Author Topic: Super J Cup 2013 - Semi/Final RP 2  (Read 8345 times)

Offline Ben Jordan

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Super J Cup 2013 - Semi/Final RP 2
« on: May 02, 2013, 11:18:54 AM »
 Ben Jordan's face appears on the screen.

Ben: Hello people, my boat race is on your screen once more, which means it's intro time once more to another banging Ben promo. So much has been going on this week, I mean proper busy. Sunday was a bit of organized chaos. I mean, you'd expect me and Mickey to be out on the piss, right? Paddy's day and all that bollocks, but we sort of had another reason to be celebrating. Now it might be a surprise to you, but if Misty's promo is airing before this one, she's probably already ruined it. I say it's a surprise to you ACW people and alliance people, because you haven't worked out the benefits of Twitter yet, but it's all good. If you don't know, or didn't see it. THIS is what happened Sunday. Reason I'm putting you back there, because what happened Sunday, changes ACW from now on out. What's being brought to ACW now is something a little bigger than before. Anyway people, I would warn ya to get out there and get ya snacks, put ya feet up and that this is gonna be a long 'un but I don't know how long this is gonna be, I'm only just starting it. Right, Sunday. Come on special effect fella, do that blurry fade in bollocks that indicates that we're going back in time.

The camera starts to wobbles, and the screen bubbles up and wobble about.

Ben: What? No dodgy xylophone music?

Mickey Carroll's voice is heard off camera.

Mickey: Don't ask for much, do ya?

Ben: Not asking you to play the bloody thing.

Mickey: Dickhead.

Xylophone music plays, a beater running across the keys.

Ben: Much better.

Let's drop back to Sunday, shall we? I hope they put in that Xylophone music in, that would have been blinding.

Ben Jordan paces backstage at a wrestling show, flicking his hand though his hair and looking down at his feet. Ben had his ACW tag team championship around his waist and his ACW Maritime Junior Heavyweight title over his shoulder.

Ben: Come on Benny boy, this is a big night, this is a huge night, this is a career defining night. This is where we step it up and show that you're the fastest rising geezer to ever step in a ring. Not even one year gone and you achieved it all, you brought yourself up to this level, you've took chances. This is where you become part of history and a new beginning.

Mickey Carroll stands behind Ben, scratching his red head as he watches Ben pace.

Ben: You've won a lot, that's why you're here Ben. You don't just get invited in to these places, you get the invite because someone sees something in you. You're a champion Benny boy.


Ben jumps around, seeing a smiling Mickey behind him.

Mickey: First signs of insanity Benny Boy, first signs that the marbles are rolling around that stumpy head of yours.

Ben: Piss off Mickey. This is a big night for us ya paddy twat.

Mickey: Course it is, it's St Patrick's Day, the patron saint of my motherland.

Ben: You was brought up in the East End.

Mickey: Yeah, but it's a good reason to get pissed out me head, around the plastic paddy's who only celebrate for the reason to get pissed. Gotta respect the slaves to the booze.

Ben: Wasn't talking about the day, I'm talking about what's about to happen tonight.

Mickey: Already threatened to kick that Erik Staggs fucker in the bollocks tonight, before his little goons chased me off. This is really cutting in to the drinking time.

Ben: We do this, the party will be going on a lot longer.

Mickey: Party never stops till I fall on me arse anyway.

Aleksei Koji appear in front of Ben and Mickey.

Aleksei: I like the way this man thinks.

Aleksei shakes Ben and Mickey's hand.

Mickey: Alright Aleksei mate, how's it hanging?

Aleksei: A little to the left today. Welcome to SCW Climax Control.

Ben: Cheers mate, never been down here in Caracas before. Where can we meet a few birds?

Aleksei: Birds?

Mickey: Yeah, brasses, brahmas, tarts.

Ben: Women.

Mickey: That's what I said!

Ben taps Mickey on the back as Aleksei nods and smiles.

Aleksei: Many places gentlemen, but first to business....


Ben, Mickey and Aleksei look at a nearby monitor, as the theme tune to NXT starts to blast out.

Ben: Lemme watch this my old son.

Aleksei: You seem jumping Mr Jordan.

Ben: I'm fine, I'm fine.

The camera switches to the ring.


”Smack Down” by Thousand Foot Krutch comes over the speakers as the lights dim down. The New X-Tremes “NXT” logo is sprayed over the screen as their video begins playing. Red and white lights flash out across the audience and over the stage as Heavyweight Champion Spike Staggs walks out. He is quickly followed up by his brother, Jamie, and Derek Thorne. Vixen comes out to the stage, standing right next to Spike, saluting the crowd. Jessie Salco comes out banging her head to the music, joining her NXT stable mates as she raises the Bombshell Roulette title in the air. Spike looks back at the curtains through instinct, waiting for Odette to join them, but his face sinks a bit. He does his best to hide it as he leads the team down to the ring, all of them slapping hands along the way. Jessie and Vixen dash toward the ring and slide in unison. Jamie leaps onto the apron and then jumps over the top rope. Spike and Derek pull themselves up, exchanging a high five before getting in the ring. They each take a turnbuckle, playing to the crowd before switching up sides to repeat their poses. They jump down and meet in the center of the ring. Spike walks over to Justin Decent and picks up the microphone. As the audience cheers die down, Spike raises the microphone to his lips, stopping as an NXT chant takes over. He smirks and lets it play out, throwing his fist in the air along with it. After a moment, he and the rest of NXT, soak it in until it fades.

Spike: Ladies and gentlemen… I know you are anxiously awaiting the Main Event, and I promise that the wait will be worth it… Tonight marks a big moment in Sin City Wrestling’s history. This is our first trip to the beautiful country of Venezuela. It is our first trip to South America, period. It has been long overdue, if I say so myself. What do you guys think?

Crowd: YEAH!

Spike throws the microphone up for the fan’s response. He pulls it back down excitedly as he brings it back to his mouth.

Spike: If you want more… we will give you more, my friends. I am proud to be SCW’s Heavyweight Champion, because it means that I get to be the face of the most in-your-face bunch of badasses to ever grace a wrestling ring! It is with honor that I come out here and thank you all for coming, and for our loyal fans streaming from home.

Spike gets another cheap pop from the audience, but this time, he simply lets the microphone dangle at his side. He looks down at the mat for a moment before he begins pacing in front of his NXT mates. He looks up, and then looks around the audience as a soft smile starts to grow over his face.

Spike: I didn’t come out here to state the obvious, of course. I had something else in mind for tonight. Something big. Something worthy of such a monumental occasion. See, I have been coming out here for months, telling the audience that the New X-Tremes were going to be something big. I have made it my mission to boast those around me, and I have taken a lot of flack for it in the past. I must say that through all of the headaches, and the heartaches… I have never been happier with the level of talent that I bolster. Due to issues in the past, and accusations that I take in strays like a dog pound, I have been rather picky about who I invite amongst our ranks, and for good reason.

Spike gets a serious look on his face. He bows his head for a moment, continuing to pace. After a few seconds of silence, Spike stops and looks up once more. He is quick to raise the microphone back up to speak this time.

Spike: You see, I have taken a lot of flack from people around SCW, namely Mark Ward and his bunch. We have heard the words “losers”, “talentless”, “idiots”, “worthless”, and many, many others. We have come out here and proved time and time again that we are not losers. Three titles in this ring right now just goes to prove it. Numerous other titles have been held under the NXT moniker as well. Now, there has been a line drawn in the sand, and we are forced to make a choice. We have talked about it, and the choice was rather simple. The New X-Tremes believe in a cause. We don’t like what we see, and it is time for that to change. That is why we have chosen to side with… Team SCW. Despite our differences with Mark, we believe in SCW, and have since we signed our contracts. It doesn’t mean that we like Mark, or that we even want to be around him, but we believe in he and Christian’s company.

The audience bursts into a round of cheers. Spike looks up proudly, happy with his decision. He looks over as his fellow NXT mates nod their heads along with him. Spike turns back to the audience once more.

Spike: That is not all. Yes, there is a point to all of this, and it is bigger than you could possibly be thinking. As I said a few moments ago, New X-Tremes are a solid group of competitors, and the premiere stable of SCW. Whether you like it or not, we are the talk of the town. We don’t just let anyone into our family. We don’t just…

Adams: Wait… is that…? No, it couldn’t be!

