but even she's done more to raise her title up than Pierce has! Maybe that's why Courtney 'doesn't want ‘ to be the champion. Because deep down she realizes she is not the woman who can bring the title back to the prominence that it once held?”

Tempest tapped at her chin, deep in contemplative thought.

“The last time there was a legit Bombshell Internet Champion was Kayla Richards. And I am talking about all three of her reigns, not just one or the other. Every time she held that title, she made it more important than the last and she held it for an impressive length of time. You, Courtney? You get by every woman who has gotten in your way by the skin of your teeth and you don’t even have yourself to thank! You would not be the champion today if it wasn’t for your wife, Ruby Steele. You would have been beaten for that championship a number of times, were it not for Ruby running interference. I dare even say you never would have won the championship in the first place, if it hadn’t been for her. And you try to convince everyone that the Internet title isn’t good enough for you. That you don’t even want to be champion. Well if that’s the case, then let me ask you this; if you don’t want to be the champion, why then do you resort to every dirty trick in the book to keep from losing it? Hm?”

“Why do you sit back and let your wife keep interfering on your behalf so that you can walk away the winner time and again, but you also seem pretty damn content to see her answer for her actions! How many times has she been beaten to the ground? How far did she get tossed when I used her for a lawn dart in your defense against Ariana? If you don't really care about being the champion, you would think of your wife’s safety over your own selfish goals! You would tell Ruby to stay in the back where she would be safe! Well, sugar in this match, there may be no real rules in a fatal Fourway. No count outs or disqualifications – but that isn’t a good thing for you or your wife. Because if Ruby shows her face this time, there’s going to be three – count them - three, women who will bury her in the basement for even trying to cost us!”

“Yet time and again, it’s the same old story where you’re concerned. Well guess what, Pierce? It’s time for a new chapter in that story. It’s time for a new ending and I can promise that for you, it isn’t going to be anything resembling a happy ending!"

Now Tempest rubs her hands together.

“Now we come to the woman that I was legit thrilled to get a chance to face weeks ago. There is nothing I like better than to get the chance to face a woman who can actually throw down with myself and when Luna Pasilno answered my challenge, I got exactly that!”

The scene behind Tempest in the void flickered on and off and was quickly replaced by the visage of Luna Pasilno. Tempest turns to look at it and then around her before shaking her head and continuing.

“There is no other way to describe Luna than simply calling her a bad ass chick. She is far from being the biggest woman on the roster. She’s not my or Bobbie or Zoey Lukas in size, but damn! The girl more than makes up for the fact with having a lot of fight in her! I beat her down time and again in our match and every damn time until the very end, she stood right back up and asked for more! No…”

She held up a finger.

“She demanded it. And the best part about our match is, she gave as good as she got. Luna can hold her own against anyone and she proved that by becoming a champion more than once. She knows what it feels like to be the Roulette Champion. And if she were to win this match in Vegas (she won’t but bear with me), she would be a two-time champion. The only reason I didn’t include her with Kayla as far as being the last in the line of credible Internet Champions wasn’t because she didn't hold it or deserve it, but because of bad timing and rotten luck. Luna beat the great Crystal Zdunich for the Roulette title and Aleesha Jones for the Internet gold. Crystal’s a legend and Aleesha could have been one of the greats but this isn’t about them. It just describes the hurdles Luna jumped through to get her hands on some gold. And unfortunately, neither reign lasted as long as it should have. I suppose Luna sees this match as her chance to correct that little note in history and she might even have had a chance to succeed but for one simple truth. I’m in this match. And as much as I might respect this chick, it’s not going to do her a damn bit of good if she gets between me and winning my first singles title in SCW. I’ve got two wins over you, Luna. Don’t make me make it a third!”

And just like that, the screen scrambles one last time and replaces itself with the image of the fourth woman in the match - Krystal Wolfe. Tempest does not even bother to turn and look. She simply shakes her head.

“Under most circumstances we save the best for the last, which in this case would obviously have been the champ[ion, but no. That distinction was obviously saved for the woman who, in my own biased opinion, deserves the least to be in this Fatal Fourway!”

Tempest nodded.

“Yeah, Krystal. I said it. Out of the three of us, you have the least business being in this match! You did nothing - NOTHING - to earn your way into your spot other than by going on about how you were targeting this title or that! You put your name out there, and for some reason, that was good enough for the powers that be! If I had my way, Ariana would be in this match, not you. Ariana was the one that got screwed out of the title twice by Pierce and her wife! You did nothing recently to even warrant being named in this title picture. Even when Courtney and Ruby jumped me backstage, it wasn’t you - my sister GO Gym graduate - who came to my aid! It was Luna! As far as I know, you were pretty content to just stand back and watch them try and take me out. But I will give you credit for one thing…”

“When they stuck us together in that tag team match, I admit you did have my back for as long as you needed to. Not so much out of loyalty, I imagine, but more so because you wanted to win. Which I can’t fault you for. We gelled well enough as a team, but I think that comes more from our mutual training under the same guidance than any true sense of camaraderie. You and I? We’ve never seen eye to eye. Not from the moment you wanted to cost me against Bella Madison, right up to where you started acting like a stuck up, entitled little diva. And just when I thought you were mellowing out a bit and acting your age, you go and you deliberately break the nose of a student at the GO Gym! And by your own words, you did it because ‘she provoked you’.”

“Well boo hoo, Krystal! It might have escaped your notice but life isn’t fair, especially in this business! And if you want to try and break my nose, you are more than welcome to sister, because I fully intend to provoke you like you’ve never been provoked before!”

“Ladies, it’s been a pleasure. And until in two weeks…”

Just then, the surrounding background changed once again but this time it was a continuous loop of LOL! Cat videos! Tempest spun around and shouted!

“Alright, that’s ENOUGH!”

Jolting herself awake! Tempest was once again in her Las Vegas apartment, having fallen asleep on the sofa with the open laptop running and playing - ironically enough - America’s Funniest Cat videos. But there was also the knocking on the apartment door that had pulled Tempest from her slumber. She pushed herself up to her feet and walked toward the front door, trying to get the sleep from out of her system.

Tempest: That is the last time that girl talks me into Cajun for dinner...

She arrived at the door and after a cursory peek through the peephole to see who it was, she frowned and opened the door to find two people standing there; a man and a woman. Both were wearing business clothes and both had serious expressions on their faces.

Woman: Missus Mahoe?

Tempest: Yeah? Who are you?

Woman: I’m Jolene Ward and this is Antony Papazian. We’re with Child Protective Services.


Offline Luna Pasilno

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If I Could Say Goodbye
Scene One | Off-Camera

Luna spent a lot of her free time in the same place now. Sitting next to her brother’s grave. A nice little blanket to sit on. A few drinks, some food. Just sharing what little she could with his memory. Alex had come a few times. To speak about how the world was going. He was angrier than she’d seen him in a long time. Sweet and soft with her, but angry with the world. Small slights he never would’ve thought of before. They sent him into a rage.

She didn’t blame him. She was just as angry. Angry with the world that was leaving them behind. So taking what time she could, she found some peace in coming here. Coming to sit next to his grave. To tell him about the daily going ons. What was happening with the bar, what was happening with their marriage. Future plans, wrestling plans. The things Jimmy would have wanted to hear about their everyday life.

“I’ve got a good feeling this time. I think I’m primed to take the championship again, you know? I think Alex is primed to hurt some people. You’d be proud of us Jimmy. You’d be so fucking proud.”

She reaches into the bag she had brought with her. A simple grey backpack. Pulling out a packet of cigarettes, a lighter, and a can of Colonial Sour. A taste of home for them. They spent so much time importing the stuff, just for a reminder of being back in Melbourne. She cracked the tin, and took a long sip of it. The sizzle and burn of the sour is somewhat refreshing.

“Things aren’t the same without you Jimmy. I know, someday, years from now. We’ll be having this chat again, and I’ll be in a different place. Hurting, but more at peace with what has happened. Hurting, but able to say goodbye properly. I could barely face it at the funeral. I couldn’t accept what was happening.”

The cigarette up to her lips, lighting it and taking a long and harsh drag. A heavy exhale. She looked at the short grass that was beginning to grow over where the plot had once been dug out. A second can pulled from the bag, and placed next to the headstone. A little gift from her.

“I wish I could say goodbye, Jimmy. I wish I didn’t feel compelled to come here everyday. I wish, I wish you were still here. When the hospital called to tell us. To tell us we were too late to come and say goodbye. We just sat there in the doorway. We were just about to get out the door. Hungover, haphazardly dressed. Looking like the scene of a bad walk of shame. I’m sorry we took too long, Jimmy. I’m sorry we weren’t there to hold your hand in the end.”

The conversation was the same most days. Sorrow, pity, agony. She was here every day she could be. Another long drag, another sip of the drink.

“I hope you don’t hold it against us. I know you wouldn’t. We’re going to be better, Jimmy. I swear it. You made me promise once, that I wouldn’t ruin this again. That the world had gifted me a second opportunity, and I wasn’t to mess that up. I’m not going to fuck it up, Jimmy. I’m going to take this and run with it. I promise you that. I promise that you handed me off and it was for good. That you got to see the happiest day, even if it became the saddest.”

She reached forward and opened the tin she had put on the headstone. Pouring some of it out onto the grave itself. A literal pouring one out, for her brother. She took a large mouthful of her own and sighed heavily. Lowering her head, to rest upon her raised knees.

“Alex wants to go back to Melbourne. He wants to run away from it all. I think… I think I want to go back too. Back to a place that was filled with only life for us. Memories of better days. I think that’d be nice, you know? I just wish you could come with us. But, Alex said when he told you. That you didn’t want to move anymore. That you were tired of it. That you’d settled and were putting down your roots. So, even though I wish you could come with us. I know this is where you’d rather be.”

