Author Topic: BOBBIE DAHL (c) v BELLA MADISON - ROULETTE TITLE  (Read 2685 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: April 01, 2024, 10:50:37 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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    • Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2024, 07:14:09 PM »
Blaze of Glory Twelve is just around the corner and soon Bobbie and her family will be heading to Flagstaff for all of the pre-match festivities leading up to the show. It’s been known for weeks that Bobbie would be defending her title against Bella Madison, so she had ample time to prepare herself both mentally and physically for the challenge ahead. She had faced Bella once already since making her return- before she won the Bombshell Roulette Championship- and she had come out on the winning end. But this time felt different to her. Because it was different.

It’s the day before they are scheduled to leave for Flagstaff and Bobbie is at her parents’ new home just outside of Las Vegas. Even though it’s Nevada, and the temperature can get relatively hot even in early spring, today was unseasonably cooler. It was the perfect day for Bobbie and her mother, though. They both had enjoyed temperatures like this back in Illinois, so this gave them a chance to sit out in the backyard and just have a relaxing day before Bobbie had to get down to business with her upcoming match. Artie, meanwhile, is off somewhere else getting in a training session to prepare for the Blast From The Past Tournament.

But Bobbie is clearly distracted at the moment. She’s fairly quiet as they sit in their chairs on the patio while Loki has found a spot under a tree to get some shade after romping around playing with some of his toys. Barbie, her mother, turns her head and stares at her daughter for a moment, trying to get a sense of what may be on her mind before breaking the silence between them. Considering everything recently, there was only one of two things that could be bothering Bobbie. Or both. And one subject, Barbie did not want to bring up right off the bat on the off chance it was something else.

“Alright,” she finally says, breaking the long silence and setting her glass of tea down on the small table between them. “You’re nervous about your match against Bella, aren’t you? That has to be it, because you’re too quiet.”

Bobbie sighs and turns her head to look at her mother. She, too, sets her glass of tea on the table, and she shakes her head with a bit of a smile. “So much for a relaxing day? You just can’t help yourself sometimes, can you?” Bobbie responds, although it is more out of amusement than annoyance. She knew her mother cared and had been worried about her quite a bit recently, as did her father. It was what made them such great parents.

Barbie smiles back. “I’m your mother,” she says very matter of factly. “I’m supposed to pry whenever I think it's warranted. What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t?”

Bobbie nods, seeing her mother’s point. She lets out a sigh as her attention darts to Loki, still resting under the tree. “I mean, yeah I am nervous. I’d be crazy not to be. Blaze of Glory is a big show. The biggest of the year along with High Stakes.” She pauses, gathering the rest of her thoughts. She had so many of them, she didn’t know where to begin. “Bella is a tough opponent. I just barely defeated her last time. And this time? She might just pull off the win and make my title reign shorter than I wanted it to be.”

Barbie nods slowly. Bobbie’s anxiousness was understandable in this instance, but she was prepared to do anything and everything she could to get her daughter into better spirits. “There’s always a chance that she could, yes. But your father and I have watched you over the last few months, and you improve each and every time. But I sense your focus isn’t completely on Bella lately as it should be. There’s more, isn’t there?” Barbie used her last question as a gentle transition into the subject she had been avoiding. And if she was wrong, that would be even better.

Bobbie didn’t answer right away. She remained silent for a while, and Loki had finally gotten up from his spot under the tree and trotted over to Bobbie’s side, sitting down next to her. He rested his head on her knee and Bobbie took the opportunity to gently pet and scratch the top of his head, loving on her baby boy as he so wanted. He could sense she needed him just as well. After a few moments gathering her response, Bobbie finally caved and admitted something her mother wasn’t completely expecting. “I’m trying to find a way to get over this…jealousy…I feel towards Bella.”

“Jealousy?” Barbie asks, slightly surprised. “I’ve never known you to be jealous of anyone for any reason.” Barbie gives her daughter her full attention, hoping she can support her in any way possible.

Bobbie shrugs quickly, trying to brush it off like it’s not a big deal, but she knows her mother won’t accept that. So she has no choice but to explain. “Every time I try to go and prepare to face her again, I’m reminded of the fact that she has this beautiful baby girl at home. And she was back in the ring just a few months after giving birth to her.” Bobbie closes her eyes and sighs. “That has to be some sort of record. But not that it should matter to me, because that won’t be happening to me anyway, but I still can’t stop be a little jealous.”