Spike is cut off as “Drunken Lullabies” by Flogging Molly begins playing. Spike looks up at the stage, a bit annoyed with the interruption. As the music picks up, ACW’s Ben Jordan and Mickey Carroll walk out onto the stage. Mickey and Ben carry their ACW Tag Team Championships on their shoulders while Ben also touts the ACW Maritime Junior Heavyweight Championship on his other. Mickey jumps around wildly to the music as he and Ben take different sides of the stage. They show off for the fans before switching sides. They meet in the middle and start an “OI! OI! OI!” chant throughout the audience. They sprint down to the ring and slide in under the ropes. Mickey and Ben work the turnbuckles, but stop short as Spike seems to be almost fuming. He mouths “What the hell, guys?” to them. Ben and Mickey sigh, and exchange a few words. Mickey nods his head and then extends his hand out toward the microphone. Spike shoves it into his hand and crosses his arms over his chest as Mickey looks a bit nervous.

Mickey: First off, let me start off by saying OI! OI! OI!!!

Crowd: OI! OI! OI!!!

Mickey: That’s right. Happy St. Patty’s Day to ye lot. Drink up and drive responsibly. Heh, it’s quite nice to say that without a pint in me paw, isn’t it Ben?

Ben nods his head, but shrugging his shoulders as if he is unsure. Mickey lends the microphone in Ben’s direction.

Ben: It would if you weren’t such a bleedin’ alcoholic, geez.

Mickey: OI! Wait… yer onto something there, mate. Anyway, I’m sure ye didn’t think I was on me way out here to spoil old Spike’s fun, now did ye? It’s not really me style. I came out here to congratulate ye on yer successes with NXT. Ye done a great job. The lot of Sin City knows ye like celebrities. That’s all fine and dandy like the dog’s bollocks, but… But…!

Spike rips the microphone out of Mickey’s hand, visibly angry now. He gets in Mickey’s face, but Mickey doesn’t cower away. Ben and Jamie do their best to separate the two, but it doesn’t quite work.

Spike: Is there a fucking point to this, “mate”?

Spike grabs onto Mickey’s red flannel shirt, lifting him up to his eye level. Mickey reaches down and shoves Spike away. He shouts at Spike, and the two breathe heavily. Spike points at Mickey, but Mickey shouts “NO! ….. Allow me”. He looks over to Ben, and both men remove their shirts, showing off NXT t-shirts and arm bands. The audience goes crazy and Spike and Mickey laugh it off. Spike pulls Mickey in for a brotherly embrace, followed up by Ben as well. Spike takes the microphone back as he waits for the buzzing to die down. Meanwhile, Ben and Mickey mingle with the other NXT members.

Spike: Now, as I was saying… Tonight marks a big night in NXT history as well, because tonight… We have officially become an inter-regional stable with representatives in SCW, BACW, and now ACW! Now, NXT will be known across the WORLD!


Simone: I don’t believe it, Jason! New X-Tremes are on a quest to take over the world!

Adams: Well, being led by NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Spike Staggs, I would say that they have an excellent start on that journey!

As “Smack Down” plays, the members of NXT walk around the ring, showing off with their new members for a bit before filing out of the ring and toward the back.


Bouncing back through the curtain, Ben smiles widely, as Aleksei slowly claps the arrival of his stable. Spike puts a hand on Aleksei's shoulder.

Spike: Thanks for getting them ready bud.

Aleksei: It's no problem. Welcome to NXT gentlemen.

Mickey: Thanks mate, now where the fuck do we go to celebrate this shit!?

Camera goes back on to Ben's face, in the present.

Ben: There you have it people. NXT has made it to ACW. It's branching out through the Alliance and me and Mickey are ACW New X-Treme members. NXT couldn't have picked a better pair, couple of champions, big stars in ACW. It only made sense that they picked us up. ACW just got extreme. Almost as extreme as the party that followed this announcement. That got a little bit crazy, wild, over the top, extreme, utter fucking chaos comes to mind. Thank fuck Mickey is slightly more forgiving to me, than most. You wanna see that? Hit the crazy Xylophone music.

The xylophone music plays again and the camera drifts in to the party.

Thumping dance music blasts out from the speakers of a local Venezuelan bar. Ben Jordan sits at a table with a beer in his hand. Mickey Carroll sits to Ben's right and Spike Staggs sits in front of Ben and Mickey. Ben and Mickey are already looking a little drunk as Ben smiles widely at Spike. Spike speaks over the music.

Spike: That couldn't have gone better. Happy to be part of NXT?

Mickey: Yeah, very fucking happy.

Ben: Yeah Spikey Mikey. Wait, You're Spikey, he's Mikey.

Ben points at Mickey, who puts his arm around Ben's neck, squeezing Ben's neck a little too tightly.

Ben: Awwww, Mickey wants hugs!

Ben tries to hug Mickey, but Mickey pushes Ben away.

Mickey: Piss off.

Ben: So much more better than being pissed on, that could be bad.... and smelly.

Spike: Focus.

Ben turns back to Spike putting both his arms on the table, trying to lean on his hands, but his elbow slips. Ben stops his face from hitting the table, just inches from it, but sits up in his chair.

Ben: That coulda been veeeeeeeeeeeeery bad.

Ben smiles with two thumbs up towards Spike.

Ben: So are we talking cars?

Mickey: What?

Ben turns back to Mickey, wagging a finger in his direction.

Ben: He said focus, like the Ford Focus, right?

Mickey: I think he means listen.

Ben: To what one? There's two of him, I think one could be his evil twin.

Mickey points at Spike.

Mickey: That one.

Ben: Got it! That one!

Ben points to Spike's right hand side, nowhere near Spike.

Spike: Listen. You're ACW's version of NXT.

Ben: Yippee!

Spike ignores him

Spike: Aleksei spends a lot of time there, so I'm gonna have Aleksei keep an eye on you both and get back to me if need be. Looking at the mess you're in now, I'm not sure that's a great idea.

Aleksei Koji stumbles towards the group, looking worse for wear too. He sits down next to Ben.

Aleksei: Ben!

Ben: Aleksei!

The two drunken men laugh and hug, Spike runs his fingers around his temples, shaking his head at these two.

Spike: I was explaining Aleksei, you're gonna keep an eye on these two while in Canada.

Aleksei: Da! We are going to have much fun!

Ben: Yeah we are!

Ben once again gives a double thumbs up to Spike and smiles. Spike closes his eyes as he looks at them. Ben tries to look serious, clearing his throat and looking at Spike.

Ben: So who do we whack first?

Spike: Whack?

Ben: Yeah, I thought NXT was like the mafia or something?

Mickey: We are? Sweet, can I go beat random people up now?

Ben: Mickey, you do that on days ending with Y anyway.

Mickey: Nothing wrong with some routine Benny boy.

Ben: Unless someone comes around every day at four forty and routinely kicks you in the Jacobs. That would be a really bad routine.

Mickey nods as he picks up a beer and gulps it back.

Spike: We're not like the mafia, we just turn things up a notch.

Ben: Like an oven?

Spike: What?

Ben: Like, when your turkey isn't cooking right, you turn the oven up a notch.

Mickey: Yeah! I hate under done turkey!

Ben: And over done turkey, too dry.

Aleksei: I am not a fan of either too.

Spike: Would you three stop talking about turkey?

Ben: Yeah, cause it's making me hungry. Hey Mickey, do you think there's any kebab shops around here.

Mickey: Fucking better be, or someone's getting kicked in the crackers.

Spike: Hey!

Ben and Mickey turn around and look at Spike, his first meeting with the duo as New XTreme members, not exactly going to plan.

Ben: I don't think he likes us anymore.

Mickey: He does, maybe he just don't like turkey.

Ben: The country? Hey Aleksei, aren't you from Turkey?

Aleksei: Romania.

Ben: Damn! I was so close.

Ben turns to Spike, clearly becoming frustrated with his two new additions.

Ben: Why don't you like Turkey? Turkey people are good people.

Spike: I didn't say I didn't like turkey or Turkey.

Ben looks at Aleksei.

Ben: Did he?

Aleksei: I can't remember.

Ben picks up his empty glass and looks at it before turning to Mickey.

Ben: Mickey, Mickey, Mickey!

Mickey: Benny, Benny, Benny.

Ben waves the empty glass in Mickey's face.

Ben: My glass must have a hole in!

Mickey picks up his also empty glass.

Mickey: Mine too!

Ben: We need to find someone to complain about this to!

Mickey: Yeah!

Ben and Mickey stand up, stumbling through a crowd.

Aleksei: Don't worry, I look after them.

Spike: And who's gonna look after you.

Aleksei: They will.

Spike: So I got you three looking after each other in Canada?

Aleksei: Great idea boss!

Spike: I wasn't.... I didn't...