The crunch of dirt beneath shoes suddenly filled the air. She turned and noticed Alex slowly walking over towards her. She hadn’t been expecting him today. It was a pleasant surprise. She smiled, and waved. Taking a long drag on her cigarette as he made his way over. Planting himself down heavily beside her. His arm around her shoulders is warm and soothing. He took the cigarette from her, and took a long drag himself.

“One day, things won’t hurt so much.”

Experience for him. Lauren had passed, now James too. The fears he held, about being an omen of death. About being the angel of darkness. She could see why he felt that way. His parents, his ex-wife, his best friend. If anyone else had said such things, she’d have spat in their face. Then asked for money for the privilege.

“We’re going to burn the world down, Alex. We’re going to burn it all fucking down.”

“We’re going to hurt everybody, Lu. Every single person who has wronged us. Every single person who may wrong us. Pre-emptive justice. Justice for the world that just continues to take. We’re going to burn it all down, and watch as they beg and bleed for sweet release.”

Alex truly was becoming a fucking freak. And she was loving every moment of it. The raw emotion. The raw passion. For everything that James’ death had taken away from them, for everything that it had changed. For everything that would continue to change. They would have each other, and in an ideal world. They would have each other forever.

“I love you, Lexi.”

“I love you, Lu.”

At that moment, they each had an arm wrapped around the other. She passed the can to him, and for a moment. For a moment things seemed okay. For a moment there was peace. A peace that would not last for them.

Things never last.

Anger Management
Scene Two | On-Camera

“Now, Mrs Pasilno. We’ve talked at length previously about the anger that you feel towards these other women. I’d like to re-explore that, if you are willing.”

A long body recliner, occupied by one Luna Pasilno. A small office, a desk against the wall. A bookshelf, filled with hardbacks, most of which seem to be lacking any real identifiable feature. Another person sits in a tall back chair, with a deep seat and high armrests. His face is obscured by shadows. Holding a notepad and pen, he crosses his legs, and taps the pen absent-mindedly against the pad.

“Oh, I don’t know. I guess we can delve into that sweet little pie once more. I don’t even think it’s just anger for these women. No, there’s this pit inside me. This urge to just hurt everyone, you know? I want to make people feel the pain I’m feeling. I want the world to understand what it is like to be me right now. To want to claw your own skin off. To dig your nails beneath the surface and let the blood flow. To turn every shower into a crime scene of crimson. I want to turn everyone into my bloody valentines.”

“I guess it really started with Krystal Wolfe being a mouthy little fucking whore.”

The scratch of pen on paper, the man nodding as he shifted somewhat in his seat. She stretched out on the long recliner, placing the back of her wrist daintily to her forehead. One knee bent and raised, with the other leg stretched out. A woe-is-me caricature. The smile on her face betrays the sadness and anger she spoke of.

“Let’s explore that shall we? What is it about Krystal Wolfe that makes here, and I quote, a ‘mouthy little fucking whore’?”

“Oh you know, this and that. I get it, I’m not a native Australian. Not born, raised and bred to hate freedom and deny the native person’s of my country the right to even a treaty. It’s not my fault I chose to move to the best city that the country has to offer. It’s not my fault that I chose to stay in a place filled with the widest variety of food, the strongest nightlife and the best atmosphere of any place in Australia. It’s not my fault I found myself enraptured and captured by the power of what Melbourne had to offer. A beautiful country, dotted and marred by shit capital cities filled with bogan rats who think they walk this earth with the right and power to make ludicrous claims about what an outsider sees as truth.”

“That’s not even the most egregious part of it all. No, the most egregious part is the cunt actually thinks that anything she says really gets under my skin. I guess it does in a way. Just not how she thinks. I’m not upset by my shortcomings. Any idiot can be mad over their shortcomings. I mean, you just have to look at Krystal herself. She was so mad at her inability to actually succeed that she went and pretended to get possessed by a demon. Luring that other mouthy bitch Keira back into the fold. No, the most egregious fucking thing that our sweet Krystal Wolfe ever did, was decide to pretend that she is any better than me. The crawling, sliding, little slug.”

 The smile began to slip from her face. Now frustration etched its way across her features. The emotional flippance of Luna Pasilno in full display. She swings her hips to the side and plants her feet on the floor. Hands resting either side of her legs, her eyes fixed on the floor near the supposed therapist’s feet.

“Krystal Wolfe? She’s just a thorn in my side. A proverbial pain in the fucking ass. A pain that is full of excuses for herself. Forever blaming the world when she comes up short, but pretending like that doesn’t matter when she gets a bit of confidence in herself. Here’s a tidbit of truth for you, Krystal. No matter how much you try to tear me down. Mock my short little reigns with the belts, and pretend like your Roulette Championship reign is in anybody's memories except for your own. At the end of the day? Ain’t nobody talking about Krystal fucking Wolfe. But everybody has Luna Pasilno on the tip of their tongue, and in their dreams they have to soothe their minds.”

“The worst part of it all. I wouldn’t even care if she would just shut the fuck up. She talks, and talks and talks. Acting like anyone actually cares what she has to say. The last time you mattered Krystal, was during that reign that you cling to oh so desperately. You were a Roulette Champion, clap clap clap. Good for you, what else have you done? It’s been years since it mattered. Get the fuck over it. In fact, if we want to talk about relevancy, about somebody doing something. I’ve beaten both you and Tempest before, for this very championship. You seem to conveniently forget that when it comes right down to it, when it comes to winning the fucking championship. I have a better record than you do, sweetheart. So continue to bang on about how my much more experienced husband is vastly superior. Bang on about how you don’t know what our ‘alliance’ is all about. This may be a strange concept for you, but we’ve known each other our whole fucking lives. We lived in Australia together. We got fucking married, bitch. Bang on and on about things you don’t understand. Because reality talks, and when reality comes fucking knocking, you’ll regret every foul word.”

“So wiggle your fingers and pretend like you matter. My brother was dying. Now my brother is dead. And I am going to make you hurt so you fucking understand that. I’m going to make you bleed Krystal, and then I’m going to tear out your fucking throat. So I never have to hear your whiny, little bitchy South Australian fucking accent ever again. Trot on back to the Barossa valley and drown yourself in the brain rotting wine that marks only three fucking things your city is known for. Churches, Wine and fucking murder. Stupid bitch.”

She screams and stands up, violently kicking out at the recliner she had previously been sitting on. The calmness now completely gone, replaced with anger, irritation and disdain. Perhaps a bad place to start. Maybe the right place, who could tell?

“Insightful. We’ll need to look into that further. But I want to bring your attention to something you mentioned. Previous success. Krystal Wolfe wasn’t the only one you’ve clashed with previously. What is it about Tempest that frustrates you?”

“Momentarily. Before I turn the bitch on, and run her down. I want to thank Tempest. I want to thank her for being one of the only people who reached out to offer their sympathies when I lost my brother. She didn’t have to. She didn’t need to. But she did, and I appreciate that. Which makes what I have to say, to get myself psyched up the worse. I love you, darling. But right now, I’m an angry fucking bitch.”

“Where to begin? See, Tempest and I have banged heads a few times now. Mixed Tag Team fatal four way. In the previously mentioned battle royal with Krystal. I threw my body to her just wanting to feel something on the second Climax Control of this year. To break the feeling of being numb. The irony in that, is the third member of this little soiree decided to stick her fucking nose into our business and start all of this tumbling ahead. I’ve felt the wrath of Tempest a few times. The woman who lifted a car so a fat little troll could look under it. The woman who strikes fear and terror into the hearts of the women that ply their trade here in Sin City Wrestling. Oh, I know Tempest. Another of the old guards sent to get in the way of the inevitable future. To be a stalwart designed to fucking ruin my day.”

“Tempest exists in the same place as the likes of Kimberly Pain, who, oops. She’s no longer here after I embarrassed her fucking bitch ass. Exists in the same place as Keira, as Roxi, as fucking Kat Jones. The only difference is at least Tempest has kept turning up. Keeps being the little stone pitbull of my sweet corporate daddies Mark Ward and Christian Underwood. I can respect a tough lady who doesn’t let the creaking of her knees and the stupidity of her back breaking get in the way of being a human battering ram. Except, just like Krystal Wolfe, Tempest came up short when it mattered most. I don’t have much negative to say about Tempest. The truth is, I really don’t care for her. She doesn’t scare me. A big tough bitch whose whole identity is wrapped up in being scary and tough doesn’t scare me.”

The scratching of the pen of paper slows for a moment, and the person in the chair leans forward. To absolutely nobody's surprise, the face that is revealed is that of Alexander Raven. Dressed in a far nicer button up shirt and slacks than he would almost ever be seen in otherwise. He shakes his head a little, as Luna sighs. Attempting to wash some calm over herself as she pulls the recliner back to where it had been before she kicked it.

“She’s just as irrelevant as fucking Krystal Wolfe is. Maybe even more so. I’ll give her her dues, without her I probably get to be taking a vacation right now. Maybe we could actually be celebrating our marriage on a lovely little getaway to Maldives. Instead, we’re here having to push through grief, through misery and bullshit. I do love my sweet surrogate fathers, but there are times where they can just be so goddamn heartless. Alas, I guess I have a few more words for the vindicator of my happiness.”

“Tempest, thank you. Thank you for including me in your bullshit. Thank you for being so unable to solve your issues with Courtney Pierce in the lead up to this event that, instead of sucking down beers and cocktails, I’m here instead. In another multi-woman match, facing off against two persons I have already beaten previously in a multi-woman field, for a championship that I beat said women for. Thank you for being so unable to not gravitate frustration, irritation and bullshit toward you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to stick my fingers in Krystal Wolfe’s throat and silence the bitch permanently. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have a romantic session with Courtney Pierce as she holds Krystal down for me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lock your over-sized fucking leg in a Deep Cut and listen to you scream and beg for release, before you tap the fuck out and make me, for the second time ever. The new Bombshell Internet Champion.”

