Author Topic: Happy Birthday!  (Read 560 times)

Offline Candy

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    • Candy
Happy Birthday!
« on: October 09, 2020, 09:07:40 PM »
ooc: Sorry for crappiness and shortness... was not home most of the day and now I'm exhausted and just can't focus.


**The scene opens up to show Candy inside her kitchen in her home. There are ingredients all over the place. Flour, sugar, bowls… all over the place! And sprinkles… bottles and bottles of sprinkles scattered across the counters. Candy was seen over at her large mixer, wearing a pink sequined apron that said “Candy” across the front in silver. She had a matching chef’s hat on as she poured something into the mixing bowl.**

Candy: And now I need to add… one TSP of vanilla extract… what’s a TISSSSSP?

**Marcus, with a chuckle, looked up from the chair he was sitting on in the corner. He was playing around on his phone, keeping Candy company, as she baked.**

Marcus: TISP?

Candy: Yes. TISP. T-S-P…

Marcus: Teaspoon.

Candy: Why don’t they just SAY that?

Marcus: It’s an abbreviation.

Candy: Oh… ok…

**She went back to happily mixing and mixing. At her feet, sitting patiently, was her little floofball, Fluffy. Fluffy had a hat matching Candy’s on her head as she sat there. Curled up in a ball, napping, at Marcus’s feet was the newest member of the Cage family, Hero.**

Marcus: Remind me again why you are going through all this trouble to bake this cake?

Candy: It’s for Mark! He is like one of the bestest bosses ever and it was his birthday the other day and he deserves a huge and awesome cake!

Marcus: Right, Mark’s birthday.

Candy: Yeah! I’m gonna make him a HUGE cake with LOTS of sprinkles and edible glitter!

**Marcus chuckled a little to himself as he watched her pour the brightly colored batter into different round cake pans and pop them in the oven. She set an oven timer to go off in 15 minutes. She walks over to Marcus and smiles.**

Marcus: I think it’s really sweet of you to bake a cake for him for his birthday.

Candy: Everyone deserves a cake on their birthday! And… maybe he will be so happy with it that he will let me have my Glitter Bomb match!

**Marcus chuckled. He knew there had to be a little bit more a reason.**

Marcus: I see. Well, don’t lose focus on this week. You have a huge opportunity for the Mixed Tag Titles.

Candy: Yeah… I don’t know who Agustus Romanov is… is he like Agustus Gloop from Willy Wonka?

Marcus: I… don’t think so. I think his name is Augustino…

Candy: I still don’t know who he is. But I’m excited for a chance at the titles. I just wish I knew who my partner was. I miss teaming with you.

Marcus: I know. But you know my doctors don’t exactly want me wrestling right now.

Candy: I know.

**She looked sad for a moment.**

Marcus: But don’t let that stop you. You will do great, like you always do. You didn’t know your partner for the Blast from the Past tournament, and you still got to the semi finals. You just gotta go out there and trust your partner, whether you know him or not.

Candy: I know. And I will do my bestest.

**Candy begins to start cleaning the kitchen up as the scene fades to black**
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