Author Topic: SCU presents... Underground Ep. 116 (Results)  (Read 6620 times)

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SCU presents... Underground Ep. 116 (Results)
« on: December 05, 2021, 08:59:02 AM »

SCU Ep 116

Cow Palace Arena

Sin City Underground Ep 116 comes to you taped in front of a sold out crowd at the Cow Palace Arena, San Francisco, CA. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 11:55pm PST on December 4th , 2021.

Backstage at the famed Cow Palace, The Jeckels are  preparing for their matches, the ominous sight of Raisa manipulating fire on her finger tips, freezes the cameraman.

Raisa: Fire so advertently dangerous, yet quite beautiful, don’t you think.

Jake: Tonight, Mr. Garcia, Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Staggs, we fight to determine who will face Mr. Azarov on the dawn of the new year for the combat title he holds so dear. Tonight, you will see the one who They have deemed to one to challenge Mr. Azarov, and They have instructed me to show you all no mercy. I will honor their request, tonight you enter into my wolf den and you will not survive.

Raisa continues to move the fire around the tips of her fingers as Helena cackles eerily.

Helena:  Tonight I will refer to you as Ariana, because I feel we need to be a little more formal than usual, not that it will make any difference in the outcome of our match tonight. Ariana we have battled many times, but tonight I feel I must end our quarrel forever, for your time has reached its end, tonight your flame goes silent.

Raisa flicks her fingers and the flames go out.

Helena: Just like that.

Joshua is seen backstage with his GRIME Championship.

Joshua: Underground 105 was the last time I faced the so-called Godly man known as Father Gerald and after dealing my last two matches with his “family” I get to face him again and again I will tell you, scratch that I ask for your forgiveness because I am going to sin.

Joshua walks around.

Joshua: Now as most of you herd last week Amy took responsibility for our tag team loss.  I told her that we are a team we win as one and we lose as one.  I am just as responsible in that loss as she is.  Now for this week we get to have a fun match against the “Father” of the two that I have faced over the last couple shows.  I will take pleasure in this match this week.

Joshua walks by a table that has a cloth bag on it.  Picking up the bag as he walks by.

Joshua: In this bag are hundreds of tacks ready for this match.  You will bleed in this match as will I.  The only difference is that I don’t plan on losing to you.  You will be pulling wood and tacks out of your beaten, bloody, and bruised body.

Number one contendership Combat Championship match
Andrew Garcia vs Rory Rockefeller vs Jake Jeckel vs Jamie Staggs

The bell rings and immediately Rory and Jamie nod to each other, going after Andrew and Jake.  Jamie goes at Jake, who ducks and kicks him in the gut, dropping him with a Piledriver.  Rory spears Andrew to the ground and the two roll around brawling on the mat.  Jake goes for a cover on Jamie, but only gets a one count.  Jake pulls Jamie up, but Jamie rolls Jake up into a cover that earns a one count.  Jamie slides to the outside, and Jake follows after him.  Rory pulls Andrew up to his feet and sends him into the corner.  He goes for a shoulderbutt, however Andrew moves out of the way and locks on a Rear Naked Choke.  Rory is able to get to the ropes immediately, but Andrew holds on for a four count.  He finally lets go and drags Rory up, trying to deposit him over the ropes.  However, Rory holds on and kicks Andrew in the face.  He sends Andrew over the top, landing right on top of Jake.  Jamie immediately begins stomping on him.  He drags him up to his feet and bounces his head off of the ring steps a few times.  On a fourth attempt, Jake puts his foot up to block it.  He sends Jamie’s head bouncing off the steps and then shoves him in the ring.  He follows inside as Rory and Andrew brawl again.  Jamie headbutts Jake in the balls by “accident” and he drops him with a Tornado DDT.  With Jake down on the ground, Jamie goes up top to launch himself off for the Dumbass Drop, but Jake rolls out of the way and Jamie collides with the mat.  He sizes Jamie up as he slowly gets back to his feet.  Once he’s there, a boot to the gut leads to the Hokus Pokus (Flowing Snap DDT)!  He climbs on top for the cover, and Andrew and Rory are just a little too late as they try to enter the ring. Jake Jeckel wins via pinfall.  Jake rolls outside of the ring as Andrew and Rory argue about who is at fault for not breaking up the cover.  Jake smiles all the way to the back.

Camera go to the locker room in which we see Jamie Staggs holding a punching pad in which Winter is seen punching and kicking as Mercedes yells out different strikes for Winter to perform.

Jamie: Come on, you can do better than that. You hit worse than a girl.

Winter: Like this!

Winter kicks below the pad to kick Jamie on the side of the knee. Jaime falls down to said knee and ducks under the pad as Winter lays in three fast kicks to the pad. The last kick forces Jamie to drop one of his hands to the floor to keep his balance.

Jamie: Okay you win.

Winter: You damn right I win.

Jamie Staggs gets to his feet only for Winter to nail her version of Mercedes’s Be Still My Heart (Savate Kick)

Winter: Jamie didn’t see that coming. Just like Amy, Amy didn’t see herself defending the title in a standard match. Amy didn’t see me wanting to cancel the match. It’s safe to say that when I defeat Amy for the GRIME championship. She’s not going to see that coming either.