“So thank you, Tempest. Thank you for being here still, just so you can be the giant I use to show everyone what fucking happens when you cross Luna fucking Pasilno. The new Mrs Rabenschwarz. The angry little girl who has fists made of fucking steel. Thank you Tempest, for once again ruining our lives.”

Alex nods a little, leaning back into the chair. His face once again obscured the darkness. For cinematic effect of course. Luna sits herself back down on the recliner, throwing her legs back up onto the couch. Knees bent, her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

“I think we’re really starting to make some headway here, Mrs Pasilno. But there’s one other person that seems to be causing you some level of trepidation. You mentioned her briefly in her relation to Tempest, but we need to more thoroughly explore that. What is it about Courtney Pierce that frustrates you?”

“Right down to the line. I had her, right down to the final moments. Admitted from her own mouth. I had her right to the last second. I came up short. That’s okay, these things happen. In fact they seem to happen more often than not. Arrogance, bravado, whatever you want to call it. The reality is, the woman who touts herself as the best this company has to offer, was taken straight down to the line. It could have gone either way, and I’ll take what I can. But, Courtney said something in the lead up that bothered me. That this started because I stepped to her. That this started because I got involved in her affairs. Conveniently forgetting that the bitch stuck her nose in MY business first. I don’t care that she didn’t put her hands on me. I care that she decided to ruin my match, and take away what I wanted. Take away the fact that I wanted Tempest to hurt me.”

“I’m the fucking Masochist. I think people forget that little part about me. I like to hurt, I like the pain. What I don’t like? People who stop me from getting what I want. That, that is you, Courtney Pierce. The serial interrupter. The bitch who thinks she can get away with it all. If she was like this with anyone else, I’d even have a little admiration. Our equal disdain for the chatty little slag, Krystal Wolfe. I could almost like Courtney Pierce, if she wasn’t just such a hypocritical and blind scrag. See it is one thing to be so self-indulgent, that you cannot see beyond the ego of your own brow. Courtney’s arrogance for the Bombshell Internet Championship, is ironically, not even unique. No, it’s the same schtick that Jack Washington ran with for his recent reign. It’s the same thing that Fenris attempted to use as an excuse for why he wouldn’t wrestle my husband. A shadow of greater persons, taking a stance that doesn’t even mark her as something unique.”

“I’ve said a few times, but the most egregious thing here, is the fucking irrelevancy of the three other women. The irrelevance of Krystal Wolfe in this match with women far greater than her. The irrelevance of Tempest in this match with women far quicker than her. And the irrelevance of Courtney Pierce in this match, for a championship she pretends she doesn’t care for. Pretends because if she acknowledged it, she’d have to accept that someone like our consummate queen, Juliana DiMaria is actually her better. The woman who is her better. Courtney is here because she is no longer the measuring stick for the Bombshell division to measure against. Courtney is here because she fucking belongs here. Beneath the boot of the betters. Beneath the boot of those who actively wish to see things improve. Beneath the boot of the inevitable future. Beneath me.”

She stretches an arm above her head, stretching out lazily on the recliner. The earlier anger is still bubbling but the smile. The smile had returned. That perpetual maniac happiness. She turns to face Alexander Raven, stretching a hand out toward him. The scratching of the pen slowly comes to a stop on the notepad. He leans over handing it to her. The excessive pen seemingly has nothing of note. Scrawled across the pad is simply “Fuck them up.” The words written bold and heavily lined.

“Just to add to the ever-growing pool of people. I know Ruby is going to be there. Tempted to interfere. Tempted to help Courtney get her win. I need you to consider the dangers in that choice. In the dangers of that outcome. You see Courtney, you’re not the only one with someone on the outside that would do anything to help you get what you want. And whilst he might be a little banged up from his own match. Where he’ll be ripping Ben Jordan’s sweet little face right the fuck off. I too have someone who will do anything and everything for me. So I want you to consider, do you want to risk poor sweet Ruby? Do you want to get her involved, if that means that Alex gets himself involved. No rules, that’s the sticking point here, isn’t it? You can have the world, and I’ll burn it all down.”

“I want it known. I want to make a point. That My Bloody Valentine will be a fucking bloody affair if I get my way. I don’t care that we aren’t in one of those cute, sweet little Blood Bath Brawls. A fatal fourway is exempt from the typical rules of engagement. So Krystal, just know. If I can’t use my nails, then I can find something else to break your fucking throat. Tempest, if I can’t lock you in that Deep Cut like I like. Maybe I’ll crush your skull between two chairs instead. Lay you out, and plant you down. Romantic, I think. And for you, Courtney. For you, I’m not going to crush your skull or throat. I’m not going to ram my nails into your sweet neck. No, I’m going to take your face from you. I’ll run these nails down your pretty little face, until the flesh beneath is exposed and throbbing. Gashes and rivers of that sweet, sweet crimson. Because lovers, this is going to be My Bloody Valentine. And at the end? I walk out Bombshell Internet Champion once again. The best of us. The Queen once more.”

She drops the notepad and sighs heavily, closing her eyes as Alexander Raven slowly stands up.

“I think we’ve made some real progress today. Shall we make it for the same time next week?”

“Oh, I think I’ll have plenty to talk about then.”

And then…




Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“Then Let Me Part IV: Two Years Too Long!”
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2024, 07:06:10 PM »
”You know what I hate? Aside from losing? So called champions who don’t put the effort in for every match, I’ll give credit to Bobbie, Peter, Miles, and Juliana, I may not get on with a majority of those wrestlers but they at least care about the titles they hold, they at least give each defence everything they’ve got.

The same can’t be said for Courtney, she’s made no secret of her disdain for the Bombshell Internet Championship but until now she’s put in the effort to keep her hands on it, whether it was against Ariana or Luna in her first two defences, but now that she’s facing three ither women for the gold she can’t be bothered to put the effort in?

What does that tell you about the kind of woman Courtney is?

Say what you will about Luna and Tempest, they put the effort in, they made their voices heard but our esteemed champion? The one who could very well lose the title she so despises to someone who she thinks isn’t worth her time? This just reinforces my belief that I will be the Bombshell Internet Champion after Sunday night.

And if a certain idiot with a briefcase decides to try to ruin my moment? Her head will be kicked all the way back to south London!”

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 11th of February 2024, 11:00am

It was an average Sunday in Krystal’s home in Las Vegas, or at least as average a Sunday could be when it was the last Sunday before a big PPV and Krystal was competing in a title match against two challengers and an absentee champ.

”So Courtney’s gone AWOL and no one’s heard a peep from her?” Makayla asked as she walked into the living room where Krystal was sat watching this week’s SCW promos on her laptop. ”At least tell me Luna and Tempest spoke?”

”They did, so I’ve at least got some competition heading into this Fatal Hour Way Match.” Krystal responded with a grunt as she shook her head. ”Remenver the Roulette Title Reign? Setting aside how it ended because I can rant, and have ranted, about that until the cows come home but you remember how much effort I put into making the Bombshell Roulette Title mean something.”

”How could I forget? You basically opened every other Supercard Cycle in 2021 by asking who was going to step up next!” Makayla responded with a nod after thinking back to those days. ”It ultimately took Keira to end that reign after two hundred and seventy days at least, what are you getting at Charlotte?”

”If there’s one thing I hate more than losing, it’s champions who don’t put the effort in, at least the other champions in SCW care about the titles they defend.” Krystal responded as she let out a deep breath. ”Miles fought tooth and nail to finally win another singles title, Peter’s basically doing what I did with the Bombshell Roulette Title only with the men’s division title, Bobbie has waited years to get her hands on her first title and she’s making every moment count, Julianna has been unstoppable since she arrived in SCW and her title reign is more evidence of that, and what is Courtney doing for her first PPV as champion?”

”Posting photos of her on a beech somewhere without mentioning where she is and basically telling the Bombshell Roster to fuck off, that’ll make her popular with the bosses for sure.” Makayla responded with a frown as she walked around couch and sat next to me. ”How far of is Courtney from the hundred day mark?”

”Not sure but she can’t be that far off, when Ari won it she said her hundred day mark was at the end of January and Courtney beat her for the title, so I’m using that as a basis.”  Krystal responded with a shrug and Makayla nodded as she got the idea. ”One thing’s for sure, when I win the title next Sunday I’ll be out to make Myra Rivers’ reign look like look like it was a one and done defence! And it won’t matter who the bosses throw my way or when and where Georgie decides to use her briefcase!”

”I just don’t plan too far ahead, that’s been your downfall in the past Charlotte.” Makayla reminded Krystal and she frowned before nodding in response. ”So what’s the deal with you and these Go Gym students? Kelly and Hayley? I know you broke Kelly’s nose last week but now Gabriel expects you to mentor them?”

”Kelly more so but you got the general idea, Gabriel wants to see if I can sort out Kelly’s attitude problem and stop Hayley from becoming a taller, American version of Kelly.” Krystal responded with a nod as she leaned back in her chair. ”I’m going to meet with them tomorrow and talk with them in detail about it, Kelly has cooled down since them but yeah, this is going to be interesting.”

”So long as this doesn’t turn into another Jessica Stevens situation! Not in the sexual sense since they are a decade younger than you but in the sense that it drove us apart.” Makayla responded before quickly elaborating when she saw the look Krystal was giving her. ”Anyway, I’m off to get started on lunch, want anything in particular?”

”Nothig much, just make it taste good.” Krystal responded with a shrug and Makayla nodded before she walked off.

(Krystal’s inner thoughts)

”Remember when this title was held by someone who gave a crap? Good times, and now I get to win it back for the Go Gym.

