Author Topic: First Class Goth ?  (Read 257 times)

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    • Veronica Taylor
First Class Goth ?
« on: June 24, 2016, 07:25:58 PM »
 The cameras open up on an edition of Mean Girls TV the bright  pink logo appears out of nowhere as As the logo was once was 3M logo. But now that the group is fallen apart, though Crystal is now the Bombshells champion it is unlikely they will come to the forefront, however, the old Mean Girls site which had long been dormant was now back and live. As the cameras then open up live right outside of what looks like a local school where we see a "gothic" kid sitting alone under a bleacher as all of a sudden coming into the view is Veronica Taylor dressed in a smart leather skirt, black high heel boots, a white top and a pair of glasses over her eyes she looks at the goth with almost a look of pity  before turning to the camera rolling her eyes disgusted she is doing this but soon a bright smirk appears on her face.

Veronica Taylor: This is the scene that everyday faces thousand of high schools you see while not all kids can be the popular ones after all most kids are basic. Sad but true but even basics try to fit in to try and have normal lives, however, one subspecies of basics the one that faces the most issues and causes them is the goth subspecies a subspecies that one day might turn into this if not treated.

Veronica takes a picture out of her Gucci handbag pulling out before showing the camera a picture of Jessie Salco, she flicks her two-toned hair. Just standing there with a bitchy look on her face clearly annoyed.

Veronica Taylor: Yes I implore all parents to make sure their kids do not grow up to become Slowcow, like how could any good decent parent allow their kids to become Jessie Slowcow is beyond me? Better yet I need to meet with her parents but then again I am not trying to catch basicness.  Like I am sure her family looks like a group of trolls though for real like I am sure this kids family does, but anyway. If you buy Veronica's secret products then you could help basics like this yes basic like this become a watchable part of our society again.

Veronica moves closer to the kid, taking a Marilyn Manson cd luring him out of his hiding spot.  As he slowly moved out, she eyes the kid  As the kid slowly comes out and grabs the cd she looks disgusted before saying.

Veronica Taylor: See, this is what is scary more and more basics join this subspecies of basic why is that you may ask? Because the want to feel important but really the gothic subspecies are the lowest of the low in terms of basics they think they can topple the popular people isn't that right?

She looks at the boy with a quizzical look as he stares at the supermodel shaking his head. Not understand what this was all about, but the Cuban supermodel keeps her eyes on him wanting him to answer the question she had posed. But seeing he won't talk she soon says in a fake nice tone.

Veronica Taylor: Well,  here is the thing who you think will win this Sunday night at Climax Control Jessie Slowcow or me the Fabulous Veronica Taylor?

The kid looks at the First Class Model up and down, as The First Class Model rolls her eyes just wanting the kid to answer the question, but in the right way. However,  the kid seems to star at the picture for a long time as well before looking back up.

Kid: Jessie Salco is going to beat you and beat you badly like Christine Bently is even better than you.

Veronica soon glows red as she is angry at the response from the kid. As she thought for second even as a basic would know how amazing she was. But that was typical from the Gothic subspecies. But, The first class model soon lets out a bitchy sneer as she spoke in her normal bitchy tone.

Veronica Taylor: Of course you would pick Slowcow but you don't know any better like she does not know better. She does not understand what it means to be presentable and fabulous like me. She does not understand like you don't understand fashion in the slightest. But, you know something it's okay I understand. Not everyone can be First Class a lot of you have to fly coach and that's you and that's people like Jessie Slowcow and Zelda Clarke. Like, but that is the danger of falling into the gothic basic trap like ugh! I am sorry but kid I can help you understand how to be the most presentable basic you can be.

Veronica rudely holds her hand out meaning talk to the hand in a disgusted bitchy way.  As she moved him out of the spotlight allowing the cameras to just focus on her.  As she had a bitchy smile pleased with herself, she fluffs her two-toned hair.

Veronica Taylor:  Like let me explain to you something that kid right now does not belong on camera with me ugh he belongs in like hot topic or something wearing a mask to cover up his face. Like Halloween is over with duh! Any way you the fine people who watch SCW can help him by donating to the Make Basics Watchable again fund. With a small donation and I know you people can't afford a lot well very little. But still, any little bit can help kids like that one get the wardrobe and fashion help they so need. Help, fixing your faces but tonight I am going to give a free make over a free personal one I know I am so nice and that makeover is going to be Jessie Slowcow like oh my god I am so tired of facing you hunty.

Veronica Taylor rolled her eyes in disgusted motion, holding up her hand in a disgusted tone. As she motioned for the cameras to stay back and focus on her, and her perfect body. She smirked evilly, as she kept speaking in her normal bitchy tone, this time, taking off of her glasses showing off her bright blue eyes.

Veronica Taylor:  See Slowcow you're the main jealous basic I have had to deal with my whole time here like it's disgusting. You're obsessed with me almost as much as going to random disgusting metal concerts like gross! And Tommy Knocks says you will beat me so do all the basics out there think that? Then they are in need of help but don't worry I help all the basics out.  See, this is not a love fest like Keira vs Roxi will be, this is going to be all about me Veronica Freakin Taylor.  See that Bombshell title belongs to the First Lady of SCW the Orginal Mean Girl, not these basics walking around here pretending they are worth the time and day. But Jessie, lets focus on you shall we, how many times do I have beat you like the basic you are. Like I beat you twice for the tag team titles? Like how lame is this? How bad for you that Mark put you against me once again and all of this about my little slump but yet I keep coming and everyone keeps watching for me.

Veronica smirked before motioning clearly the PSA was pretty much over, as Veronica lost her ability to keep a straight face. Her typical bully antics were coming out in full stride as she snapped her finger and someone comes with a drink of water she takes a sip before spitting it out on the stage assistant, before throwing the rest at him.

Veronica Taylor: Ugh like you know how I like my water duh! Imported I don't drink domestic. Anyway,  speaking of which let's compare shall we I am beyond you Slowcow it's just the truth no matter how much you do and you have done a bit I am not gonna lie no matter how much hope you give to the basics it will never be enough why is that?

Veronica let out a bitchy giggle before continuing on.

Veronica Taylor: Gucci vs Walmart brand pretty much sure you look like you just came out of hot topic but let's face it those cloths are clearly Walmart brand, that makes up? Please, you need major help in proper make up choice, and application. So that is why you will be getting this make over you so need see after I beat you don't be mad at what I do be greatful because I care and you are in the same company as me and being in the same company as me I can not have you walking around looking like a cast member of the walking dead like that is totally gross ew! But don't worry when I am done with you will be a more presentable and less basic member of society. You will be the first one of many to benefit from the Making Basics watchable again fund where I once again pretty up the world of wrestling hell the world in general. And save you from your mosh pit existence. So make sure you donate today and watch me run that ring like a runway against the gothic freak sorry bout it.

Veronica soon blew an arrogant kiss smirking as the scene then faded to black. it gives the number to her charity 1-800-basic, and her charities website www.makebasicswatchableagain. As an the procededing annoucement has been paid for by Veronica Taylor. She was ready to take the steps to get what she wants in SCW, and it begins by facing her long time Rival Jessie Salco, however, she has to beat her in order to get what she wants will she be able to?