Winter helps Jamie up to his feet. Mercedes walks over to the door to let Jamie out.

Winter: Thanks Jamie, see you later bud.

Jamie: Later bud, time for me to do something you won’t see coming.

Winter: Dude, no one cares about your alone time.

Jamie leaves the room, Mercedes closes the door and heads towards Winter.

Winter: Of course I was going to fight Amy but the fact that SCU ignored me when I tried to cancel and Amy stated earlier today how she can cancel any match at any time is alarming. 

Mercedes: Amy said she wouldn’t but with power like that, who’s to say she already has behind closed doors and no one’s aware of it?

Winter: I know, and having that kind of power would allow her to decide who she faces and who she doesn’t. For example, Amy, the protected one, has yet to face Veronica Taylor. You know, the Hall of Famer who is married to the one booking the matches in the company, which is odd. I know the GM Lexa is still on her leave but why have the former GRIME GM handle the bookings and then Amy makes a statement like that.

Mercedes: That’s a good point. But then, is Amy being protected or is Veronica being protected?

Winter: Whatever do you mean?

Mercedes: Does Gianni know that his favorite, Amy, has no chance against his wife Veronica or does he know that his wife is not the best on his roster and therefore hides her away from his favorite wrestler?

Winter: But now it won’t matter. Tonight, I start my journey as a singles champion. As the great champion that I am, Amy will get first dibs.

Mercedes: Not so fast, mamita. SCU proved that what you say or want doesn’t matter. Clearly Amy’s the one with that kind of power.

Winter: She’s going to need it after she loses to me in a match with rules. No weapons, no cheating. Just a good clean match to determine the best.

Mercedes: A Gift from us to you.

GRIME Championship Thumbtack & Tables Match
Joshua Acquin vs Father Gerald

Father Gerald looks around to see the ample amounts of tables and bags of thumbtacks.  He nods his head as Joshua stands in his corner, looking at Gerald like a fresh piece of meat.  Gerald wastes no time exiting the ring to grabs a table to slide inside of the ring.  He turns around and slides another inside, and then another.  Joshua nods now, and ups the ante by getting inside of the ring to slide a couple bags of thumbtacks inside.  They look to make the match a quick one, but before they can set anything up, Gerald grabs Joshua by the back of the head and nails a DDT onto a bag of tacks.  The crowd cheers as Gerald turns around to begin setting up a table.  Joshua slowly gets up, and we can see the bag sticking to his face from the tacks.  He spots Gerald setting up the table, and he gets to his feet, charging Gerald with a Bulldog over the half table. It breaks, but this does not win the match due to no thumbtacks being present.  He stands up and roars as he taunts Gerald to get back to his feet.  Blood is slowly trickling from his face.  He grabs Gerald and goes for a DDT, but Gerald reverses it into a Northern Lights Suplex instead.  He gets to his feet and picks up one of the broken table pieces.  He begins bashing it against Joshua’s back.  Each smack gets a loud reaction from Joshua as he crawls over to the ropes.  Gerald follows, and as Joshua arrives at the ropes, Gerald hunches over to pick him up.  Joshua grabs the bag of tacks and swings them right at Gerald, tearing a bit at his face and his chest in the process, earning a painful shout.  Joshua gets back to his feet and sets the table nearest to him up.  He pours the thumbtacks over the table and sets Gerald up, but Gerald tackles him onto the table, throwing fists.  Joshua rolls him over and does the same.  Thumbtacks stick out of both of their backs as they roll back to the floor.  Gerald gains the upper hand and he begins bashing Joshua’s head into the corner repetitively.  He then turns him around and places him on the top rope.  He looks to do the Ray of Light (Diamond Cutter), but Joshua pushes him off, sending him through the tack covered table. Joshua Acquin wins via elimination.  Gerald is none too pleased as Joshua celebrates on the top rope still.  He mocks Gerald as he receives his GRIME Championship belt, holding it up for all to see as Gerald slowly begins to come around, and he applauds Joshua for outsmarting him.

The show cuts backstage to the locker room where a beaming Chelsea LeClair is standing by. She is in a much brighter mood than usual, especially when you consider the magnitude of her big victory. In fact, it is highly likely that she is the happiest that she has been in Sin City Underground so far. Her confidence is definitely flowing through her as she begins to express her thoughts.

Chelsea: Needless to say that I am feeling SO much better! You see, I HAD to have that match last week against Veronica Taylor. The biggest reason for that was personal pride. You see, the last time I had faced her, she had choked me out and thought that she could make an example out of me. It was a harrowing, horrible feeling because that was the moment that sent me into a place of frustration. I was frustrated because I felt that at that moment, I was becoming a joke and a bust in Sin City Underground. Still, even through that, I never gave up and I kept finding a way to keep going. I knew the entire time that all I had to do was get Veronica back in a wrestling ring and beat her. I know that all I had to do was win against her the right way and that I would feel like I’m finally on track in this company. I understand that there is still much more work to be done on my end to continue to rise up the ladder. I get that at the moment, I am not a wrestler that many in this circle are talking too much about. But, I am going to guarantee you this. What happened with Veronica last week was just the beginning. Defeating that plastic faced bitch is EXACTLY what I needed to do in order to get my name out there. Now? I can officially say that I’ve arrived in Sin City Underground.