Spike throws his hands up in the air, admitting defeat with this conversation, but something out of the corner of Spike's eye catches his attention. He turns to see Ben and Mickey standing on a table, dancing with a crowd in front of them. Spike covers his eyes, slowly shaking his head. Spike opens his eyes once more to see Ben with his shirt off. The camera moves towards Ben and Mickey enough to hear the two of them converse.

Ben: I gotta do it Mickey.

Mickey: You don't have to but you like showing off your crusties to everyone out there.

Ben: These ones are special crusties Mickey, proper special. This is the moment to show them off. I got them from my pants guy.

Mickey: You have a pants guy?

Ben: You never know when ya gonna need a pants guy Mickey, you never do, so for this occasion, I got special ones!

Mickey: No Wile E Coyote?

Ben: Nope.

Mickey: Nothing I can say here is gonna stop you from flashing things off for everyone see, is it?

Ben: Nope.

Ben flashes Mickey a wide smile.

Mickey: Go on then, drop ya kegs.

Ben wrestles with his belt before pulling it off and throwing it in to the small crowd gathering before them. Spike is seen in the background with his eyes partly covered. Ben pops open the top of his trousers, showing silky boxers with his face on them, in a double thumbs up pose and ACW written underneath it. The crowd burst in to laughter as Spike covers his face.

Spike: Oh God!

Mickey looks down and points, huge laughs coming from him. Tears start to roll down his cheeks with laughter.

Mickey: Fucking genius.

Ben: You haven't see the best part yet.

Mickey turns around to show Mickey's face on the seat of them, holding a pint of Guinness. The crowd burst in to louder cheers but Mickey's face changes to serious.

Mickey: The fuck?

Ben cracks up laughing.

Mickey: You've been sitting on that all day?

Ben half pulls his trousers up.

Ben: Yeah.

Mickey lets out a loud growl. Ben's face turns serious as he holds up his trousers with one hand and a hand up to Mickey.

Ben: Mickey...

Ben quickly jumps off the table but Mickey follows him down, and edges towards Ben. As Mickey gets close, Ben points behind him.

Ben: Look at the tits on that!

Mickey turns to look but Ben turns and starts to run, holding his trousers up with one hand. Mickey turns around to see Ben gone.

Mickey: Bollocks!

Mickey sees Ben and heads off in his directions. Ben gets to Spike and Aleksei and stops briefly.

Ben: Great first meeting but really gotta dash. Later fellas.

As Ben turns and runs once more, a mere second passes before Mickey zoom past Spike and Aleksei. Spike shakes his head and looks at Aleksei.

Spike: What was I thinking?

Aleksei: I like them, they're fun guys.

The scene cuts out as Ben charges though the door, quickly followed by Mickey in pursuit

Ben's face appears back on the camera.

Ben: This is pretty much what I got up to on Tuesday. I won't bore you with it all, I mean you wouldn't really wanna see me play on the laptop all day, would ya? Hit the music!

The xylophone music plays again and the camera drifts to Tuesday

Ben Jordan walks up and down in a nice looking living room. Brown leather furniture adorn the room, long sofa's resting on a wooden floor as well as two tall leather, regal looking chairs. Ben runs his fingers through his hair and moves towards a tall window, looking out on a street below.

Ben: So to buy shares in the lions or not? What a tough question, tougher than I thought it would be. On one hand, it's Millwall and Jonesy was right, as a fan, we guy them not for making money but for the love of the club. Just buy them to own part of something you love, but on the other hand, is this the start of a roller coaster downward spiral where I get more and more involved.

Ben runs his hand along his chin.

Ben: Is this the start of me spending more and more time putting my time and effort in to Millwall? I mean it could be. I don't wanna see the club go to shit and regardless of the three points last weekend, we could struggle. No one likes to see the team they love go down the pan. If we need a new player and the current board don't wanna put their hands in their pockets, as a guy on the board, would they look at me? I know Bill Shenkman is a billionaire up in Canada with a small percentage in Millwall and never puts money in, but he doesn't have the love for the club I do. He's invested for whatever reasons but me, I'll be investing for love over profit.

Ben reaches in to his pocket, pulling out a business card with the name "John G Berylson" written across it in bold black, almost shining letter. Ben looks at it for a few seconds.

Ben: I know Jonesy has my back with his advice. I know he has done this and gone small, but gets where the money comes in to play and where I can spend it. Buying in would be buying in for love, but if we are missing something in the team, and I see it as a fan, I listen to the fans saying what we need, then I'm gonna run out and buy. We could end up with more shit here, than a horse farm. Fuck I've seen some shit at the Den over the years. I see some shit at the Den now. I mean N'Guessan is just wank. Also a thing that worries me. If I don't like these players, would I try and kick them out? I know that's the managers job and all, but shit like N'Guessan drive me mad.

Ben runs the business card under his chin.

Ben: It starts with buying shares, but where the hell does it end? Am I gonna be one of those tossers who think starting small is the way to go, then get all power hungry and shit? I mean I'm a bit of a shark on Football Manager 13, trying to do the chairman's job for him. Ah man, I shouldn't have mentioned that game, I now wanna piss away the afternoon playing it.

Ben's eyes dart back at the card in his hand.

Ben: No! More important things to do. Even if I did nearly win the quad last season with Millwall! I must deal with this first.

Ben looks down at the street.

Ben: I could put money in to Millwall, make a difference to the club, really go for it. If the chairman covers the losses, anything else money wise that go in to the club after that from me, could make a difference to the playing side of it. First, tickets for Wembley

Ben sighs deeply and reaches in to his pocket, pulling out a phone and unlocking it with his thumb. Ben nods slowly. Ben holds the phone to his ear.

Ben: It's the right thing to do, make a difference.

Ben taps in a number in to the phone, copying it from the business card and hitting the call button. While Ben waits for an answer, he walks towards a table where a laptop sits. Holding the phone between his shoulder and his ear, Ben hits the power button on the laptop.

Ben: Knew I shouldn't have mentioned Football Manager, there goes another afternoon.

Ben holds the phone up to his ear.

Ben: Mr Berylson, Ben Jordan here. How's tricks? Nice, yeah, wondering if you could help me out a little. Need a few FA Cup Semi tickets. Yeah, uh uh. Well I was hoping when the games all said and done, we can talk a little business about me putting a few quid in to the club. Cushdy mate....

Ben smiles as the scene fades out.

Ben's face once more appears on the screen.

Ben: So here's what happened on Wednesday. I was sitting there picking me nose, wish it was a figure of speech but it wasn't, and I get this call from the boss man saying "Ben, you need to be at the fan fest". I stopped picking and said "Hey boss, I'm a little busy, picking rolling and flicking." Well that confused the hell out of him but I didn't wanna explain that one because well, not needed. So he goes to me "Ben, you're a double champ now, be there and flash of the gold, meet the fans." So I turn up and sit there, meeting fans, and some nut sack drops out, so they throw a bloody mic at me and tell me to talk. After a couple of cold ones and a dead arm from signing autographs, I end up on the stage

The xylophone music plays again.

ACW Fan Fest on a Wednesday night.. Ben strolls over towards the stage, as he watches Gabriel and Odette Ryder walk away.

Ben: It's all in Sinful Obsessions promo people, I bumped in to them here earlier. Go watch the promo, I can wait.

Ben pauses, looking at his watch, but a man cuts him off from thinking and waiting.

Man: Oh thank Christ you're here.

Ben: Erm, thanks?

Man: We've had a drop out and we need someone on the stage now. Like right now.

Ben lifts the ACW Maritime Junior Heavyweight title up to his face, looking in the shiny reflection of the title.

Ben: I look a bit of a state son, can't someone else do it?

Man: There's no one else around. I can get this filmed and maybe you can use it for your upcoming match.

Ben: Fuck it, tell them to line up the music.

Ben put his hand on the top of his shirt, pulling it up straight.

Ben: Fucking hell, nothing planned, gotta remember what everyone bloody said over the last couple of weeks. Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, ok. We can do this.

The sounds of Alter Bridge "I Know It Hurts" starts to blast through the speakers and the crowd on the other side of the curtain takes a deep breath. Ben jumps up the steps and stands behind the curtain. Eventually, he pushes his way through the curtain, to cheers. Ben gets handed a microphone as he walks though the curtain. The crowd cheer louder as Ben raises the Maritime Junior Heavyweight title above his head and smiles to the crowd. Ben puts the title back over his shoulder as the music fades.

Ben: Talk about being dropped in the shit at the deep end.

The crowd laugh a little.

Ben: Hello lovely people, my name's Ben, and I'll be the bloke talking to you for a while about some dodgy people.

Ben scratches his head.

