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Messages - Kandy Kaine

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Coming out of the local mall, we see Jamie Staggs and Kandy Kaine talking to one another, carrying shopping bags full of gifts. They laugh and seem to be having a good time. Coming out shortly after, Matty is pushing a long cart with some bigger items. He holds onto one of the wrapped boxes to steady it. They make it to the car when Matty pops the trunk or the blue rental SUV. He begins loading the trunk with the wrapped boxes as Jamie and Kandy lend a hand.

Matty: That's how you knock out Christmas shopping in one go.

Jamie: Says the guy without kids. You have to do that shit months in advance.

Matty nods his head, understanding where Jamie is coming from. Once the cart is emptied of boxes and the trunk is like a carefully organized Tetris board, Matty closed the trunk. He begins pushing the cart back toward the mall. He looks up with a smile on his face.

Matty: You know, there's something magical about this time of year. Everyone says it, but very few explain it.

Matty stops off to the side as a car passes.

Matty: There is a comforting chill in the air. Snow teases its presence. The lights hang from every roof. Not to mention all of the memories of happier times. Everyone reminisces over them.

Matty begins moving the cart back toward the mall entrance.

Matty: Memories… they're a funny thing, you know? I remember my debut match in SCW. Those memories stay fresh in my mind. Mostly what happened after what should have been the happiest memories of my life. I got my first professional wrestling win. One of two. I should have been celebrating my first win, but instead, I spent it licking my wounds from the attack. And in a few days time, I get a chance to right that wrong, one last time…

Matty pushed the cart inside of the mall. He then leaves back outside into the cold.

Matty: Now this match is going to be epic. A Golden Briefcase match, the epitome of awesome. With opponents like Bill Barnhart and Rodrigo Afonso, how could it not be?

Matty shuffles his feet as he looks down at the ground. He pauses, taking his time before continuing.

Matty: Then, there’s Justin Smith… I’m not one to speak ill of anybody, but… Justin just isn’t a nice guy. He attacked me after I defeated him. Do you know what happened when I beat Bill Barnhart? He went on social media and congratulated me. He was a real class act about it, just like I would have been if he had defeated me. But Justin?

Matty looks more sad than angry. He shakes his head before lifting it up slightly.

Matty: Justin not only attacked me after our match, but when I tried to extend my hand to him by trying to help him win his second match, he attacked me again. The only reason I fought him outside of the ring is because I was defending myself. The second time was by a cheap shot. Cheap, like his cologne of beer and cigarettes.

Matty takes a step forward and the look on his face is far more serious than usual.

Matty: I’m not going to waste any more time or energy on someone who clearly has anger issues. I don’t have enough space in my head to let him live there rent free. There’s no reason to. Afterall, I did beat him. I proved who the better wrestler was… is…

Matty ruins the serious look by blowing a raspberry at the camera. The worst part of it all is that he is serious in doing so. The raspberry lasts for almost ten seconds.

Matty: I don’t mean to do the laundry list here. Justin deserved mentioning. Bill, as tough of a fight as you put up, I already beat you. I respect you, but facts are facts. The real dark horse for me is Rodrigo Afonso. I’ve seen his work, and I must say… I’m impressed. He’s got talent. He’s beaten Justin. I’ve beaten Justin. I’ve beaten Bill. He’s beaten Bill. We’re on an even playing field here. It could really go either way. I’m undefeated, and I’m not looking to change that.  All I know is that I’m not going to hold anything back. I’m here for gold and a good time. So far, I’m just having a good time. What is Rodrigo having? I guess we’ll find out at December 2 Dismember,.

Matty grins, trying to look intimidating, but it just looks goofy. He must see his own reflection in the camera lens, as he immediately stops. Jamie steps back into the shot, this time, he pokes Matty in the ribs.

Jamie:  Scro… You didn’t learn those promo skills from me. That got pretty serious.

Matty turns and looks at his trainer.

Matty: You might train me in the ring, but your brother trained me on the microphone. I’ve still got a long way to go, buuuuut…

Matty moves around and pushes the camera to face a different direction. The scene fades out… TO BLACK!

Climax Control Archives / Carol of the Kaine
« on: December 01, 2023, 06:39:40 PM »
The sounds of Christmas music can be heard coming from the brightest corner of the apartment of one Kandy Kaine. The tree is decked out in candy canes and candy cane lights exclusively. Every flavor of candy cane is hanging on the tree as Kandy works on adding more.

Kandy:  No, no… Tess was wrong. There’s room for more candy on this tree…

Kandy looks down to all of the empty boxes of candy canes, and there are at least two dozen. She reaches into a bag next to the tree to pull out two more boxes. Across from the tree is a fireplace, and two comfortable recliners. Matty Mallow is sitting on one, with the ukulele on his shoulder, playing along to the music. He’s quite skilled, surprisingly.

Matty:  So, you see, the people on the plane were probably just upset because you weren’t playing it right. It’s all about the flick of the wrist.

Kandy:  Nooooo… Tessa said it was probably my voice. She said something about school. Nails on a chalkboard or something?

Matty grimaces and then shrugs his shoulders.

Matty:  That doesn’t sound right. What does school hafta do with anything?

Kandy nods her head as she works on finding empty branches to hang new canes on.

Kandy: I think it was something to do with the fact that people weren’t ready for the wonderful magic that comes this time of year. They think you have to wait for December to enjoy it, but noooooope! I’d say not. I start in January.

Matty goes to speak, but then stops. He ceases playing and purses his lips. He begins to count on his fingers.

Matty:  But wait, if you start in January, when do you end?

Kandy throws the box of canes into the air so that they fall down all around her as she squeals.

Kandy:  NEVERRRR!!!

Matty nods his head. Afterall, this does make sense. Kandy strategically places canes as she talks.