Chelsea pauses for a second as she continues to bask in the glow of her biggest win in SCU to date. She maintains her confidence as she continues.

Chelsea: I’m going to outright say this. I KNOW that I have everything it takes to be the next big star in this company and tonight I get to take a massive step forward in that when I face Orchid. Now, Orchid is someone that has been talked about as a big deal in her own right. There was a time where she challenged Cordelia Clark for the SCU Underground championship and to her credit, she definitely gave it her all and she definitely gave it her best. However, it just wasn’t good enough. Orchid, I don’t hold a grudge against you as there is nothing for me to be bitter about when it comes to you at this time. But let me tell you something. I hope you saw my match against Veronica last week and I hope you learned something. You might see me and you might think that I’m just an obstacle to you that you can just push out of the way. I’m going to let you know that this is not going to be the case at all.

Tonight is going to be a further showcase of what I am capable of, Orchid. What started with Veronica is going to continue through you. You’re going to try and slow me down. You may even try to come out and say that my victory against Veronica was a fluke and that I’m someone that nobody on the roster would care about. Go ahead, feel that way about me. Go ahead and try to do the same thing that Veronica Taylor did and try to treat me like I am nothing. I promise you that underestimating me and trying to treat me like dirt is going to be the biggest mistake that you are going to make in this match. I’m coming into this thing more confident in myself than I’ve ever been in this company and I know I am going to keep showing what I am made of. Tonight, I will keep showing Sin City Underground why they shouldn’t be sleeping on me much longer!

Chelsea delivers a very confident wink as she exits the scene.

The scene opens backstage, where we see Amy stretching and warming up as she prepares for her championship match against Winter. Stopping her warm up, she turns her focus towards the camera and begins to speak.

Amy: Winter Winter Winter...

Well done you… you got what you wanted by bugging the shit out management on twitter.  At least it worked with them because quite frankly I found your constant message towards me a little tedious and yes I chose to ignore them because it was fun to and just to ruin yours. I did bite occasionally but I wasn’t about to fight back so easily.

Now…  do you remember Episode 108? Winter vs Amy Santino… GRIME championship on the line. Let me refresh your memory you went through the announce table and I pinned you and successfully defended my championship.

My question is… why do you want another shot when I beat you once before and more than likely I will do it again. It is because this time you have Mercedes at your side, egging you on and helping you and maybe training you? It wouldn’t make any different if she was training you or the fact that this match is a standard rules match. I have always liked doing hardcore match… that is why I preferred the Bombshell Roulette championship… but since the beginning of my career and I have wrestled in standard rules matches, so I am pretty familiar with the standard rules, and I am not one bit intimidated.

Anyway moving on… Let me pose a few questions to you and maybe involve Mercedes on this. What happens if you do win the GRIME championship? What are you going to do about Mercedes?

Whats that..  Mercedes is your friend and mentor and she wont attack... wrong my friend.

She is only being your friend and mentor for her own benefit and when you win the championship, you won’t be a friend but more of an enemy. Do you think she is content with just holding the mixed tag team titles? She would be happy holding two titles and brag about the number of titles she has held and how great she is. There is no you in that team it’s her and only her and she is looking after number one.

Which leads me onto my second question...

What happens if you lose, and you will lose to me? Again, all your efforts to be relevant in this division goes out of the window... and then there is again Mercedes. Is she going to stick by your side? Does she want to continue to help out a failure? Or will she continue you to push you until you crack, or she gets bored.

Just think about it long and hard. Look at the tweet she posted following your tweet about cancelling the match. Did she even speak to you about changing your mind? I bet she didn’t.

Winter you have to pick certain people carefully to be in your circle and how ambitious they are. Mercedes may be a veteran of the business, but she is always looking for gold.

Tonight Winter… I don care if you turn up or not… I am ready and waiting for your pathetic childish ass and ready to successfully defend my title. I am not scared of you and nor scared of the task at hand… and certainly not scared by the fact that this isn’t a hardcore match.  So come and bring it Winter.

Amy turns and grabs the GRIME championship and slings it across her shoulder before looking over and shoulder and gives a smirk before walking away to continue her match prep without any more distractions.