Barbie shakes her head. She knew Bobbie had been struggling a lot recently with this situation, but she still hadn’t given her mother more information. Barbie had to get to the bottom of it and know all the facts if she wanted to really help Bobbie. “Alright. I have let this go on longer than I should have. It might not be the best time to discuss it now, but it has to be done.” Bobbie looks at her mother, confused. Barbie just sits up straight as she faces her daughter. “I want you to tell me what exactly the doctor said. All you told me was that you can’t have kids, but you never gave me specifics.”

Bobbie shakes her head. “No. There’s no need to.”

“There most certainly is a need to.” Barbie responds quickly. “Now, spill it. Tell me what the doctor told you.”

Bobbie goes silent for a few moments, staring at her mother. There was no way she was getting out of telling her the details, so she had to emotionally prepare herself to go back to the day she had been thinking about for the last several months. And she just hoped she wouldn’t start crying all over again…

Several months ago…

Just a few days ago, Bobbie had gone through several different tests with her doctor. She and Artie had been privately discussing, and even trying, getting pregnant and adding a little one to their family for some time, but as they were not having any luck they both decided it was best to see their respective doctors to find out if there was an underlying cause. Artie’s tests had come back absolutely perfect, which was a relief. But today was the day they were going to find out all of the results of Bobbie’s tests. To say Bobbie was nervous was an understatement.

The two of them are seated in her doctor’s office, waiting for him to finish with another patient and come deliver the news to them. Bobbie’s right leg kept bouncing up and down, one of the outward signs of her growing anxiety, and Loki was not there to help ease it. Artie did his best, though, as he takes her hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze. “It’ll be okay, Bobbie.” He says, reassuring her as best as he could. “Just try to relax.”

Bobbie shakes her head. “I can’t, Artie. I know there is something wrong with me, because all of your tests came back perfect.” She turns her head to look at him, somehow managing a little smirk. “Hell, the doctor said your little swimmers were some of the most active he’s ever seen!”

Artie cracks a smile, but even though the comment came from Bobbie, his cheeks still flush a little red. This whole process had been a little awkward for the both of them, but when they had heard that line from his doctor, Bobbie had laughed and Artie had just scratched his head in an awkward silence.

“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever forget hearing those words.” Artie replied, letting out a laugh.

“Neither will I.” Bobbie responds, but once again returns to the present moment as they still wait for her doctor. “And it’s how I know that something is wrong with me. You deserve to be a daddy, and here I am, unable to make that happen.”

Artie doesn’t get a chance to respond, as there is a gentle knock on the door and then her doctor slowly walks in, holding a tablet in his hand. “Bobbie. Artie. Good to see the both of you again.” He says as he sits down in the chair behind his desk to face them.

“Alright, doc.” Bobbie says, sitting up straight. “Just break it to me. The wait has been killing me. What is wrong with me?”

Artie shakes his head and just rubs Bobbie’s shoulder. Her doctor, while slightly amused with her rushing him, doesn’t crack a smile. He sets the tablet down and Bobbie and Artie prepare themselves. “I have gone over all of your test results, and while it’s not terrible news, it’s also not exactly good news, either.”

“W-what does that mean?” Artie asks first.

“Just tell me. Am I able to get pregnant or not?” Bobbie asks bluntly.

“Technically, yes, there is a chance you could get pregnant.” Her doctor responds. Artie smiles, almost relieved, but Bobbie knows there is more. “But not without some difficulty. And this is not me getting your hopes up either. After reviewing all of your tests, we have determined you have Polycystic Ovarian–”

“PCOS…” Bobbie interrupts him. She knew exactly what it was, but she had never really suspected it because she didn’t have all of the tell tale signs or symptoms.

“Yes.”  Her doctor confirms. “There are several options for you, Bobbie, and I suggest the both of you discuss how you want to proceed with this and when you might want to have a child. Due to your age, the longer you wait, the probability of a successful pregnancy diminishes.”