Kandy: You know, you could have more fun finding empty branches for me than playing the ookuele. There’s so many, and I can’t seem to find them all fast enough.

There is a sound of the tree straining, a slow whining from them, begging for mercy. Kandy continues to place them.

Kandy: I mean, it could be romantic.

Matty: What are you talking about? We’re BFF’s.

Kandy: Yeah, like Bobbie and Artie were? I could walk around telling everyone you’re gay.

Matty: I’m not gay. I’m asexual.

Matty says this very pointedly. He sets the ukulele down in the chair and walks over to help Kandy, begrudgingly.

Matty: Besides, her love life is the last thing you should be worrying about. She’s going to squash you.

Kandy: Hey! No big jokes.

Matty stops and purses his lips again.

Matty: I didn’t mean to. I just meant that you’ve skipped out on the gym four days this week.

Kandy: Yeahhhh… It wasn’t the best idea with a match coming up, but I couldn’t get here last week, so I was kinda turkey-lagged from Thanksgiving all this week. But I just know I’m going to have a good match with Bobbie. I’ll train tomorrow, and I trained today, so she’ll still get me at my best.

Matty: You know you’re going to get worked extra hard tomorrow, so you can make Staggs Dungeon proud. We both have undefeated streaks to maintain. Two and oh for both of us.

Kandy places one last cane on the tree, smiling.

Kandy:  You’re right about that. Bobbie deserves better than a turkey stuffed turkey, and she’s going to get it. I know she’s ready, because she never disappoints.

Matty: Except when she makes a heel turn. That didn’t work out super well, though. She’s too nice.

Kandy: Unlike me, the only Mean Girl on the roster. You can be mean and positive at the same time, just like this… Bobbie, that shirt doesn’t match your attitude, because it’s not a bright enough color. Get it? Because she’s got a bright personality. Or… Hey Bobbie, have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? I mean, your only flaw is being perfect the way that you are.

Matty: Daaaaaaaaaaag suuuuuuuun! That sounded just like Delia Darling, except American… and nothing like her at all, nevermind…

Kandy: Hashtag, Mean Girls. I’m too good at this. One day, I might be the biggest heel in the company, and I’ll show Bobbie how it’s really done. But that won’t be the case on Sunday. We’ll be two fan favorites, duking it out to see who the better wrestler is. I have a good idea that she will give me everything that she’s got, and I know that she’s ready for everything I’ve got.

Matty: Hey, what happened to the Mean Girl?

Kandy stops to think about it for a second. She hums as the wheels continue to turn. Her face suddenly lights up as she snaps her fingers.

Kandy:  Oh, yeah… Bobbie… You know what? I’m going to go out there on Sunday, and I’m going to Bodyslam you because I’m strong enough to do it, and you’re going to get up and throw me into the corner and do a Body Avalanche because you can. Once I’m done holding my stomach, I’m going to duck a Clothesline and do a… a… a Monkey Flip! And when you kick out from the pin, I’m going to take that clothesline you tried earlier.  Then we’re going to keep wrestling until one of us wins… What do you think of that trash talk?

Matty’s face looks completely blank as he stares at Kandy. He hangs onto the look for a full minute before his face lights up.

Matty:  Genius! You’re really good at that. I’m gonna hafta learn from the Mean Girl Guru.

Kandy:  It’s definitely an acquired skill. I’m going to wrap this up like a Christmas present.  Bobbie, we’re going to put on a match that no one will expect to be a Match of the Night candidate. I know you’re capable of it, and so I hope you know I am too. We’ve both got something to prove to the fans, to the bookers, to the higher ups. And we’re going to do that win, lose, or draw. Just promise me that you’re going to give me your bessss…

Kandy is unable to finish her sentence when the tree branches snap under the weight of the candy canes and all of it tumbles to the ground. Kandy just watches with a stunned look on her face. She looks over slightly to Matty, who is just as shocked as her. She sighs and begins picking the branches up. Matty helps her as the camera fades out.

Climax Control Archives / Clap those cheeks (Matty Mallow Vs Bill Barnhart)
« on: November 16, 2023, 09:04:11 PM »
“A fork! A freakin’ FORK!!!”

The words echo through the empty parking lot after Climax Control 377. Kandy carried the leftover donuts while Matty carried s trash bag full of candy back to the car. Kandy almost seems oblivious as she whistles “I Want Candy”. She gets to that pink Jeep Wrangler off to get side and the alarm chirps and the lights flash. Matty kicks s pebble across the lot.

Matty: The man I have to face next week stabbed somebody with a fork! There's laws against that sorta thing…

Kandy: Ohh that was years ago… He learned his lesson and I'm pretty sure his wife tamed the beast.

Matty scoffs as he lifts the bag of candy into the trunk.

Matty: Doubtful. His eyes tell a different story. so instead of having one angry roughneck on my trail, I'll have two. Do the bosses just want me to squirm or something?

Kandy sets the donuts on the back bench if the Wrangler before closing the door and opening the driver's door to get inside.

Kandy: Hmmm… maybe. I mean you do make the cutest faces when you're nervous.

Matty: Well then I must be cute as a button right about now!

Kandy: Mmm hmm…

She reaches over and pinches Matty’s cheek. He bats get hand away, being a little grumpy now.

Kandy: You turn that frown upside down Mr. Sassypants. It takes more energy to frown than it does to smile.

Matty: Well I need all of the exercise I can get to go up against Barnhart, so…

The door opens and Tessa Flannigan gets in back. She sighs and ruffles Matty’s hair.

Tessa: Calm yer tits, mate. It's not like yer going after J2H or something. It's just Bill Barnhart…

Once Tessa buckles up, the vehicle goes into drive. Tessa's long blonde hair blows in the cool breeze. Matty lowers his head.

Matty: I'd rather fight J2H. Least he doesn't misuse cutlery. I don't have to worry about a fork to the face, or a spoon digging in where a spoon should not dig.