Chelsea LaClair vs Orchid

Orchid uses her refined martial arts skills to take an early advantage with kicks and jabs.  Chelsea tries to block as best as she can, but she struggles.  Chelsea finds an opening and drops out of the way of one kick.  Chelsea grabs her leg and hits a Floatover Suplex.  Chelsea goes for a cover, but Orchid bridges out of the pin.  Chelsea sends Orchid back to the ropes, and Orchid rolls under a Clothesline attempt. Through a series of unrelenting punches, a Rear Naked Choke, and a series of mount punches from Orchid, Chelsea is able to stave off the a punch. After this, Chelsea and Orchid stay even, trading punches, kicks, knees and elbows at an alarming rate.  Chelsea gains the advantage when she nails a Headbutt to Orchid, following it up with a Legsweep.  She goes up top for a Frog Splash, but Orchid moves out of the way.  Chelsea lands on her feet, but stumbles into the corner.  Orchid uses this to her advantage and rushes Chelsea with a barrage of clubbing blows.  She assaults Chelsea  to the point of being called off.  However, as soon as she backs away, Veronica Taylor is in the ring and she grabs Orchid by the hair and nails the Uggo Remover (Implant DDT)! Orchid wins via disqualification.  Veronica laughs it off until Chelsea realizes what’s just happened.  She tackles Veronica to the ground, pummeling her with lefts and rights, nearly taking her head off in the process.  Veronica claws at her eyes and flips her over, getting in a few good hits before Orchid gets back to her feet.  She drags Veronica off by her hair and puts her into a Dragon Sleeperhold.  This brings Delia Darling out.  She slides in the ring and plants Orchid with Le Bitch Bomb (Razors Edge into the corner).  After dusting her hands off, Chelsea comes up behind her and Dropkicks her in the back, sending her stumbling over Orchid into the corner.  Veronica trips Chelsea up across the bottom rope.  She hits the Beauty Improvement Pass (Curb Stomp) after dragging her away.  Delia and Veronica high five each other as they slowly exit the ring.

As they walk through the curtains, Veronica Taylor-Di Luca and Delia Darling are met by backstage interviewer, Marissa Henry.  They are laughing as Marissa imposes upon them.

Marissa:  I hate to be the one to ask a dumb question, but I have to.  What just happened out there?

Delia looks at Marissa, and then to Veronica, and they both chuckle again. Delia gently brushes a strand of hair out of her face as she steps up to the microphone, speaking in a condescending tone.

Darling:  Well, darling… Orchid finally won a match.  Surprising, no?

Marissa:  We all heard Darlyn announce the result of the match, but, why did you go out there and interfere in the match, Mrs. Taylor-Di Luca?

Veronica flips her hair for effect as she excuses Delia from the microphone.  She matches Delia’s energy, speaking in a bitchy, condescending tone.

Veronica:  Well, um… In case you haven’t noticed, this Kelsey chick can’t keep my freakin’ name out of her mouth.  Like, we get it, you’re starstruck.  It’s cute, really.  I mean, if she wants to be me so badly, then why not just say it?  There’s no shame in it.

Marissa:  We are well aware of your budding feud with Ms. LeClair.  But, the question, more specifically should be… why Orchid?

Veronica slowly turns to look at Delia, who pretends to have no idea what the implications are, snapping her fingers and looking away.  Veronica sneers and looks back to the camera, leaning over the microphone to continue her condescending speech.

Veronica:  Sometimes friends do favors for each other.  I put Rose down so that Delia didn’t have to.  I mean, Delia barely wrestles.  Why would she come prepared to fight?

Delia scoffs and excuses Veronica.

Darling:  Neis’er does Veronica Taylor-Di Luca, but tomato-to-mah-to, as z’ey say?

Veronica:  People still remember Veronica Taylor, and I am this show.  Delia just shows up when she wants, and it’s okay, hunty.  We all have different roles to play.  Tonight, mine was to send a message to Chrysanthemum.  She didn’t stay down and tried to turn the fight into a two on one attack, tuh!  How is that fair?  So, an unprepared friend was forced to come down and assist.  No more attacks from behind, Claire!  I will not tolerate any more underhanded tactics from some curtain jerker like you.  Just like Delia Darling said last week, I’m going to teach you a lesson, but it’s going to be on pay-per-view where everybody, and I do mean ev *clap* ree *clap* bah *clap* dee *clap* can see it.  No more rookies coming for me.  No more stale nostalgia acts will tarnish the ongoing reputation of the Mean Girls, except Celeste North.

Darling:  Tuh! A blemish we cannot erase, sadly. But our lawyers are working on it!

Veronica:  This isn’t a reunion tour.  It’s not us coming back together.  It is protecting our legacy in Sin City.  Starting with Camron and Lily, bitches…

And with that, Delia and Veronica lock fingers again and exit the entrance area, laughing off what they’ve just done.

The scene opens backstage where we see Ariana Angelos working out in preparation for her match against Helena Jeckel, she stands up to stretch her arms when she is approached by Dev.

Dev: Sorry to interrupt your workout Ari but your match against Helena Jeckel is coming up sooner rather than later, are you ready for it?

Ariana: I’ve been ready for it all week, well aside from the date with Francisco.

Dev: I heard about that! How did it go?

Francisco: It went very well my friend!

The camera pans over to show a tall, dark, and handsome Brazilian man in his early twenties with long hair approaching them, it quickly becomes apparent that he’s Ariana’s new boyfriend Francisco.

Ariana: I got him a backstage pass for Underground and Climax Control before you ask.

Dev: Fair enough, but has this affected your new outlook as you outlined last week?

Ariana: Absolutely not! I’ve been pushed around for way too long and anyone who tries that tonight will feel the wrath of the Greek Goddess!

Francisco: And I’ll be back here cheering her on!

Dev: Well, you already seem like a happy couple, back to you at ringside!

Ariana kisses Francisco on the cheek as the scene fades.

