Author Topic: SCU Presents... Underground Ep 135 (RESULTS)  (Read 6405 times)

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SCU Presents... Underground Ep 135 (RESULTS)
« on: June 08, 2022, 01:51:32 AM »
Underground Ep. 135

Underground 135 - 6/4 - Colisee Pepsi in Quebec, Quebec, Canada

Sin City Underground Ep 135 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 60% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Colisee Pepsi in Quebec, Quebec, Canada. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network on Saturday, June 4th, 2022.

Pride Tag Team Championship Contendership Match
Rory Rockefeller Vs Skag

Morganna gives a bit of a pep talk to Skag while Unknown and Rory talk strategy. After a moment of this, both men begin to circle. The match goes back and forth, focusing mostly on strikes between both men.  Rory gets lucky, hitting Skag’s knee multiple times with swift kicks.  Skag is caught off guard by it, and Rory gains an advantage with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Unknown cheers him on while Morganna rallies behind Skag.  He mounts Skag, going for punch after punch.  After several hits, Skag gets Rory by the throat and powers out from under the bigger fighter.  He rises up and kicks Rory in the gut several times.  He goes for the Mello Yellow (Shooting Star Neckbreaker), but Rory barely powers out of it.  Skag kicks Rory’s knees out and then nails a headbutt between the eyes.  He tries again, but Rory pushes him back into a corner with a Shoulderbutt, repeating it several times.  Skag only narrowly misses a Big Boot from Rory and rolls Rory up to get a two count.  Rory tries to grab onto Skag, who hits a Discus Clothesline to knock him down to the mat. Skag finally hits the Mellow Yellow. Skag gets the cover, and just at three, Rory gets his foot on the ropes. But, before the referee can see it, Morganna makes it to the foot and knocks it off, allowing Skag the three count! Skag wins via pinfall.  Unknown tries to argue the point with the referee, but Skag and Morganna gang up on her, backing her into a corner. Rory sneaks up behind Skag and nails the Jager Bomb (Springboard Powerbomb) on Skag, and Morganna rolls outside of the ring to avoid being attacked. She shouts at Rory and Unknown as she pulls Skag out of the ring. She helps him to the back, shouting at the Pride champions.

Marissa is backstage with Team Canada.

Marissa: I’m here with team Canada, and tonight SCU lands in Quebec City, being Canadian how have you been enjoying this tour so far?

Stewart: It has been great every stop so far has been awesome, the fans are certainly glad to see us after not being able to since Covid hit.

Earl: Exactly, Canada is our home town, and like Stewart said the fans have been great, and we’ve enjoyed wrestling for them.

Marissa: Tonight you face three people you're very familiar with Father Gerald Sheppard, and Esther and Andrey Azarov.

Dahlia: Yes indeed Marissa, Earl and I have had great matches against Andrey and Esther, tonight will be no different, we know what to expect from each other, but tonight we have the added factor of the great Canadian fans cheering for us, but whatever the outcome the fans will go home happy.

Stewart: I had great matches against father Gerald so has Earl, he’s one of the best opponents I faced in my career we torn houses down everywhere we’ve wrestled, tonight we’ll blow the roof off this place, and the winner the real winners as Dahlia stated will be the fans.

Singles Match
Cordelia Clark Vs Jenifer Lacroix

Jenifer and Cordelia start the match off with various kicks, and they block each kick with a counter kick.  This goes on for nearly two minutes of the match before Cordelia fakes out a kick, then sweeps Jenifer off her feet.  She lands a knee to Jenifer’s forehead.  She goes for another, but Jenifer moves out of the way.  She then sweeps Cordelia off of her feet and maneuvers her into a Rear Naked Choke.  Cordelia struggles against it, nearly getting the ropes, but Jenifer flips over, blocking her.  Jenifer tries this until Cordelia uses the momentum to continue rolling over a second time to get the ropes for the break.  Jenifer gives in instantly and allows Cordelia back to her feet.  Jenifer goes for the Kimura Lock, but Cordelia rips her arm away just in time.  She gets on top of Jenifer and throws punches, hard and calculated.  Jenifer takes several while blocking many. Jenifer grabs Cordelia’s leg on the fifth strike attempt and hits a Fisherman’s Suplex.  She only gets a one count, but it allows her time to shake out the cobwebs.  She picks Cordelia up and nails a Vertical Suplex, showing some improvement in her technical skill.  She then gets Cordelia in a Wrist Lock.  She pulls it behind her back and locks on a Choke.  The referee calls for the break.  Cordelia holds onto her throat, but does her best to continue. She shakes it off a bit and then the two begin trading kicks again.  Cordelia is more driven than ever. She skips to the chase and to her strong suit as she ties up with Jenifer and whips her into the ropes. As Jenifer comes back, Cordelia does a Fireman’s Carry. She sizes Jenifer up for the Heartbreaker, but before she can connect, Andrea Hernandez jumps the barricade and grabs onto the ropes to stop her. Jenifer is able to secure the Kimura Lock on Cordelia while Andrea taunts her. Cordelia tries to get to the ropes, but her struggle is fruitless as she passes out. Jenifer Lacroix wins via TKO. Andrea laughs at Cordelia as she goes back into the audience.