The only promos I haven’t watched like are Tempest’s and Luna’s and I’ll be saving those for when next weekend rolls around and My Bloody Valentine is finally here! Though based on what Luna has said about me on Twitter and my past experience with Tempest? I think I can guess what they said.

As for the champ herself? I’m half expecting Courtney to drop off the face of the earth completely either before or after My Bloody Valentine, just based on what she’s posted on Twitter and the fact that she couldn’t give a damn about her third defence, she had made no secret of the fact that she hates the Internet Title and views it as a consolation prize but this? Basically dropping the title that better women before her have poured their blood sweat and tears into?

This makes me sick! It almost makes me wish that Georgie would take her out before the match and cash in her briefcase, at least then we’d get that out of the way too!

As for this match? The fact that Courtney has apparently decided that this match isn’t worth her time does basically guarantee that they’ll be a new champion after My Bloody Valentine and if you ask me? It’s been too long since the title as held by an Australian.

I suppose we can count our lucky stars that Bea Barnhart isn’t the one that Courtney decided to drop it too! But it does bag the question, will Luna and Tempest win it?

Hah! No! that title is as good as mine and I bet it’ll just eat away at Luma that someone from her least favourite city in South Australia is the new champion instead of her.

Like I care what someone from the city famous for Mardi Gras thinks!”

Outside the Go Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 12th of February 2024, 18:15pm

It was after the Go Gym had closed for the day and Krystal was waiting in the parking lot for Kelly and Hayley to come out of the gym as they had planned.

”The Go Gym closed fifteen minutes ago.” Krystal muttered to herself as she checked the time on her watch. ”What’s taking those two so long? Getting changed out of their wrestling gear shouldn’t take that long.” Krystal added as she started looking up YouTube videos to pass the time. ”If they take any longer I’ll go in there and look for them……..”

“Like you’d get past Despy.” Hayley’s voice broke my train of thought and I glanced up, the two young women were standing right there, Kelly was wiping something from the side of her neck but Krystal ignored it. “And yeah, Gabriel’s told us about the arrangement.”

”I’m gonna be honest with you two, I wasn’t a fan of the idea after what happened between me and Kelly last week but this is literally the only way I’m going to stay in Gabriel’s good graces.” Krystal explained as she folded her arms and the two Go Gym students nodded. ”And I’m guessing he basically told you the same thing?”

“Yep, I didn’t move all the way from Ireland to get expelled so I’m going to make this work come hell or highwater!” Kelly responded with a nod before she stuck her hand out for a handshake. ”Saying that, only real way this is gonna work is if we put the whole breaking my nose thing behind us, up calling it evens on that?”

”Sure.” Krystal responded before accepting the handshake firmly. ”But another crack like that and I’ll make sure Gabriel’s the first to know, and I don’t think I need to elaborate on the outcome of that, do you?”

“Nope, got your message loud and clear.” Kelly responded with a frown before I motioned for them to get in my car. “So where are we going anyway?”

”You two are going home, as am I because Makayla was cooking dinner before I left.” I responded and the girls nodded as they got the idea. ”Makayla does want to meet you guys at some point but I’m not at the point where I trust you guys enough for that, what with me having three daughters and two adult dogs back home and all.”

“Yeah, I get it.” Kelly nodded in response as she and Hayley made themselves comfortable in the backseat after buckling up and Krystal started driving off. “At least this is better than seeing my dreams going up in smoke.”

”Not arguing with that.” Krystal responded as she drove around. ”By the way, what was taking you guys so long? And what were you wiping from your neck Kel?”

“Oh, I had to give my headband a thorough wash, too much sweat, it was also what I was wiping from my neck.” Kelly responded and Krystal raised an eyebrow. “You know how tough the training regimens get in the Go Gym!”

”Uh huh.” Krystal responded whilst sounding unconvinced but let it slide. ”Now onto my other question, do you guys want to start coming with me to SCW shows starting from My Bloody Valentine or not.”

“Definitely yes, we want to see the Go Gym get some gold back.” Hayley responded with a nod and I grinned in response. “But in what capacity? Your sidekicks or just as guests like the week where you teamed up with Tempest?”

”Haven’t made my mind up on that you but we’ll see.” Krystal responded with a nod as she resumed driving. ”We’ll see what happens at the PPV in any case.” Krystal added before she drove off.

(Krystal’s inner thoughts)

”A record setting Roulette Champion reduced to being a babysitter for two unruly Go Gym Students, what can go wrong? Either way, I’m sure Gabriel finds some amusement in this!

However they might have some use going forward but that is beside the point, my next match is easily my most important one yet and I’m not letting the Internet Title slip from my grasp again! At least this time around I can pretty much guarantee that they’ll be a new champion since no one’s heard a peep from Courtney.

I’ve already made my thoughts on that joke of a champion known, same goes for my fellow challengers Luna and Tempest, Tempest will probably disappear for a few months again after this but Luna? She’s a persistent little cockroach, almost like Jessie was during her younger days only less obsessive with titles, not saying muh but still, she will find a way to get under my skin again.

And she will lose again.”

Nevada Dessert
Monday the 12th of February 2024, 21:00pm

*promo time*

Well, well.

”See this? this scenery represents all the fucks Courtney gives about the division that made her relevant!” Krystal pans her camera around the empty surroundings before focussing it on her. ”How else do you explain Courtney going silent ahead of her third and soon to be final defence? Or her only posts on Twitter being about how she’s done for some fucking reason, makes us wonder why she wasted our time, doesn’t it Luna and Tempest?”


”Let me make one thing clear, I have no patience for champions like Courtney, the types that put in minimal effort and expect to get away with it, well, I’ve got bad news for Courtney because I’m not going to let her get away with this shit.” Krystal added as she leaned against her car. ”That said, I at least know that Luna and Tempest will give me a fight worthy of a championship match, does that mean they’ll beat me? No, but at least they are putting more effort in than the so called champion.”

Speaking of whom.

”Courtney, I’ll keep this as brief as your title reign, where did this attitude come from exactly?” Krystal asked with a frown on her face. ”You turned away Ari in her rematch, beat Luna after she went to town on your leg, both in Main Events and yet you suddenly don’t give a crap? I don’t understand you and I look forward to sending you back to obscurity.”

For good with any luck.

”The last time I was a champion was in 2021, but I still took pride in my reign, you can’t even say that! Hell you’ve outright called the Internet Title a consolation prize.” Krystal added as she flipped some hair over her shoulder. ”And trust me Courtney when I take the title from your ill-deserved hands? It’ll be my Roulette Title Reign all over again, in other words? A far more memorable reign than either of yours! Is it any wonder why people say Fenris is the only reason you’re a Blast from the Past winner?”

Next up is Tempest.

”Ahh Tempest, I’m sure you’re not so amused by Courtney’s lack of care for her title as I am!” Krystal said as she paced around for a bit. ”The fact that there’s a good chance that a champion who only got her previous World Bombshell Title Reign because she was carried to the Blast from the Past finals by a Go Gym Graduate is likely to lose her second title to one of two Go Gym Graduates is pretty ironic, wouldn’t you say Tempest? But the real question is, who?”

Good question.

”You have the size and power, I have the speed, agility and power to spare, if it comes down to between us then it’ll at least be an interesting matchup, not to mention our third ever meeting.” Krystal said as she sat on the roof of her car. ”But I’m extra motivated by the crap Courtney is pulling here and my losing streak against you will end at My Bloody Valentine, until then? See you at My Bloody Valentine, and may the best Aussie Go Gym Graduate win!”

Last up is Luna.

”And now for someone I wish I could forget about, the one who dumps on my home city of Adelaide when she originates from the most overrated tourist spot in the world, who else but Luna, am I right?” Krystal shakes her head as her ran a hand through her hair. ”Luna, if there’s one thing you love more than moping about your pathetically short title reigns, it’s your blind hatred for Adelaide, have you even been to Adelaide? Don’t answer that, because I’ve already had enough of your crap!”


”But I will give you SOME credit Luna, you are the modern day Jessie Salco, not in that you’ll be a Hall of Famer one day but rather the fact that you are a pathetic, persistent cockroach much like Jessie was in her younger days! Don’t take it from me if anything Jessie would agree with me.” Krystal added as she blew a stray strand of hair out of her face. ”I’ll keep this brief but I look forward to stamping you out on Sunday Night Luna!”

It's that simple.

”I was already motivated from how long it’s been since my last title reign, but now that Courtney has shown her true colours? I look forward to putting her down at Then Let Me Part IV: Two Years Too Long.” Krystal added as she folded her arms. ”Why two years? Because that’s how long it’s been since I was last champion and I’ve waited too long to get back in the champions circle!”

And with that Krystal decided to wrap things up.

”And I’ll be damned if Courtney spends another second after the PPV in that very circle!” Krystal added as she started to make her way over to her car. ”As for Luna and Tempest? As far as I’m concerned? They are bumps in the road! Especially large ones in Tempest’s case but bumps in the road none the less! And at My Blood Valentine V I will run them all over to become the new Bombshell Internet Champion as “The Nightmare Dressed Like a Daydream” Krystal Wolfe!”

Krystal got in her car as the scene fades.

Offline Luna Pasilno

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Addiction and Time
Scene One | Off-Camera

Dreams. They were an outlet for the mind. Something for the brain to torture people with whilst they slept. There was a minimum required amount of REM sleep that a person must have, otherwise they accrue a debt. Luna had recently been prescribed benzodiazepine to deal with the nightmares that had been plaguing her since James’ death. It was a slippery slope. They weren’t her drug of choice, but she was an addict regardless. Downers were always her choice of poison. To feel weightless, to float.

She hadn’t really wanted to take them. Alex had offered to keep an eye. To ensure that if there was a problem developing, they’d cut it in the ass early. It was a nice sentiment, but a hollow one. She was an addict, and she knew how to hide it. At least at the beginning. All the attention in the world wouldn’t have been able to stop her from indulging when she shouldn’t. To take two instead of one because she simply ‘forgot’.

