Author Topic: Delia... Darling if you must  (Read 6803 times)

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Delia... Darling if you must
« on: July 30, 2021, 01:36:33 AM »

Legend Status


Picture Base (Name Only, real picture bases, no cartoons. Check Taken Pic Bases List): Lady Gaga
Wrestlers Twitter:
Wrestlers Name: Delia Darling
Nickname(s): Darling
Age: 27
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 140lb
Hometown: Paris, France
Personality: Mean bitch who thinks she is above it all. Former model
Strengths: Perfectionist, confidence, mind games
Weaknesses: Perfectionist, brawlers, hot tempered
Gimmick If Any: None.
Alignment: Tweener leaning heel


Entrance Theme Music (Check Taken Theme Song List): “Nightmare” by Halsey
Entrance Description (Mandatory for bookings):
“Nightmare” by Halsey plays over the speakers. The lights in the arena dim down slightly. Pink and white lights flash upon the stage as the curtains are shoved aside. The fans boo loudly as Delia Darling steps out, wearing a sparkling pink dress. She flips her hair back and smirks as she saunters halfway down the ramp.

Darlyn:  On the way to the ring from Paris, France she is… Delia Darling!!! @@

Delia reaches down and tears away the bottom of the dress to reveal a one-piece suit. She tosses the dress portion out into the crowd. She looks from side to side before she darts under the bottom rope. She slowly walks to the center before looking around. She pauses dramatically before striking a pose for the cameras flashing. She walks around the ring, standing in the corner to start the match.

Entrance with Mercedes Vargas:

The crowd is on their feet when "Break Free" by Ariana Grande comes over the speakers as blue and white lights flash on the stage to the beat of the music. As the words pick up, the curtains are shoved aside. Delia Darling and Mercedes Vargas walk through them, side by side. They pause at the top of the ramp, looking in opposite direction, out into the audience before looking to one another.</color>

Darlyn: Iiiiintroducing first, at a combined weight of 262 pounds, they represent the Anti-Mean Girls movement, they are... DEEEEEEEEEEEELIA DARRRRRRRRRRRLING and MERRRRRRRRRRRRCEDEEEEEEEEEEEEES VARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! @@

The crowd cheers loudly as they nod their heads. They walk with authority toward the ring. A fan reaches out with two roses, one for each lady, and they accept them graciously, smiling before shaking hands with the fan. They quicken their pace, slapping a few hands on their way down before sliding in under the bottom rope together. Playing with the roses, they walk around the ring, getting the crowd into the show. They set the roses down on the apron before coming to the center of the ring, striking a couple of poses that send the crowd into a cheering frenzy. They walk over toward the far corner, staring at the ramp as they discuss amongst themselves.</color>


Everyone gets one finisher and 3 signature moves as well as a move set package. Please pick one package for your wrestler. Any moves you really want your wrestler to have please add it to the the signature moves section.

Wrestling Move Packages *Remember you can only pick one*

-All-Arounder (Jack of all trades, master of none)

1) Hair Biel
2) Bitch Slap
3) Monkey Flip
4) Bulldog
5) Dropkick
6) Body Slam
7) Spike Piledriver
8 ) Hurricanrana (only as a reversal)
9) Airplane Spin
10) Bridging Fall Away Slam
11) Slingshot
12) DDT (all technical varieties)
13) Diamond necklace choke (when ref is not looking)
14) Bronco Buster
15) Chick Kick
16) German Suplex
17) Hurricanrana
18) Headscissors
19) Atomic Drop
20) Full Nelson Slam

Signature Moves
1.) Triangle Chokehold
2.) Monkey Flip into Rear Naked Choke
3.) European Uppercut

Finishing Move
1.) Le Bitch Bomb (Razors Edge Powerbomb into the corner)
2.) Cutie Special (Bridging Fallaway Slam, into the corner)


Weapon Of Choice: Diamond encrusted brass knuckles
Match Of Choice: Any

Superstar Bio:
Delia always had a knack for fashion, sporting it on a dime if need be.  She has traveled all corners of the globe, showing off her unique and sometimes terrifying sense of fashion.  She is very strong willed and does not hesitate to incorporate her beliefs into the statements she makes with her fashion expressions.

Delia delved lightly into wrestling by joining NeWA’s all female promotion, NYDW.  She wrestled two matches there, debuting victoriously.  However, she had conflicts with management and felt that she was unable to express herself to her full potential and dropped from the promotion to return full-time to modeling.  The poignant yet loveable Delia was approached by Angelica to come to Sin City Wrestling to show off her talents in and out of the ring with a promise that she would never have to stifle her creativity again so long as she remained loyal to Angelica.

Thus, the Mean Girls was re-founded (and taking applications; pretty girls only, ugly bitches need not apply).  With a new found attitude, Delia has rocked the runway, and has set her sights on Amy Marshall to prove the SCW that she can be just as fierce inside of the ring.

Delia has since enjoyed much success in the ring, holding onto the Bombshell Championship for one of the longest reigns in company history.  She has gotten under the skin of the fans, staff, and the locker room.  However, she has recently severed ties with the Mean Girls stable.  She looks to destroy the stable while gaining the trust of those she's tortured over the first year and a half of her SCW tenure.

She went from SCW to Honor Wrestling, where she enjoyed a short stint.  She formed A.G.I.F.T. (All-Girls International Fight Team) with Mercedes Vargas, fostering Tatsu Ikeda and Winter Elemental.  They helped the two young starlets hone their skills, and become the dominant Hardcore Tag Team Champions that they are known as today.  Meanwhile, she also began training in MMA fighting styles.  She made appearances in Northern Lights Wrestling, Sin City Wrestling, Sin City Underground, and GRIME Wrestling in the meantime.

Past Accomplishments:
*SCW Bombshell Tag Team Champions (w/Mercedes Vargas)
* SCW World Bombshell Champion