Ben: First off, how do you follow a geezer like Gabriel? Top notch stuff from the NWA Tag Champ. I hope you lot all have your tickets for ACW Live 11. It's gonna be a banging show. Title defenses, tournament finals, invasion from SCW heading this way. Brilliant night on the cards for you people, thrown together by ACW. It's a bloody shame we don't have over the top pay per views or supercards, cause what's lined up for you lot a week on Sunday is nothing short of bloody amazing. If you saw me over in South America on Sunday for Sin City Wrestling, I got announced as a member of the New Xtremes, me and Mickey are now bringing things fresh to ACW and you good people. Not sure it was wise with Spike putting Aleksei Koji in charge of me and Mickey, considering the fact we all like working on hangovers but can you people imaging the drinking contests?

Ben smiles as he moves towards the edge of the stage.

Ben: It's no secret people see me as the face of this place. It was a title I didn't ask for, but it's bloody amazing you lot think highly of me, so let's be the face shall we.

Ben clears his throat and starts speaking in a faster voice, one familiar from an airline.

Ben: Thank you for choosing ACW as your number one Alliance federation, as your captain, I hope you enjoy the ride as we kick the Alliance up the arse and tell them it's time to take notice.

Laughs come from the crowd, and Ben winks.

Ben: The alliance is getting a bit more crowded these days, two new federations in, people spreading their wings, going for success elsewhere, and people have asked me if the contract offers have rolled in. They have rolled in nicely, but the only one Mickey and I have signed, is a non wrestling, SCW contract, but the rest of the Alliance, would have to come up with a great deal to sign up the best talents in the world. We'd work there for the right offer, but home is ACW and Mickey and I will lift ACW above all these Johnny come lately gaffs and ACW eleven is where we will prove it.

The fans cheer and an ACW chant echoes around the room.

Man: Get off the fucking stage, ya boring bastard.

People look to where the voice is coming from.

Ben: Piss off Mickey.

Mickey ducks his head out of the crowd and smiles.

Ben: Knew it was you mate, that ginger hair of yours lit up the room.

The crowd laugh, but Mickey sticks a middle finger up at Ben.

Ben: Anyway, before the ginger tosser interrupted me. I was talking about how ACW will grow and there is a sure fire way to do that, to kick ACW to the top of the alliance or come damn close and that's to win the Super J Cup.

Ben smiles.

Ben: Thought of winning that has got me pissing my pant with excitement. Figuratively, not literally, don't need a mop or bucket up here at the moment, but I look back and see I've taken out two from the now defunct PRA, I'm looking at taking out one of my own and then on to a SCW wrestler. I've taken the tour a little bit here, and I'm standing strong up here. Fighting like a Klitschko brother and taking out everyone from everywhere. When you can sit there and say you've taken out at least one from each federation like I will be able to a week on Sunday, that will give ACW the boost of being the federation that breeds champions. ACW took a chance on me and I took it and ran with it like Usain Bolt dying for a piss.

The crowd laugh again.

Ben: I took every chance handed to me and I went with it, ACW trusted me to do this and I will pay them back, by winning the Super J Cup and winning it in style.

The crowd cheer.

Ben: So much has been blurted out this past couple of weeks, and I chose to ignore it until now. I've let the promos flow and I've let things run their course and sat back to watch more than once. I guess now is the time to sit and address them all, let everything hit the air, let the shit hit the fan and just respond to some of the stuff that's been said.

Ben takes a deep breath

Ben: First off, let's have a little chin wag about Simon Jones before I crack in to the meat of this. I know Simon is all business, thinking about Magni and he's bang on right to do so, I've faced Magni on a couple of occasions and beat Magni, but that little Estonian is one tough guy to take on. Jonesy, I've been against him, he's a tough nut to crack, but he's a nut I've cracked on a couple of occasions. He is a challenge but got full faith in you mate. I don't wanna distract you too much from this challenge, and know you don't really wanna be distracted but gotta mention a couple of things.

Ben lifts his head, as if thinking about.

Ben: I share the F.A Cup dream, so I can get why you drew the J Cup tournament, but I don't blame you for the draw Jonesy. I get the way it works, my disappointment stemmed from the fact that I have to face Crippler again. I've beat him more than a perv beat his meat. I'm actually bored now of beating this guy and the groans of disappointment left my lungs like Shane Lowry's free kick against Charlton, fast and hard. Only because this man is not a challenge anymore. I accept the luck of the draw and I'm sure Crippler had a face palming moment because he knew it was game over for him. He knew he was done.

Ben straightens up the title belt on his shoulder.

Ben: Also thank you for backing up the chants thing, imagine what it will be like at Wembley?

Ben looks around the slightly confused crowd.

Ben: Yeah, you lot probably don't have a clue what I'm banging on about but Jonesy will get it. Anyways, cheers for the good luck message mate, hope I do ACW proud. Best of luck against Magni, you're right about him, he is a dark horse, improved no end, but I got faith in ya. Kick some arse Jonesy.

Ben pauses for a few seconds, but looks out in the crowd.

Ben: I know Crippler knows his time in this thing is well and truly over, I mean proper done, finished. I sat and watched his work over the last week and I saw the defeat in his eyes. I listened to that Gilbert gimp ramble about how I would have it in for Crippler. Not the case Gilbert old bean, oh no geezer, my two titles do not mean I wanna beat Crippler more, winning the bloody tournament son, that's what makes me wanna beat Crippler more. Get that wally out of the way and move on, move forward with things so I never have to deal with that bellend again, that's what makes me wanna get past him. I don't really wanna hurt him, so no need to sit there watching with a box of Kleenex, crying over the safety of Crippler. No need to piss your pants every time I go for a move Gilbert. I know Crippler wanted this at first for that NWA title shot or whatever, but it's another one he will blow, come on, it's his form. If you've been watching the geezer for a while, you'll know it's his pattern to go in to title matches and lose a bit.

Ben smiles

Ben: Ok, lose a lot, lose a shit load, just can't pick up a win for a title. His luck is so bad, if he fell in to a barrel full of tits, he'd come up sucking his thumb.

The crowd laugh at Ben's words.

Ben: It's true, the geezers luck is bloody awful. I mean shocking when it comes to title matches, the guy loses his mind. He's like a first time porn star. Got a bird spread eagled, but the engine won't start and he just can't get over that finishing line. It's just the way God made ya Cripps me ol' son. Just can't finish a job, fuck son, you can't finish a sandwich these days! Bad luck and a bit daft in the dome too. Seriously, this Crippler bloke must be on the strongest LSD known to man. The donut actually thinks I'm the second best thing in ACW behind him, what the fuck has this guy been smoking?

Ben slowly shakes his head.

Ben: You're a devastating force? The most in ACW? Do yourself a favor son and shut up, you're embarrassing yourself more then a teen who gets drunk and pisses himself in front of his mates. If you was in a room on your own, you wouldn't be the most devastating force in there. Seriously geez, let me run down this list. I'll start with me, double champion in under a year of my career, pretty hardcore, right? Then we got Duke Ata, who'd break your face for looking at him wrong. Then you have Mickey Carroll, Mickey would fuck anyone up for getting his name wrong, believe me, I've seen it. You got Simon Jones, who is a bad arse wrestler, Tom Dudely signing, Drake Green.... tell me Crippler, how the hell do you see yourself as more devastating than these guys?

Ben Shrugs

Ben: On what freaking planet are you on right now Crippler? You've done bugger all and think you're the dogs bollocks. Mate, let me tell ya, you need to seek some help, because you're bloody delusional. You're not all there, you're not with it my ol' son. The train has well and truly pissed off from the station. The ship has left the port here if you think you've done more here than me. I've beat you on so many occasions, it's not even funny anymore, how you truly believe you're better than I am, is just stupid. You've done nothing, proved nothing.

Ben nods

Ben: Go compare yourself to anyone in ACW, you'll see that you son, are nothing to most of these. Of all the things you could have picked me up on, the alcohol, the fun free and easy life style, instead you pick me up as poison. Come off it son, I'm a poison here? Do you know how stupid you sound? Get more sense out of the Tazmanian devil then you, you plonker! Without me, ACW wouldn't be doing so well. I'm not claiming sole credit but could you imagine if you was the real force in ACW? People would be bored by now. Some people here make ACW entertaining, you do not. You're a boring fella, with no decent qualities enough to step up to the plate and get people sitting on those seats. I have probably the second biggest title here and already, I've lifted this title up to be number one. People are interested in watching me, when it comes down to you, they just think unoriginal turd. They don't wanna watch that stuff and no one has worked harder than me in ACW. Hell, if you want proof, I would gladly give it to you by defending both my titles on every show. I'll pull doubles and defend them every damn time. You couldn't do that, you couldn't do what I do son. You call me the poison, but poison is a good thing to get rid of those little weeds like you that haunt ACW. You son, you're the sleeping gas. You're the knock out drops of ACW. People just have to look at you and they're already sleepy. Watching the crap you constantly talk about and such, you're like warm milk before bed, best and most refreshing kip people's ever had. Who needs to be amnestied when you got the mind numbingly dull Crippler?

The crowd laugh.

Ben: Sadly true, this fella, boring as hell. Even using words like ignoramuses doesn't make you sound smart or interesting. You can not stop my over all banging style from spreading. I am that runaway train with a lot of momentum Crippler. You sit there wanting another failed shot at gold, me, I wanna sweep up if ACW has an end of the year awards, I wanna be the first in the hall of fame. You can sit there and work towards the title shot for you to lose again, I'll aim a bit higher son.

Ben points up.

Ben: Might wanna slap that Charles wally too, cause ol' Charlie boy announced you as the next Super J Cup winner. We both know that's not happening, wouldn't have even bothered talking about Frost or Misty, two people you'll never face. You did get a giggle out of me, was having a right bubble when I heard you wanted to save my soul.

Ben starts to laugh uncontrollably.

Ben: Come on Benny boy, you can keep a straight face with this one.

Ben clears his throat.

Ben: Right, right, right, I got this. My soul is just fine and dandy but instead of you trying to save my soul, how about I offer you something mate. how about I offer to show you how to be charismatic and exciting? Here's the thing about the perfect life, the true perfect life doesn't exist. We all still have bills to pay, we still have to put up with idiots messing with people's emotions. Nothing in life is ever perfect sunshine. Even in the hottest places in the world, it will still piss down with rain at some point. Life is what you make it. Life is looking at what you have and being glad you have it when there's people far worse than you and I. What you see as me living the perfect life, is short sighted from you. What makes my life perfect, does not make everyone elses life perfect. If I was broke as hell like I have been in my life, I wasn't born in to money, but if I was broke right now, I'd still do all I can with what I got. So it might take me longer to get where I'm going, I'll still get there. There is no perfect life Crippler, my soul don't need saving from something that doesn't exist. I really don't, life is what you make it son. I do have a big bone to pick with ya though.

Ben pauses for dramatic effect.

Ben: What's wrong with horny old women?

Ben smiles as the crowd cheer and laugh.

Ben: I could have been a kid and said something like "Oh, like your mother?" but I'm so much more mature than that.

Ben tries to look innocent as people in the crowd laugh.

Ben: Seriously, horny old women, horny young women, what's it matter? If I'm a MILF's fantasy, then who am I to say no? Bit of a MILF is nothing to be sniffed at son, the older women have the experience, plus they work harder to impress. Get out there geezer, go get yourself a more mature bird and thank me later, alright?

Ben walks along the stage.

Ben: Claims my fans are horny old women, his are a bit delusional. Oh Crippler, you saved me, you're perfect...

Ben's tone turns to mocking.

Ben: Oh Crippler, they're all talking bollocks son. How much do ya pay them to dote over you? Seriously, paying kids ya sick freak, to tell you you're great. Honestly geez, they're idiots. Ben Jordan's getting pulverized.... what fifteen year old says pulverized? At least hire actresses that don't sound like they're being scripted. Mate, blatantly scripted. Not even convincing, nowhere near convincing. Seriously, show of hands here. Raise your hands if you've ever heard a fifteen year old say the world pulverized.

No one in the crowd raises their hands

Ben: Now raise your hand if you think Crippler paid the young un.

A sea of hands rise up in the air.

Ben: See Crippler, everyone here can see you're a window son, see through. Fear not the Canadian Crippler, because the Crippler is not as good as he thinks he is.

Ben smiles at the crowd.

Ben: This would be a part I spoke about everything Frost said.

Ben curls his lower lip downwards.

Ben: Well this is awkward.

Ben looks around the room and shrugs

Ben: There's a bloke who isn't interested in this tournament. What the hell is up with that? A chance to do something special, chance to make a bigger name for yourself, just thrown away Frost? Very disappointing my old son, very very sad, you coulda been someone, give people a reason to remember you but you've gone all quiet. Throwing away a great chance here Frost, but nevermind geezer, I got this one anyway, I won't drop the ball.

Ben scratches his head.

Ben: Taking this mystery man thing a bit too far, aren't ya? You wear a mask, you do the whole creepy guy thing, I get that but mate, you should still show up or you become a bit forgotten. Maybe this is all part of the mystery, you just show up like out of nowhere and remind people how mysterious you are. I said this last week, that I wanted me against you in the final, but looks like you're gonna end up letting the side down here, because well, you might not even show up. Very disappoint Frosty me old son. I actually caught the end of your SCW match geezer, hard luck on losing those tag titles. Thought you might have had them and I'm hoping this losing thing isn't gonna be a habit when you meet Misty on the other side of the tournament. Obviously if you got to the final, you'll be losing anyway, but at least it will be a great match. You lot wanna see Ben Vs Frost, right?

The crowd cheer.

Ben: Exactly, but for that to happen, you gotta show up first and I'm getting slightly worried here for ya Frost. Worried you're taking this mystery man get up a little too far and you're gonna be so mysterious, you just won't be there. I know you're a dangerous fella when you have to be, there's no doubt about it that you can pull surprising wins out of the bag mate. I get it, you're a former SCW Roulette and Tag Team champion, but you know I mirror that right. Tag title and secondary title, difference is I have both those kinda belts right now in ACW and yeah, as much as you can argue that SCW has better talent, more competition, ACW is fast catching up in terms of talent, people are getting better, better wrestlers are signing and I'm still beating people for shit and giggles. It's not rocket science, we're alike, it's why people want to see us go at it but turns out that people are starting to see my work ethic isn't slowing down, it keeps getting stronger and stronger. I keep pushing things further and further, getting better and better that's landed me an appearance deal in your home. You'll be seeing me around SCW a bit if you come on out from out of the shadows. I mean it would be handy if you did, we might eventually get the match that most cruiserweights dream of having. Who knows, might do wonders for you where you would be in more demand and would no longer need the shadows.

Ben pauses for a few seconds.

Ben: Always wondered what happened to the men of mystery. I mean what do they do when the cameras are off? Do they still skulk around rooftops? Do they still hide in alleyways and places where smoke and fire come up through the floor? I mean what goes through the mind of a mystery man? Do they avoid talking to people because they're so mysterious? Like "Oh my god! You're Frost! Dude! You rock" but you keep staring away, avoiding eye contact with people because you're soooooooo mysterious, bad arse and cool?

Ben scratches his head.

Ben: I would love to get in the mind of some of the wrestlers around the world, to see what their motivation is, to see what they think. I mean, it might come as a bit of a surprise to you all, but the best wrestlers are the ones close to their little gimmick, wrestlers know this and try and be their character. It don't effect people like me because I am my own character, I am who I am and people just let me get on with it, but I'm telling you, some of these people, these darkside people, don't switch off. I reckon your semi final opponent probably does think she's a queen and keeps the electric bill down at her place, by keeping the lights off. These darkside people must walk around with the lights off, so what do men of mystery do?

Ben runs his fingers through his hair.

Ben: Keep the mask on in the shower and stuff like that? Must be handy when it rains out there, dry dome and all, don't mess up the Barnet, well, if you have hair under that mask thing. You could be a slaphead, I dunno, but here's a few things that I do know. Number one Frost, you've been disappointing here with serious amounts of silence. Two, you had a chance to add another impressive accomplishment to your resume, but you aren't taking this very serious, thirdly, you've let yourself down and the fans down here. I really wanted to be in that ring with you, but the way things are going, you just may not bother showing up in Canada. It's sad, because people are paying big money to see the man who has made a big time splash in Vegas. The man making headlines in SCW, against the Cockney King, the man making the headlines in ACW, it was a goldmine waiting to happen. It's all good though mate, if you don't show up, me, Mickey, the rest of ACW, the SCW imports, will make them forget you was even booked for this one.

Ben pauses for a second.

Ben: In short Frost, you had a chance here but instead, I'll just have to go on with winning this one without you getting involved. No matter what my situation, I haven't missed a match in nearly a year. Last ACW Live, I did double duty, didn't even phase me, this show, double duty, won't even phase me, just a damn shame I won't get to meet you in the ring, but I hope you're sitting on the sidelines watching and seeing what I'm about to do.

A strange look crosses Ben's face.

Ben: Fuck, I hope this ain't gonna be like X Factor, when after I win, everyone from the tournament comes rushing out and lifts me up, jumping up and down all fake happy, but really thinking "bollocks, I wanted to win this one".

Ben runs his hand across his lips.

Ben: Worst bloody nightmare there, way too fake, but either way Frosty the no show man.... see what I did there?

Ben smiles proudly.

Ben: I hope you do come out, grab a front row seat, see how we do it in ACW. I'm coming to win this one, just bad luck I may not get to do it against you.

Mickey: Hurry up and get on with it!

The crowd turn to where Mickey Carroll is standing.

Ben: Easy geez, I'm working on it, I just got a lot to say here.

Mickey: You always got a lot to say. More rabbit than a farm.

The crowd laugh at Mickey's humor.

Ben: I guess this is where I start rabbiting about Misty then and disappear in to the night, huh? How's that Mickey?

Mickey: Might wanna get on with it, the amount you're rambling on, you'll be an old man by the time you get ya arse off that stage.

Ben rolls his eyes

Ben: Alright, alright. Guess we talk here about the woman who saves more electric than anyone else, by keeping everything realistically dark, Misty. I was right last week, wasn't I? Watched my promo, straight on Twitter chatting about it. Always nice to know that I know you well without trying. Not saying you're a typical broad or anything but you was never that difficult to really read. It was pretty easy to pick you up and know what you're planning to do. Look at it like this, I know you're the kind of person that no matter what is going on in your life, you will always run to somewhere to tell people, even if they simply don't care. It's an attention thing really, you want people to know every aspect of your life, yet get pissy when people take that and use it against ya. All good to me sweets, because this one will probably set you on another Twitter thing as soon as ya see this. We won't stop ya, we'll just all sit an watch as you try to put the focus on you, no big deal, but the thing is no one's looking at ya anymore. The "Queen" isn't as popular as the King here. Cockney King, not real one, although I do have an impressive pair of crown jewels.

Mickey: No you don't.

Ben: You wouldn't want 'em on your head as a walt.

The audience laugh.

Ben: This is where people like Misty lose their focus, when the attention starts moving to someone else rather than on her, it get's under her skin more than anything in the world could. Her whole get up is about attention, why else would she hang out with those losers she calls her disciples. It's so that she has eyes on her all the time. Eyes on her, and lips on her arse from any of the lemmings that follow her around. They serve no other purpose at all, they are pretty pointless people to be fair. Might as well of names them after the Teletubbies are something, another pointless lot. The disciples are like that sprig of parsley on a meal to garnish, don't no nobody care for that, like no one cares about those little lackeys that follow her around and wipe and kiss the royal arse. Probably dress her, comb her hair, dip her in a vat of milk and flower for that pale vibe she's got going on there.

Ben smiles and winks at the crowd.

Ben: Having people do all that crap for ya doesn't make ya special, makes you lazy as hell. It makes you like a child, makes you slower because you do sod all, and this is where you get to make mistakes. See, when ya tired, you can't get that arse of yours out of the ring and sent Tinkie Winkie, Laa Laa, Dipsy or Po in the ring to take your place. It don't work like that, you need to get your lazy arse doing some work. No chance of expecting to win when you do everything half arsed. This is what you do, you make this wallys do all the work for ya, don't make ya well rested.

Ben holds a finger up.

Ben: This is called a finger, you have one, well eight of them and two thumbs, feel free to lift them once in a while and do something for yourself, instead of making the gimps do it for ya. Honestly woman, get so much satisfaction actually working towards something, rather than having those lot do it. You'll be cream crackered after your first match because of this. If you get to the second match, you'll be flat on your back before ya know it.

Mickey: Not for the first fucking time either!

Ben bursts in to a huge fit of laughing

Ben: Fu.... fu...

Ben turns away from the stage front, laughing loudly. He turns back, wiping his eyes.

Ben: Fucking wanker, put me right off.

Ben pulls the microphone away from his face but his laughs can still be heard. He lifts the microphone up to his lips, as he tries to calm himself.

Ben: Am I the only one who finds it a little bit creepy that she lives with one woman and a shitload of men? That's a little bit odd don't ya think? Think they all draw days at the start of the week to see who gets to ride on what day? Maybe she offers incentives, or does competitions. First one to iron the granny knickers properly, wins. Christmas must be an odd time at that gaff. If anyone gets an invitation to that place, wear a hidden camera, that could be bloody entertaining. Like Big Brother in the Munsters house.

The crowd start to laugh again.

Ben: She called me a comedian, think I'm doing pretty well over here being pretty funny, don't ya think?

Ben smiles

Ben: If I wasn't such a decent wrestler, I could be a pretty good comedian, but it's just a loss to the comedy world at the moment, but a great touch for the wrestling world. I'm the funny guy but you get ya puppets to call you my queen. Sweetheart, it's time to pull your head out of your arse and see you just look daft. You need to see that you don't deserve that moniker, having people call you something doesn't make it so. Being called the queen of the damned just makes you sound egotistical and that you need someone to constantly try and make you feel like you're something special. Having people tell you you're good, doesn't make you that good. You're a woman who lives off everything she's won in the past. Won titles, reminds people of them every week, even the ones people have no clue about. Define from the past is your thing, but the Super J Cup is not gonna be one talking about in the future to bore people, this is gonna be one where you say you nearly won the J Cup two years on the spin, but Ben Jordan stopped ya this time around.

Ben paces up and down the stage.

Ben: It's all about adding to the list, J Cup, Crusierweight title, blah, blah, blah, talking bollocks as always Misty. Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, no one wants to see you do this. I mean they already know you winning this thing would be seriously painful for everyone because we all have to sit there and listen to you even more, we have to listen to you go on and on about it, and I don't want that, the wrestling world don't want that, these people don't want that, am I right?

A huge cheer come from the crowd.

Crowd: Misty's boring, Misty's boring.

Ben waits till the chant dies away.

Ben: Exactly people, that's what I like to hear, she is boring, very, very boring and if she wins this whole thing, could you imagine what it would be like then? She's already trying to latch on to more interesting people, to keep herself relevant. She knows Odette Ryder can and will whoop her arse, she knows I can, but she mentions us, targets us because it makes people try and take interest in you. Once we're done whooping ya sweetheart, people will forget you again. People will just turn the TV over when you appear again. People only watch ya now because you talk about me and Odette, they love me, they love Odette, they do not like you Misty. Even SCW don't want to book you anymore, they're tired of ya, you shot yourself in the foot by joining the baddies in SCW. I wonder if SCW look at the rating breakdown, saw that the show hits a low when you appear with your arse kissing. People just switch off.

The crowd cheer again

Ben: Even I'm switching off because it's actually boring to talk about you now Misty. Trying to push around cameramen, reporters, little people, soooooo brave of you. Aren't you the big bad tough person? School yard bully woman there, aren't ya? Snapping at people you think you're tougher then. I can't wait for the day when a cameraman, or reporter chins you Misty. It's clutching at straws if you think that's gonna intimidate anyone at all by yelling at a guy holding a camera. It doesn't scare me, it doesn't scare anyone really and it's not gonna help you beat me, or win this thing and neither does snarling and growling, it just makes you look like a dog. Got the urge to throw a steak at ya and put a muzzle on your boat race!

Ben turns to the other side of the stage.

Ben: That means face by the way. Growling like a hell

Cockney King.
SCW World Heavyweight Champion
SCW Internet Champion
SCW Roulette Champion
SCW Tag Team Champion (3x)
SCU Underground champion
ACW's only Triple Crown Champion.
Super J Cup Winner 2013.
Twitter: @CockneyKingBen

Offline Ben Jordan

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Super J Cup 2013 - Semi/Final RP 2
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2013, 05:15:10 PM »
 (Just saw only half posted, here's the rest)

throat. Chemist will be doing a good trade with you. Ya know what people, I'm bored of talking about her, just like she bores you lot by being like a growling Tazmanian devil, you bore me Misty, but will tell ya now, I'm gonna stop you winning the Super J Cup. How about a little song? How about a chant of "I'm gonna stop you winning"?

The crowd oblige by singing "Ben's gonna stop you winning". Ben waits for them to stop chanting.

Ben: The fans are behind me, ACW are standing right there behind me. I am on one hell of a run, taking out everything in my path and Crippler, Frost, Misty, you lot are all standing in the way. I won't back away from things and I will take the Super J Cup. One tournament for me, one win. I've took out the Wizard, I made Hard Rock look like a soft co... you get the idea people, and now I'm gonna go all the way, take this tournament and celebrate like it's going out of fashion. Once I will this, there's gonna be one hell of a party and you're all invited!

The crowd cheer.

Ben: I'm Ben Jordan, and I'm bringing the Super J Cup home to Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Thanks for listening, later people!

The crowd cheer as "I Know It Hurts" plays out. Ben throws the microphone to the side of the stage and jumps off the stage, walking through the crowd, shaking hands with people as he makes his way to Mickey Carroll. Ben gets to Mickey and jumps on his back, raising the ACW Maritime Junior Heavyweight title above his head. Mickey shakes Ben off and Ben lands on his feet.

Mickey: Get off you fucking idiot.

Mickey spins to face a smiling Ben.

Ben: How'd I do?

Mickey: Shit.

Ben: Good enough.

Mickey: Right, let's get our arses out of here and meet some brasses.

Ben: You read my mind my old son!

Ben and Mickey move through the crowd as the scene fades out

Ben's face appears on the screen once more, looking slightly more shaken up.

Ben: Right, this is what happened on Friday, still scares the bricks right out of me. I got to thinking if you're a Queen of something, that place has to exist, right? So I went looking for it. Fuck, I should have stayed in bed.

Xylophone music once more

Ben Jordan strolls along main street in Vancouver, a map in his hand. Ben scratches his head as he looks down at the map.

Ben: You've gotta be round here somewhere.

A couple walk towards Ben as Ben holds the map up and points to his right, shaking his head.

Ben: Nope, not there. Excuses me people.

The couple stop before Ben.

Ben: Do you now where I can find a place called Damned?

The couple look at Ben, raised eyebrows, and shaking their heads.

Ben: Thanks anyway peeps.

Ben walks past them, looking up at the road ahead, but quickly glances down at the map. Ben sighs and looks around again as another man approaches.

Ben: Excuse me squire, I'm looking for a place called Damned, or The Damned, do you know where I can find it?

The man continues to walk past Ben, ignoring him.

Ben: Thanks a fucking lot geez!

Ben rolls his eyes.

Ben: It's not like I'm one of those crazy fellas sitting on the street corners preaching about aliens and wearing a tin foil hat.

Ben tuts and moves on down the street.

Ben: Looking for this place don't half make you thirsty.

Ben strolls on a little more, but a man runs across the street.

Man: Hey! Hey! You're Ben Jordan!

Ben: I am? Cheers geez, forgot about that for a minute.

Man: I'm a huge fan, could I get an autograph.

Ben: Only if you tell me where a place called The Damned is.

Man: I've lived here all my life and I've never seen a place called the Damned, what is it? A Goth club or something.

Ben: I'm not too sure. You see, there's this bird I know, who calls herself the Queen Of The Damned. Now to be a Queen of something, that place has to exist, right? I mean the Queen Of England is not just a cool name for a boozer, it's because the Queen rules the country called England. Now by that logic, there must be a place, country or area called The Damned, and I'm looking for it.

Man: Why?

Ben: Cause if it's anything like the Queen, then it's gonna be a dingy little place and paint me curious, I want to see it.

Man: I don't think there is such a place.

Ben: There's gotta be a place called that, or clearly, the Queen is lying.

Man: Don't they call you the Cockney King?

Ben: Yes, but I never said I was King of the Cockney people, I never said I ruled east London. A Cockney King is a man, who is from east London, that would help people out, not a ruler. Heard the term King Amongst Men? It's that kind of thing, but with my weird ol' cooky friend, she thinks she rules people, so she must have a little nation somewhere but I can't see to find it.

Man: Maybe your friend is a little weird in the head.

Ben nods.

Ben: Oh yeah, she's definitely a bit barmy. Here, give us ya paper, will give ya me John Hancock for trying to help.

The man holds out a piece of paper and a pen. Ben puts the map under his arm and takes the pen, signing the mans paper and handing it back to him.

Ben: Cheers for the help, but I better get on me way, get the feeling I could be looking for a while for this place.

Man: Good luck.

Ben: Cheers geez.

Ben strolls on down the road, looking around at what stands before him.

Ben: Oh this is bollocks.

Ben throws the map in there air and cups his hands around his mouth.


Ben looks around as people on the street continue to walk past, ignoring Ben.


Again, people continue to ignore Ben.

Ben: Knew I should have done a Crippler parody where I rambled bollocks for half an hour, telling people I was the best, while choking in title matches.

Ben cups his mouth again


Once more no one takes any notice.

Ben: Or a Frost parody where I put on a mask and stand in the shadows watching like a pervert in the bushes.

Behind Ben, Gabriel and Odette Ryder appear.


Gabriel: Hello

Ben jumps around, slightly surprised to see Gabriel and Odette behind him.

Ben: Oi oi, where did you two spring from?

Gabriel: We was having a stroll down the road, having a little look around before we jumped on a plane and heading for home, then we heard someone yelling in the street, had to come for a look.

Ben: I keep looking for this place, no fucker knows where it is. before I forget, don't make plans for the FA Cup Semi Final, I got us all tickets to get our arses to Wembley, even got one for you Dundee Blue.

Odette: Really?

Ben: Yep, I figure why not come and enjoy the game there instead of flashing ya knickers on the phone. What you two do at half time is your business!

Odette buries her head in to Gabriel chest. Gabriel puts his hand on the back of Odette's head.

Ben: So we'll sort something out, fly to London, sing Millwall songs all the way, and have a cracking time on London Town after the game, or if you two prefer, you can slip on off to the nearest hotel and bounce each others brains out. I saw the promo, bloody hell, if that camera didn't steam up, that video would have got more hit then the Paris Hilton vid

Gabriel smiles at Ben.

Gabriel: Can't have that.

Ben: Not without getting paid for it anyway.

Odette turns around, firing Ben a stern look.

Ben: Just pissing with ya Dundee. Either way, Wembley, here we come.

Gabriel: Thank you, I appreciate it.

Ben: Not a problem geezer, not a problem. Now maybe you two could help me with my little issue I got going on at this moment in time.

Odette turns around to face Ben, Gabriel wraps his arms around Odette's waist.

Odette: What is it?

Ben: O, do you know where The Damned is?

Odette: I think it's behind the black stump, in the middle of fucking nowhere.

Ben: And where is that exactly on the map?

Odette: Right next to neverevergonnagetlaidland and i'llalwaysbesecondbesttoodettecity

Gabriel: I love it when she talks dirty

Ben: Your kinky talk must make nuns ears bleed.

Odette looks at Gabriel.

Odette: Well let's go to iwannaripallyourclothesoffwithmyteethtown and act like two horny teenagers stuck in lightsofftiemeupfuckmeville

Ben: You heard the woman!!!

Gabriel winks at Ben

Ben: Out of all of those places, I think we all know O really wants to go to putaringonitwouldyagabriel which is the capital of fortheloveofgodjustdoitalreadycounty

A smile crosses Gabriel's face.

Gabriel: Ben, we've gotta go but this joint promo has been fun

Odette: Yeah... i have to ummm wash my hair..

Ben: Lies... Just make sure you two can make it to the Millwall match and Gabriel you know the rules, no public displays of affection during the game, you can nip off to the bogs at half time if you want, but you know it will be full of smoke and geezers.

Odette: How long does the game go for?

Gabriel: 90 minutes, plus injury time

Odette: Can I refund our tickets now?

Ben and Gabriel shake their heads.

Odette: Can i bring my whistle to the game?

Ben and Gabriel look at each other, both yelling at the same time


Odette: Okay, okay... I have feeling you know geezers.

Ben: Know a lot of geezers.

Gabriel: Mind you, if she did bring the whistle, might be able to give us an advantage when they attack.

Gabriel shakes his head.

Gabriel: Second thoughts, she nearly deafened me with that thing.

Odette puts her hand on Gabriel's face.

Odette: Sorry baby.

Gabriel: It's all good, my hearing now comes and goes.

Odette: Especially when I ask you to do something that involves keeping your clothes on.

Ben: Selective hearing. I like it.

Gabriel moves his hand down to Odette's rear end.

Odette: Anyway, gotta wash my hair before we head off home.

Ben: Yeah.... right.

Odette: Why don't you just get in a taxi? Ask him to take you to The Damned. If they don't know where it is, then it can't exist.

Ben smiles and nods. He looks at Gabriel.

Ben: Brains and beauty son, stick by what I said at the football geez.

Gabriel nods firmly.

Ben: Right you lovely people, enjoy washing your hair, have a safe trip home.

Gabriel puts out a hand to Ben, shaking it, before Ben hugs Odette.

Ben: I will see you two at ACW live on the 31st.

Gabriel: You will, thanks again for the tickets.

Ben: You got it son.

Gabriel and Odette walk away and Ben looks around for a taxi.