But there they were, staring her in the face. Offering the potential to wash the dreams away. To help drown the thoughts for just a night. One night is all she really needed, at least, that’s what she was trying to convince herself of. Truthfully, she just didn’t want to feel at all anymore. To be numb, to be floating. For Luna, they were taunting a peaceful bliss that she’d been free of for so long. The devil was in the temptation.

Alex had gone out somewhere. He hadn’t really said where he was going, but there was something in his voice that night. Something that worried her. Something that made her concerned for the man she was ever more in love with. There was a primalistic urgency in his eyes. A man driven mad by the world around him. She wasn’t going to stop him, whatever he needed to do, she was going to let him do it. That was how they worked. They weren’t barriers or stoppers for the impulse. They were supporters and discussion mates in the aftermath. Was it the healthiest thing? Far from it, but it worked. It worked for them in their lives, and that is what mattered. Haters be damned.

The running water filling the bath was becoming a slightly more muted tone now. Sitting on the side of the bathtub, she looked down at the water. Just at the right level. Turning the taps off, she reached over to a small tray they kept beside the bath. It didn’t really matter which bath bomb she grabbed, she just wanted to feel free. It was almost poetic that she grabbed one of the lavender ones. Soothing, lulling. Something to help her sleep, maybe blissfully for once. At the very least, she would at least smell nice when Alex did get home. He’d been gone for a few hours at this point. Midnight had rolled around and still no sign of him.

Before slipping into the bath, she took out her phone. A message from him. ‘Will be late tonight. Have something I need to sort out, I’ll try not to wake you. I love you.’ Concern etched its way across her face. She’d rather know what it was that he had to sort, than find out in the post. Regardless of how they worked, how they loved. Something was wrong in her mind. Maybe she was just over-thinking, stressed. Worried about things that she had no real need to worry about. She was just tired. She was just so very, very tired.

Touching the steaming water, she dropped the bath bomb into the water. Watching as it fizzed and flowed outwards. A lavender hue tinging the water, soap suds filling the bath. She whirled her fingers in a small whirlpool, mixing it through the water as a whole. Her eyes turned to look at the benzos that were just sitting on the vanity unit. Next to the skin. Next to a half filled glass of water. Desire. It was always the lull of the easy.

Sighing she shook the thoughts from her head and slipped into the bath. The burn of the water turned her skin bright red almost instantly. Closer to hell than earth, just the way she liked it. She inhaled deeply, the steam flowing into her nose. Opening up her sinuses and helping her mind just relax a little. The scent of lavender is a momentary peace.

She lost track of time there. Eyes closed, she’d slipped into an almost sleep-like state. Meditative you could say. It was only when her phone buzzed that she was pulled from her lulled state. The water had long stopped being obnoxiously hot and was now threatening to sit on the side of lukewarm. She reached over to a towel, dabbing and drying her hands off. Then grabbing her phone, unlocking it to a message from a… non-existent number? What the fuck.

“To Mrs Luna Pasilno-Rabenschwarz,

I apologise for contacting you so late, but my boss insisted urgency was necessary. My name is Ashton Mire, I am the Head of Relations for Vita Mors CO. A company that specialises in assisting in situations like that of which you find yourself in currently. I would love to organise a time to meet at your earliest convenience. You’re under no obligation, of course. But we believe we could help in this time of grief and mourning.

We would also like to extend our deepest sympathies for what we believe is to transpire tonight.”

It had to be a scam text. Another in a long line of daily attempts to take money from the innocent. Data breaches giving their personal details away to the world of the deplorable. Yet, there was something that tickled in the back of her mind. Something that made her think that this seemingly nothing message was anything but. She stared at the screen, before going into her recent call history. She wanted to speak to Alex.

She really wanted to speak to James. But she could only leave so many voice messages in an inbox that was never going to be checked. She wanted to always have that option. To just hear him talk one more time. Right now, she needed to speak to Alex. She called, it rang. It rang. It rang.

“Hey, what are you still doing up? It’s late.” His voice sounded light on the other end. He’d been drinking, she could tell that much. He’d driven too. That was not okay.

“Worrying about you. I’m coming to get you. Where are you?” Luna asked sternly. The immediate concern for herself is simply washed away at this moment. Why the fuck would he drink if he was going for a drive?

“You know how, the night Jimmy died? You know how I asked what I should do, if I knew the person responsible?” Alex asked, a pain in his voice. The question begged a bigger one from her. The question made her heart thump. The question made her worry.

“Well, I’ve known who it was for a while. Harry told me. I could’ve guessed, really. You asked told me to kill the person responsible.” Alex said the words slowly. Carefully. It took her a moment to realise he wasn’t drunk. He was scared. He was tired. He was angry. He was emotionally exhausted. The slurring wasn’t that of a drunk man. The slurring was that of a tired man.

“Alex. Lexi-baby. Please come home. Or tell me where you are. I’ll come and get you. Before you do something stupid. Before you do something fucking dumb and ruin the rest of your life. Please, tell me where you are.” Luna said the words carefully, pulling herself up and out of the bathtub. Quickly wrapping a towel around herself as she stormed into their bedroom. Violently pulling apart their wardrobe in search of something to quickly throw on.

“I love you, Lu. I’ll send you where I am. I don’t know if I can drive.” Alex said quietly, as he hung up on her. She quickly threw on a pair of sweats, a shirt. One of his shirts. Even after being washed, she could smell him on it. It hung loosely on her, but she didn’t care. A jacket was thrown on quickly as she watched and waited. The notification came through. Live location. He wasn’t far.

Little did she know then, that she would watch her husband pull the trigger of a gun aimed straight at the head of one of their friends. Little did she know that the message from the mysterious Ashton Mire, with the odd warning, would be just a little too close to home. Just a little too accurate.

Little did she know, that was the beginning of the night that would change everything. Forever.

Three Blind Mice
Scene Two | On-Camera

“If I had a dollar for every time Krystal made the same fucking remarks, I’d be rich. If I had a dollar for every moment I think about throwing down with Tempest again, I’d be rich. If I had a dollar for every time I thought Courtney would keep her mouth shut. Well, I’d be as poor as my mama and daddy made us. It’s been a funny week in that way. The things we thought were going to be universal constants suddenly collapse before us. The things we thought may change, just keep on going. But that’s the way of the world for us pretty little girls isn’t it?”

Luna was in a nice and sunlit room. An array of o-lights and lamps lighting up the area even more. A white sprawl of paper covered a large section of the floor. There she lay in the middle of it all, in nothing but a matching pair of red lacy lingerie. Little left to the imagination, but keeping all the interesting bits hidden.

“I thought I might do something fun for Valentine’s this year. My first as a married woman, my first without my loving brother. A lot of firsts to come this year, and I’ll face them head on. Firsts is the name of the game here isn’t it? So let’s talk about our quiet little mouse. With a face so adorably punchable, I’m always heartbroken that the talkative little cunt didn’t deign to offer us her presence. Courtney fucking Pierce. I was most looking forward to what you might deign us with this week. What little delusion you would have concocted in your mind to justify your actions. To justify your own little delusions. To justify the fact that the arrogant little shit that you are, is unable to see beyond her own hubris. I’m disappointed in you, Courtney. You want to be the big bitch again, but you can’t waste time on us lowly commoners. Us peasants who spit and cry for the dregs that you offer us. Why would you care for a championship that only us lowly nobodies would scramble and beg for?”

“Oh, but the logic doesn’t connect the dots, does it? If you are so good, then why are you here? If you are so much better than us would-be lovers, then riddle me this. Why, Courtney, are you stuck middling with us nobodies if you care so little for it? Why, in fact, would you even care to put your hands on Tempest and ruin my fucking match, if you didn’t have a little part of you that actually does care. The lady doth protest too much, I think. But alas, that is the way of the world, is it not? In this quaint little place we call Sin City Wrestling, the nonchalant and uncaring are those who feel the world is owed to them on a silver platter. Be it Jack Washington for the men, or our very own silent little head bitch, Courtney Pierce for us little ladies. Crown wearers without a care in the fucking world for the delusions of grandeur that they propagate and expect us to understand. You sicken me, Courtney.”

Another person steps into frame, holding a roll of duct tape. She kneels near Luna, and begins to outline her body with the duct tape. Creating a little silhouette of the tiny but feisty Luna Pasilno.

“It infuriates me, Courtney. It infuriates me that women like you get to parade around and pretend that they matter more than they do. Say what you will about Juliana, but the bitch can bring it. She talks, and she rants, and she has weekly meltdowns on Twitter over the obnoxious tendencies of our business. She may be a little touched, the sweet darling, but at least she doesn’t pretend to be anything more than she is. A delusional bitch too, but a consistent one. I like Juliana, she reminds me of me. I also fucking hate her guts because she’s as sensitive little cockroach. But, two sides of the coin, right?”

“Unlike you Courtney. I had my reservations. I held my tongue as you ran your tirade of bullshit off sweet Ariana. She was a lost little lamb and you, the high school bully who just never quite grew up, preyed upon that. See, I might be fucking unlikable. I might be foul-mouthed, and I might be comfortable in my own skin whore. But, I am not a fucking bully. And I do not like mean girls who are mean for the kicks. You want to be mean Courtney? Have a fucking reason for it.”

Successful in her endeavour, the lady outlining with tape steps away from a moment. Walking over to grab something from the far side of the room. A few things actually. Small tins of paint. Red and blue and green and yellow. An array of colours. She took a stand near Luna’s face, shaking her head and then rounding to her feet. Placing the different tins of paint on the floor as she began to pry the lids off.