The scene opens backstage, where we see Amy pacing a little but at the same time she prepares for her match tonight against Winter Elemental.  A battle that has ben long in the making ever since Winter beat Amy for the GRIME championship several months ago.  Amy stops and looks down the camera.

Amy:  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!  Only a singles match. You know what it only takes one singles match and the win to get into your future Combat Championship match and knock that stupid fucking know it all smirk off your ugly face.

I accept this bullshit “invitation” by the way.

But it does go to show how much of a baby back bitch you are. Too scared to put anything on the line… whats next… faking injuries or getting your glorified valet involved to make sure I lose. You know what… involve your glorified valet because it will just go to show that you can’t win anything without her help.

Amy lets out a deep breath as she adjusts her hair before continuing.

Amy: After I lost the GRIME Championship the first time around, I made the mistake of sitting around and waiting for Christmas to come and go and then challenge you but I took too long and i missed my chance to kick your ass… but it wasn’t the first missed opportunity because I had a chance to face you but again like the little bitch you are you dropped the title to spite me… fuck it… you tried and clearly failed to ensure I didn’t win the title again.

Not only are you a little bitch but also a failure.

You think you have it made, you think you are big and bad because you have Mercedes as a “valet”, you think because you have one win against me makes you the greatest… WRONG.

I will show you that you are a talentless hack who just got lucky… got lucky winning the GRIME championship and got luck winning the Combat championship. Tonight, you will not be so lucky.  Tonight, I am going to make you my bitch… I am going to take my time in working you over… bit by bit… until I have you in the right spot and pin you… 1… 2…. 3.

Your dreams of a nice cushy and easy life at Supernova will be done.

Amy smirks as she slips on her mask and turns her back to the camera before continuing her preparation of the match. The scene fades out on Amy as she begins to shadow box.

Tag Team Match
Team Canada (Stewart Mason, Earl Lockyer, Dahlia Rotten) Vs Father Gerald Shepherd, Andrey & Esther Azarov

Earl and Andrey meet in the middle of the ring for a Test of Strength, and this goes on for nearly a minute, both men gaining and losing the advantage.  It ends when Andrey gets Earl down to the ground for a one count.  Andrey celebrates, but Earl takes advantage of the rookie mistake and gains and maintains the advantage with a Belly-to-Back Suplex, followed by several reversals turns into various suplexes.  Andrey is forced to tag out to Esther, and Earl tags in Dahlia.  Esther throws several kicks and punches, and they start to wear on Dahlia after a moment.  However, Dahlia is able to catch one leg and falls back into a Release Suplex.  Esther lands in the corner, upside down.  Before she can crumble, Dahlia hits a Hip Strike to Esther’s midsection.  Gerald tags himself in, and he and Earl go back and forth with a series of chops. Earl backs Gerald into the corner, nailing even more chops. The crowd cheers with each chop until Earl tags in Stewart. Stewart gets two chops before Gerald blocks a third, and then grabs onto Stewart’s shoulders and tosses him into the corner. He nails a few chops before sending Stewart into the ropes. He catches Stewart with a Spinebuster. Once he’s down, he gets a two count before Earl breaks it up. Andrey comes in and begins brawling with Earl. Esther comes in and slaps Earl, which draws Dahlia inside. She grabs Esther and the two begin brawling Andrew Borg is able to sneak inside of the ring amongst the chaos to kick Earl in the back of the head. The distraction lets Stewart nail the Paid In Full (Implant DDT). He hooks the leg.  Team Canada win via pinfall on Esther