Tessa: Don't give the plonker any bright ideas.

Matty pushes his hand through his hair to stop it from blowing in his face. He shakes his head both for the same purpose as running his hands through as to answer Tessa.

Matty: He doesn’t need any more ideas of torture.

Kandy: Hey you! Look at me.

Matty does as he’s told, turning to face Kandy with a bit of fear written across his face. Kandy rubs his scruffy cheek in an adorable manner.

Matty: Yeah, I’m just cute little Matty Mallow, for now anyway! So get those cheek scushies in while you still can, ma’am.

Kandy:  First of all, ma’am was my mother, Cherry Kaine, AKA ma’am. Second, has he dug a fork into anyone here in SCW? No, that was back in AWA. You really think that Mark Ward and Christian Underwood would allow something like that to take place inside of their ring?

Matty’s mouth opens in surprise. He waits for a second and then begins nodding his head repeatedly.

Matty:  Uh, yuh! Yuh with a capital YUH! They would! They get off on it like torture porn.  I mean, have you seen some of the matches that have taken place here?

Kandy: And have you seen Bill Barnhart win more than one match in a row?

Matty goes to argue, but he can’t recall one of those moments in SCW. Instead, he turns Kandy’s head to look at the road as she swerves to hit a car, running a red light and causing a moment of pandemonium in her wake as horns blare loudly.

Kandy: Oopsie…

Matty:  Everyone is saying that I got lucky beating Justin Smith last week.

Tessa chortles in the back as she raises her eyes up from her phone.

Tessa:  Yeah, and they said Kandy got lucky beatin’ Georgie tonight. It’s what people do when they don’t know yer a proper bad arse, mate. They don’t want you to be confident in your skills, which you somehow have considering your trainer.

Matty: Jamie’s not that bad. He’s put on some classics in his day… before the head injury… maybe once or twice since. But he never taught me how to skip getting forked. He’s crazy enough to just take the fork.

Tessa shrugs her shoulders and her eyes go back to her phone.

Tessa:  Point is, you got skills. Yer just not quite sure how to use ‘em yet. Easy fix.

Matty: Oh yeah? How is it easy?

Tessa: Beat Bill Barnhart next Sunday. Do ye know how many people’s done just that?

Matty shakes his head in the negative. Tessa smirks, while still eying her phone.

Tessa: Only the entire men’s roster. You got slung an easy win this week. Next think you know, Kandy’s gonna have Bea next week. They want ye to do well, likely because of Kandy’s time in SCU.

Kandy:  Really? I thought everyone called it the basement brand.

Matty: Some of the shows were crazier than SCW shows. You and everyone there took it to eleven almost every week. But that’s you. What about me?

Tessa sighs and places her phone in her lap.

Tessa: Anyone who has come from the Staggs Dungeon is respected. Think of it, you’re the only member on the roster purely trained by a Staggs. Kandy was worked with, but you went through the programme. They throw the bottom of the barrel at ye in the beginning so that ye can look good whilst finding your footing. It makes total sense.

Matty takes it in while Kandy bounces excitedly in her seat. Matty slowly turns back around to look forward.

Matty: I guess you’re right. But, what can we do about the whole fork thing?

Tessa: Don’t worry. I got ye covered since ya been blabbering on about forks since ye seen the card.

Matty: Oh? How so?

Tessa picks her purse up and dumps out several dozen forks onto the back seat. Matty chuckles as Tessa smirks at her own genius.

Tessa: I don’t think plastic forks pack the same punch as the silver ones. Yer good, mate. Now take it down a couple notches and focus on the match.

The crew smirks together as Matty sighs a breath of relief as their tail lights fade down the road before disappearing completely.

A wise man once said “Let It Snow”, and he couldn’t have meant it literally. Not in Flagstaff, Arizona. But what about the Arizona Snowbowl? Matty and Kandy rise up in the gondola from the bottom of the slopes. Kandy holds a camera in her hand as she turns it on to aim it at Matty. Matty takes a deep breath as he soaks in the beautiful surroundings.

Matty:  Hey SCW Universe. It’s me, Matty Mallow, the Prince of Puff Pow. I decided to take you along for the ride. When someone told me there was snow in Arizona, I laughed in their face… sorry, Tessa. I wonder if that’s why she didn’t come on the trip.

Kandy: It could be!

Matty: Gee, thanks…

Matty pauses, taking in a deep breath. As the gondola goes higher, and the view becomes more open and beautiful, he takes a moment to appreciate it before continuing.

Matty: Anyway, I figured I’d do something fun while in Arizona, and although there were lots of museums and parks to check out, who would pass up this opportunity???

Matty shrugs his shoulders and flashes a cute smile.

Matty: And I wanted to share the experience with everyone. I was told that locker room promos were boring, and I wasn’t trained to be a bore. Puff, Pow, baby… So skis and snow in Arizona, here we come! Once this metal death trap reaches the top.

Kandy:  Why don’t you talk about your match some while we wait? We’re almost to the top!

Matty: Well, as most people know, I’ve got a match against the one known as Bill Barnhart. It’s set to be the second match of the night. After Justin Smith and The Troll open up hot…

Matty pauses as something hits him suddenly.

Matty: Justin is opening the show. That means I could go out to ringside to cheer him on so that he knows there’s no hard feelings. And I didn’t mean to call him a psycho or something. I really didn’t. I meant he was… psychic. Like, he knows that one day we’re going to look back at this and laugh at it while we share butterbeers and pickled eggs or whatever people eat at bars.

Kandy: I’d have gone with pretzels or peanuts, but live your dream, Matty…

Matty looks at Kandy for a second, shrugging before his eyes focus on the camera.