“Sweet Tempest. It’s a funny little place I find myself in. See, there’s this part of me. This part that wants to be cold, to be heartless. To see the world burn for the transgressions that life has taken and put on me. There is this ever burning desire deep inside me to see the world punished for the way that it punishes me. As a result, sweet people in my life get the same sharp and pointy stick rammed into their ribs and heart. The sweet women, the ones who see me for who I am. They don’t get special treatment, they don’t get leeway. I love you, sweet angel. In the same way I loved Ariana, in the same way I love Carter. I love you, but that doesn’t mean a damn to me anymore. Because the people I love have this funny fucking tendency to hurt and break my heart.”

“See, and here I go repeating myself. But my brother. My big Jimmy. I loved him with all my heart, and now he’s fucking gone. Of the few fucking people who reached out, you were one of them. Of the few people that gave a damn about what was happening in my personal life, you were one of them. Alex has and will always be my rock, but I am forever in the traps of those around me. Of those I love. I loved Ariana, acted as her rock. Gave her her fucking confidence back. Do you think she said a word of care when my brother died? Do you think she gave it a second fucking thought, beyond herself? No. No she didn’t. The people I love have this funny tendency to break my heart. And so it pains me. It deeply fucking pains me that whilst I love you, Tempest. I know that you will break my heart too. Like Jimmy, like Ariana and like Carter. The only safety for me is myself. The only person I can love that might not break my heart, is me. History would say that, that is a silly idea. But an idea nonetheless. I love you, sweet storm. But I will not let you run over me.”

The red and the blue paint are poured into their own little paint trays. A few large head paintbrushes, and even a roller in them. Luna is helped up to her feet, and made to stand just to the side. Then the yellow paint is tipped over and spilled all over the canvas on the floor. Filling the outlined section. Filling the silhouette of Luna. The paint roller pulled out to even the paint out. Spreading the paint over it more evenly.

“The eyes of the world will be watching us. As much as this is a tale of four women, this is more a tale of two. Of the two women that actually matter. The two women that actually count in this encounter. Courtney doesn’t want to be here, and if I’m right. The mousey little bitch is just going to roll over and present, for any of us who want it. You said yourself, Krystal doesn’t deserve to be here. Krystal doesn’t fucking belong in this match, and I tend to agree. I tend to agree that Krystal is the hanger on in this situation. The annoying little rat that keeps popping its head up begging for scraps of attention. Screaming for attention. Screaming to be noticed. To be understood. You and I both know this Tempest. Krystal is a fucking distraction from the truth of this match-up. The only two women that deserve to walk out as the Bombshell’s Internet Champion, is you or me. Me to redeem my personal shortcomings of the past. For you to win your first bit of single’s gold here. To become the woman that all other ladies fear. The big powerful storm you always were meant to be.”

“This is our fucking story, and Krystal and Courtney are just obstacles in that path. So the question falls to this. Do you think you can finally beat the fight out of me? Do you think you can put me down and keep me there? Pinned to the mat and held down for the three? I wonder about that Tempest. I wonder if you can beat the fight out of me long enough to put me down for the one, two, three. Especially now when I’ve got all the focus. All the hatred and all the anger in the world to do what I need to do. To take you out. To take down the giant and prove. Prove that Luna Pasilno isn’t just fucking Alexander Raven’s hanger on. That Luna Pasilno ain’t just an airy fairy ditz who talks a tough game, full of swearing and vigour. That she isn’t just a pretty face that likes to get dirty with the ladies. This is going to be my fucking year, one way or the other. And I refuse to let you take that away from me Tempest. I love you, but the ones you love hurt you the most.”

Seemingly content with the painted section, the assistant walks off for a moment, before coming back with a few large canvases, painted entirely in black. She lays them down, one next to the other, and then motions for Luna. She steps to the side for a moment before bringing over a large wooden pedestal. Grunting a bit with the exertion, and places one of the canvases up against the block.

“Last and very much the least. The woman of the infinite insult. How are you Krystal? Is your brain hurting from thinking too hard this week? I sincerely fucking doubt it. How was your Valentine's day? Did you get a good seeing to? Maybe work out some of that built up tensions that has you stuck on the same fucking one note, over and over. Get any flowers? Get any flowers for someone else? Did you know I fucking hate flowers? I’ve always hated flowers. One of the first times Alex and I ever fought, he brought me a single rose. I let him, smiled and told him to never buy me fucking flowers again. So he bought me flowers. I bought him flowers. We have all these vases filled with flowers that will inevitably die in a couple days and, as sad as that is. There is a certain romance to it all. Unconditional love. Knowing that even though I fucking hate flowers, I’ll adore them if he gave them to me.”

“This right here is a little bit of a gift to us both. A bit late, but hey, that’s how the world works right? Going slow and being a little behind. You’d know all about that being a South Australian girlie. Adelaide is only about ten years behind the rest of the country, right? A big ol’ country town that pretends to be a business hub. I digress. Are you ready to spend a romantic late Valentine’s evening with us three ladies, Krystal? Courtney already offered to hold you down whilst I plunge my nails straight into your quivering and incessant vocal cords. I’m sure if I ask nicely, Tempest will even smother you so you don’t have to even worry about finishing the match. All this attention on you must be nice, right? Hard not being the centre of fucking attention, isn’t it? Last time you used the Saviours to get eyes on you, just so you can dramatically leave when you became the group’s biggest loser. That wasn’t enough though, was it? No, then you had to go and summon up some identity and threaten to destroy the world. Which meant I had to argue with Keira every fucking day because she, just like Courtney, can’t see past the ego that makes her head inflated with stupid ideas. We were both losers that night, weren’t we?”

A paintbrush is dipped into the yellow paint, and the assistant turns Luna around. Beginning to paint her butt, taking special care to focus mainly on the cheeks. After sufficiently painting her up, she helps back her up, and tells Luna to lightly press up against the canvas. Painting her body onto a canvas. How romantic.

“I think the biggest delusion of Krystal’s is the idea that I’m hating on her home state for no reason. Ask literally any fucking Australian who has visited the shithole she calls home, and they’ll tell you the same thing. A nothing state, with a shit economy and only wine to keep it interesting. People can’t wait to get out that hole. I mean, Krystal’s a bit of a fucking hypocrite in of itself. She’s over here, right? She’s not back home fighting for the passions of Adelaide. She’s here, fighting in Sin City. Delusional women all around, and somehow Krystal’s is the least interesting. Fed lies? Cunt, I fucking lived there too, you insufferable fucking cow. You want to rip on me? At least be somewhat interesting with what you say. At least pretend to be in the slightest bit relevant in this time and place. I’m the hanger on, right? Remind me again when was the last time you had even the slightest bit of actual fucking relevancy. Irrelevant is the name of the game, and you’re the fucking queen.”

“The worst part of it all? You just get under my fucking skin, Krystal. The worst part of it is you say these things and part of me believes you actually believe in your own bullshit. You say talk and talk, but there isn’t anything of substance. Nobody seems more obsessed with my title reigns than yourself. I ain’t ever bragged about my wins. I just pointed out that I happened to have a more successful maiden year than you, no matter how much you brag about your one lousy fucking title reign. A little bit of the pot calling the kettle metal, as my dear friend Vhodka Black would say. Hypocritical, even now. Even after all this time spent attempting to reconcile with people for your inability to be anything but what the Australian people would dub you as, a ‘raging thundercunt’ of a person.”

After leaving a firm and perfect little outline, she stretches her hands out, letting them be painted as well. Every inch of her palms being covered in the yellow paint. Then she lifts her right foot, the bottom of it being painted too. The assistant nods as Luna presses her palms up against the canvas now, as well as the one foot. The assistant came holding the wooden block for stability.

“What does the excuse become when you don’t walk out of My Bloody Valentine as champion? That the odds were stacked against you? That in a one on one contest, you’ll be the bigger bitch in the end. When do the excuses fucking stop Krystal? When do you stop pointing the finger at the world and look inwards? When do you stop pretending like you have ever amounted to anything more than you did before you lost the Internet Championship? This isn’t a resurgence for you. This is the death knell of your fucking career. I won the Bombshell Internet Championship in a multi-woman match. I’ll win it again at My Bloody Valentine in another multi-woman match. Over you, over Tempest. And I’ll take it from the queen bee that stands atop the fucking totem pole. What excuses will you have then, Krystal?”

“Maybe it’ll finally be time to run home to that hole in the wall you call home, and finally acknowledge that the inevitable future. That Luna fucking Pasilno is the biggest and baddest, and she’s never going to stumble to your tune ever again. Focused, Krystal. I’m focused, and there ain’t nothing you can do to stop that.”

A smile, a flash of arrogance. The assistant nodded as she lifted Luna up off the canvas, moving it away. A pretty little painting of her hands, ass and foot. An interesting valentine’s gift, to be sure.

“My Bloody Valentine, it’s going to be the most beautiful painting. When I walk out, and once again.”

“And new, Bombshell Internet Champion. Luna Pasilno.”

And then…




Offline Tempest

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Tempest vs the PTA II
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2024, 08:49:57 PM »

Woman: We’re with Child protective Services. May we come in?

Tempest heard every word that the woman who had just introduced herself as Jolene Ward and her male counterpart, an Anthony Papazian, had said but because of the surprise given the circumstances, what exactly she had asked following the introductions did not register. All she heard was “Child protective Services”. Everything else was just static.

Jolene: Missus Mahoe?

Causing Tempest to blink and she looked from the woman to the man, high level of uncertainty and mistrust evident on her face.

Tempest: yeah, sorry. But put yourself in my shoes. CPS agents just show up from out of the blue at my door? I think I earned the right to be caught off guard.

Jolene: Of course. We more than understand.

The woman said as the man took a step forward, when Tempest pulled her eyes from him and then toward the woman who was clearly in charge of whatever this operation was.

Tempest: Well then you have one up on me. You mind if I ask you to fill in the blanks for me? What is this about and why are you here?

Jolene: May we discuss this inside? I’m sure you’d rather your neighbors not overhear anything said between us?

