Author Topic: The Future is Safe. The Past Never Ends.  (Read 461 times)

Offline Keira Fisher

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    • Keira Fisher
The Future is Safe. The Past Never Ends.
« on: April 24, 2020, 07:10:11 PM »
 Keira is seen in the training room, throwing a few hard punches to a enhanced punching bag. Not even wearing gloves this time, she tries to take it easy. She hears a explosion from upstairs as she turns and looks up

Keira: What the...

As Keira heads to the elevator, she notices it going down. She backs up and gets into a defensive state

Keira: Whoever it is, better have health insurance...

The elevator soon opens and Elizabeth and Nate emerge.

Elizabeth: Keira?

Keira: Liz!? Wh-

Elizabeth: Roxi ... this woman... I don't know what's going on...

Keira: Get in, now! Close the elevator!

Keira helps the two in and presses the button to shut the main elevator down. She turns and grabs Nate

Nate: Mama... Amy came to visit!

Keira: Amy? Hunny, Am--

Keira stops in mid sentence and thinks for a minute. She remembers quickly who Amy was and grits her teeth. She quickly gives a smile to Nate and says

Keira: Nate, there's a little bedroom in that room over there. I want you to get some sleep, ok? Mama and Gramma will take care of Amy, ok?

Nate: Okay... Amy she went home... Uh...I think...

Keira: That's fine. Get some sleep, ok? Please? You do, I'll get you a nice toy tomorrow. Ok?

Nate: Okay..

Elizabeth: Don't worry Nate, I'll be right there to read you a story.

Nate: Okay!

Nate wanders off and Elizabeth shakes her head, clearly shaken up.

Keira: You're going to get the phone and call the police. Then you'll stay here with Nate. I'll go and see if Roxi is ok. She's got to be shaken up with a random stranger coming in he--

Elizabeth: I already called the police but... Roxi... she went after her... I didn't know that you both...

Keira: Roxi? Going after someone? We're wrestlers. Must have been some fa--

Elizabeth gets in Keira's face

Elizabeth: No...I know...

Keira: Know what?

Elizabeth: What you... what you do.

Keira: Wrestlers?

Elizabeth: No. S... superheroes.

Keira keeps quiet for a moment. She didn't know what to say for that moment or at least the right words. She then asks.

Keira: ....How?

Keira looks at Elizabeth in the eyes

Keira: How do you know?

Elizabeth: Roxi... she told me after that Amy or whoever she is... she held it against her.

Keira slowly turns her head to make sure Nate was in the small bedroom, not looking at the two. Keira turns her head back to Elizabeth and screams, turning into her first Super Form.

Keira: She didn't tell you too much then. Considering the fear I see when I transformed.

Elizabeth: What in the world?!

Elizabeth backs up slowly from Keira

Keira: Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you.

Keira powers down, back to normal

Keira: After the years we've known each other. You're the only family I got left to protect.

Elizabeth: Keira... you are family. I just... I never knew.

Keira: We never wanted you to.

Keira keeps looking at Elizabeth

Keira: It's called a secret identity for a reason.

Keira sighs a bit. She gets closer to Elizabeth and hugs her quickly. She breaks it and says

Keira: The woman's name is not Amy. Her name is Amelia, one of the people that has an obsession with Roxi. I just need to know where they went.

Elizabeth: I don't know, they went out the window. I think Roxi went after them.

Keira nods, almost sensing where they might have went. She goes into another room and changes. She comes out in her torn Lady Kat costume from earlier, not having a chance to get to the spare. But she did have a spare mask as she puts it on. She looks at Elizabeth

Keira: Stay here and take care of Nate. I promise you, "Amy" won't interfere again....

Keira places two fingers on her forehead and transmits. She is now outside, feeling Roxi's energy as she rushes to join her

Keira: I'm coming, Rox...

Roxi is shown standing on the edge of a building sighing as she looks around the neighborhood, wondering where Amelia and Lei could have gone. As soon as she catches up, Keira finally arrives and lands on the building

Keira: Any sign of the dead fucks?

Roxi: No, but you don't need to worry about this. I will find her.

Keira: She attacked our home! She went near our son! SHE EXPOSED US TO YOUR MOM!

Keira pulls Roxi off of the edge and close to her

Keira: YOU'RE going home and I'll find her myself! Then I'll finish what YOU COULDN'T!

Keira, more in anger and rage, turns and looks at the buildings around the neighborhood

Roxi: Stop. You're going to play right into her hands. Don't make her a martyr.

Keira: If I'm right. She wants YOU to kill her. That would make her a martyr. If I kill her, she's nothing but dust.

Roxi: She doesn't care who... she just wants it to ruin US.


Keira turns as she clenches her fist

Keira: She will NEVER be a Martyr. She's a obsessed fuck!

Keira jumps off the edge and lands on the middle, looking at Roxi

Keira: Either we end this with her now or it's the end of us. We just had the GUILD wipe the memories of us being heroes. Do you want that to be undone!?

Roxi: She knows we can wipe her from existence in seconds. That's not the point. She WANTS that. She's trying to push this to the edge

Keira: WE!? You don't have blood on your hands! You got one person, but you had no choice. Me? I've got so much on mine, it's still stuck to the fingernails, deep! I have NIGHTMARES about it! Again, yours is one...all cause of that bitch, Heather Hamilton!

Heather: I was wondering when you pull my name out of your filthy, hero mouth!

Keira and Roxi turn and notice Heather Hamilton was standing behind the door.

Keira: And then there's THIS ASSHOLE!

Keira goes to attack, but Roxi stops her quickly

Roxi: What do you want, Heather?

Heather: What do I what? Wasn't good enough that you two killed my biggest project to date? You decide to stand on MY building?

Heather slowly looks at Keira as she says this

Heather: Then again, you supers always foil my plans. You won't let the mighty fawn flap her wings. You keep clipping them. Bio-Sin and now my biggest project. The one you and the bitch here destroyed. My monster....

Keira: Omega....

Keira tries again to attack, but Roxi keeps her held back

Heather: Keep her back! Trust me, I don't mind calling the cops for trespassing!

Roxi: You are ruining lives. This has to end.

Roxi stops and turns to Keira, but turns back.

Roxi: Also... what the hell do you thing a fawn is?

Heather: It's what I am. Mighty. But you want all this to end? It ends....

Heather takes her finger and points it at Keira

Heather: When she dies! When the freak dies! When Lady Kat dies by MY hands!

Roxi: You're insane.

Heather: No, I'm smart. Smart as the Bison!

Roxi: I... I don't even...

Heather: Now, since you two beat Omega, I'm giving you 5 minutes to get off my building before I call the cops. Lady Kat, you better sleep with one eye open from now on. Cause like the peacock. I will strike you down without notice and my venom will seep inside of you....

Keira: That one doesn't even remotely make sense you brain dead sk--

Keira gets pulled back by Roxi, forcing the two the fly. Moments later, they were on another rooftop.

Keira: Why did you hold me back? I could have ended Heather then and there too!

Keira groans at this point. She sits on the ground, almost wanting to cry again

Keira: We saved the world, wiped the memories from everyone about who we are, yet...

Roxi: Because it's not what we do. Those people... although they are awful... dangerous people, are still people.

Keira looks up at Roxi

Keira: What do we do, Roxi? Our house is no longer safe...the virus is still going. I...I...

Roxi: If I know Amelia, she's going to bide her time. She knows we'll be on alert.

Keira: And way Heather's going. She'll be at work, making a new project to face me with.

Roxi: Just another problem.

Roxi extender her hand to help Keira up.

Roxi: But... we can only focus on one problem at a time. Just keep your guard up, and get ready for your match.

Keira: Right. I got a title match to earn.

Keira grabs Roxi's hand, the scene fading


It has been near a week since the Omega incident, Nathaniel vanishing, making his future secured and Amelia showing again. Keira is seen in the living room, napping after a intense training session. But as she turns over, she opens her eyes, seeing Nate. She screams, having just woke up

Keira: Ahhhh! Monster!

Roxi walks into the room looking at Keira as she sits up.

Roxi: Nightmares?

Keira: No, Nate scared me

Nate giggles.

Nate: I scared Mama!

Keira: Yea, yea. I thought you were with your gramma?

Nate: um... Gramma ... she ... wants to fix the clothes.

Roxi: Fix the clothes?

Nate: Uh huh... with the needle.

Keira: Did she say why?

Nate: Uh... to fix them.

Roxi: Oh... She's sewing.

Keira: Ok, Nate. Go play with Mommy for a bit. I'm gonna check on Gramma.