Matty: It seems like people want to see Justin beat me up again because I’ve got the second most positive attitude in SCW, next to the Princess of Positivity. I guess people find that annoying. But guess what? You can’t change me. I am who I am, and I’m going to use my winning personality to win over Justin, and probably Bill as well.  We could be the four amigos!

Kandy: I’ll sit out of the boys club, I promise. You have your fun, Matthew.

Matty: Either way, I can’t let Justin live in my head right now, because I’ve got a match against Bill Barnhart, and that’s an unsullied chance at making a friend in the business that’s a dude. Sorry, Kandy.

Kandy shrugs as is evidenced by the pointed movement of the camera. Matty smirks.

Matty:  Look, I’m a wrestler. I’m going to go down to that ring on Sunday, and I’m going to give it my all. And you know what? I just might win. Yeah, I said it. I might win. I might win by a landslide of pows and punches. Or, I might lose. I might lose by a plastic fork to the cheek. I might get bested by Bill Barnhart.  I’m man enough to admit that.

Matty looks as the gondola comes to a stop at the top of the ski range. He and Kandy exit as the camera gets bumpy on the take. It steadies once Matty is safely on the ground. He walks awkwardly with his skis toward the flags, but he stops and turns around slowly to look at the camera again.

Matty: I’m a total mushroom, because I’m a fun-guy. I like to take random ski trips when I’ve never skied before. I’d make a great friend. And I’m loyal to a fault.

Matty slowly backs up toward the path and Kandy follows him. He stops just short.

Matty: I’m not going to take it easy on you, Bill. I’m going to give it one hundred and ten percent in our match on Sunday. You won’t know what hit you. Win, lose, or draw, it’s going to be a good match, because I know that you’re going to go out there and give it two hundred percent to prove to the naysayers that you’re the big bad bulldog, baring your teeth at the world. You’re going to give me a really tough match, and I dare say it might be the toughest match of my career. But at the end of it, I’m going to shake your hand. Even if you hate me for beating you, or feel you’re too good for me after winning, I will extend my hand toward you. Do what you will with that, but I have mad, mad respect for you, Bill.

Matty takes a deep breath and nods at Kandy, who comes up behind him. She gives him the slightest of pushes as he begins moving. Kandy quickly follows, squealing.

Matty:  WHOOOOOA! Okay, you got this, Matthew. Anywayyyyyyys! Anyways, I respect you, Bill. I’ve seen enough of your matches to know that you’re not the joke of SCW. The joke’s on them if they think that. I intend to win. That’s no secret. I want to continue my undefeated streak to two and oh. I’m going to do everything in my power to keep the streak alive.

Matty turns a corner, and Kandy narrowly misses a tree, as one of the pine trees jostles the camera a bit. However, she finds her way back behind Matty as they continue down.

Matty: Holy Shhhnickers! Okay, wow… As I was saying, I’m not going down without a fight, but know that I am man enough to accept when I’ve lost.  And with that said, regardless of what happens in that ring, I’m a man of my word, and I will offer a handshake. Are you man enough to accept?

Matty tries to skid to a stop, but he topples over and rolls down the last few yards on his side. He shields his face until he’s at the bottom, and he crawls out of the way. Kandy skids properly and turns just in time to help Matty back to his feet. Snow coats his hair, but he doesn’t seem to mind.

Matty: Come Sunday the 19th, Climax Control 378, It’s going down. We’re taking it to pound town!

Kandy giggles, causing Matty to blush and furl his brow.

Matty:  We’re gonna fight our pants off…

Kandy squeals and points at Matty who growls.

Matty: We’re gonna get all hot and sweaty together. We’re going to make each other sweat with how hard we hit…

Kandy: Just stop! Stop while you’re ahead!

Matty: I might as well say we’re gonna clap each other’s cheeks at this point…

Kandy: I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Matty rolls his eyes until he realizes that Kandy is being serious.

Matty: We’re gonna throw hands, you and me, Barnhart. May the best man win.

Matty tips his invisible hat to Bill before Kandy turns the camera off.

Climax Control Archives / The Candy Shop Talk
« on: November 10, 2023, 06:41:04 PM »
Inside of a candy shop just outside of Prime, Nevada, we see walls filled to the max with brightly colored candies. Done of them are delicately chewy gummy bears and other shapes. Others are candy coated chocolates. Then of course the mandatory Jelly Belly rows. It isn't long before we see Kandy Kaine pushing a shopping cart through that first aisle. Matty Mallow follows behind her. A young kid stands at the register with his mom and gasps as he sees this.

Kid: Wow I didn't know they had shopping carts here.

Cashier: We… don't?

Candy whistles to the tune of “Candy Girl” as she pulls her first bag from the roll. She pulls the top off of the third jar to scoop out a plethora of gumballs.

Kandy: Isn't this the most magical place in the entire world?

Matty: I thought that was Disney Land.

Kandy: Hershey Pennsylvania is more magical than that place. And this place is even more magical.

Kandy seals the bag and walks over to another jar of chocolate covered raisins. She nearly fills it up before putting both bags into the cart. She moved along to find a jar of gummy sharks and she chomps down with an “arrrrgh” sound before scooping up many of them into the bag.

Kandy: It's really important to eat a well balanced diet before a match. Carb loading they call it. Sugar is s carb, I think.

Matty: Yeah a simple one.

Kandy: There is nothing simple about this deliciousness, ya dig? It's prrrrrrrfect.

Kandy continues scooping candy into bags before teaching the saltwater taffy. She takes a giant whiff se she opens the jar.

Kandy: Just magical. Like Celeste North staying undefeated for over a year. That took lots of talent and positivity.

Matty: An SCU deep cut, I see.

Kandy: Totally deep. But those who paid attention will know.

Matty: So someone said that you put a little note of kindness about your opponent for this week.

Kandy smiles and nods, chocolate sticking to her teeth as she does so.