Tempest: I’m not so much concerned about my neighbors as I am my daughter.

Tempest shrugged but then surprisingly yielded, stepping to the side to allow Jolene and Anthony to step through the doorway and inside of her home.

Tempest: Then again, had I refused I suspect it would only have been a matter of time before you showed back up with a warrant and a police officer for added affect so let’s just get this over with, hm?

She shut the door behind them, then watched as both CPS agents examined the immediate surroundings, looking over everything without moving. Anthony however turned to her with what he had would be a charming smile she suspected but it had fallen far short.

Anthony: Familiar with CPS protocols, I gather?

Tempest: No. I’m just familiar with some aspects of the law. It was something of a prerequisite given my former job.

Anthony then fished around in his briefcase and pulled out a clipboard with some paperwork and files attached. He set the briefcase down and flipped through a few pages until he arrived on what he had been searching for.

Anthony: Ah, yes. You were a bounty hunter?

Tempest: No, I opened a bail bonds business in Hawaii. I only had a bounty hunting license when someone skipped out on their court dates or parole.

Jolene then checked her own paperwork as if to confirm before she addressed Tempest.

Jolene: I see. And were you in this industry while you were a parent to your stepdaughter?

Tempest: No. After her father - my husband - died on active duty, her grandmother literally stole her out from under me. Her father had me named her legal guardian but his mother hid the fact. I didn’t find out until the bi

Tempest quickly corrected herself.

Tempest: Witch … died, a few months ago and I got Anela back.

Anthony: And now you work as a professional wrestler?

Tempest: Yes! Now don’t you think it’s time that you answered a few questions for me? What is going on and why have I been reported to CPS!?

Jolene: Missus Mahoe… the fact is that we were contacted with a report that Anela might not be in the best environment. That perhaps your professions might be a danger to her or she might be neglected while you’re on the road.

Tempest: By who!?

Anthony: Missus Mahoe, if you are anything familiar with the law, you should know that these reports are made in confidence. We can’t tell you who filed the report.

Tempest set her hands on her hips and threw her head back, her eyes staring up at the ceiling in stark exasperation.

Tempest: … Fine! Where my informer job is concerned, key word - former! I own the business but it is in the hands of a team in Hawaii! Not here! I only have a license in Honolulu, and not Las Vegas so that shouldn’t be any concern!

Jolene: And your current career?

Tempest turned to the woman and frowned.

Tempest: Are you familiar with the sport? At all?

Jolene: I’m afraid not.

She looked to Anthony but he shook his head in the negative, showing that he too was unfamiliar with the inner workings of professional wrestling.

Tempest: I am far from being the only wrestler who is also a parent! Nine times out of ten if I have to travel, it’s no further now than Colorado! I wrestle once a week at MOST and I am usually back the following day! And I rarely if ever take Anela with me on that one night because she has school the following day! So I have friends here in the city that she stays with!

Anthony: And their names?

Tempest: Gabriel and Odette Stevens.

Anthony: And would you mind if we got their contact information so we can follow up?

Tempest: Unless it is absolutely necessary, I’d prefer to keep this between us.

Jolene: We understand. What of the times you have to bring her with you?

Tempest: I’ve only had to do that once. There is a strong support network of wrestlers backstage who are also parents. They watch out for each other and their kids if they come to the shows.But it’s a universal truth in that field; kids are off limits.

To which, Jolene nodded with appreciation. Anthony then stepped up and had to ask the inevitable.

Anthony: Do you mind if we have a look around?

Tempest: Do I have a choice?

Anthony: We aren’t the enemy, Missus Mahoe. We only want what’s best for Anela, just like you.

Jolene: We’re just doing our job.

Tempest was not happy as she was trying to think on her feet, how this all came about and so suddenly and from out of nowhere. Until finally she relented with a wave of the hand and stood back and as calmly as possible, watched as the two CPS agents did their job. The sooner they did so, the sooner this could be finished. The first place that Anthony ventured was the kitchen and he started to open the cabinets and refrigerator to ensure that the household had enough to eat. Which wasn’t a problem at all because both were stuffed with everything a young girl (and her mama) could want - healthy and otherwise. And while he did this, Jolene turned to Tempest with an inquisitive question.

Jolene: Anela isn’t home?

Tempest: No. She finished school thirty minutes ago but is at her art club for another hour.

Satisfied, Jolene ventured down the hallway and entered carefully into the nine year old’s bedroom to make sure she had adequate sleeping arrangements. Again, not a problem considering the elaborate and decorative bed that Tempest had bought for her stepdaughter the moment Gabriel had helped arrange for the apartment. Jolene then opened the closet door and dresser drawers to find more than enough clothing, perhaps too much for a young girl. She also had toys everywhere, a dollhouse, stuffed animals and more than one BTS poster pinned up on her bedroom walls.

(Hey, she’s nine! There’s no accounting for taste!)

And while the agents did their job, Tempest stood and watched while the entire time, she was deep in thought, wondering how the hell this had come from out of nowhere? Her train of thought went back over several days to anything that stood out until finally she arrived at… and she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth in a growing rage.

Tempest: That bitch….

She murmured below her breath as after a few more agonizing minutes, Jolene and Anthony returned to the front room, joining her and breaking her away from her private thoughts about Monica Moore, a brick wall and how best to introduce one to the other. Tempest crossed her arms over her upper body.

Tempest: So…?

Jolene: So…

She looked around one last time before she looked to her partner who nodded. She turned back to Tempest and finally smiled.

Jolene: I think that there is nothing to worry about here.

Tempest: Really?

Anthony: It would seem that Anela is being very well looked after. Both here and as far as your profession. We’ve inquired about her teachers and she is receiving very good grades. Overall, I’d say you were doing a fine job.

Tempest said little to nothing, just nodded in both appreciation as well as acknowledgement.

Tempest: Can I get that in writing?

Anthony: Of course.

Tempest: And you can’t tell me who it was that reported me?

Jolene: Correct.

Tempest: Tell me something, what are the general laws surrounding filing a false CPS report?\

Jolene: That’s a Class 1 Misdemeanor. Why?

Tempest bit at her bottom lip until she finally asked…

Tempest: And if I could prove to you that these accusations against me were done out of malice?

This time it was the CPS agents that were left with nothing to say. They looked first at each other and then at Tempest.

Anthony: What exactly are you implying?

John S. Park Elementary School

The familiar setting of the school where Anela Mahoe went to was in the forefront once again, and much as last time, there was a special PTA meeting taking place. The head of the PTA, the familiar figure of Monica Moore, was currently standing at the forefront of the classroom, along with several familiar faces in attendance; Chief amongst them Hana - Tempest’s somewhat friend-in-parenting and the formidable figure of Eric among others. Everything that had taken place the last time there was a meeting had been seemingly forgotten, as Monica was all smiles as the meeting progressed. Monica clapped her hands together.

Monica: So! We’re all agreed? A spaghetti dinner to raise funds for the class field trip to the Shark Reef Aquarium?

There were many murmurs of agreement, and several hands were raised just to be certain that the vote passed. A stark contrast to how Monica’s vote turned out the last time around.

Monica: Wonderful! Now, next on our agenda … we are going to need volunteers to spearhead the dinner. I’ve already got the superintendent to agree for the use of the cafeteria, so long as everything is cleaned afterwards. So we are going to need volunteers for cooking, cleaning…

But before she could say anything further, the classroom door swung open wide with a clatter, causing many present to jump in startlement while Tempest set foot inside.

Hana: Alleyne?

Tempest looked around for the one she was searching for, and it was not a hard find as Monica was standing right there for all to see at the head of the classroom. And from the moment this woman invaded yet another meeting, the annoyance Monica felt had been usurped by an overwhelming sense of both fear and self preservation. Tempest stepped further into the class but did not go so far as to approach Monica too directly and thus give Moore cause to believe she was a threat.

I mean, she was but Tempest didn’t want her to realize that.

Tempest: So, are you satisfied?

Monica: What is the meaning of…?

Tempest: I asked you if you were satisfied!

Monica: I don’t underst-

Tempest: You can cut the crap, Monica! I already know that it was you!

Eric: Monica, what is she talking about?

Monica feigned ignorance toward Eric’s question and Tempest’s accusation, shaking her head but Hana turned to Tempest.

Hana: Alleyne, what is going on?

Tempest: I just got a visit from CPS! They conveniently received a report about me neglecting my daughter not two days after I was in the last PTA meeting where you tried to get those books banned!

Hana: What…?

Monica: What does that have to do with me…?

Tempest: It seems a little coincidental, doesn’t it? That two days after I helped get your book banning shot down, I got accosted at my home by CPS agents who had a report that Anela was being neglected and that I was a danger to because of my job!?

Monica: I don’t think I appreciate what you’re trying to insinuate…

But Tempest was not even remotely finished as she set one hand on her hip and raised the other to stress out her point.

Tempest: When you were asking me about my job last time, weren’t your exact words that you thought my job made me something of a threat?

Monica seemed at a loss for words as the heads of the parents present turned toward her virtually as one.

Parent: Funny, this isn’t the first time that we heard of a parent getting reported to CPS when they helped get something you wanted to do shot down.

Tempest: Oh, so I’m not the only one?

Hana: Monica, what did you do?

Monica placed her hand on her heart as if that made her appear any more innocent as she protested.

Monica: Hana, I swear to god! I don’t know why she’s accusing me! I had nothing to do with you or her being reported to CPS! It was…

Hana: Monica…

Monica: This just is not fair! This is why I wanted our meetings to be at my place because it is obvious that some people have something against me!

Hana: Monica…

Monica: I am just tired of being made out to be some kind of villain when all I want is what’s best for our children!

Hana: Monica!

Monica: What!?

Hana shook her head, her normally calm demeanor now taking on a more thunderous quality.