GRIME Championship SCU Rules Match
Amy Santino vs Winter Elemental

When Amy is inside of the ring, waiting for the match to start, “Broken Dreams” by Shaman’s Harvest starts playing over the speakers.  Winter walks out of the curtains in a black hoodie with her blonde hair hanging down.  She slowly walks down the ring as Amy stretches her arms out.  She steps back against the ropes to and waits for Winter as she takes her time.  Just then, Winter jumps up from behind Amy and smacks her with the Kawaii Stick.  “Winter” on the rampway lifts her head and it is Mercedes Vargas, wearing a blonde wig, walking down the rampway.  The real Winter continues to knock Amy up with the Kawaii Stick until the referee disarms her and throws the stick out of the ring.  Mercedes comes to ringside to cheer Winter on.  Winter clubs at Amy’s back as the bell rings.  She stomps Amy down to the mat and circle stomps her.  She grabs onto the back of Amy’s head and spins into a kick to Amy’s face.  Winter flexes as Amy goes down.  She laughs at Amy before going to pick her back up.  Amy surprises Winter as she lifts her into a Samoan Drop.  She goes for the quick cover, but Winter powers out of it.  She gets to the ropes and pulls herself up as Amy kicks her in the gut.  She hits rapid side by side kicks to Winter’s sides, and then she throws a kick to Winter’s stomach.  She gets a two count.  She drags Winter up to her feet and Winter reverses the Irish Whip, jumping up and taking Amy down with a Monkey Flip. She goes to pick Amy up, but Amy trips her up and locks on a Rear Chinlock on the mat.  As Winter rises, she plants her right back down with a Running Bulldog.  With Winter down on the mat, Amy sets Winter up and puts on the Punk Lock (Crossface Indian Deathlock)!  The crowd gives off a mixed reaction for Amy, but an intense reaction either way.  Winter raises her arm to tap out, but Mercedes gets on the apron.  She argues with the referee as she tries to get inside of the ring.  The fans boo loudly as Winter looks like she’s going to tap.  Amy gets pissed off and releases the lock.  She charges at Mercedes to knock her off of the apron.  As Mercedes flies off, Winter slowly works her way behind Amy and rolls her up, grabbing onto the tights.  The referee doesn’t see this, and with the confusion, gives Winter the three count! Winter Elemental wins via pinfall.  She rolls out of the ring and takes the title from the timekeeper and she rushes over to Mercedes.  Helping her up to her feet, the two laugh at Amy as they walk toward the back.  Amy stomps around and argues with the referee.  She marches to the back, and as she gets to the back, she goes into Gianni Di Luca’s office and slams the door shut.

In the dressing room, Halo, Linnéa Lacroix and Jane Harper stand together, none looking happy about the night's prospects.

Halo: Do we even know what in the fuck this match is supposed to be yet?    

Linnéa: I’d assume something with flaming tables, but after that?

Halo shakes her head.

Halo: How long do y’all think Veronica had to suck Gianni’s dick to get this set up?

Linnéa: You assume she had to in the first place there, HayJo.

Halo shakes her head.

Halo: No, Aunt Li, I just assume it’s the kinda shit they discuss during the time they actually….

She stops short as she almost starts to wretch.

Halo: On second thought, I don’t wanna mention that anymore…

Jane: All that bitch woulda had to do is fuckin flash a plastic titty or her stank ass pussy and he’d do anything, the fuckin pussy whipped simp. This is complete and total bullshit if ya ask me. I don’t wanna fuckin hurt either one of ya, especially you Halo after all the shit you did for me and Cheech.

Just then, the locker room door opens and Chiaki Sanada comes in, dressed in her usual dark, baggy attire, with a heavy coat, a bio mask and tinted goggles over her face. First she comes in, grunting and hissing as she drags a pair of folded tables in a stack into the room. She disappears out in the hall for a moment before returning with a pair of ten gallon gas cans. She sets them down and stands next to Jane, Halo and Linnéa.

Chi Chi: Maybe we put Venerial-chan and Fakk Boi through table instead!

Chiaki props her foot up on one of the gas cans, Captain Morgan style.

Linnéa tries not to laugh.

Linnéa: That is… definitely an interesting way to refer to that woman…

Halo snickers.

Halo: It’s alright, Aunt Li, everybody hates that bitch already anyway and that was before she married the fuckin’ GM!

Jane wraps an arm around Chiaki and kisses her on the top of the head before she looks at Halo and Linnéa.

Jane: Both of them bitches can suck my big, plastic cock for this bullshit, but fuckboi might actually enjoy suckin cock and takin shit up the ass.

Halo: I don’t wanna know what he enjoys…

Chi Chi: Sei kansen-shō-chan wa osoraku kanojo jishin no purasuchikku no kokku de kare o o shiri ni kugidzuke ni shimasu!

Chiaki proceeds to push a pair of fingers through her clenched fist until she forces her entire fist into her grasp and pumps her arm back and forth. Jane laughs and squeezes Chiaki tight.

Jane: As much as we all hate this bullshit, all four of us enjoy a good ass fight and whatever fuckin happens, Halo, Cheech and me will take very good care of you.


Her fists shoot up in the air before she stops and comically realizes it’s the wrong subject.

Linnéa: You guys… I can see why Halo loves y’all so much!

Halo shrugs.

Halo: Aside from VD… I mean T…. who doesn’t that’s met them?