It wasn’t the news Bobbie had wanted to hear, but she had somehow expected it. Artie was obviously more hopeful after hearing everything the doctor was saying, but as the doctor continued to go over her options, she began to tune out. All she could think about was that she was right. Artie was perfectly able to father a child, but she was the reason they could not conceive…and probably never would.

Bobbie fell silent as she finished telling her mother exactly how her appointment had gone those many months ago. Her mother sat there, slowly nodding, but she, too, was more hopeful than Bobbie was. She reached forward and took Bobbie’s hand in hers. “Bobbie, honey, if you and Artie really want a baby, there are ways to make it happen. Just because it could be difficult, doesn’t make it impossible.”

Bobbie shakes her head. She had stopped petting Loki and he gently pawed at her to get her to continue. She all too happily obliged. “Options? If Artie and I want to have a baby, the only options we have to have a biological child require a lot of time and help. Not to mention, money. With my wrestling career–”

“Have you and Artie discussed all of this? And what you really want to do?” Barbie asks, stopping Bobbie before she could finish any of the negative speak.

Bobbie shakes her head. “Not really. He knows how upset I was after that appointment so he didn’t really push it. And then I returned to SCW so it just got put on the backburner.”

“The two of you really need to have a sit down discussion about this, and soon.” Barbie replies. “Maybe when you are on break after Blaze of Glory, that can be your opportunity. And whatever you two decide, your father and I will support you all the way. Don’t rob yourselves of the chance to be parents if it is what you really want.”

Barbie squeezes Bobbie’s hand again, comforting her as much as she could. Bobbie slowly nods and looks down at her baby boy Loki, silently wondering if the only child she is meant to have is a four legged one. She had to set those thoughts aside, and soon, however, because her match against Bella was fast approaching. And if she wants to retain the Bombshell Roulette Championship again, she needs to focus.

Focus, focus, focus….

Blaze of Glory…Wow! I can’t believe we’re already at this biggest show of the biggest show of the year! Well, unless you could High Stakes, but I know Blaze of Glory has always been considered SCW’s biggest and most hyped up event and for good reason. A lot of fantastic matches have taken place at this show, and there is no doubt that history will be made time and time again on a Blaze of Glory card. Hell, maybe even this weekend, but I’m not a psychic so I couldn’t tell ya honestly.

I’ve known for a while now that, as long as I had retained my title, I would be defending it against Bella Madison at Blaze of Glory Twelve. When I found out, I was pretty excited because Bella Madison is someone I respect a hell of a lot, and she truly deserves this chance. But from the time it had been announced up until now, I didn’t do my job as the Bombshell Roulette Champion. I could have showed up every week to hype this match or speak to Bella a time or two and really get ready for it, but I didn’t. I did exactly what I told myself when I won this title that I wasn’t going to do. I wasn’t representing my title. I wasn’t being a champion, and for that…I’m sorry.

Being a champion, it takes a lot of focus and dedication. I knew that before I truly set my sights on winning the Roulette Championship anyway. I had to make sure that I was really prepared and that I could handle it all, and I told myself I was ready. I told myself I could handle anything and anyone that was thrown my way, but look at what happened. I let other stuff steal my focus away, and it’s taken attention away from this match and the performance that Bella and I could put on for our family and the fans. People could be talking about this match right now, but they really aren’t.

I’m sorry, Bella. You deserve for this chance to be bigger than I’ve given it to be. You’ve worked your booty off for so long, just like I did when I was working for my chance, and it is the champion’s job to make more noise than I have in recent weeks. I put other stuff higher on my list of priorities, and I know now that that was a mistake. As the Bombshell Roulette Champion, I need to do better. And if I beat you at Blaze of Glory Twelve, I WILL do better, because I have to.

I can still do this. I don’t have anything holding me back, except myself. The only thing I can say that was taking my focus away was worrying about Artie in the Blast From the Past Tournament, but there is time to deal with that. I only had so much time to get ready to face you again. And I know you’re far from the same Bella Madison that I faced last time. You’ve been on a roll, girl. And I commend you for that. But I have to ask…

Are you REALLY ready to be the Bombshell Roulette Champion, let alone ANY champion in SCW? Can you really sit there and say that you can do what I have stumbled in doing and focus as much time and dedication into representing SCW and the Roulette division as it deserves? Are you really prepared to put your body through anything and everything to defend this title? I could go on and on with more questions, but I think you get my point here.