Hana: I never told anyone that I was reported by CPS.

Monica looked like she had just been slapped in the face, as everyone - even her supporters - turned toward her with silent accusations in their eyes. Monica looked around at everyone staring at her, clearly at a loss for words. But the silence in the classroom did not last for long when Tempest leaned back at the waist, and called aloud to someone.

Tempest: Did you hear that?

And into the room walked CPS agents, Jolene Ward and Antony Papazian. Monica paled considerably as the heads of those in the classroom turned from the agents to Monica.

Anthony: Every word.

Jolene: Missus Moore. We would like to have a very serious word with you.

And the scene faded out, just as Monica Moore looked ready to faint where she stood.

The screen flickered to life, showing various moments of Tempest in action on the weekly SCW Climax Control webcast…

The scene changed to a young girl watching the Barbie movie on her laptop, all dimples and smiles when a certain 6’3” amazon walked onto the screen and started throwing the blonde Barbies in every direction, sending them scattering and screaming! The little girl herself shrieks in surprise, prompting Tempest to turn to face her from the screen itself.

“Trust me when I tell you I’m doing you a favor!”

The scene changed to a scene filled with LOL! Cat memes and images, with the bust of tempest right in the center of the screen, looking up and around in every direction with an annoyed and perplexed expression on her face.

The scene finally changed one last time, showing Tempest in her wrestling gear, perched atop the Iron Throne of Game of Thrones fame. Most appropriate given the circumstances she currently found herself in. She leaned back in the seat of the throne, stretching out her long legs and arms resting on the armrests.

“What does the Bombshell Internet Championship mean? Wow, that is a loaded question if I ever heard one! I can tell you exactly what that championship ‘used’ to mean, because there was a time where the title was thought to be the second most prominent championship in either division, right after the World titles. What does it mean now? Well, for the men it still ranks right up there with Miles Kasey as the champion. The guy has been making everyone proud, standing tall and keeping hold of that title since he won it way back at the start of October. But the women? The Bombshell’s?”

She made a face and scoffed at the very question.

“Let’s be honest, the honor and prestige of the Bombshell Internet title has fallen faster than Bobbie Dahl’s panties every time Miles Kasey or Fenris posts a thirst trap picture! And Bobbie – no offense by that. Just shows a girl has taste. But let’s face it; if I were in charge, I’d be booking the opening act of any Supercard with Courtney Pierce defending her title rather than either of the Roulette Champions because at LEAST Peter Vaughn and Bobbie have been proud and hard fought champions, deserving of being higher up on the show!”

“But that’s why we’re here now, isn’t it? To rectify the situation and see what can be done to get the Internet tit;le on a new owner and back where it belongs. What’s that you say? Easier said than done?”

She shrugged her shoulders.

“If you say so.”

“Now as our esteemed champion, why shouldn’t Courtney Pierce go first? I won’t lie and try and tell the world that Pierce hasn’t been able to hold onto the championship, ever since she beat Ariana Angelos for it last December. Then again, I also won’t lie and tell the world that Pierce has been a very deserving champion because she hasn’t been.”

“When Courtney first debuted in SCW, the bitch had the world at her fingertips, having won the 2018 Blast from the Past tournament in her freaking DEBUT year! Then what happens? She seemingly gets injured and proceeds to fall off of the face of the earth! Nothing is heard from her. No updates. Nothing until she just shows up out of the blue, acting like no time has passed by and other teams haven’t accomplished what she already did years before. She starts to play the role of victim, telling the world what SCW owes her as a whole and unfortunately for the world, the bosses listened and gave her what she wanted; a world title shot that yes, I have to admit she took full advantage of and won. But what happened after that? Do you remember Courtney?”

“Over time, you started to show the world just exactly what kind of woman you really were; and that is a self centered, self righteous witch who thinks the world owes her whatever her little heart desires, simply because she wants it. You pulled the wool over the eyes of the entire world, because where they looked and thought they saw someone who had every advantage and all of the potential needed to be a true bona fide success , what you really turned out to be was the Coattail Queen!”

“From the start, all you’ve done is ride the coattails of better athletes to get ahead! You had Fenris to thank for becoming a Blast From the Past Champion and securing for yourself a world title opportunity! When you returned, you rode the bosses’ asses to get for you a title shot that, in my opinion, had long since expired! And where you stand now as the Internet Champion, you have only your wife to thank for getting you to this point! If it hadn't been for her, you would have lost that gold a dozen times over! If it hadn’t been for her, you wouldn’t even have been able to win the title from Ariana in the first place! But in the end, all of that doesn’t matter. Because this time there are three of us in that ring, looking to put your bitch ass down for the count! And not even your little wifey is going to be able to save your bony ass this time around!”

“Now Luna, if ever there was a poster girl for Wrestling Tourettes, she would be the one. Girl, if you’re out there, you still have my heartfelt sympathies for the loss of your blood. Trust me when I say that I can relate, knowing all too well the pain of losing someone that you love. But from where we stand, between you and me? The sympathies between us is where things end between you and I, because we both want to accomplish the same goals and bad as I feel and as angry as you are, to me you are just another body standing in my way of winning my first singles title in Sin City Wrestling.”

“I admit I just don’t get you Luna. You turn it on and off like a light switch, this personality - or personalities - whichever it is. On one hand, you tell me that you love me, on the other hand, you say you don’t really like me and even compare me to Krystal, saying that I’m as irrelevant as she is. Now, under most circumstances, those would be considered fighting words and I would find that extremely insulting.”

Tempest turned to a close up shot and held up a hand.

“No offense, Krystal.”

She then turned back to her leisurely pose atop the throne.

“But if I am going to be perfectly honest, this time around I just found everything you said to be very, very amusing. You’re like our own little version of Harley Quinn, but nowhere near as dangerous. Because, despite all the false bravado that you threw my way and all the insults and insinuations, there is one universal truth between us that you have failed to acknowledge time and again. And that is the fact that I have beaten your ass inside of that ring. More than once I might add! So if whatever your outlook about me is like that makes me irrelevant, then pray tell sister; what the hell does that make you?”

Tempest then sat up straight on the Iron Throne, but leaned an elbow onto the armrest and rested her chin atop her fist as she stared into the camera.

“I guess that brings you to the last place once again, doesn’t it Krystal? Not that I saved you for last as a direct message like I did the last time. This time… I just wanted to save you for last so you had no other option but to sit and pay attention. Because everyone in the entire Bombshell division knows that you have this delusion inside of that head of yours that everything revolves around you. I don’t know where you got the idea from that you have a place in this match or deserve it given your recent track record, but I can promise you that you’re the only one that feels that way. I still maintain my belief that Ariana should have been in this match rather than you, but it is what it is, so let’s move on, hm?”

“I have no direct animosity against you other than the reckless way you treat the kids at the GO Gym, whether they asked for it or not. When you broke that girl’s nose, all that did was show the world that physically bullying a student - not a fully trained and experienced wrestler - a stu-dent, is your biggest claim to fame in years! You haven’t been able to pick up a title, let alone cause a lasting impression, other than hurting a student at a gym.”

Tempest clapped her hands together slowly and with much sarcasm.

“Bravo. Krystal. You sure showed her. Now, why don’t you step up and show me? Try the same thing with me! Because all the speed and agility in the world won’t save your ass once I get my hands on you! And to even infer that you have strength even remotely compared to me?”

She snorted back laugh.

“Now all of those blows to the head are really getting to you!”

She tapped a forefinger to her head.

“They’re making you senile before your time! Now as far as I’m concerned, I’m pretty much done with you Krystal until the bell rings and all bets are off. I have nothing personal against you, really. And as far as where the GO Gym is concerned? I believe there is something to be said for loyalty. But unfortunately for you, you’ve shown the world time and again that you have no idea what that word even means. Two days, Krystal.”

She held up two fingers.

“That’s all the time that you have left to think up your excuses as to why you’ll have yet another loss added to your records!”

Tempest then drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

“So much could come from the outcome of this match. The question is, will the eventual winner actually take the steps needed to bring this title back to the prominence that it once held? Courtney Pierce, quite honestly, hasn’t done anything to really elevate this championship. If anything, the actions of her and her wife have devalued the title more than anything else! Luna Pasilno? I have no idea what is going through that chick’s mind! The girl has more personality traits than Sybil, where one moment she acts like she could be the one to raise the Internet division back to where it deserves to be, the next she is overly preoccupied by the voices inside of her head. And then there’s Krystal Wolfe. Now I know that chick better than anyone else involved in this match, considering she and I were trained by the same academy. I have absolutely no doubts if she were to win, she would be a fighting champion. Krystal would all but demand to have a defense on the first show after My Bloody valentine V, right up to the next Supercard! Wolfe would defend on every show if they’d let her, of that there is no doubt. But would that be enough in the long run?”

Tempest shook her head.

“Here’s the thing. The Internet Championship - the women's or the men's, have more potential than either is given credit for. I mean, it ranks right up there with the World Championship! I mean, hel-LO!? What part of the Internet - or world-wide-web, does everyone not understand?”

“There was only one person to take the Internet Championship literally while champion, and that would be Alex Jones. That man actually used the Internet to hype the Internet title! He used the Internet to help determine who his challengers would be in each defense of the title! He gave power to those watching, to decide who was most deserving of trying to strip him of the championship! I have yet to see anyone do anything so innovative as what Alex did with the title when he was the champion. And that is why, after winning the championship, I want to ask that man’s blessing and do the exact same thing with the Bombshell title as he did with the men’s!”

“Hell, when I win, just to do the championship justification, I just might finally make an official account for Twitter or X or whatever the hell it’s called these days!”

Tempest then stood up from her seat upon the iron Throne and looked down into the camera.

“Because after all, what sort of representative would I be as the NEW Bombshell Internet Champion if I had no Internet presence?"