Author Topic: In the desert...  (Read 1523 times)

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  • The Fallen
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    • Raynin
In the desert...
« on: January 07, 2012, 12:00:13 AM »

Event: Climax Control...  1-8-12

Venue: Aztec Aquaplex in San Diego, California

Match: Standard Single's Match

Opponent: Cookie S'Mores

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Christmas time is here!!  And The Rebellions One has allowed her new friend and Mentor, Darknyss to take her home for the holidays.  Raynin is excited about being able to see her family.  She's still recuperating from an amazing match against Minerva Soto, and she knows that a little bit of her Abuela's home cooking should be just what the doctor ordered to make her feel better.  Will she be healed enough to not let her previous injuries affect her chances when she goes up against the Sin City Wrestling's newest Bombshell, Cookie S'mores?  Will Raynin's be well done enough to come out with a victory.  Or will Cookie S'mores eat up the competition and leave nothing but crumbs?  Let's find out...

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Definitions of ”OVERCOME"


1. to get the better of in a struggle or conflict; conquer;defeat: to overcome the enemy.

2. to prevail over (opposition, a debility, temptations, etc.);surmount: to overcome one's weaknesses.

3. to overpower or overwhelm in body or mind, as does liquor,a drug, exertion, or emotion:

4. Archaic . to overspread or overrun.

5. To defeat another in competition or conflict

6. conquer

7. To prevail over

8.To Surmount opposition

9. To be victorious

10 To overpower, as with emotion, and affect deeply



Time:  December 23, 2011...  11:30 PM

Place:  En Route to Oaxaca, Mexico...



The road is dark once more, and this stretch of road is dark.  There's no street lights, no nothing... Only the asphalt stretching along in front of them with the open desert on either side, wrapped in darkness.  If anything were to happen, no one would know that anything had happened for days, if not years.  And the road just keeps stretching on and on into the night.  Playing softly in the background are spanish holiday songs.

Darknyss is in the passenger's side of the SUV, curled up, resting after having driven most of the way on their route.  She's got her black suede jacket with the sheepskin lining wraped around her body, facing her.  She mumbles a bit to herself as she sleeps.  She adjusts herself a bit and sighs softly as she pulls the jacket up closer around her shoulders.  In the back seat, the mystery woman is curled up, a black mask wrapped around her face, and the motorcycle helmet resting in her lap.  Her black leather trench coat is draped over her lower body and she's got her cheek resting in her hand as she dozes.  

Behind the wheel, Raynin is driving, keeping her eyes on the road as she deftly moves the truck over the road.  She's humming softly to the songs that are playing, and sings softly to herself as she wipes her eyes before she reaches down and picks up a can of pepsi and finishes it.  She shakes her head slowly and sniffles, rubbing her nose a bit before she yawns, stretching first one arm over her head, then the other as she keeps her free hand on the wheel.  She looks over at Darknyss who is resting beside her, then into the mirror at the woman sitting behind her and sighs softly.

"It's been so very long since I've allowed myself to trust anyone...  To let myself open up and accept anyone into my life, even just as a friend.  It's so difficult for me to trust because everyone I trust leaves me in the end.  Either they leave me because they get another job somewhere, or their family has to leave, or...  Or..."

She flashes back to the picture of herself with Jason and Justin, and she shakes her head, trying to stop herself from picturing the last time she saw them, placed in their coffins before their burial.  She sighs softly again.

"I just haven't been able to make myself take a chance.  I've kept myself closed off... distant...  I've stopped myself from opening up because I just couldn't risk it.  I couldn't let anyoen else get hurt due to getting close to me.  But these women..."

She looks at the two women again and she shakes her head slowly.

"They're so strong... They've always got each other's backs...  They're not family by blood, but they're family in relationship...  They're like sisters.  I've heard their back stories...  I've been fans of these two women for years now.  And for them to want to mentor me...  I mean... wow...  It's been like a dream come true!!"

She smiles slightly and turns back to keep her eyes on the road.