Chiaki’s head tilts up and she puts a gloved index finger where her chin would be under her face mask. It takes a second before she realizes the difficulty and pulls the heavy duty gloves off, pulls the mask down around her neck and repeats the motion. All of a sudden, she starts counting off fingers, rapidly and firing off with:

Chi Chi: Fierce bish! Fuggu-chan! Kappa-chan! Muffin-chan! Dragon bishes! Chucky bish!

Until Jane puts a stop to it by literally putting a hand out and cupping it over Chiaki’s mouth ala-Han Solo to C3PO in Empire Strikes Back.

Jane: We get it, people who are dumb bitches are the only ones who don’t like us. We’re fun as fuck and we know how to make people smile and enjoy themselves.

Linnéa nods knowingly.

Linnéa: That’s for sure!

Halo nods, still showing mild annoyance with the situation.

Halo: Alright, fuck it, let’s go out there and show these fuckers what a real main event is supposed to look like!

Chi Chi: YOSH!!! LEGGO!!

Chiaki pumps her arm in the air and picks up the two gas cans.

Chi Chi: Bring tables!!

She walks up to the door and attempts to kick it open but it doesn’t even open that way.

Chi Chi: Kusooooooo!!!!!

She sets one can down, turns the knob to open the door and picks the can back up. As the door swings open, she kicks at it with her platform boot. The door swings hard, bounces back against the wall and swings back in, slamming into Chiaki and knocking her outside of the locker room, out of view of the camera. All anyone hears is a thud and the clatter of the two metal gas cans, followed by Chiaki cursing.


Halo: We really are a Gutter Ballet….

Linnéa: Ain’t that what you wanted on the shirts?  “Hello From The Gutter, Bishes!”?

Halo: Somethin’ like that…

They all chuckle together as they follow Chi Chi out of the room.

Angel Of Filth & Skag vs N.F.G.

We come back to ringside where Javier Gonzalez and Skag are about to start their match off, Angel of Filth and Omasa Tazu are on the outside, and it’s clear that they are aching to get involved as well.

Ding! Ding!

The purge sirens go off as the lights go down, and the crowd is shocked.

”This is not a test. This is your WGN broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Purge sanctioned by Sin City Underground. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. SCU officials and medical team have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all attacks, will be allowed until further notice. Emergency medical services will be unavailable until the Purge concludes. Blessed by our WGN Head of Standards and Practices.  SCU, a federation reborn. May God be with you all.”

The purge sirens commence again, and the lights return to normal.  Javi charges at Skag, but Skag ducks out of the way.  He holds his hands up as Javi is about to try to charge again.  He shouts at Javi in German, and Javi doesn’t understand.  Skag points to the four of them and then toward the speakers.  Javi thinks about it and looks back to Omasa.  Skag looks back to Filth.  The two ladies look to one another with a glare, but then they both nod their heads.  The four exit the ring and join forces as they rush up the rampway and toward the back.

As the four come rushing into the back, we instantly see Amy Santino practically growling as she bounces Ariana Angelos’s head off of the wall and then slams her face into a nearby equipment box.  She drags Ariana toward a set of stairs and she nails the Bad Girl on Ari as she rolls down the stairs.  Amy is breathing heavily as she stands up and looks right at Javi, Omasa, Filth, and Skag.


She looks at Omasa as she speaks.  Omasa starts to go for Amy, but Filth and Javi hold her back as Skag laughs.  He steps forward and shakes his head.

Skag:  Oh former owner.  Hallo und wie gehtz.

He bows to her almost valiantly.  She raises an eyebrow and gets into a defensive stance.

Skag:  This can play out a few ways.  Ein, you can go that way, and we can go this way. Zwei, you can come along with us and change your tone.  Drei… there is only einer of you, and vier of us…

Skag cackles as Amy walks up to him, getting in his face.

Amy:  With the mood that I’m in, I would gladly fight the three of you to get at her.

Omasa:  Decisions…

Omasa starts to go for Amy, but Filth steps in front of everyone. Filth is ready to defend, but Omasa places the tip of her bokken to the ground, ready to fight.

Filth:  Hey, hey, hey… This is free range for us all to have a fucking good time tonight.  Out of respect for you, Amy, let me suggest that you two put this to the side until next week.  I’m sure you two can have a match next week.  The five of us were definitely on the GRIME shit.  Let’s go after those who need a reminder of just how hardcore we really are.

Amy and Omasa nod, and Amy walks to one side. The four look at her smiling and then they walk along, looking for trouble.  They run into Mz Holly Wood and Kelli Torres who are both hammering away at Hitamashii.  He’s trying to find a way out of it as both kick him rapidly.  He reaches out toward Omasa for help.

Hitamashii:  Omasa!  A little help?

Omasa stares as Holly and Kelli continue burying kicks and knees to him.  They look back at Omasa and her three temporary cohorts at her side, ready to jump in.  Hitamashii blocks a knee from Holly, grabbing her leg and flipping her onto the ground with a Dragonscrew.  Omasa grabs Holly by the back of the head and pulls her wig off.  Holly snatches it out of Omasa’s hand, but Hitamashii is able to escape and takes his title to move along.  Omasa shrugs and turns, but not before nailing a Roundhouse Kick to Kelli before moving along. Skag and Filth join her, but Javi nails a Superkick on Hitamashii.

