Author Topic: Flashback/War  (Read 349 times)

Offline Kain

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« on: April 25, 2014, 11:16:37 PM »
Two weeks after My Bloody Valentine

Alex, stop!

She was visibly upset and depressed as I threw vases and glasses on the walls of the living room in Detroit, Illinois. The kids were crying, unable to make out what’s going on between Lisa and I. We were fighting these days, trying to keep it together. But it just wasn’t working. For the first time that I can remember, Ariel and I finally had enough of each other. I was enraged after I left My Bloody Valentine, having to give up for my family. But as Alex Grayson, I became selfish about my pursuit and I disliked Lisa for it.

NO! I won’t!

I punched my fist into one of the walls and then turned to face Lisa.

Why now?! Don’t you see how important that was to me? And I got Max Burke cursing me out like a dog after I left! I’m humiliated and embarrassed by all this! I had to give something very important to me for YOU!

Alex, stop and think! You’re the one that decided to commit to this whole process! Look, I didn’t want to lose you, but what choice do I have?

My eyes glowed with fury.

Not when everything was on the line! You just had to pick up and leave everything behind, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU????

I started towards her and she immediately backs away, her eyes shining with fear. I had no idea how far I can go with my anger until this point. This has been nothing but a boiling point. I stopped in my steps, breathing heavily. Then I finally realized what happened. Alex Grayson, the pitiful, poor boy that lost his parents at such a young age, finally came out of the darkness and revealed himself to his wife. Though Lisa knew what happened, she never thought that my anger would be at such an all-time high. Until tonight.

She shook her head back and forth, in shock and awe of what just transpired. She turned and walked away. My eyes were streaming down tears to my cheeks as I realized my mistake, little soldiers falling down a hill, taking their last breaths upon this Earth.

Wait, Lisa! Stop!

But she was too fast for me. Gathering our children up in her arms, she walked out of the rush as I tried to go after her. But by the time I reached for the door, she shut it behind her with brute force. I stood there, unable to continue my trek to stop her. The wheels of our beloved red Mustang flared to life and she drove off in the darkness. I got onto my knees, with my head held in my hands, and sobbed like a little girl that got her precious doll stolen from a group of young bullies.

As Kain, I was unbroken. But as Alex Grayson, I was broken. With nothing to show for it...


The SCW Heavyweight championship. This is exactly where I needed to be. The Roulette title is a belt that unfortunately eluded my grasp when I faced off against Brother Grimm, a man that got completely lucky in his quest to keep the dream alive for him. No matter. I'll deal with him once again at some point down the road and my score with him will be settled on my own terms. For now, I must continue this path and stay focused on the real prize ahead - the SCW heavyweight championship belt around my waist for the first time in my career!

Unfortunately, this is nothing more but a mere preview of things to come, as I've been booked to deal with an old nemesis that has given me trouble in the past, along with a new rival that I've heard stories about, but nothing more or less. To make matters worse, I'm stuck with a partner that's actually the SCW Heavyweight Champion right now and that alone makes me seethe with rage. I HATE tag-team matches a lot of the time, due to former partners backstabbing me or not doing their job correctly. The only one, in fact, that has been good at watching my back was Lucian Frost and he's gone now, tagging with someone else and is currently one half of the tag-team champions yet again. Good for him, but not good for me, since Simon Jones is yet ANOTHER rival of mine that has beaten me before. Whether it's out of luck or a complete fluke, I cannot say. But today is a new day for me and I intend to make the most of it, especially now that I've returned with a better grasp on the overall situation. Let's face it, when I left, things began to change around here and although I watched it all unfold from the shadows, I didn't think it would cause a lot of impact on me. Now it has, for new stables were created, new champions were made, and even new men and women have stepped into this organization and began their careers. The Divas will obviously be left alone, unless if Ariel wants a piece of the action for that Bombshell title, so it's up to me to challenge the rest of the male lockeroom for the right to be the next SCW heavyweight champion. So it is written, so shall it be. Thus, I know exactly what to do and how to handle things on a better level. Kain isn't just a stage persona to amuse or delight the fans; he's a real, living monster that is ready to kick ass and take names, no matter WHO it is!