Think about your baby girl, Bella. Maybe you’re able to be a champion and a great mother, but the physicality of what the Roulette Wheel puts us through is no joke, honey. There are going to be times that your body is so battered and bruised, that you won’t be able to hold your baby girl when she’s begging for you to. Or, that she’ll see cuts and bruises on you and either be scared at what she sees, or she’ll wonder…what happened to mommy?

I mean no disrespect, Bella. I’m not trying to be the bad guy here, but I’m trying to be realistic and prepare you for what could be in your future. I can’t guarantee that I will be able to beat you, and honestly? I’m not upset by that. Do I want to keep my reign going? Absolutely. But I see how determined you are and how much you want this. And I am preparing myself for the very real possibility that this time, you just might be better than me.

What we do is hard, Bella. Everyone knows that, and we also know that there are people out there that say professional wrestlers can’t, or shouldn’t, have families and do what we do. But plenty have proven them wrong. But the fact is that you jumped back into the ring pretty damn fast. Faster than anyone I’ve ever seen after having a baby, and I don’t know if that was determination or…I don’t know. I’m not going to even begin to sit here and pretend that I know or understand your life or how you and Malachi work things out raising your daughter. I’m just trying to get you to really think about everything, if you already haven’t.

Once that target is on your back, Bella, the only way it goes away is by losing the title. As soon as you win the title, you’ll have every woman backstage gunning for you- well, maybe not EVERY woman, but a good chunk of them, anyway.

I’m excited about this match, Bella. You’re one of the few that I know shows respect to each and every match and each and every opponent. As long as they deserve it anyway. It’s one of the things I respect about you so much and if you beat me on Sunday? I will gladly hand over the Roulette title and raise your hand in victory. Is that something I really want to do? Of course not. But I’m woman enough to show good sportsmanship anyway!

I’m not ready to give this title up, Bella. I’m going to fight tooth and nail to keep hold of it, and I know you’re going to fight just as hard to take it from me. To that I say bring it, honey. Let’s go out there and put on the match of a lifetime. Let’s show everyone why were two of the toughest Bombshells on this roster. Let’s bring the house down and then afterwards, if we’re still standing anyway…each of us can move forward in our own ways.

Oh and to Georgie Robertson, if you’re watching this…if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay the hell away from this match! Just a little food for thought.

See you Sunday, Bella! May the better Bombshell win!

And I plan to!!

Offline BellaMadison

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~*~ Rules of Engagement: Never Fear The Storm~*~
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2024, 11:26:14 PM »
~*~ A Moment of Serenity ~*~

The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the cozy living room of the O’Connell household. Bella sat cross-legged on the soft rug, a smile playing on her lips as she watched her daughter, Máire, explore her surroundings with curious eyes.

At eight months old, Máire was a bundle of energy, constantly on the move as she crawled around the room, her chubby little hands grasping at anything within reach. Bella couldn't help but marvel at how much she had grown, how quickly time seemed to slip through her fingers.

"Look at her go," Malachi's voice broke through Bella's thoughts, his tone filled with pride as he joined her on the floor, his arms wrapping around her waist as they watched their daughter together.

"She's getting so big," Bella replied, leaning back against Malachi's chest, relishing in the warmth of his embrace. "It feels like just yesterday she was born."

Malachi nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to Bella's temple as they watched Máire play. "She's growing up so fast," he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Sometimes I wish we could just freeze time and savor these moments forever."

Bella turned her head to look up at Malachi, meeting his gaze with a soft smile. "Me too," she whispered, reaching up to cup his cheek in her hand. “I figured getting a little floor time in with her would be floor time with her now since who can tell what I’ll be like after the weekend.”

Malachi smiled back at her, his eyes shining with affection. "Smart idea but you're right," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "I will never be amazed as to how much she looks like you. She's our little miracle, Bella. And no matter how fast she grows, she'll always be our baby girl."

Together, they sat in comfortable silence, wrapped up in the simple joy of being together as a family. In this moment, surrounded by love and warmth, Bella felt a sense of peace wash over her, grateful for the precious moments they shared. Máire pulls herself up on the coffee table at that very moment, “Dada!” as if she’s like ‘look what I can do!’. “Oh my goodness!!!! Máire look at you!” Bella lets out with a laugh, she reaches out and picks her up giving her a big hug that causes Máire to burst out in a fit of giggles, “That’s my big strong girl!

“Looks like we’re gonna have to start the extra baby-proofing a lot more.”

~*~ Heart-to-Heart ~*~

The soft glow of the table side lamp cast a warm light over the cozy bedroom as Malachi sat together on the their couch as they are preparing for a quiet movie night...hopefully. We see Bella in the background, quietly tiptoeing out of their daughter’s room and shutting the door behind her. She does a little celebration dance.

SCORE!!!” she lets out in a loud whisper before she runs into the living room and jumps into Mal’s lap giving him a kiss, “Let movie night begin.

Mal laughs as he hands her her drink and turns on their movie and their hands entwine as they share a quiet moment together.

"You know, mo chroí," Malachi began, his voice soft as he looked into her eyes, "I've been thinking a lot about everything you've been through lately. The match against Alexandra, the Blood Bath Brawl, and now this upcoming match against Bobbie Dahl..."

Bella nodded, her expression serious as she listened to Malachi speak. She knew that her recent matches had been more intense than ever before, pushing her to her limits in ways she had never imagined.

"It's just...I don't know when you got so good at hardcore matches," Malachi continued, a hint of admiration in his voice. "But damn, love, it's REALLY hot."

Bella couldn't help but laugh at Malachi's words, the tension in the room easing as she leaned into his side, resting her head against his shoulder. "You think so?" she replied, a teasing smile playing on her lips.

Malachi nodded, his gaze warm as he looked down at Bella. "Absolutely," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I've always known you were tough, Bella, but seeing you in those matches, giving it your all, it's...incredible."

Bella felt a surge of warmth spread through her chest at Malachi's words, a sense of pride swelling within her. She knew that her journey in the world of professional wrestling had been filled with ups and downs, but having Malachi by her side, supporting her every step of the way, made it all worth it.

"Thank you, babe," Bella whispered, reaching up to cup his cheek in her hand. "For always believing in me, even when I doubted myself. You're my rock, you know that?"

Malachi smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to Bella's forehead. "And you're mine," he replied, his voice filled with love. "No matter what happens in that ring, Bella, I'll always be here for you. Always."

As they sat in comfortable silence with the movie playing in the background, a thought crossed Bella's mind, and she furrowed her brow in contemplation. "You know, Mal, it's strange...Bobbie hasn't come at me as hard lately. I mean, with all the focus on her husband Artie getting signed up for the Blast From the Past tournament, I'm amazed she hasn't been more aggressive. It's almost like she's...distracted."

Malachi nodded, his expression thoughtful. "You might be onto something there, Bella," he said, his voice tinged with concern. "Maybe she's got other things on her mind, things that are pulling her focus away from the match. Either way, you need to stay sharp. Bobbie Dahl may be off her game, but she's still a dangerous opponent."

Bella's jaw set in determination as she nodded in agreement. "You're right, Mal. I can't afford to underestimate her, no matter what distractions she may have. This match is too important, too crucial for me to let my guard down now."

With renewed determination, Bella squeezed Malachi's hand tightly, drawing strength from his unwavering support. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, ready to conquer whatever obstacles stood in their way.

~*~Let’s Review Shall We~*~

Let’s remind everyone of the first set of the rules that I’ve set for myself.

The Rules of Engagement that we have seen since the New Year. The Rules themselves are on my wall but let me break it down how they will play in to Blaze of Glory

Rule 1: Leave it all in the ring.

The first rule echoes in my mind like a mantra as I have prepared to face Bobbie Dahl and each and every single opponent. I know that I must give everything that I have, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind that Bella Madison deserves to be the SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion. With every fiber of my being, I have committed to giving it all in this match, refusing to hold anything back.

Rule 2: Embrace the challenge.
I have embraced the challenge that lies ahead with open arms. I know that facing Bobbie will be no easy feat, but I will welcome the opportunity to test every inch of my skills against one of the best in the business. I am ready to rise to the occasion and prove myself, no matter what.