Singles Match[/u]
Winter Elemental Vs Amy Santino

Amy stands inside of the ring to wait for Winter’s arrival. “American Landfill” by 3TEETH plays and someone comes out wearing a Rainbow mask.  Amy rushes outside and immediately begins trading punches with “Rainbow”. Amy kicks “Rainbow” in the stomach and gets her on her knees. She goes to take the mask off, but Winter comes rushing from behind, tackling Amy to the ground. The two roll around, fighting. The referee calls for both ladies to get in the ring or the match will be thrown out. After a moment of fighting, they make their way inside and the referee calls for the bell. “Rainbow” immediately gets inside of the ring and tackles Amy to the ground. Amy turns around and punches the mask several times. She rips the mask off to reveal Tatsu underneath. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Amy kicks Tatsu off of her. Amy Santino wins via disqualification.  Amy argues with the referee to keep the match going. She gets the crowd behind her, refusing the win and wanting to take on both Kawaii Dragons. The referee tries to talk her out of it, but she’s determined. Winter and Tatsu shrug their shoulders and begin battering Amy down to the mat. They stomp circles around Amy, poking fun at her as they do so. Amy is able to get back up to her feet, but Winter spears her into the corner where Tatsu leapfrogs into a Frankensteiner, going for the cover to get a two. Amy scrambles back to her feet, and ducks a Clothesline from Winter. She nails an Uppercut on Tatsu, then kicks Winter in the stomach and hits a Bicycle Kick to Winter. She gets a one count before Tatsu breaks it up. They begin ground and pounding on Amy.  The crowd begins to boo them, but they continue their assault. The crowd pops suddenly as Jessie Salco comes rushing down the rampway. Mercedes gets inside of the ring and stands between Jessie and the Kawaii Dragons. She has a microphone in hand.

Mercedes: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Your little buddy Amy agreed to a two on one match with the Kawaii Dragons. This doesn’t concern you, Jessie. Your little Metal and Punk Connection does not apply here.

The crowd pops loudly for the mention.

Mercedes:  Just back away. If you really want to get involved, then you can show back up in this god forsaken country again next week. But I wouldn’t advise it if I were you.

Mercedes snaps her fingers and the Kawaii Dragons leave the ring. Mercedes back away, keeping a close eye on Jessie as she leaves as well.

Tag Team Match
Linnea Lacroix & Halo Annis Vs Masked Celeste & Masked Orchid

This match holds nothing back from the get go as  Orchid and Halo throw punches comparable to what one might see in the Combat Division.  The hatred seems to flow both ways, forcing Linnea and Masked Celeste into the ring early on.  However, this does not go any better for either competitor.  Linnea nails a high kick to Celeste.  Celeste returns with a Leg Sweep and a Diving Fist to Linnea’s face.  Linnea is able to get up and hit a few odd kicks and punches to give her the upper hand.  She goes for a Running Bulldog, but Celeste tosses her off and right into Halo.  Halo is happy to get back inside, and she uses her long legs to her advantage, throwing a variety of kicks.  Celeste ducks many of them, but Halo is relentless and nails a few.  Celeste goes on the defensive, blocking rather than attacking.  Each punch is met with air, and each kick is deflected with ease.  Halo leaves the brawling style and tries to return to her aerial expertise after hitting a Leg Sweep and trips Celeste into the Hung Out To Dry (Tarantula).  Orchid breaks up the hold.  She and Halo trade a few punches before the referee breaks it up.  Celeste rolls Halo up and gets a two count as Linnea breaks it up.  Orchid fights Linnea off as Celeste stomps away at Halo.  With the referee distracted, Celeste drops two chains from her arms and begins trying to whip Halo, who somehow manages to side step each blow.  She catches the punch and pulls Celeste into a Hurricanrana choke.  Linnea is able to deposit Orchid over the top ropes, going with her to brawl.  Halo lets go of the chains just in time and goes for the cover on Masked Celeste. Halo Annis & Linnea Lacroix win via pinfall.

In a dark corner of Colisee Pepsi, Raisa and the Jeckels are sitting on the floor.

Raisa: Greetings and good evening, I know why you're here.