Kandy: Yaaap! Georgie really does have the best hair in the locker room. Sporty, stylish, spontaneous, and versatile. Is that enough big words?

Matty: I'm not so sure they're all that big…

Kandy shrugs before filling up a few bags of Jelly Belly’s.

Kandy: I mean she's gorgeous and talented and new, but she's already left her mark. Who wouldn't want to see her kick my heiny all over that ring. She's just great.

Matty: Aren't you supposed to be talking down to your opponent?

Kandy: Sha, if I was like everyone else. But I'm the princess of positivity. I do things a little differently around here. I talk nice about my opponents. I think they could very well stand a chance at beating me. I used to play dumb on television, but not no more! Now I am average IQ. Unlike Georgie who has an above level IQ.

Matty: but how do you even know that? That's not something we know!

Kandy finished filling the cart with s little bit of everything as she goes to the counter to start unloading things.

Kandy: Hey candy shop worker. Only 44 days until Christmas, do Merry Christmas!!!

The worker glares at Kandy for bringing this up. Kandy smiles as she continues talking to Matty.

Kandy: it's like you can just tell she's smart. I have to go with my gut since there's little known about her. She's British and those Brits are smart. They think outside of the box with their cookie biscuits and their fry chips and tea. Tea also means to eat. But anyway, she's a right old bruiser and I'm buying this candy to stuff my suit with so I don't get all bruised up.

Matty: Don't you plan on winning? By not getting the crud knocked out of you?

Kandy: Anything can happen when you go against someone as powerful as Georgie Robertson. I'd rather be prepared than be sorry. Hey could you hand me my purse so I can pay?

Matty goes to lift the purse up, but it jerks his arm down and he grimaces.

Matty: Daaaaang, Kandy. What do you have in here? A ton of rocks?

Kandy nods as she takes the purse carefully. She pulls out her wallet and then retrieves a card

Kandy: Some nice guy on the streets sold me a state if the art purse security system. It looks like rocks, but it's 75 pounds of broken cinder block. and I had just enough cash to buy it like it was my lucky day.

After the purchase is complete, Kandy takes the cart out to her bubblegum pink Jeep Wrangler. They begin unpacking the cart.

Kandy: I'm excited to see which one of us wins because I respect Georgie. Even if they respect isn't returned. So win or lose, I'm gonna raise my hand up with hers to show off some good sportsmanship. Because that's how Kandy do.

Matty: But it's your debut match. Don't you wanna win it?

Kandy: Of course. But look at you. you win last week and you thought you were done for. Just imagine if I actually thought I had a chance. And against s great opponent like Georgie too. That would be awesome. But if I lose, then I lost to someone with a ton of skills. See what I mean?

Matty nods, but he's not quite there yet.

Kandy: What good does it do if I best someone who is not very good? It looks cheap. and if I lose to that person who I make look bad, then what am I worth? A whole lot less. So imagine talking good about Georgie. I might even make a friend out of this. how cool would that be?

Matty: Pretty darn cool if I do say so myself, scro.

Kandy scoffs.

Kandy; I really wish you didn't call me that. That refers to a man's… coin purse. His bag o marbles. His family jewel sack. His…

Matty: I get it. Just part of being around Jamie for too long.

Kandy: He has that effect. You know, I think I'm going to start carbo loading now. I need to be at the top of my game by Sunday and that's just two days away. And I got a special surprise for everyone to hopefully make even more friends!

Kandy pulls out a bag of kit Kats and begins quickly shucking the wrappers. She stuffs it into her mouth like a true candy crush ninja.

Kandy: Scccom! Immanamamawaaah!

Matty: oooooh-kay… let's get you back to the hotel room safe and sound…

Matty opens the door for Kandy and moves around to the driver's side door. He gets in and the two leave the parking lot to the tune of 50 Cent ‘Candy Shop’. The scene fades out on their tail lights getting smaller.

Climax Control Archives / Prince of Puff Pow (Matty Mallow)
« on: November 03, 2023, 03:19:06 PM »
The scene opens up to a shot of Matty Mallow inside of a six sided ring. He is across the ring from his trainer, Jamie Staggs. For the first time ever, Jamie looks determined. Matty finds himself nervous as the two beging to circle one another inside of the Staggs Dungeon.

Jamie: Remember, you're fighting a brawler technician. What do?

Matty thinks, but doesn't let it deflect his concentration on Jamie, who lunges at him. Matty narrowly ducks out of the way.

Matty: I punch him in the dick?

Jamie: Only if you wanna be a looooooser. Remember, that's a DQ in a regular match. Boy have I learned that one

"Ya gotta wait until the ref isn't looking."

The voice peeps over the ring apron as we see "Shorty" Devin Tyler standing there by the ring steps. Matty chuckles, giving Jamie the chance to jump in and engage in a tie up.

Matty: Dang it!

Jamie: Come on, I only got a few minutes of serious left in me.

Matty tries to pull away from Jamie, but the trip is too tight. Jamie sends Matty into the corner. As he charges at Matty, Matty rolls out of the way and grabs onto Jamie for a German Suplex. Jamie nails him with an elbow to the side of the head and then drops down with a Snapmare into a Rear Choke.

Jamie: You can be better, scro. Use your instincts.

Matty puts his leg over the bottom rope and Jamie breaks the hold. Matty gets up and gives himself some room to breathe.

Matty: I got this. A good defense is the best offense here.

Jamie: The Prince of Puff Pow wants to come at the king.

Matty charges Jamie, who throws him through the ropes and right at Shorty's feet. Shorty gives him a playful kick before helping him up. Jamie charges with a dive through the ropes. Matty catches him and they both go down.

Matty: I thought we were just going for moves Justin Smith might use.

Jamie stays laid on the ground next to Matty. He is breathing a bit harder now as he looks up at the ceiling lights.

Jamie: Expect anything from another newbie. Yeah, that's it. I definitely didn't fall back into my own style. You believe that, right?