It all begins now, my renewed assault on those who dare to step in my way of achieving that sole dream. One of those clueless, unfortunate men is Max Burke, a man who has been a thorn in my side ever since we clashed so long ago. Unfortunately for him, he has given me plenty of ammunition to reload in my gun and fire back with rapid accuracy. How is that possible, if we haven't spoken? Truth is, after I bowed out of the SCW Heavyweight championship match in My Bloody Valentine, this worthless soul decided to kick an honest man down when the opportunity presented itself. That's how he given me the power to strike back, for he was and still is a fool to open his mouth and cause trouble on his own behalf. Thanks to him, I'll be returning him the favor with what I always know to be the best weapon to rely on each and every time...

The truth.

First off, Max Burke, what I did was not what you called to be a "bullshit propaganda." I used to be just like you; I used to think that the world owes me everything and that it should have been handed to me on a silver platter. But I've changed! Can't you see that by this point? I now have a family to look after and in order to do so, I must keep on going and continue to do everything I can to WIN. Not that my latest effort ended with victory, you can ask Brother Grimm on that, but in truth, that's what motivates me to keep going here. I mean, look at you! What exactly do you have going on now? Last I saw, you are part of a stable, one that I feel is untrustworthy and unreliable. Where does that exactly accomplish anything? See, I never understood that concept; strength in numbers. Sure, the more people you have by your side, the better chances of winning, but I'd like to think it's more honorable to handle the situations thrown at you in life alone or with a few people you trust. But the way Hot Stuff International has been handling things of late, I wouldn't DARE trust anyone in that group with anything in my life. That was your first mistake and that, you worthless shit, is a bullshit propaganda that's just waiting to explode like a ticking time bomb! But hey, go ahead, ignore me now and go on your way, but don't cry to me when it backfires on you and someone within that group, say...Mark Ward (a man who I don't trust or like at all), betrays you and feeds you to the wolf. But hey, it's your problem, right? That being said, my family came first and unless you had a real family to be bothered about, you wouldn't have a CLUE on how to do things correctly! All you care about is your obsession about being the best and while that's a good thing, it will lead to your downfall. Our match will begin that process, whether you like it or not!

Second point I want to discuss with you - outclassed? What exactly are you basing this out of? Sure, you beat me for the Roulette title and then retained it the next, but those days are long gone, Max. Are you hoping that somehow you'll be able to win again based on the theory that I'm a creature of habit, that I've stayed the same? Think again! Ever since I left SCW for a few months, I've stayed in top shape and I've managed to learn new tricks in my sleeve, the kind of tricks that you would NEVER see coming a mile away. That's what scares you the most, doesn't it? See, outclassing anybody, from this point on, won't be much of a problem now, I guarantee you that. Guys like Andrew Garcia, Brother Grimm, and the rest of these cats, whether I win or lose, will make them see me in a different light. The same goes for you, Max, because for this tag match specifically, I'm going to enjoy ruining any and all chances of you EVER regaining the SCW heavyweight championship. A belt that doesn't belong to you whatsoever and I'm going to be the man that's on your mind the most now. Now that I'm back, Max, it's only going to be a matter of time before I'm the one that screws you over. And speaking of screwing you over, since I did the right thing by eliminating myself from the big picture since My Bloody Valentine, shouldn't that have increased your chances of winning the belt back then? More on that in a second...