"Hell, just having the chance to step through those curtains and walk down the ramp and climb into the Sin City Wrestling's ring has me like floating no cloud nine every night!  Sometimes I pinch myself just to make sure that it's really true.  But then, with every match getting more and more intense, extreme and bloody, I think I can tell that it's really real and that it's really happening.  Hell, these stitches DEFINITELY prove to me that it's real.  But these matches I've been in...  The experiences I've had, the experiences I WILL have...  At one point in time, it was all just dreams for me.  And for them to have come to be in the way that they have... words simply can't describe it.  And for me to be so close to having another dream of mine come true...  To have the chance to get my hands on the Bombshell Championship coming closer and closer...  I swear, every time I step into the ring now, I feel like I'm flying."

She reaches behind the passenger seat and grabs another pepsi and pops the top on it, taking a sip.  She placs the can in one of the cup holders and starts to tap her fingers on the steering wheel as she keeps her eyes on the road.

"No matter how many times I step into the ring, it's like the first time I stepped on stage.  I feel the adrenaline go pumping through my veins, and it's like my blood is on fire!  I can feel the heartbeats of each and every one of the people in the crowd, and it makes mine race right along with theirs.  And while most of us that actually get to experience this feeling say something similar, it's different for me.  When I'm not in the ring, it's like I'm just going through the motions.  When I'm not standing face to face against an opponent, it's like I'm only half of a person.  But once I'm standing in the ring, it's like I'm completed.  It's like those missing pieces of myself are found, and I'm put back together again."

She rolls her neck around and sighs softly as she looks around at the non-existent scenery.  She yawns again and rubs her eyes with one hand, sniffling a bit.

"Cookie S'mores says that she feels like the wrestling industry is full of barbie wannabes.  That if you don't fit in that mold, that you're cast aside to be banished into the wasteland of forgetfulness.  And to tell the truth, she's right.  Though, it would help if she actually remembered the names of the people she's talking about...  The chick's name was Mickey James hon... not Mickie Jones.  But that's besides the point.  Folks in the main stream of the industry for a long time have frowned upon those who didn't fit in that one little mold.  But I've always looked up to those who just didn't fit in that teeny, tiny little mold.  Girls like Big Bad Momma from GLOW, and Big Fiji....  Both of which sported weights of over three hundred pounds, and both of whom had multiple championship reigns.  I looked up to Miss Jacqueline who was one of the first women ever to hold a man's title after she defeated a guy to hold Smokey Mountain Wrestling's Cruiserweight Championship, when she was wrestling under the name of Miss Texas.  I looked up to women like Delta Lotta Pain from POWW who didn't want to conform, and instead of bouncing around the ring in stretch pants and tank tops, proudly wore a jump suit, and sported a so called portly body of one hundred and sixty-five pounds of muscle."

She looks over at Darknyss and nods toward her with her chin.

"And then of course there's these two women in this truck right beside me.  Darknyss has been breaking barriers for years now, standing at six feet two inches, and weighing between two hundred and twenty five and two hundred and forty five pounds, depending on how much she's decided to lift at any one point in time.  And the beauty sitting behind me has been dominating the wrestling scene for just as long.  These two have been running roughshod over men and women alike for close to a decade.  They've been whoopin' ass and takin' names for so long, and doing everything that you've been dreaming of doing and then some.  And just knowing that they want to take me along for the ride that they call their lives... and teach me what they know...  and help me to achieve my dreams."

She takes another sip of her soda and yawns again as she keeps driving.

"You know, instead of looking at all of the negativity out there, why don't you focus on the positive.  Yeah, I'm over one hundred and thirty pounds.  But then, I've got more muscle than my svelte looking body lets you believe.  I'm one hundred and forty five pounds of wild latin fury.  Yeah, you've got me by a few inches of height, and about ninety five pounds...  And yes, I'm sure you've probably watched some of the matches that I've had over the past couple of months.  But even what I've done over the past few weeks is just scratching the surface.  I've got skills which have yet been untapped."

She takes another sip of her drink and smirks as she keeps driving.

"I have to admit, I'm actually kind of excited about Christmas time this year.  Normally, I'm knee deep in depression by this time of the year.  But these two have given me something to look forward to.  I'm headed back home to Oaxaca and mi Abuelo and Abuela.  Who knows... I may just end up getting down right festive."