Matty: No.

Jamie: Yeah, me either.

The two sit there for a moment longer, considering getting back to the training.

Matty: Am I even good enough to wrestle yet? I mean, I'm so fresh out of training.

Jamie: Kandy isn't the smartest, but she has good intuition when it comes to wrestling. She picked you.

Matty: Yeah because I'm cute as a button. Her words.

Jamie: You do have a charming smile. Wait a minute, I didn't mean that.

Matty shows off the smile and enjoys the compliment. He then sits up and crawls back toward the ring, pulling himself up by the apron. He rolls back inside of the ring, and Jamie soon follows. They begin the circle again.

Matty: I'll have to really dig deeper to wrestle against someone like Justin. He's bigger than me. He's got more experience than me…

Jamie: Casey says he's a big softy on the inside.

Matty: But it's the outside that's gonna wallop me if I don't shake these nerves! He's the Tarrytown Tormenter.

Jamie lunges in, but Matty spins and nails a loud chop to Jamie's back. Jamie winces and this allows Matty to jump on Jamie's back, clubbing until Jamie lifts him into a Fireman's Carry.

Jamie: Yeah but you're in Vegas now, son! We've seen some of the most brutal matches in the history of… like ever. Ivan and Andrew train hard, so I get why you're nervous. But trust your instincts, just like Kandy does.

Matty: I'll try. It's just… just… I thought Kandy's attitude of positivity would rub off on me. I thought I could be nice and people would like me the way they like her.

Jamie helps Matty up as a gesture of good faith. However, he pulls him in for a Short Arm Clothesline.

Jamie: But you're not her. You just got to graduate from here much sooner. That's not for nothin'.

Matty gets up and rests in the corner for a timeout. He holds up the T with his hands. Jamie settles into the other corner as Shorty watches.

Matty: He's trained with Hall of Fame Casey Williams.

Jamie: And you've trained with Hall of Famer Spike Staggs.

Matty: For a week when you got the flu… Forget it. Cancel my match. I can't do it

Jamie: Nope. Even if you go out there and get your ass whooped, you're going out there. Comprendo friendo?

Matty feels his nerves for a moment before nodding his head. He rubs his hands together and charges at Jamie who side steps Matty. Matty stops the collision and jumps into the air and Jamie scoops him up into an Electric Chair position. However, Matty brings him down into a Victory Roll and Shorty mimics a one count before Jamie kicks out. They get back up and Matty sighs as they tie up again.

Matty: I did my research on him, but I still don't feel prepared. He's a former baseball player who grew up in Tarrytown. But even though he's new, he took time to perfect his skills before signing. Oh God, why did I do this?

"Because you are ready to learn."

The camera turns over to see Kandy standing there. Matty's eyes light up as he bounces a little. Jamie takes the opportunity to nail a Belly To Belly Suplex.

Matty: Oof… but… I graduated already.

Kandy: You've gotta learn how to take a win just as much as you hafta learn how to take a loss. No matter what, you will be back to fight another day.

Matty: Not if I get got in the process. This guy is a mean green fighting machine.

Jamie: And you're the Prince of Puff Pow.

Matty tries to come up with something to combat that, but he's stuck.

Kandy: Just remember to breathe, then strike. Breathe…

Kandy takes in a deep breath as she focuses on Matty.

Kandy: … then strike…

She exhales slowly as she kicks at the air. Matty trips Jamie up and goes for a Camel Clutch. Kandy claps wildly.

Matty: I did it. I really did it! Puff, Pow!

Kandy: Now just bring that to the ring on Sunday and you'll do fine. Don't give up without a fight.

Matty: I won't! I…

Jamie is able to bring Matty over on his side and moves over to an arm bar. Matty uses his awareness for another rope break.

Matty: Yowzers! At least I'm getting trained by a former SCU Champion to be able to have a fighting chance. I'm starting to feel pretty good about this now. I think Justin might not have it as easy as he thinks with a young buck rookie like me.

Kandy: That's the spirit! Puff Pow!

Matty: Puff Pow! I'm gonna just keep going!

The camera sticks around to see Jamie and Matty get up again to circle as the scene fades.

Character Building Roleplays / We're Gonna Get Some Contracts...
« on: October 10, 2023, 07:35:48 PM »
After Climax Control 375

We see a young woman skipping along outside of the Lawlor Events Center in Reno, Nevada. Following close by is a young man, and a blonde woman. The young man is holding hands with the girl that is skipping, and the blonde woman has her hand against her forehead, clearly exasperated by the situation. The skipping woman sings a song of her own.

”I’m gonna see some wressssssling… I’m gonna see some wresssssssling… I’m gonna…”

The blonde woman scoffs and looks down at her watch. The lights in the arena are still on, but it is practically empty. SCW stars are seen driving off as Kandy approaches the gates.

”And there’s no line! It must be my lucky day…”

The man nods his head with a smile on his face. As we pan over to the woman with the black and purple hair, we see that it is former SCU Bombshell, Kandy Kaine. She taps in the direction of the cameraman and squeals.

Kandy: What am I talking about? Every day is my lucky day. But this has got to be extra lucky because I get to talk to Mark Ward and Christian Underwood about signing a contract to wrestle. And so do you, Matty!

Matty chuckles at the thought.

Matty:  You’re making me nervous, but in a positive way! I feel like I can do anything!

They look at one another with smirks as they begin singing together.

”AAAAANYthing you can do, I can also do! I can also do anything like you!”

Matty:  Yes you can!!

Kandy: Yes I can!

Matty:  Yes I can!!

Kandy: Yes you can!

”Yes you can, yes you can, YES YOU CAAAAAAAAAAAAN!”

Kandy squeals again, this time causing the cameraman to sigh. As Kandy and Matty speak indistinctly, encouraging one another in their own ways, the cameraman gets the full view of Kandy’s longtime best friend and manager, Tessa Flannigan.

