Author Topic: Control  (Read 265 times)

Offline Keira Fisher

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    • Keira Fisher
« on: July 08, 2016, 05:31:46 PM »
 *Keira is standing outside the new gravity room with Jenny Tuck, waiting to go in.*

Jenny: Everything should be in order

Keira: Good. I've been waiting for this moment

Jenny: Just be careful. I did not design this, and spend money on this for you to hurt yourself in it the first day

Keira: I won't. I promise.

Jenny: Plus, Roxi will kill me if anything happens to you.

Keira: I'll be fine

Jenny: Keira, you can tell me you're going to be fine, but that usually means you end up not being fine. Listen, I know you may hate me, call me a whore and stuff, but I do actually care about you. That's why there's a failsafe on this thing. 2 hours. Max time.

Keira: I don't hate you. I hate the things you've done. BUT, I don't hate you.

Jenny: And I don't hate you, for sometimes following in my footsteps. The point is, you can only train for two hours. Any more, and the machine shuts down for an hour recharge.

Keira: I have to reach it, Jenny. I have to reach and control my Third Super Form. I can't have another Sarah incident on my hands with Steph.

Jenny: Exactly why I installed the failsafe. You will go too far.

Keira: I won't. I just need to reach it

*Keira looks at the door*

Keira: We ready?

Jenny: Everything should be updated, and there shouldn't be any glitches. But, if something happens, anything out of the ordinary, Hit the big red power button on the center console.

Keira: Got it

*Jenny sighs a bit and opens the door. Keira slowly enters in it as Jenny looks from the upper floor window as she reaches it*

Jenny (To herself): Please don't get yourself killed, Keira...

*Jenny goes to the com*

Jenny: Ready!?

Keira: HIT IT!

*Jenny pushes the button, and the airlocked door opens. allowing Keira to enter it. Keira enters the second door into the massive room. Quickly, Keira goes into her Super Form as she waits*
Jenny: This whole thing is pressurized. It can withstand far more than the old room. Just check your settings, make sure they are where you want them to be, and you can begin. As soon as you hit start, it begins.*

Keira: Got it

*Keira checks the settings. She sees that it is set to 100 times Normal Earth's Gravity. She begins to raise it, going up to 150. Jenny sees this and goes to the comm*

Jenny: So you know, Keira. I can see the results from here. 150 is too much--

Keira: I'm going 150!

*Jenny growls a bit*

Jenny: Keira, I will pull the plug on this thing right now if you don't listen to me!
Keira: I need to push myself, Jenny. If I don't. I won't be able to stop Steph and get the mask back. Trust me...

Jenny: No Keira, you are going to listen for once! Do NOT go that high. Build. You build up! You cannot do that right now, you'll be crushed!

*Keira hits the button as the machine whirrs. Jenny was too late to stop Keira, knowing she can't stop it unless it becomes too much*


*Keira begins to grunt in pain, trying to get use to it. She falls to a knee, but she powers up to her Second Super Form quickly*

Keira: I...I got to...fight this...come on, Ke...

Jenny: Fuck me...Roxi's going to kill me

*Jenny pushes the failsafe on the outside, and shuts the room down.*

Keira: NO! I HAD IT!

Jenny: God dammit Keira! I told you!


Jenny: I will in a minute. You need to listen to me! You cannot go past 100 at your current state. I told you
that! Work your way up!

Keira: And I told you if I don't, I won't be strong enough to beat Steph! I have to try, Jenny! I failed too many times in my life to save people. You of all people should know that!

*Roxi is silently watching behind Jenny, she walks up and touches Jenny's shoulder, startling her. Roxi pushes the button on the intercom.*

Jenny: Wha...

Roxi: And I am not about to lose you because of your pride. Stop the nonsense right now, Keira. You are not alone in this fight. You don't need to prove anything to me. You're being pig-headed about this for no reason. Jenny is trying to keep you safe! I am trying to keep you safe! Stop this nonsense.

Keira: Roxi...

Jenny: You can't sneak up on me like that!

Roxi: Sorry.

Jenny: I'm going to turn this back on. Do NOT go over 100 until you are used to it and can move like normal

Keira: I'm used too 100 Times...even Roxi knows this.

Roxi: Do what she says Keira.

Jenny: How long has she done 100 times?

Roxi: Since before the final battle with the Collector. I remember.

*Jenny ponders for a moment*

Keira: Well!?

Jenny: 120. Max until I see otherwise.

Keira: Fine....

Jenny: Roxi, there's a secondary panel up here for the controls.

*Jenny points to it*

Jenny: I turned off the one in the room cause of Keira. Turn it to 120

Roxi: Alright.