Jack: Tonight we defend our GRIME tag team titles, tonight it is regrettable that our foes will not get the outcome they desire,  2 broken chicks yes you will find out the true feeling of being broken at our hands.

Jake: Mz. Hollywood, Ms. Kelli, it is truly a shame you were chosen to oppose us tonight, we will give you no quarter no show you any mercy, you wish to take the titles that we cherish, and for that we cannot allow you to survive tonight.

Helena: I like candy, but Ms Kaine I don’t like you, it’s nothing personal really it just you want what we have and we cannot allow you to have it, we cannot allow you to have it either Jerry.

Raisa: This match will be violent, it won’t be for the faint of heart, The Jeckels are the most violent team to walk through the doors of SCU, tonight they will bathe in the blood of all their fallen foes tonight, nothing can be done to prevent this for.

Jack: It is written so it shall be done.

Mixed Tag Team Match
Merlot Ayano & Helluva Bottom Carter Vs N.F.G. (Javier Gonzalez & Omasa Tazu)

Javi and Carter start the match off. Carter is able to nail a few steady kicks to Javi, but he takes them in stride. He shakes it off and fires back a few punches of his own. He gets behind Carter and goes for a German Suplex, but Carter flips out of it. He goes for a Crescent Kick to Javi, but Javi catches his leg and sweeps the other leg. He tries to get into a Figure Four Leglock, but Carter kicks his backside and sends him into the ropes. Carter then rolls him up, but Javi kicks right out. Carter evades a Clothesline, Matrix style. He flips over and tags in Merlot. The crowd cheers loudly. Javi nods his head and walks over to Omasa, tagging her in with an even bigger pop from the crowd. As Omasa gets inside of the ring to head over to Merlot. However, Javi tags himself back inside. Omasa glares at him as he steps inside. He goes to the center and tells Merlot to tag Carter back in. The referee orders her to do so as well, but Javi adds salt to the wound. Merlot slowly walks back and tags Carter in. Carter approaches Javi, and the two instantly tie up. They struggle against each other until Javi knees Carter in the gut. He then nails a DDT, and goes for the cover. Just before two, Merlot comes in to break up the cover. Javi glares at her and pulls Carter up by the hair.  He whips Carter into a free corner and begins nailing rapid shoulderbutts. He then hits a few knees to Carter before hitting a Hurricanrana. He goes for the cover, but Carter kicks out.  He rolls out of the way of a few stomps and tags Merlot back in. Javi glares even harder, shouting at Merlot as he is forced to tag Omasa back in. Omasa gets right inside to begin fighting with Merlot, but Javi tags himself back inside.  He jumps over the ropes and dashes right at Carter, who isn’t even inside yet from being tagged. He knocks him off the apron. He follows him outside, and sends him toward the ring steps. Carter reverses it and slides back inside. As Javi comes in, Carter stomps away at him. Feeling the effects of the match, he tags Merlot in yet again. Javi slides inside and tries to continue fighting Carter, but the referee separates them. Javi is forced to tag Omasa in. Omasa drops to the ground and rolls outside. She goes around the ring toward Carter and slides back inside. She and Merlot tie up and begin battling for the advantage. Omasa backs Merlot against the ropes, and the referee breaks the tie up. Merlot kicks Omasa in the stomach and then whips her to the ropes. Javi quickly tags himself back in again. Merlot stomps in frustration before tagging Carter back in. He immediately tags Merlot back in and points at Javi. Omasa is tagged in yet again, but she drops off the apron. She stares up at Javi, who asks what she’s doing. He tries to coax her back inside of the ring, but she doesn’t budge. Merlot Ayano and Helluva Bottom Carter win via Countout. Omasa immediately turns to leave. And Javi drops down to the floor to try to talk it out with Omasa but she’s not having it.

The camera cut to the office of SCU GM Lexa. We see her sitting behind her desk with a flat-screen to her left, showing herself in her office as she watches the show live while on her laptop doing some office work. Finally, she stops typing to look towards the camera facing her.

Lexa: I have been bombarded with emails, tweets, DM, you name it, and people have been asking about Supernova. While some things are still being worked out, SCU has some updates to share. First will be the GRIME Champions. Since the title gets defended often, it's hard to say who the champions might be, come Supernova. I can say for sure that, at Supernova, the men will compete in a Triple Threat Fans bring Weapons match. The women will compete in a Fatal Four-Way Parking Lot Brawl. As for the GRIME Tag Team Champions, they will compete in a Canadian Stampede Match.