”Are you going to tell them, or should I?”

Tessa shakes her head from side to side, her hair blowing in the breeze. She leans in and whispers to the cameraman.

Tessa: Ye act as if I haven’t tried a hundred times already, luv. But, they’ll only learn on their own.

After Kandy and Matty poke one another a couple of times, a tickle fight ensues. The cameraman clears his throat, and Kandy straightens up.

Kandy: Oh yeah! Priorities and stuff. Hellllloooooo SCW folks, you beautiful people. It is I, Kandice with a Kandy Kaine with a Kaine, your former Sugar Rush, THE Princess of Positivity, and I am so so soooooo excited to be here on the 375th episode of Climax Control! 375 episodes is ah-mayyyyyy-zing! WOOOOOOOOOOO! Go Mark and Christian! And to be able to be a part of this is… is…

Matty nearly spazzes out as he tries to contain it, but he can’t.

Matty:  Freaking amazeballs? Uber fantastical?? The most delicious of awesome sauces???

Kandy: Oh, like all of that and every other amazing thing under the sun, sha? But I’m supposed to be talking about predictions for the night, or something like that, so um… Oh! Eddie Lyons is gonna show why he’s unbreakable when he defeats Braddock in the opening match.

Cameraman: Impressive…

Matty: Oh! And Peter Vaughn is going to put on a great match with Tyler McCulligan, but ultimately Vaugn for the win. Gangnam Style!

Kandy gasps and nods her head along with Matty before they both bust out the dance like it was 2012 all over again. Kandy acts like she’s tossing a hat off of her head and then stops the dance.

Kandy: Good guess! You’re so smart, and it’s almost like you’re psychic or something.

Matty: I learn from the best. You taught me a lot about SCW. You’re like their biggest fan or something.

Kandy: I wouldn’t say their biggest fan. I just know some things, and I wrestled for their second brand for a while, and I watch their shows because Vegas is so much like Atlantic City, only like times a hundred. I’m a little into it, but there’s plenty of people that know more about it than me.

Matty shrugs his shoulders.

Matty: Well, you taught me a lot. And I’m excited to talk to the big bosses about a contract. I’d even guess that the Mixed Tag Team Champions, Oliver Zahn and Eiley, are going to prove why they’re the champs on the Barnharts. But the Barnharts aren’t going to be taking it easy on them, no siree!

Cameraman: Are you sure they didn’t watch the…?

Tessa: Wouldn’t be here right now if they had, I’ll tell ya that much.

Kandy: The cameraman doesn’t have all day. OMG I’m so sorry. Should we skip to the main event?

Kandy taps at her chin, waiting for an answer. There is a pause as the cameraman sees that she’s serious.

Cameraman: Not if you’re going to say that Luna Vanity won the Internet Championship…

Kandy hums to herself.

Kandy: I was going to say Krystal Wolfe, because we were like SCU besties… Or something like it. We both didn’t like the way GRIME was running all over the place injuring people. That sort of thing has a way of bonding people, y’know?

Cameraman:  Look, we can’t go inside of the arena because the show is actually over.

Matty: Hmmm come again?

Cameraman:  Yeah, the show ended like half an hour ago.

Kandy: Say whuhhhhhh?

Kandy looks down at her watch to check the time. She laughs and points at the cameraman.

Kandy: Ohhhh, you nearly got me. But the show starts in 30 minutes. I’m just wondering where the crowd is.

Cameraman:  They went home.

Matty: Do you think we forgot to change the time on our friendship watches again? I thought a little birdie was saying something about that.

The cameraman looks back to Tessa.

Tessa: Yes, it’s me. I’m the little birdie who said something many times. But, to be fair, they was in the middle of a thumb war that went on for two hours.

Cameraman:  Why am I not surprised?

Tessa chuckles and pats Kandy on the shoulder.

Tessa: It’s been quite some time since ya’v seen her, but I see her almost every day. But, I wouldn’t have her any other way, luv.

She gives a genuine shoulder rub as she looks over at Kandy.

Tessa: Luckily, I talked to Mark at the halftime show of the thumb war series, and he was kind enough to offer a meet up for drinks after the show, with possible contracts drawn up. So, if you both wanna get signed, I’d suggest ya come with me.

Matty: Connnntractssssss!

Kandy: Oh boy! Let’s get ‘em!!!

”We’re gonna get some contracts! We’re gonna get some contracts! We’re gonna get some contracts!

Cameraman:  The fans are really going to love this. Maybe their first piece of merch could be rainbow vomit bags.

Tessa taps her chin.

Tessa: Not a bad idear. Now that’s the power of positivity...

And with that, Tessa walks off after the skipping duo, putting a bit of a spring in her step as they head back to the car. As they get inside, the camera fades out.

Climax Control Archives / Science and Stuff!
« on: December 14, 2018, 11:43:41 PM »

So…….. I know last week didn't go so well for me and Jerry, but it didn't get us down. Amy Marshall and Jon Dough were super fun opponents and they really rested our skills. Truth is, they had mad skills.

But this is a new week, and we got new opponents. I know these guys. Gamers Inc. Char Kwan and Jackson Stewart. They were in Honor Wrestling for a while, and I've seen their stuff on YouTube. It's pretty fun stuff.

I actually really respect them and I can’t wait to get in the ring with them because I think they will be the biggest challenge yet.  I have been working so so so so so hard to make sure that I’m ready for them, because this could be the match that makes the careers of Killer Kandy!  Jerry Cann and me have to win this match.  We just have to.  I was willing to go through any lengths to make sure that we do win.  I looked at like science and stuff.  Yeah, me!  Science!  This is what Gamers Inc does to me!  Can you believe it?  I even put on glasses and everything.  And then, when it was time for the experiment, I totally made sure that I was ready with goggles, and… and… science things!  And a suit!  Don’t forget the suit!