*Roxi goes to the controls and nervously enters the setting at 120*

Roxi: Done

Jenny: Powering back up

*Keira grunts a little bit as it whirrs, but she still stands as she begins to throw punches and kicks. She
throws a few energy balls to dodge*

Roxi: What do you think?

Jenny: She'll overdo it. She always does

Roxi: Jenny!

Jenny: We have both known Keira long enough to know she's going to push herself. It's why I had all these
failsafe's installed

Roxi: *Sigh*

*Keira keeps dodging as she fires a few more energy balls to blow up the previous ones. After 20 minutes, Keira
lands and looks up*

Keira: 130!!!!!

Jenny: Ok. I think you've earned it

*Jenny turns to Roxi*

Jenny: Raise it

Roxi: No. I want her comfortable for a while. 20 minutes is not long enough. Fail-safes, remember?

*Roxi turns the intercom on*

Roxi: Another 40 minutes at 120, Keira. You are not about to do too much too soon.

Keira: Come on!

*Keira growls as she keeps training. Jenny goes over and raises it to at least 125*

Jenny: There

*Jenny turns to Roxi and quickly says*

Jenny: It's not 130, 125 isn't going to hurt her

*Keira all of a sudden, feels the extra weight of the gravity. She grunts a bit, but fights it as she throws some more punches and kicks to get used to it*

Roxi: Don't go against your word, Jenny. She had better be flying around with ease at 125 before you bump it anymore. Do not let her talk you into it.

Jenny: If I had, I would have raised it to 130.

Keira: Come on, Ke. Harder! Faster!

Roxi: Just, don't let her get hurt. That's all I ask. She'll break her own body to prove herself.

*After 40 minutes, Keira was now flying like normal in 125 Times Earth's Normal Gravity. She turns in mid air, looking at Roxi and Jenny*

Keira: Can you turn it up? I'm getting bored in here!

Jenny: What do you say Rox?

Roxi: *Sigh* Fine. 130, but no more for today. She's going to do this right, or not at all.

Keira: Finally!

*All of a sudden, the guard is heard calling from the comm*

Guard: Miss Tuck, Lady Bedlam, we got a storm heading our way.

Jenny: Keep a eye on it, just in case it gets worse

Roxi: Wait.... what kind of storm?

Jenny: Don't know, yet. Could be a Sandstorm or a Severe Thunderstorm.

*Jenny turns to Roxi*

Jenny: Til we find out, raise it to 130.

Roxi: I don't like this.


*Jenny slowly raises the gravity to 130. Keira begins to fall a bit, but is still in mid air. She lands slowly, just in case and resumes her training*

Jenny: So far, so good

*Jenny turns to Roxi*

Jenny: Once Keira's done. I want her to go into the pressure chamber that way she can get used to her new agility
Roxi: Very well

*All of a sudden, the Comm comes on again*

Guard: Miss Tuck, it's a Massive Severe Thunderstorm. We need to get K--

*The comm begins to go static*

Jenny: Guard? GUARD!?

Roxi: Oh no... shut the chamber down!

*Jenny tries, but the storm hits the building, causing the room to go haywire*

Jenny: DAMN IT!

*Jenny checks the failsafe and screams*

Jenny: The failsafe's offline!

*Keira sees the lights blinking and turns*

Keira: What the Hell's go--

*All of a sudden, Keira begins to groan and fall down quickly. She lands hard on the ground, grunting and
groaning as she couldn't get up due to the gravity*

Keira: W--Wha...

Jenny: FUCK! FUCK! I can't shut it off!!!!!!

Roxi: Where's the emergency shut off?

Jenny: Keira's button!

*Jenny turns and sees Keira laying there on the other side of the room*

Jenny: And the button's near the door...where Keira's not at....FUCK! Where's the damn Gravity at!?

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: Roxi, check the gravity!

*Roxi checks it, but her eyes widen like she saw a ghost*

Jenny: What! What is it!?

Roxi: It's at...3...3...

*Jenny quickly goes to it. Her eyes widen*

Jenny: Fuck! Roxi, get a team and get in there, STAT!

Roxi: Jenny, those guards will be crushed! I can handle a little, but we've got to find a way to stop this!
Jenny: I'll find a way. But go, now! I'll need 10 minutes. tops for the system to reboot. Til then, she's stuck in there!

*Keira begins to slowly turn and crawl to the door, grunting and groaning. Jenny goes to the comm*

Jenny: Keira! Can you hear me?