Keira kisses Nate on the cheek

Nate: Okay.

Roxi: Come here monster, let's get you some food!

Nate: Okay.

Keira smiles as she turns and goes into Elizabeth's room. She knocks and enters, seeing her sew. She notices the one she was sewing was Keira's Lady Kat costume

Keira: That doesn't look like clothes to me...

Elizabeth: They could use a fix.

Keira: I know, but we usually fix them ourselves or make new ones

Elizabeth: It's nothing, dear. I can handle it.

Keira: I know, but I'm more afraid if someone finds us and attacks

Keira goes to Elizabeth and sits beside her

Elizabeth: Well, that's why I'm fixing these up. It's the least I can do after all you have done for me.

Keira: Huh?

Elizabeth: You gave me back my family... my husband. Got me... at least for a little bit sober.

Keira: All I wanted was to reunite a family

Elizabeth: You did.

Keira: Well, we got a new problem. How do we keep the secret from your husband?

Elizabeth: I don't know. But... I know my husband, despite it all... I'm sure he would be okay with it, but I wouldn't be in a rush to tell him.

Keira: Good idea. You can't tell him

Elizabeth: I'm not in a rush to tell anybody. It's called a secret identity for a reason.

Elizabeth smirks.

Keira: Yea, I see where Roxi got her smartass side from

Elizabeth: You married her.

Keira: That I did

Elizabeth: I know that you've been... alone I guess, for a while. But I look at you the same as I do Roxi and Nicole. You're my daughter. In-law in name only. You're family, Keira. So, I don't even want you to feel like you can't talk to me.

Keira: And I thank you for that. I'm sorry you had to find out about what we do. I know we lied...but we wanted you to be safe.

Elizabeth: You're both adults... And sadly, we all keep secrets... some more harmful than others.

Keira: I know. Trust me....

Keira lowers her head, knowing there was one secret a very select few knows. She shakes it off and turns back to Elizabeth.

Keira: But you know. Can't change it. But I do need better hero clothes..or armor....

Elizabeth: Well... I'll do what I can. I'm good with a sewing machine, but not that good.

Keira: Thanks, Liz. As much as I go through battles

Elizabeth: Well... judging by that dropped head, there's still some you're fighting.

Keira: Best not to worry about it.

Elizabeth: Don't you hold that in young lady.

Keira: Put it this way. If you knew my entire story, you'd want me to divorce Roxi...Please don't press it.

Keira sighs a bit.

Keira: So, Doc. Will my costume live?

Elizabeth: It'll survive. Now... I know first hand what it's like to hide things from those you love. The truth finds it's way out one way or another. Are you still hiding that from Roxi too?

Keira: Hiding it? She knows everything. She saved me from myself. Put it like that.

Elizabeth: Then...if you shared it with her, I don't see why it's so bad.

Elizabeth looks back into the hallway.

Elizabeth: After all, she's still here.

Keira: It's best not to explain it. I don't want to reli--

All of a sudden, Roxi is seen entering the room

Roxi: Everything okay?

Keira:'s fine...

Roxi and her mother share the same unconvinced look.

Roxi: Oh... it's one of those.

Elizabeth: Yes. But... just a little mother daughter time. Eventually, she'll come around.

Elizabeth puts and arm around Keira

Keira: And I told you to let it go. Only Roxi knows the real reason...

Roxi: Reason for what?

Keira looks at Roxi, making sure Elizabeth didn't see it as she silently mouths the letters, S.I.N....

Roxi: Oh...

Elizabeth: Now it's more secrets.

Roxi: It's... complicated.

Elizabeth: Everything is.

Keira: One that you will either hate me or fear me...

Elizabeth looks confused. Finally, she hand waves them away.

Elizabeth: Let me get back to this sewing.

Keira nods as her and Roxi gets out of the room. She walks as they go to the bedroom

Keira: I think your mom's mad at me.

Roxi: Why would you think that?

Keira: Cause we kept alot from her. She's ok with it. But there are some things no one else needs to know. Nate can never know about Sin. Your Mom can never know about Sin.

Roxi: I think at this point she's accepted it. She's helping, isn't she?

Keira: Yea, but she's acting like she wants to know the ENTIRE story

Roxi: She's a mom, Keira. It's what mom's do.

Keira lowers her head again

Keira: Yea....