Back to the topic of screwing people over, I didn't. What I did was for my own sanity, Max Burke. How could you, of all people, understand that? No, wait, you couldn't! You let your own selfish, significant desires get in the way of seeing the big, overall picture! How dare you tell me that I screwed over everybody and how dare you tell people that I dealt with an imaginary family situation! My FAMILY means a whole lot more to me than you could possibly fathom right now. Oh, I know what you're going to use, right? You're going to use the time when you held Ariel hostage at ringside while she was pregnant and presumably laugh at the whole situation, thinking it was some sort of joke and a way to get under my skin. See, I mentioned creature of habit earlier and I'm pretty sure you'll rely on this argument to make yourself stronger. Newsflash for you, Max, but that will NEVER happen again. Now that Ariel is no longer dealing with that stage, you will NEVER harm her or my children ever again in this lifetime. I personally guarantee it. Last time, you were successful in your efforts to gain and then keep the Roulette title. But oh how times have changed now, Max Burke, and I promise you, I'm going to be the man that screws you over of every opportunity you ever wanted out of this business by putting you out of your misery here and snow, you worthless pissant!

Which brings me back to the title now, Max Burke. You puffed that mighty chest of yours, you spoke your evil mind, and you stated clearly about the REAL professionals should handle things around here. But you didn't mean Hardin, Giani, or anyone else in the office? No, Max, it was all about you! For all your boasting, you certainly showed the world that Max Burke is everything proclaimed to be! How did that go for you, by the way? You saw your moment slipping away when you were distracted with outside matters and you tried SO HARD to slide into that ring and stopped that count. But your dream perished when Giani took that away from you. You shouldn't blame me for that pathetic failure of yours; it's all on you. No one but you is responsible for your actions, Max, so maybe, JUST MAYBE you shouldn't be telling the world that I'm the one that screwed anyone over. Why even bother? Hell, I wasn't even in the BUILDING. But I'll tell you this though; I saw what happened as I was on my way back home, to resolve my "imaginary family emergency" and laughed so hard. You are a sore loser and a disgrace. Not me. I did what was right, you did what was right. The difference between you and me is that I continue to stay one step ahead of you while you continue to maybe win a few matches, here and there, but have done nothing memorable or great since I went on my sabbatical. Now? I plan on finishing it.

I plan on finishing up our rivalry and ending this story between you and me. I plan on mocking you as I tear you to pieces, from limb to limb. I'm afraid of nobody and despite the fact that you won twice against me, it doesn't change the fact that I'm dangerous. That's what frightens you the most, doesn't it Max Burke? Don't sit there and deny, that's part of the reason why you spoke that big game before the match at My Bloody Valentine started. You've been afraid of me since day one, Max. Now that I've returned, I'm going to be your worst nightmare from this point on. After I've taken you out of the equation, I'm all you're going to think about and I look forward to seeing you getting pissed, because I'll be the one to finally turn the tables on YOU! Think of this tag match as your last chance to get another win on me, because from this moment on, it will NEVER happen again. You decide to keep coming at me with these lies, these games playing, twisting the truth to suit your own agenda and purpose, and that's fine by me. Because the more you decide to lie about everything that I am and stand for, the more it's going to cost you. For any other soul out there, this could be another day in the office. But this is the main event, the one match where I can finally prove that all of my hard work and effort in returning will be proven and that I'm granted another chance in taking on Simon Jones or whoever the current SCW heavyweight champ is, at the time, so that I may finally be the man of the hour. You can't stop me, Max Burke, no matter how hard you attempt to do so!

You're not the only one to be representing Hot Stuff International. Here I have another foe to contend, someone that's new, but dark and deadly nevertheless and that's your partner, Sean Jackson, who deems himself to be the "Mental Rapist." Is that so?