Keira: B-Barely...wh...what's--

Jenny: Keira, don't strain yourself. Don't get mad. We had a massive storm hit us. The machine's going on a
reboot. The Gravity's stuck at 300

Keira: 300!?

*Keira turns Super quickly, making her move a bit more, but still can barely get up*

Roxi: The door is pressure locked! I can't get in while the power is on!
Jenny: Shit.

*Keira slowly begins to stand, she goes to her Second Super Form as she barely walks towards to the button*

Keira: It's like I got Jessie on my back....

*Keira continues to slowly walk, but she falls to her hands and knees. She screams a bit*

Keira: I wish I could have my Third Super Form! I need to control it! I...I NEED HELP!!!!!!!

*She screams out and all of a sudden, the blinding light causes Jenny to shield her eyes*

Jenny: What the Hell!?

*As the light fades, the room is heard shutting off and the door opening*

Jenny: Huh....the door's open?

*Jenny leans in and sees. She turns to Roxi*

Jenny: ROXI! GO NOW!

*Roxi nods as she rushes downstairs. She gets to the door and sees it opening. Her eyes widen as she sees Keira,
glowing brightly in her Third Super Form, but it doesn't last long as she quickly goes to her normal form and passes out, Roxi grabbing her quickly*

Roxi: Keira? She's unconscious...

*Roxi carries Keira out of the gravity room*

Jenny: The gravity was too much. Get her to the medical bay. Soon as you do that, you're going to explain to me what I just saw!

Roxi: I can't explain it either

Jenny: Has she done this before?

Roxi: It's her 3rd form. Extremely short burst of energy is all I can gather. She can't control it.

*Jenny sighs a bit*

Jenny: That's why she's pushing herself....

Roxi: I'll take her to the medical bay. Shut this down until the storm passes

Jenny: On it

*Roxi transmits Keira to the medical bay She carries Keira to a rejuvination tank*

Roxi: She's gonna need time to rest

*The team hooks Keira up in the tank and fills it*

Medic: What happened?

Roxi: She overexerted herself. She's exhausted.

Medic: We'll monitor her, she should be fine in a few hours

*An hour later, Jenny is seen coming in the waiting room. She sees Roxi and sits besde her*

Roxi: Is everything alright with the gravity room?

Jenny: Yea. It's reset. So it should be fine within a day

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: Ok. When did Keira get this new form? This is the first time I've seen it

Roxi: She's had it for a while, but never been able to fully control it

Jenny: How long awhile? Like...when's the first time she used it?

Roxi: Geez, I don't know, maybe against Sara, but more likely against Amelia. We haven't faced a huge monster or powerful foe in some time. Recently it's been against normal humans.

Jenny: You told me that the fight with Sarah was the roughest you two ever had.

Roxi: Sara knew what she was doing... Tracking down 5 enemies wore us out. We were easy pickings after that.

Jenny: Didn't Jean heal Keira?

*Jenny places a hand on Roxi's hand*

Jenny: I'm sorry. I'm trying to figure all of this out

Roxi: If not for Jean, we may not be here. Jean saved us. Keira's felt guilty about it ever since. It's one of the things that drive her.

Jenny: I know I've been trying to get anything I can on the void. We're still looking, but the last reading was weak

*Jenny looks at the door of the medical bay*

Jenny: I wish I had powers...or some sort of device so I can be a hero too.

Roxi: You're already extremely valueable Jenny.

Jenny: Roxi...the entire year...I felt more useless than ever before.

Roxi: Trust me, without you, we wouldn't be where we are today.

*Roxi throws an arm around Jenny*

Roxi: You mean a lot to both of us, even if Keira doesn't always show it.

Jenny: Heh. Keira does show it. But remember. I'm the cancer of wrestling. To be honest. I'm glad I'm retired.
Considering what Keira has coming this week with Sam and Jessie.

Roxi: I know. She's gonna learn how difficult things are

Jenny: I think the elements gave her a lesson today.

Roxi: Yeah. But you know as well as I do, it won't stop her

Jenny: I know. She loves the challenge. She always has. Whatever goal Keira has had her mind on, she goes head first.

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: I swear. When you two were dating. She would never shut up about you. She always said that she would always find a way to make sure you were happy. Even if it killed her.

Roxi: She's made me happy, even if sometimes she needs to settle down and not be so impulsive.

Jenny: She will soon. Trust me, Roxi. When Nate comes into the world.

Roxi: I hope so.

Jenny: Keira will be more focused on taking care of you and Nate. Motherhood changes a person more than you think

Roxi: I just want people to see more than what they usually see with Keira. She's much more than a woman who likes women

Jenny: I think they do. But they respect Keira more now than they have in the past. You changed her Rox. For the better

Roxi: I'd like to think that. There's still much more work to be done

Jenny: Like I said. When Nate's born. Keira will change even more. Motherhood changes a woman.