Roxi: I didn't mean it like that. My mom... is your mom. You know that. She surely told you as much

Keira: She did. But I don't want her to hate me.

Keira raises her head up

Keira: But we may have to tell her everything...and I do mean Ev-ery-thing

Roxi: She doesn't hate you. Why on earth would she hate you? And if it comes to it... then so be it. I don't want you spending all this time trying to hide things from my mother. You have more important things to worry about.

Keira: Oh, right. My obsessed lover. The one who calls me Senpai....

Keira shakes her head

Keira: Is it just me or is Crystal, Christina or C-Diddy change her name every 5 minutes?

Roxi: It's... It's Crystal. But this is my point. You need to be laser focused. You got a big win two weeks ago, I don't need it going to your head. That title shot is going to happen, but you have a chance to make a lot of headway right here and now.

Keira: I actually was focusing. I wasn't going to let it go to my head, Roxi. Don't do that.

Roxi: I'm just making sure. One win that big is nice, now it's time to start racking them up.

Keira: Agreed, love. But I wasn't kidding about C-Diddy keeping a name and sticking to it.

Roxi: That's not the focus. This isn't a joke, Keira.

Keira: Who said I was joking?

Roxi: I'm being serious. This is important for you. I want this for you as much as anybody. Don't lose track of how big this match is for you. Crystal just lost the championship, and beating you could easily shoot her right back into the mix. You don't want to go down that ladder again, do you?

Keira: No. But at the same time. She can't keep up with anything she says or does. I legit don't know who I'm wrestling at this point. How can I focus on someone with a mixed bag?

Roxi: By focusing on yourself. You can't dictate what Crystal you're wrestling, but you can dictate how YOU wrestle.

Keira: Which is something Crystal can't be familiar with.

Roxi: While you've beaten her before, you can't lose sight of how important this is for you. You have to be on your game. Because despite the fact that you won and she lost at the supercard, you are still the underdog.

Keira: And she'll be more dangerous than ever.

Roxi: And that means you have to understand that you have to show everybody you are not the same Keira from a month ago. That this Keira is putting it all together. And I know that when you are on your game, you are damn good.

Keira: Agreed

Roxi: So they eye you had a couple weeks ago. For this match, you can't lose it. It's that important.

Roxi puts her arms around Keira and runs her fingers through Keira's hair.

Roxi: I just want to see you succeed and be happy.

Keira: You will

Keira leans in, kissing Roxi's lips

Keira: I promise.

Roxi: Good.

Keira: Now, how do I get you back into that Matrix outfit?

Roxi just rolls her eyes.

Roxi: Very funny.

Keira: So, Neo. I will teach you to bend a spoon

Keira leans in, slowly kissing Roxi's lips, but as she gets deep, the two hears Elizabeth's throat clearing

Elizabeth: Your sewing is done.

Keira: .....This isn't what it looks like.

Elizabeth lowers her glasses.

Elizabeth: Uh huh...

Keira: So this is what it feels like to be caught making out in front of your mom...crossing that off my bucket list.

Elizabeth: Keira, you're my daughter in law, but you are the worst...

Keira: Again, just like Roxi....

Roxi: What's wrong with that?

Keira: Cause it's two on one at this point. I can't win.

Keira backs away and smiles. She goes to Elizabeth and takes the costume

Keira: Thank you, Liz and...I'm sorry for being rude earlier.

Elizabeth: Kids. Now... where's that grandbaby?

Roxi: He's in his room playing with his tablet.

Keira: Maybe you can get him off of it for a bit.

Elizabeth: Oh, don't worry about that.

Keira smirks

Keira: You try to spoil my son, I'll go Super on you, Liz.

Keira sticks her tongue out at Liz.

Elizabeth: Yea, yea.

Elizabeth turns and goes to see Nate. Keira chuckles a bit.

Keira: Least your mom's happy again, Red

Roxi: She is.

Keira: But...we might as well tell your dad soon. I don't know how long your mom will keep the secret from him

Roxi: I don't know. Dad worries a lot as it is.

Keira: I know. Remember, it took me a little while to get him to come home, years back.

Roxi: I don't think he needs the added stress.

Keira: I know. But he'll figure it out sooner or later too. Especially if your mom is bad at secrets.

Roxi: She's bad at her own secrets.

Keira: Then we need to either tell him...or make sure your mom gives up something to keep our secret.