As she's driving, a light appears in the distance.  The light becomes two lights, then four, then more and they're coming towards them over a rise in the road.  She keeps driving, and she sees that the lights are coming from a pack of motorcycles that are approaching from the distance.  The lights spread across the highway and she notices that there's no way for her to get around them.  She slows down as the motorcycles approach, and comes to a stop as they start to form a circle around the SUV.  Their motorcycles are decorated with bones and feathers and crucifixes.  She looks around at the people who are surrounding her and she frowns as one of the bikes pulls up next to her car door.  The man on the bike is covered in tattoos, and he has a huge crucifix tattooed in the center of his chest, and he has earrings covered in feathers and what looks like chicken bones dangling from his ears.  She knows what kind of people these folks are and she is literally trembling.  She lets a single word whisper from her lips...


He knocks on the window and motions for her to roll down the window.  She shakes her head slowly and locks the door.  The man on the bike throws his head back and starts to laugh.  He points towards where the road continues on, and there standing on the rise is an old woman.  She's almost fifty yards from where Raynin is sitting in the truck, but it's like she can hear the voice of the old woman in her head.

{  No se niña asustada. No estamos aquí para hacerte daño, pero que le ayude. Sabemos lo que has pasado. Sabemos lo que ha estado escondido dentro de tu alma. Es una oscuridad muy fuerte dentro de ti. Ha llegado el momento para que usted disfrute de todo lo que usted debe chica. Tiene que dejarlo ir para que usted pueda obtener lo que desea, y podemos ganar lo que se libera. Es como el pan y la mantequilla chica. Ahora ... Ven a mamá Lovelle para que puedan conocer la paz.  (Don't be afraid girl.  We're not here to hurt you, but to help you.  We know what you've been through.  We know what you've been hiding inside of your soul.  It's some very powerful darkness within you.  It's time for you to experience everything that you must chica.  You must let it go so that you may gain what you want, and we may gain what you release.  It's like our bread and butter chica.  Now... Come to Momma Lovelle so that you may know peace.)  }

Raynin shakes her head and she starts to rev the engine of the SUV.

"No thank you lady!  Mi Abuela didn't raise me to be a fool!!"

She guns the engine and starts to drive through the ring of motorcycles, straight towards the old woman.  When she gets to about ten feet from the old woman, she hears her voice laughing in her head again.

{  Es posible que no me cree, pero pronto, que será visitado por tres espíritus. Y lo que está dentro de ustedes será mío! Hahahahaha!  (You may not believe me now, but soon, you will be visited by three spirits.  And that which is within you shall be mine!!  Hahahahaha!!)

The old woman suddenly disappears, along with the rest of the motorcycles that are on the road suddenly vanish in a bright white flash of light and Raynin is again alone on the highway.  She pulls over to the side of the road and sits there, trembling for a bit.  Darknyss suddenly sits up with a gasp, and Raynin shrieks in fear, looking at her in shock.  Darknyss rubs her eyes and stretches, then points off inot the distance.

"Hey, that looks like a motel up ahead.  Maybe we should stop for the night.  I think we're all beat."

Raynin is still trembling as she nods slowly.

"Yeah... Yeah, maybe you're right.  A good night's sleep should do us all some good.  We can get to my Grandparent's house in the afternoon."

Raynin's still trembling as she drives off towards the motel in the distance.

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Time:  December 24, 2011, 12:30 PM...  

Place:  Oaxaca, Mexico...  Outside of El Jefe's Gym...



The black SUV pulls up outside of facility and Raynin's Grandparents are standing outside of the building, waiting for her.  As soon as she pulls up, Raynin jumps out of the truck and flies into her grandfather's arms, weeping.  He holds her close and frowns.

"Rayniña...  What's chica?"

She looks up in her Grandfather's eyes and whispers...

"Santaria...  Mama Lovelle...  In the desert..."

Her Grandmother wraps her up in her arms and pulls her towards the gym as the scene fades.

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Time:  November 7, 2011...  11:30 AM

Place:  Just Outside of Las Vegas, Nevada...  Specific Location... Unknown...



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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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