Rule 3: Respect your opponent.
Despite the fierce competition that awaits, I do hold a deep respect for Bobbie and everything she has accomplished in her career. I know that this match, this clash, whatever it may be and knowing who is in charge of putting the matches on that wheel, it will be a battle of epic proportions, but I will refuse to let any animosity cloud my judgment. I hold no ill-will to Bobbie. Instead, I will approach the match with a sense of sportsmanship, honoring my opponent's skill and talent while remaining steadfast in her resolve to emerge victorious. Even if the match may kill us both.

Rule 4: Trust in yourself.
I have to draw strength from within, trusting in my abilities to overcome whatever obstacles may come my way. I know how I have trained relentlessly for this moment, honing the skills and pushing myself to new heights. With unwavering self-belief, I will stand tall, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with courage and determination.

Rule 5: Never give up.
In the face of adversity, I will cling to the fifth rule with that resolve that was bestowed upon me from my mother and my father. I know without a shadow of a doubt, that the road to victory will be fraught with obstacles and setbacks, but I will refuse to be deterred. With grit and determination, I am going to press forward, refusing to back down until the final bell rings and my hand is raised in triumph.

Of course I have yet to really add the others like Rule 6: Dealing with the Minor Inconveniences but hey, I have a 8 month old on my hands and have been putting my focus where they are most important. But I have a new one for you.

~*~ Rules of Engagement: Never Fear The Storm~*~

The storm rages on, a fitting backdrop to the tumultuous emotions swirling within Bella Madison. As she stands amidst the brewing chaos, the winds whip around her, tugging at her hair and clothes, but she stands firm, unwavering in her resolve. This is her moment, her chance to confront the demons of her past and claim the ultimate prize.

"Bobbie Dahl," Bella's voice cuts through the howling winds, carrying a steely determination that matches the intensity of the storm. "You and I, we have a history. From the moment we stepped into the ring together, when we BOTH returned, I had that feeling that we were destined to collide again, somehow. At least I wasn’t wrong."

She pauses, her gaze piercing through the darkness as she reflects on the journey that has led her to this moment.

"You were there when I returned from having Máire, a reminder of the defeat that drove me to push myself harder, to fight with everything I had to prove myself in this ring. And now, here we are, facing off once again for the SCW Roulette Championship."

Bella's fists clench at her sides, the fire burning within her threatening to consume her entirely.

"But this time, things are different. This time, I'm not holding back. I'm not afraid to unleash the full force of my fury, to leave every ounce of my being out there in that ring. Because this isn't just about winning a title for me. It's about redemption. It's about proving to myself and to the world that I am worthy of standing among the best in this business."

She takes a deep breath, the storm raging around her echoing the turmoil within her soul.

"So, Bobbie Dahl, I hope you're ready. Because when that roulette wheel spins and the fate of our match is decided, I'll be standing in that ring ready to face whatever comes my way. And when the dust settles and the storm clears, there will be only one champion left standing. And mark my words, it will be me."

As Bella's words echo into the night, a sense of anticipation hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the electric energy of the storm. She knows that this match against Bobbie Dahl is more than just a chance to win a title—it's a chance to rewrite her own story, to redefine her legacy in the annals of SCW history. With each gust of wind that whips around her, Bella feels a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, fueling her determination to emerge victorious. She knows that Bobbie Dahl is a formidable opponent, a force to be reckoned with in the ring, but she refuses to be intimidated.

"No more holding back," Bella's voice rises above the howling winds, a declaration of intent that cuts through the chaos. "No more second-guessing myself. This is my time, my moment to shine, and I refuse to let anyone stand in my way."

As she speaks, images flash through Bella's mind—the countless hours of training, the sacrifices made, the battles fought and won. She carries them with her armor, steeling herself for the ultimate showdown that awaits.

"Bobbie Dahl may be the reigning champion, but I am the challenger with everything to prove," Bella declares, her voice ringing with unwavering confidence. "I may not have won a singles title in SCW yet, but mark my words, that changes tonight. Sunday at Blaze of Glory, I become the SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion. Or everything that I have done means absolute shit and I’m not "

With those final words hanging in the air, Bella squares her shoulders, her gaze burning with determination as she prepares to face her greatest challenge yet. The storm may rage on, but she stands ready to weather whatever comes her way, for she knows that victory awaits on the other side.