As for the Combat Championships, Andrey will defend his title against someone I'll be naming next week. I was going to do the same for Winter, but her Mercedes Vargas insisted I let everyone know this week. So since Supernova will be in Canada, Canadian and current champion Winter Elemental will take on Canadian Dahlia Rotten in a Kickboxing Match. Next week, we will announce the Pride Tag Team match and the Underground Championships. SCU will also have a few more matches soon to be announced, but I do have one more announcement, and this is regarding the Mayhem Survival Match. As you know, all past Survivors are invited to take part, but this year we will not have a 30 wrestler Survival match. This year, the Mayhem Survival will consist of 40 wrestlers from the past and current roster of Sin City Underground!

GRIME Tag Team Championship Match
The Jeckels (All 3) Vs 2 Broke Chicks Vs Mz Holly Wood & Kelli Torres Vs Jerry Cann & Kandy Kaine

The competitors climb onto the Lei Tei platform with their kendo sticks. Immediately, the three Jeckels gang up and knock Kandy Kaine off of the platform. Kandy Kaine has been eliminated.  Holly, Kelli, Jerry, and 2 Broke Chicks gang up on The Jeckels. They are able to eliminate Jake Jeckel. Jake Jeckel has been eliminated.  The other two are able to duck out of the way, and they begin defending themselves with the kendo stick, sweeping Jane, Jerry, and Holly off of their feet. They defend themselves from strikes as best as they can from Chi Chi and Kelli. Several shots break through. Holly gets back up and cracks Jack across the back with her kendo stick. She and Kelli begin swatting away at Jack with the stick while Helena tries to defend against Jerry and Jane, but she winds up on the ground. Kelli picks Helena up and joins in on her as Holly punt kicks Jack.  She kicks him over to the edge and attempts to kick Jack off, but Jack climbs back up. He hits a Fireman’s Carry on Holly. Holly holds onto the edge, trying to climb back up, but Jack smacks her in the face with the kendo stick, knocking her off. Mz Holly Wood is eliminated.  Kelli is able to hit the Get Stuffed Drongo (Superkick) to Jane to eliminate her. Jane Harper has been eliminated. Chi Chi spears Kelli to the ground and the two begin rolling around, brawling. Jerry begins battering Jack with the kendo stick, knocking him down to the mat once more. He sweeps Jerry off of his feet and uses the kendo stick to choke him. Helena and Chi Chi battle back and forth, each one gaining the advantage. They get the other near the edge, and Helena knocks Chi Chi off of the platform with an upswing of the staff. Chiaki Sanada has been eliminated.  Jerry and Kelli share a glance as they have an unspoken agreement to work together to eliminate The Jeckels. Kelli continues her assault on Helena while Jerry battles out from under Jack. He scrambles back to his feet before nailing a low Dropkick to Jack, who is still trying to get up. He then puts on the Cobra Clutch. Helena tries to get away from Kelli, but Kelli is relentless. Helena disarms Kelli, but drops her staff as well.  Kelli is able to maneuver into a Rear Naked Chokehold. Both Jeckels are down on the mat, trying their best to get out of their respective holds.  Helena claws at Kelli’s eyes and rolls over to punch Jerry right in the face. As Kelli rushes at her, she hits a Hip Toss, sending Kelli off of the platform. Kelli Torres has been eliminated. Jack and Helena pick Jerry off of the mat and hit a Double Hip Toss to eliminate him! Jerry Cann has been eliminated. The Jeckels retain the GRIME Tag Team Championships.

Tune in Saturday for the hottest thing to hit Canada since NLW…

Sin City Underground presents… The Northern Lights Tour

No Nights Off… The Go-Home Tour hits several spots made famous by many of the stars in Sin City Underground. Join in on the celebration of 3 and a half years of sin, where we will see the 6th Mayhem Survival with special guest spots, and guest appearances from stars from Honor Wrestling, Northern Lights Wrestling, and Sin City Underground past. Help us make this send off tour one for the ages!

Underground 137 - 6/18 - BMO Field in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Underground 139 - 7/2 - Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Supernova 5 - 7/9 - BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada