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Climax Control Archives / the butterfly effect 6.0 // attempt
« Last post by missreznik on May 17, 2024, 11:38:21 PM »
France was beautiful. Of all the places in the world I never thought I would get to go, it was France. When I was a kid, we traveled to a lot of different American Military bases across the world. For instance, my love of wrestling started when we went to a small Puroresu show in Japan while my mom was in Okinawa. The cheers, the life of the arena, the jeering of the crowd, and the thud of the female athletes as they hit the canvas, the floor, even the chairs around us was exhilarating. I told myself that one day I would be a wrestler like them, and maybe one day, I could go to Japan and perform for them too.

I never really planned for anything else until I was around seventeen years of age. You see, we’d moved back to Colorado by then, and my mom was stationed at Buckley Air Force Base.  My whole family was there, and as families do, they always encouraged me to do my best. My grandmother, though, she thought so highly of me and demanded that I go to college. There is no point in wasting your brain, she would tell me. I graduated fifth in my class, and I earned a scholarship to the University of Colorado so that I could study literature.

So I did.

It just happened to be the worst choice I could have ever made, and led me down a path that I somewhat regret now. They always say you should never regret your past, because it was what made you. But had I made other choices? Go to a different college, immediately being wrestling training, perhaps I wouldn’t have become the person that I am today.

Since the day that I thought I saw him out my window, I’d begun having nightmares. The whole month of April tended to give me nightmares too, but I’d been able to squash most of them on my own. I knew I was ultimately safe. Zach reminded me daily that he wasn’t there, and I certainly wasn’t going to see him in some coffee shop in France.

Anyway, I had to get over it. I had a good job, a career I loved, and I had a Blast From the Past to win. The goal wasn’t just to get to the top – it was to face the best in the business right now. And that…that was Kayla Richards. My bestie.

And if I could face her, I could face anything, right?

I could face my past, I could confront my future head on and tell it that I was going to be the best, like no one ever was.

And that was something I needed more than anything.


I don’t have a lot to say this week. I wish I did, but I feel like my brain is all wrapped up in cobwebs and spiders right now, and that….well, it’s not the best. I know it. It’s not my favorite thing and I wish I didn’t, but there are just some weeks where I get nervous.  Sometimes I end up second guessing myself, thinking that I’m not good enough. Thinking…that I made the wrong decisions to come back after the birth of my kiddo.

But then I remember that I’m Kallie Reznik, and if I can’t come back and be peppy, then no one can.

Artie and I kicked butt last time. I mean, I took care of a lot of it, but Artie? Artie did great. He’s getting the training that he needs, training with Fenris and I mean, his wifey might have been beaten for the Roulette Championship, but I really think that he could do great things here. Once, of course, he gets over…well, himself. I’ll do everything that I can to help him this week, but that is like, the most important thing. That we work with one another to be the best that we can, no matter what.

We’ve got Cordelia Clark and Justin Smith this week. It’s funny, like, the similarities here. Justin Smith acts like he has one brain cell like….firing….at any time, so I can deffo understand why she had a meltdown last time. I know that I have an even shorter straw, but at least I have a partner that wants to do his best and doesn’t just dial it in because he’s trying to…I dunno, just be here?

We know Justin got here because of Cordy, and that’s obvious. I mean, after the experience that Cordelia has within this company, what with being in Underground and then being here…it’s like she’s trying to forget a whole section of her life and come back with a rookie attitude.

I don’t…like…get it.

See, I’ve been wrestling three years now, and I have my championships. I do. I cherish them and they help me remember that I’m a good combatant, that I am good at what I do. I’ve fought hard, and I will always fight hard. And sometimes, I get a challenge placed in front of me, and you know what I do? I welcome it. I want new things, I want to face people I’ve never faced, I don’t want it to be easy for me. And this week? I know Cordelia has a great repertoire and can like, super fight. And that’s what I want in front of me, cuz it like, invigorates me.

But I will never understand why people get so upset about their partners. Look at mine. He doesn’t even know how to wrestle, and here I am, thinking I’m going to be the one that messes it up for both of us! I don’t want to do that. I know he doesn’t want to do that. So we’re both gonna try like heck to get to the top of this tournament. I want to face the best.

I want to face everyone that can teach me something new.

And you know what? I learn a lot from every match that I come across.

This will be no different.

Cordy. Justin.

This is gonna be a great match – let’s make sure that we have an awesome one, and let’s make the crowd happy, okay!?
Climax Control Archives / ENDEAVOR LIV
« Last post by Mercedes Vargas on May 17, 2024, 11:09:00 PM »
Blog: Almighty Fire
semana del 12 al 18 de mayo de 2024

At Climax Control 392, two streaks was on the line, a winning streak and a losing streak. After two weeks ago, one of them was broken. If you want to make a statement, pulling off an upset against the reigning Bombshell Internet Champion can do wonders for your career. That's right, I pulled it off. I beat Tempest! Don't ask me how or why, it just happened. Still, I think Tempest is just as surprised as I was. I handed Tempest her first loss of the year and her first loss in five months going back to last year. The crowd didn’t like it, but I can deal with the boos just fine. I expected it. I also expected to walk out of my match with my hand raised and look what happened. There was no doubt in my mind, in their mind and in Tempest’s mind that she had a chance, not even a minuscule one. Because a woman with nothing to lose is a dangerous one.

Tempest is on the verge of losing everything: her winning streak, her aura, and in a few weeks time at Into the Void, the Bombshell Internet Championship.

One match, one win, does not a serious title contender make - and I consider myself a serious title contender - but let's not lose focus, let's get this where it needs to be. In less than two days, those fans in Troy, Turkey are in for a treat. Where else are you going to see a match between two legendary Hall of Famers, a match between two women who have cemented their place in Sin City Wrestling history? With a combined seven world titles, 22 overall championships, and an impressive 21 years experience in this company, to say this match between Crystal Zdunich and I is destined to be an epic clash of titans would be an understatement. Never let it be said that the good paying fans at every SCW event aren't thoroughly entertained.

You know, ever since I joined Sin City Wrestling, I always looked forward to mixing it up with some of the best talent this company had to offer. I like to be challenged, kept on my toes, always having one eye open to the next opponent hoping to take their best shot. I was just another plucky newcomer who had to learn on the fly and get used to things fast if I wanted to succeed, and succeed I have, many times over. Proud to say it, not afraid to admit it.

I've had my ups and downs in my career but each time I've come back stronger for it. 2024 is already a lost year for me. But for a variety of reasons, I refuse to die. Perseverance got me here; determination is what made me stay. You want to be another wrench in the works, you want to throw another obstacle in my way, have me keep jumping through hoops? Bring it. Like the Phoenix I will rise again and like the Empire I will strike back.

If you have plans for an upset this weekend, Crystal, cancel them. Better yet, crumple it up and throw it away. You're going to want to be ready for the disappointment coming your way in Turkey. If you already planned to be there, then good. You are where you are supposed to be. I’m not going to tell you not to show up. That would be insulting to you and a disservice to me because I would hate to win a match by forfeit, but it helps that the option is still there on the table.You've known me to talk the talk, but I can also walk the walk. And I'm going to walk straight through you this Sunday.

And this isn’t going to be a match, oh no. This is going to be a war, and you are going to end up as a casualty, a martyr for your cause, or a rebel for cause. Whatever. Sunday night is where you learn first-hand that while silence is golden, I'm going to make my statement loud and clear and for all the world to hear when you end up on my checklist. But you already know what that's like over the years, don't you, mamita?


“I never got the whole mythos behind Superman.”

“What's not to get? The dual identity or the million-and-one superpowers?”

“I can handle the suspension of disbelief. It's the persona that's lost on me.

[Mercedes sits across from her brother, Jorge, who is reading a classic issue from his collection and turning the pages meticulously.]

He's nigh invincible. He isn't called the Man of Steel for nothing.”

Not when it comes to Kryptonite he's not. Or magic. Or lead.

It's just Kryptonite, Red Sun radiation, and magic now.

Sure, okay. But it does make me wonder.

You mean the whole dodging bullets, powerful than a locomotive, and leaping tall buildings deal?

Supposedly, he's “faster than a speeding bullet”. Well, is he faster than 100? 500? A Gatling gun?

[Jorge stops reading now as he gives Mercedes his full attention.]

So the question, then, is not so much that bullets can't hurt him, but why does he need to duck when they throw the gun? Everyone talks about about him being faster than the speed of light, but does anyone ever wonder what the speed of dark is?

Perhaps there's more to Superman than meets the eye.

No. I don't think so.

But he's the Man of Steel...

He's not living up to his promise. So bullets bounce off his chest, big deal.

[Jorge reaches across the table to feel her forehead.]

You OK?

(swatting his hand away) What? I'm fine.

You sure? I didn't think you would go all philosophical on a comic book.

It's called common sense, Jorge. Someday, you will know what that is.

I think I'll stick with suspension of disbelief, thank you.
(changing the subject as he goes back to reading, turning another page). So you had a match against Tempest, huh? Think you stood a chance?

I was dreading it. And, yeah, that's the theory, at least.

So what do you call staring up at a nearly six-foot giant?

A tall order. I'm still feeling the injuries from the last match we had. I was practically counting how many lights were in the arena or finding out how hard the canvas was. Let's just say that for a rookie coming in as a wrestler in her second match, it wasn't what I had expected.

Trust me, I remember.

For what it was worth, though, I'm surprised our rivalry lasted for so many months. It may have been three years ago, but at least I won my fair share of matches against her.

[For the second time, Jorge looks up, slowly this time as he mouths the word “damn”.]

How the hell are you going to beat Tempest at the supercard? Five stones and a slingshot?

The same way I ended up beating her the last time...

[Without a beat, Mercedes offers her brother a weakened smile.]

Suspension of disbelief.


Present Day


[Turkey is a fascinating country with a rich history and culture, offering a plethora of sightseeing opportunities. From the majestic Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, a former Byzantine church and Ottoman mosque, to the ancient city of Ephesus, with its well-preserved ruins and impressive architecture, there's no shortage of incredible landmarks to explore. Visitors can also wander through the vibrant bazaars and markets of Istanbul, sample delicious Turkish cuisine, and marvel at the breathtaking natural beauty of the Cappadocian landscapes, featuring unique fairy chimneys and honeycombed hills

The camera peels back just a bit to find Mercedes Vargas in front of the Hagia Sophia in Instanbul, Turkey, some five hours away from Troy, where this weekend's Climax Control was taking place. Mercedes is strumming a half-tuned baglama, an instrument similar to a lute. The notes flows from the instrument as she maneuvers over the strings. As of on cue, Mercedes looks up at the camera, sets the instrument aside]

"If there's one thing I was looking forward to this weekend, it definitely was the next great inspirational speech from Crystal Zdunich. You know how those lifting words bring me to tears every time hoping to get everyone to rally behind her. Yeah, she's good at that. Oh, and also running her mouth on Twitter and jumping into everyone’s business.

"This weekend, at Climax Control 394, yours truly will finally get the opportunity to take care of a common annoyance, a common problem that's been a pain in my ass for well over a decade in Sin City Wrestling. Anyone who has followed my career know that Crystal Zdunich and I have had a rivalry that has spanned multiple promotions. This matchup gets hype every year, and yet, when has it failed to deliver? Whether on Climax Control or on a supercard, we bring out the best in each other. It doesn't get much better in terms of star-power. Everyone will be watching, as they should. Bad enough that I've been embarrassed and humiliated against Crystal in every match we've had since I arrived to SCW. And with the mood I'm in dealing with how this year has already turned to shit for me..."

[Mercedes shakes her head slowly, a solemn look on her face as she continues.]

"Crystal and I have had our problems, our own differences, and my career has suffered because of it, more so because I've never pinned Crystal's shoulders to the mat in any of our previous meetings, and that bothers me. Insanity is doing something repeatedly and expecting different results. Or, to put it another way, "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you got." Well, yes and no. If you make the same mistakes over and over, you'll stop calling a mistake.

"Before I defeat Tempest at Into the Void and win the Bombshell Internet Championship off of her, I have to take care of Crystal, who for some strange reason has suddenly cozied up to our six-foot giantess. Gee, I wonder why. It certainly not because Crystal suddenly has Tempest's best interest at heart. But we know better, don't we? Crystal is all about playing the long game: maybe she's angling for a rematch for the Bombshell Internet Championship or maybe she's going to hire Tempest as her muscle as she plans to get another opportunity at the Bombshell Championship. Don't get me wrong, anybody with five championship reigns deserves their flowers. But a sixth reign will boost her inflated ego even more than it already is.

"Crystal, ¿crees que puedes detenerme? Me gustaría verte intentarlo. Todavía voy a pasar por la competencia y haré lo que sea necesario para volver a ser campeón. ¡ya verás! ¡Todos verán!"
"Crystal, you think you can stop me? I'd like to see you try. I'm still going to go through the competition and I'll do whatever it takes to be champion again. You'll see. You'll all see!"

"Estar preparado para lo peor, esperar lo mejor."
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."

[Mercedes stares menacing into the camera. She lowers her voice, barely a whisper.]

"Y que la suerte está siempre en su favor."
"And may the odds be ever in your favor."

[The camera pulls back on the lasting image of Mercedes smiling as we fade to black.]

Climax Control Archives / Not going down without a fight
« Last post by JustinSmith on May 17, 2024, 10:58:54 PM »
The scene opens up with Justin Smith taking a walk to find a good restaurant in Troy Turkey.  He stops to talk about his tag team partner Cordelia Clark.

Justin-Cordelia, you may think I’m a sack of shit, but did we not advance in the tournament.  You may not think I’m talented, but at least I show up and give it my all week in and week out.  I may not be as successful as you were in SCU, but SCU was nothing compared to SCW.  I will continue to show up and give my all.  Thanks to you, I finally got a win over “Unbreakable” Eddie Lyons.

Justin waves off the cameraman, asking him to leave so Justin can enter the restaurant as the scene fades to black.

The following day, Justin is seen at his hotel room, getting ready to go to lunch, but turns to the camera to address his opponents, first focusing on the man in the match in Artie.

Justin-Artie, it looks like I have a shot to defeat you this week knowing your lack of experience as a wrestler. I’m going to enjoy destroying you inside that ring.  You are a pathetic human being when you tried to back out of the tournament to have Bobbie in it.  I feel sorry for Kallie Reznik for having to carry your sorry ass.

Justin then turns his attention to Artie’s tag team partner in Kallie Reznik.

Justin-Kallie, as much as I don’t trust Cordelia, I know that she can actually handle herself in the ring. Not only that, at least both Cordelia and I are actual wrestlers.  Artie is going to be exposed as a fraud and I will prove to the world that I’m not a sack of shit as Cordelia thinks I am.

The scene fades to black with Justin cackling as he leaves the hotel room.
Climax Control Archives / Artie Goes Through The Emotions
« Last post by Bobbie Dahl on May 17, 2024, 09:30:35 PM »
Sunday May 12th
Post Climax Control

Climax Control has been over for some time and everyone is packing up and leaving the venue after a successful show. Well, successful to some, because Bobbie and Peter had failed to advance in the Blast From The Past Tournament. But to add insult to injury, it was Bobbie who suffered the loss and ended up losing her Bombshell Roulette Championship to Alexandra Calaway.

Times like these, Artie would normally be supportive and find ways to reassure her that things would be fine. He wouldn’t let her disappointment feed her silence further make her feel worse. But tonight was different. Because lately he was different. He was just as quiet as she was as they finished gathering up their things so they could head back to their hotel for the night before heading off to Turkey for the next show-and Artie’s next match. He seemed almost despondent as he placed the last of his things in his duffel bag and Bobbie just stands behind him, staring at him.

After zipping up his bag and thinking Bobbie was still gathering her things, he turns around. “Ready whenever you….are.” His voice trails off as he looks at his wife, already with her bag over her shoulder. “Oh. You’re ready.”

Bobbie nods. “Yes.” She says, not moving an inch. “I’ve been ready. You on the other hand.” She folds her arms across her chest as she stares at him.

He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. “Me on the other hand, what?” He asks, clearly having no sense of how quiet or emotionally empty he had appeared.

“It took you a long time to finish packing your stuff up.” She responds. She drops her duffel bag and takes a step towards him. “And I would have thought you would offer some words of encouragement or something after I lost out there, but the silence coming from you is deafening. It’s…maddening.”

Artie shrugs, genuinely not knowing what to say. “I don’t know what to tell you, Bobbie.” He says slowly, eliciting a disappointed look from Bobbie. “I’m sorry you lost out there, but I’ve just got other stuff on my mind. We both know you’ll get another shot at some point.”

Bobbie’s jaw drops a little. “Who are you?! And what have you done to my sweet, loving, Artie?!” She throws her hands up in the air, trying to figure out in her mind what has been going on with him lately. After a few more moments of silence, she gets an idea. She grabs her cell phone and starts dialing a number.

“W-what are you doing?” Artie asks, panicking. “Who are you calling?”

“Your MOTHER!” Bobbie bites back.

Before she can hit the send button, Artie quickly reaches forward and snatches her phone out of her hands. Bobbie stands there, frozen in shock, and completely speechless. “No!” Artie shouts, shoving her phone in his own pocket. “Do NOT call my mother. There’s no need to call her.” Artie knew he was probably being a little unfair to Bobbie and too harsh on her, but he couldn’t help himself these last couple of weeks. He was trying so hard to keep his promise to his father, but Bobbie is his wife so it was not right.

“Well…it is still Mother’s Day.” Bobbie replies, trying her best to not yell back. “I am assuming you already called her?” Artie shakes his head and Bobbie looks even more surprised. “You didn’t call her? On Mother’s Day?!”

Artie didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t give away why he couldn’t, and wouldn’t call his mother. He closes his eyes and rubs his temples, feeling a stress headache building. Bobbie steps closer to him, placing her hands on his shoulders and being as gentle as possible. “Alright. This has gone on far too long.” She says and he opens his eyes. “You need to tell me what is going on, because there has to be a good reason to not call your own Mother on Mother’s Day.”

Artie takes in a deep breath and looks his wife in her eyes. He had to tell her. He couldn’t keep this from her any longer. He turns around and makes sure the door is closed and no one is around before he tells her what he had been keeping from her. “Ok, I will tell you. But you have to promise you won’t tell anyone else.”

Bobbie steps back. “Who else would I tell?” When Artie gives her a look that says it all, she just chuckles. “Oh. Right. I won’t tell my parents. I promise.”

Artie sighs. He waits a moment before he finally spills the beans. “My mother is cheating on my Dad.” Bobbie can almost feel the heartache in Artie’s tone as he breaks the news.

Her jaw drops and she shakes her head, in shock. “No.” It is all she can say at first. She had known the Millers her entire life. Next to her own parents, their marriage was the next that she and Artie had looked up to. “There’s no way. She wouldn’t do that to your father. She couldn’t.”

Artie nods sadly, fighting back tears. “That’s what I said when Dad told me, too, but it’s true. It’s why he has been in such a foul mood lately.” Just the thought of his mother ruining her marriage to his father is enough to make him sick to his stomach again. He looks around for the closest chair before sinking down into it and Bobbie pulls up a chair next to him.

“Well…how does he know? She wasn’t acting any different when they visited us. Just your father.” Bobbie had so many questions, but Artie had so few answers.

Artie shakes his head and shrugs. “I…I don’t know. He didn’t give me any specifics.” His voice breaks, and Bobbie places a hand on his knee. “He wouldn’t have told me if he wasn’t absolutely sure. But…my mom doesn’t know that he knows about the affair. That’s why she was acting normal when they visited.” He lowers his head, and the emotions start to hit him like a runaway train.

“Now it all makes sense.” Bobbie replies, her hand still on his knee.

Artie’s sadness quickly starts to fade, and a whole new emotion begins to build. One that he hadn’t expressed very often, if ever, and one Bobbie was not used to seeing in him…rage. He clenches his fists and turns his gaze back to Bobbie. “How? How could she do this, Bobbie?” He says through gritted teeth. Because he couldn’t understand. Bobbie couldn’t, and neither could his father. “They’ve always been so…happy. Or so I thought. And she just…throws it all away.”

Bobbie shakes her head. “I wish I knew, sweetie.”

Artie leans back in his chair and closes his eyes. His knuckles are going white from clenching them so tight. “I’m not used to feeling so angry all of the time. I’d rather be sad, but the longer I think about it, I can’t be sad. I’m just…GRRRAAAHHH!” In that instant, all of the pent up anger finally boils over and he lets out a furious howl. Bobbie jumps up and back, and Artie jumps up from his own chair. He spins around before either of them knows it, he punches the wall.

“Artie!” Bobbie shouts.

But it’s too late. His hand connects with the wall and then he lets out a pained howl, gripping his right hand. “OWWW!” He sinks back into the chair, shaking his head. “Stupid, Artie. STUPID!”

Bobbie kneels down to check on him, and his hand. “Can…can you move it?”

Worried that he may have broken his hand, Bobbie watches as he slowly unclenches and re-clenches his fits, but wincing as he does so. “Great. Just what I need before my match next weekend. Justin Smith will take full advantage of that.”

Bobbie shakes her head. “Well it doesn’t appear to be broken. But we better get ice on it fast.”

A long silence falls between them as they stand up and grab their bags again. Before they walk out, Artie grabs Bobbie with his good hand and just stares at her. “What am I going to do, Bobbie?” He was at a complete loss, and despite how difficult he had been over the last couple of weeks, he hoped she had some sort of answer for him. But he knew it was a long shot.

She shakes her head. “I don’t know, sweetie.” She gently squeezes his hand. “But…we’ll figure it out together.”

He pulls her in close and hugs her as tight as he can, and he knew her last statement was true. They would face this together. He wouldn’t keep secrets from her anymore. He needed her support just as much as she needed his. But it was at that moment that a strange fear hit him. If his own mother was capable of cheating on his father and throwing their love away so easily…

What if Bobbie ever did the same?

Later in the week Artie and Bobbie are in Turkey as he prepares for his and Kallie Reznik’s second round match against Cordelia Clark and Justin Smith. As disappointing as last week had been following Bobbie and Peter getting eliminated and Bobbie losing the Bombshell Roulette Championship, both were slightly relieved that they would not have to worry about their teams facing each other later in the tournament. Artie’s right hand was now bandaged after punching the wall following Climax Control, x-rays had confirmed it was not broken…thankfully.

But he was still walking into Climax Control in Turkey at yet another disadvantage…with a visible injury. As if the size difference again was not enough, he had to give Justin Smith something else to work with and put himself at risk of truly breaking his hand and being the one to cost his team the match.

The two are just finishing up in the fitness room of their hotel, at least getting some cardio in to prepare for his match on Sunday. They grab their towels and water bottles and are heading for the door. “How is your hand feeling?” Bobbie asks him as she opens the door.

He looks down at his bandaged hand and just shrugs. “It’s still sore, but…better than it was earlier this week.” They walk out of the fitness center and slowly make their way down the hall towards the elevators.

“Good. Try to be careful and avoid throwing any punches against Justin on Sunday.” Bobbie says with a laugh.

Artie stops in his tracks and stares at her. “Why? Just because of my hand?”

Bobbie stops when she notices Artie had stopped before her. “Well, yeah. That and the fact he’s just a lot bigger than you. We all saw Konrad holding you back in your last match.” She chuckles, once again amused at what had happened. Artie, however, does not look as amused.

“What is that supposed to mean?” He asks, growing angry again. “Do you think I’m going to embarrass myself out there?”

Bobbie sighs and shakes her head. “What? Of course not. Are you really going to get upset again?”

Artie shrugs. “You tell me. Should I be upset? Are you being supportive of my involvement in the tournament because you believe in me and want me to win? Or are you just trying to protect me?” His question is serious and he waits for an honest answer and not just one that Bobbie thinks he wants to hear.

Bobbie is left temporarily speechless, surprised that he would suddenly say something like this after they had just gotten back to normal-ish when he told her of his mother’s affair. She stumbles as she works to respond. “Of course I support you in this tournament, Artie.”

“You support me, but you don’t think I can actually win with Kallie? Is that it?” That had to be it. It was obvious, and the reality of it hurt Artie deeply. Perhaps more than Bobbie could realize.

“It’s not that I don’t think you can win. It’s just that you’ve only been working at this for like two months.” She reaches for his hand but he pulls away. “I’d love nothing more than to see you win, but it’s just…it’s not easy.”

Artie sighs and shakes his head as he backs away. “It wasn’t easy for you either when you first started, but I supported you and believed in you through all of it. Thanks for the vote of confidence, though. Makes me feel so much better.”

Artie then walks away without another word, showing just how disappointed and hurt he truly was. Bobbie stood there for a moment, jaw dropped and at a loss for words. This was all just part of the emotions he was experiencing after hearing of his mother’s betrayal. And only time would tell how long this rollercoaster would go on for.

When I first learned that there was no way to get me out of this tournament, I was really nervous. I didn’t know what to do, because I’m not a fighter. I never have been, and it’s always been a bit difficult for me to build any sort of muscle or anything. I’ve just been the awkward geeky guy and been fine with it. At least until now.

Training has been hard work. I’m not gonna lie. But, in a weird way, it’s also fun. Exhilarating almost and a darn good way to get rid of a lot of tension that builds up, ya know. You never really realize until you do something how therapeutic it could be. And sure, maybe I’m not as good as everyone else, or not as experienced…yet. But I could be!

I don’t expect a lot of people to believe in me. I’m probably in the same shoes that Bobbie was when she first stepped into the wrestling business. Seen as a joke or incapable of being a part of this business. Only here as filler or what some people would call the “pee break” matches. But I also don’t need everyone to believe in me. There are only a handful of people who I do, but the most important is that I believe in myself.

So…why not prove everyone wrong? Why not step into that ring every week, or whenever I am booked I should say, and show them that I CAN be a fighter. That I can beat all the odds and come out on top. I can be the reliable partner that Kallie needs me to be. Experience comes with time so the more I keep at it, the better I will get! I’ve never really done anything noteworthy or that gets everyone talking, but this is it. This is MY time to shine and you know what?

I want that World Heavyweight Championship.

I know Justin Smith will hear that and sit back and laugh his head off. And that’s fine. Let him. He may be bigger than me. He may be stronger than me. But I have heart and soul and that’s all I need to make it through this! Besides, from what I’ve seen of him, aside from his size, there’s not much to be intimidated by anyway. He’s just your typical brainless ogre thinking he’s big and bad when he’s not! See? I can throw out insults too! That makes me awesome and totally capable of doing this!

Justin seems like the kind of guy who just says a few dumb sentences…the same ones…over and over again and thinks that he will back it up in the ring. So far…that hasn’t really worked. I mean, the only reason they are even in the 2nd round is because his tag team partner is better than him and got the job done. Although I guess some people would say the same about me, but I intend to change that.

You are, I already know what Justin is going to say about me. Just look at his past promos and it’s all a broken record just against different people! Even I know you gotta do more than that if you want to be taken seriously in this business. I’m learning more and more every day and I sure will do everything in my power to make sure a guy like Justin Smith doesn’t advance in this tournament. That’s a promise!

As for Cordelia Clark? I guess she was a big name back when SCU was a thing, but I think Kallie can handle her. She did pretty awesome in our first round match so I’m pretty excited to see us move forward in this tournament. And I’m super excited to be the one to help Kallie get a much deserved shot at the World Bombshell Championship!

We might be underdogs, but I’m glad we are because when we win it all and get our World Championship shots…we make a bigger impact! We make names for ourselves and cement them in SCW history forever. And I think that sounds pretty awesome! Underdogs for the win!!

Bet on it now, people. Artie Miller and Kallie Reznik your 2024 Blast From The Past Winners and future World Champions!

If you don’t, you just might regret it!
~*~Mother’s Day Spa Day~*~
Waterford, Ireland

Malachi pushed open the door to the cozy guest bedroom in his mother's home in Waterford, Ireland. As he stepped inside, a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips at the heartwarming scene that greeted him.

There, on the large queen-sized bed, lay Bella and Máire, both adorned in matching fluffy bathrobes and spa headbands, looking as though they were in the midst of a luxurious spa day. Máire giggled gleefully as Bella tickled her chubby little feet, the sound filling the room with warmth and joy.

"Hey there, my loves," Malachi greeted them, his voice filled with affection as he approached the bed. "What's going on here?"

Bella looked up from where she was lying next to Máire, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Just enjoying a little mother-daughter bonding time," she replied, her voice soft and filled with warmth. "I figured since it's Mother's Day back home and Máire's officially nine months old today, we deserved a little treat."

Malachi chuckled softly, his heart swelling with love for his girls. "Well, don't you two look absolutely adorable," he said, his gaze sweeping over them affectionately. "And here I was thinking about just serving you a little breakfast in bed, but it seems like you have a headstart on me. Is there a space for me to join in on my girls spa day?"

Bella grinned mischievously, patting the spot on the bed next to her. "Right here, babe," she replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "But you'll have to wait your turn. Máire and I were here first. That and we ran out of the face mask stuff but I’m sure we could fit in a nice little mani/pedi sesh before the day is through."

Malachi feigned a pout, but it quickly melted away as he climbed onto the bed, settling himself with Bella and Máire on the other side of his young daughter, with a contented sigh. Together, they watched the movie playing on the small television perched on the dresser across from the bed, basking in the simple joy of being together as a family. They even got Mal in on the spa treatments with the golden patches under his eyes.

Máire would pull herself up to poke at her daddy’s face every now and again which would give Mal all more reasons to wrap her up in his arms and blow raspberries on her little cheeks that would send everyone into a fit of giggles.

“Oh if I had a camera...” they heard from the doorway as they all turned their heads to see Malachi’s mother Aileen standing there with a smile on her face. “Oh wait, I do!” as she brings out her phone really quick and snaps a fun picture of her youngest son’s family. Máire has learned to give a big toothy smile for the few teeth that she has cut

Aileen! Join us!!!” Bella smiled and patted a spot next to her, “We were just enjoying a movie.

“I would love to, my dear, but I do need to borrow my son and granddaughter for just a brief moment. I’d hate to break this up but you should get changed as well.” Aileen said with a smile, “Don’t rush but dress comfortably.”

Are you sure you don’t need my help? This is technically your day too!

“Nonsense dear, we got it.” Mal gets up from the bed and hands her Máire who gives her grandma a big hug, “Good mornin’ to you too my sweet angel. Let’s get you ready!”

Bella watched them leave the room, her heart swelling with happiness. She took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the family she had, and started to get ready for whatever the day had in store.

As Bella changed into comfortable clothes, her mind wandered back to the last few months. The loss to Bobbie Dahl had been tough, but she had taken the time to regroup and refocus. The trip overseas for the SCW Battleground Tour had been a much-needed escape, allowing her to clear her mind and find her footing again. Appearing in front of the French crowd on the May 5th edition of Climax Control had felt like a homecoming of sorts. France had always held a special place in her heart, and performing there was a present she had given herself. Especially on what was her 26th birthday. And now that Bobbie was no longer holding on to that Roulette Championship, things have definitely taken an interesting turn.

But for now, as she prepared to step back into the ring, Bella felt a renewed sense of purpose. The time with her family had reminded her of what she was fighting for. Máire’s laughter, Malachi’s unwavering support, and the warmth of Aileen’s home had filled her with a quiet strength. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Bella emerged from the bedroom, feeling rejuvenated. She found Malachi and Aileen in the kitchen, preparing breakfast with Máire sitting in her high chair, babbling happily.

Ready for the day, love?” Malachi asked, looking up from the stove with a smile.

Bella nodded, her eyes shining with determination. “More than ready,” she replied, her voice filled with conviction. “Let’s make the most of it.

As they sat down to enjoy their breakfast together, Bella felt a sense of calm settle over her. She knew that whatever happened in the ring, she had the love and support of her family. And with that, she was ready to take on the world.

~*~Dreams of Troy~*~

Bella found herself standing on the cobblestone streets of ancient Troy, surrounded by towering walls and majestic buildings that seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky. The air was thick with the scent of history and the echoes of battles long past.

As she walked through the ancient city, Bella couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her heart. She glanced around nervously, her footsteps echoing in the empty streets.

Suddenly, she heard a voice behind her, low and ominous. "Who dares to tread upon the hallowed ground of Troy?"

Bella turned to see a shadowy figure emerging from the shadows, clad in armor that gleamed with an otherworldly light. It was Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, her eyes piercing and unyielding. Bella immediately kneeled in front of her, not daring to look at one so strong. She was a Goddess afterall

"I...I am Bella Madison," Bella stammered, her voice trembling slightly. "I-I mean no disrespect. I only seek find my place among the greats."

Athena regarded her with a stern gaze, her expression unreadable. "And what makes you think you belong here?" she asked, her voice like thunder rolling across the sky.

Bella swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Athena's scrutiny bearing down on her. "I...I don't know," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've come so close, but...but I always seem to fall short. Maybe I'm not worthy."

Athena's eyes softened slightly, and she reached out a hand to touch Bella's shoulder. The figure, swooped her hand under Bella’s chin and lifted her head gently. Bella’s eyes teared up when she saw almost a reflection of herself in the Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and strategy "Worthy is not a title bestowed upon you by others," she said gently. "It is earned through courage, determination, and resilience in the face of adversity. Do not doubt yourself, Bella Madison. Your journey is far from over, and your place among the greats is yet to be determined."

With that, Athena vanished into the shadows, leaving Bella alone in the ancient city. The weight of her words lingered in the air, filling Bella with a sense of clarity and purpose. She may have stumbled and fallen along the way, but she refused to let doubt and uncertainty hold her back any longer.

For Bella Madison, the journey to greatness had only just begun. Bella pressed on through the ancient streets, her heart filled with determination and her eyes set firmly on the horizon. The echoes of Troy whispered in the air, carrying her forward on her quest to fulfill her destiny and stand among the legends of the past.

And as she walked, the shadows of doubt and fear fell away, replaced by the radiant light of hope and possibility. For Bella Madison, the dream of Troy was not just a vision of the past—it was a glimpse of the future, where she would carve her own legacy and leave her mark on the world.

With that, leaving Bella standing alone in the empty arena, her heart filled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. She knew that the road ahead would be long and challenging, but she was ready to face whatever obstacles stood in her way.

For Bella Madison, the dream of Troy had shown her that greatness was not a destination, but a journey—one that she was more than ready to embark upon.

And a dream that told her what she needed to know.

She was on the right path.

~*~Rules of Engagement: Preparation is Key~*~
Hotel in Troy

A quiet evening settled over the Madison room, a place that they temporarily made their home, the soft glow of lamps casting warm shadows across the cozy living room. Bella sat on the couch, her thoughts swirling with anticipation and uncertainty as she flipped through the pages of the Rules of Engagement, her own guiding principles for competition. Beside her, Malachi reclined in an armchair, his eyes fixed on Bella with a mixture of concern and support.

"Bella," Malachi began, breaking the comfortable silence that enveloped them, "What's on your mind, mo grá?"

Bella glanced up from the rulebook, her expression troubled. "I'm just... I'm not sure if I belong among the greats," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I've been so close to that moment so many times, only to fall short. Sometimes, I feel like I'm just disappointing everyone."

Malachi reached out, taking her hand in his and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, listen to me," he said softly, his gaze unwavering. "You are not disappointing anyone. Not me, not Máire, not your mum, not your fans, and certainly not yourself. You've faced challenges that would have broken lesser competitors, but you've always risen stronger. You've proven time and time again that you belong in that ring, that you deserve to stand among the greats."

Bella's eyes met Malachi's, a flicker of determination sparking within them. "But what if I'm not good enough?" she whispered, the fear lingering in her voice.

Malachi's grip tightened, his voice firm and unwavering. "You are more than good enough, Bella," he said, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "You are fierce, you are resilient, and you are unstoppable. You have the heart of a champion, and nothing—not doubt, not fear, not even past defeats—can take that away from you. That’s just the tip of the iceberg as to why I love you."

Bella's resolve strengthened, fueled by Malachi's never ending belief in her. "You're right," she said, her voice steady and sure. "I am ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. And with you by my side, I know I can overcome anything."

Malachi smiled, a proud glimmer in his eyes. "That's my girl," he said, his voice filled with pride. "Now, let's go over those Rules of Engagement one more time. You've got this, Bella. I believe in you."

With Malachi's support bolstering her spirits, Bella turned her attention back to the rulebook, a newfound sense of determination burning within her. As she absorbed the words on the page, she knew that she was ready to step into the ring and face whatever challenges awaited her. With Malachi by her side, she felt invincible, ready to conquer whatever lay ahead on her journey to greatness.

~*~Return to the Ring~*~
Troy, Turkey

The ancient city of Troy, steeped in history and legend, provided a majestic backdrop for Bella Madison’s return. As she stood alone in the empty SCW arena, the sense of history and grandeur of Troy filled the air. The soft glow of the arena lights illuminated the ancient ruins projected on the screen, casting a mystical aura around her.

Draped in flowing, gold-trimmed robes reminiscent of a Trojan warrior, Bella looked every bit the part of a modern-day warrior queen. Her hair was braided with intricate golden threads, and her blue eyes burned with a fierce determination.

Stepping up to the microphone that sits on her stage, she took a deep breath, her voice resonating with the quiet strength of the ancient city. “Today, I stand in the legendary city of Troy,” she began, her voice firm and unwavering. “A city known for its mighty warriors, its unyielding spirit, and its legendary women. Women who fought with courage, who faced impossible odds, and who left a legacy that has endured through the ages.

She paused, letting the weight of her words settle in the stillness of the empty arena. “Like those women, I am here to fight. I am here to defy the odds. I am here to leave a legacy.

Her voice grew stronger, filled with conviction. “I’ve faced setbacks. I’ve faced doubts. But every time I’ve fallen, I’ve risen stronger. And now, with the spirit of Troy behind me, I am more determined than ever to fulfill my promise. A promise that I made in France, a promise that by the end of this year that I was going to be a singles champion.

She took a step forward, the soft rustle of her robes the only sound in the quiet arena. “I will not be deterred. I will not be denied. I will fight with every ounce of strength in my body, and I will claim SCW singles gold. But I need everyone to understand something. This isn’t just about a title. It’s about proving to myself, to my family, and to everyone who believes in me that no matter how many times life knocks us down, we have the power to rise, to fight, and to conquer.

Lifting her chin, her eyes blazed with determination. “So watch closely, SCW. Watch as I take my place among the warriors of Troy. Because this is just the beginning. Bella Madison is back, and I am unstoppable.

Climax Control, this Sunday,” Bella began, her voice steady and confident. “My first match back, and I couldn’t ask for a better opponent than Ariana Angelos. Ari, you and I have crossed paths before, but this time, things are different. This time, I’m coming back with a fire that’s been reignited by every challenge I’ve faced. You aren’t the only one that finds herself starting back at the very beginning bit sweetie, I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry.

She smirked slightly, the corners of her mouth turning up with a hint of pride. “You see, I’ve gained a few nicknames along the way: ‘Bell of the Brawl’ and ‘Hardcore Pixie.’ Names that I carry with pride because they represent the fearlessness and tenacity I bring to every match. And while this isn’t a hardcore match, make no mistake, Ari—I’m bringing that same intensity and drive. I’m also hell bent on making every single match from here on out a statement.

Bella’s eyes narrowed with determination. “I’ve made a promise to myself and to everyone who believes in me that I will not be deterred. Not now, not ever again. This match is the first step on my path to SCW singles gold, and it starts with you, Ari. I respect you as a competitor, but I need you to understand that I am more focused and more driven than ever before.

She took a deep breath, her gaze unwavering. “I’ve learned from every setback, every loss. I’m not going to dwell on it but I am going to make it my teacher. Every single vet in this business knows exactly what I am talking about. All these matches...they’ve made me stronger, tougher, and more relentless. I’m ready to show the world what the ‘Hardcore Pixie’ is capable of. I’m ready to prove that the ‘Bell of the Brawl’ is here to stay. And she is thirsty for something far more than just a few small wins.

Bella’s voice softened, but her resolve remained unshakable. “Ari, bring your best...I know you will, because you know damn well I’m bringing mine. And when the dust settles, everyone will know that Bella Madison is back and ready to conquer. I’ll see you in the ring.

Bella turned and walked away, her robes flowing behind her like a warrior’s cape. The determination in her stride and the fire in her eyes left no doubt—she was ready to make her mark and begin her journey toward SCW singles gold, starting with Ariana Angelos at Climax Control.

With that, the silence around her filled with the echoes of her powerful declaration. She stood tall and proud, feeling the weight of history and the strength of the legendary women who had come before her. This was her moment, and she was ready to seize it with the spirit and resilience of a true Trojan warrior.
Climax Control Archives / “Back to the Square One Part I: The Reset!”
« Last post by Ariana Angelos on May 17, 2024, 08:22:55 PM »
Ariana’s latest attempt to defeat Kayla Richards didn’t go well as Kayla was still the World Bombshell Champion and was most likely going to defend her title at Into the Void next, however Ariana, after waiting several weeks for another match, would get a chance to bounce back as she took on Second Generation Wrestler and Kayla’s Wolfslair teammate Bella Madison! Bella and Ariana last met in the Bombshell Blood Bath Brawl at My Bloody Valentine, a match that Bella won and earned the right to challenge Bobbie Dahl (unsuccessfully) for the Bombshell Roulette Title, can Ariana get that win back in this week’s opener?

Ariana’s hotel room, Hissarlik, Turkey
Tuesday the 14th of May 2024, 14:00pm

Hopefully that’ll be my last match against Kayla for a long time, I can only take her bullshit for so damn long!

But since my third attempt at winning the top title in the company’s Bombshell Division didn’t go as planned I’ve been wondering one thing, what exactly was next for me, the bookings were bound to dry up since the company was running the annual Blast from the Past Tournament this cycle but waiting two weeks for your next match doesn’t help either! Well, those two weeks are up and they’ve booked me again.

Coincidentally I’m booked against another Bombshell who hasn’t seen that much action thanks to the tournament, her name? Bella Madison.

I’m sure you remember my last match with Bella, me, her, Crystal, and Mercedes in the Bombshell Blood Bath Brawl! We didn’t know it at the time but we were fighting for a shot at the Bombshell Roulette Championship, at the time (because she has literally just lost the title to Alexandra Callaway in the tournament) held by Bobbie Dahl, at Blaze of Glory, I don’t think I need to remind you of how that match ended considering she challenged for the title and I faced Georgie and Seleana in a Triple Threat Match that I’m pretty sure was Georgie’s last match in the company considering she hasn’t been seen since she was arrested, but this time around? The only thing that’s at stake is bragging rights.

Well, for me it’s also to get Kayla to shut up about something as meaningless as my win/loss record considering the bosses don’t care about it (seriously, how many title opportunities will Mercedes get before she retires?) but that goes without saying.

”God, can this cycle be over already?!” I grunted as I plopped down on my bed and Francisco glanced over at me. ”Can’t remember the last time I was this bored during a cycle!”

”You did miss the sign up date for the tournament to be fair.” Francisco pointed out that fact and I nodded in response to that statement. ”And you were in the main event of the first Climax Control of the cycle back in England!”

”Yeah, and hopefully the bosses get the hint and stop booking me against Kayla, at least for a while.” I responded as I shook my head and Francisco nodded. ”At least the match with Bella is fresh! Since the first time we faced off was in the Blood Bath Brawl and she was the first entrant while I was the last, if they run that match again immediately after this one? I’ll scream!”

”Yes, well, at least now you can look ahead to Into the Void.” Francisco added with a nod before I sat up in my bad. ”And we should at least do something in Turkey whilst we’re here.”

”And we will! But I’ve been so focussed on Kayla’s various bullshit comments about me that I haven’t been able to focus on anything else! I’m actually rooting for Julianna to get her title back so that she can render Kayla’s damn reign as a fluke!” I responded as I shook my head and Francisco said nothing. ”Until then? My focus will be Bella and whatever the bosses have in story for me at Into the Void.”

”Whatever it is, I know you’ll do well Ari.” Francisco responded with a reassuring nod as he turned to me. ”It won’t be as big as the World Bombshell Title Match against Roxi at last year’s show but it’ll still be something.”

”Not sure if anything will ever top that but we’ll see.” I responded with a nod before I stretched my arms with a yawn. ”Especially when you look at the matches that have already been confirmed outside of the World Bombshell Title Match.”

”True, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.” Francisco responded with a reassuring nod before the topic shifted elsewhere.

The Disaster Diaries, Hissarlik, Turkey
Tuesday the 14th of May 2024, 21:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

As I started my first vlog since my match against Kayla I had one thing on my mind.

”I swear to god if I’m booked against Kayla again before Summer XXXTreme I’ll scream! And if that bitch wants to bring something as meaningless as my win/loss record into it when it’s clear that the bosses don’t care maybe she should make the Bombshell Division a happier place by leaving to start her own promotion!” I commented as I shook my head. ”Yes, I’m doubling down on my comments about that walking toxic wasteland being bad for the division overall because it’s the damn truth! And speaking of Wolfslair, my next match is against someone who has trained there, though I generally get along with her a lot more than I do Kayla.

Hey there Bella, at least this time we will be fighting at a 100%, right?”

I commented as I ran a hand through my hair.

”First time we faced off was in that Blood Bath Brawl at My Bloody Valentine, you won that encounter off course and here we are again three months later! Only there’s no over the hill wrestlers in site, it’s just a regular match and we’re opening the show on top of all of that.” I added as I grinned. ”Not only am I relieved to not be wrestling Kayla for the fifty millionth time but I’m glad to be facing someone new on top of all of that, well, relatively new considering that we’ve never wrestled in a straight up one on one match but the same principle applies.

But more importantly? I’m out to get back on the winning track, and doing so over someone who trains at Wolfslair will be twice as sweet!”

(end vlog)

Local café, Hissarlik, Turkey
Wednesday the 15th of May 2024, 12:00pm

It was the next day and me and Franscico were out at a local café trying to enjoy some Turkish cuisine.

”Harper wasn’t kidding when she said that the local food was amazing.” I commented after we finished our meal and Francisco nodded in agreement. ”Sucks that Carter has to keep checking in with mom and grams because of how Turkey treats people with his lifestyle.” I added while trying to make it no obvious what I was talking about, can never be too careful and whatnot.

”Carter knew the risks when he joined, and besides considering Christian is gay himself? I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s had that at the back of his mind.” Francisco commented with a shrug while glancing about just to be sure. ”Besides, Carter and Miles are trained fighters, if they do encounter problems they’ll be fine.”

”So am I for that matter but considering I’m straight? I doubt I’ll have to worry about that unless I’m defending him.” I responded with a shrug before taking a sip of my drink. ”One one hand? This cycle’s been a lot quieter compared to last year’s Into the Void cycle, and not just because only one title has changed hands so far, nut on the other hand? Not having a lot to do all cycle sucks. The most excitement I’ve had was the title match and you already know my feelings about my never ending series of matches with Kayla!” I added as I shook my head. ”I swear if I get booked against her again before the year’s over I’m just going to title the promo “The Never Ending Story.”

”And if you don’t use the song from the original movie than what the hell are we even doing.” Francisco responded and while I laughed, he did have a point. ”And figure out how to fit the lyrics into the vlog.”

”I’d have to listen to the song first, I’ve still yet to watch Never Ending Story.” I admitted as I shook my head. ”I’m 23 for god’s sake, there’s still movies from my generation I need to watch! Though I am familiar with that one scene in the swamp with the horse.”

”All I’m saying is that most people are familiar with and are haunted by that scene,” Francisco pointed out and I nodded in agreement. ”Suppose we can be glad that the next match won’t have us invoking that song.”

”Here, here!” I responded with a grin and before long we were back on the road checking out the local area.

The Disaster Diaries, Hissarlik, Turkey
Wednesday the 15th of May 2024, 18:00pm

(on camera, promo time)

Here we go.

”It’s not as fun to trash talk about someone you respect, right Bella? At least against someone like Kayla I can unleash my inner Greek fire with impunity but here? Not so much!” I commented as I shook my head. ”That’s not to say that I won’t give this match everything I’ve got because as far as in ring competition goes I treat everyone with the same brush, some strokes just tend to be more hatred filled than others!”

Putting it mildly.

”Or to put it a different way, different strokes for different folks!” I added with an amused smile as I walked down the street. ”And when I beat you on Sunday Bella, it won’t be anything personal, I just want to get back in the winning column after a certain toxic bitch got lucky for the second title match in a row! But enough about her, let’s focus on you.”

It's that simple.

”Bella you’ve been the little engine that could of the Bombshell Division for years yet you’ve always fallen short when it counted most, title matches, the match against Bobbie that you earned in our last encounter was just another example.” I commented as I shook my head. ”Maybe someday you’ll turn that around but not at my expense, my focus is still as clear as ever, and right now? It’s all on beating you in this week’s opener Bella.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”At the end of the night Bella, our match will be considered a dark horse candidate for match of the night, especially when you look at the other matches on the card and what’s at stake in a few of them.” I added as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”But more importantly Bella? I’m getting back on the winning track against you and from there? We’ll see what happens at “Back to the Square One Part I: The Reset!” when I make you bask in the glory of the golden angel’s light!”

I walked off as the scene fades.
Climax Control Archives / Finding Our Weaknesses
« Last post by Peter Vaughn on May 17, 2024, 07:12:31 PM »
~The picture comes together from above, as we see a long string of collapsing monuments, the only proof that life once thrived in this location. It's the former city known as Troy, including the mound of Hisarlik and the fields around it. It is both a beautiful location and a solemn one, since much death had occurred in and around this site. The drone loses altitude, heading in towards the main hill, where a single man can be seen, standing and taking in the scenery. Peter Vaughn seems to be deep in thought, considering his facial expression doesn't change as the drone gets closer. That doesn't mean, however, he hasn't noticed it.~

Peter Vaughn: So I take it you're close by somewhere, boyo? You want to join me over here, or are you going to continue filming anonymously?

~After a few seconds go by, we see a man step out from behind one of the crumbling walls, carrying his own portable camera. The drone, controlled by him, zooms over his direction. For a moment, the cameraman seems unsure on how to juggle things, but he is able to set down one camera and catch the drone softly in his hands. He puts it away, then picks up the camera again, leading to a few jerky frames of content before everything settles down. He then approaches Vaughn, who is still standing in the same spot.~

Cameraman: How did you know it was me?

Peter Vaughn: You mean, other than the drone getting right in my face?

Cameraman: That could have been anyone, though. A member of the Turkish press, or maybe a fan...

Peter Vaughn: Let's just say I recognized your flying style.

Cameraman: Ahhh, yes, it's very distinctive. You know, I took training to be able to fly the top drones in the world...

Peter Vaughn: Uh-huh...

~The cameraman quiets down, realizing that Vaughn probably doesn't believe him. But hey, you need top-notch training to work at Sin City, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility that he's well-trained. It's just a little hard to believe. Either way, the cameraman moves to the side, making sure not to get too close to the downward plunge of the hill as he films Vaughn.~

Cameraman: So I wanted to see how you were feeling, Mr. Vaughn. I know it was a tough loss on Sunday.

~Vaughn doesn't speak right away, instead bringing his hand up to where he's still got a bandage, courtesy of the assault pre-match from Alexander Raven.~

Peter Vaughn: Yep. I guess you could say things didn't go the way I was hoping for. Once again, I couldn't do everything for my team, and once again... my partner couldn't avoid getting pinned. It's a rather depressing statistic, really. Still, we move on. I kept my championship, which Alexis couldn't take from me. I guarantee I'll be seeing him again... and soon. I always like to make sure and... fulfill expectations, after all.

~With that, Vaughn shakes his head, looking back over the archeological remains of the city of Troy.~

Peter Vaughn: You know, the wars fought here were legendary. Stories are still told to this day about the city of Troy and the Trojan War. Kids probably think it has something to do with condoms, but they'll be educated soon enough to the Iliad and the Odyssey. At least, I hope they do. There are some good lessons to be learned in a place like this, where it was believed that they could never lose... until they lost.

Cameraman: I can't say I know much about it.

Peter Vaughn: Oh, believe me, you know more than you think. I trust you at least have heard of the story of the Trojan Horse?

Cameraman: I've heard of those. I try very hard to keep all of my computer equipment protected from them, as well as other viruses. You know, the SCW IT department gets very upset when you allow them onto your laptops... er, so I've heard..

~Vaughn lowers his head for a moment, as if mustering his strength at what he has to deal with. He then looks over at the younger man nearby.~

Peter Vaughn: I'm talking about the original Trojan Horse, friend. The one that was left outside of the gates of Troy when the Greek army seemed to abandon the war. The Trojans, in celebration, brought the wooden horse inside of their gates. Unfortunately for them, the 'horse' was filled with the best Greek warriors, and they snuck out of the horse at night, opening the gates and letting in the rest of their army. It was a slaughter.

Cameraman: That seems... ridiculous. How big was this horse, exactly?

Peter Vaughn: It was built to look like a sacrifice for the Gods.

Cameraman: Still... how many men could be inside of it? And why wouldn't the Trojans check it?

Peter Vaughn: Because people have weaknesses, boyo. For Achilles, it was his heel. For Hector, it was trust. And for the Trojans, it was arrogance.

Cameraman: I'll say...

Peter Vaughn: We all have weaknesses, friend. Even me. You know what mine is?

~You can hear the cameraman start to say something, but he apparently opts for the smarter course and bites his tongue. He knows Vaughn pretty well after all this time, after all. Vaughn doesn't seem to notice, as he continues forward.~

Peter Vaughn: My weakness appears to be partnership.

Cameraman: Partnership?

Peter Vaughn: You know what my record in Sin City is at this point, after more than a year of competing here? Twenty-one wins, eight losses. That might be one of my highest loss totals in all of the feds I've been in, actually. And you know where half of those losses come from? Tag-team matches where my partner fell short.

~Vaughn shakes his head, as if seeing the losses flash before his eyes.~

Peter Vaughn: I watched Selena Zdunich get taken down by Courtney Pierce in my first Blast From The Past Tournament. I was too tired after defending the Roulette Title earlier in the night at Summer Xxxtreme to be able to push Kim Page to the Mixed Tag Titles in that Fatal Fourway. Goth & I went against Michael Harris & J2H in a random "throw the opponents together" match, and Goth ended up going down. That one in particular still bothers me. And now, Bobbie lost her belt because she couldn't stop Calaway, and I have yet another loss on my record. Tag-team matches, man. They are my bane. My curse. My kryptonite.

~Vaughn sighs, rubbing at the back of his head. He then glances back at the cameraman, who is keeping a polite (and safe) distance.~

Peter Vaughn: I guess I can't blame Milo for campaigning for this match.

Cameraman: Wh-what? You think Miles Kasey wanted this tag-team contest to be set up?

Peter Vaughn: I'd say it's fairly obvious, for anyone who can see the truth. I have beaten Milo three times now. Twice in the singles ranks, and once in a Triple Threat Ultimate X match, but really, The Troll eliminated himself, what, five seconds in? So really, that should count as a singles contest as well. So I have his number there. But Milo surely sees that my inability to save my partner is my biggest weakness. So therefore, right after I lose yet another tag match, he just HAPPENS to get paired up with his love to face Goth and I? Not to mention, Goth is still recovering from a brutal beating he took from some moronic Entity, and I've got my own wounds still healing. Truthfully.... it's a smart move from Milo. I didn't think he had it in him.

~With that, Vaughn steps away from the hill, walking back over to where one of the decaying walls are still standing. He looks it over, reaching out as if to tap it, but decides against it, knowing it's extremely fragile.~

Peter Vaughn: Maybe Miles is starting to learn how to play the game. It's about time.

Cameraman: I think you're jumping to a bit of a conclusion, Mr. Vaughn. Personally, I think they just booked this match to have a good contest, and seeing the Saviors back in action is worth it, isn't it?

Peter Vaughn: Oh, don't get me wrong. I fully respect Goth and all he's done in the business. The man has been a legend, and I know he's going to give his all as my tag-team partner. Milo & HBC are still in for a hell of a fight, and I still expect our team to come out victorious. But I have to grant Milo his due: he's becoming more devious, which certainly makes him more of a respectable threat.

~The cameraman doesn't know what to say, even as Vaughn looks at the wall in front of him, as if looking for where the perfect punch should go to break straight through it.~

Peter Vaughn: Everyone has a weakness, my friend. Everyone. For Milo, well, I've talked about his weaknesses before. But I must admit, I missed one... because I never talked about how he'd do anything for HBC. Anything to save him.

~With that, Vaughn looks back at the cameraman with a smirk.~

Peter Vaughn: And just like me, that's a weakness Milo can't do anything about.

~Vaughn then walks to the side, kicking a piece of debris out of his way. It hits the edge of the wall, which crumbles and tilts... but still stays up. The cameraman seems to breathe a sigh of relief, before turning and hurrying after Vaughn, wanting to get as far from that place as possible before it falls. We cut away.~

~We now find ourselves in a very different location, even though we have not travelled too far. The city of Canakkale, Turkey, sits along the Dardanelles, a stunning port city with a lot of history behind it. It's the closest place for those preparing to fight at the ruins of Troy to find lodging. This is where we find Peter Vaughn now, dressed comfortably in one of his usual coveralls, while he walks down a city street with his fiancé,  Sadie Anderson. The two make a left turn, heading down to near the water, where we can see a large statue up ahead. It appears to be a man holding what looks like an artillery shell in his arms. The two take in the statue, walking around it.~

Peter Vaughn: Well, there's something you don't see every day.

Sadie Anderson: It says here in my guide that it's a monument for Seyit Ali Cabuk, or Corporal Seyik. Apparently he single-handedly defended the fort here by carrying heavy artillery shells on his own to load the guns, and managed to sink a British ship with them.

Peter Vaughn: My kind of guy... stubborn and tough.

Sadie Anderson: You ever think there will be a statue of you put up one day?

~Vaughn breaks into a genuine laugh, something that you really only hear when he's with Sadie. He has to compose himself after that one.~

Peter Vaughn: Something tells me that as good as I've been, I'll never be statue-worthy. But that's fine. I'll let my record speak for itself.

Sadie Anderson: Well, you never know. Maybe I'll have one commissioned. Would you be wanting to have it where you're holding a wrestler in a headlock?

Peter Vaughn: As long as it's Alexander Raven, sure.

~The two turn, looking out over the waterway, which is busy with commerce coming back and forth across.~

Sadie Anderson: This is a very beautiful place. Thank you for bringing me here.

Peter Vaughn: Thank Sin City. They're paying for the bill for this, which is always nice.

Sadie Anderson: I wonder... would this be a good place to get married, do you think?

~Sadie's eyes show that she's been thinking about this for a while. Vaughn, meanwhile, seems surprised.~

Peter Vaughn: Married here? Under this guy? I mean, don't get me wrong, his story is very impressive... but that would make for some strange wedding photos...

~Sadie smacks Vaughn on the arm playfully, although there's a little hurt hiding behind her eyes.~

Sadie Anderson: That's not what I meant, and you know it, Peter. It's just that... we've been engaged for a while now. But we've never discussed where we want to get married. With your funds and travel experience, we really could choose anywhere across the world... and I'd like for us to start making that choice, Peter.

~Vaughn quietly puts an arm around Sadie's shoulder, still looking out towards the water.~

Peter Vaughn: I know, Sadie. I owe it to you to start getting more details together about our big day. We keep talking about it, and then something else seems to come up, doesn't it? But I haven't forgotten. I still want to marry you, Sadie. You're the only one for me. Literally, no one else can stand me, so...

~Sadie breaks into a laugh, smacking Vaughn again, this time in the chest.~

Sadie Anderson: You know there are plenty of women who would love to swoop in and take you, Peter.

Peter Vaughn: Well, I've never seen them, personally. I can't say I've ever been thought of as a ladies' man. For the longest time, I wasn't even sure about it myself.

Sadie Anderson: Well, you're with me now. So how about it? Want to get married in Rome? London? Paris?

Peter Vaughn: I'd have no problems with marrying you on a deserted island. The ceremony isn't what will bring me there, just you.

Sadie Anderson: I know you've said before that you want me to take the reins and run with planning the wedding... but I really want to do it with your help, Peter.

~Vaughn nods, stepping closer to Sadie... as his watch goes off, sounding an alarm. He looks down, checking the time and turning off the sound, as Sadie looks on, a little bemused.~

Sadie Anderson: Saved by the bell again?

Peter Vaughn: What? That didn't even sound like a bell, more like a horn or something...

~Vaughn checks his watch again, as if to look up the sound effect he had set, but Sadie stops him, shaking her head.~

Sadie Anderson: You've got to go, don't you?

Peter Vaughn: Afraid so. I'm supposed to meet up with Goth and play some cards. Melissa should be there, too. You're welcome to join us, you know, even if we ARE going to be doing two things you hate: playing poker and talking strategy.

Sadie Anderson: Maybe I'll come by later. For now, I want to hit a few of the tourist traps here and buy myself a few things. You give Goth my best, okay?

~Sadie gives Vaughn a kiss, then walks away. Vaughn watches her go, and then looks upwards at the statue above him.~

Peter Vaughn: I really am a lucky son of a gun, aren't I, Corporal Seyit?

~Not surprisingly, the monument doesn't respond. For a few more seconds, Vaughn considers the size of the statue, and what he's carrying.~

Peter Vaughn: I still think I could have taken him.

~With a smirk, Vaughn turns and departs as well, leaving the statue behind.~

You ever consider yourself a hero, Milo?

I know you like to act like the heroes you watched in your youth, emulating some of the great wrestling studs you watched in the UK. As cocky as you can be, I know you like to have the fans on your side in all your matches. You like to hear your name chanted, just not in the way they chant mine. I always seem to have a "Sucks" added on afterwords, or other words more colorful.

The crowd always seems to have a delightful version of the English language at their disposal.

So I know you're wanting to get that praise from them, Milo. I've seen it from HBC as well. You both always seem to want a little bit of approval from the people who pay money to see us. Now, me? I want them to respect me, even if they hate me, because I deserve it. But if they want to hate on me? It's their right. I have no problems being the villain in our little scenario. I mean, what are they going to do, boo Goth? The man's legendary career is coming to an end and he just got assaulted by a masked buffoon.

Nope. I'm going to be getting all the fury directed at me for this one... and I'm going to fully accept being the bad guy.

After all, people are still mad at how our championship bout ended. They're still raging, and I know you still are, too,  Milo. But it's not like I came into our contest hiding my intentions. I told you that I would be willing to do anything to win. I tried to show you the truth, wanting you to assault your opponent after the bell and show you could be ruthless, too. But you wouldn't do it, and you left the door open when you couldn't put me away... and a three count later, your reign ended and mine began.

I may be the villain, but this is no comic book story, Milo... because I won.

So now we'll see if you've begun learning the correct lessons. You already managed to get a match made that could put me at a disadvantage, thanks to Goth's injuries. You made me fight a week after my last contest, while you took it easy watching your brother get his clock cleaned by Aiden Reynolds. But are you leaving the door open to taking more chances during a match? Are you willing to see how far you can take it?

This is your opportunity to leave the hero worshipping behind, Milo, and really become someone great. It doesn't have to be a villain. Just maybe an anti-hero... or a vigilante, perhaps. They're willing to break the law in order to do what is needed. Why do you have to stay Captain America?

Or I guess I should say, Captain Britain? Although I've never liked that guy myself... too uptight.

So if you're the hero, Milo, what does that make you, HBC? I don't picture you as a sidekick, by any means. I've fought you once, and you weren't an easy victory. I mean, I still won, but it wasn't a simple matter of the 1-2-3. At the same time, it's hard to picture you as the triumphant Superman flying into the midst of battle.

Although if Goth gets his hands on you, you really might learn how to fly... if not how to land.

You see, the three of us, truth be told, have very similar styles. We may not be the same in talent level, but we're all willing to do that leap over the top rope if it means destroying our adversaries. But Goth, well, he might occasionally take that risk, but he'd much rather grab you by the head and smash you headfirst into the mat... repeatedly.

Goth has a lot of anger to get rid of at the moment, and you guys have ended up becoming the targets. Congratulations.

Now, I'd rather Goth stay on the sidelines, if I'm being honest. I know he's not 100 percent coming into this. But I know better than to even suggest that to the big man. He would probably want to knock some sense into me for even saying it. And I'd team with a guy like Goth on his worst day, because I know that while he's a Hall of Famer, he still doesn't mind getting his hands dirty from time to time.

He's a Savior. That's in the job description.

So I could easily see Goth locking HBC into the Gothic Dream, taking him to the mat and choking him out as I hold Milo back, forcing him to watch as poor HBC succumbs to oblivion. Would Milo wait for the referee to make the call that HBC is unconscious? I don't think he'd tap willingly on his own, he'd sacrifice everything for Milo... and Milo would do the same, right?

Will we have any white towels handy?

If you're really stuck with being the hero in this scenario, Milo, you may have no choice in the matter but to save HBC from himself... and protect those brain cells that keep him going from losing oxygen. In this case, only you could be the hero that the guy needs, Milo. You could save him.

Even Superman has had to quit under the right circumstances. I'm sure Captain Britain has to.

Even if he sucks.

~The car that we're shown begins to sputter, as it begins weaving towards the side of the road. Thankfully, it makes it there, out of traffic, before the smoke begins to pour from the front hood. The driver steps out, looking stunned, as he goes around to pop the hood and take a look. The back door opens as well, with Peter Vaughn stepping out in frustration.~

Peter Vaughn: Damn. Really? This is actually happening?

~The Turkish driver says something in his language, which can be interpreted by anyone who knows it. We here just don't have the funds to cover extra stuff like this. Vaughn, who can't speak it either, just pulls his bag out of the car.~

Peter Vaughn: You ever hear of coolant? That might have been helpful for you here, considering how hot it is. Damn it. That's what I get for trying to use Uber in Turkey.

~With a sigh, Vaughn just walks off, ignoring the shouts behind him from the driver, who probably has already called Triple A... or whatever it's equivalent is in Turkey. Vaughn doesn't care. He's got places to be. He breaks into a jog, carrying his bag on his shoulder.~

Peter Vaughn: Looks like some unexpected training!

~Vaughn's pace quickens again, and now he's running hard, the slight smile on his face showing that no matter how his personality is, he still enjoys the burst of adrenaline he gets from challenging himself. He also apparently has a good sense of direction, as soon the hotel he's headed for comes into view. Of course, it also shows he wasn't that far away from it, which might be the reason he decided to run rather than wait for another ride. Still, he's later than expected as he comes into the hotel.~

Peter Vaughn: I hate being late. But not much I can do about it now. Where did they say to go? The third floor? Or was it the second? Hmmm.

~Vaughn makes a choice, heading up the stairs to the third floor. He gets through the door, looking around, as he hears the elevator door ding.~

Peter Vaughn: Huh. Maybe I should have just used that.

~The door opens, and a waiter comes out, pushing a tray of food in front of him. Even with the lids closed, Vaughn can smell what's been prepared. He smiles.~

Peter Vaughn: Excuse me, is this for the Goth room?

~The waiter looks confused at Vaughn for a moment, but it's less of a language barrier and more of a 'phrasing' barrier. After a moment, he gets it.~

Waiter: Evet. It is for a Goth.

~Vaughn nods, studying the tray, and the tablecloth across it. He smiles as he pulls out his wallet.~

Peter Vaughn: Then have I got a deal for you...

~As Vaughn and the waiter continue to talk, we cut away.~

I really don't want to give HBC a raw deal.

By that, I mean I don't want to really portray him as the weak link in this tag-team match, even though I know many might think that way. I mean, sure, Milo's had a lot more success with championships. But as little success as HBC has had in title matches, he's still no slouch. You don't get to 16 wins in Sin City simply by showing up on time.

Hell, HBC has a win over Michael Harris, something I can't claim.

He also probably has the best name in Sin City. Seriously, even with "The Mechanic" added, my name is admittedly fairly generic. Miles Kasey? Sounds like a post office delivery man. Neither of our names really sound out of the ordinary. Then you have Goth, who has turned that nickname into a full-on warning of what's to come when you're facing him. But even that doesn't compare to Helluva... Bottom... Carter.

I'm sticking with calling you HBC just out of respect, but still, props on the name, once again. It serves a dual purpose of bragging about yourself, while also possibly making your unaware opponents come into the contest expecting an easy win. Many of those wins you've gotten has been due to your opponent's miscalculation, and I'm all for using whatever you've got to win.

That's basically my motto when it comes to pro wrestling.

So I'm not going to take you too lightly, HBC. I know you can be a threat. I know that underestimating you will lead to nothing but trouble. With all that said, I'm sorry, but pairing you next to Milo is a tough comparison. He and I are like two sides of a coin, having won the same championships here in SCW. We're ying and yang at this point. He could be my evil twin, not that he would ever admit to it. So obviously, people are going to compare the two of us in this competition, and that pairs you across the ring from the legendary Goth.

I mean, he has about as many wins in Sin City as we three do, COMBINED. How do you top that?

I don't think anyone has "HBC beats Goth" on their bingo card this year. Now, yes, you proved that you can have a miracle or two up your sleeve... but I'm curious to see what luck you've got left after Harris, and, y'know, after Milo. Because I'm afraid the odds are stacked against you, bro. You're going to be the main target for our team, and this time, I don't have to get out of the ring if Milo tags out. I can keep right on punching away, and that's what I plan to do.

You will be astounded by the double-teams that Goth and I have worked out together. They will be the maneuvers that you usually only see from Tag-Team Champions. Hell, Goth and I would try for those together, except, of course, it's Mixed Teams only, and neither of us can pull off a dress.

Plus he's retiring, so this may be my last chance to team with him. I want to make sure that this one comes with a victory. That means throttling the two of you.

Really, HBC, you did end up with a bad deal... by this match being signed. I guess Milo has a lot of faith in you, pushing for this fight. Surprisingly, I do, too. But I don't think it's going to matter.

One of you is going to the realm of the Gothic Dream. The other one might be taking the Plunge. I guess we'll see how it ends up, won't we?

Deal the cards and let's begin.

~We find ourselves inside the room of Goth and Melissa, where the two are patiently waiting for Goth's tag-team partner to arrive. There's a knock at the door.~

Goth: Finally.

~Melissa goes to the door and talks to the waiter there. She nods to him as he brings the room service cart into the room, placing it nearby. Melissa thanks him and gives him a tip, with the man quickly getting out of there.~

Melissa: Did that guy seem nervous to you, Gerrit?

Goth: You're too beautiful, Mel. Every man should feel goosebumps when around you.

~Melissa smiles as she pats Goth on the shoulder and walks past him.~

Melissa: Where do you think Peter is?

Goth: He might have gotten lost. I'll call him.

~As Goth gets out his phone, he fails to notice the room service cart moving behind him. Slowly, Peter Vaughn raises up behind it, smirking at the unsuspecting Goth.~

Goth: I guess his phone is off...

~As Goth turns towards Vaughn, he gives out a battle-cry, jumping upwards.~

Peter Vaughn: URRAAAHHH!!!!

~Goth doesn't break down or fall backwards. Instead, he reflexively swings, the punch barely missing Vaughn as he matrixes out of the way, leaning back as far as he can. Goth stumbles, then finally realizes who it is.~

Peter Vaughn: Hah! You should have seen your face!!

Goth: Peter!!!

~for a moment, Goth looks mad. But he can't help but laugh as well, as the two partners do a fist bump. Melissa, in the background, is just shaking her head.~

Goth: That was sneaky, Pete.

Peter Vaughn: I've been called that nickname before. What can I say? It's what I'm good at. And it worked for the Greek. Now let's sit down, play some cards, eat some food, and talk about how we're taking Milo & HBC down.

~With that, Vaughn works to get the cart over near the table, where a deck of cards is already waiting. His tag-team partner joins him, as they begin to prepare for another Climax Control war. We fade out.~

Climax Control Archives / For my New Found BFFL
« Last post by Crystal Zdunich on May 17, 2024, 06:03:22 PM »
The cameras come into focus and as they do we are treated to the sight of Crystal Zdunich with a wicked grin on her face. She smiles as she stands next to a cardboard cutout of Tempest before her face meets with that of the camera.

“Ladies and gentlemen can we all just wish one of my new BFFLs a very happy birthday. Tempest is amazing and she is like the best Internet Champion to have ever stepped foot inside of an SCW ring. I am happy that I am her friend and seeing what went down on Climax Control when Mercedes Vargas stole a win over my AMAZING friend has pissed me off and I am not going to take it lightly…”

Crystal sighs as she shakes her head in disgust and continues to share her heart.

“Nobody and I mean should do that to Tempest especially not Mercedes Vargas. Vargas what has honestly gotten into you?! At one point I used to consider you a friend. You and I have brought that Argentinian and Mexican attitude to this company and we both have shown that Latinas can indeed do it so much better. it didn’t matter if we had to shout our Spanglish at people but at the end of the day we both proved that we are belonging and that everybody should take us seriously.”

She nods her head as she smirks and speaks some more.

“That is where the two of us were and I know you would be the first to constantly remind everybody that you have among most of the matches that a bombshell has ever had. You would throw yourself down at people’s throats and tell them how you were champion among champion. You did a lot to really throw yourself out there. I know you had the ability to beat Tempest fair but you had to resort into being a dirty little Bitch. You just had to use a pair of brass knuckles to take a cheap shot at her and that’s not right. I can’t even respect the way that you got to this title match because this so isn’t you but then again I remember that you are a woman who is way past her prime. You are at 44 years of age and are slowing down. I doubt you have it in you anymore to actually be a relevant star so these are the methods you have to resort to in order to bring yourself back to the spotlight…”

Crystal shakes her head as she crosses her arms.

“It’s ridiculous and I definitely don’t approve of what you did. It doesn’t sit well with me and it’s time for me to stand up and be that amazing friend to Tempest. I don’t know if you know this or not but I am the one who asked for this match because I felt it was in my interest to teach you a major lesson in ode to my great friend Tempie… You see Tempie and I are like super Biffles… Her daughter totes sees me as this hero and as the Winter Rose I need to showcase that I am always in full bloom and it really doesn’t matter the season that we are in. The only thing that does matter is that I need to go down to that ring and get your butt because that’s all that matters…

Let’s face it don’t Mercy you have talked yourself up. You have done so much in this company but you know fully well how much friends mean to me. You were there when in 3WL when Veronica Valiant had gotten the best of me. It was supposed to be your little team of VVMV but I had to get involved because I became an obsessed fan. I started to dress like Veronica, I started to think like Veronica. I even teamed up with you and carried you to tag team championships because I thought it would make her happy. When I am locked in on somebody that I appreciate I would do anything for them. So seeing as it’s my amazing friend’s birthday I plan to give her the best present that a girl could have ever asked for.

She is going to get the gift of me delivering a major butt kicking to you. I am going to show you that one shouldn’t have to cheat in order to get what you want. Honor and class still exists in the wrestling world and it’s going to be those things which elevates me to gaining a massive win over you. After I beat you I could talk to my newfound BFFL about more important things such as…”

Crystal smiles widely.

“CAKE FLAVORS… I mean I forgot if she liked butter cream or whipped cream, I forgot seeing as she sent me through the cake but surely it was a mistake at the time. I am sooooo show if we go back in time… Like Tempest!!! Yes in a totes David Carradine way. SHE TOTES WOULD NOT PUT ME THROUGH THE CAKE BECAUSE WE ARE SUPER DUPER AND AMAZING FRIENDS…. We can discuss other important things such as makeovers, the notebook, Twilight and maybe bond over BRIDGERTON… OMG this friendship will be amazing!  Anyway bring it on Mercedes, I will be waiting for you.
Climax Control Archives / Into The Dark
« Last post by Eddie Lyons on May 17, 2024, 04:36:55 PM »
“Are you serious?” Eddie said, giving Coach Kaiser an annoyed look, “You’re bringing HER to SCW? Couldn’t you have brought Cleo instead?”

“Cleo will be returning to a rebranded PWS, with Jazz.” Coach Kaiser explained, “Look, you don’t need to worry about Victoria. She’s coming to SCW because I wanted her too, and I felt it’s time for The Lyons Den to push some more talent into the world. You’ve held it down for almost a year on your own, but you know that I want to give all my students a chance.”

“What about Vincent and Alex?” Eddie questioned.

“I know, I know. I’m hoping for them to be a tag team somewhere. But I needed to pull Victoria away from them. It’s time she tried doing this on her own.” Coach Kaiser explained.

Eddie sighed, he knew Coach Kaiser was just doing his job, he shouldn’t be so selfish. Victoria was annoying but as long as she stayed in her lane and out of Eddies, she shouldn’t be too much of a problem. He took a drink of his water bottle, before sitting on a nearby bench, Coach Kaiser took a seat beside him, as a few passersby continued along the trail.

Eddie knew the real threat that was ahead of him, and it wasn’t his crazy cousin. It was the man who had been injecting fear into the hearts of many SCW fans, and superstars alike. The one only known as The Entity.

“Do you really think I can beat him?” asked Eddie, “The Entity? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.”

Coach Kaiser furrowed his brow and looked Eddie in the eyes.

“Of course you can.” he said with a nod, “It’s okay to be nervous, but never doubt yourself. All you need to remember, is The Entity is simply a man.  He can talk in all the riddles he wants. He can put on his spooky overgrown emo kid act all he wants. But he’s still nothing more than a man, like you and me. HBC already proved he can be beaten, and remind me again who made HBC tap out a few months ago?”

“I did, but…HBC wasn't...or rather he didn't...” Eddie started, but his Coach went on, interrupting him

“..And since then you’ve only gotten better AND became a champion.” Coach Kaiser continued, “That happened because you fought hard and earned it. You earned the respect of Peter Vaughn because you fought hard and you earned it. The Entity just has his mind games, he wants you to be afraid. You’re not afraid are you?”

“Of course not.” Eddie said,  almost as if he felt insulted at the suggestion.

“Good.” Coach Kaiser nodded, “Because you shouldn’t be. You need to give him a reason to fear YOU.”

Eddie nodded, Coach Kaiser was right. The Entity liked to come across scary and intimidating. But beneath all that he was nothing more than a man. A dangerous man who was prone to violence, but a man none then less.

“He will.” Eddie nodded, “I will expose him when I become the first man to beat him.”

“HBC did that already…” said Coach Kaiser confused

“I mean without tricks.” Eddie smiled, “HBC did defeat him, but with all due respect it was really do to some quick, albeit clever thinking on Carters part. I intend to just flat out beat The Entity, and prove to everyone he really isn’t all that scary.”

“Thats the spirit.” Kaiser said with a smile patting his student on the back. “Don’t forget, we got Aiden Reynolds at Into The Void. He’s the real deal, so we have to be ready for him as well. I know he and Dickie had to deal with Alex and his goon friends back in PWS.  I know Alex takes credit for ridding PWS of The Commonwealth, but this isn’t PWS and you aren’t Alex.  we can focus on Aiden more later, but you need to keep him in the back of your mind."

“I know, and I have a ton of respect for Aiden, he’s a good dude just  trying to do the best he can out there, and be the best he can be. Sort of like myself. We both just want to be the best and I can respect that. But if I focus too much on Aiden now, I’ll lose sight of The Entity." said Eddie

Coach Kaiser smiled, “You’re learning more every day.” he said proudly.

“Thanks Coach.” Eddie replied in kind.

“C’mon let’s find our way off this trail, and find a place to eat, then we can find a gym or something.” said Coach Kaiser

Eddie nodded in agreement, and the two continued their walk down the nature trail. Eddie knew where his path was taking him over the next few weeks, and he knew what threats lay ahead. Aiden was going to fight as hard as he could to make his own name. Eddie however had a his own name to make,and that meant continuing on as Roulette Champion for as long as possible. As for The Entity, he could try all the riddles and spooky imagery he wanted. It wasn’t going to break Eddie, no rather The Entity would discover one that could not be broken. He would discover why Eddie Lyons is UNBREAKABLE.


Darkness. That’s all the SCW cameras are able to pickup as they open on the scene A hooded figure emerges from the darkness holding a torch and wearing a druid robe, as they draw closer we can see the face of Eddie Lyons underneath the hood, illuminated by the flames.

“Is this how it’s done?” Eddie said through the confident smirk on his face, “Come out through the shadows, all spooky and say a bunch of spooky jargon about bringing chaos and destruction, and go into a bunch of riddles about your opponent?”

Eddie laughs to himself, staying illuminated by the flame.

“I can almost hear it now..”  Eddie continued, “Eddie Lyons is a flash in the pan. You’ll break the man who claims to be unbreakable. Some crap about my last name relating to the apex predator I share it with. Maybe you’ll even compare me to Icarus or something because of my quick rise. I’m sure whatever you have to say will be full of all of it. You want revenge for whatever wrongs you feel have befallen you from this company, so now you want to shroud all of us in the darkness with you”

Eddie extinguishes the flame,putting the entire scene in darkness, to where only his voice is heard.

“But the darkness, it’s not so scary.” Eddie said, “You know I consider myself an honorable guy. I do my best to make the right choices, do the right things. Follow a good path, because if there’s one thing that can expel darkness……it’s light.”

Suddenly, the room lights up. Eddie stands, now in jeans and a white t-shirt. The room is well light, with clean white walls lining it, the Roulette Championship rests on his shoulder.

“When I won this, I promised to be a champion of the people.” Eddie said, “And that’s just what I intend to be. That means I need to stand up for SCW against this pestilence that seeks to destroy it. This is the first company to give me a real chance, and I owe it to Mark and Christian to do my part in making sure the likes of you don’t destroy it. I don’t know what they did to upset you so much, but to me you sound like nothing more than a crybaby who didn’t get what they wanted.”

Eddie grins, allowing and wanting his words to sink in.

“Yeah a crybaby. That’s exactly what you are. Don’t like hearing it, too bad.” Eddie said sternly, keeping a fearless look on his face, “Didn’t renew my contract, replaced me with Goth. Get over it. Move on. Simply put, GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

Eddie’s eyebrows furrow, and his expression grows into a more serious, somewhat angry looking tone.

“This is the guy I’m supposed to fear?” Eddie continued, “Because all I hear from him is a whole lot of bitching and complaining over and over. All I see is a man who attacked one of the owners of this company. All I see is a man who HBC made a fool of. So you’ve won a few matches along the way. Guess what, so have I, and I have something you don’t. A championship.”

Eddie motions to and glances down at the Roulette Championship on his shoulder.

“I fought like hell to earn this.” he continued, "When Peter Vaughn beat me down time after time, did I get angry and blame Rodrigo Afonso because he won the briefcase? No, I pulled myself up and kept fighting. Now I stand before you a champion, and if you think for a second I’m going to be some sort of pushover, then you better rethink your strategy. Because one thing is for certain, and that’s underneath the mask and all the spooky riddles you are still just a man. You bleed as red as I do, and I imagine both of us will once this is all over. Point is, you may be a crazy man, even a violent man, but you’re still a man and men can be defeated.”

Eddie pauses for a moment, keeping an aura of confidence and not showing any fear of Entity.

“I don’t speak in riddles either.” Eddie continued on, “I will be straightforward and tell you that I think deep down, you are just a coward who needs this dark image to make himself feel tough. I will be straight forward when I tell you that a fight is coming your way that you’re going to need more than clever wordplay to defeat. I will be straightforward and tell you that I am going to fucking kick your ass, because you deserve it.”

From the look in his eyes, Eddie is at the very least speaking his own truth. He clearly has a disdain for Entity and his actions and is coming to teach him a lesson. Wether it goes well for him or now remains to be seen, but Eddie is definitely fired up and ready.

“Sunday will be the day of your downfall.” Eddie continued, “When I show the world that you are nothing more than some failed high school drama act. Peel away the spooky persona and you’re no different than myself, J2H, Miles Kasey or anyone else you’ve encountered in your time here. You need people to fear you to thrive. When someone doesn’t fear you, that’s when the cracks form and that’s when you will break. Because try as you might, you will not break me. I will always come back, always keep fighting because I am Eddie Lyons. I am the SCW Roulette champion and I am UNBREAKABLE.

Eddie raises his championship in the air. The camera focus on Eddie and his ready and focused aura, as the scene slowly fades out.


He knew their paths would cross sooner or later, Eddie was just hoping for the latter. All he wanted was to get a workout in before his match with the Entity on Climax Control. Now his cousin Victoria had signed her own contract, and no here she was ready to pester Eddie.

“Did you follow me here Victoria?” asked Eddie annoyed as he put down his weights to look his cousin in her eyes.

“It’s a gym Eddie.”
replied Victoria with a flair of arrogance, “It’s where you always are. You’re very predictable cousin.”

“If you’re just here to mock me, get it over with.” said Eddie annoyed, “Just know that I don’t really care what you have to say.”

“Dear cousin!” Victoria said with feigned surprise, “How could you accuse me of such things? I’m here because I think I can help you.”

“And why would you help me?” Eddie replied nonchalantly.

“Because we’re family of course.” smiled Victoria.

“Yeah, you’re not going to play those tricks on me like you did Alex and Vincent.” said Eddie, “My advice to you is to worry about your own career. SCW’s women's division is one of the toughest around. If you;re going to succeed in it you should stop worrying about what I’M doing.”

Victoria frowned, she wasn’t the type who liked being told no.

“You can’t beat the Entity without my help.” she growled, “You need me to help you reach that dark place.”

“No. I don’t.” said Eddie, “I won the Roulette Championship on my own, and I did it my way. I can beat the Entity, and I can do it MY WAY.

Victoria laughed.

“You don’t know what revenge does to a person do you?” she said, “You haven’t hated someone so much it fuels your every desire. Every waking moment you just want to deliver justice to that person.”

“No, because I don’t hate anyone, and I handle my business more professionally.” Eddie replied.

“You’ll understand some day.” Victoria replied, “You’re still the little lion cub of this family. You dont know the hatred Vincent and I have for Eden and HWL,. The hatred we have for Renee Jonae. Names that may not mean anything to you or anyone else, but to me and Vincent they are the ones who did us wrong and we still owe them a receipt.”

“Your contracts ended in HWL over five years ago.” Eddie replied, “Don’t you think it’s time to move on?”

“Like I said, you just don’t get it.” she said, “What about Alex? How do you think he feels? He was abandoned by those who called him family in PWS. First it was Tyson Sykes, but he was dealt with. The real blow came when the company closed and he was left to rot by Jonathan Sanders and Dionysus. The vengeance he has for those two has only fueled his rage further. He still seems to have some loyalties to Alexandra Calaway so I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt, but I got my eyes on her too.”

“Sounds like a whole lot of not my business.” said Eddie. “Why don’t you think about why you’re really here?”

Victoria raised an eyebrow intrigued

“And tell me dear cousin, why am I here?” she asked.

“Think about it, why just you?” Eddie said, “No Vincent, no Alex. Coach Kaiser only chose you to be here. It’s because he wants to to move on from your past. Everywhere you’ve gone, be it PWE, HWL or Wrestling Coalition,  Vincent has been with you, or you with him. In OCW you had Alex with you as well. Now it’s just you. Coach Kaiser wants you to create your own path without your “boys”.

“Then he will get what he wants.” she smirked “Unlike you, I’ll be willing to go to dark places to reach my goals. My message will be spread to the masses. You’ll come to understand soon enough. That we are stronger together. Good luck against the Entity. If you ever need advice getting to that dark place, just remember your family is here for you.”

She smirked and gave Eddie a boop on the nose before leaving him to his business, and going about her own. Eddie shook his head and rolled his eyes as she walked away before going back to his workout.


Eddie sat in the back corner of a locker room, towel around his neck looking as if he just finished a workout, the cameras rest on him for a moment before catching his gaze as he begins to speak.

“You know, there are things I appreciate about you Entity.” Eddie began, “Because underneath all the whining, there is a talented athlete. One that forces me to try and be a little bit better than I usually am. The same way Peter Vaughn came at me, and the same I’m expecting from Aiden Reynolds in a few weeks.”

Eddie takes in a breath and uses the towel to wipe his forehead.

“But unlike Peter and Aiden, both of whom I respect. I have no respect for you.” said Eddie, “No riddles about it, you are nothing more than an evil bastard with no conscience. I for one have already grown tired of hearing you complain about HIM, or I guess I should say Goth. Tired of hearing about whatever happened 10 years ago with SCW. Maybe you were wronged, I don’t know because ten years ago I was twelve. But it’s time to move on, seriously. Grudges are for the weak. You’re not weak are you Entity?”

Eddie smirks confidently at the camera, trying to to play mind games of his own.

“Of course not.” Eddie continued, “I’m not so foolish as to underestimate you in anyway. But something tells me you’re the type to underestimate me. You’re going to find out the hard way that thinking that way is a mistake. I’m like your boss getting upset because you asked him for less on your paycheck. Unbelievable. Peter Vaughn discovered that, when I kept coming back each and every time I got beat down. So you really should listen to me when I tell you that riddles and mind games won’t  be enough. I am going to be your biggest challenge to date, and I’m going to change your entire perspective because I am going to make you realize how not scary you really are. You’re going to have to figure out how to defeat someone who is not afraid of the dark, because he is a warrior of light and as we all know light will always expel darkness.”

Eddie takes in another breath as he continues on.

“Everything about you is built on getting your opponent to fear you, and as someone who grew up in this business, there’s always someone like you.”  Eddie continued, “Someone who likes to be all spooky and mysterious. In the old days they would call themselves Justin Sane. My Coach once feuded with one calling himself X Dragon, then were was The Ravaged. They all come in being spooky, mysterious and violent. It’s nothing new to me, so why would I fear it?”

Eddie shrugs.

“I asked for better competition, and it’s being given to me.” Eddie continued, “So now I need to respond in kind by upping my game and proving I deserve higher competition. If I can take you down before you can spread your pestilence through the locker room, it’ll be a good start. Once I prove how fallible you are, others will step up and realize they can do it too. Then little by little, nobody fears you anymore and you lose, well everything that makes you…you.”

Eddie smirks confidently again.

“HBC got the ball rolling when he made you look like a fool.” said Eddie, “And I will keep it going when I beat you, with no excuses or cute tricks. No disrespect to HBC of course. I just want to do my part and put a stop to Entity before things really get out of control, and mark my words if we let him, they will. But it’s okay because I’m not going to let him. If I have to start to lead a charge, I will. But first I need to beat Entity in front of the world, and with honor before glory I will.”

Eddie rubs his palms together, as he takes in one last breath.

“I like to consider myself something of a wild card.” Eddie said, “You never know what to expect from me, or what I might throw your way. But you know I’m capable of damn near anything. I’m certainly capable of beating you Entity, which you will find out come Climax Control. Your attempt at a reign of terror is going to come to an end before it can even really start, because whatever happens in our match, I will never stop until you are finished once and for all.”

Eddie gives his usual confident gaze at the camera as it fades out to black.


Eddie stared daggers across the table at his older cousin. This time Coach Kaiser, who had called this summit in the first place sat between them.

“Okay.” said Coach Kaiser, “So I know the two of you don’t get along…”

“I’m not teaming with her.” Eddie jumped in.

“I know..please, let me finish.” said Coach Kaiser

“Yeah, don’t be rude” Victoria said, smirk on her face.

“Victoria stop.” Coach Kaiser continued, “This is what I mean. I want success for the both of you. I don’t want either of you being an obstacle in the others career. I won’t force you to team together so don’t worry about that. You can come to that decision on your on, if you so desire later on.”

“We won’t.” said Eddie.

“I’ll agree to that.” said Victoria.

“Good, because I need YOU to focus on Entity.” Coach Kaiser said darting his eyes at Eddie

“And I need YOU.. he said darting his eyes at Victoria, “To worry about your debut. You’re most likely going to be booked on the next Climax Control so maybe think about getting ready for that.”

Both students glared at one another but said nothing.

“As your Coach, I’m giving you the freedom to act as you please, because I want you to be yourselves out there.” Coach Kaiser continued, “I want success for both of you, because I want success for The Lyons Den. So I don’t want either of you trying to put obstacles in each others way.”

“You don’t need to worry about me Coach.” said Eddie, “I’m not worried about her. I’m focused on being Roulette Champion. She can do as she pleases, just keep me out of it.”

“Oh I will do as I please.” Victoria smirked, "I am putting the entire women's division on notice. A lioness is on the prowl now and none of them are safe, not their champions not anyone.”

“Great!” exclaimed Eddie, “Go do that, go punch Kallie Reznik in the face, go attack Kayla Richards to send a message, go after Alexandra Calaway over some bullshit about Alex. Just leave me out of it.”

“And you don’t come complaining to me when my career outshines yours, and the only Lyons these fans care about is it’s head lioness.”  Victoria replied arrogantly.

“Well, maybe win a championship first.” Eddie replied, “Then we can talk about which of us is better.”

“See, that’s what I mean.” said Coach Kaiser shaking his head, “You two shouldn’t worry about outshining each other. You should focus on being the best you can be for The Lyons Den, for our school. You should want success for each other, because that helps all of us, it helps Cleo, it helps Jazz and it helps Vincent and Alex.”

“Vincent and Alex, who you left behind.” says Victoria giving Coach Kaiser an accusing gaze.

“Yeah, I chose not to get them contracts.” said Coach Kaiser, “One I need to balance myself. I can’t coach all of you at once, and I’m pushing myself with four of my talents out there now, thankfully Cleo will help out some with Jazz, but I got a full plate. I chose you because, I do agree with some of your complaints.”

Both of the Lyons looked at their coach curiously

“You haven’t been given a real chance, ever.” Coach Kaiser said, “Vincent had his time in WWH, but it closed before you got a chance to get your momentum going. You got some momentum in PWE, but they closed just as you became Victory Champion, and Wrestling Coalition? Well that sort of ended before it even started. SCW is different though Victoria. This is where you will be tested for real, and you’re going to do it on your own. You wanted a chance, well this is it.”

No arguments from either student on that one.

“Are we done here?” asked Eddie, “Because I do have a tough opponent to prepare for, and would like to get back to that.”

“I have my own business to deal with as well. Scouting this new division, see which prey looks the tastiest.” smirked Victoria.

“Can we shake hands at least?” asked Coach Kaiser

The two cousins just glared at one another.

“Yeah..didn’t think so.” Coach Kaiser shrugged, “Go on. Do what ever you need to.”

Eddie and Victoria both made their leave, in separate directions. Leaving Coach Kaiser by himself to sigh heavily.

“What am I going to do about those two…” he muttered.


Narrator:  Welcome to my opening comments for today concerning the Blast From The Past Tournament match where Bill Barnhart and Roux face off against the team of Luna Pasilno and Sean Parker. This should prove to be an interesting and exciting match. I will now turn you over to Bill Barnhart for his comments concerning his upcoming match.


The scene shifts and we are taken to the lobby of the Courtyard Hotel located in Troy, Turkey. As the camera pans around the lobby the camera person stops panning the room when they see Bill and Bea Barnhart sitting in the lobby. The camera person sets up their camera to that the camera shot will be steady. The camera person informs Bill and Bea they are live broadcasting.

Bill:  Before I launch into comments concerning my upcoming Blast From The Past Tournament, where me and my partner Roux take on Luna Pasilno and Sean Parker, I want to share a video with you of a recent interaction I had with our English Bulldog Iris, during a video call, once my Blast From The Past Tournament match for Climax Control 394 was announced..

The video begins to play and we watch to see what happens.

Bill:  Iris are you ready for a question and answer session?

Iris:  Woof!

Bill:  Iris what do you think of my opponent Sean Parker?

Iris:  RUFF!

Bill:  Iris I agree with your evaluation of Sean Parker. I see Sean as rough around the edges and I also see that this match is going to be rough on Sean as I am going to be extremely rough on him during the match. What else do you have to say about Sean Parker?

Iris:  *Iris squats and pees* She then stands up and kicks her feet back like she does when she covers her pee or poop when Bill takes her for a potty break walk.

Bill:  Ahhh!!! You are telling me that Sean Parker is terrified to be facing me in this match and that when he realizes what he got himself into he is likely to piss in his wrestling trunks. Is there anything else you wish to state Iris?

Iris:  *Iris lets out a growl and a snort*

Bill:  Oooooo!!! You really do not like Sean Parker eh? I also do not like him and I plan on making quick work of him in the match. Thanks for your time to answer my questions Iris.

Iris: Iris lets out a Woof! Bark! and a Yip! Then Iris rolls on her back to ask for a tummy rub but since Bill is on a video call with Iris he cannot reach out and rub her tummy.

Bill:  Sorry Iris but we are half way around the world so you have to get our neighbor, Andrew, to rub your tummy and hug and kiss you as he is the one taking care of you until we return from this tour. Thanks for your time Iris!

The video call video ends and the camera person returns to a live shot of Bill and Bea Barnhart.


Bill:  Well, Sean, soon we will step into the ring and finalize this Blast From The Past Tournament match. We do not have any history against each other in the ring. However there is important information I wish to relate to the viewers. I come into this match at 6 feet 4 inches in height and 240 pounds in weight. You come into this match at 5 feet 10 inches in height and 215 pounds in weight. With me having a 6 inch height advantage and 25 pounds of weight advantage over you when you are in the ring against me you become a major liability for your team.

Bea:  Yep! Poor Sean is not going to fare well against you in the match.

Bill:  And, Sean, if you somehow manage to get away from me and tag out to Luna for her to get into the match she will end up getting the stuffing beat out of her by Roux. So regardless of which one of you is the legal wrestler in the match you are going to be defeated by our team.

Bea:  As the official, and legal, Manager for Bill I will be in the corner of Bill and Roux to ensure the Referee calls the match properly, that there is no cheating from Luna or Sean, and that their team does not hire interference in the match.

Bill:  If you see poor calls by the Referee you need to inform them where they are failing. If you see Sean or Luna cheating and violating the rules then you need to inform the Referee of their cheating and rule breaking. And for sure if you spot people trying to interfere in the match you have to inform the Referee of the interference then you have full authority to beat down those who are trying to interfere in the match on behalf of Lune and Sean.

Bea:  You know I am always aware of what is going on in, and around, your matches while I am serving as your Manager.


Bill:  I will address you first, Sean, since Luna is not facing off against me in the ring as she has to face Roux. I am going to relate a situation that happened while I was driving around Lawrenceville, Georgia. As I am driving to get to the various locations I had a driver make an unusually stupid maneuver in their car. This idiot driver nearly hit several cars including mine. Then they tried to maneuver their car to get back into the correct lane of traffic but they were in such an odd position that it was taking them a long time and they had traffic backed up in both directions.

Bea:  There sure are a lot of stupid drivers out there Bill.

Bill:  Just like there are a lot of stupid wrestlers out there Bea. The next thing I know with this dumb ass driver is that they open their car door and get out of their car. So instead of trying to get their car back in the correct lane, to help clear up the traffic jam they caused, they are just standing there looking around like they did not do anything stupid.

Bea:  Tell the viewers, and Sean and Luna, what you did next.


Bea:  What did the driver do after you verbally kicked their ass?

Bill:  They tried to turn it around to make me look like the person causing the trouble. I reminded them that they are causing the trouble and I am resolving their stupidity. They got back into their car and made a phone call. I yelled at them to make sure they call UBER to drive them around since they have no clue how to drive and they are a hazard to other drivers. Then I turned around and got back into my car and managed to get back into clear traffic.

Bea:  How does that incident relate to your wrestling?

Bill:  When I have to wrestle against moronic, stupid, inept, incompetent, and downright stupid, wrestlers I give them basically the same comment I gave to the stupid driver but it goes like this:  IF YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO WRESTLE THEN GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WRESTLING RING AND GET THE HELL OUT OF THE SPORT OF WRESTLING INSTEAD OF BEING A HAZARD IN THE WRESTLING RING!!! I mean, come on Bea, if someone is an incompetent wrestler then their mistakes can cause harm to those they wrestle against. So they need to get out of the sport of wrestling and go into a safer line of work like maybe being a vendor of snacks at the wrestling events.

Bea:  Ha ha ha!!! The mental image I just got from your comments has me amused.


Bill:  Bea is there anything you wish to add to our comments for today before I launch into my closing comments?

Bea:  Yes I do have an item I wish to bring up. For Into The Void XIII Management booked a Grudge Match between me and Nakita Niles. There is a saying that you should look before you dive into a swimming pool because there may not be water in the pool and you will crash and get hurt. Well, Nakita, you got the Grudge Match at Into The Void XIII and another saying goes BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR AS YOU MIGHT JUST GET IT. And, yes, you got it and will get it when I destroy you in our Grudge Match. My desire is that Management makes it a Hardcore Rules match so I can prove how great I am in Hardcore Rules matches. Thanks, Bill, for giving me time to present the truth to Nakita Niles. The rest of the air time is yours Bill.

Bill:  Sean. . .you have no idea what your involvement in our match is going to mean for you. You are likely to have your wrestling career ended by the amount of damage I put on you. And NO, Sean, your Tag Team Partner, Luna, will not want to get into the ring and go one-on-one with Roux. If Luna does get tagged in then she will most likely immediately tag out to you so that you will be the one who receives the beat down to cause your team to lose the match instead of her.

Bill motions with a fist slamming into his other hand to show that he will squash Sean Parker like a bug.

Bill:  Sean I ask you to please do not be upset when your Tag Team loses to me and Roux. If you are going to get upset over a loss in the sport of wrestling then you need to get out of the sport of wrestling and do some other line of work.

Bill laughs loudly.

Bill:  I promise you that me and Roux will defeat you and Luna quickly so that your pain and suffering will not last for a long time. You will thank us for the quick loss you take to us once you realize we did you a favor of saving you from additional humiliation in the Blast From The Past Tournament. Your team’s loss to me and Roux will be so quick it will be quicker than a flash of lightning that knocks out the power. It will happen so quickly that you and Luna will have to watch the replay of the ending of our match as you will not be able to remember what happened to you two. I want you two to enjoy your lost as Roux and I are damn sure going to enjoy our win over you!

Bill informs the camera person that he is done with his comments for his Blast From The Past Tournament match. The camera person calls into the Network to inform them that Bill is done with his comments and they cut the feed to that camera and return to regularly scheduled programming for this time slot.

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