Javier:  Man, fuck you!

Kelli slowly gets back to her feet, and she and Holly continue to stomp away at him.  The four move along down the hallway as they run into Jerry Cann, Kandy Kaine, Father Gerald, and Andrew Borg going at it.  Gerald has Jerry by the back of the head, and Kandy is dodging strikes from Andrew.  Omasa and Javi attack Gerald and Jerry, Omasa with her bokken and Javi with a nearby steel chair.  Filth and Skag go at Kandy and Andrew, taking them down to the ground.  Filth chokes out Kandy with an electrical cord.  Skag grabs up a trashcan and puts it over Andrew’s head.  He kicks the can into Andrew’s midsection and then drops him with a DDT to the can itself, taking Andrew down with it.  Javi smacks Jerry with the chair across the back of his head while Omasa drops Gerald with a series of swift strikes of the bokken.  With all four down, the group does a war cry as they move along to find more victims.

Cameras cut to Orchid in the middle of this purge.

Orchid: I was set to do an interview but a purge just started.

Celeste walks up next to Orchid.

Celeste: You ready?

Celeste hands Orchid her old Masked Celeste colored GRIME Mask. Orchid smiles as she takes it and puts it on. Celeste puts on her old GRIME Orchid colored GRIME Mask. The crowd at ringside erupts so loudly that they can be heard backstage. Celeste and Orchid move along down the hallway, pushing open the door to Gianni’s office.  Just as expected, Delia Darling and Veronica Taylor are seen inside, and Orchid and Celeste rush them, knocking them over the desk as Gianni Di Luca and Tad try to break it up, but the two masked wrestlers continue pounding away at the former Mean Girls.  Masked Celeste grabs Delia by the back of the head and smashes her face into the leg of the desk.  Masked Orchid grabs Veronica and puts on a Rear Naked Choke.

The show cuts to the locker room where Cordelia Clark is standing by. She’s in a very bad mood considering what happened last week. She definitely did not want her match with Merlot to end that way, especially since it negatively impacted her as far as her win loss record is concerned. Her eyes narrow with anger when Morgan Clark walks into the scene. She does have that arrogant smirk on her face which only furthers Cordelia’s anger.

Cordelia: Wipe that smirk off of your face…

Morgan: Wow! Cordy! Let’s chill for a minute!

Cordelia: NO! YOU cost me that match against Merlot last week! I don’t care if it was a disqualification, a loss is still a loss! You never apologized for it.

Morgan: Well I’m SORRY, okay…

Cordelia rolls her eyes in complete and total annoyance.  However, we can see Azurine Vebbins slap Esther across the face, prompting her to start smashing Azurine’s head with the locker door, screeching.  She only stops when Katta Pult grabs her from behind and hits a German Suplex on her.  Cordelia puts a finger against her ear like she can’t hear her sister.

Cordelia: You really don’t mean that.

Morgan: Look, I don’t care if you doubt me or not, alright? I came here to say sorry and that’s that. Well, actually there was something else that I wanted to ask you too.

Cordelia: What? What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?

Morgan: When am I getting a title shot?

This question has Cordelia really narrowing her eyes in anger. She has to hold herself back from saying or doing anything that she might regret later.  Esther grabs hold of Katta and slams her face into the locker, dropping her. Cordelia looks in disgust before returning her glare to Morgan.  She lets her anger boil through her before she really goes off on her sister.

Cordelia: Can you quit being selfish for ONE second? What part of ‘we’re not having this conversation anymore’ do you not understand? When there’s another round of GRIME nonsense going on, how is it that you can only think of yourself here?

Morgan: Wait what? GRIME’s at it again?

Cordelia: Yeah. Don’t you see this nonsense going on around us?  I know SCU is full of uncultured swine, but still. They are. You know how they are. Their champion buried you into the ground, remember? As you should know, how a company’s champion feels about you reflects how the entire organization feels about you. GRIME sees you as lower than dirt, you know. You can’t tell me that what I am saying to you is a lie. Amy buried you into the ground and now she’s trying to compliment you for ‘stepping out of my shadow’. What that tells me is that GRIME is full of two faced bastards that can never be trusted. Now they’re going to raise hell tonight? Nah, that’s not going to happen.

Morgan: Hmm… maybe I should sympathize with that.

Cordelia: I am being SERIOUS about this Morgan.

Morgan just scoffs at this, seemingly amused.  Esther comes barreling at the two sisters, and they just step aside as Omasa Tazu catches her with a jumping kick.  Javi, Skag, and Filth are laying a beating down on the Dying Breed in the hallway outside.  The focus comes back to Morgan.

Morgan: Here’s the thing though. You have done some promos in the past during your time as the SCU TV Champion where you have come out and said that you don’t give a flying crap about the SCU-GRIME war and that you wanted nothing to do with it. Yet, here you are making an appeal to me NOW about standing up to it? What is the deal here? Why are you changing your tune and wanting to get involved in this?

Cordelia: Things are DIFFERENT now!

Morgan: Oh? What’s changed? Don’t tell me you actually care about the little people of SCU now. We’re the elite of the elite, remember? We’re the types of people that don’t interact with the common crowd like most of the filth that permeates SCU.

Seeing the growing crowd of brawlers outside of the door, Cordelia points at it as if to say “do you not see THAT?”

Cordelia: I have a personal stake in this now…

Morgan: OH? INTERESTING. What would that be?

Morgan continues to ignore the events going on around her to drive her point home.

Cordelia: When GRIME’s champion is corrupting you the way she did…

Morgan just laughs this off, not taking this seriously.

Morgan: Amy Santino hasn’t corrupted me. Is the sky falling too?

Cordelia: Look, can we just have ONE THING to agree on? ONE THING! I’m so tired of fighting! I’m so tired of THIS! It hurts my soul to have these fights and these arguments every single week. You and I can agree that if there is anything WORSE than the SCU low class filth, it’s GRIME! GRIME is where the absolute GARBAGE is. You know that, I know that. If GRIME succeeds with their nonsense, then that ruins both of us. We won’t have a place to rule over. Can you at least see that much?

Morgan doesn’t respond right away and her lighthearted demeanor about what Cordelia has been trying to tell her is starting to come through to her.

Cordelia: Can we just put this crap aside for ONE night? Is that too much to ask for?

Morgan sighs, possibly with reluctance.

Morgan: Fine. Fine. You’re right. Sorry. I shouldn’t have been so petty about this tonight. Let’s do what we have to do, as necessary, to deal with these fuckers okay?

Cordelia: LANGUAGE!

Morgan: Oh right… sorry, sorry…

Morgan just laughs at her own slip.

Cordelia: I’m glad we can at least agree on THIS!

Morgan: Don’t mention it.

Cordelia and Morgan walk out of the shot together, for once being on the same page. Once they depart from the locker room, they see Amy Santino rush by, nailing a kick to the stomach of Esther, followed by a Powerbomb, knocking her head against a low hanging pipe.

Amy is still on a warpath as she pushes past staff and security, who are essentially paid to just sit there, doing nothing.  She bumps into 2 Broke Chicks, Halo Annis, and Linnéa Lacroix.  She stiffens up, but doesn’t back down.  She sees a bat laying on the ground, and she’s ready to attack.  Halo looks to Jane and Chi Chi and smirks.

Halo:  You don’t want none of this tonight, chickie.

Amy shrugs and winds up the bat.  Jane has her Louieville Slugger ready to go in return.  Chi Chi pulls her bokken out.  Halo picks up a broomstick, and Linnéa grabs up the mop bucket.  Amy lowers the bat to her side and she steps backward with a smirk.  She turns and walks off as Omasa clobbers Chi Chi with her bokken.  Filth wraps a chain around Linnéa’s throat.  Skag chokes Halo with a pipe, and Javi begins whipping Jane with his belt just enough to cause her to lose grip of her bat.  Amy waves at them.

Amy:  You’re right.  Maybe some other night.

Chi Chi turns around and fights back with her bokken, her and Omasa going at it samurai style.  Halo elbows Skag in the ribs and turns around to jam the broomstick right between his legs, racking him.  Linnéa headbutts Filth from behind as Jane struggles against her own baseball bat being used against her.  The momentum switches back and forth for a moment.  Filth is able to hit a black mist on Halo, dropping her with a DDT.  She climbs on top of an equipment box and jumps off with the Defibrillator (Double Stomp from elevated surface).  Skag has a broomstick broken over his head and he goes down.  Javi nails a Piledriver on Jane before going over to help beat down on Chi Chi until she is down and out.  Linnéa splashes the bucket over Javi and Omasa, but Filth comes up behind her and drives a knee into her back.  Omasa lays her out with the bokken as the four stand tall over the foursome.

We find our way to the parking lot where Mercedes Vargas and Winter Elemental are moving toward a black Lexus.  Mercedes disarms the alarm, and we see the lights flash from across the lot.  They rush over toward it, and Mercedes hands her bag over to Winter.  She opens the trunk and then gets inside of the car to start it.  Winter packs the bags in the trunk of the car as we hear rapid footsteps rushing toward their direction.  Winter hurries up and tries to rush to the door, not even slamming the trunk.  She has her hand on the door handle, but Amy grabs her by the hair.  She drags her over toward the trunk and pushes her halfway in.  She goes to slam it shut, but Mercedes drives forward a bit.  Amy steadies her grip on the baseball bat and knocks Winter in the gut.  Mercedes is about to get out of the car, but Winter shouts at her.

Winter:  Go on mama!  Get out of here!

Mercedes closes the door quickly and peels out.  Amy continues to swing the bat at Winter, nailing her a few more times in the gut before winding up for the face.  Once she swings, Winter is thrown out of the way and to the ground by Ariana Angelos.  She catches the very edge of the bat in the process, holding onto it as she pulls it from Amy’s grasp.  She whacks Amy across the back with the bat and then bashes the butt end of it to Amy’s chin.  She then winds up and knocks it out of the park as Amy goes down!  Winter slowly gets up to thank Ari, but Ari spins around and knocks her out with the bat as well.  She throws the bat to the ground and whips her hair back over her head.  She stands over both Amy and Winter as the show goes off the air.