Keira looks at Roxi

Keira: Our world is changing, Roxi. We got lucky with the massive mind wipe. This is our second chance.

Roxi: I don't think you need to worry about it that much. We just talked about the things you can control.

Keira: Yea. Which reminds me. We need to start your further training soon. For now, train for our matches. Then we train go beyond....your limit.

Keira keeps looking at Roxi

Keira: It's up to you, love. But for now. You got Lukas. I got Christina, Crystal, whoever. Ready to train?

Roxi: Ready.

Keira smiles as the two walk to the training room, the scene fades


The scene opens a few days later, least a couple before Climax Control as Keira is seen out by herself. She wanted to do a run while the streets were empty. If she had seen anyone, she would do a flight instead. But she was good for now as she gets a ring.

Keira: You got Ke, Talk to me.

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: Yea. I'm fine. It's just a run, dear. No one's in the streets. About to turn to the fields now for a extent run.

Roxi: Alright, Just be careful out there. And don't lose focus.

Keira: I won't. You always say that. It sounds like you're the one losing fo--

All of a sudden, a ki blast was heading Keira's way. She shrieks and dodges quickly, feet landing on the grass

Keira: --cus. Red, better get here soon. Something just att--WHOA!

Keira dodges again after seeing another ki blast. She rolls and gets back on her feet, seeing what looked like a creature, but it's eyes were closed

Keira: Wow, came out of the ugly convention? Kinda weird, since all conventions are shut down right now.

Hunter: Target sighted, enemy confirmed.

The thing opens it's eyes, showing all black, with red dots as it says

Hunter: Target Registered as....Sin.

Keira: .........Fuck my life.....

Keira rushes before the Hunter could fire. She hides and begins to take off her training jacket, but she stops, remembering

Keira: Damn it. I left my Lady Kat outfit back at home! This is what I get for playing it safe.

Keira goes to her communicator

Keira: V, I need help!

Vision: Keira, what's up?

Keira: Some kind of freak just attacked me, calling me Sin. I don't have my Lady Kat costume on me. I need you to get Roxi and tell her to come help m--OH SHIT!

Keira turns the comm off and dodges, the hunter firing more as Keira dodges

Keira: This thing can keep up with me. I don't want to do this....but I don't have a choice.

Keira looks around, making sure no one was in sight. She screams, going to her Second Super Form

Keira: UGLY! This a fight you want!?

Hunter: Going to defense mode

Keira quickly rushes as it throws lefts and rights, the hunter doing the same. The two trade blows for a few, trying to one up the other. After a few, Keira gets control, firing a ki blast, hitting the back of the hunter. Before it lands, she rushes, slamming two fists into the back of the hunter and slamming it down to the ground. Keira rushes up and lands

Keira: YEA!

Keira powers down quickly to make sure no one saw

Keira: Mess with the best, your ass goes down like...

The hunter comes out, a bit hurt, but stares at Keira

Keira: boy....

Keira quickly goes into a defensive position, ready to strike. All of a sudden, a few ki blasts were seen, hitting the hunter as Keira looks up. She sees Lady Bedlam coming down and landing on the ground, Keira now behind her

Roxi: Can't leave you alone for 5 minutes.

Keira: Not my fault people like me.

Roxi: Here.

Roxi tosses a napsack to Keira.

Roxi: Just in case you felt like changing.

Keira: Nah, I thought about getting popcorn for this.

After that joke, Keira rushes to find somewhere to change

Hunter: Target vanished. New target confirmed. Subject: Lady Bedlam.

Roxi: Yeah... that's me. And since you're a robot... or cyborg, or... andriod... you know what I mean... I don't think we need to worry about anything.

Hunter: Neither. Full Flesh. I am a Hunter. I come for Sin and kill her for my master.

Roxi: Huh... could have fooled me.

The hunter screams, a dark aura surrounds him as the red dots are shown more

Roxi: That can't be good.

Hunter: We are fueled by Sin's DNA. We seek Sin. We will destroy Sin!

Roxi: Huh... odd. Well... if you wan Sin, you gotta go through me!

The hunter rushes, attacking Roxi. The two exchange blows for a moment, til Keira returns, dressed in her Lady Kat outfit

Keira: You were saying about being left alone for 5 minutes?

Keira rushes and spears the hunter down. She pushes Roxi out of the way and blasts it, damaging it

Keira: Ready for Round 2, freak!?

The hunter tries, but it's leg was badly damaged. It growls and turns, flying off. Keira goes to stop it, but Roxi stops her.

Roxi: That guy really doesn't like you.

Keira: Yea, but that thing called me Sin. That wasn't a Deadly Sin monster either.

Keira looks at Roxi

Keira: You don't think.....

Roxi: Could be...

Moments later, the hunter arrives back at it's base. As it falls to one knee, the person comes towards it.

Hunter: I found Sin. I have failed you....Miss Hamilton


Heather slaps the hunter in the face

Heather: You found someone that wasn't the target!

Hunter: but, It wa--

Heather slaps it again

Heather: ENOUGH! Lady Kat came at the last second. Heal yourself and wait for more instructions!

Hunter: Y--Yes Miss Hamilton....

Heather turns and goes back to her office. She enters and heads to her desk. She sits down and looks out the window, thinking.

Heather: Lady Kat, you've opened up a can of leaves that you won't be able to escape from. The fawn is coming for you and I will end your life. That, I promise you, freak!

Meanwhile, hours later. Keira is seen on the couch after training and way after the attack from earlier. She sighs as Roxi sits beside her.

Roxi: Not to dull of a day, huh?

Keira: Yea. Can't go out for a run anymore without someone attacking me.

Keira grabs a strand of her hair and looks at it.

Keira: I think I might need to change my hair color again

Roxi: Whatever you want.

Keira: If it's who I think it is. Then I need to keep my guard up even more

Keira sighs a bit

Keira: I know. It's our duty. I just like one month where nothing big happens....for once.

Roxi: Well... let's hope that it happens. But if it does, we'll have to deal with it. That's what we have to do.

Keira: Well. Want to relax since we trained? I wanna watch a movie since your mom is taking care of Nate.

Keira leans in, looking into Roxi's eyes.

Keira: it's been ages since we had alone time

Roxi: It's just not in the cards, love.

Keira: What do you mean?

Roxi: Not until we finish the things we need to do.

Keira: I know, Crystal. But I'm focused on her, well, more on myself since I don't know who I'm facing. But still...

Roxi: That's why you need to be ready, Keira. No matter what.

Keira flops her head on the couch

Keira: You are the worst. We've been training all week. One night for a movie....

Roxi: Alright, but tomorrow, we're right back to training.

Keira giggles as she raises her head up. The two begin to search as the scene fades

I did it!

I told the world that nothing would stop me from getting the shot at the Bombshell Internet Championship and I got it! That feeling I got from winning it. Pinning Mercedes Vargas in the middle of the ring again, it felt real good. Now that I finally got what I want, it's a straight shot to the next Supercard to face Kate Steele, Diamond, whoever has the belt.

But until then, I got a few obstacles in my way. Like usual, but I'm used to it by now.

Crystal, Christina, C-Diddy, Yandree. I'll get your name right sooner or later at this point. We face off once again, putting another chapter in our storied rivalry or I guess in your case. The fight between the Yandree and her Senpai!

I kid of course. But to be honest, that's what it feels like to me. Ever since our first fight. You were always obsessed with me. Trying to be better than me or get in my pants. It's legit hard to tell with you, sometimes. But each time we fight, I've proved to be better.

This time, I know it's way different. I basically beat your wife, Seleana in the Fatal Four Way to get the shot at the Bombshell Internet Championship. Sure, I didn't pin her in the decision. But I know you're looking at it like I stole the shot from her. But you know damn good and well that I earned it.

Now we're destined to fight once again, Crystal. A fight that will never end. But I got a lot more to prove now than I did before. I have destiny waiting for me at the next Supercard. You, however? I don't know. I guess you go back to being irreverent after this. What's next for you, Crystal? What's next for the woman who's done it all?

Not beating me, that's for damn sure. Considering all we've done and where we are now. Do you actually think that that I'll lay down for you? No, I'm going to come at you full force, Crystal. Like in the Fatal Four Way, I'm not going to hold back. Friend or not. I will not let you walk over me after the biggest win in my career!

Besides your obsession for me, Crystal. You won't derail me from my destiny. Come Climax Control. I won't just B.A.B

Break a Bitch.

But I'll also finally teach you once and for all that when you get close to your Senpai, you're going to get burned!

See you then!