A taxi is seen pulling up and stopping outside a dark, dingy looking place with stone gargoyles over the wooden looking door. Inside the taxi, Ben Jordan leans forward to the taxi driver.

Ben: Are you sure this is the right place?

Driver: You asked to go to The Damned, this place is called The Damned.

Ben: Mate, you've been driving for three hours, it was daylight when we left and now it's a bit dark.

Driver: Probably a good thing buddy, this place only opens at night, it's where all those people who like strange things show up here.

Ben looks out of the window, looking at a half broken neon sign with the words "The Damned." written on them. Ben scratches his head as he glances out.

Ben: Define strange things mate, I want to know what I'm walking in to when I step in there.

Driver: Oh, you'll see.

Ben: Well that fills me with joy and confidence as I look at the gaff mate.

Ben reaches in to his pocket, pulling out a wad of cash, peeling a few notes off the top and handing them to the taxi driver. Ben puts his hand on his shoulder.

Ben: That should cover it.

Driver: Thanks buddy.

Ben: Do me a favor geezer.

Driver: You want me to reset the meter and wait here?

Ben taps the back of the drivers seat and looks at the driver, who's half turned around to look at Ben.

Ben: You've done this before, haven't you?

Driver: Every time I've dropped someone off here dressed like you, they've never stayed in there for more than a few minutes.

Ben: This suit is pricey son.

Driver: And if you bump in to anyone else in there wearing a suit, I'll cover the fare home.

Ben: You got a deal mate. If you don't see me in half hour, either come in and save me or drive fast and don't look back.

Driver: Will do.

Ben opens the taxi door and walks through, his feet hitting the pavement. Ben looks up at the stone gargoyles above the door and shakes his head slowly. Ben hears the music behind the door and bops his head.

Ben: The Pretty Reckless...

Ben moves towards the door, looking at the security man standing on the door, a tall skinny gentlemen with a pale face and three piercing across his upper lip. Ben walks past him and pushes open the door, correctly identifying the music as The Pretty Reckless' song Since You're Gone. Ben tries to adjust his eyes to the flashing lights as the heavy rock music blasts out. Ben looks at the clientele around, mostly young people in leather and dark shirts, with piercings.

Ben: Fuck me, they must have got these piercing in a job lot, bought in bulk. More holes in their faces then on a second hand dart board.

Ben walks through a corridor, with no doors on the room. He glances in to a room, to see an industrial fan, six feet tall and wide against a wall. A man is cuffed to it, his arms either side. A woman in black leather walks up and down, the leather covering her entire body, up to a face mask with cats ears. The woman turns to see Ben looking in the door. She lifts up her hand, waving her fingers towards Ben to step in the room.

Ben: You can fuck right off.

Ben shuffles away from the door, bumping in to a big man, wearing a sheer see through top. Two gold nipple piercing seen through the shirt. Ben raises his hand up and walk past him, but a woman pushes Ben to a wall.

Ben: oof!

Woman: How about we go in to this room here and have some fun?

Ben: Fucking hell, you're not backwards at coming forwards, are ya?

Woman: No.

The woman opens her mouth to show fangs. She runs her tongue across her teeth and looks at Ben.

Woman: We could have a lot of fun.

Ben: Your kind of fun is sucking on my neck, I prefer sucking on my c...

The woman leans in to kiss Ben, but Ben puts his hand on her forehead, stopping her from getting close.

Ben: Chill Vampira!

Ben lifts the woman by the shoulder and turns her around, with her back against the wall.

Woman: I like a man with some fight in him.

Ben raises a finger in her face.

Ben: No, just no! Don't make me treat ya like a naughty dog.

Woman: If you want to.

Ben: You want me to smack you on the nose with a newspaper for pissing on the carpet?

Ben shakes his head and turns, walking away from the woman.

Ben: If I knew it was gonna be like this, I would have bought a stake, some garlic and a cross.

Ben walks through the corridor and to the end, he pushes open the door to show a nightclub area. Ben spots a bar and moves towards it. He looks at the tattooed woman behind the bar, tattoos covering her body.

Ben: I'll have a beer.

Bar Woman: We don't sell beer, we have our own special brew.

Ben: Well crack on darling, I'm not getting any younger.

The woman walks away and Ben looks down the bar to see two more women, licking their lips, while looking towards Ben.

Ben: Back of ladies, I am not a Big Mac!

Ben looks at the bar as the woman comes back and places a glass of thick red liquid in front of Ben. Ben looks at it and back at the woman, before reaching in to his pocket and throwing a bank note on the bar. The woman picks up the note and Ben picks up the glass, tilting his head and looking at it.

Ben: Fuck it, Mickey's made me drink worse than this crap.

Ben nervously lifts the glass to his lips. He hold the glass near his mouth sniffing it. Ben takes a mouthful and puts the glass back down.

Ben: Tomato juice? Really?

Ben shakes his head disappointed.

Ben: Not even any alcohol in this thing, so not funny people.

Ben picks up the glass and takes another sip, but two men walk towards Ben.

Man 1: Mmmmm, well aren't you like a big juicy steak.

Ben looks at him.

Ben: Aren't you like one of those cheese string things?

Man 2: I like him, he seems like he'll have some fight in him.

Man 1: He doesn't look too bad from behind either.

Ben: That's it, time to go home!

Ben stands up and walks past the two men but turns back and looks at the first man.

Ben: Thanks, I work out.

Ben gives a thumbs up and moves away, quickly getting to the door of the corridor and running down it, past the big man with his nipples pieced and to the first room he looked in. Ben runs past the door, stops and looks back in at the woman, now holding a whip.

Ben: Nah, I'm messed up but not that much messed up.

Ben moves on, past the security and back in to the taxi.

Driver: Well you lasted in there longer than most.

Ben: Why did you tell me it was a vampire bondage club?!?!

Driver: You never asked!

Ben: I asked what it was like, you never said. They were drooling over me like I was a three course dinner in there.

Driver: Did you see another man in a suit?

Ben: No

Driver: Looks like you're paying for your ride home.

Ben: Speaking of which, how about we get that thing started, eh?

Driver: Sure.

The driver moves the car and Ben starts to speak to himself.

Ben: After all that stuff, all the stuff I've done this week, all the stuff I've put myself through, no one deserves to end the month on a win, more than me. If that's the damned, she can keep the bloody lot of them. If Crippler wants a soul to save, he needs to come here and see these people. Bloody hell, what a night. After this whole thing, I'm gonna need a long holiday to forget this.

Ben puts his hand on his forehead, shaking his head.

Ben: Absolutely bloody nightmare. Blessing of this whole thing is once this is all said and done and they give me the Super J Cup, I won't have to deal with Misty or her damned again, Crippler and his failing arse or Lucian Frost and his silence.

Ben let's out a long exhale.

Ben: Hey mate, is there anywhere around here when I can stop off for a drink where weirdos don't want me smacking them on the nose with newspapers?

Driver: I know a couple of places.

Ben: Then please put ya foot down.

Driver: Yes sir.

Ben sits back, looking down the camera.

Ben: So there you have it people, the things I would do to win the J Cup. I've shown you that I'm now a member of NXT. I've partied and celebrated, I hit a fan fest, hung out with SCW stars, got Millwall tickets, decided that I will buy in to the club, looked for and found the Damned and now I'm absolutely, bloody knackered. This last week, I've put more effort in than everyone else about and nearly got eaten by a vampire. If I'm gonna work this bloody hard to get this far, imagine how hard I'm gonna work in that ring at ACW Eleven. People, you're about to see a workhorse in the flesh. You're gonna see me work like never before, but for now, I'm going for the longest, tallest, coldest alcoholic drink I can find, I'm gonna go kick my feet up and I'm coming out firing. It's almost as good as winning the main prize, but when it's all said and done, I won't have to deal with Misty ever again. Might just make all this crap worth it.

Ben pulls himself up in his seat and scratches his head.

Ben: One week and it's all said and done, and everyone will be seeing me as the new Super J Cup winner and if you've learned nothing else about me over the last couple of weeks, you should have learned that when I want something bad enough, I work hard to get it. I want the Super J Cup, working hard to get it. Until then, I'm gonna go relax and buy a shitload of garlic.

Ben winks at the camera.

Ben: Laters people.

Ben takes a very deep breath as the camera fades one last time.

Cockney King.
SCW World Heavyweight Champion
SCW Internet Champion
SCW Roulette Champion
SCW Tag Team Champion (3x)
SCU Underground champion
ACW's only Triple Crown Champion.
Super J Cup Winner 2013.
Twitter: @CockneyKingBen