Roxi: We will see I guess. I just this whole world title thing is going to be too much for her to be 100% for. I
know she'll push herself way too hard, and if she doesn't get it, she'll feel like a failure.

Jenny: I think she's more afraid of having you think that she'll be a failure to you. I mean, look at you. You're a future Hall of Famer. She pushes herself to make sure she can be as good as you

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: You give Keira hope. You give her motivation. She has a tag match. She shouldn't push herself too hard...yet. But still

Roxi: Keira will always be my equal. Even if she doesn't think so.

Jenny: She knows she's your equal. She just wants to become better. Give her time, Roxi

Doctor: Lady Bedlam?

Roxi: Yes?

Doctor: Your wife's fully healed and laying in a room now. You can see her

Roxi: Thank you.

*Roxi gets up and slowly walks into the medical bay where Keira is laying on a bed*

Roxi: Hey, you.

Keira: Hey, Angel...

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: I feel like 4 buildings landed on me

Roxi: The thunderstorm messed with the gravity. It went haywire.

Keira: Damn. How did you get me...

Roxi: You somehow pushed the button for the failsafe inside. I take it that was level 3 for the time being

Keira: My...My third Super Form...

Roxi: Had to have been, I don't know what else it could have been. But we couldn't see anything, just a bright light

Keira: I...I still can't control it. Fuck...I hope...I can be ready for Sam...and Jessie....

Roxi: Relax. Just focus on healing for now, we'll get into the ring tomorrow and work there.

Keira: I love you...I love you so damn much...

*Keira begins to cry a bit*

Roxi: I love you too. What's wrong?

Keira: There are days I feel like I'm not enough for you

Roxi: Keira, when I say that no one come close to you, I mean it. There is no woman in the world, I'd rather be with than you. Sasha and Chris are fantastic. Having them is wonderful, but there is only one Keira Fisher, and she's mine.

*Keira begins to smile as she hugs Roxi as much as she could, despite being in pain*

Keira: Not even Amy Jo?

*Keira giggles*

Roxi: Not even Amy Jo. She's great too, but you're the only girl for me.

*Keira smiles*

Keira: They say how long I'm gonna lay in here?

Roxi: I guess til you feel better.

Keira: I would if I get you in a bikini

*Keira giggles a bit*

Roxi: Behave, Keira.

Keira: Or what are you going to do if I don't?

*Keira smirks*

Roxi: Leave you here, and run away with Amy Jo.

*Keira leans up and pulls Roxi close to her*

Keira: You better not, hehe

Roxi: I'm just joking.

Keira: I know. Now kiss me

*Roxi kisses Keira.*

Keira: Now, let's get something to eat. Garcon! 50 plates!

*Roxi facepalms, but giggles as the scene fades*

Wow, what a couple of weeks it has been. I still can't believe I beat my wife. Roxi gave me everything. I still managed to beat her. Now, I need to make her proud at Summer Xtreme and become the new SCW World Bombshell Champion!

BUT! That's Summer Xtreme. Right now, I got Climax Control to do and the Lethal Lottery to contend with. I mean. I know I'm facing Mercedes at Summer Xtreme, but I do love teaming with her. Like Roxi, she makes a great Tag Team Partner. Hell, if Roxi wasn't my Tag Team Partner, I'd had gone for the Tag Titles with Mercedes. But, I didn't. So this is me making it up to her for this tag match. I trust you, Mercedes. But after this match, Expect me!

Samantha, another friend of mine and the former SCW World Bombshell Champion. The last time we fought, you beat me. But that was a long time ago. NOW we're on the same boat and we get to give each other a taste of what's to come for the Six Pack Challenge. I'm not going to hold back by all means, Sam. But don't cry if I bust you open. I'm going to show you why I'm going to become the new SCW World Bombshell Champion.

SPEAKING OF someone I want to bust open. It was no surprise that Jessie got into the Six Pack Challenge. I mean, look at who she fought. Like, she was so basic, she missed her daily cock!

Sorry, bad joke

But yea, me and Jessie haven't been the best of friends. I hate her, she hates me. But we do have SOME mutual ground. Jessie, I still owe you a beating. Consider this tag match a TASTE of how much you're going to fail at the Six Pack Challenge! Cause I'm going to enjoy beating you!

Sam, Jessie. Get ready for a taste! Me and Mercedes are going to do what we always do. Well, what I always do and that's B.A.B


See you then!