See, that’s something that I’ll never believe. At first, I thought you would appear to be dangerous. After all, perhaps you are a master of mind games in the end? But it doesn’t appear that way at all. As it turns out, you are controlled by a dominatrix that enjoys suffering and pain without her having to do all the work and to me? That’s pathetic. I hate it when people decide to take over their life and control it the way they want it to. It’s like watching a BDSM couple all over again; one dominates, the other submits without any hesitation, rhyme, or reason as to why they are doing this. You tell this woman...Vanessa, right?...that you have done everything for her, but she always expects more from you, doesn’t she? How fair is that to a man? I mean, Ariel expects much out of me, but it’s not like she has invincible fingers lifting me from the skies, controlling my each and every move. That’s not how ANYONE should be living their life! Tell me, Sean Jackson, is that the way you wish to be known forever? As a little bitch being held control by another woman? I would expect most people in the world to be smarter in their choices on their lives should be run, but this is such a pitiful sight to see. Should I really be concerned about what you bring to the table in the end?  Trust me when I tell you, I have no intention of underestimating either you or Max Burke. I know what Max is capable of and I’m sure, if you get pushed big time, you’ll probably bite back harder. But is your bite worse than your bark? That’s the one question I hope to see an answer out of you in our match at Climax Control, because so far, you haven’t done a lot of the talking, except for the puppet master herself. You’re no rapist and you certainly haven’t affected my mind in any way, shape, or form, Sean Jackson. To put it simply, you won’t ever be as good as I’ll ever be nor will anyone else for that matter....

All this talk about your past, present, and future means nothing to me. None of her plans have anything to do with what I have intended for you and for the rest of the organization in the days, months, and possibly years to come. I don’t care about the things that happened in Yemen nor am I remotely interested in wars of your own past. In fact, the only war that I care about is the one that involves me in it. Every time I go into that ring, all I think about is inflicting as much suffering and pain as possible. I’m not all for gloating and talking like a tough piece of shit like how your partner is, because let’s face it, his year in 2014 hasn’t been as amazing as he proclaimed it to be. What exactly do you want to accomplish here? I’ve heard that you were a formidable opponent in previous federations that you’ve worked for, but like everyone else, your past accomplishments mean nothing to me. What exactly are you going to do to me that’s going to make you a dangerous foe to contend with? Truth is, that’s the only piece of the puzzle that’s missing out of you and I will personally solve that dilemma when we cross paths in the ring. So I hope you understand, right here, right now; I’m not afraid of you and I’m not intimidated by you, your woman, or anything you bring to the table. I’m here for one reason only; victory. Even if it means crossing paths with a guy who brought me down with a steel chair several times and having to team up with him. It’s something I NEVER wanted to do, but I have no choice in the matter. Somehow, I did manage to obtain success in tag-team action when I teamed up with the eternal rival known as Goth and with a faithful ally like Lucian Frost. So MAYBE luck will be in my favor, Sean. Maybe things will turn out to be OK and I’ll survive the odds. I always do. If anyone is a betting woman or man, they should be placing their bets on me. I’m the only one, out of this entire group Sean Jackson, that is the real threat around here. None of you, not even Simon Jones, deserve the right to be the SCW Heavyweight Champion and I’m prepared to even out the score and unleash my wrath upon anyone who dares to stand in my way. So consider yourself an unlucky soul, because I’m the one that’s going to bury you, six feet below, when it is all said and done. So go ahead, pray to your mistress, beg for her forgiveness when I cost you the match, because I highly doubt she’ll be pleased with the end result, as in Simon Jones and I emerging victorious. Nothing you say or do will hinder me from my quest to become the very best in the business once again. I intend to see our battle through to the end and there’s not a damn thing you can do it, boy!

As for Simon Jones, I’ll say this; you’re right. We don’t meet each other eye to eye. You struck me with a chair and you beat me and three others for the title a long while back. At some point, you and I are going to dance and I’m going to whip your sorry ass for the SCW Heavyweight championship. But in the I told you on Twitter, you better do your job, because I’ll be making sure to do my job. Victory is within our grasp and I’m warning you now; if you try to screw me over at anytime, there’s not a place on Earth that you can hide from me! For now, all I care about is winning and moving on to the next stage of my career and you are the only thing that’s standing in my way of becoming the next SCW champion!

For I am Kain...The King Of Kings....and I...HAVE SPOKEN!

SCW Accomplishments
X1 SCW Tag-Team Champion
X2 SCW Roulette Champion
X1 SCW Internet Champion