Author Topic: Take these bitches to school.  (Read 2516 times)

Offline Brasskncklechckle

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    • Bianca Solderini
Take these bitches to school.
« on: May 19, 2012, 02:28:45 AM »
 The scene cuts to a rather quiet but busy part of the strip, people are passing by and staring at the camera as it slowly begins to move toward a window that has a huge ARMANI sign painted against the glassy surface. As the glass and the sign begin to blur, the sight of Bianca shopping inside comes into focus. The cameraman moves along the glass, keeping his focus on the new SCW Bombshell as he begins to make his way inside. Approaching her, you can hear a very faint clearing of his young voice as he speaks up, "Miss Solderini, might we get a few words on the record?"

Bianca's gaze never leaves the two dresses she seems to be toiling over. Holding one up and examining every little detail, only to turn the other dress around and hold it up against her, looking herself over in the mirror. She tilts her head a moment, her eyes dancing over the mirror's projection, "Si Si, What do you want?"

"We'd just like to get your thoughts on the latest airing of Angelica and Veronica Taylor's - "

"Ahhh, I see. You want to know what I think about that, hrmmm?" She giggles a little, a faint smile continuing to grow. "I'm not worried about them. I never was, and I never will be. I mean..." She pauses and turns toward him, looking at the young man in a rather good mood. "How can I take ANYONE seriously when they write their insults and such into a diary? What is this? Elementary School? They're proving themselves to be all too much like pre-pubescent little boys....eager for do you say...that first touch?"

The camera man blushes and she laughs out loud, shrugging a bit, "They can say what they want about me, it's all too apparent that they are jealous of what they do not possess. Honey, Angelica may be able to PLAY at being a princess, but only someone who isn't new-money - much like myself -  would know that she's pretending. She's the excited little school girl - which is understandable for someone who came up from a gutter. What do I find more offensive? The bile-like trash-talk she vomits in public, or her general appearance. I mean, c'mon sweety - that Meth pipe is doing nothing for your really should get some botox on those HUGE bags under your's rather hideous and shows your true age. It's called a plastic surgeon, bambina. Find one, and quick."

She gives the dresses another quick look over, "As far as what I see....I don't see Sass and Class, I see Trash and Crabs." Bianca shivers at the thought. She then looks at the camera a brief moment, "Beware popolo, You'll not only need to double bag their faces, but you'll also want to "double bag" your testa di cazzo." She motions downward with her eyes and a quick nod of her head so the men get the picture. A few rather choice disgusted groans are made in the background from the camera crew. "Come to think of it..." She looks upward, thinking... "The day Stevie Wonder went I remember..." She looks toward the camera in a sympathetic way, "Was the day you were born. What a...what was the word you used....travesty?" She gives a small tsk tsk sound and shakes her head with a pouty look, "You poor thing. It's alright though, He's coping rather well with your hideousness, I will pray for you however that you'll find a way to do the same. I know the only love and affection you could find was through incest..." She stops as if making a revelation, "You poor dear!! I understand now why you make a hunk like Mark do these disgusting things for you. I feel more sorry for him than for you - because he's the one that has to stomach your fessa every night." She shakes her head in pity. "Mark, I didn't know you were so desperate for un bella fica. What a shame."

"Say what you want about me, It phases me little. I know who I am and where I've come from. Unlike you two, I don't need to pretend to be something I'm not. Trish and I will show you what exacting power and talent looks like in the ring. If you both weren't so trivial and juvenile, Hell! You might even learn something. But that is all, I will waste no more breath on you. And by the way, I'll be damned if I EVER kiss your ass. I'm not checca, and even if I was I'd be too afraid of catching whatever you picked up off your...."pole" "

She looks back at the cameraman with a smile, "Alright, gentlemen. That will be all, thank you. I have more decisions to make for the show..." The cameraman, smiling and sounding mighty happy that HE wasn't cussed out this time, he agrees with her that they are finished, "Yes Miss Solderini, Thank you."  Before the camera cuts off, she looks toward the camera with a look as if to say, 'Swallow that Bitch'

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"If you're going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty. " - Bianca Solderini