Me and Jerry get the chance to face off with them and I'm so so so so so SO EXCITED! WOOHOO! I'm getting ahead of myself. So, I got this really fun text from a couple of my friends, and they asked me to meet up with them in Laughlin, Nevada, so I jumped in the Kandymobile and I drove up there. Because I definitely needed to be there for the show and stuff anyway. Let’s watch that part, because I love love LOVE IT!

Bullhead, AZ/Laughlin, NV

A pink mini bus drives down the road, headed toward a bridge overlooking the Colorado River. The outside of the bus is bejeweled to read “Kandymobile” with lots of fun rainbow colors airbrushed across it. It is blaring “The Gummy Bear Song” at max volume. Of you thought the outside of the vehicle was tacky, just wait until you see the inside.

The music is almost overbearing as we spot various bean bag chairs, cotton candy colored fluff and sparkling disco balls hang all over the place. Sitting on fluffy pink and blue chairs is The Kawaii Dragons, Tatsu Ikeda and Winter Elemental. Driving in the away is Kandy Kaine, who is wearing a pink space suit. She is hunched over the wheel, looking extra excited as she is practically standing up. Tatsu and Winter take a break from stuffing their faces with chocolate to look at each other.

Tatsu: What is this that she does? This is some sort of strange American tradition, yes?

Winter: Um, we can go with that. But seriously, no. No, it's not.

They continue to shovel chocolate into their mouths as they watch on for the entertainment value of what they are seeing. Kandy looks focused as she lifts her butt back up into the air as she braces the seat.

Kandy: O.M.G. guys. We're doing it. We're really doing it. Brace yourself, ladies. It's happening!

Kandy is takes her own advice, hugging herself tightly as she clinches her eyes tightly. Tatsu gasps as Winter smiles deviously, chocolate clinging to her otherwise pearly teeth. Kandy opens her eyes as she starts to veer into another lane and she laughs innocently.

Kandy: OOPS! Sorry guys…

Kandy jerks the wheel until they are back in the right lane, causing Tatsu to tumble into Winter. After they recover, Winter straightens up and puts down her bag of can't.

Winter: Hey, so you never explained what we were doing out here anyway. So, do you mind sharing that information with us?

Tatsu: All I heard was unlimited chocolate and Tatsu was in. Hehe.

Kandy almost doesn't notice the question as she picks up speed.

Kandy: If my calculations are correct, then we should be entering one of those space/time continuum thingies. I have it on good authority that it is just one mile away.

Tatsu: Uhhhhmmmm… I think this is… not right.

Winter: Hold up, Fire Dragon. This shit sounds wild right now after those brownies we ate about an hour ago. My only question is, how did you find out about this?

Kandy: Well, it's from this piece of paper that floated up to my bus. I even checked it out on Google and its totally legit! I wanted to test it out first, but it might be the best way for me to make sure that I always win my matches from now on.

Winter and Tatsu look to one another for a second and they can't help but to have become intrigued by this.

Tatsu: O.M.G. Winter-san. Imagine… We are Hardcore Tag Champs forever and ever…

Winter: You say that like we aren't doing that already.

Kandy: I'm just so worried because Gamers Inc is just soooooo good. Me and Jerry hafta hafta hafta hafta hafta hafta win this week! We are representing Sin City Underground, but to go against a team that has known each other for so long, and fought together in Honor Wrestling is like… so so scary. But it's lucky that we are in Laughlin, Nevada this week because of the wormhole in time. I can learn from my mistakes and we can keep fighting until we get it right. Whoa nelly! We're almost there!

Kandy lowers her sparkling goggles over her eyes as she grit her teeth. She begins to speed up as best as she can with the bus, pushing 70 miles per hour. Tatsu and Winter chuckle at the thought until the bus begins to shake. Kandy puts her back into keeping the bus on a straight and narrow path. A huge bump happens, and we begin to see sparks flying.

Winter: What the holy fucking shit?!

Tatsu: The dumb one knows many secrets! Like a cotton candy female Rain Man!

Kandy: I'll be the first Kaine to travel through time! My parents will be so proud of me! Three!

Tatsu looks to Winter with wide eyes.

Kandy: Two!

Winter grips into Tatsu's hands, pulling her in tightly. Tatsu hugs her back as Kandy leans back, determination written all over her face.

Kandy: One!

The bus begins shaking wildly before smoke envelopes the bus. The bus soon comes to a stop. Kandy is sweating profusely as she sinks into her seat. Tatsu and Winter breathe heavily as they look around. Kandy begins laughing hysterically, high pitched and excited like she is known to do.

Kandy: Success! Ladies, we've done it!

Tatsu looks around, but she sees nothing different and she slowly shrugs her shoulders. Winter scoffs as she looks at Kandy.

Winter: How do you even know? Everything looks the same.

Kandy tosses Winter her phone. Winter looks at the screen and seems to mimic Tatsu's befuddled shrug.

Winter: What the hell am I looking at besides Willy Wonka on a home screen?

Kandy: Ummm, the time?

Tatsu: It is 4:42?

Kandy: Yeah? But like thirty seconds ago, it was 3:41! That's like… almost an hour later! Isn't it? Or did I math wrong again?

Kandy sighs as she tries to start up the bus, only for it to plume out smoke from under the hood. Then, one of the tires pop off of the side and the bus begins to lean one way. The three ladies nearly topple out of their seats. As Tatsu and Winter drop Kandy's phone, and as they go back to retrieve it from the ground, it knocks back to 3:43pm. They gasp as Kandy rushed over to look at it. The three begin to jump up and down as the phone goes crazy, having to keep readjusting to the time zone change, and remaining completely oblivious to it the entire time, all while horns honk and they go around the bus.

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